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How to make feeding from banana skins. Banana peel as fertilizer for indoor plants and vegetable garden. Methods of applying a banana peel

All the flowers growing in the house and on the street, over time need a timely making feeding. And therefore fertilizer from banana peel will be a good environmental supplement that flowers love so much.

There is a lot of potassium in the peel and it will help the flowering plants on time.

Flowers find all new ways of feeding

Beneficial features

  • Banana infusion well copes with the invasion of the Tly;
  • Wonderful potash-phosphoric fertilizer, without which fruit trees and homemade flowering plants do not cost.

Cons of subcord

  • If the peel is on the surface of the soil, she moldsheet and highlights an unpleasant smell;
  • The use of this addition may provoke the appearance of ants and other insects;
  • Infusion possess an unpleasant odor.

Composition and action

There is a lot of phosphorus and potassium in it and there is no nitrogen at all. The first two elements are very necessary for good flowering and fruit tying. Therefore, fertilizer is simply necessary for those who have their own garden.

It will serve as a remarkable natural additive to obtain good crop fruit trees and berry shrubs.

Benefit for indoor plants and garden flowers

Potassium will promote long flowering and an increase in the brightness of inflorescences on home plants.

Pets living in the shade, also require timely feeding due to lack of sunlight

Application of banana fertilizer for room colors

Watering flowers

Actually there is absolutely no suitable for all plants. It is necessary to proceed from the fact that all the flowers fertilize only on the wet soil so as not to burn the root system of the plant.

Here highlightswhich follow:

  1. Any cacti water only in summer and diluting fertilizers more than for other plants.
  2. Watering should be remembered that some types of colors need breaks between watering and therefore it is necessary to dry the soil to dry on one third of the container before the next irrigation.
  3. Plants that need drip irrigation can constantly focus on fertilizer. For this, the composition should be diluted twice as much waterthan for ordinary watering.

Fawing home flowers to follow the moisture content of the Earth, since with too much humidity the earth can start to rot.

Forming domestic flowers

You can also cut a banana peel and mix it with the soil where the home flower is planted. After time, it will overtake and give his nutrient elements to the ground and then the plant will have the opportunity to use these elements for itself.

Insting in the soil the peel, trace to did not look out of the groundOtherwise, she will finish mold and will have an unpleasant fragrance.

To prepare the bananas skin powder, it is necessary to dry well in the sun or if it is winter, then on the central heating battery, pre-cluster it with a newspaper.

The skins are dried to black until they become quite fragile. After a good drying, it is grinding in a coffee grinder. Such powder is applied once a month, sprinkling them the earth around the needy plant.

Need well seeing banana peel.

Banana compost

Such a fertilizer should do if the flowerwood lives in his own home or he has a garden plot. To prepare a compost in the far corner of the garden make a small deepening in the ground and make it a small fence, so that a bunch in the consequence does not crumble around.

Computer pit is found almost on every summer cottage

The fence is made about 50 cm. then make layers:

  1. Banana peel.
  2. Earth from the plot.
  3. Watering with water.

If you do not touch this bunch during the year, but only build up the layers, then by the next year the compost will be ready.

When creating compost need to have a lot of peel Or create it in a small iron barrel.

To make a tropical cocktail will need a peel of one two bananas. They are required to grind with a blender. After that, 300 grams are added. water.

Cocktail should always be freshly odorless rotten and is prepared immediately before use. It should be made for flowers once a month.

To fertilize such a cocktail flowers growing in the house, enough and one teaspoon in a pot of up to 3 liters.

This species is very convenient, because together with the moisturization of the sheet mass, fertilizer is also introduced at the same time.

Banana powder make a tropical cocktail from dried black peel in a blender

In order to make such a solution make the powder as already written above and add to it:

The mixture is thoroughly mixed. It is possible to spray, so as not to reconcile the plants only once a week.

This solution requires storage in the refrigerator.


Since bananas are often used in human food to produce vitamins, then the peel is quite often in the house and cook fertilizers is not so difficult. Here are some ways as you can cook in room conditions.

Methods of processing of peel

These are the ways with which can be cooked:

  1. Decorations or infusions from the peel.
  2. Use fresh peel.

How to cook banana powder

Banana skins are taken and dried to a brittle state. It is easy to check when pressed on the peel, it breaks with a crunch. After that, it should be chopped at a coffee grinder.

Cooking brazers and info


The decoction to cook is easy - take the skin of the banana and poured 300 gr. boiling water. Capacity is wrapped and give it to cool naturally. After that, the decoction is filtered and watered 50 gr. In the container with the plant not more than 3 liters. volume.

Infusion better don't store and cook Depending on the number of plants that require feeding.


To prepare infusion requires fresh banana peel, which is crushed and poured into a liter container. After that, it is poured with water from under the tap and give it to strengthen during the day.

Such infusions have a rather unpleasant smell and use it well only on open terraces in the summer, and not in winter, when it is impossible to ventilate much and long.

Frequency shkins fertilizer

Also from fresh peel make cocktails, grinding the peel in a blender and diluting with water. This composition is watered once a month.

Can skip a banana skin on the bottom of the tankwhere the flower is planted and overloading, it will give his useful vitamin of soil, and he will give everything to the plant to it planted.

One skin goes on a 2-3 liter pot, the greater the container, the more the peel.

Combined colors recipes

Recipe number 1.

Very useful fertilizer from such ingredients:

  • Banana peel;
  • Orange zest;
  • Sugar.

Three-liter containers fill crushed orange and banana skins For one third of the tank. Putting a tablespoon of sugar and poured with water to the top.

All this insists a month, after which it is necessary to get rid of the sediment, the strain of everything through the gauze. Feed plants once a month, while the tincture is bred 1:20.

Store this mixture on the lower shelf of the refrigerator.

Orange zest can be added to feeding

Recipe number 2.

Need the infusion of green tea, which is connected with the present. It will be a good fertilizer, as tea serves as a good growth stimulator.

Do not use green tea welding, but only his infusion.

Recipe number 3.

Take an infusion from banana peel and mixed with nasty nettle. Such an infusion is stored only in the refrigerator and apply it, diluting it 1/3, where one part is infusions. Such fertilizer fertilize once a month on wet land.

Nurture tincture can also be made at home by shrinking its small amount and adding water. It insists during the day, after which Infusion is ready to use.

Required tools and materials

To prepare various fertilizers from a banana peel, various tools and materials are required:

  1. Blender - for grinding.
  2. Scissors - for cutting the peel.
  3. Various containers - for cooking of infusions and decoctions.
  4. Actually, the skins of bananas.

Contraindications and precautions

If applying fertilizers too often, the plants will be reconciled and their appearance will be oppressed, which will be expressed by yellow sheet plates.

Also when preparing you need to perform certain precautions. Before use, the banana must be rinsed well, since various chemical compounds often use for transportation and storage.

After a good sink banana, you can eat, and the peel can be used to prepare fertilizer.

Banana fertilizers and insects

With the help of banana feeding on the floor you can not only to support the plant, but also get rid of the tli. But if there is an anthill on the household plot it can also attract ants on sprinkled plants.

The properties of banana peel We briefly described in the article. Other types of unusual feeding are described in the same place.

Banana Help in Podborch - Walking for novice flowerflowers

After reading this article, it can be understood that banana skins are also useful to man, like the fruit themselves. With their help, you can get fertilizers that will help improve the crop and improve exterior Home plants.

Not everyone knows that the banana peel can be used as fertilizer for garden and indoor plants. It strengthens the root system, contributes to active growth and development. Blossom becomes abundant and lush.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each has its own point of view, someone has high hopes for organic fertilizers and careful care, and someone is skeptical and under the magnifying glass looks possession of all the drawbacks of such cultivation, preferring only ready-made materials.


Banana peel is a natural product, which contains magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and nitrogen. This is an excellent alternative to potash and phosphoric finished fertilizer. In the peel, natural hormone is a growth stimulator, which contributes to the rooting of seedlings in pots and favorably affects the growth of searched colors.

Skins increase resistance to diseases and pests, strengthen the immune system, help better transfer the adaptation period during transplantation and dive.

Banana waste will be discovered for greenhouse plants, which is always a little light and heat in the autumn-winter period.

The fertilizer from the banana peel should be a supplement to the main feeding, and not replacement. Unfortunately, it will not be able to fully fill the required composition of nutrients.

Indoor flowers in contrast to the garden need periodic cleaning from dust. In this case, cotton discs better replace the leather from bananas. Their inner side cleans the leaflets well.


Do not forget that often bananas are broken by green. For their accelerated maturation artificially conduct treatment with wax, chemical preparations, hormones. To remove the Milky Juice, bananas are soaked in ammonium sulfate solution. This can be called the only most serious minus using a banana skirt.

Banana plantations are treated with pesticides for the season dozens of times.

The finished product has a very unpleasant smell. After watering room colors, the room has to be airporty.

How to prepare waste from bananas

Before using a banana peel to feed plants to neutralize the negative impact of treatments that are carried out before transportation. If this is not done, then chemicals will fall into the soil and, accordingly, in the plants. To do this, it is enough to wash the skin well in hot running water with soap, better with a brush.

Ways to use banana peel

1. The easiest accessible and fast preparation option for fertilizer:

The peel is finely cut and deepen more than 5 cm. Weakened room flowers are rapidly restored and begin to actively build up greens. It is noteworthy that after 7-10 days from the skins there will be no trace, everything is reworked by soil organisms. The structure of the soil will improve.

6-7 banana skins are enough for 20 medium-sized flower pots. The overdose of colors is not terrible, but the captivating sweet-stroke aroma can attract ants and midges. Be on ready to protect.

2. Infusion: 3-banne peel of medium size to put in the 3-liter bank and pour room temperature water, after 3-4 days ready to dilute with water 1: 1 and can be watered. Infusion can be used as. Store in the refrigerator no more than a week.

Water infusion has an unpleasant specific smell and quickly flies.

Video cooking banana feeding:

3. Side the peel and grind into powder. Under each room flower Raw ½ tsp Raw dairy.

4. Dry the peel 4 bananas, crushed into the powder, add 2 tsp. Ground egg shell and 20 g magnesia. All poured with 1 liter of water and insist 2-3 hours. After that, spend a spraying or watering under the root.

Fertilizer from banana peel use no more than 1 time per week.

The raw banana peel is well suited for fern, seedlings of vegetable crops, cyclamen, begonias, violets, roses. And categorically not suitable for all types of bulbous.

5. Make the compost in winter: mix the garden ground (2 parts) with chopped banana skins (1 part), pour "Baikal". A month later, add more lands and skins, again pour "Baikal". In the spring, this mass will turn into a black, fat nutritional mixture, which can be used even on the beds and flowerbeds of the nuclear area. Especially "grateful" will be bully cultures, tulips and daffodils.

Infusions, dried and roasted peel better for eggplants, sunflower, all types of garden and indoor flowers, tomatoes.

If the banana fertilizer moldsheets, then there is not enough trace elements in the soil. Make additionally peat or biohumus. Mold appear on the surface of the soil in flower pots can also for other reasons.

In addition to the banana peel to prepare a fertilizer, you can use the flesh itself. 1 banana knead the fork and poured ½ cup of water. Poured right into the soil. This is an express way to rapidly return the plant to life.

How to prepare banana peel

  1. Often on the eve of the New Year holidays in the freezer and there is no place in the freezer, therefore, so that the valuable raw materials are not drunk. Spread them next batteries (2-3 days), grind and fold into a paper bag. When you begin to prepare landing seedlings or transfer of room colors, do not forget to decompose the fertilizer to the bottom layer of the soil (1 tsp). On the surface of the crust, the appearance of mold will provoke.
  2. If you mumble with drying the skins you do not want, then refuse them in the oven. On the foil, spread the peel to the inside to the top and put in the heated oven, about 30-40 minutes. Cool, grind and fold.
  3. Drying. Cut the skins with strips of 1.5 cm wide and strip, like beads, on thread. Dried at a temperature not lower than 15 ° C.
  4. In the spring it is difficult to immediately dial a lot of waste from bananas to feed the entire plot, so it is better to start collecting in advance. And in order to save them - you need to freeze. They ate the banana - washed and in the freezer, and in the spring they got, dismorted and made fertilizer.

Banana peel is very useful as a fertilizer for home flora. It fell to many gardeners due to the fact that it contains a mass of nutrients that contribute to growth, as well as strengthening the root system. In banana peel there are potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, as well as nitrogen. It is these substances in certain quantities necessary by home plants.

Make a fertilizer from banana peel for indoor plants will not take much of your time and effort. You may not worry that the plant will receive a chemical burn, because the banana peel will share its nutrients immediately, thereby not harming the flower.

In the form of powder

As a fertilizer for indoor plants, banana peel should be keenly dry. In order for the powder to succeed in enough, one and a half kilograms of peel should prepare in advance. It must be chopped and put it on the windowsill, pre-inspired clean sheets of A4 format.

Be sure to lay the peel on the windowsill inner up to the pulp can dry faster. It will not be superfluous to dry it in the oven. After it is ready, grind it in a blender or in a coffee grinder. It is necessary to store the cooked fertilizer in a glass jar and be sure to cover the lid.

Feel the bedroom flowers follows during their flowering. On one flower pot of medium sizes, two teaspoons of powder are required. Evenly crush the powder on the surface of the earth and make a pretty water.

In the form of tincture

Feed the floral plants and a special tincture of banana crusts. For this you need not dried, but fresh peel. Prepare a bottle, desirable desirable for three liters. Pretty rinse it and put the skins of bananas (three or four), then fill with warm water. Give this tincture to stand two days.

After the desired time passed, you can start watering the plants in the room. For domestic flowers, one to one to one with dilution of infusion should be adhered to the ratio. This fertilizer is recommended to water seedlings.

In latest form

Fresh peel must be put during a transplant or the first planting of the plant. Remember that before you sit down or transplant the flower, you must prepare the soil. All this will go about two or three weeks. Banana peel must be fully decomposed during this time in the soil.

Such fertilizer helps to build a foliage plant very well.

As compost

For the preparation of this fertilizer, quite a lot of banana skins are required, as well as a special preparation (you can take "Baikal"). Corks need to clean carefully, mix with the ground and pour the drug. All the Earth should be left for about a month so that the banana crusts are completely decomposed. As soon as this time passes, it is necessary to repeat the procedure.

Combined recipes

Any gardener will not miss the chance to get natural organic matter for their garden, while creating various feeding. Let's look at the most popular recipes.

Nourishing tea

For its manufacture you will need:

  • one teaspoon of leaf green tea;
  • banana skins powder - two tablespoons;
  • one liter of boiling water.

You need to mix powder with one teaspoon of leaf green tea and pour boiling water. Insert until the tea is completely cooled. If your plant cares, it will be enough and fifty milliliters so that it began to revive. For room colors, such an hour is ideal.

Refreshing souls

In order to prepare a solution, you will need:

  • two tablespoons of crushed eggshell;
  • six peel powder spoons;
  • twenty grams of magnesia;
  • nine hundred milliliters water.

All dry components pour water. Be sure to mix thoroughly so that magnesium sulfate is dissolved. Store the resulting liquid in the refrigerator. Spray this solution should not be too often.

Thanks to this nutritional and refreshing soul, your plants will be much better feeling.

Banana peel is actively used by flowerfish as feeding for not only garden, but also room colors. It contains a lot of potassium, thanks to which the plants on the windowsill will abundantly bloom and develop. What fertilizer from banana peel for indoor plants can be cooked easily and fast at home?

The benefits of banana peel

Banana's skin has long been used in gardening . Useful properties of it are as follows:

The banana peel has advantages over potassium, phosphoric fertilizers purchased in the store, since it is almost deprived of the chemical component and does not have an unpleasant smell. The composition of the peel is filled with the following elements:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen.

The value of the obtained fertilizer from the peel is a high content of potassium in it, a little less phosphorus there. Nitrogen in it is not enough, but there is magnesium and calcium. All these trace elements are required for room texts for development and elevated flowering. Green mass nitrogen is enough. Magnesium has a special value for colors that chronically lack light, because it contributes to photosynthesis. Using feeding for flowers from banana peeling, their seedlings grows faster. The leather wipes the leaflets of home plants and free them from dust.

Disadvantages of skin use

In the use of this feeding there are disadvantages. It should be known that the transportation of bananas is carried out from afar and collect them for this when they are still green. Their rapid ripening is achieved by treating different chemicals, soaking in solution from ammonium sulfate and chlorine. Processing the fruits also with hormonal means. Such substances in small doses contribute to the growth of colors. In the large quantities, they are harmful for both people and plants.

Another lack of a banana peel as fertilizers for flowers is that this feeding does not cover in them a completely lack of beneficial components. Plants additionally requires finished fertilizers.

Varieties of subordinate

Pretches for plants from banana peel are prepared in the form of infusions, solutions. Use them both independently and in the complex with the addition of different useful components. Make from the skin of bananas syrups and cocktails as a fertilizer used for home crops. These fertilizers have their advantages and disadvantages. To find out how effective Each of the proposed feeding should be experienced in practice and watch how the culture grown himself will behave.

Fresh and frozen fertilizers

Often hostesses use fresh banana peel as fertilizer for indoor plants. It is cut into small pieces that are buried in the ground. In this case, it is difficult to determine how much a banana skins need to be laid out and their amount does not become redundant. They are slowly decomposed, and for the fastest flow of such a process, nitrogen-containing fertilizers should be used.

Natural fertilizer for domestic flowers can be made of frozen fresh sickness banana. Skins from edible fruits can not be thrown away, but folded into a plastic bag or a special tray and remove into the freezer. Later they can be taken and apply if necessary. All nutrient components are saved in such skins. These fertilizers are useful for roses, begonia, violets, cyclamen, fern.

Banana peel tincture

Often for watering room colors use fertilizer in the form of infusion. For this you need:

  1. Before cooking, the infusion of bananas need to wash with hot water.
  2. Grind manually.
  3. Fill with half the banks with a volume of 1 liters.
  4. Pull the water to cover the peel.
  5. Leave the skins for a day.
  6. After that, the filling solution is transfused into another dishes and add water to the volume of liquid 1l.

At the influence of a strong smell, therefore, if it does not like, skin skins can be dried.

Dried shell fertilizers

Often used dried banana peels like fertilizer for room colors. Recipe for the preparation of useful feeding in this way is one of the most common. The peel is taken green or yellow, not containing black dots. It is first washed, cut into pieces and dried in the sun (summer), room battery, putting it on the newspaper up the inside, or oven, but not in the microwave before the appearance of a brown-black shade. On the availability of fertilizer in the drying process can also be judged by the appearance of fragility.

Skirts should be dried, and not to fry, therefore, the temperature must be minimal in the oven. At the end of the drying, the banana peel is crushed in a blender (coffee grinder) to a powder condition. Such a product can be stored in a hermetically closed container, such as a glass jar with a lid. The resulting powder as a mulch can be sprinkled over the earth. In a pot with a flower, and then pour a plant. The dried product can also be mixed with the ground when planting or transplanting culture, using the proportion of 1:10. Apply such fertilizer once a month.

The skin can not be turned into a powder, but to crush into small pieces and place their pot at the bottom as a drainage when planting and transplanting home plants. Plants will be fellow.

Cocktail with peel

For its preparation, banana leather is put into a glass of blender, 200 ml of water is poured there and the mixture is thoroughly mixed. In the form of fertilizer 2 teaspoons of this cocktail lay on top of a loosening ground in a pot, where there is a plant, with a frequency of about 1 time per month.

Comprehensive fertilizers

The jacket from the hinders of bananas in this case is combined simultaneously with different useful components, among which citrus, sugar sand can be used. The feeder is prepared from 1 part of the crushed skins of this fruit and 1 pieces of citrus zest. This mixture is placed in the 3rd can, filling out 1/3 of its height.

Top put 1 tbsp. l. Sugar sand and to the top fill in a jar of boiled with non-torque water. The mixture is insteaded in warm conditions about 3 weeks. It is periodically shaking. After 3 weeks, infusion is filtered and stored in a cold place. Before use, fertilizer is diluted with simple water in a ratio of 1:20. Used once a month.

Another option is to take the skins of 2-3 large fruits of a banana, put 3 liters in the jar, add a onion, garbage husk, dry nettle in the amount of one handstone, pour all the water and put in a sunny place. After 4 days, the solution is filtered, diluted with ordinary water in a 1: 1 ratio. Such a liquid is well periodically watering both seedlings and growing flowers.

Spraying with banana mortar

Banana skins are used as a fertilizer for indoor plants not only by making it to the ground, but extremely erect feeders are also effective. They are carried out by spraying the leaves of the plant with a prepared fertilizer solution. This requires:

  1. Dry skins 4 bananas.
  2. With a blender or coffee grinder, turn them into powder.
  3. To add a crushed shell of 3 eggs, 20 g of magnesium sulphate (Magnzia), 900 ml of water.
  4. The solution shake up so that Magnesia dissolves.

Store the solution in the refrigerator. Spray the plant with such a solution from the sprayer about once a week.

In order to get a good fertilizer for flowers from Banana's skins and effectively use them, you need to know:

So it is not necessary to throw out skins from purified bananas. It is better to use them for cooking useful feedingthat is easy to make with your own hands. And the effect of such fertilizer from banana leather for indoor plants will be simply striking! Thanks to banana feeding, plants will actively develop, gladly living in the house with their rich bloom.

For active growth, all plants need regular feeding. A good replacement for shopping drugs will serve a remedy based on banana peel. Banana contains many nutrient elements that improve the growth and general condition of the plants. The presence of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium makes the peel with an excellent fertilizer, the advantage of which is that it is easily and without much costs can be prepared at home.

Fertilizer from banana peel for indoor plants can be made in the form:

  • dry powder;
  • infusion;
  • or joining the soil of fresh skins.

To use the peel as a fertilizer, the banana should be carefully flushed before cleaning, and after - remove the remnants of the pulp.

Dry powder from banana peel

Skirt from bananas is good to dry: cut it into pieces and decompose on the light window sill or on the battery, to unwind the newspaper. It is necessary to lay the peel in such a way that the inner side is above. You can also pack a little peel in the oven.

Finished dry skins are crushed into a coffee grinder or mortar to the state of the powder and store in a glass jar under the lid.

During the flowering period of indoor plants, the powder scatter on the surface of the earth in the pot, after which the flower is watered. For one Vazon bring 1-2 tsp. (Depending on the volume of the pot) with periodicity once a month. Dry peel is also added to the substrate when transplanting colors - for one pot of 1 tsp.

Banana infusion

Infusion make using fresh banana peel. In a three-liter bottle, put skins from three bananas and pour warm water. Let break 2 days. Water flowers, diluting infusion with water, in a 1: 1 ratio. This will help get rid of Tly. The same solution is recommended to water seedlings.

The finished infusion is stored in the refrigerator no more than 10 days.

Banana compost for bulbous plants

For the preparation of the fatty compost, you will need a lot of skins and the Baikal preparation. Shkins are crushed, mix with the ground and pour the specified preparation. Leave for one month so that the peel decomposed. After the specified time, the procedure is repeated by adding more peel.

Ready Fresh Fertilizer

Finely chopped fresh banana skins are put in a pot when planting or transplanting indoor plants. However, it is worth considering that such a soil is prepared 2-3 weeks before planting a flower, as the peel should be completely decomposed. To speed up the process, you can pour the prepared soil with an infusion containing the organic. Such feeders contribute to the active build-up of deciduous mass.

The banana peel can be frozen in the freezer and to further use it in the same way as in the fresh form.

Banana Hubber Fertilizer - Video