Repairs Design Furniture

How to use bamboo in the interior. Interesting solutions. Bamboo room plant. Care. How to spin at home what to make bamboo sticks

Bamboo in the interior: Part One - 5 economical ways to add original parts. From bamboo do it yourself

Bamboo in the interior: 75 contemporary solutions

Natural products from bamboo today at the peak of popularity. And it is not surprising, because they are characterized by grace and environmental friendliness. To date, not only plant trunks are used in design, but also compressed bamboo panels, canvas and headsets made from wood of this material.

IN lately Designers pay more attention to bamboo furniture. In many ways, this is due to the fact that it is environmentally friendly and perfectly combined with all natural materials. Thanks to the latest technologies and developments, if desired, the bamboo can decorate the entire room from the floor and ending with the ceiling.

Bamboo in the interior of the room

Room design with bamboo

The bamboo ceiling is a solid rolled cloth or pressed panels. This design looks individually and quite extravagant, especially against the background of stretch and drywall ceilings, which are found in almost every home. Bamboo canvas can be added exotic, Chinese or eco-style dining room, kitchen, bedrooms.

Bamboo curtains and blinds give the room lightness and sophistication. They can be installed in the hall, kitchen, children's restroom, dining room. Blinds are unpretentious in care, in addition, they are very beautifully combined with tissue curtains.

Bamboo in the interior of the room

Bamboo wallpapers are quite unusual and even exotic, but despite this, they are simple in sticking. They can be used in the design of the living room and bedroom. They give the design a cozy atmosphere. Bamboo wallpapers are characterized by strength, do not burn out and do not fuss. Bamboo wallpaper periodically need to wipe with a damp cloth.

Bamboo tile is dear pleasure, as it is made manually. The number of layers and the size of the tile can be absolutely different. For floor covering, 5- or 7-layer products are usually used.

Room design with bamboo

Bamboo in the interior of the room looks elegant

Bamboo panels are used for outdoor and inner lining at home. The modern market offers a chic assortment of weaving patterns. To each other, bamboo panels are fastened with grooves.

Rolled bamboo canvas is thin rails fixed on a tissue basis. It is attached to the wall with liquid nails. Bamboo canvas can be spectacular to emphasize the part of the wall in the recreation area.

Parquet from bamboo looks expensive and elegant. He perfectly "fits" in Eco style.

Bamboo in the interior of the room

Room design with bamboo

Bamboo decorative trunks

Bamboo trunks give the design exotic notes, the main thing is to competently enter them into a common design. They look stylish and attractive, besides, they differ practicality. Bamboo trunks can be placed in vertical and horizontal positions. With the help of decorative bamboo trunks, you can distinguish the room, or create interior partition. You can visually delimit the space using several bamboo stems, thanks to this solution, you can not install a full partition.

Bamboo trunks can be completely saved by one wall, come up with a picturesque display or make up a unique headboard from them for the bed.

Bamboo trunks can fill the staircase railing, which will give the design of the stairs extravagant appearance, but in the house with young children this option may be unsafe.

Bamboo in the interior of the room looks elegant

Bamboo in the interior of the room

Bamboo furniture and accessories in the interior

From bamboo make amazing beauty furniture and accessories for the addition of interiors in various styles. Produce headsets for kitchens, bedrooms, hallways and so on. Bamboo headsets will come to taste to lovers natural style and environmental friendliness. They give the room a warm atmosphere, create a feeling of harmony and purify energy.

Headsets and a bamboo decor look very harmoniously in eco-style, Japanese stylization and ethnic designs.

Room design with bamboo

Bamboo in the interior of the room looks elegant

Bamboo in the interior - how to combine correctly with various designs

Bamboo in the interior of the room

Room design with bamboo

Features of bamboo parquet

Experts explain the popularity of parquet from bamboo in the presence of a huge number of advantages that are superior to the shortcomings.

Information on the topic

The main advantages of parquet from bamboo include:

  • absolute environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to deformation;
  • high degree of strength and density, superior maple and oak;
  • high heat saving;
  • durability;
  • resistance to injury to insects;
  • antistaticity;
  • easy care during operation;
  • affordable cost;
  • attractive appearance.

Bamboo in the interior of the room looks elegant

Bamboo in the interior of the room

As you can see, a lot of advantages, but this natural material There are some shortcomings:

  • over time, natural spots may occur;
  • with high humidity flooring swelling;
  • dark shades are less durable, since to create a tone, heat treatment is undergoing in the production process;
  • despite the good strength of the material, under the legs of heavy heads it is necessary to install gaskets.

Room design with bamboo

Bamboo in the interior of the room looks elegant

How to choose a bamboo parquet?

To make a successful purchase, you must consider several selection criteria.

Company Manufacturer

It is best to give preference to well-known manufacturers with a good reputation, since they are tested all the materials before release to the market, and the process of their manufacture and compliance with the necessary technology is carefully monitored.

Price and Category

Accordingly, the best parquet of bamboo is assigned class A, however, it refers to expensive building materials. You can purchase high quality material at an affordable price by choosing a product from an unknown, young brand. In this case, it is very important to pay attention to the characteristics.

Information on the topic

Type of bamboo panels

Manufacturers offer 3 types: parquet board, mosaic and piece bamboo parquet.

A parquet board of bamboo is represented as a panel with a horizontal structure. She has the best qualitative characteristicsBut is the most expensive.

Mosaic is more suitable for decorative finish. Such strips can be almost any form.

Stukka is a plank with grooves. This design guarantees reliable fastening material. W. piece parquet. From bamboo vertically or horizontally glued three-layer structure. Such models can be laid in the form of various patterns. Another advantage is that if necessary, they can be restored.

Bamboo in the interior of the room

Room design with bamboo

Laying bamboo parquet

Parquet is easiest to mount the adhesive method. For high-quality facing, the floor must be perfectly smooth. An uneven surface must be brought into the proper look. Regardless of the type of parquet from the bamboo, it must be prepared for installation:

  • 48 hours before the installation you need to unpack and get all the elements from the package;
  • leave them to lie in a well-ventilated room at a temperature of about +20 degrees and humidity of 40-50%;
  • if there is a warm floor, then it must be turned off.

Installation is performed quite easily.

Bamboo in the interior of the room looks elegant

Bamboo in the interior of the room

  • Bamboo parquet needs to start installing from the opposite door.
  • The wall needs to leave 10-15 mm clearance, which will prevent the outflow of the floor covering.
  • In adjacent board, the joint shifts 50 cm.
  • To connect elements, it is best to use a parquet hammer.
  • The planks are fixed with nails under the tilt of 45 degrees relative to the horizontal surface.
  • After the end of the stacking, hollow places in the wall fill the Fiberboard with stripes.
  • After the completion of the work, the room is closed for 3 days, since the flooring should be settled.

Room design with bamboo

Bamboo in the interior of the room looks elegant

Bamboo in the interior of the room

The use of bamboo in the interior introduces to city apartment Particle of tropics and southern heat. It gives the room uniqueness, comfort and natural luxury.

Video: Bamboo in the interior of the apartment

50 Photo examples of room design with bamboo:

How to make bamboo with your own hands? (master class) »Women's World

I hung on a batik on the wall. There is a frame that I ordered in the workshop, under the bamboo. And when I was presented with Papyrus, I wanted a bamboo frame to be on the papyrus.

1:824 1:834

She began to look for a bamboo on construction stores. But alas ... there is a bamboo in a construction store different diameters, but no one sold one stick, they somehow think there are somehow ... beams, and as a result it turns out somehow ... and I don't need a bundle of bamboo sticks ...

1:1332 1:1342

I began to search on the Internet - is it possible to make a bamboo on your own of something? And found !!! Here hence, in fact, the bamboo secret begins))

The fact is that in my bamboo frame bamboo, there is no! Now I will show how the bamboo did personally. Maybe the one who put this idea in the internet will recognize his brainchild, I will be glad to meet, in no way I pretend to authorship!

2:936 2:946

For a bamboo frame, thin dense tubes from foil or food film are needed. The tubes may differ slightly in diameter - the same bamboo, and in nature it is different.


I cut the tube, but it seems to me, I can also, for example, saved, because I had little tubes, and I like it more when flat side Rama.

4:834 4:844

First fitting.

The subframe glued out of 2 corrugated cardboard sheets, the front side was covered with velvet adhesive film, back wallpaper. On the upper crossbar it can be seen that the size of the tubes is different.


Each prepared "stick" pasted with pieces of some kind of wrapping paper (found in the covers). Under the paper in several places pasted a jute rope (future bamboo rings lintels). Where the difference between the diameters of the tubes, also wound the thread, pre-bonding the tube, the imposition of more to the smaller.

6:1120 6:1130

Dropped from glue tubes cover a brown putty (I'm fine with my finger, everything was missed, paying attention to jumpers).

7:1885 7:9

When the tubes were dried, I carefully treated with shallow emery paper. In the places of the jumpers hovered with a brown paint with brown paint and, without waiting for her drying, as it would stretched the paint away from the jumpers, thereby making the transition of the color smooth and natural.

8:1021 8:1031

Photo, unfortunately, beholding the process, forgot to do, but the principle, I think, is clear. Who wants a certain color of the bamboo (under the interior), paint with your shades, I almost did not paint, the putty was brown, plus I stretched the brown paint from the jumpers and with a varnish coating, the color was darker and brighter, so I left this option.


Well, another corner:

9:565 9:575

A source

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Bamboo (photo) - growing and decorated with a cottage

In the southern countries saw a lot of useful things from bamboo, tell me how this material can be used to decorate the garden plot.

T. Petrov, Korolev

Decorative bamboo designs are popular all over the world, but so far a little common in the regions with a cold climate.

Although herbaceous bamboo chopped the tropics, some unreassed species are adapted to life in colder areas with temperate climates. Representatives of the kind of saza (SASA) are adapted to the conditions of the islands of the Kuril Ridge and Sakhalin.

Bamboo for cottage sites up to the Moscow region (with shelter for the winter) - Saza Kuril (SASA) 0.3-2 m high and fountaining (mountain chinese bamboo). As a rule, a frost-resistant bamboo withstands the temperature to -20 ° C.

See also: How to grow bamboo

Bamboo everywhere

Massive vases with bamboo decorate the main entrance country house, terraces and inner courtyards. For heavy and spacious pots, quite sustainable frost and slowly growing Shibataea Kumasaca (he is Ruscifolia, Bambusa AureostriTa, Bambusa Kumasaca, Phyllostachys Ruscifolia, Sasa AureostriTa). It has a whole number of advantages - cold-resistant, decorative, relatively compact, it does not grow excessively.

In Europe, one of the Japanese Bamboo Variations is most common: Bambusa Fortunei - Bamboo Fortune (found under the names of Arundinaria Fortunei, Bambusa Variegate, Sasa Variegate), with relatively low, elegant stems with distrend leaves.

Bamboo as unique material

In Indochite, Bambusa Tulda grows for 22 m. In many countries of the world, Bamboo is the most important technical culture, not inferior coconut Palma: As a building material, bamboo gives raw materials 25 times more than the growth of trees wood.

Due to the rapid growth, the trunks do not accumulate harmful substances - it is an absolutely clean and hypoallergenic eco-material, which is completely renewed without additional landings when limiting in deforestation.

It is interesting!

These plants have a phenomenal growth rate: in an hour they rise to 5 cm, per day - more than 90 cm. The Japanese argue that looking at the bamboo, you can see how it grows. Record speed has Madaka (PhylLostachys Bambusoides) - 120 cm per day.

Tree bambooes reach a height of more than 40 m and in diameter up to 0.3 m, form huge forests on the planet.

Lightweight and durable fishing rods from bamboo are very popular with fishing fans.

Only pluses

Among the plants, the universal bamboo does not have equal in the latitude of the use spectrum. He is cheap, has almost the same manufacturability, like a tree, its strength exceeds this indicator in most tree breeds. Bamboo products are easily converted into compost.

Popular in low-rise construction: simple and perfect material High refractory provides greater insulation, sound insulation, high comfort. It gives pleasant opportunities for creativity - a varied diameter of the trunks (1-15 cm), the elasticity and elasticity and elasticity for creating the curved forms.

Smooth, fibrous structure of trunks, various colors (white, yellow, green, almost black) are ideal when finishing surfaces, creating furniture. Bamboo is combined and harmonizes with natural materials - glint, straw brick, wood, stone, lime, cement, penkovy and palm ropes.

How to use bamboo

Bamboo is resistant to moisture and ultraviolet radiationIt has high resistance to mechanical damage. It creates a variety of garden products, they are satisfied with water cascades, they are separated by wet rooms (baths, swimming pools, summer shower).

Products from bamboo without additional processing have aesthetic appearance, but the finished appearance they give varnishes and verses, which also protect them from external influences, extended service life. Without protective coating Bamboo dries quickly and loses its elasticity. The disadvantages include sensitivity to a sharp change in temperature and humidity - it is not used next to heating devices.

Abundance of opportunities

New wood processing technologies allow you to make almost everything from a bamboo that traditionally done from wood. Of easy, hard and very durable wood build houses, summer sites, kitchens and green theaters, hozblocks, beach bungalows, small rises and rafts, bridges, water pipes. Slightly bent bamboo trunks are combined together into arched structures that support mounted roofs. Bamboo goes on scaffolding, reinforcement and formwork.

In the gardens of moderate belt Bamboo is available at a price, it is used where a small amount of material is required: Arbors, pergolas, trolls, decorative lattices, support for owned and curly plants, cones for flowers, fences.

County houses are equipped with bamboo products - overhead stairs to roof, potted stairs, water gutters, lamps, wind music suspensions, blinds, curtains, carpets, durable and easy sadovaya furniture, greenhouses - shadows, homemade utensils - porridge and tanks for garden and indoor plants, wicker baskets, dishes, mats, etc. For gardening economy, a different tool with bamboo handles are suitable (rake, paint brushes, shoulder blades).

Happy bamboo, Chinese bamboo is a sander's draouser that does not have related bonds with bamboo, but very reminiscent bamboo stalks with a rounded shape and green color.

In the garden from bamboo make support for curly plants

In India, bamboo is a symbol of friendship.

Today, bamboo organically fit into different directions of garden design, without strict ethnicity

Do it yourself from bamboo

Exotic bamboo poles cost cheaper of individual building wood. It is profitable to use them in subscribed farm. Bamboo trunks are sawned with small teeth with small teeth, drill holes and combine with special brackets or durable nodes from the hemp rope. If its wood heat is small gas burner, it bends in the right direction, and after cooling it saves its shape.

In order to give fit form bamboo, it is heated, rotating over the ferry or in the oven

With your own hands for the "ethnic garden" you can make a staircase, benches, lattice fences, plants supports, pergolas.

The outer layer (0.5-1.5 mm) of the stem is smooth, solid and dense, it is difficult to leave scratch on it.


Bamboo - Beautiful material for landscape stylization - African, Chinese, Japanese,

where they give the garden naturalness. In China, Bamboo is a symbol of material well-being and career growth, nobility, longevity and spirit resistance. It is believed that it absorbs and neutralizes negative energy.

Bamboo tile and fuel in China - the basis of life in rural areas. In the technology of assembling the roofs resembling the shape of slate, the stems are cut along, the obtained half-borders are laid in 2 layers.

In Japan, bamboo is a symbol of purity thanks to direct growth and freshness of green shoots and foliage. Thick bamboo tubes are used as containers for bulk materials and liquids, like flasks.

For convenient watering colors - used bamboo chute

Our certificate

As a building material appreciates slim, often branching, often a high stem of decisive plants, which carries an air crown from the leaves. The most famous bamboo ordinary (Bambusa vulgaris).

It has numerous stems (length 18 m and above) with narrow leaves (length 18 cm). F is low (rarely above 1 m) grassy bamboo grow in thickets.

The stem bamboo is especially durable in the longitudinal direction - this is its disadvantage: with improper processing tool, it cracks longitudinally. Round holes make an electric drill.

Cooked - saw with small frequent teeth.

Split trunks with a strict knife of a triangular cross section (type machete), tapping with a hammer.

Inside each knee, the trunk drill the holes of the ventilation (diameter of about 1.5 mm) - this allows the material to breathe, prolongs the service life.

Processing of parts and their connections must be accurate. Products are covered with varnish, otherwise bamboo trunks quickly dry, losing elasticity.

Below the other entries on the topic "Dacha and the Garden - do it yourself"

  • How to grow bamboo: Growing bamboo - varieties, landing ...
  • Bamboo at home and outdoor ground - landing and care (not drazes!): Growing home and garden bamboo ...
  • Nandine Home (Holy Bamboo): Growing and Care: Nandine Home Plant: Growing, Care ...
  • Artificial spring with Zucubee in Japanese style to decorate cottages and Garden: how to decorate your garden in ...
  • Tsukubai for decoration cottage plot - How and from what?: How to make Tsukbai in the country ...
  • How to cut shrubs: haircut and the formation of shrub -...
  • Decorative flower bed Pillow with your own hands: how to make it yourself decorative ...

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    Crafts from bamboo

    House master can make bamboo stems with their own hands the things that will be useful and functional on panstone and apartment / cottage. In order for them to look at the level of the best industrial designs, you must comply with two conditions: - the design of the crafts must be appropriate; - the processing of parts and their compounds should be accurate, and the coating of varnish or impregnating composition should not worsen, but to improve the natural appearance.

    From the things made by their own hands, in the country can find the use of Potted stairs, ladders on the roof, benches, gazebos, fences. In the apartment - frames for paintings and photographs, grilles (pyramids) to maintain curly plants and other things.

    In the usual bike, you can replace the metal frame bamboo, leaving only old connections. From this ride on it will be more pleasant thanks to the best depreciation and smoothness of the course. New details should have no less strength than replaceable, because the bike is experiencing frequent and rather strong vertical loads.

    Such a staircase from bamboo is easy to make it yourself

    Connecting knot in bamboo design in friction

    So, a small list of crafts from bamboo, which is not very difficult to do and which will be useful in the household, in the apartment or in the country:

    To make souvenirs from bamboo, it is worth studying Feng Shui and follow his recommendations. Well made imitation of the East will be almost indistinguishable from original crafts.

    Before designing the crafts, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the properties of bamboo wood. It is the density of 900 kg / m3, and the hardness of about 4.7-4.9 units on the Brinell scale. The outer layer of the stem has a thickness of 0.5-1.5 mm. It is most firm and tight in the whole stem. Outside it is smooth and has yellow. It is quite difficult to leave scratch on it. The stem bamboo stem is particularly durable in the longitudinal direction. This advantage "leaves sideways" in another. Bamboo is often cracking in the longitudinal direction, especially if the tool is improper processing.

    Technological rules and tools

    In the manufacture of a bamboo, with their own hands, you can do various crafts simple tools. The main thing is a strange knife type machete.

    In the manufacture of crafts from bamboo, you must adhere to several simple technological rules: - Do not drive into the barrel of nails; Instead, drill holes for screws; - Do not overheat bamboo, to avoid it to cover it with varnish; - create ventilation inside each knee of the trunk in the cradle, drilling out small holes that would be low; - when sawing to apply saws with small frequent teeth .

    The countries where the bamboo grows, use a method for forming a square barrel, placing a growing trunk in a long square shape.

    Bamboo cleavage bamboo

    Often there is a need to split the bamboo barrel into several longitudinal parts. Initially, you need to split it into two halves. For this knife is put cutting part On the cutting of the trunk, then it is slightly hit with a hammer. If there is already a crack in the trunk, then it is necessary to put a knife so that the cut is on it. When the knife entered the barrel, it is shocked to the right and left and promote along the barrel. In the same way, every half is divided in half, and if necessary, still on narrower planks. The knife must be a negligent, triangular section. Narrow planks are separated by putting them horizontally on the workbench and something consolidated. For such splitting, another special knife will be needed, which, clogging in the bar, is drawn.

    When the trunk is dismissed not in half, but cut the sector under some angle, then the knife is put in the end not two sides, but for one, so to split it, not touching the opposite. Then the knife is put again on the end to the desired angle from the first crack and repeat the operation.

    Why do people of Asia have a longer life expectancy? In fact, the secret lies not only in nutrition and lifestyle, but in the ability to make their interior correctly. With all its technological, in the same Japan, it is extremely difficult to find polymer materials in the interiors.

    Choose curtains from bamboo

    In residential buildings, they occupy the minimum amount of space, yielding to natural details. One of the interesting materials that came to the European part and was already rooted, is a bamboo. This plant is truly unique and universally. Curtains, furniture, carpets, fabrics with drawings are made of it, are even eaten.

    Recently, the curtains from the bamboo on the doorway or the steel window are very popular. No wonder, because the number of styles that have modern products make them truly universal suitable for most directions of modern design.

    And if earlier Roman curtains from bamboo or rolled curtains from bamboo were predominantly a sign of ecodisa, now the products are used everywhere in different styles. You can make sure that I looked at the photo.


    Before making curtains on doorways from bamboo with their own hands, let's see what advantages give us this plant while in the atmosphere of our life:

    1. Antistaticity. Indeed, despite its naturalness, the material does not attract, but repels dust.
    2. Universality. Modern models of bamboo curtains are well used for decoring windows and doors in kitchens, living rooms, halls, even bedrooms, halls and bathrooms. And in some rooms, for example, in Vietnam hotels, are generally used instead of the main doors in the rooms. Therefore, they can be used as interior partitions, decorative interior additions.
    3. Range. Today, bamboo window curtains can be Roman, standard, rolled, sent. They can even be decorated with lambrequins from the same material. Door curtains from bamboo can also be several types. Depending on the density, bamboo curtains can be rigid and delivered to sliding systemand can hang like curtains with a pattern, be very soft and puffy, perform decorative function.
    4. Colors. Never "woody" shades were not "outcasts" in the interior. They can be selected for any of its type. And it gives a tree a unique advantage over a mass of other materials.
    5. Strength. Indeed, despite the external fragility of the tree, the bamboo is quite durable due to longitudinal fibers. It courageously withstands mechanical loads during operation and extremely rarely comes in disrepair (only in case of improper use). Therefore, the interroom curtains from bamboo will serve for a long time And it will look beautiful and relevant in any interior. It is also important to note that the bamboo does not fade, that is, under the action of solar best color It remains the same for a long time.
    6. Softness. Indeed, the bamboo is very pleasant to the touch.

    Bamboo curtains can be several types, depending on the material processing. They may have longitudinal connected strips, crossed, horizontal.

    From this will depend on the type of assembly. Naturally, the curtain for the doorway, if collected as Roman curtains, that is, according to the type of sailboat, will consist of longitudinal horizontal planks. If it will be assembled vertically, respectively, the bamboo strips will be vertical. Examples can be viewed in the photo.


    And now let's look at the curtains for the doorway from the bamboo, their types and the ability to make everyone with your own hands.

    1. "Nite". These are curtains made of bamboo strips separated by each other. In fact, it is one of the most simple variants of the curtains. Make them with your own hands for a long time, but quite simple. To do this, it is necessary to correctly calculate the number of bamboo tubes. After that, take the main plank to which they will be attached. Some amount to divide the longitudinally into two parts and attach to the bar. After that, combine all the tubes. You can do this with the help of clips or threads, as well as fishing line.
    2. Whole. Present a cloth in which bamboo tubes or planks are interconnected. Usually such products are sold on the Method. You can buy them in building stores. Most often they are sold in departments for decor or country interior products. Such curtains are almost ready for operation, in them the main thing - to correctly make the attachment and think over the possibility of easy operation. It is best to divide them into two halves if they are located in the doorway. This will allow you to easily pass, while the curtains remain in place by performing their aesthetic function. Having hung on the doorway the curtains with a solid web, it will be necessary to remove the curtains aside or up, depending on the mount, so that the opening was free.

    It is important when making a curtain to make right measurements And pick up accessories for fastening. The big advantage of bamboo curtains is a convenient installation and manufacture with your own hands. Here the skills of cutting and sewing will not be needed.

    It is enough to show a drop of perseverance, desire and fantasy, as new organic curtains with a beautiful and versatile appearance will appear in the house. Such products will definitely make the atmosphere of the house of a more natural, which you can make sure looking at the photo.


    How to make bamboo yourself? Easily!

    Last summer, son-in-law and daughter, knowing my love for all African, gave me a papyrus. It was in Paris in Paris, this papyrus was on the purchase on the tablet under glass and glass pressed with metal brackets. Naturally, coming home, I found that the glass crashed, even though papyrus and packed carefully ... Almost half a year he lay a rolled in the tube, then I decided it's time. In the Baget workshop, I counted how much everything will cost (subframe, frame, glass where the masters insisted) and I decided to lide my papyrus folded.

    On the left of the batik, which I brought me from Africa, there the frame I ordered in the workshop, under the bamboo. Conference, I wanted to be a bamboo frame. In a building store, bamboo different diameters, but nobody sold one stick, they Somehow there according to a special person ... beams, as a result, it turns out not cheap ... And the hunting of the capture! I began to look for options and found! Here hence, in fact, the bamboo secret begins))

    The fact is that in my bamboo frame bamboo, there is no! I found the idea and something like MK in the internet. I will show your photo how I did a bamboo personally. Maybe the one who put this MK in the internet - our resident and recognizes his brainchild, I will be glad to meet, do not in any way pretend to authorship!

    For a bamboo frame, thin dense tubes from foil or food film are needed. The tubes may differ slightly in diameter, the same bamboo, and in nature it is different.

    I cut the tube, but it seems to me, too, I can, for example, saved, because I had little tubes and I like it more when the flat side in the frame.

    First fitting. The subframe glued out of 2 corrugated cardboard sheets, the front side was covered with velvet adhesive film, back wallpaper. On the upper crossbar it can be seen that the size of the tubes is different.

    Each prepared "stick" pasted with some wrapping paper (found in the covers) under the paper in several places pasted a jute rope (future bamboo rings) there, where the difference between the diameters of the tube, too, wound the thread, pre-gluing the tube with the imposition of more smaller.

    Dropped from glue tubes cover a brown putty (I'm fine with my finger, everything was missed, paying attention to jumpers).

    When the tubes were dried, I carefully treated with shallow emery paper. In the places of the jumpers hovered with a brown paint with brown paint and, without waiting for her drying, as it would stretched the paint away from the jumpers, thereby making the transition of the color smooth and natural. Photo, unfortunately, carried away by the process, I forgot to do, but the principle, I think, is clear. Who wants a certain color of the bamboo (under the interior, for example) paints with its shades, I almost did not paint, the putty was brown, plus I stretched brown paint with Jumpers and with varnish coating, the color has become darker and brighter, so I left this option.

    Well, another corner.

    Well, the final photo with the admission committee in the face, i.e. Morda of my cat Faust.)))

    And I exhibit this photo to raise the mood. So I celebrated my birthday this year. I went on May 19, who remembers it was the day of pioneer. That we have a pioneer party. My friends, red ties, shorts, a sort of dress in a birthday party and spring !!

    This secret photo made my daughter in Paris - we passed the green way, on both sides of which bamboo were overgrown .... I found a dried stick and decided. What I need her .... We jumped on her, saw a pocket knife, inserted into the fence and got it ... almost died with a laugh .... the bamboo did not work out, but I wouldn't let me in the plane)))) )) I had to put a stick back and continue the way ...

    part One - 5 Economy Methods Add Original Details

    This gallery was almost over and remained only to write text. In search of inspiration, it occurred to us to search for, what they write on the Internet about bamboo in the interior: professionals and just journalists. One phrase struck to the depths of the soul. From her and let's start.

    This "Pearl" sounds like this: "The competent use of bamboo in any interior remains the prerogative of professionals ..." Next, the passage is followed that "it is necessary to know the subtleties of Oriental styles and the Feng Shui philosophy" - only in this case the optimal result is guaranteed. From which it logically implies an offer to the company of its services ...

    In our opinion, this is another attempt to complicate the essence of the task so that the ordinary reader "is afraid of the upcoming (and, especially, follow-up) problems and immediately beat the search for" professionals. " Funny and sad at the same time.

    We prefer to approach this issue otherwise. Just split 2 approaches: local decor and scale finish in the course of repair.

    If you basically like the bamboo, as the original material for decorating the house, but the global changes are not planned, - you do not need to "look for professionals." It is enough just to see the ideas and find them to implement them, which is completely simple. This is an approach of the decorator. This is our first part of the bamboo saga in the interior, which you see here.

    The second part of the leadership will be "reerant" towards those who prefer large-scale solutions: different ways to use bamboo for wall decoration, ceilings, floors. And also - about bamboo furniture, the cost of which is very unequal. This gallery is planned for exit soon.

    And here we will talk about how to use bamboo for local decor. You will see 5 ways, a little different in terms of cost and speed of implementation, to each of them - a few examples and a couple of our advice. Total 38 photos with examples of a bamboo decor.

    We will not spend time and tell you about what a bamboo is and why he can be interesting. For those who prefer theory, there are many "kilometer articles". But what concerns practical solutions - they will be in excess. And about the style, we think, for you obviously: the bamboo decor is, on the one hand, the element of eco-style (nature in your home), on the other - the reception that helps add oriental notes to the interior.


    method 1: Bamboo for Designing Tables and Kitchen

    So, the method is the first and simplest. Acquire finished goods From bamboo: decorative or functional. The first includes fountains and "wind music", bowls and plates for compositions from pressed bamboo (for example, from IKEA, photo 6).

    From functional items, bamboo serving napkins for cutlery, stands under hot and bread beds are most available (usually can be purchased even on the market) more rare and exquisite thing - welding teapots with bamboo handles (look in the salons of eastern dishes and decor).


    method 2: Bamboo frames for mirrors, paintings and collage

    This method may be space for creativity (make such a frame with your own hands from the sawn bamboo stems). But sometimes you can find ready-made products. Separate bamboo segments are binding to each other with thin jute threads. Especially effectively in such a framework will look unusual collages or batik.


    method 3: Stylized Bamboo for Interior

    Bamboo as a symbol of growth, prosperity and Japanese flavor is also popular in wallpaper drawings, fabric or even stickers for walls. The easiest option is to search for materials and products on which a stylized bamboo is already depicted.

    But, if you prefer more exquisite solutions, - take a walk on art salons: Once you will definitely meet a stunning picture, tapestry or schedule, which depicts bamboo in all its glory.

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    method 4: Bamboo Decor for Your Garden

    Bamboo looks very organically as a landscaped decor. This should not be something complex and expensive. Total 2-3 details are able to make a stunning eastern charm in your garden, which will be so nice to dream of long-distance travel.


    method 5: Drazen "Happy Bamboo"

    And, of course, one of the most charming techniques is indoor plants. A variety of drazes, known as the "Happy Bamboo" - is also a great way to add exquisite oriental notes to your home.

    It can be laconic curved stems with a pair of leaves or lush thickets. Other plants can be added to the composition or come up with an original filling of a glass vase for such a "bamboo". Fully, what mood you would like to give and pleasant creativity!

    In the mills where bamboo grows, it is often used in the erection of fences, since this material is durable and is inexpensive. For example, in Japan, where sale bamboo It is carried out almost everywhere and at a low price, the bamboo is used to manufacture neat sections, of which the fence is collected (the sections are attached to the pre-inscuffed columns).

    But in Russia, bamboo - a rare plant, and although in sell bamboo You can find it, its cost is quite high, so the fence from the bamboo can afford not everyone. Simple calculation: if you found in sell bamboo At a price of 100 rubles per 4-meter barrel with a diameter of 3 cm, then the messenger of the fence with a height of 2 meters will cost about 1,700 rubles. Of course, non-solid and low decorative fences from bamboo will cost much cheaper (2-4 times). Such headborne will always have a place in landscape designperformed by eastern style. In addition, bamboo trunks can be used as inserts in the fence section from another material - they will give originality and unusual appearance of the fence. In any case, choosing material for the fence, try to find in sell bamboo - Maybe you will need not so many trunks and the total cost will arrange you.

    Bamboo Decor - Garden Pyramid

    The pyramids in the garden are used as columnar supports for curly plants and Lian. Also this decor from bamboo It can be used in winter to protect seedlings and low-spirited trees from excessive snow pressure while simultaneously protecting the plant and frost.

    Why exactly bamboo? First, any decor from bamboo It is quite beautiful and decorates the plot. Secondly, bamboo distinguishes high strength. Thirdly, bamboo - the material is easy, to transfer the pyramid from it will not be difficult. The design of the bamboo pyramid is folding, so it is not only easy to transfer it, but also convenient, and when stored it does not take up much space.

    Natural products from bamboo today at the peak of popularity. And it is not surprising, because they are characterized by grace and environmental friendliness. To date, not only plant trunks are used in design, but also compressed bamboo panels, canvas and headsets made from wood of this material.

    Recently, designers pay more attention to bamboo furniture. In many ways, this is due to the fact that it is environmentally friendly and perfectly combined with all natural materials. Thanks to the latest technologies and developments, if desired, the bamboo can decorate the entire room from the floor and ending with the ceiling.

    Bamboo in the interior of the room

    Room design with bamboo

    The bamboo ceiling is a solid rolled cloth or pressed panels. This design looks individually and quite extravagant, especially against the background of stretch and drywall ceilings, which are found in almost every home. Bamboo canvas can be added exotic, Chinese or eco-style dining room, kitchen, bedrooms.

    Bamboo curtains and blinds give the room lightness and sophistication. They can be installed in the hall, kitchen, children's restroom, dining room. Blinds are unpretentious in care, in addition, they are very beautifully combined with tissue curtains.

    Bamboo in the interior of the room

    Bamboo wallpapers are quite unusual and even exotic, but despite this, they are simple in sticking. They can be used in the design of the living room and bedroom. They give the design a cozy atmosphere. Bamboo wallpapers are characterized by strength, do not burn out and do not fuss. Bamboo wallpaper periodically need to wipe with a damp cloth.

    Bamboo tile is dear pleasure, as it is made manually. The number of layers and the size of the tile can be absolutely different. For floor covering, 5- or 7-layer products are usually used.

    Room design with bamboo

    Bamboo in the interior of the room looks elegant

    Bamboo panels are used for outdoor and inner lining at home. The modern market offers a chic assortment of weaving patterns. To each other, bamboo panels are fastened with grooves.

    Rolled bamboo canvas is thin rails fixed on a tissue basis. It is attached to the wall with liquid nails. Bamboo canvas can be spectacular to emphasize the part of the wall in the recreation area.

    Parquet from bamboo looks expensive and elegant. He perfectly "fits" in Eco style.

    Bamboo in the interior of the room

    Room design with bamboo

    Bamboo trunks give the design exotic notes, the main thing is to competently enter them into a common design. They look stylish and attractive, besides, they differ practicality. Bamboo trunks can be placed in vertical and horizontal positions. With the help of decorative bamboo trunks, it is possible to distinguish the room, or create an intercommercial partition. You can visually delimit the space using several bamboo stems, thanks to this solution, you can not install a full partition.

    Bamboo trunks can be completely saved by one wall, come up with a picturesque display or make up a unique headboard from them for the bed.

    Bamboo trunks can fill the staircase railing, which will give the design of the stairs extravagant appearance, but in the house with young children this option may be unsafe.

    Bamboo in the interior of the room looks elegant

    Bamboo in the interior of the room

    Bamboo furniture and accessories in the interior

    From bamboo make amazing beauty furniture and accessories for the addition of interiors in various styles. Produce headsets for kitchens, bedrooms, hallways and so on. Bamboo headsets will fall to taste to lovers of natural style and ecology. They give the room a warm atmosphere, create a feeling of harmony and purify energy.

    Headsets and a bamboo decor look very harmoniously in eco-style, Japanese stylization and ethnic designs.

    Room design with bamboo

    Bamboo in the interior of the room looks elegant

    Bamboo in the interior - how to combine correctly with various designs

    Bamboo in the interior of the room

    Room design with bamboo

    Features of bamboo parquet

    Experts explain the popularity of parquet from bamboo in the presence of a huge number of advantages that are superior to the shortcomings.

    The main advantages of parquet from bamboo include:

    • absolute environmental friendliness;
    • resistance to deformation;
    • high degree of strength and density, superior maple and oak;
    • high heat saving;
    • durability;
    • resistance to injury to insects;
    • antistaticity;
    • easy care during operation;
    • affordable cost;
    • attractive appearance.

    Bamboo in the interior of the room looks elegant

    Bamboo in the interior of the room

    As you can see, there are many advantages, but this natural material has some drawbacks:

    • over time, natural spots may occur;
    • with high humidity, the flooring swells;
    • dark shades are less durable, since to create a tone, heat treatment is undergoing in the production process;
    • despite the good strength of the material, under the legs of heavy heads it is necessary to install gaskets.

    Room design with bamboo

    Bamboo in the interior of the room looks elegant

    How to choose a bamboo parquet?

    To make a successful purchase, you must consider several selection criteria.

    Company Manufacturer

    It is best to give preference to well-known manufacturers with a good reputation, since they are tested all the materials before release to the market, and the process of their manufacture and compliance with the necessary technology is carefully monitored.

    Price and Category

    Accordingly, the best parquet of bamboo is assigned class A, however, it refers to expensive building materials. You can purchase high quality material at an affordable price by choosing a product from an unknown, young brand. In this case, it is very important to pay attention to the characteristics.

    Type of bamboo panels

    Manufacturers offer 3 types: parquet board, mosaic and piece bamboo parquet.

    A parquet board of bamboo is represented as a panel with a horizontal structure. It has the best quality characteristics, but is the most expensive.

    Mosaic is more suitable for decorative trim. Such strips can be almost any form.

    Stukka is a plank with grooves. This design ensures reliable fastening of the material. A piece parquet from bamboo vertically or horizontally glued three-layer structure. Such models can be laid in the form of various patterns. Another advantage is that if necessary, they can be restored.

    Bamboo in the interior of the room

    Room design with bamboo

    Laying bamboo parquet

    Parquet is easiest to mount the adhesive method. For high-quality facing, the floor must be perfectly smooth. An uneven surface must be brought into the proper look. Regardless of the type of parquet from the bamboo, it must be prepared for installation:

    • 48 hours before the installation you need to unpack and get all the elements from the package;
    • leave them to lie in a well-ventilated room at a temperature of about +20 degrees and humidity of 40-50%;
    • if there is a warm floor, then it must be turned off.

    Installation is performed quite easily.

    Bamboo in the interior of the room looks elegant

    Bamboo in the interior of the room

    • Bamboo parquet needs to start installing from the opposite door.
    • The wall needs to leave 10-15 mm clearance, which will prevent the outflow of the floor covering.
    • In adjacent board, the joint shifts 50 cm.
    • To connect elements, it is best to use a parquet hammer.
    • The planks are fixed with nails under the tilt of 45 degrees relative to the horizontal surface.
    • After the end of the stacking, hollow places in the wall fill the Fiberboard with stripes.
    • After the completion of the work, the room is closed for 3 days, since the flooring should be settled.

    Room design with bamboo

    Bamboo in the interior of the room looks elegant

    Bamboo in the interior of the room

    The use of bamboo in the interior introduces a part of the tropics and southern heat into the city apartment. It gives the room uniqueness, comfort and natural luxury.

    Video: Bamboo in the interior of the apartment

    In the southern countries saw a lot of useful things from bamboo, tell me how this material can be used to decorate the garden plot.

    T. Petrov, Korolev

    Decorative bamboo designs are popular all over the world, but so far a little common in the regions with a cold climate.

    Although herbaceous bamboo chopped the tropics, some unreassed species are adapted to life in colder areas with temperate climates. Representatives of the kind of saza (SASA) are adapted to the conditions of the islands of the Kuril Ridge and Sakhalin.

    Bamboo for summer cottages up to the Moscow region (with a shelter for the winter) - Curil Saza (SASA) height of 0.3-2 m and fargésia (mountain chinese bamboo). As a rule, a frost-resistant bamboo withstands the temperature to -20 ° C.

    Bamboo everywhere

    Massive vases with bamboo decorate the main entrance of the country house, terraces and inner courtyards. For heavy and spacious pots, quite steady frost and slowly growing Shibataea kumasaca. (He is ruscifolia, Bambusa AureostriTa, Bambusa Kumasaca, Phyllostachys Ruscifolia, Sasa AureostriTa). It has a whole number of advantages - cold-resistant, decorative, relatively compact, it does not grow excessively.

    In Europe, one of the Japanese bamboo variations is most common: Bambusa Fortunei - Bamboo Fordu (found under the names ARNDINARIA FORTUNEI, BAMBUSA VARIEGATE, SASA VARIEGATE), with relatively low, elegant stems with motley leaves.

    Bamboo as unique material

    In indochite Bambusa Tulda. For a month, it grows on 22 m. In many countries of the world, Bamboo is the most important technical culture, not inferior to coconut palm: as the building material bamboo gives raw materials 25 times more than the growth of trees wood.

    Due to the rapid growth, the trunks do not accumulate harmful substances - it is an absolutely clean and hypoallergenic eco-material, which is completely renewed without additional landings when limiting in deforestation.

    It is interesting!

    These plants have a phenomenal growth rate: in an hour they rise to 5 cm, per day - more than 90 cm. The Japanese argue that looking at the bamboo, you can see how it grows. Record speed has madaka (PhylLostachys Bambusoides) - 120 cm per day.

    Tree bambooes reach a height of more than 40 m and in diameter up to 0.3 m, form huge forests on the planet.

    Lightweight and durable fishing rods from bamboo are very popular with fishing fans.

    Only pluses

    Among the plants, the universal bamboo does not have equal in the latitude of the use spectrum. He is cheap, has almost the same manufacturability, like a tree, its strength exceeds this indicator in most tree breeds. Bamboo products are easily converted into compost.

    Popular in low-rise construction: simple and perfect high refractory material provides greater heat insulation, sound insulation, high comfort. It gives pleasant opportunities for creativity - a varied diameter of the trunks (1-15 cm), the elasticity and elasticity and elasticity for creating the curved forms.

    Smooth, fibrous structure of trunks, various colors (white, yellow, green, almost black) are ideal when finishing surfaces, creating furniture. Bamboo is combined and harmonizes with natural materials - glint, straw brick, wood, stone, lime, cement, penkovy and palm ropes.

    How to use bamboo

    Bamboo is resistant to moisture and ultraviolet radiation, has a high resistance to mechanical damage. It creates a variety of garden products, they are satisfied with water cascades, they are separated by wet rooms (baths, swimming pools, summer shower).

    Products from bamboo without additional processing have aesthetic appearance, but the finished appearance they give varnishes and verses, which also protect them from external influences, extended service life. Without a protective coating, the bamboo dries quickly and loses its elasticity. The disadvantages include sensitivity to a sharp change in temperature and humidity - it is not used next to heating devices.

    Abundance of opportunities

    New wood processing technologies allow you to make almost everything from a bamboo that traditionally done from wood. Of easy, hard and very durable wood build houses, summer sites, kitchens and green theaters, hozblocks, beach bungalows, small rises and rafts, bridges, water pipes. Slightly bent bamboo trunks are combined together into arched structures that support mounted roofs. Bamboo goes to scaffolding, fittings and formwork.

    In the gardens of moderate belt Bamboo is available at a price, it is used where a small amount of material is required: Arbors, pergolas, trolls, decorative lattices, support for owned and curly plants, cones for flowers, fences.

    County houses equip the products from bamboo - Poverty stairs on the roof, with palm stairs, water gutters, lamps, suspensions "wind music", blinds, curtains, carpets, durable and light garden furniture, greenhouses - shadows, homemade utensils - porridge and tanks for Garden and indoor plants, wicker baskets, dishes, mats, etc. For gardening economy, a different tool with bamboo handles are suitable (rakes, paint brushes, blades).

    Happy bamboo, Chinese bamboo is a sander's draouser that does not have related bonds with bamboo, but very reminiscent bamboo stalks with a rounded shape and green color.

    In the garden from bamboo make support for curly plants

    In India, bamboo is a symbol of friendship.

    Today, bamboo organically fit into different directions of garden design, without strict ethnicity

    Do it yourself from bamboo

    Exotic bamboo poles cost cheaper of individual building wood. It is profitable to use them in the subsidiary farm. Bamboo trunks are sawned with small teeth with small teeth, drill holes and combine with special brackets or durable nodes from the hemp rope. If its wood heat the small gas burner, it bends in the right direction, and after cooling it saves its shape.

    In order to give the desired bamboo shape, it is heated, rotating over the ferry or in the oven

    With your own hands for the "ethnic garden" you can make a staircase, benches, lattice fences, plants supports, pergolas.

    The outer layer (0.5-1.5 mm) of the stem is smooth, solid and dense, it is difficult to leave scratch on it.


    Bamboo - Beautiful material for landscape stylization - African, Chinese, Japanese,

    where they give the garden naturalness. In China, Bamboo is a symbol of material well-being and career growth, nobility, longevity and spirit resistance. It is believed that it absorbs and neutralizes negative energy.

    Bamboo tile and fuel in China - the basis of life in rural areas. In the technology of assembling the roofs resembling the shape of slate, the stems are cut along, the obtained half-borders are laid in 2 layers.

    In Japan, bamboo is a symbol of purity thanks to direct growth and freshness of green shoots and foliage. Thick bamboo tubes are used as containers for bulk materials and liquids, like flasks.

    For convenient watering colors - used bamboo chute

    Our certificate

    As a building material appreciates slim, often branching, often a high stem of decisive plants, which carries an air crown from the leaves. The most famous bamboo Ordinary (Bambusa Vulgaris).

    It has numerous stems (length 18 m and above) with narrow leaves (length 18 cm). F is low (rarely above 1 m) grassy bamboo grow in thickets.

    Explains how to do)

    "1. Last summer, son-in-law and daughter, knowing my love for all African, gave me a papyrus. It was in Paris in Paris, this papyrus was on the purchase on the tablet under glass and glass pressed with metal brackets. Naturally, coming home, I found that glass smashed, even a papyrus and packaged carefully ... Almost half a year he lay rolled into the tube, then I decided it was. In a barn workshop, I thought how much it would cost (subframe, frame, glass, on which the masters insisted) and decided Lies rolled my papyrus.

    On the left of the batik, which I brought me from Africa, there the frame I ordered in the workshop, under the bamboo. Conference, I wanted to be a bamboo frame. In a building store, bamboo different diameters, but nobody sold one stick, they Somehow there according to a special person ... beams, as a result, it turns out not cheap ... And the hunting of the capture! I began to look for options and found! Here hence, in fact, the bamboo secret begins))

    The fact is that in my bamboo frame bamboo, there is no! I found the idea and something like MK in the internet. I will show your photo how I did a bamboo personally. Maybe the one who put this MK in the internet - our resident and recognizes his brainchild, I will be glad to meet, do not in any way pretend to authorship!

    For a bamboo frame, thin dense tubes from foil or food film are needed. The tubes may differ slightly in diameter, the same bamboo, and in nature it is different.

    I cut the tube, but it seems to me, too, I can, for example, saved, because I had little tubes and I like it more when the flat side in the frame.

    First fitting. The subframe glued out of 2 corrugated cardboard sheets, the front side was covered with velvet adhesive film, back wallpaper. On the upper crossbar it can be seen that the size of the tubes is different.

    Each prepared "stick" pasted with some wrapping paper (found in the covers) under the paper in several places pasted a jute rope (future bamboo rings) there, where the difference between the diameters of the tube, too, wound the thread, pre-gluing the tube with the imposition of more smaller.

    Dropped from glue tubes cover a brown putty (I'm fine with my finger, everything was missed, paying attention to jumpers).

    When the tubes were dried, I carefully treated with shallow emery paper. In the places of the jumpers hovered with a brown paint with brown paint and, without waiting for her drying, as it would stretched the paint away from the jumpers, thereby making the transition of the color smooth and natural. Photo, unfortunately, carried away by the process, I forgot to do, but the principle, I think, is clear. Who wants a certain color of the bamboo (under the interior, for example) paints with its shades, I almost did not paint, the putty was brown, plus I stretched brown paint with Jumpers and with varnish coating, the color has become darker and brighter, so I left this option.