Repairs Design Furniture

Workshop on the balcony of the city apartment with their own hands. Device workshop on the balcony. Table and wardrobe

About separate work zone In my apartment dreams a lot of people, regardless of whether a man is or a woman. In other words, such a corner can be called a workshop. Of course, the owners of their own home this idea will not seem imparted. The workshop in this case can be located on any free territory both inside the house and nearby.

A little more difficult to fulfill such a dream if a person is the owner of a not a huge house, but an ordinary urban apartment. In the apartment with a large area of \u200b\u200bthe workshop can be organized in a free room. But what to do if housing is small? In this case, you can get out of your position. With a big desire you can organize workplace At its long empty balcony.

As with any construction, before starting to work, you need to plan your actions. The first thing the balcony is released from various furniture and other things that no one remembers for a long time. Usually it takes a little time. Many are very difficult to part with their old furniture, so you can not send it to the garbage, but to transport to a more secluded place, for example, to the cottage, in the garage or just to give good hands. But the old cabinet or table can be given new life. This construction will use their details.

Correctly measured the territory and calculate the scale of the upcoming work, you can save not only personal time, but also means. It is necessary to do it with great accuracy so that in the future to acquire the right number of building material.

What do you need

The workshop on the balcony of the city apartment is a fairly serious step, especially for a beginner in this matter. Therefore, to pick up necessary materials Should not rush. Initially, you need to consider everything attentive repair workwho have to do. For a better result, you can see workshop options in the photo. In the gallery you can find many options, and at least one, but you must be able to approach.

The workshop on the balcony can be created independently or with the whole family. Acquire required details You can repair in a construction store or even on the market. It is much easier, of course, to turn to the masters of your case, which will fulfill the order as quickly as possible and better, but for a certain amount of money.

Artist's workshop on the balcony with his own hands

For execution construction work It is advisable to purchase such materials:

  • wooden rails;
  • wooden bars;
  • screws;
  • folgized insulation;
  • putty mix;
  • small fixtures.

What you need first

Loggia in any case should be glazed - this is the first rule for creating a workplace on the balcony. Doing it, you retain warmth in your future workshop. If the balcony is already glazed, but old blurred windows, you need to install durable glazing. This is exactly the moment when when you do not do without specialists of your business. Only they can cope with this task quickly and efficiently.

It is necessary to approach the solid warming of the balcony only if it is used round year. If B. winter time Workshop will not function, insulation can not be engaged. All you need to do is update the interior and bring order by making cosmetic repairs.

Workshop on the balcony do it yourself

Insulation balcony

After the windows are installed, you need to pay attention to cracks and cracks, if they are detected, it is necessary to smell. Cracks can be on the walls and on the floor and the ceiling.

After around the perimeter of the entire room, the installation of the frame. To do this, use wooden bars. They are attached to the walls of the balcony with the same interval from each other, after which the insulation is inserted into the resulting openings. Its thickness must match the scale of the balcony and do not take an extra place.

After the work performed, it is necessary to hide insulated walls for a special fabric - Izospan. Thanks to such a fabric, a cold, nor moisture is missing into the house. Therefore, full-fledged work in the workshop on the balcony will be provided.

Workshop on the balcony - Independent re-equipment

All insulation and shelter are pressed with wooden plates, this is done due to drills and screws. To close the main surface of both walls and the ceiling are used. plastic panels. Such a step provides not only practicality and reliability, but also aesthetics.

To complete the insulation, the installation of heating gear and radiator is necessary. These items are purchased at a special store. After the heating elements on the floor are installed, they are poured by a cement screed. In this state, the floor leaves and wait until it dry. Later it will need to close using any flooringwhich is more suitable.

At the end, you need to connect the elements of the radiator and floor with electrical wiring, checking how much everything works well. Main works can be considered fulfilled, before you ready workshop on the balcony. But soon this place will look different.

Room furnishings

It is at this stage that the ordinary balcony turns into a workshop. It is necessary to think well and plan and plan, because you have a difficult task - to accommodate a large number of various items in one small premises. It should be remembered that the most basic element of any workplace on the balcony is the table and departments in which the storage of all sorts of little things is concentrated. The convenience of your work depends on the location of the data of the elements.

Table and wardrobe

The table that is in the workshop is simply obliged to be durable, sustainable and functional. On the this moment Models that include drawers and additional shelves are already widespread. They are not only considered very convenient, but thanks to it, the use of space is as rational as possible.

Racks or can be like separate design, so far be located above the table. Items that will be used rarely need to be placed in boxes, containers or the highest shelf. To conveniently store small details, many are inclined to use shelves, pockets, loops, hooks and any other comfortable devices. Thanks to them, all the necessary tools will be at hand, they will not need to look for a long time.

To not buy new furniture, can be used old cabinet or table. They can either repair, or use as separate details to new designs. Nowadays, there is almost everything for lovers to make houses.

Stripping from the square, you can accommodate even several machines on the loggia. But you should not forget that you need to use such devices, adhering to certain rules. Most machines require a sustainable base - metal from metal.

Re-equipment of the balcony in the workshop

So, it became clear that the workshop on the balcony, the photo of which are presented in this article - this is a dream that can be implemented. Create a workplace on loggias for almost anyone. Even a balcony of small dimensions allows you to organize a workshop in which there will be a table and a section with the most necessary tools. And if your balcony has an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 3 square metersHe can become a full-fledged workshop in which everything will be available.

Options for paperwork on the balcony with your own hands Workshop on the balcony - Independent re-equipment

Last week graduated from the workshop. I think the experience of its manufacture will be useful to make lovers. So, the 800 width workshop, a 600 mm high and a depth of 600 mm, installed on an insulated foam balcony - loggia.

Constructively consists of three parts - lower, for heavy tools, medium, actually workplace, and mezzanine, for drawings and reference books.

The lower part of the 700 mm high is divided by a vertical partition for the convenience of fastening smaller shelves. After completing the work, it turned out that the compressor could not be removed low part Redevelop and remake.

After rework, it was possible to pack in space 800 to 700 and 600 mm. Serious compressor (170l per min), compressor from the refrigerator, email, email. Lobzik, Bulgarian, planer, plumbing tool, circular, sharpened, boring machine, lathe, boxes with paints and smallest, and there are not many places behind the lathe, closer to the rear wall.
The middle part is conditionally divided by vertical to a depth of 300 +300 mm.

Of which, the front 300 mm is actually a workshop, and the rear is a warehouse of useful smallers and materials, the height of the middle part - 1200 mm

Actually, the workshop (front 300 mm) has a table, opens as a secret, relying on open doors The bottom part, the size of the table is 800 per 600 mm, screwed on the hinges to the installed rigid shelf - a screed, screwed by self-drawing into the end, through the wall. The connection of the shelf and the wall is reinforced with metal corners.

A lamp is installed on the shelf, which has a vertical axis of rotation, and in the depth of the floor shelf, where you can put not finished parts and work. The main shelves - with a step of 300 mm. Between them - five semi shelves made in the form retractable boxes 300 mm width. 50 - 60 mm high that can change places, or in general to be removed than and provides a convenient approach to the warehouse of materials in depth.


The bottoms of the lower part to which the desktop rests are underpened by wooden clins to the floor, to prevent their sagging. The middle part is closed by the table and the upper doors, as sund on ordinary loops. In the remedy, the table is fixed by the usual crochet, on outside The right wall, and the doors are magnetic latches.

Andresol, 500 mm high was collected separately, and after the cabinet was installed and screwed to the wall, (through metal corner to top panel Covers) installed in place and carp to the top cover of the workshop.

The panels and shelves cut the pre-extinted dimensions right in the store, at the acquisition site of the chipboard. All the pleasure was about 2900 rubles, along with transportation.

Collected the front side at the bottom, right on the balcony, first the box, upper and lower caps pulled self-blinds into the end of the walls, then installed the vertical partition of the bottom part along with the table shelf that was arranged rear wall And raised to a vertical position. I hope this experience will be useful to someone. Unfortunately, the former not greasy but convenient workshop, located in the kitchen dismantled, without guessing to photograph.

Many owners of urban apartments are familiar with the desire to turn the balcony from the place where there are unnecessary things or occasionally come out with air, to a useful room, especially if its area is large enough. One need an extra bedroom, others - children's, and someone dreams of a workshop, but can not afford to turn one of the rooms of the apartment into it. Already exist good examples such transformations. Workshop on the balcony with their own hands is not harder than living room. Now we will tell you how to implement this idea, and give some useful advice.

Initial preparing balcony for re-equipment

Whatever purpose created room, glazing is mandatory condition planned alterations. If it already has on the balcony, you have to appreciate its condition and compliance with your intentions. Those who are going to use the balcony only in the summer, it will be enough to establish cold glazing (it is noticeably cheaper), but those who want to be comfortable and in winter in the new premises, should take care of its equipment with warm glazing and insulation.

There are many articles on this topic, so here we simply denote the main steps. Warm glazing It implies frames from heat insulating material and double-glazed windows. It is very important that all seams, gaps and cracks are well shred. Then you need to provide heat insulation of the floor, the ceiling and external walls. Features of the installation of insulation depend on the selected materials. In very general The base surface is attached to the base surface, and all gaps are filled with insulation. The lamp is then useful to you as the basis for the finish coating.

If you have a workshop, for example, a carpentry or lamination, where there is a lot of garbage, it is especially important to choose the coating correctly. It should be easily cleaned and resistant to washing. The use of tissues in the design is undesirable. One of the easiest and most affordable combinations - plastic panels on the walls and linoleum on the floor.

Heating and electricity on the balcony

Another significant point is the choice of a method of heating a new room. These methods are now quite diverse, but in our case it is more rational to choose those devices that do not take away useful Square And so small room. Among the frequently used options, warm floor, wall and ceiling heating appliances. You can combine several heat sources.

The possibility of connecting to the power grid is useful for any room, but for the workshop on the loggia, where, as a rule, is electrical devices, it is not just desirable, but necessary. So we need an extension cord, more convenient if it is with several outlets. Optimal thickness Wires - 2.5 square millimeters. The extension can be done by himself, but it is easier to buy a finished network filter with protection against voltage jumps.

How to equip the workshop on the balcony

When the premises are ready, finally, you can go to the situation. It is at this stage that the room acquires specific traitsassociated with its purpose, and begins immediately by the alteration of the balcony under the workshop. When small premises It should accommodate a lot of varied items, the more importantly, it is carefully thought out and planned. Practically mandatory elements of any workshop on the loggia will be the desktop and sections for storage. From them the right location To a large extent, it depends how convenient you will work.

For the table in the workshop, the main qualities - stability, strength and functionality. A variety of models where the elements of the support are complemented by shelves and drawers, have long been widespread, since they are convenient and allow to use space as rationally as possible. Cabinets and stellags different sizes May be add-in over the table or separate design. Things that are used quite rarely should be stored on the topmost shelves in boxes or containers.

If you make a joiner or plumbing workshop, in addition to conventional shelves, you can make a specialized for screwdrivers and tools like it. Drill holes in it the desired diameterIn which the tools will be inserted, so much more objects will fit on the shelf and it will be easier to find them. There are other storage devices - hooks, pockets, loops, etc. With their help, you can arrange everything you need to work so that the tools are in sight and at hand, you do not have to look for the right thing for a long time.

If the old cabinet or table was kept on the balcony, of course, they can be transported to another place (for example, to the cottage) or simply throw away. But much more rational will find these objects of furniture for some application, repaired by or using individual parts for new designs.

Now those who like to make home can find on sale almost everything they need, including compact machines designed specifically for such working conditions. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe balcony allows you to place one or even several such machines. But at the same time, it is necessary to follow the rules for the installation and operation of the selected devices. Most of them require a steady base - a metal bed.

So, create a workshop on the balcony forces most people. Even little balcony Allows you to organize a workplace with the table and section for the most required tools. And if its area is 4-5 square meters or even more, then such a balcony can be turned into a full-fledged workshop with everything you need.

Creating a functional room on a balcony or loggia - fashion trend recent yearswhich is popular not only in European countries, but also from us. As a rule, balconies and loggias of the city apartment are construed under the continuation of the kitchen, playrooms, bedrooms, home careers, etc.

At the same time, the workshop on the balcony seems to be an excellent solution, in which such high demands are not subject to, such as in game room or bedroom.

Mini - workshop.

All work on the re-equipment of the balcony of the urban apartment under the workshop can be performed independently, without attracting specialists.

But it must be borne in mind that it is not necessary to neglect some stages of performance of work so that in the future do not face serious problems in the process of operating the premises. For example, very often people underestimate the importance of high-quality balcony insulation, which is construeding under the functional room.

How to prepare a balcony to re-equipment?

First of all, attention should be paid to. Most likely, it is already there, so in this case it is necessary to carefully assess its condition, and also to analyze whether this solution is suitable for future tasks.

If the workshop is not planned to be used in the cold season, then there is no special need to establish expensive multilayer glazing, because it is enough of traditional inexpensive plastic or wooden windows, protecting equipment and host from bad weather.

In the event that the workshop on the balcony will have a workbench or desktop and it is planned year-round operation, it is necessary to think about high-quality glazing. Good decision The installation of two-chamber or three-chamber double-glazed windows, which provide excellent thermal insulation and sound insulation characteristics.

After installing double-glazed windows, you need to trace individual elements New windows There were no cracks, holes and other defects through which cold air or moisture could be seized.

Do I need to warm the balcony?

Here everything will be dependent on the mode of operation of the workshop. If the workshop on the balcony will be used only in warm daysWhen you can open the window, it is not worth the insulation of the floor and the walls, since it will just be worthwhile. But the device of a qualitative and effective thermal insulation layer will be necessary if a lot of time is supposed to be carried out in the workshop, including in winter.

There is no point in doing the heating of the balcony if its gender and walls are not well insulated - all warm air will easily leak through any gaps.

For insulation of the balcony walls, traditional thermal insulation materials can be used: mineral wool, Styrofoam, slave insulation. The principle of work on the insulation of the balcony will largely depend on the selected thermal insulation material.

Special attention should be paid to the insulation of the floor to which the layer should be applied cement tie., put a rolled insulation on it, then mount wooden lagows And in the free space between them, place the main thermal insulation material (again mineral wool or something like that).

For insulation, it is quite possible to use modern thermal insulation materials, such as polyurethane foam foamed polystyrene foam, etc. But in practice, they rarely apply them for the insulation of balconies, because to invite qualified professionals with professional equipment for processing several square meters of the surface becomes too costly. In addition, there are no everywhere in our country such services and not everywhere there are masters with appropriate qualifications.

Heating questions

For permanent use workshop is very important to choose effective method Heating room. In the case of the workshop most optimal decision Those heating devices that will not occupy a lot of space and work with maximum efficiency. Therefore, you will have to choose from the "warm floor" system, ceiling and wall heating units.

Option of floor heating.

A combination of several thermal sources, such as a warm floor and an infrared heater, is quite possible.

Ceiling infrared panel.

Install a separate radiator on the balcony connected by the system central heating, not recommended, since in this case, before starting work, it will be necessary to agree on everything with utilities, which extremely rarely give permission to install the batteries in non-residential premises Urban apartments.

For independent expansion of the heating network in the apartment, the current legislation provides for a fine, as well as work on dismantling the illegally installed radiator.

In addition, when placing the radiator and pipes it will be difficult to install workshop and other equipment for the workshop, since. heating system Will shrink free space.

Arrangement of the room

The workshop on the balcony needs a special decoration. Increased attention should be paid to the flooring - it should be resistant to serious mechanical loads, pressure, fall metal objects. The use of parquet, laminate and linoleum is somewhat doubtful, because They are unlikely to withstand even the workbench.

Steel workbench.

The workbench, especially the locksmith, can have a sufficiently large weight, but you can make or buy folding yourself, as in the video below.

If you also put the cabinet for the tool on the balcony, then it is necessary to provide a reliable base that the loads will be carried out.

Cabinet for tools and blanks.

Instead heavy cabinet You can consider a stationary or retractable stand for hand tool. Video below.

In the workshop, you can consider the floor device from monolithic concrete, special ceramic tiles, engineering board, porcelain stoneware, all these coatings will easily withstand the workbench. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that a significant load will receive bearing plate Balcony (finishing materials, tools, workbench and much more - everything will create serious loads).

Tile on the floor balcony.

That is why before carrying out finishing work It is necessary to check the condition of the carrier plate, evaluate which weight it will be able to withstand and how safe its operation is at high loads. Such information can be provided by utility specialists. In some cases without additional strengthening or overhaul Carrier Plate Specialists can impose a ban on the placement on the balcony of heavy materials and equipment.

It's just dangerous, breaking the balcony!

The workshop on the balcony may have the most different focus:

  • Treatment of wood and metal (workbench is needed here);
  • Modeling of clay products;
  • Creating a souvenir handmade;
  • Ward soap and the like.
  • Sewing workshop.

Simply put, on the balcony you can equip any workshop. It is not necessary that it will be a place for metal or woodworking. That is why it is not always in the workshop, heavy equipment and tools will be provided. If you do not plan anything like this, you can choose any, the same laminate or linoleum.

Naturally, if the workshop is planned to make a strictly masculine, the center of which will be a workbench or some machine, then special attention needs to be paid to the quality of the bearing plate and the type of floor covering.

Is it legitly equipped on the balcony workshop?

Of course, no one can ban the use of a balcony as you want to host it.

Relationships with neighbors is a completely individual and separate story.

Do not forget, it is strictly prohibited from the point of view of the law. permissible load on the carrier plate. Therefore, if you plan to install workbenches and other heavy equipment, then before this you need to consult with specialists.

Otherwise, the bearing plate can be deformed, and the balcony will become unsuitable for further operation. Planning to put a heavy workshop in the workshop on the balcony? Be sure to strengthen the bearing plate.

Almost every apartment located in multi-storey house, there is a balcony or loggia. These premises many residents are used with benefit. Some, others equip them under a greenhouse, or utility premises. Also the loggia, if it is insulated, can be a continuation of the living room. But this is not all! A balcony or loggia can be re-equipped into an excellent workshop in which you can do the needlework, performing laminated or joinery.

Before starting work, you need to make a plan of your actions. At this stage are usually determined with the purpose of the room. It is from destination depends a choice finishing materials and furniture. If the workshop is used for carpentry or fitter work, it is desirable to choose to finish strong washable materials, for example, ceramic tiles. If the workshop is necessary for sewing, knitting and other types of needlework, then you can apply the same materials as during the decoration of residential premises.

Next, begged for the release of the room from furniture and other things. After performing the appropriate measurements. It is recommended to approach this process, since the calculation of the required quantity will depend on the values. building materials. In addition, only having accurate dimensions, you can competently separate the furniture. Also at the preparatory stage, if necessary, make dismantling of the old finish.

If the workshop on the balcony will be operated throughout the year, the premises will have to be glazed with high-quality glass packages. In the event that or performed poorly, it is recommended to produce. Also do not forget about insulation.

How to make insulation on the balcony

  1. Before starting heat-insulating work, all the slots and cracks located on the ceiling, the floor and walls are eliminated. For these purposes, you can use various construction mixes, polyurethane mastic or sealant.
  2. Next do. Typically, for this, the wires with a minimum cross section of 2.5 mm are used.
  3. The first insulation version implies the framework of the frame. To do this, around the perimeter of the entire balcony or loggia from wooden Bruschev or metal profiles. These products are attached to the walls at the same distance from each other.
  4. As a result, the installation of the frame is formed by niches that fill heat insulating material, for example, or.
  5. From above, the insulated surface can be covered with isphan, which will not pass moisture and cold. Wooden rails are used for fixing the material. The frame is screwed from above.
  6. The second version of the insulation implies pasting the surface of the walls by polystyrene. The advantage of this method is a relatively small thickness. For fixing apply glue. When choosing such an embodiment, it is necessary to remember that after mounting the seams between the canvases are filled with mounting foam.
  7. The next step is performed finish finish walls. For these purposes, plastic, plasterboard, tiles, etc. can be used. The choice of material depends on personal preferences and financial capabilities.
  8. After that, begin to work by. This can be done by the same scheme for which the walls were isolated.

For a comfortable stay on the balcony, it is also desirable. Since the workshop will be used year-round, it is best to install a heating floor. In this case . If there is no such possibility, it will be preferably, it will be, to produce work to equalize the base, put the insulation and on top of all pour polymerbeton. Only after that the floor covering is stacked.

If the workshop is operated in the cold season, then the radiator must be taken to the balcony or install a mobile heater.

Workplace arrangement for needlewomen

The workshop should be well thought out and planned, since. Usually, a relatively small area will need to accommodate many all kinds of items. It is the conversion of an ordinary balcony to a cozy job. Typically, the main details of any workplace are table and chair, as well as shelves, boxes or departments in which all sorts of trivia will be kept. It is from the competent location of all these elements will depend on productivity and comfort.

Workshop on loggia should have good lighting. For this use chandeliers, sconces, flooring and desktop lamps. It is best to give preference to daylight lamps. By the way, correctly selected lighting Can become an excellent decoration of the room.

The workshop located on the balcony or loggia should be closed from strangers. To do this, you can hang on the windows of the curtains, curtains or, which will also help regulate the illumination in the room.

When designing the room, it is recommended to pay attention to its location relative to the parties of the world. For example, if the workshop located on the balcony comes to the north, it is advisable to use the finish and furniture of light tones. And for south-oriented balconies, tight curtains should be chosen.

Options for balcony workshops

If it allows the area, then you can equip a corner for recreation. For this, enough or chair. In addition, you should not forget. For these purposes, various crafts are suitable for these purposes, decorative pillows And other accessories.

The workshop on the balcony of the city apartment is considered completed after the installation of furniture and work equipment. In order to properly select the appropriate furniture, you can use the following recommendations:

  1. If the workshop has small square, you should not give preference to cumbersome furniture.
  2. The table, regardless of that sewing it or the usual, must be stable, durable and multifunctional. For small rooms, it is desirable to choose models with large quantity drawers and additional shelves. Thus, the space can be as soon as possible.
  3. If it allows the area, then it is best to give preference to the work desk an angular form, since it usually takes less space and has more working area.
  4. Alternatively, the desktop can be made independently. For this, you will need bars and thick boards or ready-made countertop. Typically, such structures are placed in the end of a balcony or loggia. To begin with, it is necessary to secure bars on the wall and from two sides of the balcony at the required height. After they should be put on the boards or the finished tabletop and consolidate.
  5. Tables are recommended to be installed in the end.
  6. The handwriter workshop should also be equipped with cabinets and. This furniture is usually located above the table or put nearby. Objects that are planned less likely to use, put in boxes or containers and put on top shelves.
  7. The workshop can also be equipped with various shelves, pockets, loops, hooks and other comfortable devices.