Repair Design Furniture

Climatic appliances for the home. Devices that create a room microclimate. Climatic complex from the manufacturer AIC

The comfortable climate of your home is inseparable from the concept of high-quality climate control equipment. Correctly selected and professionally assembled, it contributes to the creation of a favorable atmosphere both in a private home, in an office or in a production area. In addition, modern climate control systems must match the overall interior design.

First of all, you should understand what is included in the concept of "climate control for the home." This is a complex of technical devices, equipment and autonomous systems that help to optimize climatic conditions in various rooms. In order to choose the right equipment, first of all, you should figure out what to use for what and what will be necessary in each individual case.

So, to create a climate in a residential building, the following climatic equipment is most often used:

  • dehumidifiers for excessively damp rooms,
  • humidifiers for rooms with predominantly dry air,
  • air purifiers for cleaning premises,
  • convectors and heat guns,
  • conditioners with air purification function,
  • split systems of wall-ceiling type,
  • multisplit systems,
  • mobile air conditioners,
  • duct air conditioners,
  • chiller systems.

Obviously, it is worth dwelling in more detail on each of the above types of technology designed to create a climate.


Air dehumidifiers are very popular, especially in the autumn-spring period, when the amount of moisture in the air increases significantly. An excess of humidity in the house leads to such unpleasant consequences as the appearance of mold on the walls and floor, sometimes even on furniture, as well as the constant presence of a musty, damp smell. In addition, dampness is bad for health and causes:

  • arthritis,
  • bronchitis,
  • premature aging of the skin.

The way out of this "raw" situation was a simple but effective solution - the use of air dryers. Due to the compactness and portability of these devices, they are extremely easy and simple to operate. Among the advantages:

  • compactness,
  • low power consumption,
  • the possibility of lowering humidity by 30-40%.
  • dehydration
  • rapid fatigue,
  • drowsiness
  • dryness and peeling of the skin.

Air humidifiers

In contrast to dehumidifiers, which deal with excessive humidity, there are special air humidifiers designed to maintain optimal humidity in the home.

Quite often, the problem of dry air arises with the beginning of the heating season, especially in apartment buildings, where it is not possible to control and regulate the supply of heat to the room due to the centralized heating system. To maintain the optimal balance between excessive dryness and excessive humidity in the winter, various humidifiers are used. These useful devices range from traditional ones, in which humidification occurs by naturally evaporating water, to more technologically advanced ones such as ultrasonic humidifiers.

Air humidity is especially important for newborns and children under one year old. Their lungs have not yet fully formed and an excessively humid or dry climate will cause irreparable harm, which will further manifest itself in the form of various respiratory diseases.

Air purifiers

Air purifiers are devices that filter air at the molecular level. Passing through the cleaning system, more inert and lighter gases get back into the room, and dust particles, heavy aromatic benzenes, carbon dioxide compounds and other unpleasant components settle on the filters. As a result, the following leaves the room:

  • unpleasant odor
  • micro-pile from carpets,
  • dust.

It should be noted that the air cleaner cannot eliminate odors absorbed into the walls or wallpaper.


Another parameter by which the comfortable climate of housing is judged is the air temperature. Returning to the off-season, when the atmospheric heat is no longer enough, and precipitation contributes to the formation of not only excessive humidity, but also coolness in living quarters, convectors come to the rescue. These devices are used to heat rooms by means of air circulation, leaving the usual heaters and thermal electric fans far behind.

The principle of operation of the convector is that it takes in the cold air located below from the environment, which, passing through the heating elements, rises up and heats the room.

Based on the same principle (air circulation), another type of climatic equipment works, namely, heat guns. The heat gun differs from a conventional convector by a much higher power of action, therefore it is mainly used in industrial premises.

Air conditioning

Air conditioning is the first thing that involves arranging a climate system for a home. This type of equipment appeared one of the first and is the most developed. There are various models on the market from very inexpensive, low-power to high-tech, fully interactive options. Let's consider the types of air conditioners in more detail:

  • Split systems. This is an air conditioning system, consisting of two parts - an internal and an external one, which are connected with each other by copper pipes that circulate freon (a special cooling component). The outdoor unit consists of a compressor and a condenser, while the indoor unit is represented as an evaporator. At the same time, both blocks are equipped with fans, which are designed to create air flows and enhance heat transfer. Split systems are conventionally divided into wall, ceiling, cassette and column air conditioners, the main difference of which is the ways and places of installation of the indoor unit. The advantage of the split system is that the noise level generated in the room during its operation is minimal, since its main unit is installed outside the room.

  • Multisplit systems. They work on the same principle as conventional split systems. The main distinguishing feature is that several indoor units are connected to the outdoor unit. In this case, the indoor units work as one interconnected whole.
  • Ducted air conditioners. This type of air conditioner is intended for installation behind false ceilings, and with the help of thermally insulated flexible air ducts, placed imperceptibly behind the ceiling, cooled air is supplied to several rooms at once, which is convenient enough to maintain comfortable climatic conditions, for example, in private houses with a large area. An additional feature of ducted air conditioners is that, in addition to cooling the air streams, they can filter the air, cleaning it from dust and bacteria. Unlike multisplit systems, duct air conditioners cannot create autonomous climatic conditions in each separate room.
  • Mobile air conditioners. Recently, mobile air conditioners have appeared on the HVAC market. This new product has several advantages. They do not require special installation and are installed by the owner in any place convenient for this. They are easy to move from one room to another.
  • Chiller systems. Another air conditioning device is the chiller system. The main difference from standard air conditioning systems is that instead of freon, this system uses ordinary water or an antifreeze liquid. The circulating water is cooled here by a special device - a chiller (hence the name of the system). The main advantage is that ordinary water pipes are used instead of expensive copper pipes. This reduces the cost of both the system itself and its installation.

Climatic equipment is a wide range of various systems, tools and devices that help to optimize climatic conditions in any premises, both residential and industrial.

However, it should be remembered that when choosing climate control equipment for your home, you should not rely solely on aesthetic data, intuition or your own taste. In order for the efficiency of the equipment to meet expectations, it is better to turn to professionals. They will be able to correctly calculate and take into account a number of important parameters that the client may not even be aware of. With the help of a variety of systems and calculation programs, taking into account the individual parameters of a particular room, specialists will correctly assess the need for any functions of the new climatic equipment, as well as determine its capacity.

Taking into account all the subtle nuances of the functionality of the climate system in general and climate equipment in particular, some conclusions should be drawn.

  • First, you should not rely on your own experience when choosing a climate system. It is better to entrust this to professionals.
  • Secondly, you should clearly define what exactly you will expect from climate technology. It makes no sense to equip the house with all possible climatic innovations and adaptations.
  • Thirdly, if we are talking about new construction, the issue of climate systems of future housing should not be left to chance. Already at the project level, all wishes for climatic equipment and climatic systems in general must be approved and implemented during the construction process. This will avoid many problems with ready-made housing. For example, a house project for a cold climate should immediately include the installation of additional heating equipment. This will allow you to adjust the temperature in a particularly cold period, without the additional cost of more powerful heating.

The climatic complex (CC) is an effective modern technology that is installed in rooms in order to create a more comfortable and safe climate in them. When the air is heavily polluted, too dry or humid, it can adversely affect human health. This is a key prerequisite for the acquisition of QC.

These modern devices are versatile. One such unit can clean, humidify and heat the air.

The installation of this technique is also a good saving, because there is no need to purchase various devices and technologies.


  1. Cooling orientation. For this task, CCs perform such a natural process: heated air goes over water, it absorbs heat from it and evaporates, thereby cooling it. There is a special matter in the apparatus. It is formed in a honeycomb format. Water flows down it. The heated air flows through this system. It is propelled by powerful cylindrical blades. When it goes through water and it evaporates, it cools. In this way, the CC supply the room with a constant fresh air flow, which is naturally cooled. The temperature decreases depending on the level of humidity and temperature parameters of the outside air and water in the liquid container. The result is more effective when the relative humidity is lower.
  2. Air purification. Usually CCs are equipped with a photosensor stabilization device. It absorbs dangerous chemical gas from the environment and dissolves it. The air is 95% odor-free. The air freshens and becomes conducive to human health. The specified device is powered by a light source. This way the cleansing effect lasts longer. The water tank has a special coating. It protects the container from the ingress of harmful microorganisms. There is also a powerful mesh filter here. Its type is charcoal. Water is filtered through it. Therefore, the device always contains the purest and safest water.
  3. Ionization process. Thanks to CC, the air is filled with negatively charged air ions. Heavy elements and allergens are removed from the air. It becomes much easier to breathe here. Metabolism and blood pressure are normalized. Reduces fatigue.
  4. Humidification process. KK humidifies the air with a cold method. The action of the anionic former is combined with the stabilization of the temperature indicators in the room. A substantial amount of negatively charged ions is generated. They are assimilated with oxygen. They become oxygen-containing anions. The circulatory system accepts them more easily. It has a beneficial effect on sleep, nervous system, and immunity.
  5. The QC is controlled remotely. The radius of action is 6 m.
  6. The devices only absorb 60 volts when performing cooling functions. This is due to the advanced technologies involved in them. They are free of freon. Cooling is natural and healthy.
  7. KK blows out air, which is subjected to several stages of cleaning. This is due to the unique design of the atomizer. It is endowed with the option of purifying the air and rapidly destroys nasty odors. It also effectively removes nicotine from the air. And since the water in the water tank is absolutely clean, the outgoing air is also clean, fresh, humidified and healthy.
  8. Timer operation. The device has a timer that can be set in the range of 30 minutes - 7 hours 30 minutes. The set interval is half an hour.
  9. CC for an apartment can distribute the air flow in three ways:
    • standard;
    • natural;
    • the way "sleep".

    There are models with the "3 in 1" function.

Weak sides

This technique has many advantages. But there are also some weaknesses:

  1. You cannot turn off the LCD monitor whenever you want.
  2. In some modifications, water cannot be added to their system. This complicates their everyday use.
  3. For some models, additional materials are very expensive. This makes it difficult for ordinary users to purchase them.
  4. Also, some devices make a lot of noise. This is especially evident at night. This technique should not be installed in children's rooms.

QC selection criteria

When you have a goal to acquire QC, you need to decide in advance the issue with the performance you need. To do this, you need information about the area of ​​the room where you will install the device, the height of the ceilings there and the number of revolutions of the total air that the CC realizes in 1 hour. Usually it turns out 3 turns.

The documentation supplied with some QCs already reflects the highest area of ​​the room in which the device can work effectively.

QCs have solid prices. But it should be borne in mind that in one "bottle" you buy several devices with many functions at once. Also this technique is durable. And as a result, you get serious financial savings.

Also, before making a purchase, you need to know which brands are leading and which models are more in demand. And then a corresponding list is proposed.

Top Models

These models are most often purchased by people for the home. The first on the list is the model.

It moisturizes and purifies the air perfectly. Its power is 43 watts. Works efficiently indoors no more than 40 sq. M. May ionize air. In it, you can control the dynamics of work. The work itself is built from the network. The volume of the tank is 5 liters. 500 ml of water is consumed per hour.


  1. Availability of Nano + technology. It perfectly kills viruses, allergens and bacteria in the air. Provides deodorization.
  2. Availability of the "Sport Air" mode.
  3. Electricity is consumed economically, as an automatic sensor system is installed.
  4. There is a primary purification filter.

The installation method is outdoor. The maximum noise figure is 51 dB.

Parameters: 36X56X23 cm.Weight - 8.3 kg.

The average price tag is 22,990 rubles.

The second on the list is the cleaner.

Its main task is to purify the air. The model requires a network connection to work. Its power is 10 watts. It can ionize the air effectively. You can control the dynamics of its work.


  1. Ozonation option is in effect.
  2. The fan speed and evaporation rate can be adjusted.
  3. The presence of an indication about the start of the filter and its contamination.

Model parameters: 27.5 x 19.5 x 14.5 cm.

Weight - 2 kg.

The average cost is 3800 rubles.

The third in the list is the device.

It effectively cleans and humidifies the air. Also works from the network. Its power is 50 watts. The volume of the working water tank is 4 liters. The flow rate of water is 400 ml / h. The device can saturate the air with ions. Its speed can be adjusted.


  1. The presence of a hygrostat.
  2. Controlled by the remote control.
  3. You can turn off the humidification option.
  4. Low water indication.
  5. With pre-filter.

The device cleans the air with such a productivity - 250 cubic meters / h.

Its dimensions: 35.2 x 38.5 x 24.5 cm.

Weight - 5.8 kg.

The installation method is outdoor.

The average price tag is 19,000 rubles.

The fourth on the list is the device.

Its main functions are air purification and humidification. The water tank has a volume of 1.8 liters. Water is spent in an hour - 350 ml. The device operates from the network. Its power is 27 watts. It can work effectively in a room with parameters no more than 21 sq.m. Also, the device perfectly ionizes the air.

You can customize the dynamics of its work.


  1. Presence of filters for preliminary air purification. There is also a HEPA filter here.
  2. The intensity of evaporation can be controlled.
  3. The control method is electronic.
  4. Display and timer.

The device cleans the air with such an efficiency - 180 cubic meters / h.

The noise level from its operation is 48 dB.

The installation method of the device is floor-standing.

Its parameters: 38 x 57 x19.7 cm.

Weight - 7.2 kg.

The average cost is 22,000 rubles.

The fifth on the list is the model.

Its key tasks regarding air are purification and humidification. Her water tank has a parameter of 2.5 liters. 440 ml of water is consumed per hour. The model can effectively serve an area of ​​no more than 26 sq.m. Her work is built from the network. The model can saturate the air with useful ions. You can adjust the speed of its functioning.


  1. The presence of a hygrostat.
  2. Control over air purity.
  3. There is a primary purification filter.
  4. The presence of two more filters: charcoal and "HEPA".
  5. The dynamics of the fan can be controlled.
  6. The presence of integrated wheels.
  7. The control method is electronic.
  8. The presence of a monitor and timer.
  9. Two indications are active: start-up and low water content.

The model cleans the air with an efficiency of 216 cubic meters / h. During operation, its noise level reaches a maximum of 55 dB.

The method of its installation is floor-standing.

Its parameters: 39.9 × 61.5 × 23 cm.

Weight - 8.1 kg.

The average price indicator is 19,300 rubles.

The sixth here is the apparatus.

It purifies and humidifies the air. Moisturizing type - natural. The water tank has a parameter of 7 liters. Water per hour is spent 300 ml. The device operates on the network. Its power is 20 watts. It can provide high-quality services to premises with an area of ​​no more than 50 sq. M. It also ionizes the air. You can customize the dynamics of its work.


  1. The aromatization option is active.
  2. The presence of a hygrostat and control over the dynamics of the fan.
  3. There are two indications. One reflects a low volume of water. The second is the degree of filter contamination.
  4. There is a special silver rod. It provides protection against harmful bacteria.
  5. Management is built through the display.

The device is installed on the floor. Its noise level is 25 dB.

Dimensions: 36 x 36 x 36 cm.

Weight - 5.9 kg.

The average price tag is 26,000 rubles.

The seventh here is the ionizer.

Its key tasks by air are cleansing and moisturizing. There is a 3 liter water tank. It takes 400 ml of water per hour. The model works efficiently in a room, the parameter of which is not more than 50 sq.m. Works only from the network. Power - 58 watts. Can fill the air with beneficial ions. Controlled from the remote control. You can also set the dynamics of its work.


  1. The presence of a hygrostat and a demineralizing cartridge, control over air purification.
  2. 4 filters are arranged:
    • photocatalytic;
    • carbonic;
    • for primary cleansing;
    • electrostatic.
  3. The presence of a timer.
  4. There is an indication that reflects a low water content.
  5. There is a setting for the dynamics of the fan.

The model cleans the air with an indicator of 260 cubic meters / h. It is mounted outdoor. Its noise level is 48 dB.

Dimensions: 38.5 x 60.8 x 27.8 cm.

Weight - 11 kg.

The average price tag is 13,100 rubles.

Eighth is a humidifier.

Its tasks by air are cleansing and moisturizing. The last task is realized naturally. The water tank in the device has a volume of 9 liters. The device is connected to the network. Its power is 11 watts. It also ionizes the air. You can customize the dynamics of its work.


  1. Evaporation rate / fan dynamics can be adjusted.
  2. There is an indication. It shows how dirty the filter is.
  3. The type of control is electronic.
  4. There is a monitor.
  5. The presence of a water filter.

The device cleans the air with an efficiency of 150 cubic meters / h. It is installed on the floor.

Its parameters: 31.5 x 39 x 31 cm.

Weight - 6 kg.

Average cost - 12,500 rubles.

The ninth is the device.

Its main function is to purify the air. He works only from the network. Its power is 10 watts. It works effectively only indoors, the area of ​​which does not exceed 20 sq. M. It can also fill the air with ions. You can control the speed of its work.


  1. The presence of an antibacterial lamp.
  2. There is a set of filters:
    • HEPA;
    • electrostatic;
    • carbonic;
    • photocatalytic.
  3. There is a fan speed control.
  4. The presence of a timer. Its maximum is 12 hours.
  5. There is a monitor.
  6. The type of control is electronic.

The device is installed on the floor. Its parameters: 17.5 x 22 x 15 cm. Weight - 1.5 kg.

It costs only 6500 rubles. This is the average trading value.

The tenth is the model.

It effectively refreshes and moisturizes the air. The parameter of its water reservoir is 1.7 liters. In one hour, 28 ml of water is spent. The model is powered by the network. Power - 30 watts. It can effectively serve premises up to 50 sq.m. It also fills the air with useful ions. It can be controlled from the remote control and the speed of its work processes can be adjusted.


  1. Availability of an option that controls air purity.
  2. The following filters work:
    • for preliminary cleansing;
    • carbonic;
    • working on static electricity;
    • special chitosan: it destroys dangerous bacteria, is used to humidify the air.
  3. There is a fan dynamics control.
  4. There is an indication showing the level of dirt in the filter.
  5. Technique control method - electronic.

This modification is also installed on the floor. Its maximum noise level is 45 dB.

Its parameters: 37 x 37.5 x 25.5 cm.

Weight - 5.5 kg.

Cost - 25,000 rubles.

NameEcology-Plus Super-Plus-Turbo (2009)
Purpose of the deviceair purification / humidificationair cleaningair purification / humidificationair purification / humidificationair purification / humidificationair purification / humidificationair purification / humidificationair purification / humidificationair cleaningair purification / humidification
Controlelectronicelectronicdisplay, remote controlelectronic, display, timerelectronic, display, timerelectronic, displaytimer, remote controlelectronic, display, timerelectronic, display, timerelectronic, remote control
Dimensions (WxHxD)360x560x230 mm275x195x145 mm352x385x245 mm380x570x197 mm399x615x230 mm360x360x360 mm385x608x278 mm315x390x310 mm175x220x150 mm370x375x255 mm
Serviced area40 sq.m15 sq.m25 sq.m21 sq.m26 sq.m50 sq.m50 sq.m28 sq.m20 sq. M50 sq.m
Filterspre-cleaningpre-cleaningpre-cleaning, HEPA filterpre-cleaning, HEPA filter, carbonpre-cleaningpretreatment, photocatalytic, electrostatic, coalpre-treatment, waterHEPA filter, photocatalytic, electrostatic, carbonpre-treatment, HEPA filter, electrostatic, carbon
Pricefrom RUB 21 260from 3400 rub.from 20900 rub.from 15950 rub.from 18 320 rub.from 23 990 rub.from 12 250 rub.from 10 880 rub.from 6490 rub.from 24 900 rub.
Where can I buy

One of the disadvantages of using climate systems is the inability to turn off the LCD display. The device may interfere with sleep at night. Some models of complexes are characterized by an ill-conceived system of adding water to the device - this is another point that complicates the process of using climate systems in everyday life.

The disadvantage of some models may be the too high cost of consumables required for the full functioning of climate systems. Not every potential buyer will be able to afford their purchase, even though the device will be of high quality production.

A disadvantage similar to conventional humidifiers is that some models of climate control systems make too much noise during their operation. If during the day you can simply not pay attention to this, then at night using the device can cause some difficulties for its owner, especially if the system is installed in a children's room.

The most popular climatic complexes

Among potential buyers of climatic complexes, devices from the following manufacturers are in demand:

1. Philips

A novelty on the market for the sale of climate systems, the Philips brand device is today one of the most demanded household appliances. There are five stages of air purification. If one of them cannot be completed, the device blocks its work. The efficiency of the complex can be restored only after replacing the filter. The Philips brand climatic complex is characterized by a three-stage humidification setting. Another advantage is that a water softener is already built into the filtration system of the complex.

2. Neoclima

The Neoclima climate system remains no less popular. This complex is characterized by a three-stage air purification and its subsequent humidification. Additional functions of the complex include air ionization, an ozonizer and the presence of a UV lamp.

3. Нitachi

The device of the Hitachi brand has been among the most popular climatic complexes on the sales market for several years now. Japanese manufacturers have made sure that the device can combine the functions of an air purifier and a humidifier. The device has a three-stage air filtration. The stylish design of the complex will allow it to fit into the interior of any room.
This system is one of the quietest. It can even be used in a children's room. The climatic complex Нitachi differs from other manufacturers by using the latest Stainless Clean technology.

4. Boneco

Using the Boneco climate system in everyday life will allow you to humidify, aromatize and purify the air in the room. The device is equipped with two water tanks. One of them can be filled with aromatic oils. The Boneco climate system is able to clean the room not only of an unpleasant odor, but also of smoke, which makes it especially relevant to use such a complex in homes where people who smoke live. Also, the device has an additional water filter. Due to the fact that the system weighs more than 10 kilograms, it can be installed in a children's room. A child, even with all his desire, will not be able to throw the device over himself.

High temperatures, poorly ventilated rooms, reduced staff performance in the summer heat are quite common problems that large enterprises and administrative institutions have to face. You can solve all of them if you install an air conditioning system. It is usually designed and installed during the construction of the facility, however, climatic equipment can also be installed on the already constructed and functioning facility. If you need an air conditioning system and you want to enjoy fresh and cool air, then it is worth contacting specialists who will be able to choose the most suitable model for you for a particular room.

First of all, if you want to buy climatic equipment, then you need to establish specifically for which room it will be used. Because for a small office, one type of air conditioner will be needed, and for a more serious large industrial organization, it will be completely different. The second question that needs to be decided is to decide what type of climatic equipment you need.

Types of climatic equipment:

  • wall split system - this air conditioner is suitable for small offices. Its advantages are: compactness, quietness, small size and many built-in functions. It is also possible, if necessary, to install additional systems to be able to regulate air and flow with filters;
  • multisplit system - this equipment consists of indoor units that are connected to one installed from the outside. The system is designed to cool several rooms at once, with each indoor unit having its own control;
  • mobile air conditioner - such climatic equipment will work, in the heat as a fan, and as a heater during winter frosts. Doesn't need any special installation. Perfect for director's or manager's offices. It is good to purchase such climatic equipment when it is not possible to mount another system;
  • window air conditioner - installed in the window opening. Its advantages include: significant reliability, ease of use and low cost. Disadvantages are window dimming and noise during operation;
  • duct air conditioner is a semi-industrial unit. Suitable for large areas. The device may well cool several rooms at the same time.
  • cassette air conditioner - installed behind a false ceiling. It has a fairly high power. The air flow is immediately distributed in four directions;
  • ceiling-floor air conditioner. Ceiling or wall mounted. It is used for cooling rooms with complex geometric shapes.

We try to choose the best for ourselves and our family. Healthy food, clean water, orthopedic mattresses. At the same time, we rarely think about what exactly we have to breathe. Meanwhile, our health is directly dependent on air quality. Of course, we cannot change the ecological situation as a whole, but it is quite possible to create the most comfortable climate in our own home. And here modern technologies come to our aid. We will tell you about the main devices that can improve the air quality in our home.

Air humidifiers

The optimum humidity in the house should be at 60%. You can measure this coefficient with a hygrometer, which is sold in a pharmacy. The lack of moisture in the air contributes to the accumulation of static electricity and prevents the settling of room dust. At humidity less than 30%, the mucous membrane of the human respiratory system begins to dry out, which increases the susceptibility to respiratory infections. Modern humidifiers help solve this problem. There are several types of moisturizers. Let's talk about four main ones.

1. Traditional humidifiers provide natural humidification. In addition, they do not require additional costs for replacement parts, are the most economical and easy to use. And some models can even be used for aromatherapy. Their only drawback is the need to periodically replace the cartridge.

2. The ultrasonic humidifier has an automatic shutdown / shutdown function and a highly efficient cartridge. They work silently, and the efficiency of humidification is quite high. In addition to all other advantages, they are also economical. Of the minuses: frequent cartridge change, demineralized (softened) water is required.

3. Air washers - humidifiers with air purification function. These devices humidify and purify the air at the same time. By purchasing this model, you will avoid additional costs for filters. And they are absolutely silent in operation. Minus: limiting air humidification to 60%.

4. Steam humidifiers. These models have more disadvantages: there is a risk of steam burns (outlet air temperature - 60 ° C), high power consumption, not all models have a humidification sensor. But there is only one plus: some models have inhaler nozzles.


Air dehumidifiers are necessary in rooms with high humidity. For example, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the basement. High air humidity can lead to quite devastating consequences: premature destruction of the load-bearing elements of the building, corrosive processes in metals, the formation of fungus, mold, etc.

There are two types of household dehumidifiers.

1. Adsorption dryers. The main part is occupied by adsorption material that absorbs excess moisture. The disadvantage of this model is the need for frequent replacement of cassettes. In addition, the humidity in cabinets and other enclosed areas remains the same.

2. Compressor dryers. The basic principle of operation of such a dehumidifier is to cool humid air until condensation forms. Then the condensate drains and drains away. Compressor dryers are powerful and capable of handling large volumes of air, but they operate at a higher noise level, consume energy and are larger than desiccant dryers.

Air ozonizer

The ozonizer in the house performs two main functions: health and household.

By inhaling ozone (within the acceptable range), you improve your overall well-being. In addition, ozone kills viruses and bacteria, which means that it is necessary for the prevention of various kinds of seasonal diseases transmitted by airborne droplets.

As for the household benefits of ozone, it cleans the air of smoke, mold, bacteria, dust mites, pollen, cooking odors, pet odors and chemicals, and removes mustiness. Can give a fresh smell to shoes, clothes, bedding.

Most often, ozonizers have two modes of operation. Normal - when ozone has a stimulating effect on the human body, increases immunity, resistance to the action of toxic substances, increases the hemoglobin content in the blood, and normalizes blood pressure. And reinforced - for quick and effective air purification, which must be used in an empty room, since it is unsafe to breathe in such ozonized air.


In the natural environment, plants, mainly coniferous trees (pine, spruce), are the source of ionized oxygen. And in apartments it is necessary to use ionizers. Below are some recommendations for choosing.

For particularly sensitive people, asthmatics, allergy sufferers and in the children's room, it is better to choose a salt lamp as an ionizer - these are natural natural ionizers with very mild ionization, which do not emit ozone at all.

If there is a lot of dust in the room, there are allergy sufferers or small children in the family, it is worth choosing an air purifier with a HEPA filter, which has a built-in air ionizer. When choosing this device, keep in mind that there are ionizers that work on the principle of ionic wind - which circulate air due to a high electrical charge, as well as ionizers with a fan. A big plus of the first ones is practically silent operation and low cost. But for some, their disadvantage may be a rather large ozone yield.

According to doctors, 90% of colds and infectious diseases are transmitted indoors! In the open air, dust and microbes are destroyed, and indoors, all conditions contribute to their reproduction. And if modern technologies can solve this problem, then why not take advantage of it? After all, health is the most valuable thing we have. Be healthy and breathe only clean air!