Repairs Design Furniture

Homemade Karcher for car wash. Homemade Karcher is a convenient device for car wash. Independent manufacture of foam generator

In the modern world, almost every family has a car in personal use. At the same time, not every motorist can use the garage as a place of storage of useful things. It is clear that all cars without exception sooner or later require outdoor cleaning. Sometimes, light, surface. And for this you do not need to stand in line on the car wash or spend money on the purchase of a washing machine. In order to save time and money, you can make a mini-sink with your own hands: always carry it in the trunk and enjoy the need for any secluded place.

Materials for work:
1. A plastic canister with two pods for plum - 1 pc.;
2. Hose bulging for washing machine (length - 2 m) - 1 pc.;
3. Pistol watering on telescopic bar - 1 pc.;
4. Quick-level fitting - 1 pc.;
5. Valve for the tubeless wheels (spool) - 1 pc.;
6. Laying rubber (inner diameter of 15 mm, outdoor - 24 mm) - 1 pc.;
7. Connecting coupling - 1 pc.;
8. Screwdriver, thick drill, feathery drill with a diameter of 22 mm, sealant silicone or glue rubber, automotive compressor.

Stages of performance:

First stage: Mount the air inlet.
Having gathered the necessary components, remove the lid from the drain neck of the plastic canister. Important: In the future, when using a mini-sink, the canister will need to lay on the side, the plug down (for direct water outlet under pressure), so we leave the cover of this hole for the joint with the hose. Thick drill make a hole in the lid lid.

We apply on the side of the valve for the tubeless wheels (in spoken speech - a spool) silicone sealant.

Bold the valve into the cover of the cover, carefully pressed, dry.

After hardening the sealant, screw the lid on the drain hole of the canister.

Second Stage: Mount the water outlet.
Remove from the second hole canister cover. Feather drill make a hole in it corresponding to the diameter of the coupling.

Insert the coupling into the drilled hole.

For a stronger consolidation of the coupling, her junction with a lid shed silicone sealant, dry.

From one end (better - curved) of the bulk hose for the washing machine, we cut the nut and its mount.

The fastening itself will not be useful in further work, but the nut is dripping the opposite side of the coupling, pre-applying silicone sealant to it.

After drying the sealant, screw the cover on the hole canisters.

Third Stage: We connect the hose with a watering pistol.
The use of a bulk hose for a washing machine is due to its ability to withstand high water pressure. The sliced \u200b\u200bpart of the hose is inhabited in the fast-consuming nut.

Fresh slope slice in a quick-consuming fitting (it is clamped with a special fastening).

Twisting the main fitting and its nut.

Hour a fitting on a watering gun on a rod.

Fourth stage: We connect the hose with the canister.
To avoid air output when water supply under pressure, in the second nut of the filling hose insert the desired diameter of the rubber gasket.

3 Additional materials for homemade washing

The necessary element is a container for placing water, which will be used for washing. It should be volume from 5 to 30 liters so that it does not have to fill it often. As a container, you can use a plastic canister or a bottle. It should be noted that there are no seams at its bottom. At the inlet or outlet from the container, you can set the filter in the form of a shallow mesh that will protect the pump from the garbage.

Hoses should be selected plastic or rubber with reinforcement, about 5 meters long and an average diameter. Connections must be securely sealed. This is provided with the help of clamps and sealant, which is applied in places of compounds. It is desirable that the design is collapsible and repairable, so it should be used to use threaded connections.

Water is fed through a gun by pressing the start key. When choosing a pistol, pay attention to the key to work smoothly, without jerks. To facilitate the process of washing and creating a jet of water a certain form, you need to purchase various nozzles: rollers, brushes of different rigidity, sprayers. All installation details are attached to a frame made of round and profile pipes. For the convenience of transportation to the lower pipes, you can attach the wheels. It should also be provided for stopping the installation and handle to move.

If you need to wash the car at low temperatures, you can make a foam generator with your own hands. With the help of such a device, you can evenly apply fine-grained foam from the detergent solution on the car, which allows you to qualitatively wash the surface from dust and puffed mud.

To obtain foam, water mixed with detergents is sprayed with a stream of air that passes through the installed channels, and then in a special block mixed with a foaming tablet. The flow is adjustable using special plates.

How to choose a miniska?

All minimati should be divided into 2 groups: professional and domestic.

Professional sinks

Professional devices are distinguished by increased reliability and excellent performance. But they are not available to everyone, because they are very expensive. Yes, and talk about their compactness. The average weight of such devices is close to 100 kg. Despite the fact that they are installed on the wheels, they are not easy to move them. The main advantage of professional AVD lies in their characteristics:

Professional sinks can work without a break for a long time.

Despite the attractive functionality, such devices are a specific product, and ordinary car enthusiasts almost do not buy them. Simple people are sufficiently household mini ref.

Household Avd.

Household minisy You can use not only for car wash car, but also to solve the following tasks:

  • Cleaning clogged sewage.
  • Cleaning garden inventory.
  • Cleaning the local area from the construction trash.
  • Cleaning garden tracks.
  • Cleaning walls, facades of houses and fences.

All household high-pressure car washes are divided into subgroups for the following criteria: water temperature, power type, power.

Household minimates can get heated water from the outside or to warm it up. The devices without heating are a bit cheaper than heated devices.

By type of nutrition, household high-pressure car washes are gasoline and electric.

Machines with gasoline engines They are considered close to professional sinks. Therefore, it is suitable. The cheapest washing with a gasoline engine will cost the buyer at $ 600. The most expensive for sale for $ 5,000. It is not surprising that in our country they are not popular.

Household High Pressure Car Wash with electric motor - Choosing a simple car enthusiast. By power, such devices can be divided into 3 groups:

Choosing Minisa

Choosing a household AVD, the following parameters should be taken into account:

  1. Performance.
  2. Pressure.
  3. Pump material.

Plastic pumps serve for a short time and installed in low-cost low-performance devices, with which you can wash the bike, a motorcycle or garden trolley. It is not enough for car wash. Rather, with the help of such a washing you can wash the car, but it will take a lot of time due to low performance.

Car with ease can be laundered with AVD with brass or silhuman pump. These are middle class household apparatus. Their performance and pressure is enough for washing any passenger car. In fact, this is the best choice for domestic use.

Of course, if the car enthusiast has extra money, he can buy a high-pressure household car wash machine, but for an ordinary car enthusiast it is a luxury.

If there is no money for the purchase of AVD or simply there is no desire to part with a large amount, then you can make a car wash of high pressure with your own hands.

First you need to prepare the necessary details. First, choose the pump. It must comply with the following requirements:

To secure the pump in the housing, the homemade Avd will need a coupling. It is best to choose a soft model, as it will compensate for the mismatch of the shafts along the axes.

Do not forget O. water tanks. It can be a large canister or barrel. It is desirable that the container has a feeding from the water supply. At the exit from the tank, be sure to install the filter. It will protect the pump from sand and other contaminants.

High pressure hose with a gun equipped with a nozzle creating a working jet.

A pump hide into a separate container and connect it through the fittings with a base capacity with water and a germ with a pistol. At the outlet of the pump, we set the knob closed by - pass.

Capacity with water and container with pump can be installed on a frame of light hollow pipes. The frame itself for ease of use can be put on the support wheels.

It remains only to feed meals on the pump, which will begin to pump water from the main container through the hose with a gun.

Collecting a minimat with your own hands, do not forget to ground the device. Before starting, make sure all the electrical components of the washing are securely isolated from water.

When operating the Avd self-made apparatus, it is necessary to regularly check the reliability of all attachments and tighten them if necessary. Try not to load the machine to the maximum, as this will lead to the rapid wear of the pump. In addition, overpressure can easily damage the paint coating of the body.

As you can see, make a homemade kercher is easy. But such a device, though it will be mobile, you can still use it only where there is an electrical network of 220 volts. How to be if you need to wash the car on the road? To do this, you can make a mini-kercher powered by a cigarette lighter.

To create it, we will need:

In the lid, the canisters make a hole and insert the fungus from the wheel in it. The whole design is reliably sealing.

In the bottom of the canisters, we also make a hole, and install a fitting, to which a hose with a gun at the end. Connect the hose from the compressor to the fungus in the lid.

The simplest washing is ready to use. It remains to pour into the water canter, close the lid and turn on the compressor. It will provide the necessary pressure of the water jet at the outlet of the pistol.

Of course, this mini-kercher cannot boast of high pressure, but it is enough to bring down road dust or wash off the detergent from the car body during the parking lot.

The video is shown by the prototype of manufacturing with minimal costs of minisy at home. Homemade by complexity at the level of Lifehak, such a kercher just to make himself. It is known that the use of washing dramatically reduces water consumption compared to a manual way. The homemade miniska harcher will certainly not replace the real high pressure, but will allow you to wash the car, a motorcycle, a bike, for example, in the country where there are no conditions for dispersion of technology ... Do this homemade. Make it yourself! YouTube: websait:\u003d20070 We are in VKontakte We are in classmates http: // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ A lot of interesting things about how to make various homemade and crafts and crafts and crafts on the SEKRETMASTERA channel and on the website of the secret of the master Do not forget to subscribe to the channel and rated the assessment, the secret of the wizard will be immensely happy and thank you !!! DON "T Forget to Subscribe to a Channel and Graduc, The Author Will Be: - This is a unique site that was created for those who love to do something on their own hands. . With us you can find both useful and simply original homemade, which will serve a good service in decorating the interior and creating comfort in your home. Make my own hands an unforgettable gift for the closest in honor of any holiday, give the second life of an old thing , learn how to do something that has never been done before.
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I was tired of waving a rag, and in the spring and in the fall, I don't really want to wash with cold water. I wanted to buy Karher 5 for a long time, but as I looked at the price, I was a little dumbfounded and I thought it was necessary to take 3 years ago, it cost 12 thousand, now 19 thousand looked at the video owners of the device, then the pressure fell, then jerks goes , then there the valve needs to be cleaned something else, everyone says that the quality has deteriorated much. I attach that throwing a bunch of dough, and then I still don't give God to break it decided that I will refuse to buy. But you need to wash. I had a water pump in the bins, I thought that if I could miss through it how could it work out? In the Internet for homemade Karherah, only the Chinese pump operating from 12 volts, from which zero.
Homemade but they are made for sinks of a brushless engine and a plunger pump. In the internet, the cost of the plunger pump from 20 thousand is easier to buy Karcher. More in the internet info no. I decided to try the gather, it would be necessary to work normally.
Pump 60/35 Power 600 W, lift height 35 m and 60 liters per minute. I understand that it is not for such purposes, and at the exit, in this case, completely different characteristics. And the biggest problem is that with such a work it is possible to overheat the engine due to the greater resistance, but after working for half a year while the flight is normal, for washing 1 car temperature reaches 43 degrees, which is considered normal.
Pump itself

Connected to the water supply on which the flask is installed with the filter pressure in the water supply line 2.5 atmosphere. From the pump there is a rubber hose by 16 mm with a length of 8 meters, at the end of which the crane is polypropylene (without turning off the pump I do not close!). At the end of the pipe polypropylene plug on ½ with a slot.

In the plans to connect automation from the compressor so that the motor turned off when closing the crane, but probably never completed, and maybe in the summer and do.
Regarding the output pressure. I can not say the numbers, but I kept Karcher 5 and it is certainly not rejected, but he also held some Korean sink in Leeramer, there was a type of exhibition, which could have done the capacity of the plastic transparent and there was a jet, so Feels like my device gives more hand back than that. And he had a characteristic of 90 bar and on the adjustment of the handle Max naturally. The device is my dirt large sweeping of course, with fine traces leaves but not so clearly like Karcher, but the active foam does its job and at the outlet of the car is clean, after wiping on the rag there are small traces of dirt, but this is observed and after blazer, all the dirt is still Do not smash if you do not rub.

According to the cost of the pump was (bought a year 3 back to circulate water in the heating system for cleaning the chemical reagents, cost about 3,800 rubles., Now it was probably more expensive. I bought a hose good rubber reinforced 8 meters for 1300 rubles. Fittings for pump of about 800 rubles. Hose From the water supply to the pump by 32 mm. About 600 rubles. The rest was all. Total about 6 thousand rubles.

Regarding the foam generator, he was already such

From the fire extinguisher, the pressure is supplied from the compressor from the refrigerator. On the tube internal in the fire extinguisher at the top of the hole 1 mm for mixing the active foam with air, at the outlet of the fire extinguisher there is a mesh from the iron sponge for washing the dishes and the nozzle on the hose with the choice of a jet in my fog called, he visited himself, but not that.
Pumping the compressor while laying out equipment up to 8 atm and turn off. For the processing of foam, there is enough - the pressure of the receiver in 18 liters from 8 atmospheres drops to 4 and this is enough.

I do not say that the replacement of the blasert, but to interrupt so to speak for a while, but while I save money on a normal car wash, maybe not even Karher and a calm or something else. Advise Karker 5, but cheaper.

How to make homemade kercher for the car

The design of the washing is extremely simple, for its creation, a plastic container with a dense screwing cover with a capacity of 4-20 liters will be required (canisters are very well suited for the storage of gasoline), a pistol for watering, a set of fast-consuming hose connectors (threaded 3/4 fitting, two connector under the hose diameter , transitional coupling 3/4 - 1/2), car nipple for tubeless tires and a piece of hose 1.5 - 2.5 meters long. The tool requires a knife with a sharp end, silicone sealant and a car pump or compressor.

The principle of operation mini washing. The hose with a watering pistol is connected to the bottom of the water tank. A car nipple is built into the bulk neck - fungus. Fill in the tank with water on 3/4 - 4/5 volume, we twist the lid and pumped with air tank. The system creates overpressure under the action of which water will come out when the pistol smoke is pressed.

A mini-sink assembly diagram with a neat version should not cause difficulties

1. There is no rush to the sharp end of the knife and gently form a hole in the capacitance cover, slightly less the planting diameter of nipple.

2. From the inside insert nipple. Tests showed that nipple becomes tight and in additional sealing does not need.

3. At the bottom of smooth without protrusions or the seam of canisters, we slowly and neatly a hole for the coupling.

4. With the help of a wire from the inside canister we bring the coupling into the hole.

5. Apply silicone sealant to the connection place and screw the fitting to the coupling. We are waiting for the sprinkle of the sealant.

6. Spin the lid. We are waiting for the sprinkle of the sealant. We connect the pump. Cut the fitting with your finger and increase the pressure in the tank if everything is done neatly the tank pressure will hold.

7. Equipping the hose by connectors. Connect one end of the hose to the canister, and the second to the watering gun.

8. Fill the canister for 3/4 - 4/5 with water and pumped inside the air. Do not pump the canister, it expands under pressure (it becomes more round). Do not get carried away by increasing pressure. When applying a large volume can be required to provide clamps that prevent excessive swelling of the container.

9. We press the pistol tper and the water under pressure begins to come out, if necessary, choose the type of water jet, in the pistol in the photo four modes of operation.

DIY KEERHER LOW PRESSE. Make a mini sink with your own hands.


Homemade Karcher with his own hands - the optimal version for car wash

The choice of the method of washing the beloved car is the case of the car owner. Someone can take a rag and bucket into the hands, someone to go on the car wash. But the perfect option is to make a homemade kercher. It can be done by attaching a certain amount of money, and you can make from the primary means without investing on it.

Of course, the homemade Karcher will differ from the company, but he will perform his main goal.

The advantages of the self-made device: a low price, compactness, the ability to wash the dirt from any slit, autonomy, does not require electrical power, you can always carry with you.

How to make homemade kercher?

There are many ways to make it.

The first way. The main mechanism of the future Kercher is taken - compressor. It can be taken from any technique that is no longer used in the economy. The mechanism is attached to the stacker with the hose. A brush is taken to which the crane is attached. The crane is necessary in order to adjust the power of water supply. The brush with the crane is also attached with the hose. When fixing, you will need to use rubber gaskets, FUM ribbon, sealed glue. The hose on the other hand is fixed in the container in which you can pour more than ten liters of water. The easiest homemade kercher from the compressor is ready to use. You can make a more automated method that will be connected to the power grid or the cigarette lighter in the car.

The second way. Canister takes, where you can pour more than twenty liters of water. A compressor from the car joins the entrance brass nipple from the car. The hose joins the gun (it can be purchased at any garden shop). Length hoses at least six meters. Diameter 16 mm. When fasteners, rubber flaps, clamps and nuts are used.


Kercher efficiency depends directly from the selected engine (compressor). It should serve a high water pressure, otherwise the manufacture of homemade washing will go a cold. The homemade kercher should consist of a durable case made of metal or thick plastic.

The brush on the hose is selected different: from tight up to soft. You can use rollers and sprayers.

In any case, use homemade Karcher more than three hours undesirable. Since this can lead to his imminent failure.

Owners of the "Iron Horses" from year to year spend significant amounts for the sink of their car. Of course, you can wash the car from the bucket or under the hose, but it is not always convenient and sometimes impossible (residents of cities). In addition, washing the machine with hands takes a lot of time. What to do if you buy a car wash yet there is no possibility and the hands grow from the right place? Make a car wash type "Karcher" with your own hands.

This model of homemade washing is suitable for owners of garages or residents of the private sector, because She, to put it mildly, not quite mobile.

Car wash type "Kercher" with his own hands

For the manufacture of such a self-made will be needed:

  • metal tank (in this case receiver from MAZ). The gas cylinder is also suitable, "Soviet" canister and TP.
  • compressor
  • high pressure hoses (compressor) and pistol (paint)
  • welding and free evening

Actually the entire process of manufacture and principle of work, I think, is clear from the photo.

Take the tank, we weld four threads to it for 15. They make taps and the fitting.

To the first plug the hose from the compressor. To the second hose with a gun. The third serves for a set of water (the hose with water is connected to it or water is visited through a funnel) and the last crane is used to release the air when you gain water into the hose tank (the photo is just a plug).

If desired, handles and wheels are welded to the Baku, because Full water he weighs not enough.

The principle of operation of such a homemade supplier is extremely simple: fill the tank with water, turn on the compressor that creates pressure, spray water through the gun.

The principle of operation of the car wash is the same in all models made by their own hands. Therefore, it is possible to experiment, based on your capabilities and the availability of spare parts.

For example, instead of the compressor, you can use a motor from a refrigerator or a high-pressure car pump.

Another idea of \u200b\u200bwashing from healthy materials:

Video: mini car wash do it yourself

Today it is no longer necessary for strength and time to fight the sucks of mud and scored in secluded corners of dust, because all new models appear on the market every year high pressure washes. These devices are used for washing windows, cars, walls and doors of houses, mangalls and other items that are difficult to clean with a cloth or brush. A strong water pressure is much more efficiently coping with this task and saves funds spent on the car wash in the service, the water consumption is also minimal. Therefore, in your arsenal such a sink is useful to everyone.

Firms leading to the production of high-pressure washes are German companies Bosch, Karcher (hence the second name of washing - Karcher) and Elitech. The average price of these washes on the market begins with 10,000 rubles. Inexpensive washing can not be used for more than one car per day, and the possibilities of the most expensive models are limited to seven cars.

Washing device

The main component of washing (or kelcher) is an engine that creates the necessary water pressure. The pump or motor will come true (it is not necessary to buy a new one, take a working out of the old car), the motor is embedded in the sink housing and be sure to connect to the power source. For the sink body (body), choose durable material, thick plastic or metal. Even if you acquire a wear-resistant case, it is better not to use the sink more than three hours in a row. This will dismiss the washing soon.
Hose nozzles are produced to facilitate the cleaning process - brushes of various rigidity, soft rollers, standard sprayers. If you buy a pair of nozzles, you can expand the functions of your sink using it as an automatic mop or steam cleaner (it is required to wash the heater).

Internal pressure

The higher the pressure inside the case, the stronger the jet of water, beating from the hose, and therefore, the dirt is lagging behind. Pressure Install Caution, because water can simply break the fragile detail of the car or glass, leave dents.
Objects set the pressure of 150-170 bar, but 100 bar is enough to clean the car.
If contamination does not give in to clean the water stream, take a special nozzle on the hose, turbo mill. It will help wash the tires, drives, remove the dirt accumulated in the slots. You can use the mini sink outside, and inside the cabin. If you apply a turbo cutter, you will need a pressure of 160 bar.

Pomp Electronasosos

Before purchasing and use the pump when designing a washing, read how to choose this device.
Pump material determines wear resistance. The unsuccessful option is a plastic pump, such a soon fails if it is used more than 20 minutes at a time. Dear, but reliable pumps are made from brass, since it is not corrosion. These pumps are rarely found in the purchased car wash.

How to use a mini sink

To wash worked properlyFollow these recommendations.

  • Be sure to check the operability of the washing before starting operation, it will save your time and health.

  • Filter installed on car wash, clean and change after each operation.
  • If the washing uses electricity in operation, and the source is unstable, provide it with a battery.
  • Do not use the car wash.
  • If repair is needed - do not slow down with it. Replace the components of the sink.
  • Update device gaskets.
  • Protect the sink from temperature drops.

How to make Kercher yourself

Although car wash and achieved wide use, their price is large. So, if you want to make a sink yourself, you need:

  • canister;
  • irrigation hose with a pistol;
  • pump;
  • fitting;
  • cover for canister;
  • fungus of a tubeless wheel;
  • rubber gasket;
  • coupling.

These are the components of the future car wash. Materials that come outin the process of manufacture:

  • drill;
  • sealant.

First stage. The choice of components.

The required canister depends on you and the goals for which you apply the sink: a five-liter canister is enough for a passenger car. Drivers carry a car wash in baggage, and therefore choose the case and in volume, and in size.
The irrigation hose is necessarily durable and flexible, should not be twisted or rehearsed. The hoses with a nylon hatching hose consisting of several layers are stronger, which is more reliable. Do not save on this component. The only requirement is presented to the gun: it must hold onto the hose.

The pump can be foot or automatic. The big power of this pump is not useful to us, so do not buy dear. It is more convenient to use the automatic pump, rather than a foot, since you will not have to constantly drag the pump from place to place and make an extra work with the foot. However, the crucial role plays the cost of the pump, automatic more than three times.
Fitting and coupling Choose at your discretion, the main thing is that they tightly in contact with each other. It is preferable to purchase a fitting and a clutch from one material (from plastic or metal).

Second phase. Preparation canisters.

In the canister, drill a hole, the size suitable for your coupling. In this hole insert a coupling with screwed fitting. Secure the design with the help of the sealant so that the coupling does not jump in the process, and the desired pressure remained in the canister.

Third stage. Collection of covers

The lid is needed durable, solid and suitable for the canister. So that the air does not come out of the canister, secure the rubber gasket on the bottom of the cover. Then hold a hole in it and insert the freezed bus fungus in it.

Fourth stage. Collection of design. Additional functions.

The cover is tightly tighten to the canister, connect the cord from the pump, the free edge of the hose to attach to the hole done in the canister with the fitting. Homemade washing ready. The principle of operation of such a washing is simple: with the help of a pump in the canister with water, air is injected (at the same time, the canister is not filled with water to the edge). Pressure Create up to 0.3 bar or higher if your canister is withstanding. Under the action of pressure, water jet beats from the gun when pressed on the handle.
If you use the sink and in the cold season, provide your sink with a special burner for heating water. For these purposes, you will need a more voluminous canister, it will lose mobility, but with the help of hot water, the car is cleaned from strongly suiches dirt.

Provide power supply for washing.
Whether the washing runs on fuel (gasoline or diesel fuel), then with the movement there will be no problems. Planning an electric car wash, take care of the working and affordable source of electricity. In this case, you are unlikely to freely transport the sink from place to place, but you will not have to spend money on expensive fuel.
Decide in advance for what purposes you use washing. If for cleaning windows at home or wheel wheels, then you will suit the compact, mobile washing on wheels and with a long hose. When using washing in production scale, it is not useful to you to move, so it is better to design a stationary sink. It connects immediately to the water supply. If there is a need to configure water to save water in order to save.
If you can save on the spending of water, it is impossible on the purchase of components. So that after washing the item did not become dirty, purchase special filters. No expensive filter, which cleans water to drinking condition. The filter is needed for water purification at least from the Sora, which will dismiss the washing.

On the design of the high-pressure washing, you can even earn if you open a car wash. The main thing is that the washing you make worked. Using a sink, you can clean bikes, mopeds, cars, cargo transport and their components.

How to make Karcher working from the cigarette lighter

This design of the sink does not require costs. The following is an instruction for creating a more complex model:
Us it will take:

  • motor of the windshield washer;
  • irrigation hose with a pistol;
  • cigarette lighter (motor power source), cigarette lighter plug;
  • two 3 meters long hose, one hose should be freely placed in another;
  • corrugated hose with a diameter of 25-30 millimeters;
  • switch;
  • bolt M8, washer and nut;
  • two plastic cans (volume of 10 liters);
  • 6 screws;
  • two-housing electrical wire 5-7 meters long;
  • plastic sleeve;
  • power cord;
  • brush for car washing.

Additional Materials:

  • sealant;
  • drill.

First stage. Creating a hose.

We do a small hole in the bottom of one of the canisters. Inside the thick hose (diameter of 10 millimeters or more) put a thinner hose (up to 6 millimeters) and a two-housing wire. Then the holes fasten the hoses are inserted into the canister. The free end of the hose is invested plastic sleeve. Next, the thin hose is attached to the motor of the washer, the wires are also joined to the motor.

Second phase. Creating a canister with a double bottom.

The second canister is cut around in the middle to subsequently make a second bottom with a shuttle. The motor is fixed on the second day of the canister, for these purposes, the homemade clamp is used, which can be made from the residues of the cut canister. For this, we use the M8 bolt and a little sealant.
Wires are also fixed with screws and sealant. Then connect, again, using the self-tapping screws, the body of the structure: the second bottom and the folding lid.

Third stage. Completion.

With the help of the power cord, the wires are connected to the cigarette lighter. In the brush, the hole is done for the button, the switch is fixed. The brush itself is satisfied with the edge of the hose with a plastic sleeve. Use the applied schemes in your work to better understand the text.

Requirements for improvised "Kerler"

The correctly collected homemade "Karcher" in its technical characteristics is practically no different from the company. The main thing is to consider the requirementswhich are presented to the aggregate:

For the people's craftsman, it's not difficult to make "Karcher" with his own hands. To create a mini-sink of high pressure will be required:

Mini Washing Algorithm

When assembling the design, it is very important to observe the sequence of connecting parts. In the strict sequence are set:

Principle of operation of this deviceMade independently: the pump turns on, then the water goes to the hose from the canister, then the pistol tper is pressed, the water is supplied with a thin jet pressure. You can still apply Nipple for vehicles intended for tubeless tires, as well as a pointed knife.

The algorithm of work is:

Safety technique when using washing

When applying homemade sink It is necessary to follow the safety rules that will also extend the period of its operation.

Be sure to consider the limit of the operation cycle of the device. So, if you purchase the finished device, then the instructions have information about how much time it can work. The cycle is a duration of 20, 30 minutes or clock, it all depends on the performance of the device. And if you do not comply with the specified time interval in the work plan, the device will overheat and break.

The homemade device is best used no longer than twenty minutes. And the time of use can be calculated independently, it all depends on the amount of material assembly of the tank and its quality. The more plastic is present in the design, the smaller the work cycle will be.

It is not recommended to fill technical or river water to the tank, since they contain a large amount of unwanted elements for the device negatively affecting the quality of its work. To in the tank did not fall small particles Or chemical elements, as well as that it has been protected from mechanical damage, it is recommended to put an additional filter for water cleaning.

It is also extremely important to ground all electrical equipment by means of a three-core insulated flexible wire and a plug with a ground terminal. The entire design and filter must be cleaned periodically.

What at home is successfully washing the car Many prefer to acquire expensive equipment "Karcher". But you can safely save, collect his analogue with your own hands. About how to do it, was mentioned above.


How to make Karcher with your own hands. The video shows a prototype for manufacturing with minimal costs of minisy at home. Homemade by complexity at the level of Lifehak, such a kercher just to make himself. It is known that the use of washing dramatically reduces water consumption compared to a manual way. The homemade miniska harcher will certainly not replace the real high pressure, but will allow you to wash the car, a motorcycle, a bike, for example, in the country where there are no conditions for dispersion of technology ... Do this homemade. Make it yourself! YouTube: websait:\u003d20070 We are in VKontakte We are in classmates http: // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ A lot of interesting things about how to make various homemade and crafts and crafts and crafts on the SEKRETMASTERA channel and on the website of the secret of the master Do not forget to subscribe to the channel and rated the assessment, the secret of the wizard will be immensely happy and thank you !!! DON "T Forget to Subscribe to a Channel and Graduc, The Author Will Be: - This is a unique site that was created for those who love to do something on their own hands. . With us you can find both useful and simply original homemade, which will serve a good service in decorating the interior and creating comfort in your home. Make my own hands an unforgettable gift for the closest in honor of any holiday, give the second life of an old thing , learn how to do something that has never been done before. Make it's handmade things. Together with our site it became possible and accessible to everyone who will show interest. At all times it was believed that a person should be able to make things with his own hands. The wizard's secret will show how Make on master classes and share your own developments, ideas and accumulated experience. To the attention of the copiers, do not hope that you will come a letter warning from SEKRETMASTERA about theft, high probabilos The receipt of the Warnish right away from YouTube with the consequences for reputation, monetization or removing the channel at all.

In the modern world, almost every family has a car in personal use. At the same time, not every motorist can use the garage as a place of storage of useful things. It is clear that all cars without exception sooner or later require outdoor cleaning. Sometimes, light, surface. And for this you do not need to stand in line on the car wash or spend money on the purchase of a washing machine. In order to save time and money, you can make a mini-sink with your own hands: always carry it in the trunk and enjoy the need for any secluded place.

Materials for work:
1. A plastic canister with two pods for plum - 1 pc.;
2. Hose bulging for washing machine (length - 2 m) - 1 pc.;
3. Pistol watering on telescopic bar - 1 pc.;
4. Quick-level fitting - 1 pc.;
5. Valve for the tubeless wheels (spool) - 1 pc.;
6. Laying rubber (inner diameter of 15 mm, outdoor - 24 mm) - 1 pc.;
7. Connecting coupling - 1 pc.;
8. Screwdriver, thick drill, feathery drill with a diameter of 22 mm, sealant silicone or glue rubber, automotive compressor.

Stages of performance:

First stage: Mount the air inlet.
Having gathered the necessary components, remove the lid from the drain neck of the plastic canister. Important: In the future, when using a mini-sink, the canister will need to lay on the side, the plug down (for direct water outlet under pressure), so we leave the cover of this hole for the joint with the hose. Thick drill make a hole in the lid lid.

We apply on the side of the valve for the tubeless wheels (in spoken speech - a spool) silicone sealant.

Bold the valve into the cover of the cover, carefully pressed, dry.

After hardening the sealant, screw the lid on the drain hole of the canister.

Second Stage: Mount the water outlet.
Remove from the second hole canister cover. Feather drill make a hole in it corresponding to the diameter of the coupling.

Insert the coupling into the drilled hole.

For a stronger consolidation of the coupling, her junction with a lid shed silicone sealant, dry.

From one end (better - curved) of the bulk hose for the washing machine, we cut the nut and its mount.

The fastening itself will not be useful in further work, but the nut is dripping the opposite side of the coupling, pre-applying silicone sealant to it.

After drying the sealant, screw the cover on the hole canisters.

Third Stage: We connect the hose with a watering pistol.
The use of a bulk hose for a washing machine is due to its ability to withstand high water pressure. The sliced \u200b\u200bpart of the hose is inhabited in the fast-consuming nut.

Fresh slope slice in a quick-consuming fitting (it is clamped with a special fastening).

Twisting the main fitting and its nut.

Hour a fitting on a watering gun on a rod.

Fourth stage: We connect the hose with the canister.
To avoid air output when water supply under pressure, in the second nut of the filling hose insert the desired diameter of the rubber gasket.

Hour a nut on the quick-release fitting.

Mini - washing ready!

Fifth stage: We introduce the washing into operation.
Pour water in the canister.

To the valve we connect a car compressor and pumped up air (approximately 1 atmosphere, the main thing: not to overdo it in pumping - can inflate or break the canister).

Press on a watering gun the start button and my favorite car.

Such a mini is convenient to use, it requires little water, takes a little space and can be operated in a miniature space. In addition to the car, the sink will help with cleaning windows of a country house, bicycle, boats, strollers, etc.

How to make Karcher with your own hands. The video shows a prototype for manufacturing with minimal costs of minisy at home. Homemade by complexity at the level of Lifehak, such a kercher just to make himself. It is known that the use of washing dramatically reduces water consumption compared to a manual way. The homemade miniska harcher will certainly not replace the real high pressure, but will allow you to wash the car, a motorcycle, a bike, for example, in the country where there are no conditions for dispersion of technology ... Do this homemade. Make it yourself!
We are in Vkontakte
We are in classmates
A lot of interesting things about how to make various homemade and crafts with your own hands and see the SEKRETMASTERA channel and on the site Secret of the master
Do not forget to subscribe to the channel and rated the assessment, the secret of the wizard will be immensely happy and thank you !!!
SEKRET-MASTERA.RU - This is a unique website that was created for those who love to do something on their own hands. Here you can find both useful and just original homemade, which will serve a good service in decorating the interior and creating comfort in your home. Make my own hands an unforgettable gift for the closest in honor of any holiday, give the second life of an old thing, learn how to do something that has never been doing before. Make handmade things. Together with our site it became possible and accessible to everyone who will show interest.
At all times it was believed that a person should be able to make things with her own hands. The secret of the wizard will show how to do on master classes and share its own developments, ideas and accumulated experience.
To the attention of the copiers, do not hope that you will receive a warning from SEKRETMASTERA about theft, the high probability of getting a bar immediately from YouTube with the consequences for reputation, monetization or removing the channel at all.

How to choose a miniska?

All minimati should be divided into 2 groups: professional and domestic.

Professional sinks

Professional devices are distinguished by increased reliability and excellent performance. But they are not available to everyone, because they are very expensive. Yes, and talk about their compactness. The average weight of such devices is close to 100 kg. Despite the fact that they are installed on the wheels, they are not easy to move them. The main advantage of professional AVD lies in their characteristics:

Professional sinks can work without a break for a long time.

Despite the attractive functionality, such devices are a specific product, and ordinary car enthusiasts almost do not buy them. Simple people are sufficiently household mini ref.

Household Avd.

Household minisy You can use not only for car wash car, but also to solve the following tasks:

  • Cleaning clogged sewage.
  • Cleaning garden inventory.
  • Cleaning the local area from the construction trash.
  • Cleaning garden tracks.
  • Cleaning walls, facades of houses and fences.

All household high-pressure car washes are divided into subgroups for the following criteria: water temperature, power type, power.

Household minimates can get heated water from the outside or to warm it up. The devices without heating are a bit cheaper than heated devices.

By type of nutrition, household high-pressure car washes are gasoline and electric.

Machines with gasoline engines They are considered close to professional sinks. Therefore, it is suitable. The cheapest washing with a gasoline engine will cost the buyer at $ 600. The most expensive for sale for $ 5,000. It is not surprising that in our country they are not popular.

Household High Pressure Car Wash with electric motor - Choosing a simple car enthusiast. By power, such devices can be divided into 3 groups:

Choosing Minisa

Choosing a household AVD, the following parameters should be taken into account:

  1. Performance.
  2. Pressure.
  3. Pump material.

Plastic pumps serve for a short time and installed in low-cost low-performance devices, with which you can wash the bike, a motorcycle or garden trolley. It is not enough for car wash. Rather, with the help of such a washing you can wash the car, but it will take a lot of time due to low performance.

Car with ease can be laundered with AVD with brass or silhuman pump. These are middle class household apparatus. Their performance and pressure is enough for washing any passenger car. In fact, this is the best choice for domestic use.

Of course, if the car enthusiast has extra money, he can buy a high-pressure household car wash machine, but for an ordinary car enthusiast it is a luxury.

If there is no money for the purchase of AVD or simply there is no desire to part with a large amount, then you can make a car wash of high pressure with your own hands.

First you need to prepare the necessary details. First, choose the pump. It must comply with the following requirements:

To secure the pump in the housing, the homemade Avd will need a coupling. It is best to choose a soft model, as it will compensate for the mismatch of the shafts along the axes.

Do not forget O. water tanks. It can be a large canister or barrel. It is desirable that the container has a feeding from the water supply. At the exit from the tank, be sure to install the filter. It will protect the pump from sand and other contaminants.

High pressure hose with a gun equipped with a nozzle creating a working jet.

A pump hide into a separate container and connect it through the fittings with a base capacity with water and a germ with a pistol. At the outlet of the pump, we set the knob closed by - pass.

Capacity with water and container with pump can be installed on a frame of light hollow pipes. The frame itself for ease of use can be put on the support wheels.

It remains only to feed meals on the pump, which will begin to pump water from the main container through the hose with a gun.

Collecting a minimat with your own hands, do not forget to ground the device. Before starting, make sure all the electrical components of the washing are securely isolated from water.

When operating the Avd self-made apparatus, it is necessary to regularly check the reliability of all attachments and tighten them if necessary. Try not to load the machine to the maximum, as this will lead to the rapid wear of the pump. In addition, overpressure can easily damage the paint coating of the body.

As you can see, make a homemade kercher is easy. But such a device, though it will be mobile, you can still use it only where there is an electrical network of 220 volts. How to be if you need to wash the car on the road? To do this, you can make a mini-kercher powered by a cigarette lighter.

To create it, we will need:

In the lid, the canisters make a hole and insert the fungus from the wheel in it. The whole design is reliably sealing.

In the bottom of the canisters, we also make a hole, and install a fitting, to which a hose with a gun at the end. Connect the hose from the compressor to the fungus in the lid.

The simplest washing is ready to use. It remains to pour into the water canter, close the lid and turn on the compressor. It will provide the necessary pressure of the water jet at the outlet of the pistol.

Of course, this mini-kercher cannot boast of high pressure, but it is enough to bring down road dust or wash off the detergent from the car body during the parking lot.

Homemade Karcher with his own hands - the optimal version for car wash

The choice of the method of washing the beloved car is the case of the car owner. Someone can take a rag and bucket into the hands, someone to go on the car wash. But the perfect option is to make a homemade kercher. It can be done by attaching a certain amount of money, and you can make from the primary means without investing on it.

Of course, the homemade Karcher will differ from the company, but he will perform his main goal.

The advantages of the self-made device: a low price, compactness, the ability to wash the dirt from any slit, autonomy, does not require electrical power, you can always carry with you.

How to make homemade kercher?

There are many ways to make it.

The first way. The main mechanism of the future Kercher is taken - compressor. It can be taken from any technique that is no longer used in the economy. The mechanism is attached to the stacker with the hose. A brush is taken to which the crane is attached. The crane is necessary in order to adjust the power of water supply. The brush with the crane is also attached with the hose. When fixing, you will need to use rubber gaskets, FUM ribbon, sealed glue. The hose on the other hand is fixed in the container in which you can pour more than ten liters of water. The easiest homemade kercher from the compressor is ready to use. You can make a more automated method that will be connected to the power grid or the cigarette lighter in the car.

The second way. Canister takes, where you can pour more than twenty liters of water. A compressor from the car joins the entrance brass nipple from the car. The hose joins the gun (it can be purchased at any garden shop). Length hoses at least six meters. Diameter 16 mm. When fasteners, rubber flaps, clamps and nuts are used.


Kercher efficiency depends directly from the selected engine (compressor). It should serve a high water pressure, otherwise the manufacture of homemade washing will go a cold. The homemade kercher should consist of a durable case made of metal or thick plastic.

The brush on the hose is selected different: from tight up to soft. You can use rollers and sprayers.

In any case, use homemade Karcher more than three hours undesirable. Since this can lead to his imminent failure.

The purity of the car is not only aesthetic indicator, but also protects the product from negative factors of the external environment. Indeed, in adhesive and dry mud, aggressive elements damaging paintwork can contain. Also, long and regular body pollution can lead to irreversible metal damage, up to through corrosion on separate elements.

In this case, the regular visit to the car washing or home water procedures is saved. But in the second case, it is necessary to buy a detergent or a car wash should be made with your own hands from the remedies. Prices in stores are mainly started with 5 thousand rubles. The upper threshold may not stop at 20 thousand. Therefore, we will do it yourself.

Pump and electric part

The main part of any water supply unit is the pump. For our product, it will need a fairly powerful, capable of developing pressure at least up to 150 atmospheres. Selecting the finished pump, it is necessary to take into account the materials from which the work nodes are made.

Preferences should be given to products with high-strength metal or ceramic piston.

The electric motor is desirable to choose with a voltage in 220 V. A reliable start is provided by an additional condenser unit. The higher frequency of revolutions will provide greater performance.

It is necessary to know that too high-speed pump with a large number of revolutions can lose in power at maximum working turns and is subjected to intensive wear.

Optimal consumers of 2-3 kW and rotation up to 2000 rpm.

Transfer of rotation

Designed High Pressure Sink with your own hands should have the necessary security elements in the chain to save important nodes. Such a link is a coupling connecting the pump and the engine.

It is advisable to install such a coupling that can compensate for small axial discrepancy between shafts.

You can also set the belt transmission with one step. Such a gearbox balances turns and load between the engine and the pump. The gear ratio is selected based on their necessary output parameters in the frequency of rotations.

Tank and Performance Controller

Mini washing must be equipped with sufficient water capacity. A tank is suitable, which can be additionally powered by a constant water source: a water tap, a deepwater well or a small water tower.

What to do washing

At the entrance to the container, it is desirable to install coarse and medium filters. So, unnecessary litter will not fall into the pump and will not prevent the work of the entire system.

In the main container for water, you can add a car shampoo or other allowed autocosmetics. The process will take place more efficiently.

The performance regulator is usually combined with an unloading autoclapan, redirecting an unused pressure back to the tank, reducing the load on the pump.

External elements

All units are mounted on a frame made of profile or round bent pipes. Often to the lower pipes attach a pair of wheels to help transport the unit. Also installed stops for fixing and handle so that you can move the entire design.

The appearance of the car wash car wash made by hand

For high pressure sleeves, a plastic or rubberized reinforced hose can be applied. It is necessary to ensure the tightness of the compounds using high-quality clamps or hydraulic sealing.

The design should be collapsible and maintainable. Therefore, it is desirable to apply threaded connections where possible.

Also in places of contact with water (fittings, valves) need low-corrosion alloys: brass and bronze.

Car wash scheme

Direct water supply is carried out through a gun with a nozzle installed in it. It has visual resemblance to a gun on a gas station. The water jet is formed only after pressing the key. This method helps save the prepared working fluid with consumables. The gun can be just buying in any construction store.

Operation of washing made with your own hands

Details for assembling washing

When operating, you must follow several tips:

  • periodically, it is necessary to inspect the connecting nodes and tighten the threaded compounds in the wrench;
  • filters installed in the apparatus need inspection before each connection so that the bandwidth does not reduce;
  • the electrical part must be grounded to avoid accidents during operation, for this, a cable with three copper conductors is used, and the plug must have a grounding terminal;
  • during the process of washing, it is not necessary to fix the jet into one point on the body of the machine so as not to damage the paint coating with a strong pressure.

Foam generators for car wash

The device for high-quality contactless washing is called a foam generator. With it, you can completely dip the car with small bubbles of the washing suspension and carry out high-quality surface cleaning from dust, dirt and sticking small particles.

The process of marking a homemogenerator

Penogenator for washing with your own hands can be made even in the garage. It is necessary to stock patience and billets of all nodes and elements.

Principle of operation of the foam generator

The device performs two main functions in the car wash process:

  1. the formation of fine foam from the prepared reagents;
  2. uniform applying foam on the desired surface of the vehicle.


To perform such a process, the water jet, mixed with autocosmetics (shampoo or other specialized preparations), is sprayed with a stream of air passing through the installed channels, and together form a large-scale foam.

After that, the mixture is passed through a block with a foaming tablet. Now such a mass can be applied to the surface.

Plates controlling the flow and providing a thin spraying jet, distribute the working foam in all irregularities of the outer part of the body.

The difference of homemade equipment from professional

The quality of the work of a professional car wash with the help of a foam generator may be higher than when using the device manufactured independently. For this there are several criteria that determine the final result.

The main parameter is the size of the formed foam. An important characteristic is a homogeneous structure and a minimum diameter of bubbles.

When using professional miles, specialized industrial shampoos are used.

Also, professional equipment allows you to pump significantly greater fluid pressure than which can be achieved in garage conditions. Due to this, the flow rate of detergents is reduced.

But with all these factors, the result of self-washing is quite worthy, especially since the final price for one session speaks in favor of the self-made device.

Independent manufacture of foam generator

The manufacture of a foam generator will require the creators to be set by a set of keys, a grinder, in advance by the repair kit with spare parts of a professional installation consisting of a nozzle, gun, compressor, a hose for washing.

The principle of the car wash

In addition to the listed elements, it is necessary to take an inch tube with a length of about 70 cm. It will take a filter from it. To do this, feed the cavity of the fishing line. It is advisable to apply it different diameter, so foam to form more efficiently.

After packing, metal filters will be needed on both sides, in order to avoid slicing lines in a container with shampoo.

Principle of operation of the foam generator

Next, threaded plugs are put on both ends of the pipe. Now the T-shaped transition is screwed to one of the plugs. A compressor is screwed to such a transition, and on the second thread hose from the liquid tank. The free end of the tube with a fishing line will be output for foam. The hose for spraying the finished foam is attached to it through the fitting.

You need to know that the quality of the resulting foam depends on the quality of packing in the tube with a fishing line.

You can achieve the desired result by changing the package in the tube with a fishing line. It is also allowed empirically to choose the necessary length of such a pipe and the texture of the fishing line.