Repairs Design Furniture

Concrete staircase - how to make yourself? Monolithic ladders from concrete how to make a ladder from concrete

Concrete stairs are the most durable and reliable. In front of the products of another type, they have a number of indisputable advantages.

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • refractory;
  • silent;
  • individual design;
  • wide range of finishes;
  • multifier forms.

Also, concrete is not terrible moisture, and steel fittings, which is the basis of the design, is reliably protected from the negative impact of the environment.

Stairs from reinforced concrete can be installed both outside and indoor indoors. Thanks to their operational qualities and the diversity of facing options, the products can be not only a functional unit, but also a sophisticated part of the interior of the cottage, a private house or office space.

Types and device of concrete stairs - choose the design

Types of concrete stairs can be divided into the method of manufacture:

  • monolithic;
  • prefabricated (from finished elements).

By design type:

  • march;
  • screw.

At the place of installation:

  • internal;
  • external.

Before starting the installation of the structure, it is necessary to determine in advance what kind of device of the concrete staircase is best suited for a particular room.

Monolithic concrete stairs

The monolithic stairs made of concrete obtained their name due to the fact that they are manufactured by filing cement into the prepared formwork in such a way that we get a cast frame at the exit. The product is set in the place where it will be operated.

Finished concrete stairs

External staircases can be made of ready-made reinforced concrete marches. The main thing is that the terrain relief allows you to establish a product with a necessary slope.

Installation is made from finished elements made in the form of rectangular, angular or triangular steps.

Details are best laid on the blind primer, which is sealed with a large rubble. To do this, it is necessary to cut the sticky and risers that correspond to the size of the plates with the help of shovels. You can compact the base of the first stage using mounds: 5 cm of sand, then 5 cm rubble. The basis for the concrete slab should be a high-quality cement solution, a thickness of 2-3 centimeters.

Concrete spiral staircase

The most popular today, thanks to its convenience and compactness, use screw staircases from concrete. They are particularly relevant in cases where a small private house is designed, where it is necessary to thoroughly think through each detail to save living space.

Thanks to an unusual design, screw concrete stairs will perfectly fit in almost any interior. And do not require the installation of a special central column.

Most often, they are installed in rooms where the design provides for solid monolithic structures that combine not only reliability, but also a spectacular appearance.

Railing for concrete ladder
Usually performed from steel or wood array. Eugene and style connoisseurs sometimes choose metal fences with elements from high strength glass.

Concrete marching staircase

In turn, the concrete marching staircase also has a number of indisputable advantages. It has a great overview and easier in the issue of manufacture. It is certainly installed in homes where older people or children live, because it is definitely more secure. The only minus is that such a product takes much more space.

Outdoor concrete stairs

In the process of creating an outer concrete ladder, you can use typical models or create your own, individual form. In any case, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality of the material, because street products are subjected to maximum loads. Therefore, making an approximate calculation, add a specific "backup" amount that may be required for a better solution.

Making a concrete staircase with your own hands - instructions for use

Reinforced concrete stairs are established in the construction process of the building, in contrast to products from other materials that are mounted after the main work. As a result, it is possible to move on them at all stages of the construction of the house, which greatly facilitates the completion and decoration of the room.

Of course, the process of structures need to pay special attention, because the manufacture of concrete stairs with their own hands is a rather laborious process, which, with a lack of experience, can turn into a problem and entail serious financial costs.

The technology includes many nuances that need to be taken into account during operation, because even a small deviation from the norm may cause problems.

First of all, you need to carry out all the necessary calculations to clearly determine which height of the steps will not cause the inconvenience when lifting. Also taken into account the thickness of floor coatings, which will continue to be increased due to the covering of the steps.

Build formwork for concrete stairs

In order for the design to be smooth and beautiful, a rigid and durable formwork for a concrete staircase is created for the design of the construction. Most often to avoid cement leakage, waterproof plywood is used to which planed boards are adjusted.

The formwork necessarily knives the frame from the reinforcement, which will later become a "skeleton" of the stairs and will maintain a product from destruction. The frame consists of metal rods cooked with each other.

This applies to all varieties of products, regardless of whether we are engaged in the manufacture of concrete coil stairs or the creation of a marching structure.

Along the trunks of the staircase and carrier faces, steel bars are stacked, which are securely bonded between themselves cross-links.

Before the filling of the solution in the appropriate places it is necessary to install wooden tubes or metal plates to which perile fences will be attached.

After a long and time-consuming process of assembling the frame and formwork, it may seem that the work is practically over, but everything is not really wrong. It remains the most important and difficult job - the fill of the concrete staircase .

The concreting of the stair march should be made at a time, while starting to start with the lowest steps. In order for the design to be too mobile, and the solution does not dig out of the formwork, do not have time to dry, it is necessary to add rubble (fraction 10-20 mm).

A very important process is a concrete seal, because if not to bring this thing to the end, the strength of the product will seriously suffer. For this work it is best to use an electric building seal. If there is no such, use sweater means.

The concrete brand used to fill the monolithic structure should not be lower than B15.

You can use the staircase only after the concrete is completely dry.

Video: Concrete staircase with her hands

Facing the concrete staircase should be done at the time of final decoration of the room. If we are talking about the element designed for the street, sowing it preferably a corrugated tile, in order to avoid the occurrence of a land, moving on which can create a lot of inconvenience.

Concrete ladder finishing methods

The monolithic design in the "bare" looks like an unfinished, and therefore will fit far from each design room.

To, first of all, you need to decide on the choice of materials. This solution is significantly affected by the shape of the march. For example, for a direct march staircase, any finishing materials are perfectly suitable, while for the design curve or stairs with overtakers, tile or stone will be completely inappropriate.

Considering all the options, it is necessary to take into account the issue of security. For example, if older people or children live in the house, it is worth choosing a material that can absorb the blow in the event of a fall. The best option will be the covering of the concrete staircase with a tree, laminate or a coating with a soft dense carpet.

No less important criterion for choosing a coating is its sound insulation. Ideal for a tree or modern durable "carpet" material. Ceramics and stone, in turn, look more expensive, however, they will voiced every step, so the facing of steps tiles can lead to the fact that residents of the house will wake up at night from loud sounds.

Concrete staircase tree
The traditional solution that will make the room is warmer and cozy, and besides visually facilitate a massive design.

If the design of the room is more classic than modern, it is best to use a stone, like an element adoring concrete staircase. Photo examples can be seen on the Internet. Most often, the choice falls on granite or marble. In order to maintain an attractive appearance, it is necessary to cover the product with special impregnates that will protect the surface from clouding.

The budget options

The most economical way to decorate will be the usual painting of the concrete staircase. Depending on the preferences of the home owners, it can be performed in one or more colors.

The problem of such a solution is rapid coverage. The paint will remain unprotected from abrasion, and will have to periodically "refresh" the surface.

Carpet, is also one of the most inexpensive options, but not every coating is not suitable. In no case should not be slippery, as beautifully from aesthetic point of view would not look like. Therefore, besides an attractive appearance, the finish of the concrete ladder carpet can require the use of only the safest materials.

Video: Staircase from concrete, not needing additional trim


Summing up, we can say that it is quite possible to make the concrete staircase. The main thing to comply with the basic recommendations. Facing requires special care. In order for the design to serve for many years, it needs not only to make it right and install and competently care for it.

For a long time, the ladders from the concrete stopped using only during the construction of multi-storey panel or brick houses. When planning the construction of your own house with two or more floors, many even at the design stage make a decision to build inside the premises, a solid and reliable concrete ladder to move between different floors with their own hands.

Such an option of lifting to height is very convenient in operation, and when planning, you can take into account your own wishes. For example, design the height of the steps, depending on whether there is children or elderly in the family, or set other desired parameters.

In this article you will learn how to pour the ladder by concrete

Advantages and disadvantages of concrete ladder

If the main criterion when choosing a method of erection of a staircase is the durability and reliability of the whole structure, then the most likely decision will be the filling of stairs from durable concrete. These designs have a number of indisputable advantages:

  • moisture resistance design both inside and outside the house;
  • fire resistance, especially if decoration and decoration are also made of refractory materials;
  • in terms of reliability and durability are comparable to the service life of the house itself;
  • silent, the steps of such a design will not begin to creak, like steps of wooden;
  • the possibility of a variety of design finishes, decorating with wooden elements, marble;
  • many options for location, shapes and structures in the manufacture of concrete stairs.

Concrete during construction in private homes is several times superior to all other materials used for such purposes.

In this video you will learn how to fill a formwork:

They are able to withstand huge loads and do not require special care or repair during operation.

Of course, some shortcomings in such connecting structures are available. These include:

  • big labor costs during construction with their own hands;
  • relatively higher price than on simple wooden structures;
  • the considerable weight of a concrete structure, requiring reliable bases at the bottom and upstairs, support on overlappings, which makes it impossible to build such a staircase in light frame and wooden houses;
  • large deadline for the staircase due to the long frozen concrete;
  • the need for preliminary calculations and volume preparations for the fill process involving the production of formwork for steps.

Despite all the listed minuses, the popularity of monolithic concrete ladders does not fall under private house-building. Especially in the construction of two- or three-storey houses from gas-silicate brick.

Required calculations of material and sizes of design

Before you start calculating the parameters for the construction of the concrete staircase in a private house, it is necessary to determine its location. Since the concrete structure is difficult, it should be relying on a concrete basis, so there is a need to pre-pour the foundation under the stairs. The place to build the stairs is better to immediately foresee when designing the entire house before starting construction.

Calculate other parameters of the concrete staircase and understand how to do it, you can independently. The height of the lift is already known and equal to the height of the ceilings, so it is necessary to determine the length of the future staircase and its tilt angle. 45 ° is considered to be the maximum allowable angle to build a safe design, but it is better to take about 26-33 ° for convenience.

Having determined the angle of inclination, it is easy to calculate the length of the ladder itself and its projection on the floor. This can be done using a special calculator or independently, according to the formula for calculating the hypothenus of a rectangular triangle, knowing the value of the angle of inclination and one of the catheles (room height).

Under the value obtained, the length of the space under the staircase is calculated. If the room does not allow you to place such a long structure, it is worth considering a variant comprising several staircase marches.

Erecting the screw concrete staircase to the second floor, especially with a displaced center, do it yourself more difficult, so it is better to trust a specialist.

Moreover, knowledge in theoretical mechanics will need to carry out the right settlements.

It should be placed in such a way that the height of the overlap over the staircase was about 2 or more. This will make it up to the upper floors comfortable even for high people. The recommended design width for the private house ranges from 80 to 100 cm.

At the next stage, the width and height of the steps is calculated. The steeper the rise of the staircase march, the higher and they will already be. For a ladder with a small angle of inclination, on the contrary, the steps can be wide, and their height is less. It is possible to determine the optimal parameters by using tables, a special calculator or calculating themselves according to the formula, showing the dependence of the length of the step of person, height and width of the steps.

Need to correctly calculate the amount of the desired material

Knowing the height of one clad, you can calculate their quantity, based on the height of the stairs. And, accordingly, based on the data obtained, determine the width of the stage. The main thing, the parameters of the steps should maximize the requirements for the convenience of movement on them.

The obtained values \u200b\u200bare allowed to be adjusted within 5 mm. If the width of the sticky is too small and does not allow you to normally put the leg, then make so-called skes.

An important meaning for a heavy concrete structure is the thickness of the carrier work plate. Its width is determined, based on the height and length of the staircase march.

Stages of creating a monolithic concrete staircase with their own hands

With the construction of the concrete staircase, with their own hands after preparation and calculations, there will be several stages of its creation:

  • installed formwork for concrete staircase;
  • reinforcement is carried out;
  • placed risers (partitions for the formation of steps);
  • pouring concrete;
  • stripping.

Preparatory work

Deciding with the size of the staircase and calculating the main parameters before starting to the fill of the staircase from concrete, all the necessary materials are prepared:

  • plywood with a thickness of 20 mm;
  • edged board - 30-35 mm;
  • armature - 10-14 mm;
  • wire for shrewing of reinforcement;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • metal corners;
  • concrete mixer;
  • cement, sand, crushed stone, C-3 plasticizer.

Installation of the main formwork

How to make high-quality ladder formwork? To properly install the formwork in order to follow the fill of the monolithic staircase from concrete, step by step perform all the recommendations specified in the instructions. If the staircase is one side to rely on the wall, then you can start the settings of the future design on the supporting wall before starting installation. When designing a few marches, it is worth making a stroke (deepening) in the wall of approximately 10 cm, on which the transition site will be relying. The reliability and appearance of the future structure depends on the proper formwork.

At the first stage, the floor is perpendicular to the floor board with a height of equal to the height of one step and the planned band screed. It relies with a smooth solid moisture-resistant plywood length equal to the length of one march, which will become the base for the concrete slab. Installation of plywood under the desired angle is performed using bars or special telescopic racks. Brussia with parameters 100 × 100 mm will fully withstand the weight of the future design. And to strengthen the formwork, you can use metal corners.

The side parts of the formwork for the staircase are mounted to the plywood self-drawing, while all the wooden elements should fit tightly to each other so that the fill solution does not get into the existing gaps.

If there is no moisture-proof plywood and boards, they should be moistened with water or coat a film to prevent absorbing concrete into a wooden structure.


Reinforcement of any construct from concrete reinforced concrete increases its strength. The first layer of reinforcement is placed at a distance of about 30 mm on the base of the formwork, the grid of rods with square cells with a width and length of 150-200 mm is constructed. Under the construction you can put small steps or bricks. Longitudinal bars may be thicker than transverse, since they account for a large load. Although the valve of the same diameter is most often used, for example, 14 mm.

It is recommended to connect the valve between themselves with a special wire, welding can weaken the entire design. To enhance the staircase, you can lay out a metal mesh in two layers. In this case, the second row should be positioned by 30-40 mm above the first, and it is possible to make it from the rod with a diameter of 6 mm with the width of the cells 150 × 150 mm.

When placing the reinforcement grid, it is necessary to ensure that its edges are at a distance of 20-50 mm from the side formwork. Thus, the rods will be protected by a thick layer of concrete from external influences that can entail corrosion and destruction of reinforcement.

Completion of mounting formwork, installation of partitions, risers

After laying the reinforcements, they begin to mount the risers, which will help smoothly and correctly pour concrete steps. To do this, a rectangle is cut out of the plywood sheet, equal to the height of future steps or 10 mm more. All panels are cut as the same, since all the steps on the stairs will also be one size. Three parts are attached to the resulting rectangle - the supporting board and two side wooden parts.

The supporting board in length will be exactly the same as the length of the riser from plywood, and the side parts (lintels) of the thickness of the board of about 100-150 mm are needed in order to attach the resulting item to the sidewalls or wall of the finished base of formwork.

Do not forget about mounting formwork

Having made one oppomme care, it is necessary to try on the place of installation and, if necessary, make changes, and then finish the remaining parts for formworking exactly the same size. Attach jumpers to the sidewalls and wall with the help of self-tapping screws or copilyons. The installation of each panel should be accurately extinted and customized so that all the risers are located strictly perpendicular to the floor.

The risers must be installed strictly at the top edge of the stage, but they can be located slightly below the lower boundary.

This is done in order to create a small barrier for a concrete solution, which will facilitate the process of fill.

Pouring concrete

Recommending how to make a formwork for filling the monolithic concrete staircase, you can begin the preparation of a concrete solution and the fill of the frame. For the construction of durable structures, the concrete of the M250-300 brand is chosen. And for the construction of a porch from concrete it is worth choosing frost and moisture-resistant materials. The solution for filling the staircase march is prepared as follows:

  • half of the water part;
  • one piece of cement M400;
  • two parts of sand;
  • four parts of rubble;
  • superplastic C-3, 0.7% of cement mass.

The fill of concrete begins with the first stage and gradually moves up. Bay first two steps, it should be treated with a vibrator to remove air inside the mixture. You can also shoot a slightly hammer on the formwork, so the concrete mixture will fall, and it will be possible to add a portion.

The surface is leveled by a trowel and wait for 10-15 minutes, during this time the mixture will freeze, and it will be possible to pour the next two steps. If, with the further pouring of the concrete, the first steps will begin to rise under the pressure of the upper, you need to align them, removing the surplus of concrete.

After completing the work on the pouring of concrete, the finished staircase is covered with polyethylene to prevent rapid frost. The slower the concrete mixture will be stuck, the better it will grab and will be stronger in the end. The first week of polyethylene is removed several times a day, and the surface is sprayed with water to avoid cracking concrete.

Order and timing of the ramp

In order for the concrete structure to grab and achieve its strength, you need at least 3-4 weeks. Before complete drying of the solution and removal of the formwork, it is not worth walking along a flooded staircase, for this you need to provide other ways to move between the floors. For example, using a simple wooden staircase.

A week after the fill, you can remove formwork boards with steps. This will evaluate the quality of the work done and, if necessary, fill the cracks again. After 2 weeks, the side boards are removed, and another week and a half can be removed with support in the form of bars and lower formwork. Now the staircase is fully ready for moving along it.

Features of the manufacture of monolithic stairs made of concrete with their own hands

When it is already clear how to make a ladder from concrete for your own house with your own hands, you need to think about the work plan. Since it should be poured all the spans and marches at one time, it is worth purchasing or renting a suitable concrete mixer and take care of attracting assistants.

The formwork installation process is also very laborious, therefore, inviting a specialist who has experience in this area, many problems in the future can be avoided. By permitting an error at the preparatory stage or during the calculations, it is almost impossible to correct it.

Deciding to build a reliable concrete structure in the house to rise to the upper floors, you can consider a lot of possible finishes. And after removing the formwork, the staircase can immediately be used to move on it even without finishing. Possible erection options make a concrete structure suitable for houses of a small area, and in a huge cottage it can be a real decoration.

Stairs relate to complex and responsible engineering designs. The most reliable, durable and durable products, specialists consider concrete ladders, which are distinguished by excellent quality and operational characteristics. Increased requirements are imposed on their production and installation, a number of standards and standards have been developed. Only a properly designed and competently performed monolithic staircase can be a guarantee of safe movement of people between floors.

The main advantages of monolithic stairs

It is important to note that concrete stairs that are manufactured directly at the facility: in a country house or dacha, in the form of an outdoor structure near the building or in the recreation area, possess the following advantages:

  • the possibility of use in the process of construction and finishing works;
  • high strength;
  • wide selection of finishing and decoration.

Preparatory stage

Before proceeding to work on the arrangement of the ladder, it is necessary to perform preliminary calculations. The opening under the stairs leaves even at the construction stage of the house or country cottage. The main thing is to determine this in advance with the size of the product. You can draw a drawing of a future design yourself, by hand. In addition, the following most important factors are important when creating a project:

  • appointment of the stairs and its location: inside a building or for external use;
  • the level of the calculated load during operation;
  • design Type: Martial, rectilinear, arcuate or combined;
  • seasonality of object use, heating conditions and other climatic factors.

It should be remembered that for convenient lifting it is necessary to clarify the level of clean floor to all floors in advance, given the finishing finish leveling. By width, the monolithic staircase is usually from 700 to 1000 mm. According to the current standards, the height of the steps in pure form is provided for from 170 mm to 190 mm. It is also necessary to take into account, from which materials will be manufactured by the staircase fence, provide various decorative and engineering elements: built-in backlight systems, support pillars of stair marches and other parts.

Technology of work production

So that the concrete staircase is solid and high-quality, pre-equip the rigid carrier formwork, a special frame without cracks and gaps.

Note! To avoid leakage from the formwork of concrete "milk", for the frame formwork, high-quality moisture-resistant phaneer is used with a thickness of no less than 18-20mm.

Circled on the pre-selected sizes of plywood sheets are fixed with wooden boards, which are as close as possible to create a smooth surface.

Before filling the cement-concrete mixture in the formwork, a frame of reinforcement rods knit. Along the future staircase march, steel reinforcement bars first and reliably combine their transverse elements. A qualitatively performed metal frame will increase the strength of the structure, will protect it from faults and cracks.

Note! To prevent damage to the edge of the steps, they are pre-enhanced by the reinforcement reinforcement.

In the prepared formwork, the stairs pour a solution of concrete, which is aligned, check for the absence of emptiness and cavities.

The concrete solution is made directly at the object from high-quality cement, carefully sifted river sand, fine rubble and warm water. It should be remembered, the quality of the solution depends on many factors, including from the order of mixing of all ingredients. The unevenness of the solution and the appearance of lumps can be prevented if the water is not in a pure cement, but in the finished dry mixture. Crushed stone into the solution is added at the last stage.

It is possible to interfere with the concrete solution manually in a large container, in a trough or an old bathroom, or with a concrete mixer, which can be taken on a day or two for rent or ask familiar.

Note! The quality of materials is of great importance, the availability of quality certificates and other documents on each batch. For example, it is desirable to acquire a washed crushed stone, high-quality and purified.

After the fill of the concrete solution, the monolithic staircase is allowed to completely dry and stand. Perform finishing and decorative work, to install enclosing items and mount the lighting system can be possible only after 2-3 weeks after the end of all all-building works. Experts note that wooden elements of the decoration on the concrete staircase can be stacked in a month, after a complete set of strength of the entire design.


Below you can see the process of making formwork, fill and decoration of the concrete staircase:


No construction of residential or industrial purpose is unthinkable without such a structural element as a staircase. A number of steps serves as a point of communication between rooms located at different levels. It has considerable loads daily. Therefore, it is presented with increased requirements for comfort, reliability and safety. The article will discuss how to make a staircase from concrete with your own hands.

  1. Reinforced monolithic stairs made of concrete
    • Designing stairs
    • Calculation of parameters of steps
  2. Decoration Materials
  • Staircases can be rectangular, swivel and spiral. But regardless of the type, the concrete architectural element is highlighted by the following advantages.
  • Resistance to moisture, temperatures and aggressive environments. Therefore, such structures are erected with the internal arrangement of the premises and open-air.
  • High strength is achieved due to the reinforcement of the concrete mixture. Steps withstand very impressive loads, which makes them incredibly reliable and practically durable.

Monolithic ladders from concrete photo

  • Concrete stairs provide ample opportunities concerning decorative decoration. Here you can apply porcelain and ceramic tiles, wooden planks (parquet, laminate) and other materials.
  • Steps do not require special care and regular impregnations. In the event of a defect on the surface, it is sufficient to re-pour with a concrete solution to be recovered by concrete solution.
  • Construction construction is carried out by its own forces without the use of special or expensive building materials, as well as without attracting special equipment and specialists.
  • Spilled steps are ready for operation after 7-10 days. What allows you to use them at all stages of construction, wearing tools, materials, etc.
  • Since the staircase is erected simultaneously with the construction of the house, it is in addition to direct destination performs another role - constructive.
  • Among the shortcomings, it can be noted its impressive weight, massiveness (takes a lot of space) and monolithic - the staircase cannot be dismantled, rearranged or refined.

Concrete Brand for Staircases

  • For the manufacture of the ladder from concrete, a ready-made solution of M200 class B15 or M250 class B20 is usually used. This material is based on a crushed stone fraction, with the addition of binding substances, modified additives and other aggregates.
  • When choosing a concrete for the construction of outdoor stairs, it is important to pay attention to the frost resistance (F) and waterproof (W).

To mix the concrete solution of the brand 250 on its own, the following proportions apply:

  • 1 part of concrete M400;
  • 2 pieces of washed sand;
  • 4 parts of the rubble fraction of 10 × 20 mm;
  • approximately ½ part of the water;
  • 0.7% of the mass of cement of the C-3 plasticizing additive.

To knead the solution across the old manner using the pallet and the shovel, it is incredibly hard, the more the fill of the steps should be carried out by one occasion. Therefore, it is recommended to take a compact concrete mixer from the neighbors or rent from the construction team.

First, sand and crushed stone fall asleep into the device, the bulk materials are mixed at least 2-3 minutes. The plasticizer is then added (in a dry or concentrated form) and water. All components are mixed at least 5 minutes.

Important! Bad mixing of all components reduces the final strength of concrete by 20%.

How to make a staircase from concrete with your own hands

Designing stairs

  • If the construction of the stairs is conducted independently (without attracting specialists), then the project on paper is made up by its own. The plan calculates the size of the room, the slope of the design, its length and width, also takes into account the presence of doorways, the method and direction of opening doors.
  • The device of the staircase from concrete requires special attention to the angle of inclination. The optimal value of this parameter is in the range of 26-37º. Too cool, the staircase can become life-threatening, and more common - it will take a lot of useful area, and it does not differ in the lifting / descent.

  • When developing a project, you must act consistently. First, the number of steps is calculated, then their length, width, angle of rotation, platform parameters, etc. Only with the right approach you can talk about the safety and convenience of construction.

Calculation of parameters of steps

  • In addition to the strength characteristics, such a design must meet the operational characteristics. Selected parameters must maximize convenience when lifting or descent with the observance of the step.
  • As for the width, it can vary from 0.9 to 1.5 meters. Undoubtedly, the wider the staircase, it is more convenient, but the area of \u200b\u200bthe room does not always make it possible to build the design of preferred sizes. Therefore, when designing, it is repelled not only from comfort, but also free quadrature.

There are averaged indicators of steps that determine the convenience of operation:

  • height 190-220 mm;
  • width 250-330 mm.

  • To correctly calculate the parameters, a simple formula 2a + b \u003d 640 is used, where: A is the height of the stage; b - width of the stage; 640 mm - the average length of the human step.
  • Substituting the average data, we obtain: 2 × 190 + 280 \u003d 660. As can be seen on the example, the selected dimensions are quite responsible for comfortable performance.
  • Using the Pythagora theorem, calculate the march length. Here it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the decorative flooring. The result is divided into a height of one step. For example: 3000/190 \u003d 15.8, it means that 16 steps per march is 3 meters long.
  • If, with calculations, the tenth of the small (for example, it turned out 14.3 or 16.4), it is recommended to take as a basis only an integer, and the residue is uniformly distributed to the height of all steps (the damage for the comfort of lifting and the descent will be insignificant).

Important! When calculating it is necessary to take into account the growth of the highest family member. So that he puts on the second step, he did not hit his head about the ceiling. Here it is necessary to add 400 mm to the growth of a person (the average height of two steps without finishing material!)

Filling formwork stairs made of concrete

  • Collection of formwork is one of the key points of construction. In order for the concrete surface to be as smoother, use the moisture-resistant phanener with a thickness of at least 20 mm. For the side walls of the steps and the formation of risers, a cutting board is used with a thickness of 30-35 mm.

  • For the bottom surface take a solid slab. Its installation under the desired angle is performed using vertical bars or special telescopic racks that can be rented without problems with construction teams.
  • Since the mass of the concrete mixture is quite large, it makes sense to enhance the formwork to use metal corners and bars. Additional reinforcing elements are recommended to be secured to the bottom of the formwork every 50-80 cm.
  • Next, steps are formed by cutting boards. When installing the inside, the internal dimensions are taken as the basis, that is, when fixing the external parameters of each stage will be 30-35 mm (exactly on the width of the sawn timber) more design indicators.
  • Wooden elements should fit tightly to each other, the formation of gaps and cracks is not allowed. In order for the solution to be absorbed into the lumber it, it is abundantly wetted or protected by the walls with a polyethylene film, as well as any waterproofing material.

Important! When assembling the design used screws. Their location should only be external so that when dismantling the formwork did not occur, which can lead to partial destruction of the concrete surface.

Concrete Stairs Reinforcement Technology

  • To prevent the strength of the staircase and prevent the cutting of the edges of the steps, reinforcement is carried out. For work, you need steel reinforcement with a diameter of 8 and 14 mm, knitting wire, as well as a tool for bending and cutting rods, pliers.
  • For longitudinal gain, thicker steel rods are used, and for the transverse rods of a smaller diameter. At a distance of at least 30 mm from the bottom of the formwork, 14 mm fittings are laid out with a step of 150-200 mm. To do this, it is enough to put the broken pieces of brick or ceramic tiles under it.

  • Transverse rods are also laid out at a distance of 150-200 mm from each other. The fixation of the reinforcement in the form of a grid is provided by means of a knitting wire, bonded and tightened with pliers.
  • For reliability, you can lay out the second row of the finished grid with 150 × 150mm cells from 4 mm reinforcements. This layer should be located in such a way that the concrete layer covers the metal by 30-40 mm. For such parameters from metal rods, peculiar chairs are harvested.
  • In the event that the design will rely on the three sides (from above, from below and side), then in the process of the construction of the walls, fittings are laid in advance. The result is the most durable fixation of the stairs on the side.

How to fill the ladder from concrete

  • Concrete solution starts to fill with the bottom stage. Filling the frame is made in small portions. After filling, the electricibrator is running. This tool will help get rid of air emptiness, adversely affect the strength characteristics of the finished design.
  • In addition to the vibrator, you can conduct a strong tapping hammer on all sides of the formwork. As a rule, the mixture will fall at 2-3 cm from the required level, the disadvantage is compensated by the new portion of the concrete mix. Next repeat the process of the traam.

  • If the solution is no longer hesitated, the surface is finally aligned with a trowel or rule. Between the concreting of each stage should be withstanding a break in 10-15 minutes, during which time the pressure of the solution falls.
  • For movement up, on the frame you can lean the standard wooden staircase or use conventional boards. After completion of work, concrete is covered with a polyethylene film that prevents its premature drying.

Important! The first 2-3 days of polyethylene are periodically removed, and the concrete surface is wetted by splashing, direct jet of water should be avoided.

  • The frame dismantle after 3-4 weeks, it is during this period that the concrete mixture will take at least 80-90% of the strength.
  • The undoubted advantage of concrete surfaces is the absolute maintainability. Therefore, if after drying, any defects were detected easily can be fixed with partial "patches" or re-fill. However, in order to avoid financial and temporary costs, it is better to do one times in all the rules by attaching more efforts and efforts.

Decoration Materials

  • It is not recommended to leave the concrete staircase without further finish. After some time, the edges of the steps will begin crumble. Yes, and the appearance of the stairs leaves much to be desired, although many modern styles welcome concrete structures in primeval form.
  • Depending on the style of the stage, the steps are lined with porcelain stoneware, ceramic mosaic, wooden planks. The side walls and the lower surface of the staircase are usually plastering, and then stained.

  • For safety movement, the staircase is equipped with fences. Balaasins and railing is performed from wood, chrome metal. High decorative qualities are forged forged products that can be called real artworks.

We continue our traditional series of articles from Yuri to educated (professional repairman). Yuri writes:
No country house or cottage can be built without a staircase. The simplest concrete monolithic staircase is constructed with their own hands without any problems. Among other materials used in the manufacture of steps are most often used reinforced concrete, since, by strength, this material is not inferior to others. The monolithic staircase made by its own hands should not be loosened, does not make up creaking sounds, it does not burn and has a lot of facing options, plus resistant to atmospheric influences.

How to make a staircuit of reinforced concrete, its device, reinforcement, assembly of formwork, as well as work order and what materials will we understand in this article with the photo.

During work we will use this tool:

  • electric Bulgarian (angular grinding machine)
  • electric welding machine (stationary 220V)
  • roulette with a pencil
  • concrete mixer
  • buckets with shovels
  • building level
  • lobzik electric
  • sculpovyurt
  • stretch construction

As well as material:

  • armature for reinforcement of a monolithic staircase with a cross section of 8mm
  • cement M 400.
  • sand, crusheden
  • oSB sheet thickness not less than 15mm
  • self-tapping screws 40-60mm
  • ruberoid or dense film

Stage 1. Marking and waterproofing of the ladder.

Like any construction facility, the site requires preliminary design and calculations so that the ladder from concrete, with their own hands, has come as correct as possible. A simple project can be drawn from hand on a piece of paper to have a small idea of \u200b\u200bhow and what to do. At this stage, it is necessary to determine with the number of stairs of the stairs based on the height of the ground from the ground level. The standard height of the step 17-20 cm and the width of the stage, providing a comfortable step, 29-32 cm. A 30º is convenient for moving an angle of inclination, but if necessary, reduce the design area of \u200b\u200bthe staircase, an angle can be raised to 40-45 degrees of inclination. Since part of the site, our sides will be in the ground, then the sides need to be resurrected and paved waterproofing from the rubberoid or thick film. And in order to do it during operation, the waterproofing does not interfere with us to be fixed with appliances. In this case, we used nails and trimming the old profile. Along the entire staircase, it is necessary to pull the shoelace, it will show us the direction of the site. And along the lace itself, to score cutting of reinforcement with a length of 40-50 centimeters every 29-32 centimeters. The reinforcement will be scored in this way to show us the edge of each of our steps.

The convenience of the stairs can be (although it is for a wooden staircase - convenience will be calculated for concrete correctly, you only need to enter the sizes).

Stage 2. Assembling the frame of the staircase from reinforced concrete with your own hands.

Opinion of the sideline:

"The armature on the frame is not cooked. It fit on the wire, or is sisted on plastic clamps. There must be a microdvision. "

To begin with, it is necessary to cut the reinforcement with a cross section of 8-10 millimeters per pieces of 17 centimeters long (height of steps), 30 centimeters (width of steps) and 80 centimeters (the width of the site itself). Four pieces per step of the site.

The sequence of how you will weld a frame of the staircase, the value does not have. The main thing is that you get such a kubrick, as shown in a photo of 17 by 30 per 80 centimeters. And the number of such cubes should be equal to the number of steps.

Further, on the side of the future platform, we make the frame of the walls from the reinforcement, the size of the cells make 10 for 10 or 15 to 15 centimeters. The reinforcement between oneself is better to knit the wire, but since there will be no load on it, you can use the electric welding. The height of the wall frame must be made by 15 centimeters higher than the height of the upper step. Cooking the same frame and from the opposite side. If possible, the reinforcement fell into the adjacent wall.

Now, pre-cooked pastries need to be investing between the walls of the walls, be sure to set them in terms of the level and welcome around the walls.

Stage 3. Production and installation of formwork for the monolithic staircase under the fill with concrete.

The most difficult and time-consuming stage, experts consider the manufacture and assembly of the formwork. There should be no cracks in the formwork, no gaps otherwise to leak concrete through them. For the manufacture of formwork, we will use a sheet OSB, although you can also use Phaneur, desirable moisture resistant.

On the OSB sheet, you need to draw the end of our steps and cut out the electric bike. Two mirror parts are obtained from one sheet. Thus, one item will go to the right side the second on the left side of the side walls of the staircase. We also need the front walls of the steps. They also cut them out of OSB 2 centimeters high, higher than the armature and an equal size between the cut side walls of the site. The front walls of the steps between themselves, as well as to the sides of the site, you need to twist with screws using bridgeing and boards. It will not give a formwork by sprinkling on the sides when we pour concrete. The whole design of the monolithic staircase on a concrete base should be durable and tough.

Stage 4. Pouring steps concrete.

Pouring steps make standard concrete. One part of the cement, three pieces of sand and three parts of the rubble, if possible, add a plasticizer especially if the weather is very hot on the street. Then concrete will crack less when drying. Pour the steps into one stage will not work, do not even try! Otherwise, all work will go to the pump, only suffer, and then they will have to redo it. Pulling concrete you need to start with the bottom step with an interval of about an hour depending on weather conditions. When the first step will begin to be captured, you can pour in touch. Surplus of concrete and small irregularities need to be smoothed by a construction workshop until complete solidification. Since then it will do it much harder and longer.

Stage 5. Finishing work.

After 2 days after complete fill, the steps need to spin all the screws on the formwork. But the formwork itself is not dismantled. So the gap will appear between formwork and concrete, it will give concrete the opportunity to breathe, but to be in its form. The next day, boldly remove the whole formwork. After complete drying on the steps it will be possible to lay a tile, sandstone or other material according to your taste. That's all, your concrete monolithic staircase is ready, and all this with your own hands!

Note: During the whole time of drying (setting) of concrete, do not forget the steps slightly moisturize, watering their water from above!

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