Repairs Design Furniture

Coffee table from plywood with your own hands. Mobile table of plywood - how in an hour I made an original element of the interior to increase the strength of the product

Coffee table - This is the subject of the interior, which is found quite often, like a chair, comfortable sofas, chairs, beds. The appointment of tables is more decorative than the functional, they are stored small subjects, books, newspapers or magazines. In rare cases, the coffee table can be used as coats for snacks, cups with tea.

In order to make a coffee table from plywood, it is necessary to choose the material correctly if it is too thin, then the sheets are better glued in two layers.

Most often, the tables are the items of factory-proof production, but also with their own hands you can make stylish and attractive things from inexpensive materials. The coffee table can be made of plywood. it universal Materialwhich is often used today for the manufacture of furniture items. But factory products do not differ in a big fantasy, and sometimes you want to decorate your house stylish and comfortable objects Furniture.

The table from plywood can be done with carvings, comfortable shelves. Decoratively, it will look for products from glued layers of plywood. For this, it is used small parts or whole sheets that are sampled with a special waterproof glue, designed to work with wood. After the manufacture, the surface of the table can be covered with varnish, oil, mourn.

Lac Shellac will give the product a more noble surface that is inherent in the old beautiful things From natural wood.

Assembling table from plywood trimming

During repairs, many remain plywood, which often just throw out as unnecessary. But it is precisely these pieces that you can collect an unusual and beautiful coffee table in Modern style. He will have two legs, and the countertop will become closely in contact with the walls. For the table, you can take a whole sheet of plywood, but it will have to cut it into individual pieces, so it is better to use waste. If they are not, you can always ask about their presence in the building markets and in stores where you will gladly get rid of unnecessary materials.

How to make a table such unusual shapeSo that it is convenient, compact and decorative? First you have to prepare materials and tools that will be needed for work:

  • a small piece of whole plywood or thick cardboard, which will be needed for the template;
  • slices of plywood with one thickness, preferably in 18 mm. The number of such pieces should be greater, as the main design will be glued;
  • moisture-proof glue for working with wooden surfaces;
  • electrolovik;
  • pencil;
  • a circular saw;
  • vice;
  • sander;
  • oil or lacquer for processing the table after its assembly;
  • fasteners for fixing the table to the wall surface.

How to make a table from plywood fast? First, it is required on a sheet of paper to draw a template for which the legs of the product will be cut. Since the table is performed in the modern style, then the legs are best made curved or even openwork. The process of facing the table begins with the compilation of the sketch. On the big sheet Paper B. full size It is necessary to draw legs. After that, the drawing is transferred to dense cardboard so that the legs of the bsley symmetrical. You can draw only one direction, as a result, it turns out smooth and beautiful models.

If the template is ready, you can proceed to gluing pieces of plywood. It is necessary to make a design in such a way that their form repeats the form of future tables of the table. After each gluing 2 parts, it is necessary to remove all excess solutions with a clean cloth, the pieces of plywood themselves tightly compress each other so that the bonding was better. When the blanks are ready for the legs, you must put them on smooth surface, attach top template and circle simple pencil. Now you can cut the resulting design by the electric bison.

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Training Countertops and Wood Processing

With a worktop, everything is a little more difficult. It is necessary to get a beautiful drawing, so glue pieces of plywood is best at an angle so that they converge in the center. The angle of inclination parts that will be located from the edges to the center must be alone, then the drawing will be very beautiful. After gluing and drying the adhesive, the table top should also be cut through the pattern. When you make such a table, it should turn out 3 separate parts - these are two legs and a countertop. They need to give an attractive appearance, remove all sharp corners.

The grinding machine must be carefully and very carefully treat the entire surface of each workpiece so that it becomes smooth and beautiful. There should be no burrs, sharp faces and corners. After the surface is processed, you need to assemble a table, you can use conventional screws for attachment. To the wall, the design can be attached by special metal corners that need to be put so that they are not visible outside. Now the main thing remains - it is necessary to make the surface of the coffee table beautiful and stylish.

For decorating it is recommended to use Lac Shellac, which will give the product a noble matte surface natural tree. Since the pieces of plywood glued at the angle, the whole design acquires a very interesting, original drawing, which does not remind anything that the product is made of ordinary plywood and waste. It is not recommended to use paint for design, since a beautiful drawing will not be visible, the table will acquire a normal appearance.

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Production of birch plywood

For the construction of a coffee table, a birch plywood is excellent, which has an attractive appearance, durability, with it very easy to work. The design will consist of plywood blanks glued together. The shape of the table can be any, but it is first necessary to draw up the drawing. This will allow you to immediately calculate the amount of material, determine which tools and installation steps will be necessary.

For the construction of a small, but very attractive coffee table, materials and tools will be required:

  • birch plywood;
  • moisture-resistant glue, specially designed to work with wooden surfaces;
  • wooden stud;
  • oil or varnish for impregnation of the future surface of the table;
  • sandpaper;
  • electrolovik;
  • a circular saw;
  • drill.

The manufacturing process consists of such uncomplicated stages:

  • the drawing of the future table is drawn up. In this case, it will be a small design, the length of which will be 800 mm, and the height is 400 mm. Birch plywood will be reduced from such parameters;
  • the drawing is recommended to draw in a natural value, after which it will need to be given to the printing house so that the templates on the self-tier film can be printed on the plotter. Such templates will need to be glued to the surface of plywood, after which it is gently cut them along the edges;
  • lobzik cut out all the blanks, emery paper Their edges from burrs are fully cleaned. A markup for fasteners is applied to the surface of the blanks. Holes drill holes, then you can start connecting parts;
  • it is recommended to hold first preparatory work, after which it began to start wood processing. The material for the table is purchased in the amount of 3 sheets, the dimensions of each are 1200 × 2400 mm, the thickness of the sheet should be 18 mm;
  • it will take 27 blanks for work. Each must have a size of 400 × 800 mm, which fully corresponds to the dimensions of the future design;
  • in each workpiece with a milling nozzle, holes are made for fasteners. You can first prepare only 23 pieces, 4 leave for further work. Holes need to be cut in full compliance with the template so that the table looks attractive and neatly.

Natural reserves building materials on our planet are limited, and they are replenished much slower than they are spent - therefore the idea of \u200b\u200busing recyclable for the manufacture of beneficial things is far from Nova and is particularly popular in lately. Especially since some types of such raw materials are perfect to do an excellent dinner table at the cottage or in a gazebo. And if you make quite a bit effort and fantasy, then you can do great table in the kitchen.

About a few interesting and original ideas for the manufacture of stylish and, most importantly, comfortable tables, we will tell more. But make such tables, bringing their "highlight" into their design - your task.

Pallet table - solidity, thoroughness and reliability

To understand how to make the table from the pallets do it yourself most simple way, I must first decide which pallets will go to the manufacture of the table.

The structure of the pallet is shown in Fig.1.

Flooring from extreme and intermediate boards is most often used for tabletops and side planes of the table, and checkers (in some types of pallets, they can be replaced by bars running along the transverse boards) - as connection nodes of the parts of the table.

Loft Table - Or Design Table

For the table, the size of 800x1200x750 mm, 3 pallet will be required. The table depicted in photo 1 will require them as many as 6 pcs., And may have a different configuration, since it consists of two identical modules. Manufacture such a couple, you can simulate differently kitchen space.

In addition to pallets, we will need: nail-holder, manual circular Saw, Confirmates (or nails) for screed parts of the structure, grinding, spatula, putty and paint on wood, varnish.

Preparation for assembling design. Disassemble pallets as follows:

Collect P-shaped design The table, connecting the worktop with the pallets supplied on the ribs and tightening them with confirmates.

For reliability, you can additionally install furniture corners with back side Countertops.

The central checkers of the side parts of the table connect the additional crossbar made from the transverse board, which remained after dismantling the first pallet.

Finish finish Designs. Carefully slip irregularities external surfaces Tables, paying special attention to the countertop and the ends of the boards. Give putty dry and re-pollue outdoor design elements. Paint needed color and coat with two layers of varnish.

As you can see, the table from the pallets do it yourself very simple - for this you only need imagination and attention to detail. Try to make a table with photo 2 - you will see, you will succeed!

Post-table table top: Classic genre of the desired size

And again the old kind of classic, but created with his own hands.

We need a very small segment of furniture countertops to significantly save on the purchase of a dining table for the kitchen. It will be about how to make a table from the table top with your own hands. Classical kitchen table (Photo 3) is almost no different from furniture purchased in the furniture cabin - except, the sizes of the table top, ideal for your kitchen.

We need the following materials and tools:

  • A piece of tabletop from chipboard (if you buy it for these purposes - ask for sellers to bring it to you immediately the desired size);
  • Set of table legs - optimal will buy round legs with a height of 710 mm (diameter 60mm);
  • T-shaped furniture Cant (with girth and installation spike). All listed materials can be seen in Fig.3.
  • From the tools, we will need: an electrolovik, grinding (preferably - tape), a drill with a nozzle-cutter (or an end disk saw), a screwdriver. Also need a hammer with a rubber nozzle, sealant, self-tapping screws to fasten the legs to the tabletop, a caliper and a conventional drawing circuit.

    After the entire material is assembled, the tool is prepared - you can begin to make your own table from the tabletop.

    1 Stage of work - Making countertops:

    a) We make a mark of 10 cm from the corner, on each side of the countertop. The roundabout center is located at the point of intersection of perpendiculars spent from these marks to the sides of the tabletop rectangle. Radius of the circular solution - 10 cm. Blacks of rounding of all angles;

    b) the electroll bitch gently voiced the corners of the table tops on the marked arcs. To avoid chipping chips, the filling for the jigsaw must be taken with a reversing direction of teeth;

    c) carefully process cuts with grinders;


    d) Schunzirkul measuring the distance from the side of Kant to its spike. At the same distance from the upper plane of the table top, we carry out the line in its end;

    e) the cutter is chosen the groove on this line;

    e) Hammer with a rubber nozzle carefully clog the edging of a spike in the groove. For greater strength, it is desirable to apply silicone to the end;


    g) Place the places for the legs of the table;

    h) 25 mm screws screw holders;

    and) Install the table support.

    Table - Puzzle from birch plywood: originality, simplicity and style

    How to make a table from plywood with your own hands, can be seen in the diagram (Figure 4). Such a table will decorate any room.

    The material for the manufacture of such furniture is better to take birch, sheet thickness - 30-35 mm.

    You will need: plywood sheets - 2500x750 mm and 1500x1500 mm, drawing tool, jigsaw, PVA glue (if the product is planned inseparable), grinders, sandpaper and finishing materials.

    The feature of the table from plywood is an assembly without a single fastener, and how with their own hands you can make it as convenient as possible in the height and size of the countertops - to solve you. The round table in Figure 4g has a height of 750 mm and the diameter of the table top 1500 mm.

    The manufacturer's algorithm is next

    • Marking. In accordance with the drawing, the details A and B are absolutely identical on the contour, the difference is only in the depths of assembly grooves. Therefore, it is better to make one template (from Watman), and on it already make marking on the plywood. Pay attention to the selection in red: the groovers must be on the same line, and their width (like the height of puzzle protrusions at the top of the parts) is equal to plywood thickness.
    • Drinking and processing details. The attention is important here and accuracy: the strength and stability of the product depend on them. Grinding, toning and varnishing coating should be carried out on all parts of parts, including ends.
    • Assembly. With a qualitative execution of previous steps, the assembly will not take much time: we connect the parts A and B (in the groove), the part b wept on top of puzzle protrusions. If the fastening elements of the Podstoley are somewhat performed above the table top plane - they must be counted (grinding). Covered details finish layer Laca - Table ready!

Wide assortment of tables

In stock Tables from plywood at a price of 2300 rubles. More than 60,000 furniture and interior items. 390+ brands of beautiful and designer furniture.

Warranty on tables

Choose only reliable partners and carefully follow the quality. On the tables from plywood, the manufacturer's warranty and its own InmyRoom quality control system are valid.

Help in the selection

Our designers will pick up tables for free, taking into account your interior and planning. If necessary, it will offer an alternative replacement from the wide range of Inmyroom.

Fast and high-quality delivery in Moscow

Delive to buy 7 days a week. Accurate cost and delivery time in Moscow check with your manager. Delivery to other regions of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries are possible.

Easy refund and exchange

You can return the tables within 7 calendar days from the date of receipt in Moscow.

Warehouse Storage Service

We offer storage in our own warehouse if you have ordered tables from us, and the repair is not yet completed. Tariffs Specify from the InmyRoom manager.

Among the materials from which the table independently is made, you can highlight Phaneur. It is famous for the following advantages:

  • easy to handle;
  • withstands small loads, so it can be part of the coffee table;
  • this material produces not only furniture for the kitchen, but also for the children's, and any other room;
  • has an attractive appearance;
  • quite practical material;
  • it is inexpensive.

When working with plywood, it should be borne in mind that its whole sheet is much stronger than divided into several parts, even if these pieces you will collect the most thorough way.

If you make furniture not for the kitchen, then it is better to open with varnish or verses, sometimes you can combine these types of treatments.

Selection of material

In construction markets offer big choice Plywood for every taste. What exactly choose?

On the material there may be different patterns, from one tree or mixed. If a
plywood plywood, then there will be cracks in it in time, in which fungus and mold will be formed when water. It is better, of course, to stop your choice on plywood from one tree type. The ideal option There will be birch. It has increased strength, with constant solar rays "Not crying."

Basic principles of work with plywood table

So that the product is functional and durable, you need not only to pick up qualitative material, but also to collect him correctly. If the product is collected from pieces, then the assembly process is started only when the pieces dried well, the excess glue should be removed immediately after applying so that the appearance of the product does not deteriorate.

An important point Is the correct drawing of the table. Difference of the plywood product should be its perfect symmetry. If you are going to cut Phaneur into pieces, then calculate whether your electrolybiz is suitable for such work. Do not forget that you need to leave gaps for grinding and getting rid of sharp corners. When you handle the material, then get enough so that the surface is without a zadorinka. An important point is that, in addition to high-quality material processing, it is necessary to firmly bore parts between themselves. In order to dry the screws during screwing, drill holes for them for a couple of millimeters already.

To fix the parts to be as reliable, you can use joinery glue. When you get excited all the details, clean the dust, lubricate the glue, press the parts with the parts tightly, lock the clamps and leave in this position for several days until the glue does not dry.

How to make a countertop with your own hands: the scheme and the assembly process

The first preparation process. Do all measurements in the kitchen, consider how the table will be located. Make your tabletop drawing. Prepare tools and materials:

  • plywood sheets;
  • if necessary metal corners and plastic for plating;
  • staples, stapler;
  • joinery glue, sealant;
  • a hammer;
  • roulette;
  • mill;
  • electrolzik or hand saw;
  • construction knife;
  • screwdriver.

Now proceed to the workpiece of parts. Cut the jigsaw all the necessary parts and make a hole that is suitable for washing. Lines for which you will cut, should be perfectly smooth. Connect the surface with legs, if it is a table or with each other, if this is a tabletop. Self-tapping screws are used to connect parts. Watch out the smoke of the joint. Previously treat material with a sealant.

The top of the table should not have any errors, burrs or irregularities. To treat the surface, cover it with primer for chipboard. Please note that its composition should include water instead of oil. Such a composition will dry about 12 hours. After drying out, open lacquer.

Also, the worktop can be covered with plastic. To do this, cut the plastic sheets with a gap to several millimeters more and glue with special glue.

The manufacture of tabletops from plywood does not take up much time and effort. You will spend at least the means and materials, and as a result, get the exclusive part of the furniture, which they produced themselves.

To make a dining table for the dining room from plywood, it can be made of a circular standing on one massive backup. For the drawing, the roulette and pencil will be required. Cut from a piece of plywood perfectly smooth circle. To achieve ideality, you can take advantage of such a cunning: in the middle of the intended circle, take a nail, bring the rope to it, at the end of which will fasten the pencil and circle a circle on the sheet.

When you cut the circle (or it may be a square, a rectangle, etc.), be sure to span, remove the sowing and roughness.

Plywood plywood pieces Connect glue and self-drawing together. Squeeze the round part of the table and screw.

That's so very easy to make furniture with your own hands.

Any master. The only material for the table is plywood, as a result we will get a simple beautiful and most importantly functional coffee table that will decorate any interior.

Dimensions of the table IN-490 mm, Sh700 mm, G-500 mm.

Now let's start everything in order.

Materials and tools

For the manufacture of such a table we will need

  • plywood thickness 10 mm;
  • electrolovka or manual (school);
  • pVA glue;
  • sandpaper;
  • paint or varnish your choice.

Production of table

I did not do the table, but only developed the model in the Compass-3D program, so you will see the end result only after you collect the table in one.

I give all the necessary drawings with dimensions and all the necessary data for creating such a coffee table.
For such a table, we need only 1 m2 of plywood with a thickness of 10 mm.

To begin with, you need to transfer all the sizes with the drawings on Faneru, of course it is not the most fast waybut no less effective. Naturally such a way is more time-consuming, but it will take a minimum of tools for its implementation, just a pencil, a square and a ruler.

Drawings for transfer to Phaneur

For the happy possessors of printers, there is a simpler version of the size of the sizes on the paneur. You need to print all the necessary drawings, and glue them to the plywood, after which everything is cut along the contour contour. In order to print all drawings, you need to install the COMPASS-3D software on your PC, and it is possible to print it with it. The process of installing the program and printing is described in my previous article, you can see.

You can print all the details on one sheet.

Drawing of the coffee table

File downloading:

Coffee table drawing from plywood.frw


Top Couple

You can print the table cover separately.

File for download

Top cover. FRW.

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Regiment of the coffee table

Print the shelf separately.

File for download


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Coffee table legs

Feet Print separately - 4 copies

file for download


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And of course there is the easiest way to get the necessary prepared parts for the assembly of the table - it is cutting parts using a CNC machine. All who has the opportunity to do this with the help of a CNC machine, ready-made items will receive in minutes.

It is not dependent on which of the ways of cutting parts you have chosen, at the milestone ultimately have the workpiece we need. Now you can safely hang all the details of the sandpaper and you can begin to glue the table. Before gluing I recommend collecting a table without glue, in order to check if everything is suitable, and most importantly determine the assembly oddness of all parts. All joints are well riveted with PVA glue, or any other glue that is designed to glue the tree.

After gluing and drying, it is necessary to remove the extra glue on the joints, and go to those places with sandpaper. Now our table is ready to paint. Here the choice of paint, varnish and their colors remains yours.

This simple, durable, lightweight and elegant coffee table can be made in a couple of evenings in a home workshop with a minimum tool.

The shelf in the table is just provided for newspapers and magazines. Also, a table can be used as a dining, putting it in the room, or flipping your favorite magazines with a cup of coffee at the table in the evening. I think here everyone will choose the scope of such a table for itself.

Thank you all for your attention, successful to you