Repairs Design Furniture

Home children's swing do it yourself. Baby swing do it yourself: what you can do, drawings, sizes and instructions with photos. Separately standing A-shaped designs without canopy

Remember child sensations from swings? It is not only pleasant, but also useful - monotonous swinging is trained by the vestibular apparatus, and still - soothe the nervous system. The second property in our time is very useful. It is a pleasant treatment-relaxation after a busy day. Moreover, any person with "straight" hands will be able to make a swing with their own hands. There are, of course, complex models, but a lot more simple.

About structures

Like most of the surplus buildings, swing most often made from wood. Racks and crossbars are made of timber, logs, seats - from dusts and even from pieces of home furniture.

A little about structures. There are three main types of suspended swings, or as they are also called - a swing-boat, a sofa, bench, etc. The main difference in the type of supporting structure: there is a-shaped and P-shaped. An example with racks folded into a triangular design you see above, and in the photo below the example with a P-shaped counter. It is already more likely with a suspension bench and it is built on the same type, only taking into account swinging loads.

There is a third look - this is a complex structure that requires certain skills - in its crank compounds and they swing away from the harness to the floor. We immediately give both photos and schemes for those who want (can be deployed to the full screen if you click on the arrows in the upper right corner of the picture).

Making swing do it yourself from the tree

Most often, they independently make the design in the form of the letter "A". It is easier, requires smaller consumption of materials. We will analyze the nodes, fasteners in more detail, talk about materials, protection against destruction and stability.


Immediately about what to make wooden swings. The selection of the secting of lumber depends on the planned load. If it is assumed that one adult person, racks and upper crossbar at a minimum - 50 * 70 mm will be sitting. If a larger number of "landing" places is assumed - two or three, then the cross section of the bar is at least 100 * 100 mm, in better - 100 * 150 mm. The experimental way is established that such a design when using a bar 100 * 100 normally withstands the total load of about 200 kg. If you need more - take a larger cross section, or put a log))

About what makes a bench / sofa. A barcass will go to the frame 70 * 40 mm, the height of the back is not less than 600 mm, the depth of the seat is at least 480 mm. With the depth of the seat and angle of inclination of the back, you can experiment: There are options for "lying" position. Accordingly, the length of the sofa and the dimensions of the structure differ from this greatly. For fastening, nails 200 or studs of at least 10 mm in diameter are used.

How to arrange the rack

Scheme with dimensions and list of the desired material in the photo below. If frankly, few people do from such materials as indicated in the specification. More often put timber.

There are varieties of this design: with the bottom frame or without. If the swing is to be installed on a tight area and fastening to make rigid, on the hairpins, without the possibility of a backlash, then such a design will stand without problems. If there are doubts, you can make a snug from a bar, to nail with stiletto to coating, or drive the stakes to the ground.

The crossbar added here, there is nothing to touch the easiest design, but the "legs" can be torn

For those who are afraid of side loads - the design in this axis is not the most reliable - you can offer racks to put with a slope. Square will need large, but stability will be high.

If it is assumed to install in the ground, parts of the racks that will be buried must be treated with bio-protection. As a cheap option - to put for a few hours in the vessel with the exhaust oil. Dry, then bury. They buried at least 50 cm to the depth, a little rubble embarrassed onto the bottom, racks and concrete. If you are afraid that this is not enough, attach the cruciform at the bottom of several metal bands. The well will have to dig a larger size, but the deduction area will be greater.

Methods of fastening crossbar

In all the swings of this type - with the supported at the top of the racks - the node of the attachment is problematic, to which then cling to the bench. In the photo above it is resolved reliably, although not quite aesthetic. The whole trouble is that the aesthetic methods are complex. And, if you are not for sale, it is faster to do something uneleeless, but reliable. So, to consolidate the crossbar, the overhead of the timber attached below the intersection attached to the racks. There is a cross on it, which is held from lateral shifts with racks and fasteners - nails and honeycomb.

Another way to install the crossbar is to mount the side racks in the form of the letter "x". With this option, the carrier bar is perfectly lighted. It is additionally attached to nails, and the racks are tightened with studs. For this option, see the next photo.

All is well, but the sofa length is not enough ...

According to the same principle, they are collected by their own hands from the logs: the side fastened will be covered, and the support log is laid on top. If the bar is sometimes collected on nails, then in the case of logs, they are mainly used.

For those who are familiar with the carpenter, there are still options: in the floor tree. Such a project in the photo gallery below with a close-up of some key nodes.

Stands are bonded - view from inside

Photo gallery homemade swings on chains

And several photos of different swings made on the basis of a-shaped design.

From latitive logs under a reed roof - a gorgeous version of - 3-seater, and maybe more, the swing is still the option in which all the "finishers" have developed - the racks in the form of the letter "X" and under the slope one of the modifications - more complicated in Manufacturing this is a whole house .... Different immediately and staircase ...

Mounting swing to the crossbar

It also requires clarification for a swing, that is, not for everyone obviously, how to hang the sofa bench on the crossbar. First, the crossbar is drilled from below-up through. Through the hole skipped the bolt to which the rhy-nut is mounted. Under the hat, the nuts laid one or two wide washers so that it does not be melted under weight.

It turns out that the ring of the rhy-nut is located below. You can mount the carbine, roll the rope or cable, etc. Just note that the carabiner should be normal, hanging freely on the ring with a rhy-nut. And two chain links should be placed in the carbine. Therefore, it is advisable to buy everything together in one store: you can try on the whole knot immediately.

By the way, in the hardware store you can stumble upon other devices that can be accommodated for fastening chains or ropes from the seat swing. For example, such as in the photo below.

They are designed to raise the cargo from 0.5 tons, so that it makes no sense to use them for nurses, in the swing for adults - quite.

Such an attachment has a significant minus - when swinging the creak is heard. You can get rid of the node on time from it, but this operation will have to be repeated periodically. Exit - to make a node on the bearings, but without welding it is not necessary.

Metal swing do it yourself

They have exactly the same design. The material is different, and the method of its attachment. This is welding. Those who are familiar with CO, will not work to cook something similar. And for inspiration a photo report.

Below is the drawing of this swing with dimensions. Some explanations are required. The figure there is a pipe welded around the perimeter (this plane is shaded). She is buried and therefore in the photo is not visible. It was made in order to increase stability: the masses of friends are considerable. For the same reason, they are welded on the ends of the racks of the metal plate. The installation complicated, but the swing is tight.

For the manufacture of 22 meters of profile pipe 50 * 50 mm, for seats 25 * 25 mm - 10 mm, boards 2000 * 120 * 18 - 7 pcs and the rest - fasteners, paint, anti-frug.

There is another way to fasten the swing to the crossbar. He is in the photo.

Method Make Metal Swing Fastening

The original shape of the swing from the profile pipe is nonlinear racks, and curved. This with a tree should be done if it is possible, then only the master.

Children's swings

For children, you can make the same design, but smaller.

There are several other models for, and about that. Here are the first - swing-scales or balancer.

Swing for children - Balancer or Scales

Everything is clear, there may be questions only on the attachment node. Below drawing indicating dimensions. Steel plates are fixed in the top of the top inside. So that they swing, the hole in which the pin is told. You can improve the "exchanging" by inserting bearings.

Quickly and simply can make a swing-socket from the tire (automotive tire). In four corners, the bolts are installed with rhy-nuts, but do not forget smaller diameter (do not forget about the washers), ropes or chains are cling to them, and you can throw them on the appropriate branch on the tree, at least to hang on the horizontal bar.

One of the favorite children's fun - swing on the swing. There is almost every courtyard in the city of Swing. However, in the summer, children often go to grandparents in the village or take with them to the cottage. To diversify your child's holiday, you can make baby swings for giving with their own hands. Instructions, photos and schemes you will find in this article.

Swing can have a different design: from the simplest "Tarzanka" to a large swing, on which you can even lie. Further the designs of the swings that can be made independently, in order of increasing complexity, will be described.

Garden swings are very popular in the country

The simplest swing, familiar to the majority - Tarzanka. It is a durable stick attached to the rope (rope, chains) to the tree. Tarzanka is made extremely simple: a durable stick is selected about a half-meter length (you can sprinkle a piece of the cutting for shovel, robble, etc.), the rope is tied to its middle, the other end of which is attached to the thick branch of the tree. It is best to use the so-called scaffold nodes - they themselves are tightened and keep the load well. Such a swing of a child can do it yourself. Tarzanka can be improved if instead of sticking a strong board, drill in the center and skip the rope into the hole, then fasten the node.

The most simple tarzanka can be made of rope and stick

Slightly different from Tarzanka another shell - a trapezium. A trapezium is the same stick, but the rope is tied to it not in the middle, but from both edges. The rope can be solid, but two - the same length can be used. If one solid rope is used, it can be fixed on the branch of the usual loop (photo 1).

Helpful advice. It is better to choose a stick with a significant margin of strength. First, the increased strength guarantees the safety of the swing, and secondly, then you can pump small grooves in the places of fastening of the ropes so that they do not slide - it also improves safety.

Tarnace cable can be fixed between two supports

The simplest swing

The simplest swing can also be suspended on a thick branch, but it is better to make a crossbar with supports. The design of the support will be described at the end of this article.

Simple swing with soft seat

The seat is a square or rectangular board suspended in four corners. You can use Phaneur. Not far from the corners in the seats, four holes are drilled in which the rope or ryy is passed (in the fish instead of the head is the ring); If ryy is not used, the rope can be skipped through the hole and tie up the node (the thickness should be equal to the diameter of the hole), thus attaching the board on it. If rye is used, then instead of the rope can be taken a chain that trays to the Karabin fish.

You can attach the back to the seat with the same plywood to the seat. Another version of the backrest (suitable for small children) is shown in photo 2. On the ropes are put on a tree tubes up to 30-40 cm long (the same length!), After that, for every two adjacent ropes, a wand-crossbar with drilled holes along the edges is put on. This design, despite the simplicity of manufacture, is quite convenient, safe and will serve for a long time.

Note. Instead of putting on wooden tubes (not everyone can make them!) You can tie nodes on the ropes at an equal distance from the seating. Then the crossbars will stay with the help of nodes, not the tubes. It looks not as aesthetically, but it is easier to manufacture.

Helpful advice. In the manufacture of any wooden parts, the swing must be cleaned with a skin or file - it will protect your children from the head and give a more aesthetic type of product. In order for the swing to serve for a long time, they need to be covered with varnish or paint to protect against dampness.

Wooden pallets swing (pallet)

To wooden pallets, the chain or rope is fixed in the same way for four corners. The dignity of the pallets is their large size and strength: on the wide pallets it is convenient to swing standing, and you can put the mattress and swing the lying. Pallets can connect, forming large designs.

Seat swing from wooden pallets (pallet)

Swing from auto stakes

Automotive tires are strong enough, but they are well cut. The most primitive use of the auto stroke is similar to the tarzanka: a tire in a vertical position is tied to the branch of the rope, in such a swing you can sit. But such a seat is not very convenient, and his appearance is not aesthetic. This is not a reason to abandon the use of auto strokes.

Much better looks like a swing from the auto strokes tied horizontally on three or four chains. In the tire at an equal distance, four or three holes are drilled from each other, each of which rhyled and fastened with a nut. Between ryom and sidushka (and between nut and sidushka) it is useful to pave wide washers. Rocks (or chains) are boosted together to the support at one point on the steel ring.

The band cut off from the car is used instead of the board, as described above. In this case, the "ears" stripes are attached to the edges of the tire strip, for which the rope is kept or the carabiner is engaged.

From the tires you can make a variety of shapes for swing

Fabric swing on a metal frame

Swing seats can be made from a metal frame with a strong tissue stretched on it (for example, a tarpaulter). Instead of fabric, you can use weaving from the ropes. Example - swing from the hoop.

The swing from the hoop resembles a hammock: a wide and durable hoop is attached to three-four ropes, from which thin rings are going to the center, which woven Macrame technique in some semblance of the web. The scheme of weaving can be different, the main idea is that weaving withstand the weight of your child. The hoop usually turns into a foam rubber and a cloth, either flipped with a twine, so as not to inflict the child with an injury with a possible impact and for greater comfort. Instead of Macrame, you can pull to the hoop tarpaulin, as noted above.

Packs for swing. Fastening swing to supports

Supports (goats) are made of three bars, bric, boards or metal and have the appearance of the letter A: the lower ends are placed in specially dug holes and bury or concreted. The crossbar even for children's swings is better made from a metal pipe. In the absence of a pipe to goats, the beam is placed - a thick bar or a rounded log. The design should be durable and not fused. Steel supports are harvested with welding, and wooden join with screws, anchors, self-draws and metal corners.

If the seat is suspended to a metal crossbar, it is good to use rings - plastic, metal or wooden. The latter can be chopped out of the tree independently. If you bind the rope to the tube without rings, the rope can be pulled out. Then it is necessary to regularly check its strength. If there are rings, it is better to smear the places of contact rings and crossbars.

If the swing is suspended to a log or brusche, then the rings are not needed: the rope will not slide on a tree due to strong friction. Both ropes and chains can be attached to the polls (or hooks), firmly screwed into the bar or log. Wooden design elements need to be closed or painted to protect them from moisture.

Instead of a wooden crossbar with fish, you can use steel crossbars with rings welded to them. On a wooden beam, the frame can be replaced by clamps for which Karabina hang. Chains can be attached to vertical stands on an anchor with wide washers. In this case, the beam is needed only to impart the design of stability and rigidity.

Cots can be attached on chains

Chains can be attached not separately, but to connect rings: the left chains are attached to one, right - to another. Rings are also suspended on the carbines to the fish, on hooks, clamps, or welded to a metal crossbar.

Children's swing on the ropes are not such reliable

Let us dwell on two types of swing.

Chairs rocking

Rocking chair can replace the child swing. The advantages of the rocking chair can be attributed to the safety for the swinging (there is no risk of the rope of the rope) and mobility (you can put into the house, you can take it outdoors); The disadvantages are the relative complexity of the manufacture and what such a chair can give the foot standing nearby. A variety of rocking chairs can be considered wooden rocking horses. The main complexity in the manufacture of rocking chairs is the manufacture of rounded polls; For a children's rocking chair, they can be filled out of thick plywood.

Rocking chairs are safe and fit even the smallest

Horse - a rocking chair from a wood array

For the manufacture of polozov, it is necessary to draw their contours on the sheet of plywood and neatly cut the jib, after which it is cleaned with a file and sandpaper. The seat of plywood or chipboard (plywood is stronger and easier) is attached between the polishes on metal corners. It is necessary to work very carefully so that the rocking is not turned out to be a curve.

Floor rocking for kids can also be made of dense cardboard

Swing-Balancer (Eng. Seesaw).

Swing-Balancer is a long crossbar, at the ends of which seats are made. On such a swing, you can swing at least two. The simplest variant of the Balancer swing is done like this:

  1. It is selected long (2.5 - 3 m) durable board or bar, cleaning and sandwich.
  2. On each side, the handles are screwed from the edge. For this, on the two sides of the bar attached on the table, to which the crossbar is fitted (photo 5).
  3. On both sides, the seats from plywood or boards are screwed or nailed, it is advisable to attach the pads to the seats to be soft.
  4. In the ground, a thick durable post is launched in length about a meter to the depth of half meter (or concreted).
  5. By the middle of the bar, it is screwed or nailed with a hinge, which is then fastened to the wigged post.

Another option is possible when it is lit up from thick plywood, as for the rocking chair, and are attached to the middle of the bar. Then swings become portable and can be used indoors.

Making a swing - Balancer for children


When making a swing, remember: negligence in the work may respond an injury. Be sure to choose the durable chains and ropes, check the stability of the structures. It is better to spend more time and money and make a swing stronger you need than because of the error in the calculations to become a culprit of a spoiled rest, and worse - a serious injury of a native child.

There is another interesting type of keyings - this is a swing-grasshopper. Scheme swing grasshopper

Swing for giving with their own hands

42 photos:

Swing is needed not only for pleasure. Adults soothe nerves, improve the mood and put in order of thought; Especially if, sharing, contemplate the cloud in heaven. Children and teenagers on the swing train the vestibular apparatus, produce coordination of movements, and, what is called, the whole body feel physics. Schoolchildren who know how to swing well on the swing, as a rule, it is better to have time and with the go there are such difficult concepts as for example, the moment of inertia of the body.

Make garden swings with your own hands the case is simple. Who in childhood did not roll on a plank suspended to the bitch of the tree on the ropes? Or did not bull down in a river or pond, swinging at the tarzanka? And having at its disposal a certain amount of material, a simple tool and not quite the curves of the hand, you can build a resting corner in any atmosphere, not inferior to the garden of the garden, see fig.

Country grace

Street and yard swings put where there is a place. In the country, it is also, in general, not in excess, but for myself it is worth the way, how to collect country pleasures in one edem: and the place is saved, and, if we relax, then the beds, from which hands in the corns, eyes Do not call. Here, as headed, every owner. However, there is a very good universal version: hang swing for giving pergola, see fig. If it, of course, is strong enough for this. To dig up and set up a decorative pond - and the paradise is ready for his own hands less than 1 weaving.

About metal kachels

Most often, they are most often made of wood: it's more closely and working with it easier. But if, say, to equip a playground to equip the playground to the whole world, then the design is already needed, and it is not necessary for the sorrow, so that there is no contemporary, and the hooligan, which, alas, will not translate in any way, damage the swing was difficult. At such a case - in fig. Below the drawing of classic, so to speak, the courtyard swings from the metal: pipes, corner, stripes, wire rods, with a canopy. We will further pay more attention to wooden swings, except when the metal is required by strength: for a sports corner, a teenager, etc.

Note: There are cases when the metal as a design material for swing is chosen according to other criteria. For example, on pos. 1 Fig. Right - forged swings. Their manufacture requires high mastery, and to order is very expensive, but - prestige is obvious. But on the pos. 2 There is also a metal swing from scope trimming. For those who know how to handle the welding machine and the grinder, their construction is half the day, and the bright coloring disguises the utilization of the material.

Best - Children

Bark on suspended swings start not immediately. Todders, just to have learned to rearrange as their lower two, fit to ride a pendulum swing. What, by the way, also develops the motorcy and strengthens the musculoskeletal system. Parents, confused by their siblings, children's pendulum swing, soon make sure: Absadin on his knees and elbows, broken noses, roar and resentment from the other noticeably dressed. Although, of course, still not without it. But the swing will help children to develop a reasonable caution and common sense, not allowing serious injury.

How the swing-pendulum is arranged, it is known. Presented in Fig. The option is interesting because the metal fastener requires already 11 nails:

Details marked (!) Are performed from a solid fine-layer deciduous tree - oak, beech, hut, walnut. The ends of the axis of the pendulum can not be cut to perfectly round: it is enough to overtake more or less smooth to get into the nests with a small tension, and to shake the board several times, work. If the fibers in the axis and support racks are oriented mutually perpendicular to (which is observed elementary, cutting them out of one board), then the swing will serve for many years, and the rubbing surfaces will soon become mirror-smooth and durable, as made of steel on the machine.

The pendulum swing can be made portable to, say, put on the veranda for the winter. 2 methods for this are shown there, pos. A and b. By the method, the ends of the racks are concreted in the unfit tire; The method B is obvious and easier, but both seats can fall the side together with the swings. By the way, from old tires for swing can be learned a lot of other benefits; Next, we will come back to them.

The elder swings for children make suspended, as for adults (see below), with some features:

  • The carrying beam of the swing from the bar is made with a removal on which the staircase leads, see Fig. on right.
  • Even better, if there is enough space, put an additional support from the side, so that the horizontal bar is and see. Fig. below. In this case, the entire sports corner, except for the housing bar, is preferable to make a profile pipe, then all the construction is stronger, cheaper and more easier.
  • Suspensioning for children who already know how to swing, the rope scheme 2-2 is best (see below). Then it is possible that it will be possible, without risking to pinch, otherwise to break the finger of the chain, rake, although the spirit captures. And properly selected materials and the design of the suspension will not allow you to "steal the sun" and to sew down from its top point, or turn to the projectile released from the Parable, without knowing how to group for landing as acrobats.

Note: Choosing or constructing a swing, do not neglect the safety technique! When swinging at all max, the rocking speed at the critical points of the trajectory exceeds 50 km / h! Accordingly, the result of a breakdown or falling from the swing will be equivalent to an accident at the same speed.

There are still swings for newborns and infants. The benefits of them are quite a few, but this is medical equipment. It is not recommended to do such a swing, but you only need to choose purchased and use them for the prescription of the pediatrician.

For kids from about six months, the eyes of which are looking to be meaningfully (this means that vision has formed and see them clearly), children's swings will be useful for small, see fig. on right. They stand quite a few, but to make the same very simple from pipes, PVCs or propylene, and trimming plywood, see video:

Video: Baby swings for kids

Do not forget to drown out the ends of the pipes by foam: at such an age, the finger in a small hole is silent, and I want to put it there. Swing a child in such a swing, keeping suspended by hand; The apartment is suitable for the same plastic tube, weight is small.

Note: It is swing that most often the base of the child's corner. What is still needed for him, and how to compose all this, requires a separate description in parts. For example, you can see the following roller:

Video: Children's playground with swings in the program "Fazenda"

Adults and all-all-all

Now it is appropriate to ask: how are the swings for the whole family? So that and adults should be cozy, and the children also liked? Compromise to find quite possible: the seat must be with the back is double, but not very massive. The commander - strong enough so that it was possible to become a big child to him. Suspension take chain, because Rope with such a load will plunge. Its scheme should provide sufficiently easy swing without help from the side, the corner limit and the speed of the routing and long swaying after it.

Making family swings are preferably made of wood at the above reasons: cozy, they do not need a complex tool or special equipment for manufacture. It is also very desirable to do with 1-2 lumber sizes, and the fact that cheaper is the usual cutting board. For the durability of the workpiece impregnate biocides (antiseptics) and hydrophobizers (water-repellent means).

Since the swing is not a residential building and in the air will dry very quickly, it makes no sense to spend on expensive branded funds. A waste motor oil (testing) is suitable as a biocide, and the hydrophobizator is a water-polymer emulsion or instead of it PVA aluminum or water-based tile, diluted 3-5 times. Impregnate chopped into the size of the workpiece first by working out, and after 3-7 days - emulsion.

Drawings of family swings of such a "classic" type are shown in Fig; The length of the legs are given on their plug in the ground by 0.5 m:

Their peculiarity is that they are built entirely from the boards, without the use of a more expensive breeding forest, as can be seen from the material statement, pos. 2. For pos. 3 shows the way of fitting the supports before assembly: the beelel board is used as a stapel. Feet, cut into size and at the angle (see below), apply to the shell, are bred to the desired width (the accuracy of trimming is checked). Then the bottom stopper is superimposed, it is displayed parallel to the slate at the distance of its ends of it, and is placed under the pruning on the place. From trimming the lower spacer make the top.

Note: In fig. On the right - a way to mark the leg blanks based on the angle between them at 30 degrees. Markers on the steel cleaner are made from several turns of soft wire with bent ends.

Swing their own design

You may have a question: how to make a swing completely independently? Schemes, drawings are good, but if there is a material (let's say, it remains from construction), which is clearly enough for a swing, but does not fit into this design? And I do not want a model product, I want something your own. Finally, in fig. At the beginning it is clear that the gorgeous original swings are obtained at all of the dry and waste from the garden trimming. How to make beautiful, comfortable, durable and safe swings from all this? Well, proceed. The procedure:

  1. Dimensions;
  2. The base and method of fastening to the soil;
  3. Carrier frame;
  4. Methods and suspension designs;
  5. Suspension nodes;
  6. Rocking, she is the seat;
  7. Methods for sinking rocking.

Finally, consider some more non-trivial structures and special, but arranged on the basis of ordinary, special purpose swings.

Sizes and proportions

The sizes of the swing are considered, first, based on the width of the seat of the park bench for 1 person - 60 cm; The minimum value is 40 cm. The height of the seat over the ground takes a slightly greater than the standard height of the stool 40 cm so that you can, on the one hand, swing, not hurt for the ground and at the same time, stretching my legs, it was possible to brake; On the other hand, to sit down / get up was still comfortable. Typically take 50-55 cm, but actually customize, adjusting the height of the suspension, see below.

Note: For paired swings with a longitudinal roll, the height of the board of the board (boat) takes 0.7 of its length. For landing, disembarking, the platform is necessary, and for the rocking chair - a smoothly active brake (suddenly someone will grind on it, or it / it is scared and rented), driven by the operator from the Earth. Therefore, paired swings with a longitudinal star in everyday life almost do not apply.

Suspended swings consist of a carrier frame (2 support racks + cross), a suspended system and a rocking chair, it is the seat. The distance from the edges of the seat to the side supports take at least 150 mm with a chain suspension of type 2Sh-4 or 4-4 (see below), for any other chain suspension from 250 mm, for conventional rope suspensions from 350 mm, and for any suspension With 1 point of fastening at the top - at least 0.7 general height of the suspended system. These requirements proceed from the fact that any swing lateral swing is inevitable, and the rummy rocking chairs for the support is unpleasant and with strong swinging is attendable. Those, if we, for example, the 40-cm seat is suspended on the ropes, then the width of the span between the supports must be at least 35 + 40 + 35 \u003d 110 cm.

The distance from the seat to the crossbar should be no less than the growth of a person on a swing, in order to, first, it was possible to rock standing, secondly, to, suddenly getting up, not to knock down his head. It takes within 190-220 cm, depending on the existing material.

The angle between the legs of the side supports take 30-40 degrees; most often - 30. Then, if you take a blank half of the standard length of 6 m, i.e. 3 m, then taking into account the legs of the legs and the thickness of the workpiece on the seat just can be in full growth. In addition, the area occupied by swings.

Note: The thickness of the material of the carrier parts is taken on the basis of 3-fold overload when swinging. For a high-quality wooden bar, it will be from 150 mm in height, and for steel pipes - from 40 mm in diameter or side of the square.

Fastening to the soil

The legs of wooden swings either roll into the ground on 1 m or more, or concreted to a depth of 0.5 m. Then, taking into account 10 cm of the gravel pillow, pits under the legs need to dig by 2 bayonet shovels, i.e. 60 cm. In the thi and more case, the ends of the legs before installing into the pits with a reserve of 15-20 cm in length or impregnate with bitumen mastic (40% bitumen and 60% of white-spit or solvent), or shed heated almost to boiling bitumen, and, barely cooled, sprinkle with sand; This method protects better from rotting.

For spilling bitumen under the leg, put bricks so that the end could be hidden. They pour a thin weaving, for which the bitumen is convenient to warm in a non-tilting with a drawn nose. Obsolete one side, the leg immediately turn over and pour the other side, trying to go to the end too. Sand is sprinkled in the same order.

With metal swings, the situation is more complicated: the pipe is thin compared to a log or broomage can over time or turn out of the soil, or to resolve on the most concrete, because Here, when swinging, the loads are concentrated. Therefore, metal street swings of common use should be made with supported frames in the form of a one-piece triangle and concrete into a trench, then the metal beam laid in it takes on a significant part of the effort and unload the legs.

The legs of the swing without additional supporting elements, like the channel shown above, are concreted to a depth of at least 1.2 m, regardless of the drainage depth in this area, then the channel will be able to transfer part of the loads to concrete. The usual swing from the metal is best binding at the bottom of the additional carrier frame and attach an anchors to the ground at least 1 m long, see fig. This, by the way, will allow, if you need, to return the land without any problems in economic use.


Country swings are most often done on a frame of 2 A-shaped supports bound by a transverse beam. Sometimes, if the swing is equipped with a rigid awning, the frame is made on the 4-pillars with a canopy, see below. In hot sunny places, where the awning is needed all summer, it gives some material savings.

Recently, frame on λ-shaped supports is becoming increasingly popular, on the left in Fig.:

When building it gives saving wood into a whole bar, which in the current prices for lumber is essential. But this swing only for adults: when sculpting, carrying beams may not withstand - wooden break, piercing. By the way, it is impossible to do λ-frame from ordinary structural steel, immediately. Need a very expensive specialist.

The frames with the traverse (in the center in Fig.) Are known to everyone: the swing on the bitch it is. Specially traverse frames are made for acrobatic swings with the 1st point of the rocking chair; On them, having mastered how the screaming equipment should be written out intricate pyruettes. In this case, the tree on the frame take double thickness, and on the concreted ends of the legs should be firmly attached cross.

A variety of traverse frame - metal mobile. They are made from high-quality steel, load, moments, center of gravity, etc. Mechanical wisdom is accurately calculated. This method is manufactured by popular (and very expensive) swing-lounge chairs, right in fig.

Wooden Rama


The most spectacular and in many cases inexpensive swings are obtained from logs. Take the borne and rounded optional: they will go, as already mentioned, waste trimming and dry waste. Frame from the latter, if the trunks are still durable and powerful, it does not need additional reinforcement, pos. 1 in fig. Ramas frames from a business log, especially if they are mobile, i.e. Do not discharge and are not concreted, you need to strengthen the pins, pos. 2 and 3. The material in the latter case needs as much, but the frame of the sky closes less. It is asked, and why the frames do not plunge? In order not to spoil the lawn or a paved platform, in fig. it is seen.

If the swing is bought or concreted, then the most economical and durable frame - like Chinese swing, pos. 4. Although such swings have long been known in Russia; They were often done in Berezniki, tying in pairs of top trees. The "Russian-Chinese" swing can also be made unlucky, supplying the additional frame at the bottom. Drawing such a design is given on the trail. Fig: legs - logs or square bars, Rigel - 180x80 ram, Lower frame - from the boards of 150x40.


The usual, non-publicated wooden bar gives the ability to build a swing large than a log. Brous is easier and cheaper to make a swing with a constant canopy for hot countries, pos. 1 in fig. The usual frame on the A-shaped supports from the bar (pos. 2) will also be easier and stronger: under the weight of the rocking chair, the beams are compressed (pos. 3) and, the stronger the swing is loaded, the stronger the frame is kept. In the frame "Russian-Chinese" swings from the bar, it is necessary at the top, as for logs, only 1 fastener knot, pos. 4, and a canopy device above the swings from a bar on a-shaped supports is also not difficult, pos. five.

Moreover, the rigle from the bar can take the same as on the feet, i.e. reduced section (100x100 mm), if at the ends to reinforce it with overlays from the board, and the points of the rocking shock are close to them, pos. 6. Then bending the bending moments as it were to flow into compressive legs, and the load on the compression tree keeps well.

To strengthen this effect, the riglel sometimes put the tops of the supports, pos. 7, but the winnings in strength comes out illusory, but the excess fastener is striking, and there is money. Using this principle, better the tops of the supports of the trim and the reigleel on top to fasten the lining, pos. 8. Then it will be possible if the reigleel is 150x150, and the legs of the 200x200, make the removal of the riglel to 1.5 m, and to bring children's swing on the ropes, attach a staircase with a slide, etc. It turns out a family swing and sports corner at consumption of the material only a little more than on some swing.

And another question: whether the timber cannot be replaced with a board, say, 150x40? It is possible, as shown in pos. 9, only the takeaways can already be done and the height of the support will have to limit approximately 1.8 m. The swing will be as durable, but much cheaper than the bars. Well, work will leave more - post, trim, sew.

Note: The "classic family" swing described above is still saving, but their legs must be concreted, otherwise the making frame will be fragile. And shown on the pos. 5, 6 and 9 - mobile, they can simply be put on the ground or on the floor.

How to put a frame?

Riegel swing should be horizontally, otherwise the rocking chair will be unpleasant to win on any suspension. It is difficult to put it with a bubble level and troublesome, the hose is slightly simpler, and the laser level is the builder of the planes, understandable, on the farm just do not hold so much.

You can expose the rial swing, using one of the oldest level devices - the Egyptian plumb, see Fig. He came out of use in antiquity due to low accuracy, but it is enough for a swing. As a lower cargo, you can use sand bucket, and the top will go, except for the usual construction plumb, any glazier - bolt, nut.

Suspension and suspension

Suspensioning shocking defines convenience, comfort and safety of swings. This rather complex knot should:

  • It is as little as possible to discourage the swinging within the safe limits.
  • To gently absorb the rocking energy if the speed / angle of swinging goes for permissible.
  • Provide swing without jerks and with as much as possible wilts.
  • Acrobatic suspension should provide the same in 2 planes.

The stripping patterns are indicated by the formulas of the N-M-K formula, where n is the number of suspension points at the top, M is the number of intermediate points of the suspension, and k is the number of them on the rocking chair. Several similar to wheel formulas of steam locomotives, but this is a clean coincidence: the locomotive M cannot be equal to 0, because Indicates the number of driving axes, and the swing - easily.

Some types of rocking faces are shown in Fig:

Suspension of the form 1-2 with a soft flexible rocking chair (in fig. No) is called a volatile trapezium. Saves of 1-M-K species are used in a swing on traverse. Garden and country swings are suspended most often in ways 2-4 (the simplest), 2-2-4 (does not give overly silence) and 2Sh-4 (they also do not swing hard and no wounds).

Suspension 4-4 should be mentioned. He actually not swing: how to swing? However, it is sometimes used for original garden benches (on the left in Fig.):

Some pacifies a small disorderly shaking. But most often in the way 4-4 suspend the gazebo swings, to the right there. The case of taste, someone by temper. The eastern lords of the past, and the present, they say, in these just glue their concubines in society.

Chain, rope or thrust?

Suspension swings on the rope is the easiest way and, if you know how to knit some sea nodes (see below), does not require expensive additional fasteners. But the rope is known, stretches, and the spiral obey does not limit the swinging. Therefore, firstly, on the ropes it is better to hang the simplest children's summer swing, pos. 1 in fig. below. Secondly, the rope take the cross-pig, see fig. on right. In it, great inner friction, because of what the rigging mechanisms do not like it (the efficiency of the load-lifting mechanisms falls), but for the swing, it is necessary that Chado is unreasonable to make a salty Morthala. The diameter of the kapron crusade for swing - from 24 mm.

Chain suspension, pos. 2, dear, but for the combination of characteristics is optimal in all respects: the chain is durable, its wear is visible at once, almost does not slow down, and excessive due to friction in the links is extinguished. However, due to the last circumstances, the smallest in the swing on the chains for adults can seriously pinch a finger; For children's swings chains take fine-caliber.

Rocking on hard traction (pos. 3 and 4) suspend, as a rule, on bearings. It swings it very smoothly, without the slightest wounds, and it is decided on it, as they say, and a mosquito. But such swings without additional security measures are dangerous: to crash into a stone fence or border at speed at 60 km / h is no longer an incident, it is a tragedy. Therefore, your own, on the plot, swing on hard traction for children should, first, supplied with a rocking chair with a fence, like in a swing for kids, pos. 3. Secondly, it is still impossible to let the child without supervision of adults.

In the courtyard swings of common use on bearings, a routing limiter must be provided - there is no one who climbs there and how can he be swinging? About a simple limiter from the pipe (see Fig.) Rocking is beating, which is unpleasant. In good branded models of swing on hard traction, bearing suspensions are made with a built-in hydromanmus, acting on the principle of automatic vessels with AWD drive, but there are expensive suspension nodes.

Sometimes still rocking is limited, connecting hard rod strips with frame cuts, pos. 5. But, generally speaking, this output is not from the best: due to different mechanical characteristics of the suspension links, even a small and quite safe swinging on such swings occurs with tangible jerks.

Note: There is still a whole class of suspension luxury swings on systems of balanced levers, springs, hydraulic shutters. It is clear that it is expensive and not to do it yourself.

Suspension nodes

Critical points of the suspension of the swing - attachment nodes. They occur very large alternate loads, they are susceptible to abrasion. A small burr on the rubbing surface of the attachment will give very noticeable jerks during the star. Therefore, to the selection of the construction of the attachment nodes, it is necessary to approach with full responsibility.

The cheapest, but also the worst option - S-shaped hooks, pos. 1 in fig. In their crossings, huge loads are concentrated, the likelihood of sudden destruction is high, therefore such a fastening is permissible only for lavell swings suspended not higher than 0.5 m and the design of which allows you to hide barely.

The most reliable fastening is on the clamps with the carbines, pos. 2. The main load falls in them on the top of the beam beam, which is absolutely safe. It is only necessary for the carbines to be with safety teeth and antifriction insert: Slide suspension thrust in the carbine's eye is already an emergency mode with excessive swinging.

Reliable clamps still spoil the view of the swing, so fasteners most often do on rhy-bolts, pos. 3. The indispensable conditions for their maximum reliability - the bolt should pass through the riglel, under the nut, regardless of the reigleel material, the steel washer of at least 60 mm with a diameter and 4 mm thick should be laid, and the nut must be fixed. Spring washers of all kinds when swinging do not interfere with the gradual spontaneous turning into a single nut!

Reliability of the ry-bolt to absolute - on the neck of the fish (rings) there are high stresses. Absolutely reliable a little more expensive U-hooks and rigging brackets, pos. 4. Under the cooler of the hook in the riema, the deaf hole is drilled and it is introduced there by Natogo. Without the possibility of at least a little bitten, the hook will endure an incredible load, because The destruction of the metal begins with the micro-bonds between its crystallites.

Ry-bolt, u-hook and, in a slightly lesser extent, the rigging bracket is noticeably weakened by the riglel, because The focused force applied from above seeks to abandon it just where the beam is weakened by the hole, and the pin pin with a split as it were "handing out" it. The washer relaxes this effect, but does not eliminate it completely. As a result, where 100x100 mm solid beam could be done, it is necessary to put 150x50 mm, and in the calculation of the splint in full and all 200х200 mm.

Through the eyes, but are ideal for all qualities through fastenings with a lining and top suspension, pos. 5 and 6. Shear efforts from them freely spread on the side of the beam and strive not to break, but on the contrary, squeeze the hole, it is no matter how it is; The beam now becomes equivalent one-piece. In addition, although such a suspension on the form 4-4, kinematically, it is equivalent to the chain 2-2-4, but even better and smasher extinguishes excessive star. If suspension with lining rope, then between the carbine and the flavor (loop) of the cable you need to put a solid ring, pos. 6.

Also rings connect the branches of the chain suspension 2-2-4. The upper branch is welded to the ring or solder a solid solder, and the bottom slide on it freely, pos. 7. Only then the chain suspension 2-2-4 will acquire the desired kinematics.

Rope suspensions are good in that it is easy to adjust the height of the rocking chair, but, performed "chain", require a fairly large number of non-fasteners, retaining and adjusting parts and nodes, pos. 6.8 and 9. However, all of them, one easily accessible to independent exemption, can be replaced by marine nodes of the appropriate destination. The reliability of marine nodes is tested by the millennia of marines of marines, and their complexity exists only in the presentation.

Know 200-400 knots like a sailing fleet boatswain, or at least 20-40, as the current yachtsman, it is not necessary for the construction of a swing, for everything everything is enough and 7-9, see Ric:

A - anchor knot, or a fishing bayonet, for mounting a cable to a carbine with an antifriction laying or an intermediate ring. In Ry, you can spend up to 5 shlags (turns). On the undercarriage (free) end of the cable impose a simple brand and it connects the running end with the stretched, is shown in the red frame. The fastening is kept while the cope does not rot or ryh does not rushes. An anchor node is unpleasant, it is easy to unleash it: it is enough to remove or cut the tightening ends to the brand.

B - a shedding knot, too unlocking. Suitable for upper suspension temporary, say, on weekends, children's swings.

B is a bayonet with a community, the same as b, but already for adults.

M is a lock knot, or eight. For the lower fastening of children's swings through the holes in the board.

D, w - seal the end of the cable of repka and the simple disk. The same as r, but for adults, and the tail tails are not chatting. Although actually the rocking chair on the ropes for the bottom is better at all without knots, as described below.

S is a node, for binding 2 ropes, it will take place in any place without cutting.

And - so knives the irrigation loop on a whole rope. You can hang an umbrella, siphon with a gas composition, to adapt the shelf or something else.

Note: There are still simple knots for binding 2 ropes, identical or different, for example. Weaving knot. However, collecting the rope suspension of the swing from pieces is urgently not recommended.

It remains to resolve the question of adjusting the rocking on the ropes. To do this, we need 2 trimming of a durable solid boards from 30 mm (oak, beech, elm, walnut), from which running, or hanging, cable stoppers - Yufers, see Fig. on right. Such soxes were regulated by tensioning the rigging of vintage sailboats, and nothing - the oceans were twisted, America-India was opened. Uphersses are used in conjunction with the framework of the rocking chair described below.

Rocking and its mount

Rocking for adults is, in general, a garden bench without legs. Choose it yourself to taste yes on the back with a fifth point. Based on the adult rocking chair, a pair of transverse bars is supported, and in their ends, they are injected through the rhy-bolts or U-hooks, as on Pos. 4 drawings of "classic family" swings at the beginning. Fastening for any point of top, as on pos. 1 Fig., Extremely unreliable. The centrifugal force when swinging should compress the rocking chair and press it to the supports, and not stretch and tear off.

Children love to swing on volatile trapezes, pos. 2 in fig. below. You can make this one from the tarpaulin itself, strengthening the ends with wooden planks embedded in our pockets are nested and equipping the champs. But it is impossible to put lubrices for curtains, weak. If there is not at the disposal of sailing chalks, you can put their substitutes from the steel ring and harsh, as it should be kenned or melted thread, pos. 3.

Children's rocking chair from a blackboard with a two-point suspension, pos. 3, not recommended by any ways, the likelihood of turning is great. If you do a rocking chair on 2-points, then from the logs, as on the pos. 4, and a rocking chair from the board is suspended in 4 points, passing the cable into the holes, pos. five.

However, the best rope suspension and for children, and for adults - loop in the grooves, pos. 6. For adults, the lower support bars rocking makes are wider, with a removal of 100-200 mm. They do not interfere, on the contrary, at easy swaying on them you can put a book, put a beer bank, etc. And suddenly a transverse squabble will go, they will serve good shock absorbers. Suspension in the grooves is absolutely reliable, it is elementary assembled, disassembled. Adjusting the height of the intermediate points by the YUrtesum allows in fairly wide limits to change not only the height of the rocking chair, but also the kinematics of the suspension.

Swing from tires

It is hardly not the most favorite swing children - from the tires. Causes There are not only psychological or ergonomic, rocker from a tire is a wonderful shock absorber in emergency cases, and an adult master-dad is an excellent swing material. An unsuitable tire can simply hang on the bitches, pos. 1 In Fig., From its trimming without special difficulties, a bat is trapezing: the presence of solid rubber of steel cord in the mass allows you to do without chalks. The whole tire will go to the rocking chair for collective gatherings of melkota, pos. 3. When two-three swing each in its own way, the trajectory of the rocking chair on the suspension 1-3 or 1-4 makes thoughtfully scratching the head and a person who knows the mathematics with physics.

Finally, single rocking chairs are obtained from cut and folded in different ways of tires not only for children, but also for adults, pos. 4-6. The popularity of tire swings is so great that some sports and toy and specializing in goods for children firm produce, especially for swing ... Square tires, pos. 7! It remains only to exclaim after the author "Tartarna from Tarascona": "Did anyone ever heard about something like that?"

Curiosities but in the case

Since we are speeching about funny swings, let's touch something else, but quite suitable for use on purpose. For example, swing-hammocks, left in fig., Although the hammock is already on its own swing. Probably, there is in swaying with additional degrees of freedom something that owners like. In any case, harm will not.

The device in the center will probably enjoy the children, but to name it, without having surveated against Russian grammar, it is impossible. Swing, but not swing. And the photo is that on the right, the author laid out with a note: the easiest way to dispose of an old car. The comment was in English, so it is quite possible - in many countries of the West, deliver the car into a landfill or pass on the scrap it is many hassle. And then the big inertia of a heavy rocking is allowed, swinging, scolding for a very long time, the canopy itself turns out, and the soft sofa of comfort will not be bought.

Not those but swing

Finally, about the swings, direct descendants of children's pendulum swings, but quite adults. And not for entertainment, they help cope with arthritis, osteochonosis, radiculitis without expensive treatment. Reviews of doctors are positive.

Childing the swing for cottages for giving streets, parents are obliged to check them on absolute security for a child. Consider that manufacturers offer us for our treasures.

To ensure the seating of swing, it is necessary to provide in front of the armchair horizontal bar, which will protect for your child

First of all, the swing is divided into manufacturing material. They can be wooden, metal and plastic.

Children's wooden swing for cottages They differ in environmental friendliness, durability, simplicity of assembly and beautiful appearance. Wood impregnation with special makeup improves product life.

The old skate is also suitable as a seating for a swing, because his board is very durable and hardy

Over such a wooden swing-aircraft will have to be faithful, but the result is worth it, your child will feel like a real pilot

Metal Swing refer to the most reliable and durable models. They can be wrought, collapsible, welded. It weighs a lot, but it is justified by their strength and stability of the installation.

Suspended swing, the seat of which is made from the metal rings, will become a real decoration of your yard

For children's swing as a seat it is possible to use any options, for example, a part of the ski lift

Plastic Designed for the smallest. Light and bright, they are perfectly suitable for kids under the age of 5, but they fear winter frosts and fade under the sun.

For kids, a fabric seat with a fencing design around the perimeter will be comfortable and safe, where the child will feel confident

There are swing and design type: suspended and frame.

Frame-type swings in the form of a red wooden sofa - a bright accent for your site

Frames, of course, preferably for children, because they are highly resistant, they can be freely moved to various parts of the site, they are durable and enough safe in operation.

A simple shape can be done special - a little fantasy and boring seats turned into bright little animals with which it will be much more interesting to play your children

Suspendedmodels are simple, do not require special skills for assembly. For their arrangement, the carrier of the crossbar is needed, a solid rope and seat board. It is desirable that she had a back.

Choosing for swing bright colors you can even more raise the kids mood

Car tires can become different material for children's swing, if you apply a fun rascrace for them

Swing-chaise lounges Designed for babies under the age of 3 years. They are usually low, with a soft back and a seat in the form of a sun lounger.

Sail chair with soft seats - Options for a safe swing for a small child

All these models can be purchased in stores, but if you decide not to spend money and build baby swings for giving with your own hands, we will help you.


From materials for structures with supports there are two options: metal and wood. Unfortunately, children's metal swings for giving will require special skills from you. If you are not a blacksmith and not a welder, to build a metal frame will be problematic. Yes, and the pipes for the supports will also have to search.

For the manufacture of such a swing, it will take quite a bit: a wooden chair and chains - and a unique decor for your yard is ready

The chair-pillow for such a swing can be easily sewed from the old bedspread, though it will not be so durable, like, for example, wooden, and besides, it is better to take care of moisture

The optimal solution that can be done to any parent, is the construction of wooden swings.

Build wooden swing

The simplest design is children's suspended swings for giving without a frame. Excellent if you have a large tree with a low-lying bitch on your site or next to it. Two ropes thrown through it, built the seat from the primary means - and the swings are ready. As a seating, you can use traditionally favorite tires, children's chair, abandoned skateboard, piece of blackboard, old ice. In general, all that, in your opinion, is suitable for convenient baby riding.

The easiest option of organizing a swing is to use as the base of the tree branch.

In such a round rocker on a soft pillow, tied to the base, so as not to "flew", it will be nice to spend time not only for children, but also adults

For the structure of frame swings, first decide on the place. It must be located near the house, but away from the fence and trees. Then we will need lumber and tool. We choose coniferous rocks, but you can also other, the main thing is that the tree is dry, durable, without defects. We carry out the preliminary processing of wooden parts: we clean, grind, process special composition to increase moisture resistance. For swing we will need:

Beautiful and robust design of the chairs, swing will not leave indifferent not only children, but also the ears

  • two pillar
  • rope (approximately 6 m)
  • protechard
  • ring-shaped suspension (you can hooks)
  • fastener

For the stability of the frame, the side supports can be made in the form of the letter "L"

Tip! Please note that nails for fastening the parts of the swing are not suitable, it is better to take bolts.

Do it yourself you can build such a suspended lane, where your children will play

From the tool we take a shovel, hammer, drill, roulette, planer, grinder, paint and brushes. Well, the bridgehead for work is ready. Go to step by step design.

To create such a miracle swing, you will need only an old chair, rope and bright paint

  • Carefully remove the place under the swing from the garbage and align the platform.
  • Copy two pits for pillars to a depth of 90-100 cm.
  • Before installing the pens in the pits, we treat the lower part, about 50 cm, tar. So we are protected from rotting.
  • Krepim to the collapses of the crossbar. It is desirable that the diameter of the crossbar coincides with the diameter of the poles.
  • Metal parts mounted with special fasteners. They can be purchased in the store.
  • Processing sharp corners.
  • Breeping to the rope or chain crossbar, checking their reliability in their own weight.
  • Bind the ends of the rope to the seat, the holes in it are drilled.

P-shaped swing with green planting at vertical racks will provide shadow and aesthetic design for this simple design

We got the letter "P".

Tip! For kids, it is better to mount Sidenbe not two ropes, but four. Take for this two lengths for each rope, fold in half, and make the ends in the seat.

If you are confused by this option, you can build a more stable structure, taking four columns for the frame and putting them in the form of a print letter "L". The sequence of work is almost the same, only you will need to dig up four pits, cut into the angle of the top of the pillars, connect them with metal parts. Between the columns, at the bottom, at a height of about 50 cm, the rigid rib should be selected on both sides of the swing. Such a design creates opportunities for creating a real kindergarten corner. Having increased the distance between the columns, you can navigate the long crossbar and add a rope or a ladder for Lazania to swings.

Children's wooden swing for giving are distinguished by environmental friendliness, strength and ease of assembly

Swing-Lena for recreation and entertainment of a child, made from a wooden pallet

Build together

Now you know how to make children's swing on the cottage from the tree on their own.

Original children's bright swing, whose seat is a fabric with rubber bands

Funny deer swing will deliver joy to each child

If the first experience does not disappoint you, do not stop there. The child grows, and maybe you are planning the birth of the second baby, and some swings will be small. Build children's swings and slides at the cottage together with the neighbors on the site or with friends. Maybe there will be a metal wizard among them, and then you will receive eternal swings for children of any age.

Multicolored baskets are not only to deliver joy to children, but also will noticeably convert your yard

Children's street swings for summer cottages - video

Many remember the wonderful song from the film "Adventures of Electronics", which comes from the swing. In almost every yard, there are definitely a swing - or factory metal, or homemade, with a seat from a tree. And they never empty, because many people like a sense of flight. If you want to make a swing for children with your own hands, this article is for you.

Materials used

First you should figure out what and how to build a swing. Everything, probably, depends on your goals. If you want to build a durable design, which will be used by several generations, use metal. If you are going to suspend temporary swing in the country or in the yard, you can construct them from wood or plastic. Although wooden swings are durable and good, albeit losing in this metallic. Plastic swings are usually built for the smallest carainduzzi age up to 5 years.

Each material has its advantages and disadvantages. If the tree is available, cheap, environmentally friendly, it is relatively safe, it is easy to work with it; The metal is durable, refractory, swing from it is quite compact. Plastic is easy, his bright colors like babies. The place to set the swing should be selected on the basis of the following factors:

  • you must not lose your baby out of sight;
  • safety - do not arrange flights next to wires, water bodies, roads; If there is no choice, try to protect the place of children's games at least a stakenik;
  • choose a place, not too illuminated by the Sun, but not quite in the shadow;
  • if you want to build a swing from a tree, note that they will quickly ruin from excessive dampness;
  • protected from wind gusts;
  • make sure that there is no overgrown with toxic, prickly, honey, and plants that can cause allergies;
  • the location of the swing must be relatively smooth;
  • be sure to check the reliability of the attachment of each node.

Varieties of structures

In the form of the design of the swing there are frame and suspended, there are even swing on the spring. Presented a large number of options for these types. It is a pendulum swing, and a bench-swing, and a "gazebo", and many others. If you have already chosen the material from which you will mount the swing, draw a sketch of the future design. On the basis of this outline, draw detailed drawings with the indication of all sizes. It should be noted that some designs can be portable. It is usually a metal swing, since made of wood require a reliable fastening of the frame on Earth.

There are several types of frames for swing.

  • P-shaped - This is the most economical option, as it requires smaller material costs. But in order for the design to be stable, concreted supports are required, therefore, this model refers to stationary. This is the perfect choice for suspended species installed on a soft soil.
  • L-shaped. This design is more reliable than the previous one. It has 2 side supports on each side mounted under the tilt and connected at the top of the jumper.
  • X-Fig - This is a subspecies of the L-shaped frame. Side supports are set such as to the top for 20-25 centimeters to the tops, their crosspiest was formed, into which the transverse timber is stacked. Please note that the design is better to strengthen the side focus.
  • A-shaped- This is the most steady view of the frame by using the side jumper in the design.

The drawing of the swing includes the following data:

  • frame type;
  • swing dimensions;
  • place of attachment of reinforcing elements (backups);
  • the number and view of the seats;
  • type and length of suspension.

Dimensions of the swing are taking into account the age and growth of the child. If you are going to make a swing on the grown, then you should follow the following dimensions:

  • the ideal width for the seat is 60 cm;
  • the seat should hang over the ground at an altitude of 50-55 cm;
  • the distance from the seats to the transverse crossbar should be at least 1.6 meters so that the child is comfortable to swing standing.

Swing suspensions should ensure safety, reliability and comfort of swing. As a suspension, chains, ropes, even metal pipes can be used during self-design. Firms engaged in the production of swings are used as a suspension of spring, hydraulic surfactants, lever system. But these types of pendants are too expensive and complex for designs made by their own hands. Chains as a suspension is quite expensive, but when adding all properties are the optimal option. They are durable, wear places are visible immediately, they do not slow down at a small star, but they impede excessive (due to friction of the links). But kids can plug their little fingers, so small-cut chains are used for children's swings or put on the chains of protective devices from cropping rubber hoses.

Use ropes is the easiest and cheap option.Especially if you own the art of the navigation of sea nodes. But the ropes of any thickness are gradually stretched and dispersed, and the spiral swing spirals do not control the swinging. It is worth taking the ropes of the crusade, as well as try to use ropes on the suspensions of the simplest designs of the swing. Channels from artificial polymers, such as Capron, should be selected. Hard traction (metal pipes) are used, as a rule, using bearings. The course of such swing smooth, but they require additional measures to ensure the safety of the child. If you make a swing with such a suspension in your site, take care of the fence and do not let them children without supervision of someone adult. If such swings are installed in the total yard, they must have a swing height limiter.

How to make for the street?

If you are interested in how to make street swing for children, then at first you should choose a place, material and design. After you have prepared the drawing, calculate the number of necessary materials and tools. Below, for your consideration, several options for setting on the street, in the courtyard or in the country will be offered.

Swing from automotive tires

The simplest design is a car tire suspended on the rope. The frame is a tree. The suspension means can serve as a chain fixed by a bolt with a nut. The second variation of these swings is made as follows:

  • place the old tire horizontally;
  • cut 3-4 holes at the top, insert the metal hooks in them and lock them with nuts with nuts;
  • in the hinges of the hooks to inhalt chains or twine and hang up on a thick branch.

The third option is suitable for the most advanced in terms of ownership of the grinder. You will need to draw a template for cutting the tire, after, following this peculiar sketch, cut it, bend and fasten with studs in such a way that any animal or bird come out.

Swing from wood

The classic and most easiest option is a swing from the board on the ropes. Enough four holes along the edges and twine in them. And also as a seat, you can use a wooden grid, sleeved a log, an old chair without legs.

From girlfriend materials

Even unnecessary hoop can serve as the basis for the seat. It is soaked with a rope in such a way that in the middle it could be calmly sit. The hoop additionally turns into a foam rubber, a Vatin or another similar material for softness, then weave the cloth. In four or more points, the hoop is fixed fastened in the form of a metal rings, the ropes or chains are carried out through them - it remains only to choose a tree for the pendant design.

Brozent swing

Take two large triangles from metal, riveting and cloth tarpaulin. Place the cloth several times, by perimeter. Then insert the triangles and secure rivets. Next, fasten with ropes on a tree branch.

Wood swings on supports

The following materials should be prepared:

  • strong rope;
  • bars;
  • plywood and rails for the seat;
  • galvanized bolts for fasteners.

Drop the two pits with a depth of 1 m for fixing the support beams. Bottom supports Treat bitumen to protect against rotting. Set them vertically into the holes, pour with a 30-centimeter layer of a mixture of rubbank and sand, then fill with concrete. At the upper ends of the racks attach the transverse timber. Make a seat from plywood and a stake, you can in the form of a bench. Secure on a supporting structure with strong ropes.

Metal swings on supports

Metal swings can also be made independently. To do this, you will need metal pipes and beams, hooks, metal cutter, welding machine. The manufacturing process includes the following steps:

  • cut the pipes into pieces of the required length - take 7 segments of 2 m and 2 more 1-1.5 m, 4 of 2-meter - for supporting sidewalls, 1 - for transverse crossbar, and the remaining - for the framework of the frame;
  • weld the rectangular basis of the design;
  • weld to the base of the support racks, then to the upper ends of the supports - crossbar;
  • drop 4 pits to a depth of 80-100 cm;
  • install the beams in finished pockets, they need to look over the surface of the earth at the edges of the pit;
  • pour the pitchers with concrete beams;
  • weld the hooks to the transverse tube;
  • now breed the finished design to metal beams;
  • attach the seat to the hooks.


For the manufacture of these simple swings you will need 1 wide long board with a thickness of 5-7 cm, the logs with a height of up to 70-80 cm, 4 P-shaped fasteners from fittings, 2 seats. First of all, dig a pit in a depth of about half a meter. Install the logs vertically in it vertically, fill with concrete for reliability. Next, it is four (two from each edge) in the middle of the board (two from each edge) 1 cm wide, 2-3 minutes long. They must be located apart from each other at a distance equal to the fastener width. Rush another two-like holes closer to the edges of the board, leaving the seat for the seats.

Attach 2 seat boards to edges. Before them, traveled through the prepared holes, fix one p-shaped fastener so that the child can hold them with his hands. Put the board horizontally on a log. Lower the lower ends of two fasteners in the cut holes. Wake the fastep in the log so that several centimeters remained above the surface of the board, and most of them stopped securely in the log. Shake the board. Each edge must be able to touch the land. If you did everything right, the pendulum swings are ready.

How to do for home?

Usually in the apartment install suspended swings for the youngest children. Use the details of the tree or plastic at the same time, as they are lighter than metal, but also options are possible. The skeleton for the seat suspension is most often the door jamb, but it is possible to fasten directly to the ceiling beams (if any). It is worth considering several designs that can be collected with your own hands.