Repairs Design Furniture

Loft in the interior of a one-room apartment. Design apartment in Loft style: leader among modern interiors! Loft style in the interior: functionality above all

In the forties of the last century in the United States, who worked at the time of the Great Depression, the Economic and Industrial Downturn at that time, people began to occupy household buildings of factory and factories under housing. They did not have any opportunity, no wishes to change something in these industrial premises.

For this reason, many elements characteristic of industrial buildings remained unchanged and became the basis of the nascent style. Plumbing I. ventilation pipes and unworthy brick walls, with rude lamps hanging with rude lamps imperceptibly "flowed" in new stylewhich was called Loft. But no matter how hard a person lived, it is characteristic of decorating and equip his home, and over time, people began to create original, stylish and unusual interiors in such apartments.

Features style

Often, this style is called "attic." That is how it translates from of English language. The following features include characteristic features:

  • Simplicity of the situation.
  • High ceilings.
  • Minimum partitions (separately allocated only bathroom).
  • No luxury goods.
  • For the zoning of the room, furniture or mobile partitions are used, which should be non-transparent from below.
  • Lack of drapes.
  • Loft style wallpapers are not used.
  • Maximum use of natural lighting.
  • Engineering communications are open - these are elements of Loft style.
  • The abundance of metal is welcomed.

Many fans of Loft style, reading its characteristics, get upset. It is obvious that in a small modern apartmentwhich is in multi-storey house, these requirements will not be able to do. But do not despair, nothing is impossible for modern designers.

The studio apartment in the Loft style today can be framed, although, justice to say that it will be, rather, stylization than the style in pure form. But it does not upset the owners of tiny apartments that dreamed of a similar interior.

Loft style in the interior of a small apartment

Today we will look at the two most common options - a studio apartment with high ceilings, but very small square, and a legendary Khrushchev with ceilings about two and a half meters.

In the first case, modern interiors in the Loft style are fully fit, and you can even increase the square, organizing on the newly created second floor sleeping place. To do this, you will need to equip the pad, which should be made at least 1.8 meters. This reconstruction is possible if the ceilings indoors are not lower than three and a half meters.

Under the site usually equip the office, library or simply organize a seating area with a chair and a coffee table. This height of the ceilings allows one to finish with white (standard for the loft) or darker. It can be used to finish the ceilings in such a room stylized wooden beams. Mounted small metal lamps on them will look organic.

And if the ceilings are low?

Undoubtedly, this option is more complex for execution, since the free space, which is characteristic of this style, is limited to the sizes of tiny rooms and the small height of the ceilings. Therefore, without redevelopment in this situation, it is not necessary.

First of all, it is necessary to get rid of partitions and walls (not carriers). This creates studio in Loft style. But it is necessary to know that such work must be coordinated and documented in the urban departments of architecture.

If you do not plan such a large-scale reconstruction, you can restrict ourselves to the demolition of light partitions - built-in wardrobes, storage rooms, antlesole, which can often be seen in the hallways or tiny corridors between them and kitchens. Such designs make rooms even closer and low. And now let's look at how one or another loft style can look like.


If you live in a brick house, it is better to leave the walls in their original form, but laying seams should be slightly lit, thereby emphasizing the structure of the wall. In the old house to restore brick masonrywhich has been placed many years, painted, walked with wallpaper, extremely difficult. Therefore, you can use the wallpaper in the loft style, imitating brick or stone laying.

If the walls in the hallway are concrete, then we can use coarse plastering (without finishing chipping). As a rule, an entrance hall - the room is dark, so you can prepare a plaster solution from the usual (gray) and white cements. Such a composition will slightly clarify the room.

What should be furniture?

In such a hallway, furnishings must be "Spartan", simple. It can be a wooden bedside table without any sizes in the form of twisted handles, polished surface, etc. and the mirror installed on the floor.

For lighting, the simplest suspension plaffones and sconces will fit. It is desirable that they are made of metal. It should be noted that the style of Loft in the interior of a small apartment, and the hallway, in particular, does not provide for any objects raised along the walls. The exception can be only an open shelf of a simple form.

Living room

The brick wall in the style of Loft is a mandatory element of this style. In the living room, at least one of them should be decorated. For the design of other walls you can use texture plaster.

It is desirable that the floor in a small living room is wooden. You can use a floor covering, imitating concrete or stone. Fit into this style and porcelain stoneware, and one-color tile.

Window design

It is known that windows in industrial buildings differ from residential big sizes. In old crutches, they are standard, and it is impossible to increase them. But to increase them visually, possibly by ordering a frame with vertical imposses. It is better if the windows in the Loft style will be wooden, because plastic in such an interior should not be.

We select furniture

Loft style in the interior of a small apartment is attractive for many young people in that the room you can use the most different furniture: both in color and its size. If you attracted a large sofa "under the skin", then add one chair, butcher and TV to it - and room furnished.

It is very important that close to the walls do not adjoin the furniture. In style mandatory requirement. Near the walls should be at least thirty centimeters.

Do not have more than two companion colors in your interior. For example, they can become black and white, sandy and brown, which are in the future beaten by various shades. Little bright accents can only be textiles - a small rug at the sofa, decorative pillows On him.


For registration of the interior in Loft style in the bedroom, cold natural colors use, and light shades prevail. It will look more spacious, thanks to the contrast of the shades. Most often used:

  • grey;
  • white;
  • red (individual elements);
  • dark brown;
  • blue (accessories).

Furniture in the style of the bedroom is selected in accordance with some rules. Interior items must be multifunctional if possible and at the same time embody the most original and bold design ideas.

The bed must necessarily be made of metal. Tissue upholstery is allowed. You can pick up completely wooden model. But in this case, wood should not be covered with varnish. The minimum number of furniture is allowed in such a bedroom:

  • roomy cabinet;
  • a large bed;
  • cabin.

The bed is installed at the wall, with elements of an unfinished finish. The rest of the furniture is set chaotic. As a rule, interior items become bright accents on the background of light walls.


Even such a ascetic style, like Loft, does not work out without textiles. True, he is limited to his minimum quantity. We have already said that the curtains are not welcome in this case, so textiles is represented only by bedspread on the bed and bed linen. A carpet on the floor, but a small, saturated bright shade can be used.


The main task in the design of a small cuisine in the Loft style is the creation of the most functional room in a limited space. When the shape of the kitchen and its area are not the subject of your pride, it is necessary to use some designer tricks that will help visually and functionally, at least a little, change the space.

It is important to pay attention to the correct zoning, which is achieved not only with the help of furniture, but also due to the competently selected color of the walls. For the cuisine in Loft style, its maximum lighting and location of furniture is very important.

Many believe that dark and dark. But this is a delusion. Today, designers prove the opposite, creating a kitchen in warm and light colors. Often in the interior next to brick wall You can see glossy white tile And textiles in calm colors.

But most design specialists are confident that in a small apartment kitchen must be combined with the living room. In this case, they recommend to equip the kitchen in an inconspicuous place and beat it unusual. So you can visually expand the space. For example, in the living room make a wooden floor, and for the kitchen zone - from tiles. Practice proves that the cuisine-living room in Loft style is the most favorable solutionFor owners modest in the size of apartments.

IN small kitchen Loft must be a lot household appliances, and among them should be modern models, and rare samples. For example, an antique plate can be coherent with the latest refrigerator model with a built-in computer.

Bathroom, bathroom

And these premises must be decorated as simple as possible. But if you take into account their size in small apartments, it becomes clear that the owners simply cannot afford any excesses.

In these rooms it is unwanted to use a bright tile with a pattern. The loft style is more suitable for a plane or white-black mosaic that has no clear drawing. Many glass and metal welcome. Sink can be made of stainless steel. Perfectly complement the interior of a chromed large heated towel rail.

Plumbing, even modern, should be simple forms. Bath - necessarily on the legs.

Advantages of style

As you can see, Loft style in the interior of a small apartment, being, in fact, minimalist, allows you to rationally organize the available space. However, it does not become lifeless and cold. Lovers to make bright accents in the interior of their home and original solutions Loft allows you to experiment, show fantasy, perhaps more than some other interior direction. Therefore, if you like strange, and sometimes ambiguous accessories, surrealistic paintings, sculptures from scrap metal, then dare: Loft is your style.


Trying to improve living conditions in a one-room apartment, apply miscellaneous methods. One of effective ways is an use of minimalist finishing directionsTo which the Loft style belongs. Modern design one-bedroom apartment This style shown in the photo is a comfortable accommodation with sufficiently spacious premises.

Loft style design in one-bedroom apartment - Photo

Loft style feature

The characteristic architectural direction called Loft appeared as a result of the American crisis of the beginning of the 20th century. Divided companies trying to return at least part of the funds, began to sell massively industrial premiseswho bought artists, sculptors, representatives of other professions related to art, different species creativity.


They organized studios in them, workshops and lived there. The main features of the style are:

  • spacious rooms, big windows, high ceilings;
  • presence in system premises engineering communications, pipes, metal elements of the interior, stairs, coarse wooden products;
  • zoning of the common space on functional sections: recreation, work, cooking dishes;
  • comfortable accommodation, expressed in the presence convenient soft furniture, modern technology, expensive accessories.


Features of the selected style creating modern design One-bedroom apartment in the presented version is the floor and the ceiling of materials that imitate the rough natural board and the rail.

The wall is decorated in the form of a Bar or cafe information board. Metal lamp and mounted mirror in full growth emphasize the effect of the production room.

Interior design hallway, wall in the form chapel board - Photo

Entrance hall in Loft style - Photo

Corridor in one-room apartment in modern style. Ceiling in the form of beams - Photo


In continuation of the selected design, the kitchen has a simple white furniture Strict form. Bright red spots of soft pillows on inexpensive chairs are a stylish accent and accessory forming comfort when using them.

The window is decorated that are gaining popularity in lately. They make laconic clarity and additionally decorate the kitchen with horizontal smooth folds.

Open shelves, metal racks for dishes and inventory, lamps on cords without lampsyurus continue the production interior. For quick preparation of high-quality dishes, everything is necessary - gas stove, contemporary appliances - Coffee machine, multicooker, microwave.

Urban style kitchen. High-tech elements - Photo

Little kitchen design in Loft style. On the windows of Roman curtains - Photo

Small dinner Zone In the kitchen on two stools - Photo

Room design in one-room apartment

The design of the one-room apartment has an increased free space formed due to the correct placement of furniture, bright lighting, white color walls and cabinets.

The visual effect is enhanced by one-photon staining of objects that are not distinguished by creating chaotic and sticking, but form a single and stylish space.

The characteristics of the selected direction are inexpressible walls of brick masonry, open shelves for books in the form of two coarse boards, symmetrically fixed on the wall. In the residential room as well as in the rest good lighting It is formed suspended lamps in the form of open lamps without lampshaders.

The coffee and the desktop have the appearance of a white sheet of plastic, just laid on top of a metal frame.

The design of the room of a one-room apartment provides a sleeping place located behind the partition. Its convenience is obvious, no doubt and practicality, since the space under the bed is involved using embedded and spacious boxes.
Roman curtains on the windows strengthen the impression of a stylish room, in which there is nothing superfluous, but there is everything you need.

Registration of residential room in white tones - Photo

Zoning Room in one-room apartment on the bedroom and living room - Photo

Loft area in one-room apartment in Loft style - Photo

Balcony, bathroom, toilet.

All the same white walls, brickwork, metal racks, the floor from the remains of the drawers and open beggar pipes. Strengthens the feeling of an abandoned warehouse of mold falling on concrete walls.

However, the feeling of disorder does not occur. On the contrary, a modern design of a one-room apartment is created by the adjacent space, a carefully planned interior, the lack of rapid grads, which gives a damping accuracy and purity, up to sterility.

Loft balcony finish - Photo

Bathroom design with shower. Walls gray, facades of red cabinets - Photo

Design bathroom in modern style 4, 5, 6 sq.m. - Photo

Little Toilet Design - Photo

Loft style in the interior of a small apartment is an excellent solution for those who want to use the entire area of \u200b\u200btheir dwelling. This designer direction has many advantages, makes it possible to accompany the rooms rationally, attractive and cozy, and therefore it is ideal for the arrangement of the premises of any area.

History and distinctive features

LOFT is translated from English as the "attic". Its main features and the name of the style acquired at the beginning of the 20th century, when in the United States in the days of the Great Depression numerous migrants in major cities Bentally lacked affordable housing. Because of this, workers shut up modest apartments in the shops of abandoned, and sometimes functioning factories.

It was such a difficult fate of ordinary workers that led to the creation of one of the most popular styles. From the very moment the appearance of the "attic" design was distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • high ceilings of residential premises;
  • minimum number of interroom partitions;
  • simple room furnishings;
  • no decorations decorative elements and luxury goods;
  • use of furniture and mobile partitions for zoning internal space;
  • lack of wallpaper on the walls;
  • good natural lighting;
  • open elements of engineering communications;
  • the abundance of metal products and other industrial signs in the interior.

All these characteristics are sometimes grieved by the owners of small apartments, because it is completely clear that in a small "odd shop" it is absolutely impossible to create an interior that fully corresponds to the described style features. But you should not despair, designers picked up creative solutions, the implementation of which will make it possible to issue any dwelling in industrial style.

Making a hallway - Choosing facing for walls, floor and ceiling

For each room of the apartment you need to select individual design solutions. Professionals recommend starting planning. This first room in which people fall, wanting to enter the apartment, because the owner should do everything possible so that this room is attractive and corresponded to the selected design. The easiest way to issue a loft entrance hall to the owners of apartments in brick houses. They should only dismantle the walls of the walls (if any) and bargain brickwork. In case of loss of masonry of their visual characteristics, due to the long-term salary, wallpaper and staining will have to be restored.

Several more difficult to arrange the walls of the hallway owners of apartments in panel and monolithic houses. They should choose the appropriate facing materialsStuding. There are two main options for wall decoration in builds:

  1. 1. Use of wallpaper imitating the visual characteristics of brickwork.
  2. 2. The use of coarse plaster, which, after applying, you do not need to process and peat, the facing should not look perfectly even smooth.

As for the design of the ceilings, the specialists advantageously recommend using paint or plaster bright shades. With their help, you can visually increase the height of the rooms and make them appropriate style. For the design of the floor, we recommend using functional and reliable finishcapable of withstanding constant adverse effects of moisture and frequent contamination. Such advantages have ceramic tile And linoleum. The color of the floor covering should be dark, much darker ceiling and walls.

In the hallway, it is impossible to do without furniture, there must be shoes for shoes, storage cabinet outerwear, mirror, etc. However, their number should be reduced to a minimum and place the room in such a way that the maximum of free space remains in the center of the room.

Loft style living room - minimum furniture to save space

The living room is the most important residential room of any apartment, and sometimes the only thing, because it is necessary to approach her finish with all possible liability and seriousness. For the design of the walls of the living room, the floor and the ceiling, the same facing materials can be used as for the hallway, although it is possible to increase the costs somewhat. In monolithic and panel houses, place walls with decorative bricks. Such a solution to the maximum will increase the visual characteristics of the room, but requires essential financial investments and reduces the internally space of the room.

The floor in the living room is facing a rough board. The tree perfectly fits into the industrial style, although it can also be replaced by ceramic tiles or even leave the surface without coating. Concrete floors in small apartments can look very organic and attractive.

If the owner is ready to repair serious financing when finishing the living room, you should pay close attention On the windows. The windows of industrial facilities are very different from the windows of standard houses and apartments, they are more massive and rougher. If finality, you can even redevelop the apartment to expand the windows or to combine living room with a kitchen. Loft is not better suitable for decoration of modern studio apartments. Although the "attic" style and requires minimal use of furniture, it will not work out without it without it. Here you need to install:

  • sofa made of natural or artificial leather;
  • rough wood shelves;
  • television bedside table;
  • chairs with simple upholstery.

It is not necessary to overload the room with furniture, otherwise the living room will look closed.

Bedroom Interior - Finishing and Furnishing Color

Separate bedrooms are far from all small apartments. But if there is a bedroom, it is, like other residential facilities, should be made in the Loft style. The attic style is not the best and optimal decision To finish the bedroom, however, this room as a result of repairs can purchase aesthetic industrial traits, and also stay comfortable. The topics of the bedroom are best suited by the following colors: red, dark brown, blue, gray, white.

Experts recommend as the primary color to choose neutral shades, and use juicy tones only for individual elements and decor. Furniture in the bedroom should organically fit into the decoration, be multifunctional and comfortable. Do not forget that this room will be used for recreation and privacy, because it is not worth removing with industrialism and the roughness of the design. The main elements of the situation should be:

  • big, preferably forged bed;
  • cabinet;
  • spacious coarse wood cabinet.

The choice of solutions for the kitchen and bathroom - functionality primarily

The kitchen is a functional room in the apartment, and therefore it is necessary to create the most convenient operating conditions here, which is often very difficult. Main difficulty The kitchen arrangement is the lack of useful space. In the kitchen it is necessary to correctly distribute existing square meters. To do this, you can use zoning - divide the area of \u200b\u200bthe room into separate zones. In some zones, furniture will be installed, others will remain unfilled, which will provide the premises of the presence of free space and high-quality natural lighting.

The cuisine in the Loft style should not be dark, dark and unattractive. You can arrange a room using warm shades, under which you choose all the necessary facing materials, furniture, equipment and accessories, which should be a lot in the room. The interior stylistics in no way should harm the functionality of the kitchen. With a loft approach, the Loft can combine the beauty and convenience of operation.

Lastly, when planning the interior of the apartment is taken after the bathroom and the bathroom, which does not mean the importance of these premises for users. Functional rooms In the Loft style you need to issue as simple as possible and rationally, there should be no excesses, unnecessary jewelry and decor.

The best ceramic tile is suitable for these rooms, or a black and white mosaic without a clear drawing. You can decorate rooms with glass and metal elements that must have some kind of functional purpose, for example, you can install in the bathroom of stainless steel sink or chrome-plated towel rail. The bathroom itself should be on legs, preferably dark color, imitating vintage products with their magnificent charm and aesthetics.

Benefits of Loft Style - Who will Suitable?

Loft gives users the widest opportunities in the design of their apartments. This style allows you to use the most different materials In the facing of the inner surfaces of the rooms:

  • skin;
  • aluminum;
  • wood;
  • vinyl;
  • brick;
  • a rock;
  • stucco;
  • steel;
  • concrete;
  • glass;
  • and many others.

Thanks to diversity possible options The finishes of the rooms, such a design is ideal for owners who want to show their talents, a sense of style, taste, and maybe wealth in the decoration finish. If you are ready to experiment and want to live in an apartment with an individual, an industrial loft is your style.

Loft style is becoming popular in the interior. He is pretty harsh, but despite appearancemay look beautiful, cozy. Lofhold arrangements will surely become interested in lovers of wonderful non-bank arrangements with a tint of extravagance. Lofty style loves spacious open spaces, spacious apartments are optimally suitable for its implementation.

However, lovers of industrial arrangements, living in urban apartments, should not be disappointed. Under certain principles, you can realize the lofty style in the interior of one-room, two-room ordinary apartment, Khrushchev, even in a separate small room. How to issue a loft style in the interior of a small apartment, which specific traits Allowed to emphasize the special atmosphere of industrial style - this will be discussed below.

The main characteristics of Loft style

Creating designer industrial interiorfashionable solution Not only for spacious apartments. Cool, soft, lively industrial interior easy to create in a standard apartment. With current construction offers, finishing materials On the market you can create a unique loft, it will take a little time and money for arrangement. Below are some tips, how to get the desired effect in standard and small spaces.

Stern Loft in a modern kitchen interior - Photo

To arrange the loftware design, you will need:

  • open spaces, full light, light colors;
  • equipment with reference to industrial style;
  • accessories, additions should be selected from metal, glass, aluminum, plastic;
  • large lamps looking like borrowed at the old factory;
  • furniture with history.

These characteristic elements will enjoy a beautifully equipped room in industrial style. It can be realized in a spacious apartment, country house, small apartment.

Loft interior small apartment - Photo

How to create loft style?

To arrange the loft arrangement, it is not necessary to live in a spacious house or a post-industrial huge apartment in the suburbs, however, housing must meet certain requirements:

  1. ceilings are slightly higher than standard;
  2. perfectly emphasized the atmosphere high lattice windows;
  3. it is necessary to open space or the possibility of its creation by demolishing the walls.

The simplest solution is to combine the kitchen and living room. Of course, there is no sharp need to create a completely open interior consisting of one spacious room, but such a decision will give very interesting results.


There are several types of floor liquor coatings:

  1. there is an industrial parquet;
  2. you can leave a simple, cement screed, correctly putting it;
  3. practical solution - gray ceramic tile, imitating stone, concrete, under which you can place a warm floor; This option is simultaneously stylish and warm.

Floors in the apartment decorated in the style of industrial loft - Photo

Wall decoration, ceiling

Characteristic elements of industrial interior, creating the necessary atmosphere:

  • raw brick
  • concrete walls
  • undemanded boundaries between plaster and wall,
  • visible water pipes,
  • visible electrical wires.

Popular colors used in the design of industrial arrangements:

  • grey;
  • white combined with black;
  • brick red.

Do not worry about the irregularities, the rough structure of the surfaces. Rough, unprocessed details perfectly fit into the industrial climate.

Brick Walls in Industrial Apartment - Photo

When organizing a small room, apartments in the attic, do not need to decorate beach beamsThey make it possible to get natural separation in the open space. You can use how creating a special atmosphere. Beams are made of:

  • natural tree - hollow or solid,
  • it is often used imitation of wood from foam.

It is not necessary to decorate heating radiators, pipes that are important elements of industrial arrangements. The interior with pipes looks harsh, strict, similar to the warehouse, domestic room. You can add warm notes by adding a color by choosing bright, expressive additives:

  • sofa pillows;
  • colorful carpet;
  • abstract paintings.

Choice of furniture

The choice of furniture is associated with the ability to combine theoretically inappropriate elements. Colorful, metal chairs are combined with, woundings found in the flea market, grandmother's attic. Old furniture You can save of different kind Wallpaper, focusing on the original industrial arrangement. These solutions will allow you to perform budget repair Loft style.

Need to combine wooden furniture with metal elements, subject to the presence of a common connecting element.

Chair, Loft Stool - Photo

Popular option - furniture from pallets. Interesting solutions:

  • sofa from pallets,
  • stylish, original table,

Pallets are lacquered, painted in white, gray.

Accessories, additives

Loft loves violation of conventions, stereotypes, allows you to add accessories from other styles. Interestingly combined correctly selected items in classic style And glamorous, bringing interesting contrasts. Loft is quite often based on the use:

  • monochromatic base - in the form of walls, floors, furniture;
  • additives - in the form of interesting color contrasts.

It is possible to give the registration of a more factory climate using semi-cooked, raw materials:

  • oSB stove,
  • raw boards
  • concrete blocks

Such materials can perform many different functions - they are separated by:

  • shelves
  • seats
  • walls.

Industrial style allows you to reveal the imagination, create a unique design. The impression of heavy space will soften various additives that give the room with a warm, home atmosphere. Plants in wooden pots can be adapted to metallic furniture. When buying simple monochrome chairs, sofas are desirable to choose models with soft pillows, add them to rolls, pleasant to the touch.

On brick walls look good, contrasting with the background, modern paintings. The characteristic element of industrial design is a combination of multifunctional space with designer accessories. It is worth purchasing spectacular, openwork, knitted puffs. Soft seats, warm pleasant to the touch textile will make a room more comfortable.

Light, lighting

Industrial space loves light. An important decor element is a hanging lamp. Even if in the apartment huge windows reach the ceiling, it is worth purchasing spectacular hanging from the ceiling on long cables. It is necessary to observe high illumination, especially in the evening, when the apartment does not get a natural light, the room needs to be filled with a warm light of carefully selected lamps.

Little room with stylish lamp, photo

Mirrors need to be installed so that light is reflected in them - natural and artificial. As a result, the interior of a small kitchen in the style of Loft, living room, bedrooms, even the bathroom seems more spacious.

Mirrors optically increase the interior of a small apartment, photo

The most appropriate lamps that fill the interior with light, creating a special atmosphere:

  • heavy metal models
  • original lamps enchanting simplicity.

Loft do not necessarily draw up dark flowers, limited brown flowers, shades of gray. Lovers of spaces, light can choose the main motive arrangement - white cold color. White, as the main color may be present on:

  • walls
  • floors
  • furniture.

White color will make the ceiling visually above, the room is spacious.

White room small size It looks much more spacious, photo

The combination of white and brick gives a wonderful effect looking especially beautiful in the interior. small-sized apartment. White will not overload the interior, visually increasing it, the brick will create a stylish atmosphere. Loft creates ideal combinations with intensive color additives, such as red, green, only they do not need to enter a lot.

Brick wall in bright industrial interior, photo


Loft in the interior acquires many supporters. The industrial interior suits urban life lovers. Fashionable, spectacular industrial apartments are convenient, practical, provide the possibility of frequent design changes. Removing the walls, expanding the doorways, we will increase the space, allowing the loft in Khrushchev, a small apartment, a room.