Repair Design Furniture

How to insulate the walls of a brick house from the inside: the choice of materials and insulation schemes. Technology for insulating brick walls from the inside using mineral wool and polystyrene How and how to insulate brick walls from the inside

Competent insulation do-it-yourself brick houses from the inside is a task to be solved after the walls have been erected. Understanding the theoretical foundations of the process is the key to its successful implementation. Collected for long years the experience of similar work allowed the masters to deduce two principles. They should be guided by when working with heaters and related materials.

In a residential building, the vapor permeability of the walls should increase in the direction of the street. main reason it is also covered by different humidity in winter inside and outside the house. The reasons for the high humidity in the house are as follows:

  1. There are people living in the house who breathe, prepare food, wash floors and dishes, and do laundry. All these common operations make the air more humid. And when closed windows air exchange is difficult and is carried out only by the forces of the ventilation system.
  2. From the physics course, we know that heated air is able to retain more moisture than cool air. For this reason, the formation of condensation from the "excess" moisture during the cooling of the air. Sweaty windows and dampness in the corners of a building are a practical example.
  3. But water vapor leaves the house not only through ventilation, but also through the pores of the wall. If the outside wall is more permeable to steam, then it easily passes through it. Otherwise, upon encountering an obstacle, water vapor begins to condense directly in the wall, which leads to its dampness.

Insulation location

If you follow the instructions of professionals, then the insulation of buildings is correctly done with outside walls. The reason for this is the location of the dew point (the place of condensation of steam from the air):

  1. House without insulation... The dew point will be located in the thickness of the brick wall, which will become damp and begin to collapse.
  2. Insulation from the inside of the house... The dew point will move to the inner surface brick wall... Approximately between insulation and brick. The consequence of this decision is a feeling of dampness, the appearance of mold and puddles of condensed moisture on the floor of the room.
  3. Insulation of the building from the outside... In this case, the wall brick house will be completely warm and steam will flow out through the street without hindrance without making it wet.
  4. Silicate solid brick is more hydrophobic than red... Walls of white brick should be protected from atmospheric precipitation by large roof overhangs. It is important to ensure that water vapor escapes from the inside of the room.

The real state of affairs

The reality is that not in all cases it is possible to carry out work on the textbook. In some cases, the outside insulation of the house cannot be carried out:

  1. The building is an architectural monument. The facade must be left intact.
  2. The upper floors of a brick house in the absence of the ability to work at high heights.
  3. The distance between the houses is too small, which does not allow to carry out work on their insulation from the outside.

Consider actions in a situation where insulation outside the building is impossible. How to insulate the walls of a brick house from the inside with your own hands?

The main problem that the residents of the house will face is condensation in unwanted places with all the consequences. To protect yourself from this trouble, you need to hermetically insulate the walls with insulation from the rest of the room.

There are two ways to do this task yourself:

  1. When choosing a heater, it is worth giving preference to a material with a very low permeability to water vapor. Of the common options, penofol and extruded polystyrene foam can be distinguished. The side with the foam foil and the sealed surface of the expanded polystyrene should face the interior of the room. This is the only way to avoid steam absorption by the insulation.
  2. If mineral or basalt insulation is used, then you can protect them with a vapor barrier. However, sealing should be carried out with special care: you cannot leave a single possibility of steam contact with insulation or a wall. The film is attached with an overlap, and the seam is glued.

Thermal insulation with extruded polystyrene foam

This material has a very high density. With a thickness of 2 to 4 cm, it allows you to stick it directly on the walls. The side of the insulation that looks inside the room can be further refined (wallpaper, decorative plaster etc).

but brick bath or they cannot insulate the sauna from the inside: at high temperatures, expanded polystyrene releases substances hazardous to health.

The walls of a brick house should first be properly prepared: leveled and treated with an antiseptic primer. It will protect the wall from mold. It is better to fix the insulation with adhesive for tiles or foam. Rolling on the material with a roller with needles will help to improve the degree of adhesion to the glue. It is more convenient to apply the glue with a notched trowel. Insulation plates are applied to the wall with minimal gaps. The vertical seams of different rows must not match.

It is not worth using disc dowels (which are appropriate for external insulation) for fixing expanded polystyrene, because they get through holes through which the steam can overcome the created barrier. When the glue is dry, the seams between the boards are sealed with silicone sealant. The purpose of this is one - absolute tightness.

On top of it, you can already glue the wallpaper with PVA glue diluted with water. And if you glue a fiberglass mesh onto the same glue, then you can apply decorative plaster on it.

Styrofoam and mineral wool

It is possible to insulate the brick walls of the house from the inside with your own hands with the help of more available materials, which pass steam well and have a low density. They are mounted on the wall using a bar frame. Its thickness should be selected equal to the thickness of the insulating material, and the distance should be one centimeter less than the width of the slab.

The resulting crate is filled with insulation plates at the edge. For foam, it is advisable to fill the existing gaps with polyurethane foam. Over finished structure stretch the vapor barrier. A good alternative to the film is penofol several millimeters thick. The film is fastened with a construction stapler, all joints are overlapped, and the seams are glued with special tape. They make on the crate decorative wall from a wooden squeegee, wall panels or drywall.

The issue of warming the bath with your own hands has already been touched upon. Good decision will fill it with mineral wool, and provide protection from steam with dense foil. Aluminum tape glue all the seams. A linden lining is attached on top of this pie.

Warming in other ways

To insulate the walls of a brick house from the inside with plaster is the most budgetary and longest way. This is due to the fact that it should be applied in several layers and reinforcing mesh should be attached. But the use of sprayed polystyrene foam is an expensive option that requires special equipment and skills. Foam is sprayed into the space between wooden blocks or metal guides. The finishing is carried out similarly to the above methods for these bars.

The masters do not recommend insulating a brick house from the inside. But to do it with your own hands without disastrous consequences is real.

V modern construction the most popular are brick houses. However, the brick wall needs additional to maintain optimal temperature in the house, and so that the heating bills do not horrify its tenants.

Insulation brick walls photo

Before starting work on insulation, you need to decide what material will be used for this. The choice of insulation depends on the insulation method (in-wall, external or internal), as well as on the characteristics of the material, such as:

  • Thermal conductivity;
  • The ability to "breathe" (pass humid air);
  • Water absorption;
  • Density, mass;
  • Flammability degree;
  • Soundproofing characteristics;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • The complexity of the application.

Now more specifically about the materials.

Insulation of a brick house outside with polyurethane foam is carried out after the preliminary installation of a wooden or metal frame. Also, the material can be used to insulate walls and indoors.

How to properly insulate a brick wall?

Above, it was mentioned about three methods of thermal insulation, we will consider each of them in more detail..

  1. Wall insulation of brick walls. This type of work is possible only at the stage of building a house.

Thermal insulation scheme for brick and foam concrete walls

First, the outer wall is laid out to a height of one and a half meters, metal rods are inserted into the seams of every 5-6 rows. After that, a tile or sheet thermal insulation material (mineral wool, expanded polystyrene) is installed and laid out inner wall... Thus, the insulation is carried out to the top at the same time as the wall is erected.

If expanded clay is used for thermal insulation, then both walls are laid out to a height of up to 1.5 m, the distance between which should be about 15 cm, after which this gap is filled with expanded clay. So continue to the very top.

  1. Insulation of the house outside.

When insulating a house from the outside, it is necessary to insulate not only the walls, but also the basement with the foundation. To begin with, the outer part of the building needs a thorough cleaning, after which you can start finishing.

  • Thermal insulation with extruded polystyrene foam or foam begins with leveling the walls with plaster and subsequent priming. Then the insulation is attached to the wall using dowels or glue. It is necessary to arrange the sheets from the bottom up, placing them in a checkerboard pattern, so the structure will be more stable. After that, the wall needs to be reinforced with a fiberglass mesh and plaster applied to it. After drying, the wall is ready for decorative finishing.
  • Mounting ventilated facade... A layer of vapor barrier material is attached to the wall, then the frame is mounted. Next, mineral wool is placed in the frame, and waterproofing is placed on top. All insulating materials are fixed to the wall with dowels. Outside, such a facade is usually sheathed with siding.
  • Application "Warm" plaster is considered the easiest and cheapest way to insulate. First, the cleaned wall must be primed and reinforced with mesh attached to it. Then warm plaster is applied. After its complete drying, it is carried out decorative trim: painting, laying tiles, applying decorative plaster.

The basement and foundation are insulated in the same way as the walls.

  1. How to insulate a brick wall from the inside?

How to insulate a brick wall from the inside. Example and diagram

Usually such work is carried out using "warm" plaster, cork, mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam.

First of all work surface must be cleaned and primed. If there are noticeable irregularities, they must be pre-treated with plaster. After complete drying, a frame is attached to the wall, into which it will be laid, and in the case of polyurethane foam, an insulating material is applied. From above, the structure can be covered with drywall and plastered. After drying, carry out a decorative finish.

"Warm" plaster inside the house, applied in the same way as with external insulation.

Insulation of brick walls from the inside with polystyrene or expanded polystyrene is not recommended due to their toxicity and high degree of flammability.

To avoid saturation of the insulation with moisture, it must be laid with a compacted (expanded polystyrene) or foil (penofol) side from the wall, i.e. towards the room.

  • Materials with a high vapor permeability after laying are covered with a vapor barrier film or thin foam foam.


In addition to the fact that in the cold season, due to thermal insulation, there is no heat loss, in hot weather hot air does not penetrate into the room, which means that it helps to maintain a comfortable temperature in the house all year round.

Warming your own home is not very difficult, and almost everyone can do it. Only some theoretical knowledge and skillful hands are required.

Details about insulation and thermal insulation materials, and much more useful information about construction can be found in subsequent publications.

Warmth in a building is the most important condition for coziness and comfort. Unfortunately, quite often the walls of the house are not sufficiently insulated and do not retain the precious heat inside the building. Therefore, the insulation of brick walls from the outside becomes an urgent problem for owners of buildings with insufficient thermal insulation. Despite the seeming complexity of the operation, it is quite possible to do it yourself, having previously studied all the nuances of the question.

Choosing a method: from the inside or outside

Any specialist will answer that when choosing the option of insulation, it will be correct to prefer external structure... There are several reasons for this. First of all, a layer of insulation, mounted on the outer wall, will become a reliable barrier between comfortable indoor temperatures for a person and cold air “from the street”. In this case, the main wall is not only isolated from the impact low temperatures, but also gets additional protection from sunlight and moisture, which significantly extends its service life.

However, there is an opinion that outdoor insulation is too laborious and complicated process. Therefore, the frightened owners of "cold" houses think about how to insulate a brick wall from the inside. We are confident that it is quite simple and quite doable with our own hands. However, here lies serious mistake... The problem is that as a result of internal insulation, the wall will not become warmer, on the contrary, its even more severe freezing is quite possible. This method of insulation can lead to disastrous results.

Strictly speaking, internal thermal insulation walls are allowed if:

  • There is a prohibition by the administration of the settlement on any changes to the facade of the building.
  • Behind the wall is an elevator shaft or any unheated room, to mount in which insulation is impossible.
  • Behind the "cold" wall is expansion joint between houses.

Internal wall insulation shifts the "dew point" towards the room, which leads to even greater freezing of the structure

In these cases, the insulation of brick walls from the inside will become a necessary forced measure. In other cases, installation external thermal insulation will be the most the right decision.

Choosing the "right" insulation

You should be aware that there are no “bad” coatings. Each of them will cope with the task assigned to it. The difference lies in the features different types insulation and, of course, in their cost. If you want to save money, you need to compare the available options and, taking into account all the nuances, choose the most suitable cover... You will have to choose from several options:

  • extruded polystyrene foam or EPS;
  • basalt slabs;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • polystyrene or expanded polystyrene;
  • cellulose insulation;
  • mineral wool.

The differences in materials are in vapor permeability, moisture resistance and thermal conductivity. It is these characteristics that are basic when choosing a heater. The first two parameters are selected for desired way installation and with the obligatory consideration of climatic conditions. Depends on thermal conductivity required thickness layer of the covering to be laid. It is from this indicator that the choice of insulation begins. It is necessary to calculate the width of the insulating layer for different materials... In this case, possible heat losses and the power of the installed heating system.

All other things being equal, choose a heater that has the smallest layer width of all. It will be easiest to lay it

If it is difficult to perform calculations based on GOSTs and SNiPs yourself, it is better to contact the design organization. The resulting calculations will become the basis for choosing the type of coverage. It is very important to take into account the number of layers of material required for insulation and its standard sizes. As practice shows, it is best to dwell on a coating that, with all other qualities being the same, has a smaller layer thickness. It will be much easier to lay it.

Preparing walls for thermal insulation

Before you start insulating brick walls, you should carefully prepare the base. For this old plaster or the insulation is stripped down to brick. The wall is carefully examined. If various irregularities are visible, such as protrusions, depressions or differences in height, they are compressed to an acceptable level or sealed with mortar. After the base has dried, it is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and settled dust. A primer is applied to a clean surface. Best of all, if it is a deep penetration solution. The surface dries well.

On a prepared basis, a system of plumb lines and beacons is mounted, which is necessary to obtain an even layer of insulation. The design defines the outer edges of the insulating layer, which greatly facilitates its installation and subsequent finishing. For the arrangement of structures on top edge the walls are fastened in a row of screws or anchors. A strong thread or cord with a plumb line at the end is attached to each of them. They should go down to the very bottom of the base. Horizontal threads are laid and fixed between them. Thus, a mesh is obtained, which is guided by the installation of insulation.

We work with mineral wool

If you are going to insulate brick walls from the outside with mineral wool, they begin with the installation of the crate and frame system... This is necessary so that the material is firmly adhered to the wall. The crate is made of timber, the width of the structure should be about 2-3 cm less than that of a sheet of cotton wool. Only in this case will it be able to fit into its place tightly and without unnecessary gaps. Anchors are mounted together with the crate, and insulation sheets will subsequently be put on them. If the wall is uneven, it is best to choose a two-layer coating. Its layers vary in density. More soft material must be directed to the wall, then the best adhesion between the base and the insulation will be ensured.

Brick wall insulation scheme with mineral wool

The finish on top of mineral wool can be very diverse. Most often, this is plastering with a reinforcing mesh or, when fixing the insulation with an external crate with wind protection, the use of various facings: from brick to lining and siding. In the latter case, an excellent three-layer ventilated insulation is obtained, which can be used in almost any type of climate.

Insulation with polyurethane foam

Insulation is initially a foamed liquid. It is rather difficult to form a layer of the required width and configuration from it, therefore it is most often used for thermal insulation of roof slopes and attic spaces. However, if desired, they can successfully insulate the walls of a brick house from the outside. The technology involves erecting a frame with an external windscreen and pouring the solution directly into it.

The indisputable advantage of the method is that maximum adhesion to the wall allows for excellent thermal insulation.

Thermal insulation with expanded polystyrene

It is quite simple to insulate the walls with expanded polystyrene and EPS. First, at the bottom of the insulated structure is mounted small shelf from the corner, which is necessary to align the sheets of insulation. The sheets are attached to the wall using a special adhesive solution. The cloths are abundantly lubricated with it, installed in a prepared place and pressed tightly. The evenness and correctness of the installation must be controlled using the level of the pre-assembled plumb line.

If insulation is supposed to be in several layers, each subsequent layer can be laid only after the already installed one has “grabbed” well. Experts recommend installing insulation sheets with an offset of about half of the previous layer. Since the final reinforcement of the panels with anchoring is assumed, it turns out that each fastener holds not only the corners of the top sheet, but also the middle of the slabs of the previous row.

The joints of the canvases must be glued with reinforcing plaster tape. In areas around window openings and at the corners of the building, the insulation must be fixed with special metal corners... A reinforcing mesh is fixed on the laid layer of thermal insulation, after which it becomes possible to carry out plastering. At the end of all work, all kinds of gaps or open spaces where access to the foam is possible should not remain. Otherwise, the insulation can be damaged by rodents.

The finish of the insulated wall can be very diverse.

The biggest disadvantage of such insulation is the low vapor permeability of the material. This can prevent condensation and moisture from draining away from the wall. Therefore, experts strongly recommend thoroughly dry the walls before starting work. If this is not possible, you should make adjustments to your plans and build an insulating structure with a ventilated or at least partially ventilated facade. Only in this case, moisture will not be able to linger on the main walls and destroy them.

Of course, you need to fight for warmth in the house. Many intend to do it on their own. Recommendations on how to insulate a brick wall from the outside are quite simple. To complete them, you do not need special knowledge and skills in the field of construction. Following all instructions, patience and accuracy will allow you to get an excellent result, and always warm house will meet its owners with comfort and coziness.

Considering how to insulate a brick wall from the inside, it should be noted that internal thermal insulation works are resorted to only in extreme cases, when for some reason it is not possible to produce external insulation (for example, the house in which you live has a beautiful facade decoration). Wall insulation is a very responsible process, the results of which will determine not only the degree of comfort and coziness in the house, but also how much money you spend on heating it in the cold season. Consider what materials can be used when insulating brick walls from the inside and what are the main difficulties that you may encounter in the process of doing work with your own hands.

All about internal wall insulation

There are two important parameters that play a decisive role when choosing a thermal insulation material for walls and a thermal insulation scheme:

  • vapor permeability;
  • Dew point.

Water vapor permeability. If it comes about a residential building, then its value should increase from the inside of the brick wall outward. This is due to the fact that in winter the humidity in the house will be higher than outside. Moisture, leaving the house along with warm air, passes not only through windows, doors, ventilation system but also directly through the walls.

If the outer part of the wall has a higher vapor permeability, then moisture will be able to freely go into the outer space. Otherwise, it will linger in the building material, which is why it will begin to damp and collapse. It should be noted that vapor permeability brickwork very small, therefore, for internal insulation, you will need to choose a material with an even lower value.

Dew point. This is the name of the place where warm air begins to condense when cooled. If the walls are erected without an insulating layer, then the dew point will be directly in the building material, causing its destruction. When insulated from the inside, the dew point will be on the inner surface, which will lead to constant dampness in the house. And only with external thermal insulation, the entire wall will be warmed up and reliably protected from moisture. Therefore, if you have a choice, insulate the structure from the outside or from both sides at once.

Brickwork with insulation can be made using many materials that differ in operational properties, installation method, appearance and cost. At the same time, some materials are perfect for internal insulation, others for external insulation, and still others can be used both there and there.

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Insulation requirements for interior work

It has been proven that approximately 40% of heat loss in a private house occurs through the walls. So start thermal insulation works follows precisely from the walls. When choosing a heater, you need to take into account that it must have a certain set technical characteristics, namely:

  1. Low thermal conductivity. The selected material should not only keep warm inside the house in winter, but also keep warm air out of the street in summer. Only in this case will the accommodation be comfortable all year round.
  2. Low vapor permeability. Insulation should have less vapor permeability than construction material from which the house was built.
  3. Flame retardant. High resistance open fire is the main condition in terms of fire safety.
  4. Environmentally friendly. The material used during operation should not emit harmful substances that negatively affect the human body.
  5. Waterproof. The selected insulation should not be highly absorbent, since with an increase in humidity, the thermal insulation properties decrease.
  6. Small thickness. The thickness of the insulation will determine how much free space its installation will take.

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The choice of materials for wall insulation from the inside

Today the most popular insulation materials for indoor use are:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • warm plaster.

Let's consider in more detail each of the listed options.

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Mineral wool as insulation

Minvata has established itself as one of the the best heaters used both for indoor and outdoor work. It is an environmentally friendly material based on basalt and silica. Its only drawback is its increased absorbency, but it can be eliminated by treating the cotton wool before installation with special hydrophobic solutions. For thermal insulation of walls, a material made in the form of slabs is used, which is easier to fix.

Another advantage of mineral wool is that it does not need a perfectly flat base, that is, there is no need to level it, which will positively affect your budget and time spent. To insulate a brick wall from the inside with mineral wool, you must first build a wooden or metal carcass, since the use of this material as a heat insulator presupposes its sheathing drywall sheets, clapboard or other finishing material.

In this case, you do not need to cut it, thereby violating the internal structure of the material.

After installing the heat insulator, a vapor barrier layer is laid on top of the lathing and attached. After the brick wall is insulated from the inside with mineral wool, the frame is sheathed with the selected material. As finishing you can use wallpaper, plaster, paint, etc.

In this article, you will learn:

  • Why do you need to insulate a brick house
  • What you need to consider when insulating a brick house from the inside
  • How to insulate a brick house from the inside with mineral wool
  • How to insulate a brick house from the inside with expanded polystyrene
  • How to insulate a brick house from the inside warm plaster
  • How to insulate a brick house from the inside with your own hands using foam

Brick - traditional material for the construction of buildings in Moscow, which can be operated for more than a dozen years, even in difficult climatic conditions. The thermal insulation characteristics of brick walls depend on the number of masonry rows. The reason for the freezing of wall structures may be their insufficient thickness or violation. building technologies during the construction of a building. The solution to this problem lies in the arrangement of thermal insulation of the walls. In this article we will look at how to insulate a brick house from the inside. You will find out which modern materials it is better to use it for thermal insulation of brick walls and how the installation work is done.

In what case is it necessary to insulate a brick house

A certain amount of heat and moisture is constantly emitted in our apartments and houses. These processes are associated with human life and occur continuously. Heat energy is released during cooking, during operation household appliances, computer equipment and so on. During wet cleaning, during daily hygiene procedures, when boiling water and during other activities, the level of humidity in the premises increases. Moreover, the higher the air temperature, the better it retains water.

With insufficient insulation of the walls, condensation forms on their surface when the humid air cools. Moisture settling on the walls provokes the appearance of mold and mildew, the spores of which pose a threat to human health. They enter the respiratory system, causing asthma attacks or leading to allergic reactions... In addition to harm to health, mold and mildew contribute to the destruction of the materials from which the wall structures are erected, and spoil the finish.

Insulating the walls of a brick house will help prevent such problems. Regardless of which version of thermal insulation is chosen - internal or external, you need to take a responsible approach to its implementation. With internal insulation, brick walls will not be in direct contact with the warm air of the room, therefore, they may freeze up to the point of contact with the heat-insulating material.

In this case, the effect of insulation will be minimal. A completely opposite result can be obtained with the external placement of heat-insulating material, but in practice there are situations when such a solution will be impossible.

The need to insulate the walls of a brick house from the inside arises in such cases:

  1. The presence of a ban on regional authorities to change the architecture of the facade of the building (ancient monuments, buildings on central streets, etc.);
  2. There is an expansion joint on the outer part of the wall;
  3. The wall structure separates a technical room, an elevator shaft or other objects where there is no access for arranging thermal insulation;
  4. The design documentation for the construction of the house provides for the installation of thermal insulation from the inside.

How will the insulation of a brick house from the inside affect performance characteristics facade structures? How will the microclimate inside the building change after this? Answers to these questions must be obtained before starting work. In other words, if wall insulation from the inside remains the only option for their thermal insulation, you need to carefully approach the choice of thermal insulation materials, strictly observe the technology and procedure installation works.

The nuances of insulating a brick house from the inside

In order to competently perform the insulation of the walls of a brick house from the inside with our own hands, let's figure out what the thermal insulation of a building depends on. For the right choice thermal insulation materials according to their characteristics, it is necessary to consider some of the physical processes associated with insulation.

The term "insulation" refers to a change in the characteristics of building structures in terms of thermal conductivity (ability to conduct thermal energy). High thermal conductivity rates indicate that you have a bad insulator in front of you and you should not use it to insulate the walls of a brick house from the inside and outside, too. To perform such work, materials with low thermal conductivity should be used.

As is known, building brick produced by firing clay, which conducts heat well. An uninsulated brick building heats up and cools down as quickly as the surrounding air. For example, it can be noted that such a popular material for low-rise construction, like shell rock (comparable with it in terms of characteristics and a cauldron), it conducts heat 8 times worse than a brick, and the foam used for insulating houses from the inside is 27 times worse. In addition, fired clay has a porous structure and absorbs moisture well, which, when certain conditions begins to actively evaporate.

Evaporation of moisture is accompanied by a decrease in temperature on the surface of the object, on which this process takes place. Thus, a brick house, which in itself is not warm enough, becomes a refrigerator when the moisture evaporates. Using this property, you can cool down in hot weather brick cottage(without insulation) by opening basement... Damp air from the basement, rising up, will fill the brick with moisture from the inside, which will then evaporate outside. This process is similar to that of a conventional air conditioner.

How does insulation work? In the material used to insulate the walls from the inside, it is difficult for the free movement of air. Immobilized air acts as a barrier to the flow of thermal energy. This principle underlies the design of a thermos and modern glass units for window structures. An even more effective protection against heat loss will be an air gap enclosed between the walls of a special substance. And the greater the number of such interlayers with partitions, the higher the thermal insulation characteristics of the material will be. This feature must be taken into account when choosing a heater.

Insulation of a brick house from the inside contributes to the displacement of the dew point to the inner borders load-bearing structures... The dew point is the conditional location of the place where moisture condensation occurs from the warm air that is inside the building. It is necessary that such a point is not inside the wall structure, but as close as possible to its outer part, in any case, beyond the middle.

This condition is satisfied by the thermal insulation of a brick house from the inside, which looks like an additional wall located with an air gap or close to the existing wall structure. Of course, such a solution will reduce useful area indoor spaces, which will be especially felt in a small apartment.

How to choose materials for insulating a brick house from the inside

To ensure a normal microclimate and optimum humidity indoors, good ventilation is needed. It is noticed that it is easy to breathe in brick houses. This is due to the high vapor permeability of the brick (namely, the porous structure of the material). At the same time, so that moisture does not collect under the layer of insulation on the surface of the wall, but leaves the room without hindrance, the main rule must be followed - vapor permeability should increase towards the outside of the wall structure.

In other words, when insulating a brick house from the inside, you cannot use heat insulators that let steam through better than brick. Otherwise, the condensate will settle on building structures... For example, sheathing of a freezing wall brick construction drywall will lead to dampness of the house during the cold season.

When insulating a brick house from the inside, one should take into account the thermal insulation characteristics of the insulation and its vapor permeability indicators. There are three ways to prevent possible contact of a brick wall with humid air:

There are also other options for choosing a brick wall insulation for installation from the inside of the house:

  • Foamed polyethylene covered with aluminum foil. The thermal insulation foil provides additional strength and serves as a heat reflecting shield. Installation of penofol from the inside of a house built from foam blocks allows you to save up to 97% of the thermal energy that is produced heating equipment... Penofol is glued to the walls from the inside without the use of auxiliary waterproofing (it is not subject to getting wet). In certain cases, such material can be used as an additional heat insulator when insulating a brick house from the inside with mineral wool or foam.
  • Sotoplast- inexpensive and aesthetically pleasing attractive material, but it insulates very weakly. The fact is that sotoplast is a honeycomb made of paper that is rolled up between plastic sheets. In this case, the partitions are too small to create a reliable barrier to the passage of heat.
  • The simplest method, which is recommended by some "masters", involves the use of Chipboard (particle board). This material is not very effective as a heat insulator, but it still gives a minimal effect. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of chipboard is about 0.15, which is completely insufficient. Therefore, we can say that its application does not bring the desired result. Even if you have a large amount of this material "lying around", it is better to use it for other purposes.
  • Arbolit- a marketing move aimed, rather, at deceiving the consumer than at solving problems of insulating a brick house from the inside. It is made from cane, waste paper, reeds, sawdust and straw. This composition is tied with cement - and now: the arbolite is ready. It should be noted that for nice name useless insulation material is hidden.
  • Fibrolite- also belongs to the category of ineffective materials for house insulation. It consists of a cement mixture, wood shingles and magnesia, and is supplied as durable slabs with low weight. Fiberboard as a building material has good characteristics. Its boards are resistant to moisture, do not rot and do not burn (only smolder), but it is quite expensive, and its thermal conductivity coefficient is not much better than that of chipboard. It ranges from 0.09 to 0.1.
  • Ecowool is a shredded paper sprayed onto wall structures. This material has good characteristics for solving problems of warming a brick house, but it will not last long. It is sprayed from the outside onto the walls of the house, after which the facade is trimmed with siding or other material. This spraying retains its thermal insulation characteristics only until the ecowool gets wet. At the same time, such material dries ten times longer than it is saturated with water. With dubious performance characteristics, ecowool works at the level of high-quality insulation. Immediately after its application, it has a very good thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.04, but after five years this figure will increase to 0.08, and then it will grow even faster. In addition, using ecowool to insulate a brick house, keep in mind that mice and other rodents are very fond of it.
  • Mipora- insulation with a complex chemical composition... This material is based on urea-formaldehyde resin with glycerin and a large number of various additives that provide strength and other performance characteristics. Mipora consumers can attract affordable price, but the real benefit appears only with large amounts of insulation. The main drawback of this material is its composition. To insulate a brick house from the inside, it is better to choose a heat insulator that is less hazardous to health.
  • Glass wool, basalt or ceramic wool- related materials by origin and characteristics. They differ from mineral wool in their higher resistance to moisture. These heaters do not absorb water well and dry very quickly. But they also have their drawbacks. After a couple of decades, they will decay. This process is accompanied by the release of glass dust, therefore, in order to protect the inhabitants of the house, a thick film must be laid on top of the insulation.

When planning the insulation of a brick house from the inside, it is necessary not only to take into account the characteristics of the heat insulator, but also to choose the right installation technology. Almost all installation options can be done independently. Special fixtures and fittings will be needed only when walls are insulated using the technology of spraying polyurethane foam onto their surface.

Before buying insulating materials, there are several factors to consider:

  • heaters can be of 2 types: for outdoor and for internal works(materials of these types can have very different characteristics);
  • coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • the density of the insulation (this indicator, together with the coefficient of thermal conductivity, affects the weight and thickness of the thermal insulation layer);
  • the material for insulation from the inside must be completely safe for people.

Insulation of a brick house from the inside with mineral wool

The features of mineral wool as an insulator for wall insulation include:

Manufacturers of materials for insulating walls of a house from the inside produce mineral wool in the form of rigid or elastic slabs. In the first case, the material has a density from 80 to 120 kg / m 3, and in the second from 35 to 120 kg / m 3. The structure of the rigid slabs includes ventilation grooves that increase the thermal insulation performance.

Insulation of a brick house from the inside with expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene as a modern heat-insulating material has a number of advantages, which are good heat-insulating properties, low weight and strength. Extruded polystyrene foam is classified as fireproof materials. It can be used to insulate a brick house from the inside in the same way as when using mineral wool. It should be taken into account that the lathing provides the formation of cold bridges, contributing to the formation of condensation.

Insulation of a brick house from the inside using extruded polystyrene foam is performed as follows:

  1. The surface of the wall structure must be cleaned, leveled with a thin layer of plaster and primed.
  2. With the help of polyurethane foam or a special adhesive for foam plastic, foam polymer boards are glued to the wall surface. Individual elements insulation is placed with a shift of 1/2 width. This will help avoid long vertical seams.
  3. The joints of polymer boards must be filled with polyurethane foam, after which the excess must be cut off.

The optimal finishing option after such insulation involves gluing a reinforcing mesh with further plastering of the wall surfaces for painting or wallpapering. You can also use the option with plasterboard wall decoration. To do this, using dowels-"mushrooms" fix the sections of the profile with a length of about 100 mm, but in this case, the integrity of the insulation is violated.

Insulation of a brick house from the inside with warm plaster

Using plaster mixes insulating brick scrap from the inside is not an easy task. This option is the most effective in terms of preserving free space in the premises of the house. The application of plaster to the walls for their insulation is carried out in layers.

The initial layer is called spray. It is applied with a liquid mixture, which qualitatively fills all irregularities and defects on the surface of wall structures. After that, the primer is applied in the form of a thick solution. The formation of this layer occurs in stages. The final thickness should be about 6 mm. Liquid is used for the final layer. cement mortar, glue or other compounds. Finishing layer serves for the final leveling of irregularities and preparation of the wall surface for facing work.

Do-it-yourself insulation of a brick house from the inside using foam

Stage 1. Choice of tools

For high-quality insulation of a brick house from the inside with foam, you will need a certain set of tools. The time spent on selecting such a kit will return by minimizing downtime during installation.

You will need:

The list of equipment for insulating a brick house from the inside with polystyrene (or expanded polystyrene) is not very large, since this technology does not provide frame elements or finishing panels.

Stage 2. Material selection

In addition to the foam itself, other materials will be needed to complete the installation work. Full list as follows:

Stage 3. Preparation for insulation

Consider the issue of preparing for the insulation of a brick house from the inside:

On this preparatory stage finished, and you can proceed to the main work on the insulation of the brick house from the inside.

Stage 4. Main works

Insulation installation - not very hard work, but it is necessary to strictly observe the technology of its implementation and the sequence of operations. Violation of the recommended procedure may aggravate the condensation process.

An air gap must not be allowed between the surface of the brick wall and the insulation. Such a gap will become a place for condensation to form, which will subsequently lead to the appearance of wet corners, mold and fungal formations. The further procedure is as follows:

This is how we insulate a brick house with foam from the inside. Note again that this option is used only in cases when it is impossible to make insulation from the outside.

Which is better: internal or external insulation of a brick house

As we already know, buildings can be insulated from the outside and from the inside. If we make a detailed analysis of these options, then from a physical point of view, it turns out that only the installation of insulation with outside can be called insulation without footnotes and amendments.

Cause of the cold walls in brick house there is a lack of heat for heating them due to large heat losses. When insulated from the outside, the wall is protected from the outside air, which reduces thermal energy leakage.

In this case, due to the heating of the inner surface of the wall structure, the possibility of moisture condensation is excluded, since the dew point is carried outside the wall from the outside. Based on this, we can say that external insulation of the walls of a brick house effectively solves the problem of retaining heat and preventing dampness of building structures.

Insulation of a brick house from the inside modern methods provides a slightly different effect. The thermal insulation material applied from the inside protects it from the warm air in the building. As a result, the wall becomes even colder, since the outside air cools it unhindered. Under the influence of partial pressure, moist warm air from the interior will pass through the layer of heat-insulating material, and its contact with the cold wall will lead to the release of condensation. As a result of the processes described here, the wall gets wet, which, in parallel with freezing, causes the destruction of the wall structure.

Based on the foregoing, we can come to the conclusion that the insulation of a brick house from the inside only leads to isolation of the walls from contact with warm internal air. The pitfall of this solution lies in the fact that moisture accumulating between the insulating material and the cold wall will be invisible during visual observation. It may seem that the goal has been achieved, but over time, negative aspects may appear that accompany the insulation of the walls from the inside.

Despite the negative points, internal insulation occurs quite often. The main reasons for this are the simplicity of technology and the ability to perform all work at any time of the year with your own hands, even without special experience. If you have already decided to insulate from the inside, we recommend choosing a material that is as impervious to humid air as possible. Such heat insulators include expanded polystyrene (PPS). The use of this material will minimize the problem of steam and its condensation by preventing the wall from contacting moist warm air.

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