Repair Design Furniture

Material for wall insulation inside a wooden house. How to insulate a wooden house from the outside and how. Technology for applying warm plaster

In order to keep the warmth and comfort in the house, it is necessary to add a heat-insulating layer to the outer walls. Particular attention is paid to buildings that have been in operation for a long time and have survived many negative impacts. Because the issue of warming the old wooden house interested in many owners.

A house made of wood has the ability to let vapors through, so that it is always comfortable to be in the premises. If you choose the wrong material for insulation, you can completely close the exit of moisture, which will lead to its accumulation in the walls of the building. This will lead to premature destruction of the entire structure.

Mineral wool

Experts claim that the best insulation not found for an old wooden house. And indeed it is. has the following properties:

  1. Retains heat very well.
  2. Isolates the interior from extraneous sounds from environment.
  3. Light weight helps to do everything quickly and efficiently.
  4. The structure of the material allows you to hide all the irregularities.
  5. Fire and environmental safety.
  6. Rodents do not use to create nests.

But there are also a number of negative points:

  • protection from moisture is necessary, therefore mineral wool is torn with a vapor barrier membrane, on the one hand, and windproof film, with another;
  • requires mechanical fixation.

But such shortcomings are easy to deal with, because this option is suitable for an old house and or a new building.


Insulation from the class available. Because it is in demand among all construction companies and private developers. Besides positive moment, there are a number of others:

  1. Good thermal insulation properties.
  2. Has soundproofing.
  3. Does not absorb moisture.
  4. Withstands small mechanical loads.

But a small set of disadvantages makes the foam unsuitable for insulation. country house from a log house:

  • lack of steam capacity;
  • rapid destruction under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • rodents and insects love to create their homes in this material;
  • Styrofoam ignites easily, and then smolders with the release of caustic substances.

The tree already burns well, and if the finish is such that being in such a house will be life-threatening.

Penoplex (polystyrene)

This material is a close relative of polystyrene. But manufacturers have slightly improved the properties of the insulation, due to which the cost has also increased. What are the characteristics of penoplex?

  1. Improved thermal insulation properties. If a foam plastic 10 cm thick is needed to insulate the house, then 5 cm foam can be replaced.
  2. Withstands high mechanical stress.
  3. Doesn't absorb moisture at all.
  4. There are also soundproofing properties.
  5. Penoplex is produced with the addition of flame retardants, substances that prevent the material from igniting under the influence of fire. Therefore, compared to polystyrene, foam is safer.

Sometimes it is used as thermal insulation for wooden buildings. But it is only suitable for a plinth or foundation. This is due to the lack of steam capacity. As a result, condensation will form on the walls, which means it will contribute to the development of mold and mildew.

What is the best way to insulate?

A house with a long service life requires not only insulation of the facade, but also all structural elements as a whole. Such actions will help to more effectively store heat inside the house. Therefore, we consider all the elements separately:

Wall insulation

It is better to isolate the walls from the outside. This shifts the dew point towards the environment, which allows it to be removed from the base much faster. If you insulate the walls from the inside, you can cause quite the opposite result. In this case, the walls will still freeze through.

For wall insulation, choose hard mats mineral wool. If there are material opportunities, you can take the foil version. The foil layer will repel heat from the walls. Before installing the insulation, be sure to close all the cracks.

In this case, we use a tourniquet, dry moss or tow. With this material, we tightly caulk the interventional space or cracks that can form on the logs.


There are two ways to insulate the ceiling:

  • from the side of the room;
  • from the attic side.

Both the first and second methods are effective. Harder materials are laid on the ceiling. If there is an attic under the roof, then it is better to resort to insulation from the side of the rooms. Then a structure is created from beams, between which are placed sheet insulation. Don't forget about vapor barrier membranes.

When there is an attic under the roof, you can use mineral wool, and even polystyrene. A more rigid material must be laid on top of the insulation. It can be chipboard, which will protect the insulation from bursting.

There is an option when bulk heaters are used, for example, sawdust, gravel. But such materials need a lot, which can be even more expensive than using modern heaters.


The choice of technology for insulating a dilapidated house depends on whether there is basement or not. If there is a basement, then first insulate it. It is possible that after this it will not be necessary to further isolate the floor.

But if such a need has already been determined, then the following options are chosen:

  1. Underfloor heating (electric heating). Not always suitable for old wooden structures, as it requires reliable electrical wiring.
  2. The use of thermal insulation materials. Choose only hard options, but be sure to make a plank floor or cover chipboard boards or OSB, and then decorate with the selected floor material.

It is in an old wooden house that large heat losses occur due to dilapidated floors. Therefore, do not neglect the possibility of isolating the floors. More precisely, start insulating the house from the floors.

How to insulate an old wooden house with your own hands?

The tree must be specially treated before any outdoor work can be started. Especially if the design is closed from the eyes of the owner. Therefore, carefully and carefully adhere to the insulation technology if you do everything yourself.

And if you trusted the masters, then do not forget to control the team. It often happens that employees want to get the job done earlier and mess around a bit. This can lead to premature failure of the structure.

Surface preparation

Let's prepare the base first:

  1. Remove all dirt and stains, traces of insects or fungus.
  2. Remove old decorative coating.
  3. Take off hinged structures, which will interfere with the implementation of all work.
  4. Close all cracks.
  5. Cover by wooden structure protective compounds. This antiseptic impregnations or mastics and moisture repellents. This will significantly extend the life of the foundation.

If the packaging says that it is desirable to make several layers, then it is better to do as the manufacturer recommends. If you save at this stage, you may regret it later.

Laying a vapor barrier

After the impregnation is completely dry, proceed to laying the membranes. This layer will protect the walls from moisture and allow vapors to freely pass through the insulation and go outside.

  • start laying from the bottom of the wall in vertical stripes;
  • each subsequent strip finds, on the previous one, by 10–15 cm;
  • joints are fixed with adhesive tape;
  • the membrane itself is fixed with a construction stapler.

Lathing installation

For the frame, use wooden bars or metal profiles. If selected wooden frame, then its parts also require special treatment in order to last as long as the decorative layer. In addition, the bars will not be able to hide the unevenness of the walls, which means that you will have to put pegs or chop off in some places.

With metal, everything is much simpler - we take and install. Special retractable brackets will easily hide all the shortcomings. But such a design will cost a little more than a wooden one.

The method of installing the frame depends on whether the heater will be used or not, and also on what decorative material decided to install on the facade.

The approximate plan is:

  • first we do the markup. The step between the elements is equal to the width of the insulation;
  • screw elements;
  • we check how evenly the parts are installed using the building level.

Installing a heat insulator

The material that acts as a heat insulator is placed between the elements of the crate. Mats are laid tightly. At the same time, make sure that there are no gaps. Mineral wool should not bulge.

If such flaws appear, then they will later become cold bridges, which partially or completely levels out the work on insulation. Therefore, the material should lie tightly, but evenly.

Laying the wind protection film

On top of the insulation, it is customary to lay also windproof membrane. This material will protect the mineral wool from the penetration of atmospheric moisture under the finish. The laying principle is the same as for the vapor barrier film:

  1. Let's start from the bottom.
  2. We make vertical stripes.
  3. We lay in an overlap of 105-15 cm.
  4. We glue the joints with tape.
  5. The membrane is fixed with a stapler to the crate.

It is also appropriate to use mushroom dowels here. This mechanical fastener will additionally fix the insulation and the membrane.

Installation of the crate for fixing finishing materials from the outside

An additional crate also creates a ventilation gap, which allows you to remove steam coming out of interior spaces. The size of the gap can vary from 3 to 8 mm. It all depends on the thickness of the insulation material and the region in which the house is located.

Exterior wall decoration

As finishing material for a wooden house, you can choose any known option. It is important to take into account the condition of the structure, that is, the strength of the structure. If the house is too old, do not choose heavy material, as the structure may not withstand the load and collapse.

  • fully follow the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer;
  • fix the details to the elements of the crate;
  • choose dry weather;
  • carry out the insulation of a wooden house only in the warm season.

Possible problems with insulation

Before insulating an old wooden house, be sure to check how durable the structure is. If necessary, walls and foundations need to be strengthened. For those who have never done such a thing, it is better to take care of construction team rather than start experimenting.

And for those who nevertheless decided to do everything on their own, you should strictly adhere to the instructions and not lose sight of anything. It is important to properly prepare the base, choose a heater and finish.

A few decades ago, wall insulation from the inside of a wooden house was not required: to keep the heat in the room, it was enough to increase the thickness of the walls. But use more material for the construction of a thick wall leads to an increase in financial costs, so the owners are thinking about how to properly and whether it is possible to insulate the house from the inside. Yes, you can, the modern construction market offers many different thermal insulation materials for internal insulation wooden houses.

What you need to know about wall insulation

Wood is a material with high thermal insulation properties, but with a decrease in the thickness of the walls, it becomes necessary to insulate. It is not possible to carry out external insulation, as this will deteriorate appearance wooden structure. Additional heat losses occur due to poor-quality connection of logs, under the influence natural shrinkage Houses. Therefore, the insulation of a wooden house from the inside is topical issue which modern thermal insulation materials.

Before proceeding with the choice of insulation and holding thermal insulation works, you need to find out two details:

Work on warming the house is best planned for spring or summer. A newly built house is not insulated - you need to wait a year for the building to shrink. Otherwise, the work will be useless: after shrinkage, cracks and gaps between the logs will reappear, additional work will have to be done.

The choice of insulation

Not only the heat in the house, but also the health of the residents depends on the quality of the insulation.. The following requirements are imposed on the materials that are used to insulate the walls of a wooden house:

  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Fire safety.
  • Mechanical strength.
  • Ecological cleanliness, safety for human health.

Set created modern materials with excellent thermal insulation properties. The following types of heaters are used:

Proper organization of work and a thoughtful approach are the lion's share of success in this difficult task. The following will describe the main stages in the insulation of the room. Preparatory stage

Before starting insulation work you need to prepare the walls. The first operation is to check and seal the joints. To do this, use synthetic sealants, jute fiber, tow. Preparation of walls for the application of polyurethane foam includes cleaning the surface from contaminants, old paint, grease stains. After filling the joints, they proceed to the next stage - the treatment of wood with fire-retardant compounds.

Treatment with compounds that prevent fire and mold infection is very important, because the wood after thermal insulation will be on long years hidden from free access; the condition and service life depend on the quality of processing wooden building. Not only wooden walls, but also enclosing structures are treated with fire-retardant compounds, even if they are made of other materials.

Ventilation device

When carrying out thermal insulation work remember to ventilate: without it it is impossible to achieve the correct microclimate in the room. Some heaters have low air conductivity, which negatively affects indoor air quality. In order for the air to circulate properly, ventilation gaps are arranged - a small gap is left between the wall and the heat-insulating material. In this gap, free air circulation occurs, due to which the normal humidity of the insulation and walls is maintained.

Materials such as basalt wool, non-pressed polystyrene, glass wool require additional device vapor barrier. To do this, use a vapor barrier film, which is attached to the ventilation crate.

All thermal insulation materials require construction of enclosing structures- without them it is impossible to fix the insulation on the wall. To do this, use wooden bars, which are installed at a distance from each other, equal to the width of the insulation. In order for the material to fit snugly against the fence, the distance between the bars is made smaller right size by 1 cm. After laying the insulation between the fencing bars, it is additionally fixed with cords or dowels.

After mounting on the wall, insulation with high porosity requires additional waterproofing. For this, waterproofing films with vapor-permeable membranes are used, thanks to which the humidity of the insulation will always be equal to the humidity of the air in the room. Drywall, wooden lining, plywood are used as a finishing coating for thermal insulation.

The technology of warming a wooden house from the inside is not difficult, does not require professional skills from the owners. You can perform the thermal insulation of the walls yourself, you just need study the technology of work and purchase high-quality materials.

Building science recommends doing external insulation of buildings, since in this case the dew point is outside the room in the insulation or in the outer layer of the walls. With such insulation in rooms, moisture will not condense on the walls.

However, there are cases when insulation of a wooden house from the inside- is the only right decision. For example, if the owner of the house wants to preserve the beautiful appearance characteristic of houses made of logs or laws prescribe to preserve the historical appearance of the building.

Modern building science allows you to make internal insulation of wooden houses, but for this you should use the right materials and follow the technology.

Preparatory work

All work on the construction and arrangement of residential buildings must be preceded by engineering calculations. This also applies to the internal insulation of a wooden house.

The thermotechnical calculation should show how effective the insulation will be and, in general, is there a possibility of internal insulation? The insulation will always fulfill its function, but the position of the dew point is of decisive importance.

The dew point must never be internal walls Oh and even more so in the insulation and calculations should show this. If the dew point is inside, then the room will be warm, but in the cold season it will be constantly damp. And from dampness, porous heaters get wet, the walls of houses rot, mold and various unwanted living creatures are massively bred.

Only if the dew point will not be indoors even in the most cold period, you can confidently produce internal insulation. True, for this you will have to sacrifice part of the internal volume of the house, but without this - nothing!

Materials used for internal insulation

Materials that are used in the internal insulation of the house, must meet certain requirements:

  1. Firstly, they must have low thermal conductivity in order to fulfill their main function - insulation.
  2. Secondly, these materials must meet the requirements fire safety for premises.
  3. Thirdly, the material alone or in combination with the mounting structure must provide the required mechanical strength.
  4. And, finally, all materials used indoors must be environmentally friendly and not release any chemicals into the surrounding air that adversely affect the health of living beings.

Warming methods

Ways to insulate a wooden house directly depend on the materials used for this. IN modern construction several types are used:

  1. Mineral basalt wool slabs- are most commonly used. This material does not burn, environmentally friendly, its use provides excellent heat and sound insulation. Low mechanical strength requires the construction of a building envelope, and high hygroscopicity obliges to cover mineral wool with special vapor barrier films.
  2. Expanded polystyrene plates (polystyrene), have also found application in internal insulation. Their use is not recommended, as they can release substances containing styrene into the air. When burning, pressless expanded polystyrene releases deadly dangerous substances: hydrogen cyanide and toluene diisocyanate. Therefore, only extruded polystyrene foam, flammability class - G1, can be used. Insulation with expanded polystyrene also requires a building envelope.
  3. glass wool- a widely used material for insulation. It has a lower price than basalt wool, however, it also has a higher thermal conductivity. To insulate the interior with glass wool, only material specially designed for this purpose should be used, which should additionally be covered with films. Small particles of glass wool are very harmful to health, so the installation is carried out only in the means of protecting the skin and respiratory organs. Requires building envelopes.
  4. Isoplatmodern insulation, which consists of a layer of pressed linen fiber and fiberboard with a thickness of 12 to 25 mm. High mechanical strength makes it possible not to make powerful enclosing structures, and the environmental friendliness of this material allows it to be used indoors. The thermal conductivity of Isoplat is worse, and the price is much higher than that of other heaters.
  5. Insulation with polyurethane foam sprayed onto the surface - a modern excellent method that requires special equipment. Enclosing structures for such insulation are needed.

In this video you can see how a wooden house is insulated from the inside with polyurethane foam.

Insulation of the walls of a wooden house from the inside

Sealing joints

A wooden house, even an impeccably built one, settles down for quite a long time. In addition to precipitation, when the heating is turned on in the house, there is an intensive drying of the wood, which affects the geometric dimensions of the log or glued beam. Initially, even well-laid logs or beams can form enlarged gaps at their joints, through which heat will be mercilessly carried out into the atmosphere.

Therefore, the first operation for warming a house is sealing joints.

Fire bioprotection of wood

The inner part of the walls during insulation will be hidden by a layer of insulation, and for enough long time. That is why the tree must be treated with a good fire-retardant composition, which is long time eliminate the development of living creatures and make it difficult to ignite. It's not worth saving on this, you just have to choose good lineups guaranteed to provide the protection you need.

When processing walls with fire-retardant compounds, it should be taken into account that all enclosing structures, if they are wooden, must also be processed, since they will also be hidden in the insulation structure.

Thermal insulation and ventilation

Why didn’t they think much about the ventilation of houses before? Yes, because ventilation was carried out in a natural way - through leaks in wall and window structures.

Modern Construction Materials and technologies exclude any leaks and gaps through which air can pass, but this does not mean that air should not circulate in the room. IN modern houses design a ventilation system that should supply Fresh air into the room and dispose of the waste.

Good internal thermal insulation must always be accompanied by ventilation. Only then will the microclimate in the room be normal. But ventilation is also required by the thermal insulation itself, which has a soft and porous structure, for example, mineral wool. Therefore, in the gap between the wall and the thermal insulation layer, there must be an air gap, through which air must circulate freely, removing excess moisture, comparing the air humidity in the entire room.

Such intervals are realized in practice very easily. Attached to the walls with a certain gap wooden lath about 2.5 cm thick, and already attached to it vapor barrier membrane. It turns out that there is an air gap between the wall and the insulation, which prevents high humidity interior walls and insulation.

If the walls of the house are built from a cylindrical log, then the ventilation gaps are obtained naturally, and if from glued beams, then the ventilation gap is highly desirable.

vapor barrier

If used as a heater basalt wool, glass wool, pressless polystyrene foam, then vapor barrier must be done. To do this, it is attached to the ventilation crate vapor barrier film with help construction stapler. The film must be sufficiently stretched so that there is a ventilation gap between it and the wall. the joining of two panels of vapor barrier is done with an overlap of at least 10 cm using adhesive tape and a stapler.

If the interior of the house will be insulated with extruded polystyrene foam, then vapor barrier is not needed. This material already has the necessary waterproofing qualities and will be a reliable barrier to moisture.

Installation of the enclosing structure

With all methods of insulating the internal walls of a wooden house, except for Isoplat plates, the construction of a building envelope is required. Most often, it is made from a wooden square bar with a cross section of 50 mm. The installation step of the bar is determined by the width of the insulation. If mineral wool insulation is used, then the distance between adjacent bars should be 10 mm less than the width of the insulation - for a snug fit. If extruded polystyrene foam is used, then the distance must be exactly the width of the insulation boards.

Before installation it is necessary to process all the bars with a fire-retardant composition. Installation is carried out using screws of the required length directly to the wooden walls. If a crate was used for the ventilation gap, then the bars are attached to previously mounted rails. In this case, it is better to wrap the screws in holes previously drilled with a thin drill. This will prevent possible cracking of the wood.

Sometimes used as a building envelope drywall profiles, which are attached to the walls on direct suspensions. This should only be done when finishing drywall will be used, and in all other cases it is better to use wooden block. The thermal conductivity of wood is much lower than that of metal.

When insulating the ceiling, the enclosing structure is made similarly to the wall. When insulating the floor yourself wooden logs to which will be attached flooring, act as a building envelope.

Insulation installation

Insulation is placed in the space between the enclosing bars. If sheet insulation, then installation on the walls is carried out from the bottom up, and rolled, on the contrary, from top to bottom.

Mineral wool slabs are laid at random, which makes it possible for them to hold securely. However, it is still necessary to additionally strengthen the foam or mineral wool with special dowels with a wide head, one dowel per slab.

Roll insulation fixed on top with one dowel, rolled down and fixed with dowels at 1 meter intervals. First, whole slabs or rolls are laid, and the remaining space where trimming is required is filled with insulation last.

Ceiling insulation, in the case of a sloping roof, rolls up from the bottom up and can be fastened with dowels or with a cord. To do this, small carnations are stuffed onto adjacent bars with an interval of 15 cm, and then, after laying the insulation between the beams, a cord is pulled in a zigzag manner, which will securely hold the mineral wool.

If extruded polystyrene foam is used for insulation, then all possible gaps at the joints can be filled mounting foam. Before applying the foam, the surfaces are moistened, and after it dries, all excess is cut with a knife.

Final waterproofing

After installing the insulation, if the thermal insulation was made with porous materials that can absorb water, then it is necessary to cover the insulation with a layer of waterproofing, but with a special one - vapor permeable membrane, which is, on the one hand, a reliable barrier to water, and on the other hand, the membrane freely releases water vapor from the insulation. Even if water has condensed in the insulation, it will come out in the form of steam until the humidity of the insulation is equal to the humidity in the room.

The breathable film has two sides: one is smooth and the other is rough, through which water vapor escapes. The rough side of such a film is laid to the insulation and fastened with a stapler to the building envelope. Joints with an overlap of 10 cm are glued with adhesive tape and fixed with a stapler. For waterproof insulation, a vapor-permeable membrane is not needed.

The final stage of warming there will be installation of the finishing coating, which can be wooden lining, drywall, plywood, OSB boards and others.


  1. Wall insulation inside a wooden house is extremely rare and very often a necessary measure.
  2. Before installation internal thermal insulation needs to be thermotechnical calculations, showing the position of the dew point in the cold period. Tochna dew should not be on the inner walls and in the insulation.
  3. As a heater, you should choose only environmentally friendly from well-known manufacturers.
  4. Porous insulation must be covered waterproofing films from the side of the wall and a vapor-permeable membrane from the side of the room.

Despite the development modern technologies in construction, wooden houses are still often found in holiday villages, villages and villages. At the same time, one of the main issues in the construction of such a house becomes proper organization of wall insulation.

Made with high quality, using the most the best materials, in accordance with regulations, thermal insulation helps to maintain optimum temperature in the house in the summer, and with the onset of a long, harsh Russian winter.

As is known wood is highly susceptible to mold growth and the service life of a wooden structure directly depends on the degree of safety of the structural elements. With the onset of winter, the first frosts, the heating season begins.

We strive to ensure a comfortable indoor temperature, and meanwhile logs and wooden beams, of which the walls are composed, are subjected to the most real test. Warm on one side, they are in contact with cold outdoor air on the other, and the result of this is the ever-forming, wood-damaging condensate.

The main goals of thermal insulation are to reduce heat loss in winter and maintain important elements construction in good condition.

Conventionally, wall insulation can be divided into two types:

  • walls of a wooden house;
  • house wall insulation.

There are many skeptics who condemn this or that method, but each of them has its own pros and cons. The choice of a certain method of insulation is due to a number of reasons and factors, but with strict adherence to technologies and proper execution of work, choosing the appropriate materials, any of them turns out to be effective.

The main difference between these two methods of insulation is, in fact, on which side of the load-bearing walls of a wooden house will insulation be carried out, and, as a result, how effective it will be in terms of retaining heat and benefits for the entire structure.

Owners and owners of wooden houses resort to insulation from the inside, who do not want to close the unique, beautiful facades of the building, made in original ways masonry, or facades of architectural value. Such insulation will not be noticeable from the outside, while the appearance of the building will not change.

External insulation

The goal of outdoor insulation is maximum efficiency.. It involves the creation of an insulating structure on the outside of the load-bearing wooden walls and more aimed at extending the life of the building, preserving all its important elements made of wood, protecting them from the destructive forces of nature and the surrounding weather conditions.

External wall insulation remains a fairly common phenomenon, often used in construction and repair. And this is confirmed by a number of advantages:

  • all temperature fluctuations all the vagaries of the weather take on a layer of insulation and finishes, respectively, the service life wooden elements at home increases significantly;
  • the ability to insulate a long-built house. Often, such houses are purchased ready-made in holiday villages along with plots, and it is financially difficult to immediately rebuild a new house .;
  • the interior of the house remains intact, which is convenient in terms of living and organizing life;
  • opportunity to choose new look Houses due to the finish

pie wall

In other words - composition and sequence of all elements of insulation. When insulating a wooden house from the inside, the so-called "pie" can be represented as follows:

  • bearing wall;
  • crate;
  • insulation - mineral wool;
  • vapor barrier film;
  • finishing layer.

wall pie

What heater to choose?

When choosing a heater for the walls of the house, first of all should be paid attention to the ability of the material to pass steam and air while keeping warm.

The severity of the climate of the region of residence should also be taken into account.

Of the materials for insulation can be distinguished:

  • interventional heaters used at the construction stage;
  • and heaters used for insulation from the outside or inside.

The interventional insulation is used in the laying of the interventional joints. Such heaters are synthetic and natural (from jute, moss, flax, hemp). The main property of these materials is low thermal conductivity and the ability to accumulate and release the resulting moisture. The most common today are linen and jute fiber insulation.

Basalt (mineral) wool is widely used to insulate walls from the outside or from the inside., or fiberglass wool in the form of rolls or mats, with a density of 80 -120 kg / m3. In addition, it is an environmentally friendly material.

It is not recommended to use polystyrene or polystyrene foam as an element of the pie, since these materials are vapor and moisture resistant and prevent air exchange between the house and the external environment.

Materials such as:

Mineral wool - best option insulation

Sealing seams and joints of forming elements

This method is an internal wall insulation, aimed at sealing joints and cracks in logs. In this case, various sealants are used (silicone, latex, acrylic, linen rope, tow). This method is convenient in that it is easy to do with your own hands and does not require special skills, it does not prevent steam from escaping and is the most cost-effective.

Technically carried out as follows:

  • the edges of joints and cracks are cleaned,
  • cavities are filled with rope, foam rubber;
  • a layer of sealant is applied on top;
  • the sealant is smoothed with a brush until a smooth surface is formed;
  • sealant residues are removed with a rag.


Seam sealing with fabric

Sheathing preparation and installation

When installing the crate, it should be repelled from the thickness of the insulation. The thickness of the bars will be the same. The most commonly chosen beam 10-50 mm thick and 100 mm wide.

The crate is mounted transversely to the laying of logs with a step between the bars equal to the width of the heat-insulating mats with minus 3 centimeters for tight entry. The height of the crate is individual for individual rooms.

In parallel with the laying of logs, a crate is also similarly mounted (the so-called "counter-lattice"). For installation of the crate, you should choose quality material without traces of decay. Before installation, all wooden parts and surfaces should be treated with an antiseptic.


Do not use thin boards for lathing, as it simultaneously serves as a place for attaching finishing coatings.


Do-it-yourself wall insulation from the inside of a wooden house

Insulation of walls inside a wooden house with mineral wool. When using this method, glass wool, slag fiber, or mineral fiber mats are used.

Such material is the most effective in terms of thermal insulation and sound insulation, environmentally friendly. However, due to its structure, mineral wool allows steam to pass through and is able to accumulate water.

For this reason, when using it in insulation, layers of hydro- and vapor barriers are required.

Mineral wool is available to customers in the form of rolls and mats. When insulating, it is most convenient to use mats by simply inserting them between the profiles of the crate made. In this case, the gaps between the mats should be no more than 2 mm.. Such gaps are subsequently sealed with adhesive tape - best of all foil, or plumbing tape.

Step by step installation:

  • the required number of mineral wool mats is prepared, based on the calculations of the quadrature of the walls of the premises;
  • mineral wool is tightly inserted between the battens of the crate;
  • top mats are cut to height;
  • gaps and seams between mats are glued with mounting tape.

Some builders use polystyrene foam when insulating walls indoors. However, the main selection criterion in its favor is its low cost. From the point of view of efficiency, the foam plastic does not have the property of passing steam, and the result of its use in the absence proper organization steam and hydro- insulation, will become the so-called " the greenhouse effect» and the inevitable development of mold in rooms with similar walls.

Mineral wool installation

Insulation installation

Vapor barrier and waterproofing of walls

Warming of wooden houses begins with waterproofing. This is the closest to bearing walls special film layer main task which is to ensure air circulation and protection of the insulation layer from wetting and freezing, preventing its destruction and preserving the tree from the development of mold bacteria.

Waterproofing is one of highlights in wall insulation.

waterproofing membrane

In the process of work, anti-condensate membranes, diffuse breathable films, polymeric multilayer films, and vapor barrier membranes are used. When waterproofing, it is important to maintain complete tightness. To do this, the film is overlapped, and nailed with a stapler and staples, and the seams are glued with mounting tape.

Vapor barrier is top coat, which is laid on top of mineral wool and serves to protect against the penetration of water vapor into the structure of the insulation.

Fastening is similar to the installation of waterproofing.

vapor barrier


Thus responsibly organized wall insulation log house can play an important role in the long and reliable operation wooden house. It will help reduce heat loss, as well as protect the load-bearing elements of the structure from all kinds of weather conditions.

However, the preparation of such an event should be approached responsibly. How well it will be carried out depends on the life of your home.

Useful video

Tips for warming a wooden house from the inside:

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Everything about wall insulation from the inside of a wooden house: what material is better to use, the need for internal insulation, preparation and lathing of walls, how to properly insulate with mineral wool inside.

According to the masters, the external insulation of a wooden house is much more preferable than the internal one. This is related to the concept of dew point.

The formation of condensate on the walls inside the building under the insulation will go deep into them, while on outside it will not go beyond the hydro- or thermal insulation and will not reach the wood.

Wall insulation from the inside of a wooden house is possible only if other options are not acceptable for any reason.

The need for internal insulation

Before deciding on such interior finishes, you should consider what they can be fraught with:

  1. Violation of the natural "breathing" of the walls, which will have to be restored by creating ventilation.
  2. Changing the microclimate in the rooms due to high humidity.
  3. Reducing the area of ​​each room.

If such good reasons are not a reason to change your mind, then it is worth looking positive sides internal insulation and focus on them:

  1. The ability to insulate the walls of a wooden house from the inside with your own hands at any time of the year, devoting as much time to this as possible.
  2. A beautiful view of the facade, especially if it is made of logs, can be preserved in its original form.
  3. Such work requires easier installation, which even a beginner can do.
  4. The internal insulation of the walls of a wooden house is several times cheaper than the external one.

Modern materials and technologies make it possible to produce construction and Finishing work of any complexity and quite at a decent price. Before deciding on any action, you should be well acquainted with what materials the modern market offers and answer the question, what is the best way to insulate the walls of a wooden house inside.

Of course, the choice of material directly depends on the qualities that the building will require from it. If this frame house, then these will be some properties, and for a log house of thick logs - others.

Today, manufacturers of heaters offer the following types of materials:

All of the listed materials have a place to be in the modern construction market, but the choice remains with the consumer, to which of them he entrusts the safety and warmth of his home.

Wall preparation and lathing

As always, the insulation of walls in a wooden house from the inside (the video will tell about this) begins with preparing the walls for work:

  1. Even the most best wood may form gaps at the joints during shrinkage. They should be sealed with sealant or in another way.
  2. It is imperative that as a preventive measure it is necessary to carry out bio- and fire protection of the walls. Since thermal insulation is mounted for years, this will save it under any unforeseen circumstances.

    To keep the house from rotting, in without fail when laying thermal insulation, you need to make an air gap between it and the wall. This does not apply to walls made of logs.

  3. Caulking of walls is necessary if they are made of timber. Jute is well suited for this, as the cheapest and proven by many generations of builders material.

In no case should the preparation of the walls be ignored, as this may affect the durability of the thermal insulation and its quality.

Owners should think not only about how to insulate the walls of a wooden house inside, but also how to do it. It is imperative to make a crate. It is because of it that, first of all, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room inside decreases, but it also gives the entire structure a shape and the necessary stability.

For the crate, a square bar with a section of 50 mm is used, and the step depends on the size of the insulation. It is important to install the bars so that the material fits tightly into the cells formed, if it is mineral wool, or they are exactly sized for expanded polystyrene boards.

Prior to installation, the bars must be treated with fire-fighting and antifungal agents. All structural elements are attached to the wall with screws.

After the crate is installed in each room, you can proceed directly to solving the question of how to insulate the walls inside a wooden house.

Wall insulation from the inside of a wooden house

mineral wool

As a rule, mineral wool in a roll or in the form of a “mat” is used to insulate walls from the inside. To cope with the first, you will need work in 4 hands, while the second can be handled on your own.

Laying is carried out from the floor to the ceiling, observing a tight fit so that the seams are not visible. If there are any gaps, then they need to be repaired, and then proceed with laying the next layer of the “pie” - the vapor barrier layer. It is necessary rather to protect the mineral wool from the effects of the external environment of the room than the walls.

The vapor barrier should be overlapped with a stapler so that there are no seams, and if there are any, then they must immediately be covered with tape.

After the work done, it is necessary to mount another crate, but opposite to the first. It is on it that the finish coating will be attached.


This material can also be attached to the crate, but there is an easier way that does not take up much living space. The prepared and processed wall must be smeared with a layer of glue and put foam sheets on it in dense rows.

After the adhesive base is completely dry, the plates can be fixed with nails, cover the gaps and proceed with the finishing.

In conclusion, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Internal insulation is not desirable, but is acceptable if necessary.
  2. There are materials suitable for these works.
  3. Before proceeding with the insulation, you need to properly prepare the walls.

If there is not enough knowledge on the composition of the material and the correctness of its installation, you should consult with a specialist so that after years you will not regret the wasted money. Even such a simple, at first glance, work as caulking the walls requires skills and attention, and without creating ventilation, the “life” of the building can be significantly reduced. All this should be thought about before starting the insulation of the internal walls of a wooden house.