Repairs Design Furniture

An interesting ceiling in the kitchen. Stretch ceiling in the kitchen (65 photos). Original Methods for Ceiling

Stall repair work in housing, many people are concerned about the question: what stretch ceilings are better for the kitchen?

Is the temperature difference, which is caused by the permanent work of the stove harmful to such coatings?

To answer these questions, it is important to understand which structures, as well as materials apply for these ceiling surfaces, which are their pros and cons.


In addition to the wonderful properties of the material used to create tension ceilings in the kitchen, indisputable pluses in comparison with similar coating options for the ceiling has their design.

Due to the tension of the canvas, the possibility of water leakage is eliminated inside the apartment at a flooding neighbors from above.

Installation is possible without the preparation of the ceiling surface, as there is no need to align it, and the period of operation reaches decades.

A variety of models and shades makes it possible to choose the best stretch ceilings for the kitchen, perfectly fitted in the design of housing as a whole.

The choice of a specific option depends directly from the taste of the owner. If necessary, a photo printing is performed on a similar coating.


However, tension structures and minuses are not deprived:

  • Despite the strength of the material of stretch structures, they can be corrupted by cuts from sharp items.
  • Making a similar ceiling under the power exclusively by a specialist.
  • Also, inconvenience relates the need to take care of the location of lighting in the kitchen with the stretch ceiling. According to this scheme, it is desirable to equip mortgage parts when installing.
  • The closed PVC film plate is practically not ventilated, because of which the formation of mold is not excluded, as well as fungus.

In large-sized kitchen space, it is not easy to create a ceiling coating with a combined array, since the width of the film does not exceed five meters.

Note! Kitchen in style minimalism - 70 photos of design and secrets from the pros!

Therefore, to eliminate the seams at the joints, a great choice will be two-level stretch ceilings in the kitchen, or the use of film films of different shades.

PVC stretch designs

The most common stretch designs include the ceilings from PVC films. They are practical, not difficult in caring, resistant to humidity.

In addition, the material is proposed in the variety of colors gamma. So, bright calm tones visually increase the space, and dark colors help to achieve a mirror effect.

This material is an excellent solution for multi-level ceilings. Such a design of stretch ceilings in the kitchen will give the originality to any kitchen space.

The stretch ceiling design is made from different types of film, the surface of which is glossy or matte.

Matte ceiling

It is not desirable to use a matte stretch ceiling in the kitchen of a small area, because it decreases even more.

Also, matte ceilings have a rough surface, which can collect soot, dirt, which requires a thorough care, which reduces the operating period of the coating as a whole.

Glossy ceiling

The glossy stretch ceiling in the kitchen is the best solution when making the ceiling surface in this room, as it will visually expand the space, does not need careful care and perfectly fit into the kitchen, decorated in any style.

Ceiling of fabric

In addition to the film, special fabrics are used to create a stretch design, the photo of the stretch ceiling in the kitchen is presented below. Ceilings made of eco-friendly fabric, and therefore absolutely safe for health.

The minus of this coating consists in the complexity of washing, so they are not recommended to use their use in the kitchen space, where the fat and other kind of pollution will instantly spoil its surface.

Fissure structures with impregnation from the polymer have better performance characteristics, however, they are expensive and no differences in shades.

In addition, they are not used in two-tier structures, where it is necessary to give a sufficiently wise form of material.

When applying for kitchen space, you can apply ceiling stretch designs. But it is important to initially decide on the material, as well as a kel, suitable for a particular room, remembering the important rules for the care of the ceiling.

Stock Foto Tension ceilings in the kitchen

Agree that the ceiling design plays an important role in giving the interior of a special chic and delight. As a rule, the original design of the ceilings in the cabinets, halls, the bedrooms is no doubt, but when it comes to the kitchen, many have preferred practicality. Meanwhile, the ceiling in the kitchen can be practical, and aesthetic at the same time.

The kitchen is a room that combines a whole range of functions: Here we are preparing food, rest, gather the whole family after a working day. All the most exciting days and evenings of preparation for celebrations, parties and festivities are held in the kitchen. That is why it is so important that it is decorated with taste, combined comfort and functionality, convenience and sophistication. But it should be remembered that the kitchen is designed for cooking and that is why in it all year round increased humidity and temperature. It is such a medium that is aggressive in relation to many building materials. Therefore, the design of the ceilings in the kitchen requires a special approach. It is necessary to choose those materials that are able to withstand an aggressive environment.

Materials suitable for ceiling kitchens

Traditional ceiling design material in the kitchen - whitewashes and painting. This is the most economical option from all currently available. Just a bucket of a small amount of paint, lime or chalk, water, brushes and stepladers, and even an assistant can not need to you here. Ceiling painting can also serve as a convenient option for designing the ceiling. In addition, the water-free or oil paint can be washed. Many fasteners of quick ceiling finishes use wallpaper, only one should remember that the materials must be dense and moisture-resistant. Wallpaper you can hide and small defects on the ceiling. Recently, kitchen ceilings began to make plastic, glass or polymer stretching material.

Ceiling finishing options in the kitchen

Special attention in the kitchen should be given to the fight against humidity, soot, fat and steam. Therefore, we would like to offer you a win-win options for designing ceilings with modern, not expensive and comfortable in caring materials.

1. Ceiling in the kitchen of polystyrene plates . But behind this incomprehensible name lies the well-known foam. It is very inexpensive, easy and simple in processing material. It can be cut even with a simple kitchen knife. The advantages of the material is that it is not amenable to rotting, does not respond to increased humidity, but with time it loses its properties at elevated temperatures. Today there are special ceiling plates made of foam with a bulk graphic or floral pattern. Such a ceiling looks very elegant, moreover, it can be painted in different colors. To do this, use water-emulsion paint. It should be known that the installation of this type of ceilings requires a perfectly smooth surface, otherwise the stickers will be very noticeable.

2. Stretch ceiling in the kitchen . The most modern view of the ceiling finishes. A special polymer canvas is used here, which is heated, then stretch to the shap. After the canvas cools, you will have a perfectly smooth and brilliant ceiling. Such a canvas can be monophonic or on it can be drawd. The main advantage of the stretch ceiling is that it can be mounted in a few hours, it is not afraid of dampness and elevated temperature. Stretch ceilings are durable, they can be washed with a solution of detergents with a soft cloth or a sponge.

3. Suspended ceiling in the kitchen. Also popular as tension or drywall. At the same time, ceiling plastic rails are manufactured. This option is convenient because it does not require rough preparation of the surface of the ceiling. It is enough to omit a few centimeters a metal doom and attach plastic rails to it. Plastic does not bend, it looks elegant, it is easy for it to care. Ceiling plastic is produced by a variety of color shades, so the ceiling originally to make a lot of work, especially if you purchase contrast or close-in color.

The creative approach to the ceiling design in the kitchen is able to bring comfort to this room, beauty and sophistication. Dare, choose for you!

Ceiling in the kitchen - Photo

Getting Started by repair, many wonder: what ceiling is better for the kitchen? In the interior of any room, everything should be harmonized - ceiling, floor, walls. This problem is not raised by chance, because the kitchen is a room in which the hype of humidity is not rarely formed soot, water drops and fat. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to allocate time, choose a high-quality material that is resistant to moisture, temperature drop and easily cleaning.

Selection of material

Contemporary building materials suitable for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen are provided in a large assortment: panel, stretch, also rubber structures. You can perform the painting of the ceiling or enclose it with wallpaper.

The classic option is the perfectly plastered ceiling and subsequently painted. What is his advantages? As a result, it turns out a smooth and white surface, a refreshing room and always practical regardless of taste and preferences. Plaster is an environmentally friendly material. White color visually expands the space that is profitable for a small room.

By cons of plasters, the complexity of the process can be attributed. To make a smooth and smooth surface, you must resort to careful alignment and stripping the ceiling, which takes not enough time.

Other options

To perform a non-easy task for choosing material, options are needed that will not affect the functionality and aesthetics of the room. Some of them:

  • hinged plasterboard ceiling;
  • plastic panels;
  • stretch ceiling;
  • painted surface;
  • fucking wallpaper.

When choosing one of the options, it is necessary to consider positive and negative characteristics. Do not forget about the peculiarities of the room itself.

Ceiling of plasterboard sheets

There are various ideas of using this surface. Plasterboard is a material, thanks to which you can safely hide all irregularities, as well as hide engineering communications under it. Many designers such ideas fall to taste, solutions there is a huge amount. Between the ceiling and sheets of drywall place the original built-in lamps, visually increasing the vertical walls adorning the room.

There are many options for attached, multi-level structures. But, when this material is selected, it is worth paying attention to its properties. Moisture-resistant material is required. It is better clean, does not change the color when moisture gets into it. A solution consisting of several levels is suitable for rooms with high ceilings.

Plastic panels

If you should decide what is better to make the ceiling in the kitchen with poor ventilation, then it is better not to find option. The material does not require much time to care, perfectly tolerate wet cleaning. Installation of PVC panels is not fully accomplished even for beginner. If the question is solved for beginner masters, which material to apply in the kitchen, plastic panels are an excellent option.

A common material is produced in different colors. The room can be equipped in any style. It is possible to make a design of several levels if the height of the room allows. For one tier, there will be enough gap of 7-10 centimeters.

If it is decided to separate the shelf surface of PVC panels, then it is necessary to know that it is better to acquire the material resistant to elevated temperatures. Raw materials must be accompanied by the necessary documents that confirm that heating is envisaged, and toxic gases are not distinguished.

Ceiling under painting

For the ceiling it is better to acquire the paint of the washing type. Algorithm for painting preparation:

  • alignment of the surface, cleaning from defects;
  • all irregularities and cracks need to be eliminated by putty;
  • fine-grained emery paper to glue the treated surface;
  • apply several layers of primer with painting roller;
  • paint the ceiling acquired paint.

So that the appearance in the kitchen does not spoil the protruding yellow stains, before painting, they should be treated with their alkyd matte paint.

Ceiling tile

What material is the easiest way to install? Ceiling tile. Laying of polystyrene tiles does not require special tools, large skills. To separate the ceiling, you need to have:

  • tiles set;
  • measuring roulette;
  • sharp stationery knife;
  • special glue.

Under the tile, you can greatly hide minor defects, but if the base has large differences, the plaster should be performed. It is better if the surface of the tile is laminated. With severe contamination, individual fragments can be replaced if it is not possible to wash or paint. This material is fuel, absorbs moisture. It is better to use it in small kitchens, which are equipped with a good exhaust system.

When using such a material, incandescent lamps should be positioned at a distance of about 20 centimeters from the base.

Fucking wallpaper

This method of finishing the ceiling has certain advantages over others:

  • material is low-cost;
  • if there are minor cracks on the surface, then under the wallpaper they are invisible;
  • moisture-resistant material is easily humid cleaning;
  • special wallpapers are withstanding up to 10 gloves, which makes it possible to embody various design ideas;
  • color, texture, drawing - all this has a huge range;
  • work is performed quickly.

It is not difficult to make the room with a cozy with the help of wallpaper, but to realize ideas into life will help in advance the design of the ceiling in the kitchen.

Important! When buying glue, you must pay attention to the type of wallpaper, pick up the most suitable. It will have a positive effect on the picture.

Stretch ceiling

This type of finish is very popular. Conducting an assessment exactly which ceilings are best used for the kitchen, many choose this particular option. This design has a property to solve several problems at once:

  • perfectly masks irregularities, surface defects;
  • no need to prepare the basis for installation ideally;
  • the film will hide various communications;
  • material is not demanding of care;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • long operational period;
  • presentable appearance;
  • the ability to embody a variety of design ideas;
  • material withstands a large amount of water.

There are several options for installing a stretch ceiling. One does not require any special equipment and can be done independently.

How to choose a ceiling in the kitchen? (2 video)

Ceiling options in the kitchen (40 photos)

Many owners, planning renovation, raise: the ceiling in the kitchen - what better? Consider the photo, they are advised with friends, without deciding to give preference to one or another option. It is necessary to approach the kitchen room with all responsibility, because it is for this room that the greatest functional loads are characteristic. To make the right choice, you should carefully examine the information for each type of ceiling finishes and determine the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

What to take into account when choosing a ceiling to kitchen

In order for the ceiling in the kitchen to serve for a long time to serve as true, it is recommended to give preference to high-quality materials. Increased humidity arising from cooking spots Scoot, eating in the walls and ceiling of the smell of food - all this negatively affects kitchen surfaces.

Therefore, when choosing a material, it is important to take into account the following characteristics:

  • Designs should be fireproof;
  • The ceiling must be adapted to easily carry high humidity;
  • The ceiling surface should be resistant to sustaining temperature changes;
  • The surface must be broken without difficulty.

External design data are also of great importance. Modern products features a variety of design and textures.

Ceiling trim types in the kitchen

What a ceiling in the kitchen to do, everyone solves depending on the domestic habits and characteristics of the kitchen room. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need to carefully read with all kinds in terms of practicality and durability.

Painted ceiling

This option finishes at first glance will seem simpler. However, this is not quite like this: to make an impeccable coverage, serious preparation is required.

All work can be done yourself. The paint is recommended to choose with water-level characteristics so that the surface can be easily clean with liquid tools.

Before the painting ceiling must be carefully cleansed by a special trowel or spatula. In the case of a surface with an uneven relief, it is recommended to use the primer or putty. These funds should be applied by several layers, but each next is distributed only after the previous layer will dry. Thus, the base for applying paint is prepared.

The painted ceiling has a number of benefits:

  • it is convenient to operate;
  • requires minimal financial investments;
  • long service life;
  • with the help of paint, the ceiling will be able to give any shade;

The main disadvantage of this type of design is the duration of work that can stretch for several days.

Fucking wallpaper

Camping surface with wallpaper is a conventional design. Here you do not need to possess special skills and buy expensive materials. It is enough to buy wallpapers suitable for the overall interior of the room. It is better to choose moisture-resistant coatings, with severe pollution, they are easily and conveniently cleaned.

Small defects of the ceiling in the form of small cracks or stains are well masked the canvas of modern wallpaper. But if the irregularities are large, then before sticking the surface is better to handle with putty and primer.

Rack and cassette ceilings

Today the popularity of rush and cassette structures is growing. Their beauty, strength and other advantages are impressive. However, not everyone affarted such pleasure. In addition, such ceilings are suspended, that is, the height of the room will decrease, and this will not like everyone.

Rack (and cassette) The ceiling is not afraid of leaks. Completed from steel and aluminum, it is not only able to withstand a large amount of water, but also a long exposure.

Ceiling tile

The use of ceiling tiles with expanded polystyrene is a very common way to finish the ceiling. This option has a number of advantages, among which the following are distinguished:

  • Relatively low price material;
  • The ability to hide some ceiling defects due to the fact that these stoves can be bent slightly;
  • Installation of plates does not require any special skills, as everyone can attach them without difficulty;
  • Such material is not afraid of water evaporation and it is easy to wash it.

However, in addition to the pros, it is necessary to take into account substantial cons. The popularity of this type of finishing has recently fell sharply. People try more often to choose other ways to finish the ceiling in the kitchen. If white tile, it will quickly get dirty. And if you choose the material of another color, then you will have to pay significantly more.

Plastic ceilings in the kitchen

Plastic is the perfect material for designing the surface of the room where many moisture accumulates. Such ceilings are able to have different sizes and approach for any room, due to their characteristics.

This type of ceiling is made of PVC panels with different shades and textures. The advantages of such surfaces are indisputable:

  • plastic ceilings will cost inexpensively;
  • resistant to the accumulation of moisture;
  • easy to wash;
  • durable;
  • establish them will not be much difficult.

Important! When fixing plastic ceilings, caution should be taken. You can deform the surface with a strong press.

Plasterboard ceiling

Plasterboard ceiling in the kitchen is a very popular trend lately. This type is largely similar to the plastic option. It also does not require special surface preparation, you can carry out communication. When installing, a few centimeters of the height of the room will take.

Distinguishes this type of ceiling from other structures the fact that its installation should be finished with putty and color. Basic material - plasterboard sheets - attached to a special framework.

Make a ceiling surface from drywall - the pleasure is not cheap. But the result is worth it. Not only does the ceiling turn out to be even - from such a material you can do anything, in accordance with the designer plans of the hostess of the kitchen. Wishes curved lines - please! Writes to make multi-level surfaces or unusual niches for lighting devices - not a problem! But it is better to consult a professional designer.

Of the minuses: it is impossible to wash this surface. If the electrical extract is missing, then the initial color of the ceiling will quickly lose.

Stretch ceilings in the kitchen

In the interior of the kitchen of modern hostess, you can still meet stretch ceilings. Specialists are engaged in their installation. The size of the kitchen and wishes of the owners are taken about the design.

Not knowing which ceiling in the kitchen is better to install, it follows to start clearly represent what exactly you want to see ultimately. So, stretch ceilings can be glossy or matte, have a homogeneous shade or photo printing, it is clearly visible in the photo.

The main advantages of such a ceiling are:

  • resistance to leaks and moisture fluctuations;
  • strength;
  • comfortable operation;

The kitchen requires a special approach in the design. And this specificity lies in the perfect balance between beauty, compliance with style, convenience, safety, functionality and cost. Since the repair most often starts with the ceiling, today we will look at the options for designing this "fifth wall" and help you in search of the best relationship.

The modern design of the ceiling in the kitchen will demonstrate 50 real photos, and the characteristics of popular materials for the decoration will light up the practical side of the question and will help you make the final choice.

Extravagant glossy surfaces look perfectly in modern interiors, complementing furniture facades and increasing the kitchen in volume.

Matte ceilings are not different from usually whitewash. Both those and others are perfectly soldered with photo printing.

The main trump card of film stretch ceilings - the ability to save your interior from the flooding neighbors from above. Compared to film cloths, the fabric canvas are more durable, but they pass water and will not be saved from the flood.

Cons of PVC ceilings:

  • require careful and cautious care;
  • particular vinyl causes fears from supporters of eco-materials;
  • limitations in the capacity of lighting devices associated with the characteristics of the material;
  • when installing the room heats up to 60 degrees.

Examples of using stretch ceilings in the kitchen are waiting for you in the photo below.

Plasterboard ceilings

As you could guess, we were most interesting for later. Moisture-resistant plasterboard is a universal companion of all previously listed materials. It participates in the creation of single and two-level structures, helps to adjust the relief of the ceiling, hide the pipes, divide the kitchen on the zones and provide them with the necessary lighting.

Designers argue: To realize the unusual ideas of the design of suspended ceilings in the kitchen (and in any other room) - Combine!

The ceiling made of drywall is often combined with stretched canvases, which are somewhat capricious in terms of lighting. In this case, plasterboard takes perimeter of the kitchen and lighting the working area. No less organically looks a combination of plasterboard sheets with wood and tiles.

The high plasticity of the material allows you to create structures with smooth, curved forms that repeat the similar outlines of the kitchen headset. Looks, you see, very harmonious.

Duplex ceilings - an excellent opportunity to apply LED backlight, without which it is difficult to imagine a modern interior, or fill the kitchen with the game of light and shadow. Spirals, flowers, stars, geometric shapes of correct and wrong forms - design options are endless. It remains only to choose the one that matches the layout and the requirements of your kitchen.

On this, perhaps our review is completed. We wish fast and durable repair!