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House in the village we build. House in the village. Buy or build? Planning a rustic house

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Whatever with minimal physical and financial costs, make a restructuring or adjustment of household buildings.

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Planning a rustic house

1 95621-02-2017, 11: 07Fars01

Own cozy house in the village is a dream of many people. First, it is necessary to decide which internal layout of the house, and only then should be engaged in the creation of the project directly.

Planning a rustic house

Creating a house project:

First you need to choose a plot. When he is chosen, it is necessary to officially arrange in local authorities. Next, you need to create a project of the house (who cannot do it yourself - refers to the designers). It is extremely important: if there are other buildings on the site (in addition to the house itself), they should also be displayed in the project. Is the project ready? Attributed to approval to the authorities. Only after the approval of the authorities can begin to build. We must not forget about the location of the construction on the site (the distance to the fence, the distance between buildings, etc.).

Plot layout

Layout of the construction of the house:

The basic stages are passed, however, construction is also an important stage on which many difficulties will occur. And much depends on how well the project is thought out. In this regard, it is best to design professionals professionals who immediately and project will also make a specification at once and project.

Usually the whole house is building one company, and such firms often give the customer already ready-made typical, proven projects. If an order is made for the construction of this company, the project they can give the customer as a gift - ordinary practice.

Before laying the foundation, it is necessary to compare the layout of the house and its area. Here you have to decide on such things as:

    house height and number of floors, ceilings height;

    tube communications (water supply, heating, sewage);

    garage dimensions (if needed);

    sizes of the terrace;

    parameters of additional buildings that are not related to home;

    methods of entry and approach to home.

Planning the construction of the house

Internal layout of the house:

    location of the premises;

    location of risers and sun beds;

    view, parameters and number of windows / doors;

    if there is an extension dimensions and its location relative to the house;

    the thickness and material of the walls (insulation, flaxist, etc.).

To fulfill the project, there are many special intensive programs today. AutoCAD, compass, 3D MAX.

Build a house in the village

However, if the customer himself is not a professional designer in the field of rustic houses - it is better to ask for the project to specialists. Ultimately, such an appeal saves money and time.

Internal layout of the house

Professional designers will make a project with any individual wishes of the customer.

The house is built for comfort. And it is competent, a good and thoughtful project there is the basis of a dream house.

Layout Home Video:

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Build a house in the village

What is better - an urban apartment or a rural house, in the twenty-first century the question is definitely necessary to live in winter in the city, and in the summer in the village. A rural house built by their own hands becomes a member of the family, lives his life, loves or offended. It is necessary to build it in the soul and of course knowledge. You can learn them from the site

Before starting construction, you need to have a presentation at least a little about the overall design of the house, learn to read the drawings. House, built without a project, will not live for a long time. For a small house, the simplest ideas about architecture is not difficult to find a simple project, the main thing is to suit you, for the construction of the house there was a homogeneous material balanced by characteristics.

There are many projects, you need to choose the most practical option providing for construction from durable material. Always popular materials - brick, concrete or its lighter fellow - foam concrete. Eternal theme of wooden houses. Modern technologies make popular frame with polymer insulation and so on. But for the home, you can choose any other material, the main thing is that the costs of procurement correspond to income and construction did not turn into eternity.

Basic design principles

The project of the house should provide a plan at home. In the drawings, cuts, foundation, walls, overlaps, floor are shown. Be sure to provide for the construction of a attic, basement, terrace. The designer develops the type of platbands, eaves and so on. It is impossible to submit a rural house without a household site, it is correct that the site layout is included in the overall project. The location of the house, household buildings, garage, workshop is indicated on the site. If the house does not provide internal sewer, and it is designed for a simplified summer accommodation, then the location of the restroom is envisaged.

How to make a cheap house with your own hands on the country site

Be sure to consider the gasket of communications - water, gas, light, rain drains, sewer plums, convenient entrance for the assetenuation machine.

Planning of the nursery territory

Proper layout of the site, a pledge of a comfortable stay. First of all, for the location of the house, it is necessary to envisage that during the rains and spring floods it does not pour it water. Be sure to consult with old-timers as high spring climbing water. The flow of water from the site should not pass through the house or other construction, as well as pour tracks. It is necessarily provided for entrances for machines to all buildings, if there is a garden or a garden, then it is reasonable to leave the road too.

Previous article:Application of Venetian plaster - step-by-step schemeNext article:Buildings with large spans. Installation of structures

Construction of a private house should be carried out in compliance with the norms of Russian legislation. Some developers neglect the current rules. The result is a long and not always a successful process of legalizing the self-employment, thousands of rubles, thrown on the wind, the impossibility of alienation of an unimpressed structure.

Before starting construction, collect complete information about all the stages of preparatory work. How to get permission to build a private house? What nuances exist? Let's deal with.

What documents are needed?

Before receiving permits, you will need an engineering and technical project. This document determines the procedure and timing of installation and commissioning events. Be sure to require a detailed description of all parts of the structure.

The project approve and coordinate in:

  • state fire safety bodies;
  • utility services responsible for water and gas supply, electricity supply;
  • the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor.

Before starting construction and prepare permissive documentation, spend.

List of necessary documents:

  • an application to be announced to use this area to build a residential building;
  • land purchase agreement;
  • plan of the site, certified in the authorities of the cadastral accounting;
  • documents confirming the right of land ownership;
  • copy of the passport.

The permit is issued by the authorities of the local government to the settlement, where the construction site is located.

The administration should apply and attach a package of documents. It includes:

  • resolution of local authorities of self-government on the allocation of this area for individual housing construction;
  • passport section;
  • land purchase agreement;
  • general plan for land plot;
  • act that determines the boundaries of the site with a mandatory indication of the location of the residential structure.

The administration considers the submitted application and the provided packet of documents. In the case of a positive response, a decision is made that resolve the beginning of construction work. The developer is issued a passport of a private household project.

Private house on LPH lands

How to get permission to build a private house on the lands of the LPH? This question is worried about many residents of Russia with personal subsidiary farm. There are often temporary buildings on sites. What documents are needed to build a capital residential building?

The federal law allows non-profit horticulture, gardening on leased or own land. A citizen can build a barn, household buildings for their needs. The construction of a residential building on the lands of personal subsidiary farm is also legitimate. In the household owner will be able to constantly reside with registration of registration.

Local governments are obliged to give an answer no later than the deadlines established by the Law (within 10 days). While the owner does not receive the "green light", the construction of starting is strictly prohibited. Documents and the process of obtaining permission takes place according to the standard procedure. Be sure to collect permissions from the owners of neighboring land tenure.

Building a house in the village

The procedure for the preparation of the necessary documentation and the solution to the problem, how to obtain permission to build a private house in the village should be carried out taking into account the requirements of the land and civil code of the Russian Federation. Residents of villages can be built on their plot on which they do not carry out business activities, residential structure.

The issuance of development permit and passage of state expertise when planning up to three floors is not required. This norm is contained in the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation PP.1P.17st.51.

Citizen is obliged after the end of construction to contact BTI to register a new residential building. The legal construction of the house will save from the problems associated with selling, insurance, taxation. The same norms concern and SNT.

Private house-building in RK

Many Russians are interested in how things are in neighboring Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus in terms of building private houses. The legislation of these countries have some differences in house-building issues, but many items and requirements are similar. Take, for example, Kazakhstan.

How to get permission to build a private house in the Republic of Kazakhstan? The procedure for action resembles Russian.

The applicant collects permits confirming its right to build a house or a change in individual parts of an existing building.

Construction permit is issued by the regional executive authority of Kazakhstan (akimat). Next, the citizen provides the following documents to the urban planning department and architecture of its settlement:

  • act confirming land ownership (original and notarized copy);
  • certificate of state registration of real estate rights and transactions with it (in the case of reconstruction). Mandatory: original and copy with notarization;
  • original topographic shooting of the site. Scale: 1: 500;
  • identity document (original and copy);
  • address certificate;
  • project documentation (FORESKIZ GENPLANA LAND PLATE).

The list of supporting documents may be larger at the request of local self-government bodies and urban planning. In seismic areas, it may be necessary to conclude relevant services.

If nearby are harmful production, it will take the conclusion of sanitary-sanitary controls that determine the safe distance to build this territory. The start of construction without the conclusion of the safety zone can turn into trouble in the process of registering the finished object. Specify the list of instances in which the project must be coordinated.

Get permission as well as in Russia is quite difficult. Special attention should be paid to thorough preparation of documents. The process is often delayed due to the fault of the developer, due to the incorrect registration of already existing documentation or the lack of some evidence, permits, etc. If the paper is in order, the resolution time is significantly reduced.

Unauthorized construction of the house

Some citizens believe that they will be able to bypass the norms of Russian legislation and to legalize the samostroy without any problems with the help of mediators. They do not want to collect all the references and permissions necessary for the start of construction. It acts purely Russian calculation: "Avos, and so it will be."

  1. Such citizens want to advise: Spend time, collect all the permits, get the conclusions of firefighters, sanitary services, utilities, enterprises responsible for laying engineering structures before starting construction. The structure erected by an unimprovant is outlawed.
  2. The current legislation provides even forced demolition of a residential facility built with violation of requirements and norms. Demolition costs pays the developer.
  3. Samostroy cannot be registered and arranged in BTI. The ownership of an unauthorizedly built private house will have to prove in courts. The court is extremely reluctant to recognize the right of developer on illegally erected structure.
  4. Prove in court that your home is rightfully, it will be difficult and very expensive. Related developers are waiting for solid fines. If the court establishes that the preservation of the construction does not create threats to the life and health of people, does not violate the legitimate rights and interests of others, perhaps the decision in favor of the owner of an arbitrary built house.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, prepare a package of documents. The town-planning code is prescribed all the rules for various categories of land. For example, a patient is affected by the theme for many citizens, how to get permission to build a private house in SNT (gardened non-commercial partnership). Norms say that permission will not need.

Contact your local administration, get a "good" to the building at home and only after that, start building. So you save time, nerves and money.

Houses from wood (timber and logs), despite all their advantages, need periodic repairs - it also applies to even the most durable, erected for all the rules of buildings, more than half of the wooden houses of the private sector went to the current hosts inheritance from previous generations, and have a solid Term of use. But even if the age of the house passed in six months, it is still a living area, a valuable resource.

Sentimental feelings and the situation in the real estate market do not allow to set such a structure (often having a non-primary look) for sale. Yes, and on the revenue from the sale of an old house, it is unlikely possible without additional financial injections to build new housing. The demolition of the dilapidated house and the construction in its place is new - the option, for various reasons, not suitable for each family. The reconstruction of the house becomes the next logical step.

Buyers on such a house will not be soon Source

When reconstructed is needed

The need for reconstruction (full or partial) indicate the following signs:

  • Foundation. The base cracks or begins to collapse (and water regularly falling into the gap, for a couple of years will destroy it completely). If the foundation sends, can fall out cavropka (seal) or the seams are started between the crowns, the slots are formed. The porch can change the position, the entrance doors begin to rub the floor, the windows open with difficulty. All these signs suggest that the house has an angle of inclination, straighten which will only help overhaul.
  • Wood condition. The appearance of the wooden wall does not always talk about the magnitude of the problem. It is important to estimate the state of not only the upper layers of the logs (timber), but also their inner part.
  • Roof. Almost always in old roof houses is a source of problems - leaks and dampness in residential premises. Slingers and beams of overlapping are rotten and damaged by fungus or insects.
  • Walls. Often, the lower crowns are often bought, the rest of the wood becomes a nutrient medium for mold and the beetle-tree.

Lower crowns need to replace the source

Reconstruction: where to start

Any owner of an old wooden house wants to figure out what is more profitable - to repair the existing construction or build a new one. By deciding whether they need the reconstruction of the old house, are based on several factors:

  • Finance. Although the construction of a new home is more expensive than a restorative operation, a fair amount will also be required for overhaul.
  • Time. It is important to understand how long it is necessary to complete all the work (before the beginning of the autumn rains)
  • Technical condition at home. An important parameter defining previous items. For analysis it is necessary to attract a professional.

A competent specialist will determine not only the wear of the construction (what the owners can do); He will find out:

  • reliability of supporting structures and the need to replace them;
  • state of walls, floor, roofing and rafter system;
  • quality of engineering communications.

The rafter system came into disrepair. Source

Professional builder will help assess the scope of work; Will the reconstruction of full, partial or meaningless (when it is worth thinking about the construction of new housing). In any case, the final decision is made taking into account his opinion.

Preparing for reconstruction: Problem areas

When examining at home, a need can be revealed:

  • replace the foundation (partially or completely) or strengthen it (eliminate cracks, enhance the base part);
  • replace defective logs (bars) of the lower row (lower crown);
  • replace wall fragments;
  • restore the roof with the replacement of rafters and roofs;
  • partially repaired or completely overrably the floor;
  • partially or completely replace communication (pipes, electrical wiring);
  • install the drainage system;
  • replace windows and doors.

Longitudinal cracks in the wall of the old house Source

As a rule, during the reconstruction:

  • wooden elements of the house are impregnated with protective compositions (antiseptic and antipiren);
  • walls are insulated (from the inside), floor, roof;
  • the outer surface of the walls is restored (polished, ground, soaked with antiseptic and are covered with varnish or paint).
It is important! Very often, during reconstruction work, unforeseen problems arise. For example, when replacing the floor, rotten pipes are detected, when replacing the roof - no insulation. It is no longer able to provide for this by the moment the finishing cover will be removed, so you need to be ready for unforeseen expenses.

Reconstruction: Stages

Many of the owners of old wooden houses do not even imagine how to change their accommodation. Repair and reconstruction accumulated extensive experience with the most dilapidated and launched buildings. When the reconstruction of the village house is negotiated, the project changes its outlines more than once.

Draft expansion of the area of \u200b\u200bthe house (ORGANIZATION OF THE ORGANIZATION) Source

With any development of events, there are several stages of the home restoration:

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the reconstruction service and restructuring homes. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

Project and budget, procurement of materials and preparatory work

During the assessment of the state of the house, experts carry out the necessary measurements. After the project documentation is drawn up, in which:

  • condition and defects of structural elements;
  • work plan (calculations and estimates);
  • terms of work;
  • 3D model of the house (a visual way to see the change in the facade, the internal redevelopment and style of finishing works).

During the reconstruction of the house with an increase in the wishes of the owners are in priority Source

In the preparation of the technical assignment takes into account the opinion of the owners. Household owners can decide:

  • increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe house or redevelopment;
  • build an extension (under the garage, veranda) or terrace;
  • equip the attic;
  • equip a sanitary node, carry water or sewage;
  • add comfort and install a furnace or fireplace;
  • conduct a decorative facade lining (siding, clapboard, imitation of a bar, a block house);
  • additionally insulate the house;
  • conduct the landscape design of the yard.

The company is engaged in the preparation of permits for relevant organizations and provides the owners of the deployed budget, including:

  • the choice of materials and the calculation of their quantity and cost (determined by measurements);
  • transportation costs;
  • the cost of repair work;
  • the possibility of unforeseen expenses.

For a significant completion, the material is acquired with a source source

Materials are purchased in volume, 5-10% greater than the calculated one. During the preparatory work, elements of the building, requiring alteration or replacement (roof, walls and inner partitions) dismantle.


Reconstruction of an old wooden house begins with a base. The foundation is one of the most frequent problems of old buildings, because at one time it was made as economical and with technological disorders (under the weight of the structure such a design is deeply immersed in the soil). Most often under wooden houses "with experience", a ribbon or column foundation is found, often located above the level of freezing. To evaluate the front of work, examine the outdoor part of the foundation, if necessary, dummy and a broken part. Sometimes the foundation is absent, and the base is laid on the ground

Ribbon foundation enhance or pour a new base. To do this, it is necessary to raise the box with jacks, breaking the floor and facing. For a columnar base, the best solution will be the installation of additional piles that can redistribute the weight of the structure.

Box at home lift to access the foundation Source

Crowns and walls

For half a century ago, in the construction of houses, few people wondered about compliance with the construction rules and equipped reliable waterproofing between the foundation and walls. The lower wintis of wooden housing was saturated with moisture, rotted and gradually came into disrepair.

The replacement of the crowns is carried out simultaneously with the reconstruction of the foundation, when posting the box. Logs or bars prepared for replacement are processed by antiseptic; Waterproofing is placed between the new crowns and the base. When restoration of walls, the elements located around the windows most often need to be replaced. Also on moisture penetrating through the roof and accumulating in the insulation, the upper crowns often suffer.

Video Description

On the partial replacement of the foundation in the following video:


Roof repair work go in two ways:

  • Reconstruction of the roof. The complete alteration is carried out if the owners want to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe house by planning an extension or insulated attic.
  • Revision. The elements of the roofing system, destroyed (with rotten traces) are replaced. Most often, the location is served by a chimney.

Old slate is replaced with a suitable modern material (which is mainly determined by weight), heat and waterproofing the attic.

Grinding outdoor wall source

Outdoor finish

Wooden house owners can go in two ways:

  • Restoration of the walls of the walls. To emphasize the natural beauty of wood, modern facing materials do not apply. Walls are put in order using a brush or a grinder with a special nozzle. Surface cleaned from dirt and perennial layers is impregnated with antiseptic and antipiren. The use of varnish or paint will show the structure of the tree, lines the shades of old and new fragments and will additionally protect the surface.
  • Finishing work. The finishing of the wooden facade (often with insulation) serves as additional protection of the walls, helps to keep heat and simultaneously unrecognizable the house. Among the popular finishing materials highlights siding, plaster, block house, PVC panels. Walls can be bred by brick, clinker panels, porcelain tiles.

Wooden house lining with clinker panels Source

Paul, windows and doors, ceiling

The floor in a wooden house (especially if it is built directly on the ground) is a very vulnerable design. Depending on the state, they carry out:

  • Repairs. If the boards and lags are in satisfactory condition (amazed less than 30%), damaged parts of the flooring are changed, hydro- and thermal insulation are carried out.
  • Replacement. Old wooden flooring disassemble (if the foundation was repaired, the floor was already disassembled), change lags. Then the waterproofing film is placed, the heat insulation layer (for example, basalt wool); Lags are covered with a vapor barrier film. The board is sharpened to top. Sometimes a cement screed is made under the finishing floor.

The window and door systems who came to be disretened to new; They can be wooden or metal-plastic. Repair of the ceiling - the need if the beams are deformed; Usually installed new wooden floors.

Video Description

On the reconstruction of a wooden house in the following video:

Engineering systems and interior decoration

In old wooden houses in modernization, most systems need. Specialists should be invited to replace or laying communications (plumbing, gas, sewer, ventilation). Experienced masters will make competent electric separation (designed for modern loads and safe) and will establish an economical heating system.

At the final stage, a kitchen and a bathroom is equipped; The final finish is carried out, which will depend on the style of the interior.

Electrician wiring requires a professional approach Source

Reconstruction: Question Price

Even if the old house was physically worn out and morally, having ceased to arrange the owners, he was not treated to demolish. Modern technology offered by construction companies will help inhale the second life in favorite accommodation with which many memories are associated.

Many owners of old wooden buildings scare household inconveniences, the duration of work and innumerable material costs. This happens if the reconstruction of the village house is carried out with their own hands - the process can delay the years. By ordering reconstruction and restructuring from professionals, the owners save time, means and nerves.

Having many years of experience in repairing wooden houses, experts will offer several options for reconstruction, and then rebuilt and improve the house, turning it into a beautiful and comfortable accommodation. The exact price of reconstruction is determined at the project preparation stage and depends on:

  • the state of the building;
  • the need for certain types of works and their volume;
  • prices of materials and cost of work;
  • season.

Repair of an old wooden house with a perestroika will allow the owners to stay with comfort source

Prices for some services and work (Moscow region):

  • Departure to assess the object (includes consultation and measurements) - from 4 thousand rubles.
  • Disassembly of old foundation - from 2 thousand rubles. For PM (Mongon Meter).
  • Fill new foundation - from 8 thousand rubles. For PM (work and materials).
  • Reconstruction of foundation - from 10 thousand rubles. For PM.
  • Foundation exterior finish (Plaster, facing) - from 1.6-1.8 thousand rubles. for PM (with materials).
  • Installation of engineering communications - from 3.5 thousand rubles. per m 2.

The cost of the material is included in the following types of work:

  • Enlargement of residential area Houses - from 5.3-5.5 thousand rubles. per m 2.
  • Tower of veranda - 2.7-3 thousand rubles. per m 2.
  • Reconstruction of the roof - from 6.4-6.8 thousand rubles. per m 2.
  • Installation of chimney - from 6.5-6.7 thousand rubles.
  • Exterior finish at home - from 4 thousand rubles. per m 2.
  • Interior decoration at home - from 9.2-9.5 thousand rubles. per m 2.

Video Description

On the transformation of the old house in the new in the following video:

The order in the construction campaign is beneficial for many reasons:

  • The owners receive a comprehensive solution to several problems.
  • Reconstruction is conducted by highly qualified performers, in exhaust technology.
  • The owners are provided with a plan (with the deadlines) and the budget.
  • All construction works and materials are issued a guarantee (for 3-5 years).
  • Many firms provide the possibility of phased payment.

Two lives of one house Source


After 30-40 years of operation, any wooden house requires if not reconstructing, then a thorough repair. Even if the owners of the old building seems that demolition will be the best solution to the problem, the Council from a person with great practical experience will be odd. The calibration may be that under the sloppy and dark-top layer there is a strong wood, and there will be much less time and money to reconstruct than to build a new house.

Woman, for a year and a half and one and a half million
This is:

In this house you can already live, but there are still many work on the inner and exterior decoration, respectively, and costs too.

So, it all started in May 2014. Now I wrote this and thought, maybe it was not necessary to start in May?

Foundation laid:

Screw the subfield:

In July, raised a house from a bar with attic and veranda.

Inserted windows and doors.

and doors.

Diluted siding outside the veranda and attic.

Here is such a look at the house in the final version. There are still lackings on the windows.

In this form, the house overreed.

In the summer of 2015, the work continued.

Made a stove and water heating.

Partitions and ceiling made from drywall.

Then the partitions were covered with wallpaper, and the ceiling was painted.

Settled in December last year, although not it was still ready, but all the circle was told: it is not necessary to leave the next year, he is leap. So what?

How, after all, we are subject to someone else's influence in some circumstances and become such as superstitious.

Therefore, here: minimum furniture, old curtains, the floor in the rooms are covered with a palace.

In the corridor and in the kitchen - linoleum.

In the kitchen furniture from oldabout go home, new - only the stove.

In ko mnatam there is no doors yet, only in the bathroom.

Water in the kitchen and in the bathroom heats up this electric heater, which is under the sink in the kitchen:

IN in general, as planned failed. in fulldiscarded and furnished house.

But ... The thing is that literally during the year, the prices for building materials and services rose in price. And on the furniture, too.

Given that almost all the works were made by hired workers, almost as many funds went to pay for their work as much as construction materials.

And, it turns out that their tariff is indeed directly proportional to the value of the materials used. For example: there was a professional flooring on the root in the amount of 45,000. The work of the roofers was worth the same.

Therefore, here, another veranda is not finished:

And attic:

As well as the stairs there:

In any case, I am glad that we moved and for the first time in a few years spent the winter in warmth. When, waking up in the morning, you do not need to freeze in the placed per night, while the drowning oven will not heat it, as it was in the old onehouse.

And, most importantly, you do not need to run to the toilet to the street.

And also, there is a bunch of time to think over and implement the inner design of the wooden on the house.

Life in his own home has much more advantages than even in the most fashionable apartment. A private house is a place where you are free to do whatever you wish. Here you will not disturb the noisy neighbors, which will do to make repairs from early morning or later. Here you are not at risk to be flooded or experience inconvenience faced by residents of apartments. Many have accustomed to believe that buying a plot, and even more so to build a house on it - it is a fabulous money. However, with the development of modern technologies in construction, the cheapest construction technology of the house has become more accessible several times. Now we will look at the main question: where to start, and most importantly, from what to build the cheapest house?

Preparatory stage

The first moment, which must be determined initially, is the functionality of the house. What is it needed for what.

If this is a country cottage for seasonal living, then we need some materials,

if this is a full-fledged home for permanent residence, then completely different.

To make a decision, which one will be the house, you should thoroughly examine the climate and weather conditions of the region, where construction is scheduled. After all, the choice of building materials directly depends on the temperature regime during the year. A regular residence house must be constantly damping during the cold season, which entails certain financial costs. Therefore, when choosing a material for the structure, it is necessary to be guided by the thermophysical properties: thermal conductivity and heat capacity, as well as shrinkage.

Each climatic region has its own temperature, wind speed and protection class in the level of heat-shielding properties. Therefore, when choosing a material and calculation of the thickness of the walls, you must be guided by two main parameters: thermal resistance coefficient and thermal conductivity.

For each region, its specially calculated thermal resistance indicator of the CCC is applied. In order to obtain the clarity of the upcoming heating costs, it is necessary to calculate the CCC of the future design. For this, the width (δ) of the walls are divided into thermal conductivity coefficient (λ), which is indicated in the technical characteristics of the building material R \u003d Δ / λ. The calculated value of heat transfer resistance must comply with the regulatory.

As an example, consider the use of cellular concrete, which has a thermal conductivity coefficient equal to 0.12 W / m * ºС. Take a block with a thickness of 0.3 meters and calculate: r \u003d 0.3 / 0.12 \u003d 2.5 W / m 2 * ºС. This indicator is lower than the norm and is suitable, except for the construction of Russia in the southern regions. A block of 0.4 meter wide gives the heat transfer resistance of 0.4 / 0.12 \u003d 3.3 W / m 2 * ºС, which is slightly higher than the regulatory indicator and can be used in the construction of buildings in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The calculation is relevant only when laying blocks for glue.

It is possible to determine the thickness of the wall, respectively, in terms of energy efficiency, it is possible using the same formula where it will be equal to the product of the heat transfer resistance value and the thermal conductivity coefficient Δ \u003d λ x R.

It follows from this to obtain the regulatory value of the resistance λ \u003d 3.2, the thickness of the wall from a wooden array of coniferous rocks (pine, fir) will be 0.18 x 3.2 \u003d 0.576 m, from brick 0.81 x 3.2 \u003d 2.592 m, and from concrete 2.04 x 3.2 \u003d 6.528 m. At the same time, a mineral wool insulation with a thickness of 140-150 mm corresponds to the standard: 0.045 x 3.2 \u003d 0.14 m.

Therefore, when choosing a material and determining the thickness of the structure, the heat transfer resistance and the thermal conductivity coefficient should be taken into account.

Coefficient of thermal conductivity,

specific heat

and the change in linear dimensions for each material is different.

In addition, when choosing a material for the construction of an inexpensive house, you need to explore the building materials market characteristic of this region. Delivery of materials, as a rule, takes a lot of stake in their value.

Now it is necessary to determine the size of the future at home. For example, whether you want to build a one-story house inexpensively or in the house there will be more floors. What will be the area of \u200b\u200bthe house towards the area of \u200b\u200byour site?
Calculate the area of \u200b\u200byour site online.

Windows of standard sizes;

Practical layout without delights;

Easy roof;

Available building materials;

Flat small fireplace;

One important nuance should also be taken into account if you have a small plot, you can choose a simple project of a two-story house. Such a decision will be much cheaper than to build a one-story big house.

The cost of the future house is determined by the three components, each of which can be saved:

  • the architectural layout lies in compactness, maximum functionality and comfort and allows you to achieve 20% savings;
  • a simple design solution should be rational and not contain any architectural excesses will provide another 10% savings;
  • modern materials make it possible to apply the latest technologies in construction, allowing you to perform work with your own hands or involving the minimum amount of workforce by side, which ensures ultimately up to 40% of the economy.

The optimal solution for a family of 2-3 people is housing consisting of three rooms with a total area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 50 m 2. An expedient option can be a house of 6 × 9, including: two bedrooms, a living room in the form of a studio, with a kitchen, combined bathroom and a bathroom and a small hallway.

Layout: Maximum functionality and comfort

The main principle of planning premises is to extract the maximum benefit from each square meter of the area. In our case, this is the ratio of common and useful space. This house, consisting of three rooms with a total area of \u200b\u200b54 m 2, will fully satisfy your needs in modern housing. Moreover, the ratio of a common and useful area (52 m 2) is 96.3%.

But over time you will want to increase its area. Such a structure is most suitable for transformation. It can be expanded in width and height.

Second option

Important! The construction of the second floor must be thought out in advance to lay the appropriate foundation.

Third option, first floor

Third option, second floor

Appearance House of Economy Option

Appearance of the house after expansion

Security Deposit: Easy Design

It is also necessary to approach the designs as simple as possible, without additional sings. With economical construction there are a number of moments that need to be taken into account:

  • The selected house width of 6 m will allow without difficulties to install the slabs of the overlap. Standard size will not require the construction of an additional bearing wall.
  • Combining dining cuisine and room in a modern living room, according to European standards, will give savings on the absence of walls and doors.
  • A sufficient width of the walls will be 30 cm, and heat-resistant can be achieved due to the thickness of the layer of thermal insulation material when lining at home. In this case, the base in width decreases to 25 cm.
  • Sleeping in the house is advisable to perform from drywall, they do not require the foundation and easy to install.
  • The roof makes a double, without unnecessary delights - this is the most economically advantageous design.

Building a cheap house with your own hands - the most economical option

Approximately half of the costs during construction makes payment for work. When building a cheap house, it is more expedient to make the maximum number of works to produce with your own hands, without attracting hired workers.

For what you need to acquire only modern material. The technologies of its installation are designed for a simple average person, so construction does not require professional skills from you and will give the opportunity to save money. One helper can be attracted as a workforce. If you do not have free time to build a house with your own hands, hire a brigade of two people with relevant qualifications, leaving control over the work.

Another option is to build according to typical projects. Here you do not need to participate in construction, it is enough to take a ready-made house in operation, be sure to accomplish the act of acceptance of work performed, specifying the warranty obligations of the developer.
This house is 6 × 9. Excellent version of the two-story transformation.

Reviews and disputes: What is the cheap house better?

To explain which of the cheap houses is better, we suggest you read the comments collected by us from different forums:

Alexander V.

I want to talk about the construction of a cheap house. Moreover, it is not only a monetary side of the issue, but also labor. We buy modern materials, preferably in a construction hypermarket, there are much cheaper prices. Ideas about buildings from girlfriend (clay, straw, sauma-savage) throwing out as insolvent. In the courtyard of the XXI century, oh the walls of clay and the foundation from Bhu, it can go. We are talking about modern housing, and not about the house of the grandfather of the pumpkin. Ecological purity of building materials will not even consider. At the time of the developed world cobweb, you can find the most controversial opinions about any material.
We will not consider hired builders too. This multiplies the estimate at least twice initially. Construction We are independently, it's for everyone. The question in the duration of the process.
And so the foundation. During the construction of the house without it can not do. The most appropriate and economically beneficial is a ribbon foundation on piles. The occupation is not difficult. After every 2M, the piles, the length depends on the soil, and pour aside.
Still, the cheapest design will be a frame house warmed by minvata or polystyrene foam. The construction of a house of brick or sides on cement mortar will refine the estimate, takes a lot of time, as a result we obtain a cold structure requiring insulation.

Bogdan S.

Gathered to build a house 6 × 9. For two months, I make a personal project and make up the construction estimate. Smart books I read, in the forums for all the topics of the topics, I watch the video. Now I read and understand that I have everything as you said: the foundation is pile, the house is a frame, the roof of Slafer. Finishing inside: plasterboard, OSB plates and wallpapers. Of course, plus heating and lighting. One thing I can say that in 10 thousand conditional raccoons, I do not insert. A bit more.

Sergey J.

I developed a 50 m2 house project for my friend. Nothing special budget option, but a house for year-round accommodation. The foundation is reliable. Wooden frame house warmed by minvata. Outside a vapor barrier film, from the inside organic. Roof slate. A rather warm structure suitable for winter use. The appearance is not very. Just covered with vapor insulation. Subsequently, you can sew siding. But the budget is the most modest. An acquaintance spent only 4 thousand cu. True, it was built by himself about any hired brigade, did not even want to listen.

Looking at your home, I'm more and more convinced that cheaper than the frame house, it is unlikely that you can build. I insulated the walls, roles, the roof of Minvatu thick 15 cm. In addition, the attic floor built. The roof is the simplest duplex, covered with zero. Outside, it was separated by siding, and from the inside of the OSB and stuck wallpaper. It cost me 9500 $ pleasure.

The skeleton is the cheapest and warm, but this does not mean that free. Everything is relative. My acquaintances built a house from Sibita. Satisfied were until the winter came. Winter was freezing, and now decide how to warm and what it will come out.

Of course, the main costs are building materials that we will talk about more.

Modern building materials - the cheapest way to build a house

At the modern market of building materials, there is more colossal competition. Therefore, by making a small bypass of the main points of purchase, building materials like a hypermarket, a bazaar or a warehouse will not be difficult to find the most acceptable price. But different material is significantly different in price.

The author of the article is not pursued by the goal of promoting one or another building material, since the site does not sell their sale. The main thing is that a person who has a limited budget for construction was able to become the owner of a good and kinder house.

Before reading various options of houses, pay attention to other houses, it is distinguished by the cheap building.

Cheap brick house?

  1. Brick.

As many know, the brick is one of the most durable, but also heavy materials. Based on this, it has both advantages and disadvantages.


  1. high strength and durability;
  2. excellent sound insulation;
  3. availability;
  4. ecology.


  1. a large mass - the laying of a solid foundation will be required;
  2. insufficient energy saving;
  3. poorly processed;
  4. long process of building construction.

Modern brick allows you to build any size and house design.

Cheap house of steel structures

  1. Steel strong structures.

To date, one of the most durable and affordable building materials, which allows you to build reliable designs in the shortest possible time, at home, etc.


  1. affordable cost;
  2. fast and easy installation;
  3. universality - you can build any designs;
  4. using modern finishing materials, you can create a unique exterior.


  1. low strength;
  2. bad and thermal insulation sound insulation without additional insulation materials.

Steel strong structures today are becoming increasingly popular in the construction of private houses.

Cheap wooden house - is it true

  1. Log or Bar.

The modern stylish log house looks amazing, and high ecology, strength and thermal insulation allocate this building material from others.


  1. high strength;
  2. environmental friendliness;
  3. excellent sound insulation;
  4. fast and easy installation;
  5. high heat insulation;
  6. easy to handle;
  7. relatively low weight;
  8. amazing appearance.


  1. cost;
  2. the need for additional processing from pests;
  3. fire hazard without special impregnations;
  4. low hydraulic resistance.

Modern house of logs or timber - stylish, practical and comfortable.

Favorite: cheap foam concrete house

  1. Foam concrete is the most profitable material for the construction of the house.

Easy building material, which in its characteristics surpasses others.


  1. fast and easy installation;
  2. high load capacity and low weight;
  3. over time, high strength;
  4. excellent sound and thermal insulation;
  5. low weight;
  6. acceptable cost;
  7. easy to handle;
  8. ecology.


  1. the first few years after the manufacture has low strength;
  2. the porous structure of foam concrete will require additional finishing works;
  3. hot in summer.

Foam concrete is a sufficient cheap way to build a house.

We looked at one of the most affordable building materials that can be used to build an inexpensive house. Today we also found wide application: twin blocks, monolith, ceramic stone, etc.

For example, the cost of one-story frame house into two rooms, kitchen, living room and bathroom - will cost 600-700 thousand rubles. Thus, the cheapest frame houses can be built for relatively not big money.

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