Repairs Design Furniture

Repair of external protection of pipe heat insulation. Rules, control of implementation and requirements for the results of work. Constructions of thermal insulation of reinforcement and flange connections

installation of thermal insulation pipelines

Whether it is equipped with a multi-storey or a small wooden house, if communications are present in it, they must be properly placed and mounted. While with electrical, telephone and other wires, there are no special problems, then errors in the installation of heating pipelines, water supply and sewage can lead to not the most pleasant consequences.

Errors when installing the pipeline itself can cause flows in the joints of the joints and are eliminated quite easily. But errors in the installation of thermal insulation of pipelines lead to the freezing of pipes, and as a result of their discontinuity in the most appropriate places. So, the first and most obvious advantage that the owner receives the correctly organized installation of thermal insulation of pipelines is the absence of stressful situations associated with the accidents in the pipeline.

In addition, thermal insulation performs the following functions:

  • prevents the effects of aggressive external environment;
  • minimizes heat exchange with the environment, reducing heat loss;
  • supports system performance.

materials for thermal insulation of pipelines

Realizing the need for thermal insulation, the owner of a private house (brick, log cabin, from foam blocks, etc.) proceeds to choosing materials from which installation will be made.

Let's detail how much the scope of the article allows, consider each type of thermal insulation materials and the features of their installation.

  • Fiberglass insulation.

Enjoy the greatest popularity among installers. A fairly light, non-flammable material is not subject to rotting, the people are still known under the names of "glass gamble", "Mineral Wat". It can be supplied in the form of rolls or in the form of pressed plates. Due to its fibrous structure, moisture absorbs well. When installing, this feature should be taken into account and insulated pipes should be covered with water-repellent material (rubberoid, polyethylene, fiberglass).

Glasswater is not suitable for thermal insulation of underground pipelines. In addition, when it is installed, the seal coefficient should be taken into account (fiberglass insulation over time are tamped).

  • Basalt mineral wool.

Presents plates and cylinders molded and specially processed. Strong enough, they, like glass gamble, nonsenters, durable, at the same time do not absorb moisture and are perfectly suitable for mounting both underground and overhead communications.

Many manufacturers as an additional moisture and thermal insulation use aluminum foil.

In view of a sufficiently high cost, basalt seals do not use so popular as glass gamble, however, it is convenient to perform the installation of thermal insulation of pipelines in problem places (tees, taps, and so on).

Installation work using basalt forms do not require special skills and can be performed independently.

  • Polyfoam (Polyopolster).

Imagine a pipe made from foam and painted in half, while each half of the resulting pipe is equipped with a groove and spike for greater connection strength and you will get a complete picture of these so-called, "shells".

Given the characteristics of the foam, it can be said that such insulation is perfect for insulation of both ground and underground pipelines.

To install such thermal insulation, it is enough to simply connect two halves of the shells into one, and link them using special glue or ordinary tape. Experienced installers advise a little by 10-15 cm. Show half the pipes relative to each other. This will provide the so-called "recess". To bypass complex sites (turns, taps, tees), special curly shells are used.

  • Polyurenenitan.

polyurethane foam spraying

Installation of thermal insulation of the polyurethane pipeline can be performed in several ways.

  1. Spraying polyurethane foam on the mounted pipeline. In this case, the special composition with a sprayer is applied to the surface of the pipe, firmly enclosing it with it. Subsequent foaming converts fluid into a solid porous material with high heat insulating characteristics. It should be noted here that the polyuretieutan does not tolerate ultraviolet radiation. Direct sunlight falls on it leads to the destruction of thermal insulation. For this reason, after its solidification of the pipe, it is necessary to hide either with a layer of rubberoid, or in a different way (it is enough to paint with oil paint).
  2. Use special forms (the principle is the same as when working with foam shells).
  3. Some firms produce products that can be called "pipe in a pipe" in this case, the inner tube is made of metal and is the basis of the pipeline. The outer tube is performed from plastic (if the pipe is intended for underground installation) or galvanized steel (for ground heating pipes) and performs water-repellent and protective functions. The gap between the pipes is filled with polyurethane foam.

The thickness of spraying and thermal insulation may vary widely and depends on the conditions of operation and the requirements for thermal insulation.

A few words about the manufacturers of thermal insulation.

As for manufacturers of fiberglass insulation, the most famous on the Russian market are Ursa, Isover, Knauf. It is these brands most often can be seen on the shelves of building stores. These are the materials of the economy class.

The heat insulation of the Rockwool pipelines is slightly less known in the market of our country, but the higher quality of execution, in combination with a minor price difference, compared with competitors, serve that the installers are increasingly choosing their products to perform work.

    Isolation of internal pipelines. Technology insulation pipelines

    Internal Pipeline Insulation |

    V. Gorelov

    The insulation of the internal pipelines allows not only to save energy resources, but also to increase the life of the pipes, protecting the material from which they are produced from external influences. However, the use of isolation requires designers, installers and other experts of the competent approach to the sector's selection and system design. About this - in the proposed article

    The main purpose of technical heat insulation is to minimize undesirable heat exchange between the working and the environment (Table 1). This achieves a decrease in the energy costs for heating (cooling) of the coolant (refrigerant) and the energy efficiency of the system increases. Another important task is to protect the equipment. Depending on the application, technical insulation prevents the defensation of the system or the formation of condensate on the surface (for this it is necessary that the temperature on the outer surface of the insulating coating is higher than the dew point), the effects of aggressive media. Along with the above, the main tasks are solved by others: hydro and noise insulation, protection of the microclimate of residential and work premises from unintended impacts from thermal or refrigeration equipment and pipelines, the safety of a random contact of a person with a hot or cold surface.

    Table 1. Results of "economy" on isolation

    Materials for thermal insulation of internal systems of heating, water supply, ventilation and air conditioning individual, public, industrial buildings are different from each other worth, operational and consumer characteristics. Selecting a specific material determines its purpose. So, in some cases, the thermal resistance of thermal insulation, in others - water resistance, in the third - the ability of thermal insulation to provide the calculated parameters when operating in peak load mode, etc.

    The most common thermal insulation materials today, which are used on pipeline systems, are thermal insulation from foamed polyethylene, foamed rubber and mineral wool. Each of these materials has its own characteristics that determine the predominant scope of application.

    Common high-quality characteristics

    The operational capabilities of thermal insulation materials are primarily determined by their thermal conductivity. For the quantitative characteristics of this parameter, the thermal conductivity coefficient (λ, W / m · k) is introduced, equal to the amount of heat carried out for 1 s 1 m3 of the material, with a temperature difference on its opposite surfaces 1 ° C.

    Despite the fact that thermal insulation materials differ in the internal structure, common for all is the presence of many air cavities in its volume, the walls of which form fibers or pores, and the air inside of these cavities is mainly and performing the thermal insulation function. Therefore, such materials are also called gas-filled. Since the percentage of air in different insulating materials is always large (80-99%), their thermal conductivity is slightly different (Table 2). The thermal conductivity coefficient increases with an increase in temperature, so it is possible to compare them by this parameter only in identical temperature conditions.

    Table 2. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of various insulating materials

    Air cavities in the structure of thermal insulation can be communicated with the external air environment or being isolated. Depending on this, materials with open pores (fibrous insulation, solid foams) and with preferably closed pores (flexible thermal insulation - foamed polyethylene, foamed rubber, as well as solid - polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene).

    The air cavities of the material with the external environment are reported or not, is of great importance for its thermal insulation properties in conditions of high humidity. The thermal conductivity coefficient (0.6 W / m · k) is significantly higher than the thermal conductivity coefficient (0.024 W / m · k), therefore, if the moisture penetrates into the pores and replaces the air in the material cavities, its thermal insulation properties are significantly deteriorated. Therefore, an important characteristic for such materials is the diffusion resistance factor of water vapor (μ), which shows how many times the material is worse absorbing water vapors from the environment than air.

    Finally, their scope determines and combustion of a particular material. According to the requirements for the isolation of engineering communications in residential and administrative buildings, the use of thermal insulation materials belonging to the combustibility groups is allowed: NG - non-combustible materials that are not capable of burning in the air; G1 and G2 are the difficult-scale materials that can burn in the air when exposed to a source of flame, but not able to independently support burning.

    The minimum thickness of insulation depending on the materials, the use and placement of pipelines is regulated in DBN B.2.5 67: 2013 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning".

    Foamed rubber

    Leading world manufacturers of technical insulation from synthetic rubber (Fig. 1) - Armacell (Germany), IK Insulation Group (Italy), NMC (Belgium), Thermaflex (Netherlands), Wilhelm Kaimann (Germany). Their range also includes products capable of operating at temperatures up to 150 ° C (in peak mode - up to 175 ° C), and materials that retain their thermal insulation properties with a decrease in temperature to -200 ° C. Rubber elasticity facilitates installation work, and special glue provides a durable glued seam, which does not differ in its properties from the main material (the technology has been called "cold welding").

    Fig. 1. Isolation from foamed rubber

    Due to the relatively large (12-15%) linear thermal expansion, the rubber insulation is capable of withstanding temperature drops, and the high values \u200b\u200bof the diffusion resistance coefficient of the water vapor make the synthetic rubber with an attractive material for industrial cooling, air conditioning and ventilation systems for the food industry. In particular, the foamed rubber is used for thermal insulation of pipelines in systems with superheated water and in cryogenic technique (up to 50 ° C). Using it on the internal pipelines of engineering systems of the communal complex, including systems of heating, water supply and air conditioning of private houses, limits the price of this material high relative to analogues.

    The thermal insulation of the foamed rubber is supplied to the market in the form of tubes (standard length - 2 m) of various diameters, tubes in bays, sheets and rolls, ribbons and harness of various thickness.

    Polyethylene foamed

    Prices for thermal insulation from Polyeneetylene (Fig. 2) is lower than on rubber. In the Ukrainian market, this material is represented by CLIMAFLEX, KAIFLEX, THERMAFLEX brands (production of Armacell) and others. It is used polyethylene at temperatures from -80 to + 105 ° C. The coating of polyethylene polyethylene materials with protective films is widely used.

    Fig. 2. Polyethylene insulation

    Material has high wear resistance and greater than synthetic rubber, mechanical strength. It is not toxic and practically inert chemically, not exposed to acids, alkalis and metal salts. It also distinguishes high ozone resistance, resistance to mold and microorganisms. The thermal insulation of foamed polyethylene does not apply in high-temperature systems, since with short-term exceeding the upper limit of operating temperatures (about 110 ° C), the material is melted, losing its cellular structure. A low degree of material adhesion dictates the need to apply specially developed adhesives and carefully comply with the rules of installation and operation.

    Like foamed rubber, insulation of polyethylene foam is supplied in the form of tubes of various diameters, which can be equipped with a technological cut to relieve mounting. To protect against mechanical damage, as well as in decorative purposes, some companies additionally offer external hard shells made from aluminum, galvanized steel, PVC and other materials.

    Mineral wool

    An important advantage of heat-insulating materials based on mineral wool is their ingrediability. The upper limit of working temperatures for mineral wool is 650 ° C, and for materials based on basalt - 950 ° C. These materials are cheaper than foamed, which makes them promising when used for thermal insulation of large areas. The disadvantage when applying residential buildings is their smaller aesthetics compared to foamed materials.

    Mineral wools are produced in rolls or in the form of cylinders of various diameters. Such products on the Ukrainian market are URSA (Spain), Paroc (Finland), Rockwool (Denmark), Isover (France). From domestic producers, it is possible to mention Ozzy LLC. For example, cylinders from basalt fiber covered with aluminum foil, which serves as a vapor insulating layer, HVAC Section Alucoat T Company Paroc is produced with a thickness of 30-100 mm, the inner diameter is 12-612 mm. Length - 1200 mm (other sizes are delivered to order). Cylinders have a sticky strip, which allows you to increase the speed of installation and improve the integrity of the coating. Thermal conductivity in a dry state at 25 ° C - 0.037 W / m · k. When designing systems of internal pipelines, a number of features should be taken into account, in particular, additional space for thermal insulation. Working with insulating materials, it is necessary to follow the rules for their transportation and storage. If the thermal insulation is moistened, it must be dried before use (stone fibers do not change their properties). Stone wool cylinders are installed on the pipe through an external longitudinal section and are tightened with steel wire clamps or tapes. When the pipe is insulated with the use of firmware matches reinforced with steel grid, wire or clamping brackets are used. Taps and knees of pipelines are isolated by mats or segments sliced \u200b\u200bfrom the corresponding cylinders.

    Fig. 3. Isolation based on mineral wool

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    Technology of thermal insulation pipelines

    The correct installation of pipelines thermal insulation allows you to increase its service life and ensures efficient operation. Installation of insulating material must be carried out in accordance with the established standards and requirements.

    Pipeline thermal insulation: Rules

    There are several rules that need to be observed:

    • For thermal insulation of pipelines, exceptionally high-quality materials should be used, the technical characteristics of which correspond to the operating conditions.
    • Installation must be carried out by specialists, in this case, you can be confident as the work done.

    The heat insulation works occur after the installation of the pipeline, but in some cases pre-insulation is allowed. Before working, you need to prepare pipes:

    • complete locksmith and welding work;
    • check the strength and density of the surface;
    • cove the pipes with an anti-corrosion agent.

    Cylinder Design: Installation of thermal insulation

    The most effective thermal insulation of pipelines is a full-flora design or national team. The so-called cylinder isolation. The heat insulation of the structure lies in its laying on the pipes with further fit, and consolidation.

    During the insulation work, it is necessary to follow some rules: start assembling follows from flange compounds, setting cylinders closely. Horizontal seams should not form one solid line. To the pipeline, the design is attached by bandages using 2 fasteners to one cylinder with a distance of 50 cm. The side seams of the design must have a disintegration. Buckles fix the bandage itself, they can be made of painted packaging tape or aluminum.

    If the thermal insulation of pipelines is carried out by semi-cylinder made of hard material, such as volcanic, sign or diatomitis, then they must be installed on mastic or dry. Also for isolation use silica lime segments, peculiarity, pelito-cement. The material in the form of mats is stacked in such a way that the seams are blocked, then they are fixed with wire suspensions at a distance of 50 cm.

    Thermal insulation, depending on the temperature of the design

    Thermal insulation of pipelines transported by a high temperature substance is carried out with the help of cylinders having a stitching aluminum foil. For such a type of insulation, you do not need to use a protective coating. For the bandage it is recommended to choose an aluminum material.

    If the pipeline transports cold water, the temperature of which does not exceed 12 degrees, the hydrophibized cylinders should be used as an insulating material. Additionally, it is necessary to install vapor barrier, while the coating seams must be sealed. If the vaporizolation layer was damaged - it must be sampled by a sealing agent or completely replaced.

    When using cylinders for mounting the thermal insulation of pipelines in a vertical position, you need to install unloading devices in the height of the pipe, with an interval of 3-4 meters. Such measures will help to prevent the mass insulating material.

    Thermal insulation of pipelines can be carried out by various materials, but to make the right choice, it is necessary to take into account some factors: the purpose of the pipe, the temperature of the transported substance and its location. Incorrect selection or installation of insulation will result in damage

    LLC GK Peter | Insulation of pipelines of thermal networks

    Insulating pipelines of thermal networks.

    1. Technology for the insulation of pipes and equipment in the basements of buildings and thermal chambers with a difficult thermal insulation material - moisture-resistant (TTM-B). For protection of pipes and equipment from corrosion and reduce heat losses on heat networks in the basements of buildings and heat chambers, it is necessary: The surface of pipes, equipment and metal structures Clear pollution, salts, fats, oils. Degreasing produced by a rag moistened with solvent R646, P647, xylene or acetone. The surface before painting should be dry and clean. Cleaning from rust, scale, old paint is performed by manual or mechanically, without applying metal-cutting tools. Mortgage details and other elements of metal structures after cleaning are also subject to degreasing and staining. Make an anti-corrosion layer on a dry and low-fat surface with a brush, roller. Metal surfaces are painted in one layer to "lowlight", depending on the ambient temperature. The thermal insulation is subject to pipelines and equipment of the heat network with the exception of drainage and emptying for the first shutdown reinforcement. The thermal insulation layer is carried out by applying a hard heat insulating material - moisture-resistant (in the future TTM-B) as a paste-like consistency in two identical layers of a total thickness of 20 ÷ 60mm depending on the diameter of the pipeline. To enhance the design after drying the first layer TTM-in pipes and equipment are wrapped with a fiberglass mesh with a cell 2x2 or 5x5 mm with fixing the lock of the grid on the pipe. Then the second layer of TTM-B is applied, shakeped with a fiberglass mesh with its tension and immersion in the second layer. Then it is drying the material. The waterproofing of the heat-insulating layer is provided by the cauterine insulating insulating coating (quip) into one layer, followed by drying.

    2. Mounting technology molded products from a difficult thermal insulation material - moisture-proof Fittm-V.Dlya protection of pipes and equipment from corrosion and reducing heat losses on heat networks in the basements of buildings and heat chambers: surface of pipes, equipment and metal structures Clear from contaminants, salts , fats, oils. Degreasing produced by a rag moistened with solvent R646, P647, xylene or acetone. The surface before painting should be dry and clean. Cleaning from rust, scale, old paint is performed by manual or mechanically, without applying metal-cutting tools. Mortgage details and other elements of metal structures after cleaning are also subject to degreasing and staining. Make an anti-corrosion layer on a dry and low-fat surface with a brush, roller. Metal surfaces are painted in one layer to "lowlight", depending on the ambient temperature. Thermal insulation is performed by FITTM-in thickness 10 - 30 mm. and a long 400mm. After drying, the soil enamels apply to the inner parts of the phytm-in the adhesive composition and press to the tube for gluing. In places of connection between the molded products, as well as in the places of attachment to the existing insulation, wake with a thin layer of adhesive composition. To enhance the design, wrap in a circle molded products by self-adhesive glass in the form of rings. The number of rings 2-3 pcs. Drying material occurs within 10 - 15 minutes. The waterproofing of the heat-insulating layer is provided by the application of a kaolin moisture protection of the insulating coating (KVIP) in 1 layer, followed by drying for 10 - 15 minutes.

    3. Mounting technology by molded products from a difficult thermal insulation material - moisture-resistant phytm-c. Shakes. For protection, butt compounds of the steel pipeline of the heat network after repair work, from corrosion and reduce heat losses, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bafter starting the heat network and checking the butt connections to the tightness of the surface of the pipe and the butt compound, clean the contamination with a pin. Perform the alignment of the edge of the existing isolation. Degrease the surface of the pipe and the butt compound with a rag moistened with solvent R646, P647, xylene or acetone. Make an anti-corrosion layer on a dry and low-fat surface with a brush, roller. The surface of the pipe and the butt compound is painted in one layer. Drying to "turning" soil enamel on a hot pipeline occurs within 10 - 20 minutes. Isolation of the butt compounds to be fittm-in thickness 10 - 20 mm. and a long 400mm. After drying, the soil-enamels are applied to the inner parts of the phytm-in glue composition and press in the place of the junction for gluing. In places of connection between the molded products, as well as in the places of attachment to the existing insulation, wake with a thin layer of adhesive composition. To enhance the structure after the stamps of the butt compounds, wrapped the molded products with self-adhesive glass in the form of rings. The number of rings 2-3 pcs. Drying material occurs within 10 - 15 minutes. The waterproofing of the heat-insulating layer is provided by the application of a kaolin moisture protection of the insulating coating (KVIP) in 1 layer, followed by drying for 10 - 15 minutes.

    4. Isolation of surfaces by mineral wool materials.

    5. Isolation of the butt compounds of pipes in PPU insulation by the method of fill.

    Specialists with the same accuracy and 100% quality versions can perform work with various materials: galvanized steel, aluminum, stainless steel, as well as thermal insulation for pipes, thermal insulating cylinders, insulation in the form of mats and stoves. Thermal insulation works of pipelines Include the preparation of surfaces, the coolant, the installation of vapor barrier, mineral material, fasteners, galvanized (at the request of the client).

    Performing installation of thermal insulation materials On pipes, industrial, main and highways with various working fluids, we offer additionally installing the thin-sheet metal ocheme. Its device will help to avoid mechanical damage to the internal heat insulating layer, protect against direct exposure to moisture. The installation of the galvanized shell makes the pipeline aesthetically attractive, convenient for maintenance and care.

    Specify rates for thermal insulation of pipelines And to get a preliminary estimated price calculation by the specified phones.

    Why you need to trust installation of isolation professionals? Because with the right approach, it is possible to extend the service life of the pipes themselves, eliminate the impulses, damage, corrosion.

    Warming of buildings inside

    When the repair of the facade and its insulation is impossible, or the set of insulation does not bring the expected result, the only effective solution to the insulation of the building walls is installation of reflective thermal insulation. Depending on the material of the walls, experts pick up a suitable method of fastening: for glue, stapler, nails, a bilateral scotch. All joints are processed by aluminized straps or scotch. For finishing works over the insulation, a doomle is performed. Installation of foil thermal insulation Allows you to achieve a stop of thermal radiation.

    When choosing durable sheet insulation installation of thermal insulation materials It is carried out on a pre-prepared profile, after which the slabs are sampled onto the walls.

    asterTe uses only those glue compositions that are recommended by the thermal insulation manufacturer and have excellent adhesion.

    To learn the preliminary the cost of installation of thermal insulation indoors, call a specialist.

    Stages of work:

  • You need to make a call to our company to order montaja services. At this stage, the master is called, the volume of work is specified, the final objectives are determined.
  • Thermal insulation is designed. At this stage, a suitable type of thermal insulation is selected, methods of insulation pipelines (Contracts, walls), calculates the amount, drawings, schemes and other working documentation are performed.
  • The cost of work on the insulation of pipelines (walls, facade, technological equipment) is calculated, the estimate is provided for the execution of the order, taking into account or without taking into account the acquired heat-insulating products.
  • The installation of thermal insulation is carried out. Our specialists implement projects in the most short time.

To order installation of thermal insulation of walls, designs, pipelines, call us at the specified phones.

Exists two reasons, because of which all thermal insulation works are carried out:

  1. Warning of emergency situations. Measuring water often becomes caused by pipe breakage. The effect of low temperatures significantly affects the quality of the material of the product and its overall integrity. By solving such a problem and is a qualitative insulation of unprotected pipes.
  2. Reducing energy costs for heating. Many pipeline channels are located on the street: either in contact with the ground, or at a short distance from it. The designs reduce the temperature due to high heat transfer to the environment. The lack of proper heat insulation will entail high financial spending, as well as reduce the quality of the material from which pipeline channels are made.

Thus, thermal insulation of pipelines and equipment is an integral event.

Calculation of pipeline thermal insulation and network laying characteristics

The calculation of the thickness and volume of thermal insulation of pipelines is the labor and difficult process. The common and frequently used method of calculation is the performance of calculations with the help of normalized thermal spells. The construction norms and rules (SNIP) are calculated by the magnesses of thermal losses for the differencemeter pipelines, taking into account several ways to lay them:

  • open method, outdoor;
  • open, indoors / tunnel;
  • bescaless method;
  • laying in disadvantaged channels.

The calculation of thermal insulation (thickness and volume) occurs so that the heat loss level does not exceed the value indicated in the SNiP. Calculations are also carried out using various regulatory documents, including a set of rules.
It has some simplifications that are concluded in the following moments:

  1. Thermal losses while heating the walls of the pipes internal medium is significantly less than heat loss, losing in the layers of outer thermal insulation. This allows you to not take into account them when performing computing and calculations.
  2. A plurality of network pipelines are performed by using steel, the heat transfer resistance of which is extremely low. Especially if we compare with the characteristics of the heat-insulating material.

That is why heat transfer resistance in calculations and computing processes is not required.
To obtain an accurate result, it is recommended to refer to specialists, an independent calculation will be inaccurate.

Classification of materials for thermal insulation

The insulation of pipeline channels have their own classification, which we will understand more.
Depending on the form: rolls, piece products, filling insulators, combined insulation (include several forms). Also, insulation varies in appearance. The selected insulator directly determines the features of the installation.

Extremely common thermal insulation for technological pipelines. A layer of such paint has a thickness of 2 millimeters, but analogous to 2-3 cm Minvati and Polyeopleystra. Warming in this way is environmentally friendly and safe for the health of others.
Heatrokaska is perfectly applied to direct surfaces, and on sections with flaws. The material does not require ventilation after staining. The paint is resistant to sharp change shifts, was created specifically for work in extreme conditions.
It has a special structure, so when spraying penetrates even on the surface, access to which is limited. In addition, heatcharaska provides additional protection against corrosion.


Mineral wool has the characteristics necessary for insulation of pipelines: low levels of thermal conductivity and refractory. Therefore, it is widely used in the field of thermal insulation of highways of heating.
Such material is indispensable for the work on the insulation of pipelines having an increased temperature. Minvata withstands temperature modes up to 700 degrees Celsius. The material is expensive, it is worth paying attention to when choosing.

Polyurethane foam is considered one of the insulation materials of the high quality used for thermal insulation of pipelines. The material goes on sale immediately together with pipes, as one with 2 shells. Polyurethane foam fill emptiness between pipes.
Such products are installed in places designed for gasket. It is important after the end of the main work to carry out the correct isolation in the joints of the joints. The popularity of the material is caused by simplicity and short-term installation.

Polystyrene foam

The polystyrene foam (or foam) is used as an insulator for pipeline channels. The insulation consists of two parts that are interconnected using the Schip-groove fasteners. This permits to assemble / disassemble the heat insulator if necessary. The size is adjusted individually, depending on the size of the pipe itself.
Polyfoam does not absorb moisture and is characterized by a low level of thermal conductivity, therefore is suitable for work with pipeline channels insulation. Such an insulator is distinguished by a long service life - 50 years. But there is also a disadvantage - due to flammability, it cannot be used when working with high temperatures.


Foamed polyethylene is considered in demand material that is used as an insulator for pipelines.
Externally, it looks like a thermal insulation cylinder, which allows tight coverage of the pipeline and provides its reliable protection against negative environmental impacts. Installation is characterized by simplicity and short term.
Before installing on a polyethylene design, a longitudinal section is made, the material is put on the prepared pipe, and then glued. A special foamed structure gives a dense insulation.

All insulation materials have properties and characteristics, so choose one or another thermal insulation follows from financial resources and features of the conditions in which pipeline channels are paved.
The use of high-quality thermal insulation reduces the level of heat loss and reduces budget expenditures. In addition, the pipes themselves remain safe and preservation.
Each insulation is distinguished by the nuances of the installation. The installation of thermal insulation materials should not be performed independently. Only an experienced worker will establish isolation in line with norms and rules!

Manufacture of piping equipment you can order from. Product quality is guaranteed by the manufacturer!

Mates can be applied with one-sided clapper, while the mats are installed as a frame toward the frame (inside the design). Polically-blood structures can also be applied on the basis of firmware matte in plates. 4.6. Thermal insulation of reservoirs for storing cold drinking water in water supply systems. For thermal insulation of reservoirs for storing cold water in water supply systems, it is recommended primarily to apply fiberglass mats from the fiberglass on both sides. The design of thermal isolation is similar to those shown in clause 4.5.4 - 4.5.5 (with a frame of wooden bars) and is distinguished by the presence of a vapor insulating layer. Mats The firmware manufactured by ZAO "Isorok" are installed in one or two layers, depending on the calculated insulation thickness, between the wooden frame racks, they are pinned with tints with galvanized wire thickens (Fig. 59 - 64).

Installation technologies of thermal insulation of pipelines

The scope of heat-insulating mats of mineral wool firmware manufactured by ZAO Vysokok 1.1. Mats Thermal insulation firmware minerals are designed for use in industrial thermal insulation at the temperature of insulating surfaces from minus 180 ° C to plus 700 ° C and in accordance with the recommendations of sections 2 and 3. It should be borne in mind that at a temperature of an insulated surface. Over 600 ° C Matte-firmware services are significantly reduced.
1.2. The firmware mats can be used to isolation of industrial equipment of industry facilities and utilities, including:

  • vertical and horizontal cylindrical technological devices of enterprises of chemical, oil refining, gas, metallurgical, etc.

Mats are firmware from mineral wool - so that the pipes live longer!


Mats The firmware Cutwool®MR is made of mineral basalt wool on a synthetic binder with a fellar-roof carpet firmware, in the folding fiberglass of the side of the parties, according to TU 5762-002-89646568-2013. Marking: Cutwool®MP2 M50-2400.100.1000, TU 5762-002-89646568-2013, where: MP is the conditional designation of firmware mats; 2 - Strolling in fiberglass on both sides; M50 - product brand; 2400 - Mata length (mm); 100 - Mat thickness (mm); 1000 - Mata width (mm). Specifications: Length (mm) 2400 Width (mm) 1000 Thickness (mm) from 50 to 120; Density, kg / m3 from 30 to 100; Compressibility,% no more than 20 humidity,% not more than 0.5 thermal conductivity, W / MK 0.033 Fuelguide group NG Application temperature * from -180 to +600; * Standard application temperature + 4000s, more on special order.

Benefits of firmware matte from mineral wool

They are distinguished by low smoke, as well as effectively prevent the spread of fire, providing additional time to rescue personnel and equipment.

  • Excellent sound insulation. The firmware mats guarantee excellent noise insulation of both residential premises and industrial workshops.
  • The ability to withstand high temperatures. Mineralized firmware mats are a material that can withstand loads up to 700 ° C! And some types of material, for example, having a combined composition, with the addition of Mulletterene, operate at temperatures up to 1100 ° C!
  • Chemical resistance.
    Matelovate firmware mats are not afraid of the effects of organic substances such as oils, alkali, solvents.
  • Low water absorption. The important ability of firmware mineral wool mats is to resist moisture influence.

Heat-insulating products CJSC Izorok. part 2

To compensate for temperature deformations, the oscillation of the coating elements or other design solutions can be applied. 4.3.14. The design of the protective coating of the vertical apparatus is shown in Fig. 47 and 48. The attachment of the protective coating of vertical devices is also carried out by 4x12 self-cutting screws with anti-corrosion coating or rivets.


Screw installation step (rivets): vertically 150 - 200 mm, horizontally - no more than 300 mm. 4.3.15. In the protective coating of the apparatus in height, temperature seams in which the elements of the protective coating are based on unloading devices or hinged brackets (Fig. 79) and are not attached horizontally (circle). The hinged brackets can be installed on the coating sheets of the previous row.

In the height of the device, unloading devices are installed in a step at a height of no more than 3-4 meters.

403 Forbidden.

On the density of the mats are produced brands 100. 2.3. The limiting point of use is determined by the temperature resistance of mineral wool and the shepherd materials. The limiting temperature of the application of mats, depending on the type of clamping material, is shown in Table 2.1. Table 2.1. The use of firmware matte.

The name of the shepherd material without a shelling material or with a fiberglass on one side (installed with a cloth outside) 600-700 (see P.1.1.) Fabric, mesh, fiberglass canvas (with a shelling material sewn from two sides) 450 2.4. Mats Firmware mineral wool brands with plates and without reference to the group of non-combustible materials (NG) according to GOST 30244. 2.5. The nominal dimensions of mats indicating the limit deviations are shown in Table 2.2. Table 2.2.
Permissible temperature difference (TO - TK) Air temperature, T0, ° C Relative air humidity, φ,% 50 60 70 90 Settlement difference, (to - TK) ° C 10 9.8 7, 5,1 3,1 1.5 12 9.9 7.3 5.1 3.1 1.5 14 10.1 7.4 5.2 3.2 1.5 16 10.2 7.6 5.3 3.3 1, 5 18 10.4 7.7 5.4 3.3 1.5 20 10.5 7.8 5.4 3.4 1.5 22 10.7 7,9 5,5 3.4 1.5 24 10.9 8.0 5.6 3.5 1.6 26 11.0 8.2 5.7 3,5,16 28 11.2 8.3 5.8 3.6 1.6 30 11, 4 8.4 5.9 3.6 1.6 5.3.4. The heat transfer coefficient, (αn), should be taken in accordance with Appendix 2.1. 5.3.5. When designing, the thickness of thermal insulation should be taken in the structure, multiple 10 mm, taking into account the current nomenclature of matte firmware mineral wool manufactured by ZAO "Isorok", while rounding should only be rounded.
Unloading devices are also installed in the upper and lower bottoms of the devices. To give the design of the protective coating of stiffness, the coating elements can be prosed. 4.4. Thermal insulation of gas ducts and air ducts of rectangular section. 4.4.1. Thermal insulation mats are recommended for insulation of gas supplies of thermal power plants, black and non-ferrous metallurgy objects, etc. and rectangular air ducts. The design of the thermal insulation of the rectangular gas plant is shown in Fig. 49. The mounting of the heat insulating layer is provided with the help of pins (welded, plug-in) and bandages. At the corners of thermal insulation of rectangular gas transitions under bandages or wire rings, metal linings made of coating material are installed.

Thermal insulation of pipelines with firmware mats

Temperature regimes of water thermal networks, ºС 95-70 150-70 180-70 Pipeline Calculated temperature of the coolant, ™ ºС feeding 65 90 110 reverse 50 50 b) Settlement temperature of the outer environment, toapin depth of the attachment to the top of the channel 0.7 m and less : - With year-round operation of the heat network - the average annual outdoor temperature; - when working only in the heating period - the average for heating period; c) with the depth of the attachment of the top of the channel more than 0.7 m - the average temperature of the soil at the depth of the axis of pipelines. 5.4.3. The recommended thickness of isolation from mattes of thermal insulation firmware mineral wool gras 100, which corresponds to the heat flux density standards for pipelines of heat networks of a two-pipe underground channel gasket, located in the European Region of Russia, are shown in Table 5.4.2.

Heat insulation of pipelines with firmware mats

The calculated thickness of thermal insulation from mats of the firmware mineral wool produced by CJSC Izorok at an indoor temperature of 20 ° C and relative humidity 60, 70 and 80% is shown in Table 5.3.2. 5.3.7. At a temperature and humidity of air indoors, differing from the specified, the insulation thickness should be determined by formulas (6) or (7), since with an increase in the relative humidity of the air in the absence of ventilation the thickness of the insulation increases significantly. Table 5.3.2. The recommended thickness of thermal insulation from the firmware mineral wool mats, which prevents the condensation of moisture from the air on the surface of the insulation of pipelines and equipment located indoors.

Outer diameter, mm relative humidity of ambient air.