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House of monolithic opilk concrete. Ovilk concrete: builder reviews. Monolithic walls made of opilk concrete. Foundation for home from opilk concrete

The opilk concrete is a variety of arbolit. This building material consisting of wood sawdust, sand, cement, lime or alumina, mineral additives. Known for a long time, but extraordinary popularity is recruited lately. Especially in summer construction.

The house from opilk concrete is easy to build with your own hands. This requires some special knowledge and skills. For its construction, no expensive materials and equipment are needed.

Material has a mass of positive qualities, including high heat capacity. Therefore, a value of 300 mm is considered a sufficient size of thickness for exterior walls, but it is better to make 400 or 500 mm. The strength characteristics make it possible to erect houses from the opilk concrete to 3 floors. There are two ways to build such a house:

  • make blocks and build a building by a block construction method;
  • apply the monolithic erection method using a non-removable or sliding formwork.

And in that, in another case, the preparation of the initial mixture is performed on the same scheme.

The technology of cooking opilk concrete composition

Make an opilk concrete with your own hands is quite simple. The main thing is to stock raw materials and devices for mixing the mixture. For work you will need:

  • capacity for the preparation of the solution;
  • construction mixer or perforator with an appropriate nozzle;
  • in sufficient quantity, cement, clay or lime, quartz sand, water.

A concrete mixer can be used. For the preparation of a finished solution, raw materials can be dosed by weighing, but it is more convenient to make the composition of the opilk concrete with simple means, the proportions of the volume of buckets by brass can be seen from the following table:

In the proposed calculation, a constant amount of sawdust is taken as the basis. The consumption of all other components comes from the purpose of obtaining the opilk concrete of one or another brand and a certain density. So, less dense concrete serves as a heat insulator, higher stamps of material must be used to build bearing structures. If necessary, knowing the proportion of the source materials, one can recalculate the proportions of the oprob concrete per 1 m³ of the finished composition.

Regarding the very procedure for the preparation of the mixture, then some nuances take place here. First prepare two separate composition:

  • a mixture of dry components consisting of sawdust, cement and sand, thoroughly mixed;
  • clay solution or lime in water.

Mixing these parts can be performed manually or in a concrete mixer. Condition - get plastic homogeneous mass. It should not flow, and at the same time, when compressed should not crumble. To obtain better strength and density of material, as well as to counter the appearance of fungi, insects, mold, to the solution add a table salt, aluminum sulfate, liquid glass, calcium nitrate. The proportions of the oprob concrete for monolith and the manufacture of blocks are used the same.

What to choose - Monolith or blocks?

The opilk concrete mixture has a good helpfulness, therefore it is equally suitable for the creation of individual elements and fill the whole design. However, not all so simple. To make the right decision on the choice of construction technology, it is necessary to consider from all sides ways of erection of the house from the opilk concrete, the pros and cons of both ways, compare them among themselves.

  1. The building from opilk concrete blocks initially looks much more careful than the monolithic option. This is due to the movement of the formwork. Horizontal tiers cannot be made absolutely the same. Exception is a non-removable polystyrene foam formwork. When using it, the house under construction always looks good.
  2. Mounting the blocks of standard size is always easier than to perform a littered design. However, the creation of blocks takes too much time, even in comparison with concrete or slag blocks. The thing is that the opilk concrete is gaining design strength for a long time. It is usually ready after 120 days. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare blocks for construction long before it started. On the other hand, blocks can be created both full and emptiness. This reduces so low weight, makes the thermal insulation properties of the material even better.
  3. Using the opilk concrete for monolithic construction, you will have to face another problem. With constant movement of formwork, because after each movement, it becomes more difficult to pour a lot.

The main minus in the monolithic and block methods is common - the building material is endowed with a high degree of water absorption. Not only is it necessary to strengthen it during the construction. The house with outer walls from opilk concrete requires a very high quality, dense exterior finish.

Construction nuances

Since the material for the construction of the house is special, then it is necessary to approach work with it, observing all the rules and recommendations. Any deviations from the recipe preparation of the main composition or non-compliance with the sequence of work can lead to different troubles during the operation of the building. When it comes to the foundation, the characteristics of the opilk concrete do not allow it to be used to build the base. It should be used concrete, metal (in the case of pile option), stone, brick. Moreover:

  1. The foundation must be raised above the ground level so that the soil waters cannot reach the walls. Its waterproofing from all sides should be perfectly perfect.
  2. The corners of the building must be reinforced, the walls themselves are desirable. The ideal option is a device of concrete or wooden pillars in the corners of the house.
  3. Window and doorways also need to framed the reinforcement frame, and to install the jumper from above.
  4. In the frameless embodiment of the exterior walls, at the end of this procedure, it is necessary to build an upper strapping in the form of a monolithic reinforced concrete belt. It is needed for reliable supporting roof designs. If a frame method is selected for construction, and the opilk concrete serves as filling between the racks, then the strapping is performed from a natural or glued timber.
  5. The roof should have a wide overhaul that rain and molten waters fall on the walls. It is necessary to perform a reliable system of drainage with their assignment to an equally reliable drainage system or storm sewer.

Buildings from sawdust concrete need to be protected from the outside in faithful ways. Due to the high hygroscopicity of the material, the outer finish must be solid and absolutely waterproof. For this, a thick "fur coat" or facing panels is suitable.

Advantages and disadvantages

Material for construction is chosen unusual and very interesting, as it has many advantages and no less than flaws. What will translate in each case to be determined to determine the developer. First of good. First of all, it should be said that the opilk concrete costs much cheaper than other materials for the construction of walls. The following dignity is the simplicity of laying blocks, as the process is no different from the use of other piece products.

The pluses of concrete from sawdust include the moment that the material is suitable for the manufacture of individual blocks and for the construction of monolithic structures. Excellent microclimate, which provides opilk concrete inside the house, it is also its positive feature. He perfectly retains in place in the summer coolness, and in the winter heat. At the same time, the walls almost at all skip the sounds from the street.

Now about minuses. They are also more than enough: too low moisture resistance, strength characteristics also leave much to be desired. The third floor can still be built, but no more. And it is better to stay on two. Compared to block, brick or monolithic concrete buildings, this material can be called short-lived. The need for reliable finishing of the facade and nuances of construction has already been mentioned above.

Hello everyone! My name is the Folk Builder Andryukha.
A little bit about yourself:
I live in the Bijan district of the Altai Territory. I am engaged in the construction of my own home I take off the whole process on the camera and lay out on YouTube (the channel is called how to build a house monolithic opilk concrete). And also keep an adek with bees ... with NY and I get income to life and for construction.

Why did I decide to build a house and not to buy, let's say, take a mortgage and other and build? And build exactly from the opilk concrete?
- I was looking for an optimal version of the solution of this problem that stands in front of many young families. And having come to the conclusion that I do not have a stable, high earnings (for paying a mortgage) I decided to build ... When choosing the building material, I was guided by several principles:
1) The cost of building materials. (They must be as low as possible when they should meet the main criteria for construction: strength, durability and insulation)
2) the ability to perform work itself alone. (In the view of the low budget, it is possible to get the fullness of relatives and friends who could help accomplish accountate from me and did not really want to learn them from their affairs. On this all work on the construction of the walls should have been leuned on my shoulders in the literal sense of this the words!)
3) Ecology, inertia and microclimate in the house. (Walls must be vapor permeable to breathe easily and also retained the specified temperature for a long time (thermos principle)

Based on these simple principles and from our own experience (once I have already worked with opilk concrete) I taking a calculator and calculating the cost of construction and attaching your capabilities: I received such a result that the box of 2-storey houses size 6 * 9 on the outside and 90 m2 Square it costs 50-60t rubles (52 m3 of building material and this value includes the purchase of concrete mixers) and that one cube of the finished wall is obtained about 1000 rubles. ...

I am building my home about 5 years for the construction of which took 3 years:
1-word year I poured the foundation
2 years I took the walls and roof to the word in one day I poured 18 cm of my walls in the height and on the construction of the walls I went about 28 pure days and this is alone if the work is carried out at 2-3, it is reduced very significantly !
3 years I did not build a house once and saved money.
4 years old put plastic windows, laying the floors and made inner partitions.
5 years I did not build a house once and saved money.
Of course, with stable financing, construction time can be reduced at times ...

Both arbolitis, and opilk concrete are one of the types of lung concrete. They are successfully used for thermal insulation and construction of walls one and two-storey houses. One of the uses of this building material is a monolithic house building.

Properties of opilk concrete

Main characteristics

The opilk concrete has the following characteristics:

  • compression strength - up to 25 kg / cm 2;
  • water absorption - up to 12%;
  • thermal conductivity - 0.32 W / (M o - c);
  • specific weight - 600 - 1200 kg / m 3.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the use of opilk concrete include:

  • reduction of load on the foundations;
  • high level of thermal insulation;
  • reduction in construction;
  • low level of fire danger;
  • resistance to rotting;
  • elasticity.

The disadvantages are:

  • relatively low strength;
  • high water absorption;
  • great hardening time.

The strength of the oprob concrete increases reinforcement. To protect walls from moisture, horizontal waterproofing is performed and facing facades, siding or bricks. The hardening time is reduced by applying sawdust of coniferous rocks and the addition of mineralizers.

Composition and preparation of opilk concrete

Composition of the mix

The mixture includes cement, sand, lime, sawdust and sodium chloride or liquid glass.

  • Cement is a binder, the strength of the opilk concrete depends on its brand.
  • The sand serves as a mineral filler. It is added to increase the volume of the solution and its better clutch with sawdust.
  • Lime serves to improve plasticity and protect organic filler from rotting and fungus.
  • Sodium chloride and liquid glass contribute to the mineralization of sawdust and reduce the time of grasp concrete.
  • Adding sawdust allows you to reduce the weight and cost of the material, improves its thermal insulation characteristics.

For monolithic construction of walls, concrete brands M15 - M25 are used. One of the recipes for cooking mixtures is presented in the table.

The cube of concrete adds 8 to 9 kg of liquid glass or calcium chloride. Water consumption (8 - 20%) is determined experimentally. The cube of opilk concrete, was elusive of fresh kneading, should be elastic, with pressure from it there should be no liquid.

Cooking opilk concrete

Concrete is prepared by hand or in a compulsory concrete mixer. When using conventional concrete mixers first mix dry components, then, continuing stirring, water is added with small portions. Otherwise, sawdust float and not distributed by the mass of concrete evenly.

For the preparation of skinny concrete sawdust sieves. In the production of material stamps, the size of the sawdust does not matter. Experts also recommend adding a chip on the role of reinforcement.

Technology of monolithic construction

Monolithic construction gives the following advantages compared with the construction of houses from blocks:

  • there is no need to manufacture blocks;
  • there is the possibility of building walls of any form (up to the roof rods);
  • there are no cold bridges in the seams on cement mortar.

The disadvantage is the increased consumption of materials on the formwork.

Procedure for performing work

On top of the foundations, two layers of waterproofing from the rubberoid are filling. With a low base, two are three rows of brickwork. Mount formwork. Material for formwork can serve, moisture-resistant plywood or steel sheet. When using a wooden formwork, its inner surfaces are covered with polyethylene.

The height of the shields should be within 40 - 60 cm. When filling the first layers on the sides of the foundations in the soil against each other, stakes are riding the entire height of the walls. Shields are crushed between the side surfaces of the foundation (walls) and stakes and combine the segments of bars. Cheing, located on different sides of the wall, are tightened with wire.

After filling, the bars remain in the walls. They are used to attach shields when the formwork is rearranged, and after the end of construction - for fastening the cladding of the lining.

The prepared opilk concrete is poured with layers of a height of 10 - 15 cm and thoroughly tram. At one time, raise the wall at 20 - 30 cm, after which they take a break for 5 to 7 days. During the capture period, concrete must be protected from sunlight and rain. Every 40 cm in the walls are reinforced by a longitudinally located or steel grid. At the corners of the building, the elements of the reinforcement are connected to each other.

After the end of the pouring of the walls on top of them, the belt from the bar serves as a support for the roof elements. Walls need to be protected from moisture. For this, the roof is made with wide skes, and the facades are facing in any way. Finishing works are performed after a shrinkage of the building (after 1 - 2 months).

When performing these events, monolithic houses from the opilk concrete serve for many years. They do not require insulation even in the conditions of the Far North. A wall of such a material with a thickness of 40 cm protects against frost -35 degrees.

Applied in the construction of houses Ovilkobeton is customary called a variety of arbolit. Building material was created for a long time, but the real popularity came to him only now. The opilk concrete is the type of arbolit, building material from sawdust and chipstroke, cement, chalk, sand, clay, etc. For the first time, the oprob concrete was applied for more than half a century ago, but he became truly popular against the background of the "zero" construction boom. Particularly widespread material is used in the construction of country houses and utility rooms.

Feature opilk concrete - everyone can work with it. Build a barn or country house with the help of concrete blocks from sawdust even people without serious construction experience. Working with the material does not require special knowledge, skills, applying complex tools and equipment.

The opilk concrete has many advantages, but the main level is considered the highest level of heat capacity. By building an outdoor wall with a thickness of 300 mm, you can be sure that the house will be warm. However, experts still recommend using a 400-500 mm thick profile.

Ovilk concrete is a rather durable material with good resistance indicators with mechanical exposure. The strength of the opilk concrete allows you to build a building with a height of 2 from it, and even in 3 floors.

During the construction of houses, two main techniques are used:

  • production of opilk concrete blocks and a building building along a block method;
  • application of monolithic construction techniques using different formwork.

Both methods imply the preparation of concrete-sieve mixture by the same technology.

Video instruction: How is the opilk concrete prepare?

Another huge plus of opilk concrete is the simplicity of maternal cooking. Make a mixture can also house, and a beginner builder. The main thing is to have a sufficient amount of raw materials and equipment for effectively mixing composition. For the preparation of the mixture will be required:

  • metal, plastic or wooden capacity of a large volume (it is in it that the solution will be missed);
  • mixer for construction or construction minor with a nozzle designed for effective mixing;
  • ingredients of the mixture: cement, sand, sawdust, chalk, water, lime, etc.

An excellent helper in the preparation of a solution will be a construction concrete mixer. To determine the correct proportions of the mixture, construction scales can be used, and you can do the table, approximately determining the number of necessary ingredients:

  • Opolk concrete brand M5 density 500 kg / m³: 80 wizard buckets 4.5 buckets cement M400, 3 sand buckets, 14 clay buckets or lime.
  • M10 M10 650 kg / m³: 80; 9.5; 12; 10.5.
  • M15 800 kg / m³: 80; 13.5; 21; 7.
  • Mark M20 950 kg / m³: 80; eighteen; thirty; 35

Note: In the above table, the number of sawdust is unchanged, and the number of other components of the construction mixture depends on the scab concrete brand. In turn, the brand is determined by the density of the material.

From the density of oprob concrete, its construction qualities depend on the density. For example, the M5 opilk concrete is an excellent heat insulator, but its strength is low. For the construction of the walls, the material is required by higher grades, with a much greater cement content. Focusing on the table, you can calculate an approximate amount of ingredients per 1 cubic meter of opilk concrete.

The manufacture of concrete-sawing mixture requires compliance with a certain technology. First, two solutions must be prepared in two tanks:

  • dry mix: sawdust, cement, sand; All components mix thoroughly;
  • clay and lime dilute in water.

At this stage, you can do without concrete mixer, mixing the ingredients of the mixture with the help of a shovel. Nevertheless, you will have to try, because the mass should be homogeneous and plastic. The high-quality mixture is sufficiently dense, it does not spread, but at the same time, when compressed, it does not fall apart into pieces. To achieve optimal indicators of density and strength in the mixture, you can add a canteen salt, calcium nitrate or a certain amount of liquid glass. By the way, these ingredients will increase the resistance of the finished material to the influence of fungus and mold. For block oprob concrete, the same proportions are used as for monolithic.

What is better: Monolith or blocks?

The plastic solution is well stacked, so it can be used to create walls from block fragments, and for solo-concrete design. But what is the way it is better? When choosing a building technology, you need to take into account a variety of factors, because each has both pros and cons.

First of all we will analyze the aesthetic side. Buildings from blocks look much more interesting than monolithic. The fact is that the monolith requires formwork and create absolutely smooth horizontals will not work. From blocks you can add smooth and beautiful walls. The only exception is the formwork of a non-removable type of polystyrene foam. The use of such a formwork is the key to the construction of a beautiful house.

In addition, the blocks of opilk concrete are more convenient in the installation. The builder simply collects them like a designer. Making a monolithic design is a complex technological process that requires certain skills and knowledge.

Minus blocks - the complexity and duration of their creation. To create opilk concrete blocks, much more time is required than in the manufacture of concrete or slag blocks. Unlike other building materials, opilk concrete reaches the necessary strength for months. The standard term drying blocks is 3.5 months.

If you decide to build a building from opilk concrete blocks of our own manufacture, building material will have to make in advance.

Additional thermal insulation blocks will give emptiness. In addition, it will reduce the amount of material spent on the manufacture of each particular block.

In monolithic construction, the use of opilk concrete has one serious problem: the formwork will have to constantly move, as the mass is pouring quite quickly and after that its movement becomes problematic.

The key disadvantage of both the block and monolithic method of construction from the transition is hygroscopic, it strongly absorbs water. The outer walls will have to be carefully separated, completely secretion of the oprobe concrete base from the effects of moisture. During construction, blocks or a solution for monolithic need to be kept under an awning, removing from rain.

Folk builder Andryukha: a house from opilk concrete

Construction Features and Underwater Stones

Opolk concrete - the material is quite specific, so when erecting the house, it is necessary to comply with certain rules, to operate in full compliance with the recommendations of experienced builders. Even a minor deviation from the formulation or violation of construction work features can reduce the quality of the final structure.

On the Internet forums, it is often possible to meet discussions, is it possible to use opilk concrete for the construction of a foundation. The answer is unequivocal: Of course not! The base is built from concrete, stone, brick. There are metal pile foundations.

In general terms, the construction of the house from the opilk concrete has the following features:

  • The base should be raised above the ground in such a way that water contained in the soil did not reach the walls of the building; Waterproofing the foundation should be carried out with full responsibility.
  • The prerequisite for the construction of a high-quality house from opilk concrete is the reinforcement of angles; It will not be superfluous and the walls. The optimal option is to install in the angular parts of the house of protective "housings" from concrete or wood.
  • It is impossible to leave open doorways and windows open: they must be concluded to the reinforcement frame, with top of the jumper.
  • If the outer walls are erected according to the frameless method, the upper binding in the form of a monolith concrete belt with the addition of metal reinforcement is necessary. The belt will remove the roof load on the opilk concrete construction. If a framework of construction is applied, the opilk concrete performs the role of aggregate between the racks. In this case, it is necessary to build a strapping from the bar.
  • The roof of the opilk concrete house has its own features. Swees should be wide: it is necessary to protect the walls from moisture. It is very important to build a well-thought-out drainage system with water flow into reliable drainage or lavety. It is impossible that the water is going under the walls of the house.
  • Concrete structures on a sawdust basis require strong outdoor protection. The hygroscopicity of the building materials can cause serious trouble, so the upper coating should be solid and completely waterless.

Watch the video: how to rearrange the formwork. Drawing a house!

Pros and cons of oprobetone

Opolk concrete is a sufficiently unusual building material for a large number of advantages. However, he has disadvantages and their no less than advantages. To decide that weighing, everyone will have independently and taking into account the specific construction situation.

First we will tell about the pros. The key advantage of the material is low cost. The wall of the oprob concrete will cost much cheaper than brick or slag blocks. Locked the oprob concrete blocks is also simple, like other piece building materials.

Another serious plus of opilk concrete is the ability to use it not only for the construction of block walls, but also for the construction of monoliths. The house from this material in its microclimate is close to a wooden cutter - it is called breathable. In the summer, the house in the house of opilk concrete is cool, in the winter, warmth is warm. Sawders "delay" sounds, providing excellent sound insulation.

As for the shortcomings, the main and most serious is the increased hygroscopicity of the material. Sawdles are easily drawn water, so the walls will have to isolate. The material and high strength is not different: the maximum flood of houses from the opilk concrete is 3. The durability of the walls also leaves much to be desired, especially in comparison with the walls of brick, concrete, slag blocks. Strong hygroscopic attachment leads to the need for a complex and fairly expensive finishing, which is also a big minus.

When working with opilk concrete, it is necessary to take into account certain points, and even a minor retreat from technology will lead to problems in operation.

The opilk concrete refers to the category of universal materials. The initial consistency is liquid enough, so you can form blocks of any shape from it, construct monoliths. Such universality allows builders to save well.

Watch Video Online: Block Testing

Cost of construction from opilk concrete

The opilk concrete is sometimes called "wooden stone". Of all the available building materials, it is the cheapest and affordable. So, the blocks for the wall size of 390x190x188 mm will cost approximately 230 rubles. One opilk concrete stone replaces 7 bricks (the cost of each brick is about 6 rubles).

On the construction of a house box of 8 × 8 m. It will take 20 thousand bricks: it is about 120 thousand rubles. In addition, it will have to purchase cement by 30-40 thousand rubles. A similar building from opilk concrete will cost about 100-120 thousand rubles. excluding cement. Savings essential.

Watch video: Material expenses

Construction of a monolithic house

Monolithic construction is characterized by convenience and speed. Recently, this technology is used extremely wide. Apply in monolithic construction and opilk concrete. Before building the building, it is necessary to thoroughly hydroize the foundation with two layers of rubberoid.

If the foundation is low, it should be raised by brick masonry. Thereafter, formwork from wood, plywood, metal sheets is installed on the base. The height of the formwork shields is approximately 60 cm.

Simultaneously with the fill of the first layers of the oprobetone, from two sides of the foundation to the ground, wooden or metal columns in the entire estimated wall are riding. The columns are connected by bars, tightening with wire. After the fill is completed, it is impossible to clean, they will be needed to fix the shields when reinstalling the formwork. In addition, with the help of these stakes it will be possible to consolidate the crate when carrying out facing works.

The opilk concrete mixture is poured with layers no more than 15 cm. Thickness. Each layer is tamped by a special device. For one construction day, you can pour no more than 30 cm. Material, that is, no more than 2 approaches. After that, a weekly break is made. Every 40 cm. The heights of the wall are reinforced by a longitudinal way. As fittings use a chain grid or wooden slats. The "belt" of a bar or brick is mounted on the finished bay design. The "belt" serves as a support for the roof.

Water moisture protection plays great importance. The builder will have to qualitatively fade the facade. Make wide skes. Nevertheless, the cost of building the house from the opilk concrete will pleasantly surprise: they are significantly lower than in traditional construction. Building, unlike brick and concrete structures, does not require additional insulation: 40-centimeter laying easily withstands 35-degree frosts.

Watch the video: how to assemble a frame for formwork for filling of opilk concrete

Building houses from blocks

If the house from the opilk concrete blocks is built according to all the rules of the GOST, it will differ excellent heat and sound-proof. The material contains many air bubbles that retain heat transmitting air regulating humidity. According to its technical indicators, the house from the opilk concrete is close to houses from a bar or logs.

The construction refers to the budget category (we talked about the prices for the material above). Blocks can be made independently, but better, of course, get ready. The opilk concrete of different brands is sold in all building stores.

If you chose an independent manufacture of blocks, the material must be prepared in advance to work. At the heart of this preparation - drying. Sew the opilk concrete need long and carefully.

In private construction, blocks of various sizes are used. The walls are obtained lightweight, thermally insulated and fairly durable. Under all the technologies, the construction of opilk concrete will serve many decades.

Despite the fact that blocks in their structure are similar to bricks and do not seem hygroscopic, it is necessary to consider: the material is afraid of moisture. Walls are mandatory to be plastered. These works are carried out after the final shrinkage of the house, that is, in 7-8 months after the completion of construction.

If you decide to build a bath from the opilk concrete, the walls need to be waterproof especially carefully, paying maximum attention to the corners and joints.

The cost of materials on opilk concrete

The main advantage of the house whose walls are elevated from the opilk concrete, which is sometimes called arbolite, is its relatively low cost, as well as simplicity of construction, since this building material with confidence can be called an excellent alternative to most modern expensive materials.
The opilk concrete, as a building material, was known since the past century. It was specially created with the aim of the use of waste arising from wood processing at woodworking enterprises. Currently, shells have found dozens of practical use options, and the at home based on opilk concrete has not found quite well-deserved popularity. However, this does not mean that this technology is forgotten by a modern person. In our time, the walls of dacha houses of private cottages of small floors are erected from the opilk concrete.
Opolkobeton can be used both for the construction of bearing walls and partitions and as a heating material. In this article, we will consider the features of the structure of residential buildings on the basis of this material, as well as tell about their inherent basic advantages and disadvantages.

Two technologies for building walls of houses using opilk concrete

The opilk concrete can be called a universal material on the grounds that its initial consistency is a liquid, enough fluid mass. Thanks to this, builders can create small blocks from this material for the subsequent construction of the walls or by setting the formwork, cast the walls completely, saving, thus, a significant amount of time and cash. Consider the details and disadvantages of both technologies.
The manufacture of separate blocks from the opilk concrete is quite a long time in time. In comparison with the manufacture of blocks based on other source materials, opilk concrete bricks will be very long to gain the necessary strength. As a rule, from making up to the moment when blocks from opilk concrete can be laid, without fear of their shrinkage, passes for four months. If the developer does not have the ability to wait all this time, it is better to take advantage of the technology of the monolithic construction of walls using this material.

However, if we look at the situation on the other hand, it is unlikely that someone will object to build the walls of the building using separate blocks of small size much easier than to create a massive-having high reliability formwork and pour into it the made solution.
Moreover, during the construction, the massive formwork will have to be rearranged from one place to another more than once, while performing another fill, placing the starting material in the formwork cavity will be more complicated and more difficult. That is why the construction of a house from individual sawdust blocks is more common in comparison with the monolithic casting from the same material.
The remaining subtleties of the construction of houses using these two technologies are not enough than different from each other. Thus, if the developer has the opportunity to buy already ready-made blocks of sawing concrete, it is better to take advantage of block construction technology.

Sollar cooking technology

On the similarity of the traditional concrete, its sawing analogue may have different density, as a result of which opilk concrete of various brands is present on the market. According to the construction norms, there are the following types of seppe concrete density: 500, 650, 800, 950 kg / m³. What characteristics affect the density of this material?
Of course, the ability of the bearing walls to withstand the load on them directly depends on the density of the opilk concrete. In the case of using a material for individual construction, such loads will be the weight of the roof or the second floor of the building. When the walls are built at home, it is best to use an oprix concrete, which has maximum strength even if building the second floor and equip the building of the root with a metal frame to your plans is not included.

Below are the proportions of the source materials used for the manufacture of all brands of sawing concrete.

  • In the course of manufacturing the M5 brand, having a density of 500 kg / m³, the medium fractions are used, 50 kg of sand, 50 kg of cement, 200 kg of lime or clay.
  • In the course of manufacturing the M10 brand, having a density of 650 kg / m³, 200 kg of sawdust, 100 kg of sand, 100 kg of cement, 150 kg of lime or clay.
  • In the manufacture of the M15 brand, 800 kg / m³ density is used by 200 kg of sawdust of the middle fraction, 350 kg of sand, 150 kg of cement, 100 kg of lime or clay.
  • To create a M20 brand with a density of 950 kg / m³, 200 kg of medium fraction sawdust, 500 kg of sand, 200 kg of cement, 50 kg of lime or clay.

Now it should be said a few words about the intricacies of the cooking process of sawing concrete. During the manufacture of opilk concrete, they never mix the components immediately in its composition, as the result is a solution with low quality. The implementation of the production technology of a solution of sawdust concrete provides for the preparation of two different compositions, one of which contains sand, cement and dry sawdust, the second - clay and lime dissolved in water.
After two fractions are prepared separately, they are placed in one container and thoroughly mixed. At the same time, each individual chips of wood should be well inceated with a solution. A qualitatively prepared solution of the opilk concrete should not disintegrate when compressing its sample hand, it should not be excessively liquid. The consistency of the qualitatively cooked sawing concrete should be similar to a semi-dry plastic mass.
Subtleties of the construction of the house using monolithic opilk concrete
As mentioned earlier, the construction of the walls of the house using opilk concrete contains a sufficient number of features, the exact compliance with which is necessary, as it affects many operational characteristics of the future house, which includes the duration of the construction period. Consider these subtleties in more detail.

First of all, it should be said that in order to build the foundation, the sawing concrete is not suitable. The foundation needs to be built using traditional materials, such as ordinary concrete or brick. The foundation constructed should be higher than the level of the soil, at least half a meter. The foundation of the future house with opilk concrete walls must be securely isolate on all sides - top and from the sides. Such reinforced waterproofing will not allow moisture to penetrate the concrete into the walls of the house based on the sawdust concrete.
Reinforcement of the building in the corners must be mandatory. The best option for a two-storey house can be poured at the corners of the house of concrete supports, in the thickness of which the fittings will be laid. For one-storey monolithic buildings, it is sufficient to perform reinforcement in the form of a metal frame, laid in the horizontal plane at all corners of the structure from the bottom to the top.
Continuing the topic of the reinforcement of the construction, it should be said that in the house from the oprix, it is necessary to reinforce the door and window openings. Reinforcement is made according to the standard scheme - the reinforcing belt is layered around the perimeter of the corresponding openings.
It is also very important to create a reinforcing belt from ordinary concrete, which will be covered around the perimeter of the building from above the bearing walls. The thickness of this belt must be at least 100 mm. During the creation of this reinforcing belt, the reinforcement is used with a diameter of at least 10 mm. It must be borne in mind that this reinforcing belt will perceive the load of the roof of the structure.
It is very important to fulfill the condition of the competent removal from the roof of the melt or rainwater, since liquid scalle falls on the walls will negatively affect the operational characteristics of the house. For this purpose, it is necessary to project the rod of the roof with a minimum value of 600 mm.
It can be said that this is a list of all major subtleties that need to be taken into account during the construction of a private house and using opilk concrete. Less important requirements are somewhat. Among them, the most important is the organization of a sufficient width of the breakfast around the perimeter of the building, as well as the designed roof waterproof system.
I want to add a few words about the thickness of the walls of the house. Considering that the sawing concrete is able to perfectly retain heat, it is enough that the minimum wall thickness was 400 mm. This indicator directly depends on the climatic zone in which the subsequent operation of the structure will be carried out. For example, for the sake of, it can be noted that even a building with a thickness of a hundred 500 mm, has sufficient for middle strip with energy-saving characteristics.

Considering the advantages and disadvantages of the house, the walls of which are elevated from the sawdust concrete, it should be noted that there are many more people. At the same time, almost all advantages overlap existing shortcomings and vice versa. As a result, it is impossible to give a specific answer to the question of the possibility of using this material in individual construction. Each owner of the country area of \u200b\u200bland, who wants to build its own home on it, must be solved by the issue of using opilk concrete or other building material, based on its financial capabilities, as well as taking into account local construction conditions.

The following characteristics include the indisputable advantages of opilk concrete:

  • Own low material value. All supplied materials included in the composition are not deficient or expensive, so for the purchase of finished blocks it is not necessary to pay large sums. Moreover, self-making blocks or the creation of a monolithic design will make construction even cheaper.
  • Simplicity of all stages of construction. The course of the independent erection of the walls of the house from the opilk concrete is absolutely no different from the technology of building buildings using other block materials.
  • High construction speed. As it is already known, the house from the opilk concrete can be built not only with the use of blocks, but also by casting walls, which significantly speeds up the process of building buildings.
  • Excellent thermal insulation qualities. The house with walls from the opilk concrete has inside ideal climatic conditions. Inside the structure in the winter heat, and in the summer cool. Due to the high thermal insulation capacity of the material, the owner of the house can save money
  • High sound insulation. The buildings of the opilk concrete, due to the peculiarities of the inner structure of this material, practically do not pass out the street sounds inside the rooms. As a result, the atmosphere of the house is filled with peace and silence.

In addition to those listed above, there are many similar less significant advantages, which can be listed for a very long time. It is better to draw the look of the reader in strontium shortcomings that are inherent in all buildings erected on the basis of sawdust concrete.

So, to the category of disadvantages can be attributed:

  • High hygroscopicity material. It should be noted that during the rain the walls of the house is not just fast, but you can say instantly impregnated with moisture. Of course, with such negative phenomenon, it is possible to fight, however, all existing methods of such struggle entail the rise in prices for construction.
  • Low strength material. Compared with a slag block or aerated concrete, opilk concrete is characterized by lower strength. The structure, the walls of which were erected using the sawdust concrete of significant loads are not able to withstand, so even when creating the second floor in them, it is necessary to work very seriously.
  • Small duration of life. If we compare the buildings from the opilk concrete with their analogues created on the basis of OSB, then we can say that the sideways will be at the height. However, this time that concrete or brick houses is kept, a building from opilk concrete to simultane without damage or even destruction will not be possible.
  • Construction features. There are quite a lot of the subtleties of building buildings from sawing concrete, non-compliance with at least one of which will lead to the emergence of a plurality of trouble with further operation.
  • The need to create an additional waterproofing of outer walls, to create which they will need to be placed by a layer of the corresponding material of at least 20 mm.

Thus, knowing about all the advantages and disadvantages of the house from the opilk concrete, each owner must decide for himself - whether this material is used for the construction of their home or make a choice in favor of another. Although in this situation there are several possible options, in particular, the opilk concrete can be an indispensable material in the construction of various kinds of outly. Cheap and angry!