Repair Design Furniture

How to paint osb plywood outside. How to paint OSB slab - a reliable finish inside and outside the house. How does water affect building materials?

The question of how to paint the OSB inside the house arises among the owners of this coating very often, because apart from this method there are no more options for OSB processing. This process has its own nuances, but, nevertheless, is considered the least complex and expensive. How you can paint and how you can paint the sheathing of OSB boards inside the house, we will consider below.

OSB boards are a material for compiling a decorating composition of walls or floors. They are made from wood chips, which are glued together using various types of resin, polymer, glue, etc. Aspen chips are usually used, but sometimes they can be from another tree. To avoid the harmful effects of moisture, the material is impregnated with special water-repellent agents or paint.

This material, according to its chemical composition and processing (impregnations, protective coatings, fillers, etc.), is divided into the following:

  • OSB 1 - do not contain water-repellent elements, are intended for wall decoration from the inside, where the amount of moisture is minimal;
  • OSB 2 - designed for walls with an average level of humidity;
  • OSB 3 - designed for walls with a constant high level of humidity or with a certain frequency of getting wet;
  • OSB 4 - the most moisture resistant, designed for the installation of load-bearing buildings.

The most popular in the construction services market for installation inside a house or other type of premises are OSB 2 and OSB 3.

Advantages of painting

The advantages of OSB decoration with coloring agents are:

  • protection (a layer of paint prevents excessive moisture, water does not get under the plate, and, accordingly, it does not deform);
  • showiness (if the OSB structure consists of large, sloppy chips, then the paint masks all the flaws);
  • ease of installation;
  • low cost (compared, for example, with decorative panels).

It should be noted that painting is relevant precisely when decorating the interior of a house or other room. Outside, climatic conditions adversely affect the finish, in which case a deeper level of protection is required.

Staining is used both in domestic conditions and in industrial ones. In any case, a layer of varnish is applied after the paint - it protects the coating from fading and damage.

Paint selection

Choosing the right dye main question in this topic. You can paint OSB with anything, but in each of the cases, some features should be taken into account.

Since OSB boards are fastened with resin, glue or polymer, the most suitable option are organically soluble elements. They provide the closest adhesion of paint to the base due to the fact that the solvent penetrates into the panel itself.

One of the most optimal solutions oil paints will come out. For decoration OSB walls they are the most popular - these paints are viscous in structure, therefore they are not completely absorbed by the base and form a reliable layer of protection. The only disadvantage of oil materials is that it dries for a long time.

The second most relevant option is alkyd enamels or alkyd-based paints for wood panels. They penetrate deep into the structure - this does not create a protective layer, but guarantees the durability of adhesion. Also, alkyd coating does not require subsequent varnishing, and this will spare your wallet.

The third option is water-dispersed substances (mainly acrylic). The only negative is the swelling of the plates due to the accumulation of moisture. But it is possible and necessary to think about preventing this in advance.

Preparation and coloring

The quality of staining directly depends on the preparation of the skin. Preliminary work is half the battle, because the future bonding depends on them, and hence the durability of the decorative layer. Preliminary work requires mounting, puttying material, etc.

The first two stages are the installation of panels (painting after installation makes the structure unaesthetic) and careful grinding sandpaper(the texture of the plate is masked and the protective layer is removed, which prevents the primer and colorants from getting into the wood). OSB 3 needs especially meticulous sanding, as these panels are covered with a thicker layer of wax and varnish.

All irregularities and attachment points of parts can be puttied. Oil-adhesive mixtures are the most suitable for puttying them. This mixture can fill the seams between the plates, but it is better to block them with special strips, as they still show through under a layer of paint. When the mixture dries, smooth the surface with sandpaper. Next, you can make a primer.

The primer is made at the expense of a water varnish. To create it, you will need acrylic (acrylic polyurethane), diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10. It should be ensured that the substance settles evenly.

Plates are painted with a brush or roller. When using a brush, it should be taken into account that a thicker layer is applied to the edges of the board. When using the second option, the work is done in two layers. The first, of small thickness, must dry for at least 8 hours. Then a second layer is applied, the strokes of which should be perpendicular to the strokes of the first layer.

In essence, it is not at all difficult to putty and paint the coating of the OSB board inside the house or within another room, since the influence of external conditions. But at the same time, one cannot ignore the study of the question of how to putty and how to paint this facing material. Indeed, the result of the work depends on the correctly selected coloring agents, on the understanding of the execution technique.

Answering the question: "How to paint OSB plate on the facade?", it is necessary to take into account the operating conditions, the shading of the building and the climate of the region in which it is located. One should not forget about factors such as the material of the plates themselves, the load on them and the impact on their surface.

Applications and properties of OSB boards

Oriented strand board, or OSB, is relatively new material used for wall decoration inside the house, as well as for mounting on its outer surfaces. Often, slabs are used to install floors. Among the main advantages of the material stands out the possibility of rapid surface cladding, durability, strength and ease of installation. At the manufacturing plant, the boards are impregnated with special protective compounds, which prevent the material from rotting under the influence of moisture, UV rays, pests and chemicals.

In most cases, factory impregnation is enough for transportation and storage of plates, however, after installation, the material requires finishing. by the most accessible method OSB painting is considered. It provides benefits such as:

  • reliable protection against precipitation and moisture;
  • prevention of cracking and deformation;
  • protection against delamination under the influence of UV rays and high temperatures;
  • relatively low price.

All these advantages of painting make it one of the most popular finishing methods. OSB finishes plates. Let's look at which compounds are suitable for applying to the slab outside the building, as well as for treating surfaces inside it.

How to choose a material - the pros and cons of different types of paint

The most versatile option for painting surfaces is the finish with oil paints. Among specialists, the compositions of firms are very popular. Syntilor and Coloray. These paints are characterized by excellent adhesion and high viscosity. Due to this, the plates do not absorb them. Thus, a reliable protective layer is formed on the surfaces, which can last at least 2 years on the facade and more than 3 years in the room itself.

Alkyd enamel different from the oil ability to quickly absorb. This affects the consumption of the composition, however, such paint is able to form a stronger and more durable protective layer. Alkyd paints are also suitable for working on surfaces inside and on the facade of a building. These compositions do not require the application of a varnish layer, which makes it possible to save a little. Among the most popular brands are Enamel. Tikkurila and Farbex.

A little less often, water-based paints are used to work with OSB boards. This is due to the fact that the plates can swell under the influence of the coloring composition. However, this does not prevent the use of aqualak to work with floors, partitions and interior walls due to the environmental friendliness of the composition and the absence of harmful impurities and smell. Among the entire range, experts distinguish compositions of companies Dulux, Teknos and Sadolin.

by the most optimal way for OSB, coloring with solvent-borne compounds is considered. These paints penetrate deep into the boards, where they react with synthetic resins. As a result, they form a dense reliable connection, whose service life is measured in tens of years. This method is great for finishing facades, OSB fences and fences. The highest quality compositions are considered to be products of firms International Paint and Sigma Coatings.

If you plan to preserve the texture of the boards, we recommend using a clear varnish. To work on the internal surfaces of a residential building, you can use environmentally friendly scuba gear, and use one-soluble paints for the facade. This finishing method is original and will surely surprise both home and guests.

To fulfill finishing v industrial premises, you can use special zinc-containing electrically conductive paints of the company Zinga. A reliable option will also be the thermal insulation fire-retardant coatings of the company International Paint. Each of these compositions will serve the service life declared by the manufacturer.

Surface preparation - follow the instructions

The quality of surface preparation greatly affects paint consumption. The main purpose of pre-treatment of boards is to increase their adhesion in order to ensure tight contact with the paint. Prepare the surface according to the following algorithm:

  1. 1. First, sand the surface of the plates. So you remove the factory impregnation layer, which significantly reduces the adhesion of OSB boards. In addition, you will be able to reduce the relief of the chips.
  2. 2. Next, sand the surface with sandpaper. It is best to do this before installing the tiles on the walls.
  3. 3. Fill the joints of the plates with special sealants or hide with planks.
  4. 4. Immediately before painting, apply a thin layer of primer to the surface. As in the case with, polyurethane or acrylic compounds are suitable for the preparation of OSB.

With this preparation of the surface, you will be able to apply the paint more evenly. In addition, the composition will not flow into the joints between the plates and will dry quickly.

Interior and exterior painting - in detail about the main

We paint the internal surfaces of the premises, finished with OSB boards, with a spray gun. Often also used for this. V hard-to-reach places Oh, paint can be applied with a brush. During the application of the first layer, be sure to monitor the uniform distribution of paint over the surface. Working with varnish water based, pay attention to whether the plates are deformed from moisture. Make strokes strictly in one direction.

Before applying the second and third coat, we recommend taking breaks so that the previous coat is completely dry. To do this, you will need to wait from 6 to 8 hours - it all depends on the type of paint. Drying of painted boards should be carried out naturally at a stable temperature. In no case do not allow drafts in the room.

Things are a little different with the painting of facades. Outside the house, the plates are more exposed to negative factors, therefore, to paintwork there are more requirements. The “weakest link” of the OSB boards is considered to be their ends, which is why maximum attention should be paid to these parts when working. Everything sharp edges We recommend rounding the plates with a radius of approximately 4 mm. Immediately after that, the surface is cleaned of dust and treated with a primer.

When choosing a paint for finishing, pay attention to the aesthetic properties of transparent varnishes. Most of them do not tolerate exposure to direct sun rays! We do not recommend using water-based paints, as they can deform the plates. Organic, alkyd and oil compositions are considered the most optimal for facades. The algorithm of work is the same as for painting indoors. At the same time, remember that at least 3 layers of the composition are applied to the facade of the building.

Wallpaper and plaster over OSB boards - a good analogue of painting

Often, instead of painting the slabs, residents choose to stick wallpaper or apply plaster as a finish. For the first option, you will need to carefully prepare the surface of the plates. If you do not do this and apply glue directly to the OSB, then it will quickly be absorbed by the plates and cause them to swell. This can be avoided only by performing certain preparatory measures.

So, first you need to apply a primer to the plates. This is how you create a protective polymer coating, which will increase adhesion and make the surface perfectly flat. Once the primer is dry, apply a dispersion putty over it. It will dry for at least 10 hours. After that, stick a reinforcing elastic material, which should finally level the surface and prevent cracks from appearing on it. Having done all the above procedures, you can start pasting the wallpaper. If you haven't missed any of them preparatory stages, the finish will have an excellent appearance and will last a long period of time.

The second finishing method is to apply plaster. It is especially relevant for the construction of buildings. frame type. In such houses, the frame is upholstered with OSB boards, which require protection from exposure. environment. Works great with this ordinary plaster. However, we must not forget that the wood from which the plates are made is distinguished by its ability to absorb moisture. Because of this, before plastering, the material will need to be prepared.

To begin with, close all existing seams with a sealant of increased frost resistance. The surfaces of the slab will need to be pasted over with bituminous cardboard, paper roofing felt or kraft paper for cladding. Immediately after this, fix the galvanized mesh to help protect the surface from cracking. Next, it remains to apply glue, which will completely close the grid. At the end, you must apply the plaster. For this, any polymer-acrylic composition that allows steam to pass through is suitable. Such compositions must be applied in at least 3 layers.

Once again, using OSB boards to finish my house, I thought about how to paint this material if it is used indoors? After all, there are often moments when painting the surface is the best design option. Despite all the nuances that need to be considered when painting OSB boards, this design method can be called less costly and difficult than other finishing options. Today I will tell you how the staining process takes place and what mixtures must be selected for OSB boards.

We paint OSB indoors

A little introduction

Even before starting to work with these boards, I learned from my friend that OSB is a composite element that is created by gluing wood chips together. For these purposes, polymers and various resins are used.

How to paint OSB indoors

There is also a classification of this material, which should not be forgotten when purchasing OSB boards:

  • OSB 1 - suitable for interior design rooms with low humidity
  • OSB 2 - for rooms with normal humidity
  • OSB 3 - for high humidity and floors that can get wet
  • OSB 4 - are the most moisture resistant, they are used for load-bearing structures

For my room, I used OSB 3 - together with OSB 2, they are best suited for indoor decoration. Deciding to play it safe once again, I chose this particular class, but if you are sure about the humidity of the room, then you can use the second class, usually it is a little cheaper in cost.

What is the advantage of staining

OSB painting

In addition to the ease of painting, there are several other advantages that paint has if it is used for oriented strand board:

  1. Paint serves not only decorative trim for the draft element, but also protects it from moisture. Since water cannot get into the base of the plates, the deformation of the plates becomes impossible.
  2. With the help of paint, the OSB texture is effectively hidden. Because construction material does not look attractive enough, it requires subsequent decorative finishing

Important! The use of the material is better suited for interior decoration, because due to the tendency to deform under the influence of moisture, it must be carefully protected from negative influences.

When I imagined the composition of OSB boards for myself, I realized that pigments would be the best for them. Dissolving in organic matter, such a layer is ready to serve as a strong coating for the plate, and when long term service, there is generally no need to update the finish more often than once every 8-10 years. Although these materials are often used in facade works, pay attention to the products of "InternationalPaint", "SigmaCoatings", "Sterling".

The most popular for painting plates are oil compositions. They adhere well to wood, and are also quite viscous. It is this property that prevents paints from soaking into the material too much. Forming good coverage, this option can serve as a decoration in your room for an average of 3-5 years. Despite the fact that some consider oil paints to be an outdated material in wall painting, they are quite high quality and diverse. Use to paint OSB quality materials, for example, "Syntilor" or "Coloray" and then you will definitely be pleased with the result of your actions.

If we talk about alkyd enamels, then they can be used for painting. However, having the ability to absorb much more than its predecessors, you will have large ones during the acquisition of paint. After all, the consumption of material will increase due to the absorption of moisture by the surface. Alkyd enamels do not need to be coated finishing layer varnish is a significant plus that can smooth out the cost of the paint used.

I generally do not recommend using water-based paint for painting OSB boards. Due to the fact that it absorbs a lot of water, which is contained in the coloring composition, it can swell and deform. Such a process will lead to a complete sweep of damaged OSB boards. Although the class of material that I chose to decorate my room and allows you to use water-based paints I still gave up on them.

Preparing the rough finish and painting it

We independently paint the AXIS in the house

As usual, we need to prepare the surface for painting and in this case we grind the plates with sandpaper or grinder. If there are flaws and irregularities, as well as self-tapping screws with which the OSB was attached, we putty everything known material. When the putty is completely dry, then we clean it - before painting, the surface should be as even as possible. Can be used as an oil-based adhesive.

OSB boards are primed with a water-based varnish. Having spread it 1d10, we cover the material with it and wait for it to dry. You can also buy an adhesive primer, which serves as an insulating layer between the paint and the painted surface. The coloring of OSB itself will not be any problem. For me, it turned out to be nothing at all, because I had repeatedly painted various objects. But if you are wondering how the painting took place for me then:

  1. First of all, with the help of a brush, I painted the entire area of ​​​​the plate, I did not spare paint on the edges
  2. Then he spread the paint over the villi with a roller.
  3. In one direction and using a roller, I painted the material, first applying the first and not very thick layer
  4. I left the walls to dry and then applied a second coat - do not forget that between these processes there should not be less than 8 hours of run-up
  5. Scrap paint is applied in an arbitrary amount - do as much as necessary to achieve the desired result

We paint OSB with our own hands

If you are thinking about how to paint OSB outside your house, then definitely choose the materials that are used for exterior painting of wood. In this process, it is important to prime the OSB with high quality and paint with high-quality paint.

Adhering to all the nuances and technologies, using only high-quality mixtures, the entire design process will be very simple and fast for you to perform, so do not be afraid to take on new job, which until then you did not dare to perform with your own hands.

Painting OSB indoors in some cases is almost the only possible finishing technique. Of course, this technology also has its own nuances, but it can be considered the least time-consuming and costly.

Below we will tell you what materials we need to decorate OSB-board sheathing, as well as how to properly paint such surfaces.

general information

Material Information

Oriented strand board (OSB) is a composite material made from wood chips glued with various resins, adhesives, polymers, etc. As a rule, OSB is made from aspen waste, but there are also panels from other materials.

Depending on the features chemical composition(impregnation, fillers, protective coatings etc.) these products are classified into:

  • OSB-1 - are used for with minimal humidity. Practically do not contain moisture protective components.
  • OSB-2 - used in rooms with normal humidity.
  • OSB-3 - and ceilings where there is a risk of getting wet or there is an increased background humidity.
  • OSB - 4 - the most durable and moisture resistant variety. Such plates should be purchased for the construction of load-bearing structures.

As a rule, in finishing works panels of the second and third categories are involved. It is on them that we will focus in our recommendations for coloring.

Benefits of Coloring

Finishing oriented strand materials using paints and varnishes has a number of advantages:

  • Firstly, a layer of paint on the surface plays the role of additional protection against moisture.. Water does not penetrate into the thickness of the plate, which means that the surface is not deformed.
  • Secondly, the application modern paints allows you to mask the OSB texture formed from fairly large chips.
  • Thirdly, this technique is less time-consuming and costly. than cladding with decorative panels.

OSB coloring is more often used in interior design.
The thing is that outside the slab experiences a significant climatic impact, and therefore the base requires more serious protection.

As a rule, after painting, the processed plate is covered with a layer of varnish. This will protect the pigments from fading, and the base itself from damage.

Technology Description

Material selection

The main issue that interests most craftsmen is the choice of a suitable paint.

And here it should be noted that, in principle, you can paint with any composition, just the use of a particular material has its own characteristics:

  • Since resins and polymers are used to make OSB boards, the best choice for finishing there will be solvent-soluble pigments. In this case, maximum adhesion of the paint and the base is ensured due to the penetration of the solvent into the panel.

  • Oil paints are considered the traditional option for decoration. Their high viscosity and slight absorption into the base provides high-quality coverage and the formation of a reliable protective layer.

Oil paint takes a long time to dry, so only use it when you're not in a hurry.

  • Another option is to use alkyd enamels or special paints for wooden panels(also based on alkyd). Unlike oil, these compounds penetrate quite deeply into the thickness of the material, which guarantees the durability of the coating. In addition, when processing with an alkyd mixture, you can refuse varnishing, which means that the price of finishing will decrease.
  • Water-dispersed compositions (primarily acrylic) can also be used for application to OSB. Naturally, in this case, swelling of the slab under the influence of moisture is possible, therefore it is necessary to take this moment into account at the planning stage.

  • If you do not need to hide the texture, then this material is treated with impregnations like Valtti Color Satin from Tikkurila. Means of this type form a tinted protective film with a matte or semi-gloss texture on the surface of the plate.
  • As a decoration, you can try applying a high-metal compound, such as Zinga conductive paint, to the stove. However, for similar materials it is necessary to carefully prepare the base, so it is better to use more suitable brands.
  • But fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil, Ognelat, etc. not suitable for this material. If you want to protect an oriented strand board from fire, then it is better to choose antipyretics designed specifically for wood (Vuprotek, SPAS and analogues).

Preparing the board for painting

The quality of painting largely depends on how correctly we prepare our skin for finishing. The more carefully the preliminary work is done, the higher the adhesion of the material to the base will be, and the more durable the decorative layer will be.

The preprocessing sequence is as follows:

  • If possible, we paint before installing the panels. On the other hand, this has a negative effect on the aesthetics of the structure, so that most often it is necessary to paint the already assembled skin.
  • We carefully grind the surface of the plates using sandpaper. This is done for two purposes: firstly, in this way we can mask the recognizable texture of the plate, and secondly, to remove the protective layer that will prevent the primer and paint from penetrating into the thickness of the wood.

Especially carefully and deeply it is necessary to grind OSB-3 to remove the outer wax-lacquer coating.

  • All the irregularities of the parts, as well as the attachment points of the self-tapping screws, are leveled with putty. The most suitable in this case will be putty mixtures on an adhesive-oil basis.

  • You can also try to fill the seams between the plates with a glue-oil mixture. However, in most cases, the boundaries between the parts still show through under painting, because experienced craftsmen do not waste time on their disguise, but simply hide the seams with decorative strips.
  • After the putty dries, we clean it with sandpaper until a perfectly flat surface is obtained.

Then the OSB-plate needs to be primed:

  • by the most in a simple way primers consider using a water-based wood varnish. We dilute the acrylic or acrylic-polyurethane composition in a ratio of 1:10 and apply it to the plates, achieving uniform impregnation.

  • Alkyd varnish can serve as an alternative, but it must be diluted not with water, but with white spirit or similar means.
  • A good option would be to use adhesive primers (Aqua-Filler and analogues). Such coatings qualitatively isolate the base from the paint layer, and this can be very useful. The thing is, sometimes essential oils and resins from the thickness of the plate appear under a layer of light pigment and spots appear on the finish.

Application of the composition and drying

The painting instructions themselves are familiar to anyone who has ever encountered painting work:

  • First, paint over the perimeter of the primed surface with a brush. We apply a thicker layer of material to the edges - it will be absorbed anyway!
  • Then we collect paint and varnish and evenly distribute it over the villi.

  • With a roller we apply the first, base layer of a small thickness. At the same time, we make sure that the paint is laid in one direction.

When using water-dispersed compositions, we make sure that approximately the same amount of paint gets on the surface. In any case, the OSB-plate will swell, therefore it is important for us that this happens more or less evenly over the entire area.

  • We carefully dry the panels, making sure that there are no sudden changes in temperature and drafts in the room.
  • The second layer is applied no earlier than 8 hours after completion of work. In this case, we make strokes perpendicular to the applied layers.
  • If necessary, repeat the operations until we achieve the desired result.


It is quite simple to paint the OSB-cladding indoors with your own hands: here external factors are minimally affected by external factors and therefore the requirements for the protective layer are not so strict. However, in order to achieve the desired result, it is important correct selection material, and compliance with the methodology of work, therefore, it is necessary to study the tips given here and watch the video in this article.

Oriented strand board is a relatively new material used in the construction, interior and exterior decoration of a house. It is used for the installation of rough and clean floors, wall cladding in rooms, interior partitions and facades. The main advantages of the application are convenience and high speed facing large surfaces, as well as strength and durability. OSB sheets are factory impregnated with protective compounds, which greatly reduces Negative consequences from exposure to moisture, chemically aggressive substances, ultraviolet rays and microorganisms.

Such processing is sufficient for transportation and storage of the material, but at the end of construction and installation work, it is necessary to complete the finishing. The simplest and most affordable type of coating is OSB board painting. The main benefits are:

  • additional protection against water, moisture, precipitation;
  • prevention of deformation, cracking;
  • protection against delamination under the influence of temperature and sunlight;
  • the ability to hide the OSB texture;
  • low cost in comparison with other finishing methods.

Selection of materials

When choosing how to paint an OSB board, it is necessary to take into account factors such as operating conditions (inside or outside the house, climate, shading), its material (larch, pine, type of polymer resin), expected loads and effects on the surface.

1. One versatile option suitable for indoor and outdoor use is painting oil formulations(Coloray, Syntilor and others). They have good adhesion to wood and high viscosity, which does not allow it to be absorbed into OSB. Due to this, the paintwork forms a durable protective layer with a service life of up to two years on the facade and about three years in the house.

2. Alkyd enamel, unlike oil paint, more absorbent. On the one hand, this leads to its increased consumption, but on the other hand, to the formation of a better and more durable coating. Enamel is suitable for painting outside and inside the house, while it does not require the presence of a top coat of varnish, which allows you to achieve some savings in finishing. Popular brands of alkyd mixtures: Tikkurila, Enamel, Farbex.

3. Painting with water-based compounds for sheet OSB is less commonly used due to the fact that the latter can swell and deform during the drying process. However, aqualak is used for the processing of walls, partitions and floors from oriented strand boards in living rooms at home due to its environmental friendliness, the absence of harmful emissions and smell. Famous brands of paints: Teknos, Dulux, Sadolin and others.

4. The best option for OSB is coloring with organically soluble substances. The solvent of such a coating, penetrating inside the plate, reacts with the base of synthetic resins, forming a strong bond. The service life of the LCP is calculated in tens of years. Suitable for painting facades outside the house, fences, OSB fences and other structures exposed to intense environmental influences. The most famous representatives of this type are Sigma Coatings, International Paint, Sterling.

5. If the texture of the oriented strand board is to be preserved, the finish can be done with a clear lacquer. Eco-friendly scuba gear is suitable for painting walls and floors inside the house, and organic-soluble compositions are suitable for outside work. The colorless coating, in addition to enhancing the qualities of the material, is bold and modern solution in interior and exterior design. Sometimes varnish is applied to an already painted surface to increase the service life.

6. If it is necessary to paint OSB boards in industrial premises, special electrically conductive zinc-containing mixtures (Zinga), fire-retardant and thermal insulation coatings (International Paint), materials that enhance the ability to withstand biological and chemical types of aggression can be used. Each of the above types will store their own specifications for the entire period of operation declared by the manufacturer, provided that the instructions for implementation are followed painting works and proper preparation OSB.

Preparation instruction

The consumption and quality of the paintwork largely depend on how responsibly the contractor approaches the work. The main purpose of OSB pre-treatment is to increase the adhesive properties of the surface to ensure its closest contact with coloring compositions. The preparation features are as follows:

1. before painting the OSB board, it must be carefully sanded over the entire area. This will remove upper layer factory protective impregnation, which reduces the degree of OSB adhesion (first of all, this applies to moisture-resistant OSB-3 coated with wax). In addition, the initial grout will reduce the relief and texture of the chips;

2. processing is carried out with sandpaper manually or using a grinder, depending on the size of the surface to be painted;

3. in order to achieve maximum efficiency, it is better to grind the plates before their installation;

4. after fixing the OSB sheets, all irregularities, chips and attachment points should be leveled with wood putty. The best option for this are adhesive oil formulations;

5. the gaps provided by the plate joining technology are filled with sealant or closed with special strips;

6. after the end of the drying process, the entire plane is re-cleaned with fine sandpaper or sandpaper;

7. As a primer, alkyd varnishes, special adhesive acrylic and polyurethane compounds are used. Painting is carried out in 1-2 layers, depending on the absorption of OSB;

8. after complete drying, the material is ready for application finish coat.

Painting works

Inside the house, prepared OSB can be painted with a roller or spray (for large areas) and brushes (for finishing hard-to-reach places, ends and edges). When applying the first (base) layer, it is necessary to monitor the uniform distribution of the composition over the surface. When using a water-based varnish, care must also be taken to ensure that the plates do not deform. Strokes are performed in one direction.

Before applying each subsequent layer, you need to take a technological break, sufficient for the previous one to dry (from two to eight hours, depending on the type of paintwork). The drying process should take place at a constant temperature and without drafts. Scuba shoes designed for indoor use do not have a strong odor and allow painting indoors.

Features of exterior painting

Due to the fact that the material used to finish the house outside is more susceptible to adverse factors, more stringent requirements are imposed on the preparation and application of paint. The most vulnerable part of the OSB is the ends, so the maximum amount of attention must be paid to their processing, as well as closing the gaps between the sheets on the facade of the house. All sharp edges of the edges of the plates are rounded with a radius of 3-5 mm, and then sanded and primed.

When choosing the type of top coat, it should be taken into account that transparent varnishes, despite their good aesthetic performance, are more prone to decay under the influence of sunlight. Water-soluble formulations are also undesirable for use for exterior finish OSB due to the possible deformation of the latter.

Alkyd, solvent-soluble and oily options are considered optimal for coloring. You can paint the slab outside the room using the same technology as when working inside, but the number of layers is taken at least 2-3, depending on the specific conditions.