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Frame houses. Designs of frame houses Country houses

Frame house - a great solution for a country house. This design is erected in a short period of time and does not require special construction skills. Today we will talk about how to build a frame house on the plot, we will tell about the main stages of construction and the mistakes that are easy to avoid. The design really exists, it was done with your own hands.

Project frame house

Prepare a draft frame house - the initial and most important stage of construction. Allows you to erect on the site of the building of different floors and purpose. We decided to build a light frame house 6 to 4 in the site, consisting of one single room, with four windows and a holm roof. The insulation of the house was not envisaged, since it is planned to use it exclusively in the summer.

You can find on the network, and you can draw the project yourself. Special programs are mainly used to develop a project, but if the house does not have complex architectural solutions, it is possible to draw it from hand on a regular sheet of paper.

Draft frame house on leaves.

In the figure, there must be marked all functional parts of the house, such as door and window openings, the circuit of the roof structure, wall thickness, floor, can be designated which materials will be used in operation and calculate the approximate cost of construction to build a skeleton house inexpensively.

It is a project drawing that allows you to determine which economic costs will be needed on the construction.

Foundation of a skeleton house

After it was decided to build a frame house for giving and a rough plan for it was drawn up, you can start the choice of a suitable area for construction. The surface is desirable should be smooth, then there will be no problems with the installation of the foundation and installation of the floor.

Lags were processed by protective impregnation.

We decided to do without the foundation and started building the floor right on the ground, which was aligned with gravel. This is the first and main mistake when we started building an inexpensive frame house.

Installation of lag floor on rubble.

Floor frame We built from nine boards 150x50mm six-meter length, which allowed us transverse lags of the floor to put without jams for the entire length of the house. In addition, two more boards four meters were used, which put on the end of the lag. The distance between the floor lags made 500 mm, which is quite enough for the thickness of the board and the thickness of the plywood for the floor.

Before capitally narrowing the lags of the floor between themselves, it is necessary to make sure that the diagonal of this base is equal to each other. It is also necessary to check the location of the skeleton house with respect to the next fence and. It is important to check the horizontal level of the genital lags, which are on the crushed, and if you need to easily plug it.

Despite the fact that the skeleton house of turnkey is considered rather lightweight design and it is possible to build it right on Earth, the foundation of the frame house performs certain functions:

  1. Equally distributes the loads from the whole structure.
  2. Provides durability of the design, protecting it from freezing, groundwater.
  3. It prevents the pumping and shrinkage when the soil moves.

Ribbon foundation

Before building it is better to choose to build a tape foundation. You will spend more time and effort on construction, but make the whole design durable. The ribbon foundation will be particularly in demand if construction is conducted on sustainable soils.

Ribbon foundation on rubble.

When erecting a ribbon foundation, you can organize additional rooms in the basement. If the basement is not planned, then the basement remains inside the outline. Please note that the width of the ribbon foundation should be greater than the thickness of the walls of your skeleton house.

After completing the construction of the foundation, the lower binding of the floor is set, it is performed using a bar or board set on the end. The board is installed around the perimeter of the foundation, or around the perimeter of the future at home directly to the ground (as in our case). The connection of the joints is performed using nails, additionally strengthened the design with the help of special metal brackets. In order to enhance the carrying capacity of the floor design, transverse lags are installed.

On a note

The floor board must be processed by an antiseptic agent.

When building our homes, we started immediately to the installation of the frame, but after the strapping it is desirable to do the draft floor. If the house is planned to be used not only in the summer, there is a warming material between lags, then a vapor barrier film, the last layer - plywood sheets.

Frame carcass

A frame cottage lodge with his own hands has a light design and lightweight frame. The frame of the frame house is attached to the floor strapping.

Installation of walls of a frame house.

Initially installed angular racks, metal brackets can be used for reliable attachment, but we cost without them. The p-shaped wall frame is peeled down and is necessarily bonded by angular dashes, and only after that rises and fixed to temporary backups.

Silence frame of the summer houses.

To ensure greater reliability of the design, every corner rack we attached additional drives at the top and below, so they protect the skeleton house in the photo from loosening. Two angular frame racks in each corner we robbed with a 100 mm nails.

After installing the main corner racks, it is possible to fasten the remaining one on the four-meter wall and two racks on the six-meter wall. The upper strapping boards along the long wall are bonded between themselves with two beams.

Walm roof

As soon as the main carrying frame of a frame garden house is erected, you can begin the construction of the rafting roof system.

Cover of a holm roof with central rafters.

With the type of roof and its bias, we decided on the stage of the preparation of the project of the future at home. A small frame house will have a hollow roof, with a minimal bias for the type of roof at 20 degrees. In the hollow roof, two skates have a trapezoidal shape, two others - a triangular shape.

A skeleton summer house has a hollow roof, which provides additional protection for the entire structure due to the fact that all the slips are inclined.

At the first stage of the construction of the rafter system, Maurolalat is installed - a special wooden bar or a board, which is installed throughout the perimeter of frame walls. In this case, we were without a mumeral, and the load was distributed over the upper strapping, which has good stiffness due to what stands on the ends of the board.

Silence frame of a holm roof.

At the next stage, the ski run is mounted, the size of which should be calculated correctly, since it is precisely on this component of the roof the main load. The ski run of two meters long and the central rafters were collected on Earth, and only then rose upstairs and mounted.

After fixing the skate run, they are engaged in the installation of diagonal rafters, which, like the horse itself, are made of 50 mm from the board 150. Diagonal rafters are resting in one edge in the lurch, and the other edge into the angle where the upper binding of the house is converged. All attachments are made using conventional metal nails, which does not affect the strength of the structure.

When the power frame of a holm roof is ready to continue to build the roof further. Intermediate rafters and groove rafters are attached, which we made from two incomplete treats.

Slinge system of a holm roof.

After installing the rafter system, it is necessary to mount the walm roof crate. We performed it out of an inch and started to navigate from the cornese swell towards the upside to the skate, with the same distance between the shell boards.

Disease of the rafting roof system.

One-storey skeleton house can be roofing and use the usual metal profile. With such a roofing material it is easy to operate, it is covered with special substances that protect against corrosion and premature destruction. To other advantages of this roofing material, a small weight, affordable cost and a huge color range can be attributed.

Before installing the material, it is necessary to worry about the additional protection of the design. For these purposes, a waterproofing material can be used, which is attached directly to the rafter system with metal brackets. But we did not apply it for the reason that the frame house would not be inspired.

Metal roof.

Installation of metal profiles begins with the roof end. The main thing is to correctly set the first sheet, it is from it that the location of all subsequent ones depends on it. The first sheet of metal profile is attached to the skate run with the help of self-tapping screws, all subsequent interlocks are stacked with previous sheets and are connected by self-pressing among themselves.

Exterior lining house

After the construction of the roof is completed, you can start the carcass. In our case, the framework of the skeleton house outside was covered with sheets of OSP. At the same time, OSP was tried only two distant walls, one of them was directed to the fence, and the other to the side. Before the self-tapping screws were fastened with OSP sheets, we installed additional racks from an inches per 100 mm.

Outdoor walls of OSP sheets.

For a summer frame house, we decided to make four large square windows of 1500 mm, because I wanted more light. The frame under the windows, we also made from an inch board, it turned out to be easy, because the entire load carries a power frame of a garden house made from a board 150 by 50 mm.

Frames under four windows.

Two front sides of the frame dacha house were trimmed by a house of a house for giving the individuality of the design. Due to the fact that the house was built only on weekends, then a block house was treated with a special impregnation on a tree under the red tree.

Territal wall cover by block house.

In the place where the door is mounted in the house, two racks from the board 150 to 50 were installed, for more reliable mounting of the door.

Cleaning and installation door.

If you are planning to live in a house not only in hot weather, then relevant after working with a block house to carry out insulation of mineral wool and waterproofing of the inner walls. The waterproofing film is fastened all over the perimeter of the indoor room, it simply closes the opening. After attaching the film neatly cut and fixed inside the window and doorway using a construction stapler.

Frame house without inserted windows.

After that, you can start separating the frame lodge with your own hands.

Inner lining house

The inner cover of the house is performed with the help of lining. Since the frame garden house was initially planned to be used only in the summer season, the insulation of the walls was not performed, the frame was simply trimmed with sheets of PCP and a block cham.

Finishing inner walls with clapboard.

To improve the performance characteristics of the structure, insulation is performed. In the last stage, we already wrote about how to properly lay the waterproofing film after installing the insulation. Most often in such structures, either mineral wool is used or ordinary foam.

You can build on the summer site, they are performed from special panels, in the design of which insulation and waterproofing are already provided. On top of the insulation molding lining.

Windows and doors

When fixing windows, the openings are be left, which will be filled with mounting foam. If there is no protective transport film in the profile, it is better to glue it to the mounting scotch, this procedure will protect the design from the expansion of the mounting foam.

Installation of single windows.

In our inexpensive frame house used windows that are opening like on the balcony to the sides. If you have difficulty in installing, it is better to attract specialists to work. It is from the proper installation of window and door profiles will depend on the protection of the room from cold and moisture.

On a note

The mounting foam neatly suits only after complete pouring, and all protective films are removed at the same stage.

Laminate on the floor

You can start the installation of the first floor only after the completion of the installations with the installation of windows and doors, otherwise the air-penetrating air from the street can provoke a flurry of the floor covering.

Laminate coating in the house.

In our skeleton garden house, we decided to use high-quality laminate. Laying is carried out on the draft floor of plywood, on top of which a special sealing material is stacked.

Foam roof insulation

After completion of the flooring, we thought about the matters of the roof insulation and additionally increase the sound insulation during the rain. This is another serious mistake - it is advisable to finish all the finishing works, including with the roof, and only then begin to install the floor covering, otherwise the risk is great just to spoil the floor.

Hearth roof foam.

We decided to warm up with the help of foamflast with my own hands. The polyfoam panels are attached to the rafter system from the inner part of the house tightly to each other if the slots remain, the cold air will easily penetrate the room. There is no need to fix the waterproofing film between the roof cage and foam.

Opt roof covering panels.

From above, the foam is trimmed with an osp panels, after which it can be started to finish the roof or leave everything in this form.

Almost finished finish.

Today we told about how to build a skeleton gardening house with your own hands, based on personal experience. In the construction process, some errors were allowed, but they practically did not affect the overall functionality of the design.

The frame house was built for several years, because mostly time was on weekends and only on their own. With this construction, you can count on your own hands that prices for frame houses will be low. On our example, you saw that to build a skeleton house for each person, even without deep construction skills.

Many dream house build a house. Someone dreams of a brick-squat structure, someone about a large block building. But the cost of building such buildings is great, spends a lot of time on the construction, and the content of your own home is the owner in a penny. But the country's carcass-shield houses is not the case.

Frameworks are ideal for erection in a country land plot, away from bustle and problems. This confirms a number of facts:

  • houses built on frame-shield technology are very lungs - they have a little pressure on the foundation, allowing it to do it not so durable, as for block and brick buildings;
  • the price of materials, in particular a wooden bar and metal components, lower than the required brick volume, stone or logs;
  • the construction of frame country houses is held in a short time - in a couple of months;
  • the construction price will not include the insulation, or only a small amount will include, because summer houses take guests in warm months and they do not need to hold heat;
  • due to the possibility of easy to equip the attic or the erker, you can increase the useful area without the costs of the land.

A variety of projects of country frame houses

Our company has already built many country houses in Moscow, Moscow region, Moscow region and Pestovo. We worked with the most different projects and we can say that they all help build beautiful lightweight buildings with a minimum of cash and time costs.

In the photos in the catalog, you can see what are typical frame-boiled houses for giving, evaluate their variety and appearance. In the construction of the same type of country houses is spent at least time, because experts have repeatedly eased each of them and improved the quality of work to a high plank.

Often customers ask us to make changes to typical projects to give the dacha of originality, increase the living area or operational characteristics. We always go to meet them.

No less often clients come with unique unique projects - the variety of forms, configurations and appearance amazes. We also do and for such projects - you need to build unique objects longer and perhaps more expensive, but the result is worth it. We ourselves are always happy with non-standard projects, because it is an opportunity to show professionalism and team skills in all its glory.

Dual frame houses can be the most different - on the photo in the catalog you can learn about it completely exactly. And we work with any.

Company "SK-Posad" at your service

Wishing to order the construction of a country house of framework technology, contact us. Options that we can offer are very often suitable for customers in pristine form - without changes and applying. All because a large variety of typical projects with which we have been working for several years.

In addition, our company has other advantages:

  • its own sawmill, thanks to which, if desired, it will not be necessary to order materials from other companies;
  • we will build cheap carcass country houses turnkey - the client does not need to contact various professionals for finishing, the establishment of the foundation or facade - we will do everything;
  • construction will cost inexpensively - we do not overestimate prices for our work, and the cost of the project is clearly stipulated before the start of work;
  • we love our business.

Country house is a place of rest and calm. Frame buildings guarantee this, and we promise that construction will pass easily and quickly.

And we know how quickly and high quality build a warm and durable house for you.

We cooperate with several woodworking factories, where the frameworks, rafter structures, chip plates are manufactured according to our calculations. Computer design of all components occurs in our office using a proven MITEK program. The program issues not only drawings of structures, but also makes the calculations of the loads, which eliminates the marriage during construction.

It is important that the cottage was the place where you can relax with the whole family, enjoy the cooler, meet the holidays and breathe full of pure air to the city away from the city. At the same time, in the country house should be all the components of a comfortable modern life. Nowadays, traditional construction of bricks and blocks is no longer relevant, carcass country houses came to replace this technology. So, let's consider the features of the structure of this kind:

  • The construction of a cottage house according to such technology implies the use of environmentally friendly materials, the service life of which, with proper care, is calculated by decades;
  • To build a country house, no impressive strength and time costs are required, so it is quite realistic to rebuild to the state "come in and live" in a few weeks;
  • Despite universal beliefs, such a house is fireproof, due to the use of seals and appropriate impregnations;
  • Frame panels have a small total weight, so their construction does not push special requirements for the foundation, which allows to significantly save at their cost;
  • The walls of such houses are excellent thermal insulators and do not require additional insulation;
  • In the country skeleton house, all communications are hidden in the walls.

On this, the positive features of the country's frame houses are not completed and this list can be continued for a long time. However, it should not be thought that it will be easy to build this kind of building that will be simple, for this it is necessary not only to show an integrated approach, but also have the necessary knowledge and tools. Therefore, this lesson is better to entrust professionals to get the best result.

Why choose exactly frame construction?

The first and main argument can be considered the cost of choosing just such an option. So, to build a country house, it will be necessary to spend more than two times less financial resources, compared with the construction of facilities of similar thermal insulation characteristics from the brick basis. Moreover, in the country skewroom houses, the costs of cage of premises are reduced, so you not only save directly on building materials and forces, but also get savings in the future.

In addition, ultimately, when the construction of a frame dacha house will be completed, its result will be a house with perfect surfaces free from curvature. They can be separated by any suitable materials suitable in a particular case so that they look even more attractive. With the help of framework technology, you can create almost any architectural solutions, up to the realization of non-standard forms and own sketches of the customer. Therefore, there will be so many space in frame houses as a customer is necessary.

Each of us had to observe the destruction, which occurs on the construction site, there always remains not only the construction garbage, but also the rods, the mountains of the Earth and other inesthetical objects. In the case of regular construction, this horror fails to avoid anything, but it is likely that you have chosen a place for construction precisely for its landscape and nature. And then the process of recovery is still to be, and this is the cost too. What in the event that country frame houses are created? That all this will not be - there will not be neither the mountains of garbage, neither the rivin, nor a bunch of land. And all because all the details on the construction site are raised ready, this feature, among other things, significantly increases the speed of construction. It is in connection with all the above, the shield houses are increasingly given preference, compared with traditional materials.

Possible disadvantages of such structures

There are several aspects, in connection with which some people fear to invest in the construction of frame country houses. Here is some of them:

  • Durability of shield houses. This question worries many, and it should be noted that if the house was built by experts, it will have a just for many decades and will not send destruction and deformation. Therefore, panel houses require an integrated approach and organization;
  • Wood rotting. Some of us think that once the base in the country house is represented by a tree, he quickly rotates. This is not the case, now there is a mass of impregnations and insulating substances that do not allow moisture in the rock, so its rotting is excluded in the case of a solid approach;
  • It is the opinion that the frames of country houses are quickly ignited. This statement does not correspond to reality, because during construction it uses in advance prepared wood, which, due to all sorts of additives, is not lit.

Country houses will be the place where you will be happy to spend time, and our company will help you create a panel house of your dreams.

Wood-Brus offers the construction of turnkey frame houses in Moscow. We use high quality materials proven manufacturers. Mounting and finishing works are conducted in accordance with the project on approved schedule.

This technology is the best option for building a country cottage or cottage. The advantages of "skewers" are accessibility, the ability to use under construction areas with any landscape, type of soil. Such houses are obtained very warm, they do not give shrinkage therefore the trim of the facade, the inner walls can be done immediately after the main construction work.

Construction of frame houses

The main element of the design is a frame that is trimmed with a timber or panels. In parallel with the walls of the walls, their insulation of basalt wool slabs is carried out. A large selection of insulation modifications allows you to choose materials with additional noise insulation, windproof, increased fire resistance. Mats with an elastic structure are used to warm the surfaces of a complex curvilinear form - balconies, erkers, a veranda with non-standard layout. The plates of the insulation with a rigid structure can serve as the basis for applying plaster, facade cladding with clinker tiles.

The main stages of construction work:

  • Installation of the base. When choosing a type of base, the project load on the foundation is calculated, the type of soil, the depth of its freezing is taken into account.
  • Installation of the first crown. The foundation is coated with several layers of rolled or coating waterproofing. On the perimeter of external walls on the foundation mount the timber.
  • Installation of rough floor. On the strapping at a distance of 0.5 m from each other, the floor beams are mounted. Between them, the insulation is paved, the tongue board is placed on top.
  • Installing a frame. Vertical racks are installed on the strapping, they are strengthened by bonds, diagonal connections. Mount the enclosing racks for window and doorways.
  • Wall sheath. Between the racks insert plates of minvati, sewing plywood or osp panels. At the top edge, the bar is allowed, which performs the functions of the upper strapping.
  • Installation of the roof. Mounted a rapid system for the roof with two slopes, holm or tent type. On the rafter, the counterclaim is mounted, stacked vaporizolation, fasten the roofing material.
  • Installing windows and doors. You can put windows from metal plastic, PVC or wood. The entrance door is reinforced steel.
  • Finish. The selection of the type of decoration depends on the designer solution, the budget.

You can use ready-made projects of frame houses or order individual. This option is of course more expensive, but takes into account all the requirements of the customer.

Examples of our work

Pluses of frame construction:

  • High speed. Building such a cottage can be in 3-4 weeks.
  • Strength. "Sander" are the main guise of housing in seismically active areas.
  • Good thermal insulation. Features of technology provide minimal heat loss.
  • Aesthetics. You can "hide" communications in the walls, inside overlaps, under the floor surface.
  • Availability. If we compare with the construction of a brick or foam block cottage, then the savings will be 35-40%.


  • Low bioscope. This disadvantage is eliminated by the processing of wood with antiseptics.
  • Fire hazard. The protection of natural materials from the fire is the anti-epires.
  • Susceptibility to moisture. Walls covered with moisture resistant compositions acquire hydrophobic properties.

Our company is engaged in construction

Owners of country sites dream of their own cottages. Country houses allows you to get a big living area and implement unusual design solutions.

Cottage projects for giving can be the most different. The appearance of buildings, their interior decoration and the number of rooms depend on a number of factors.

Main types of country cottage planners

House layouts depend not only on the wishes of the customer, but also from the region in which construction is planned. As practice shows, in the Moscow region prefer single residential spaces, in the style of studios. In the province give preference to classic rooms.

Despite this, all layouts have common features. In the overwhelming majority cottages, the lower floor is given under the common use room. There is a living room, kitchen, pantry, boiler room, bathroom and large bedroom.

Second floor - personal rooms and bedrooms. If a lot of people stay in the house, then on the top floor make an extra bathroom.

A huge advantage of frame buildings is that at any time you can make redevelopment. It will not cause special problems, as there are no capital walls in the house except the carcass.

For this reason, in construction companies, it is easy to go to meetings to customers and redirect layouts on their demand.

Causes of the popularity of country houses

Important factors of home promotion can be reckoned:

  • Accelerated pace of construction.
  • Affordable price of cottages.
  • Full no shrinkage.
  • The possibility of fast redevelopment.
  • Excellent thermal insulation properties.
  • Resistance to seismic shocks.

The combination of these factors made frame structures popular around the world. In the United States and Canada, more than 80% of all cottages of small-seeding floors are built on frame technology and the trend towards changing the situation in the construction market.

In Russia, the popularity of carcass cottages turnkey is only gaining popularity, but there is a tendency to explosive growth in construction. Already by 2030, more than half of the buildings will be built by frame technology.