Repairs Design Furniture

Homemade Lobzic Machine - Design and Manufacturing at home. Device, choice and manufacture of a logging machine sawing machine from the jigsaw with their own hands

In the life of a home master, periodically the need for the work of figured and just decorative propilov, including inside the workpiece. Gasoline, circular and ordinary manual saws with this task can not cope, due to their constructive features. To solve this problem, a manual jig is used, specifically designed to perform such operations. This tool undoubtedly copes with its task, but when working with large volumes or dimensional materials, it definitely loses its more professional fellow - a frosic machine.

Purchase a new, brilliant and functional desktop logsik is not absolutely difficult. Store counters filled with products of various manufacturers aimed at professional and amateur work. At first glance, the stationary jigsaws presented on sale seem very difficult in terms of design, whose assembly produces only elected technician experts. In fact, it is quite simple devices that can be made independently, having a desire and step-by-step instructions. And if the first paragraph depends only on you, we will definitely help and provide a detailed manual for self-assembly of the self-made logging machine.

Scope of application

Special design and thin saw blade, make a desktop logging machine with a unique device, indispensable when performing certain types of tasks. The largest popularity, this apparatus heed in the woodworking industry. It is often used in subtle works on the manufacture of jewelry, souvenir products, musical instruments and furniture.

One of the main features for which the junk machine is so appreciated, is the possibility of conducting internal sawing blanks without damaging its contour. Not the last role in the usefulness of this device plays the convenience of use when both hands of the operator are free and can best control the position of the product on the working surface. Everything else is worth adding the accuracy of the resulting line cut, as well as the ability to work with plastic and metal. All of the above advantages, make a table jigsaw the best tool for drinking decorative elements.

Principle of operation of the Lobzic Machine

To form the most clear view of the desktop jigsaw device, it is necessary to understand what it consists of. Further, we list all the elements of the design of the elementary apparatus of this type, without additional functionality (removal of sawdust, revolt controller, the tilt of the working surface and other ribs). So, the stationary electric lobby consists of the following components:
  1. Sustainable base
  2. Electromotor
  3. Crank
  4. Desktop
  5. Top and bottom lever
  6. Clamping device
Of course, without explaining the relationship of the above components, they will remain only a set of words. To transmit a more specific idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of the design, briefly tell about its device.

The whole process originates at the motor, which transmits rotation to the crank-connecting mechanism, which converts a circular movement into a reciprocating. On the connecting rod, which is part of the mechanism, movement goes to the bottom lever, forcing it to move up and down. The entire design described above is located under the desktop. The top lever is located above the table surface and connects with the lower spring, serving the tensioner of the saw blade. In the ends of both levers opposite from the spring, there is a clamp where the fender performing the billet is installed.

For greater clarity of the entire process described above, we present the following drawing of the flicker machine with the function of the tension controller of the saw blade. Although this feature is one of the main, we did not give it in the description of the design of the elementary device, as it is possible to work without it.

Lobzic Machine from Electrolovka

Not everyone has a need for regular decorative curly cuts. Often, to solve such tasks, domestic craftsmen have enough ordinary manual electric jigsaw. Not everyone wants to acquire a bulky and pretty expensive device for one-time use and further collecting dust. Nevertheless, in everyday life, sometimes a worker appears, requiring the most accurate and neat cut. In such a case, you can collect a fairly simple machine from the electric bissing with your own hands using the minimum set of materials and a little fantasy.

Today, the network presents a variety of diverse versions of the desktop jigsaw, varying degrees of complexity and efficiency. Revising dozens of products, we stopped on the most interesting and at the same time a simple assembly that meets the main requirements for the quality of cutting. To assemble a similar logging machine from the manual electrolyzka with your own hands, even a newcomer, having the necessary tool at its disposal. For the assembly it will be necessary:

  1. List chipboard (3 pcs): 600x400x20 (length, width, height)
  2. Spring
  3. Profile pipe (1.5 m): 30x30x2 (length, width, thickness)
  4. Electropolitanzik
  5. Flat washers (4 pcs)
  6. Bolts for washers and connections
  7. Self-tapping screws
The values \u200b\u200babove are indicated with the reserve. When assembling the machine, follow your preferences and logic.

Required tools:

  • Welding machine
  • Metal Disk Bulgarian
  • Screwdriver
By collecting all the necessary arsenal, you can safely start action.

1. The first thing should be collected the basis of the future machine. For this, we take 3 harvested chipboard sheets or other, sufficiently thick wood material and make a design similar to the letter "P". Fix at the edges of self-buildings. For greater reliability and stability, you can make the back wall.

2. In the center of the surface of the assembled countertops, we schedule future holes for the saw and several fasteners for the jigsaw. To do this, remove the sole with an electric batch, we apply it to the opposite (not flat) side to the future place of fastening and make several points through the sole grooves. At this stage, accuracy must be observed, since the jigsik installed below should have the most accurate, perpendicular location of the side of the table, in order to avoid the skew of the pink during further operation. The marked points, we turn over the drill by 3-4 mm, and the central (for the peel) is 10 mm. As in the photo below.

3. After fixing the jigsaw under the tabletop, go to the assembly of the top lever from the square pipe, which serves as the tensioner of the saw blade. As a fixed base, we cut a part of the pipe, a length of 300 mm and from one of the ends we weld the elements of fixation (corners or ears). The movable part must be somewhat longer (about 45 cm). The connection of the two elements is carried out using a bolt with a nut and a p-shaped metal element, welded to the end of the rack, as in the photo below.

By the end of the moving lever, which will be directly on the saw, the washer is welded, which will serve as an upper fastening element.

4. Before installing the assembled tensioner design to the surface of the table, be sure to make sure that the end of the boom is located right above the hole drilled under the punch. If the upper fastening is hard to go aside, the pedel will often rush, complicating the sawing process. When the perfect arrangement of the tensioner is turned out, fastened construction to the tabletop bolts.

5. Since the electrolovka is not adapted to working with thin saws, we make a simple fastener for it. To do this, we take the old saw blade, step by the browning of the teeth, cut down the length of up to 3-4 cm and we weld the normal nut to the end, in which the machine serving will be clamped using a second nut and bolt.

In the manufacture of a similar adapter, pay special attention to its length. If it is too big, the nut will fight on the bottom of the table top, which can lead to the tool breakage.

6. When the pink is clamped in both mounts, it remains only to produce its tension and start working. Implementing this feature is simple. Fresh the spring to the back of the movable lever with the help of a bolt and nut, and the opposite part is fixed to the tabletop to the desired length. Determine the tension is very easy. To do this, it is enough to spend a finger on the beer like a guitar string. High sound will mean that the device is suitable for operation.

At the daluity of the stage, the assembly of the elementary device is considered completed. To make more intelligibly to understand how to make the machine from the jiggy, we recommend to see the next video.

Homemade Lobzic Drill Machine

The screwdriver and drill are among the most common power tools in any farm. These devices are sufficiently powerful, have a wide scope of use and sometimes used even as drives of various mechanisms. It is as an engine that uses the drill by the author of the following manual for assembling the desktop jigsaw with his own hands.

The process of making a classic machine presented further does not require welding and cutting metal with a grinder, but at the same time perfectly demonstrates the principle of operation of such a device. The device is based on an elementary crank-connecting mechanism, which can be made in a couple of minutes, having a piece of plywood and a short steel bar, with a diameter of 6 mm. Unfortunately, the author did not provide a detailed drawing of the jigsaw machine, but closed many questions, mounted visual video instructions.

The entire assembly process includes quite a lot of small details simple for understanding and do not require additional comments. To this reason, we decided not to explain the elementary things in words, but affect only the main details of the design. By tradition, let's start the instruction with the transfer of the required materials.
  1. Wooden rail (2 pcs): 500x40x20 (length, width, thickness)
  2. Chipboard for foundation: 400x350x20
  3. Chipboard for the working surface: 320x320x20
  4. Laps of chipboard (2 pcs): 350x50x20
  5. Aluminum sheet: 400x400x1
  6. Drill (screwdriver)
  7. PVC tubes (4 pieces): 300 mm long
  8. Self-tapping screws, bolts, washers and nuts
  9. Glue for wood
  10. Steel rod, 6mm diameter (for a crank node)
  11. Spring
The listed materials are used in the instructions, but do not claim absolute accuracy. You can replace with what you have at your disposal. From sizes, if necessary, you can also move away.

Required tools:

  • Screwdriver or drill
  • Passatii
  • Scissors for metal
  • A hammer
Prepare the required materials, it remains only to assemble them into a single working mechanism, following the video management submitted below. When connecting wooden parts with the help of self-tapping and glue, we advise you to wait for a complete drying that to last from 24 hours. Otherwise, the connection will be flip.

At the scene of the presented mechanism for tensioning the peel, you can install a small loaf with a fixing nut. So, the tension process will be more convenient and efficient.

As a filling, the author uses steel wire for survival in the forest. Of course, the perfectly smooth cut by a similar element is not obtained, so at the ends of the upper and lower levers, the fastener should be made. It is possible to clamp a drink between two washers, tightened with a pair of nuts.

For the most durable and convenient fixation of the crank, it is better to use a drilling cartridge with a key. If there is this item, you can quickly remove a drill or a screwdriver when it is needed elsewhere. Also simply it can be tightened back.

We hope that the presented guide was useful and intelligibly transferred the principle of operation and manufacture of the device. More visual instructions on how to make a homemade jigsaw, you can see the video below.

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Homemade Lobzik .. It sounds unreal. However, at all times, professionals were appreciated. A joinery can be both the main earnings and a pleasant hobby. Wonderful products, unique and unique things come out of the hand of the carpenter. In the modern world, with his terrible environment, each person more and more strive to surround themselves with natural, natural materials. Thugs from wood, made with their own hands, can become an exclusive, invaluable gift.

Lobzik is able to cut any sheet material along and across.

But in order to create all this magic, not only a high-quality tree, but also tools will be required. The shops sell a wide variety of wood jigsaws, but the real master will not be satisfied with such a tool. Because it is not suitable for performing truly thin, jewelry work. It remains one way out - to make a jigsaw. If you have hands and a bright head on your shoulders, then such a task is for you.

There are several options for the manufacture of such a tool: to upgrade the purchase model or make from the remedies. The wood jigsaws are two species: manual and electric. Hand tool is a classic.

Making a sewing machine

Necessary materials:

  • sewing machine of the old sample;
  • pillet.


  1. By reloading the bolts, carefully removes the needle.
  2. The driving shaft is removed.
  3. A protective panel is unscrewed.
  4. The needle hole expands to the size of the cooked peel.
  5. The length of the peel is cut to the needle size.
  6. The top and bottom of the peel are stepping.
  7. The carriage is inserted into the needle place.

Desktop Materials:

  • duralumin pipe;
  • copper sheet;
  • plastic;
  • drill;
  • clamps


  1. From duralumin pipes you need to make a frame.
  2. When making it, do not forget about the need for a channel in order to subsequently pave the power cord.
  3. Production of a C-shaped frame from a copper sheet. Next, it is attached to the screws to the frame in the place where it is connected to the tool handle.
  4. The gap cuts through the plastic. Pilka passes through it. For cutting holes, you will need a drill.
  5. On the plastic drill mounting holes.
  6. The jigscription is fixed on a plastic base in such a way that the feet passed through the slot.
  7. The design is attached to the table, for this use clamps.

Back to the category

The jigscription consists of a motor and a rocking chair with a saw.

Motors can use engines from washing and sewing machine. The body is made of plywood. It includes the base itself and the table. The box must accommodate between the base and the table, and on the inside of the shelf-bracket and intermediate shaft. And on the reverse side there is a disk and rocking chair.

Eccentric using traction has a jams with a rocking chair. The thrust is performed from the steel plate. It connects all the screws. The intermediate shaft should be installed on several bearings, they are closed with a lid, in order to avoid dirt and sawdust. A two-dimensional pulley is put on the shaft and fixed with screws. Also is also watering the eccentric jigsaw. Four holes are drilled on the flange of the eccentric. Due to this, the step screw will change the position. Accordingly, the amplitude of the swing will change. Rocking is wooden rockers in which the screw must be installed. And on the front side of the design metal plates, with hinges, with their pinks are attached. The pill is placed in the desktop slot and clamped hard.

The rocker in working condition often and highly fluctuate, the plates are exposed to excessive heavy loads. Therefore, it is necessary to pay due attention to the proper fastening of the saw. The plates must be securely attached in the slots and are very tightened. But the earrings that hold the pills are set in such a way that the screws do not climb too tight halves.

The axis should receive a little freedom. The screw, which tightens the rocker, must have a small gap for a stubborn screw. The rack of the rocking can be performed from the bar. From the top side of the bar made a groove for the upper rocker. The rack can be made of halves or make composite.

Here are such homemakes you can make your own hands. The wood jigsaws are different, but it is better that you do with your own hands not to find. Such a tool will serve you faithfully for many years. This is a real help for a home master. How much can you perform using this simple unit. But still, this device can carry a danger, therefore, before proceeding to work, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of operation of the tool.

Desktop logging machine will be useful to each wizard, discharged thin details. However, it is not always possible to have the opportunity and make sense to acquire a full-fledged machine. In this case, take the case and make it with your own hands!

Lobzic machine device - what lies inside?

Lobzic machines belong more to the tools special than to the devices that are needed both to an experienced master and an amateur hovering in the garage. Their appointment comes down to a special task, namely the discharge of complex curvilinear contours from sheet materials. A special "chip" of such machines can be attributed and the execution of cut without disrupting the integrity of the external contour. Most often, drinking occurs on wooden and derived materials (plywood, chipboard, fiberboard), although modern machines equipped with appropriate sawmills are capable of working with other materials, such as plastic or plasterboard.

Such equipment has been applied in the music industry (manufacturing musical instruments) and, of course, in the furniture. Buy such aggregates and lovers to make their own workshop. The device of a traditional logging machine, designed by all of the rules, is as follows: The working surface on which the saw was removed, hides with the drive (electric motor) and the crank-connecting rod. The tension mechanism can be both bottom and top of the machine.

To handle the item, it must be put on the desktop. Many models have the ability to turn it at different angles to perform inclined cut. The stops and guides on the surface, as well as the rotary mechanism may marketed, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the work. It is from the length of the desktop and the length of the cut is the majority of models are limited to 30-40 cm. The power of the electric motor is important, but still far from the most fundamental factor, since the machine has a huge reserve for unclaimed power. For example, for a home workshop or even a small production, a "engine" is just 150 W.

The cruise-connecting mechanism is a much more important part, because in this case it depends on it that the quality of the drive of the drive into a progressive-return movement, directed in the vertical plane, depends on the vertical plane.

Standard feeding machines are considered to be apparatuses with an amplitude of motion in the region of 3-5 cm at a frequency of oscillations up to 1000 per minute. Many models provide a change of high-speed regime for different materials. The lyobzic pink itself is usually made up to 35 cm long and able to cut the material to 10 cm thick. The width of the sawmakes can fluctuate in a fairly wide range - from very thin two-millimeter to more rough ten-millimeters, with a thickness of from 0.6 mm to 1.25 mm.

Even the thick and wide sawing will be easy to break if it is not enough to ensure a sufficient tension of the saws along the entire length. This uses spring and screw springs. Frequently, such machines are equipped with an air pump that cleans with a blowing cut from sawdust, as well as a drilling unit. The last device is especially useful, because in this case, the master does not need to be distracted by connecting the electric drill and drill the hole - everything happens on the working plane of the machine. Of course, for convenience will have to pay!

How to make a logging machine with your own hands from the manual electroball?

On the Web you will find many different designs of homemade machines, but most of them are reduced to repulsion in this device. Applying the smell and watching the video, you will be completely easy to make a homemade logging machine from this tool. You need to refine an electrolovka only a bit. In fact, it performs the role of the drive of the machine and the crank-connecting mechanism, the rest must be infidant and implement.

Of course, manufacturers are trying to please consumers and in this area, offering their platform options for fast and convenient alterations, however, in fact, only you can make the apparatus corresponding to your needs.. So, the first thing you need to make a support table, for which the sheet metal is most often used. It needs to make a relaxed oblong hole for the saws and holes for fasteners (screws with a secret head are recommended), and attach the logs to the bottom of the support table.

This design can only be strengthened on a wooden table. You may not be limited to this and install guide rails. The convenience of such an apparatus is that in addition to performing the functions not completely inherent in it, you can always disconnect the drive and a slight movement of the hand turn it again into the manual electrolybiz! If this tool is constantly required to work, it makes sense specifically for the machine - it will be cheaper than spending on the real machine.

Advantages and disadvantages - we continue to modify!

But such an unit inherits not only the advantages of the instrument, but also its disadvantages, in particular, too broad for filigree works, which significantly limits the curvature of lines. If there is a need for this, there is a way out. So far, our machine is different from the classic logging unit in the absence of springs that would provide sufficient tension of the sawmill. But to build a simple rocker, which on the one hand will be under the tension of the springs, and on the other is fixed on the sawing, quite easily.

There is another option - to clamp a sawtur between two guide rollers, but the first option is still reliable. Do not forget to turn off the pendulum running on the electrolovka before start using the homemade machine. There is another design - if your tool is quite powerful, then it can only serve as driven in the design of two rockers, between which the sawo is stretched. The movement is transmitted by means fixed on the lower rocker.

Machine from the sewing machine - give the second life with old tools!

If you inherit the grandmother or mom you got a foot or manual sewing machine, consider yourself the owner of a great logging machine! Of course, for this you need to "put a little" above the machine. First, remove the device for the nitcutting, which is usually located at the bottom of the device. There is nothing difficult in this, it is enough to unscrew two bolts. Then we knocked the pin and remove the drive shaft leading to the mechanism of the nitcipette.

By revealing the upper panel, protecting the mechanisms, it is necessary to expand the slot in which the needle walked. Focus on the needs and width of the file that you will apply in work. Pilking for a logging machine of this kind also need to modify slightly, namely, it is cut to the maximum needle length that it was possible to use on this machine. Stripping the upper teeth and sharpening the bottom on the edge, you will only be inserted to the seal to the needle holder and experience your machine in action!

The article will first of all be useful to those people who often work with a tree as a hobby without earning this money. The author presents a fairly budget design of a desktop electroball unit, which can be collected in one day, with minimal costs.

To create the machine, you will need such materials:
- a working manual electrolybiz;
- plywood;
- self-tapping screws and bolts with nuts;
- guide furniture boxes;
- two bearings;
- tightening spring;
- Paint spray;
- Self-adhesive paper.

Standard materials and tools available in each workshop.

Step 1. Case.
The first step will be the creation of a housing for a manual electrolybiz from plywood. Here you must think in advance where the holes for the switch and the speed control will be located.
Must get up something like this:

Step 2. Countertop.
As a basis of the countertops, it is better to take a thick piece of chipboard with a good coating, because during the operation of the machine the processed blanks will be drown.

A pink hole is drilled in the chipboard. The electrolovik himself will be attached to the back side of the table top.
Also from the furniture guides is made of an adjustment of the boom:

This is how it looks assembly:

And the tabletop is attached to the case:

Step 3. Arrow.
The arrow itself will be made of two furniture guides. They twisted with each other bolts to enhance stiffness.

Arrow supports are made of chipboard. Before their painting and installation, the point of fastening the boom to the support is washed. Before that, they need to be installed in their place:

After that, in the support, it is necessary to drill holes for the seatpoints.

Step 4. Painting.
Prepared supports color from the canister.

While they dry, the machine itself is glued with self-keeper.

Step 5. Assembly.
Bearings are inserted into the supports, and they are screwed into their place.

The mounting axis will be made of two bolts screwed into guides as shown in the photo. The diameter of the bolts is selected in accordance with the diameter of the inner coating of the bearing.

Bolts are reliably tightened, after which two halves are screwed to each other.

It is clearly shown as an arrow will be fixed in supports:

The arrow is installed in its place and fixed with nuts.

Next, you must install a tightening spring. It is necessary in order to return the arrow to its original position after the jigscription pulls it down. Thus, reciprocal movements of the peel will be performed. It must be adjusted so that it is not softer (it will make it difficult to work the machine) and through the chur hard (this can lead to the overheating of the jigsaw engine).

How to fasten it shown in the photo:

Then, from a thin strip of metal (1 mm), it is necessary to make fastenings of the peel to arrive. They need to rotate freely on the axis, because when working the arrow changes the angle of inclination to the jigsaw, and if they are static, it can lead to a breakdown of the peel.

This is how the fasteners should look:

Arrow supports are additionally enhanced by a long bolt, it can be seen in the photo:

Step 6. Electronic part.
Since access to the manual electrolybiz is limited, it is necessary to derive controls to the outer part of the housing.

To adjust the frequency of rotation of the electric motor, the author was used by the phase power regulator. Here is its electrical scheme.

Carving and drinking from the tree of beautiful figures - an exciting occupation. The tendency of a person to this work is manifested from early childhood and often remains for life. Everyone knows that it is not an easy and quite painstaking work. It always requires not only special accuracy, but also a lot of time. To eliminate this deficiency and make it easier for your work, you must automate the process. To do this, you only need to purchase a logging machine in the store. However, such a device is on sale, not everyone and not everyone afford. But this problem is easy to decide if you make a fixture for drinking and carving on the tree yourself.

For this, materials will be required:

  • drawings or schemes;
  • wooden bars;
  • short boards;
  • slices of old plywood;
  • simple nails or screws.


  • medium sized hammer;
  • ordinary hand saw;
  • small march;
  • electrolovik;
  • a sharp ax.

Scheme or drawing

Before embarking on the assembly, it is necessary to draw a diagram or to make the drawing of the jigsaw machine. With your own hands, rarely, who can manage to fulfill a high-quality document at a good professional level, but it does not matter. The right drawing can always be found on the Internet and already collect your jigsik. Often for a simple homemade device, inventors use only a mini-diagram, drawn simply by hand. This happens quite enough when it is required to construct a simple fixture for curly drinking from plywood and wood.

Stationary option

Often there are cases when you need to perform perfect cuts in plywood or trees strictly vertically. Such work is simply impossible to make even a factory electric bike. The device that is always in hand will give deviations, and the edges of the slots will never work perfect. To make them straight and smooth, it should be done only on a stationary machine, where the device for drinking in a tree or plywood is firmly and reliably fixed on the surface of the table.

To construct a stationary jigsaw for curly dipping on plywood and wood, you must first prepare the material for the construction of the table. It will become a solid support for the machine, and will also provide convenience in work. All this is easy to make from wood. First you need to find suitable bars, place and make the frame frame of them. After that, cut off the same boards, lay them upstairs and secure ordinary nails or screws. In order for the surface to be quite smooth, it is desirable to sash Phane to the table. It will not only make the surface smooth, but also create an extra rigidity.

Next, you will need to install the aggregate itself for curly dipping from wooden blanks. Of course, you can make the entire mechanism from plywood, but it will take too much time. The easiest way to use a very simple way, where the standard factory appliance is installed for the saw. For this you will need only four small corners and several screws. And then everything is done very simple: we find the center of the table and drill a manual drill hole through. Its diameter should be such that the factory serving of the standard electric jigs is free to go there.

When a fender is inserted into this hole, and the entire device will be tightly on the table, it will be necessary to circle a pencil around a duralie support. Then this jigsaw cut the hole so that the housing itself passes in the turning form itself, and its supporting bar rose tightly at the table level. It will only be left to put low corners from below and fix the platform with screws. At this stationary logging machine is considered to be built and can safely begin work.

Sewing machinery equipment

Today, many inventors successfully apply modern methods that are characterized by good quality and accuracy in work. The logging machine with the use of the ribbon canvas is particularly released. However, despite the very high speed, not everyone can make it. For this reason, it is worth choosing a simpler way using an outdated sewing machine. Although its device has already served his time, but it will not affect the work of the homemade machine. In addition, this is a fairly common and inexpensive option, where too long costs are not required.

For this homemade design, the machine will be required:

The construction of the table for stationary jigsaw was described above, so it will not be considered more. But it is worth noting that for these purposes it can perfectly approach the working workbench. In addition, many old sewing machines already have a design in the form of a table, as well as a mechanical drive. Therefore, there are only the main mechanisms in which changes need to be made.


Redelled the old sewing machine under the desktop logs is not too difficult. Initially, you will need to change the rear mechanical part in which the needle is fixed. To do this, it is necessary to cut the shank on the side so that the clamp freely consisted of the standard cloth from the factory electric jig. Hole in the bottom plate, which is intended for the needle, also need to be increased. It is easy to make a hand drill with a diameter of a little wider than the peel.

Often the clamping foot at the sewing machine interferes when drinking a thick plywood or wooden bars. It is not difficult to remove it by unscrewing the side stopping bolt with his hands or scolded. In the process of work, the jigsaw will remain sawdust. They are easy to collect if you install a small box at the bottom. But before that, it is necessary to remove the shuttle together with the entire device that will interfere. Remove it is easy, having only a small adjustable key or passage.

Mechanical drive and engine

It is clear that it will be very difficult to turn such a machine and uncomfortable. Therefore, it is necessary to install an additional engine with a mechanical drive. Literally all samples of sewing machines in their design have pulley. The engine is connected to it using the belt, which turns on the foot. If there is no such unit, it is not difficult to do it yourself. To do this, you only need to find an electric engine of suitable power. And then firmly attach it to the table with simple clamps - and can be actively accepted for work.