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Cutting logs: individual and group method. Methods of cutting logs on a belt sawmill Optimization of a log cutting on a belt sawmaker

For processing logs on tape sawmaker It is necessary to adhere to the adopted technology. Thus, you can get the maximum number qualitative materials - Board and timber. But it should be previously familiar with the basic rules of cutting.

Types of saws of wood

At the first stage, the logs are formed. For this, two parties do sections. In some cases, processing is performed from four sides. There is a preliminary map of the tape cutting of the workpiece, which indicates the dimensions of the components.

The determining parameter when choosing a scheme is the direction of the processing of the log. In particular, the movement of the cutting edge relative to the annual rings. According to this, sawn timber various qualityHaving a unique appearance. Not only their aesthetic qualities depends on this, but also the price.

Distinguish the following types of saws:

  • tangential. The incision is performed on tangentially relative to the annual rings. As a result, there are oblong patterns in the form of arches, rings;
  • radial. It requires perpendicular processing for annual rings. A feature is a uniform drawing;
  • transverse. Processing occurs across the fibers, the cutting pattern is a smooth cut of annual rings;
  • rustic. It can be done at any angle, contains a certain number of bitch, swamp or other defects similar to them.

Often in the woodworking industry used waste ribbon sawing logs - a horn. On the one hand, a flat plane, and the other remains untreated.

To compile the most accurate cutting, it is recommended to use special programs. They take into account not only the dimensions of the source material, but also the wood.

Sawing on a sawmaker with a log rotation 180 °

To form a maximum number of boards, it is recommended to use the technology at which some ribbon processing processes rotate 180 °. This allows you to achieve the maximum number of sawn timber with various types of saws.

The processing principle is to perform the initial cuts along the edges of the logs at an angle of 90 ° relative to each other. They will serve as a basis for further tape cutting. Works are carried out on the equipment with the vertical location of the cutting elements. The diameter of the trunk should be at least 26 centimeters.

Phased procedure for performing work.

  1. Face treatment with cut crumpled part. As a result, two boards are obtained.
  2. Turning blanks 90 °. Crop is performed from the opposite part. The number of products varies from 3 to 4.
  3. Return 90 °. The main part of the source material is processed. Depending on the planned, 7-8 blanks may turn out.

Despite all its positive qualities, this method has one significant drawback - low speed production. It is recommended to apply on the equipment, which provides a block of automatic change in the position of the log regarding the cutting part of the machine.

The detailed scheme is most often used for the manufacture of rustic boards to which reduced quality requirements are presented.

Sawing on a sawtur with a log of 90 °

For the manufacture of tangential and radial boards, it is recommended to use another technique. It consists in planned log ribbon processing with simultaneous analysis of defects. Thus, you can get products of the required quality.

After removal, the billet is placed on the feeding bed sawing machine. Then you need to perform the following steps.

  1. Removal of the primary neck. It is performed until the base width is 110-115 mm.
  2. Remaining an unedged board with a thickness of about 28 mm.
  3. If the number of defects on the surface exceeds the required level, the material turn is performed 90 °. With a sufficient high quality of the board, the following is sliced.
  4. Repeat operation.

Such a technique is applicable to machining installations that have one cutting surface or there is a function of temporary dismantling the rest.

With a sufficiently large number of defects, you can not postpone the workpiece, and to process it with a reversal by 180 °.

The above-described ribbon processing technique can be applied to create any configurations. wooden products. Often the core area is used to form a bar, and the rest of the parts are for the manufacture of boards. But there may be exceptions - it all depends on the required form of blanks.

The quality of the work affects the current state of the sawmills, the sharpening level saw and the processing speed. These factors must be taken into account before the start of the manufacturing process. If necessary, prevention or repair of equipment is performed.

The video material shows the sawing method of logs on a homemade belt panel:

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A detailed description of the functions of the program cutting programs. We offer you an assistant who will increase wood outlet by 10-15%, and the process of training technological cards will speed up 500-700%.

PI2 Cutting logs on the boards of one given width and thickness.

PI2 execution gives the following result:
1. Technological cards cutting logs.
2. Improving sawing capacity by 10-15%.
3. Reducing the dependence of productivity and quality of sawing from the human factor.

Possible "reverse" calculations: The user only indicates the dimensions of the board, and the program offers (counts) minimum size The logs that need to produce this board. You can sort the logs depending on the size of the boards.
To select the best cutting (the greatest generation), perform many calculations. The calculation report is presented in Excel. It is convenient to import data into your accounting system.

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Ozol point * - this distance in meters counting from the thick end of the log, starting from which in the direction of the subtle end due to the release of the logs appears a concern.

Pitago - Fully online decisionYou can use it on any device, including cell phones and tablets.

When sawing the forest, it is important to immediately calculate what consumption will be, as it will have an impact on the cost of sawn timber. Output finished products May be different. It all depends on how quality the forest is used whether measures to optimize cutting are applied. There are special measures to increase the efficiency of work, make the output better, and the quality of sawing is higher. Before sawing, it is necessary to calculate everything. It is not as difficult as it may seem, but the flow rate of the round forest will be optimal, profitable for obtaining an excellent result.

How to increase the efficiency of cutting

In order for the lumber output to be significant, it is necessary to use special measures to increase the efficiency of the process:

  1. The calculation should be carried out only when using special programs, manually it will have a low performance, the percentage of marriage will be large.
  2. Pre-rounding must be sorted so that the processing is carried out correctly.
  3. For cutting need to use equipment high Quality. Otherwise, the amount of waste will be large, and the quality of the resulting lumber will become low.
  4. It is best to first cut a wide sawn timber, the treatment of narrow leaves more time.
  5. The logs are not recommended to take long.
  6. Before work, configure the equipment.

The output of finished lumber may be different. It must be remembered that at the first stage the boards are obtained, then they are sorted. As a result, the percentage decreases even more, for example, for deciduous breeds, it can be only 10-20%.

How to optimize the cutting

To make the output of sawn goods above, the cutting process must be optimized. This applies primarily to those billets that are significant curvature. To cut a round forest curve, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. First, only a suitable forest is selected for work. If there are rotes, seedlings, cracks on the ends on the remaining logs, then it is necessary to reflect some sites.
  2. If a rotten core is detected during operation, then it can be carefully removed, after which it is possible to cut the remaining part. This will avoid large losses, get boards with a length of 1 m with the necessary quality.
  3. It is recommended to use logs with a large diameter so that the output percentage is higher. The coefficient can be 1.48-2.1, but it all depends on the diameter, the quality of the roundabout, sorting, equipment. For framework workshops, this coefficient will be 1.48-1.6, and for lines with milling equipment - 1.6 for large forest. With a diameter of the rounder from 12 cm, the coefficient may exceed the mark of 2.1.

Waste volume after sawing

To make the finished board with a great percentage, it is necessary to prepare everything correctly, work should be carried out only in accordance with technology. Round wood coniferous and hardwood gives a different way out. In the latter case, the volume is less, even if used special optional equipment. The cutting of sawing is considered more convenient, since she has a straight line, and the log has a larger diameter. Coniferous forest Not so subject to rotten, so marriage is less. For deciduous breeds, 2 technologies are usually used:

  • with the help of the belt panel on the Z75, Z63;
  • in the collapse, when a semicircular is cut into the core of the material, passed through a multi-step machine.

The volume in the belt sawmill is 40-50%. When using the technology into the collapse, the output is different, it can be increased to 70%, but the costs of such work are higher. If a round forest is to be cut, the length of which is 3 m, then you can see that the percentage of marriage is quite large, and the remaining material requires processing. This concerns the bulk of the bulk of 22x105 (110, 115) x3000 mm. There are a lot of such marriage options. For example, it can be wormworm, which is no longer suitable for most works.

After sorting the volume of hardwood material, which refers to a variety of 0-2 will be only 20-30% of the amount that is obtained after sawing. This means that from the total mass of the harvested round forest, the output of a normal board will be only 10-20%. The remaining materials mainly go on firewood. The coniferous rounding the output will be different, but attention should be paid to which the average values \u200b\u200bof the resulting volume are observed.

Lumber output

To access the lumber is optimal, it is necessary to take into account numerous conditions. For correctly calculations, you can consider an example of the release of round wood. The data was obtained on the real experience of specialists and in the indicators of the pilots. This makes it possible to compare the percentage ratio, calculate the optimal averages.

W. coniferous rocks Possible next way:

  1. For unedged boards and other umbered materials during sawing, the yield will be 70%. This is the number of material obtained during processing, the amount of waste will be 30%.
  2. For edged material when using pylomas at 63, 65, 75, there will be a smaller output of sawn timber, in total in the area of \u200b\u200b45%. In belts, the output is usually up to 55-60% finished material. If you use the effectiveness to improve efficiency, then 70% can be achieved, although it requires extensive experience.
  3. From the disk sawmill, it is possible to obtain a sawn timber in an amount of 70-75%, although it may be 80-75% when using efficiency methods. But you need experience.

According to GOST 8486-86, for a grade of 0-3 percentage of output, without taking into account the sorting, is approximately 70%.

Another 30% can be left to the rejection of the finished material. The material being discarded is not discarded, it is used to make other types of sawn timber, which allow for a certain marriage.

At the round forest of hardwood, another percentage of exit is observed:

  1. Unedged material - 60%.
  2. At the edged - up to 35-40%, since the curvature of the source forest of hardwood is usually large.

The output can be enhanced, for this applies additional equipment. It can be a special multi-step machine, an edge cutting machine, a subgrile machine. In this case, it turns out the output of the lumber to increase by about 20%. The percentage given is based on the data on obtaining a grade board of 0-4. When sorting varieties 0-1, the percentage of sawn timber is 10%. To obtain a cube of the finished edging material from hardwood, it is necessary to break 10 cubes of the original round forest.

The output of sawn timber from the round forest may be different. It all depends on the starting breed of wood used by the sawmills. Special measures to increase efficiency allow you to get a greater percentage than it is possible, but for this you should have some work experience.

To obtain a high percentage of sawn timber from round logs, several apply different technologiesincluding certain actions cycles. By time, the sawing of round forest and the labor cost of the process is different, depending on the selected processing method, the place of work, the season. So, some enterprises are building a workshop on the primary processing of raw materials near the place of wood blanks and save on it.

Not only trunks are in the processing, but also large branches. Billets of round forest are sorted in size and presence of a crust. The trunks that have not passed sorting are used in the future for draft work (manufacturing scaffolding and etc.). When accepting raw materials from the supplier, not only the cubature is checked, but also the presence of damage, rot, knots - such materials do not match technical conditions. Wood flaws reduce the percentage finished productsAnd the bitch can damage the equipment.

Before sawing, the stem hydroch is often carried out (removal of the cortex on a special machine) - this process is optional, but is considered economical:

  • due to the absence of stuck pebbles and sand in the core, the saw is maintained from premature wear;
  • the quality of the chip material increases;
  • some enterprises do not take a hill with non-spoken logs;
  • the error of the results when sorting the forest with electronics is reduced.

Types of wood cutting

First of all, you need to decide with the type of cutting - there are several of them. Tangential - incision goes on tangential to annual rings, the surface is obtained with patterns in the form of rings, arches. Boards obtained in this way, cheaper, but have high percentages of drying and swelling.

Radial - incision along the radius, perpendicular to annual rings, drawing is uniform, the output of the board is small, but it is characterized by increased quality and greater strength.

Rustic - is carried out at any angle, visible defects, swirls, swaths, etc.

Methods of sawing

For each specific case, the method of sawing is selected.

Slissed - the most economical, almost without waste, a high percentage of finished forest. At the exit you do not edged boards And two horses.

With the brusade - first get a two-killed timber, unedged boards, two horses. Then the timber is poured perpendicular to the cutting boards, two unedged boards and two horses are obtained.

The sector - first logs on the 4-8 sectors, and then each of them for radial or tangential materials. Sometimes several are peeled in the center unedged boards.

The divorce-segment - with such a pickle in the center of the trunk, two or several unedged boards drink, and cutting one-sided boards are cut from the segments.

Brouso-segment - similar to the divorced-segment, only in the middle of the log is cut off a two-toned bar, which is then cut into the edged boards. Large lumber output percentage.

Circular - after drank one or more unedged boards, the log turns 90 0 and the following boards are unlocked. This method is applied when a large log is affected in the center of the none rot. With it, it is separated healthy from low-quality wood.

The aggregate - with the use of milling tools and circular saws at the same time as high-quality lumber is obtained at the output of the technological chip (instead of hill and rail). Such. comprehensive treatment The forest allows rational to use raw materials and labor costs. It turns out the waste-free production of the finished lumber.

Required tool

The choice of tools depends on the number of planned finished products, its quality and size of products. Most often cutting circular saw. At certain stages of production requires the use of special machines.

Circular saw performs accurate cuts in any directions, perfectly copes with any log sizes, suitable for professional and home use.

It is used for home use when a small amount of sawn timber should be prepared. It is easier to perform hard work with chainsaws than to buy expensive equipment. It will be needed only special nozzle, fixer for trunk and guide cuts.

Corn removal machines. They are quite expensive, but with regular use in the enterprise where large amounts of work are performed, quickly payback. They are not necessarily used, but it is desirable because it is possible to obtain a number of economic advantages and amenities in the production process.

And also need:

  • Disk machine - to obtain unedged outlet materials from the forest.
  • The belt sawmaker gives the release of high-quality lumber and low waste percentage.
  • Frame sawmason - does not need the foundation and it can be installed directly in the fields of logging.
  • Universal machines are able to give at the exit even from low-grade wood high-quality material.

In enterprises with mass production, whole complexes are installed to obtain ultroop and high-quality products modern equipment, and sawing the forest is carried out any complexity.

Technological cutting card

For the calculation of the optimal percentage of obtaining ready-made sawn timber, the sawing map is compiled. These calculations can be made independently or use a special computer program. Such information can still be obtained in the usual directory, where information on the conduct of sawmills is collected.

Card cutting allows you to determine how much it will be at the outlet of the finished products, what percentage of waste will go for processing. According to these data, it is possible to determine the final cost of products. The result can largely depend on the forest breed. There are some measures to increase the percentage of lumber output.

The percentage of lumber at the exit is ready for use in work, useful wood. Waste - raw materials for receiving MDF plates, chipboard, fiberboard. These volumes will depend on the diameter of the tree, types of manufactured products from solid wood, sawing option.

Percentage of roundabout

The exact calculation of each cubic meter of wood - expensive natural raw materials is important at each woodworking enterprise. Round forest cubic meters are calculated in several ways.

In terms of transport. On each type of transport, the forest cube is calculated and installed. For example, 70.5 cubes of round wood fitted in the carriage. Then in three cars there will be 22.5 cubes. This method of calculation accelerates the acceptance of raw materials, especially this is important with a large number of received cargo. But there is a big error in the results of calculations in this way.

Calculation of one barrel. If all logging consists of the same in size of the timber, then calculating the volume of one, you can count them all and multiply into the cubage of one. This method is more accurate, but it takes a lot of time and attracting more workers for receiving the cargo.

Automated systems with measuring frames. These measurements give higher percentages of accuracy than those conducted by people. When logs pass through the measuring frame, then all thickens and the curvature of the trunk and even the bitch are taken into account. In this case, you can immediately sort the trunks.

The method of calculation by multiplying the volume on the coefficient. The height is measured, the width, the length of the stack and is multiplied by the coefficient. Such a quick count, but with a low percentage of accuracy. It is used when it is necessary to urgently determine the number of cubic meters.

Dependence of the final percentage of exit from sawing technology

To increase the output of finished lumber, it is necessary to optimize the sawing process itself. This is especially true of working with harvesting having curvature, damage or other flaws:

  • First you need to choose and launch only high-quality forest into production.
  • Then choose trunks with damage on the ends (rot, cracks) and make the reflection of these places.
  • With the trunk section with a rotten core, it is necessary to remove it, and the remaining wood is cut on lumber. They will be shorter, but better quality.
  • And also for obtaining high-quality boards, the method of circular sawing is suitable.
  • Above the percentage of exit when sawing timber with a large diameter.

The output also depends on the quality of the log, wood varieties used by the equipment. New high-quality, well-minded equipment allows you to handle trunks almost without loss.

Forest cutting efficiency can be increased if special measures take in advance. For this you need to produce accurate calculations With digital programs. If you manually do this, then the percentage of marriage at the output will be greater. It should be taken in advance that from coniferous forests of the forest, it turns out more percentage at the outlet of the sawn timber. Because they have smooth trunks, large, less susceptible to rotting and therefore almost without marriage. From the deciduous large volume is often selected.

For the rational use of wood it is better to take short login. BUT B. domestic production Usually for sawing take trunks with a length of 4 m or more. Because of their curvature at the exit, a large percentage of marriage is obtained.