Repairs Design Furniture

How is the pylorama of the tape with their own hands? Homemade belt sawmills with their own hands video tape for the sawmills with their own hands

Ribbon sawdust is often used in small farms, private houses for wood processing, and in a considerable amount. It is simple and reliable tool (With a competent approach to its creation), which will cost much cheaper than purchased option. So that the homemade woodworking design work is really effectively, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to make it properly. Read more about it.

Belt sawmill: features, principle of work

Ribbon is enough simple design, which is based on a sawing tape, made from instrumental steel. This element is located between two panel nodes, which, during rotation, provide high-quality and constant blade movement in the implementation of works with wood.

The design with a ribbon saw allows you to highlight the coarse material, properly preparing the logs, sealing them under the overall size and shape. Also, the considered tool for working with a tree allows you to cut the logs on a clearly defined scheme after competent equipment setting.

Ribbon type designs are very popular among builders in view of several reasons:

  • After sawing the material, a negligible cutoff is formed, which allows you to achieve high yield finished material from the initial rough billet (the output of the finished product is about 75%);

Scheme of the sawmill device

  • Convenience of working on a sawmill with a large diameter harvesting;
  • Convenience of selection optimal thickness sawing initial material;
  • Clean and sufficient smoothness of the product obtained at the exit.

Attention! To work with the sawing construction of the ribbon type, exceptionally well dried wood (except for conifer). The first type of wood complicates the work, the second leads to a strong sticking of the wood resin on the cutting saws.

So that self-made sawmakes could effectively perform their functions, it is necessary to provide loading and stability of the movement of the logs, the weight of which can reach 300 kg, as well as adjusting the cutting thickness.

Design assembly process

The type of materials for creating the panel of the required quality is selected depending on whether the drawings are in the hands and how difficult they are. So, in one degree or another you will need the following materials:

  • Pipes of different diameters;
  • Pulleys (suitable as new and previously used);
  • Profile pipes (for sleepers);
  • Channel;
  • Rails (you can use the corners instead of them).

To work, you will also need a set of specific tools: milling machine, clamp, Bulgarian, electric drill, welding machine, fasteners, levels, etc.

Council. The collection of homemade panel - the process is not easy, so it is necessary to take on its production at home only those who have some experience in working with similar structures. It is also important to understand that the configuration of such a product of such a product will require considerable effort.

After preparing all the necessary elements, you can proceed directly to the assembly of the main parts of the sawmill (first read the photos and video materials):

  1. The first thing should be prepared by the face (motionless part). Two channels / rails will be suitable for its creation). When using the rail, it is necessary to install them in such a way that the sole is up to the top. If a channel is used, then its height should be at least 14 cm, and the length is about 8 m.
  2. Over the entire length of the bed, it is necessary to make holes in increasing about 1.5 m.
  3. Channels are tightened with a pipe with a length of about 25 cm. Bolts or threaded studs are suitable.
  4. The next step is the racks that will be installed finished design. Their number directly depends on the length and complexity of the design. So, 4 racks will be quite enough to the standard 8-meter panel.
  5. To add stiffery saw, discolutions are added to the design.
  6. The last stage - collecting a mobile cart. Its dimensions are directly dependent on the width of the bed. It is important that the trolley be a little beyond the limits of the bed on both sides.

To increase the efficiency of the belt type sawmills, several simple, but effective rules should be observed:

  • The design should be created taking into account the future load A, it means that it must be stable and strong enough.
  • Since the panel assembly is very massive and has a considerable weight, its assembly should be carried out directly in the place where it will be used as intended.
  • Keep in mind that the homemade panel "scatters" chips from the wood, so it will take an additional design for it or you have to constantly remove the garbage after the workflow.
  • The saw before the start of operation of the sawmills should be thoroughly shaped, and the teeth are brewed.
  • The optimal engine for the launch of the sawmaker is gasoline. You can use chainsaw, and its canvas is suitable as a tape for the future woodworking design.

  • For more efficient work Tool tool should use gaskets / plates. Gaskets must be thicker than 0.5 cm thick.

That's all the nuances that should be taken into account in order to create a reliable and efficiently working belt panel. Be careful to detail and neat in work. Good luck!

The belt sawmaker provides wood cuts for its subsequent use in order to repair, construction, the production of various wooden products. The collected belt sawmill allows you to replace the factory machines, the line of which is presented in an extensive price range.

Each experienced frame for a ribbon pilor should know how functions this deviceWhat parts are used as these parts to change, etc. without this, work even in a mini-machine is unacceptable. The instruction is obliged to strictly follow, whether it is a mini or industrial unit.

  • The design of the panel consists of two rotating components. These are pulleys. Moreover, instead of pulleys, automotive wheels are carried out. The advantage of the wheels is that they are easily accessible, some when assembling their own panels do not have to spend money on the purchase of wheels. Specialized pulleys will cost more;
  • Between the pulleys or wheels of the saws, the saw is stretched;
  • Coils of the sawmills rotate, due to which the pulleys carry out reciprocating movements for the saw. It provides cutting blanks;
  • Factory, as well as homemade belt sawmills operates in a horizontal plane;
  • The cutting part of the sawmills is fixed on the trolley, which is mobile;
  • Mobile cart exercises on special sawmills. This distance is equal to the length of the treated tree;
  • Mounting logs on the frame ribbon Machine It is carried out in a fixed state. To ensure the fixation of the wood correctly, it is necessary to provide in the design of the clamp. They fix the log, allowing the machine to cut it;
  • The processing length directly depends on how long the sawmills are contained to move the trolley;
  • The limit width is formed due to the distance existing between the tension components cutting tool Ribbon machine.

A skillful frame on the ribbon panel is capable of making a full-fledged machine on which it is possible to effectively cut wood elements or entire logs. It all depends on how the type of wood you need. Some drawings allow you to make a mini machine for working at home. Or you can make large models. Typically, such structures choose experienced colors who are required to handle a large number of Woods. Relying on the drawings, you should additionally consult with experts, watch video lessons for assembling a large or mini machine.

Instructions for working on a sawmill is not complicated, although the frame for the belt panel is obliged to know literally all about the instrument on which it works. How to change parts, how is the carriage correctly, how to work on a tree of different breed.

Conditions of high-quality cutting

In order for the operation of the ribbon machine to be carried out correctly, the sawmakers indicate the need to comply with several conditions:

  • The log is obliged to be reliably fixed on the belt panel. The instruction clearly prescribes it, otherwise it is properly and safely cutting the workpiece;
  • The gradation was performed, for which the electronic line is suitable, all the cut parameters are exhibited;
  • Make checking tension tape saws, make sure that no sharpening is required;
  • Make sure the cutting tool of the characteristics of the material being processed.

Sharpening should be performed periodically, as the instruction says. Right sharpening It ensures the preservation of the cutting properties of the ribbon saw, and also ensures efficient processing of logs and wood.

The electronic line is a selection of purely individual. Experienced colors argue that the electronic line in view of the experiment is required. Although if the frame for the belt panel lay big hopes As a tool capable of making the most accurate cut of a log, it is better that the electronic line is installed.

Sawing and its stages

If you do not know how the tape sawmaker functions, the video will help get a visual representation. Work occurs in three stages.

  1. It is necessary to make wood sorting, disassembled it in length, diameter, etc. Manually frame for the ribbon panel caught up the dimensions of the wood.
  2. Sawing is carried out. But in front of the very first cut, the sawmakers are required to check whether the sharpening is made if the electronic line is running, whether all the settings are set. Only after that you can cut the log, make the required sections on your industrial or mining machine.
  3. The logs are shown manually. If the cedar tape sawmaker can give a fairly accurate processing result, then work homemade devices It has certain deviations. Therefore, at home, it is not rare to refine the products with your own hands using the planer, the grinder and other tools.

Assembly with your own hands

If you need a high-quality, high-performance breakdown of logs, wood, it is worth paying attention to factory models of machine tools. The ribbon panel of MV 2000 uses a noticeable demand, although Baikal's belt sawmaker is not much inferior to it.

If you want to make the device with your own hands, no one will prohibit it. But with the basic principles of the assembly you need to familiarize yourself.

Start with the drawings. Drawings can be performed with your own hands, or find ready options. They should specify all sizes, length, width, parameters of the future machine, its specifications. So you will know what materials you will need for the assembly and how much money will take it.

Among the main nodes of the future design should be allocated:

  • Frame;
  • Guides for moving the saw element;
  • Screw knot for the movement of the cutting ribbon;
  • Spring for tension saw;
  • Pulleys - fixed and movable;
  • Protective case;
  • Gear stations;
  • Electric motor (can be replaced by gasoline);
  • Capacity with liquid for cooling system;
  • Stopper;
  • Devices fixation of processed blanks.

Pay attention to the cutting element. Many sawmakers when creating homemade mini machines use electrical and gasoline saws. They are well suited when you need to make a small amount of work.

The use of wheels can replace the pulleys. The main thing is to correctly select the size of the wheels so that they are firmly and efficiently held, the saw element was pulled.

  1. First, the rail is assembly. Approximate length - 8 meters. In order not to deform them under the weight of the log, strengthen the design with metal legs. If work is planned with large blanks, it will correctly install the machine inpatient, make a foundation for it.
  2. A steel seamless stove will perform in the role of mobile cart. Its length is 60 centimeters, and the width is 80 mm more than the width of the rail path.
  3. The movable carriage, it is the same trolley, is also designed for mounting wheels or pulleys. One of the wheels is fixed in a fixed state, and the second will be movable.
  4. It is not recommended to stir the pulleys in parallel to each other. It is better to make a deviation of 4 degrees in the vertical plane. It will not allow the ribbon to fly from its place while the device is running. Not every instruction does this indicate, although the recommendation is important.
  5. If you can manage, perform the control unit for the panel. But on simple models The steering wheel is used, the movement from which can be transmitted through a metal target.
  6. The assembly of installing presses on the sawmill is completed.
  7. Finally, leave the installation cutting saw and electric motor.

As you modernize your homemade ribbon device It may appear an electronic line, more powerful engineAll sorts of spare parts. Also, some are expanding the dimensions of the machine, which ensures work with larger billets on the panel.

If you do not want to collect your own belt saw, the instruction seems difficult, then choose factory models. Baikal band sawmaker, which is used by impressive demand, costs about 150-200 thousand rubles. The price is not small, but the possibility of the machine is huge.

Not everyone may afford the purchase of the finished panel, especially since it is only with constant use (read commercial). Is it possible to make a panel with your own hands? What difficulties to deal with the self-dealer, decorated on the independent sawing of untreated logs on business wood?

Homemade belt pylorama

Let's notify immediately - it is very difficult to make the belt panel. The point is not so much in components, extensive turning and welding works, the need for sharpening and sawdust saw special method, and in the well-established performance of the whole complex.

It is necessary to provide loading and stability of the motion up to 300 kg of one logs, adjusting the cutting thickness, and most importantly - safety equipment. But if the presence of darm wood won - we make the ribbon panel with your own hands.

The principle of tape cutting is explained by the example: take two coils from the threads, between them stretch the extension thin ribbon. Forcedly rotating the ribbon - cut the log, the distance between the ribbons - maximum size Bruus. Ribbon saws are comfortable to cut the boards.

We begin with the choice of production area or premises - at least 3x6 m, verified. The second is the importance - the metal wheels of the cart and the ribbon saw, it is necessary to find or buy. Frame ribbon mechanism with wheels Order, and better to buy ready. An independent manufacture requires skills and a lot of high-precision tool processing.

View 1.: 1 - Rack; 2 - roller; 3 - plate; 4 - screw; 5 - chain; 6 - guiding the thorough; 7 - mobile rowing; 8 - screw; 9 - fixed rowing; 10 - Remote.
View of 2.: 1 - pulley to start the engine (if three phase engine connects to a single-phase network); 2 - engine; 3 - pulley; 4 - shaft; 5 - housing with bearing; 6 - base; 7 - flywheel; 8 - finger; 9 - rod; 10 - saw; 11 - screw M14x2; 12 - roller; 13 - guide corner; 14 - rack; 15 - steering wheel; 16 - sleeve; 17 - Star; 18 - Nut M14x2; 19 - locknight; 20 - Star.

We establish the guides - any durable level metal: 2-way, channel, a corner, under 0.5 m of supports or anchor for stability. The distance between the guides is the diameter of the big log With a margin - about 0.7 m. Withstanding geometry weld all together. On the trolley, the wheels, the frame of the ribbon mechanism, the electric motor through the pulley.

Consider a mechanism for changing the horizontal displacement of the saw relative to the log. By moving the cart on the fixed log, cut off the horizontal layer of wood - we make boards.

The greatest handicraft was obtained disk panels due to their versatility and ease of manufacture. We will make the disk panel with their own hands. The most important thing is that we need a disk saw - the disk is more than 500 mm (the more - the better). The drivers usually serves an electric motor, through an increase in pulley speed.

1 - Splea basic ( steel pipe 80x80x3, 5 pcs); 2 - Lining (steel sheet, 40x10x1.22 pcs.); 3 - web-guide (steel channel number 8, L1750, 4 pcs.); 4 - Trolley (Telfer carriage); 5 - Lower bracket (Steel Sweller No. 18, 2 pcs); 6 - stove - base (stylish sheet S5); 7 - bolt M20) (4 pcs.); 8 - Growler washer (4 pcs.); 9 - nut M20 (4 pcs.); 10 - asynchronous three-phase electric motor (220 V, 5 kW, 930 rpm); 11 - top bracket (steel corner 45 × 45); 12 - Blights disc saw; 13 - protective casing (steel sheet S2); 14 - steel pin (8 pcs.); 15 - disk saw hub (ST5); 16 - handle resistant (water pipe 3/4 "); 17 - cutting hill; 18 - brazer stubborn (steel sheet S5); 19 - comb (steel corner 45 × 45, L400); 20 - log; 21 - bolt M30; 22-car cut; 23 - puck fixer (steel sheet SZ); 24 - persistent crossbar (steel corner 45 × 45); 25 - sleeved sleepers (steel pipe 80x40x3, 6 pcs.); 26 - pad for lengthening the web (steel sheet 250x180x10, 2 pcs.).

A welded frame is preparing, a metal (less than a wooden) plate with a slot is placed on the frame. The gaps between the disk and stove are minimal. The saw saw shaft on the bearings and pulley is mounted at the bottom of the bottom. The pulley of the electric motor and saws are connected by straps (reinsurance when the saw is jammed) - the homemade disk sawmaker can work!

one of the options for self-made disk sawmills

For belt tension, use the weight of the engine with the addition of weighting agents. Move the operating pad of the electric motor, make a movable coaxial shaft of the saw, with a deviation under the weight in the opposite direction. As a propultery, the wheel of the working tractor is used to drive with a saw blade without belts.

The principles of cutting are the same as in the tape cutting - we give a log to cutting disc. After disk cutting the surface of the sawn timber high Quality Due to the processing rate. Circular saws are vertical and horizontal - they are easier to apply in mobile installations.

Tire pylorama

You need to start with understanding what and how many will cut. If you need to cut 100 - 200 rafters for the houses under construction from the darma logs, then 400 boards - it is better to use manual professional chainsaw. Do it homemade sawmill From chainsaws, a method inexpensive, simple and efficient.

drawing of the simplest panel of chainsaws (download a complete drawing)

It will take any level metallic profile, Welding and Bulgarian. We start with the maximum length of the log - practical about 4 m. You need to find a channel or a foreign one for such a length, you can cook from amplification pieces - the main thing that the resulting profile has been smooth. We begin to make our autonomous tire panel based on chainsaws.

The design is a powerful profile at the working height - above the belt, which moves in the trolley, the fastened chainsaw.

The height is caused by ergonomics, the long-lasting knee-elbow pose is not useful. In parallel, the main profile is mounted in a log on a support frame, a chainsaw moves along the log produces the necessary trimming.

Several more about features. The main element is the main profile that provides geometrically right sizes Lumber, should be strong enough and rigid if a channel is at least 200. The profile relies on 3 and more supports associated with the support frame that lies in the log.

If you decide to make a chain sawmill with your own hands - be sure to look at the Logosol panels. Drawings and documentation can be downloaded on the site and take the basis of your homemade.

The main inchurities during sawing are formed when hesitations of the trolley with a chainsaw, therefore the promotion of the cart on the profile is at least four rigidly pressed metal wheels, it is necessary to provide manual drive. The easiest - knob's knob with a drive wheel on the main profile.

For the installation of heavy logs, tilts are usually set, along which it is convenient to push the log sequentially on the sides on the support frame, exposing it on the frame.

The most complicated is the adjusting mechanism of the thickness of the product. The simplest way - Installation at the edges movable in the vertical plane of the support frame of screw or any rigid fixation jacks. Adjust the jacks - adjust the thickness of the product. An example of the construction of mobile tire pylorama On the basis of chainsaws can be viewed in the photo.

The cutting of wood can be performed by one person: keeping the handle chainsaws and adjusting gas, we carry out the second hand.


Several thoughts on the feasibility of the manufacture of the sawmills. Time and practice is checked - independent production makes sense with free materials. If you calculate the labor costs and materials, and the possible benefit, he will understand. The worst thing, with independent manufacture - few do not pay attention to the safety technique. This moment must be thought out necessarily! Trouble-free work and high-quality wood.

Not each of us can immediately answer the question of what it is? Although in principle about the belt saw (more often it is called the machine) I heard everything. This is nothing but an ordinary (small) sawmill. For the owner of a private structure, yes still living in rural areas, the thing is more than necessary (and it will not be superfluous in the farm in the farm).

With it, you can not only solve many household issues. A ribbon saw with a reasonable approach becomes a reliable source of additional earnings.

Such a machine in the presence of desire, corresponding skills and tools can be made with their own hands. But for the reader in advance did not deprive the easiest perspective of his structure, it should be immediately stated that it is a rather complicated thing, as a number of problems will have to decide.

Organizational events

  1. Need separate room or free plot on the back area. As practice shows, no less than 18 m² is necessary for normal operation of the belt saw. Sizes it a large room In the urban apartment.
  2. Given the weight of the billets (log, timber), which will have to work, you need to ensure the maximum stability of the entire structure. So install the machine "Just on the wooden floor" no sense. We will have to take care of a strong-based basis.
  3. The greatest complexity causes "Designing" the adjustment mechanism. Without it, all the boards will "go out" only one, standard thickness. We will have to figure out the specifics of its device.
  4. Debugging the work of the entire mechanism requires certain knowledge in mechanics. In addition, you need to master the saw sharpening method and its wiring.
  5. It is necessary to conduct relevant activities in order to comply with security measures. Including, when installing the sawmills in a closed room - arrangement of forced exhaust.
  6. Naturally, you need to have at hand required tools and equipment -, perforator and a number of others.

If the reader does not scare all this, then continue the story. By the way, the ribbon saw is considered the perfect "aggregate" to accurately cut the boards of any thickness. Different designs (drawings, schemes) sawmills with excess. A good owner will be able to choose the optimal option.

We will consider a specific model, and on its example it will be easy to understand all the features of the assembly tape saws. All specified dimensions - in "mm".

To read additional questions after reading the "instructions", it is advisable to stop at some common points.

Principle of operation of the belt sawmill

The saw mechanism itself is in a fixed, fixed position. The billet designed for cutting is laid on the trolley that moves manually.

The location of the cutting tool can be both vertical and horizontal. The setting depends on which work is expected to perform - sawing logs on parts or their "dissolution" on the board.

Materials and devices

On the Internet there are many different recommendations, including on the build of the desktop from wood elements and textolite. But how reliable will such a design be, given the weight of samples "under the sawing"? Plus - what will be the use of, since any wood, as it is neither processed, is subject to rotting.

Outdoors uniquely - metal. The design will be much more reliable if used for all its elements such materials such as a channel, a corner, steel strip.

In some offered for independent manufacture Models as a cutting mechanism is used by chainsaw. But how appropriate is it, if we take into account the width of the saw and as a result, the increased consumption of wood (increase in the mass of sawdust)? Therefore, it is better to install the steel canvas prepared accordingly.

Alternatively - from mechanical hacksaw. In addition ribbon construction Allows you to work with larger diameter blanks.

Depending on what is supposed to "produce" - a board or racks, with what varieties of the tree work, and the model of the engine is also selected (pos. 10). For small sawmors, the engine is enough 2.5 - 3 kW.

Order assembly


Its dimensions (pos. 9) and the frame (pos. 2) are selected arbitrarily. In the proposed model they are 500 x 420 (mm). As a rod (pos. 7), a channel (No. 8) was used, prepared for the installation of all elements.

Her mount to the table is a corner ("Society").


Dimensions are given in drawings (pos. 11). For the upper (pos. 8) and the lower (pos. 1) they are the same.

For collateral purposes safe operation Pilorams Upper pulley must be covered with a casing.


His task is to "extinguish" fluctuations (pos. 5). Since the pulleys are the same, then the transmission coefficient \u003d 1.


Provides centering of the workpiece that is served "on the saw" (pos. 6). In this case, this is a metal corner. Cutouts and grooves provide the ability to change the position (adjustment).


(Pos. 3). If it is not possible to purchase a product of factory manufacture, you can make it from steel (cold-rolled - 65g or y8, 10). The thickness of the canvas depends on the variety of wood. For soft breeds, it is recommended from 0.2 to 0.4; For solid - from 0.4 to 0.8.

It is necessary to cut the teeth, and then solder into the ring. How to do it, as well as make sharpening - a question that requires separate consideration.

Tension mechanism

Details not marked in the text:

  • wedge belt (pos. 4);
  • emphasis (pos. 12);
  • support (pos. 14);
  • adjustment element (pos.15);
  • slider (pos. 16).

It remains to add that all moving elements are installed on bearings and shafts. How to properly pick up them in existing drawings, the master of the owner to explain no sense.

This design will solve the set business problems - Cut the board, make it trimming, dissolve on the rail and the like.

To perform split works, as a device that will ensure the achievement of the necessary size of the wood, seeds are used, but how can it be done with your own hands?

They can be divided into two types. These are tape and disk sawmills, which are based on the use of different cutting mechanisms.

Principle of operation and device of the belt sawmill

The basis of the structure of the belt sawmill is the use of a sawing tape, which is made of instrumental steel and is located between two rotating nodes, which ensure the movement of the blade during sawing.

The advantages of use for sawing belt pyllars:

  • during sawing, small propyl is formed, which allows to ensure high (up to 70%) the output of the material from the processed billet;
  • the ability to work with billets (logs) of large diameters;
  • opportunity convenient selection cutting thickness of the workpiece;
  • smoothness and cleanliness of the workpiece.

The main disadvantage when using tape sawmors is difficult to use when working with not sufficiently dried, coniferous woodSince when sawing to the cutting surface, wood resin is sticking. To work with the belt panel, it is necessary to use dried billets.

Making homemade belt sawmills

The proposed sawmill has a rather presentable and neat appearance. At the same time, according to the volume of functions performed, it is not inferior to professional analogs of factory production.

The only, essential difference from the factory machines is the way to connect to electrical network. Here, electricity is supplied by the usual, in everyday life. By switching on the usual cord with a plug into a power outlet (voltage 220 volts). But this, so to speak, deficiency does not affect the efficiency and quality of the production process.

Ribbon saw in motion is given to usual asynchronous engine. He received the name due to the fact that it does not reach constant speed. It fluctuates from 1500 to 3000 thousand turns per minute. It all depends on the number of network poles.

Rail path made from metal corner 50 millimeters. It may seem that it is weak, and may not withstand this design. But this opinion is deceptive. Practice showed that the rails quite confidently withstand the mass of the sawmills in the even position.

The sawn material is placed on reliable metal supports. There are only seven them. They are very high qualityly cemented in a concrete monolithic slab.

The stops are made in a fairly traditional style. They are made of steel decadylmitron rod.

The emphasis is capable of climbing and fixed at the height. Fixation occurs with a special clamping. Focusing for lifting a log to the desired level.

There is an opportunity to rearrange the stops. For this, each resistant bar is fastening

Rails are attached to the support. The fastener method allows you to move freely by pail rail construction. And at the same time, do not hurt the sawn material located on a metal base.

The iron tube is attached to the slope. Its diameter is 2.5 centimeters. A movable clamping device is fixed on the tube. Works on the principle of eccentric. Its components are a hook and lever. The main feature is a log log, which is subject to sawing.

In order to increase strength, the design is enhanced by several profile trumpets rectangular shape. Pipes on dead directly, to the frame itself. Their sizes are 40 by 20 mm.

The length of the frame is 7.5 meters. Its design is collapsible. If you wish, you can analyze the composite parts (one semi-bully piece and two pieces of 3 meters)

The option of adjusting the saw frame is provided. This process will be carried out with the help of adjusting bolts. They are performed in a wedge-shaped form.

Video: Ribbon sawmill with their own hands.