Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a swing gate at the cottage. How to make the gate with your own hands: we make a rollback gate using the rail mechanism. Designs of country gates: Features of manufacturing and operation

Before starting the setting of the gate for the cottage, you first need to decide on the material for them and the appearance, which would be well harmonized with the exterior (facade) of the house and the landscape design of the household site.

In addition, it is still necessary to determine with the dimensions of the gate and the way to open them, since, unlike the gate, the gate differ in the opening principle.

And if you need to know all this and understand, "what for what and how." The standard gate size is 2.6 m, but can be increased to drive freight and specialized vehicles to 3.4 m.

Methods for the opening of the gate are more dependent on the preferences of the site's owner, however, for example, unlike swing, sliding and lifting gates do not require clearing closer territory from snow in winter for opening them. As for the materials for the manufacture of the gate, then the choice is small: metal and / or wood.

The metal frame is crucified either by a tree or metal professional flooring. There are also a gate with a gate and without wicket. Consider more details of their production and installation.

So, we will highlight the main types of the gate by the method of their opening:


Gate for giving with a gate;



All these types of gates are installed after being built with columns for their installation.

Gate for giving swing

Despite the difficulties associated with the operation of the swollen gates in the winter, they are the most popular, since they do not contain any electromechanical components, and are simple in the manufacture, as well as operation and repair them are not difficult to prevent complex mechanisms. Thus, it is easiest to perform a gate for giving with your own hands with a swollen opening way.

The first thing is carried out a metal frame, which consists of two half. A frame metal rolled frame is laid on a flat surface, which is a rectangle (profile) with dimensions of 40x20. The profile is cut off with a grinder with a circle of metal in size to the future frame and put them in bulk, forming a frame of a frame, which should consist of two vertical profiles and three horizontal (lower, medium, upper) and further begin to connect with welding.

At the same time, it is very important to firmly fix profiles in the initial position with the observance of the frame geometry, since this is not done, then when welding, the metal will "unscrew" and the frame will break the geometry.

In order to give rigidity to the frame so that it does not "play", use elements from the same profile that are called disconse. The disclosures are welded diagonally diagonally or on the floor of the frame or in the corners for a length of up to 40 cm. Lastly, loops, spiing tags and valves are welded.

Welding places are cleaned with a grinder with a grinding circle for metal and then the entire frame is cleaned from rust if it is and stained with oil paint or alkyd enamel in two layers.

While the paint dries, you can install poles if they are not installed. These can be products from stone, brick or metal pipe, or profile size of 80x80. Stone and brick poles are not at all not difficult for those who know do it yourself, but when installing metal racks there are some nuances. They fasten into one whole frame even before concreting.

The lower horizontal profile should be located at a distance not higher than the meter above the ground, the average is located at the soil level and parts are welded to fix the scorehold, and the top binds the risers among themselves.

The trench itself rotates to a depth of 1800mm, a width of 500mm. A sandy pillow with a thickness of 300mm is fitted at the very bottom, 500mm concrete is poured, the frame is stacked, fixed by the backups on both sides and is poured with concrete to the soil level. After grapping concrete (three days), loops and other additional parts are welded, and the entire design is subjected to processing, like a gate frame. Then the frame is mounted and is trimmed with metal or wood.

The covering occurs in one direction, to the left of the right if you are right-handed and right on the left if you are left-hand.

To mount the metal corrugated, self-tapes with gaskets under a foamed rubber hat for sealing the place of installation of self-mains and preventing metal corrosion.

For wooden panels, another configuration of the metal screws were created, or bolted connections occur.

Gate for giving with a gate

They are easier in installation, since they do not require an additional separate column for the wicket, the wicket in them is built in, therefore, these gates are preferable if the fence. The gate is running with a wicket from a metal frame with a trim from a professional flooring or a tree, similar to being swollen without wicket, with the exception of an additional set of profiles.

In half the gate, in which the rituit is planned, a frame of four vertical profiles is cooked: from two external, defining frame boundaries and two internal, forming the opening for the wicket.

The average horizontal profile consists of several fragments, fastening internal with external and internal vertical profiles among themselves.

Passing at the height on which the wicket ends, the average horizontal profile determines the inner opening for it. Splits are welded in the corners to external vertical profiles.

When typing profiles for opening wickets, it is necessary to take into account that the opening should be diagonally 2 cm more than the external border of the frame of the wicket. This tolerance for all sorts of deformations of metal and shrinkage.

The wicket is performed from the same profiles of 40x20 and the diagonal color, but may not have a medium horizontal profile. Coloring and plating is made similarly.

Gate for giving told and lifting

The frame is performed similarly from 40x20 profiles, but the guide is welded to the bottom profile, which will ride the roller. The lower rollers, according to which she drives the sama itself is welded to the channel, which is in the foundation at the gate, and the upper (supporting gate) is welded to the columns.

Pods are also welded trap - elements that absorb the moment of collision in the extreme open or closed goal position. If the gate is not manually opening, but with the help of an electric motor, a gear metal strip is welded to the lower frame profile, according to which the gear rotates, which is located on the axis of the electric motor.

Thus, the gate rolled to the side and return to the closed position with the reverse rotation of the axis of the electric motor.

Often the lifting gates are installed in the garages of the new sample, since they allow you to save place and in this case are more practical. The rise is carried out by a special electrical lifting mechanism, which is located above the level of the gate, and, pulling the cables that are attached to the lower marginal edge of the gate on the sides, makes the rise of the gate themselves.

The disadvantage of this type of gate is that if electricity disappears, then manually pull the cable to raise the gate will be very difficult and long. Also, the mechanism itself is expensive and complex during operation and repair, relative to the other types of gates.

You will need

  • - pipe Ø100 mm;
  • - corner 100x100 mm;
  • - a corner car (Bulgarian);
  • - welding machine;
  • - cement;
  • - Sand;
  • - edged board and ram for formwork;
  • - carpentry tool;
  • - Soviet and bayonet shovels.


Cut the blanks for the gate. For racks, use the pipe Ø100 mm or a 100x100 mm corner. Their length is determined by the sum of the height of the gate and the length of the ends covered in the ground (0.8-1 m). With the planned gate height, 2 M, the length of the blanks should be 2.8-3 m.
The jumper connecting the racks, make a 100x100 mm from the corner. Its length should be equal to the width of the gate. For standard gates, it is taken equal to 3 m. If a pipe is used as a rack, cut one shelf of an angle on both sides at an angle of 30 ° and give it the edge concave shape. This is done in order for the edges of the corner well to the racks when they weld.

Collect the gate framework from the blanks on the ground, choosing a local place for this. It should be similar to the letter "H" - two racks and a jumper laid between them at a distance of 2 m from their top (or 0.8-1 m from Niza). At the same time, two conditions should be provided: the parallelity of the racks between themselves and the perpendicularity of the jumpers in relation to the racks.

Welcome jumper to racks. Both shelves of the corners must be securely welded with a solid seam. We weld to the jumper in two or three places any pieces of metal by sending them down. They will play the role of fittings that firmly connecting the jumper with the foundation.

Drop the trench under the fill of the foundation. Its width should be 350-400 mm, length - 3.5 meters (for 3 meter gates). The required trench depth is determined taking into account the depth of the primer of the soil, its type, the level of groundwater. For simplicity, it is possible to take it equal depth of the primer of the soil in your area, which can be found on construction sites.

Make wooden shields made of edging board and collect formwork from them. Its dimensions in terms of should be 0.3x3.3 m. The formwork walls are desirable to make a little expanding to the bottom - to avoid the pushing effect of the soil on the foundation.

Set the gate to the formwork so that the jumper is on the same level with the surface of the Earth, and the racks were located vertically. To do this, put under the rack or jumper backups of stones or metal and secure the racks on both sides by the stops. Place the formwork of the reinforcement from any type of metal - wire, cropping metal profile, etc.

Prepare a sand-cement solution with a 1: 4 ratio (cement: sand) and pour it into a formwork. To spend less solution, fill the formwork by stones and broken bricks. During the fill, the trambut is a shovel solution. The surface of the flooded foundation should be located at one level with the ground and the jumper. Before taking the gate themselves, give the solution time to harden - at least a week.

The simplest summer gates consist of two sash, which can be made from various materials. Often, the facing material is a profile or tree. If desired, the gate is created at the gate. It can also be accommodated in a separate opening. To make the gate for giving with your own hands, it is worth aware of what material is best suited for such products.

How to choose a material for the gate

Often, metallic and wooden gates are installed on the cottages. Combined structures are becoming increasingly popular. For the manufacture of metal gates, profile pipes, fittings and corners are used. The most popular are structures from the professional flooring, as they have the following advantages:

  • acceptable value of the material for cladding;
  • the speed of creating a gate;
  • easy to create flaps from a professional flooring;
  • long term utilization of the gate;
  • lack of corrosion on the material;
  • beauty material.

It is worth remembering that there should be defects on the professional flooring, since because of this, a rust may appear on the material. The minuses of the described material include:

  1. Insufficient strength. The gate of the subtle professional flooring may be damaged with strong wind or in other cases when a large load is acting on the canvas.
  2. The possibility of corrosion. So that the facing material remains integer, it is necessary to ensure that its covering is damaged.

Wooden gates are less popular, as they are replaced by more reliable and cheap structures. For the manufacture of the gate, both cheap boards and sawn timber from expensive wood breeds can be used.

Simple swing gates (as in the photo) can be collected with your own hands, having standard tools. If a complex and beautiful design is created, it is necessary to entrust the work of work by professionals. This is due to the fact that many work in this case must be performed using special wood processing equipment.

Combined products include constructions, when creating several materials used. The following types of such products are often created:

If you want to make the gate with your own hands, it is worth choosing the third option. Also, instead of a grid, you can use professional flooring.

Features of the manufacture and operation of different types of gates

Depending on the type of design, the gate can be divided into two types:

  • swing;
  • skump.

Swing are the most popular, as they can be made independently. They consist of two sash, which are fixed on supports with loops. It is worth remembering that they have some drawbacks:

  • the complexity of opening in the winter time, when a large amount of snow accumulates near the sash;
  • great opening radius;
  • the need for additional space.

It should be remembered that the frame of the swollen gate should have a large margin of safety, since over time such structures begin to sag. If the frame is not sufficiently rigid, the cloth quickly turns.

When creating a frame of swing structures, steel pipe or metal photographs are used. Design elements are fixed using bolts or welding. The folding frame is made galvanized steel, a professional flooring or a tree, which is applied in advance the antiseptic. It is not necessary to use heavy materials, as they repeatedly increase the load on the loop.

In the closed position, the swing gates are fixed with the help of a dowry or a mounted lock. For more reliable fixation of the sash at the bottom it is necessary to install a tag.

Before making a gate at the country, it is worth thinking that the poles can over time to get rid of the load constantly affecting them. That is why it is important to create a reliable foundation for pillars.

Retractable sash is divided into console and rail. They have several advantages:

  1. Ease of operation. When installing automatics, the opening occurs after one press button. At the same time, the site owner does not need to leave the car or at home.
  2. Saving site space. Retractable designs occupy a little space, as in the open position there are along the fence, which is visible in the photo.
  3. No need for cleaning the territory near the gate. This is due to the fact that the flaps of the gate do not touch the Earth and move along the guide.
  4. Durability. If you correctly install a sliding gate, you can use them for a long time without worrying about what they deform.

Many experienced builders converge in the opinion that the best material for cladding the gate is profiled metal. In a separate group it is worth highlighting the gate, in the cloth of which the wicket is built. Such designs are constructed along the same technology, but the frame for the wicket is boiling inside the web.

Development of the Gate Project

Before creating a scheme of a future design, it is worth determining where the gate will be located. If the house is located in the center of the plot, it is necessary to locate the sash opposite the facade of the structure. If the cottage is located close to the roadway, the sash should be located as far as possible from the road. This is due to the fact that with a frequent opening of the gate to the site there will be a lot of dust and exhaust gas. In the case when the site is located in the natural zone, the gate can be placed near the facade. Having considered photos of various sites, you can understand where it is worth the sash.

To develop the drawing it is worth deciding with the size of the future design. To do this, you need to measure the width and height of the opening. During the determination of the optimal height of the flaps, it is worth considering that there should be a small gap under them. If the entrance is covered with asphalt or concrete, you can leave the clearance of about 7 cm. For unaffected soil, it is worth leaving about 10 cm.

During the drawing creation, it is worth comparing the size of the facing material and frame. It is best to create a design in such a way that the dimensions coincide. This will allow you to perform work in a shorter period. Correctly compiling the drawing, you can proceed to the choice of materials.

Tools and materials for gates

Before working, the following materials should be prepared:

  1. Profile pipe to create sash frame. The products are most often used with a cross section 60 * 40 * 1.5.
  2. Pipe that is needed to create supports. The choice of a certain version depends on the weight of the flaps. If they weigh less than 150 kg, you can use the pipe 80 * 80 * 4 mm. When the weight of the flaps is 150-300 kg, pipes 10 * 100 * 5 mm are used. If they weigh more than 300 kg, pipes apply
  3. Loops.
  4. Locks.
  5. Professional flooring.
  6. Paint.

It is also important to prepare a grinder, a construction level, a shovel and brush for painting the canvas.

The sequence of mounting the gate

At the first stage, you need to install the support pillars. They are metal supports that are concreted to a depth of more than 1 meter. Installation is performed as follows:

  1. Pipes are first cleaned from rust. At the same time, their surface must be deguted, and then brew and apply paint.
  2. After that, in advance selected places, it is necessary to dig a pits to a depth of about 1.5 m.
  3. At the bottom of the pit, a sand pillow is a height of about 10 cm. It is covered with a crushed stone on her height of about 10 cm.
  4. After that, the pit is placed in the pit. It must be fixed in a vertical position, and put the reinforcement into the pit.
  5. At the last stage, a concrete solution was pouring with the addition of rubble small fraction.

After conducting such works, it is necessary to leave the foundation of the supports to stack about a week. This time is worth spending on making sash. Such works are made in several stages:

  1. First there are preparation of pipes for the frame. They are cleaned, ground and covered with paint. If this is not done, rust may appear on the material on the material.
  2. After that, it is worth cutting the pipes at an angle of 45 degrees on segments.
  3. Then it is necessary to decompose all the segments on the smooth surface. It is important before the connection of all parts to measure the diagonal. If they are equal, the design is assembled correctly. First, all the joints are grabbed with welding and after measurement is finally welded.
  4. Corners are installed on the corners of the frame being created. This contributes to an increase in the stiffness of the structure.
  5. After that, transverse crossbars are welded to the frame. The ribs are worth brewing at a distance of about 40-50 cm from the edge of the sash.
  6. At the next stage, it is necessary to span and paint the place of joints.
  7. Then the trim is carried out by professional flooring. At this stage, the sheet of professional flooring is placed on the frame and fixed with the help of self-tapping and rivets. Fasteners need to be placed in the pripadines of the specified material. When calculating the number of self-samples it is worth remembering that 1 square meter needs about 10 pieces.

The gate is a design of two sash closing the passage in the fence, which is essentially primitive. More complex structures may consist of three or more components. They can be opened manually or using the mechanism, which also affects the complexity of their production.

A lot of design varieties. Due to the simplicity of installation and functionality, the sliding and rolled gates became popular. These designs can be used not only for purpose, but also as part of the decorative design of the site.

Design features

Using our recommendations, you will be able to make a gate or a gate on your own. Retractable designs made in our plan without assistance, the appearance will not differ from the purchased mechanisms, and they will work in the same way.

The design of the retractable gate has not changed for a long time, but constantly upgraded. Now most often use the sliding options for two types: rail and console, but the first option is gradually forgotten and goes into oblivion. The contest type of structures was popular thanks to its versatility. To implement it in life, you need some materials, which can be found in any store.

  • Saving space. Console gates can be installed anywhere. For their discovery, there will be no space before design or for it, because the canvas moves to the side.
  • Universality. A variety of proposed designs allows you to choose exactly to you.
  • Convenience. The car can be safely left at the gate right away, because it will not be a hindrance when they open.
  • Appearance. This design looks very elegant, and if you apply a beautiful drawing on the canvas, it will also be unique.
  • Durability.


For the manufacture of the gate we will need:

  • Welding machine. It can be ordinary or inverter, but the main thing is that it is designed for 1000 amps. Of course, the inverter will cost more, but the connections are obtained much more reliable, and the metal does not deteriorate. With a conventional apparatus it is worth being relaxed, because it is quickly heated. We will also need electrodes with a diameter of 2.5-3 mm, which are sold in the construction markets.

  • Bulgarian. It should work with two types of discs. Bulgarian can be replaced with any tool capable of working with the metal. The first variation of the discs will be required to us for cutting out pieces of metal, and the second is for processing it.

  • Air compressor. This device will be needed for uniform paint for metal. It can be replaced with a tassel, but the gate will turn out with the subteps.

  • Passatia.
  • Roulette.
  • A hammer.
  • Rigger.
  • Points.
  • Level.
  • Drill.


For work, we will need not only tools, but also several varieties of metal, which is full of metal bonds.

For the trim, we can take any metal you like. The standard option is professional flooring, but a tree with a polyester also use. For processing the trim, you need primer and paint.

We also need console equipment, which consists of beams, upper and end rollers, catcher and two more rollers. When all the materials are purchased, do not hurry to start production, and first plan and calculate each of its stages.

Choose a suitable place and prepare it. Decide with the direction of movement of the design, because the place for this should also be prepared.


When you have drawings in your hands, and next to everything you need, you can proceed to work. All material is conventionally divided into two parts - for jumpers and for the main structure. Measure the necessary pieces of metal and cut it out. Do not forget that you need to adhere to the recommended angle at the jumpers. When the entire metal is prepared, it should be connected to the welding machine into the overall design.

When the frame is ready, and the beams will wait for their turn, you should take a grinding structure and subsequent degreasing it. For metal grinding, it is necessary to use a grinder with a corresponding disk, but for processing is suitable acetone or gasoline. When the metal dries, you can apply primer with subsequent coloring.

Before the final drying, the paint can go from two hours to three days, so during this time you can concrete the base and install pillars. You also need to take care of the place under the rollers and the drive.


First of all, it is necessary to build blocks into a concrete base, for which we need screws and loops. The main element of the entire design is a multifunctional beam to which the remaining parts will be fixed. The finished gates must be installed only after strengthening the base with cement mortar.

On the manufactured frame fastened sheets of corrugated.

That's not hurrying and with minimal efforts we made the installation of the gate. This design is very durable, and in terms of functionality is not inferior to the analogs purchased from the manufacturer. So that everything was done correctly, follow our instructions.
