Repairs Design Furniture

Tape saw on wood: pluses and cons of the device. Self-making design. Homemade belt saw on wood drawings vertical tape saw on wood with her hands

Who works with a tree, in the workshop necessarily there are various tools, it is not necessary to do without a ribbon saw. Who else does not have it, I propose to make a ribbon drink with your own hands. With such a saw, we can cut down exactly, on the contour any drawing, any workpiece, it is very convenient and indispensable in the joinery.

Tapewood Wood Tree Step-by-Step Making

I will describe the turn of work, of course, some elements need to be further refined, something with time change, but in general it happened. Let's not run down, let's all in order.

Let's start our work with the fact that we install the top wheel.

We take a sheet of plywood with a thickness of 10 mm. Cut from it three identical circles with a diameter of 30 cm and glue them between themselves, it will be the wheel. We are tightening it with a piece of rubber (I took rubber from the KAMAZ camera). In the garage there was a long pump from Vase 2109 of it, I took the carrying shaft. Over time, the fastening to the shaft I want to strengthen the metal insert.

Then we need a piece metal pipe 20 × 20 and corner, so we will make the tension mechanism and centering of the canvas. The next step has welded argon welding gear to the pump, here's the result.

From the same piece of plywood and ordinary bearings made a guide. (Perhaps with time, weld it from iron or bend from aluminum).

At the bottom of the canvas guide two crucks made from durable tree. Behind the cloth rests on the bearing. Perhaps later I change the croutons on metal.

The lead, the main wheel here is also done, as from the top.

Capacitors are more. The engine costs 1.5 kilowatta, when calculating it was supposed to be twisted with the working capacitors of 100 mk. and launched total amount ~ 200 mk. The operating speed comes out, only at 300mk.

With a filling, I quickly schitril took the food (which the frozen foods, bones cut ...) Wood is pretty good, but with a thickness of up to 4 cm (many sawdust, which are not so quickly taken out of the cut). I estimate a little, by reflection, I decided to cut every third tooth of saws. And you know, and the speed has increased, and it has become easy to cut, even a 20 cm thick.

Band-sawAlmost ready, of course, something that will need to still make a solid countertop, protection, also need to come up with something to remove chips from the working field ... The most important first step is made, and over time and everything else will be.

Ribbing machine on wood video

Ribbon Pumping unit for processing wooden products is one of the main devices for high-quality woodworking in industrial scale. In the face of working at home it can easily be replaced by simple electric pubsomyBut this apparatus can be placed on the production of products.

Modern woodcuts on a tree are easy to make with their own hands using a minor complexity, as well as the material component when equipped with equipment. This unit allows you to produce no less products, as it would be in the case of the acquisition of an expensive purchase mechanism, especially since it is not inferior in its characteristics in no case.

Areas of use

Using an aggregate of this type for a ribbon saw, you can pursue cuts, while accuracy remains at the height even when using the minimum labor force. Therefore, such machines are often referred to as a logging type. The main principle of the functioning of this kind of aggregates is based on more than a hundred years ago and even at the moment such machines do not lose their relevance in terms of processing wooden products.

Naturally, today's models of this mechanism on the order of two are superior to their fellows from past generations for most technical indicators. But the basic components and the principle of operation practically did not change. First of all, it was not subjected to serious changes in a saw for an annular section, which is capable of performing cuts both indeed and there.

The b / y woodcutting machine is able to perform as high-quality cut in a cut, and do simple work on the processing of wooden products wallpaper. Such a feature of this mechanism gives a unique opportunity to perform carpentry work on specialized furniture manufacturing factories, as well as most industrial wood processing complexes.

Modern machines for processing with a ribbon method are highly disseminated in aggregate with many well-known building materials. Basically, the work is carried out by wood with their own hands, as well as on plastic and complex foam materials.

In the manufacture of furniture, such machines are used primarily for the cutting of long adhesive openings, as well as to dry out complex wood elements. But frequent use of ribbon machines also become work on processing and cutting metal structures. Works are not excluded with such materials as:

  1. Cast iron.
  2. Complex non-ferrous metals.
  3. Chernethallic alloys.
  4. Alloys are durable metal materials, above all, stainless steel.

The main advantages of a ribbon-saw machine on a tree, which is less used using other devices of this type:

  • The ability to make a high-quality cutting of the billet thickness and depth of penetration, which can be at least 400-500 mm.
  • The ability to perform spillable area solely in complex materials, which can be easily involved in other similar machine mechanisms.
  • Cut materials in shape curvilinear trapezium with a conical base.
  • When working on a machine for band sawing units, there is a minimum of waste, such as dust and chips, for the preparation slice is always smooth and performed clean.
  • The ribbon machine is very small, it takes the minimum of space, with a slight weight, thus, it is easily installed with minimal dimensions and without attracting an additional working tool.
  • During the operation of the saw acting of its noise to a lesser extent reaches the refill of the machine operator and thereby creates less discomfort.
  • The device of this class practically does not bother others who live in close proximity to the working mechanism.
  • Non-flat, almost elementary, the design of the unit makes it possible to create a device for a band saw through its own forces.

Technical capabilities

Each practical owner of such a mechanism must first familiarize themselves with his machine technical features, as well as with the principles of functioning when performing necessary work. Conditionally all aggregates for the implementation of beltsing operations are divided into several types that can be divided into the following main categories:

  1. The size and indicative data of products for a certain period of time.
  2. The width of the ribbon series on the processable unit.
  3. The angle under which the mechanism turns out.
  4. The number of high-speed modes for running the material.

The main indicator that determines the difference between the machine created for industrial scales and for solitary operation in domestic conditions.

If the tape thickness does not exceed 13-14 mm, then it is best used in household work With a minor volume of products, but in the case when it is necessary to make a truly large volume of products on an industrial scale, then more thick ribbons are involved, as a rule, not less than 20 mm in order to prevent the release of low-quality products.

The main location of the tape saw on the device: horizontal and vertical. Thus, all machines of this type have only two standard classifications: horizontal machines and vertical.

A special console is installed on the vertical unit, which makes it possible to control the workflow, based on special operating parts. The device operator is able to fully control its console, following the production process at the same time.

On small-sized mechanisms, only the saw surface is fixed in a special fixed, while it is possible to freely move the main billet for the unit. Horizontal placement It is primarily a horizontal ribbon machinery. Their main purpose is to cut solid wood.

Such such ribbon machines often used for professional cultivation of heavy metal plates and high-quality products.

Also excluded significant differences in the form of filing the workpiece into a special worker. With the mass production of products, complex automatic machines are distributed. They are distinguished by serial production. Feeding elements is possible when using specialty tisk holders, as well as an electric motor. Motor can also be made at home.

Self-models of semi-automatic feed are used primarily in procurement production. They differ from the machine tools of another type in that it is possible to submit to the use of manual feed, and their use is due to mainly home and household production.

The best example for the belt saw can be called the device of the Belarusian production behind the number MR8-1558-007. Piloram of this mechanism is also Belarusian origin. With it, it is possible to qualitatively treat a plurality of complex parts having a width of at least 90-300 mm, with a length of 1100-8100 mm.

The mechanism for treating a tree and metal under the number of MP8-1558-007 has a standard power of no more than 8 kW, and the stress for the operation of the machine does not exceed 380 V. The web rotates with a frequency of at least 32 m / s.

Features of the structural assembly of the unit

Before you purchase and especially make the mechanism itself, it is necessary to pre-study specificationsthat will allow comprehensively to take a look at the device and take a weighted decision on its staffing.

The main nodes of the standard machine are as follows:

  • sawing mechanism;
  • electric motor;
  • platform for work;
  • stanna for standard processing;
  • elements for the guide moment;
  • vaults for the enclosing surface.

In the case of an incident, complex brake mechanismswhose pads instantly brake saws. In the potential break of the tape surface come into motion the clamps that brake this process and stop the rupture of the template. It also does not prevent such an element as a guide line to ensure control of the layer width.

What principle does a homemade machine, used to use?

  1. First of all, it is necessary to fix high quality, while the probability of the desktop vibrating must be reduced to zero. It is extremely important for the stable retention of production volumes at the proper level.
  2. The billet is cut along the guide line, when stopping moving focus. Special devices are capable of feeding the product at the required length.
  3. Machines of this type are able to cut the thread at the corner of the processing of at least 45 degrees.
  4. Automatic feed is carried out by a special roller bracket. It is on it that the workpiece of the required size is placed.
  5. Through the rollers, control the entire process of cutting products becomes extremely easy and simple, while the electric unit itself does not represent the source potential dangerfor the factory assembly this moment Pay special attention.

Video: Ribbon drank with their own hands.

How to make a ribbon mechanism with your own hands?

To produce vertical ribbonsOther machine At home, it is enough to have only basic ideas about how the assembly process occurs.

  • First of all, they make all the necessary sketches of the unit and all its active nodal parts.
  • After that, according to the drawings, make welding machine for the desktop. As a rule, the wall dimensions are as follows: 400 per 700 mm.
  • As a frame coating, a tabletop is installed. Most often it is made from plywood overlap with a depth of penetration of 20 mm.
  • By welding a transverse profile to a corner, a carrier bar is installed.
  • The upper and lower pulley becomes the main flooring to provide a high-quality working surface based on leaf rubber.
  • Through. special resin Install the sleeve of duralumin alloy, inside of which first pulp the opening for the bearing.
  • Inside the desktop surface is placed in the engine, which is the drive for the operation of the machine. The leading pulley is fixed on the engine.
  • To reduce the vibration of the installation, install damper, performed own hands from the textolite material.
  • When overheated, the machine must be given to "drink" from time to time.

Ribbon saw do it yourself - is it possible? This question is the answer, and it is positive. If you are a simple homemade trainer, which has encountered an independent seeding of raw logs during the construction of a cozprove from a tree, cutting firewood or if it took to update wooden fence, then the ribbon saw with their own hands will help cope with this problem easily and quickly.

The ribbon saw is necessary for the sawing of raw logs and cutting firewood.

Ribbon drank with their own hands - the process is very laborious, you need to mention it immediately. A lot of components will be required, carry out welding and turning work, sharpening the saw in a special way, but the most complex in this process is to achieve the allocated operation of the entire complex.

It is easier, of course, to purchase an already ready-made panel for constant use (for commercial purposes), it is not suiced, but it will quickly pay for themselves. If the desire to make such a design as a ribbon saw on the cutting of a tree with their own hands remains hard, then read on ...

Ribbon saw - a phased creation process

As a sample, the principle of ribbon cutting on a tree looks like this: two coils are taken from under ordinary thread, It is tracked and tested between them a thin tape (ribbon). Forcedly turn the braid, the log is cut, and the distance between the ribbons is the desired size of the bar. Such caps are convenient to cut the boards.

For the manufacture of a ribbon saw, you will need it with your own hands:

  1. Select the room where it (created by the band saw) will then be operated, preferably an area of \u200b\u200bat least 18 m 2 (approximately 6x3 m), verified.
  2. Then you need to make it easily working surface The tables with a typical size - 42x72 cm. It cuts out such a table from a plywood board with a thickness of 20 mm, then textolite glues on the surface of the plywood rectangle. Edging of the table is done wooden rails around the perimeter. It is also worth providing special grooves to maintain the wiring of sawing canvases. The finished table will be a box with dimensions of 420x720x500, with a plywood thickness of 20 mm.
  3. Connect to the table carrying barbell - segment of the channel 8, 68 cm long. Shelves are desirable to cut about 20 mm. The rod is recommended to fix the bracket to the table (40x40 mm corner), using 4 bolts M8. Drive pulleys saw to pull out of plywood, and the surface of them to attach sheet rubber with the help of polyurethane glue. Next, impregnate with epoxy resin, pollute and paint.
  4. With help epoxy resin Insert the sleeve of duralumin, in which you want to add a special socket for ball bearings. Next, the lower pulley is satisfied with the axis of steel, which is mounted in the box (two ball bearings in it), the axis is mounted in the lower end of the rod. At the other end of the axis, the slave pulley of the belt drive is mounted through the remote sleeve. After that, balancing tape pulleys.
  5. To clean the oscillations during the operation of the ribbon saw, you will need to install damper. The fixed part of it is attached under the desktop, and the movable part is the plank - helps to set the required gap when cutting wooden element. A damper is made from textolite parts and is attached to M6 bolts. The top damper is mounted onto the machine with M5 bolts using a bracket above the table surface by 105 mm. Only if the need appears that the pulley "beat in diameter", in other cases it will simply increase the friction of the tape.
  6. From the steel angle of 100x100 mm install the guide. It will be served wooden bar On the cut. On the machine are perpendicular to the plane of the corner. A corner is installed on the edge of one shelf, which needs to cut 2 grooves to adjust the gap between the ribbon and the guide plate. Cutout in the middle is needed to increase the stack strokes. For security reasons, the upper pulley node is desirable to exeteate the protective casing.
  7. To form the ribbon saw itself, that is, a pilot tape. This product should be very flexible, made of cold-rolled sheet steel (U8 or U10), with a thickness of 0.2-0.4 mm (0.4-0.8 for solid rocks), length 1600-1700 mm for the dimensions of the described Machine. Before the sealing ribbon in the ring will need to cut a teeth on it with an interval of 3 mm. Spike is performed using gas burner, the spike place is sprinkled with a drone, and after the spike is applied solder PSR-40. Additionally, the spawning place is desirable to polish and once again finally close the seam of the pliers. Tooth to hone and slightly dilute on the sides for the most effective cut.

This method of production of the belt saw is considered handicraft. When working should be followed by security measures, since in the case of a breaking of the sawing ribbon, it departs to the side, therefore it is not worth standing next to when the tape saw is in operation.

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The complexity of the manufacture of homemade belt saw

Welding is necessary for the manufacture of a homemade belt saw.

With a high load cutting around a tree, up to 300 kg, the ribbon saw should be as stable as possible, the installation itself is to meet all the requirements of safety rules during operation. When assembly, you will need to apply welding, power tools, milling Machine, to be able to competently sharpen the pilot ribbon.

There is also an option to also order or buy a ready-made frame of the ribbon mechanism with wheels, to purchase metal wheels of the trolley and ribbon saws under it. Independent production Such details will require experience and high-precision finishes with special tools.

Collecting such a design, it is necessary to install guides using ducts, channels, as well as corners or anchors for the stability of the support under them every 0.5 m. Withstanding geometry, welding all parts together. By establishing the guides in this way, it is necessary to leave the stock for the largest log up to 70 cm. Next, the wheels are fastened to the trolley, the frame of the ribbon mechanism and the electric motor through the pulley.

Tip: Think about the mechanism for changing the horizontal displacement of the saw relative to the log.

By moving the cart on the fixed log, the horizontal layer of wood is cut - the boards are made.

There are many different tools for sawing blanks - this is hand saws, cutting, electrolybits, etc., but a special place among them is a ribbon saw. This article will discuss the manufacture of a homemade belt saw.


In the workshop should be all at hand and abundance of the instrument makes the wizard of this free in the choice of methods and techniques of work. One of the most basic operations in any workshop is the sawing of blanks. Moreover, the sawing is different - somewhere you need to spill quickly and the quality of the cut does not matter, somewhere you need a deaf saw and it will cope with it or with a special, somewhere you need an exceptionally smooth saw and so on.

The ribbon saw on a tree, made by her own hands, takes advantage of the honorable place in the workshop. It is not all of all, nevertheless, it is not an option for use. These advantages include the following features:

  1. High quality sawing, as there is no return movement of the cutting canvas.
  2. High heating speed, as the cutting ribbon moves at high speed.
  3. High maneuverability when sawing due to small thicknesses of the cutting canvas.
  4. High versatility and tool use flexibility.
  5. High security work.

Nevertheless, the ribbon saw has disadvantages. List them:

  1. This stationary saw, respectively, there is no possibility of its mobile movement.
  2. Limited area of \u200b\u200bsawing due to design features.
  3. Large dimensions.

Production of a ribbon saw

Preparation for work

Getting Started, it is necessary to prepare all the tools and materials, as well as the place where it will be comfortable and safely engaged in the manufacture of a homemade belt saw.


Basic tool Description Alternative tool
Performing longitudinal cutting blanks
  1. Ribbon saw with the ability to cut the parts more than half a meter.
  2. Electrolzik. Lack of jigsaw in low quality saw.
Drinking niche, groove and top valve. Pulleys.
  1. Band-saw.
  2. Hand jigsaw. High laboriousness of the process.
Clamps Fixation of blanks when gluing, as well as other operations There are no worthy alternatives, however, you can adapt and try using carpentry vice or some heavy item as a press.
Drilling machine (+) Drilling holes
  1. Manual electric drill. Worse than what does not guarantee the correct geometry of the holes. Process drilling a drill more time-consuming.
Grinding the surface of the blanks and edges
  1. Manual electrode with grinding nozzles. Difficulties may result in grinding at an angle of 90 degrees.
  2. . Problems are the same as manual electric drills. It also adds limited tool power.

Materials, fittings, fasteners

  • 15 mm thick;
  • Larker made of wood massif;
  • Bolts for horizontal and vertical adjustment;
  • PVA glue joiner;
  • Lamb for tuning bolts;
  • Insulating tape;
  • Bearings for the upper axis;
  • Two bearing under the lead axis;
  • Two shafts;
  • Cutting canvas;
  • Two sleeves with internal thread;
  • Self-tapping screws, nuts, washers, poututs, studs;
  • Ribbons or nozzles for or.

Basic structural elements

The drawing of the tape saw will include the following components:

  • Base;
  • Tension tension mechanism;
  • Pulleys;
  • Saw blade (cutting ribbon).

Production of structural elements

The manufacturer's instructions will be divided into 5 points and include steps for the production of self-made belt saw. The article provides photos and video materials that will help you not make a mistake in production.


  • Since the ribbon saw should be strong, then it is necessary to prepare a thickness of at least 15 mm. Cut four blanks with a length of 550 mm and a width of 23 mm.

  • Next, we make marking on a pre-created stencil or you can make marking directly on the workpiece. Two plates located inside must have a niche for a fitting mechanism. For external details, it is necessary to draw through grooves. The magnitude of the vertical adjustment will depend on the size of this groove. Next, you need to place the through hole for the leading bottom shaft. In addition, we will need a surface for the saw table, the dimensions of which in the width of the table will not exceed 150 mm. In all the workpieces, it is necessary between the circles to cut a square in height equal to 15-20 cm, and not exceeding in width 15 cm.
  • Using need required details, as well as a groove of adjustment of the upper pulley, then drill a hole for the bottom master shaft.

  • Next, it is necessary to collect the future foundation. For the assembly uses PVA glue or any other joinery glue. We apply it to a smooth layer on all bondable surfaces, then apply parts to each other, not allowing inaccuracies. Fixation of products must be carried out by clamps, since for high-quality gluing it is necessary to fit the billets. Until complete drying of the glue, it is necessary to withstand the day.

  • We produce the installation of bearings for the lower the leading shaft.

The tension mechanism of the saw blade (tape)

  • For the manufacture of the tensioning mechanism of the ribbon saw, you need to make a bar, the dimensions of which will correspond to the niche in the saw housing. In the end of the bar drilled a hole for studs and funki. From both sides, the nests for bearings are cut.

  • Insert the hairpin and fix it in Broke. It should hard to hold onto the hole. To increase the strength of the attachment, before inserting the hairpin, apply PVA glue onto its surface, and also additionally need to fix the stud with the screw or screw.

  • It is necessary to install a handle on the stud, the rotation of which will allow you to change the depth of the dive of the bar into the base, thereby changing the distance between the pulleys - the tension is tensioning.


While driving the adhesive of the base, proceed to the manufacture of moving elements, namely pulleys. The whole manufacturing process is reflected in the following photos.

  • On a sheet with a thickness of 15 mm, it is necessary to mark the circuit with a circle with a diameter of 150 mm.
  • Cut billets on outlined contours and drill a hole in the center of the circumference.

  • Even the most accurate and neat sawmill will not give the workpiece perfect right formstherefore it is necessary to perform grinding of the ends. To do this, will be used with a table at 90 degrees relative to the plane processed. If you do not have a suitable tool, it is possible to stick the face with manual grinding machine or homemade adaptation For with a grinding nozzle. Recruitment is fixed with a bolt or self-tapping screw to a certain base. Thus, when applying for a grinding circle and rotation around the axis, a perfectly smooth circle is obtained.

  • After processing the pulley on the grinder, it is necessary to wind up its ends with an insulating ribbon in several layers, and you can also use rubber from cycling chambers.

The saw table will be a width of 15 cm. It will be installed on a special ends of the base of the machine between the pulleys. In the table you need to do it for free movement of the saw blade. The dimensions of the table is dependent on the needs and preferences of the wizard. You can make a small table, only slightly protruding outside the machine and save space, or make the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper surface more, for the convenience of work. As always, in life you need to choose " golden middle"Therefore, the final decision for the master.

Saw blade (cutting ribbon)

Best not to make cutting cloth Alone, and buy ready. In stores you can find a wide variety of options that differ by type of size, the type of steel used, hardening the material, the shape of the teeth, their wiring, etc.

Below is a table with some parameters of saw blades.

Native Marking Decoding Body hardness Dental hardness Feature application
Constant Hardness with the same hardness across the area 45 - 48 units. HRC. 45-48 units. HRC. This species is used on pulleys of a small diameter.
Flex Back - Hard Edge with high tan hardness indicators, but flexible body 30-33 units. HRC. 63-65 units. HRC. The upper part of the tooth is quenched, while the rest of the product is flexible. It is capable of carrying a large supply, in comparison with the previous view.
Hard Back weighted throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe canvas 48-53 units. HRC. 63-68 units. HRC. The technology of production tape saw is the most modern and used in industry. It is capable of performing a larger work, however, the price is much higher. The canvas is used in professional machines.

In addition, ribbon saws differ in the magnitude of the tooth:

  • with small tooth
  • with medium tooth
  • with a large tooth

The greater the hardness of the ribbon - the greater the resistance to the blunt it has. The rigid web allows you to cut the material on large feeds without reducing performance characteristics Work.

In this case, for our ribbon saw, the optimal option was the choice of 1065 mm long cloth from carbon steel having a constructive hardness labeling.


  • Round processing. After complete drying of the adhesive, it is necessary to remove the clamps and process the place of gluing, ends and other surfaces.
  • Installing the tension mechanism of the saw blade. It is installed in the landing groove, and on top you need to position the thrust element. During operation, the mechanism must be rigidly fixed.

  • Installing pulleys. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the accusable pulleys should be placed in parallel to each other and easily rotate around their axis, while the axis must be absolutely static. It is not allowed strong wheels of circles, as this can lead to slipping of the saw blade from pulley and injury to the wizard. The lower master shaft must pass the body through and having back side A sufficient end so that you can hold it into the cartridge drill. The upper pulley is installed in the tension mechanism of the saw blade.

  • Installing cutting canvas. The saw blade should be installed on top of the ends of the pulleys. At first, it should be freely dressed on this design, and by rotating the adjusting knob of the bar with the top pulley axis moves up, thus increasing the distance between the centers of the pulleys. In this case, tension tension occurs. After the stretch, you need to tighten the screw a forthoke for tight fixation of the tension mechanism.

  • Installation of the saw table. The saw blade is located on the horizontal surface of the base, as shown in the photo. Its area should be sufficient for a comfortable cooking process. It should be noted that the perpendicularity of the table with a saw blade is very important, and in two dimensions - longitudinal and transverse. The mounting of the table is performed by self-drawing. Although there is an option to "plant" on the glue, and for the strength to install the wrenches.
  • Installation of power tools. At the last stage you need to force this design to come. To do this, you need a shank of the leading shaft of the lower pulley to clamp into the cartridge drill. Alternatively, you can use a perforator or. But power will be clearly insufficient, therefore, after all, a drill or a puncher.

  • Setup and commissioning. Before proceeding to work, turn on the ribbon saw on idling. Make sure the ribbon does not slip and went smoothly. Check out its tension and fixation of the tension mechanism of the saw blade.

Rules for working on a belt saw

The large amount of materials being processed requires the installation to the machine with a cloth with large teeth. Optimal option - The use of universal tape saws.

  • with a large size of the workpiece, it is worth installing on a ribbon saw with large teeth; It is better to use universal type cutting tapes. So the need to change the canvas when processing various materials will be shifted;
  • Decide with the place of installation of the machine and secure it on the static surface by avoiding oscillations during operation. The room in which the tape saw will be installed must be well ventilated.
  • After the end of the work, remove the pilot ribbon and, accordingly, pull it exclusively before work. This will extend the timeline useful use Loves
  • Every two hours turn off the ribbon saw and give the engine, in this example Drills, relax, and at the same time check for faults. Compliance with this rule will protect the employee from injuries, and the tool from overheating.
  • From time to time, check the divorce of cutting teeth.


With proper assembly and use, the ribbon saw has long term operation. You only follow the tape from time to time and follow the state of the main parts.


The video for which this review is made:

Excellent homemade from our subscriber Denis DD. This is a ribbon saw from plywood at the minimum value of such an aggregate of 8,000 rubles, I think that this article may be useful.

The upper part of the bed (the most hemorrhaic part) is collected from 4 sheets of plywood (15 pieces) on glue and screws in the center of the sheets there is a groove width 100mm. And a depth of 30 mm (2 sheets of plywood) in this groove runs the tensioner for the tape. The photo shows.

Separately, the tensioner photo is not, but the design is simple to plywood 100 on 30, the stud is screwed and topped with a nut, tighten the nut tensioner rises tape stretching. The tensioner's course is about 15 cm. Did the tensioner's course specifically more to be able to use ribbons as 2300mm and 2500.
The pulley of the top shaft is fixed in the same bar. The angle adjustment of the shaft, which allows you to center the saw tape, did not (although in vain a hike) put the shafts a little in the collapse, when the tape stretches the shafts rise in place, respectively, the tape walks through the centers of the shafts + -. I had to put shafts in the collapse because of the insufficiently rigid frame structure in the tensioner. You need more layers of plywood, then there will be no walk. The rest of the frame is made of 150/50 boards designed in two. Here everything is fine with rigidity.

Shaft sharpened from the same plywood 15 ships in two layers. Sizes of 350mm shafts. The center put the bearings of 2 on each shaft, the shafts were fixed to the bed through a stud 16 mm approached bearings.

After I drew the shafts and gathered the face turned on the motor and gripped / pointed with a skin and a chisel. With the lower shaft of the problems it did not have any problems (the motor turns it the skin of the soot), but the uppermost one I had to make it be baptized with the ribbon on him. Here in principle, in this way the shafts were centered.

As a result, vibration was largely left during rotation (without such an alignment, the aggregate sausage from side to side). Next Balancing shafts. We remove the tape and the belt, turn the shaft and look at which side it is lowered at the bottom, respectively, it is harder, we remove the drill a little and again cool and so until the shaft stops in different positions, and it will not pull it anywhere. On the next photo These holes are visible.

Shafts have the shape of an egg, respectively, the tape does not concern the trees of the tree itself. You need to wear rubber on the trees. Cameras from a bike as an option.

Motor was taken from old washer, weak but saw). The pulley on the motor was also sharpened from the same plywood. Strap streaming from the generator.

Guides for the ribbon Well, it is difficult to describe here in the photo in principle. 1 Guide top with the ability to change the height of the second is fixed under the tabletop.

On the guides there is a thrust bearing from behind on the sides of 2 croutons from the beech, everything is collected on the bolts, with the ability to adjust.

Pay attention to the assembly to the upper node must, use at least 6 layers of plywood. Those. 2 sheets of solid, then 2 for the tensioner they are cut in the middle (place for the tensioner) and again 2 sheets of solid. I think this stiffness will be exactly enough for the shafts did not leave at the time of tape stretch.

It is worth noting that this saw has some flaws, for example, the absence of an operator's protection that is simply necessary on such aggregates, otherwise, everything may end.

From the same plywood, cables for the saw blades are made, leaving free only working tape cuts.

Engine OT washing machine Weak.

No adjustment of the position (inclination) of pulleys, to regulate the position of the tape.