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Biological active supplement for men. What dietary supplements are better for men to take to improve potency? Nutraceuticals for potency

BAA is a food supplement made on the basis of natural ingredients. Its difference lies in the mild effect on the human body. Dietary supplements for men for potency significantly increase sexual desire, thereby improving the quality of intimate life. A prescription from a doctor is not required to purchase a medicine. Most often, biological supplements for potency are used by men over the age of 45, since erectile function often decreases as a result of age-related changes.

In the article we will tell you:

What is a dietary supplement for men for potency? As b

Dietary supplements for potency have become widespread due to their ability to influence the process of spermatogenesis and increase male endurance. They are not classified as drugs. The advantages of the drugs include ease of use and a low risk of side effects. The effect is achieved due to the content of herbal extracts, which have a stimulating effect on potency.

Dietary supplements for potency are taken with meals. They are prescribed for men who are faced with problems of a sexual nature.

Depending on the composition, biological additives are divided into the following categories:

  • beekeeping products;
  • preparations based on minerals and saturated fatty acids;
  • natural hormone analogues;
  • herbal ingredients;
  • extracts of animal origin.

Treatment with dietary supplements leads to the normalization of erections and increases the duration of intercourse. The result of taking medication is a persistent erection and increased sensitivity in the erogenous zones.

Typically, these products are available in pill form. But there are other drug formats as well. Reception is carried out immediately before intimacy.

In some cases, he is not tied to intercourse. And in fact, and in another case, the use of the drug leads to the desired result.

Dietary supplements not only improve the quality of sexual life, but also prevent the development of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Popular male dietary supplements

Erection supplements can be purchased at any pharmacy. Their cost varies, depending on the pricing policy of the pharmacy, the composition and popularity of the drug. To determine which dietary supplements are better, the ratings posted on the Internet will help.

They are based on feedback from people who have gone through the restoration of erectile function. It should be remembered that dietary supplements for potency are not considered a panacea. They cannot cope with serious violations.


Stimin contains herbal aphrodisiacs and vitamins. They enhance sexual performance by stimulating testosterone production.

The active ingredients include vitamins of groups C and B, yohimbe bark, dwarf palm extract and gotu kola.

Tablets are taken twice a day, 2 pieces. The duration of the treatment course is 60 days. Contraindications include an allergic reaction to the constituent components, stroke and high blood pressure. A pack of 30 capsules costs around 1,500 rubles.

The Emperor's Secret

The Emperor's Secret is a Chinese dietary supplement for potency. Its action is based on the content of extracts of ginseng, barberry and cordyceps mushroom. Taking the drug helps to prolong sexual intercourse and increase the body's endurance.

The level of male hormones increases 2-3 times. The cost depends on the number of capsules in the pack. A pack of 8 capsules can be purchased for 900 rubles.

Red root

The tablets are taken not only to restore an erection, but also to reduce the symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy. The drug normalizes the genitourinary system and reduces the compression of the ducts in the presence of adenoma.

The required effect is achieved due to the presence of biological substances and amino acids in the composition. Reception is carried out 2 times a day, 1 tablet.

The duration of treatment is 1 month. Adverse reactions appear only with individual intolerance to the components. The cost of a pack of 60 tablets is 387 rubles.

MaxMan 4vjkjn

Taking the drug helps to cope with early ejaculation and helps restore blood flow in the pelvis, which has a positive effect on the libido of a man. The active ingredients contribute to the active production of semen.

After the treatment course, the state of health noticeably improves, self-esteem rises. Take 1 tablet 1-2 times a day. Mixing them with alcohol is strictly prohibited.

If the rules for use are violated, the drug provokes diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness and skin rashes. The cost of the drug is 1200 rubles. Vicamax forte

Vitamax is a balanced biologically active vitamin complex that relieves impotence. It contains vitamins of groups B, PP, D, A, K, E, C and folic acid. The tablets are taken once a day, before breakfast.

The drug helps to effectively cope with erectile dysfunction against the background of stressful situations or vitamin deficiency. The sale of the drug in the territory of the Russian Federation has been stopped. Therefore, the price range is wide enough.

Fuzhunbao super

The dietary supplement serves as a rich source of flavonoids and panaxosides. The release of the tablet form of the drug is carried out by the Chinese. The active supplement includes lingzhi mushroom, medicinal alpinia, sage extract, Chinese wolfberry and large-flowered horny goat goat.

It is strictly forbidden to take the drug over the age of 75 years, with individual intolerance to the components and chronic diseases of internal organs. Duration of admission is 2-3 weeks. The capsules must be drunk at intervals of 72 hours.


The list of effective dietary supplements for potency includes BossRoyalViagra. The release is carried out in a glass jar, inside which there are 9 containers. Each of them contains 3 capsules.

The action of the drug is based on the beneficial properties of the following components:

  • tortoise shell;
  • Walnut;
  • Chinese udnik;
  • deer antlers;
  • sea ​​Horse;
  • crimson cynomorium.

A dietary supplement to increase potency in men is used in the development of sexual impotence. It increases the sensitivity of the erogenous zones and provides blood flow to the pelvic organs.

Reception begins with half a tablet 1 time per day. In the future, the dosage is increased to 1 tablet per day. Exceeding the dosage leads to nausea, dizziness and indigestion. The price is 1200 rubles.


Vuka-vuka tops the list of the best dietary supplements for male potency. The drug increases the level of endurance during intercourse and prolongs the state of erection. Despite the fact that the drug is considered the strongest aphrodisiac, it has a mild effect on the body.

The minimum duration of the treatment course is 4 weeks. The supplement should be taken 2 times a day with meals. A package containing 60 tablets costs around 1,300 rubles.

El macho

The supplement comes in the form of oral drops. The composition includes: guarana extract, L-arginine and glycine. The drug not only increases erection, but also replenishes the energy supply in the body. For this reason, it is often used by athletes.

A single dosage is 3-5 drops. The course of treatment varies from 5 to 15 days. After a short break, treatment can be resumed. The cost of packaging a biological supplement is almost 2,000 rubles.

Golden horse

Based on the name, you can determine the composition of the bioactive supplement. The main active ingredient is seahorse extract. Additional elements of the composition include ginseng and sow thistle foliage.

The drug should not be taken by people suffering from high blood pressure and allergic intolerance to the components.

Tablets are taken 2 times a day, 1-2 pieces, on an empty stomach. It is also allowed to take one tablet an hour before intimacy. You can buy dietary supplements in a pharmacy for a price ranging from 900 to 1700 rubles.


Parity has a targeted effect on the hormonal system. It promotes the production of male sex hormones that are responsible for sexual activity. It contains ginger, pantocrine and young maral horns.

Side effects from taking include increased heart rate, chills, and drops in blood pressure. It is strictly forbidden to take food if one or more components of the composition are intolerant. A package of the drug is sold for 300-400 rubles.

Thor's Hammer

The drug is available commercially in drop format. Its action is based on the content of extracts from Antarctic krill, cladonia, littorina, lofius and mineral premix. The tablets restore an erection by providing blood flow to the reproductive organs.

They should be taken according to one of the schemes:

  • 5 days of admission, alternating with 5 days off;
  • 15 days of use followed by 15 days of rest from the drug.

Drops are recommended to be taken 30 minutes before intimacy. A single dosage is the same for everyone - 5 drops. In case of skin rashes or deterioration of health, the drug should be discontinued. You can buy drops for 700-1200 rubles.

Gift of the Himalayas

A dietary supplement for men for potency consists of aphrodisiacs that regulate the process of semen production. Onion seeds improve the function of the urinary tract. Horny Goat Weed leaves increase libido by increasing levels of male hormones. Mulberry tones the body, improving the function of blood circulation.

The duration of taking the drug varies from 1.5 to 6 months. In case of diseases of the digestive organs and abnormalities in the work of the heart, dietary supplements cannot be used. The daily dosage is 5 drops. You can buy dietary supplements for 1900 rubles. It is not available on sale in all pharmacies.


The supplement got its name thanks to its active ingredient - extract of the bark of the evergreen yohimbe tree. The drug improves the quality of sexual contacts and restores metabolic processes in the body.

The required effect is achieved due to the ability of the main ingredient to bind to beta-adrenergic receptors. Side effects include an increase in blood pressure. The price of a biological supplement is 238 rubles.

Magic staff

The active ingredients of the drug include royal jelly and extract of young deer antlers. The main advantage of the dietary supplement is its high efficiency. Capsules are taken orally every 5 days, 2 pieces. The duration of treatment is 1 month.

If heart rhythm and blood pressure are abnormal, an alternative replacement should be selected. If side effects or allergy symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor for an alternative replacement. The cost of dietary supplements to increase potency reaches 2400 rubles.


The Chinese food supplement is based on the content of plant and animal extracts. It not only increases libido, but also stabilizes the genital microflora.

After using the drug, the orgasm becomes much brighter. The medicine is taken 1-2 tablets up to 2 times a day. A pack of 18 tablets costs around 800 rubles.

Yarsa Gumba

Strengthens physical strength, has a calming effect on the nervous system and improves immunity.

Erogenous zones after taking the drug become more sensitive, which affects the intensity of sensations. The cost of Yars Gumba is 1900 rubles.

Peruvian poppy

Peruvian Maca is a dietary supplement for male potency that enhances sexual desire and improves the quality of seminal fluid. The drug is available in powder form. Men with high blood pressure and a predisposition to allergies should not use it.

The powder is dissolved in drinks or liquid dishes. Daily dosage is 1 teaspoon. The supplement is taken for a week, after which a 10-day break is taken. The price ranges from 900 to 3700 rubles.


Taking the drug increases the level of endothelial enzyme - NO-synthase. Impaza is taken with the onset of male menopause and in the case of impotence. If you take the pills, taking into account the recommendations in the instructions, there are no side effects.

Take 1 tablet every 48 hours for 12 weeks. If necessary, a single dose, the drug is taken 1-2 hours before intimacy. The average cost of tablets is 500 rubles.


Opti-Men is based on minerals and vitamins that are beneficial to men's health. Additional elements of the composition include oyster extract.

If they are intolerant, the use of the drug should be abandoned. It is necessary to take the supplement 1 piece with meals, up to 3 times a day. 180 tablets cost around 2,000 rubles.


Orgasex is distinguished by an exclusively natural composition. It includes: licorice root extract, ginseng, gingko biloba leaf, wild sweet potato and raspberry. The effect is achieved by dilating the blood vessels in the genital area.

In case of hypertension, atherosclerosis and arrhythmias, the drug cannot be used. A package of a biological supplement can be purchased for 690 rubles.

Tentex forte

The release is carried out in tablet form. The stimulating effect is achieved due to the androgenic properties of the drug. The main components include the roots of argirea beautiful, nutmeg seed extract, mummy, Malabar bombax and black pepper fruits.

For sexual dysfunctions, the drug is prescribed in 2 tablets. The number of receptions per day does not exceed 2 times. The tablets should be washed down with milk or tea. The cost of a biological supplement is 500 rubles.


Alikaps improves blood circulation in the genital area, thereby increasing a man's sex drive. Among the active ingredients are diamine leaves, zinc oxide, sabal palm leaves and vitamin B5.

The drug is taken 2 hours before the expected sexual intercourse. The price for a package of 4 pieces is 700 rubles. 12 tablets can be purchased for 1,500 rubles.

Drugs to stimulate potency are allowed to be taken only after consulting a doctor.

Pros and cons of biologics

Sexually enhancing dietary supplements should be taken after identifying their advantages and disadvantages. Compared to potent hormonal drugs, dietary supplements are safer, but less effective.

They are distinguished by the following positive qualities:

  • positive effects on the nervous system and sleep;
  • the possibility of reducing tension before intercourse with psychological impotence;
  • absolutely natural composition;
  • the possibility of using at almost any age;
  • an increase in the duration of intercourse;
  • ensuring a persistent erection;
  • prevention and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Dietary supplements are not addictive. In this case, the effect persists even after the cancellation of the reception. Even in case of overdose, side effects are very rare. Such drugs are freely available. But you don't need a doctor's prescription to buy them.

There are few disadvantages to this form of drugs. These include a high likelihood of an allergic reaction, especially if there is a predisposition. Allergy is manifested by skin rashes, itching, redness of certain parts of the body and swelling of mucous surfaces. In this case, the drug should be canceled. Side symptoms are relieved with histamines.

Some medicines have a cumulative effect. It is important to take them in accordance with the instructions, without missing a single dose.

You can learn about the possibility of combining the drug with alcoholic beverages from the instructions. Most dietary supplements are allowed to be combined with alcohol.

How to choose?

When choosing a dietary supplement, reviews, the degree of neglect of the problem, the causes of the pathology and concomitant diseases are taken into account. If an erection is triggered by a serious illness, taking dietary supplements will not bring the desired result. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should visit a doctor and take the necessary tests.

Pharmaceutical companies offer a variety of drugs at different price points. It is undesirable to be guided by the price when choosing. It is not a guarantor of the effectiveness of dietary supplements.

  1. Reception should be started with a minimum dosage to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction.
  2. It is important to consider contraindications to the drug. Ignoring them will lead to undesirable consequences.
  3. It is forbidden to take several biological supplements at once. The effect of such a tandem can be unpredictable.
  4. In severe forms of arterial hypertension, such drugs should not be used. They aggravate the patient's condition.
  5. If vitamins and minerals are presented in the composition, it is advisable to pass an analysis before use, revealing the supply of nutrients in the body. Otherwise, the risk of developing hypervitaminosis increases.

The best option is to purchase the drug prescribed by the doctor. He will conduct an examination, question the patient and send him to various examinations. Based on the data obtained, a decision is made regarding the treatment. If the reason for the decrease in erection is serious, powerful medications are prescribed.


A dietary supplement is a mixture of biologically active additives of natural origin, which can be taken with meals.

What are they needed for

These active supplements are taken by cavaliers in order to improving the performance of the male organ, preventing the development of diseases of the reproductive system, better production of semen, and also simply for the purpose of prevention.

In the form of what they are released

Their form of release is found in the form of capsules, tablets, powder, tincture, extract, syrups and others.

What are the origin

Divided into groups depending on the following components in the composition:

  1. natural natural plants;
  2. beekeeping products;
  3. animal extracts;
  4. containing minerals, zinc, selenium or unsaturated fatty acids necessary for men's health;
  5. seafood;
  6. components of the fermentation result;
  7. analogs of natural substances.

Things to Consider Before Taking

  • When choosing a product, read composition in order to make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the components after ingestion. To test how your body reacts, you can start with the smallest dosage when you take it for the first time.
  • Before resorting to the best dietary supplements for the potency of men from the rating below, be aware of the degree difficulties disorders of your sexual functions.
  • Watch over time to see if organism adapt to long-term use of the product.
  • Try reduce dosage and monitor the results (maybe with a lower dose the same good results will be obtained), but in no case do not exceed the dosage above the norm!
  • It is not recommended to take several different types of supplements at the same time.

Pros of Taking Active Supplements

  1. products natural composition and no chemistry;
  2. prevent the development of prostate diseases, strengthen rigidity of manhood, prolong intercourse (we also wrote about solving the problems of rapid-fire);
  3. sold without recipe doctor, so your delicate problem remains anonymous, and they are lower in price compared to other medicines;
  4. relax muscles and nervous the system, have a beneficial effect on sleep;
  5. majority does not cause adverse reactions, there are no contraindications for admission;
  6. they can be taken in any age without restrictions: both for an elderly person and a young person;
  7. taking dietary supplements can combine with alcohol;
  8. especially good for psychological impotence, are filming psychological stress in front of intimacy.

Now there are a lot of different names of dietary supplements for men for potency. What are the main reasons forcing the stronger sex to turn to them?

Reasons for the decline in sexual health

Let's analyze why sexual disorders begin, before moving on to the list of dietary supplements itself:

  • due to problems with the circulatory system, poor blood flow to the causative organ;
  • due to frequent stress, fatigue, there is no time for rest and mental recovery;
  • a decrease in the level of testosterone in a person, which affects the performance of the penis;
  • the partner was absent for a long time, and because of abstinence, as a rule, it is inevitable;
  • fear of failure, suspiciousness on the basis of ruining everything or fear that the partner will fly in;
  • the appearance of diseases of the nervous or endocrine system;
  • the presence of a fear of picking up something venereal and the absence of trusting relationships (we also gave a question about why intimate problems appear in another article).

20 bioactive supplements

Based on the instructions of the products, the absence of side effects, according to the advice of doctors and the opinions of patients, the following list of demanded dietary supplements has been compiled.

1. Burning mucuna

  • It is natural natural drink recommended for male sexual dysfunctions. The use of this product helps to improve not only the general well-being before intercourse, but also to increase the duration of intercourse, accelerate the mobility of the semen, and also enhance libido.
  • The dietary supplement given in the rating for increasing potency in men is also an aphrodisiac due to active microelements seed mucuns. Rich composition of plants is able not only to enhance male potential, but also to increase testosterone levels.
  • The finished solution should be taken on one a tablespoon three times a day. In terms of duration, it is advisable to use the drug for at least 30 days.
  • The cost of "Burning Mucuna" is about 990 rubles.

2. Kapikachhu

  • It is a remedy for disorders of male genital functions, as well as in case of insufficient production seed and a decrease in its amount in the semen. Acting on the nerve endings, gives an exciting effect, tones the body. Applicable in cases infertility.
  • It contains powder from the seeds of the plant "kapikachu". The tool is recommended to be consumed in a capsule twice a day with meals. The time intervals for taking the supplement are from 7 to 9 hours in the morning and from 15 to 18 hours.
  • There are no side effects, and the results achieved are stable for several days. Contraindicated in case of personal intolerance to the product.
  • The price for this drug from the catalog is about 450 rubles.

Before you buy a dietary supplement for a man and its potency in a pharmacy or here in our Internet portal, it is important to know all the contraindications from the product instructions and dosing rules.

3. Wuka-wuka

  • "Vuka-Vuka" - a drug aimed at improving sexual systems. When used correctly, it adds male energy and stamina during intimate act and also increases the duration of an erection. The herbal mixture included in the composition allows you to use the drug as aphrodisiac strong action.
  • The drug contains exclusively the ingredients of plant formation. This supplement is prescribed one tablet at a time. twice a day during meals. The course of treatment is at least 4 weeks.
  • Contraindication to use is hypersensitivity to the components included in the drug. Side the phenomena are possible in the form of allergies.
  • The cost of 60 tablets reaches 1,300 rubles.

On our portal, we also parsed earlier a topic about. Now let's move on to the next item.

4. Lovelace

  • Lovelace is a drug aimed at restoring many violations sexual functions. Helps to prolong the time of intimacy. In combination with additional medicines, it is able to relieve infertility... When taken, the drug strengthens the state of the genitourinary system and its performance.
  • The composition contains only natural ingredients that solve problems not only associated with lovemaking, but also help to strengthen the immune system and strengthen nervous system in general.
  • Take with food by capsule 2-3 times in a day. The duration of the course of therapy reaches one month. Contraindicated for persons with pathologies at work hearts and blood vessels, nervous excessive excitability.
  • The price for "Lovelace" starts from 1100 rubles.

5. El macho

  • This drops, the use of which is recommended to stimulate sexual activity, eliminate sexual impotence, for the production of sex hormones. Helps Increase Hot Flush blood to the reproductive organs.
  • This aphrodisiac is based on the extract guarana as a natural energy drink, glycine- a substance for purifying blood, as well as an organic compound L-arginine, allowing to increase blood circulation in the small pelvis.
  • The remedy is taken by 3-5 drops on the tongue within 5-15 days. After the course of therapy, you should interrupt the admission for the same period, and then repeat the treatment. Contraindicated persons with intolerance to the elements that make up the product.
  • The cost of El macho is 1990 rubles.

From 6 to 11, we will analyze additives from China

6. Magic Staff Forte

  • This product contributes to the formation of a normal natural erection, which distinguishes it from synthetic components that awaken only a mechanical erection. The advantage of this supplement is that it is fast enough the effect.
  • The main active ingredients are animal extract from young horns deer, extract from bee royal milk.
  • Apply 2 capsules each 5 days within 1 month. After one month, you can return to the course again. Reception is limited in case of personal allergy to the elements of the composition, in case of malfunctioning of the rhythm hearts and pressure.
  • The cost of this stimulant is 2400 rubles.

Let's move on to the next Chinese dietary supplement for male potency from the catalog with the best products.

7. Gift of the Himalayas

  • A dietary supplement made from natural elements used in medicine as aphrodisiacs. This product increases secretion semen, has a positive effect on sexual activity.
  • Leaves The large-flowered Horny Goat Weed can help regulate hormone levels and increase cravings. Berries mulberry trees normalize the inflow and outflow of blood, the tone of the body. Seeds Luke- porea have a diuretic effect.
  • Apply 5 capsules per day for 1.5 to 6 months. Not recommended for people with heart or kidney failure. Possible side effects after admission in the form of malfunctions stomach, lowering pressure, increased heart rate.
  • The cost of the supplement reaches 1900 rubles.

8. Chungcao

  • Chungcao is an aphrodisiac. Struggles with sexual dysfunction of the stronger sex, and also treats prostatitis... The drug has a completely natural composition that does not carry any harm to the male body.
  • The composition contains elements such as Chinese cordyceps, extracts from the organs of some animals, saffron Tibet. Tablets are contraindicated in persons with hypersensitivity to the components.
  • The product is taken as 15 minutes before the onset of intimacy. It is allowed to take the drug before going to bed, half a tablet with water. The frequency of admission is once every three days.
  • 9 pills are dispensed for about 900 rubles.

Consider another supplement to increase potency in men.

9. Fuzhunbao super

  • It is a natural supplement to improve and stimulate sexual performance. Helps to prolong the time of intercourse, enhances natural erection, improves quality and quantity seed.
  • Ginseng has a tonic and tonic effect. Chinese wolfberry affects the secretion of semen. Goryanka large-flowered acts as a sexual stimulant. We also wrote about men's folk remedies in another.
  • The supplement should be taken 1-2 capsules every 72 hours... The duration of the course is 3 weeks. Contraindicated in high blood pressure, people with work disorders hearts... May cause headache side effect pain.
  • The cost of two capsules is from 1163 rubles.

10. The Emperor's Secret

  • It has a beneficial effect on the male body due to the natural ingredients in the base. Extract barberry from the composition enhances sexual function. Berries withers act as an auxiliary source of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Mushroom Chinese helps to increase libido, restore sexual performance.
  • The recommended dose of this drug is - 1-2 capsules per day. The minimum course lasts 30 days. The main contraindications are heart disease and allergic reactions to components.
  • A side effect can be caused by an overdose of the drug, which manifests itself in the form vomiting, diarrhea, nausea.
  • The price for 8 capsules is 900 rubles.

Next on our list of the most effective dietary supplements for male potency is a product with an interesting name.

11. OrgaZex

  • OrgaZex is a bioactive supplement for the stronger sex, which treats sexual dysfunction, and also acts as a stimulant for male libido... The drug is suitable for elderly men.
  • Extract from fruits raspberries, which is part, sharpens the desire for a woman, relieves stress. Seeds tomato enhance libido and improve the condition of the circulatory system. Chinese Boxthorn creates a rush of blood, increases attraction to the opposite sex.
  • The active supplement is applied in 1 capsule every 2 day. The duration of use is 1 month. Contraindicated for use in persons with high blood pressure. May occasionally cause dizziness, bloating stomach, nausea, loss of energy.
  • The cost of 1 capsule is 370 rubles.

Watch our pinned video on herbal pills for gentlemen below. We also raised a similar topic.

12. Erectogenon

  • Erectogenon is a mixture of ingredients, due to which there is an exacerbation of sexual feelings during intimacy. Helps inflow blood into the pelvic organs, and also increases the ability to work and endurance of the instrument of pleasure.
  • Bark yohimbe, included in the composition, increases erection. Grass Gotu kola is a natural immunostimulant and desire-increasing component. Selenium strengthens sexual and reproductive activity. Zinc- a basic element for the genetic makeup of the body.
  • Reception is limited for those who have intolerance to the ingredients of the supplement, in the presence of rhythm disturbances hearts, excessive excitability.
  • The cost of the drug reaches 1408 rubles for 15 capsules.

13. Wimax

  • "Vimax" contains only natural ingredients, with the help of which there is an improvement not only erections but also sex life. Helps to improve libido and cause attraction to the opposite sex.
  • V compound the preparation includes herbal extracts. For example, hawthorn, cayenne pepper, oat straw and ginseng... According to the instructions, the dosage of the drug is prescribed in the form of 1-2 capsules per day. Duration of admission is 4 months.
  • It is forbidden to take the drug to persons with individual intolerance, as well as to persons who have undergone surgery on heart exactly a year ago. An adverse reaction in case of an overdose is possible in the form of an allergy.
  • The price of the drug is 2600 rubles.

14. Golden Horse

  • The medication has a positive effect on the performance of the pleasure organ, raises attraction to women, eliminates sexual dysfunctions, as well as premature misfires... It is also used in cases of low immunity, lack of vitamins in the body.
  • The main active components of the product are extract seahorse, sow thistle foliage and ginseng... Unacceptable for patients with high blood pressure and individual intolerance.
  • The product should be taken in 1-2 tablets. 2 times a day on an empty stomach. It is also possible to take 1 tablet 1-3 hours before lovemaking. Duration of admission is up to 24 days.
  • This costs 960-1730 rubles.

15. Stimin

  • Acts like stimulant male sexual functions. In addition to aphrodisiacs, it contains vitamins that enhance sexual performance. Helps deal with fatigue after intimate proximity, increases testosterone production.
  • Based on the instructions, the bioactive supplement includes dwarf extract palm trees, gotu kola, bark yohimbe... Contains auxiliary vitamins of groups B and C... The use of this drug occurs once a day, 2 capsules. The duration of the course is 60 days.
  • Contraindicated for use with high blood pressure, persons after heart attacks or stroke, personal allergy to the composition.
  • 30 capsules can be purchased for 1,500 rubles.

16. Red root

  • An agent that helps to reduce the symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy. It is applied when urethritis and squeezing the ducts during adenomas prostate. Restores the work of the urinary system. It is a non-hormonal stimulant of sexual activity.
  • The effectiveness is due to its composition, which includes amino acids, bioactive substances. Should be taken by adults 2 times 1 pill daily with food for 30 days.
  • Contraindicated for use in case of individual intolerance. Adverse reactions are rare and in the form of allergies.
  • The cost of the drug is 387 rubles for 60 tablets.

17. Tongkat Ali Platinum

  • This supplement is a complex of herbal ingredients that help maintain intimate life and eliminate problems associated with genitourinary activity. It also encourages the body to self-produce male hormone testosterone.
  • Included root eurycomas increases testosterone in the blood. Uterine milk awakens the sex glands and causes greater sex drive.
  • The drug is taken in 1 capsule per 40 minutes before intercourse. The maximum course of therapy is 3 months. Has contraindications for persons with impaired cardiovascular system, with impairments sleep and with individual intolerance of the ingredients from the composition.
  • A package with 2 capsules is released for 950 rubles, and 10 capsules cost about 4200 rubles.

18. Tentex forte

  • The product is used for impotence, weak libido, as well as for those who live an active intimate life. Taken to improve the quality of lovemaking elderly people after serious illnesses.
  • This is a herbal preparation with ingredients of natural origin. Burning mucuna increases seed production. Black pepper has a stimulating effect. Bark bumbaxa has an aphrodisiac effect. We also wrote about edible products that are useful for the reproductive system in another.
  • The supplement is consumed 2 times a day, 1 tablet. The evening reception takes place 30 minutes before bedtime. The duration of therapy reaches 50 days.
  • The supplement should not be taken if there is hypertensive pathology, does not work well kidneys or heart. Adverse reactions include allergies, high blood pressure.
  • It costs about 850 rubles.

19. Parity

  • Parity acts as a stimulator of the sex glands, which are responsible for the production of the main male hormone... The preparation contains various vitamins and minerals that help to increase libido and enhance erection.
  • Ginger, available in the composition, increases blood circulation in the intimate area. Young horns maral tone the body. Pantokrin prolongs the time of intimacy.
  • The supplement is taken with food once a day, one tablet. The duration of the supplement is 1 month. It is forbidden to take the drug to persons with CVS disorders.
  • Side symptoms can manifest as an increase in heart rate, temperature, chills, pressure surges.
  • Released for 360 rubles.

20. ProSolution

  • An effective drug produced in pill form, which is aimed not only at combating sexual dysfunction, but also a significant increase muscle... Of the advantages of the product, it is also believed that it restores libido and libido, brings it back to normal weight a person in case of thinness.
  • From the composition against the background of others, effective Solidilin and Drilezen. The first increases the attraction towards the girl, and the second makes the influx stronger. blood in the dignity of a gentleman.
  • It is recommended to take 1 tablet 2 times a day. Course admission is calculated by 2-3 months. Contraindicated in people in cases of personal allergy to one of the components of the composition.
  • The price per package is 2600 rubles.

So we looked at these different ages.

What is not included in the group of dietary supplements, do not confuse

Now some selective phosphodiesterase blockers are passed off as top-end pills from dietary supplements for instant potency.

We will tell you how a man can distinguish them by one substance in the composition and not be mistaken in the name.

The following medicines are not considered dietary supplements:

  1. The originals and generics of Viagra based on "sildenafil" (generic - generic analogue) are not dietary supplements.
  2. Cialis and its generics based on "tadalafil" do not belong to this group.
  3. Does not belong to the Levitra group based on "vardenafil" and its generics.
  4. Drugs based on "dapoxetine" (Super P-force and others) are not included in the group.
  5. Not included in the Stendra group and other analogues based on "avanafil".

A quick result does not mean that a high-quality

Products based on sildenafil, vardenafil, udenafil, tadalafil and the like are drugs of the PDE-5 inhibitor group (but not dietary supplements), and they can carry a lot of side effects, especially those associated with the work of the heart, dizziness.

Allergic skin reactions are also possible after phosphodiesterase inhibitors.

They may work faster, but they entail negative consequences.

What else does not apply to active dietary supplements

  • Yohimbine hydrochloride is not an active dietary supplement, but belongs to the group of alpha-blockers (temporarily blocks the perception of adrenaline in the body). In addition, it is bad due to the fact that it increases the heart rate and raises the pressure.
  • Impaza is an activator of NO synthase and an adrenergic blocker. It is not included in the group of active additives and is not suitable for those who have indigestion and metabolic disorders. Also, unpleasant side effects from the reception are possible.

Anonymous reviews from supplement users

What people say after taking dietary supplements:

  1. Anonymous 1... I took active dietary supplements because they are based on natural plants, natural substances. Such a composition inspires me more confidence than any suspicious chemistry. And on the other hand, I am sure that after taking various undesirable side effects, I will not have it. For example, after a dangerous Viagra, you may experience a rash, itching, redness or high blood pressure. There is no such thing in dietary supplements.
  2. Anonymous 2... Initially, I was aware that active dietary supplements should be drunk in a course to obtain the desired result. They wrote that it will probably take 1 month, depending on the neglect and complexity of the problem. However, it was enough for me to drink 1 tablet at the specified time (before lunch) according to the instructions, and it was already nice to see the changes that came.
  3. Anonymous 3... I understand that you need to go in for sports, monitor the tone of the body. But when you urgently need a capsule before an unexpected night with a girl, why should I deny myself modern useful medicines? Moreover, many of the dietary supplements are combined with alcohol and taken with food.

What to choose

On our website you can find excellent proven active supplements.

We are partners with official manufacturers and choose the most worthy products.

If you decide to purchase a product from another source or another store, then make sure that it is included in the list of safe medicines of Rospotrebnadzor.

Bioactive additives (dietary supplements) to stimulate male potency are tablets, capsules or pills containing extracts of plant and animal origin, as well as vitamins, minerals and acids. Such drugs do not have an exact formula. The main task of the manufacturer is to confirm that the additive is harmless, and he does not guarantee its effectiveness. For some men, dietary supplements become a serious help in sexual life, and someone regrets the wasted funds.

Supplements for improving erectile function are in high demand among men of various age categories - a doctor's prescription is not needed, the ingredients are natural, there are no reported side effects or a minimum... The only significant disadvantage of dietary supplements for increasing potency is a rather high price, which manufacturers explain by the rarity and value of the components.

Some men put too much hope in supplements in an effort to cure serious disorders and eliminate impotence. In the end, the result is disappointing. From dietary supplements, you can expect the following:

  • Soft correction of hormonal levels, stimulation of testosterone synthesis, increased libido;
  • Acceleration of blood flow by thinning the blood, cleansing blood vessels and activating metabolism. As a result, the erection will be faster;
  • Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects on the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • Increasing the general tone of the body, stimulating the nervous system, getting rid of depression.

Dietary supplements for potency work slowly, they need to be taken as a course. For an hour, only prescription PDE-5 inhibitors are effective - strong pills that are not related to dietary supplements and are not sold without a doctor's prescription. An insignificant improvement in erection and general vigor - this is the maximum effect of the "instant action" dietary supplement, which can be felt immediately. If the additive works quickly, then a chemical has been added to the additive. Capsule manufacturers sin like this Orgazex, Laveron, Alikaps, Sealex and Tongkat Ali Platinum... These drugs were banned for sale and withdrawn from retail chains by order of Rospotrebnadzor... However, many specialized Internet resources continue to actively trade counterfeits.

Many Chinese dietary supplements to enhance potency contain exotic and expensive ingredients. Among such drugs, counterfeits are also often found, in which instead of the original ingredient, a cheap analogue or "dummy" is added. Traces of PDE5 inhibitors have also been found in some supplements. When analyzed in Chinese dietary supplements, they find fungi, mold, mercury in excess of the norm and other unacceptable inclusions. Supplements of this category are sold mainly not in pharmacies, but through websites, so it is difficult to control their composition.

Manufacturers justify the dangerous composition of dietary supplements by the intrigues of competitors, but as a result, men who want to safely improve potency suffer. You can check how legal the dietary supplement is, and at the same time you can familiarize yourself with its detailed characteristics on the website of the Federal Service for the Protection of Consumer Rights. However, there may be a catch here: one batch is given for testing, and another one goes for implementation.

Signs of dietary supplements-counterfeit can be detected only after taking:

  1. Flushed face.
  2. Headache.
  3. Nasal congestion.
  4. Cardiopalmus.

The above are the most common side effects of PDE-5. Natural herbal ingredients in the dosages normative for dietary supplements do not cause such effects.

The main components of dietary supplements

There are not so many components of natural origin that really affect potency, so the composition of most dietary supplements is duplicated. In some of them, manufacturers additionally add plant extracts or ingredients of animal origin, which do not carry a significant semantic meaning.

Many Japanese, Chinese, Malaysian dietary supplements contain exotic components such as insects, extracts from the genitals of animals. There is no evidence base for the effectiveness of these ingredients for increasing potency. In popular dietary supplements from Indonesia ("Golden Horse"), the key component is seahorse.

The main advantage of the dietary supplement "Golden Horse" is its 100% vegetable form, without the addition of synthetic agents, flavors and other chemical compounds. The price of the drug is from 366 rubles.

Inexpensive domestic additives to improve the reproductive system contain drone homogenate (dietary supplement "Male Power"), propolis, castoreum, pumpkin seed oil... The composition of some preparations is additionally enriched with vitamins C, E, group B, carotene, L-arginine, L-carnitine, zinc, taurine.

Features of admission and side effects

Nutritional supplements to improve potency are available without a prescription, but their components, with regular exposure to the body, can have a pronounced effect not only on sexual function. Pharmacy dietary supplements are usually supplied with relatively detailed instructions for use with a list of contraindications. Supplements purchased from websites often come with only a piece of paper with hieroglyphs. In such cases, you need to focus on the possible side effects of the components of the composition. For instance:

  • Ginseng: insomnia, diarrhea, headaches, nausea, chest pains, pressure surges;
  • Cordyceps: it is not recommended to take it against the background of therapy with bronchodilator drugs and anticoagulants;
  • Goryanka: increased irritability, tachyarrhythmia, rash.

With some dietary supplements, the color of urine and sweat changes to greenish, spots on the skin may appear. Such effects usually begin to appear 1-2 weeks after the start of the course.

The reception mode is indicated in the instructions. If not, then you should not use the drug on an empty stomach. It is not recommended to combine supplements with oatmeal and caffeinated drinks, which block the absorption of certain substances.

Rating of popular dietary supplements

There can be an equal number of positive and negative reviews about the same drug. This is due to the individual influence of natural ingredients on each organism. The effectiveness of dietary supplements largely depends on the cause of the decrease in potency. Some men begin to take drugs without obvious indications, as a result - the absence of any dynamics.

The table below summarizes the most effective dietary supplements according to men's reviews.

NameMain componentsManufacturerAverage cost, rub
"Maca"Peruvian poppyUSA1700 (100 capsules)
"Wimax"Eurycoma, Tribulus creeping, Ginkgo biloba, GinsengCanada2600 (60 capsules)
"Ikariin amino plus"Horny Goat Weed, pine, black pepper extractsRF3800 (90 capsules)
"Stimin"Yohimbe, sabal, vitaminsRF1500 (30 capsules)
"Lovelace"Eurycoma, cordycepsMalaysia900 (16 capsules)
"Tentex Forte"Complex of plant extracts, mummyIndia590 (100 tablets)
"Yarsa Gumba forte"Cordyceps, eurycoma, ginseng, yohimbe, epimedium, taurineRF600 (10 tablets)
"Vuka-vuka"Extracts of triumfetta, sikurinega, tree heteromorphsRF700 (20 tablets)
"Erectogenon"Astragalus, yohimbe, B vitamins, zincRF1500 (15 capsules)
"The Emperor's Secret"Cordyceps, ginsengChina680 (8 capsules)

The cheapest dietary supplements are dry plant materials, for example, kopeck rootstocks (Red Root dietary supplement).

According to young men the best dietary supplements for potency - based on Peruvian maca, eurycoma, tribulus and goryanka... These drugs increase libido and prolong erection. Near-retirement men prefer supplements that relieve prostatitis symptoms and increase testosterone levels.


Dietary supplements can increase potency, but such treatment will require patience. They are not drugs or replacements. Supplements will not cope with serious problems, and in some cases they can aggravate them and add new ones. If you need not just to "revive" sex life, but to prevent impending impotence, then it is better to consult a urologist. Doctors have their own statistics on dietary supplements, based on the experience of many patients. Depending on the symptoms, the urologist can recommend the most suitable supplement for potency.

Age over 50 and intimate life is completely calm? Do not despair! The best remedies for male potency will come to the rescue and strengthen men's health.

According to statistics, 50% of the male population from 45 to 65 years old suffer from erectile dysfunction and other disorders of the genital area. How does a man feel when he has a delicate problem? Sexual failures cause insecurity and panic, affect family relationships and work, and cause an inferiority complex. What can you do to improve your sexual health? Most men do not know how to behave properly in this situation, which doctor to consult. According to surveys, less than 5% of respondents come to see a urologist or andrologist. Potency care - health care.

The best remedies for male potency 2019

At what age to use the drug? It depends on the condition of the body and is determined by the doctor.
How to choose the most effective remedy and how to take it correctly? Only the attending doctor will consult.

10. Lovelace

Release form - capsules. They guarantee an erection, prolonged sexual intercourse, and normalize testosterone. Dietary supplement. Recommended for men over 50.

means for increasing potency Lovelace


  • composed of natural ingredients;
  • enhance orgasm;
  • used in the treatment of prostatitis and chronic urethritis.


  • regular use of the course.


  • hypertension;
  • heart diseases;
  • insomnia;
  • taking the drug in the evening.

The average price is 1,150 rubles.

9. Cream "Health"

It is a natural preparation. Increases sexual desire, helps erection, improves the quality of intimate relationships.

means for increasing potency Cream "Health"


  • local application.


  • causes allergic reactions;
  • requires a course of treatment.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to beekeeping products.

The average cost is 990 rubles.

8. Vector of Solomon

Herbal preparation. Release form - drops. They restore potency, prevent prostatitis.

means for increasing potency Solomon's Vector


  • compatible with taking other medications;
  • does not affect the speed of reaction when working with hazardous machinery.


  • allergic reactions;
  • overdose causes disorder of the central nervous system.


  • uncontrolled hypertension;
  • poor blood clotting.

The cost of the goods is 990 rubles.

Produced in capsules and drops based on vitamins and herbal ingredients. Stimulator of blood circulation, genital area. It is used for therapy and prevention.

potency enhancer Erogan


  • safe drug;
  • prolonged action;
  • has a positive effect on the body as a whole.


  • Not identified.

It has no contraindications.
The average price of a product is 990 rubles.

6. Vizarsin and Impaza

Medicinal product. The action is based on a PDE-5 inhibitor or sildenafil. An erection occurs within half an hour after ingestion.

means for increasing potency Vizarsin and Impaza


  • use for impotence;
  • persistent erection.


  • to achieve a lasting effect, take at least 2 weeks;
  • has side effects.


  • heart diseases;
  • with caution to men after 60 years;
  • age up to 18 years.

Impaza is a herbal preparation. The composition includes components that accelerate blood circulation and affect the genitals. Reception: three weeks.

No side effects and contraindications for use.

  • weakening of erectile function;
  • decreased libido;
  • instability of sexual health;
  • dissatisfaction with sexual intercourse.


  • relieves fatigue;
  • mild effect on the body.

Inexpensive remedy - 350 rubles for 20 tablets.

5. Sildenafil

The inhibitor of the same name is the basis of the drug. Stimulation of blood supply to the penis, prolongation of erection. Effectiveness - up to 6 hours.

means for increasing potency Sildenafil


  • erection stability;
  • good reviews from patients and doctors.


  • side effects from the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • negative effects on the organs of vision and the respiratory system.


  • high or low blood pressure;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

4. Levitra

Based on vardenafil. Promotes blood circulation in the pelvis and genitals. Action - up to 6 hours. It is taken by patients with diabetes mellitus. Safe medication in the treatment of impotence, minimizing side effects. The best drug from the pharmacy for potency. Effectiveness manifests itself immediately. 6 hours - duration of the effect.

means for increasing potency Levitra


  • fast-acting (within 15-20 minutes);
  • compatible with alcohol and food;
  • used by men of any age group;
  • does not negatively affect blood vessels, reproductive and nervous systems.


  • overdose is the cause of back pain;
  • incompatibility of the drug with other drugs for potency;
  • the possibility of arterial hypotension.

There are no contraindications.

The average price is 1968 rubles per tablet.

3. Spray M-16

The composition includes extracts of Guarani and L-arginine, which induce an erection and improve potency. It is applied externally, without side effects on the digestive tract and circulatory system. The effect is achieved within 5-10 minutes. The product is suitable for all men.

potency enhancer Spray M-16


  • enhances sexual desire;
  • affects the acuity of feelings during sexual intercourse;
  • improves sperm quality;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • gently affects the prostate gland;
  • reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer.


  • allergic reactions and itching;
  • one-time effect;
  • difficult to buy at the pharmacy;
  • conflicting reviews about the drug.


  • hypersensitivity to the agent;
  • damage to the penis;
  • the presence of ulcers on the penis.

The cost is 399 rubles.

How to take it correctly: inside, regardless of food, half an hour or an hour before sexual intercourse, drink water without chewing. The daily dose is 1 tablet. Action - within 40 minutes after application, duration - 4-5 hours.

means for increasing potency Viagra


  • prolonged erection;
  • use when signs of impotence appear.


  • the reception is not compatible with the use of alcohol;
  • achievement of a one-time effect;
  • causes insomnia, headache, tachycardia.


  • high blood pressure, kidney disease;
  • chronic diseases;
  • deformed penis;
  • taking other drugs to enhance potency;
  • taking medicines: erythromycin, ketonazole, cimetidine, beta-blockers, hypoglycemic drugs.

The average price is 654 rubles per tablet.

In the composition of tadalafil. Used to treat sexual dysfunction. Increases libido and erection for up to 36 hours. Men respond positively to the drug.

means for increasing potency Cialis


  • increases erection;
  • does not affect the composition of the ejaculate;
  • not addictive;
  • does not harm the health of a man;
  • acts only when excited.


  • feeling weak;
  • increased sexual dysfunction;
  • the negative effect of Cialis - up to 12 hours.


  • individual intolerance;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypertension;
  • the risk of priapism.

The course of taking the medicine - up to 1 year, if necessary - once a week. It costs 1139 rubles per tablet. Country of origin - India.

What means to increase potency do they take on their own?

For self-medication, drugs are used on a natural basis. Herbal preparations for increasing the potency of men:

  • M 16 and Vector of Solomon;
  • Thor's hammer and Zdorovye cream;
  • Peruvian Maca and Alicaps;
  • Yohimbine and Erogan.

Chinese herbal remedies

They are trusted to restore potency. Developed on the basis of ancient recipes and medical advances. Safe. They improve potency, develop endurance, allow you to repeat sexual intercourse. Sold without a prescription, applied at home as needed. Alcohol compatible. Minimal side effect, no contraindications.

  • Tonify Yang tablets

A quality drug for the normal health of men. Natural biocomplex for solving sexual problems: weak erection, premature ejaculation.

  • Chungcao

Natural preparation. The capsules are based on natural ingredients of plant and animal origin. It is used to increase libido, restore sexual activity and improve male health. Solves the problem of premature ejaculation and urination. No contraindications. Used for hypertension and diabetes.

The best dietary supplements for male potency 2019

The list of means for stabilizing the potency of men includes biologically active additives. They are not drugs. The composition contains natural ingredients. Used for drug treatment.

  1. Yohimbine;
  2. Thor's Hammer;
  3. Tongakat Ali Platinum;
  4. Maral strength;
  5. Alikaps;
  6. Wook Wook;
  7. Red root;
  8. Golden horse;
  9. Orgazex;
  10. Parity.

Dietary supplements strengthen the tone of the body, promote the production of testosterone.


  • as part of natural products of plant or animal origin;
  • practically without side effects and contraindications;
  • improve the condition of the body, the genitourinary system in particular;
  • are being certified;
  • purchase from a pharmacy or online, available without a prescription.


  • Not identified.


Contains natural herbal ingredients. It is used to enhance male sexuality, normalize sexual activity. Applied with a decrease in potency caused by overwork, overexertion, depression.

potency enhancer Yohimbine


  • absorbed by the body;
  • burns fat;
  • a sedative for the nervous system.


  • causes tremors, high blood pressure, headache;
  • a single dose does not give the desired effect. Take the course.


  • increased dysplasia of the prostate;
  • with diabetes mellitus interferes with the action of insulin, lowers blood sugar;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • depression.

Price - from 233 rubles.

Thor's Hammer

Drops for the potency of men on a plant basis. They have a beneficial effect on the pelvic organs, kidneys, relieve fatigue, and increase libido. The preparation contains extract of marine invertebrates (littorin), extract of northern moss and Antarctic krill, monkfish liver.

means for increasing potency Thor's Hammer


  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • prolongation of sexual intercourse.


  • headache;
  • increase in pressure.


  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The average price is 700 rubles.

Tongkat ali platinum

It is based on extracts of ginseng and tongkata roots. Increases testosterone production. Improves libido and stimulates the blood supply to the pelvic organs. Increases sexual activity, improves sperm quality.

means for increasing potency Tongkat Ali Platinum


  • increased male fertility;
  • use with a small dose of alcohol;
  • prevention of problems of the genitourinary sphere;
  • safe at any age.


    • individual intolerance;
    • application in a course (10 capsules).

It has no contraindications.
The cost is 1290 rubles.

Maral strength

Natural preparation based on deer horns and blood extract. Available in capsules. It has a beneficial effect on the body and sexual potency. Applied at the first sign of decreased erection.

means for increasing potency Strength of the maral


  • increased immunity;
  • cleansing of cholesterol plaques;
  • strengthening the body's endurance;
  • positive effect on male strength.


  • sale only via the Internet;
  • taking the drug for a course of up to 2 months.


  • individual intolerance;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • reception by persons under 18 years of age.

Costs 900 rudders.

Includes anchors creeping ingredients. It is used in India and China to enhance libido in women and men. Bodybuilders use the drug to increase sex hormones. Recommended for use in erectile dysfunction.

The preparation contains natural ingredients: extract of eurycoma, Domiana leaf and creeping palm. The dietary supplement enhances sexual desire, fights infections of the genitourinary system, and improves the quality of semen.

It is applied 1 capsule a day, in the morning, washed down with water. Duration of admission is up to 1 month. One-time use of the product is possible. One-time intake of two tablets is allowed for weakness and fatigue.

means for increasing potency Alikaps


  • beneficial effect on the entire body;
  • the quality of sexual intercourse.

Disadvantage: allergic reactions.

  • atherosclerosis;
  • problems with heart;
  • hypertension;
  • nervous irritability;
  • insomnia.

Price - 1,775 rubles.

Wuka Wuka

On the basis of plant components (reticular guerrilla, edible carissa, securinega virose roots, tree heteromorph, Velvich triumfetta). Stimulates hormonal processes, increases libido, increases the duration of intercourse. Recommended for men over 60.

means for increasing the potency of Vuk Vuk


  • not addictive;
  • treatment of prostatitis;
  • prevention of sexual dysfunctions.


  • drowsiness;
  • allergic reactions.

Contraindication: individual intolerance.
Price - 1290 rubles.

Red root

Natural remedy. Tincture. Contains the components of the roots of the forgotten penny plant. Known as a fatigue-reducing drug. It is used to increase the duration of intercourse.

means for increasing potency Red root


  • normalization of the urinary system;
  • strengthening of an erection.


  • allergic reactions;
  • headache;
  • redness of the face;
  • hypertension;
  • liver disease;
  • individual intolerance.

The average price of a product is 270 rubles for 20 pieces.

Golden horse

The constituent components are ginseng root, sow thistle leaves, seahorse, cat's whisker. An effective remedy in the fight against male impotence.

means for increasing potency Golden horse


  • stimulates the cardiovascular and central nervous systems;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • supports physical and mental performance.


  • diuretic action;
  • discoloration of urine.


  • atherosclerosis;
  • mental disorders;
  • high blood pressure.

Price - 350 rubles for 20 pieces.


A complex of 8 medicinal plants. The tool restores an erection and increases the sensation of sexual intercourse.

means for increasing potency Orgasex


  • increased sexual activity;
  • not toxic.


  • allergic reactions;
  • short-term action;
  • overexcitation;
  • insomnia.


  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • hypertension.

Price - 650 rubles.

Available in capsules and in the form of a concentrate. The capsules are based on eurycoma, and the concentrate is based on the large-cup Horny Goat Weed. The preparation contains ginger, pantocrine and yohimbe.

means for increasing potency Parity


  • one of the best dietary supplements for increasing potency;
  • improving reproductive function.


  • allergic reactions;
  • strong heartbeat;
  • ineffectiveness of one course.


  • individual intolerance;
  • hypertension.

Price - 507 rubles.

Medicines from the pharmacy.

How to increase potency and how to treat sexual dysfunctions, only the doctor decides, choosing the most effective medicines or herbal remedies. If there is not enough time to visit the doctor, choose the drug deliberately, weighing the pros and cons: does the drug affect the work of other organs, how quickly it works to increase potency.

The pharmacy offers drugs for potency.

  • Alprostadil injections


  • affects metabolism;
  • stimulates the bowels and bladder;
  • vasodilating action.


  • hypotension;
  • the formation of hematomas at the injection site;
  • violation of the reaction rate;
  • swelling of the glans penis.


  • allergy to the active ingredient;
  • allergic reactions to medicines, preservatives, dyes;
  • taking biologically active additives;
  • pathology of the penis;
  • priapism;
  • sexually transmitted infections.

An expensive drug. Price - from 340 euros.

  • Generic dapoxetine

They are used if there is a problem with premature ejaculation. The action of the remedy is to slow down the ejaculation process.

Available in tablets. How to take the drug: Food intake does not affect the medicine. Dosage: half or a whole tablet 1-2 hours before sexual intercourse.


  • prolonged action of the drug - up to 12 hours;
  • allowed to be taken together with drugs that include vardenafil, tadalafil and sildenafil.


  • dehydration of the body;
  • causes drowsiness;
  • affects the concentration of attention and the speed of psychomotor reactions.


  • heart diseases;
  • renal failure.

The average price is from 99 rubles per tablet.

Generics - cheap analogues of expensive drugs

  • Viagra (850 rubles) - Generic Viagra, Gold, Suhagra, Kamagra, Sildigr (average price - 69 rubles)
  • Cialis (850 rubles) - Apcalis, Megalis, Tadadel, Tadalis (average price - 89 rubles)
  • Levitra (700 rubles) - Zhewitra, Lovevitra, Vilitra, Joyvitr (average price - 89 rubles).

Folk remedies to increase potency.

Bad habits, unfavorable external factors (ecology, stress, depression, problems in personal life) are the reasons for the weakening of men's health. Having reached the 50 - year mark, many men take folk remedies to increase potency, consider herbal methods of treatment harmless in comparison with drugs. Before treatment with folk remedies, reconsider the lifestyle and eliminate the factors that gave rise to the disease. The following leads to a decrease in potency:

  • alcohol and its negative effects on men's health;
  • smoking. The chemical components that make up the cigarette negatively affect the production of testosterone.
  • Improper nutrition (excessive consumption of fatty and fried foods) reduces potency.
  • Stress, personal problems do not add to men's health.

Potency problems arise in the presence of diseases:

  • diabetes,
  • epilepsy,
  • atherosclerosis and vascular disease,
  • inflammatory infections of the genitourinary system.

Read more about the causes of erectile dysfunction in the video:

The most effective folk remedies for potency treatment.

10 eleutherococcus

Rich in nutrients that enhance male potency. A sedative of the central nervous system. Inclusion in the diet for every day - prevention of male diseases, cheerful mood.

9. St. John's wort

Means for strengthening the immune system, improving the potency of men. The broth is recommended to use half a glass three times a day. St. John's wort is a binder, so laxatives will be needed.

8 nettle

Used to increase potency. Helps to restore erectile function, enhances libido. They are consumed in the form of decoctions, infusions, added to salads. A decoction of nettle improves metabolism and stimulates sexual function. The herbal infusion is consumed three times a day before meals, the recommended dose is one third of a glass. Contraindication - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A tincture of natural honey, nettle seeds, red wine (the proportions of the components are the same) is taken before sexual intercourse. Infusion improves erection, increases the duration of sexual intercourse.

7. Ginkgo Biloba

The homeland of the plant is China. The components that make up the composition improve blood circulation, treat inflammation. The course of treatment is three months.

A tincture is prepared from the leaves of the culture. 50 g of Ginkgo Biloba leaves are poured with a bottle of vodka and insisted in a dark place for 14 days. Take before meals three times a day, 20 drops.

6 thyme

Helps fight impotence. Selenium, which is part, produces testosterone, molybdenum is a stimulant of male sexual function.

5. Honey

Rich in zinc, vitamins B, E, essential for the prostate gland. After drinking honey, drink a glass of warm milk for the best result.

4. Ginseng

Stimulates potency. Helps support libido. Normalizes testosterone and erection.

3 hop tea

Alternative to pills to improve potency. Chop 1 tablespoon of hop cones, pour boiling water over it, keep it on low heat for five minutes. Drink three times a day for half a glass.


Pistachios, walnuts, peanuts, sesame seeds stimulate libido. In the presence of iron and zinc, which the male strength needs.


The herb of passion. Reception of the drug helps to improve blood circulation, dilation of blood vessels. It inhibits the build-up of cortisol, which causes erection problems, and tones the immune system.

Folk remedies for increasing potency are a great way to restore male health.

The list of "grandmother's methods" for increasing male potential is wider, the most popular are mentioned.

How to prepare safe herbal preparations?

10 recipes to increase potency

Recipe number 1. Based on aralia

Chop the dried roots, pouring 70% alcohol in a 1: 5 ratio. Store in a closed container in the dark. Shake from time to time. Strain after 10 days. Take twice a day before meals for a tablespoon, adding water. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Recipe number 2. Based on ginseng

Pour 1 part of chopped ginseng root with 2 parts of vodka. In a closed vessel, keep in the dark for 10 days, sometimes shaking. Method of application: inside, before meals three times a day, 20 drops with water.

We take the tincture for a month.

Recipe number 3. Based on nuts

Mix chopped walnuts with honey in the same ratio. Method of application: 30 minutes after eating, 2 teaspoons three times a day, wash down with milk. Taking medicine for about a month.

Recipe number 4. Based on greens

Mix equal proportions of parsley and coriander. Grind.

Mix a tablespoon of herbs with food. Consume constantly.

Recipe number 5. Based on garlic

A kilogram of chopped garlic is poured with warm water in a three-liter jar. A closed container is stored in the dark for about a month, shaking every day. Dilute 1 teaspoon of the infusion in a glass of milk. It is taken daily.

Recipe number 6. Onion-based

Pour 1 tablespoon of onion gruel with a glass of boiling water, incubate in a water bath for 15 minutes. They are filtering. Reception: 2-3 times 20 minutes before meals, half a glass.

Recipe number 7. Based on thyme

Prepare tea using 3 pieces of dry plant inflorescences and 1 tablespoon of black tea. Pour boiling water over, leave for 7 minutes.

They are filtering. Add honey if desired.

Recipe number 8. Based on honey and aloe.

Prepare a balm. Take 500 g of honey and red wine (16-17 °). Grind the leaves of 3-5 year old aloe, which is not watered until cut for 5 days. The ingredients are mixed, stored in the refrigerator for 5 days. Strain before use.

Take 1 hour before meals three times a day, 1 teaspoon. A week later, gradually increase the dose to 1 tablespoon. The course of treatment is a month. Break in treatment - 10 days. Repeat the treatment.

Recipe number 9. Based on calamus

Grind 2 tablespoons of calamus root, pour vodka (150 ml). Insist for 3 days. Take 10 drops three times a day. Recommended after 50, 60 years.

Recipe number 10. Based on pumpkin

Grind pumpkin seeds. Add honey. Equal proportions of products. Reception: 5-6 times 1 tablespoon.

To stabilize potency and strengthen male potential, traditional medicine advises baths:

  • With bay leaves

In a liter of boiling water, 50 g of leaves are insisted. Poured into a bath. A decoction of chamomile is added. Take half an hour before bedtime.

  • With bay leaves (option 2)

The leaves are poured with cold water, insisted for half a day.

  • With broth needles

Prepared from pine branches or cones. Pour in water and simmer for half an hour. Insist 12 hours. Add to the bath.

  • Contrast baths

Pour alternately hot and cold water over the pelvic area. Take 10 minutes for the procedure.

  • With geranium and caraway oils

20 drops are mixed with 2 tablespoons of honey. Add a glass of milk or 5 tablespoons of cream and 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. The slurry is poured into a bath. Aromatherapy increases potency, affects the active life of a man.

Which improves potency or treatment without medication.

To increase potency, not only drugs are used, but also drug-free therapy. Rational nutrition, vitamins, outdoor activities and physical education have a positive effect on sexual health.

Nutrition in increasing potency

Potency treatment without drugs is combined with diet. The diet contains foods that promote the health of men. They are divided into harmful and useful. Coffee belongs to the first group. Replace with cocoa.

Protect your potency from potatoes and pasta, muffins. Excess calories will not enhance men's capabilities, but will hang with extra pounds on the hips and stomach. Sausages with E-additives will not improve sexual performance. The consumption of carbonated, energy drinks is the cause of the development of diabetes mellitus, heart problems, and obesity. Alcohol dependence leads to erectile dysfunction.

The menu includes:

  • nuts, vegetable oils, oilseeds;
  • greenery;
  • berries, vegetables, fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • fish and seafood, meat;
  • egg.

Porcini mushrooms are used for sexual dysfunctions. Recipe: grind 500 g of dry white mushrooms into powder, add 2 tablespoons of vodka, add 2 tablespoons of sugar. Add water to make a thick mush. Take twice a day for 1 tbsp. l. The recipe is calculated for the course of treatment.

Let's not forget about water. We drink 1.5 liters of purified water a day. Remember: juices, soda, sugary drinks are not water.
Attention! To accomplish a man's sexual feat, prepare a cocktail: add peppers (red, black, chili, white) to a glass of tomato juice, add garlic, horseradish, mustard. Stir. The cocktail works for sure.

Important! We eat right all the time to increase sexual potential.

Vitamins for male strength

Vitamins and minerals help to strengthen the body and improve the functioning of individual organs. Promote the normalization of male sexuality, restore erection. Vitamin A - to strengthen the immune system, resume intimate life. Source - pumpkin seeds and chicken yolk, cod liver and carrots.

Vitamin B1 - to stimulate cerebral circulation, endurance, normalize sleep. Found in pork, beans, bran and potatoes. Vitamin B6 - a stabilizer of the nervous system, produces serotonin - the hormone of happiness. Found in eggs and bananas, seafood and carrots, sunflower seeds. Vitamin B3 affects the activity of the brain, blood circulation. Beets, peanuts, sea fish are rich. Vitamin B9 is responsible for a normal sex life. Source - citrus fruits, hard cheese, parsley and celery.

Vitamin C saturates the genitals with blood, strengthens libido. They use greens and tomatoes, cabbage and citrus fruits, rose hips and black currants, and bell peppers. Vitamin D helps in the production of testosterone, which is responsible for erection and sperm quality. The content is high in dairy products, eggs and fish oil.

Vitamin E normalizes sexual health. Provides testosterone production and sperm maturation. It is obtained from wholemeal flour and bran, milk and meat, spinach and vegetable oils, nuts and seeds. Minerals: calcium and magnesium, selenium and zinc - help to solve male problems.

Physical education - a means to activate potency

Exercise helps to improve or restore potency. They normalize the blood supply to the small pelvis, improve the production of sex hormones, reduce the possibility of developing atherosclerosis, and improve the potency of men. Swimming, running, yoga, walking are good. Exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles. Not difficult exercises. Perform circular rotations with the pelvis, bending to the sides is within the power of every man.

There are specially designed complexes, one of them in the following video:

Rest is a means to stabilize potency.

If a man is tired or stressed, you can forget about sex. Decreased sex drive will negatively affect potency, so remember about proper rest. Sauna and fishing, a trip to the sea or on an excursion, a trip to the forest for mushrooms and berries, recovery in a sanatorium. Not a complete list of how to relax and gain strength.


  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • regular sexual intercourse (an increase in hormones is the key to sexual longevity);
  • physical education and sports (regulation of blood circulation is a direct link with potency);
  • normalization of weight;
  • prevention of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • folk remedies;
  • proper nutrition;
  • drug therapy;
  • relaxation.

According to statistics, problems with potency worldwide affect 140 million people. More than half of all men with impotence have physical ailments such as diabetes and circulatory disorders. In other men, impotence is of a psychogenic nature. We studied the most popular means for improving potency according to search engines, we took into account that when choosing the best remedy for potency in men There should be more positive reviews than negative ones. And as a result, we have compiled the top 15 most effective drugs for potency.

Advice! If the problem is not permanent, do not rush to drug treatment, try it first, and if they do not help, use any of the remedies below.

The best drugs for male potency

Our rating of remedies for male potency, with a description of the effect, includes the five most popular drugs to stimulate erection. All participants in the sexual hit parade have restrictions on their use and many side effects. This means that they can only be taken with the permission of a doctor.

In fifth place among the best means for male potency (rating of medicines) is Vizarsin, the active ingredient of which is sildenafil (PDE-5 inhibitor).

Unlike its “colleague”, Impaza is a homeopathic preparation containing a mixture of homeopathic dilutions (C12, C30, C200) of affinity purified antibodies to endothelial NO-synthetase. To achieve a noticeable result, it will take longer to take Impaza than Vizarsin, at least three weeks. But it is safer in terms of side effects.

Sildenafil, as well as Cialis, Viagra and Levitra similar in action, is a drug belonging to the group of phosphodiesterase type 5 enzyme inhibitors (PDE-5 inhibitors). Sexual stimulation increases the concentration of nitric oxide in the blood vessels inside the penis, which promotes blood flow to the penis. In turn, nitric oxide stimulates the production of another compound called cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate), which is needed to further increase blood flow to the corpus cavernosum of the penis and maintain the smooth muscle relaxation function of the penis necessary for an erection. PDE-5 inactivates cGMP and converts it to 5-guanosine monophosphate. And inhibitors prevent this transformation, thereby improving and prolonging erection. The effect of Sildenafil lasts four to six hours.

The active ingredient is vardenafil. The effect of the drug will last for 4-6 hours. But, unlike Viagra, Levitra is little affected by food or alcohol, so the pill can be taken with meals.

The active ingredient is tadalafil. The effects of Cialis, judging by numerous reviews, last much longer than that of Viagra or Levitra (up to 36 hours), so many men prefer this remedy. The disadvantage is that side effects can also last longer than other PDE5 inhibitors.

The best dietary supplements for male potency

There are many degrees of erectile dysfunction (ED). Some men are able to achieve an erection but are unable to maintain it, while others are unable to achieve it at all. Herbal supplements help those with mild ED. Before using them, you need to consult a urologist or sexologist.

The active ingredient is the roots of the forgotten penny (another name is the red root). In the Far East, the penny is known for centuries as a means to reduce fatigue. Its reception will increase the duration of intercourse.

Contains ingredients extracted from the Tribulus terrestris plant. It has long been used in China and India to enhance sex drive in both men and women. Bodybuilders sometimes supplement with this herb after an anabolic steroid cycle to restore testosterone levels.

Contains several plant components, including reticulum guerrilla, edible carissa, securinega virosa roots, treelike heteromorph and velvich triumfetta. After taking Vuk Vuk, blood circulation in the small pelvis increases, sexual desire increases and the duration of intercourse increases.

The active ingredients are extracts of ginseng and roots of Eurycoma long-leaved (aka Tongkat root) and royal jelly. The root contains compounds that (in animal studies) help stimulate sex drive, improve sperm quality, and even accelerate muscle growth.

To increase potency in men, the most effective dietary supplement according to reviews is Yohimbine, an active ingredient found in the bark of yohimbe. Yohimbine lowers blood pressure, promotes vasodilation of the genital organs, and increases reflex excitability in the lower spinal cord. In many cases, yohimbe can help make erections harder.

The most effective folk remedies for potency treatment

This product (except for heated and filtered honey) is rich in vitamins B, E and zinc, which are essential for the prostate gland. After consuming honey, you can drink a glass of warm milk for the best result.

It is considered one of the best male sex tonics. Both American and Asian ginseng support healthy libido, help relieve erectile dysfunction caused by fatigue and stress, and normalize testosterone levels.

One of the most affordable and effective remedies that successfully replaces the best pills for potency. To prepare such tea, you need to pour a tablespoon of raw materials from finely chopped hop cones with a glass of boiling water and keep it on low heat for five minutes. Let the broth cool and drink half a glass three times a day.

Pistachios, peanuts, sesame seeds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, and other types of nuts have a positive effect on libido. The nuts contain zinc and iron necessary for the male body. Walnuts also contain arginine, which helps to increase the concentration of nitric oxide in the body. And Brazil nuts are high in selenium, which is essential for prostate health.

The best remedy for potency is known as the herb of passion. Ginger was mentioned in the Kamasutra, and its creators, apparently, knew a lot about pleasures. Taking this herbal remedy helps increase blood flow to the genitals, and ginger also has the same properties as Ginkgo Biloba and green tea, that is, it expands blood vessels.

Ginger suppresses the build-up of cortisol, which can cause poor erections or erectile dysfunction, helps maintain healthy blood pressure, and acts as a tonic for the immune system.

Exercise to increase potency

A similar technique was used by the owner not only to treat impotence, but also to enlarge the penis.