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Dream interpretation What dreams sauerkraut. What dreams of sauer cabbage

Each dream has its own interpretation. If you have dreamed of sauerkraut, it is worth understanding the meaning of the seen and take measures to avoid negative consequences. The study of decoding dreams will make it prepare for changes in life.

General interpretation

Such dreams promise profit and stable income.

Boot of vegetable in large quantities, buying, cutting, salting is the forever of a prosperous life.

If the sauerkraut dreamed, it warns about the debts, which will be hard to repay. A sleep, in which the salt vegetable lies on a plate, losses are predicted, loss of property, sweetheart, ailment of native people. If you see in a dream, as a person collects a vegetable in the field, pleasant surprises await him.

If the salting dreamed, sleeping inherent confidence in tomorrow, he is devoted to work, it is planning life. This dream fate says that all ideas will be implemented.

Cutting the Kochan in the garden predicts a woman either a man getting an inheritance. If giving suspects that his beloved committed treason, troubles are resolved independently.


Each vision carries its meaning for a sleeping person.

Preparation of rotten cabbage

If the harvesting of rotten vegetable has dreamed, the quality of life has decreased. Solving fresh cabbage in the bank leads to change. The interpretation of Marinovka indicates the ability to fulfill an old desire. Prediction comes true within a week.

Eating vegetable

If the sauerkraut is dreaming, which is eating, it foreshadows the following:

  • unexpected cash remuneration, winnings;
  • a woman - getting help in affairs from an influential person;
  • respect and recognition due to the qualitative implementation of an important project.

The eating vegetable in a dream promises the arrival of pleasant guests. After that, events will occur:

  • serious losses;
  • diseases of relatives;
  • financial losses due to unsuccessful investments.

Purchase and sale

If buying a vegetable in a dream, you should prepare for changes:

  • parting with the beloved;
  • not easy termination of marriage;
  • loss of work, dismissal;
  • betrayal of friends.

Sale of sauerkraut leads to wonderful changes in life, business success. A dream, in which the child is going to buy a vegetable, fate points to the loss of his things.


If a person dreamed of sauerkraut, this is a warning about a meeting with a stranger, who is not worth trusted. If there are air bubbles in the bank, the sleeping is enjoyable to a pleasant matter, it will soon bring financial profit.

Capped in a dream of a vegetable in a jar for a familiar or relative - to a faithful friend, ready to help in a difficult material situation. Vision foreshadows success in affairs. The shrinking of the Kochan for Solving becomes a harbinger of a big jealousy of her husband, which is capable of leading the relationship.

Other values

Elevated on the banks of a vegetable is an excellent dream that foreshadows pleasant changes in personal and family life, familiarity with the beloved, the birth of children.

If pickled cabbage dreamed of a sick person, you should expect a speedy correction. Lemon juice or a fruit slice in combination with vegetable on a dish foreshadow the development of alert. Consignment vegetable promit quarrel. Pickles in large volumes notify that the thoughts of man are busy past. The cut-off kocheans with rot inside foreshadow the disappointment in relations with the children should not put high hopes on them.

For men

The vision of a sauerkraut in a dream Men foreshadows the following:

  • successes in affairs, the implementation of profitable projects;
  • sauer cabbage in a dream married - Waiting for the invitation to marry a close man;
  • sleep for unmarried testifies to the sincerity of feelings for the beloved.

Men of different age categories are able to see such dreams before establishing a connection with an old familiar. At the sight of a sauerkraut in a dream, you should expect real love with the girlfriend after long friendly relations.

The most important and interesting on the topic: "Successful cabbage to see in a dream" with a complete description.

Cabbage is associated with vegetable garden and fertilityMany different dishes are prepared from this vegetable. But the value of such sleep can be very different. Sauer cabbage can mean rapid enrichment, big changes in life and solving pressing problems. Remember all the small details and look into the dream book.

If dreamed of sauerkraut in the bucket?

Sauer cabbage in the bucket - This is a good sign, especially if the bucket is new and beautiful. This dream foreshadows quickly enrichment and a quick decision of the most foolish questions.

But if the bucket is old and dirty, then such a dream foreshadows the difficulty in affairs, numerous losses and vain spending.

Sleep where the bucket was made of plastic, warns that you can become a victim of deception. Another such can mean fake friends or betrayal from loved ones. In your sleep, the cabbage was incompatible And it seems tasteless to look, such a dream foreshadows the wreck of hopes for completing the case due to irresistible circumstances.

What does cabbage in the bank mean?

If you dreamed of sauerkrautAnd she was in a jar, this is a symbol of big change in your life. What they will depend on how the product looked.

Attractive and appetizing cabbage, symbolizes changes for the better, and having a bad and unpleasant view of the cabbage, foreshadows the deterioration of the material situation and deteriorates relationships with colleagues.

If the bank is crawled in the canvi or beetles, such a dream foreshadows that dirty rumors will be spread against you with your envious in real life. Dimensions of banks affect the degree of positive or negative events are associated with sleep.

Summer cabbage - what does it mean for a girl?

If a young girl saw in a dream, how she eats sauer cabbage, such a dream promises her soon marriage.

But if she bought a sauer cabbage, then this dream, he foreshadows her complication or generally breaking relationships with a young man because of the jealousy of one of the parties.

Young girl quasite cabbagein a dream, such a dream will proper what a favorable period has come to conceive a child. If it sells the product, this means that in life it is waiting for a pleasant surprise.

Cabbage with carrots or berries - Such a dream for girls means that a new novel can be seen on the horizon, which can grow into a serious relationship.

What to expect a woman from such dreams?

Woman saw in a dream sauer cabbage in a bucket or saucepan - Such a dream foreshadows her well-being and family peace.

And if the cabbage in the bank, then it promises to her changes in the very near future, and such rapid, which is already captured by the Spirit. Buy cabbage on the market or in the store, foreshadows family quarrels and problems at work.

If the cabbage is spoiled or tasteless , it will promote disappointment or unpleasant surprise from loved ones. If the cabbage in the dream saw a pregnant woman, then such a dream for it means the birth of a healthy

complete easily.

Large dream book - interpretation of sleep with cabbage

Sauer cabbage in a dream A sign for the most part positive with rare exceptions.

Cabbage in a clean bank - such a dream means radical changes in life. And if the bank is dirty, then the changes will be for the worst.

Cabbage in the bucket means well-being and wealth. A cabbage in a saucepan foreshadows a successful outcome of the work started and victory over all the enemies. Cabbage with cranberries symbolizes many wonderful events in life, or good news from afar. Buy cabbage in a dream It means that in real life there are vain spending, losses and small losses.

What does the modern dream book say?

See in a dream sauer cabbage - Sign favorable in overwhelming majority. To see cabbage in a big bank, it means to get a big profit in real life, and if the bank is small, then the profit will be appropriate.

Sell \u200b\u200bsauer cabbage about a dream, it means that in life suffer in making an important decision. Cabbage in a dream was in a barrel or saucepanThis means well-being and prosperity.

If the container where the cabbage is dirty, then this is a negative sign, it foreshadows large losses, vain expenses, numerous quarrels and scandals in life. If the cabbage looks neappety, then it throws a series of unpleasant events associated with gossip and rumors.

What is the interpretation of the dream of the Mary's sonnik?

Sauer cabbage in a dream Usually has a positive interpretation. To see a large saucepan and a bucket with a cabbage in a dream, means that there is a big profit and well-being awaiting you.

But if these tanks are dirty and cabbage looks unpleasant, then this is a bad sign, he foreshadows major troubles, family quarrels and losses.

Sauer cabbage in a clean bank, Such a dream promises pleasant and very rapid changes. If the bank is dirty, then it promises poor times. Cabbage with carrots in a dream foreshadowed a rapid novel.

Sell \u200b\u200bcabbage - such a dream promises the adoption of the right solution to reveal, as a result of a quick enrichment.

White Dream Interpretation - What dreams of sauerkraut?

If you dreamed of sauer cabbage in the barrel, then such a dream means that in life you will be waiting for profit, successful completion of cases and other pleasant things. Cabbage in a clean bank - a symbol of change. Cabbage in a dirty bank foreshadows deterioration in affairs, possible quarrels and scandals in the family.

Sell \u200b\u200bsauer cabbage in a dream, it means to look for your way in life. Buy it, means extra spending and unnecessary expenses in real life. Sell \u200b\u200bcabbage Means that the dreams will soon take the right decision.

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Summer cabbage is not just a delicious product, but also useful. She is very rich in vitamin "C", which makes her presence at the dinner table just an indispensable assistant in the fight against colds, especially in winter. It is prepared with carrots, with cranberries, with spicy herbs - every mistress has its own recipe! Adults love her and children! They love so much that sometimes even see it in a dream. What dreams like this, it's not difficult to guess: the cabbage is "cabbage", that is, money! But all the details of the dream: the sauer cabbage is dreaming to the loss or to profit - the dream book is well known! Let us find out what we want to wait from the day of the coming, if the day before we had a sauerkraut!

Delicious snack

To see at home the sauced cabbage - to family well-being, predicts Miller's dream book.

It dreams that you eat sauerkraut - a dream promises lonely people the beginning of a love novel, and for family - joyful minutes spent with their second half.

Sauer cabbage with carrots - to strong health, with a cranberry or other berry - to merry and sufficiency, with lemon - to the disease of a relative or friend.

If a girl in a dream with a huge appetite eats a huge number of sauerkraut - to the family replenishment, promises dream book Vanga.

To treat in the dream of a friend of a quasher snack - to spending a large amount of money, you are treated - to obtain a solid profit.

Buy, sell, ferment ...

Dyed a dream in which you sell a sour cabbage - if you remember a particular person who sold a snack - to a quarrel with this person in reality, if no one was remembered - the conflict will happen at the most inopportune moment, warns the lunar dream book, be careful in his statements and Acts.

Buy cabbage in the store - to jealousy from the beloved person, on the market - to a meeting with the old friend.

If you have dreamed that you quasite the cabbage independently - Eastern Dream Offer warns you: be more good with your family in the near future, otherwise it is not avoiding quarrels and misunderstanding.

It dreams that the kailochka climbs another person - very soon a friend or a relative will need financial assistance, be prepared that they will come to you.

Banks, flasks and saucepans

To see a fried vegetable in a bank - big changes are foreseen in your life. From how the goods looked, life changes depend on: beautiful - everything will be fine with you, I had a non-unique look - get ready to pretend a little to prevent the transformation of light trouble into big problems.

Beautiful new saucepan with a fuddled cabbage - a sign of acquiring something necessary and expensive, but old or dirty dishes - to losses.

Try in a dream with an acidic cabbage on the market from the barrel - to a pleasant pastime, oddly enough, but this dream can mean a hike in a bath.

Fu, what a madness!

Buy non-barreled cappist - to quarrels and troubles at work, perhaps your enemies will want to put you in an awkward position. Be careful to the trifles, warns the dream book.

To see that in a canva's acid cabbage jar - to gossip and peres.

Dreamed that you bought a missing product on the market in the market - to deception, caution eastern dream book.

Sai cabbage is a universal product. This is a simple, economical dish allows during the winter months to diversify the diet, and also, is hardly a champion in the content of vitamin C. Many people do not represent their menu without it. And what does she predict in a dream? Remember the popular jargon, the word which is sometimes the money - cabbage. Here's the answer to the question: the sauer cabbage dreams, then when what events or manipulations associated with finance occur. Is the dream to become richer, or does he risk losing the last savings? This is more detailed, we will learn with dream books.

To eat and treat

Fortunately for family life and welfare, so explains Miller's dream book, then what the sauer cabbage is dreaming on the table.

If you eat it in a dream, then I will have a new love hobby, perhaps even a passionate novel. And people in marriage such a dream promises complete harmony in relations with the second half.

If this product is cooked with carrots or berries, then sleeping expect fun and additional income. But if the composition was lemon, then alas, you will have to learn about the disease of one of the relatives or comrades.

A young woman who eats a sauer cabbage with an appetite, Wang in his dream interpretation will proper pregnancy, prosperous childbirth.

Did you dream that you treat the friend of rotten cabbage? Then you will have huge spending, expenses. But if you slept it, then in reality, you can hope for good profits.

Cook, sell and acquire

The dream in which is trading by sauerkraut, this is a warning, in real life you will raise with a certain character. If you managed to remember the face of the buyer in a dream and this is your friend, then it is with him a conflict. Moreover, as the lunar dream book assures, the exacerbation of the relationship will occur at the most inopportune moment. Hence the conclusion: Be careful in statements and actions.

A loved one will start scary to jealously, and without a reason - that's what predicts the vision that you buy a cabbage in the store. If you make the purchase on the market, then after Awakening, meet with an old friend.

On the Eastern Dream Sleep Cabbage, means that it is not possible to avoid grinding in the house. Please note the recommendation: try to be more loyal to your home, do not take everything close to heart.

The dream in which your relative or friend is engaged in the cabbage, predicts that very soon this person has problems with money. And he will ask for help to you. Do not refuse him, he really needs.

Various tanks

Did you dream of a bank with a cabbage? The interpretation of such a picture promises a dream big change in fate. If the product looked beautiful, aesthetic, then the changes are coming to the better. But if the cabbage in a dream had an unpleasant appearance, not causing her desire to try, then, unfortunately, you are tested. Collapse with the forces and overcome them without delay, otherwise it will be tight.

To see a new, elegant saucepan, filled with sauerkraut, means to acquire a useful thing in the near future, on favorable terms. But we saw the types of kitchen utensils - to losses and rapid waste.

The dream is that you taste the sauer goods on the market from the barrel, prevents you with exciting events, and time spent. Another dream, maybe you can make it on the eve of the camouflage.

Inedible, borne

It dreams that in the market you see only a bars, old cabbage? Then get ready for difficulties in the service. Someone from the colleagues has long been "digging" under you. And he will be able to put you in an awkward position, slander. So that this does not happen, give more values \u200b\u200bto small things.

Worms crawling in a dream in a tank with a sauer-product is a signal that ill-wishers are actively gossipped behind your back.

According to Eastern Connect, an unsuccessful purchase - a familiar merchant sold you a poor-quality sauced product, predicts in reality deception and disappointment.

When we sleep, we often come different tips and warnings about future troubles. Dreams about cabbage are considered just such sign visions to which one should listen. To understand what this vegetable dream is, by analyzing the details and the nuances of the dream.

Dreams about cabbage: interpretation according to famous dreams

Miller Cabbage in a dream is a bad sign foreshadowing the riots in life:

  • green cabbage can mean married treason and beloved betrayal;
  • the one who cleaned the cabbage harvest from beds, should think about their own spending, as meaningless purchases can lead to financial problems.

According to Hasse's dream book, the one who eats cabbage in a dream can prepare for a pleasant gift. Cook this vegetable in a dream? Will become an object for woven and overwhelms.

Dream Dream Ezopa interprets dreams about cabbage as a sign of problems with children:

  1. If a person cuts off the Kochan, then, most likely, his offspring got lost from the faithful life course. There will have to make a lot of effort to direct Chado on the right path.
  2. Pulling cabbage beds one who is too soft and indulgent to his children. Impact and connivance will lead to the fact that the parent will lose credibility and respect in their eyes.
  3. If you dream, how the cabbage falls, you need to look at more carefully for your child. Most likely, he was too moving away from you and is going to seek the decision of his problems on the side.

On Miller, cabbage means mess in life

Interestingly interprets a dream of Longo cabbage:

  • her growing means the arrival of welcome guests;
  • you can expect random and large profits to those who dream of cabbage salad;
  • eating this vegetable foreshadows the recovery of someone from close relatives.

Vanga claims to plant cabbage in the ground in a dream - a good sign. Soon the light strip will begin in life. If the dreams are hinged vegetable, it is waiting for sad events.

Freud believes: Capulate Groke, which grows a little kochanov, means that all the intended goals will be achieved, and in the near future it will go uphill. If there were a lot of cabbage, the dreams are too often distracted by trifles, because of which it cannot achieve the fulfillment of the tasks.

Who dreamed of a vegetable: a woman or a man

  1. If the girl dreams a large kochan, she should expect big changes on the personal front.
  2. Pregnant woman to see in a dream a good crop cabbage - fortunately. Birth will be quick and easy.
  3. If the married lady sees how she walks through the bazaar and chooses the Kochan better, then in a short time it is waiting for the excellent news about pregnancy.
  4. Cauliflower, who dreamed of a girl, foreshadows wedding. But it is not necessary to get married if the vegetable in a dream was green. This image symbolizes the inconstancy of the partner.

What dream of a male cabbage? Sleep about cabbage, who gave a strong sex representative, promises trouble at work. The dream is worth a better look at his colleagues, among them there are those who envy his success and wishes him evil.

The chipped cabbage in a male dream foreshadows tears and grief. Marine vegetable in a dream - to the execution of long-standing, perhaps already forgotten desires.

Which cabbage dreamed: Fresh or rotten

Fresh cabbage in a dream can be both a good sign and a warning about the coming troubles:

  • a person who watched the vegetable is growing rapidly and gains strength, can prepare for long-awaited good news;
  • perhaps far relatives will decide to apply an unexpected, but a pleasant visit;
  • the image may be warned about the betrayal of a loved one.

Rotten and spoiled cabbage in a dream is not a bad sign. On the contrary, a person will soon recognize the reason for his failures.

If the cabbage leaves were covered with mold, then the dream should expect a large family quarrel and the lack of mutual understanding with close.

It is important to recall other details of the appearance and state of cabbage:

  1. Did you dream of cabbage beds or weeding seedlings? Find out if you need close to help.
  2. Stand in a dream in the middle of the cabbage field - empty troubles and buses will appear in life. Moreover, if the plants are planted so close to each other, which is not visible land, then, most likely, the dream will have to face gossip in your address.
  3. He will see a lot of kochanov ripe cabbage the one who should reconsider their attitude towards others.
  4. If the vegetables were immature, then a person needs to think about starting to tell the truth, in order not to lose a pretty shaky trust of others.
  5. The vegetable pedicted by insects will dream of someone who will soon become an object for woven and conversations behind the back.
  6. Separate cabbage leaves in a dream mean depressive mood and health problems.

Rotten Kochaans in a dream can mean both good and bad news

Grade: White, Color, Broccoli

  1. A man who saw a cauliflower in a dream, will soon find out some kind of secret or secret information.
  2. If the Girl on the issuance or a young guy dreams of the Beijing cabbage, it means that they are not ready for a serious relationship, and they are early to think about marriage.
  3. Kohlrabi in a dream indicates that it is necessary to look at your beloved: even at least it is poorly manifested, most likely, he is experiencing strong feelings.
  4. Brussels Cabbage calls on the dreams to gather with thoughts, to be more attentive and carefully spend money so that in the future I do not regret anything.
  5. Sea cabbage is considered a symbol of health. Therefore, the visions about it foreshadow the speedy recovery of the very dream or his close relative.
  6. Broccoli in a dream, on the contrary, signals some health problems.

An old belief of infants found in white cabbage, known to everyone. But not everyone knows that it was originally spoke only about illegitimate children. Baby, born out of marriage, was called "cabbage". Therefore, a white cabbage in a dream can mean the wrong choice of lover.

Sorted cabbage varieties is important in interpretation

Saiwana or salty

  1. Old and dirty packaging with sauerkraut usually dreams of empty waste and losses. If the dish was in a beautiful and clean dish, the vision promises a good acquisition of something necessary.
  2. Salt cabbage, having a non-coordinate view in a dream, means small troubles that can turn into large problems. A beautiful and appetizing vegetable dish means that in a short time in life they will be changed for the better.

Sauer cabbage in clear dish dream of a successful purchase

What do the actions of the dream: buy, shine, plant

If the vegetable dreamed in the garden, it is important to remember that you did with it:

  1. A man who collected a cabbage harvest should be thought about his own spending, because he risks to remain with anything if it does not start to save.
  2. Payback for misdemeanor is waiting for who cut a large kochan.
  3. Planting seedlings will dream of changes in the family. The appearance of a son-in-law or daughter-in-law. If the process in a dream was associated with a negative or aggression, reappearing a new family member will bring trouble and chagrin.

Sleep, in which you look from the side on the cabbage, foreshadows in vain troubles, bustle and vain efforts.

Profit and improving the financial situation is waiting for someone who dreamed, as he folded vegetables in the box, refrigerator, bag, or basket.

Prepare cabbage dishes in a dream - to disappointments

It is necessary to reduce your requirements for others, if in a dream you bought a cabbage in the market, choosing the largest and weighty kochan. The vision in which you sold this vegetable means receiving material benefits.

Capping cabbage sheets means trouble:

  • cut or linked - a warning about a serious quarrel and family disassembly;
  • a man who saw in a dream, how he shed or quasil cabbage, you need to start saving money;
  • if you prepared some kind of dishes from this vegetable, you need to prepare for the fact that someone from family members will bring chagrin and disappointment.

Eating cabbage foreshadows good events. Probably, one of the distant relatives will come to visit with pleasant news or expensive gifts.

The one who stole this vegetable in a dream, in reality the many small failures await, which will accumulate, like a snowball. He may soon press the dream with his severity. To avoid this, you will have to spend time on solving everyday tasks. Vision, where the attempt to theft of cabbage failed, warns that it is time to gain patience, since you are waiting for an adventure deal that will end, probably luck.

Cabbage dishes: Pie, Pie, Salad

Ready dishes from this vegetable, as a rule, do not mean anything bad:

  • the dreams in which the large cake with cabbage appears - a good omen, meaning rest from the routine. If such a baking of the dreams is buys himself, he is waiting for a surprise in the form of a pleasant meeting. Cabbage cake as a gift dreams of good news;
  • the man who treated ruddy patties in a dream may suffer from small intrigues;
  • the vision in which there was a cabbage salad is considered a positive sign that foreshadow financial profit. If there were other vegetables in the salad, a person is waiting for a major acquisition.

Patty with cabbage dreams of small intrigues of ill-wishers

Cabbage - familiar garden culture. Therefore, the dreams in which this vegetable is present is not very rare. Correctly interpreted dreams in which this image appeared, will help prepare for any turns of fate and meet them in fulfillment.

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What dreams of sauerkraut

Dream Fen Shui

Sauer cabbage - there is a sauer cabbage - to deterioration of health.

Summer cabbage - a married man in a dream sees that he eats a sauced cabbage - to the invitation to the wedding. An unmarried man is to deep feelings to his beloved. If in a dream you yourself are preparing a sauer cabbage - to a prosperous family life.

Summer cabbage - if the patient saw that he eats cabbage, - to a quick recovery.

If you saw a cabbage with lemon - to the disease of your relative. If you filed a cabbage to someone - to a quarrel.

Sales and value of dreams

Sleep from Saturday on Sunday

The picture seen tells about people who play a leading role in the dream of a dream, or his secret desires, which he successfully suppresses. Dreaming with a pleasant emotional coloring promises good changes, unpleasant sleep - depletion of forces. Stop sleeping should be expected before lunch.

18 lunar day

Sleep can point out possible obstacles for your professional growth or personal happiness. It is believed that such dreams carry energy danger to the body: what they are longer, the stronger the fatigue will be felt after awakening.

Waning moon

A dream on a decreasing moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that he will soon lose its value in real life. Only dreams with negative content are embodied: they carry a good sense.

March 24

Dreams are usually filled with joyful and happy images. For their interpretation, detailing seen is important: small details are made by key meaning. The term of incarnation is up to two weeks.

There is a sauer cabbage to deterioration.

A married man in a dream sees that he eats a sauer cauldron - to the invitation to the wedding.

An unmarried man is to deep feelings to his beloved.

If in a dream you yourself are preparing a sauer cabbage - to a prosperous family life.

If the patient saw that he eats a cabbage, - to a quick recovery.

If you saw a cabbage with lemon - to the disease of your relative.

If you filed a cabbage to someone - to a quarrel.

Interpretation of dreams from Dreamnie Feng Shui

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Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

When small children ask a question as they appeared on light, adults often answer: "We found you in the cabbage", so the image of the cabbage in your dream can be closely related to the thoughts of children.

If in a dream you water the cabbage beds, then it means that you are too condescendingly treating the leprosy of your children, they will become accustomed to the fact that you approve every act of their act, and will cease to reckon with your opinion.

Cut the cabbage forks - in a short time you have to use the power of your authority to instruct your child to the right way.

Cut the cabbage or cook the eats of the cabbage - such a dream promises you a chagrin, who will cause you your child, but you will have to not only console yourself, but also to influence your offspring, because his experiences will be even more serious.

If in a dream you cut the cabin from the cabbage fork, then it means that you will have to fight with a bad habit and the destructive inclination of your child, it is important not to miss the time while still fixable.

If in a dream you dropped the cabbage forks, and he rolled from you, then this is a faithful sign that your child is moving away from you, and rather not in the physical plan, but in the spiritual, perhaps you give him too little time, and he Closes in itself, and the help and advice is looking for outsiders.

Interpretation of dreams

In the article on the topic: "Dream Interpretation What dreams of sauerkraut" - represented current information on this issue for 2018.

What does the sleep of sauerkraut mean? What dreams of this wonderful snack - to good or bad events in life? Dream interpreters converge in the opinion that cabbage, of course, dreams of money. But here are options: such a dream can be foreshadowed not only profit, but also a loss. There are other sleep values: it all depends on the situation and the general mood. Many authors are convinced that cabbage is a positive vegetable, he speaks not only about prosperity, but also about spiritual equilibrium.

Appetizing snack on the table

Sauer cabbage in a dream often talks about the beginning of a calm, beautiful novel. You are waiting for romantic relationships, not overshadowed by any quarrels. If you are alone, then juicy, the acidic vitamin snack foreshadows the beginning of an interesting relationship.

If you already have a couple, then such a dream says that in the near future you are waiting for a period of complete understanding. Especially this value is true, if in a dream you eat cabbage or see it on the festive table.

A woman see a sauer cabbage in a dream - to a good, promising acquaintance. If a woman dreams that she eats this useful snack with appetite, then this may well be foreshadowed.

What will happen if adding carrots?

What do different additives say to sauerkraut? The authors of dreams believe that in a dream, each detail has its meaning. For example, finely chopped carrots as an additive indicates excellent health. Of course, the carrot is a real storehouse of vitamins, besides, it has a pleasant taste and color. Our subconscious often uses it as a kind health symbol.

Sometimes in a dream you can see cabbage with berries - for example, with cranberries. Berries look beautiful and appetizing, their sign - fun, wealth.

There are bad dreams: if you eat or just see the cabbage on the table with lemon, then it can talk about a severe illness of a loved one.

Sale or cooking

If you are in the swarms of the seller of acid cabbage, the symbol is quite transparent: you will quarrel with that man who was your buyer in a dream. If you do not remember exactly someone sold, it will not be possible to predict and prevent conflict, it will happen at the very unexpected time. Knowing it, try to at least mitigate the situation: in no case let yourself have sharp statements, be careful in your actions.

If you yourself act as a buyer's snacks, then this is also not the kindest sign: most likely you will have to meet with jealousy from your beloved. Jealousy will be completely groundless and will lead to the consequences unpleasant for you. Buying cabbage on the market has a different meaning - meeting with an old friend.

Cooking by sauerkraut, at first glance, good sleep. However, dream interpreters warn: it may be a family quarrel sign. Try to behave calmly and stopily, to at least soften the consequences of the likely conflict.

See in a dream, how does someone engage in salting cabbage? This foreshadows an unpleasant situation: some of your friends will need financial assistance, and it will turn to you.

The situation when you treat familiar cabbage, foreshadows serious spending. And vice versa, the dream that someone treats you to spreads, talks about a monetary gift or considerable profit. You can rejoice, the dreams are convinced.

What do spreadshell speak in various tanks

From the point of view of specialists in the interpretation of dreams, sleep value depends on the dishes in which you see cabbage. All previous options were correct if it comes to a regular bowl or plate. Another thing is to see a sauer cauldron in a bank, barrel or other dishes.

For example, sauerkraut in a glass jar foreshadows changes in your life. If the bank is clean, brilliant - your life prospects have a positive meaning. In the event that the "commodity" banks are not the most successful, your life in the future can present you great unpleasant surprises.

See cabbage in a saucepan - to an expensive purchase. If the pan is old, irradiated, the purchase will not lead to anything good. Losses are also possible.

Cabbage from the barrel is a great symbol, he speaks about a fun holiday in a good company. But the plastic bucket foreshadows betrayal or deception.

What does it mean if the snack is stupid?

Strong food is a negative sign. In the case of sauerkraut, this statement is also fair. If you buy a black cabbage - it talks about problems at work. You see the jar inside which a born snack, it means that in life will be a victim of gossip.

In general, staggering cabbage can talk about trouble in the family, and about financial losses associated with some conflict.

What predicts Miller's dream book?

The authoritative author of Dreamniki Miller believed that the dream of a sauerkraut adorning the dining table, talking about good things: about delight in the family, peace and mutual understanding. Your well-being is now very durable, you have nothing to fear. Wait from the life of only good news!

Sai cabbage by Freud

Sleeping about the cabbage, dreamed of a pregnant woman, talks about good childbirth and health. Also Freud regarded cabbage as a symbol of in vain time spent. Perhaps you are waiting for disappointment (especially if in a dream you have seen a large amount of cabbage). If the amount of cabbage is not very large, then sleep can talk about the successful implementation of your intentions.

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Sauer Cabbage Interpretation Interpretation

Sai cabbage is a universal product. This is a simple, economical dish allows during the winter months to diversify the diet, and also, is hardly a champion in the content of vitamin C. Many people do not represent their menu without it. And what does she predict in a dream? Remember the popular jargon, the word which is sometimes the money - cabbage. Here's the answer to the question: the sauer cabbage dreams, then when what events or manipulations associated with finance occur. Is the dream to become richer, or does he risk losing the last savings? This is more detailed, we will learn with dream books.

To eat and treat

Fortunately for family life and welfare, so explains Miller's dream book, then what the sauer cabbage is dreaming on the table.

If you eat it in a dream, then I will have a new love hobby, perhaps even a passionate novel. And people in marriage such a dream promises complete harmony in relations with the second half.

If this product is cooked with carrots or berries, then sleeping expect fun and additional income. But if the composition was lemon, then alas, you will have to learn about the disease of one of the relatives or comrades.

A young woman who eats a sauer cabbage with an appetite, Wang in his dream interpretation will proper pregnancy, prosperous childbirth.

Did you dream that you treat the friend of rotten cabbage? Then you will have huge spending, expenses. But if you slept it, then in reality, you can hope for good profits.

Cook, sell and acquire

The dream in which is trading by sauerkraut, this is a warning, in real life you will raise with a certain character. If you managed to remember the face of the buyer in a dream and this is your friend, then it is with him a conflict. Moreover, as the lunar dream book assures, the exacerbation of the relationship will occur at the most inopportune moment. Hence the conclusion: Be careful in statements and actions.

A loved one will start scary to jealously, and without a reason - that's what predicts the vision that you buy a cabbage in the store. If you make the purchase on the market, then after Awakening, meet with an old friend.

On the Eastern Dream Sleep Cabbage, means that it is not possible to avoid grinding in the house. Please note the recommendation: try to be more loyal to your home, do not take everything close to heart.

The dream in which your relative or friend is engaged in the cabbage, predicts that very soon this person has problems with money. And he will ask for help to you. Do not refuse him, he really needs.

Various tanks

Did you dream of a bank with a cabbage? The interpretation of such a picture promises a dream big change in fate. If the product looked beautiful, aesthetic, then the changes are coming to the better. But if the cabbage in a dream had an unpleasant appearance, not causing her desire to try, then, unfortunately, you are tested. Collapse with the forces and overcome them without delay, otherwise it will be tight.

To see a new, elegant saucepan, filled with sauerkraut, means to acquire a useful thing in the near future, on favorable terms. But we saw the types of kitchen utensils - to losses and rapid waste.

The dream is that you taste the sauer goods on the market from the barrel, prevents you with exciting events, and time spent. Another dream, maybe you can make it on the eve of the camouflage.

Inedible, borne

It dreams that in the market you see only a bars, old cabbage? Then get ready for difficulties in the service. Someone from the colleagues has long been "digging" under you. And he will be able to put you in an awkward position, slander. So that this does not happen, give more values \u200b\u200bto small things.

Worms crawling in a dream in a tank with a sauer-product is a signal that ill-wishers are actively gossipped behind your back.

According to Eastern Connect, an unsuccessful purchase - a familiar merchant sold you a poor-quality sauced product, predicts in reality deception and disappointment.

Sauer cabbage in the dream

Summer cabbage is not just a delicious product, but also useful. She is very rich in vitamin "C", which makes her presence at the dinner table just an indispensable assistant in the fight against colds, especially in winter. It is prepared with carrots, with cranberries, with spicy herbs - every mistress has its own recipe! Adults love her and children! They love so much that sometimes even see it in a dream. What dreams like this, it's not difficult to guess: the cabbage is "cabbage", that is, money! But all the details of the dream: the sauer cabbage is dreaming to the loss or to profit - the dream book is well known! Let us find out what we want to wait from the day of the coming, if the day before we had a sauerkraut!

Delicious snack

To see at home the sauced cabbage - to family well-being, predicts Miller's dream book.

It dreams that you eat sauerkraut - a dream promises lonely people the beginning of a love novel, and for family - joyful minutes spent with their second half.

Sauer cabbage with carrots - to strong health, with a cranberry or other berry - to merry and sufficiency, with lemon - to the disease of a relative or friend.

If a girl in a dream with a huge appetite eats a huge number of sauerkraut - to the family replenishment, promises dream book Vanga.

To treat in the dream of a friend of a quasher snack - to spending a large amount of money, you are treated - to obtain a solid profit.

Buy, sell, ferment ...

Dyed a dream in which you sell a sour cabbage - if you remember a particular person who sold a snack - to a quarrel with this person in reality, if no one was remembered - the conflict will happen at the most inopportune moment, warns the lunar dream book, be careful in his statements and Acts.

Buy cabbage in the store - to jealousy from the beloved person, on the market - to a meeting with the old friend.

If you have dreamed that you quasite the cabbage independently - Eastern Dream Offer warns you: be more good with your family in the near future, otherwise it is not avoiding quarrels and misunderstanding.

It dreams that the kailochka climbs another person - very soon a friend or a relative will need financial assistance, be prepared that they will come to you.

Banks, flasks and saucepans

To see a fried vegetable in a bank - big changes are foreseen in your life. From how the goods looked, life changes depend on: beautiful - everything will be fine with you, I had a non-unique look - get ready to pretend a little to prevent the transformation of light trouble into big problems.

Beautiful new saucepan with a fuddled cabbage - a sign of acquiring something necessary and expensive, but old or dirty dishes - to losses.

Try in a dream with an acidic cabbage on the market from the barrel - to a pleasant pastime, oddly enough, but this dream can mean a hike in a bath.

Fu, what a madness!

Buy non-barreled cappist - to quarrels and troubles at work, perhaps your enemies will want to put you in an awkward position. Be careful to the trifles, warns the dream book.

To see that in a canva's acid cabbage jar - to gossip and peres.

Dreamed that you bought a missing product on the market in the market - to deception, caution eastern dream book.

Cabbage flew in the face, sauer.

What dreams of sauer cabbage, and in it needles?

Cabbage in the bucket carried a beet of mother-in-law.

I got a closed out of the water, an inverted saucepan with sauerkalo.

What dreams of sauerkraut

The answer to the question of what the sauer cabbage is dreaming, depends on many factors. First, it matters what you did with her, and how she saw. Secondly, it is necessary to take into account the emotions and sensations that the dreams experienced in his dream. Sauer cabbage in a dream can fill as good and bad events.

Diseases and quarrels are waiting for those who have seen in a dream a stiven sauer cabbage. The worse she looked, the longer the unfavorable period would be.

If the cabbage, on the contrary, looked attractive and tasty smelled, then sleep promises well-being. Successes are awaiting a dream who was engaged in selling it. Perceive this dream, as a sign that it is time to act. Do not miss the opportunity to change your life for the better, everything is in your hands.

A quiet self cabbage in a dream says that the dreams will be the source of all quarrels in his family. Therefore, keep in mind that if something is not laid, then you are to blame for this. Making a sauerkraut salad enlishes unaware and psychological experiences.

To see how the kabass is quasit another person, indicates that the reputation of your friend or even a relative will soon suffer greatly. You advice: do not believe everything that they say about your relatives.

Dreaming in which you ate cabbage Summer promises the beginning of a new novel for idle people. If a married man saw such a dream, joyful events will be foreseen in his life. Perhaps someone from friends is planned wedding.

Cabbage together with Lemon is a sign that foreshadows serious illness to the relative. After such sleep, get ready for everything and be with your relatives gentle. Too sour cabbage to prophesate a different kind of loss.

A quarrel is waiting for someone who served someone in her sleep. Most likely, with this person you will have disagreements. By the way, such a dream recommends refraining from such a negative feeling as jealousy. It is also not recommended to give a reason to jealously a beloved person.

If the girl with great pleasure ate sauar cabbage, then she soon can wait for replenishment in the family. For all other sleeps is a harbinger of joy and pleasure.

Large changes are foreseen in the lives of those who had a whole bank with sauerkraut. What they will be directly depends on the feelings of the dream. That is, if you were satisfied in a dream, then expect favorable changes.

I recently had a dream, I'm going on a bike, and here it takes off on the magic, and then I fall sharply. What can it mean.

Most likely, you are waiting for nonsense associated with the main activity or some important part of your life.

What dream kaishenaya cabbage?

What if the cabbage is dumped?

What does foreshadow?

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what does every dream mean

There is a sauer cabbage in a dream

What dream kaishenaya cabbage?

Usually the cabbage is sauer or salty in a dream, this is a good sign: confidence in the future, solid cash profit, a favorable offer, diligent work and diligence that will be rewarded and noted in dignity.

It is possible that a person will receive an unexpected inheritance.

Also the meaning of what the kale of sauer or any other is dreaming, maybe such: the infidelity of the satellite of life, insecurity and frivolity in relations, the disinterest in what needs to be performed; But all these adversity are temporary and end safely.

There is a sauer cabbage in a dream - getting a solid and unexpected profit, the help of powerful people in any important event, achieving the cherished goal and universal respect.

This is a good dream, which foreshadows only joy in the near future.

For a young girl sauerkraut in a dream - means a quick and profitable marriage, a happy family, the birth of children and a comfortable long life with a loved one.

For a man - business success, the offer of new projects that will bring profits.

If a person dreamed of a quasite cabbage, this is a bad sign or a warning that he will fall into a bad situation and should someone a decent amount, to give it very difficult. Such a dream may impose legal proceedings and disagreements with the employer.

Look at the sauer cabbage in a dream - means serious losses, a disease of relatives or friends, a serious material situation and losses from unsuccessful cash investments.

It is worth being careful and not trust strangers who offer questionable transactions.

Mix in a dream by sauer cabbage - a person has a favorite activity, which will soon bring him good earnings and will provide a comfortable life.

Buying a sauer cabbage, this is a warning that there is a misfortune or non-faithful loss: the death of a relative, a breaking of relationship with a loved one, a heavy divorce, betrayal of friends, dismissal from promising work.

Cut cabbage in a dream - unfortunate and uncontrolled jealousy of her husband or wife, which will bring a lot of grief, it may be divorced.

A good sign - to see in a dream sauer or salt cabbage in banks. Such a dream foreshadows serious changes in the personal life of a person: a meeting of the second half, creating a strong family, the birth of children and the wonderful relationship between spouses.

Someone in a dream, somehow - means that in the life of a person there is a faithful and reliable friend who will always extend the hand of help and will help a dream in a complex material situation.

Such a dream may be a harbinger of incredible success.

Dream Summer Cabbage

What dreams of sauer cabbage in a dream

As a rule, dreams, in which there are some "culinary" manipulations with cabbage, symbolize wealth and profits. So, if you dreamed that you shed cabbage, then you can hope for well-being and fed life.

True, there is also the opposite interpretation, which, however, is also associated with money: the dream of salting or cabbage can mean debts, to deal with which will not be easy. The good is the dream in which you eat a sauer or salty cabbage - it can foreshadow serious losses, both material and diseases of loved ones.

Dream Cabbage, what dreams of cabbage in a dream to see

Autumn dream book What dreams of cabbage in the dream book:

Cabbage is to see in a dream, as you put a cabbage in the garden, - to great profits.

Children's dream book What does cabbage in the dreams mean?

What dreams of cabbage is to money, so this dream is interpreted.

Women's dream book What dreams of cabbage in the dream book:

Cabbage - cabbage is one of the most negative symbols of our dreams. To see a green cabbage in a dream means treachery in love and infidelity in the marriage. Cut, clean the cabbage - cook yourself a bitter fate of wasteful waste, Many dreams so pushing such a dream.

Small Velezov Dream Interpretation Why in a dream dream cabbage:

Cabbage is a disease (the more - the worse), troubles because of women, death, trouble, losses; Kachan - bad; tear, cook - gossip; There is a gift // boredom; plant - news; saline - deception; Cut is a surprise.

Russian People's Dream Interpretation in a dream What dreams of cabbage:

Interpretation of sleep Dream: Cabbage Cabbage in a dream to see - Associate with a slang word of money; But may also indicate children found in the cabbage.

Dream Interpretation of the writer Ezopa Dream Interpretation: Cabbage What does it mean

Cabbage - If in a dream you water the cabbage beds, then it means that you are too condescendingly treating the leprosy of your children, they will get used to the fact that you approve every act of their act, and will cease to reckon with your opinion. Cut the cabbage forks - in a short time you have to use the power of your authority to instruct your child to the right way. Cut the cabbage or cook the eats of the cabbage - such a dream promises you a chagrin, who will cause you your child, but you will have to not only console yourself, but also to influence your offspring, because his experiences will be even more serious. If in a dream you cut the cabin from the cabbage fork, then it means that you will have to fight with a bad habit and the destructive inclination of your child, it is important not to miss the time while still fixable. If in a dream you dropped the cabbage forks, and he rolled from you, then this is a faithful sign that your child is moving away from you, and rather not in the physical plan, but in the spiritual, perhaps you give him too little time, and he Closes in itself, and the help and advice is looking for outsiders.

Dream Sword Medele Cabbage by Dream:

What does it mean to see in a dream of a cabbage - this vegetable symbolizes stagnation, an empty spending time, in a vain search for truth. See Kachan - to difficulty. There is a cabbage - to poverty, loss of time. To see the cabbage growing in the garden - news, unexpected guests.

Dream interpretation for the whole family What dream of cabbage?

Dream Interpretation: To see the cabbage in a dream - complications in family life, trouble and chagrin. Cut cabbage, cut off the cabbage forks, it means that you yourself upset someone, cause pain to a close person. Drop the kochan cabbage, which has gone from you, symbolizes the loss of spiritual contact with the child.

Dream Interpretation Esoteric E. Festkova Dream Interpretation: Cabbage What does

Cabbage - cook - gossip; There is a gift, so this dream is interpreted.

Ukrainian dream book what does it mean when the cabbage dreams:

Cabbage - cabbage dream - troubles from women. How to dream cabbage, you will die, according to the dream book - a predictor.

Dream of the XXI century to what dream of cabbage?

Cabbage - dreamed of cabbage to you - cook it in a dream - to boredom, tear - to the gossip, perch - to the news, saline - to deception, to shine - to surprise, there is a cabbage in a dream - to a gift. Cabbage green dreams of possible difficulties or anger. Many cabbage in a dream - to severe memories. If you see in a dream that we eat cauliflower, the sleep promises you a reprimand for disregarding with your duties. To see how it grows, "means that after the failure period and loss you are waiting for brilliant perspectives. Kochny cabbage see in a dream - to health problems. If a young woman sees a cauliflower in the garden - it means that she will marry the will of the parents, and not in their own.

Spring dream book What dreams of cabbage in the dream book:

Cabbage - to a complex confusing case.

Dream Stranger

Cabbage - to money or poverty; Care.

Dream Tarot if you dream of cabbage:

Dream Interpretation of the psychologist Miller to what dream of cabbage:

Cabbage - Sleep about cabbage - always bad sleep. Riots can be tightly manifested in a wide variety of forms. - To see a green cabbage in a dream - means treachery in love and infidelity in the marriage. Cut, clean the cabbage - means that wasteful trips are you prepare your own disaster.

Culinary dream book if the cabbage dreams in a dream:

Cabbage in a dream to see - if you dreamed of cabbage, then this means that in the near future you have to be renewed with a woman who you knew the girl in childhood and have not met since then (if a dream is dreaming a man); If the dream sees a woman, he foreshadows an ambulance pregnancy, this dream is so decrypted by the dream.

Modern dream book if the cabbage dreams:

Sleeping Dream Interpretation: Cabbage - Family trouble, Poverty, Illness

Biblical dream book Azara Dream Interpretation: Cabbage to see in a dream

What dreams of cabbage - trouble, illness

Dream Interpretation White Magian Yu.Ligo Dream Interpretation: Cabbage

What dreams of cabbage - grow in a dream the usual white cabbage or harvest - cabbage forks: you should wait for the visit of the person you would like to see. Rejoice - the time has come to exercise hopes, whatever they seem to be transparent. If you dreamed of some other cabbage (Brussels, Kohlrabi, color and so on), this dream should be understood as: someone loving waiting until you pay your attention to it. Look more look around, and you will probably understand who it is. Buy in a dream cabbage in the bazaar, choosing the forks better - in the near future in your life there will be something unusual in your life, but, of course, joyful: You may have to congratulate a dear person for you. For women recently married, this dream will proper an ambulance pregnancy. If you have dreamed that you eat cabbage, it means that unexpected, but always welcome guests will come to you. Create a treat! In the event that the sea cabbage appeared in your dream, you need to wait for the recovery of someone from your relatives, who has long and seemed hopelessly sick. True, it may well be that for the amendment to this long, a very expensive medicine will need a very expensive medicine, - do not miss, do not spare money! To see the cabbage salad - to the ambulance or random profit associated with a large amount of money. Marine in a dream cabbage - in real life you can fulfill your long-standing and almost already forgotten desire. Perhaps it will happen on the first week after sleep.

Dream Interpretation Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Cabbage in Dream

Cabbage - well-being; crumble - longing; Satisfy - favorable lives; To eat - a hard life.

Esoteric dream book if the cabbage dreams:

Cabbage - eat, plant for money. See, chop to unsuccessful shopping.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananita See in Cabbage

In a dream, what dreams of cabbage - illness, loss - crumbling - longing - plant - profitable life - Eat - a hard life

Summer Dreambook What dreams of cabbage in the dream book:

Cabbage (salt, charm) - see in a dream, how you salt cabbage, - to the concerns about the family.

Vintage Russian dream book what does it mean when the cabbage dreams:

Interpretation of Dream Interpretation: Cabbage - There is a boredom in a dream; Cauliflower there is an ignite acquisition of honors without any profit. Pencil writing means fragile hope. Kareti seeing troubles on affairs; In a carriage, ride means exaltation in ranks and virtues.

Moon dream book What dream of cabbage?

How interpretation interpretation: Cabbage cook - gossip; There is a gift.

Dream Cabbage

If in a dream you brought the cabbage, you were able to look for a cabbage in a dream on the garden, dream interpreters foreshadow that you can either find an impressive amount of money, or you will have unplanned pregnancy. For example, a sauer cabbage seen in a dream foreshadows the jealousy of one of the spouses. In general, cabbage in a dream can foreshadow both a lot of good and a lot of excitement, experiences and alarms.

Dreamed of cabbage, see kochan cabbage in a dream - to well-being; to money; Otherwise - to tears and small unpleasant hassle.

For incomprehensible reasons in traditional cabbage interpretations, a rather negative sign. In a more modern interpretation of "Cabbage" perceived in the value of "Money". From this position, the dream means receiving an unexpected profit in revealing.

Dreamed acidic or sauerkraut - Jealous of her husband or wife.

If you are your hands a quasite cabbage in a dream, it means that you will become the source of quarrels, scandals and intra-visa discord.

Buy cabbage in a dream - To come guests.

Old interpretation, which is more likely to take the area.

Eat cabbage in a dream, dreamed of cabbage leaves - To the disease of the stomach or intestines.

Physiologically conditioned sleep. Probably, there is a strong avitaminosis in your body, you feel the deficiency of vitamins A and C, as well as vital trace elements - phosphorus, sulfur and iron. And this in turn can lead to the development of ailments related to the stomach and intestines.

Cut cabbage in a dream - Quarrels with loved ones.

If the whole cabbage (cabbage plug) is still a fairly favorable image of sleep, then cutting cabbage sign of approaching alarms and excitement.

Dreamed rotten cabbage - confused in debt.

In reality, financial difficulties and problems are waiting for you.

Shed cabbage in a dream, search for vegetable cabbage (for women) - To pregnancy.

If you yourself grown cabbage in a dream, it is possible about the soon (or coming) conception - As you know, children find children in the cabbage. Perhaps this is exactly what awaits you in real life.

Many sauerkraut

Dream interpretation a lot of sauerkraut Dreamed, why dream in a dream a lot of sauerkraut? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream a lot of sauerkraut, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sauer Cabbage

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

The foresology of the upcoming troubles associated with women.

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

When small children ask a question as they appeared on light, adults often answer: "We found you in the cabbage", so the image of the cabbage in your dream can be closely related to the thoughts of children.

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

What dreams of sauerkraut?

What dreams of sauerkraut

There is a sauer cabbage to deterioration.

I give a sai cabbage

Dream interpretation I give to try sauced cabbage Dreamed, what dreams in a dream I give to try sauced cabbage? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream I give a try sauced cabbage, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream houses at the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sauer Cabbage

There is a sauer cabbage to deterioration.

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

See in a dream cabbage on the beds - a bad sign, the foreskins of confusion in affairs and in feelings. Pouring, watering cabbage means treachery in love and marital treason. Crabbage cosnuts or caterpillars - in reality, they will fall or sew mud in the gossip that you will hear from third-party mouths.

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

The foresology of the upcoming troubles associated with women.

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

To the ambulance or random profit. Groans in the garden - good news from unexpected guests. There is a cabbage - you will be invited to take part in a profitable business. Cut cabbage yourself - winnings in the lottery. Watch how to cut the cabbage others - you will be returned to the debts that you forget. Noble Cochanic - you will have a meeting with your second half. Ripened Cochanis - Today you will find the right way out of the current situation. Cook cabbage - you will be able to find a person who dismisses gossip about you. Cauliflower - to an expensive gift. Solit cabbage - In the first week after sleep, you will be able to exercise a long-time dream, which everyone seemed unreal. Sat - marriage by calculation.

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

Grow the usual white cabbage or collect harvest: cabbage forks: You should wait for the visit of the person who you would like to see.

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

Cabbage to see in a dream - to grief, family partners and trouble. Grow, collect or sell cabbage in a dream - to poverty, misses and debts. Saline it in a dream - to deception, troubles; Cook - the sign of melancholy and small troubles like a gossip or rumors. Low cabbage in a dream - a sign of disagreements with loved ones. There is a cabbage in a dream and receive pleasure from it means that someone will make you a gift. However, if the piece literally does not climb into your throat, then you will be waiting for an unenviable life and hard work. Cauliflower in a dream foreshadows infectious disease.

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

A) remove the cabbage, cut the cochanis - to the troubles from their own waste.

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

When small children ask a question as they appeared on light, adults often answer: "We found you in the cabbage", so the image of the cabbage in your dream can be closely related to the thoughts of children.

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

Sleep about cabbage - to anxiety. Green cabbage foreshadows treachery and infidelity in marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

Sleep about cabbage - always bad sleep. Riots can be tightly manifested in a wide variety of forms. To see a green cabbage in a dream - means treachery in love and infidelity in marriage.

Svalane tomatoes

Dream Sauernist Tomatoes Dreamed, why dreams in the dream tomatoes sauhana? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what he means to see the Sai Tomatoes in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams of the house of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sauer Cabbage

There is a sauer cabbage to deterioration.

Dream - Tomatoes

In the dream of tomatoes at home means a secret love that is thoroughly hidden from envious rival. To care for tomatoes in the garden foreshadows that it is not moderately curious people can be derived and disclosed your heart secret. Tomato seedlings means confusing in affairs and an unexpected visit of an unwanted guest.

Dream Interpretation - Tomato

Consider in the dream of tomatoes - to experience a secret love for someone.

Dream - Tomatoes

Tomatoes - see the red tomatoes in a dream -cloth. Tomatoes - shame, will have to blush from something. If ripe tomatoes are shot - illness. Tomatoes - Secret Love, Forky Love.

Dream - Tomatoes

If you eat tomatoes in a dream - it means. You recover.

Dream - Tomatoes

There are tomatoes in a dream - to recovery from the disease. Growing tomatoes foreshadow happiness and joy in family life. If the girl sees ripe tomatoes in a dream - she will be happy in marriage.

Dream - Tomatoes

Collect ripe tomatoes - sleep means happiness and joy in family life. Prepare or preserve tomatoes - you will be healthy.

Dream Interpretation - Tomato

Dreamed that we eat tomatoes, - fine. So you recover.

Dream - Tomatoes

Drawing growing tomatoes are a good sign that foreshadows success and happiness in family life. The girl who dreamed ripe tomatoes will be happy in marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Tomato

Ripe, strong tomatoes in a dream: symbolize activity and energy. Often such dreams foreshadow great success to your plans.

Relative eats sauced cabbage

Dream interpretation relative eats sauer cabbage Dreamed, what dreams in a dream relative eats sauer cabbage? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a relative eats sauced cabbage in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Sauer Cabbage

There is a sauer cabbage to deterioration.

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

See in a dream cabbage on the beds - a bad sign, the foreskins of confusion in affairs and in feelings. Pouring, watering cabbage means treachery in love and marital treason. Crabbage cosnuts or caterpillars - in reality, they will fall or sew mud in the gossip that you will hear from third-party mouths.

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

The foresology of the upcoming troubles associated with women.

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

To the ambulance or random profit. Groans in the garden - good news from unexpected guests. There is a cabbage - you will be invited to take part in a profitable business. Cut cabbage yourself - winnings in the lottery. Watch how to cut the cabbage others - you will be returned to the debts that you forget. Noble Cochanic - you will have a meeting with your second half. Ripened Cochanis - Today you will find the right way out of the current situation. Cook cabbage - you will be able to find a person who dismisses gossip about you. Cauliflower - to an expensive gift. Solit cabbage - In the first week after sleep, you will be able to exercise a long-time dream, which everyone seemed unreal. Sat - marriage by calculation.

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

Grow the usual white cabbage or collect harvest: cabbage forks: You should wait for the visit of the person who you would like to see.

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

Cabbage to see in a dream - to grief, family partners and trouble. Grow, collect or sell cabbage in a dream - to poverty, misses and debts. Saline it in a dream - to deception, troubles; Cook - the sign of melancholy and small troubles like a gossip or rumors. Low cabbage in a dream - a sign of disagreements with loved ones. There is a cabbage in a dream and receive pleasure from it means that someone will make you a gift. However, if the piece literally does not climb into your throat, then you will be waiting for an unenviable life and hard work. Cauliflower in a dream foreshadows infectious disease.

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

A) remove the cabbage, cut the cochanis - to the troubles from their own waste.

Dream Interpretation - Cabbage

When small children ask a question as they appeared on light, adults often answer: "We found you in the cabbage", so the image of the cabbage in your dream can be closely related to the thoughts of children.