Repairs Design Furniture

How to split a manchore nut at home. Jewelry from Manchurian Walnut Pendants from Manchur Nut

Starting from 1985 to today, more than 70 of my articles about different plants are printed in the newspapers and magazines of Russia, but most of all I am writing about grapes. During this period, I managed to create 3 gardens, and I tried to share all my finds and discoveries with gardeners through my articles. But about 300 plants grow on my site, many of them can be written very much, and it is clear that it is simply impossible to write about everything. So, on my site and nuts grow, letters of gardeners with a request to tell about these plants and the fact that I read in the Gardens of Siberia №7 for 2010 Galina Kruglova (Mr. Mezrechensk, Kemerovo region) "Jam from Manchurian Orekhov "Where she tells his recipe, forced me to write about these plants. Honestly, I was very glad that Galina Kruglov touched this topic. The fact that from fruits of the manchursky walnut can be boiled jams have been known for a long time. But first things first.
The walnut family includes childbirth, Hikari and Lapin. This time I will tell about the nut with a manchursky, about which gardeners ask many questions. I will make a reservation only that in the territory of Russia they grow, besides the walnut walnut, still walnut walnut, bearish, gray, black, pecan and lapin-labby.
What is good manchursky nut?
The fact is that many gardeners want to grow nuts in their sites, but no frost-resistant species plant, mostly walnut, usually do not achieve success, and get one disappointment.
Walnut Manchurian stands out by its frost resistance, withstands frost to -45 °. Walnut Manchursky - wood up to 25-29 m high, with large leaves, up to 1-1.25 m long and up to 40 cm wide, consisting of 11-19 fine-blooded leaves. Each of the leaves reaches 10-21 cm. Length and 4-8 cm. In width. In May Walnut, the manchursky blooms, releasing long (up to 30 cm) stameling earrings. Pesting flowers for 3-10 pcs bloom at the ends of the shoots. The fruit (bone) of the elongated-ball-shaped form, up to 6.5 cm long and 3.5 cm in width. Ripen stake in September and quickly fall. In 1 kg of dried nuts about 120 pcs.
In the forest blooms for 12-13 years, in a rarefied state - from 5 years. I have in the garden - and in Ufa, and here in Ulyanovsk - began to be fruitful from 8 years.
Trees are growing in front of the house, at a distance of 7.1 m from the walls.
In Ufa, I had a garden plot on which there was a cottage with a balcony, accusing grapes. When I decided to plant a manchu walnut, experienced gardeners warned me: "Walnut is not friendly with grapes. Put the nut - grapes will die. " I had only 6 acres, and I wanted to grow everything! I still decided and planted the nut Manchurian. But whatever his branches would interfere with grapes, whose tweller was 40 cm from the wells with nuts, I applied the formation of the nut. I began to remove all the side kidneys, leaving only the top. I did it so while I could reach, and then gave nuts to the will, and he, like Palma, highly spread his openwork crown, for which all gardeners began to admire. The tree looks very nice! And grapes grew, bloom, gave a harvest, and both plants felt good.
Having moved to Ulyanovsk in 1991, I planted the grapes again, and the manchursky nut, applying the same formation to the nut.
Walnut Manchursky grows the first 80 years fast. Its barrel reaches 1 m in diameter, lives up to 250 years and more. Root system Very powerful, deep. Tree wind resistant, loves fertile soils. It takes temporary flooding and a small soil drought.
Walnut does not like a transplant. Therefore, it is breeding with seeds (nuts), which are seeded in the fall. It is better to do it right away how nuts fall. When stored at home, quickly loses germination.
The kernel contains 59.4% fat, has a pleasant taste, is used in fresh form. Split at home the nuts is the easiest in the vice. Such a tight shell. Nuts in dairy maturity (in early June, immediately after they start) are used for cooking. Walnut wood appreciate the furniture makers for the beautiful texture.
Walnut Manchursky grows in the Amur region and Primorye, but in cultural plantings it is found in many cities of the European part of the country, Siberia, Central Asia, in the Caucasus.
And I appreciate it also for therapeutic properties.
Drug raw materials are the leaves, torn during flowering, as well as immature fruits and spindlers.
In the leaves a lot of ascorbic acid, tannins, essential oilsLittle alkaloids, carotene and phytoncides are also present.
The decoction of leaves and octurizers is used in the cathars of the stomach, diarrhea, rickets by exudative diathesis. Recipe: 20 g. Crushed leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water, insist 20-30 minutes and drink 3 times a day in a tablespoon.
The tincture of the leaves can be sprinkled by the mouth when the gums loosen. The leaves are applied to wounds and furunculam. In homeopathy, drugs from ocoloplodnikov and leaves are used as uterine.
And to keep feet in cleanliness, enough to soak in 20-30 minutes hot water 1 sheet manchur OutAnd when the water will cool the water to pour it into the pelvis and at least 20 minutes to hold legs in this water. Repeat the procedure for a week. The fungus will disappear, do not go to the pharmacy, spend money for medicines. For a long time, after all, it is known that human skin diseases are countless!
The leaf decoction can also rinse the head after washing to get rid of dandruff and improve hair quality.
Finally, I remind you that thanks to your huge, albeit openwork crown, the nut Manchursky improves on garden plot phytosanitary and medical situation, because also dust delays. Specialists have established that 1 sq. M. The leaf surface projection detains about 5 g of dust in 1 month, which contains over 1 million microorganisms. This means that my plot becomes much healthier, and the air is cleaned.
And the jam from the fruits of the manchurs nut is not only tasty, but also hebly!
Here you and the Manchurian Walnut!
Love and appreciate the nature of our Russia!
Ivanova Tamara Georgievna, Forestry Engineer

By type, Manchurian nuts resemble walnuts. But similarity is purely external. Unlike walnuts, there are no partitions separating two halves of the kernel - it is located inside the intricate curved channels. The inner part of these nuts is on a slice of an uncommentable symmetrical (usually) pattern resembling lace or the finest wood thread.

You can make a lot of interesting things from the Manchu walnut: Decorative jugs and vases, plates, candidates, frames, edging, bracelets, robes, beads, brooches, key rings, buttons, boxes in even candlesticks.

No complex devices are required for treatment of nuts. It is quite possible to do with an elementary set of tools, which, obviously, will be found from any amateur: these are small vice, a hacksaw for metal, files of different shapes, Nadfili, manual or electric drill, Drill set, - and for finishing - furniture nitrolac type NC-222 or NC-228.

Work begins with the fact that the walnut is clamped in vice and hand-hacksaw for metal cut it along or across several equal plane-plates on the thickness of flat plates, which will serve concurrencies for most products. One nut, of course, will be not enough - it will be necessary to cut and prepare sufficient number The same in the thickness of the poles. You need to try to try as soon as possible so that it does not need to additionally grind the surface on the sandpaper. Then you need to clean out the kernels from the needle or sewn. After this operation, which, by the way, must be carried out carefully, the slices can be used for conceived work.

Start obviously follows from the most simple products, for example, with beads. For their manufacture, the holes are drilled in slices - two in each. You can drill in different ways - perpendicular to the plane of the lobby or in parallel to it. It all depends on the method of links of units. These holes in any case should be located in the thick parts of the walls. Through the holes perpendicular to the surface planes, two small rings are skipped, which are connected to each other with the sections of the chain. In the holes drilled parallel to the plane, wire loops are inserted and, as in the first case, the chains are connected to each other.

As this is done, it is seen from the picture. You can lacquer for or after connecting to each other.

Making bus.
Two methods of fastening of poles: with a ring with a segment of a chain; With the help of a wire loop, inserted into the hole and the bulk of the glue.

Original buttons are obtained from nuts. They are made of transverse cases, in which one or both planes - rear and facial - washed with a file (or sharpened) in the form of convex surfaces. In the middle part of the nut, as a rule, two thin round or oval channels pass through which it is convenient to sew buttons to clothing.

The key fobs are better to do from the transverse, but from longitudinally sawn nuts, which are obtained along the separation seam. At the top of the keyfob, the hole is drilled, and the ring is passed through it.

For the bracelet, you can use longitudinal and transverse slices. They should be somewhat thicker than for beads - 6-8 millimeters. The rear side of these poles should be slightly concave that the bracelet makes a hand.

However, beads, bracelets, pins - this is not the most interesting crafts From Manchurian walnut, and we stopped on them more as in the training work. The most attractive are practical beliefs - plates, candiers, vases, jugs. Glued from individual walnuts, they are elegant, beautiful. Their patterns resemble the finest wood thread, to compare which by intricateness it is possible, perhaps with lace - they are also air and unique. Of course, make a plate or candidate harder than, say, the same beads, but it is also quite possible at home. The most important thing, as, however, in each case, the sequence and patience.

Let us first tell me how the plates are manufactured. They can be quite varied by their design. One option is a plate in which a small diameter metal disk (10-12 cm) was used as a bottom. On this disk wear walnut slices of the first row, for which the slots of the appropriate size should be done in their side (see Fig.). All subsequent slices will be glued together with each other, forming concentric circles with their rows. Since the edges of the plate should be somewhat raised, then it is convenient to glue the slices inside some bowl - in this case the plate will almost immediately repeat its shape. Glue can be glued, but better meaning The same furniture varnish, only slightly thickened. When working, it is necessary to ensure that the plate is not glued to the form.

Dish with metallic bottom.
The first row is going out of walnuts with a slot. Subsequent rows are glued into the end.

You can make a plate and without a metal disk. In this case, its entirely, starting from the middle, glue from some walnuts. Do not feerate the fragility of such a design. Of course, it is impossible to impose the same requirements for monolithic subjects. However, the furniture lacquer applied with several layers firmly fastens her slices among themselves, providing sufficient strength of the product. The plate made in this way is quite suitable in order to put bread, crackers or candy in it. The fact is that the furniture nitroqual, frozen a sufficiently thick layer (about 1 mm), reaches such a hardness that it can be processed with a file, and it can withstand decent loads.

The candlers glued in the same way: the end parts of the poles are connected with glue or thick lacquer. But in this case, a glass can be taken as a shape, a liter, two-liter, three-liter. At a distance of 8-10 cm from the bottom plane, a rubber ring is put on the jar. Then the jar roll up the bottom up. On the ring install the first row of nuts, then the next one is glued to it - and so far everything will be placed. As a form, you can use a small bowl - in this case, the candlers will succeed with bent outwards - it is also very beautiful.

Molding of the candlers by glass bank. The extreme row of nuts relies on the rubber ring.

According to the same technology, you can make a vase for flowers or a jar, enclosing a suitable vessel of transparent glass (flask, a balloon from the lamp, etc.). If a vase with a long throat is conceived, then one more is added from above component, made on the cylinder or cone of the corresponding diameter. It is possible to finish the top with horizontally glued walnut slices or fools, soldered on a funnel.

The connection of the parts of the vase molded on three different bases.

The jug may probably need a handle. Make it too easy. For this, two arcs are glued on the plasticine form - one slightly more different. Then the smaller is inserted inside greater, and the space between them is filled with halves or smaller parts of the poles. When it all hardens, you can be styled with a file of irregularities, then glue the knob to the jug.

Molding the top of the jug on the neck of the bottle. The middle part is molded on the top of the three-liter jar.

Finished products after the assembly should be covered with varnish several times, but not thickened, but liquid. This will primarily provide additional rigidity that is so necessary during the discharge of irregularities. The fact is that walnut slices, dried with a hacksaw for metal, flat. To adjust their edges to each other when gluing is difficult, and there is no particular need. The main task is to achieve sufficiently dense adjacent to their ends. And then they are already grouped on the finished product.

Like jugs and vases, boxes and cupcakers are manufactured.

In the first case, the form can serve a rectangular or oval box, in the second - a glass. The handle to the cup holder is manufactured in the same way as for a jug. Since the caskets have a lid to open, you must first make the lid and low part, Then inside the bottom to glue a little protruding bezel, to which the lid will be put on. In addition, if you attach small loops to the rim, the lid turns away.

The surfaces of the products can be given relief. For this, nuts are used for greater thickness. Of these, one or more rims are gaining, which give things more decorative View. These slices you can finish the edges of plates and candlers, but protect the neck of the jug. They can be made oval, sophisticated to one of the edges, spherical or even with bent up the edges.

The finished product must certainly treat the file with a file and remove all the available irregularities, jar and. sowing. Due to the softness of the material, it is possible to achieve a completely smooth surface with smooth transitions from thickening to narrow. The final finishes finish with shallow skin. Now it remains only to remove dust and sawdust and cover the product with varnish - it is ready.

In conclusion, it should be added that the objects glued from the nut should be protected from overheating - under the influence of heat nutshell And the varnish are expanding differently, resulting in cracks.

In their works, artists and folk craftsmen use a lot natural materials - and familiar, such as straw, and sometimes quite like fishing skin, a poplar fluff, a manchur nut.

IN lately Increased interest in the Manchurian nut as a material for artistic products.

By type, Manchurian nuts resemble walnuts, but this similarity is purely external. Unlike walnuts, there are no partitions separating two halves of the kernel - it is located inside the intricate curved channels. The inner part of these nuts is on a slice of an uncomparable (as a rule, symmetrical) pattern resembling lace or the thinnest

wood thread. It is this feature of the structure and attracts artists. It is advisable to choose nuts with a convex and ribbed surface, large sizes. Than ugly outdoor View Nut, the more interesting there will be his inner structure.

Using this natural lace, you can make a lot of interesting things: decorative jugs and vases, plates, cans, frames, edging, bracelets, rings,

beads, brooches, key chains, belts, buttons, caskets and even candlesticks.

When sawing it on thin plates, openwork lace snowflakes are obtained. Walnut clamping from vice and cutting on metal is cut along or across several equal plane-plates on the thickness of flat plates, which will serve concurrencies for most products. Such equally the thickness of the poles should be prepared

against product quantity. Saw should try smoothly so that later it is not necessary to additionally grind the surface on the sandpaper or file. Then you need to carefully clean the kernel from the channels using the needle or sewn, after which it can be used for conceived work.

Jewelry from Manchurian Walnut does not require protective coatingSince even weak lacquer coating can spoil the natural matte brilliance of this material.

You should start with the simplest products, for example, with beads. For their manufacture, two holes are drilled in slices, placing them in the thick of the walls and, depending on the combination of links, perpendicularly or parallel to the lob's plane (Fig. 174). Through the holes, perpendicular to the plane of the surface, are skipped two small rings, which are connected to intermediate rings or segments of the chain. In the holes drilled parallel to the flat

Fig. 174. Production of beads from Manchurian walnut. Two methods of fastening of fractions: A - with a ring with a segment of the chain; 6 - With a wire loop, inserted into a hole and a bounted drop of glue

the surface of the surface is inserted on the glue of the wire loops as in the first case, they are combined with rings or chains.

Pendants and key chain are not better to do from transverse, but from longitudinally sawn nuts that get

cut along the separation seam. At the top of the keyfob, the hole is drilled and the ring is passed through it.

Good pendants and pendants and from a whole walnut, which are left only large polished face, and the entire core is removed. unusually fancy and kra-

singing through openwork form. But pre-nuts need to soak well in water.

For the bracelet use longitudinal and transverse slices, it is possible to extreme - convex, oval. They must be somewhat thicker than for beads, - 6 - 8 mm. Back side should be made slightly concave to the bracelet

family hand.

From Manchurian nuts, original buttons are obtained. They are manufactured from transverse cases, in which one or both planes - the back and facial - washed with a file or emery in the form of convex surfaces. In the middle part of the nut, as a rule, pass two thin round or oval holesThrough which convenient to sew buttons to clothing.

In the manufacture of buttons, the feature of the Manchur walnut should be taken into account: from the middle to the ends, the drawing is changing him greatly, and therefore, to get six buttons, you will have to cut, more precisely, cut the middle of six nuts, since its side parts have another drawing, not less beautiful. Such side sections can be dialing the right amount, and you will have multiple buttons sets.

From the Manchurian walnut, you can make very original rings. It is necessary to choose such a nut in which the hole can be done corresponding to the diameter of the finger.

Initially, the ring option is selected (Fig. 175) and, gently climbing the workpiece in vice, clipped with a saw on the metal


Fig. 175. Ring from Manchur Out: 1 - insert from amber or carnelian

there are parts through which the drill is made through a hole of a small diameter (8 - 9 mm). Then a round file, this hole is expanded to the dimensions of the finger. It should be very careful: all internal partitions Walnuts are interconnected, and with a strong nagged, they can be destroyed. Hole processing finish with a small grinding sandpaper, screwed onto the Crochlgy object. The outer part of the ring is also slightly stabbing.

The top can be left natural or to make a neat speaker with him and polish it. If Ipt is not very good, in its middle, you can put an insert, for example, from a carnelian, etc.

By the same principle, you can make a ring from a small outflow (kapa, capo root, a suwel-shaft) or a piece of wood of Karelian birch, Samshat, Grab.

Crafts from the Walnut Shell are one of the most fascinating classes for children of different ages, which are glad to come up with new images for pleasant to the touch, durable, possessing the attractive force, hemisphere.

As a rule, crafts made of walnut shell in children's garden - in groups of different ages, and B. primary school. But even senior schoolchildren with pleasure use this material for creativity.

Figures and toys from a walnut shell

At the beginning of the school year, the most relevant crafts on the subject of autumn - from walnuts to create them quite simply and interesting. At the same time, if you enable fantasy, you can get the most original and unexpected products:

spider with shaggy paws on a web, which is already preparing for the onset of cold weather;

little mouse in a warm cap, sleeping in a cradle suspended to the autumn tree branch.

Even more diverse crafts in the form of animals are obtained. You can create a variety of characters with your own hands:

god's cow, which revive the toy bulk eyes;

bird with a beak of yellow felt and sieve wings;

charismatic schuke with wings and ears of felt;

turtles with cardboard heads and legs and turtles with heads and legs made of core wire;

Walnuts shells - rich soil for creativity. It is only worth getting drawing to the creation of crafts, as imagination will tell the many of its own, completely unique, images.

whales with cardboard fonts;

the bee with wings of foamarton and fluffy wire mustaches;

beautiful looks such bees even without wings;

crabs with cardboard clamshes;

mouse with large foaming ears;

mice with small felt ears;

From the shell of walnut, you can make funny puppies on the leash.

If you glue the flies scarf and ears to the nut and draw him a muzzle, we will get a cute bear.

Octopus with shaggy paws.

Funny frog.

bright butterfly with cardboard wings.

You can create whole compositions - for example, a sunshine, flying bee and elephant, as in our photo.

From walnuts, sticks, cones and dry leaves, you can make a fun dragon.

And the boys will probably like ships with a mast - toothpick and a katon flag.

You can make autumn boats with sails of dried maple leaves (you can cut maple Leaf from paper or film).

Look, another version of the execution of ships from walnut on video:

Suspension strawberry

And for sure everyone will have to taste an appetizing strawberry suspension, made with the help of green felt and paints.

Casket and needleer from walnut shell

For example, from a walnut, a small piece of cotton wool, fabrics and glue, you can make a small but very cute needle. Wat you turn the cloth and sew. The resulting ball is planted on glue into the inside of the walnut.

How to make a pretty box Look at the video:

On these pictures you can see wonderful examples of crafts from a walnut shell.

Make homemade beautiful decorations From Manchurian walnut.

Looking at nature around, especially in the fall, once again convinced her promotional beauty. She is the best Creator on all white light and fad fancy vertical patterns. You only need to be able to consider unusual in the usual ...

Who would have thought that the usual manchursky nut inside is so unusually beautiful?! I suggest you to evaluate this beauty and make natural jewelry from it: carved earrings, an original bracelet and amazing in its simplicity pendant on a lace.

For the manufacture of set of decorations, you will need:


Several pieces of manchuric nuts ( our trees can be found on the street or in the Botanical Garden);

Thin twisted lace;

Billets for earrings;

2 little rings.






Stages of work

1) First of all, we find a nut, clamp in vice and with the help of a knife we \u200b\u200bsaw rings;

2) smear the nutrola toothpicks or a knife;

3) with a file with grinding and equalize the edges;

4) to the walnut ring, and more precisely, its slots stretch the lace, form a loop so that the natural pendant is always in the center, and tie the ends of the cord;

5) In the cutting rings insert the rings and hang them on the billets for earrings - earrings are obtained;

6) We make a loop on the lace ( with such a calculation so that the middle finger in it), then wake the ends of the cord into the holes on the sheepage of the nut, we form a knot-pop, we ride the next ring, again the knot is fixed and cut off the ends with a margin on the zagging knot on the hand ( when we wear a bracelet).

That's all right. Decorations are ready. Wear and admire the beauty!