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When the manchur nut begins to be fron. Manchur nut and the secrets of his cultivation. Why not fruits a manchu walnut

Botanical name: Walnut Manchurian or Walnut Dumby (Juglans Mandshurica). One-bedroom tree or shrub kind of nut, orchard family. The closest relative of walnut.

Motherland of Manchurian Walnut: China.

Lighting: Sun, half.

The soil: soil mixture of humus derdy land And sand (1: 1: 1).

Watering: moderate.

Maximum height of the tree: 30 m.

Average life expectancy: 300 years.

Landing: Seeds.

Manchurian walnut - high, fast-growing, large tree, reaching up to 30 m. Externally resembles a walnut tree. His crown is tent-like, spreadable, sprinkled, with a diameter of about 20 m. The barrel straight, with dark gray, in places of black, fascinated bark. Bark of young branches smooth, light gray. Shoots are yellowish brown, pubescent. The root system is powerful, rod.

Leaves, Flowers and Fruits of Manchur Nut

The leaves of the Manchurian walnut are large, complex, regular, unparalleled, 40-80 cm long, can reach 100 cm or more. Consist of 7-20 oblong-elliptic sawn sheets up to 20 cm long. Sheet plate along the edge of the gear, with a pointed vertex. In the spring and summer, the leaves of a rich green shade, the yellow color is acquired in the fall.

On one tree are formed male and female flowersthat bloom at the same time with the leaves. Men's flowers are yellow-green earrings, female - small low-mounted brushes. Blossom comes in April - May. Fruits - oval-pointed fires, externally looked like the fruits of walnut, but smaller in diameter (up to 4 cm). Collected in the brush of 2-7 pieces, or formed singly. Covered with green, pubescent. The shell is thick, strong, first green, and when ripening brown color. The cores are edible, solid, without wood partitions, 6 cm long, 3 cm diameter, have deep longitudinal furrows. The taste is sweetish. The middle mass of the core is 2.5. The ripening of fruits falls on August - October. Ripe nuts immediately fall on the ground.

A tree in nature enters fruiting for 4-8 years after landing. Effective individuals bring harvest from 12-15 years. Life expectancy is 250-300 years. The period of active growth lasts up to 90 years, after which growth slows down.

Photo of the Manchurian Walnut presented in the gallery below:

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Where the manchur walnut tree grows

In nature tree manchur nut It grows in coniferous and mixed forests of Northern China, the Far East, the Korean Peninsula. Returning with larch, pine, cedar, juniper and other coniferous rocksthat have a positive impact on a manchu walnut. Mounts along the rivers and in the lower zone of the mountains at an altitude of 500-2500 m above sea level.

The plant is light-cup, however, it can grow on shaded areas, moisthed, poorly tolerates drought. Grows on forest gray soils, but the most abundant yields gives fertile and drained. Winter hardiness average rises with age. Adult individuals withstand frosts up to -45 ° C. With spring frosts, young shoots and leaves may be affected. In the place of extincting renewing their height from sleeping kidney new shoots. Young leaves are poorly tolerant of spring frosts, often drawn and die away.

Currently, breeders are trying on the basis of crossing the Manchurian and Walnut to bring new varieties and hybrids, combining the winter hardiness of the first and yield of the second walnut.

The reproduction of a manchurian walnut

Not all gardeners wishing to plant this culture have the necessary knowledge about how to grow a manchu walnut on the plot. This information is set below.

Plant is multiplied mainly by seeds. Stratification is defined before planting seeds. You can use different ways to prepare seeds to sowing. With a spring sowing, they are kept in the refrigerator to spring, after which 10 days before the landing are kept in warm water, changing it daily. The second method implies soaking seeds in cool water and the subsequent 2-month stratification at a temperature not higher than 7 ° C. In the third method, the seeds are stratified from autumn for a month, withsting them indoors with a temperature of 20-23 ° C. After this time, they are placed in the snow. For accelerated stratification In early March, seeds are placed at 24 hours in hot water, then bury in the sand and kept at room temperature. A month later, seeds will germinate.

Seeds of this culture can be drained in autumn and spring. As practice shows, spring shoots are formed stronger. A year later, young seedlings are planted on permanent place. To do this, choose a well-lit plot with fertile, loose soil. Having planting seedlings, you should trim the roots with a special bracket, it will accelerate the growth of the tree. Until the three-year-old rod root in length exceeds the ground part several times, so the seedlings are poorly transferred to the transplant, since the roots as a result of this work may be damaged. To prevent this, the root before the transplant should be trimmed by 30-40 cm, which activates the growth of the lateral roots lying closer to the surface. The manchur walnut tree grows very quickly, its annual increase is 50 cm and more.

The reproduction of the Manchurian walnut seeds can be held in the fall. If sprouted nuts are planted, you need to pinch the end of the root, then the root system is in the future it is not necessary. Pre-processing kerosene will help protect seeds from rodents.

By choosing a seed method of breeding, it should be remembered that the germination of nuts is maintained within 2-3 years.

Landing, transplanting and care for mancho nut

Before landing prepare the ridge. For this, it loose, water, fall asleep with a thin layer of ash. Seeds are planted on a depth of 6-7 cm, laying them on the edge. Seed density - 10 pieces of seeds per 1 mq. Saplings grow pretty quickly and after a year ready for a transplant to a permanent place. Annual seedlings have a powerful root system consisting of a long rod root and several side roots.

Replanting a grudge plant, you need to tie it to the cola so that it is firmly rooted in a new place. For planting a saplings prepare a pit in advance. On the bottom lay a layer of drainage and nutrient soil. After transplanting, the plant is abundantly watered.

Caring for Manchurian Walnut is required minimal. In the first year, a young seedling needs abundant watering, especially in a period of long drought and at high temperatures. The roller circle is periodically loosened to a depth of 5-9 cm, weeds are removed, then sprinkled with a layer of mulch. In shelter for the winter frost-resistant tree does not need. Young individuals for the first 2 years required to cover dry leaves, peat and burlap. The feeders are brought in the second half of summer. For this, 10-20 g of superphosphate divorced in 10 liters of water is used.

How to grow a manchu nut and its application

Exercising the cultivation of manchurian walnut it is important to remember that fruit culturesgrowing nearby are discomfort. For example, apple trees and pears grown at a distance less than 10 m from this tree are early reset foliage and grow poorly. Also suffers from such a neighborhood of cherry and other plants. Therefore, it is not recommended to grow them near.

Little to the famous relative from the Far East. In the natural environment, it can be found in North China or on the Korean Peninsula. Walnut manchursky rush as in wildlifeadjacent to deciduous and coniferous rocks. This wonderful has many useful qualities. How to grow a full-fledged Manchurian Walnut, we will look below.

Manchurian Walnut: Tree Description

Growing Manchur Out

It is possible to grow a nut Manchurian on my own, spreading it with seedlings, seeds either.

How and when to plant a nut

Planting the manchursky walnut requires the execution of several conditions:

  • put seedlings of walnut in the fall from the middle of October to November, this plant is better leaving for autumn landing. A seedling pit should be deep with drainage (stones, bricks, crushed stone);
  • the second layer after placing the turf with the addition of sand and;
  • supported to the seedling, the soil around the plant is rambling and poured with water, murdered. It will not give moisture to evaporate that it will prevent the filming of the root system.
  • Manchur walnut is grown from both seeds and seedlings. Advantage is the cultivation of seedlings, since the tree be fruiting will be for the fourth year after landing, unlike seeds (no earlier than 10 years).

    Landing a manchur walnut It is carried out in several ways to prepare the planting material. The first method consists in storing the nut to spring in conditions of low temperature and low humidity. Before landing nuts are soaked in the water for ten days. Water varied periodically.

    Second way - Soak nuts in water (30ºC) for a day. After soaking the fruits for two or three months, withstand at a temperature not higher than + 5ºC.
    Third way - To withstand the fruits within a month at a temperature of 20ºC and put them under the snow. Whatever the way of preparing the planting material you have chosen, seed landing becomes the final stage. For landing, seeds must be pre-pulled up, polita and supan.

    The depth of seed seedings should not exceed seven centimeters, put nuts with ribs. No more than ten seeds disembark on one square meter. Autumn seedlings shoot two or three weeks earlier than spring. After the year, the seedlings can be moved to a permanent habitat.

    So that the nut rapidly gained growth, its roots are barely cut. Seeds planted in autumn, boot better than spring, but they need to be protected from, spraying before landing kerosene. It should be remembered that the plant grown from seed may not carry the genetic code of the parent. If you do not burn the desire to mess with seeds, you can pick a nut Manchurian or buy a ready-made seedling. Planting seedlings for better sussigs is carried out in the winter.

    The root system of the Manchurian walnut grows rapidly, so when landing seedlings permanently, try to apply minimal damage to roots. Manchurian walnut with a disturbed root system does not fit.

    The landing pit should be deep with the use of drainage. If you want to plant several seedlings at once, then the distance between them should not be less than ten meters. Because the root walnut of the manchursky is strongly developed, put it away from any structures.

    Did you know? For the best branch of the nuclear on the manchur walnut from the shell, they are collected in the spring.

    How to care for manchur walnut

    Manchur walnut, like any, requires that not only landing, but also care. Competently organized care is the key to the beneficial growth of the plant and a rich crop.

    How to water the manchur nut

    Like any other nut, manchursky unpretentious in care:

    • for normal development, a tree requires a sufficient amount of moisture. When the level of drop-down precipitation is normal, irrigation produce in young seedlings to ten times per season, old trees are twice as smaller. In drought, trees are poured with twenty liters of water.
    • nuts do not like when the moisture in the soil is stirred, so it's thoroughly clean and loose soil. So that the soil is less than dried, mulch it.
    • if the precipitate is a frequent phenomenon, watering is stopped until a complete burden of soil.
    • when an active growth ends and the tree is flowing, watering less often so that the young wood is ripe until winter.

    Pruning and forming a manchur walnut

    As a rule, Manchurian nut does not need the formation of the crown. Removal are subject to dead or thickening painting shoots. Protecting in the spring, after the kidneys will be dissolved. The next removal of dead and not necessary shoots are carried out in August.

    Experienced shape the crown of the Manchur walnut with a large number of trunks either make out of it.

    Many trees that successfully grow in the southern territories of our country, there is no opportunity to grow in regions with a cooler climate. This also applies to all of us walnuts - spicy and high trees with tasty and very useful fruits. But a good alternative to them can become more resistant to frosts Manchur nut. We will specify how the planking of the Manchurian walnut and departure in the Moscow region is required by this culture, we will discuss its cultivation slightly in more detail.

    The village of Manchurian walnut in the wildlife is growing in the Far East and in Northern China. Such a culture in its appearance is similar to Walnut, however there are some distinctive characteristics. So the leaves of this tree look bigger than the walnut, the entire leaf plate can reach one meter in length. The fruits of Manchurian walnut have a slightly smaller size, their shell is very dense, and form - oval-pointed to one of the ends. Posted by a seedling, you can expect the first harvest for the fourth year. And when growing from seeds - on the seventh-eighth.

    Manchurian nuts are monodomal plants, respectively, on them separately men's, as well as women's flowers. Pollination occurs with the wind.

    Landing in the suburbs, cultivation

    Saplings of Manchurian nuts are not very loved by transplants. Therefore, it is necessary to plant them immediately at a permanent place. Such a tree prefer to grow on well-lit plots not shaded with other cultures. It is allowed to grow a manchurian nut in lowlands, but the soil must be quite fertile. Readers "Popular About Health" must be remembered that the Manchurian walnut has a deep-rotating root system and a fairly large branching root. Accordingly, the disembarkation must be carried away from all sorts of buildings. When landing several seedlings, you need to have them with an interval of ten or twelve meters.

    Looking out young trees is best in April or in September. For them, it is necessary to prepare a landing fossa, its optimal depth - eighty - one hundred centimeters. The volume of such a pit should be equal to the volume of the root seedlock. On the snug of the pit it is necessary to lay a layer of drainage, you can use crushed stone, broken brick and other suitable materials. Put the soil layer so that it covers drainage. Instead of poor soil, it is necessary to use a mixture from the ground, taken out of the landing pit, humoring, turf and sand (follow the ratio of 4: 2: 2: 1). Add twenty - forty grams of superphosphate to this mixture, as well as potash fertilizer. Mix the resulting soil is pretty.

    Before boarding, you need to inspect the seedling and shorten the central root. The tree must be installed in the central part of the well, and immediately deposit to the peg. Experienced gardeners are recommended to land in the suburbs of Manchurian walnut so as to maintain his original position in relation to the sides of the world, it is believed that it is much easier and fastened. Sprinkle sauced soil mixture, Fill with the accuracy of the water bucket. After the liquid is absorbed, add soil and accumulate it by forming a rolling circle. Follow five more is ten liters of water, and then mulch the soil.

    Caring for Manchurian Walnut in the Moscow region

    Such a tree is pretty moisture. So in the first year of cultivation, it is necessary to ensure that the soil constantly remains wet. Moisturize the soil, not allowing excessive dampness. After irrigation, it is necessary to loosen the soil at mandatory and carry out the elimination of weeds, it is also important to carry out the mulching of the soil.

    Adult manchurian nuts may well survive the lack of moisture or rare root flooding.

    The young trees of the fourth year of life, need feeding phosphorus-potash mixtures. Such formulations contribute to the soil once for the entire vegetative period, optimally - during the formation of fruits. It is allowed to use superphosphates, but it is worth adding a glass of wood ash to the ground, because it contains many nutritious elements.

    In the suburbs in the caring behind the tree, do not forget to include its preparation for winter.
    Young seedlings need to be insulated to prevent the frost of the branches of the branches. To do this, it is necessary to wind the stram, as well as the lower twigs using burlap or nonwoven material. In addition, it is worth using a grid - like a shelter from rodents, it must be shipped into the ground and drown around. IN winter time (After snow falls) it is desirable to repeat this procedure.

    Another important stage of care for Manchurian nuts is periodic crown trimming. In fact, this village does not need to form a crown artificially. It is capable of self-forming. It is enough just to perform sanitary trimming: in early spring either during the winter rest. At the same time, it is necessary to eliminate defective, fooling and growing down the branches. However, if you grow a Manchurian nut on a small area, it is desirable to pay attention to its formation. Such procedures can be proceeding for the second year after landing. Proper formation It can make a tree spread with a short strab, or a single-barrel with a crown having a shape of a ball. Sometimes a bush is formed from the tree, which grows several main trunks.

    If you decide to make a manchur nut on your site, then the cultivation of this tree is not so difficult, you just need to adhere to the foregoing instructions.

    Method of disembarking seedlings

    How to care for a plant

    The most unpleasant phenomenon for the gardener, on the site of which this plant grows, is black spottedness, which appears on a tree with strong humidity and frequent precipitation.

    Growing a manchurian walnut of seeds and care for it

    Among pests that can harm the Walnut tree are most famous for the gallic tick and nut-making. Danger for walnuts can carry and rodents. In the fight against them the most suitable processing kerosene.

    Land owners upsets the fact that more often nuts of trees can be grown only in the southern regions. The breeders found a way out and offered fans of mighty spreader crowns and delicious nuts to grow the cultivation of a manchurian nut, which is not afraid of strong frosts.

    Today, the cultivation of Manchurian walnut in the Urals was popular, in the suburbs. Long-term 30 degree and short-term 45 degree frosts are not afraid of this handsome.

    The main place, which is called the birthplace of this type of walnut is North China and Korea, later he appeared in the Far East and today, many dacms of the northern regions of Russia can observe its beauty and collect a rich healing harvest.

    This type of plant is a culture that is resistant to a strong wind and a glowing sun. It's not terrible frost and an increased level of urban gaspace. Manchurian walnut perfectly feels with single and group landings on fertile soils, on surfaces with drainage styling with sufficient humidity level.

    In the nature of this representative, you can meet in mixed forests, where with him the broader trees, fir and pine crops can grow nearby.

    It is appreciated not only for the beauty, thanks to which best side Landscape of parks and squares changes, but also for healing properties Fruits and other components, as well as for their durable and high-quality wood.

    Thanks to nutritious and therapeutic properties, the cultivation of a manchur nutty or seedling in some countries has become of particular importance, because the fruits prepare high-quality oil used in the food and cosmetology industry, and an incredibly tasty and useful jam is prepared out of non-mature walnut grains.

    Today you can meet beautiful wood furniture from this plant, which is valued for its strength and beautiful texture. Natural dark brown shades of the cortex of this tree give products from it a special appearance.

    In folk medicine and the production of cosmetic products, fruits and leaves of Manchurian walnut are used for the manufacture of substances capable of improving the condition of the skin and hair, help in the treatment of diseases of the lungs and skin of tuberculosis, furunculosis. The dried leaves have long been treated with open wounds after burns broken from corns. Inquired from them weigh the oral cavity in the diseases of the gums.

    Infusions and decoctions from the walnut of this variety helps to speed up the processes of recovery of the skin under eczema, deprive and pusty lesions.

    With rickets and frequent intestinal disorders, the Manchurian decoction is considered one of the effective folk agents.

    Time, place and way of landing nuts from walnut

    One of the main conditions for the cultivation of a manchur nut when landing is right choice Plot. This should be a place with fertile and moderately damp soil. The following is the following method of landing material landing material:

    1. By choosing a place in the spring or autumn periodWhen the Earth is well moistened, the soil is already dropped, you should switch the selected place to a depth of 10 cm, add woodwood And in well-loose soil to put a nut or seedlove.
    2. The distance between the holes should be at least 10 meters, as in adult form the manchur walnut is very large.
    3. If the cultivation of a manchuric nut of walnut occurs, the depth of planting should be at least 8 cm, the nuts must be laid out on the edge. The material is sprinkled by mulch from sawdust or straw, which is a good emission block.
    4. Spring is considered to be the best time for falling down the walnut, since during this period the shoots get more nutrition and are stronger and adapted.
    5. When disembarking seedlings, it is necessary to trim the root, which activates in turn the growth of the side roots, which are closest to the surface of the Earth.

    Method of disembarking seedlings

    The main thing when disembarking the Manchur walnut is a place in which a broken brick or crushed stone will serve as a simplifier. This will contribute to the best supper seedlings.

    1. The location is placed by a layer of soil, which is mixed with turden, humus and sand.
    2. After the preparation of the soil, the seedlock is compacted in the hole and after that it is immediately tied to the subeorla with a stick or a peg. The plant is watering with water and the earth is rewritten again.
    3. Soil is rambling. If the seedlock is planted under the winter, it should be sprinkled with sawdust or peat so that it does not die in winter.

    Before planting plant seeds for further laying out a seedling in the ground, they are soaked for 10 days. Water should be changed, but it should be room temperature. For two months, seeds adapted to frost resistance stratified by lowering the temperature of the flooded water to 7 degrees.

    How to care for a plant

    Since the Manchurian walnut is a plant moisthed, one of characteristic conditions His care is to maintain the soil in a state of moderate humidity.

    How to grow a manchu walnut in Siberia

    During the arid period of the year, follow the state of the soil and, as it should be water. The most optimal is a weekly watering of plants using at least 20 liters of water.

    It is necessary to control the level of watering in accordance with the precipitation indicator. If seedlings were planted 2-3 years, then they have enough nine painting in the season, the trees adults need watering no more than 5 times in the season.

    So that the moisture is not stored, the soil must be periodically exploded.

    In the second decade of summer, the Manchurian walnut is fed by superphosphate, 20 g of which is bred in 10 liters of water.

    If there are dried or damaged branches, they should be cut down at the beginning of the spring before the leaves emissions. If desired, Krone can be given by trimming fit formWhat is especially welcome when placing park landscapes.

    In order for the plant to overwhelm without consequences, before the onset of the first frosting trunks of young trees, the burlap is sprinkled with foliage, dry branches or peat. This is especially appropriate when winter is minor.

    Manchurian Walnut Profitable Landscape Design Element

    Due to the fact that this plant is the winner of a fluffy crown, it is often used as an element of decorative design of a parking lot of citizens. This tree fits perfectly not only on household dumart sites, in private courtyards, but also aesthetically looks among the urban infrastructure.

    In the summer heat, his mighty kroon will save from the heat, in a rainy day, will take it from the rain, and in the winter snowy day will raise his fabulous picturesque view.

    Manchur walnut: landing and care rules

    Land owners upsets the fact that more often nuts of trees can be grown only in the southern regions. The breeders found a way out and offered fans of mighty spreader crowns and delicious nuts to grow the cultivation of a manchurian nut, which is not afraid of strong frosts.

    Today, the cultivation of Manchurian walnut in the Urals was popular, in the suburbs. Long-term 30 degree and short-term 45 degree frosts are not afraid of this handsome.

    Characteristics of Manchurian Out

    The main place, which is called the birthplace of this type of walnut is North China and Korea, later he appeared in the Far East and today, many dacms of the northern regions of Russia can observe its beauty and collect a rich healing harvest.

    This type of plant is a culture that is resistant to a strong wind and a glowing sun. It's not terrible frost and an increased level of urban gaspace. Manchurian walnut feels perfectly for single and group landings on fertile soils, on surfaces with drainage styling with sufficient moisture level.

    In the nature of this representative, you can meet in mixed forests, where with him the broader trees, fir and pine crops can grow nearby.

    It is appreciated not only for the beauty, thanks to which the landscape of parks and squares is changing for the better, but also for the healing properties of fruits and other components, as well as for their durable and high-quality wood.

    Thanks to nutritious and therapeutic properties, the cultivation of a manchur nutty or seedling in some countries has become of particular importance, because the fruits prepare high-quality oil used in the food and cosmetology industry, and an incredibly tasty and useful jam is prepared out of non-mature walnut grains.

    Today you can meet beautiful wood furniture from this plant, which is valued for its strength and beautiful texture. Natural dark brown shades of the cortex of this tree give products from it a special appearance.

    In folk medicine and the production of cosmetic products, fruits and leaves of Manchurian walnut are used for the manufacture of substances capable of improving the condition of the skin and hair, help in the treatment of diseases of the lungs and skin of tuberculosis, furunculosis. The dried leaves have long been treated with open wounds after burns broken from corns. Inquired from them weigh the oral cavity in the diseases of the gums.

    Infusions and decoctions from the walnut of this variety helps to speed up the processes of recovery of the skin under eczema, deprive and pusty lesions.

    With rickets and frequent intestinal disorders, the Manchurian decoction is considered one of the effective folk agents.

    Time, place and way of landing nuts from walnut

    One of the main conditions for the cultivation of a manchu walnut during its landing is the right selection of the site. This should be a place with fertile and moderately damp soil. The following is the following method of landing material landing material:

    1. By choosing a place in the spring or autumn period, when the Earth is well moistened, the soil is already dropped, you should switch the selected place to a depth of 10 cm, add wood ash and to put a walnut or seedling into a well-loose soil.
    2. The distance between the holes should be at least 10 meters, as in adult form the manchur walnut is very large.
    3. If the cultivation of a manchuric nut of walnut occurs, the depth of planting should be at least 8 cm, the nuts must be laid out on the edge. The material is sprinkled by mulch from sawdust or straw, which is a good emission block.
    4. Spring is considered to be the best time for falling down the walnut, since during this period the shoots get more nutrition and are stronger and adapted.
    5. When disembarking seedlings, it is necessary to trim the root, which activates in turn the growth of the side roots, which are closest to the surface of the Earth.

    Method of disembarking seedlings

    The main thing when disembarking the Manchur walnut is a place in which a broken brick or crushed stone will serve as a simplifier. This will contribute to the best supper seedlings.

    1. The location is placed by a layer of soil, which is mixed with turden, humus and sand.
    2. After the preparation of the soil, the seedlock is compacted in the hole and after that it is immediately tied to the subeorla with a stick or a peg. The plant is watering with water and the earth is rewritten again.
    3. Soil is rambling. If the seedlock is planted under the winter, it should be sprinkled with sawdust or peat so that it does not die in winter.

    Before planting plant seeds for further laying out a seedling in the ground, they are soaked for 10 days. Water constantly should be changed, but it should be room temperature. For two months, seeds adapted to frost resistance stratified by lowering the temperature of the flooded water to 7 degrees.

    How to care for a plant

    Since Manchurian walnut is a plant moisthed, one of the characteristic conditions for the care of it is to maintain the soil in a state of moderate humidity. During the arid period of the year, follow the state of the soil and, as it should be water. The most optimal is a weekly watering of plants using at least 20 liters of water.

    It is necessary to control the level of watering in accordance with the precipitation indicator. If seedlings were planted 2-3 years, then they have enough nine painting in the season, the trees adults need watering no more than 5 times in the season.

    So that the moisture is not stored, the soil must be periodically exploded.

    In the second decade of summer, the Manchurian walnut is fed by superphosphate, 20 g of which is bred in 10 liters of water.

    If there are dried or damaged branches, they should be cut down at the beginning of the spring before the leaves emissions. If desired, Krone can be given by pruning the desired form, which is especially welcome when placing park landscapes.

    In order for the plant to overwhelm without consequences, before the onset of the first frosting trunks of young trees, the burlap is sprinkled with foliage, dry branches or peat. This is especially appropriate when winter is minor.

    The most unpleasant phenomenon for the gardener, on the site of which this plant grows, is black spottedness, which appears on a tree with strong humidity and frequent precipitation. Among pests that can harm the Walnut tree are most famous for the gallic tick and nut-making. Danger for walnuts can carry and rodents. In the fight against them the most suitable processing kerosene.

    Manchurian Walnut Profitable Landscape Design Element

    Due to the fact that this plant is the winner of a fluffy crown, it is often used as an element of decorative design of a parking lot of citizens. This tree fits perfectly not only on the native cottage sites, in private courtyards, but also aesthetically looks among the urban infrastructure.

    In the summer heat, his mighty kroon will save from the heat, in a rainy day, will take it from the rain, and in the winter snowy day will raise his fabulous picturesque view.

    Manchurian Walnut: Landing, Growing and Care


    Far East, Korea, North China


    along the rivers on alluvial soils or on Deluli in broad-sized forests, in the mountains to a height of 500-600 m

    Sizes and shapes:

    life form: tree

    leaf fall


    up to 25 m, in Moscow - less than 20 m

    crown diameter: up to 8-9 m

    crown shape: spread or widespread, pretty openwork, multiform

    root system: powerful, deep, rod, with lots of surface roots

    Life expectancy:


    Growth speed:

    • grows quickly;
    • in Moscow, the growth rate of the average

    pH: from weakly acid to slightly

    mechanical Composition of Soil: Suglinki

    Landing and reproduction:

    planting material: with closed root system

    optimal landing dates: Spring


    transplant tolerates to 3 years of age

    methods of breeding: seeds

    features of seed reproduction:

    • nuts sow under winter;
    • with spring crop, stratification is needed at + 5 + 7 degrees within 2-3 months;
    • sailing seeds - 70%;
    • seeders in the first year develop a rod root 50-70 cm long, and the above-ground part - later

    vegetative reproduction:

    • cuttings are rooted weakly;
    • the varieties are breed and vaccinated

    Winter hardiness:

    the main look: winter articles, but sometimes hesitates

    zone of winter hardiness 5.


    Decorative Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn

    Decorative properties: Form of crown, leaves, inflorescences, fruits

    Barrel (crust color): Bark on young trunks of light gray, wrinkled, with a dark gray age, almost black, deep-steammed

    Branches (color of the bark, form):

    • gray branches, smooth;
    • young shoots of yellow-green, pubescent, later olive brown, with lentils

    Kidneys: Egg-shaped vertex kidneys, side - rounded, often 2 near the sinuses of the sheet, on the cutters, with 2 yellowish-felt scales

    • regular, up to 1.25 m long and 40 cm wide, non-parpecical, with 9-19 opposite, elongated-elliptical sawmakers, pointed on top and ilobones at the base, 10-21 cm long and 4.5-8 cm wide, matte In the youth, very sowned on both sides, later from the bottom with an abundant reddish-gray-starred ferrous flood, when rubbing with a pleasant smell

    Summer coloring of leaves (needles): bright green, top-dark top

    Autumn coloring of leaves (needles): Sollar-Yellow

    Flowering time:

    in Moscow, from mid-May to the beginning of June, within 7 days, simultaneously with the dissolving of leaves, from 6-7 years of age

    Color spectrum:

    Inflorescences: Men's flowers are collected in long seelings on the shoots of last year, women - in small low-mounted brushes at the ends of young shoots

    Fruits: False fires with a meaty green shell, Nuts are dark brown, 2,7-4.5 cm long, 2.2-3.4 cm wide, from rounded and egg-shaped to elliptic, with spicy on top, winding ribs, collected 3-7, less often solitary, edible, but with a difficult to remove the kernel, with a very solid shell

    Fertility terms: in Moscow at the end of August-mid-September

    Decorative forms (varieties):

    • there are up to 10 forms and varieties;
    • it has a number of hybrids with other types of nuts, distinguished by high winter hardiness


    smoke resistance, wind resistance

    Type of plantation:

    Type of plantings: group, soliter, alley

    Manchur nut

    Walnut MANHURICA MAXIM (Juglans Mandshurica Maxim.), Or a nut Dumby - a leaf-ended one-bedroom tree, the most frost-resistant representative of the kind of Juglans, which includes the well-known Walnut (Juglans Regia L.), as well as alans Ailantifolia carr.), Heart-shaped ( Juglans Cordiformis Maxim.), Rock (Juglans Rupestris Engelm.), Black (Juglans Cinerea L.), Zibold (Juglans Sieboldiana Maxim.).

    The generic name of Juglans comes from the words Jupiter and Glans, and literally means "Nut of Jupiter", i.e. King of nuts. The fetal core of all representatives of the family is suitable for eating.

    The natural range of Manchur Nut - Manchuria (North China), the Far East (Primorye and the Amur region), the Korean Peninsula, where the nut grows in mixed forests, adjacent there with larch, pine and cedar.

    Preferential growing of a manchore walnut in natural conditions Together with coniferous rocks, it can be explained by the fact that conifers have a positive effect on the nut. It has been proven that the water extract from the leaves, the crust and wood of larch accelerates the germination of the seeds and the development of the Manychur walnut seedlings.

    Manchurian walnut is a tree with a height of up to 25 meters with a wide opening crown. Lives up to 250 years. Growing quickly, annual branches of branches can reach 2 meters. The bark of the trunk and old branches are dark gray, in places black, deeply furred. The bark of the young branches of the light gray, smooth.

    Manchur walnut lightly, however, put up with shading. Having moisthed and sensitive to drought. May grow on gray forest soils, but prefers fertile and drained. On a heavy black loam, a thickness of ~ 50 cm with a pretty clean clay grows well. It has a powerful rod root system that allows to oppose strong winds. Regarding gas and smoke resistant.

    The leaves are unparalleled, very large, reaching a length of 1 meter, with 7-19 elongated, served along the edge and pointed at the end of the leaflets with dimensions up to 20 cm long and up to 10 cm in width.

    Men's flowers are formed on one tree, which are large black earrings, and female collected into small low-mounted brushes. Flowers Manchurian walnut in April - May. The wind is pollinated.

    The first fruits of the Manchurian walnut can give the seventh year after landing. The largest nuts grow on the periphery of the crown on the south side of the tree. Fruits located closer to the trunk, in the shade of the leaves or from the northern side, somewhat less, but ripen earlier. Fruits are suitable for the collection with the beginning of the yellowing of foliage on the nut (in the conditions of Krasnoyarsk approximately at the end of the first decade of September). The kernels of freshly picked nuts are solid, without wood partitions.

    The fruits in the brushes 2-7, less commonly single, oval-pointed, covered with green, pubescent, sticky to the touch by an octoper with a thickness of 5-7 mm. When ripening, the octurizer brightens, covered with brown dots and stains, then black and dries. The length of the fetus is up to 7 cm, the diameter is up to 4 cm. Kostyanka with deep longitudinal wrinkles, the ceiling length is up to 6 cm, diameter up to 3 cm, the thickness of the shell is ~ 5 mm. The mass of the nucleus (edible part) to 2.5 g. In the weight of the core is about 12%, the shell is 51% and the ocoloblodnik - 37%.

    The ocoplodnik gives a tangible iodine smell, which is often attributed to iodine. An unfolding approval about the presence of iodine in immature fruits not only the Manchurian walnut, but also other representatives of the kind of Juglans, pokes out the article in the article and meets even in theses. Nevertheless, the iodine smell belongs not to iodine, but Yuglon, a specific substance that nuts are used for their protection (more about Yuglon will be told a little lower).

    The main edible part of the fruits of the Manchurian walnut - the core contains a significant amount of lipids (60.1-63.4%), comparable to the oils of cedar nuts (53-66%), walnut (51-77%) and hazelnuts (60-73%) , and exceeds the specified nuts on the content of protein (27.6-30.2%) and minerals (up to 3.5%).

    * * *

    With age, the winter hardiness of the nut increases significantly, because annual shoots are increasingly removed from the lower zone with sharp decreases of temperatures and rather completes growth and vegetation due to deteriorating water supply.

    It is possible to self-suggesting the walnut of the manchurian falling seeds. Even under the layer of litter, moisturizing is insufficient, the seeds quickly dry. In order for the germination of seeds, the nuts should not just fall on the surface of the soil, but also to be embedded into some depth (at least on the magnitude of the walnut). You can expect seed renewal in sufficiently moisturized places.

    With artificial reproduction sow a manchur nut better in autumn, immediately after the collection of fruits (in this case, the need for seed stratification) is disappeared. The nuts spray kerosene (for scaring mice), close the soil layer about 5 cm. Spring shoots are regularly watered.

    Manchurian walnut transplant tolerates badly. Young plants disembark on a permanent place as early as possible, which increases their survival rate. As needed pruning, forming, for example, a stack of the required height. Crucified in autumn or in winter, avoiding this procedure in spring time, because the nut suffers much from the expiration of the juice from the Russian Academy of Sciences.

    Nuts retain the ability to germinate for two years.

    * * *

    Preparations of walnut wood have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and fungicidal effect. In folk medicine, the leaves of the Manchurian walnut are used in diseases of the skin, preferably a gunless character. The decoction of leaves, bark or spindlers is used for rinsing in inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis), angina, periodontal disease.

    Kernels of nuts (use in food) can be tried in the treatment of atherosclerosis; Outflows, grafting from the decoction or tinctures of spindlers or leaves - with fungal diseases of the legs.

    With regard to the walnut nut it has been established that the greatest number biologically active substances in its leaves are contained in the middle of the vegetation, i.e. In June-July. Due to the similarity of the Golden and Manchurian nuts, these data can be transferred to the Walnut Manchurian. The collection and preparation of medicinal raw materials - the leaves of the Manchurian walnut - should be carried out on the same time.

    The anti-cancer effect of the Manchurian nut is shown in the research of Chinese scientists. It was found that the aqueous extract from its bark inhibits the growth of the tumor (hepatoma), leads to apoptosis (death) of cancer cells, increases the immune status of the body and prevents weight loss.

    Russian-Chinese group under the leadership of Fedorova S.N. In 2007, a patent for a means that stimulates apoptosis of human leukemia cells was obtained. The purpose of scientific search was the foundation of a substance with antitumor activity, but not having toxicity characteristic of existing chemotherapeutic drugs. The closest to the claimed tool is 5-hydroxy-1,4-naphto (Yuglon) - naphthocynoid natural pigment contained in roots, leaves, crust, wood and peel nuts.

    Manchursky Walnut: Agrotehnika, landing and proper care

    This compound manifests a variety of and high physiological activity. Yuglon and his gomologist Plumbagin inhibit the growth of bacteria and mushrooms and are used by plants as protective substances.

    Yuglon in doses 4.0-10 mg / kg prolongs the life of experimental mice with the carcinosark of Walker-256 and sarcoma-180 by 73% and 43%, respectively. The antitumor effect of the Uglon is also manifested in relation to cells resistant to other antitumor drugs.

    Yuglon represents crystalline powder orange, or orange-brown, soluble in organic solvents, oil, ethyl alcohol, insoluble in water. Due to the good solubility of the yuglon in alcohol, it seems to me appropriate for home treatment, it is not baranges, but a tincture (on vodka or alcohol) raw materials that should be taken inside carefully, starting with no more than one teaspoon.

    In veterinary medicine, the yuglon obtained by a synthetic means is a means of treating delegal in animals. Apply in the form of ointments, mixing yuglon with a vaseline or another ointment base.

    According to Sannpine Yuglon is allowed as a food preservative. When using it on the packaging of products in the list of components, the name "Yuglon" is indicated, the alphanumeric designation does not have this preservative. A preservative action up to two months, then the Yuglon decomposes.

    * * *

    A number of fruit breeds, when locating near Manchurian walnut, are oppressed. Such. negative influence The main cultures of the Russian garden are exposed - an apple tree and a pear, planting them less than 10-15 meters from the nut. Cherry Virginsky suffers from the neighborhood with nuts, it grows poorly, it drops the leaves early. However, the flashes (in particular, the alkalistelah) cohabitate with Manchurian walnut perfectly, thrive even in the immediate vicinity of its barrel (at a distance of 1-2 meters).

    The phytoncides of the Manchurian walnut scare insects. It is believed that there are no mosquitoes in pure walnut landings.

    Pet lovers should be known that the kernel of the nut can be treated with dogs, it can lead to their poisoning.

    * * *

    The book states that the Manchurian walnut is a tree with a straight, smooth trunk. The approval of the straightforward of the Manchurian barrel, being fair for the natural range of his habitat, in relation to Siberia turns out to be incorrect. His main growth kidneys formed by autumn at the ends of the shoots are distinctly distinguishable quite formed leaflets, already half deployed. These amazing kidneys do not withstand strong Siberian frosts and die in the winter. The walnut is forced to continue their growth due to sleeping kidneys, the frost resistance of which is significantly higher. For this reason, after every winter, all shoots are inevitably branched. In Krasnoyarsk, the Manchurian walnut is a spreader tree that does not have a pronounced main trunk.

    The young leaves of the Manchurian walnut of spring frosts do not endure, why the walnut tree grown in Krasnoyarsk, almost every spring the first wave of leaves dies. The leaves beaten with frosts are black and dying, and in May, the walnut is often a pitiful spectacle. However, I did not notice damage to foliage foliage with autumn frosts, perhaps because the manchur nut of the leaves falls early (before all other representatives of the genus Juglans). In Krasnoyarsk, the leavefall on the Manchurian nuts often ends to mid-September.

    As well as the leaves, the female flowers of the Manchurian walnut are sensitive to spring frosts, as a result of which his fruiting in Krasnoyarsk can be irregular and inextful, especially at a young age.

    In counterweight is very gentle in relation to negative temperatures The leaves, the wood of the Manchurian walnut of frosts are not afraid. At least, death or damage to the trunk and branches on the nut I did not notice, even after unfavorable winters 2009-2010, 2010-2011, in which the apple trees and pears of Siberian varieties were strongly injured, and others fruit trees And shrubs (aronym, cherry, barbaris).

    A copy of the Manchurian walnut grows in Krasnoyarsk in a square opposite the building of the regional administration (stopping the transportation of the cinema "Beam").


    1. Jan Li-Xue. The influence of water extracts from larch on the growth of Manychur walnut seedlings. Journal of Scientific Research on Forestry. Volume 16, number 4, p.285-288.

    2. Countryman K.G. Justification of biotechnology of comprehensive fruit processing Juglans Mandshurica and merchandising characteristics of oil fat products with their use. The dissertation author's abstract on the degree of candidate of technical sciences.

    3. Pomelbin A.V. Prospects for the use of species of the genus Walnut as a component of anthropogenic plantings in the forest-steppe of the middle Volga region.

    4. Yenikeeva R.A. Study on the pharmacity study and standardization of raw materials and walnuts (Juglans Regia L.). The dissertation author's abstract on competition of a scientific degree of candidate pharmaceutical sciences.

    5. Zhang Chang, Jin Zhouhan, Song Chongshun. Anti-Tumor Effect of Water Extract from Manchurian Walnut. World CHINESE Medicine 2010-03.

    6. J.S.DRISCOLL, G.F.HAZARD, H.B.WOOD, ET ALL. Structure-Antitumor Activity Relationships Among Quinone Derivatives. 1974, Cancer Chemother. REPTS. Part 2, Vol.4, NO 2, P.1-35.

    7. Segura-Aguilar J., Junsson K., Tidifelt U., ET ALL. The Cytotoxic Effects of 5-Oh-L, 4-Naphththoquinone and 5,8-Dioh-L, 4-Naphththoquinone on Doxorubicin-Resistant Human Leukemia Cells (HK-60). Leuk. Res., 1992, Vol.16, NO 6-7, p.631-637.

    8. Aksenov E.S, Aksenova N.A. Decorative gardening for lovers and professionals. Trees and shrubs.

    D.OHAPKIN, August 2011

    How to take a manchu walnut: home treatment recipes

    High healing properties of the Manchurian walnut have been widely used in folk medicine.

    Home Targent Recipes based on Manchurian Walnut:

    • tincture for the prevention and treatment of the thyroid gland: Material ripeness nuts and vodka in a 1: 1 ratio in volume. Capacity should be pouring vodka so that there is no air space left. Hermetically roll and put in a dark place for 1 month (it is better to burrow to the ground). The use of the tincture of a manchurian walnut for this recipe folk Medicine Recommended in 1st day 5 drops on ½ cup of water, 2nd day 10 drops, etc., adding 5 drops every day until the dose of 1 teaspoon will be reached on 1 cup cooled boiled water. Drink to eating 2 times a day on an empty stomach, in the morning and evening, small sips. The course of treatment is from 6 months to 1 year with weekly interruptions after three weeks of reception. With bad tolerability of tincture, you need to pick up a suitable amount for you droplets and take 2 times a day for 3 weeks, then 1 break week, and from 6 months to 1 year.
    • tincture (alcohol and sugar) to improve the work of the immune system: 40 lactic ripe nuts crush, mix with 250 g honey, pour 1 l vodka, insist 40 days in a dark place, filing. 600 g of milk ripe nut grind, fold in glass jar, Speaking 1 kg of sugar, insist 30 days in a dark warm place, occupying the jar, without opening. How to use alcohol tincture Manchur walnut: 1 tablespoon is 30 minutes before meals, during tea drinking to add to tea ½ teaspoon of sugar tincture.
    • the above tincture during worms: Take 2 teaspoons in the morning and in the evening (it is impossible to drink salvo, only sips), with weight more than 70 kg dose - 2.5 teaspoons, if more than 90 kg - 3 teaspoons. You need to start drinking with ½ teaspoon, adding ½ teaspoon daily. Follow well-mind! It may be bad not only from the overdose of the tincture, but also from intoxication from the dead worms, so it is necessary to clean the intestine with salt laxatives. Additionally, take the powder of wormwood (½-1 teaspoon) and carnations (1 teaspoon of spices). Starting powders are also needed with reduced doses. The course of use of the fruit of the fruit of the Manchurian walnut is 14 days.
    • How to use the above tincture of a manchur walnut for other diseases: Take 2-4 times a day, starting with ½ teaspoon of tincture, increasing the dose of ½ teaspoon every day, bringing to 2-3 teaspoons on the reception on ½-1 cup of water. Course of treatment from 2 to 6 months with weekly breaks after 3 weeks of reception.
    • mesh tincture: 500 g of unripe nuts on 1 liter of vodka, add 1 wand Ceylon cinnamon, 1 pod vanilla and 2-5 spoons of honey, insist 35 days in a dark cool place, periodically shaking, filter. The use of the tincture of the Manchurian walnut on this recipe of traditional medicine is recommended 4 times a day with "slide", starting with ½ teaspoon and increasing daily by ½ teaspoon.

      Growing Manchur Nut: Landing and Care

      The course of treatment is 21 days, a break of 7 days and re-conducted. Depending on the severity, treatment can be carried out during the year - approximately 13 courses.

    • oil tincture as a wound healing agent, as well as at skin diseases: 55 leaves (not leaves!) (About 60 g) per 300 ml of vegetable oil, insist 2 weeks in a dark warm place, profile. Apply the tincture of a manchurian walnut prepared on this recipe for lubrication, compresses.
    • tincture of leaves: 50 g of leaves for 250 ml of vodka, insist 1 month in a dark place. The use of the tincture of the Manchurian walnut for this recipe of traditional medicine is recommended for 30-45 drops per 100 ml of water 2-3 times a day before meals.
    • decoration with stomach, diary, rickets, exudative diathesis: 20 g of chopped leaves for 1 cup boiling water, insist 20-30 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. With the same decoction, you can rinse your mouth with ripples and inflammation of the dysen.
    • infusion of leaves from corns and fungus: 1 sheet (not leaf!) On 3 liters of boiling water, insist 30 minutes. Fit legs or hands 20-30 minutes, lubricate with cream or vegetable oil, infused on the appropriate herbs.

    Despite high beneficial features Manchur walnut, contraindications for the use of drugs based on it are pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    • Do not use with ulcer of stomach and erosive gastritis.
    • Cirrhosis of the liver and alcoholism are also a contraindication to the use of means from Manchurian walnut.
    • Preparesses with manchuric nut patients with elevated level of Prombrin are contraindicated.
    • Do not take if there is an allergy to any nuts.
    • Reception of drugs can provoke allergic reactions - From the urchitz, right up to the scholar, and can cause allergic stomatitis and diathesis.
    • This warning refers to walnuts, but the Manchurian walnut is a close relative, so it is necessary to pay attention to this remark - contraindicated with patients with eczema, neurodermititis, psoriasis and some other skin diseases. Reception of even a small amount of nuts contributes to the exacerbation of these diseases.

    Manchurian (Other name Dumby) is a leaf fall tree with a round crown similar to a ball. Refers to one-bed plants, that is, male and female flowers grow on the same tree. Motherland of Manchur Nut - Far East, Korean Peninsula, Northern China.

    On the site of the Manchu Walnut to permanently transplanten the spring (in April) or in the fall (in September). It is recommended to plant a tree from the northern side, while remember that as it grows it to take a lot of space. Accordingly, calculate the distance to it from other plants.

    On a plot intended for Manchurian walnut, the land must be fertile and moisturized.

    Walnut poorly tolerates acidic soil, grows perfectly in a slightly alkaline or neutral medium with a pH of 6.5-7.5. To achieve these conditions, wood ash or phosphoric-potash (quantity depends on the type of soil is added to the ground.

    Walnut Landing Tips:

    • For the landing of the walnut, the Grokeka needs to be attended, delving about ten centimeters, sprinkle ashes and break. After placing the wells, withsting the distance between them about ten meters.
    • Provided that you immediately land (nuts) at a permanent place, place them in a depth of eight centimeters. You need to put on the edge, one meter to ten or fifteen pieces. Then they fall asleep the earth and on top there are layer of straw or sawdust (T) for better moisture retention.
    • When planting seedlings, make holes in a depth of 80 centimeters. In each well, pour drainage, it can be stones, crushed stone, broken brick. To the drainage lay a layer of soil, which equal parts Mix with humus, sand and turf. On the prepared ground in the hole, put a seedling, tie it to a peg and close up on a 4/5 height of the earth, plenty, wait the seven minutes until the water is absorbed and pour the remaining part. The soil around the trunk is slightly pressing on top of a thick layer of sawdust or peat. It must be done to protect seedlings from frost.

    After transplanting, the nut requires a lot of moisture, so it needs to be regularly in several techniques. If the weather is arid, splash the saplings from the hose.

    When landing, seedlings need to trim the roots, otherwise the nut will grow slowly. In advance - in a young seedling at a depth of 30-40 centimeters, trim the rod root, which goes deep into. This will allow stimulating the growth of the side roots, and the roots will not be very damaging.

    When landing sprouted nuts, they need to pinch the rod root, in this case it will be possible to cut the roots.

    So that the plant goes well and grew, it needs to be properly positioned relative to the parties of the world. Space seedlings in accordance with their original location, that is, the "south side" - south, "North" - north.

    Manchursky Walnut - unpretentious plant And does not require special care:

    1. Tree loves wet soil, so it is necessary. Adult plants watered around four or five times per season with sufficient precipitation, two-year and three-year seedlings - seven or eight times. If the year is disrupted, it takes every week to water the tree of 20 liters.
    2. To avoid water stagnation in the trunk, the land must be regularly loose and clean. To keep the soil moist and make it difficult to grow weeds, after this procedure, melted mulk.
    3. At the end of the growing season and flowering, the amount of watering should be reduced. This is necessary for the preparation of the tree to winter (growth end and wood aging).
    4. The tree is frost-resistant, and after damage by frosts, the nut is rapidly restored and starts fruit.
    5. If the tree is badly damaged by burns, you need to cut off the trunk and leave the low paste. Surveillance circles need to be loose, spray, sprinkle mulch. The formation of processes will quickly begin the formation of hemp, of which new trunks are formed.
    6. Defend sun burns A tree can be placed on the south side from it tall trees (,) At a distance of about ten meters.
    7. To protect the stack, from the south side at a distance of two or three meters to plant a large (IRGA,).
    8. The first three years of the seedling will need to be covered with peat, dry foliage or simply burlap. At the end of the summer, the tree should be filled with superphosphate (20 grams of 10 liters) water or ash.
    9. When a manchu walnut grows in an open place, he takes the shape of a large bush. The branches at the bottom of the trunk are gradually thickened, forming new trunks. Thanks to such a multi-form, the tree becomes more protected from solar burns.

    Manchurian walnut usually forms yourself. Trim need dried and unsuccessfully spaced branches that make the crown overlooking. Trim branches better springWhen the air temperature rises above 10 degrees.

    Ideal time for - the period after the dissolution of the kidneys.

    After that, until the middle of August, it is not worth cutting the branches, it may cause re-formation of the kidneys and growth. As a result, young shoots will be freezed in winter.

    Manchurian walnut can be formed in different ways and in any time. It can be made of a spreaded bush with a variety of trunks or as high palm. Plus the high location of the crown is that it does not deprive sunlight Other plants on the site.

    Since the Manchurian walnut has antimicrobial properties and protects itself from pests, it is practically not affected. But it happens and sick.

    If the tree has blackened the leaves and began to dry, it is a sign of fungal disease. Treat Fundazole or any drug containing copper (copper vitality of 1%, Bordeaux fluid). Procedure, spend twice with an interval of fourteen days.

    The main pests that might hit the Manchurian walnut is not so much:

    1. Galovy mite
    2. Nutholder

    Galovy tick is experiencing winter in the kidneys and in the spring puts eggs in them. The females are embedded in the leaves, in their central part, forming a tubercle on the sheet plates. Spray infected trees with a solution of colloidal sulfur (100 grams per 10 liters of water) during the period when the kidneys are blown. From June you can spray fufanon (0.1%) every ten or twelve days.

    A good result gives abamectin. It has a neurotoxic effect on ticks and penetrate the plant tissue on a small depth, without being dealt over the entire system.

    Branches that are strongly damaged need to trim and burn.

    Walnut - insect with two pairs of wings, strikes the bark of shoots, leaves and flowers, forming bags (galls) in them. The safest way to deal with the nut-cutting will be circumcised by the affected shoots and their destruction. When adults are already appearing from the larvae, spray the plant with a solution of chlorofos (0.2%) or carbofos (90g per 10 liters of water). With rainy cold weather on the leaves, spots may appear.

    It is a green sheath-covered bone 3-4 width and 4-5 centimeters long. Inside the green pulp is a solid shell, and in it. In appearance almost no different from walnut, only less weighs. To taste, too, reminds that it is not surprising, because the Manchu Walnut is the closest relative of Walnist.

    The composition of the nut:

    • 12% - kernel
    • 37% - green shell
    • 51% - shell

    It is advisable to have at least two walnuts of one species, because in monocotted plants the time of flowering male and female flowers may not coincide. In this case, decreases. Men's flowers form long green earrings, and women look like a brush. Nuts ripen in September and fall on the ground. Green shell in ripe nuts becomes rude and brown.

    Nuts are connected to the bunches from three to seven pieces each, someone can occur.

    The fruits begin to ripen in seven-eight-year-old trees, the most abundant nut yields gives every two years. From one adult tree you can collect about eighty kilograms of nuts per season.

    In the spring, you can collect the juice of the Manchurian walnut, it is quite pleasant to taste. Contains potassium and magnesium. does not contain. You can drink as a refreshing and invigorating drink.

    Adherents of traditional medicine and homeopaths are mainly used by the leaves, a green shell (octoplodnik) and immature nuts. Find their use in medicinal purposes and other parts of the nut - the shell and partitions inside it, the outer sheath of the root, the bark. The tincture of the Manchurian walnut has a diuretic, vasodilatory and anthelmintic effect, removes spasms and stops bleeding, removes light pain.

    Chinese doctors claim that the hood of the peel of the Manchurian walnut contributes to the stopping of oncological diseases and destroys cancer cells.

    Fresh walnut leaves are used for better wound healing. It is necessary to stretch the leaves so that they give the juice, put on the wound and be contigled. Young (dairy) are used for cooking jam. It is necessary to collect for jam nuts in July until the solid shell was formed.

    If you have a free place in the garden plot, take it by Manchurian Walnut, you will not regret.

    More information can be found from the video.