Repairs Design Furniture

Iva name. What will to choose when the site is cleaned? A brief overview of species and forms. Outdoor application of Willow

Weaving Willow is a large tree that can often be found near rivers and reservoirs in a temperate climate. Judging by the fact that the plant feels great in the wild and tolerates the heat and frost, to care for it will be easy to care. Willow looks great in the parks, recreation areas or even in the courtyard at home.

The tree can grow up to 25 meters and live 100 years.

What are there any types of willow?

Watching Iva in Landscape Design is an unusual solution. Among the varieties of IVov can be found both full-fledged trees with a powerful barrel and decorative shrubs. The varieties differ because they are adapted to live in different climatic conditions:

  1. White Willow is a tree whose height can reach 25 m. Life life is about 100 years. White Willow is called because from the bottom side of its leaves painted into light color. The plant feels well on the shores of rivers and reservoirs, it can also be planted near the artificial pond.
  2. Weaving White Will also has an unusual color, but is distinguished by the form of the crown. Her branches are long, flexible, lowered to the ground. The bark of the tree has a rich yellow shade.
  3. Babylonian Iva also has a molding crown. In height, it can reach 15 m and more, life is about 100 years. Leaves are light, but without a silver shade. The tree grows rapidly and reaches his peak. The most comfortable conditions for his life are well lit towards reservoirs.
  4. The shaggy dwarf Iva is a shrub that does not grow above 2 meters. The leaves differ from those that grow on the usual wrakchachkava - rounded and covered with light poump. This plant can be formed a crown of an unusual form, as the shoots are durable and grow up. Shrub easily tolerates winter frosts, prefers to grow on a wet soil.
  5. Goat Iva - a peculiar tree, which is often planted in parks and recreation areas. The shoots are directed down, and they grow small leaves of the rounded form. Blossom comes in spring, during this period, the tree spreads a sweet honey fragrance.

There are other varieties of such a tree as weaving Iva. They can absolutely differ in appearance, but everyone belongs to the IV family. These are not only large trees with branches falling to the ground, but also small bushes with an unusual form of leaves. With proper care and irrigation, IVA is growing rapidly, and by trimming, you can form a crown of the desired form on it.

Landing and care rules

It is easy to care for the decorative wrapper. The only thing worth paying attention is the composition of the soil and its humidity. In vivo, the tree grows on the samp or thin soils and constantly gets the required amount of water from the reservoir. If Iva land away from natural moisture sources (pond or river), it will have to constantly water. In dry, sultry summer days will help to spray the leaves.

The plant does not need additional feeding. It perfectly adapts to temperature drops and transfers both heat and freezing. However, it is possible to periodically fertilize soil - by a humus or compost.

The most comfortable glare to grow on a constantly wet soil. It will grow faster if the groundwater level on the site will be high.

Reproduction of Willow

In natural conditions, the tree is multiplied with seeds, at home, cuttings or seedlings are used. The cuttings are harvested in spring or autumn, they will suit the average sections of young branches, which are not more than 2 years old. Next, they need to prepare for landing:

  • the optimal length of the cutting - from 20 to 30 cm;
  • planted in a soil in a greenhouse or any other warm room;
  • while the seedlings are not fixed and will not be ready for transplant, they need to often water, fertilize and disintegrate the earth around;
  • young trees are not planted on the street in the first year, they must hold the first winter in warm.

Planting Wawa's glare to open soil is produced in the spring when the snow is completely melted. By this time, the young tree will already have to fully form the root system. You can also land it in the fall, when the period of movement of the juice has already ended. In this case, the soil will need to be covered with leaves or straw, and the tree itself is a sweetheart.

In the ground, it is necessary to dig a shallow hole (up to 60 cm in depth). During the landing, the tree is worth easier, so that it has grown faster. The lower third of the pits are filled with a mixture of soil, peat and humus, and the remaining volume fill the earth. The soil is picked up to a seedling in such a way that it formed a hollyk, around which will be a recess for watering. After planting under the plant, 2 buckets of water pour. Dwarf weaving will is no less resistant to changing weather conditions than a full-fledged tree.

If the seedling is high and unstable, it will need an extra support. Next to him put the pegs, and the young tree is loosely fixed with the help of a rope.

Growing on the strain

Watching Iva on the strain will decorate any garden. Stumbling are trees, who from the direct barrel without branches (actually a strain) leaves decorative crown, own or grafted. For these purposes, such a kind is suitable as goat Iva. It can be vaccinated on the stack, but there is another way to grow its original:

  • after planting, they choose a strong and powerful escape and tightly fix it to the support;
  • as the trunk grows, the trunk is tied up to grow directly and not branched it;
  • side shoots in the summer you need to shorten on a third, so that the nutrients come to the main trunk, and it grew stronger;
  • in the fall, the remaining parts of the shoots are removed completely, leaving the hemp with a length of 0.5 cm.

When the strab reaches the desired height, the support is cleaned. The next step is to form a uniform thick crown, which will subscribe to the book. To do this, it is enough to cut it in such a way that all branches grow down. Their ends are plugging, and shoots begin to give new branches.

In the photo weaving Iva, grown on the strain, looks original. As a headquarters, other trees can be used by reprehensive varieties, and goat willow to instill as a decorative crown. To begin with, it is necessary to land a stramb, so that by the time of vaccination he managed to grasp and root. The procedure is best carried out in the late spring or early summer. When he is ready for vaccination, there is a split on his top, which is planted with a batch cutlets of Willow. They usually come true, if you make vaccinations in the spring. As a result, the tree grows smooth and high below, and at its top there is a molding crown.

Before planting in the garden, a new tree is to familiarize yourself with the description of Waway's glare and make sure that the climatic conditions are suitable for her. It is not worth it to plant it in areas where the groundwater level is low, since it will have to produce daily watering. If possible, it is worth choosing places near natural or artificial reservoirs. Landing young trees is not possible even for a novice gardener, but the preparation of the cutter can be long. The best solution will be the purchase of a ready-to-plant a young seedling aged 1 or 2 years, which has already developed a root system. With proper care and suitable conditions, the tree will live at least 100 years.

Willowing in Landscape Design - Video

Botanical name: Iva mobby, Babylonian (SALIX), the genus of the IV family.

Motherland Willow Poskchuchi: Iran, Western China.

Lighting: Svetigubiv.

The soil: Lightweight and medium loams.

Watering: moderate.

Maximum height of the tree: 25m.

The average life expectancy of a tree: 100 years.

Landing: Seeds, cuttings and gag.

DESCRIPTION OF TEEVA IVA White wrapped and photo

Iva wrapped -, with a transparent, a crooked-up to 25 m's crooked. The trunk is powerful, the bark is gray. Crown is a narrow column, later spread, wide, round.

The branches are thin, flexible, with matte, purple and light green bark, directed up, side shoots hang. Cherry leaves are located next. Sheet plate is wide, elliptical, some kinds are narrow, long.

The color of the leaves is dark green, the lower part is light green and bluish. The kidneys can be dark brown and red-yellow. Destination flowers, small, unspoile, are collected in earrings. Flowering Willow falls on early spring, until the leaf is dissolved.

Fruit - box. The seed is petty, with a white fluff, light, transferred winds to long distances. Wood Iva. Photo

Wavy Willowing is widespread in the northern hemisphere, tropics, North America. In the mountains grow dwarf willows. Such types of willows, like vehicles, willow, Shelyuga, Rakita and others are found in the European part of Russia. Shrune species grow in Siberia and Central Asia.

Reproduction of Willow of Poskchuch

In natural conditions, the plant breeds seeds. Light seeds are transferred to the wind over long distances. The germination of willow seeds is saved for several days. In the water, germination can persist up to several years. The young sprout willow develops and grows very quickly, but can drown out the worst of herbs and other plants.

Growing willow

At home, the IVA is breeding with stalling. Warm cuttings, sliced \u200b\u200bto the dissolution of the kidneys, are quickly leaving. Before the formation of roots, they can be put into the water, and then fall into the ground. Due to the fact that Iva is not good and carries out in the shortest possible time, its cuttings stick to the ground to the ground, so that 2-3 kidneys remain on the surface of the soil.

Spread WITH and green cuttings. To do this, make an oblique section at the bottom, remove the top soil and shocked the sheet plates. Then the cuttings are placed in a greenhouse or under the jar.

When landing the shrubs of Willow digging small pits 50x50 cm for each seedling. The recess is filled with soil mixture consisting of soil, compost, peat and manure. Added. To the soil, the plant is not demanding, but prefers light and medium loam. Growing willow better produce in a well-lit, sunny place. In the shadows, these trees do not grow. Special care for IWA is required in the first weeks of planting plants.

Young seedlings need constant watering and feeding fertilizers. During the drought period, they are watered once a week (20-50 liters of water for each plant). In the spring, soil and mulching are produced. Dry branches are cut, form a crown. Long shoots on the bottom of the barrel are removed.

Pests and Diseases of Willow White Watching

Willow Tree is rarely subjected to diseases, but sometimes damaged by fungal diseases that provoke frequent rains and excessive watering. With the onset of solar weather, fungal diseases disappear. However, if dark gray spots appeared on the leaves of willows, it is necessary to treat the tree with copper-containing drugs. If the leaves are damaged, insecticide spraying is performed.

Application of Willow White and its bark

Widespread use in folk medicine received bark Waway white, rich in tanning substances, glucose, flavonoids, ascorbic acid and resins. Cora Willow has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and painkillers. White Willow's infusion is used with colitis, gout, female diseases, gastritis, internal bleeding, liver diseases, spleen and other diseases. The decoction of the tree leaves is used with strong bleeding in the intestines and with colds. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are not recommended to use drugs that include this plant.

Abundant branched Willi roots serve to strengthen loose soils and sands. Yves plantings can often be found around the mountain streams. Trees are used to fix the shores of rivers, canals, slopes, dams, rods and cliffs.

From the thick branches of the Willow make freshers for sheep, cattle pens. The bark of the barrel and branches is used as a natural dye, which is painted wool, skin and silk in red, brown and yellow.

Pretty soft and piercing wood quickly boosts and is used to make crafts. The branches go to the feed of cattle, especially goats and sheep. Bark IV is used for taking skin. In the Orthodox Palm Sunday, on the long tradition of the branch of the young tree, use instead of palm leaves.

Juice cortex juice is part of some cosmetic drugs, smoothing small wrinkles and removing the red-skinned skin.

Previously, the scorching rods and the bark of this tree were served for the manufacture of wicker dishes, furniture, baskets and other products.

Willow white is often used in landscape design. Located in parks and forestarks. The rapid growth of the tree allows you to use it for decking roads and speedy landscaping.

Bark Willow Belaya is used for tanning leather. Savages are served for livestock. In addition, IVA is considered a valuable honey. From the tree bee take nectar, pollen and bees glue. When crystallization honey willow white becomes fine-grained, characterized by a cream tint, has a pleasant taste and fragrant aroma.

Watching Decorative Willow White

One of the forms of Willow - White Willow is a deciduous tree, a height of 20-30 m with a widesproof, weeping crown. The trunk is powerful, in diameter reaches up to 3 m. The bark is dark gray, the old trees are longitudinally fascinated. Young shoots olive green, or red-brown. The lower branches are leaning to the ground. Reddish-yellow kidneys, soaked, sharp, long 6 mm, 1.5 mm width. The leaves are narrow, the next, with a pointed top, 5-15 cm long, 1-3 cm wide, dark green, yellow, bronze. Long hold on the branches. Flowers - thick, cylindrical earrings, 3-5 cm long. Fruits - boxes, 4-6 mm long. Water blooms white in April-May, simultaneously with breaking leaves.

Decorative Willow White in the photo (Click on the picture to enlarge):

Photo Gallery

Growing conditions

Willow is widespread in Europe, Western Siberia, Asia Minor and Iran. In the middle lane of Russia, cultural forms of wood are planted, which at the landing site gradually meet.

Willow White grows along the banks of rivers, ponds and other reservoirs. It is found along the roads and near the houses. Lives up to 100 years. Breeds seeds. Cultural forms are breeding with cuttings. The plant is lightless and frosty. Photos Willow can be seen in the gallery below.

Willow White: Shape weaving

A small tree with a height of 5-7 m. It has a beautiful crown, dropping down, and long branches stretching to the earth itself. The soils are not demanding, frost-resistant, moisture. Shadowed, but in the shadow of Crown, it becomes not so thick as when landing on a well-lit place.

Willow White Watching is used in group and single landings. It is combined with decorative shrubs, deciduous and coniferous trees: Tuya, juniper, cypress and others.

Watching decorative IVA

Beautiful crown, the shape and color of the leaves make it possible to attribute this tree to decorative plants used for the design of garden sites, alleys, parks and squares. Some types of IW attract attention to their originality and fancy.

For example, Iva Matsudan has unusual, twisted branches and as if crumpled leaves. Some decorative willows differ in small sizes, they can be attributed to woolly, mesh, tupoliste, soliste and purple willow.

Dwarf trees reach a height of no more than 20 cm. The low-speed willows are usually planted on the flower beds, next to flowers and look such compositions very effectively.

The decorative forms of the feeky willow look good both in group and single plantations. Some species can be grown in a small garden. Krone Willow Easily formed into the ball.

History of wood. Magic properties of W.

This is a beautiful, flexible, elegant tree is valued for a long time. In ancient Greece, Iva was a symbol of the goddesses of Hecats and Gera. Roman poets chased this tree in their works. In ancient Egypt, she was considered a symbol of power and wisdom of the deceased, therefore its branches were burned on the burial bony. In ancient Rome, for the first time began to use IV rods.

In the Middle Ages, the decoctions and infusions from the bark, leaves and seeds were used for wound healing and stopping bleeding.

Willow's Tree Pooching has long been considered feminine and dedicated to the lunar goddesses, the moon and fertility. Endowed it and magical properties. The bars of this tree, Slavic pagans decorated altars before rituals. Wreaths woven from IV rods were known to the most affordable means. The decoction of IV leaves was mixed in a lover drinking, such a drink also served for the love spell. From this tree did amulets to good luck in love affairs. This decoration was worn with unhappy lovers. The Slavs of Willow was called the wind, willow and Rakita. These names are used now.

Today, IVA is considered a soothing and relaxing tree. Contact with her has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, leads to the order of thought, eliminates headaches and increases the mood.

Folk signs and superstitia are connected with this tree. It is believed to be told on the Yvesh trunk, it will bring good luck. If you put her leaves under the pillow - you will dream of a good sleep.

In his character, IVA is quite sensitive, so contacting with it, you need to be extremely sincere, it does not like Wwa lzhatsov, therefore, there may be a negative impact on the health or fate of an insincere person.

Why do Iva call a wrapper?

There are three versions of such a name: scientific, folk and poetic.

According to the scientific version, Willow is a tree that is peculiar to the release of small droplets of water. This is because the roots of the plant absorb a lot of moisture, much more than the one that evaporates the leaves. In addition, weaving IVA has a peculiar form. Its long, curved branches draw down to the ground, hence the feeling of "crying" tree is created. There is a glowing IVA in reservoirs, the roots are immersed in water.

The poetic version is based on the observations of poets, inclined to notice every detail of nature and admire her. Early in the morning on thin leaves of willows, sparkling dew drops can be seen, which at the easy blow of the wind begin to be down. From this picture, it seems that the tree pours tears or crying.

The folklore version is based on folk beliefs and legends. According to one belief, the lit branches of the willow put into the house for the guard from the unclean strength, the smallest of them were burned, from that crying this tree.

Another belief was read that if there is no rainy weather on the street, you need to throw a branch of Willow to the courtyard, then the rain will stop. This also caused tears of sensitive tree.

On Ivan Kapahu from Willow did Mararen, decorated with wreaths and ribbons. The girls sailed to the middle of the river and left Marreus there, and she could not get to the shore and root, so I cried.

There are many other interesting ancient attitances associated with this plant.

In oral folk art, you can find a lot, proverbs and sayings about IWA. After all, once the life of the people was closely connected with this tree. IVI used in the farm, in everyday life and traditional medicine. She was worshiped and deified, endowed with unique properties.

"Willow is early to be covered - to a long winter."

"Where the water is there the willow, where the willow is there and water."

Wonderful tree, widespread in our country - is Iva. It is unusually good by itself: a powerful trunk, thin hanging branches, elegant elongated leaves of a wide variety of shades of green, flowers in the form of fluffy earrings. Perhaps every resident of the northern hemisphere is well acquainted with IWA, and many grown it on their garden sites.

In the people of Wav, they call the car, batch, vesa, vine, groove, rocket, shelyuga, and the names vary depending on the terrain.

The tree has long served as inspiration for poets, writers and artists. He was dedicated to His lines A. Fet, S. Yesenin, A. Akhmatova, F. Tyutchev and many other poets, and Peru G. H. Andersen belongs to a fairy tale, which is called - "under 2". The most famous picture on which this plant is depicted is considered to be "molding willow" K. Monte, however, the tree can be seen on very many landscapes.

Iva is known in many religions. In Christianity, the stage replaces palm branches in Palm Resurrection. In Judaism, the tree plays the role of one of the symbols of the Succot holiday. According to the Chinese mythology, the pitcher with a branch of willow, expelled demons, holds the merciful goddess Guanin in his hands. IV Trees are often mentioned in folklore. The Japanese legend says that the ghost is growing where the ghost is growing, and the British consider the IVU by an ominous plant, haunting travelers.

An unusual tree is famous not only by mystical, but also quite landed, practical properties. WWI is widely used in medicine, industry and manufacturing, agriculture.

  • Medicine. The leaves and bark of Willow were treated for fever in ancient Egypt and Greece, and the indigenous Americans used rumors of rockers as an painful. Later, scientists have found a number of useful substances in different parts of the plant: Tanin, Salidozide, Salicin, Flavonida. And the well-known salicylic acid, from which aspirin subsequently began to make, first discovered in IWA.
  • Production. Thin flexible branches of ancient times were used by residents of the northern hemisphere for weaving furniture, fish traps, fences and fences. Losophelling reached the present day. Now the baskets, chairs, caskets, cradles are most often made from IV's rods. Wicker items are extremely beautiful and fit perfectly into many interior styles. Yves wood is also suitable for the production of paper, ropes and even fabrics, and the eco-friendly fashion of recent years has revived interest in the natural product from Willow.
  • Agriculture and environment. Mastering tree is widely used in agriculture. First, Iva is an excellent honey, especially valuable by its early bloom. Secondly, branches and leaves are suitable for cattle. Ratchnik often planted along the rolling banks or slopes of ravines. Thanks to long shocking roots, the plant perfectly copes with erosion. The vitality and durability of the tree sometimes even becomes an environmental problem, for example, in Australia, IVI was widely used to strengthen the shores, planting huge sections with it. Willow was perfectly accustomed and crowded very many local plants. In addition, the tree is used to clean wastewater, the formation of protective forest belts, draining wetlands.
  • Gardening and landscape design. Willow, and especially its some varieties and species - a magnificent decorative culture capable of decorating any plot. In addition, the tree is extremely unpretentious and growing rapidly. Many famous designers include IVI into their compositions, creating gardens in a romantic style.

Botany belongs to the genus Iva (Lat. Salix) to the IV family (Lat. Saliceae). The genus combines wood plants and shrubs that can be leaf fall or, much less often, evergreen. Representatives of IVs are very different: some of them are large trees with a powerful barrel reaching 40 meters in height, other - dwarf splashing shrubs. The appearance is due to the growth area. High species are found in a moderate and subtropical strip of Europe, Asia and America, and dwarf willows grow mainly in the north.

Most often, IVA has a large molding crown, consisting of a large number of elongated branchy stems, covered with crust of various shades: from light green to dark purple. The bark of young shoots and the trunk is usually smooth, with age begins to crack. Leaves, with rare exception, are located spiral and sit on a short cutter with two horses. Their form is quite diverse: most often species with linear and narcolatory leaves are found, slightly - with elliptical and even rounded. The edge of the sheet plate is usually decorated with small or large cloth, although there are types and smooth edges.

Willow is a downtown plant with small male and female flowers collected in thick inflorescences-earrings. Some willows flourish early in spring, before the appearance of leaves, others - a little later, in May-June. After flowering, the fruit ripens in the form of a box with a large number of small seeds with a thick white hokholcom. Seeds are spread by the wind over long distances and, hitting in water or Il, retain their germination for a long time.

Decorative types, hybrids and grades

In total, there are no less than 550 species of various Yves. Such a variety is the result of natural mutations and human activity. For a long time, a set of hybrids was derived for the study of the plant. Even botany are often hampered with the classification of a particular type, and what to say about ordinary lovers gardeners.

And yet you can single out several, most common species suitable for gardening parks, squares and household plots.

Willow White or Silver (Lat. Salix Alba) is a large (up to 30 m high) a tree with thick cracking bark and an openwork crown. The plant is widespread in Russia and former allied republics, as well as in Western Europe, China and Malaya Asia. It is found primarily on the shores of rivers and other reservoirs and often occupies huge areas. Very unpretentious and rapidly growing in favorable conditions, in the northern regions, young shoots can freeze a little. Durable (individual copies reach 100 or more), it is well tolerate and disadvantaged, and the oversupply of moisture is undemanding to the soil. Great for landscaping large, including urban, territories, can be used to obtain a vine.

Distinctive features of the species are thin hanging branches, painted in silver-gray, with age, the shade of shoots changes to the brown. Bright green smooth leaves have a lancing shape and a small edge, the back side of the sheet - silver, slightly pubescent. Round inflorescences-earrings develop in spring, simultaneously with leaves.

I. Belaya

The widespread use of culture led to the appearance of various forms, species and varieties.

Some varieties:

  • Yellow (Var. Vitellina) is a large rounded crown and golden yellow or reddish shoots.
  • Brilliant (VAR. Sericea) is a medium-grade tree with elegant, emerald gray foliage.
  • Siza (Var. Caerulea) - branches are directed at a small angle, bluish-nine leaves.
  • Silver (f. Argentea) - young leaves have a beautiful, silver-gray shade on both sides, later the front face of the sheet becomes a rich-green, the turnover remains SIZY.
  • Yellow wrapped (f. Vitellina pendula) - very thin and long shoots, falling to the ground.
  • Oval (f. Ovalis) - leaves of an unusual elliptical form.

Among the large number of white willow varieties can be allocated as follows:

  • "Golden Ness" (Golden Cape) is a variety of award of the Royal Gardening Society. The plant is especially attractive in winter, when graceful golden yellow branches are exposed.
  • Tristis (trustis) is a fast-growing IVA classic appearance: narrow silver-green leaves on thin midstage branches. It has high frost resistance and is recommended for areas with cold winters.
  • Yelverton (Yelverton) is a low tree or shrub with bright red-orange shoots.
  • "Aurea" (Aurea) is a large plant with unusual, yellow-green, leaves.
  • "Hutchinson's Yellow" (Yellow Hutchinson) is a shrub, reaching 5 meters in height, decorated with elegant shoots of a reddish yellow shade.
  • "Britzensis" (Britzenskaya) - shoots of a red-brown shade.
  • "Chermesina Cardinalis" (Cardinalis Chermes) is a very spectacular variety with almy branches.

I. "Golden Ness", I. "Yelverton", I. "Aurea", I. "Chermesina Cardinalis"

Iva Babylonian or wrapped (Lat. Salix Babylonica) - a tree, distinguished by fragile yellowish-green hound branches. Wides in the subtropical belt - Central Asia, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the southern coast of the Crimea. Contrary to the name, the birthplace of culture - China, from where it was transported to other regions. The height reaches 12 m, the crown diameter is about 6 m. In addition to long stems, reaching the surface of the Earth, it is highlighted in beautiful glossy, bright green on top and silver bottom, leaves. Very decorative, as it has a short warm period: the leaves fall out only in January, and at the end of February they grow again. Babylonian Willow is especially good early in spring when coated with fresh young greens.

I. Vavilonskaya

Unfortunately, the view is not frosty and cannot grow in the regions with cold winters. In the rest of the special preferences, the culture does not have: does not require special soils and easily put up with short periods of drought.

One of the varieties is widely known one:

  • Peking (var. Pekinensis) - is common mainly in China, Korea and Eastern Siberia. Also known as Iva Matsuda (Lat. Salix Matsudana).

Walking grants How much more:

  • "Tortuosa" (curtain) - the plant is interestingly curved, as if swirling, branches of brown and green shade and bright fresh foliage.
  • "CRISPA" (Crispa) - this variety is twisted not shoot, but the leaves that form intricate curls on the branches.
  • "Tortuosa aurea" (Tortoosa Aurea) - twisted red-orange stems.

I. "Tortuosa", I. "CRISPA", I. "Tortuosa aurea"

Iva purple (Lat. Salix Purpurea) - a plant whose popular name is Zheltoloznik. This species is found everywhere in the moderate belt of the northern hemisphere. It is a mid-range (an average of 3 m, the maximum size is 5 m) a leafy shrub with thick purple or yellowish escapes directed upwards. Extra long, bright green top and silver-green on the reverse side, the leaves are located in pairs, and not once, like the other species. Inflorescences that appear in early spring are painted in a purple shade, hence the name of the taxon. Purple Willi is often used for sloping, in decorative gardening - as a living hedge.

I. Purplenaya

The most famous forms:

  • Elegant (F. Gracilis) is a fast-growing shrub with elongated gray leaves.
  • Hound (f. Pendula) - a shrub with a wide crown formed by thin hanging escapes of purple color.
  • Dwarf (f. Nana) - features compact sizes and a neat spherical crown.

Among the varieties are the following:

  • "Norbury" (Norbury) is an elegant low grade.
  • "Goldstones" (Golden Stones) - shoots a beautiful golden shade.
  • "Irette" (Irette) is a low shrub with narrow gray-green leaves.

Iva goat (Lat. Salix Caprea) The people are often called a raki or rocket. The official name is connected with the eating of this plant goats and sheep. Wild-growing copies are often found in the moderate belt of Europe and Russia, as well as in Siberia and the Far East. Unlike other species, it prefers to settle in dry places, however, if there is no such possibility, it can also grow along the shores of water bodies or swamps.

This is a large (up to 13 m high) a tree or shrub with sprawling powerful branches and oval bright green leaves. In the form of leaves differ from other types of willa and resemble, rather, the cherry. Survection-earrings appear in early spring, even before the leaves are shown, and numerous seeds ripen in May.

I. Koztya

The plant is widely used in medicine, agriculture, construction and crafts. At the same time, a number of decorative forms and varieties were obtained, the main use of which is the landscaping of various territories:

  • "Kilmarnock" (Kilmanrock) is a low shrub with long risen branches, greenish oval leaves and yellow or gray inflorescences.
  • "Weeping Sally" (Clay Salley) - a variety similar to the previous, but more compact sizes.
  • "Silberglanz" (silver gloss) - elongated leaves with a silver bloom on the surface.
  • "Gold Leaf" (Golden List) - the leaves of this variety, on the contrary, have a golden shade.

(Lat. Salix Integra) is an East Asian view, most often found in Japan, China and Korea. It is characterized by modest (not more than 3 m in height) with dimensions and compact form. Some botany consider the plant with a kind of willow purple. Allocated to spread. reddish or yellowish. branches and narrow leaves with practically absent cutters.

It is often found as a decorative culture, a straamp form is especially common. The most popular variety - "Hakuro-Nishiki" (Hakuro nisiki) or "Nishiki Flamingo" (Flamingo nisiki) is known for compact dimensions and beautiful variegated leaves of cream, pink and green shades. These varieties are often vaccinated on the more frost-resistant IVA goat and grown in the middle lane without shelter.

I. Solknoliste "Hakuro-Nishiki"

Willowing (Lat. Salix Fragilis) - the usual view for Russia, widespread in Europe and Western Asia. The plant was brought to North America and in Australia, where it turned into a weed, pusing the local species.

It is a large (up to 20 m) leaf fall tree with a long life expectancy. The scattered crown consists of thin branches that are easy to break with a loud crash (hence the name of the species). Broken branches that fell into water are easily rooted, and when the current transfers them further, form new colonies. On shoots are elongated bright green leaves.

I. Lychkov

In culture there are several varieties:

  • Bubble (VAR. Bullata) is a beautiful crown with soft rounded hills, a little resembling a giant broccoli.
  • Basfordiana (VAR. Basfordiana) - hybrid with bright, yellow-orange branches.
  • Ruselliana (Var. Russelliana) - a high fast-growing variety.
  • Reddish (Var. Furcata) - Dwarf Iva with bright red inflorescences.

Decorative varieties:

  • "ROUGE ARDENNAIS" (Red Ardennesky) - spectacular reddish-orange branches.
  • "BOUTON AIGU" (thin bud) - shoots from olive green to purple shades.
  • BELGIUM RED (Belgian Red) - burgundy shoots and emerald green leaves.

Iva Prutovoid (Lat. Salix Viminalis) is usually used to produce a vine, but there are decorative forms. This is a high (up to 10 m) shrub or wood that is distinguished by long flexible shoots that are decorated with age. Young branches are covered with a short silver pile, disappearing over time. Very narrow regular leaves appear in April, simultaneously with golden yellow inflorescences.

Iva Ostroland (Lat. Salix Acutifolia), also called the Red Verva, grows on most of Russia. This is a leaf fall tree or shrub, the limit height of which is 12 m. Most often, the plant is found along the banks of the rivers and lakes, but it can settle and outside the reservoirs. It is distinguished by thin long shoots of brown or reddish and narrow two-color leaves: bright green on top, grayish-silver bottom. The plant is particularly beautiful early in the spring, when fluffy earrings flourish, and this happens even before the appearance of leaves. The most famous variety - "Blue Streak" (Blue Star) is highlighted with elegant bluish-green leaves.

I. Prutoidovnaya, I. Ostrol

Iva crawling (LAT. SALIX REPENS) - very elegant low (no more than 1 m) view common in France. In other regions, it is very rare and only as a cultivar. The main difference is a large number of branched stems, which are first covered with a silver fluff, and then offended. The leaves of oval-elliptical shape have different surfaces: the saturated node and glossy dark green from above. Fluffy inflorescences bloom in April or May. The plant is guarded in many areas of France.

The most popular variety - Iva creeping silver (var. Argentea) is a valuable high-temperature plant with talked gray-made leaves and purple shoots.

Willow Mochnaya or Wool (Lat. Salix Lana) - subarctic species growing in Iceland, Northern Scandinavia, North-West Russia. It is a ball-shaped low (no more than 1 m) shrub with dense branched shoots. Young shoots covered with a short SIZY Pushheach, over time, stalks become brown and smooth. Interesting appearance leaves - gray-colored, oval-ovoid shape. Sheet texture - velvet, felt. The species is great for landscaping areas in the northern regions.

I. Creep, I. Mokhnaya

Iva Pionevoid (Lat. Salix Hastata) is another low-speed shrub species, the average height of which is 1.5 m, and the limit dimensions are not more than 4 m. It grows on the slopes and shores of the Arctic rivers, in the Alps and Tundra. Wild-growing specimens are often found in Northern Europe and America, Far East, Siberia, Central Asia. The plant is highlighted by branched shoots, growing up or molten on earth, as well as oval leaves, smooth top and slightly sowned on the reverse side.

Iva mesh (Lat. Salix Reticulata) - a low decorative plant of origin from Eastern Siberia and the Far East. In nature, serves as a stern for deer. This is a branchy low (up to 0.7 m) shrub decorated with branched creeping stems and unusual leaves. The leaves of the oval shape and dark green shade have a textured silky surface. Thanks to an elegant appearance, the mesh will often apply in the design of parks, squares and household sections of the northern regions.

I. Podiavoid, I. Mesh

Willow in Landscape Design

The variety of rocked species allows you to choose a plant suitable for specific conditions. First of all, it is necessary to focus on the size and location of the site.

Large powerful trees will be appropriate on the wide open spaces of a large area - Iva silver, goat, brittle in moderate climate, Iva Babylonian in the south. High cultivars are perfect for landscaping urban parks and squares, devices of the protective plant strip along the roads. The ability of the above-mentioned types to rapid growth, smoke and gas resistance makes them indispensable for landing in areas of new buildings.

Willow, especially its water-loving varieties, is indispensable to decorate and strengthen the coast of various reservoirs. It perfectly carries out in a wet environment. The only problem - the perennial will grow very quickly, occupying free areas. Plant should be carefully controlled: cut down a young piglet annually.

The average varieties of willows are purple, solid-color - planted as soluters on open glades or lawns. They serve as the center of the landscape composition, around which lower cultures are located. Another option for the use of similar IV is the organization of living hedges.

Compact types and varieties (creeping, mesh, shaggy, speck-shaped) can be placed even on modest areas, these plants will not take much space. Such willows look good as the lower or medium tier of the bleed landscape composition composed of shrub perennials. In addition, the low-speed Willow is perfect for the design of the shores of miniature dacha reservoirs: streams and ponds. So it turns out the original imitation of river landscapes.

Growing and care

It is easy to grow an IVA in its garden plot: the tree is very unpretentious and does not require complex care. However, diverse types of Yves are often not like each other and need different conditions: soil, the amount of water and lighting. A method of breeding plants may differ. That is why the first task of the gardener is to determine the type of willow and, depending on this, act further.

Location, soil, feeding, watering

Almost all types of plants are considered freaked. They easily withstand straight sun rays and prefer open spaces, however, a small shading will not hurt the tree. You can land it as in the open sun and in a half.

The humidity of the site depends on the selected view. The overwhelming majority of IV in nature prefer to settle on the shores of the reservoirs, so they should be placed as close as possible to water.

[!] With the help of powerful roots, adult willa daily consumes a large amount of water. This property of the tree is used to drain the swampy soils and sections with near-surface groundwater sitting.

The soil composition of IVA is not demanding, although it prefers loose (water and breathable) and the nutritional substrate containing a sufficient amount of sand with a loam. Peat soils in which moisture is stared, the tree does not like and only some willows (white and purple) are capable of growing on peatlands.

Only young rapid instances need to be facing and watering. In the future, the tree itself produces the necessary moisture through a powerful root system.


Willow perfectly tolerates decorative trimming, and his crown with this procedure becomes more thick and decorative.

Low- and middleweight willows with branches directed up, you can form in the form of a bowl or umbrella on the leg (strain), at the bottom of the scoundrels, you just need to slightly shorten the long shoots reaching the surfaces of the Earth. It is not forbidden to regulate and the height of the tree, holding back its growth.

The removal of the extra branches is better to produce early spring, before the start of the growing season, or late in autumn. Lightly adjust the tree can be throughout the summer. Trimming are subject to:

  • powerful leading shoots (this will keep the growth of wood and will contribute to the appearance of young side shoots),
  • extra pigstream on the trunk (if Iva is formed on the strain),
  • branches growing inside and thickening the crown.

As for the Stambling IV, there are two main forms: a fountain and a ball. To get a fountain on a leg-trunk, shoots should be shortened quite a bit around the edges, so that the length allows them to hang out freely, forming a green similarity of water jets. The spherical form requires more radical trim in a circle.

[!] When trimming, always leave on the branches of the extreme kidney, directed upwards. In the future, the young escape on such a branch will also grow correctly - up.

If old high IVA is growing in your garden, preventing other cultures and occupying a significant part of the site - do not get rid of it completely, and form a pretty green ball lying on the ground. Just cut the trunk close to the surface of the soil. Thus, the trunk will cease to grow upwards, and young shoots will soon appear from its lower part, which can be shorted to the desired figure.

The trunks of young Yves are often twisted or flex to the ground. To fix it, it is necessary to suspend the trunk to the support, for example, a metal pipe covered in the ground and leave for 2-3 years. During this time, the trunk must straighten up and acquire the desired form.

Reproduction and falling out willow

In the wild, the willow multiply seeds, cuttings, and some species - even stakes. In culture, the tree is best drawn up, as the seeds are quickly losing the part of the air and are well saved only in water or Ile.

Cuttings for disembarking should be cut from not too old and not too young branches. They should not be too thick or vice versa, thin - and those and others are unlikely to give roots. The optimal length of a separate cutter is about 25 cm. A young rooting pig is suitable, broken with the "heel" (a piece of root).

You can land cuttings for rooting at the end of October, before the onset of frosts or in the middle of spring. Escapes remove the leaves at the bottom and stick into the soil at a slight angle, you can soak them for a day in Kornvin, although from without this percentage of rooting is quite high.

If several Yves sit down at once, then the distance between them should be at least 70 cm for low-spirited species, 1-3 m - for the average and 5-7 m - for high trees.

Pests and diseases

Willow is a stern plant for many insects. The tree is attacked by more than 100 types ofphids, beetles, larvae of various butterflies, wood ants, sometimes on Willi build their nests of the wasp. An adult plant is usually easily withstanding insect attacks, but young copies can suffer greatly. In order to protect the rapid willows, pests should be collected by hand or, in the case when the colony too crushed, destroy with modern insecticides.

In the countryside, young willows often eat grazing goats. These animals should not be close to falling out the trees. The rodents are dangerous mice, tuting juicy roots and green shoots.

Tree attack not only pests, but also various infections. One of the most common dissemination diseases is rust caused by melampsora fungus, the main symptoms of which are brown and orange stains on the leaves. Fungicides will help struggle with disease - antifungal drugs.

Will has many species, among which shrubs, trees and creeping species are found. They grow well, perfectly adapt to urban conditions and easily resistant to haircut. The decorative properties of these plants make their favorites landscape designers. The most popular is molding willow, Which is dedicated to this article.

Types of weekeepers willow

In nature, there are more than 600 types of IV.They grow everywhere, there are even in the tundra and plague.

Iva Pokingchy grows up to 25-30 meters and can live up to 100 years. The trunk at the tree is powerful, covered with sulfur bark. Crown - Wide, spread. The leaves have a dark green shade, from the bottom side they are brighter and as if covered with whitewash.

Types of Willow of Posbachi are striking with their magnificence and diversity. Here are the most popular of them:

  1. The highest (its height is 25-27 meters) and unpretentious appearance. Named in connection with the silver color of the leaves. Perfectly freezes frost and can grow on the shaded areas. It looks great among trees with dark green foliage and will serve as an ideal background for red-hearted trees.
  2. Iva goat (Bradana). In the spring, fluffy flowers blooming on the shoots of this species, fluffy flowers, and goat Will looks like a huge dandelion. Such a wrapper IVA is planted on the countryside in group landings, although it looks more effectively in combination with plants of excellent foliage.
  3. Large tree (up to 8 meters) with lots of branches. When flowering on the branches, small cylindrical earrings are formed (up to 6 cm), and the shrub during this period becomes fluffy.
  4. Iva is an extensive. It differs from the rest of the IW brilliant brown stems. This type of wake of Willow is valued for a good rooting of the cuttings and for how quickly it grows (no more than 2 years require to grow).
  5. The tree grows not more than 15 meters in height with a crown to 9 meters in diameter. It grows quickly, effectively looks in group landings in water bodies.

  6. Seat seeds for landing

    In natural conditions, IVA can multiply seeds And in the culture of Willow, we brewept cherenkovania or obtaining a sapling.

    The first thing seedlings choose winter stems, with good mature wood. It is desirable that the age of young people amounted to one or two years old and they were harvested either early in spring or late autumn.

    Before the renal dissipation, the seedlings are placed in wet sand or in water tank.

    Did you know? Willow appeared on Earth.

    Place to land willow

    Poskuchi's willow landing should be carried out in lungs, sandy, medium divided soils.The plot must be open, well lit, sunny, can with light half.

    In addition, on the plot where it is planned to grown, the groundwater should be located close to the surface. If you have a place on the site that, as a result of the melting of snow, is constantly drowning, then it is also comfortable for willow.

    Important! With full shading, we are not growing. Even in natural conditions, there are not found in the forest wilderness.

    Optimal time to land willow

    Wanting to plant a tree on its plot, it is important to determine correctly with time when it is better to plant a mold IVA to a permanent place. The best option is in the spring when the snow came down.Moreover, the root system of the seedling must be fully formed. You can land and fall and in the fall, after the end of the coilment, only on those sites where there is a lot of snow.

    Rules landing saplings willow

    In the soil, the seedlings are placed on such a depth so that several kidneys remain on the surface. Before planting an IWA mold, dig a hole with a diameter of 60 cm for wood species and 50 cm for bushes. The depth of the fossa must be 40 cm. If a seedling has a closed root system, a fume must correspond to the diameter of the earth coma. In the case when IVA is planned to plant in the form of a living hedge, they dig a trench with a depth of 40 cm and 40-50 cm wide.

    Did you know? In the folk work, Iva is associated with sadness and at the same time is a symbol of beauty.

    For heavy clay soils require drainage. To do this, on the bottom of the pitfall, sand or rubble layer in 20-30 cm.

    In order for the IVA wrappering better it is necessary to prepare a nutrient mixture from the ground, peat and compost taken in equal proportions.You can add 200 g of azophosk in such a mixture. This composition fill the boarding hole on 1/3 and placed a seedling.

    Then the land around the seedling is tamped with such a calculation so that the impressions for watering for watering. At the end of the landing for each seedling, 2 buckets of water pour.

    If the shifting deadlines fell on the autumn period, the soil should be covered with straw or dry leaves, and the seedlings themselves are covered with a snack.

    If the cutlets turned high, At first, the support peg is installed for fixing the vertical position next to it.

    Did you know? Willow in different regions is called differently: willba, vine, blacks, lounge, ham, rapid, Lomin, Rakita.

    How to care for wipe

    In order for Iva to grow rapidly and looked gracefully, it is necessary to know the subtleties of growing and care for these plants. More attention should be paid to the care of the glooming of Ivaway at first after the landing.


    Since Iva - a plant moisture, it needs frequent watering and regular spraying.

    In the early years, the young trees grow quickly, giving an increase of up to 3 meters per year. Therefore, during this period, they need to water 2-5 buckets per unit (the tree absorbs as much as he needs). Water watered or early in the morning, or in the evening, after sunset.

    Water must be pouring not only under the root, but also on the crown.

    Did you know? Crara willows have long been used as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent, and salicylic acid received its name from Latin Salix - Iva.


    Putting a tree at home on the plot, think about how to make feeding, because it is hardly able to grow a lush and healthy wrapper Ivi without them. The feeder must be carried out in spring or autumn, during the jumping of the priority circle.

    Any fertilizers (mineral and organic) are suitable for missing Ivam. Their contribution throughout the season serves as a guarantee of the health of the plant and a chic species. In the spring and summer, complex feeding are made, and in August - superphosphate and sulfate potassium.The number of fertilizers depends on the age of the plant.

    In the spring of the soil near the tree it is desirable to loosen and add mineral feeding. In the fall from the site, we remove the fallen foliage, wild boosted and in October-November shelted unstable to frost varieties.

    Important! It is impossible to leave fallen leaves under the yoy - they contain tubyl substances that have an undesirable effect on the growth of the plant.

    Crane haircut and formation

    If you want a molding in time, it will not be cropped, then a natural formation of the crown - the branches will grow randomly, and the tree will lose their decorativeness. therefore haircut - mandatory procedure. After trimming, you can get out of extraordinary forms and beauty.

    In the first years of life (up to 5 years), no haircut is needed. Willow is gaining strength, growing, grows and develops. When the branches will grow on the meter, it is worth starting to the first trimming.

    Mostly haircut will be carried out in spring, however, you can perform this procedure and in the summer. The tips of the branches are shortened by 30-35 cm. Scrolls are performed directly above the kidney upwards.

    Important! It is impossible to trim the WWI during flowering.

    Regular trimming of the branches of the Willow of Pokucchi will allow 5-6 years after landing to form a luxurious tree with a chic crown.

    Dangerous diseases and common pests of IV

    Special attention to the cultivation of Willow of Poskchuch should be given to pests and diseases that can affect this beauty. So, most often, IVAM can threaten:

    Of the most common diseases of Willow, it is necessary to allocate:

  • rusty dew;
  • rust;
  • necrosis;
  • spotty;
  • persh.
These diseases appear as a result of high humidity, which occurs due to rainy weather. To combat them, the mold IVI is treated with fungicides in spring and autumn (for prevention) and at the first detection of signs of the disease.

Moreover, cora and branches should be regularly inspecting for the appearance of necrotic signs, In order to take measures to prevent the development of the disease. The affected branches are cut to a healthy area, and the slice of the cut is processed.

Wood Will has about 550 species. The durability of the tree is 110 years old. Other names of this tree: Verba, Rakita, Lose, Light and others.

Family: IV

Class: Dichomotic

Order: Malpigietswet

Department: Flower

Kingdom: Plants

Domain: Eukarota

Willow Description:

Willow is most often occurring up to 15 meters. But the species quantity of this tree is very huge, and on our planet you can meet the WWI tree as up to 40 meters high and the size of 2.5 cm. It is belonging both trees and shrubs. Tree crown is wide and big. Stem branched, Thin and flexible branches. Leaves are long and narrow, but there are views and wide leaves. From the outside, the sheet has a more rich green color, and on the other hand leaf brighter. In some species, the edge of the sheet is even, some served. If leaf is dissolved, there are weldings for which you can define the type of willow.

When is Iva bloom?

Different types of Yves bloom at different times. Some species bloom even before the appearance of the first leaves of early spring, some species bloom with the advent of leaves or already at the beginning of the summer when the leaves are fully formed.

Tree flowers are very small and it would be difficult to discover if they were not collected in inflorescences, which are called earrings. In IW, which bloom before the appearance of leaves, the earrings are very noticeable. All Earrings willows same-sex, that is, in them only women's flowers or only men. It is not difficult to distinguish them. Men's flowers contain two stamens, and women are one pestle, both types of colors have nectures.

Where is Iva grow?

Willow Tree is most common in the northern hemisphere of the planet. At the same time, Iva comes to the northernmost areas. In the northern regions you can meet the scope of the size that does not exceed the size of the MCH. He loves moisture. Most often occurs in wet areas. It is less likely to meet in dry areas. Thanks to a large and branched root system, willow often plant on the shores to strengthen the soil.

Fruits willow

Willow's fruit is a box. Seed seed is a very small, easy, covered with white fluff. Its ease allows him to fly by quite long distances. The seed itself retains the germination of only a few days. But if it enters the water, it can save to a few years.

Reproduction of Willow

Willow gives the apparent roots. Due to this, this tree is perfectly multiplied with cuttings and stakes. Most species seeds are able to lose their germination after a few days.

In nature, the willow trees multiply with the help of seeds, and the cultural types of IV spread in cuttings and grains. Willow branch, planted in the ground, quickly lets roots.

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