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Forbidden actions during a thunderstorm at home. How to behave during a thunderstorm: the basic rules of safe behavior. Video thunderstorms with lightning

There are various natural disasters that are different in different ways. There are also all sorts of atmospheric phenomena that may be no less dangerous. Every time, a large number of people suffer every time. And there are cases of death by negligence. Most often, misfortune occurs due to the fact that people do not always follow the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm. Here you will learn how not to get into trouble, wherever you are.

This is characterized by very strong discharges of electricity in the zone of kuchevo-rain clouds. At the same time, lightning is accompanied by very strong thunder sounds. It is also often cases when a very strong wind is observed together with a thunderstorm, which is capable of dramatically increase its speed. Sometimes a tornado appears.

Since lightning can provoke a fire, a violation of the work of electrolytes, a person's injury, then you need to know the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm. At the same time, it is important where you are during the elements. Note that the high temperature of the zipper during the strike can kill. Those who stayed alive after such a misfortune received serious burns and injuries. Some victims could not recover from shocks.

How to find out what idleness comes?

Before finding out the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm, you need to know how to determine its appearance. So, there are such harbinger of bad weather:

High humidity, which can be noted for a long drying dew.

Low flying and insects.

Slow drop of atmospheric pressure. Moreover, the decline can occur by jerks.

Cloudy in the morning, if before this at night you noticed the flicker of stars.

If you feel that it has become too stuffy on the street, it means that the thunderstorm will come soon.

Features of calculating thunderstorm approximation. Which tree most often falls lightning?

You have the opportunity to find out how close the lightning sparkles you. This will give you odds, and you can quickly hide from bad weather. Calculate the approach of thunderstorms simply. It is necessary to calculate the time between the thunder-roll and flash lightning. The more seconds will pass between these phenomena, the further thunderstorms from you.

Note that in one second the sound passes one kilometer. That is, the more seconds between the zipper and the sound rumble, the farthes of the epicenter of the thunderstorm. This means that you still have time to find shelter.

The rules of behavior during a thunderstorm will help you protect yourself from injuries and even death. As for the fall in a tree, then most often the blow takes oak (more than 50 cases out of 100). The safest in case of thunder and lightning is birch, as well as nuts, maple and laurel tree. However, this does not mean that you need to hide under a tree.

What to do if during a thunderstorm you are in open area?

Now we will deal in how to behave if you did not have time to reach home:

1. First of all, you do not need to run under a tree or canopy. The tent from the material will not save you too.

2. If there are no buildings nearby, try to find a deepening in the ground. At the same time, it is advisable to dang up, legs to collect together. Remove all products made of metal. Note that it is impossible to go to bed and climb on high hills is also not worth it.

3. Do not intend to groups of several people. It is better to stay apart.

4. If you heard that a resistant buzz comes from nearby objects, or they felt that the hair on the head began to rise, change the location urgently.

5. In no case do not keep metal objects in the hands.

6. If the thunderstorm inspired you on fishing, then try to move away from water as far as possible. The fact is that if zipper gets in a reservoir, it can kill you even at a distance of a few kilometers.

7. Also undesirable to be near the fire during a thunderstorm. Gray air better attracts lightning.

8. If you are near immediately run away from here.

9. If a thunderstorm began, a tree is not the best subject in order to hide.

If you are in the house

Now you need to know what to do during a thunderstorm if she caught you in the building. Please note that even if you are at home, to protect yourself from the lightning strike, you also need to follow some rules:

Try not to approach the windows or include household appliances. Go from sanitary pipes or other engineering systems.

Disconnect the TV or other appliances from the outlet. The voltage difference may be out of order.

All doors, windows, chimney should be closed in the house. Please note that the draft can provoke ball lightning, so eliminate it.

Turn the stove during thunderstorms can not.

If still seemed in the house, try to move away from it as soon as possible.

What if you are traveling on transport?

Thunderstorm (photos you can see in the article) is a serious atmospheric phenomenon, and hope for good luck here is not necessary, especially if you are traveling by car, bike or motorcycle. If you are in transport, follow these rules of behavior:

1. Stop the car. At the same time, it should not stand near high buildings, electricity transmission lines. Do not leave the car. At the same time, try not to touch the metal panel or other parts of the vehicle. Tightly close the windows, turn off the radio. If you have a trailer with a rigid roof, you can hide in it.

2. Wherever you are, do not call on the phone. Mobile device is best disconnected.

3. If you drove on a bike or motorcycle, then try to stay as soon as possible and move away from transport at least 30 meters.

4. Do not try to escape from ball lightning if she flies nearby. This is just bringing it to yourself.

If it happened so that some of your loved ones turned out to be amazed with zipper, then you need to immediately cause ambulance. You yourself must make artificial respiration.

During the weather, try not to be nervous. It will only prevent you from remembering the specified rules and do everything correctly. Try to be calm and focused. Safe behavior during thunderstorms helps save lives and do without injury. Be healthy!

The element is unpredictable and, although the nature of the thunderstorm has already been studied quite well, few know how to maximize themselves from the lightning strike, for example.

According to statistics, every second on our planet lightning beats about 100 times in the ground, and 1% of these blows falls on a person. The lesion object can be anything. Most often zipper falls into lonely high trees, pillars of power lines.

You can get into the thunderstorm under different circumstances: in the city, in the field, in the forest, on the river. "Float - know!" - You will say. Information on how to behave during a thunderstorm, what precautions are taken in such situations, the sea was written, no less and broadcasts on television. Then why, hitting a thunderstorm, people are lost and do not know what to do? Why do they commit the same, typical mistakes? Often, such carelessness leads to the tragedy ...

What happens if a person falls into the zone zone zipper or, God forbid, zipper beats right into him? First of all, the victim is affected by the head and bone marrow, the central nervous and cardiovascular system. A loss of consciousness may occur, a decrease in blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, convulsions. Often there is a stop of the heart, the state of coma and clinical death.

Where the element is raging.

To determine the approximate distance to the epicenter of the thunderstorm, you will only need to recall the initial physics. Namely, the light spreads at a speed of about 300,000 kilometers per second, that is, almost instantly you will see a flash. The sound in the air is distributed at a speed of about 330 meters per second. Therefore, immediately after the outbreak, you need or damage the time to rolling thunder, or simply be moderately considered in the mind. Next, the number of seconds to multiply by 330, and you will approximately know the distance to possible trouble. If the outbreak of lightning and thunder rolled together, it means only one thing: you are directly in the epicenter of the raging element, and the precautions must be taken immediately.

Lightning near the water.

To swim during the rain, undoubtedly, very romantic, and the driver at such moments becomes a "pair", pleasant and not so "wet." But if you see that the thunderstorm is going, it is better to leave with a reservoir and will be removed from it to a decent distance. Lightning that fell into the water is striking everything around in a radius of about 100 meters.

Lightning in the forest.

Cannot hide from thunderstorms under the trees. Lightning very often falls in the trees, especially in high. Once I was a witness, as lightning got into pine. The spectacle, I report to you, very spectacular. A flash, a blow, the crackle, as if hundreds of woodcutters simultaneously hit this pine. The bark flashed within the radius of the meters of fifty, and the stem itself of the affected pine eventually turned out to be purified from approximately the top of the middle. In a thunderstorm, it is better to get out of the forest, for example, to the glade, to stay in one place, and it is better to sit down, hide the cape and simply wait for the element. Livni with lightning usually pass quickly, sitting will not have to sit.

Lightning in the field.

In the field, avoid during the thunderstorm of open spaces, because in such a situation you will be the highest object. Take a closer look and find any ditch, ravine, a hole, which remains a funnel since the time. Stroke in it and there, in relative security, cast a thunderstorm. From power lines, and any other metal structures, it is generally better to go as far as possible.

Lightning and car.

If the female elements found you in the car, then do not give in panic: the car is the safest territory for you in the current situation. Stop the car, close all windows and hatches. Do not leave the car and soon you can continue your way.

On a note.

Fly by plane and travel by train during a thunderstorm safe.

Lightning and cell phone.

Cell phone can be dangerous during a thunderstorm, because Radio waves emitted by a mobile phone "attract" zipper. At the same time, the phone can be simply turned on, and you do not have to speak on it. Turn off it and some time refrain from the services of cellular operators.

Houses in a thunderstorm.

All 100% safe during lightning can not even feel at home. You must close all windows and doors, turn off the electrical appliances, do not talk by phone. Stretching at some distance from central heating batteries.

General advice.

During a thunderstorm, which found you in the forest, in the field, at the reservoir, try to occupy as little space on the blessed Mother-Earth. Sit down, grab your knees with your hands and try not to move. Metal objects (decorations) are better to remove with themselves, metal-containing items from the pockets and all this is from themselves at least five meters from themselves.

In general, lightning is very beautiful! Take care of yourself!

How to behave during a thunderstorm is a question that concerns exactly the savings of life in an extreme situation. There are many sources informing about it, but sometimes such information may be incomplete or non-systematized, so it is important to consider all the nuances and stages.

The basic rules of behavior are concentrated in just several main points. They are quite universal and will fit in almost any situation and at any location. It is especially important to clarify and explain to their children.

Basic rules of behavior during a thunderstorm:

  1. In no case cannot be active in their movements and movements. Consistent moments can increase the risk of defeat.
  2. If there is a phone, player or any other device, then it is better to turn it off. Especially, you can not talk on the phone or listen to the player.
  3. Eliminate the presence of metal elements in hand or on clothes, move away from those if they are located nearby.
  4. Help in more in-depth places or hollows, if at the moment there is a placement on open areas, terrain.
  5. It is forbidden to be near water, reservoirs.
  6. It is impossible to go to the ground, it is better to squat and clashed her knees with his hands.

It is important not to become a lightning convergence, and for this should be followed by the above recommendations. Often people are dying precisely because they forget about these elementary rules of behavior. Even if the thunderstorm is still far away, then you should take care in advance about your safety.

What can not be done?

There can be no absolutely safe place, as lightning is omnipresent and penetrates if necessary to any room and is dangerous on any terrain. Especially dangerous is the situation when the thunderstorm is forbidden, especially in the open area.

Note! In real time, it is necessary to evaluate not only what the situation is located in itself, but what surrounds it.

Keep calm and healthy to assess the situation, and otherwise follow the instructions of specialists. There are cases when teenagers face so-called myths. They need to dispel. What can not be done during a thunderstorm categorically:

Myth Effects
During thunderstorms, it is possible to swim in reservoirs. Water is a good conductor and attracts a discharge, while striking the area of \u200b\u200b100 meters around the reservoir.
You need to cover with something volumetric. It is not worth focusing on yourself, leaning additional objects, especially if they are metallic.
Indoors full safety. In order for this to be so followed by a precautionary mass:

- Close the windows to avoid the presence of drafts.
- Turn off all electrical appliances, as they burn.
- In no case do not watch TV, do not play on the computer.
- Do not touch the tap cranes.
- Do not sit near the window.

Hide under a tree. Recommend to hide under small plantings: bushes, high grass that are in the deepening.

Non-standard situations

Thunderstorm can catch people in unusual situations. The question arises - what are the safest places or, as you can maximally secure? Need to remember the electrical safety. People not far from the high-voltage station or pillars increase the risk of lightning damage.

On time to turn off all devices that are available with you.

In non-standard places, appropriate security measures should be performed:

  1. Thunderstorm found in the forest, it is important to determine in this case where it is safe. Everywhere high trees and many reservoirs, so it is worth finding a young landing, with low plantings or bushes.

    It is important that they are at least 200 meters from the reservoirs. Do not look for a melan or edge. It is necessary to put out the fire if it is divorced.

    If the forest is too thick and find the lowest sections does not work, it is better to hide under the birch, oak or pine - they are not so strongly attracted discharges. Do not hide under the burnt trees in which Lightning has already gotten.

  2. In the car, wait for the bad weather. Just turn off the receiver and drown the engine. In mandatory, you need to get rid of drafts, so the hatch and windows are closed in full.

    It is better not to use mobile devices, since electromagnetic waves can attract zipper.

    Looking out the window and generally actively behave in the cabin is not worth it, as lightning can react to movement.

  3. In the plane, nothing depends on the passenger itself. All devices are turned off. If not, then it is worth it additionally. Many believe that lightning for aircraft is not terrible, but it is not.

    This device is equipped with special radar, which fix the epicenter of the thunderstorm cloud and do not fly there, bypassing it.

  4. The mountains are an open area, so the only option is to remove metal accessories and fold them at a distance of 100-200 meters from yourself.

    Find a protrusion or hide under a big stone that speaks a little. Do not do sharp movements, as a person is already on the hill, it can cause a lightning strike in it.

  5. Thunderstorm Causes people in the field - this is the most dangerous case. The whole area is open. To assess the degree of danger, you need to calculate the distance to the thunderstorm - the time between the outbreak and thunder.

    What it is less, the closer the thunderstorm, then the activity should be reduced. Find the lowest terrain, and wrapped your knees to wait for the weather.

Such simple, but effective tips will be able to help in a non-standard situation and maximize man secure. Observe and need to constantly and not hope for a happy case.

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On the courtyard is already May, which means that in our latitudes it began to threaten, which subsides only after the onset of winter cold. Russian poet Fyodor Tyutchev even dedicated to the May thunderstorm a beautiful poem, but we are not in a hurry to romance to romance, as it is fraught with dangerous and even deadly consequences. We will tell why it arises, how to behave during a thunderstorm under different circumstances and how to give first aid to a person who has suffered from the impact of lightning.

Thunderstorms are called such a natural phenomenon in the atmosphere, in which inside the clouds, or between the clouds and the surface of the Earth accumulates electricity and from time to time there are bright electric sparks. Such a spark is called a zipper, and the sound effect accompanying it - thunder. Due to the fact that the speed of light is faster than the speed of sound, most often we first see the zipper, and only then hear thunder-rolls. Usually the thunderstorm is accompanied by severe cloudiness and shower, but it happens that lightning and thunder arise without visible rain - such a phenomenon is called dry thunderstorms.

What are the consequences of impact lightning

Current and voltage in the discharge of lightning on Earth is very large and in rare cases may even achieve values \u200b\u200bof 500 thousand amps and 1 billion volts, respectively, and the temperature may exceed 25000 degrees Celsius. However, among those affected by impact, there are many survivors. It happens so because lightning beats very quickly, and the discharge often passes through the body of a person less than a second, leaving the burn in the fields of entrance and the exit of lightning. At the same time, if the category was quite narrow in the thickness, did not hide vitally important organs, the dorsal or brain, then the victim can survive.

But even leaving a person alive, a lightning strike is capable of bringing him heavy damage: the contusion of the brain, paralysis, arrhythmia of the heart, dips in memory, pulmonary edema, vision problems, breaking the drummeal in the ears, etc. in the remaining cases, and It is about 43%, man dies.

The consequences described above make a thunderstorm one of the most dangerous natural phenomena. We are not able to manage it, but we can respect the maximum caution, which one day will save us from death. That is why it is important to know how to protect yourself from lightning and how to behave during a thunderstorm in different situations.

  • Do not perceive the rules of behavior in a thunderstorm as a joke: according to statistics on average, one million people account for two impact of lightning annually. That is, in Russia, lightning falls about 250 people, in Ukraine - at 90, etc. Think: this is a rather big figures, and the probability of becoming a victim of the element is always.

How to behave outside

Most often, the thunderstorm finds us just on the street, while traveling around the city. How to behave during a thunderstorm in such a situation? Of course, it would be best to find the shelter in the building as soon as possible, for example, go to the store or staircase. You can also go down in the subway or dry underground transition.

The main thing is to avoid open space where you will find yourself separately and high lightning target. Do not approach lonely trees, high buildings, posts and towers, metal structures, fences, fires, antennas, as well as power lines. Remove all metal decorations and items from themselves, remove them in a leather bag or a package of polyethylene.

Try not to talk on the street on a mobile phone, but if possible, turn it off. However, scientists are still arguing about this, but they still came to a single thought: there is no so much lying in his pocket a mobile phone, but an elongated in his hand and raised up during a telephone conversation. Outgoing from it during the call of radio wave, and even at the height, increase the chances that lightning will blow it there, as in the most electrostatically charged place. At the same time, old phones models are considered particularly dangerous.

Another important rule, how to behave during a thunderstorm is not to disclose an umbrella. From the rain, he will protect you, but the lightning can, on the contrary, pull the metal knitting needles with its raised up.

When the thunderstorm is the rank in transport

How to behave during a thunderstorm when you are in the car? In fact, this is a fairly safe situation, because even when the lightning strikes, the discharge will be held in a metal surface in the car, and the passengers inside will not affect. It is only important to stop moving, but do not park next to power lines or metal structures, do not touch the metal parts of the car, turn off the radio, GPS, mobile phone, and close the doors and windows tightly. The same applies to the trip, for example, in the bus.

But the outdoor transport like a motorcycle or bicycle is dangerous and can substitute you under the punch of zipper. Therefore, we advise him to leave, park and look for a shelter in the building, and if you are on the track, then get away from it, get rid of metal items, and find some empty or groove below the level of the earth's surface into which you can sit down.

How to behave in the field and in the meadow

The situation is very dangerous when during a thunderstorm you are in the field, as it is likely to automatically find yourself in the highest point in this area. How to behave in this case? First of all, you should stop moving and fall into some empty or fossa, which is below the ground level around. During thunderstorms, even in hot weather, the air temperature drops and becomes colder, so we advise not to go to the ground so as not to catch a cold, but squatting. It will be great if you can cover with some jacket or cloak.

See in the field Separate trees, a stack of hay - do not strive to hide there! Observe the distance at least 200 meters, since these separate objects are rather pulled to themselves lightning. Avoid any hill.

What to do in a thunderstorm in the forest

If you are in the forest, then this is not the most dangerous situation during a thunderstorm, because in such a terrain there are plenty of trees that serve as thunders, which practically eliminates the likelihood of discharge to earth. How to behave? Stay away from the highest trees. The ideal situation when you can find a group of low trees, the distance between which will not exceed their height, and swept at this point in the embryo pose. For example, trees in length are approximately 4 meters, and the distance to each of them is 4 meters - this will turn out a certain protective cone.

Leave from open lushes and do not put tents. Avoid bonfires, because the smoke post is able to attract lightning and remarkably conducts electricity. We saw trees, already broken lightning - stay away from them, the discharge can get into this place again.

It is worth remembering about the rocks of forest trees: it is better to stay closer to the maples and birchings, as well as coniferous kinds of pines and fir, but to beware of oaks, poplars and elm, in which lightning beaten more often.

When the thunderstorm found at the reservoir

Carefully behave and then when you are at the reservoir. If you are on the shore, try to move away from the water away, at least one hundred meters, throw all your classes, including fishing. Do not think that sushi will save you: lightning often beats on the water bodies, but the discharge of electricity can dispense not only on the water, but also to spread to wet soil on the shore, growing near the trees and shrubs.

An even more dangerous, if at the time of the beginning of the thunderstorm you are in the boat, and to the shore far. In this case, try to maximize yourself from contact with moisture, for example, to lay something dry, for example, clothes, life jacket. You still need a cellophane or awning that you can cover yourself from above: it must allow rainwater to flip overboard, but not touching the surface of the water. On the boat of these things, of course, may not be, so it is better to take care of security in advance, going to go out in the sea / on the river in potentially thunderstorm weather.

How to behave in the mountains

When the thunderstorm inscribed you in the mountains, you need to behave extremely carefully. Be sure to descend lower so that in no case should be on top. Remove from separate objects like lonely tree, large boulder, do not stand on cracks or borders of different areas of the mountain surface. You will find a cave or niche in the mountains, you can hide there, but do not close to her walls closer than 2 meters.

If the thunderstorm begins dry, without rain, find the dry area of \u200b\u200bthe cliff, avoid moisture, as it carries out electricity. If the shower went, then we are afraid of the water filled with water. Try to go from the place where the boundaries of atmospheric fronts pass, clouds and fog are condensed.

Another important rule is to remove all the metal decoration, get metal objects from pockets and bags. If the time allows, put everything in a separate package and reliably tie somewhere at least 50 meters from you to pick up after the end of the thunderstorm.

What to do during thunderstorms at home

Even if you are in your "fortress", that is, at home, you should still think about protection against lightning. Of course, your home should be equipped with a thunder-ruling, and preferably and safety blocks on electrical distribution shields that will provide protection against strong voltage drops.

But in any case, it is better to abandon the use of any electrical appliances for the time of thunderstorms so that the technique does not deteriorate: turn off the computer, router, TV, electric stove, washing machine, home stationary phone, etc. - and we mean not just turn off Devices with buttons, and pull out out of sockets. If possible, completely disconnect the power supply in the house.

Also close in the house all windows, windows and doors, you can maintain the windows to be calmer. Do not approach sockets and water supply - the electric discharge from lightning strike can go through it. But to use the mobile phone, being in a closed room, you can - just do not call a person who is in a thunderstorm on the street.

The risk of getting a lightning strike remains until the last strike of the thunder, so be careful and, if possible, do not leave the dwelling until this point.

First aid when the lightning strike

As we have already spoken, in most cases, the lightning strike is still not fatal, although often the victim after receiving the discharge can indeed be unconscious, not to file signs of life - and then it will be needed to make a heart massage and artificial respiration. It is very important that the person will get the first help in time - and how to have it, you will find out in more detail from the following video: