Repairs Design Furniture

Irises: Care in autumn, preparation for winter. Care for irises in the fall, or how to prepare irises for the upcoming winter than the winter to hide the irises

Many flower flowers send an iris to wintering on the principle "he dried and fall off." This is fundamentally incorrect approach, because it is extremely risky - yes, winter-hardy irises can and cope, but the flowers of more gentle varieties will certainly suffer.

Lost in the variety of Iris varieties is easy - all shades from snow-white to almost black and all sizes from crumbs, barely rising from grass, even an experienced florist will be tangled from the first grader to giants. But the preparation of irises for the winter is the same for all species and varieties, both bulbous and rhizable.

Trimming Iris

The leaves of the irises, filled and fired around the edges, often become a refuge for causative agents of diseases, as well as a place of wintering of malicious insects. In order not to produce a problem in your own garden, the leaves need to trim the height of 10-15 cm and remove from the site.

If we talk about when cropping irises for the winter, it is necessary to navigate to your region. In the middle lane, this is done before the first frosts, in early November. Accordingly, in the north you can start before, in the south - later. If you do not want to fade and monitor the weather forecast, cut the leaves of irises during the rain - it will provide the plant better ventilation and will not give water to the roots.

Crop the flowers together with the seeds on the iris immediately after flowering, and two weeks after it - and the stems themselves. From the flowers should remain no more than 2 cm - this will avoid rotting.

Landing and transplanting of irises in autumn

It is possible to plant irises as in spring and autumn. However, if you want bulwing irises for sure to please you with blossoms next season, then prefer autumn landing.

All types of irises grow better, bloom and winter when landing on an elevated, well ventilated, illuminated place. They do not like moisture stagnation or dense soils, so it is necessary to choose a plot with a well-drained soil for iridarium.

Autumn landing and transplanting of Iris is performed immediately after the plant dried out the leaves. The bulbs are cleaned of soil, separate the baby, then planting material dried and planted on a new place at the end of September or early October. The warm season of the plant is used to be rooted, but the growth will not have time to go.

Rhizopy irises after division are planted similarly. Moreover, both of those and other freshly visible flowers must be hidden for the winter, regardless of their variety, because they are still too weak for self-wintering.

Winter hardiness of the irises, which means that the need for shelter for the winter depends on their variety and species. The most fragile and gentle are bulbous Dutch, Japanese and Spanish varieties ( Wedgwood., Cajanus.), Rhizome irises (Iris comb, Iris Unnamed, Iris Lake), as well as all the tall varieties of iris bearded.

More resistant to our winters of iridodikiomes (Iris Vinogradov, Iris Dunford, Iris Net), as well as British bulbous varieties. From the rhizable irises to this group, an iris is a leafless, Iris Biberstein and Iris Dwarf.

Finally, calmly winter even in the most severe years, wildly fabricated irises (Iris Siberian, Iris Swamp, Iris bristly, Iris East and Iris Yellow).

Before hiding the irises for the winter, it is necessary to undermine the aisle and treat the top of the rhizomes and the remains of the leaf of fungicides (alin-b, bastophyte, vertra, gamiir, etc.). But if you decide to feed the irises for the winter, then choose the mineral complex without nitrogen.

If the third group irises can be sent to wintering after trimming and processing without more effort, then with the first two will have to tinker. It is necessary to cover the irises for the winter with the beginning of frosts when the rainy period approached the end, i.e. In about the middle - the second half of November. It is not worth doing this before, because during precipitation covered irises can recycle. For shellation, peat, humid, chips or straw are perfectly suitable. Cover the Iris so that there is a 10-centimeter loose layer over the bulbs or roots, and put the bag from above.

If you have noticed that bulbous irises of some varieties on your site regularly freeze, go with them, like with gladiolus - dig up for the winter. It is necessary to do it after a complete drying of the leaves. Cropped and treated insecticide bulbs must be dried over a month at a temperature of about 25 ° C, and then stored in a dry cool room.

Even the winter-hardy varieties of rhizable irises must be stolen in the first year of life and after the occurrence of 4-5 years of age, when the roots begin to perform from under the ground.

In the spring, the irises awaken early and calmly carry the temperature differences, so the shelter can be removed from them, as soon as snow in the garden comes. Under the daytime you can easily find all the problems that have arisen in winter. Perhaps shelter did not help, and part of Iris still frozen. Then he will need treatment:

  1. gently remove the whole cleaner of the dead leaves, cleaning it to solid fabric;
  2. treat a slice of a rich winegartening solution;
  3. sprinkle aster with ash or crowded coal.

Such processing will allow Iris to bloom this year and will not give starting the process of rotting.

You can always say - "Why do I need these efforts? Irises will bloom and without them!". But believe me when you see how grateful these plants can be and how magnificent and together they bloom after carefree wintering, you do not remember the time spent.

Irises are often planted in flower beds, because thanks to a variety of colors and elegant form, they are beneficial to other colors. In general, irises are unpretentious, but to rejoice in their beauty every year, it is necessary to provide them with a safe wintering. In the article, we will tell you how the preparation of Iris is being prepared for the winter and what will be needed for this event.

To properly prepare plants for winter, you need to complete the setting procedures in the fall in the fall. In order for the Iris safely to carry even strong frosts, primarily perform pruning.

Trimming and cleaning

Plants are prepared properly before shelter. The basis of the procedure is the cropping of leaves and flowers of plants, providing optimal wintering. Her goal is to prevent the development of seeds. This contributes to the preservation of nutrients that would otherwise spend on the ripening of seeds. In addition, the wind seed spreads over the site, and in the spring you can detect the irises that have grown in the "interesting" places.

What are you deleted? The first thing is pruning harsh foliage. The operation prevents pests that winter in it. Flowers are also removed along with flowers and boxes with seeds. The flowers are trimmed under the root, the flowers can be cut or tear, dried stems are cut at a height of 3 cm, and the leaves are 13-15 cm.

Do not cut green leaves. They allow your beauties to accumulate nutrients that they need for successful wintering. Wait until the plants are completely filled, the leaflets will be born and will be covered, and completely devastated to the ground. The procedure is advised in October, but it is also necessary to focus on weather conditions in your area. If freezers come before the deadline - take care of the preparation of plants in advance.

Thus, the procedure involves cleaning the flower from all unnecessary elements, leaving only a short skeleton, cutting leaves and root. Do not be afraid to carry out trimming, because with the arrival of spring, Iris will revive again.

Making fertilizers

This procedure is mandatory, since the application of fertilizers helps plants to accumulate nutrients for wintering. It will also provide abundant bloom in the spring.

What do you bring? There are two options - phosphorus-potash feeders, or complex fertilizer.

  1. First option. Phosphorus and potassium are used, as they help the flower to strengthen the immunity and form a sufficient number of buds in the future. For feeding, you will need 45-60 g of superphosphates and 25-30 g of potash salt per square meter. Earth under flowers is pre-wet down, and then simply scat down fertilizers and burst the soil after the procedure.
  2. The second option is easier. It is necessary to dilute fertilizer with water in the proportion specified in the instructions. This solution water irises.

Video: "Preparation of Iris for Winter"

From this video you will learn how to properly prepare Iris to the winter period.

Color shelter

A beginner flower can be doubted if you need to cover the irises for the winter and in what cases such works are necessary? It all depends on several factors:

  1. Grade. There are frost-resistant varieties of this flower, which relatively easily carry frosts and which do not require shelter. Tender grades will need a binding.
  2. Region. In the southern regions there is no need to cover flowers. But in the cold areas this procedure is necessary.

Below will look at the ways of shelter and other nuances.

Warm or not

There are a number of varieties that are relatively easily transferred to wintering, so do not need shelter. Well tolerate cold wild species - Iris Siberian, bristly, oriental, yellow. From varieties resistant to low temperatures, select the following:

  • Webb;
  • Diputya Nomblelo;
  • White City;
  • Isolaine;
  • Lieutenant A. Williamson;
  • Perfect.

They perfectly carry frost without shelter. However, they are still murdered so that the root system is not damaged.

Hybrid varieties, for example, bearded iris and the like, less resistant to cold. Therefore, they are covered in obligatory. In addition, young flowers are subject to shelter (regardless of the variety), as well as the plants that were transplanted in the current year.

Shelter Materials and Technology

It is important to choose a dry material, otherwise, under the influence of moisture, the irises will be hugged and drown, without waiting for the onset of spring. Strongly not suitable foliage and straw. Although some recommend using oak leaves because they absorb moisture well.

A suitable material is a spruce sweetheart or wooden boards, from which the drawer is built and plants cover them. Also advised to use peat or humus, as a cross-stop material.

Above the bulbs and roots should be a ten-grant meter of the earth, and they are covered with the selected material on top. It is important not to start the procedure too early, otherwise the roots can recycle. It is necessary to remove the shelter in a timely manner, you should not do it immediately after the first warming, since unexpected frosts will drive your work on no.

Shelter Iris in different regions of the country

As we mentioned earlier, in the southern regions of our country, Irises only mulch, and do not cover. In such regions, those where the temperature does not fall too low and drops a lot of snow, which does not melt until spring.

But in the cold parts of the country, it is mandatory to cover the flowers. Such regions include the Leningrad region, Moscow region and the entire middle bar. There are strong temperature differences, powerful winds with the complete absence of snow. Shelter material should be dense to protect plants from ice air. In the Urals, in Siberia and other cold regions of Russia for landing, it is generally better not to choose very gentle and capricious varieties, or to cover them very carefully, pouring a dense layer of mulching on the roots and covering topless insulation.

So, we reviewed the main features of trimming and other measures to prepare irises for the winter. Now you know what to do. And let the next spring your garden will become more attractive.

Gardeners love irises for the amazing shape of colors and beautiful combinations of shades. Shining white passes into the sky blue and on the tips deep purple. Yellow, burgundy, blue, they refresh the garden and give a bright contrast with greens. The correct preparation of irises for the winter does not represent a special complexity and the same for the whole variety of varieties.

Care for irises in autumn and preparation for winter

In the southern regions of our country, all the varieties of irises are very beautiful, and in the middle lane and in the north it is recommended to grow frost-resistant varieties, zoned low-spirited. Lukovic Iridodikiomes, rhizuy dwarf bearded, English average, as well as tall wild wildly-free varieties tolerate cold better than thermal-loving Japanese and Spanish, tall bearded.

Irises love for their unusual color combinations.

Undercaming and watering

Starting from the second half of the summer, the introduction of nitrogen fertilizers should be discontinued, and at the end of August to limit watering and weeding to not stimulate the active growth of culture. Lukovichny varieties are not recommended to water at all and preferably cover from rain.

Autumn feeding will help plants to gain strength and nutrients needed for successful wintering, it takes no less than two weeks before the first frosts. Very helpful for irises phosphorus-potash fertilizers, you can take complex.

Use them like this:

  • complex formulations are bred in proportion of 1 tbsp. l. on 10 liters of water and watered under each bush one by one liter of the finished solution;
  • dry granules are being added and bleed into the soil around the plants, and when watering or raining, the nutrients will gradually flow into the root system;
  • the ash is not only rich in minerals, but also protects landings from rotting.

If the autumn was rainy, then the cropped stalks do not watered. Irises are poorly transferred by the body, so it is not recommended to use chicken litter or a korovyan.

Landing and transplanting

Shed and transplanting irises better on an elevated open and illuminated place, on which water does not cause, well-drained soils. The most suitable period for this work is until mid-September so that the seedlings manage to adapt and take care. The optimal option for landing is the weakly acidic sublinous soil.

Two weeks before the transplant Irises do not need to water and fertilize. Having retreated 25 cm from the stem, carefully remove the plant along with the roots and divide it into pieces with a sharp clean knife, and the slice for disinfection immediately sprinkle ashes.

It is necessary to carry out drying and disinfection of seedlings, for this you need to hold them for 20-25 minutes in a weak-pink solution of manganese.

A 10 cm depth of a depth of 10 cm is poured with an earthen hormick and have an Iris baby from above, then grow the roots and pour the earth, leaving the root neck above the ground surface, then watered a fresh sapling.

For landing of irises, you should choose a well-lit place

Capturing bushes every 3-5 years, you can save the culture from the degeneration of the varietal signs.


After flowering, it is important to completely remove dried flowers to prevent the formation and sowing of seeds and send nutrients to enhance the plant immunity for comfortable wintering.

For trimming, you can use the secateur or special garden scissors

The foliage is better in the northern regions in October, two weeks before the first cold. In the south, it is the beginning or middle of November, when the leaves are completely dried, and the process of photosynthesis in the above-ground part will end. Pruning is carried out by a secateur or garden scissors to a height of up to 10 cm, giving the form of a cone.

The leaves need to be assembled and burn so that the diseases and larvae of the garden pests do not overweight together with plants.

Digging of Lukovitz

If, despite the shelter, even winter-hardy varieties will freeze, it is better to dig bulbs and put them in a cool dry place until spring. These works are carried out after complete drying of the leaves, aging bulbs. The duck up landing material should be disinfected or treated with a solution of fungicide, and then dry at a temperature of about 25 ° C and a month later to storage.

In the cold regions of the bulbs it is better to dig up and remove for storage until spring

If the spring landing jerked, they can be saved and treat:

  1. Remove all rotten fabrics.
  2. Rinse the surviving parts in a saturated solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Plush planting ash.

Mulching and shelter

In the southern regions, gardeners often do not cover the irises, but in the middle lane and in the north should be covered with an overhead part and the root system, they need rhizome varieties, whose roots are suitable close to the surface of the Earth and may not transfer winter frosts. To protect, carry out mulching up to 2-30 cm high. Materials suitable for mulching:

  • well overwhelmed compost;
  • peat;
  • sawdust;
  • dry soil interspersed with sand.

Mulch irises in dry warm weather.

In areas with a more harsh climate, it is advisable to cover the plants with a sweetheave, a special observer material. The optimal point for this is the end of November, when the rains have passed and frost begin.

To cover the irises, it is better to use a sweetheart or special material

Well-groomed and swelling, irises will perfectly punish and in the spring will be too early to active growth, if the autumn gardeners took care of feeding, pruning and other preparatory activities.

Different types of irises are experiencing a winter in different ways, since not all of them are equally frost resistant. But all colors are needed good care in the autumn period, which guarantees a prosperous wintering, as well as the subsequent bright and luxurious flowering.

Features of autumn care for iris

Care for irises at the autumn time is the following events:

  • trimming;
  • feeding;
  • preventive treatment;
  • shelter for the winter.

Autumn irises need to prepare well for wintering

Crimping the irises before wintering

The blurred flowers in the irises are removed almost immediately after the end of flowering. The foliage is not recommended to cut until it sees it. In the green ground part, photosynthesis processes that contribute to the accumulation of nutrients in rhizomes are continued, so it is impossible to remove it.

Flowerons need to be cut immediately after the end of flowering so that the seed box is not formed.

The yellowed leaves are cut into September or October, depending on the peculiarities of the local climate. The fan of the sheet plates is shortened to a height of 12-15 cm from the ground level, trying to give it the shape of the roof of the house, so that the moisture flows better down and did not delay on cuts.

The leaves in the irises are cut after they will be born and will yellow

All cut-off folias must be burned, since it is equipped with various malicious insects and pathogens of fungal infections in it.

The leaves of the iris are cut under the angle

Video: Cut the irises correctly

Autumn feeding of Irisov

Like most garden crops, irises in the autumn period feed the fertilizers of the phosphorus-potash group. It is better to do this after trimming, about 2-3 weeks before the first steady frosts.

Wood ashes scatter on the garden between plants

The irises speak well for the introduction (1 m 2):

  • Phosphoric Fertilizers:
    • superphosphate - 45-60 g;
    • phosphorite flour - 150-200 g (no more than 1 twist in 4-5 years).
  • Potash fertilizers:
    • potash salt - 25-30 g;
    • wood ash - 200-250
  • Mineral complexes:
    • monophosphate potassium - 45-50 g;
    • phosphorus-potassium mixture - 50-55 g;
    • specialized complex fertilizers for flower crops.

Dry fertilizers are evenly distributed by pre-well-humidized soil under the bushes of the irises, and then the ground is slightly barely barely and close the granules to the depth of 2-3 cm.

Granules of mineral fertilizers are scattered under the irises and close up in the soil at a depth of 2-3 cm

In the fall, during the period of waste to sleep, the irises can not be fertilized by mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizers, as well as organicha (manure, freshly misunderstanding compost, chicken litter) so as not to provoke the late growth of the ground-based part. Output of power can cause the root rotation.

Photo gallery: feeding for irises in autumn

Gera Flower Universal - Mixed Fertilizer for Basic Application and Up For all types of soil annual and perennial flower plants, as well as decorative-flowering shrubs Potassium salt has long been applied as a fertilizer, this tool is a mixture of potassium chloride, silvinite and cainitis Wood ash is a good potash and phosphoric fertilizer for acidic or neutral soils. Phosphorite flour - long-playing fertilizer, it can be made once every 4-5 years in elevated doses, without fear of harmful effects on plants Monophosphate Potassium - Mineral Fertilizer containing nutrients necessary for full growth Fertilizer Autumn Universal TerraSol - Mixed mineral fertilizer with trace elements for feeding in the autumn period for fruit and berry, bulbous and flower-decorative cultures FASSA is autumn used at the very end of the growing season Ferty Autumn - Complex mineral fertilizer for feeding all plant species in the later years and autumn time Phosphorous fertilizer does not contain nitrogen Liquid comprehensive fertilizer Bona Forte is designed for feeding decorative shrubs and perennial plants Fertilizer clean sheet for flower beds and rocaries - concentrated mineral fertilizer containing all the elements needed to power the plants in the available forms

Preventive processing of irises from diseases and pests

On the coupling and loading foliage, spores of fungi are preserved for a long time, and they can also be found insect pests that have arranged for wintering. In order to prevent the irises spray:

  • Fungicides:
    • Cinb - 45-50 g per bucket;
    • Fundazole - 30-35 g per bucket;
    • bordeaux liquid (1%), etc.
  • Insecticides:
    • Malathion (carbofos) - 60 g per 8 l;
    • AKTELLIK - 2 ml per 2 l;
    • Aktara - 8-10 g per 10 liters and others.

Preventive processing by chemical preparations are carried out after the autumn trimming of irises.

In order to prevent irises spray from pests and diseases

Opponents of chemistry can pollinate plants with tobacco dust or wood ash powder. Score of undesirable tenants and inland husks (0.2 kg poured 10 liters of hot water for 4-5 days).

Photo Gallery: Processing preparations for irises

Aktar Preparation - Strong System Insecticide Fast Action Aktellik is used to treat gardening, agricultural and ornamental plants Bordeaux mixture is a drug that is used against pests and many fungal diseases of plants Malathion - insecticide and a acaricide of a wide range of action Fundazole - Fungicide (antifungal agent) of a wide range of action to protect plants Cinb - a protective action fungicide, prevents the development and distribution of various diseases

The shelter of the irises for the winter

Many varieties of this flower culture have sufficient frost resistance to successfully experience cold in the open soil without additional insulation. Therefore, in the southern regions with a mild climate for the winter they do not cover them. In the northern regions, where climatic conditions are much more severe, it is necessary to protect the plants.

In warm climate, Irises winter without shelter

Quite often, in the process of growing up the iris, the roots are taken and part of the rhizomes turns out to be open. In the fall, it is necessary to carefully examine all the plants and, if necessary, pour out the densedged parts of the garden earth. Mandatory shelter is subject to young and newly transplanted specimens.

The rhizomes who turned out above the earth need to fall asleep earth

Protect the beds with irises using the laying of a mulching layer (5-20 cm) from the following materials:

  • overworked manure or compost;
  • peat crumbs;
  • sand Mixtures with Earth (1: 1);
  • sawdust.

It is extremely important that the mulch is dry. I try not to use fallen leaves, hay or straw, which is easily rotated during wetting and are the source of mold development and various fungal diseases. Rhizomes, in contact with wet covering material, can recreat and bend.

For winter, irises mulch peat, sawdust, chips, pieces of the bark and

To ensure better snowstand, flower beds with irises are thrown by branches, sweetheart or even a van.

In the northernmost regions, irises over mulch are covered with a dense nonwoven material or covered with drawers (boxes).

Additionally, irises are covered with a sweetheart

Video: Rules of successful wintering Iris

Video: Subtleties of the preliminary training of irises

Strong and competently prepared by wintering Irisa will easily survive the cold season, in the spring will early to grow into growth and subsequently release powerful patterns with large buds.

It is not so difficult to grow irises as it may seem beginner flowerfish. Moreover, it will not be difficult to properly prepare the irises for the winter, of course, if you know all the nuances of the leaving of the plant after flowering. Actually, that is why you read these lines, trying to find an answer to one of the following questions about the cultivation of Iris:

  • Is it necessary to cut the blossoms after flowering, why and how to do it?
  • Do I need to crop leaves after flowering?
  • When and how to cut irises in autumn?
  • Do they need shelter and what?

Answers to all these questions regarding how to properly care for iris after flowering, as well as in the fall during the preparation of bushes for winter, will be given below.

Care of irises after flowering and autumn - preparation of colors for winter

After flowering in the summer, as well as in the fall, it is necessary to carry out the following measures to care for irises and prepare them for winter:

  • summer and autumn trim (coloring laundering and cropping foliage);
  • division and transplantation (if necessary), as well as landing (for example, landing of bulbous irises);
  • shelter for the winter.

Note! Next in the article will be told about what to do with rhizuy iris (bearded and bearded) after flowering in the summer and autumn, during the preparation for wintering.

As well as O. bulbous iris (Xifium, Iridodikioma and Juno). The care of them is somewhat different, so it has been made in a separate paragraph at the end.

Crimping the irises after flowering and autumn

When the irises begin to fight, many flowerflowers are set by a completely logical question: "Do I need to correctly cut irises after flowering?".

A brief answer - yes, irises need trimming after flowering.

Truncating flowers after flowering

First, it is necessary to delete at an optimal time (i.e., timely) delete, or rather break all the blooms.

Another popular question: " After what time after flowering need to unwind Flowerines from irises? "

Answer: As soon as all flowers are watered. If you have chosen the appropriate period and the blooming is completely ridiculous, then it will move away quite easily (breaks down with the crash). And if it is bent and not break, it is still too early (the color-point does not cause).

If not to do this on time, then seed boxes are formed, in other words, the plant will spend a lot of extra forces on reproduction.

  • The most favorable moment (weather) for coloring flowers is windy, dry and sunny meadow. In such conditions all wounds will warm very quickly, we will dwell and cover the protective crust.So, no rotten them will be scary.

The biggest danger is that the place of connection (fastenings) of the blur and tuber of the Iris is very strongly exposed. In other words, if you do not conduct an operation on timely removal (catching) of flowers, then the plant can be dried.

  • Coloros it is better not to trim the secret, but exactly loose manually.

Why is it better for your hands, and not with the help of garden tools?

The fact is that using tools, you can easily transfer pathogens and various infections from infected with healthy plants.

Although it happens that many flower products are safely cut and they are all right.

  • Technology manual cracking Next: Hand clamp the bottom of the flower, while the thumb should be at the root neck (the place of the combination of the flower area and the tuber), and then cut down the sharp movement down.

  • If after grazing a bloody formed a kind of "boat"In other words, around the left hemp leaves remainedthat there is no moisture accumulated there and suddenly the processes of rotting, their (leaves around the bloomon) should also removeb
  • After removing the coloring, irises will be better ventilate and lightand growth delleki. actively grow and strengthen.

Video: Crimping the irises after flowering

Do I need to trim the leaves right after flowering

Good green foliage of irises at the end of flowering Do not cut in any case.

The fact is that root system Plants Must now restore after active flowering and stock substances Before the onset of frosts (and the food-photosynthesis goes exactly through the leaves), respectively, without it also lEGAL DELECTIONS WILL SO.

In any case, the foliage will remain decorative for a long time.

Another thing that follows get rid of dry leavesas well as from leaves, infected with fungal diseases (for example, from leaves with stains). And then be sure to spend spraying one of the fungicides (preparation from diseases) so that the disease does not go further.

Trimming foliage in autumn before wintering

The foliage of the irises is cut closer to the second half of autumn, i.e. After she becomes a dile. Then it is cut at an altitude of 10-15 cm, giving the leaves a cone-shaped form so that water is not delayed.

Cropped with fan or cone only a good foliage, everything is dry to remove completely.

Tip! All the cut foliage is better to burn, in order to destroy the potentially present eggs of pests and causative agents of diseases (the same spores of fungi).

Although, if there is no disease, then you can send to a compost bunch.

Autumn feeding of Irisov

If you think that the potential of the irises can not be disclosed in any way due to the fact that you have too poor soil, after 2-3 weeks after flowering or in the autumn, you should hold their feeding - cystic fertilizer (for example, + sulfurish potassium or simply monophosphate).

By the way! If you are a supporter of organic farming, although it usually does not concern the fertilizer of colors and other decorative plants, then you can take bone flour, compost, humus. Only do not use fresh manure(only overwhelmed).

Landing, division and transplanting of Iris in the fall

The need for a periodic transplant (division of bushes) of irises is due to the fact that over time the plant grows to the parties, because of which the middle of the bush is broken, and the flowers and shoots begin to fine.

In other words, In one place, the bushes of iris can grow up to 3-5 years, then they are divided and seed (transplant) on new places.

As a rule, the division and transplantation of Iris are beginning to engage just after their flowering and shaeling of flowers, somewhere in 2-3 weeks later

The shelter of the irises for the winter

Irises very well winter simply under the snow, almost in any conditions, and never need shelter for the winter.

Opinion: "Northern Urals, winter to -45 degrees. Never hover! The secret is that when landing the upper layer of the soil is sprinkled with sand by 5 cm, but the backs of the irises are still on the surface. Everything coughes under the snow. "

However, if you have very strong frosts, you can cut down a slightly (by 2-3 cm) to cover with dry peat, humidier, cheese, foliage or agricultural (spunbond), but in no case with a film, otherwise you will strain. And this must be done in October-November, when sustainable freezers begin.

It is worth understanding! In some sources, you can find recommendations that Irises should be mulched for winter with a layer of 8-10 cm, however, it does not make any sense: they are even more forbidden under your mulch than completely naked potatoes will be freezed.

If it is worthwhile to cover the irises for the winter, then only in order to protect them from excess and stagnation of moisture in the early annex period, when the snow starts. In other words, the irises are afraid of overwhelming and dampness, because of which they can simply bend.

So that the bulbs of the irises do not flick and rained from excessive moisture, they follow cover, eg, rubkeroid or slate,after pre-making a frame from boards or bricks.

Video: How and how to cover the irises for the winter

Features of autumn care and preparation for winter bulbous irises

The bulbous irises is less common than corneeling (bearded and bearded). And if you are planted exactly, then the care is somewhat different.

So, some time after flowering (i.e., approximately in June) you will need dig bulbs of irises and put them for storage to a new autumn landing:

And it is very important to do this on time, otherwise because of excessive moisture (rains) they can bend. If, as a rule, dig out after they get leaves, then in the case of bulbous irises you do not need to wait for so long.

  • Optimally get them (bulbs) from the ground approximately 2 weeks after floweringWhen they are just a little raised and start yellowing. As a rule, this moment falls at the end of May - the beginning of June.

Note! Irises can not dig for summer if during this period you (in your climatic zone) are not at all rain, because they need a dry rest period.

  • Next, digs of the bulbs of irises should be disinfect in a pink solution of manganese or any other fungicide (for example, "Maxim Dachnik" or "Fundazole"),
  • Then as it should be dry out (2-3 weeks) and n move on storage In a dry room with good ventilation to new.

Important! As it has already been previously said, each kind of bulbous irises has its own peculiarities of cultivation. So, xifium should be dried at a higher temperature (+ 30-35 degrees), and iridodikioma and Junons - Quite average (+ 20-25 degrees). In the last days of drying, the temperature should be reduced to + 15-18 degrees.

If autumn is issued rainythat the bulbs of the irises do not flick from excessive moisture, they follow cover, eg, rubkeroid, slate or plastic box from under the cake.

If a wINTERS YOU COLD AND DONEthen for winter shelter is suitable pynik and dry leavescan also be covered spanbond. Special In shelter for winter need more heat-loving Junons.

Important! Do not forget early in the spring (immediately after the snow leaves) to remove the shelter.

Well, now you know how to properly care for the iris after flowering, as well as what to do in the fall during preparation for the winter.

ThinkHowever, many people do not agree with the fact that iris generally need some care, but in any case you need to check on your own (experiment) on your bushes.

Opinions of gardeners:

"This weed is even a nuclear winter will survive. Without care, even without watering. "

"Do not do anything, except for trimming the raid bush in the fall. They grow like grass, still try to bring out. "

"The least bother with iris. Only the flowers are glad. And they grow at all without any fertilizer. By the way, the irises are one of the most unpretentious plants. "

"I do not do anything: I do not cut off, I do not clean, I do not feed. And they are thick, grow up and bloom in the forest every year! "

Video: How to prepare irises for wintering (on the example of bearded)

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