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Making a robot manipulator with her own hands. Industrial robot manipulator: I can do everything and I can. Manufacturers of industrial robots manipulators


If you collected the details of the manipulator in accordance with the instructions, you can start assembling electronic circuit. We offer to connect Manipulator servo drives to Arduino Uno via TRERMA-POWER SHIELD, and driving servo using Trema potentiometers.

  • Rotate the pen of the first Trema potentiometer will lead to the turn of the base.
  • The rotation of the handle of the second Trema potentiometer will lead to the rotation of the left shoulder.
  • Rotate the handle of the third Trema potentiometer will lead to the rotation of the right shoulder.
  • The turn of the fourth Trema potentiometer will lead the capture.

In the program code (Sketch) provides protection for servo drives, which lies in the fact that their range of rotation is limited to the interval (two angles) of the free stroke. The minimum and maximum rotation angle are specified as the last two arguments of the MAP () function for each servo. And the value of these angles is determined during the calibration process that must be performed before starting work with the manipulator.

Program code:

If you feed meals, before calibration, the manipulator can start moving inadequately! First do all the calibration steps.

#Include. // Connect the SERVO library to work with Servo Servo1 servo; // We declare the SERVO1 object to work with the Servo Servo2 base servo; // We declare the SERVO2 object to work with the left shoulder servo SERVO SERVO3; // We declare the SERVO3 object to work with the servo drive of the right shoulder SERVO SERVO4; // We declare the SERVO4 object to work with the capture servo int valr1, Valr2, Valr3, Valr4; // declare variables for storing potentiometer values \u200b\u200b// We assign conclusions: const uint8_t pinr1 \u003d a2; // Determine the constant with the output of the potentiometer control. base const uint8_t pinr2 \u003d a3; // Determine the constant with the output of the potentiometer control. left shoulder const uint8_t pinr3 \u003d a4; // Determine the constant with the output of the potentiometer control. right shoulder const uint8_t pinr4 \u003d a5; // Determine the constant with the output of the potentiometer control. capture cons uint8_t pins1 \u003d 10; // Determine the constant with the rendering of the base of the base Const UINT8_T PINS2 \u003d 9; // Determine the constant with the output number of the left shoulder servo CONST UINT8_T PINS3 \u003d 8; // Determine the constant with the rendering No. of the right-hander servo CONST UINT8_T PINS4 \u003d 7; // Determine the constant with the output of the Void setup ( Servo2.attach servo control (PINS2); // Assign ServO2 Object Manage 2 SERVO3.ATTACH (PINS3); // Assign SERVO3 Object Manage 3 SERVO4.ATTACH (PINS4); // Assign SERVO4 Object Management Services 4) Void Loop () (// Loop function code is performed constantly: Valr1 \u003d Map (Analogread (Pinr1), 0, 1024, 10, 170); SERVO1.WRITE (VALR1); // rotate the base indicated in this line angles: 10 and 170 It may be necessary to change (calibrate) Valr2 \u003d Map (AnalogRead (Pinr2), 0, 1024, 80, 170); SERVO2.WRITE (VALR2); // Drive the left shoulders specified in this line of angles: 80 and 170 may need to be changed (calibrate ) Valr3 \u003d Map (Analogread (Pinr3), 0, 1024, 60, 170); SERVO3.WRITE (VALR3) ; // Drive the right shoulders specified in this line of angles: 60 and 170 may need to be changed (calibrate) Valr4 \u003d Map (Analogread (Pinr4), 0, 1024, 40, 70); SERVO4.WRITE (VALR4); // Drive the capture specified in this row: 40 and 70 may need to be changed (calibrate) serial.println ((string) "a1 \u003d" + Valr1 + ", \\ t a2 \u003d" + Valr2 + ", \\ t a3 \u003d" + Valr3 + ", \\ t a4 \u003d" + valr4); // remove the corners into the monitor)


Before you start working with a manipulator, it needs to calibrate!

    Calibration is to indicate the extreme values \u200b\u200bof the rotation angle for each servo, so that the parts do not interfere with their movements.
  • Disconnect all servo drives from Trema-Power Shield, download the sketch and connect the power.
  • Open the serial port monitor.
  • The monitor will display the angles of rotation of each servo (in degrees).
  • Connect the first servo drive (Rotate Rotation) to the D10 output.
  • The turn of the first Trema-potentiometer knob (output A2) will turn to the twist of the first servo drive (output D10), and the monitor will change the value of the current angle of this servo drive (value: a1 \u003d ...). The extreme positions of the first servo drill will lie in the range, from 10 to 170 degrees (as written in the first line of the LOOP code). This range can be changed by replacing the values \u200b\u200bof the last two arguments of the MAP () function in the first line of the LOOP code, on new ones. For example, replacing 170 to 180, you will increase the extreme position of the servo in this direction. And replacing 10 to 20, you reduce the other extreme position of the same servo.
  • If you replaced the values, you need to re-load the sketch. Now the servo will be rotated in the new you specified, the limits.
  • Connect the second servo drive (control of the left shoulder rotation) to the output D9.
  • The turn of the second Trema-potentiometer knob (output A3) will turn to the twist of the second servo (output D9), and the monitor will change the value of the current angle of this servo (value: A2 \u003d ...). The extreme positions of the second servo will lie in the range, from 80 to 170 degrees (as written in the second line of the LOOP Sketch code). This range varies as well as for the first servo.
  • If you replaced the values, you need to re-load the sketch.
  • Connect the third servo (control of the right shoulder rotation) to the output D8. And in the same way, make it calibration.
  • Connect the fourth servo (capture control) to the output D7. And in the same way, make it calibration.

Calibration is enough to execute 1 time after assembling the manipulator. You made changes (limit angles) will be saved in the Sketch file.


We tell about the line of collaborative robots, manipulators Universal Robots.

Universal Robots Company is from Denmark, engaged in the release of collaborative robots - manipulators to automate cyclic production processes. In this article we present their main specifications and consider the applications.

What is it?

The company's products are represented by a ruler of three lightweight industrial manipulation devices with an open kinematic chain:
UR3, UR5, UR10.
All models have 6 movement degrees: 3 portable and 3 orientable. Devices from Universal Robots produce only angular movements.
Robots-manipulators are divided into classes, depending on the maximum allowable payload. Other differences are - the radius of the working area, the weight and diameter of the base.
All UR manipulators are equipped with high precision absolute position sensors that simplify integration with external devices and equipment. Thanks to a compact execution, UR manipulators do not occupy a lot of space and can be installed in work sections or on production lines where ordinary robots are not placed. Characteristics:
Than interestingEasy programming

Specially designed and patented programming technology allows operators that do not speak special skills, quickly adjust the robot-manipulator robots and manage them using intuitive 3D visualization technology. Programming occurs by a series of simple movements of the working body of the manipulator to the necessary positions, or by pressing the arrows in a special program on the tablet.ur3: UR5: UR10: Fast setting

The operator performing the primary launch of the equipment will be required less than an hour for unpacking, mounting and programming the first simple operation. UR3: UR5: UR10: Collaborativeness and security

UR manipulators are able to replace operators performing routine tasks in hazardous and contaminated conditions. The control system conducts accounting for external perturbing effects rendered to the robot manipulator during operation. Due to this, the manipulation systems UR can be operated without protective fences, near the workplaces of the personnel. Robot security systems are approved and certified by TÜV - the Union of Engineering Technical Supervisors.
UR3: UR5: UR10: Diversity of working bodies

At the end of industrial manipulators, the UR provides a standardized mount for the installation of special working bodies. Between the working body and the end link of the manipulator, you can install additional modules of symbol sensors or cameras. Opportunities

With industrial manipulator-manipulators, the UR opens the ability to automate almost all cyclic routine processes. UNIVERSAL ROMOTS devices have proven itself in various applications.


Installation of UR manipulators on the sections of the shock and packaging allows you to increase the accuracy and reduce the shrinkage. Most smoke operation operations can be carried out without supervision. Polishing, buffer, grinding

The built-in sensor system allows you to control the accuracy and uniformity of the applied effort on curvilinear and uneven surfaces.

Injection molding

The high accuracy of the recurring movements allows us to apply UR robots for the processing problems of polymers and injection casting.
CNC machine tools service

The shell protection class provides the ability to install manipulation systems for working together with CNC machines. Packaging and stacking

Traditional automation technologies differ in bulky and high cost. Easily custom robots UR are able to work without protective screens next to employees or without them 24 hours a day, providing high accuracy and performance. Quality control

A robotic manipulator with video cameras is suitable for three-dimensional measurements, which is an additional guarantee of the quality of the products. Assembly

A simple device for fastening the working body allows you to equip robots UR suitable auxiliary mechanisms necessary to build parts from wood, plastic, metal and other materials. Twist

The control system allows you to control the time-developed moment in avoiding excess tightening and providing the required tension. Bonding and welding

The high accuracy of the positioning of the working body makes it possible to reduce the amount of waste when performing gluing operations or applying substances.
Industrial robots - UR manipulators can perform different types Welding: arc, point, ultrasonic and plasma. TOTAL:

Industrial manipulators from Universal Robots are compact, easy, easy to learn and handling. Robots UR - a flexible solution for a wide range of tasks. Manipulators can be programmed to any actions inherent in the movements of the human hand, and the rotational movements they succeed much better. Manipulators are not peculiar to fatigue and fear get injury, no breaks and weekends are needed.
Solutions from Universal Robots allow you to automate any routine process, which increases the speed and quality of production.

Discuss the automation of your production processes using the manipulators of Universal Robots with an official dealer -

This project is a multi-level modular task. The first stage of the project is to build a robotic hand-manipulator module supplied in the form of a set of details. The second stage of the task will be the IBM PC interface assembly is also from the set of parts. Finally, the third stage of the task is to create a voice control module.

A manipulator of the robot can be controlled manually using a manual control panel included in the set. The robot hand can also be controlled either through the IBM PC interface collected from the dial, or using the voice control module. The IBM PC interface set allows you to manage and program the actions of the robot through the IBM PC working computer. The voice control device will allow you to control the robot hand using voice commands.

All these modules together form a functional device that will allow you to conduct experiments and program automated sequences of actions or even "revive" managed completely "on wires" hand-manipulator.

The PC interface will allow you using a personal computer to program the hand-manipulator on the automated action chain or "revive" it. There is also an option in which you can control your hand in interactive mode using either a manual controller or a program under Windows 95/98. The "revival" of the hand is an "entertainment" part of the chain of the programmed automated actions. For example, if you wear a children's glovety doll on the hand-manipsener and program a device to show a small show, then you will program the "revival" of the electronic doll. Programming of automated actions is widely used in industry and entertainment industry.

The most widely used in the industry robot is a robot hand-manipulator. The robot's hand is an exceptionally flexible tool, if only because the final segment of the hand manipulator can be the appropriate tool required for a particular task or production. For example, a hinge welding manipulator can be used for spot welding, with a spray nozzle, you can paint various parts and nodes, and the capture can be used for clamping and installing objects - these are just some examples.

So, as we see, the hand-manipulator of the robot performs a lot of useful functions and can serve an ideal tool To study various processes. However, the creation of a robotic hand-manipulator from "zero" is a complex task. It is much easier to assemble a hand from the details of the finished set. OWI sells fairly good hand-manipulator sets that can be purchased from many distributors. electronic devices (See the list of parts at the end of this chapter). Using the interface, you can connect the collected hand-manipulator to the port of the workflow printer. You can use the IBM PC Series Machine or compatible that supports DOS or Windows 95/98.

After connecting to the computer's printer port, the hand-manipulator can be controlled in an interactive mode or programmatically from the computer. Hand control in interactive mode is very simple. To do this, it is enough to click on one of the function keys to transfer the robot to the command of performing a movement. The second keystroke stops the execution of the command.

Programming the chain of automated actions is also not difficult. First click the Program key to go to the program fashion. In this fashion, the hand functions in the same way as described above, but in addition, each function and its action is fixed in the Script file. The script file may contain up to 99 different functions, including pauses. The Script file itself can be reproduced 99 times. The record of various Script files allows you to perform experiments with a computer-driven sequence of automated actions and "revitalizing" hands. Working with the Windows 95/98 program is described in more detail below. The program under Windows is enabled in a set of a robotic hand-manipulator interface or can be downloaded free from the Internet

In addition to the Windows program, your hand can be controlled using Basic or QBasic. The DOS level program is contained on diskettes included in the interface set. However, the DOS program allows you to control only interactive mode using the keyboard (see printout of the Basic program on one of the diskettes). The DOS level program does not allow creating script files. However, if there is a programming experience on Basic, then the sequence of the hand-manipulator movements can be programmed similarly to the work of the Script file used in the Windows program. The sequence of movements can be repeated, as is done in many "animated" robots.

Robotic hand manipulator

Hand-manipulator (see Fig. 15.1) has three degrees of freedom of movement. The elbow articulation can move vertically up-down arc about 135 °. The shoulder "joint" moves the capture back and forth on an arc of about 120 °. The hand can be rotated on the base clockwise or counterclockwise an angle of about 350 °. Capture the hand of the robot can take and hold objects up to 5 cm in diameter and rotate around in a busy articulation by about 340 °.

Fig. 15.1. Kinematic scheme Robot's movements and turns

To bring a hand in motion, OWI Robotic Arm Trainer used five miniature engines direct current. Engines provide hand control using wires. Such a "wired" management means that each function of the robot movement (i.e., the operation of the corresponding engine) is controlled by separate wires (voltage supply). Each of the five DC motors controls its hand-manipulator movement. Wire control allows you to make a hand controller block directly reacting to electrical signals. This simplifies the robot hand interface scheme that connects to the printer port.

The hand is made of light plastic. Most parts carrying the bulk are also made of plastic. DC motors used in hand structures are miniature high-speed engines with low torque. To increase the torque, each motor is connected to the gearbox. Motors together with gearboxes are set inside the hand-manipulator design. Although the gearbox increases the torque, the hand of the robot cannot raise or carry enough heavy items. The recommended maximum allowable weight when picked up is 130 g.

The set for the manufacture of the hand of the robot and its components are presented in Figures 15.2 and 15.3.

Fig. 15.2. Robot hand making set

Fig. 15.3. Reducer before assembly

Engine management principle

In order to understand the principle of operation of the Wire Management, let's see how the digital signal controls the operation of a separate DC motor. Two complementary transistors are required to control the engine. One transistor has a PNP type conductivity, the other is respectively the conductivity of the NPN type. Each transistor works as an electronic key, controlling the flow of current flowing through the DC motor. The direction of current traffic controlled by each of the transistors are opposite. The current direction determines the direction of rotation of the engine, respectively, clockwise or counterclockwise. In fig. 15.4 A test diagram is given, which you can collect before making an interface. Please note that when both transistors are locked, the engine is turned off. Only one transistor must be enabled at each time. If at some point both transistors will accidentally open, it will lead to a short circuit. Each engine is controlled by two interface transistors working in the same way.

Fig. 15.4. Diagram of the verification device

Interface Construction for PC

The interface PC scheme is shown in Fig. 15.5. The interface PC set includes a printed circuit board, the location of parts on which is shown in Fig. 15.6.

Fig. 15.5. Schematic scheme PC interface

Fig. 15.6. Location of the PC Interface Parts

First of all, you need to define the side of the editing of the printed circuit board. On the installation side, white lines, denoting resistors, transistors, diodes, IP and DB25 connector are stuck. All items are inserted into the board from the mounting side.

Overall Note: After soldering, the parts to the printed circuit board should be removed overly long conclusions from the print side. It is very convenient to follow a certain sequence when installing parts. First, mount the resistors of 100 kΩ (Color marking of the rings: brown, black, yellow, gold or silver), which are indicated by R1-R10. Then, mount 5 D1-D5 diodes, making sure that the black strip on diodes is located opposite the DB25 connector, as shown by white lines applied to the installation side of the printed circuit board. Then mount the resistors 15 kΩ (color marking, brown, green, orange, gold or silver), designated R11 and R13. In position R12, solder the red LED to the board. The anode of the LED corresponds to the hole for R12, indicated by the + sign. Then, mount 14- and 20-pin panels under U1 and U2. Mount and shift the corner-type DB25 connector. Do not attempt to insert the legs of the connector in the fee with an excessive force, it takes exceptionally accuracy. If necessary, gently shake the connector, trying not to drive the legs of the conclusions. Fasten the engine switch and voltage regulator type 7805. Cut four pieces of wire required lengths and solder to the top of the switch. Stick the location of the wires, as shown in the figure. Insert and sweep the TIP 120 and TIP 125 transistors. Finally, blow the eight-contact socket connector and connecting 75 millimeter cable. The base is mounted so that the longest conclusions are watching up. Insert the two IS - 74LS373 and 74LS164 - in the appropriate panels. Make sure the position of the IP key on its lid coincides with the key marked with white lines on the printed circuit board. You could notice that there were places on the board under additional details. This place is intended for a network adapter. In fig. 15.7 shows a photo of the finished interface from the installation side.

Fig. 15.7. PC interface assembly. View from above

Principle of operation of the interface

The hand manipulator has five DC motors. Accordingly, we will need 10 input / output tires to control each engine, including the direction of rotation. Parallel (Printer) IBM PC port and compatible machines contains only eight I / O tes. To increase the number of control tires in the robot hand interface, uses 74LS164, which is a sequential code converter to parallel (SIPO). When using all two tires of the parallel port D0 and D1, which the serial code is sent to IP, we can get eight additional I / O tes. As already mentioned, you can create eight I / O bus, but this interface uses five of them.

When the serial code enters the input of the IC 74LS164, the corresponding parallel code appears at the output. If the outputs of the IC 74LS164 were directly connected to the inputs of control transistors, then the individual functions of the hand-manipulator were turned on and turned off in the tact of sending a serial code. Obviously, such a situation is invalid. To avoid this, the second IP 74LS373 is introduced into the interface scheme - a controlled eight-channel electronic key.

IC 74LS373 The eight-channel key has eight input and eight output tires. Binary information present on the input tires is transmitted to the appropriate IS outputs only if the authorizing signal is filed on the IP. After turning off the resolution signal, the current state of the output tire is maintained (remembered). In this state, the signals at the IP input do not have any action on the state of the output tires.

After transmitting a sequential information package in IC 74LS164 from the output of the parallel port, the allowing signal to IP 74LS373 is supplied. This allows you to transfer information already in parallel code from entering 74LS174 to its output bus. The state of the output tires is controlled according to the TIP 120 transistors, which, in turn, control the hand-manipulator functions. The process is repeated when submitting each new command on the hand-manipulator. Tires of the parallel port D3-D7 control directly by TIP 125 transistors.

Connecting the interface to hand manipulator

Power supply to a robotic hand-manipulator is carried out from the power supply of 6 V, consisting of four D-elements located at the base of the structure. The PC interface is also powered by this source 6. The power source is bipolar and issues a voltage ± 3 V. Power on the interface is supplied through an eight-contact Molex connector attached to the base of the manipulator.

Connect the interface to the hand manipulator using an eight-cable Molex cable 75 mm. The Molex cable is attached to the connector located at the base of the manipulator (see Fig. 15.8). Check the correctness and reliability of the connector insert. To connect the interface board with a computer, a 180 cm long type cable is used in the set. One end of the cable joins the printer port. The other end is connected to the DB25 connector on the interface board.

Fig. 15.8. Connection of the RS interface with a hand-robot

In most cases, the printer is connected to the printer port. In order not to engage and disconnect the connectors each time you want to use a manipulator, it is useful to purchase a two-position switch of the switch of the A / B printers (DB25) switches. Attach the manipulator interface connector to the input A, and the printer - to the input V. Now you can use the switch to connect the computer or with the printer or with the interface.

Installing the program under Windows 95

Insert the diskette 3.5 "with the" Disc 1 "label to the floppy disk drive and run the setup.exe program. The installation program will create a directory named" Images "on the hard disk and copy the necessary files to this directory. In Start The menu will appear icon images. To start the program, click on the Images icon in the start menu.

Working with the program under Windows 95

Connect the interface with the computer printer port using a DB 25 cable with a length of 180 cm. Connect the interface with the base of the hand manipulator. Until a certain time, keep the interface in the off state. If at this time you enable the interface, then the information retained in the printer port can cause the movement of the hand-manipulator.

By clicking two times on the Images icon in the start menu, run the program. The program window is shown in Fig. 15.9. When the program is running, the Red LED on the interface board must flash. Note: In order for the LED to flash, the power supply is not required. The speed of flashing LED is determined by the speed of the processor of your computer. The flickering of the LED may be very dull; In order to notice this, you may have to reduce the illumination in the room and fold the palm of the "ring" to observe the LED. If the LED does not flash, then perhaps the program refers to the erroneous port address (LPT port). To switch the interface to another port address (LPT port), go to the PRINTER PORT OPTIONS BOX, located in the upper right corner of the screen. Select another option. Proper installation Port Addresses will call the LED flashing.

Fig. 15.9. Screenshot of the RS interface program under Windows

When the LED flashes, click on the PUUSE icon and only turn on the interface. Clicking the corresponding function key will cause the hand-manipulator response. Re-clicking will stop traffic. Using the function keys for hand control is called interactive mode management.

Creating a script file

Script files are used to program movements and automated hand-manipulator action sequences. The Script file contains a list of temporary commands controlling the movements of the hand-manipulator. Create a script file is very simple. To create a file, click on the Program function key. This operation will allow you to enter the Script file programming. Pressing the function keys, we will control the movements of the hand, as we have already done, but the information of the commands will be recorded in the yellow script table located in the lower left corner of the screen. The step number starting from the unit will be listed in the left column, and for each new team it will increase by one. The type of movement (function) is specified in the middle column. After re-clicking the function key, the movement stops, and in the third column, the value of the movement from its start to the end appears. Movement time is indicated up to a quarter to a second. Continuing in the same way, the user can program up to 99 movements in the Script file, including pauses in time. Then the Script file can be saved, and then upload from any directory. The execution of the Script file commands can be cyclically repeated to 99 times, for which you want to enter the number of repetitions to the Repeat window and press Start. To end the writing to the Script file, press the Interactive key. This command will translate the computer back to the interactive mode.

"Revival" objects

Script files can be used for computer automation or to "revive" objects. In the case of "revitalization" of objects, a managed robotic mechanical "skeleton" is usually covered with an outer shell and is not visible. Remember the glove duff described at the beginning of the chapter? The outer shell may have a kind of person (partially or completely), the aliens, animal, plants, stone and anything else.

Restrictions on the scope of application

If you want to achieve a professional level of performing automated actions or "revitalizing" items, then, so to speak, to maintain the brand, positioning accuracy when performing movements at each moment of time should approach 100%.

However, you may notice that as the sequence of actions recorded in the Script file can be repeated, the position of the hand-manipulator (pattern movement) will differ from the initial one. This happens for several reasons. As the battery discharge the power source of the hand-manipulator, the power decreased to the DC motors leads to a decrease in torque and rotational speed of the engines. Thus, the length of movement of the manipulator and the height of the raised cargo in the same period of time will differ for the sealing and "fresh" batteries. But the reason is not only in this. Even with a stabilized power source, the engine shaft rotation frequency will change because there is no engine speed regulator. For each fixed segment of time, the number of revolutions will be slightly different every time. This will lead to the fact that each time the position of the hand-manipulator will also differ. To top it all, there is a certain backlash in gears of the gearbox, which is also not taken into account. Under the influence of all these factors, which we reviewed in detail here, when executing a cycle of repeating Script file commands, the position of the hand manipulator will be a bit different every time.

Search for source position

You can improve the operation of the device by adding a feedback scheme that tracks the position of the hand manipulator. This information can be entered into a computer, which will determine the absolute position of the manipulator. With such a positional feedback system, it is possible to install the position of the hand manipulator in the same point at the beginning of the execution of each sequence of commands recorded in the Script file.

For this there are many opportunities. In one of the main methods, position control at each point is not provided. Instead, a set of limit switches, which correspond to the original "starting" position. The limit switches determine exactly only one position - when the manipulator comes to the "Start" position. To do this, you need to set the sequence of the limit switches (buttons) so that they are closed when the manipulator reaches an extreme position in one direction or another direction. For example, one end switch can be installed on the basis of the manipulator. The switch must only work when the hand manipulator reaches the extreme position when rotating clockwise. Other end switches must be installed on the shoulder and elbow articulation. They must work with the full extent of the corresponding articulation. Another switch is installed on the brush and triggers when the brush turns until it stops clockwise. The last terminal switch is installed on the grip and closes when it is fully opening. To put a manipulator to its original position, each possible movement of the manipulator is carried out to the side necessary to close the corresponding terminal switch until this switch is closed. After the initial position is reached for each movement, the computer will definitely "know" the true position of the hand manipulator.

After reaching the initial position, we can re-run the program recorded in the Script file, based on the assumption that positioning error during each cycle will accumulate quite slowly, which will not lead to too large deviations of the position of the manipulator from the desired. After executing the Script file, the hand is set to its original position, and the script file cycle is repeated.

In some sequences, knowledge of only the starting position is insufficient, for example, when picked up an egg without a risk, crush it. In such cases, a more complex and accurate positional feedback system is needed. Signals from sensors can be treated with ADC. The resulting signals can be used to determine the values \u200b\u200bof parameters such as position, pressure, speed and torque. As an illustration, you can bring the following simple example. Imagine that you attached a small linear variable resistor to the grip node. A variable resistor is set in such a way that the movement of its engine back and back is associated with opening and closing the grip. Thus, depending on the degree of opening of the grip, the resistance of an alternating resistor is changing. After calibration, using the measurement of the current resistance of the variable resistor, you can accurately establish an angle for disclosing capture clips.

Creating a similar feedback system introduces another level of complexity in the device and, accordingly, leads to its increase. Therefore, more simple option is the introduction of the system manual control To adjust the position and movements of the hand manipulator during the execution of the Script program.

Manual Interface Management System

After you make sure that the interface works in the right way, you can connect a manual control unit using an 8-pin flat connector. Check the position of connecting the 8-pin Molex connector to the connector head on the interface board, as shown in Fig. 15.10. Gently insert the connector before its reliable connection. After that, the hand-manipulator can be controlled from the manual console at any time. It does not matter if the interface with the computer is connected or not.

Fig. 15.10. Manual control

DOS control program from keyboard

There is a DOS program that allows you to control the work of the hand-manipulator from the computer keyboard in the interactive mode. The list of keys corresponding to the execution of a function is given in the table.

B voice control with hand-manipulator uses a speech recognition (URR), which was described in ch. 7. In this chapter, we will produce an interface that connects Urr with hand-manipulator. This interface is also offered in the form of a set by Images Si, Inc.

The diagram of the URR interface is shown in Fig. 15.11. The interface uses 16F84 microcontroller. The program for the microcontroller looks like this:

'Urr interface program

Symbol porta \u003d 5

SYMBOL TRISA \u003d 133

Symbol portb \u003d 6

SYMBOL TRISB \u003d 134

If Bit4 \u003d 0 Then Trigger 'If the entry into the trigger is allowed, read the scheme

Goto Start 'Repetition

pAUSE 500 'Waiting 0,5 s

PEEK PORTB, B0 'Reading BCD Code

If Bit5 \u003d 1 Then Send 'Output Code

goto Start 'Repetition

peek porta, b0 'port reading a

if Bit4 \u003d 1 Then Eleven 'number is 11?

poke Portb, B0 'Output Code

goto Start 'Repetition

if Bit0 \u003d 0 Then Ten

goto Start 'Repetition

goto Start 'Repetition

Fig. 15.11. Urr controller diagram for hands-robot

Update program under 16f84 You can download free from

Programming the URR interface

Programming URR interface is similar to the programming procedure of URR from the set described in ch. 7. For proper operation of the hand-manipulator, you must program command words according to numbers corresponding to a specific motion of the manipulator. In tab. 15.1 are examples of command words that control the work of the hand manipulator. You can choose command words to your taste.

Table 15.1

List of parts for PC interface

(5) NPN TIP120 transistor

(5) PNP TIP 125 transistor

(1) IP 74164 Code Converter

(1) IP 74LS373 eight keys

(1) Red LED

(5) Diode 1N914

(1) Molex connector socket for 8 contacts

(1) Molex 8-Length Cable 75 mm

(1) two-position switch

(1) Corner Type DB25

(1) Cable DB 25 1.8 m with two M - type connectors.

(1) Printed circuit board

(3) Resistor 15 com, 0.25 W

All listed parts are included in the set.

List of parts for speech recognition interface


(5) PNP TIP 125 transistor

(1) IP 4011 logical element or non

(1) IP 4049 - 6 buffers

(1) IP 741 Operation Amplifier

(1) Resistor 5.6 com, 0.25 W

(1) Resistor 15 com, 0.25 W

(1) Molex 8 Connector Head Parts

(1) Molex 8 cable lived, length 75 mm

(10) 100 com resistor, 0.25 W

(1) Resistor 4.7 com, 0.25 W

(1) IP voltage regulator 7805

(1) Is PIC 16F84 microcontroller

(1) quartz resonator 4.0 MHz

Set of hand-manipulator interface

Set for making hand manipulator OWI

Speech recognition interface for hand-manipulator

Speech recognition device

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Images, Si, Inc.

One of the mains driving power Automation of modern production are industrial robots - manipulators. Their development and implementation made it possible to exit enterprises to a new scientific and technical level of tasks, redistribute the obligations between technology and man, increase productivity. About the types of robotic assistants, their functionality and prices will talk in the article.

Assistant №1 - Robot manipulator

Industry - the foundation of most economies in the world. Among the quality of the goods offered, volumes and pricing depends on income not only separately taken, but also the state budget.

In the light of the active introduction of automated lines and the ubiquitous use of smart techniques, the requirements for the products delivered are increasing. Withstand competition without using automated lines or industrial robots- Yamanipulators today are almost impossible.

How the industrial robot works

The robot manipulator looks like a huge automated "hand" under the control of the electrical control system. There are no pneumatics or hydraulics in the design of the devices, everything is built on the electromechanics. This made it possible to reduce the cost of robots and increase their durability.

Industrial robots can be 4 axial (used for laying and packaging) and 6 axial (for other types of work). In addition, robots are different and depending on the degree of freedom: from 2 to 6. The higher it is, the more accurate the manipulator recreates the movement of the human hand: rotation, movement, compression / rally, sloping, and so on.
The principle of the device is depends on its software and equipping, and if at the beginning of its development the main goal was the liberation of workers from a severe and dangerous type of work, then today the spectrum of the tasks performed significantly increased.

The use of robotic helpers allows you to cope simultaneously with several tasks:

  • reducing the work area and the release of specialists (their experience and knowledge can be used on another site);
  • increasing production;
  • improving product quality;
  • due to the continuity of the process, the production cycle is reduced.

In Japan, China, the USA, Germany in enterprises work minimum staff, the responsibility of which is only controlling the work of manipulators and the quality of manufactured products. It is worth noting that the industrial robot manipulator is not only a functional assistant in mechanical engineering or welding business. Automated devices are presented in a wide range and are used in metallurgy, easy and food Industry. Depending on the needs of the enterprise, you can choose a manipulator corresponding to functional responsibilities and budget.

Types of industrial robots - manipulators

To date, there are about 30 species. robotic hands: from universal models to highly specialized helpers. Depending on the functions performed, the mechanisms of manipulators may differ: for example, it can be welding, cutting, drilling, bending, sorting, styling and packaging of goods.

In contrast to the existing stereotype of the high cost of robotic equipment, each, even a small enterprise, will be able to purchase a similar mechanism. Small universal robots-manipulators with small loading capacity (up to 5kg) ABB, and FanUC will cost from 2 to 4 thousand dollars.
Despite the compactness of the devices, they are able to increase the speed and quality of product processing. Under each robot, a unique software will be written, which exactly coordinates the work of the aggregate.

Top specialized models

Robots welders found their greatest use in mechanical engineering. Due to the fact that devices are able to weld not only smooth parts, but also effectively carry out welding work at an angle, in hard to reach places Install entire automated lines.

A conveyor system is launched, where every robot for a certain time does its part of the work, and after the line begins to move to the next stage. It is not easy to organize such a system with people: none of the employees should be excluded for a second, otherwise the entire production process is knocked down, or marriage appears.

The most common options are welding robots. Their performance and accuracy is 8 times higher than a person. Such models can perform several types of welding: arc or point (depending on the software).

The leaders in this area are the industrial robots-manipulators KUKA. Cost from 5 to 300 thousand dollars (depending on the carrying capacity and functions).

Collectors, movers and packers
Heavy and harmful to human organism Labor caused the emergence of automated helpers in this industry. Robots packers in a matter of minutes prepare the goods to shipment. The cost of such robots up to 4 thousand dollars.

Manufacturers of ABB, KUKA, and Epson offer to use devices for lifting heavy cargo weighing more than 1 ton and transportation from the warehouse to the place of loading.

Manufacturers of industrial robots manipulators

Japan and Germany are considered indisputable leaders in this industry. They account for more than 50% of all robotic techniques. Competed with giants, not easy, however, and in the CIS countries gradually appear their own manufacturers and startups.

KNN Systems. The Ukrainian company is a partner of German KUKA and develops projects for the robotization of welding, milling, plasma cutting and palletization. Thanks to them, the industrial robot can be reconfigured under the new kind Tasks in just one day.

ROZUM ROBOTICS (Belarus). The company's specialists have developed an industrial robot-manipulator PULSE, characterized by its ease and ease of use. The device is suitable for assembly, packaging, gluing and rearrangement of parts. The price of a robot in the area of \u200b\u200b500 dollars.

"Arkodim-Pro" (Russia). Engaged in the release of linear robots - manipulators (moving through linear axes) used for pressure casting under pressure. In addition, Arkodim's robots can work as part of the conveyor system, and perform the functions of a welder or packer.