Repairs Design Furniture

Simple drawings for drinking with a jigsaw. Drinking the jigsaw, the transfer of drawings for the miracle-jigsaw on Faneru. The perfect hobby tool

Other sorts of crafts from plywood and wood, made by craftsmen, are valued very high all over the world, causing universal admiration. Undoubtedly, the carving is creativity and art, but you will certainly be able to master it, putting efforts, and constantly honing your skills. This is the optimal hobby associated with wood and plywood, will require you not too much of free time and equipment, not very expensive. Of course, there is a phewl carving with the help of jigsaws!

Openwork thread

She is rapidly gaining its popularity: to whom I do not want to personally make yourself a great subject of decoration, decorating a housing, furniture, creating an artistic entourage! The carved products of different thicknesses are optimally embedded in many existing decor styles, and we get, for example, frames for photo cards with ornamentation, words, individual letters, curly shelves, made by the jigsaw thread on plywood. In addition, such creativity is an action that is accessible to everyone interested in the process, even a newcomer. You just need to get an idea about how it works. " And you can start to create!

Manual jigsaw work quite just

Video where to start:

Choose this material from a tree for such reasons:

  • moisture resistant;
  • temperature drops do not have a negative impact;
  • rather low cost;
  • easy in learning filling the jigsaw;
  • small weight of products.

It is also necessary to choose the 1st and 2nd grades for crafts. The rest for creativity are not suitable: there are cracks on the surfaces with bitch and chips (except, can be used for internal substrates). More than all suitable for cutting birch plywood (3-10 mm thick).

At this time, this material is divided into a fairly large number of subspecies - each for specific purposes.

  • Specialists and folk masters advise the use of a sheet produced by carbamide formaldehyde. Such material is labeled "FC". This kind of paneur can buy "clean" or - covered, for example, varnish. On the untreated sheets of plywood, it is convenient to carry the drawing for drying the jib.
  • Plywood, marked "FOF", is intended for the production of furniture, and more often produced over 12 millimeters in thickness.
  • The brand "FB" was originally developed as a boating material, therefore the cost of it is high (but if there is an opportunity to use, then it is suitable for drinking with a junk).
  • But the "FSF" masters are not recommended to acquire. Having an attractive form purely externally, it has toxicity, as it is made with the participation of the composition of phenolic resins.

Released Working Materials

Falley Thread Types

It is divided into:

  • Openwork
  • Patterned, on a painted sheet of plywood,
  • Discharge
  • combined method.

What will need additional materials and tools

  • Stencils and drawings with drawings for work. They can come up with themselves or copy on the network.
  • Copied to translate patterns and lines according to the drawing;
  • Glass paper and emery, set of files - for grinding parts;
  • Carpentry (as an option, casein) composition, to glue parts;
  • Transparent varnish - for coating;
  • To do the holes inside the material to make the blade - drill as well as sewn.
  • Before starting work on filling the jigsaw, carefully sew the material with glass paper, and only after translate patterns according to the drawing.
  • The elongated shapes of drawings having narrow elements, translate to the phaneer so that they are located along the fibers of the "face" of the material.

Lobzik artwork: drawing, stencil and work

Get acquainted with devices

Lobzik - toolkit, which is designed for work on different circuits. The device includes a blade equipped with teeth, enough small, to make cuts of work material, practically without forming sowers and chips.


The "founder" of the genus is definitely a manual jig. All ingenious is simple: a metal U-shaped arc, and between the endings stretched the working blade, which is fixed by the clamps. They hold the pinks when working, the tension is also adjustable using them. The handle for convenient work is located with one side of the frame. The tool clamps can be rotated, thereby creating a different plane for carrying out work, providing opportunities for threads on plywood jigsaw high complexity.

  • When creativity, with a manual device, you must observe the maximum accuracy: the design is fragile enough, and with intense pressure, the blade is sometimes rushes, and it must be replaced. Each novice master must be supplied with additional work out.
  • When working the jigsaw, it is convenient to use auxiliary plank: it and the table protects, and solves problems on the convenient location of the blank from plywood.


This device works with electricity. It is a hull, where the mechanism is located, the control handle is located there. The sawing element is located at the bottom of the front of the front. The blade is protected, and it allows you to cut along the contour very smoothly, without deviations. Professional equipment models have many nozzles that greatly facilitate the work process, for example, aligning the edge of the material. Electrolovka blades can also have teeth that differ in forms and sizes. It should be selected according to the material for the filling, so that there is no damage to the plywood sheets during operation.

  • Household jigsaw electric for non-productive purposes, as a rule, low power (from 350 to 500 W). For beginners - this is the most common out of options when you just learn to cut crafts and figures from plywood (usually a small thickness). It is quite safe to work this device, especially when it is equipped with protection.
  • Professional electrolybiz is intended for industrial purposes, has a capacity of more than 700 W, high speed and precision cutting. It can cut sheets with a thickness of more than 10 cm, aluminum, thin steel.

Video: Simple Electrolzik:


Sometimes this device is used for thread. It is a kind of manual instrument species, with the assistance of which in domestic conditions can be performed by a different type of wood and plywood. However, it requires a certain skill to work with it; But the masters, deftly controlled with this equipment, can create the most real highly artistic masterpieces of folk art.

Cooking stencil

Drawings for creative works are of different sizes, depending on the scales of manufactured products. For example, for a shelf or fragment of furniture, a sheet of Watman format A1 should be taken for a bulk toy, and the remaining roll of wallpaper can be approached, and for small figures (type souvenirs), we take office paper (A4 or A3 format).

On the surface of the paper with a marker or pencil applied the contours of the future object, sticking to the specified sizes. Templates are presented in open access in a wide range, choose the appropriate (for beginners, as a rule, not too complicated). And it is possible and come up with your options for drinking the jigsaw and after transfer to the paper basis.

Then we carry out the transfer of images to the surface of the working material (plywood, boards). To do this, cut out the piece of paper, we apply to the plywood and carefully circuit in the contour of the pencil. Lines must be accurate and smooth. If necessary, correct, erased by eraser.

The contours are applied "with the rear" of the material so that there are no remnants of the drawing on the finished form. Internal areas can also be shrinking, so as not to cut an extra piece, thereby designating an inviolable fragment.

Examples of drawings


How to carry out threads on plywood

Working with the device will not be difficult if you properly prepare for the process of creativity.

  • Place to work should have good lighting;
  • The working plane must be protected from damage. You can, for example, lay a plywood sheet or clamp it with a film;
  • All the necessary tools as well as spare blades should be prepared in advance. And you can start.

The first step should begin with the application of the inner circuit of the pattern or drawing. To do this, carry out slots in which the blades of the device will be inserted. Usually, with a cut of large contours, the problem does not occur, but in small residues, the work with a jigsaw from the inside is capable of applying chip, sowing or dissection. You should act very carefully.

Operation electric bison

How to cut a manual logby

  1. Lock a piece of plywood with one hand, the second hold the device for cutting for the handle.
  2. Start moving along the applied circuits, weighing the jigsaw up / down. So should do around the perimeter of the picture.

Manual Lobzik work

As you can see, there is nothing superpower in this work. And you will gain the most real creative hobby, learning how to manage these devices.

How to cut puffer pubesy

Drinking electrical or manual jigsaw on plywood - the process is undoubtedly creative. And you can personally create decorative products of various directions: from fabulous characters from cartoons for children to decorations for furniture and home.

Stock Foto Gallery of examples of work

One of the most luxurious, which are valued for originality and manual work, rightly are considered to be products made in the form of a wood thread. From a long time, with the help of this type of art, we created unsurpassed decorated termes and huts.
Some of them are considered to be architecture monuments. This art begins to revive in the modern world. Excellent helpers in this case are stencils for wood thread.

In contact with

What is the stencil

To begin with, let's try to figure out what stencils for wood work. These are special, with the help of which elements of the patterns on the wood surface are applied.

They are much simplify the repetition of identical characters And allow you to speed up the work. For example, the most popular stencil for the samples for platbands.

With their help, quite complicated work on interior design and facade are performed.

Stencils are divided into destination to create interior elements:

  • ribbon carved ornament;
  • carved platbands;
  • pilasters;
  • towels;
  • carved balusters and so on.

All varieties are considered professional templates. On them you can create multiple ornaments for wood thread Volumetric nature and significantly facilitate the task that is set before the master. No need to create them yourself. On the Internet pages you can find and download the option.

Prices for Wood Thread Sets

tree thread kits

How to choose stencil

Figures for wood thread are so diverse that they can be used as novice masters and high professionals. With their help, simple ornaments are created, and works of high-level art.

The main thing is to correctly make a choice. To do this, you need to follow certain rules:

  • if the cutters began to use quite recently, then do not choose intricate ornamentsbecause it is quite difficult for them, and you can spoil the workpiece;
  • for each type of wood thread, they choose their stencil;
  • before starting work, you must apply a drawing on a stencil on the workpiece, the lines must be neat and clear.

Find stencils today is easy. This can be done using electronic libraries.

Each decorator will appreciate the convenience and rich selection of this source. Here you can choose drawings from the past era, and modern masterpieces.

Performing a choice required measure the dimensions of the workpiece and directly image.

You also need to choose a sample that will be appropriate to look at the interior element. We draw attention to the nuances:

  • for a large product, you do not need to choose a stencil with small elements or openwork patterns;
  • for small items, stencils with large drawings are inappropriate;
  • it is always necessary to observe the proportions.

All these tips concern any drawings.

Types of wood thread

Wood carving does not have a narrow direction, on the contrary, it has several varieties:

  • slit;
  • flatterene;
  • relief.

Clear thread on plywood

The key to success when performing a rubber thread is the right choice of ornament. Thanks to him, the plywood carving sets the overall concept and gives aesthetics.

Figures and ornaments on floral or animalistic topics are standard classic style representatives and suit for any direction in the interior.

Very often used promotional inscriptions. In this case, ready-made stencils are difficult to find, as they are created individually for each case. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to withstand the size, font style, and the word set is always different.

Important! It is quite different about the patterns of plant, animal and fantasy style. Many options for this topic can be found on the Internet. Some options are presented in the photo below.

Wood carving

The house is the main focus of the execution of the BAS, which is very common in the Nizhny Novgorod region. It is she who boasts various lace patterns. For self-execution, select the corresponding sketches.

The main condition of the house thread is to avoid small details. They will be lured on the facade of the house, and they will last not long.

Variants of the house thread can be selected on wood thread sites. But there are wizards that can execute a template under the order. In this case, you can realize my idea and get the original pattern.

Attention!Patterns for the house thread are applied using ribbon stencils.

Through carving

A distinctive feature of through thread is complete timber removal From the inside of the picture.

Through carving happens different styles:

  • a simple, in which the elements on the contour of the pattern are cut;
  • openwork when the drawing is created with a surround effect due to the different level cutting.

With the help of through threads, frames, various linings, door canvases, decoration elements are manufactured.

East-style through carving is performed by jigsaw.

Putting the logs

Lobzik drinking is mainly carried out on plywood. To fulfill quality work, you must have at least the slightest experience with the tool. Also an important factor is the presence of an original stencil image with the image of animals.

Frequently used stencils:

  • pair swans;
  • head of deer, wolf;
  • cockerels on the spoke;
  • horse inserting on the hind legs;
  • butterflies.

It all depends on the style of the interior, which must be supplemented with decorative elements. Find examples of templates can be easily on the Internet pages.

The most suitable sawmill material - birch plywood with a thickness of 3-10 mm. In addition, it is necessary to prepare for work:

  • copy paper for interruption of the pattern;
  • special paper for grinding parts;
  • joiner adhesive for connecting parts;
  • transparent varnish for making a decent appearance.

Before starting work, the workpiece is thoroughly grinding with glass paper, only then begin to carry the drawing.

Floral ornament

Often vegetable or deciduous patterns are performed in the form of strips or border, consisting of repetitive ornaments. Can be performed in an individual composition that contains an image trees, fruiting plants, various floral elements etc.

Work is performed in various ways:

  • mapping in naturalistic form;
  • simplified vegetable elements.

The floral ornament for cutting the tree is in its popularity in second place after the geometric pattern. Favorite thematic elements at all times - lilies, grape leaves and berries, oak, hops, ivy, and so on.

Sketches for patterns

For its topics, stencils for carving on wood are quite diverse. Some of their options are used in a narrow direction, and some can be found on any elements of the interior.

We give several sketches, which can be used for a specific purpose:

  1. Wooden Pattern serves to decorate the facade of houses. It looks perfectly both on the doors and on the walls.
  2. Cutting of artistic style is used to decorate dishes and furniture.
  3. Especially in honor of the product made using intricate openwork cutting. Most often it is used for household items.

Important!A properly selected sketch will help perform a carving of the tree quickly and gently.

Useful video: Templates for wood thread

For each type of cutting there is its own processing technology, detailed elements are withstanding. In some cases, several techniques are simultaneously used, which are subsequently transformed into a volumetric cloth with the presence of the smallest fragments. This characterizes this wizard.

All photos from the article

According to historical data, the mass production of plywood dates from the beginning of the nineteenth century. And since this material at that time was made exclusively for decorating and the production of furniture, almost simultaneously appeared such a kind of crafts as with his own hands.

For more than 2 centuries, this type of art has not lost its relevance. It is loved for the simplicity and final product of decent quality.

By and large, anyone wishing independently of gender and age can deal with this type of art. A huge advantage is the lack of serious financial investments.

In addition to the big one, you need only a sheet of plywood, the lobzik himself and stencils or, as they are also called the masters, drawings for the artwork drinking with a padzik from plywood.

Preparation for work

Despite the seeming simplicity of a similar type of creativity, it should be seriously treated. Success here largely depends on how carefully you prepare. Namely select and handle the plywood sheet and select the appropriate for your product drawings that you can cut off the jigsaw of plywood.

Choosing a quality sheet

Now Plywood is divided into many species, each of them was developed under certain purposes. And oddly it will sound, not every material is safe to work safely.

Speaking of artistic cutting, it should be remembered that during work you will be unwilling to breathe small dust and evaporation from plywood, and at the moment they are not always safe.

  • Cast masters prefer to work with sheets made on the basis of carbamide formaldehyde compositions, they can be easily recognized on the first literals of the "FC" labeling. Such plywood can already go with a decorative coating type of varnish or have a clean "shirt." In the latter case, the sheet is more convenient to apply drawings for drinking with a manual jib of plywood;
  • Sheets that have labeling "FOF" are focused on furniture production and are often sufficiently safe. But they have another minus, they most often belong to and have a thickness of more than 12 mm;

  • The "FB" brand was developed as a plywood for the construction or finishing of various kinds of boats and yachts, so the price of such a material is too far from democratic, although this plywood is also safe;
  • What exactly should not be associated with, so it's with FSF plywood. No matter how beautiful it looked, it should be clearly remembered, with its production of high phenol content, which is considered to be one of the serious and fairly poisonous carcinogen.

Important: For artwork, especially for cutting, the jigsik is extremely not recommended to take sheets on which there are swirls in the upper shirt. When working, they will fall out.

Let us turn to the drawings

Make the easiest way out, for example, animal drawings for drinking with a manual jigsaw of plywood, it is used to use sweater materials and a simple copy. Everyone in the house there is a mass of printed material like old postcards with birds, fish and other grains.

A pre-harvested copied copper is superimposed on the prepared and ground sheet, the image or photo of the false little animals is superimposed on top of it, and is fixed by the stationery buttons (now for this purpose you can use tape). After that, you will remain clearly circling the contour of the image.

IMPORTANT: Do not worry about the movie is blocked with a blank sheet, while you will urge your drawings for firing feeding with plywesk. After the workpiece is cut, it will be necessary to grind it in any case, in the process of such treatment, all pollution will be removed.

Do not immediately take on complex highly artistic products with thin fragments. For an inexperienced wizard, it will be difficult to treat small details without damaging them with a careless pressure.

If there are children next to you, it is better to use, for example, simple drawings for drinking the jigsaw of a plywood machine or make a cutting board. Thus, you will not only get elementary skills of work, but also please babies.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget that professional drawings of the box of plywood plywood for pipes are loaded, necessarily contain fasteners that are part of the common plate. Therefore, it is better to start here with cutting inner cavities and fragments.

If you lack the selection of images from a home archive, we advise you to turn to the finished selection. Now such stencils are used not only for cutting on plywood, but still a number of art crafts take them as a basis, so you will not be much difficult to buy such sets in stationery stores, and sometimes even in underground transitions.

Advanced users who have a good printer at home can download one of the common graphic programs to the computer and use it to create professional author works.

The process of cutting products

Special attention should be paid to the preparation of the jigsaw. As mentioned, it is better to start with a manual option. The price for a similar tool and instructions for working with it are available almost to everyone. A couple of dozen years ago, such works were included in the mandatory program of labor learning for boys in schools.

Initially, it should be competently fixing the cutting canvas. The teeth of the canvas should look only downward, towards the handle. At first, one of the edges of the canvas is reliably clamped, after which the second end of the jigsaw slightly at 10-15 mm is compressed and the opposite edge of the canvas is fixed. You do not need to do too much stretch, can burst when working.

Supercking from plywood publs in drawings is a fascinating lesson for Handmade lovers. Openwork products can be decorated with furniture, interior, making wall panels, caskets, etc.

The work is performed both manual and electric jigsaw. You need to cook free space at the table or workbench, purchase the necessary materials and, most importantly, prepare a template, draw a drawing or make a drawing.

Consider in the article in more detail, how to drink from plywood plywich according to drawings, how to carry the template on Phaneru correctly, as they pick up a high-quality workpiece.

Materials for work

  • Plywood without bitch of good quality thickness from 3 to 5 mm.
  • The sandpaper two types of grain grain is small and large. In order for the layers to be cleaned evenly, it is necessary to put a rectangular plate during grinding.
  • Lobzik manual or electric. If when drinking from plywood, the drawing is thin, the drawing is fine, with turns, with a radius less than 2.5 cm, then it is better to use a hand tool to not spoil the pattern.
  • Morilka (optional).
  • Varnish. It is best to use acrylic, it does not smell and dries quickly.
  • Drill. It will take in order to make a hole for the jigsaw millet.

How to make a template?

If you do not know how to draw, but there is a desire to drink from plywood pubesy, the drawings can be taken on numerous Internet sites. It is necessary to find the necessary ornament or drawing and print it in a variety.

Tolerate the template on the phaneer only after it is thoroughly processing, a ball handle or a simple pencil of medium hardness is used to apply. Some use a copy.

Then the drawing is carefully displayed on the plywood, all irregularities are adjusted.

Plywood preparation

Before starting work on drinking a manual jigsaw of plywood according to drawings, you must first prepare the basis. First, for convenience, the necessary size cut the desired, applying a template to a sheet of plywood.

After the desired size is prepared, pass the surface. At first, the plywood sheet needs to be treated with large emery paper, will suit №120. Then wipe the surface with dry rag. Further, the material is polished with shallow sandpaper, for example, No. 80. Shake dust only with a dry cloth.

Beginning of work

After the surface of plywood acquires a flat structure, transfer the pattern by the template. To start drinking with a jigsaw, you need to make a hole for a drill saw. By inserting the pink, fasten it well from two sides of the hand jigsaw. If the tool is used electrical, then the jigscription must be fixed on a special rack so that it does not vibrate and detect flat lines.

Work does not rush, neatly, observing safety equipment.

When the entire drawing is cut, polish the internal side sections.

Final stage

To the picture or part of the furniture acquired a finished look and preserved longer, it is necessary to handle it with varnish. If you want to give some other shade of the product, then first apply the veil, and after drying - varnish. After applying the first layer of varnish, you need to give it a good dry, then handle the surface with small emery paper, as the lacquer can raise a pile on plywood. The last final layer of varnish is applied after wiping the product with dry rag.

Recently, there has been a revival of the widespread segments of the population to drink a jigsaw on a tree. A painstaking occupation requiring complete concentration, schoolchildren and academicians, bankers and investigators are engaged. To create a "wooden lace", an expensive tool and equipment is not required, at the same time drinking allows you to switch attention to the time and slow down the rabid pace of life, give rest to the tired brain. To acquire drunk padding skills on a tree, you need patience and perfection.

Basic skills of figure cutting

The main tool for drinking on a tree is a hand-made jigsaw, consisting of a arc-shaped or p-shaped holder, stretched between its ends of a metal peel and handle. Most of the pylons are flat and equipped with one side with teeth, but filamentous canvas with diamond spraying are used.

Dumping the junk does not seem from such a complex and mysterious case, such as welding. So it is in fact: the basic skills of figure cutting can be purchased in a few hours, turning several plywood and pylons.

But in order to master the nuances of drinking with a jigsaw on a tree and start creating, it will take a long evening extinguishing skill. Openwork drinking demands from its masters of an exact eye, hard hand and tremendous patience.

Features of working with an electric bike

On the device, the electrolybiz is very different from his manual relative. The pink is fixed only on the one hand, so it is several times thicker manual, instead of a thin arc of the holder - a massive case with an electric motor and a gearbox.

The electrolovka provides many times greater performance than a hand-made jigsaw for drinking, pay for it is a large weight, strong vibration and reduced accuracy of cutting when performing curvilinear saws.

The unit allows you to quickly make a cut in direct or by a line curve with large radius.

The best result for art filling with a jigscomer gives a combination of a manual and electric document. Particularly thin details of the drawing and rounding of a small radius, of course, must be entrusted with the manual jigsaw.

An ordinary household or professional electrolovik is little suitable for drinking. His appointment is construction work, and the sawing by an electrolybiz complex drawings will lead to quick fatigue due to the high weight and to the damage of the material.

However, there are also ribbon electroballs - the canvas is clamped on both sides in them, the material relies on a massive wide desktop and the design of the holder from the manual jigsion is viewed. This semi-professional device can be achieved even greater cut accuracy than a hand tool. But it is worth this miracle unit, respectively.

Putting a body

In each profession, for each typical operation, there is an optimal posture of the posture or a set of poses in terms of ergonomics. It is clearly visible to the work zone, it does not have to make extra movements, it is convenient to cut, and the fatigue is minimal.

For drinking the jigsaw, it is recommended that the position is recommended at the desktop on a fairly high chair so that the back is not bent. To unload the work hand, it is often resting with the elbow in the knee. So the hand will not be on the weight and less to get tired. It is only necessary to ensure that the knee does not appear. The workspace should not be cluttered with trimming of the material that is currently unused tool and snap. Sketch of the pattern or assembly drawing should be fixed in the vertical tablet at eye level.

Dropping Material - Plywood

Beautiful product is difficult to create from garbage. To the choice of material it is necessary to relate quite carefully.

The plywood sheet for art sawning by the jigsik must satisfy a number of conditions:

  • The thickness of the sheet must be appropriate. For artistic creativity, it is better to take a thin sheet (up to five millimeters), and for the production of figure parts of the furniture, the thickness of 1-2 centimeters is more suitable.
  • The color of plywood veneer is important if you are going to cover the product with a transparent varnish. In case of opaque paint or varnish, and machining the color is not important.
  • Humidity can lead to a frequent "felt" and breakdown of the pylon. The material must be succeeded to 40-65%.
  • Common quality. If it is planned not to build a chicken coop, and artistic creativity, then the variety should be the highest or first.
  • No bitch and spots of another color.
  • The absence of swirling, hollow or bombarded resin.
  • No veneer bundles.

As a test for determining the quality of the plywood sizing, a narrow strip of 1-2 cm wide is completely spilled. If it does not smell and did not crumble - plywood is suitable for drinking.

Tool for work

It will take the following tool and consumables:

  • Hand jigsaw. This is the main tool of the artist
  • Shilo or drill with a 2-3 mm drill - to do the initial openings when executing closed contours.
  • A set of stuffs and legs from the drake to velvet and sandpaper for the alignment of the edges.
  • Electric jigsaw for pre-cutting material and performing long-cuts of small curvature.
  • Handmade plumbing tool - Passatia, hammer, mall.
  • Desktop with vice, clamps. The table must be equipped with a platform for drinking 20 × 30 cm, a rectangular shape with a cut, converging at a sharp angle to the hole with a diameter of 3-5 cm.
  • Pencil and thin sequel to transfer the sketch to the material.
  • A set of replaceable pylons for an electric lobby, for straight, curvilinear and high-speed cut.
  • Many, a lot of replaceable pylons for manual jigsaw.

Perhaps, the pylons for manual jigsaw will be twice as much - at the initial stage of training it will be the most consumable material.

Drinking technology

The technology itself is simple, but it will take a sufficient skill in each operation.

The process is divided into preparatory operations, basic operations and final.


The care of preparation largely determines the convenience of work and the quality of the final result.

So, at this stage it follows:

  • Carefully inspect the selected piece of plywood and make sure there are no stains, bitch, blooms and stratum veneer.
  • Check the dryness of the material by making a trial cut in 1 centimeter from the edge
  • Scotch tape or buttons to attach to the plywood sketch of the pattern.
  • In key points of drawing, principles and ends of lines, places of their intersections, etc. Make punctures with a thin sharp seer.
  • If the ornament is complex, then it will be possible to get confused in the mezing points. In this case, the sketch is put in copy paper and the contour of the pattern with a solid or medium pencil, carrying its lines on the Faneru.
  • Removed after drinking the zone should immediately shave with a pencil on the plywood, so as not to get confused later.

Important! Orient the drawing on a sheet of plywood should be so that most of the propils moved perpendicular to the direction of the fiber veneer fibers - it will make it easier.

Basic operations

Upon completion of the preparatory operations, you can proceed to discharge itself.

If you have not enough experiences yet, it is better to start with simple drawings and contours - cut off, for example, a house with a window and a pipe from a children's drawing. The battle of Chinese dragons will hardly work out the first time.

First, you should cut the outline of the future product, then you need to drill starting holes for inner contours.

Important! All holes are better to drill in advance, because as it druits a part of a part of the workpiece will lose strength and can break during drilling.

Start mastering the skill is better with a simple operation - straight cut. This follows:

  • Paste into a drilled starting hole Pillet for manual jigsaw. The teeth should be directed from the holder arc and to the handle.
  • Pull with a knob with a knob with a handle side, stretch it so that it does not rattle when picking, and tighten the second screw. The degree of tension of the policy is determined by flexing the holder arc.
  • Put the Fanoire on the pad, press her left hand and, moving the jigsaw behind the handle up and down, start cutting. As it moves along the cutting line to file the workpiece under the saw so that the jigsik remained in place.
  • In order not to get back from a straight line, you can put the guide bar on the workbench.

Drink several squares and rectangles to secure the skill of the straight cut.

The next operation that needs to be mastered is a curvilinear cut, or actively fideling:

  • Fasten the canvas as well as in the case of straight cut.
  • Put the plywood with a clearly drawn contour on the work site.
  • Start cut by slow movements, feeding and turning the workpiece with your left hand so that the canvas did not go beyond the boundaries of the contour line.
  • If propyl deviated from the line, you should stop the rotation and side feed and a short direct feedback to return the web to the line.

The first circle will most likely resemble a gear. It is not necessary to despair, only the genius of the Renaissance Florentine Jotto could draw the perfect circumference with one hand movement, and even Leonardo da Vinci himself used a circulation for this. On the fifth or sixth circumference, your hand will become harder, and the teeth of your gear is completely imperceptible.

In a similar way all patterns are performed, including stupid angles. The sharp corners are cut off by two cuts converging to the top, otherwise, most likely, the tip of plywood in the top of the corner will have interference and everyone will have to start first.

Finishing operations

After all the patterns of the drawing are drinking, all edges should be processed first with a file, then supfil and, finally, fine sandpaper. Even the most experienced master can not make the edges of all the cuts perfectly smooth. During the training to wave a file and sow the skin will have to be pretty, pretty.

Further, in accordance with your chosen finishing type, the plywood is covered with a veneer, paint or lacquer. Lacrification is also a rather laborious process, it makes sense to resort to it when your works will come out of a number of student crafts and start acquiring aesthetic value.

Safety technique

  • Use only a good tool. Before starting work, it should be inspecting it for the absence of mechanical damage and insulation disorders.
  • Do not try to cut a broken blade, especially on the electrolovka. A penny blade is not worth your injury and treatment.
  • An individual protection means should be applied: glasses or transparent facial shield, gloves, respirator.
  • When operating an electroller, secure the workpiece of the clamp and hold the jigsaw firmly with two hands. If it fails to consolidate it - call the assistant, also by providing it with the means of individual protection.
  • When working with flammable liquids, the use of open fire and electric heating devices of an open type is closer than 5 meters from the place of work.
  • In the workplace should ensure good ventilation and removal of dust and vapors of verses and paints and varnishes.

Protective glasses are required even when having a manual jigsaw, despite the low cutting speed and no electric drive. When a tightly stretched leg breaks - and this is inevitably even from the experienced master - it can be spilled far enough to get into the eye.

What jigscription to choose

In order for the hobby to deliver joy and did not accountever every five minutes, something to correct and twisted, follows with all attention and responsibility to approach the choice of the instrument.

Despite the seeming simplicity of the design, the manual jigsik has many nuances that need to be considered when buying.

  • Frame material. It is better to postpone towards the jigsaw of the band metal. They are prone to twisting and throw the cloth during the cut. The frame from the metal tube is deprived of this shortage, it is perfectly holding the form and is also noticeably easier.
  • Lever. Be sure to check how firmly the handle is attached to the frame. If it will constantly jump, the process of pleasure will turn into torment. Over time, the sawdust wizard is changed by a cylindrical handle, turned out to the lathe, on an individual, carved from soft wood, taking into account the anatomical features of his hand.
  • Clamps. Reliable retention of the pink in the process of cutting - the question is not only a convenience, but also safety. The platforms of a good clamp are supplied with perpendicular to each other systems of notches for guaranteed to hold the shanks of the canvas.
  • Paras of clamps must have broad, high and comfortable ears. Avoid lambs marked from sheet metal or immediately replace them on high lamb nuts with the same thread.

How to prepare a tool for work

The pink in the frame should be clamped without distortion, strictly perpendicular to its ends, leaving the back into the clamp screws. Teeth saws should be directed from the frame. The canvas should be tightly taut, so as to exclude vibration during operation. The masters with sufficiently long and strong fingers are compressed for this frame with hand. If it does not work, you can over the end of the frame to the table, after which the lambs are tightened. For the reliability of the fixation, you can trust the lambs with parats. At this moment you need to be careful not to damage the thread

The straightened frame ensures proper web tension. It is also unacceptable and dragging the pink. Increased voltage leads to rapid wear and breakdown. The tips of the canvas should not oppose the clamps more than a couple of millimeters.

To perform small parts, complex chimptine elements and sharp turns are used thin saws with small teeth and a small step. They are better to turn turns, leave neat sleep, do not rock to Fan. For long rectilinear propilov, take the cloth to the sewn with the keys of bigger. The accuracy and quality of the surface of the spike will be worse, but the speed will increase several times.

What to do if the pink is hired

Pecking sometimes happens even at an experienced master. Beginners, unfortunately, is the usual phenomenon.

We list the main reasons for the hotels and ways to eliminate them:

  • Overheating of the canvas. It occurs with long-term intensive work by friction of metal about the tree (sometimes even smoke can even go). It is necessary to give the canvas to cool, reduce the intensity of sawing or pick up a more suitable for this type and the length of the pylon was cut. You can also wipe the drink with a damp cloth.
  • Billet defects - extraneous inclusion, bunch, glue clot. Reduce speed or replace the workpiece.
  • Skew frame. Meets from beginners. Straighten the frame and carefully monitor its position.
  • Clip almost separated plywood stripes with long-length propils. Ends can be copped with a clamp or just a clothespin.

How to deal with chicks

The frequency of the appearance and dimensions of the chips are determined:

  • material quality;
  • quality of the Pink;
  • compliance of the parameters of the web material and the type of cut;
  • individual sawmills.

There are several techniques that reduce the amount and sizes of chips:

  • If low quality plywood, you should take a pylon with teeth in bed and saw quickly.
  • Apply the feeder with reverse, or reverse location of the teeth.
  • Slide the cut line with a painting ribbon or scotch.
  • Wash the reverse side of the plywood.

Transferring a scheme for a wooden billet

There are various ways to carry out the drawings sketch for drinking by the jigsaw on Faneru:

  • Shaul Key Points Drawing Sillar and Connect Holes on Pencil Fannesh. Suitable for the simplest drawings.
  • Scheme for drinking toys-motorcycle

    Choice of blade

    Of the variety of options, at the stage of training and the start of independent work, it is worth choosing the pilling No. 3, No. 5 and No. 7, with a small teeth and, accordingly, with a large number of inch teeth (TPI marking parameter). Saw they will be slower, but control over the web to hold will be much easier. As you have a set of experience, you can go on a more high-speed and "weak" pecks

    Also at the initial stage it is better to avoid pylons with a reversing location of the teeth. Without a sufficient skill, such a web will pull the blank up, and the cutting process will be slow and tedious.

    We wish you success in mastering a fascinating and interesting hobby - sawn by hand pubsy.