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Rhododendron landing and care. Garden Rhododendron: landing and caring for shrubs in open soil. Video: How to plant Rhododendrons

Rhododendron - Plant of the family of herase. It is found in the form of precipitating shrubs and trees. This genus includes more than 1000 varieties. The name Rhododendron is translated as a pink tree or tree. So it was nicknamed for beautiful, large flowers, similar to the bouquets of roses, which bloom all spring.

In the natural environment, the plant is found on the slopes of the mountains, in the coastal zone of the seas, rivers, oceans. Branches with smooth bark or pubescent.


Flowers are a variety of shape, bell, tubular, funnel, terry. Large and small inflorescences in color can be white, purple, pink, yellow. Some species have a pleasant fragrance.

Divided into groups:

  • Falls - one of the favorite plants at the gardeners, unpretentious to climate and soil, calmly tolerate the winter. Flowers in spring and autumn.
  • Semi-estate - these shrubs are not high, calmly carry the winter under the layer of snow. In winter, a part of the leaves falls, at the ends of the branches there is a leaning slingshot, from which new leaves grow in the future. The bush releases a lot of flowers.
  • Evergreen - High shrubs reaching a height of 2-5 m. In winter, there are dark, dense foliage. Flowers large blossoms of different colors. Plants grow well in places under high trees, receiving scattered shadow from them, in peat grounds.

Detailed description, landing and care rules Let us later in the article.

Appearance description

Inside the flower ripen in the boxes of seeds.

The leaves are dense, oval shape, are located on the cutters.

The root system is located on the surface and consists of numerous urine roots. This feature makes it easy to replant the plant.

Shrub is one of their first spring honeycomb.

Care and cultivation


For planting a plant in an open soil, choose a place with a scattered light, protected from wind, long saving moisture.

Such a place can be found in the shadow of higher trees and shrubs. Preferably, the neighborhood with those plants, the root system of which grows deep into, is oak, pine, apple tree, pear.

Soil looser is not included in rhododendron care events. Since the root system has their confused, thin hairs, growing superficially.

It is better to inspire the soil! And the weeds are deleted manually.

The soil

The soil should be loose, well-fertilized by organic substances, with well sour pH.

To acidify the soil, you can apply the finished mixture for the heather plants. You can acidify with peat.

Using "Mikariza" for heather plants, the root system will feed the symbiotic mushrooms that are included in its composition.

Then the plant will always have a favorable growth, no matter what pH of the soil.


For active growth, shrubs require additional nutrition. The feeder begin to apply from April to August. Make dosage portions, evenly.

The insufficiency of mineral substances in the plant can be determined by some signs:

  • The fabric of leaves between the streaks is yellowing - the lack of potassium.
  • The leaf remains green, and the places near the residences are yellowing - the lack of iron.

With weak flowering and pallor of the leaves, ammonium sulphate is used. It is used in the spring-summer period.

In the fall, the soil of potassium sulfate is acidified, which will help plants will prepare for wintering.

For active buildup of flower buds and longer flowering time, granulated superphosphate is poured on the moistage soil.

In specialized stores you can buy ready-made mineral complexes for rhododendrons. They contain macro and trace elements.


Rhododendron moisture-loving plant, but everything should be in moderation.

In order to prevent the root rotting, the watering time is determined by fading leaves.

Also, the shrub loves the surface spraying of foliage.


In the spring, cut dry, frozen branches.

Pruning will give the appearance of new shoots, removing sore branches, shape the decorativeness of the bush.

After flowering, the blonded inflorescences are removed. They are carefully climbed by hand, imitating natural appeal.

Artificially removing inflorescences will help shrubs to gain strength and next year it will give more abundant flowering.

Preparation for winter

Rhododendron frost-resistant plant. But if the winter is honest and frosty, it is better to cover the soil with dry foliage, peat, needles.

The easiest winter tolerate leaves, azaleas and Finnish varieties, Haag and Helsinki are transferred.

Japanese Rhododendrons need to be covered for the winter.

The entire bush is wrapped in a piece of film, are well covered at the base of the bush to save root neck.

Also, the material is used for wrapped. They wrap a bush 2-3 times and fixed firmly.

You can insulate the bushes with spruce branches, covering the bush at the base, it will create a natural protection, and the fallen snow will serve as warm coat.


Rhododendron reproduce: seeds, grains, seeds.

  1. Seeds

In the prepared soil from peat and sand, seeds are sulking, sprinkled with a light layer of sand.

From above are covered with transparent film or glass, creating the effect of the greenhouse.

As the soil is drying, the soil is watered and ventilated.

Shoots appear in about a month.

When the first two leaves appear, the plants are cleared at a distance of each other by 3-5 cm. For spacious root formation.

Young seedlings contain during the year in a cooling temperature in a cool temperature.

A year later, they are ready to transplant in open.

Blossom comes only for 5-8 years.

  1. Digging

Reproduction with gangs, most popular at gardeners.

Sleep a shallow pocket in advance. The lowest escape is placed in the groove and sprinkle the earth with peat. The top of the branch is left outside and fixed to an in-depth peg.

Observe moderate watering.

After rooting, dig and transplant to a permanent place.

  1. Cherenca

In the fall, cuttings of semi-chopped shoots are cut. 6-10 cm long.

The lower leaves are cut and placed in a solution with a stimulant of root growth per day.

Sit into container with mixed peat and sand.

Cover with transparent film. Regularly ventilated and watered.

Falls are rooted quickly, up to 2 months. Evergreen up to 4 months.

In winter, the boxes are left indoors at a temperature of + 10 ° C., + 15 ° C.

In the spring, transplanted on a permanent place with the box.

Features of growing in the Urals and in Siberia

For rhododendron cultivation in the cold regions of Russia, it is necessary to correctly pick up a frost-resistant variety.

Fall grades are suitable:

Kamchatsky, Yellow, Phukan, Shlippenbach.

Evergreen varieties:

Abraham Lincoln, Hybrids Like, Gabriel.

Finnish varieties:

Hague, Elvira, Spice Lightts.

If the soil is very clay, it is necessary to add a layer of broken brick to the bottom of the pits.

The bushes are planted at a distance of 1 m. From each other. Divide into the pit, the size of which exceeds the container with a plant by 2 times.

The root neck of the bush leaves on the same level with the ground.

Frequent autumn precipitates cause mass growth of shoots that are killed with the onset of cold weather.

After performing the procedure for spraying the bush in potassium monophosphate, it is possible to avoid late shoots of shoots and contribute to laying the flower bouquets of the next spring.

After spraying, the entire period of rest, the shrub no longer watered!

For the winter, the bushes are wrapped with a special film, skeleton shelter. Top tested with a rope, preventing from cold wind.

Diseases and pests

Phytofluoro. At the bottom of the base of the stem appear spots, the leaves are gray, twisted.

The plant boils and dies.

Infected bushes dig and burned.
Ex Basidium styling The trunk curvature occurs.

On the leaves are formed solid growths.

Buds stop typing.

Conduct treatment with anti-grab drugs.

The first time before the appearance of the kidneys.

When the air temperature becomes above 20 ° C, processed every 10 days.

Puffy dew On the surface of the sheet plates and stalks is formed white flare Prevention is treated with the Topaz tool 2 p. in the month

If the infection has already happened, the plant is burned.

Sea Mold.

(Excessive humidity)

Flower kidneys are dropped yet without blossoming.

Flowers are deformed.

The plant should have enough space around, for free air flow.

When infecting the disease, treated with Fungicide "Topcin" every 10 days.

From pests, often exposed to attacks:

  • Bugs;
  • Paustic ticks;
  • Slugs;
  • Shield;
  • Weevils.

To destroy snails and slugs in the plots spread out pieces of plywood, rags, where they love to climb and collect manually.

Pliers, bugs, weevils are destroyed by diazine.

From the shield and ticks are treated with carbafros.

Types and varieties

Consider the varieties adapted to grow in the regions of Russia.

Rhododendron Helsinki

Homeland Rose Tree is Finland. Frost-resistant, evergreen variety. Carry frost to -40 ° C.

In inflorescences can be collected up to 18 colors. Flowers of the funnel shape, pale pink colors with red splashes, petals around the edges of wave-like. Blooms at the beginning of summer.

Leaf decorative medium size 10-15 cm. Dark green color.

This pink tree grows well in the shade of trees and buildings.

For reliable wintering, the bushes are well poured into hot weather. And for active flowering next year, after the end of flowering, all inflorescences are broken with seeds.

Perfectly combined with other shrubs that differ in height and color.

Pink Rhododendron

Holy growing is Canada. Adapted to frosts up to - 30 ° C.

In the inflorescence, 9 flowers were collected, which bloom immediately when leaves appeared, in April. Oval sheets, covered with hair.

These shrubs grow well in rocky soil.

Starts should be avoided.

Rhododendron Catabinsky "Grandiflower"

Tall plant, reaches a height of 5-6 m.

It has a large, up to 2 m. Tight, spherical crown.

Bark of the dark nasal shade.

Lesson lens, dark and glossy, light, light, matte with dark streaks.

Blossoms are collected in inflorescences up to 20 buds, bell-shaped, white, purple, lilac color. Flowering lasts from May to June and has amazing beauty.

The plant moisthed, in hot weather requires frequent watering.

This species is ideal for growing alive hedges, decoration of fences, arbors.

Golden Rhododendron

Low-growing, decorative shrub. It grows abundantly in the districts of Siberia, the Far East.

The height reaches 50-60 cm.

Oval shape leaflets 8-10 cm. In length and 2-3 cm. In width. Blossoms are collected in inflorescences up to 10 flowers, golden yellow shade.

In the conditions of artificial cultivation, this species is bad. Often exposed to disease and dying.

Rhododendron Adamsa

Growing on the stony slopes of Buryatia. Also called "Buryat tea", fragrant rustic.

Little shrub with elongated leaves. Green leaves over time change the color on dark redheads.

Shaggy shoots are covered with scales. Little light pink flowers are collected in inflorescences up to 15 buds. Flower all summer.

This shrub is unique with its healing properties. For the manufacture of medicines, leaves and inflorescences are used.

Stimulating regenerating drugs are used to raise immunity, from cold, as a sedative.

A brewed tea from petals and flowers improves brain and memory.

Rhododendron is a wonderful plant of the Versekov family, which, however, is not easy to grow in our northern latitudes. Their homeland is the Mediterranean, so that they are very warm-loving and poorly carry Russian winters. "Sleeps", in one word. In order for them to take root, need proper care and adherence to proper agricultural engineering.
But this flower is so charming that an increasing number of experienced and beginner flower flowers try their strength in its cultivation. It should be noted that underwater stones and nuances in the care of Rhododendron a lot. List some of them.

Selecting planting material

There are several winter-hardy species of this evergreen plants that have chances to survive even with not very skillful care. These include the following types: Catabinsky, leaf foll shlippenbach and Japanese.

In the wild, it grows in North America in the mountainous terrain of North Carolina, where the beginning of the Kathevba River, which gives him a species name. It grows well in the shade on acidic or weakly acidic soils. Very well tolerates our winter. The height of the bush is 2-4 meters, leather leather, dark green, 15 cm long. Flowers are large, very beautiful purulent purple color, diameter up to 15 cm. Recommended for group and single landings in gardens and forest edges in the north-western zone of Russia .

It grows in the forests of Korea, Japan, Northeast China and Western Primorye. The name is obliged to the Russian maritime officer and traveler - Shlippenbahu A.V. Frostons, shoots appear annually. Can multiply by rooting branches and seeds. The height of the altitude plant reaches 1.6 m. The leaves are wide, falling, falling in the fall in bright yellow-red paints. Flowers are large (up to 10 cm in diameter), painting pale pink, diluted with purple clips.

It grows on the highlated slopes of the island of Honsu. Winter articles, lightweight. Well multiplied with cuttings and seeds. Very handsome. During the flowering period, it was similar to the flame of a bright fire. Moreover, it remains to deep autumn, due to the coloring of the leaves in orange-red tones. Flowers with tart aroma, large, orange shades. Beauty in flowering period exceeds all other species that can grow in the middle lane of Russia. A bush grows very thick due to strong branches and reaches a height of 2 meters.

Successful growing Rhododendron largely depends on the place of purchase of planting material. The best option is nurseries or experienced gardeners who can give useful tips on the cultivation techniques and the rules of wintering precisely for your region. Newcomers can be recommended to start with landing and growing precisely species, and not a certain variety of Rhododendron. The view of less capricious and more winter films than the variety obtained on its basis. And although the varieties are more attractive due to the huge variety of shades, views are also distinguished by the violence of all sorts of coloring.

But in plants purchased in the markets or horticultural fairs, there are much less chances. This is because sellers often simply do not know what kind of types and varieties of Rhododendrons they traded. In summer, such plants will bloom and decorate your garden, but only for one season. Winter they may not survive.

Two or four-year-old bushes are best suitable for breeding. The seedlings need to pay attention to the corpsyness of the cuttings (the most lively begins to branch immediately at the root neck) and on the leaves (there should be no stains or bloats). The root inspection is also required - wet splashes and nodes are unacceptable.

Soil and place for rhododendrons

Rhododendrons love acidic soils and tolerant to overvaluum. This is the teothelubile plants, which many flower products simply do not know. Slowing off the bushes in the open areas of her garden, they are waiting for flowering for years, which may not come. However, it is noted that the competent transplants go to this plant only to benefit. Therefore, you do not need to be afraid to experiment with the choice and changing the place of landing. True, we are talking about well-rooted perennial plants. Keep in mind that the root system of rhododendrons is superficial and very compact. It will not be difficult to dig it.

When landing Rhododendron, it is very important to pay attention to neighboring plants that will surround the "pink tree". Unwanted trees with a surface root system that will leave it without nutrients. Bad neighbors for Rhododendron: Oak, Birch, Willow, Maple and some other trees. Good neighbors: splashing apple trees, pears, pines, spruce, larch. Some types of deciduous "pink trees" can be planted at open areas (Dauri, Kamchatka, Canadian), but even they grow better in the scattered shadow. In the landing pit it would be nice to add a mixture of peat and overwhelming the compost land in a 3: 1 proportion. Planting rhododendrons in the soil is done to the level of the root cervix. From above, you can fall asleep with sawdust layers of 5-7 cm. Before planting, be sure to indulse the roots for them to dealt.

Care for rhododendrones

In the summer, rhododendron care is simple: removal of faded inflorescences, regular watering and frequent spraying of plants in hot weather weeding water. Watering water with chlorine and lime for watering these capricious plants is completely not suitable. Best option: raindrop, thaila or running water. Rhododendrons suffer only soft water, which is well soapped and does not form scale on electrical appliances. Rhododendrons speak well to feeding before the start of flowering, immediately after it and in the late summer - early autumn.

For feeding there is a special instant fertilizer for rhododendrons (20-30 grams per 1 liter of water). You can add 5-10 grams of any nitrogen fertilizer to it. From the autumn feeding of nitrogen, it is necessary to exclude, and add 30 g of superphosphate under each bush with the addition of 15 g of potassium sulfate. Be sure to need to mulch the soil under them sawdust of coniferous rocks twice a year - early spring (how snow comes down) and at the end of summer. The benefit is double: the soil will not dry, and the coniferous sawdust will reduce its acidity. In addition, the mulch protects well from weeds.

Preparing Rhododendrons for Winter and Shelter for Winter Season

Here you need to make a reservation. By winter they need to be prepared everywhere, but its starts for various regions are different. Under the conditions of the middle band, the first numbers of August need to be considered. In the arid autumn you need abundant irrigation - at least 10-12 liters of water for every adult plant. After the onset of the first freezers of Rhododendrons, it is necessary to cover the burlap, slightly tied the branches of the twine. It is necessary to remove the cover in early spring, after snow comes down. This is necessary to carry out bushes. It is better to make it better on a cloudy day, as the spring sun can cause harm not yet awakened the Kuste.

Rhododendrons are also called pink trees, as they bloom no worse, and sometimes better if you organize suitable conditions. Rhododendron care is reduced to regulation of irrigation and maintain the desired acidity of the soil, since in weakly acid and neutral soils this species does not bloom and does not survive.

Plant Description

The Rhododendron plant fell into Europe and other points of the planet from North America, Japan, China, are found in South latitudes - Australia. Among them are both leafy and evergreen species. For the middle band choose leaf falls - they are better than winter.

For breeding, you can choose a variety of rhododendron varieties. Among them there are trees and shrubs. All of them equally beautifully bloom.

Ophid or backwater leaves, dense, pubescent, small relative to inflorescences that are collected in bundles.

The root system is located close to the surface of the soil, branched urine, which must be taken into account when leaving - watering and mulching for the winter.

To date, there are several colors of inflorescence - Rhododendron white, pink, red, lilac, yellow. Color shades vary. Distinguish Rhododendron varieties in the form of flowers in inflorescences.

Caution! Many plants of the family of heather poisonous are containing toxin, inhibiting the nervous system, the hit in the body of which can lead to a fatal outcome. Preparations are contraindicated in renal failure, pregnant and nursing women

Sort Rhododendronov

The variety of species is so great and continues to grow that it is necessary to contact specialized nurseries for the purchase of plants. There is a chance on the market to buy Rhododendron, the landing of which was carried out incorrectly, or the plant was grown from seeds - as it is known, with such a method of reproduction there are no varietal characteristics.

In order for the care of rhododendron to bring pleasure and beauty in the garden, it is necessary to choose varieties suitable for the climatic conditions of the region. Local botanical gardens can also be reproduced and selling rare species.


Universal New Rhododendron - Blusumbux variety, brought in 2014 by breeders from Germany. Can be grown in the room and in the garden. Refers to the dwarf species Rhododendron. The height of the bush is only 70 cm But thanks to strong bushes, it grows into a width of more than a meter.

The variety of frost-resistant, when mulching the root system is able to withstand until minus 25 degrees. Transfer Rhododendron Blumubux is carried out not earlier than 2 weeks after the end of flowering.


The birthplace of this variety is North America, where the tree grows in height up to 5 meters. In other regions, the height of the crown does not exceed 3.5 m. The bloom is very magnificent in May, closes the foliage completely, which makes the pink rhododendron one of the most popular decorative cultures. Temples of inhomogeneous pink color, edges of bells are darker than the middle.


Rhododendron evergreen Caucasian dwells in the foothills of the Caucasus. Refers to popsy species. Brushes consist from 8 - 10 bells, collected in inflorescence. The color can be pale pink, dark pink, pale yellow or golden yellow.


View from Japan. Flowers in mane with cream, orange or lilac inflorescences. Winter articles, but with severe frosts can freeze the top.


ADAMS variety - low shrub up to 50 cm With gentle pink flowers. Flowering from June to August. It does not differ in high decorative qualities, but is used to prepare tea with therapeutic properties identical to jasmine.


Rhododendron Daurosky - leaf foll frost-resistant variety, capable of surviving in Siberia, Far East and Urals. Inflorescences consist of large single flowers of yellow colors collected in the brush. Flowering in May.


Rhododendron Hybrid Alfred - a decorative low look, whose colors diameter of 6 cm Collected in beams 20 pieces in each. When the flowering of leaves occurs, almost not visible.


Rhododendron Rosemary Rhododendron Rhododendron is a garden decoration. Height and width of it approximately 3 - 3.5 meters. Rhododendron pink flower at the edges, to the middle replaced dark pink.

Blue Peter

Flowerines are distinguished by a gentle pink color with a purple spot on the petals.

Nova Domble

Dutch hybrid grade is distinguished by a ruby \u200b\u200bshade of inflorescence. Height up to 2.5 meters, diameter - 2 meters. Relatively frostable, but in northern latitudes requires shelter.


The dense-pink shade of inflorescences are large, with wavy in the edges of the bells.


Evergreen compact Kuste Hague grows slowly, by the age of the age 1.5 in height. Blooming later, withstands frost up to 30 degrees. Pink shade pattern.

Daughter of Thjjole

Inflorescence purple shade. The feature of the variety is small up to 1 m height shrub with a two-meter width.


Named in honor of the university. A feature is high frost-resistance of the variety - it is withstanding the temperature until minus 40 degrees.


Among the varieties of Garden Rhododendron, elegance is allocated with dark green leaves and pink inflorescences. Frost-resistant, grows up to 3 meters.


Golden species is common in the cold regions of Russia - in the Far East, in Yakutia. May form large on the community area. Grows up to 60 cm Carries low temperatures under the snow layer.


Hospital branch. Grows up to 2 meters. Small bushes begin to build up the leaves still under the snow, as the bloom of this species is early from the end of April to the first third of May.


Rhododendron Catabinsky Grandiflower - Shrub that grows up to 4 m in height. Refers to evergreen species. It blooms early and only one month - from mid-May to mid-June.

Well tolerate shaded areas and complete lighting. Self-flowing gently pink with red mid and long stamens, cream and pink. Morroz-resistant variety, but at temperatures below 20 degrees Can freeze.

Growing features

Rhododendrons can grow in any terrain and climate - you just need to choose the right variety. There is no problem in this, as it has about 3 thousand species. This is a rather unpretentious plant that moves well with a transplant, as it has a surface root system, which can be digging with a shovel.

Choosing a place

If there is any structure on the site, then the rhododendron bush must be planted from the north side. The place will be located in the shade, which will suit everyone, as most garden decorative cultures prefer the southern well-lit bed.

  • linden;
  • alder;
  • chestnut;
  • willow;
  • poplar.

You can plant next to a pear and an apple tree - these are your favorite shrubs neighbors, as well as oak, pine and larch. This will bring mutual benefit, because Rhododendron needs acidic soil, and the needles can give the desired pH level.

If still there are no options, the rhododendron root is protected by an underground structure - a slate or other solid material is bought to water and feed the plants can be separately.

Since the rhododendron bush does not like moisture stagnation in the soil, it is necessary to check, at what depth of the site are sorted by groundwater. If the distance is less than the meter, create artificially raised beds for Rhododendron. Its height should be at least 50 cm.

If the plant did not take place on which it was determined, it is advisable to transplant, otherwise there will be permanent problems with decorativeness.

Temperature in summer and winter

If you correctly pick up a variety for the climatic region, there will be no problems with growing in summer and winter. It is not desirable to violate the rules for choosing a place, since the bright rays of the sun do not affect the flowers - they freamet faster. This is especially true of late blooming rhododendrons.

Winter Rhododendron needs temperature from 5 to 8 degrees as much as possible since flower kidney growth occurs.

In room conditions, compliance with the temperature regime is much more important. Room Rododendron is called Azalea. Many buy beautiful blooming plants in the store, but after a week they begin to wake.

The thing is that even in the summer, Azalea must be at a temperature of from 10 to 15 degrees, And in winter at 6 - 8. It is almost impossible to achieve such a low temperature in the conditions of the apartment, so the culture will not last long.

The best option is a winter garden that does not heal, but then only plants of this species must be in it, since the remaining low temperatures are contraindicated.

Important! Before you buy the most expensive plant (azalea-rhododendrons are far from cheap) You need to read about the conditions for their growing in the apartment

At high temperatures, room rododenches begin to root and amazed by pests - primarily a web tick. Cure the plant without changing the temperature conditions is very difficult. The second minus is a bad rooting of cuttings for breeding.


Most rhododendron flower trees love wet soil and poorly carry drought. Rhododendron watered often, so its surface root system is not able to get water deeper 1 m, Therefore, he dries quickly. With each watering of the liquid, there must be so much to moisturize the soil layer to a depth of up to 35 cm.

Water should be mild, since the plant does not tolerate the salts of lime. To do this, it is desirable to keep a rainwater barrel in the yard. Save moisture will help mulching coniferous needles, as they decompose support with a sour Wednesday.

In the hot season, it is useful to spend sputtering, but it is necessary to do it in the evening so that the leaves will also have a moisture to have a moisture. Most of all the water is needed by the plant during flowering, so that the inflorescences do not appear before. When Rhododendron flowers, you can put the hose under the bush and turn on a small pressure. So that the water does not spread, decorate the earthen shaft around the shrub.

Young bushes require more frequent irrigation - 4 - 5 times a week in summer. Adult Plants - three times per week. To maintain the desired level of acidity in the liquid, citric acid is added - 4 g on the bucket of water. Sorrel, wine, acetic, also suitable.

After watering, the soil must be exploded, but to do it carefully not to damage the roots.

Soil and acidity requirements

The soil for rhododendrons is prepared at the stage of planting. For this mix the sour riding peat with sand and garden earth. You can add sawdust from coniferous rocks - they have high acidity, so they do not apply them to other plants.

Roots should receive a sufficient amount of air so as not to be rotten in an acidic environment. If the site consists of a sublinka or even more severe clay, the soil for rhododendron is made up of several components, most of which will be loose. In equal parts take:

  • humus;
  • riding peat;
  • sand.

Before planting Rhododendron, it is recommended to check the soil for acidity. You can use the PH meter, which is pre-calibrated in distilled water. There are also folk methods. One of them is based on the use of black currant leaves or cherry.

How to check:

  • Pour the handful of leaves with boiling water, wait until you boar.
  • Take land from the bed where it is planned to plant Rhododendron.
  • Throw her into a glass with a welding.

If the fluid has changed the color and became green, then the soil on the neutral plot - you need to make acidic components. Red color speaks about the normal level of acid - in this case you do not need to do anything. The blue color of the welding suggests that the soil is a weakness, it takes a little to add sawdust or needles. The overall pH should be from 4.5 to 5.5 units.

Usually, experienced gardeners recommend cooking near Rhododendrons from autumn, rebuilding soil with coniferous sawdust or needles. For the winter, they will have time to turn and create suitable conditions for planting rhododendrons. Layer height should be about 35 cm.


"To feed" such large inflorescences can be possible only with regular supply of nutrients for the plant. Care for rhododendron during and after flowering includes the use of organic and mineral fertilizers. You can find special complex comprehensive mixtures of acidic substances in order not to make them on their own.

  • Potassium sulphate is brought to stimulate and maintain flowering.
  • Superphosphate.
  • Maskish ammonium, magnesium.

The secret, why Rhododendron is so magnificently blooms, lies in the peculiarities of its metabolism. For flowering, there is a lot of phosphorus and potassium, but potassium is digested as well as phosphates are processed. To dissolve phosphorus in the soil, a sour medium is needed - in the case of rhododendron and its large inflorescences consuming a lot of nutrients - very acidic.

It is necessary to fertilize plants in early May (no later than the middle). If there is not enough iron ions in the soil, the leaves will begin shirt. The same if the soil has lost their acidity. Newbies sometimes spoil the bush by making wood ash as an organic fertilizer. The fact is that there is a large number of carbonates that are clever with the soil, which is deadly for Rhododendron.

If you do not perform the conditions for sour feeders and watering, the plant begins to hurt chlorosis, tieals little colors, as the power saves. Weak bushes are prone to pest infection, cancer fabrics.

Care by region

To find a little frost-resistant or thermal-loving variety, you need to be able to care for the open soil, as the weather is constantly changing - today it rained, it's watering can be canceled, or vice versa - it's standing dry weather, so the shrub is needed daily.

Moscow region

In the suburbs of temperatures in the summer rise up to 28 - 30 degrees, in winter, frost are possible until minus 20. To better understand the needs of Rhododendron, the characteristics of the variety must be found in the nursery.

What to ask:

  • It is necessary to cover the bush completely or enough mulching.
  • From what age the plant can winter without shelter.

In Moscow Climate, successfully grows all types of rhododendron, the specificity of care depends on whether the leaf-free, evergreen or semi-mall variety appeared on the site.

The varieties of American selection - Golden Lightts, Lyats, Mandarin Lights, Lemon Lightts, are distinguished. They all withstand frost up to minus 36 degrees, what is enough for the Moscow region.

Famous Helsinki, Grandiflower and Haggy will be suitable from evergreen species. Japanese species are less resistant to frosts - withstand only minus 25. They are covered for the winter and mulched, and in the spring, the plant does not fail inside the agrofiber.

Another plus for shelter - winter sun. Even the morning rays are able to damage the emerging kidneys, so the shrub is better to strengthen. The kidneycy of kidney can occur even with evergreen frost-resistant species - one layer of agrovolok is dressed on them.

Important! If the kidneys of brown, then the sun has already damaged them and there will be no flowering. Next year you need to protect plants in time

Siberia, Ural

In the cold northern climate, Rhododendrons are hardly the only plants for which you can admire. But those plants are suitable for landing, the frost resistance of which above 36 degrees. In the Siberian climate, even they will have to wrap the triple layer of Loutrasil and mulch the bagnote. Someone from local gardeners use old coats and vitro, as well as slices of felt under the root.

In Siberia and in the Urals, the plants are more likely to suffer from strong piercing winds, so they are planted under the protection of other trees or buildings.

Southern regions

In the southern climate or in the European part of Rhododendrons they are more suffering from summer than in winter. The absence of severe frosts, winds create favorable conditions, but in the summer plants you need to often water and spray to increase gas exchange in tissues.

It is desirable to plant bushes so that the sun shines on them only in the morning or only in the evening. Protection can serve as large scattering trees, such as oaks or thui.

Transplanting bushes in the garden

The Rhododendron Transplantation in the summer or spring is carried out taking into account one important nuance - an alarming flowering plant cannot be disturbed. The rest of the bush will survive. Experienced flowers are engaged in transplanting at any time of vegetation - in the spring, autumn, in the summer.

How to move the bush to another place:

  • If the soil matches the desired pH level, you can immediately dig a pit. Its dimensions 50 cm deep, 60 wide. This applies to a small bush, whose root system is placed in the pit.
  • While a pit will be created, Rhododendron can be put in rainy acidic water to prepare for landing roots.
  • Drainage is laid on the bottom - you can fill a red brick or pouring a purchased clay - he accumulates moisture and is able to give it to roots.
  • On top of the drainage, a layer of soil with coniferous sawdresses, reworked needles, peat and sand.
  • The plant is installed in a pit so that the root neck is not deepened more than it was in the previous place.
  • Gradually sweeps the soil and tamples so that there are no large air pockets. It is important to enhance the soil near the roots so that they immediately began to get nutrients.
  • After planting, the plant is watered with warm acidic water. It is possible to soften the water by adding the rigoric peat per day to it before irrigation.

After planting bushes strengthen the support, driven by 3 - 4 Kolyka And entangling them with a wire or rope. While the plant is rooted, and this happens depending on the variety from 1.5 to 5 months, support will protect it from the wind. After rooting, it can be removed.

Video: Flower Care

Reproduction of plants

Modify trees and rhododendron shrubs in several ways. Some of them use breeders to remove new species - this landing seeds, although at home you can try to plant and grow a plant from the seed.

Seed fashion

How to plant Rhododendron technologically correct:

  • Fill containers with a mixture of peat, garden soil and sand.
  • Place seeds treated with a stimulator solution, for example, potassium humate. Seeds must be over the soil - it is important. You can sprinkle layer in 2 mm.
  • To cover with a film or glass, put on the illuminated, but privided windowsill.
  • Watering to conduct uniform spraying so that the seeds do not deepen into the soil. Condensate is removed daily when conducting. In case of non-compliance, the rule is formed mold and seedlings die.
  • If the landing was carried out in winter, it is necessary to organize additional lighting with lamps.
  • A month after the appearance of sprouts, they can be priced and transplant into individual pots. The room temperature in this period should be cool - not higher than 12 degrees.
  • Whole summer young bushes can be in a privided place on the street. You can transplant them in the soil in the spring.

Blooming planted in this way Rhododendron will be after 4 - 5 years.


Gadgets are the lower branches of the shrub that laid in the grooves 15 cm depth, attached with the brackets to the ground and sprinkled with a layer of soil. Under such conditions, roots begin to form. Rhododendron leaf foll multiplies predominantly in this way.

The top of the escape should not be in the soil - it is removed and tied up to the support - a wooden peg. To grow out of a lap young rhododendron - landing and care is carried out as an adult plant - watering, feeding. In winter it is better to wrap up while the seedlock is stupid.

When roots were formed in the ground, the plant is ready to transplant - it is cut off from the parent plant closer to the bush, dig (or left in its place), tolerate and disembark.

In this way, it is good to create alive hedges - every subsequent plant lengthens them about 0.5 - 1 m.

Dividing bush

A vegetative method is applied to those plants that are important to keep the varietal signs. The division of the bush is carried out for old plants. Rhododendrons, which have grown themselves, are separated while maintaining the part of the root system and sear.

This method has drawbacks, so not very popular among the gardeners:

  • a bush receives significant damage;
  • the planting material is not much.

A bush is chosen for reproduction, cutting off from which part, you can not worry about decorativeness. Another option is to dig up the entire rhododendron - landing and care will be carried out elsewhere. Sharing a bush, the root system of which is completely visible, easier.

Each part is rooted in acidic soil and grown according to the rules, feeding and watering the plant as needed.


How to put a rhododendron from a cutter:

  • Cut up the upper shoots are better than half-wearing - they do not rot when growing rhododendron root system. Cutting length 8 - 10 cm. The lower cut should be oblique to increase the absorption area of \u200b\u200bnutrients.
  • Dilute any root and leave the process for 12 hours in nutrient fluid.
  • Prepare the soil-peat substrate with the addition of sand (all components take in equal parts).
  • Plan a cutlery to a depth of 3 cm think and pour.
  • Top to cover with a plastic bottle, having previously done a couple of small holes for venting. The event is carried out at a temperature of 20 - 25 degrees.
  • When rooting occurs (from 2 to 5 months) Seedlings are transplanted by separate pots and go to hardening, reducing the temperature up to 10 degrees.

Planting and care for rhododendron in the open ground will continue in the spring. Plant can be blossom in a year or two Depending on the stored nutrients.


More attention should be paid to rhododendons after flowering. Once inflorescences fade, they are cut off by the secret. It is necessary that Rhododendron does not spend the forces on the ripening of seeds and did not feed drying brushes.

This species blooms, but little - about a month, some varieties are only 2 weeks. After that, the plant is restored and the nutrients are recruited for the winter stage of the kidneys. Many newcomers do not know that its most important for flowering is its preparation, and it happens in the autumn-winter time.

For the sake of kidneys, rhododendrons are fed by autumn acid phosphorus-potash fertilizers and make the organic to updating the fertile humus layer. Recommended composition for spring - superphosphate 100 g, ammonium sulphate 90 g, potassium sulfate 4 g, magnesium 2 For autumn deposits, selfish ammonium is not required, but the number of potassium sulfate increase to 9 g.

In the fall, before the bush is plunged into the hibernation, make moisture-reading watering to the roots get a stock of water. Wet soil blends less, and water dissolves the nutrient components that will be useful in spring, because Rhododendron wakes up under the snow. Winter drying is one of the problems that inexperienced breeders of rhododendrons may encounter.


There are no particular need to trim the rhododendrons, since they all have the right spherical shape. Trimming is carried out if some shoots of frozen and kidney died on them. In such places, bacteria can penetrate, so the cut is processed by a garden boiler or copper vigor.

Growing inside the bush bran is better removed so as not to create condescens. If the light will penetrate inside the crown, the plant will bloom.

Cropped up old bushes that have grown together - it rejuvenates the tree, but it is necessary to carry out such an event, as it is strongly weakened by the plant. In the first year, one half of the bush is cut, for the second year, the second year. You can stretch the cropping for 3 years, To raise the plant less - then it will continue to bloom.

Rhododendrons have a feature - bloom in a year. This is due to lack of nutrients. The bush accumulates them, then forms the flowerons. The next year rests and saves nutrients again. If you take the rule to make meals annually in the fall, there will be no "failures" in flowering.

To the bush in vain did not spend feeding, all the blondes of inflorescences are recommended to immediately remove the secateur.

Ruffle soil

Drop the soil under Rhododendron is not recommended manually, the more impossible to use for this purpose for this purpose, shovel, metal pins. The location of the roots does not allow it safely, therefore it is better to correctly compose soil when landing.

Weeds on a plot with rhododendons will grow only those that are adapted to the acidic soil. Clean their hands with the root.

Diseases and pests

Fungal and bacterial rotes arise due to a bad air exchange in the soil and excessive irrigation. Roots can rot due to violations of landing rules with high groundwater standing.

Bacterial cancer roots manifests itself in the form of growths in the root cervical area and underground part. Under adverse conditions, the fabric of the outflow starts and rhododendron dies. This disease is dangerous in that agrobacteria is preserved and transmitted to other cultures. To prevent the epidemic of cancer on the site, the deceased plant is burned, and the soil is treated with borobo liquid.

Viral infections are transferred pests - wave, bugs, paws. Therefore, it is important to take care of the immunity of the plants in advance.

Sometimes the birds hunt for the kidneys and scream them, which leads to the absence of flowering in the spring.

Among pests that are common in the middle lane, through rhododendrons can:

  • larisa of white fishing;
  • triples;
  • wevon beetle;
  • web tick;
  • shield;
  • mealybug.

Bamboo - indoor plant: species suitable for growing. DRATSEN Sander in the interior - methods of decorative weaving

Rhododendron is rightly called the miracle of nature. Indeed, amazing beauty flowers of this tree, something like roses, can not leave anyone indifferent. It is so I want to cuddle the lips, breathe a gentle fragrance. Not by chance, thanks to its beauty, Rhododendron uses extremely popular in almost all countries of the globe. We will get acquainted with it in more detail.

Origin of the name of the plant

Rhododendron is a complex word formed from Rhodon - Rosa and Dendron - "Tree". Thus, the name of the Rhododendron plant is translated as a pink tree or tree with roses.

Distribution area

In the wild, Rhododendrons can be found in coastal zones, as well as in the half of the undergrings and on the northern mountain slopes of Himalayas, on the territory of South China, Japan, North America, in the south-east of Asia.

Description Rhododendron

Rhododendron (rhododendron) - a shrub or tree from the family of heers. Depending on the species, and they are numbered together with the obtained decorative forms, varieties of about 3 thousand, rhododendrons can be leaf fall, semi-repulsive and evergreen; one-year-old and perennial. They also differ in the form of foliage, inflorescences, their color, size. Rhododendron has both miniature species that are grown at home, for example, Azalea.

Rhododendron's root system - superficial, with a large number of urine roots. Due to this, the plant is easy to transplant to a new place, where it quickly carries out.

Sheet plates in rhododendrons are sweet or seats, open, with integer or sawdords, egg-shaped or reversal.

Rhododendron flowers are collected in busy or global inflorescences, having pink, white, purple, purple and red color. Flowers depending on the species have a funnel-shaped, tubular, bell tower, wheel shape. Flowers of tall copies in diameter are 20 cm, and in short, they are tiny. Fruit - multiferous box. Rhododendron Hani.

Planting Rhododendron in Open Soil

Rhododendron has a feature: one year blooms abundantly, on the next - the bloom is scarce.

Landing time

For growing in medium latitudes, only frost-resistant varieties are recommended. Saplings landing can be held from April to mid-May or in the fall - from September to November. However, according to the flowerfish, having experience in growing Rhododendron, landing can be engaged throughout the growing season, except for the flowering phase + 1-2 weeks after the completion of flowering.

Selection of site

The best place to grow rhododendron is a shaded plot from the northern side of the structure. The fact is that the plant does not like strong sunlights that can cause burns to leaf plates. The depth of groundwater occurrence must be more than 1 meter, if less, it is necessary to raise a bed.

The composition of the soil

Almost all varieties of Rhododendron prefer well-drained, loose, containing a large amount of humus, acidic soil.

What trees may neighbors Rhododendron?

The best neighbors for Rhododendron are an apple tree, a pear, oak, larch, pine, whose roots leave very deeply. But the neighborhood with lime, chestnut, alder, maple, a poplar, yoy, elm is undesirable, since the root system of these cultures is the same as the Rhododendron, which means they will make significant competition in obtaining nutrients, moisture. But if such a neighborhood is still present, then the edges of the landing pit it is necessary to protect with a slate or rubberoid.

Rules landing Rhododendron

By choosing a place to grow rhododendron, you can begin to dig up the landing pits, the depth of which is approximately 40 cm, the diameter is 60 cm. The soil is added to the landing pit, which consists of 2 clay buckets or 3.5 buckets of the sublinka, as well as 8 buckets High peat. The mixture is well compacted, then a deepening is done in it, which must correspond to the magnitude of the root system along with the land of the earth.

Before the landing, the seedling is recommended to be placed in the container with water and rolling until air bubbles will appear on the surface of the water. Then the plant is placed in the landing fossa, poured soil, compacted. Void in the yam should not be. It is important that the root cake is located at the ground level.

After planting a seedlock, it is necessary to pour water in room temperature. If landing was carried out in a dry ground, then watering should be abundant: the soil must be soaked in water by about 20 cm. To preserve moisture and prevented the germination of weeds, it is recommended to climb the surface of the priority circle with a thickness of 5-6 cm.
Rhododendron Cherry Cheesecake

Rhododendron Care in Open Ground

Rhododendron refers to plants that require constant care: the right watering, trimming, feeding, weeding. It is not recommended to loose the soil, since the roots of the plant are located close to the surface of the soil and they can be damaged.


In contrast to many garden ornamental plants, Rhododendron is very important level of humidity and air humidity, especially in the phase of buds of buds and during flowering. Use for irrigation only intense or rainwater. Many gardeners are offered to acidify water: a day before irrigation into the water container, 2-3 handy of the rigoric peat is added.

The fact that the plant needs irrigation, can be understood by the state of the leaves: they become matte, lose tight. It is necessary to use such a quantity of water for watering so that the soil is soaked for about 25-30 cm. However, it is necessary to ensure that water does not occur, which is extremely undesirable for the rootodendron root system.

If the autumn is dry, then rhododendron bushes need to be regularly water. In the case of rainy weather, irrigated is not needed.


Conduct feeders from the first year of the growth of Rhododendron. The first is held at the beginning of spring, the last one - at the end of July, after the completion of flowering and began the growth of young stems. As feeding, it is good to use liquid fertilizers, which contains horny flour and semi-saved cow manure. To prepare such a fertilizer, the manure should be connected to water in the ratio 1:15, then it must draw through for several days, only then can they feed the plant. Before making feeding, it should be abundantly pouring.

Since Rhododendron prefers with acidic soil, such mineral fertilizers are needed, which will not disturb the reaction of the medium. Experienced gardeners recommend using superphosphate, phosphate, nitric acid and sulfate potassium, ammonium sulphate, calcium sulphate, and magnesium sulfate, while taking them in a weak concentration (1.2: 1000). And the solution of potash fertilizers should be even weaker.
Rhododendron Rasputin

Fertilizer's mode

  1. The beginning of spring.It is necessary to introduce the organic or mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizers. For 1 sq. M. Plot is recommended at 50 gr. Magnesium sulfate and ammonium sulfate;
  2. The beginning of June. When the plant is swinging, it is necessary to make 1 sq. M to 20 gr. Potassium and super phosphate sulfate, as well as 40 gr. ammonium sulphate;
  3. July.For 1 sq. M. Merral patrol and superphosphate.


The bushes of Rhododendron from nature have the right form, and therefore do not particularly need forming trimming. As a rule, Rhododendron, especially his adult specimens, needs sanitary trimming.

This procedure is carried out early in spring until the process of the Sokalivation began. Slices on branches, the thickness of which is from 2 to 4 cm, it is necessary to process the garden harder. If the bush is badly damaged by frost or already very old, then it must be shortened to 30-40 cm, while in the first year it cuts one half of the cook, and the next one - the second.

So that the bush looked carefully, the blurred inflorescences must be deleted.

Preparation for winter

Rhododendron grown in medium latitudes needs shelter. In the fall, before the onset of frosts, the bush is insulating. This is carried out as follows: pine or fir branches are inserted between the shoots of Rhododendron, the bush is tightened with a rope. After that, the bush is covered with a burlap or other insulation, which are removed with the onset of spring. In the southern regions, the plant is not covered.

Pests. Diseases

Rhododendrome is quite vulnerable to disease and pests. It is often amazed by mild custodia, panels, spider ticks, weevils, clouds, rhododendron flies, and sometimes even slugs and snails.

Of the fungal diseases, rust, chlorosis, lettuce of leaves are the most common.

In order to prevent the bush damage, it is necessary to carry out a prophylactic spraying of known chemicals.

Rhododendron is a typical shrub for acidic soils. This plant belongs to the family of heers and is one of the most beautifully-flowing. Many daches want to grow Rhododendron on the site, but this plant cannot be called unpretentious. Rhododendrons love warmth. To take care of the middle lane, they need proper agricultural engineering and good care.

In the climatic conditions of the middle band, about ten proven types of plants can be grown. All of them have a high winter hardiness.

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    There are several hundred species of rhododendrons, which are plants of various sizes and shapes - from growing up to high. There are leaf fall and evergreen rhododendrons. In nature, they grow in the mountain forests of the Caucasus, Carpathians, Sayan. Motherland for many species is the Far East, including Kamchatka and Kuriles. A huge variety of species rhododendrons is represented in China and India.

    Mountain slopes covered with blooming thickets are an unforgettable spectacle. All kinds have large flowers that are even more noticeable due to the fact that they are collected in inflorescences with bright and clean color.

    Rhododendron or Azalea?

    Often Rhododendrons are called azaleas. Both of these plants belong to the family of heather and are included in Rhododendron. The difference is that Azalia is called room deciduous rhododendrons. There are azalsa, preserving the leaves all year, - Japanese. They should not be confused with Japanese Rhododendons.

    Japanese azaleas are bushes with a height of 30-60 cm, blooming white, purple, pink and red flowers. Even the most winter-hardy azaleas cannot grow in the Northern Garden, but they are suitable plants for the house. At home Azalea bloom in winter, when the rest of the indoor plants are alone, gaining strength in anticipation of spring.

    Room azalia can not be called an unpretentious flower. In the nature of azaleas, grow high in the mountains, on the border of the Alpine meadows and glaciers, so the cold is not afraid. In the hot and dry room atmosphere, the plant quickly dies. Azalea loves scattered lighting and watering a soft, acidified with lemon juice.

    Azalea dumps the leaves due to the slightest disorders of the content conditions: when cutting the substrate, high temperature, low humidity and in bright sun. Watering with rigid tap water causes the leaves. After flowering, the plant needs to transplant, trying not to destroy the earthen com, and put it in a cool place with a temperature not higher than +17 degrees. From October to December, Azalia is kept at a temperature of + 6 + 10 degrees - it is necessary for laying floral kidney.

    Room Japanese Azalea, formed as Bonsai


    Rhododendrons grow slowly. Like all slow-growing plants, they are long-livers. For a successful culture, acidic land is needed with PN 4-5. In more alkaline soil, the plants are yellow, drop leaves and die quickly.

    The most suitable soil - peat or heather rhododendrons. The bushes will feel good on any soil, even dense clay, if it is well drained and make the right soil mixture, mixing the sour peat, coniferous ground and sand.

    Universal soil mixture for growing rhododendrons of various types:

    • sand - 2 parts;
    • cherry land - 1 part;
    • sour peat - 3 parts.

    In any case, no lime can be added to the landing. Plants are not transferred to chlorine, so water water can not be used.


    Rhododendrons bloom in spring. It is easy to care for them. After the end of flowering, the bushes need feeding with liquid manure and a solution of any complex mineral fertilizer in a weak concentration. On the dry season, the soil around the trunks are covered with chopped peat or overworked manure. The roots of the bushes are located superficially, so it is necessary to loosen the soil very carefully.

    Most rhododendrons prefer to live in a half and well feel themselves next to high, but not very thick trees. Perfect place for them - next to coniferous plants on the background of lawn.

    Rhododendrons grow well in the shade of trees


    Rhododendrons spread in gag, seeds and cuttings. Small seeds are sown in a greenhouse with peat grounds. They are not plugged, but simply scatter in wet ground and closed with a film. Shoot can be expected in three to four weeks. The seedlings are picked annually, and on the third year they transplanted at a permanent place.

    The cuttings are proceeded in July. The planting material is cut from the shoots of the current year. Speakers are suitable in the half-breeding state. Escapes remove the top kidneys. The remaining leaves reduce by a third to shorten evaporation. On each cutlets there should be a pair of sleeping kidney and several sheet plates (up to 6 pieces). From the bottom of the cutting, remove the bark, leaving a greenish cambium, and processed the naked portion of the growth stimulant - heteroaceksin powder.

    The cuttings are planted into the planting wells made in an acidic substrate made of overworked sawdust or composting bark. The rough river sand is poured on top and wipes abundantly. After landing, the cuttings are shared by closing the pixel box with a film. The box is installed in a greenhouse and follow that the cuttings do not "suffocate".

    After 3-4 weeks, signs of rooting appear. The rooted cuttings leave winter in a greenhouse, whimping the temperature does not fall below zero. If in the spring overwhelming seedlings bloom, inflorescences should be removed. In June, the cuttings can be placed on the beds, from the autumn prepared in the open ground, in the sour loose land.

    Types of rhododendrons suitable for the medium strip climate

    Plants are grown in the gardens from the XVIII century. Since rhododendrons are growing in their homeland in a humid climate, the first cultural landings appeared in countries with similar natural conditions: in England, France, Germany, Baltic States. But this does not mean that the gardeners of the middle strip can put the cross on this culture. Modern varieties are successfully growing in continental climate. In the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University, several dozen species of rhododendrons are grown. Their culture is complex, but the extraordinary exotic beauty of the Southern Plant will reward the gardeners for their concerns.

    In the cold climate you can grow about ten species of rhododendrons. All of them have a high winter hardiness and tolerate the cold climate of the middle strip well.

    Yellow, or Caucasian

    In nature, grows in the Caucasus and throughout the south-west of the European part. This is the most common view of European gardens. Rhododendron Caucasian is a small shrub with dense branches. Plant height - up to one and a half meters. The leaves are large, oblong, up to 10 cm long. The edges of the pointed leafy plates are decorated with small cilia.

    The plant is beautiful not only during flowering, but also in the fall, when the leaves, it is green, painted in purple and red. The leaf fall comes late - in October. Shrub blooms from the five-year-old age. Blossom continues 25 days, falls on the first half of June.

    Rhododendron has yellow flowers collected in inflorescences-caps. The diameter of each 5 cm, the whisers of funnel-shaped with a narrow tube, petals yellow with orange dots. They are very fragrant - of which oil is obtained, which is used in the production of perfume. Plants are planted with groups under the canopy of trees.

    Rhododendron is multiplied with yellow easily and quickly - root offspring, which allows it to be used on the slopes for fixing the soil. Transplantation of offspring is possible in the fall, after the leaf fall. Plant is poisonous: it is believed that even honey from its colors has toxic properties.

    Rhododendron Yellow


    The plant is from Siberia. Natural Area is Altai and the Republic of Tuva. Rhododendron Larber - decoration of the subalpine belt. It forms extensive thickets under the canopy of deciduous and cedar forests.

    The plant is an evergreen shrub with dense branches and abundant foliage. Oval sheet plates, up to 3 cm long, olive color, bright yellow, purple autumn. Leaves live 1-2 years, and then fall. New ones are deployed new ones. In the heat and winter, when plants lack moisture, the leaf plates are folded into the tube.

    Against the background of green leaves, purple-pink flowers located at the ends of the branches are listed. The diameter of each flower is up to 5 cm. The plant from three years old annually blooms. In the site it will be one of the most early-minded. Rhododendrons of the Larbura are planted with groups under birch, pines and open places.


    In nature, Rhododendron Daursky is growing in the south of Eastern Siberia and in the Far East. The plant feels well under the canopy of pines and other rigorous conifers. Close according to the requirements for Rhododendron Larbura, which differs with lighter and small colors. Color petals predominantly pink. Muscovites know Rhododendron Daurns as heather. Its naked twigs in the spring are brought to the capital and sold in flower kiosks. If the twig put into the water, it will soon bloom.

    In nature is a leaf fall shrub up to 2 meters high with small elliptic leaves and pink flowers with a diameter of up to 4 cm. There are varieties with white flowers.

    Rhododendron Daurky blooms in April and blooms to the dissolution of the leaves. The plant transfers frost to -32 degrees, but can be captured by spring frosts, and then the flowers will fall. It does not need acidic soil - it is enough to add a bit of a slight peat into ordinary garden land.

    Rhododendron Daursky


    Reminds Rhododendron Yellow, but comes from Japan. The plant does not like shading, preferring solar open areas.

    Rhododendron Japanese is introduced into the culture in the nineteenth century, but it is still grown only in botanical gardens and very rarely found among lovers. Although the plant is unpretentious, winter hardy and has excellent decorative qualities. He has large green leaves with cilias around the edge. In autumn, they become dark red or bright yellow. This beautiful rhododendron is plentiful and annually blooms from 3 years old rare for these plants with salmon-red flowers. The diameter of the bunny up to 5 cm. Flowers are collected in inflorescences at the ends of the branches, have a pleasant fragrance.

    Rhododendron Japanese does not need acidic soil. It can grow in ordinary garden land, diluted peat. Plants breed seeds and summer cuttings. The rooting of cuttings reaches 33%. For the winter, the roots of the bushes are covered with leaves, soaking them with a layer of 20-30 cm. The above-ground part can not be inspired.


    A leafy shrub tall up to 80 cm, blooming already in April purple-purple or white flowers with a diameter of 3-4 cm. Flowers bloom earlier than the leaves.

    Rhododendron Canadian is among the top ten most unpretentious beautiful shrubs and is quite capable of growing in the middle strip.


    Evergreen shrub tall up to 2 meters with elliptical long leaves of green. The plant is demanding about soil acidity and does not like the open sun. Blooms in May with lilac or purple flowers collected in the caps of 20 pieces. Blossom continues until June, lasts about a month.

    Rhododendron Catabinsky has many hybrid varieties obtained from crossing with other evergreen rhododendons.


    A small spherical bush with a diameter to one and a half meters and no longer than meter. Slowly grows, but it blooms abundantly and continuously. Flowers bloom throughout May and even in early June. Petals are gentle pink, then whiten. The diameter of the bunny up to 6 centimeters. Flowers are collected in inflorescences of 10 pieces.

    Plants are light-cuply, winter hardy, withstand frost to -26 degrees. Young bushes for winter is better to cover with pine or fir branches. Rhododendron Yakushimansky is suitable for mountaineering and group landing.

    Impedam, or dense

    Evergreen shrub with large lilac inflorescences. His homeland is China, where it grows at an altitude of 3,000 m above sea level. The height of the plant is only 1 m, over the year branches are lengthened by 1-3 cm. Impedam resembles a dense pillow. Perfectly adapted to the conditions of the middle strip of Russia and blooms for the second year after seeding. This is a champion in winter hardiness and decorative qualities. There are white-color and rosework varieties.