Repairs Design Furniture

Vinyl siding under the installation of the house mounting. How to mount base siding. Pros and cons of the material. Mounting technology, preparation of the basis and installation of panels. What kind of doom is better suited under the base siding, installation order

Facing the facade of buildings with tiles, natural stone or wood is now considered an overlooking work. There are lightweight panels made of plastic, vinyl and metal, with complex designs that have natural roots and reducing the number of these natural materials. Siding is not only an eco-friendly type of decoration of buildings, but also very economical. And if the whole home does not want to favorably, but it is simply necessary to create a confident and durable foundation, unpretentious, but picturesque base siding comes to the rescue.


The cladding of the base of the building is divided into species on two criteria: material and method of laying.

The most common materials for siding:

  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • vinyl;
  • polypropylene.

All of them are universal trim for basement siding, because they have excellent sustainable properties: to the effects of ultraviolet, to moisture, to temperature drops. They can easily serve for many years. It is found, of course, and metallic siding. But it requires additional processing of the material itself with anti-corrosion products and more careful care.

By the method of laying, the types of base siding can be horizontal and vertical.

Most often, it is for the bottom of the building professionals and construction lovers to use horizontal laying. And in order to maximally, quickly and efficiently provide the base of the house with high-quality cladding itself, it is necessary to acquire the main tools and prepare the foundation of the building to install.

Preparation and tools

Before entering directly to the installation, it is necessary to prepare the surface to work.

First of all, attention should be paid to the evenness of the walls.Socular siding will give out any of your skeleton with losses (read: irregularities). And it should also be remembered that when the foundation of the house is lined with synthetic canvases, an excellent environment may be formed under them for the appearance and spread of fungus, mold and other moisture-loving microorganisms. Therefore, the walls under the plates need to be treated with an antiseptic or any other impregnation.

Mandatory condition before laying siding plates is cleaning the base from garbage, dust, web, and other things that the surface is perfectly free from foreign objects.

The next step in preparation will be the solution of insulation or ventilation of the facade. Since both of these phenomena are very common in today's conditions, preparation should be carried out, considering these features. With any of these options, it is necessary to make the allowances of acquired materials.

For self-installing baseline siding, you will first need the following tools:

  • screwdriver - you can use the old grandfather screwdriver, but the time for such work will leave more;
  • self-tapping screw with a flat hat (a lot of self-tapping screws);
  • level of water or infrared;
  • hacksaw for metal or electrolybiz.

Of course, for each case, and for each wizard is characterized by a set of tools. This list is designed to start where to start.

As for the components of the siding itself, everything is simple here.For mounting panels on the base, it is necessary: \u200b\u200ba doom (metal profiles or wooden bars), starting plank, finishing profile and j-profile. This is all concerning the mounting of the panels to the wall of the base. The main parts of which the siding itself take shape: covering panels with selected design and angular panels.

But before buying the specified components of the future "face" of the foundation of the house should be made preliminary, maximum accurate calculations.

Calculation of the number of material

Correctly calculate how much siding is required to finish the base, easy. But it should be observed special attentiveness. Nobody wants to go to the store in the middle of the styling process and buy material. Or, on the contrary, buy a bunch of panels, and then not know where to do the rest, and why so much money was spent.

We proceed to the measurements of the foundation of the facade of the house.Measuring the width and height of one side, you will get the surface area for facing. Also act with the rest of the sides of your country or country house. Folding all four digits, get the total surface area.

In construction stores today you can find a wide variety of wall panels for siding, different firms and manufacturers. So, you can find various sizes, textures, laying methods. Some manufacturers produce their products already with attachments specifically under their panels. At the same time, each pack is indicated exactly the total area of \u200b\u200bthe panels and the useful area. Pay attention to the first value and calculate how many packages of this material you need in your case.

Mandatory to the resulting number of packages add 10-15%.This will help to stay confident that in the case of force majeure you have a stock. At the same time, this is not the transcendent number of crazy money.

With a complete set of material, components and tools, happy, you can start the installation of base siding.

Step-by-step instruction

Getting Started with the installation of baseline siding with your own hands, it should be started from the bearing basis. It is worth noting that in some cases a doom is not required. When the walls of the house are perfectly even (from foam and gas blocks and the other), the lamp as such may not need.

Installation of the crate begins with installing the planks you choose: wooden or metal. The next step is the correct location of these slats.

There are three types of installation of the crate:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal:
  • combined.

For cladding, the base is best suited horizontal, since it is a small area practically non-opening. If you decide to entertain the entire home by siding panels, then it makes sense to mount the overall vertical or combined crate.

Let's focus on metal products. Outside the profile plank is attached to the base with the help of dowels and self-tapping screws (if the material of the walls is a brick or stone). An important point is to leave the gaps between the screw of the self-press and the web in one and a half centimeter, to allow the temperature fluctuations to make their changes in the form and volumes of all components without prejudice to the appearance of siding.

For the brusade base, you can use standard self-drawing or galvanized nails, also not forgetting to leave a small distance between the hat and the base.

Do not forget before installing the crate on the base, you need to perform all actions for insulation or facade ventilation. After installing the supporting design, you will not have such an opportunity.

Once all the work on the installation of the crates is made, proceed to the installation of siding panels.The first starting plank is installed, which is a kind of guide indicating the path of further movement of the entire siding design. Therefore, it is very important at this stage to use the construction level. It happens that the land around the house is not flat, there are even very uneven places. Cut the siding panels so that it looks aesthetic, does not seem possible. J-profile coming to the aid to help builders. This is a metal strap with an external crochet-harpoon J-shaped form. The profile is installed as close as possible to the ground, and the mounting of the starting plank is happening to it without victims and distortion.

For mounting, cloths on the base of the base must be followed by a specific sequence, which will help you quickly and high-qualityly install all panels.

Movement of elements occurs from left to right and bottom up.

  • First, an angular siding element is installed.
  • The first part is cut into the left edge vertically to completely align this side. It is put on the starting bar or J-profile and shifts to the left as possible to enter the groove of the angular element. Do not forget to leave natural gaps and between siding panels.

  • The level of this part is thoroughly measured. When it becomes accurately smoothly, it can be attached to her self-drawing to the crate.
  • Continue the installation of subsequent elements by the same scheme. Each next row is stacked in a chess order so that the joints do not go straight line throughout the height of the base.
  • A finish plank is attached before installing the last row.

Installation of base siding is not a particularly difficult process, but it requires care and accuracy, without which it is impossible to achieve a good end result.

Especially I would like to dwell on the stying of the pile foundation with polyvinyl chloride panels.

Screw piles are used to base the house in those places where it is simply impossible to align the surface of the soil, and the owners do not want to mess around and wait. The main difference between the base siding in such structures is that, in the first place it is necessary to very carefully treat the piles themselves with a waterproofing agent and perform all the necessary drainage work. Check the presence of debris, vegetation or sword animals under the house. The rest is made in the same sequence as with the usual basement.

By installing baseline siding with their own hands, you can resort to the advice and recommendations of experienced specialists.

  • If you wish to recreate curly, unusual angular structures, you can also use a metal profile that takes any shapes if you make small cuts in the right places.
  • The number of decorative siding corners is always equal to the number of rows of the base of the base of the base. Thus, it is easy to calculate their pre-quantity.

  • Mounting at first one angle, then install the panels, turn all the angle again - incorrectly. There is a risk not to calculate and not guess with the grooves. The installation of all the siding element needs to be carried out, taking into account all the recommendations applying to the manual for it.
  • Please note that the cladding of a private house by siding implies the use of a large number of self-tapping and nails. So, one standard panel can take up to five pieces. They must be screwed into special holes. At the same time, that the load on all panels is uniformly, the self-tapping screw or nails should be placed strictly in the center of the holes of horizontal panels. As for the corners, here in the very first lower hole, the nail or self-tapping screw is inserted into its lower part, and then also - in the middle.

CAYING FOR COLOR WITH VINILER Used to process the foundation and walls. The material is easy to install, and with the correct installation is distinguished by durability (service life of 50 years). Conditioning siding is a way to equip a beautiful housing facade in record time. The panels are performed without using special tools, even the newcomer will cope with the task.

Description of material

Vinyl siding is made from polyvinyl chloride. The basement of the foundation basement siding is often performed for imitation of stone (natural or decorative), brick (silicate or red) and a variety of wood breeds. In the manufacturing process, the drawing is transferred from the prepared natural cast, from which the color most corresponds to the natural texture of the materials. The decoration of the base of siding can be performed using monochrome panels, they are easy to paint on top into pleasant tones.

The best decorative species is created with the simultaneous coating of the base and walls. Processing panels of the same color is not always the best option, perfectly combined panels with brick or stone imitation and wood on the walls. Depending on the purpose of the material, there is a cladding of siding base and wall type. For the foundation, the sheets are characterized by a greater thickness - 2.5-3 mm, and the panels of 1.5 mm are stacked on the walls.

Siding is not only an eco-friendly type of decoration of buildings, but also very economical

Complete work impose increased requirements for the material:

  • high strength, since it will be affected by various negative effects and there is a risk of strikes;
  • immunity to ultraviolet radiation. In order for the cover of the base, the straightfish does not burn out, special components add to the composition;
  • high quality raw materials and ready-made composition.

When combining the listed qualities, the durability of the material and resistance to various negative phenomena are achieved: temperature drops, mechanically damage, UV radiation, etc., the base of the base of siding meets the declared requirements.

Baseline siding is available in different sizes. Common dimensions (length ratio with panel width):

  • 1.22x0.47 m;
  • 1,265x0.51 m;
  • 1.13x0.47 m;
  • 1.14x0.395 m;
  • 1.15x0.52 m;
  • 2.44х0.24 m.

Because of the variety of sizes, it is easy to pick up convenient dimensions of the panels, and the material itself is quite cheap. Manufacturers guarantee the lifetime of the facing for 50 years. If you correctly mount and exploit siding, it will last another 50 years. Installation and installation of baseline siding is performed by itself, and subsequent care is reduced to purification from dust with soap solution.

By way of laying types of base siding can be horizontal and vertical

Due to the ease of material, it practically does not waste the building, therefore, does not require an increase in the foundation. The indicator is particularly useful for processing the base of the house on the screw piles, which are operated under conditions of watery or bulk soil. The finishing of the pile foundation of the base siding can be performed with an additional installation of the heat insulating film. The weight of 1 m2 of the substance of the completed cladding is only 3.5 kg. For comparison, the artificial stone weighs 35 kg / m2, and the brick of the facing type is 190 kg / m2.

Singing Siding Condition - For and Against

Finishing the base of siding acquired an active distribution due to the abundance of the benefits of the material. It is ideal for covering walls and foundations.


  • durability. Due to the stability to most negative effects, the material retains operational characteristics for a long time - 50-100 years;
  • siding has high anti-vandal stability;
  • impotence of microorganisms;
  • mechanical strength. Material withstands various blows due to the built-in metal base and dense finish coating;
  • resistance to bad weather. Snowfalls, rains and fogs do not harm siding. Range of operating temperatures from -50 ° C to 50 ° C;

Installation of base siding is not a particularly difficult process.
  • weightlessness. Ease of material eliminates additional costs of enhancing the foundation and simplifies the installation process;
  • the possibility of additional insulation of the facade. Coated is easily placed insulating materials, including volume mineral wool and thick foam;
  • a wide range of. A variety of colors and textures leads to the possibility of creating a unique view. The most common option is the siding base under stone, but there are other types of imitation. Modern production technologies create a realistic drawing, which is difficult to distinguish from natural;
  • fast and easy repair. When comparing the time required for plaster, laying a stone with siding will speed up work 2-3 times. Repair is performed by a simple replacement of the strip;
  • ease of work even in the presence of walls with complex geometry. Working with rectilinear facades is extremely simple, few more complex round or multifaceted buildings.

If you perform the installation of the baseline siding with your own hands, it is worth considering several flaws:

  • after the trim, the dimensions of the building will be increased. Losses are 10-40 cm depending on the presence of irregularities, such as insulation and panel design. If a comprehensive metal trimming is performed, the parameter is unbalanced, but during a separate processing of the base, you should consider the further method of alignment;
  • it is important to buy all the additional fittings exclusively from corporate production: fasteners, angles, starting levels. Materials are required to be purchased with a margin in order to eliminate the need for regular trips to the store;
  • the cutting of the panels should be performed confidently, but with caution. It is recommended to use scissors with a hydraulic element, a grinder or hacksaw for metal. It is better to pre-practice so as not to provoke damage to large pieces.

Please note that the facing of a private house by siding implies the use of a large number of self-tapping screws or nails

The work of skills occurs in the course of the installation, it is possible to start work without prior training. The advantages of the coating clearly exceed the relative disadvantages.

Calculation of material and purchase of additional parts

Installation of base siding with your own hands is possible solely with the correct calculation and preparation of materials. To determine the required amount of materials, the processed area is initially calculated by the formula: height * length.

Before we see the foundation of the house at home with a straightener or any other material, you should find out the square of all areas and fold them together. The quadrature of the material in the package is calculated. The resulting number shows the number of packages required without taking the trim. Buy siding should be with a reserve, at least 10%.

What else will need to cover the base of siding

For fastening products can be used:

  • metal profile for vertical and horizontal crate. To calculate the surface length should be measured and taking into account the size of the profile to determine the amount. The metal is fixed with the occasion of each other by 40-50 cm;

Installation of the crate begins with installing the planks you choose: wooden or metal
  • saws. Must be attached to the tapping screw, they will also be required at the stage of installation of the root;
  • auxiliary elements: modules, sockets, corners;
  • heat insulation material. Optional but useful layer, usually the amount of siding is comparable to the insulation;
  • tools: screwdriver, Bulgarian, construction knife, scissors for metal, hammer, level, roulette and ruler.

It is better to buy all the materials at a time not to be distracted from work to purchase small elements. The cost of various types of siding fluctuates in a wide range. Choose base siding is possible as for 400 rubles / m2 and for 1200 rubles / m2.

How to prepare a house for siding mount

Step-by-step instructions on the installation of baseline siding with their own hands begins with the stage of preparation. Application of building materials does not require careful or special training. It is mounted even to duly dranco houses. Similar walls cannot be subjected to plaster, they are forbidden to mount any heavy cladding, so siding is the best way out.

To cover the walls there is no need for preliminary riding, plastering or priming, it suffices to check the smoothness of the wall and the absence of protruding elements.

After the inspection and removal of the protrusions form a frame or a doom. Most often an idres is installed with a metal profile or a wooden bar. The manufacturer allows the installation of the material directly on the wall, but it must have an ideal plane and consist of a material that is easy to introduce fasteners.

Outside the profile plank is attached to the base with the help of dowels and screws

If part of the house is processed, it is necessary to perform a metal lattice, it will last longer, otherwise there is a risk of destruction of the tree before saiding. Not only the metal profile can be used, but also wood with impregnation to protect against rot.

How the doom is performed

Starting work on the installation follows from the Earth. The first profile is the most important, it is leveling under the level and fasten to the wall at a distance of 5-10 cm from the surface. If a concrete breakfast is installed on the perimeter of the building, you can start the installation directly from the level of the scene. Metal brazed screws screwed into the wall, if its material allows to ensure reliability of the connection.

The distance between the profiles depends on the purpose of work. If the insulation is planned, the distance is calculated for comfortable laying of thermal insulation. For easy installation, it is recommended to install a profile with a 50 cm increment for smooth squares.

The highest attention is paid to the corners. Optionally, you can perform the curly shape of the corners from the profile.

Installation instructions for base siding

Installation procedure:

All plates are fixed with self-drawing, they should not be screwed too tight. It is better to leave 1 mm to the surface of the panel to prevent deformation.

Installation of siding panels

Starting the installation work should always be left, moving to the right. The panels are inserted by level with the previous element, to rest in the groove. For fastening, at least 5 screws are used: 4 in the corners and 1 in the center. It is important to monitor the integrity of the coating, any lumens will lead to the wear of thermal insulation and speeds up the destruction of siding.

Application procedure includes several basic rules:

  • the last row is always installed after installing the final beam;
  • to prevent deformation and bloom, avoid voltage on the panels;
  • start the application is better below;
  • in the process of installing panels under the windowsides, finishing racks must be installed;
  • if it is necessary to create holes for a gas pipe or heating, it is recommended to create a slot to 6 mm larger than the pipe diameter.

Final finish

The last stage of the finishes is the finish coating to give a complete appearance. The effect is achieved using the installation of corners, small modules and parts. From above, the edge is closed with a sampling - a special plank for removing the water, which is installed on the sealant of the same color as siding.


All listed steps require only accuracy and accuracy, it is better to check the evenness and integrity of the coating several times. With the help of the recommendations listed, even a newcomer will be able to create a siding base.

The installation instructions for the base siding can be useful to many who want to correctly perform work on the facing of their house. The base siding is the bottom of the external facing of the house, which is characterized by elevated protective properties. This is due to the fact that the lower part of the building is more susceptible to the harmful effects of moisture, cold and other risks.

To mount this design correctly, it is necessary to figure out how the installation of the base siding is carried out and which there are rules for its installation.

Essence of material

Facing the house by siding is always accompanied by the choice of two types of finishing: the main and basement.The right trim of the house of the house is of great importance for the entire design of Siding in the future.

The lower part of the structure performs the role of support for a plurality of upper rows of panels. Therefore, the base siding is made from very durable materials: polypropylene, vinyl and polyvinyl chloride. In addition to protective characteristics, the base siding is also different and visually. Most often, it imitates the rock breed, brick or stone medieval laying.

The use of two visually different materials for siding helps create a specific style of building. All these materials are high strength, so they have become so used so often to finish the house siding. In addition, these polymeric products calmly carry the long effect of ultraviolet, cold, heat, moisture and wind. All these characteristics allow you to create a really strong and very good design.

Preparatory work

Before starting the installation of baseline siding, it is necessary to perform a number of very important preparatory work, which will provide fast and reliable structures:

  1. The whole surface that will be facing must be carefully cleaned from old layers, garbage, solutions, paints and dust.
  2. All irregularities that occurred should be embedded with solutions. This is necessary in order for the installation of the frame to be fast, and the design is stable at all points. If somewhere there is a sweep or bulge, over time this will affect the panels, which will affect not only visual effect, but also on protection.
  3. The lower part of the construction after cleaning can be additionally protected by a polyethylene film. Since the panels will be mounted on the design, the moisture will become very often to fall on the walls. To avoid negative effects from this, it is worth making a moisture-proof layer of polyethylene or with the help of special solutions.

After the end of the preparatory work, you can proceed to the main installation.

Detailed mounting

Mounting siding that on the ground of the building, which is on the facade, represents the same sequence. After all preparatory work, you need to build a carrying structure that will be fixed on the facade. It can be made from a metal profile or wooden bars of 40x30, but it is better to use a metal. The lowest construction plan must be mounted at a distance of 15 cm from the ground. Horizontal strips - at a distance of 45 cm from each other, and vertical - 80.

After the construction, the finished frame with screws is fixed on the walls of the construction in several places. Instructions for installing baseline siding is often attached along with a set of materials. The layout of the elements is simple: starts from left to right and continues from the bottom up.

The first panel is located in the corner and is fixed in the profile commander, additionally fixed by self-draws. All subsequent elements are placed in a row, fastening between themselves with a lock connection. To strengthen the structure, the latest elements in the row can also be fixed with self-sales, but this will noticeably complicate dismantling.

In fact, to fulfill the entire installation of the baseline siding with their own hands, it is quite realistic, only you need to follow the instructions that are included with the material.

Tips during installation:

  1. No need to screw the screws until the panel is stopped and shook the panels tightly. There should be a small gap for the expansion of the material between the screw of the self-press and the panel. The same applies to the joint panels. Between them it is necessary to leave a small space.
  2. Panels can be cut if there is a need to fill out some spaces. But you should cut them with a saw, jigsaw or knife-cutter. Tools that are able to heat strongly can damage the protective panel coverage.

Not every homeowner allows his financial condition to reflect the house by stone tiles or decorative bricks. It is not only in the cost of materials, but also in difficulty, high cost of installation. For insulation and giving the house more aesthetic species there are special front panels. Such panels have many advantages, including a low price.

The main of the advantages is a slight solution in building a building. Panels are very simple products that have become popular thanks to their external qualities. They are able to turn the usual building in a beautiful and well-kept home.

The first thing worth paying attention is the price. Facade panels are made of high-quality and inexpensive polymer. The production of such panels costs much cheaper than the production of facade bricks and decorative stones.

There is a way to install. If there are several fasteners and screws for panels, then for bricks and stone it is necessary much more. Stone and brick are laid out much longer, due to the features of their installation - cement, sand, water is needed. In addition, the stones need to be customized to each other. Panels are installed on a preset frame. Under them can be installed various insulation from mineral wool and foam.

What are the panels for?

First of all, the panels invented not only as a means to decorate the facade of the building, but also as a way to hide additional insulation. Their main plus is in the space between the panel and the wall, where there are frame empty, you can additionally put a layer of insulation.

Unlike ornamental stones and bricks, this method of improving the facade additionally warms and allows you to maintain heat inside the construction. In addition, as already mentioned, the panels are very easily installed by the personnel, without the use of third-party equipment, materials and people.

Advantages of facade panels

This method of finishing the facade was invented as a cheap alternative. In addition, to independently establish this kind of facade and concomitant designs, much easier and faster than lay out the facade of tiles, bricks and other materials. In addition, plastic from which products are made are durable.

Also marked comfort and during operation. This facade is easy to wash with the help of water from the hose. In addition, this method of finishing the facade allows you to simultaneously insulate the building itself. Additional components or special panels are used.

Significant plus polymer panels - giving any form and visual design. Panels are painted under various materials - wood, the same bricks and stones. This is their multifunctionality.

The most important thing is not only the lowest possible panels themselves, but also related materials. For work it will be necessary to minimize the materials and forces. From the disadvantages, you can highlight the exposure of certain products to mechanical damage. Another disadvantage - in the event of a damage one of the component of the facade, it will take not only the replacement of the relevant part, but also dismantling the entire facade. However, it is much better and cheaper than replacing and repairing the facade of natural materials.

Basic panel installation rules

Before installing the facade panels, you must select the material from which they will be made, design and form. In addition, the preparation lies in the acquisition of consumables (screws, dowels) and tools (screwdrivers, grinder, screwdriver). Here there is a major advantage over brick and stone - there is no need to purchase cement, sand.

In addition, the panel itself not only can decorate the walls of the building, but also the foundation. Building will look strong and, at the same time, elegant monolith.

Next, you should implement the preliminary measurements of the house itself. This is necessary to determine the square of the panels, the approximate count of the number of screws and dowels. After measurements, the approximate location of the panels will be best drawn, the creation of the frame structure itself. This is a general work scheme for installing the future facade of the house.

Sketchy, preparation is as follows:

The most important rule of installation panels is to follow according to the scheme. The first layer, the first laid panel - the most important part. If it is installed incorrectly, then you will have to redo the whole design. It should be used to determine the angle of installing each panel. Thus it is possible to avoid uneven laying of panels.

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers


Types of facade panels

Choose a material from which panels will be made. To date, except for polymer panels, there are metal, more durable. At the same time, plastic preserves heat better. At this stage, the appearance of the facade is also resolved. Panels can be stylized under wood, decorative brick, stone and much more. Designer solutions a huge amount.

View of panelsMaterial

Stainless steel, aluminum

Panel sheets are made of foam / expanded polystyrene. Tile - extruded polymer

Polyvinyl chloride (simply speaking, plastic)

Pressed tree


These are the most demanded and popular panels. There are certain differences not only in the material, but also the installation itself of the facade. Each of the views of the future facade will differ externally.

Prices for various facade panels

Facade panels

Installation of metal:

It all starts identically: materials are prepared, a schematic design is drawn by a schematic design, installation is carried out. Profiles are installed in accordance with the rolled direction at a right angle to the base of the house with a 50 cm increment. Bearing profiles must be fixed with dowels.

After installing the vertical profiles, it is necessary to establish transverse bulkheads. Here it is necessary on each side of the panel to make paws for fastening to the profile. There are immediately ready frameworks, but such structures have a clear drawback - they must be fixed directly to the walls of the house. If the wall is made of foam concrete, then such a frame can collapse. Also, the frame is not recommended to be installed on silicate brick. Walls made of red bricks also do not go to the finished carcass. In addition, such structures are more expensive than those set by their own hands.

After the bulkheads were installed, the resulting rectangles can insert various kinds of insulation.

As soon as the insulation is installed, the panels can be fixed on the frame. Each panel has holes for screws. This allows you to hide the seams and do not disturb the aesthetic type of facade.

Schematically, the installation looks like this.

Stage 1.. Drawing up a diagram of a house and future frame for panels.

Stage 2.Cleaning the building from unnecessary decor elements.

Stage 3.. Production of outdoor frame on the walls of the building or installing ready.

Stage 4.. Installing the lowrow, starting plank and the very first row of panels. The level is used to determine the correct angle.

Stage 5. The following rows are installed followed by mounting on the framework.

The following panel is inserted into the lock part of the previous one and repeat the installation

Stage 6.. Installation of the final plank, sofit and decor elements.

In the future, such installation elements are saved for each type of panels. It is also plus panels - their installation is similar, which means easily you can learn to install the facade.

Metal: This is a good option for the cottage and one-story house. Such panels perfectly repeat the effect of the tree. In addition, products are perfectly processed without unnecessary tools. Easy care is enough to wash the contaminated part of the house with water.

File for download. Manufacture of Mounting Mounting Works

Prices for popular models of multifunctional cutters

Multifunctional cutter

Decorative panels for tile (clinker)

Relatively new material, which gives an aesthetic view of the facade and warming up the house at the same time. Such panels have two components - the base of the insulation and the outer coating. The coating can be stylized under any material - brick, stone, etc.

Such panels are fixed very quickly, due to a simple way. For the attachment you will need a spatula, construction glue, prepared frame. The latter is not necessary, since such panels can be attached immediately on the wall. The frame is used to establish an additional layer of insulation.

The panels are fastened as follows - a solution of construction glue is applied to the toothed spatula. Regarding the solution, each tiles manufacturer indicates the proportion formula necessary for installation. The glue is applied on the product that is applied to the outer wall or frame. After, the panel is broken in three minutes, and is again attached to the surface. This method is necessary in order to increase clutch strength.

Between the joints of the panel can be sealed with construction glue, and for additional strength panels are fixed with screws. The only drawback of such panels is their high cost. In return, you get not only a beautiful facade, but also a warm house.

Most likely, this is the optimal option not only to improve the type of facade of the building, but also insulation. Such panels look most attractive because they take the form of various materials and products from them. The house can turn into a stone fortress.

In addition, in the case of damage one of the parts of the facade, there is no need to disassemble the entire design. It is enough to choose the desired panel size, remove the damaged and install a new one.

The main recommendation is to establish in a warm course of the year, since the glue may be incorrect at low temperatures, and the entire design will not firmly hold onto the wall. Each manufacturer indicates a package, at what air temperatures most correctly fix the panel.

Video - Installation, insulation of thermopanels

Video - Installation of facade thermopanels (PPU) with clinker tiles

Fibro cement panels under the plaster

These products have several advantages over others:

  • the weight of such products is insignificant, there is no load on the walls and frame;
  • high thermal insulation. In addition, you can additionally install insulation between the frame and the panel;
  • good condensate conclusion. The walls of such a facade seem to be "breathing."

However, such panels are not devoid of flaws. The most important one is fragility. Products are subject to mechanical damage. At the same time, the replacement of one panel entails the processing of the entire frame.

The pluses include the installation method. Such panels are installed in the same way as the above metalyading.

Step by step, the whole setting is as follows:

Video - Instructions for mounting facade panels

Perhaps one of the most expensive types of panels, but the most beautiful. The panels are made of pressed sawdust, processed by special solutions for strength and durability. However, if not to care for such a facade regularly (every two seasons), it quickly comes in disrepair. In addition, this method of finishing is suitable only for single-storey houses, since the panels are heavy, the frame may not withstand.

As in the case of metal &iding, wooden panels are attached to the prepared frame. Installation methods identical:

The above panels can be replaced longer. The advantage of such panels - they are fixed immediately to the wall at each other in a row. The length of such products is 6 meters. This is a faster installation method. But in order to perform work on the facade, you must at least two people. One person will not cope with such work, because the panels may be incorrectly installed.

In order to cut off the unnecessary part of the panel, it is recommended to use the grinder. It will most quickly cope with such a product and smoothly cut the part of the panel.

The complexity of such products is their mass. For installation, it is best to call an assistant. So, the process will be optimally rapid and correct.

Polyvinyl chloride panels

PVC Siding is the easiest and cheap way to separate the facade of the building. Such panels are popular for several reasons: simplicity of installation; low cost; Huge colors. From the flaws it is worth noting that such panels are made of plastic and any facade will look like plastic even at the furthest distance.

This type of panels is set exclusively horizontally. For work, it will take a construction or any other knife. In addition, the perforator will be needed. It will also need a level to determine the corner of the panels, as well as a hammer for climbing nails.

The initial step of installing PVC panels is a preliminary inspection of the house. It is necessary to determine the location of the first row of panels. In the case of a new building, it is recommended to install the panel from the beginning of the foundation. Also, PVC panels can be installed from the initial row of old finish.

Next, you should install the initial framework, namely: angles, both external and internal, platbands, first stripes for fastening panels. Starts installation with corners. The gap between them and the eaves should not be more than 6.5 mm.

The most responsible stage on which the further fate of the entire facade will depend on the installation of the first strip of panels. It is important how it can be more correct to install the first strip of fasteners, since it depends on the mount of the panel itself. If the strip was laid exactly, then the panel will be smooth.

On windows and doors it is necessary to install platbands, fits and lining. And after the stages done, the installation of all other rows of the facade begins. The top panel is inserted into the profile and clogged with a nail, but not completely. Between the panels must be an interval of 0.4 cm, and between other components - no more than 6 mm. In order to avoid vertical adhesions, it is recommended to install the panels for half the factory mark. So the joints will not be visible from the facade side.

When installing panels, you must remember that parts of the products will need to cut off. For this, a construction knife is used. Also need a ruler and a level for more accurate measurement of the angle and the straight line on the product. We draw the line on the panel in the place where you need to cut off a piece, gently spend a knife several times. Plus plastic - it is ideal for such manipulations.

You must be extremely careful because mechanical damage is very visible on such a material.

Such panels are most in demand due to the simplicity of their installation and low cost. In addition, PVC products are installed on the various heights of the building, since very easy. Installing such panels is simple and will not require a lot of time.

The final stage is to install the upper row of panels. For the top row, only the entire panels are needed. In addition, the last panel is closed by a special profile for water flow.

Video - Installation of base siding

Prices for thermal insulation materials

Heat insulation materials

If you pay attention to the installation methods, the principal differences are not observed. There are certain nuances that should be considered when installing panels independently:

  1. The bottom layer is the most important. Exactly laid or installed panel is a guarantee of proper and successful work. In the case of improper installation, the likelihood of replacing the entire design is large.

  2. The frame is an important component. In addition to the clinker panels, the rest of the products need a framework. It will minimize the load on the walls of the house and distribute it correctly. In addition, a variety of insulation can be installed in the space between the wall and tile. Thanks to the frame.

  3. The panel seams are perfectly hidden each other when the installation is properly.

  4. The minimum number of tools is needed construction (preferably) a knife for cutting off the extra parts of the panels, a screwdriver, level, line. In addition, the installation of the panels will not take much time.
  5. If it is difficult to install the panel independently, without a specialist, it is enough to hire one person. In the future, watching work, you can easily repeat the entire work done and for other buildings.
  6. Big field for designer decisions. Most products are stylized under stone, wood and decorative brick. The house will look rich and elegant.

This is what you need to know a person if he independently decide to install the panels. The process does not differ technical complexity. It is necessary to act gently and carefully to achieve the desired result.

Comparison of various panels

There are both the pros and cons of each of the type of facade panels. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.

Panel typeprosMinuses

1. Take a different form.

2. Easy to install.

3. Strength.

4. Average price.

5. Stylization.

6. The most durable.

1. For a home no more than one floor, which is associated with weight.

2. Metal is easy to sleep. When replacing one component, you will need to process all the installed design.

1. Light material.

2. Complete insulation.

3. Ease of installation.

4. Installation speed.

5. Various decor options.

1. High cost.

2. are subject to mechanical damage.

1. The cheapest of all.

2. Various colors of panels.

3. Light material.

1. are subject to mechanical damage.

2. Not the best option for decor.

1. Durable and beautiful material.1. The most expensive version of the facade panels.

2. For one-story house.

1. Acceptable price.

2. Excellent heat saving quality.

1. are subject to mechanical damage.

The fundamental differences will be to enter the price and strength of products. Of course, each of the above options has its own individual characteristics, for which these panels are chosen.

It is worth noting that the panels are created not only to improve the appearance of the building, but also hiding various kinds of insulation. Moreover, the panels allow you to hide not alone, but even two and three layers of the insulation. It all depends on the type of product, the height of the frame and the correctness of its installation.

In addition, the panels can and need to be insulated not only by residential premises. Such a move as insulation and the use of panels for the facade of the building is used in industrial enterprises. For large premises, this is a huge plus as a heat saving inside the building. PVC panels are most in demand for industry because of the price and quality ratio.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare place of work. It is necessary to dismantle the elements of the storm system, lamps, and so on. This is necessary in order not to damage the panels themselves and the corresponding products.

Installing panels must be neat. They must move on each other to easily install the corresponding panel in the correct position. After all panels are installed and secured, the result is obvious - smooth and beautiful wall.

Formed allen sealing not necessarily. Most correctly will not use such sealants, as they will disrupt the heat exchange and conclusion of condensate from the construction.

The knife is one of the most necessary tools. With it, it is necessary to adjust the length of the panels. In the case of metal rolling and wooden panels, the knife is replaced by a grinder. It must be remembered that smooth angles are necessary for the correct joint of the panels.

After installing the facade, the most important thing is care. If you take care of the panels properly, the design will not lose the appearance and will serve a very long time.

Video - House of Casing House

Based siding is a very attractive finishing material. It is distinguished by resistance to ultraviolet, a solid surface, immunity to chemistry, easy cleaning capabilities, has a number of attractive characteristics. Today on the market you can find the panels of any color and textures that imitate various natural materials, brick and stone masonry, as well as the American chip finish style. Installation of base siding when performing simple requirements can be made with your own hands, which will make the house stylish and beautiful.

In which format is the base siding

Various companies offer their own panel format. Depending on the thickness, you can purchase a finishing material cheaper or more expensive. For example, the following panel formats are available:

  • a length of 1090 mm and 455 mm wide, the products of the company technostic are characterized by these indicators. Decorative coating mimics a stone, wood, brick;
  • format 116 x 49 cm, for example, from the company of Nailit, USA.

There are other sizes of panels, they depend not only on a particular manufacturer, but also from the finish pattern. Therefore, even one company may offer different dimensions of individual elements. Hence the simple conclusion: in order to carry out the installation of the base siding with their own hands, it will take carefully to perform preparatory work.

Preparation of the Wall

If we are talking about interior decoration, the installation of the base siding can be carried out directly on the surface of the wall. To do this, it must be perfectly smooth and smooth. Although the panel and has good stiffness, significant bugs will be played on the surface of the finish.

This question is not considered if the house is separated from the panels. Its walls are perfectly smooth, the surface is a fitting stove, which is perfectly included and retained self-tapping screws. Similarly, simply looks like the trim of the base of siding with their own hands, if a house is made from a cip with a cement-chipboard.

In all other cases, if it is impossible to ensure the perfect smoothness of the wall, it will be necessary to make a crate. This is especially important if the basement of old wooden buildings covered with dranco or other similar objects is completed.

The lamp can be made from a metal profile or processed wooden strips with an ideally smooth surface are used for this purpose.

useful in work

Choosing a tree crate material, you should carefully take care of the durability of the created foundation for mounted siding. For this, the humidity of the slats should be within 20%, each part is treated with antiseptic or antifungal impregnations.

By the way, an alternative embodiment of the baseline is a ventilated facade with clinker panels, whose service life is ≥50 years. True, the cost of such a solution is more than more.

Purchase of materials

Before resolving the issue, how to mount the base siding, it will take to determine the exact amount of finishes that will have to be purchased. For this act as follows:

  • styling zones thoroughly. In the case of a private house, it will be separately the base and the surface of the wall. Measuring the width and height, moving the values \u200b\u200bobtained, it turns out the area of \u200b\u200bthe processed zones;
  • each manufacturer in the characteristics of panels indicates the useful area and complete, while the number of elements in a pack and a total square, which can be separated from it.

Further actions are understandable. We divide the full area of \u200b\u200bthe processed zones to the indicator given for the pack and get the exact amount. The only thing that will be needed is to take into account waste, as siding is set by rows and at the same time it is almost impossible to "get" in the dimensions of the laying zone. Therefore, the total area, which was calculated by frozen at home, increases by 10%. Only after that the number obtained is to translate into "pieces of panels."
It will be necessary to purchase components and necessary for work. Instructions for the installation of baseline siding precisely requires the use of certain elements. It will take:

  • starting Plank, from which the finish of the private house begins;
  • finish profile, which overtakes the laying area from above;
  • J-profile, worn on the siding block on the side.

Also before starting work, it is necessary to calculate the number of internal and external angles, determine their length to buy the corresponding connecting elements in the desired quantity. Also, for the design of door zones and windows, platbands, window profiles, wind strips are needed.
Since the cost of additional elements is quite noticeable, it is necessary to accurately calculate the number so that the design of the house or base of siding does not cause unnecessary spending. How to calculate the amount of metal profile or slats for the crate - will be set forth in the following sections.
To establish a base siding with your own hands, you will also need:

  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • corner and marking tool;
  • hacksaw for metal or electrolybiz.

The choice of many tools is individual. However, there are grounds of working with siding panels, which clearly limit the use of self-tapping screws with a flat pressure head. It will be necessary to buy them in a very significant quantity, as they also apply when creating a crate.

Calculation of the amount of material and creating a base for laying

Creating a crate - the first thing, where the cover of the house is begins with baseline siding. There are several recommendations for creating this basis.

Horizontal planks

The extender of the horizontal crate makes sense to apply if the geometry of the wall has several window openings located at one level, doors and other similar elements. With the help of one long plank, it is possible to form the base close to the windowsill, for example, in the same way, you can position the bar from above the window or door. The production between the elements of the crate on which they are recommended to be installed is half the height of the finishing panels used.

Important detail:

At the lowest screen of the crates, it will be necessary to establish a starting bar with which the base of the base siding will begin with their own hands. Therefore, it is located at a distance of approximately 5-7 cm from the ground and carefully appease in the level.

Vertical dorette

Working with vertical boards is more convenient on the deaf wall of a large area. It is easier to make such a crate, in addition, it is easier to work with it if you plan to lay insulation under siding. The distance between the planks is selected in half the dimensions of the panels, which will be carried out at home by siding. When performing a vertical crate, you need to position additional slats at a distance of 5-10 cm from the line of internal and external corners.

Combined doom

Simple and at the same time the most time-consuming and expensive way - to create a grid on all the surfaces of the walls and base with a cell size of about 50x50 cm on all the surfaces with a cell size of about 50x50 cm. It will be necessary to make the contour around the door, windows, and also arrange the basis for the installation of panels At a distance of 5-10 cm from internal and external corners. To create such a design, a galvanized corner and a hatch profile are usually used.
Depending on the selected shape pattern of the crate, the required amount of metal profile or wooden planks is determined. When creating a crate, it is also worth considering whether insulation will be made.
If the answer is positive, you need to provide a free space for laying the selected thermal insulator. In case the cladding of the base is to be made without additional measures or using insulated panels, the height of the slave plane can be minimal, the only requirement is to hold the screws at their entire length.

Beginning of work

To know how to assemble the base siding, it is important to understand one key thing. From how far exactly the lower row will be laid - further laying depends on. Therefore, the work begins with the installation of the starting plank. Its position is checked by level. This element is located all over the perimeter of the building, and you need to ensure that all parts formed one line. Planning is attached by self-draws, while compensating for temperature expansion (especially in the case of a metal cage), they are not twisted to the end, leaving the gap of about one and a half millimeters.

It's important to know

If the configuration of the house or the soil surface does not allow you to create a single line from the starting profile, you will have to create a reference level from the first row of panels. They cut so that the upper part formed the perfect line. The process of time consuming and long, the starting plank at the installation is located close to the ground, the cropped panels are inserted into it with the line of the cut.

After the starting profile is installed, you can start the mounting panels. There are rules of how to install the base siding and get the perfect wall surface.

  1. Laying begins with rows, bottom up, left to right.
  2. The siding mounted in its place is also fixed by self-pressing with a flat pressure head with a mandatory gap at one and a half millimeters. The fastener is required to screw in strictly perpendicular to the surface of the panel in the slot intended for this.
  3. Warmed siding has a lot of mass, so each panel is required to secure additional self-draws.
  4. Finishing elements are inserted into each other, each has its own protrusion and grooves.
  5. During operation, you need to constantly check the level of installation of the Siding panels.
  6. If when installing the base siding fails to reach the perfectly level line of the upper zone, the parts of the finish will have to be trimmed. For this purpose, only the metal knife is applied, and the visible line of "shortened" panels is closed by the finish plank.

When working in windows and doors areas, appropriate components are applied - these are wind, bottomhole profile, platbands. Lattices and other elements are installed in the right places.

Work in the corners

If the wall decoration does not represent difficulties, then work in the corners requires some skill. Those who are not confident in their abilities can go easy paths.

A complex method is to form a zone of convergence of corners with a crate. It will take a fairly high skill work with a tool and skill, however, you can get interesting art decisions. The resulting base is trimmed by siding panels. To one more minus such a method of designing angles, the need to use a large number of special profiles in order to mask the cutting lines on the panels.


As you can see, if you follow simple recommendations for conducting preliminary work and check the correct installation of each element when laying, you can qualitatively sew a private house by siding. Such a finish will look just fine, it will not be necessary to serve and it will retain its characteristics over long years.