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When the holiday Ramazan in the year. Male and female names for letters - d

It is well known among Muslims that the post per month Ramadan is the great observance and obligation of believers. Allah Most High endowed this month by special honor. And the definition of the beginning of the month Ramadan is one of the important religious rituals to be paid due attention to.

The beginning of the moon month on the Muslim calendar is determined exclusively by observing the new moon, therefore, it is impossible to know in advance the occurrence of the month, and calculations are used only approximately for preliminary preparation. The lunar month has 29 or 30 days.

The method of determining the start of the month Ramadan taught the prophet Muh Ammad himself, peace to him, that to this day is used by Muslims around the world.

Prophet Mukh in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "X" is pronounced as ح in Arabicammad, peace, he said:

«صُومُوا لِرُؤْيَتِهِ وَأَفْطِرُوا لِرُؤْيَتِهِ فَإِنْ غُمَّ عَلَيْكُمْ فَأَكْمِلُوا عِدَّةَ شَعْبَانَ ثَلاثِينَ يَوْماً»

رَوَاهُ البُخَارِي وَمُسْلِم وَغَيْرُهُمَا

This means: "Observe the post when you see a young month (Ramadan), and if you could not see him, then calculate the completion of the month Sha'ban 30th day, and stop it (post) when you see a young month Shauala."

Whether the new month began, you can find out in the evening after sunset on the 29th of the current month, watching the new moon: if a young moon appeared in the sky, it means that the new calendar month has come, and if it does not appear, the next day It will be the 30th day of the current month. And, since there are no 31st numbers in the lunar calendar, respectively, the 30th will be necessarily the last number of months. In all lunar calendars, compiled for a whole year, the start date of the early months and Muslim holidays are approximately. It will not be faithful to rely solely on the calendars.

Since the time of the Prophet, peace to him, and to today, Muslims follow this rule by passing each other knowledge. About how to correctly determine the beginning and the end of the month, knows everyone who lived in Muslim countries and saw the traditions and customs of Muslims. For example, how Muslims are collected in open places, where it is more convenient to produce night surveillance. After the Muslims see a new moon, they shoot from guns or bred a big fire on the top of the mountain, thereby announcing the start of the blessed month of Ramadan or the occurrence of the spelling holiday.

These wonderful customs have deep roots that reach already before the time when the associates of the Prophet Mukh lived in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "X" is pronounced as ح in Arabicammada, peace to him, spreading knowledge throughout the earth.

Moreover, the scientists of four masses were talked about this, which confirmed that the definition of the first day of the month of Ramadan was carried out by observing the new moon after sunset on the 29th of the month of Cha'ban. And they are not taken as a basis, and are not the basis for this calculations of astronomers and star.

Imam An-Nauguiy said in his book Al-Majmu ':

وَمَنْ قَالَ بِحِسَابِ الْمَنَازِلِ فَقَوْلُهُ مَرْدُودٌ بِقَوْلِهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم فِي الصَّحِيحَيْنِ

This means: "The one who relies on the calculation in determining the position of the Moon, then its calculations are rejected and not taken into account . As the prophet flies in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "X" is pronounced as ح in Arabicammad, peace to him, said:

إنَّا أُمَّةٌ أُمِّيَّةٌ لاَ نَحْسِبُ وَلاَ نَكْتُبُ، الشَّهْرُ هَكَذَا وَهَكَذَا، صُومُوا لِرُؤْيَتِهِ وَأَفْطِرُوا لِرُؤْيَتِهِ، فَإِنْ غُمَّ عَلَيْكُمْفَأَكْمِلُوا عِدَّةَ شَعْبَانَ ثَلاثِين يَوْماً

This means: "We are such a people who do not live according to estimates and calculations, assumptions and guessings. We do not write and do not count. The month happens and so (that is, 29 days), and so (that is, 30 days). Start abide by the post, seeing the new moon (Ramadan), and complete the observance of the post, seeing New Moon (Shauhal). And if the sky was closed, then finish the month of Sha'ban 30th day. "

This Hadith passed the Imam al-Bukharius, Muslim and others.

The one who saw the young month of Ramadan must observe the post. The same who had not seen himself, but learned about it from a reliable Muslim is obliged to observe the post of Ramadan. Abu Dauud told that the son of 'Umar (II Califa), and Allah bless them, said the prophet fluff in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "X" is pronounced as ح in Arabicammada, peace to him that he saw the young month of Ramadan, after which the prophet himself followed the post and ordered to abide by his other believers.

If the beginning of the post in some location is confirmed, it is obliged to observe all residents of the area, as well as neighboring with it, located in one temporary belt (that is, the sun in their territories rises and comes at the same time) According to Mazaaba Imam Ash-Shafiii. According to Mazhip Imam Abu Khanifa, the post is obliged to observe all the believers who are at any point of the earth, learning about the beginning of the month of Ramadan, regardless of distance. According to this opinion, the inhabitants of the East are obliged to comply with the post of Ramadan, even if they reported by the inhabitants of the West, and vice versa.

Allah prescribed to us the observance of his laws transferred to the last Prophet Muh in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "X" is pronounced as ح in Arabicammada, peace to him, after which there will be no new law of God to the vessel. And these laws are suitable for all centuries, times and epochs, they do not become obsolete until the very end of the world. And with Allah, we will resist the teachings of the last prophet, peace to him. Therefore, we remind that the distortion of Shari'at and making any changes to it is unacceptable, and the one who does this under the pretext of civilization and technological progress, as if he says that there is a disadvantage in the laws of God and he came to fix it, or as if Someone after the prophet flies in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "X" is pronounced as ح in Arabicammada, peace to him, receives a revelation that in both cases is absurd and radically contradicts the teachings of Islam.
True followers of the Prophet, peace, they know, believe and recognize that he tried in everything that we will argue and what he passed from Allah, and do not ignore what he taught. At the same time, we need to know that Islam is not against the comprehensive development and scientific progress, but only forbids the distortion of Shari'ahant.

Therefore, according to the above, whether the new month began, you can find out in the evening after sunset on the 29th of the current month, watching the new moon. On the site of the Central Spiritual Department of Muslims Crimea - Tavrichesky Muftita Muslims, observation was established that 1 day of the month Shaban (month preceding the month of Ramadan) corresponds to April 17, 2018, respectively The 29th day of the month corresponds to May 15, 2018 will be monitored by the new moon of Ramadan. If Muslims by observation on the evening of May 15, 2018 will see a young month to mean 1 day of the month of Ramadan 2018 - May 16, 2018, and if they don't see, on May 16, 2018 it is customary to count the chamber's month and, accordingly, May 17, 2018 - 1 Day of the month of Ramadan 2018.

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Mavlid - a symbol of sincere love for the Prophet, peace to him

Very soon Muslims all over the world will celebrate a significant event - the birth of the Prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "X" is pronounced as ح in Arabic, peace to him. This day illuminated the world with rays of truth, justice and good. He became the greatest milestone in the dissemination of love, peace and happiness. Therefore, I would like to remind Muslims immediately before the onset of the month, in which the messenger was born, peace to him. Our old men, from which we actually, were taken to this great event with special attention and honor, and took this beautiful gift to Maulude. Do not forget about that. That in our time, many not only do not understand the essence of Maulida (Mevlyud), but also just do not know what it is. Given this fact, it will be appropriate to start with a brief description of the essence of this holiday, as well as to illuminate its spiritual and religious components.

This wonderful tradition is supported in all Muslim states. A lot of books of scientists are written about her, her poems and poems are dedicated to it.

Mavlida celebration

Incentive encouraging ordinary believers to celebrate this holiday, and scientists write great works, is Ayat from the Sacred Kur'an this word must be read on Arabic as - القرآن. in which it is said, meaning:

"And do good acts"

In order to realize the majesty of mawelid, comprehend this great and good act, for sincere people, it is enough to know about the purpose of this celebration, about the essence, as well as how it is held.

Mavlid is a symbol of love for the Prophet, peace to him. Thus, Muslims express their gratitude to Allah for the sent mercy in the face of the Great Prophet, peace. It is known that it is advisable to keep post-Sunnu (desirable post) on Monday. Once the Prophet Muhammad, peace, asked him the reason why Muslims should be honored to keep post-Sunna on this day. The Prophet, peace to him, answered: "I was born on this day." Thus, the Messenger of Allah himself, peace to him, pointed to that. That the post on this day is the gratitude of Allah for the fact that he sent us the Prophet, peace to him. If the post on this day is allowed, being gratitude to Allah, then it follows that it is permitted by the commitment of other good acts, which are grateful to the creator. Undoubtedly, and so gratitude is Mevlyud. This holiday, including the listed spiritual components, encompasses and many other aspects that, in aggregate, can become for a religious level in spiritual development.

Despite. that this celebration in various Muslim countries has its own distinctive features, the cause of which originality and linguistic diversity, however, can also be indicated on general, characteristic of all believers principles.

The celebration of Mevlyud opens, as well as any other event of this kind, reading the sacred Kuran. Then, while a treat is preparing, any of the believers reads a beautiful, spectacle voice the prophet, peace to him: about birth, life and other significant events that were in his beautiful life.

One of the features of Mevlyud is a collective praise of the Prophet, peace to him, reading various salawata. It is confirmed by two reliable Hadiths (the spokes of the Prophet, peace to him) that the collective praise of the Messenger of Allah, peace, approved by Shari'at. One of these Hadiths was transferred by Imam Ahmad NBN Hanbalem in his book "Musdan". It tells that Ethiopia, being in the mosque of the Prophet, peace to him, read praise in their own language. The prophet hearing this reading asked about the meaning of their words. They answered that these words mean: "Truly, Muhammad is a pious slave of Allah." And the Prophet, peace, approved this act.

In the book "Musand Al-Baszar" it is said that Ethiopia, accompanying the reading of Salauate dance, read: "Abul-Gasim-Tayib". This salauate means: "Abul-Gasim-Brawal". Abul-Gasim is one of the names of the prophet, peace to him. Messenger, peace to him, being an eyewitness of this reading, did not forbate him and did not speak against the collective committee.

The praise of the Prophet, peace to him, is one of the species' Ibad (Allah worship). Gathering together, Muslims in moments of the holiday can feel the unity of hearts in love for the great prophet, peace. At these moments, believers feel unprecedented unity, cohesion and love to each other. Muslims, making this great act, by the will of Allah can get a barrack (blessing) from Allah; Patients who visited such a meeting may abandon it already being healthy, and sad and sad will delete the unprecedented power and the treatment of souls and hearts.

Muslim names for a boy and girls

Problem The name of adventures is relevant to this day. With this problem, it was undoubtedly faced each of us at the time of the birth of a child. We are painstakingly with dozens of names before staying at one of the options. I always want to find something beautiful, not contrary to traditions and religion, but at the same time and simple, easily across. The names of the name plays at all in the social society. There are cases when parents under the influence of personal emotions and ideological ideas called children, such names that did not correspond to morally - ethical polls in Muslim society. For example, during the All-Union Construction of Communism in some Turkic peoples, the name "Lenour" - Lenin Nursa (Svetom Lenin), "Marlene" - Marx and Lenin and other political names were assigned. It should also be noted the problem of disappearing from the language of such letters as "ه" - H and "ح" - h. . For example, Asan, Usein, Ukey. These are names generally accepted in the Muslim world, like single-handed words " H.asan "-" " H.usain "-" H.yusnyi ", from Arabic - sophisticated, elegant, good. The reason for the disappearance of the letters mentioned in the language of Turkic peoples is the substitution of Arabic graphics Latin or Cyrillic.

Some Turkic peoples still retain an interesting tradition to call a weakened newborn by the name Tursun or Yashar, Omur. In particular, Azerbaijanis call Dusun or assign the name of the father and mother. No one will deny the fact that the name is a kind of carrier of any information. Muslim name can carry the memory of the prophets and their loved ones, peace. To indicate submission and faith of Muslim in the existence of a single allaha, as well as on the day. This is noticeable on the example of names based on: 'ADB (' Ibad), safe and Nur. The variants of the Arab term "Abd" are interpreted as: slave. Safe like: Sword, and Nur - beam, light. Pay attention to the following names: 'Abdulhh,' Abdura, 'Abdul toadir, 'Abdussaamad, Saintordin, Nuzreddin, etc.

It must be said that not only newlyweds, but their parents, grandparents take part in the process of adoption of the child. In most cases, young as a sign of respect and gratitude, the last word is left behind the elders. This actually lies the mentality of the Crimean Tatar people.

In the traditions of some Turkic-Muslims, there is a special approach to the names, the spouse often appeals to her husband without mentioning his name. For example, a Uzbek woman calls her husband "Khodiajyn" (but the etymology of the Russian word "owner"), Otsasa - the father of children. In the Crimean Tatar homes, and especially the families of each other, they turn to each other as: Akayay, Apai or Kishi, Apakyi, Austrat, etc. The word "Austrat" \u200b\u200bapplies to women, due to the fact that they have parts of the body that they must close in front of other people's men. (The whole body, except for the face and hands).

Returning directly to our topic, it is enough to remember our compatriots who have dual names. For example: Kurt-Sabe. Kurt-Ali, Kurt-Asan, Kurt-Osman, Seit-Asan, Seit-Bekir, Seit-Belyal, Seit-Lie, Mambet-Ali. Recall the forms of names in the pre-war Crimea, these are the names of the famous classics of Crimean-Tatar literature: Hassan Sabri, Hussein Shamil, died the faes and others. Sometimes among readers are those who confuse their second not official names with the names. For, as we know in the names of Turkic origin, there are no typical of the Slavic peoples of the end of the type: OV / OVA, EV / EVA. Currently, individual Crimean Tatarsky cultural figures, in order to emphasize patriotism deliberately cut off this endings from personal surnames. For example, Shakir Selim (s), Shevket Ramazan (s), Ider Memet (s), Fetta Akim (s), Aisha Coki (Eve), Shernyan Ali (EB). According to some data, the aforementioned paired names were assigned to children in order to avoid misunderstandings between fellow villagers with the same names. Perhaps there are other motives here. At the moment, this question remains little earned. Along with the names there are various pseudonyms, nicknames. If usually creative people or less often politicians, along with a real personal name, attribute to themselves and pseudonym, then nicknames are assigned to a certain person directly by people surrounding it.

With the intention to remind the vintage traditional Muslim names begin to publish the most frequently used names. The basis of the article was taken by the Directory of Turkic Names, Arabic-Russian, Ottoman-Turkish and other dictionaries.

Male and female names for letters - A

'Abdullah - Slave of God.
'Abid, (' Abida) - worshiping, praying, believed slave.
'Adalelet - justice, justice.
'Adil, (' Adil) - Fair. Male and male and female name female name.
'Azamat - greatness, splendor.
'Aziz, (' Aziz) - respected, revered, beloved. Male and female name
'Azim - full determination, decisive
'Ali - the name of the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, peace to him (' Aliya female name)
'Alim (' Alima) is a wise, scientist, notable. Male and female name
'Arif - noble, intelligent
'Abdulgaffar - Slave Allaha, forgiving sins
Adem - Adam, the name of the first person created by Allah, the first prophet, peace
Aledar - bannamers
Amin - reliable, truthful male name and female name
Amina - the name of Mother Muhammad's mother, peace
Amir (Emir) - the ruling, giving orders
Arzu - 1. Cambera is a hero of the famous fairy tale "Arza ve camberry". 2. From Persian, desire, dream
Asia (Asie) - so called the wife of Pharaoh. Pious woman from the followers of the Prophet Musa, peace
Ahmad is one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad, peace to him.

Male and female names for letters - B

Basyr - insightful, turning, long-scale
Batal - brave, brave, hero
Batyr - Bogatyr
Bakhtiyar - from Persian. Happy

Male and female names for letters - in

Vildan (from Ar.Slov Valil, ordered, Culp) - Newborn children; slaves

Male and female names for letters - g

Gevher (Dzhaukhar) - a gem, clean, true, genuine
Guzul (Guzal, Gesul) - from Turk, beautiful, good. Female name

Male and female names for letters - d

Dilyaver - from PERS. brave, brave, brave
Dilyara - from Persian. beauty; Cute, beautiful, soothing heart

Male and female names for letters - s

Housing (byh) is a leading ascetic lifestyle. Male and female name
Zaire (Zaire) - attending visiting. Male and female name
Zainab (Zeynb) - the name of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, peace
Zakir (from ZIKR) - mentioning the name of God of the Most High
Zarif (Zarif) - gentle, sophisticated. Male and female name
Zafer - reaching a goal; Winning, winner
Khara - flower
Zhyra - one of the names of the prophet's daughter, peace to him, Fatima
Zeki (zeka) - clean, without impurities, natural, genuine. Male and female name
Zeki - smart, intelligent
Zulfie - the one who has very beautiful, lush hair

Male and female names for letters - and

Ibrahim - the name of the Prophet, peace to him, the Father of the Prophet Ismael, peace to him.
Idris is the name of one of the prophets, peace.
Waste - greatness, respect.
Ilham (Ilhamie) - inspiration. Male and women.
Ilyas is the name of one of the prophets, peace.
Imdad - help; Power sent to help
Iman - faith. Female name.
'Inethumes - mercy, guardianship, care.
Ifan - Knowledge. Male name.
'Isa - the name of one of the prophets, the world of them, the son of Maryam, peace to her. Allah was NEPLIAL NEWPERED.
Islyam - the name of the religion of all the prophets, the world of them, from the AR. means humoring one
Ism'il - the name of one of the prophets, peace. The first son of the Prophet Ibrahima, peace to him, from Hadger Izmet - Immigration, security.
Irada (Irada) - Will.

Male and female names for letters - to

Kamal (Kemal) is perfection.
Kerem - nobility; generosity.
Kerim (Kerim) is a generous, noble. Male and female name.
Kausar (Kevser) - 108 Sura from K'anan name of the paradise source.
Kamil (Kamila) is the perfect, immaculate. Male and female name.
Cadier (Cadir) is a powerful, strong. Male and female name

Male and female names for letters - l

Latififf - gentle, soft. Female name.
Lutfi (Lutfie) - kind, cute. Male and female name.
Lyale - tulip.

Male and female names for letters - m

Mahbub (Mahbuba) is a favorite, beloved. Male and female name.
Mavelud (Maveluda) - born. Male and female name.
Madina - the city in which the grave of the Prophet Muhammad is located, peace to him.
Maryam (Merry) is the mother of the Prophet 'Isa. peace to him
Madich - praising.
Mecca is a place where the prophet Muhammad was born, peace and a place of finding Ka'b.

Male and female names for letters - n

Nadir (Nadir) - rare.
Nazim (name) - composing.
Nazif (Nazifa) is clean.
Nail (Nail) - achieving goals.
Nafis - very valuable; Beautiful.
Nedim (Nedima) - interlocutor, friend.
Nimmet - good, Dar.
Nuzreddin - Light of Faith.

Men's and Women's names for letters - R

Ragieb (Ragibe) - who wants.
Rajab (Recend) - the seventh month but the lunar calendar.
Ripip (Rifef) kind.
Ramazan (Ramadan) is a month of fasting.
Rasim is an artist drawing.
Refat - compassionate, kind.

Men's and women's names for letters - C

Sabit solid, stable.
Sabir - tolerant, trying on.
Sadriddin - with faith in the heart.
Said (Said) - happy, lucky.
Sakin (Sakina) being alone.
Salih (Saliha) - pious.
Safolo - clean, clear.
Safiya is clean, without impurities.
Selim (Selim) - no flaws.
Selmet - well-being, security.
Sefer - travel.
Substations (subchiev) Morning.
Suleiman is the name of the Prophet, peace to him.
Sultan (Sultania) - ruler.

Male and female names for letters - t

Thair (Thawer) is clean, noble.
Talib - striving; student.
Tevfik - Good luck, lucky.

Male and female names for letters -

Ulvie (Ulvie) - hill.
'Ubaidullah - the slave of the Most High.
Ummet - community.

Male and female names for letters - f

Fazil (Phazyl) -Anguistic.
Faika (Faikaa) - excellent.
Faruko - fair.
Fatima (Fatma) is the name of the first daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, peace to him.

Male and female names for the letters - x

Khalil devotee (friend, comrade).
Halim (Khalima) is soft, kind.
Khalis (Khalisa) is clean, without impurities.
Habib (Habiba) is a favorite.
Hadidge - the name of the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad, peace to him.
Hydar - lion, that is, brave and brave.
Hyreddin - good from faith.
Hairi - happy, lucky.
Hakim (Khakim) - wise.
Khalil is a devotee, friend, comrade.
Halim (Khalima) is soft, kind.
Khalis (Khalisa) is clean without impurities.
Hassan - elegant, good. The name of the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, peace to him.
Hikmet - wisdom.
Husseini is a good, elegant. The name of the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, peace to him.
Husni (Husony) is elegant, beautiful.

Men's and Women's names for letters - w

Sharaban - the eighth month of the lunar calendar.
Shemecednne - with a bright faith.
Shakir (Shakir) - noble.
Shevket is a majestic, important.
Shemeseddin - with a bright faith.
Shemsi (Shemsia) - Sunny, radiant.
Sheriff - honorable.
SHFIK (SHFIKA) - kind, soulful.
Shukri (Shukrie) - thanks to.

Men's and women's names for letters - u

Edib (Edibu) - good-bought.
Edie (host) - a gift.
Ecram is very generous, welcoming.
Elmaz - gem, diamond.
Emin (Emine) - honest.
Enver is very radiant, light.
Enis (Enisa) is a very good sousy.
Esma is very generous, welcoming.

Compliance with Oraza per month Ramadan is a special worship, and there is benefits from it both in this and in the next life. At the fasting there are two joys: the first in this world, when he is talking after the post is observed, and the second in the world is as follows when he will be given to Allah in the name of God in the Arabic "Allah", the letter "x" to utter as ه Arab Without place, without image and without a distance. Muslim, who complies with the post, in Shaa Allah, will enter the paradise. In addition, post is good for health. People who followed the post in the month of Ramadan are becoming more merciful, sympathize and assist the poor, since they themselves had to feel the feeling of hunger and thirst. People become more God-fearing, fewer sins are less than quarreling. The health of people observing the post is noticeably strengthened. Therefore, you need to strive to preserve the health that you could fix with the beneficial effect of the post.

In the month of Ramadan, people restrict themselves in food, as a result, the heart works with a smaller load and the pressure is reduced. The level of cholesterol is reduced, blood circulation is normalized. Therefore, compliance with the post is especially useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Such patients are noticeably improved well-being.

Compliance with the post contributes to a decrease in excess weight. This contributes to the treatment of rheumatism, since the burden on the joints decreases. Scientists state that patients with rheumatism the state of health in the month of Ramadan is improving. First of all, it is associated with a specific power mode. In the future, such patients may also have a chance to completely abandon medication treatment.

The post is also useful for people suffering from allergies and respiratory and bronchial diseases. Compliance with the post is especially important for patients with bronchial asthma. If a patient with such a notch, for a year adheres to a certain nutritional mode, then its stomach is less overwhelmed and does not pressure on the diaphragm. Accordingly, it does not make it difficult to breathe ..

A special diet should be followed after the month of Ramadan. It is necessary to try to limit yourself from consumption of a large amount of salt and fats. As a result, the excess salts are noticeably reduced in the blood and blood pressure decreases.

Also, the use of food with low salt and fat reduces the likelihood of skin-inflammatory diseases, and in particular, the acne.

Limited food intake affects the decrease in blood sugar levels of patients with diabetes. Thus, the load on the pancreas is reduced, and thereby decreases the production of excessive insulin in the body.

Excessive food use leads to accelerated aging of the body. This is due to a violation of the process of regeneration and cell division.

Abuse of sweets, as well as overeating causes irreparable damage to the body, since due to impaired blood circulation and pressure increases there are various anomalies in the field of heart and liver.

Truly, for compliance with the post per month Ramadan in the name of Allah Muslim receives a great reward.

Adheres to Oraz means to strengthen the health and strength of the Spirit in the name of Allah.

The sacred month, which the Muslims of the whole world are waiting for the whole year, in 2018 will be held from mid-May to June. Within 30 days, believers will not drink and are in the daytime day. The exceptions will be children, mental, pregnant women, unhealthy people. When Ramadan 2018 is over, all followers of Islam will celebrate Uraz-Bayram, lasting 3 days. Congratulations on the end of Ramadan will sound at a festive table in all families, and pictures with verses can be sent over the Internet. What number begins Ramadan, how to eat, Sukhurov and Iftarov's schedule for Moscow and Kazan on the calendar can be found from our article.

Sacred Ramadan in 2018 - what number begins and when it ends in Russia

According to statistics in all regions of Russia, about sixteen million of Islam followers live, and this is about 12% of the total population of the country. The meaning of the life of Muslim is the elevation of Allah, so the post takes a very important place in Islam. For Muslims it is very important to know what number begins and when the sacred Ramadan ends in Russia. Wishing control is a fundamental principle of post, so that the desires do not take possession of a person. Throughout Ramadan - 30 days - it is impossible to take food, drink water, join the marital relationship during the daytime.

The beginning and end of Ramadan in Russia in 2018

Before sunrise, you can have breakfast (Suchur), dinner - only after sunset (Ifta). As a rule, the meal starting from dates and water, then go to more dense food. The post gives a feeling of hunger, from which poor people suffer, so I understand the feelings of the beggars and helps them more. The deeper essence of the post is to free a person from vicious passions, which in the future will lead it to the religious integrity of actions throughout life. The sacred Ramadan in 2018 in Russia begins at sunset on May 16 and ends on June 16, when the sun rises.

Calendar of the month of Ramadan with the schedule of post in 2018

This year, the month of Ramadan falls on May and June, so in the hot season, the post can lead to dehydration. Caffeine, tea, alcohol, sweet drinks should be excluded from the ration. In the dark, you can drink water with salt adding. The most active people need a lot of liquid. It is best quenched thirst for teas - green and herbal, water. In order not to damage your health, it is advisable to make food strictly on a calendar with a post schedule for 2018 at the same time. On the tub, smoked, very salted, sweet, fried, sharp, dishes. Before dawn, it is advisable to eat porridge, boiled vegetables, fermented milk products. Unwanted fruits, since they contain thirst acids. Iftar is preferably starting from dates. They not only raise the body, but will save him from overeating. The calendar of the month of Ramadan with a post schedule in 2018 is shown below.

Schedule of the Sacred Ramadan post in 2018

The beginning and end of Ramadan 2018 - Schedule for Moscow

The month of Ramadan implies self-control, so desires should be restrained during talking. According to the prophetic rule, 1/3 of the stomach fill with food, 1/3 - water, 1/3 - air. In addition, during the Iftar, you should not drink a lot of water immediately, as it will be a shock for the body. Drinking water is recommended for several hours on a glass. You can not postpone the reception time. Iftar should not be very satisfying, as it is necessary to enable the body to get drunk to Sukhuur. Praying should be 5 times a day. In the course of Ramadan, everyone who may have to sacrifice a small amount of money every day. The award will be multiplied by many times. The schedule of start and end of Ramadan should be held for Moscow and eat, without postponing, in a strictly defined time. Ramadan is considered a month of sincere contact with the Quran. According to the legend, it was in Ramadan Allah sent the first lines of Holy Scripture to the Prophet Muhammed. Many people make a mistake, trying to read the Quran as quickly as possible, because it is very important to understand the meaning of read. The beginning and end of Ramadan 2018 - the schedule for Moscow can be found below.

Post calendar during Ramadan in Moscow in 2018

Pictures and congratulations in verses and in prose with the end of Ramadan

The month of grace and generosity, a month of the post, which all Muslims are waiting for a whole year ends with the holiday of the Treparation of Uraza Bayram. The celebration is one of the most important in Islam. Uraza Bayram begins with dawn. The souls of believers are rejoicing the fact that they performed this rite and comply with tradition. In those regions of Russia, where the title population professes Islam - in Tatarstan, Bashkiria, in the North Caucasus - religious holidays are weekends. In honor of the end of Ramadan, people are cleaned at home and streets, cover tables, go to visit each other, take congratulations and send pictures with verses and prose. Ramadan's ending holiday lasts for 3 days. These days the main food are sweets. The followers of Islam are prescribed to do good deeds and take care of neighboring. Pictures and congratulations in verses and in prose with the end of Ramadan can be downloaded below.

Pictures and postcards with inscriptions with verses and prose in honor of the end of Ramadan

All Muslims are interested in the question when Ramadan 2018. The long-awaited post, which is intended to pacify the desires, clear the soul from sins and approach Allah, will be held according to the schedule of sunrise and sunset on the calendar for the relevant subject of the federation. Every year Ramadan begins and ends in different numbers. We looked at the calendar for Moscow and Kazan and led advice on the organization of proper nutrition from Muslims. We hope that the post will allow you to feel the joy of unity with believers and bring spiritual soothing. Congratulations on the end of Ramadan will soon solemnly sound in all Muslim families, and pictures and postcards will begin to send on the Internet.

Represents readers a calendar for the month of Ramazan 2018 for the territory of Azerbaijan, which is based on the calculations of the Shakhinskaya Astrophysical Observatory (SCA) of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (Nana).

According to Festiva, May 17 - the first day of the month of Ramazan. The nights leulyate al-Gold will come from the 18th to the 19th, from the 20th to the 21st, from the 22nd to the 23rd, from the 26th to the 27th days of the month of Ramazan (in the Gregorian calendar with 3 On 4, from 5 to 6, from 7 to 8, from 11 to 12 June). The holiday Ramazan will be celebrated on the first day of the Muslim month Shavval - June 15. On the same day, festive Namaz will be made in the mosques of Azerbaijan.

The Office of the Caucasus Muslims urges everyone to be patient per month Ramazan and make charitable affairs in the name of Allah. Ramazan is a sacred for Muslims a month and it is called the crown of the year, Shakhrullhah (month of Allah) and "Zia Fatullah" (feast of Allah). It was this month that the Holy Quran began to condescend to the Prophet Mohammed (CAC). During this month, Allah leaves people to people with people, forgives them for their silence, ennobles and gifts. Just like the autumn rain cleans the Earth from any dust, and the month of Ramazan cleans the soul of believers from sins.

Below is a table of fasting for residents Baku and suburbs:

For residents of citizens remote from the capital, time changes from the table presented (in minutes):

Agdam +11, Agdash +10, Agsu +5, Agdjabedi +10, Agstafa +18, Astara +4, Babek + 18, Balaken +5, Baleshan +10, Bard +11, Gukachcha +8, Ganja +14, Gedabek + 16, Goranba +12, Horadiz +10, Göggoel +14, Gakh +11, Gas +19, Gazimammad +4, Gabala +8, Guba +5, Gusar +4, Jalilabad +6, Jabrayyl +12, Julf +18, Dashkesen +15, Evlah +11, Zagatala +15, Zangilan +13, Zardab +9, Ismaylla +6, Iimisley +7, Kelbajar +15, Kudemir +6, Lachin +14, Lankaran +5, Lerik +7, Masaalla + 5, Maraza +3, Minghechevir +11, Nakhchivan +18, Oil +3, Oguz +11, Toolbad +16, Saatli +6, Cairibad +6, Salyan +4, Sizanian +3, Sumgayit +1, Terter +12, Tovus +16, Ojar +8, Fizuli +11, Khachmaz +4, Shamakhi +6, Shashbuz +18, Sheki +12, Shamkir +15, Shabran +18, Shusha +13, Shabran +4, Shirvan +4, Yarmla + 8 minutes.

Daily prayers in the holy month Ramazan:

How properly post

The Most High determined the procedure for compliance with the post during the blessed month of Ramazan. Compliance with the post in the month of Ramazan is required for each conscious, adult and capable of fasting on the Sharia of Muslim.

Every day, after the morning adoption of food (Imxak), before starting the post, it is necessary to pronounce prayer (Niyayet), as well as during the Trial (Iftar). You can learn about prayers from special religious literature.

Open the post - Iftar is preferably a chicken, clean water, milk or something sweet. In no case, during food, it is impossible to use products in which there are pork meat or alcoholic additives. It is undesirable to eat too tightly neither in the morning, none in the evening, it aghesive the body and harmful to health. It is also desirable to feed those who have fed. According to Hadis, the one who fed the evening after the night will receive the same award as the one who has fastened.

Restrictions and features during the post

In the period between Morning and Evening Namaz, some actions cannot be performed:

1) It is impossible to intentionally lie, swear by the names of Allah, the prophets and imams.

2) You can not eat and drink. In addition, nothing should do inside the body through the natural holes. For example, it is impossible that the water goes into the ear hole, or through the mouth or nose in the body got a thick fog, smoke and steam (flowing in the air of flour, dust, cigarette smoke, etc.), you can also chew a chewing chewing and should be chewed . You can try food (if a person is preparing food), but not swallowed, but to spit. If food is swallowed in forgetfulness or unconsciously, it is not considered interrupted. After the morning adoption of food (Imxak) before the start of the post, it is necessary to carefully clean the oral cavity and between the teeth from the residues of food, as if during the post, swallow the minor residues of food, then it violates the post.

3) It is impossible to enter into a sexual connection during the post. It is also undesirable to spouses to engage in intimate caresses that excite each other. Intimate relationships after posts are permitted, but with the condition of complete ablution to the morning prayer. Note that if the orgasm occurred during sleep (polling), it does not lead to stopping post. In this case, you should swim and continue the post.

4) vomiting if it happened consciously, violates the post. If the fasting pulls out against his will, then the post is not broken, only to rinse the mouth.

5) The emergence of menstruation even before sunset violates the post. It is not prohibited to use cosmetics and incense women, but it is better to refrain, because lipstick from the lips can get into the body, and this is unacceptable during the post.

6) It is better not to accomplish actions that cause blood loss, including the removal of the tooth. If the gums are bleed and fasting swallows blood with saliva, in this case the post is broken. Drug acceptance also interrupts post. Injections are made to sick people for whom the post is not desirable, but after recovery, a person must compensate these days.

7) Swallowing saliva and sputum does not interrupt the post, as well as rinse mouth and bathing. Only a bathing person must take care not to swallow water and not plunge into the water with his head. For example, do not jump into the pool or sea.

Exemption from post

The post is obligatory for all believers, except minors, elderly and seriously ill, insane, pregnant women and nursing mothers, travelers and those who are on the battlefield.

"Which of you will find this month, let him hold him in the post, and who sick or on the way, let him observe the post on other days. Allah wishes you relief and does not want difficulties, and in order to fully and completed the post and exit the Lord for that he brought you to the way true, maybe you will be grateful! " - It is said in the Quran.

A woman in the period of monthly and postpartum cleansing will be fasting sin, but after cleansing it must compensate the missed days of the post. As well as the patient, after recovery, and to do it before the month of Ramazan next year. But if a person is sick or old, and can not comply with the post, then for each missed day of the post should feed the poor man. If the post was missing voluntarily, due to negligence or disregard, it is a serious sin and a heavy fine is imposed on it (about the size of asking in the mosque).

Night of the predetermination of fate

The exact date of the nice of the Quran is unknown, but for the centuries, Muslim believers celebrate the sacred night Leylyat Al-Gold in the last 10 days of Ramazan at night in the odd days of the month (Ehya Hegesei). In a way, she was named - the night of the predetermination of fate, because it is believed that it is this night that the Most High make up the fate of a person for the next year. In the Quran it says: "We sent him (Quran) on the night of predestination. How do you know what night predestination? Night of predestination is better than a thousand months. At that night, the angels and the Spirit (Jabrail) are left in order to fulfill his vengeance . On this night, there is no greetings to the very offensive of the dawn. "

As a rule, some Muslims celebrate this night from 18 to 19, from 20 to 21 and from 22 to 23 minutes of Ramazan. Others believe that the sacred night is on the night from 26 to the 27th day of Ramazan.

Flight compliance strengthens health

Compliance with the post for all rules clears Muslim not only spiritually, but also strengthens health. If a person constantly eats and drinks abundantly, not giving a rest organism, poisonous substances accumulate in the body. The human body, tired of systematic meals throughout the year, is resting this month. At the same time in our body there is a kind of update. This is what the prophet Mohammed (C) said about this: "Observe the Oruzh, and you will become more healthy."

According to doctors, the post strengthens the immune system, improving the functional indicators of lymphocytes tenfold, as well as increasing the content of the cells responsible for immunity; prevents obesity; prevents the formation of excess acidity, which is the main cause of the stomach ulcers; Protects from the formation of stones in the kidneys, as it increases the content of sodium blood, preventing calcining processes; Holds genital instincts and especially in young, thereby preventing the body from mental and physical disorders; Abstinence from drinking increases the energy of the body and the ability to learn, improves the memory; activates and optimizes metabolic processes passing in cells involving glucose, fats and proteins.

One of the five major holidays marked by Muslims is uraza-Bayram or as it is also called, al-Fitr. On the days of the celebration of Muslims congratulate each other with the end of the sacred month of Ramadan.

Every year the date of the celebration is different, as it is determined by the lunar calendar and therefore Muslims are interested in what number will be Uraz-Bayram in 2018, as well as when it starts and ends.

Beginning of Uraza Bayram in 2018

The holiday of joy and happiness, that is how Muslims talk about the second most important holiday by Uraza Bayram. The spelling holiday is celebrated after a strict monthly post for three days. In some regions of Russia, this day is festive and is considered a day.

Many shops closes their doors, to celebrate this day, so everything must be taken in advance.

Every year, Uraza Bayram is celebrated on different days, but to determine what number will be the celebration in 2018 is easy. The calculus is carried out on the Islamic lunar calendar and the arrival of Uraza Bayrama falls on the day, which goes for the new moon. The date of this celebration is shifted for 11 days every year and in 2018, Uraza Bayram begins on the evening of June 14, and ends on July 15.

Celebration of Uraza Bayram

Uraza Bayram marks the end of the post, which is obliged to comply with Muslims during the sacred month of Ramadan. The sacred post in 2018 begins on May 16 and ends on June 14th. The celebration lasts three days and these days Muslims walk to visit each other, give gifts and visit their older relatives.

On the eve of the holiday, in the evening in mosques begin to read the night "Taravich" Namaz and the obligatory is to spend all night in additional prayers. It is advisable to read Namaz in the mosque, along with the rest of Muslims, but if something hinders something in the mosque, you can spend this night at home.

On the morning of June 15 in 2018, Muslims go to the mosque on a festive prayer, after the end of which they go to the cemetery to honor the memory of dead relatives, and then begin to celebrate the family in a circle, covering different dishes and sweets on the tables.

Before the occurrence of the holiday, clean the cleanliness and order in the house. Everyone is carefully cleaned, wash, nowhere should there be fun and disorder. New clothes are dressed for the holiday, the appearance should be neat and clean.

In three days of the holiday, it is forbidden to restore the missed days of fasting. Women decorate tables with all sorts of goodies and delicacies, also distribute their neighbors and relatives, this is a mandatory tradition.

Features of the holiday

On the feast of the end of the Holy Month, much attention should be paid to charity (remind, Uraza Bayram ends on July 15, and begins on June 14). Each person helps those needing as much as possible. Someone helps financially, someone food. There are also special centers in which all this can be attributed, and employees already distribute needy. Giving alms follows with pure thoughts.

Each believer should give a certain minimum monetary alms either in the mosque or convey to the needy itself. Gifts in Uraz-Bayram not only in need, gifts also give relatives.

Post per month Ramadan

Uraza-Bayram is directly related to the sacred month of Ramadan and when it begins, Muslims hold the post, and when it ends (in 2018 this day falls on June 15) the holiday itself begins.

This month is devoted to the spiritual cleansing of himself, while serving the time in the commencement of the Most High and the abandonment of all earthly content. This month holds a strict post in which there are its own rules:

  1. All Ramadan people refuse to eat and drink. Morning meals need to finish until sunrise, in the evening you can start it only after the sun hits the horizon. All day you can not drink or eat. Not compliance with this rule is accepted as a breakdown of post and this day is not counted. To simplify the counting of time, the Muslim clergy distributes a schedule in which it is said until what time you need to eat, and in what to start the meal.
  2. During the day, when the post is held, it is forbidden to enter into an intimate relationship, besides this, you need to abandon kisses, touches and other hands between a man and a woman. If it is broken, it is punished strictly. When violating this rule, you need to keep a post, the period of which is sixty days, but you can also feed sixty needy people. Married intimacy is allowed only after sunset. Before the morning meal, it is important to take full ablution and just to start your own, otherwise it does not count.
  3. You can not swear, angry, squander, gossip. This month you need to make more good deeds and doubt your character.
  4. It happens that the day of the post is broken, the reasons can be different, but missed day it is important to restore after the end of the month of Ramadan. If the post is violated without a good reason, except for the restoration of this day, violated should feed the needy or help financially.
  5. The time of Sukhura and Iftar should be carried out in a family circle. During these meals, it is not desirable to eat alone, it is necessary to get together with the whole family and so get to the kushany.
  6. All your time needs to be held in the commemoration of the Most High, for prayers and reading the Quran, you need to apologize for your sins.
  7. The post do not hold small children, people who have health problems and food failure can affect their overall condition, as well as women in the period. During monthly women, it is forbidden to make Namaz, keep the post and touch the Qur'an. If the monthly started during the day, when the post is holding, then the post is broken and until they are running out, it is impossible to keep the post, the missed days will need to be restored after the end of Ramadan.

How to congratulate each other

The wish of a blessed sounds like "Eid Mubarak", such a friend Muslims should be welcomed on this day. Only a little to pronounce this greeting, it should be sincere, from the whole soul, filled with meaning, also wish all the best, happiness, success in everything.

Uraza-Bayram is one of the expected holidays from Muslims, and when he begins in the houses there are cheerful feasts in the family in a circle, and when everything ends with sadness, this holiday is escaped and are looking forward to the most important celebration, Kurban Bayram.

Ramadan is a month of post and spiritual cleansing, in different Muslim countries can begin at different times - it depends on the method of astronomical calculation or direct observation of the pheasies of the moon.

Muslims congratulate each other with the onset of Ramadan, since it was this month that the Holy Quran was sent to the Sacred Koran who plays in the life of every faithful special role.

Holy month Ramadan

The month of Ramadan, who, who believes Muslims consider its main responsibility of the year, is very important in Islam. This is a holy month of mandatory post and daily prayers - time to earn an eternal paradise.

In the holy month of Ramadan to honor the Great Awards can many cases: post, five daily prayers (Namaz), the prayer "Taravich", sincere Moluba Du "A, Evening (IFTA) and predestous meals (Suchur), as well as donations and many others Good deeds and affairs.

The righteous believe that the post helps Muslim control negative emotions and qualities, such as anger, hatred, greed, as well as to deal with his obsolent passions.

In Islam, approach the Almighty hope through the post. And in view of the fact that the approach to Allah is the meaning of the life of Orthodox, the post occupies an important place in Islam. First of all, the post is called upon to pacify the soul and body, as well as accurately perform the instructions of Allah.

How to observe post

The sacred post of Ramadan begins with a dawn and ends with a sunset - in the daytime, Orthodox refuses meals.

In Islam, during the post there is two night meals: Sujur - predestinous and Iftar - evening. It is preferably to complete the predestal meal, at least half an hour before dawn, and Iftar needs to start immediately after the evening prayer.

Compliance with these two meals is encouraged by an additional reward, although the pass is not a violation of the post. According to the Quran, the best food for night meals - water and dates.

Pre-regulating trapes

Another Prophet Muhammad spoke of the importance of predestous meals. He said: "Take food before dawn in the days of the post! Truly, in Sukhura - God's grace (praasta)!"

Muslims throughout Ramadan conduct morning meals before dawn. They believe that for such an action Allah will reward very much. You should not overeat during Sukhura, but you should eat enough food - it gives forces for a whole day.

Evening Trapeza

For the evening reception, you need to proceed immediately after sunset, that is, after the fourth, the penultimate prayer on these days.

IHA - Night Prayer - the last of five mandatory daily prayers, follows after IFTAR. Doctors do not recommend missing, it may well affect the body.

What can and can not eat

During Sukhura, complex carbohydrates are recommended - vegetable salad, bread from germinated grain, cereal dishes. Complex carbohydrates will provide the body with energy, despite the way they are digested for a long time. Dried fruits are also suitable - dates, nuts - almonds and fruits - bananas.

In the morning you should not touch the protein food - it loads the liver, which during the post works without a break. At this time, the day it is not necessary to eat fried, oily and smoked food, as well as fish, because after her it will want to drink. It is necessary to refuse from coffee.

Meat and vegetable dishes can be found during the Iftar, as well as dishes from cereals and sweets in small quantities. By the way, sweets can be replaced by dates or fruits. But you need to drink a lot of water. You can also drink compote, tea, morse, juice and kissel.

It is not desirable to take oily and fried food in the evening - she will cause heartburn and deposit in extra kilograms. Fast food products are various porridge in packages, you also need to be excluded from the evening diet. Such dishes will not be saturated, and literally in an hour or two you again want to eat, as they contain salt and other spices.

At the time of the post, Ramadan from the menu is better to exclude sausages and sausages. Sausage products that poorly affect the liver and kidneys and quench the hunger only for several hours, capable of developing thirst.

Rules Ramadan

The post in Ramadan is obliged to comply with every adult Muslim. During the post, everyone should adhere to the established rules - to pray much and confirm every day their intention to participate in this holiday in the name of Allah.

Muslims during the month of Ramadan during the daytime for the purpose of the atonement of their sins refuse not only from meals, but also drinking, smoking and intimate proximity.

Ramadan is a sacred month, which is designed to purify the soul and body, to rethink life as a whole. Therefore, the execution of religious debt Allah does not count without daily prayers (namaz).

It is necessary to refrain in this strict post from evil thoughts and intentions, to make more often namaz, avoid discustering actions and ungiven people.

Frequently from the post in the sacred Ramadan old men and warriors, sick people, travelers, pregnant and nursing women, as well as children. The post compensation is mandatory in another, more favorable period.

What can not be done in the post

The post is violated in the sacred month of Ramadan and require redemption (Kyaffara) the following actions - deliberate adoption of food, liquid, drugs and all that is suitable for use, as well as smoking and married intimacy.

Reimbursement require the following circumstances that violate the post: the use of the enema; the hit of the medicine through the body through the nose and ears; Water getting into the nasopharynx when performing ablution; deliberate call of vomiting; Start menstruation or postpartum period.

Muslim, violated post, should be a certain amount of money or products to pay in need, thus ignite the post.

Entry into intimate relationship is one of the most serious violations. For this, the Muslim disorder should either feed 60 poor people, or abide by 60 days a continuous strict post.

Night predestination

The last ten days of the post are particularly strict and responsible, as the most important night of the year for each Muslim - Lylylyat Al-Frame or Night of Power and Prejournal, falls on one of the 10th nights of Ramadan.

By giving, it was at that time that the Prophet Muhammed received the first revelations from Archangel Jebrail - he descended to the prayer prophet and handed him the Koran. Although, some sources indicate that the night of power and predestination accounts for 27 Ramadan

This night in the Holy Quran is devoted to the whole Sura - "Inna Anzalnaga". It says that the night of power is better than a thousand months in which it is not.

© Photo: Sputnik / Alexander Polyakov

It is believed that the fate of every person is his life path, difficulties and tests that will have to go, predetermined in heaven in the Lylylyat al-Frame. And if the faithful will hold this night in prayers, in understanding his acts and possible mistakes, then Allah will be merciful and forgive his sins.

Therefore, Muslims are trying to pray and adhere to the instructions of Allah in the holy month of Ramadan with great zeal. It is believed that for good deeds committed during Ramadan, Allah gives a believer storm, giving them to well-being, health and good luck.

Voluntary Namaz

Muslims throughout Ramadan must read the Quran, devote his time to pious reflections and actions, work and charity. In addition, another one is added to the usual five namazam on the day - "Tauguery".

"Taravich" means voluntary Namaz, which is carried out in the sacred month of Ramadan after night prayer (ISH). "Taravich" is a mandatory Sunnai (Sunna Moachada) for both men and women.

The Prophet Muhammad made this prayer at 23, 25 and 27, and 27th of the month of Ramadan together with his associates in the mosque. And so that people do not perceive this prayer as a mandatory, the Prophet did not attend her daily.

After every four canceluses (the order of words and actions that make up Muslim prayer), following the example of the prophet's associates, it is advisable to do a little break. At this time, it is recommended to indulge in reflections about God, praise and remember the Most High or listen to a short sermon.

Holiday talk

The holy month of Ramadan is completed by the second value of the Great Holiday - Eid Al Fitr or the so-called holiday of talking. The holiday comes after sunset on the last day of Ramadan.

Muslims at this time should go to reflections on spiritual values \u200b\u200band rethink life for the period of fasting. Eid Al Fitr is considered a holiday of salvation from Hell - the day of love, reconciliation and friendly handshakes. On the holiday, it is customary to visit the disadvantaged and care for the old men.

The holiday begins with the onset of evening namaz. From this time, all Muslims are desirable to read "Tabier" (Allah's alleviation formula). Tabier read before the holiday of festive namaz on the day of the holiday. The night for a holiday is desirable to spend Allah in the midst of the ministry.

On holiday, Orthodox are apparent to clean clothes, they are swirling incense, put on a finger of a silver ring and, sowing a little, go early in a mosque to commit a festive namaz.

The feast is paid to the feast, al-Fitr or "Summary of Trial" are paid, they show joy, congratulate each other and wish the post of the Most High, and also attend relatives, friends, neighbors and acquaintances and receive guests.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources