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Scenarios fairy tales. Scenario Tales for adults - the original way of congratulations to the jubilee

It is not bad if the role of the whole problem of the mouse was given to the head or culprit of the celebration. Seven player characters are tales Pink. The presenter distributes roles. The game is suitable for children, and for an adult company. Replicas of heroes can be chosen - which are more like. Or come up with your own.

Be careful!
1st player will be repka.When the presenter says the word "repka", the player must say "Both" or "Both, that's what I ..."

2nd player will grandfather.When the presenter says the word "grandfather", the player must say "I would kill" or "I would kill e-May"

The 3rd player will be grandmother.When the presenter says the word "grandmother", the player must say "Oh oh" or « Where are my 17 years old? "

4th player will be granddaughter. When the presenter says the word "granddaughter", the player must say "I'm not ready" or "Not ready I"

5th player will be Bug. When the presenter says the word "bug", the player must say "GAV-GAV" or "Well, damn, give, dog work"

6th player will be cat.. When the presenter says the word "cat", the player must say "Meow-meow" or "Remove the dog from the site! Allergy I have on her wool! I do not work without Valerian! "

7th player will be mouse.When the presenter says the word "mouse", the player must say "Pi-Pi" or "All about Kay, kiss you Komar!"

The game begins, the presenter tells a fairy tale, and the players voiced it.

Leading: Dear viewers! A fairy tale on a new way to see if you do not want?

Familiar to surprise, but with some additions ... In one, well, very rural, terrain is very far from fame, there was a grandfather.

(Grandfather appears).
Grandfather: I would kill, e-May!
Leading: And put grandfather repka.
(Emerges repka)
Pink: Both on! Here I am what!
Leading:Our repka rose has grown up!
(emerges from the curtain repka)
Repka: Both, here I am what!
Leading: Began to pull grandfather.
Grandfather: (Hanging because of the curtain) would kill, e-May!
Repka: Both, here I am what!
Leading:called grandfather grandmother.
Grandfather: I would kill, e-May!
Grandma (Small over the curtain): Where are my 17 years old?!
Leading:a grandmother came ...
Grandma: Where are my 17 years old?
Leading: Grandma for a grandfather ...
Grandfather: I would kill, e-May!
Leading: Dedka for repok ...
Repka: Both, here I am what!
Leading: Tent, pull - can't pull out. Calls grandmother ...

Grandma: Where are my 17 years?
Leading: Granddaughter!
Granddaughter: I'm not ready!
Leading: Sponges did not indulge? The granddaughter came ...
Granddaughter: I'm not ready!
Leading: took the grandmother ...
Grandma: Where are my 17 years?
Leading: Grandma for a grandfather ...
Dage: I would kill, e-May!
Leading: Dedka for repok ...
Pink: Both, here I am what!
Leading: pull, pull - can't pull out ... my granddaughter calls ...
Granddaughter: Not ready me!
Leading: Bug!
Bug: Well, you damn, give, dog work!
Leading: Taught a bug ...
Bug: Well, you, damn, give, dog work ...
Leading: He took up his granddaughter ...
Granddaughter:: Not ready i ...
Leading: Granddaughter for grandmother ...
Grandma: Where are my 17 years?
Leading: Grandma for a grandfather ...
Grandfather: I would kill, e-May!
Leading: Dedka for repok ...
Pink: Both, here I am what!
Leading: pull-pull - you can't stretch ... I took a bug ...
Bug: Well, you, damn, give, dog work!
Leading: : Cat!
Cat: Remove the dog from the site! Allergy I have on her wool! I do not work without Valerian!
Leading: Cat came running and how to cling to the bug ...
Leading: : Bug boiled ...
Bug: (squeal) Well, you, damn, give, dog work!
Leading: took the granddaughter ...
Granddaughter: Not ready I ...
Leading: Granddaughter - for the grandmother ...
Grandma: Where are my 17 years?
Leading: Grandma - for the grandfather ...
Grandfather: I would kill, e-May!
Leading: Dedka - for a repka ...
Repka: Both on!
Leading: : Tent, pull, can't pull out. Unexpectedly, a mouse appears with a wide course of the barn ...
Mouse: All Okay, forget you Komar?
Leading: By the need came out and did it under the cat.
Cat: Discover the dog. Allergic for my wool, without Valerian - I do not work!
Leading: How to eaveste from the perturbation ... Mouse ... Mouse: All Okay, kiss you a mosser?
Leading: Grabbed the cat, cat ...
Cat: Remove the dog, I'm allergic to his wool, I do not work without Valerian!
Leading: Cat again clung to the bug ...
Bug: Well, you, damn, give, dog work!
Leading: The bug grabbed his granddaughter ...
Granddaughter: Not ready i ...
Leading: Granddaughter flies on a grandmother ...
Grandma: Where are my 17 years?
Leading: Grandma breakdown Dage ...
Grandfather: E-May would kill!
Leading: Here and the mouse got angry, pushed the people, firmly grabbed and got the root of the root! Yes, you see, for all the signs, this is not a simple mouse!
Mouse: All Okay, forget you Komar?
Pink: Both, here I am what ...
(Repka pops up and falls. Wiping tears, Ripka has a cap of the floor.)

It is possible as a punishment to those who have come down, come up with a fine, for example, bouncing 5 times (for children) or drink a glass (for adults).

Fairy Tale "Repka - 2" - on a new way

The second tale is more complicated by the fact that in addition to words, each actor needs to make the corresponding movements. Therefore, before the fairy tale, right in front of the audience, it is possible to prophete.

Roles and their description:
Repka - With each of her mention, raises his hands over the head of the ring and says: "Both on".
Grandfather - rubs hands and says: "So-so".
Grandma - waves santa fist and says: "I would kill".
Granddaughter - Deeps in the hands of the sides and languid voice says: "I'm ready".
Bug - turns the tail - "WOF WOF".
Cat - language licks itself - "Pshche-meow".
Mouse - hides their ears, closing them with palms - "Pi-pi-rod".
The sun "It's standing on a chair and looks, as the story moves on the other side of the" scene ".

Similarly, you can play fairy tales "Teremok", "Kolobok" etc.

If there is a desire - you can make a mask. Print on the color printer and cut, increasing the picture to the desired size - depending on whom we need masks (for children or adults).

Interesting ideas for the celebration of New Year's corporate party 2019.

All 2019 our planet will manage the yellow (earthy) pig. The main features of the ladies of the next year is insight, friendliness and generosity. Therefore, planning New Year's Corporate 2019, you must consider that it should be very fun.

If you decide to arrange a small banquet without fun contests and dances, then surely upset your yellow pig, and then the approaching year will be quite heavy for you. In view of this, it will be better if you try to plan the New Year's celebration so that it is remembered to all the most positive emotions.

Cheerful Scenario of New Year's fairy tales for 2019 Pig for the lead

Scenario of New Year's fairy tales for 2019

It is necessary to start training for the New Year's corporate. You must take care to make the room to be made up most festively and effectively. It will be better if besides the usual New Year's tinsel on the walls, windows and doors will appear attributes that will like an earthen pig. It can be plaster figures of different magnitude and pig figures.

Also do not forget that the main tint of the New Year's Eve should be yellow. It must be present both on the Christmas tree and on the festive table. Accordingly, the leading evening should also be dressed. It will be better if you take care to be in yellow or in extreme case, in a mustard suit.

Scenario for the lead:

  • Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Today we gathered in this room to say goodbye to a cheerful yellow dog and meet with honors friendly yellow pig. Therefore, the respected colleagues, together open champagne and spread it on the glasses (while this process can be included any New Year's song).
  • And now dear friends, let's raise glasses together and drink everything good that awaits us in 2019. Let's hope that the lady of the approaching year will give us a lot of wonderful moments that will make our life better, more colorful and more fun. Happy New Year, everyone! (At this stage, you can make a small banquet pause and give the gathered a little drink and eat).
  • Now that we are slightly reinforced, let's be fun. I hope among the gathered there are people ready to participate in a fun New Year's lottery. The lead chooses several guests and invites them to pull out a happy Magic Lart Piece. After the tickets are elongated, the participants are handing comic prizes. It may be, for example, a dance with the chef, a half-hour holiday in the bar or an additional portion of the dessert.
  • Dear colleagues on this, our evening does not end, so we boldly fill a glass and drink to the bottom for ensuring that in 2019 our friendly team has achieved new heights, and that our desire to notice our favorite chef and, of course, regularly paid us a premium (on This stage can again be a banquet break, and then you can offer to guests to dance a little bit).
  • Now that we have robbed, I suggest everyone to take part in a fun New Year's scene. Today we will try everything together to recreate the plot of your favorite children's fairy tale about repka. At this stage, the presenter chooses the main characters: grandmother, grandfather, mouse, granddaughter and repka. If you wish, you can give to the participants of the clothing scene, it can be just caps, scarves, front or felt boots. After the guests dress, the lead will need to just read an expressive fairy tale, and the participants of the scene will have to show something about what he says.
  • After that, the fun guests are again invited by the table and the banquet pause is declared. This time it can be increased to half an hour. As soon as the host sees that the guests are reinforced, it will be possible to return to the holding of fun competitions and games (with New Year's fun for the corporate party, you can get to know a little lower).

Fairy Tale Scenario for New Year's corporate party 2019 on the roles

Fairy Tale Scenario for New Year's corporate party in 2019 by roles

Fairy Tale Scenario Kolobok (on New Flood)

  • Grandma: Oh and bored we live with you Dedka. Not the day we have you, only concerns and care. But it would be nice if we had a child who would have fun.
  • Dage: You are the old woman, I collapsed from oak! What children can be in our age can be. Yes, and we live for one pension, so no one will sell our baby to us.
  • Grandma: And if Milok, try to make you make yourself a reflection of flour, eggs and sugars?
  • Dage: You can, of course, try grandma, can you hardly succeed.

At this stage, you can give the main heroes of flour, sugar, milk and eggs and offer them under funny music to knead the dough and make a kolobka from it. When the workpiece is ready, it is quickly removed and a person who plays a kolobka appears on the scene.

  • Kolobok: Well, hello, grandmother and grandfather! I heard badly without me. Well, nothing, now I will try to be bored for you.
  • Grandma and Dedka (together): Oh badly nice, bad. Well, now we have you, so everything will be fine.
  • Kolobok. Well, expensive parents, if I am such a long-awaited child, then give me overseas meals! I want to taste sushi, fuagura under berry sauce and gentle mousse.
  • Grandma: Well, you are nice, I do not know how to cook it. They can offer you like fat, and pancakes ruddy.
  • Kolobok: No, I do not want such a food! You can't cook, then let's money, I will go to the city and buy yourself such a meal as I want.

The grandmother with a grandpa sighs sighs sadly, get the old and shabby wallet and pour a kolobuk to the whole handful of small coins. He takes them and goes to the city. He goes to himself a walking step, and hare is running towards him.

  • Hare: Oh, who we have such a beautiful path rolling along the path. All such a ruddy and fragrant, so would eat you!
  • Kolobok: Hear, you monster eared. Not for you they did, go and fuck your cabbage!

The bun takes a stick and hits the hare on his leg and runs away quickly. Another hero appears on the stage - the Bear.

  • Bear: Well, hello kolobok, where do you hold the way?
  • Kolobok: I go to the city big and I want to taste there the nacials. And then the grandmother and kids are except for nothing.
  • Bear: Or maybe you want to taste the sweet nurse? I have a lot of it and there is a lime, and buckwheat, and even floral. If you want, I went to grasp.
  • Kolobok: And money for all this you need to pay?
  • Bear: What kind of money are you, I'm from a clean soul.

He brought the Bear Kolobka home, poured honey to a big bowl and offered him to swim in it. Kolobok, not noticing anything bad, climbed into honey and began to swim in it. And the bear all this time was quietly watched the guest and waited for it when he would like sweet syrup.

When it happened, he came up and ate a kolobka. The moral of this fairy tale is: never buy for sweet speeches of outsiders. If you want to have something in this life, then put goals in front of yourself and try to move as quickly as possible.

The most fun contests for the New Year Corporate 2019

Competitions for New Year's corporate 2019

Cheerful toast

To carry out this competition you will need to prepare a fairly simple props. So, cut out all the letters of the alphabet from the newspaper or magazine. Fold them into a beautiful bag with a New Year applique and give the leading evening. When all guests gather and spoke to the places, he will have to get around everyone in turn and give everyone the opportunity to pull one letter.

As soon as the last guest pulls out its letter, you can begin a festive feast. After the welcoming word of the chef, offer to guests to get up and talk toast, which begins on the letter they stretched out. For example, a toast on the letter O. Huge health to you in the coming 2019! And let our friendly company gather not yet one corporate.

guess who

Distribute to all guests clean sheets of paper and offer them to write about themselves what others do not know exactly. For example, the fact that at school you were a dracan or dreamed in childhood to become a conqueror of space. All the pieces will need to be folded into the box, mix them there, and then take it alternately and read what is written there.

Make it must lead, and guests will need to guess who can belong to what is written. The winner in this competition is announced by a guest that managed to guess the greatest number of notes. As an incentive prize, it can be given something from the office.

Merry nickname

In this case, you will need to prepare the signs with ridiculous words in advance, for example, wicker, sneakers, a bolt, Mr. Seriousness or singer. Guests will have to be blindfolded to choose a sign with the inscription, and then with the help of tips to guess which nickname it got.

If you want to complicate the learning process, then allow guests to answer questions solely with the words yes or no. As soon as a person guest what the word he fell, the game goes to another participant.

Cheerful dancing

To carry out this competition you will have to divide the guests of the New Year's corporate partner for three teams and offer them to negotiate the dance. True, it will not be done quite usually. For example, one team will have to portray an army dance, another dance in kindergarten, and the third, in general, show how to dance around the Christmas tree patients of a psychiatric hospital.

The winner is announced that the team that will be best born into the role. And so that such dances be even more fun can offer guests to dance them under rock or folk music.

The smallest

To carry out this competition, it is best to choose exclusively men. So, choose five of the most bold representatives of your team, put them in a row and invite them to take an egg at random. Before this, be sure to specify that among them there is one raw (in fact all boiled eggs are laid out on the plate).

To create the desired atmosphere, be sure to cover the belly of men with napkins. Then turn on the music and invite them to break the eggs about the forehead. You can try to put men in the time frame and then the process of breaking eggs will be even more funny.

Merry scenes on corporate party for the celebration of the New Year 2019

Scenes for corporate party for the celebration of the New Year 2019

New Year's Flashmob

Such a scene does not require the manufacture of some complex scenery or costumes. All you need to do, in advance to pick up a cheerful New Year's music. When guests have a little bit off and drink, offer them to move. Ask to get them in a circle and carefully look at the leading in the center.

It will have to show funny movements, and everyone else will try to repeat them as much as possible. After the guests begin to fall into the beat, complicate the task and continue to do all the movements synchronously. He who does not have to get, comes out of the general circle and becomes an ordinary viewer.

Medieval fairy tale

To participate in this scene, three people are chosen, one girl and two men. The girl will play the role of beauties, sharpened in the tower that awaits his liberator. One man will depict a crow, and another knight in love. The essence of the scene is that people reincarnate as much as possible in medieval heroes and were able to play everything so that the guests exactly believe that their colleagues are in love with each other.

In order for the scene to be more interesting, you can come up with several barriers with which the knight must cope before he gets to her beauty. For example, he will need to eat a spoonful of mustard or a drink of a glass of beer. Girl all this time should also behave like a real princess. All the time it will be necessary to languish and sigh and look at the distance.

Terems for adults

Three chairs are put in the center of the hall, which will play the role of teremk. Then 7-10 people choose from guests and give them to choose at random who of the beasts they will have to play. Be sure to specify what to do it they will be most realistic. And this means that if possible, they will need to copy the habits of animals and speak a rude or subtle voice. After the roles are distributed, it will be possible to start playing the scene. Participants in turn will have to approach the stools and sit on them.

As a result, you also have, as in a fairy tale, the teremok resettled by people should turn out. In the process you can ask, for example, a gray mouse take on the hands of a wolf or a bunny to lie on a chanterelle. In short, you can easily include your fantasy and mix the beasts as you please.

Cheerful games for corporate party for new year

Cheerful games for corporate party

New Year's gift

From the participants of the corporate, it is necessary to choose four people and divide them into two teams. One member of the pair will play the role of a gift, and another packer. The one who will pack the present to pack must be tied up and give 15-20 multicolored ribbons in different lengths.

Then a man with tied eyes sum up to the participant depicting the role of a gift, and suggests him as beautifully to decorate his bows. The gift is considered correctly packed if the bows will be tied up throughout the body, ranging from, legs and ending your head. Do all this need for fun music. That team wins, the gift of which is decorated more beautiful.

Drunk checkers

In this case, a contest with a chessboard for women and a chessboard for men can be held. In the ladies, the checkers can be replaced with red and white wine, and in men's vodka and cognac. So, choose a couple of participants and suggest them to play a batch in drunken checkers. Each polar checker is immediately drinking, and then the game resumes. At the end of the game, the winner is necessarily a snack.

The most deft woman

To carry out this competition you will also need couples. True in this case, it will be necessary for them to consist of a man and a woman. A man sits on a chair and completely squints his shirt. A woman puts on the hands of gloves for holding housework and starts to a music shirt under the music. Who is the first to cope with this task that is declared the winner.

Video: New Year's competitions, entertainment

Fairy tales "Repka" and "Kolobok" are familiar to us since childhood. Now we will try to remember them, but we will do it "in an adult." Interesting scenes with all familiar characters will decorate any holiday and worshipe all guests.

Try these tales alterations for drunk company on the roles!

Cheerful fairy tale "Repka" for adults

First you need to choose seven people who will participate in the scene. Need one leading.

Participants must learn their roles, but do not be upset - the words are very simple and easy to remember. Participation in the scene can guests of almost any age category.

The lead must say the name of the hero, and he, in turn, his words. In this competition, participants can sit at the table. The exception is repka, which should be located on the chair and constantly do something.

During the scene, the presenter should not be silent, and if possible, comment on what is happening.

Scene requires musical accompaniment. It is advisable to choose Russian folk music. If desired, you can allocate prizes the best actors.

Repka - Hey, man, handles, then remove, I'm still a minor!
Grandfather - oh, my health has already become bad.
That will be a booze!
Baba - Something grandfather stopped satisfying me.

Granddaughter - I am practically ready!
Hey, grandfather, grandmother, I'm late, my girlfriends are waiting!
Bug - again you call me a bug? I'm actually bug!
Not my work!

Cat - What makes a dog on the site? I will be bad now - I have an allergy!
Mouse - Or maybe let's drink?

Modern fairy tale "Kolobok" for a funny company

What are still fairy tales on the rhodes for drunk company? About seven participants should also participate in this fairy tale. Accordingly, you need to choose the actors who will play the roles of grandmother, tricks, hare, foxes, kolobka, wolf, as well as a bear.

Dedi and grandmothers did not have children. They completely disappointed, but all their lives changed a bun. He became their salvation and hope - the souls they did not have a champion.

For example:

Grandfather with a grandmother was already tired of waiting for a kolobkin and constantly watched the distance, hoping for his return, and it was never.
The moral of this fables is: you should not hope for the love of a kolobka, and it is better to have own children.

Funny fairy tale for celebrations

Choose five actors who will play the role of chicken, king, bunny, foxes and butterflies. The text must read the lead:

"The fabulous kingdom of rules is optimist. He decided to stroll through a beautiful park and jumped up all the way, waving his hands.

There was a king very joyful and saw a beautiful butterfly. He decided to catch her, and the butterfly only mocked him - and the words of indecent screamed, and the face of curvathed, and the language showed.

Well, and then tired butterfly mock the king, and flew into the forest. The king is not very offended, but only more cheated and began to laugh.

The cheerful king did not expect a bunny to appear in front of him and frightened, standing in an ostrich pose. Bunny did not understand why this king is in such an inappropriate pose - and it myself was frightened. There is a bunny, the paws are trembling - and shouts in a inhuman voice, asks for help.

At this time, proud fox came back to work. Worked beautiful on the poultry farm and carried home the chicken. As soon as she saw a bunny and king - frightened. The chicken did not lose moment and jumped out, leaving the fox on the back of the head.

The chickey turned out to be very raw and the first thing was the king. The king from surprise straightened and became a normal pose. The bunny became scary even more, and she jumped on the handles to the fox, taking her for the ears. Lisa realized that the legs need to do - and ran.

The king looked around, laughed and decided to continue his journey with chicken. They took the handles, and went toward the castle. What will happen next with the church, no one knows, but the king of it will definitely treat delicious champagne, like all the rest of the celebration. "

The lead offers listeners pour wine glasses and drink king and chicken.

Fairy Tale for Adult People

First of all, it is necessary to choose heroes. In this fairy tale there will be as an animated and inanimate objects.

It is required to choose the heroes on the role of a kitten and Soroki. You need to choose guests who will play the role of the sun, wind, paper and porch.

Participants must depict what their hero must do.

"The little kitten went for a walk. It was warm and shone the sun, giving everyone with its rays. A cute kitten lay on the porch and began to look at the sun, constantly squinting.

Suddenly talkative Soroki sat down in front of him on the fence. They argued about something and led a very loud dialogue. The kitten became wondering, so he became gently crawled to the fence. Soroki did not pay any attention to the kid and continued to crack.

The kitten was already almost climbed to his goal and jumped, and birds flew away. Nothing came out of the baby, and he began to look around, hoping to find another passion.

A light breeze was blowing on the street - and the kitten drew attention to a piece of paper that rustled. The kitten decided not to lose the moment and thrown into his goal. A little scratching her and cowing, he realized that he was uninteresting his simple paper sheet - and let him go. The paper flew further, and where the rooster suddenly appeared.

The rooster was very proud and highly raised his head. Bird stopped and projected. Here the chickens came running to the rooster and overturned it from all sides. The kitten understood that she finally found what could entertain himself.

Without thinking, he rushed to hebles and took one of them for the tail. The bird did not give himself offended and painfully pecked. The animal was very frightened and began to run away. However, everything was not so simple - he was already waiting for a neighbor's puppy.

A small dog began to jump onto the kitten and wanted to bite. The kitten understood that it was necessary to return home and hurts the dog's dog with his marigolds. The puppy was frightened and missed the kitten. The kitten understood that he was a winner, albeit wounded.

Returning to the porch, the kitten began to lick the wound, which he left the chicken, and then stretched out. The kitten was dreaming strange dreams - and he drove his paws all the time in a dream. So the kitten first met the street. "

The scene ends with stormy applause guests. If desired, you can award the most artistic actor as a prize.

Interesting birthday scene and other adult holidays

I also knew that Kudryavtsev did not forget my shot and does not trust me. Despite the fact that we spent the night secret, he refers to me with caution. He could not trust the intelligent Yuntu, who did not mean anything in the war.

As long as I did not meet with Kudryavtsev, I did not know that I was such a bad soldier. After all, I could not even complete the ports normally and sometimes when the "left" command turned into the opposite direction. In addition, I was not very friendly with a shovel.

Kudryavtsev did not understand me when he reads any news, I commented on it and let go of spatial comments. In those days, I have not yet consisted in the party - and Kudryavtsev already, for some reason, for some reason I was waiting for some trick from me.

Very often I caught my opinion on myself. What have I seen in his glance? Probably the fact that I am untrained and inexperienced, but he forgive me, but another mistake - and he will kill me! I wanted to become better and gave myself a promise that I would definitely be a disciplined soldier and teach everything that is necessary. I have introduced the case to show all my abilities in fact.

We were sent to the protection of the bridge, which was often fired. There was a lot of reinforcements constantly in place of work, as well as literature ...

My job was to check the passes of people who crossed the bridge. White often opened fire by post, where I was. Shells fell into the water and pushed me by splashes. Shells fell and near me, and the overlap of the bridge was already destroyed. Any minute could become the last for me, but I gave myself a condition that I still can't leave the bridge.

What did I feel? I did not feel the feelings of fear - I was already ready for death. I saw in the distance beautiful landscapes, but they did not please me. I felt that I would not leave from this post. However, one thought made me stand further - Kudryavtsev sees me and approves my actions.

It seemed to me that in this post I've been standing for several hours, but in fact only a few minutes - as much as Kudryavtsev had to reach me. I did not understand what the Kudryavtsev had to from me. Then he pulled me for the belt with force, and I came to my senses.

- quickly left here! Said a man.

As soon as we left the bridge - a strong shell fell into it.

- See what happens? Why did you stand there? Because of you and I could kill me!

I sighed, but Kudryavtsev did not finish.

"However, you are still well done, as I showed that you know the charter and was not the wrong. You should praise you. But let it and the matter of the past, I would like you to move the brains. The bridge has long been destroyed, why did you stand there? What was the point in this? Everything was ready to check? If you were smarter, and did not go to the post - I would not punish you!

After this incident, Kudryavtsev's attitude towards me has changed. He talked about himself and sometimes asked me. Despite the fact that he was not in the party, he considered himself a Bolshevik. This man helped me believe in myself, so I was very important for approval.

Until now, I remember one case. We talked about what we would do after the victory over white. I said that I dream to become a writer who will depict a peaceful fraternity of all nations. Kudryavtsev listened to me and looked at the fire.

"You have a great goal," he said - you have a big way, Lebedinsky!

Merry fairy tales on rhodes for drunk company

5 (100%) 12 votes

How good to sit with friends, drink beer and discuss the latest news. But sooner or later, simple gatherings are bored and you need more. You want to have fun and laugh to get even better and brighter. What do you play? Maybe in new fairy tales, alterations for a drunk company? On the roles playing such fairy tales is very simple. You only need to distribute the roles, and then everything goes out by itself. Look at our ideas, and try to realize them.

Tale - Rusta
Each person in our country knows a fairy repka. Yes, the grandfather of a miracle of vegetables raised. Or what is it ... berry? Do not essence. The main thing that we have about this is the first fairy tale for you and your friends.
The fairy tale will pass in the form of an expression. The host reads the text, and when the name of the actor is mentioned in the text, he says his phrase.
Everything is clear and easy. Let's look.

Words of actors fairy tales:
- Repka (words: Tired of waiting)
- Grandfather (words: Eh, where my 17 years)
- Grandma (words: My pancakes are the most delicious)
- Granddaughter (words: I love to dance)
- bug (words: better so than homeless)
- Cat Mashka (words: Moore, I like it)
- Mouse (words: I'm in mink)

Words leading:
Lived - were grandfather ( eh, where my 17 years) and grandmother ( my pancakes are the most delicious). And they had granddaughter ( i love to dance). The granddaughter had a dog bug ( better so the homeless), cat Mashka ( moore, I like), and the mouse lived in the scene ( i'm in mink). And I had a grandfather ( eh, where my 17 years) Your garden on which he was planting vegetables. And he was especially proud of his reparies ( tired of waiting). Autumn has come, and it was time to pull off the repkah ( tired of waiting).
I went grandfather ( eh, where my 17 years) pull off the repka ( tired of waiting). Pulls pulls, and can't pull it out! I called my grandfather ( eh, where my 17 years) grandmother ( my pancakes are the most delicious). They began to pull together: grandma ( my pancakes are the most delicious) for grandpa ( eh, where my 17 years), and Dedka ( eh, where my 17 years) for repka ( tired of waiting). Tent pulled - can't pull out!
They decided then they ask granddaughter ( i love to dance) to help them. Threw her granddaughter's occupation ( i love to dance), and came to help. They became three of the repka ( tired of waiting) To drag. Tent pulled, and she does not go too early.
A bug was sleeping in Saraj ( better so the homeless). Her grandfather whistled ( eh, where my 17 years). And they became four of all to remove repka ( tired of waiting). It pulls pull, but still can not pull out.
Remembered granddaughter ( i love to dance) about your kitty ( moore, I like) And called her to help. They began to pull the repka ( tired of waiting). Tent pulled, and she does not climb!
Well, apparently it will have to leave repka ( tired of waiting) in the ground - said upset grandfather ( eh, where my 17 years). But here the mouse came running ( i'm in mink) And he said that he could help. Once, and mouse ( i'm in mink) Under Earth dived. Yes, how to bite the repka ( tired of waiting) that she herself out of the ground and jumped out!
Happy grandfather ( eh, where my 17 years), smiles grandmother ( my pancakes are the most delicious), granddaughter dances ( i love to dance), bug ( better so the homeless) I ran around the mask ( moore, I like), and the mouse ( i'm in mink) You yourself heard where she is. Everyone is rejoicing and having fun, because they will finally eat this delicious repka ( tired of waiting)!

There are other options for this fairy tale on a new way. For example, such as in the video below. See it to the end, and write down the words:

Tale teremok to a new way.
Next fairy tale-remake - teremok. Here the actors need to give words. So that they learn them. Since words in verses, they study easily. See:

The fairy tale is three sisters.
The next fairy tale is called three sisters. She is not very popular and not everyone remembers it. But show her at the holiday or just in the company of friends is one pleasure. We look:

The fairy tale is three pigs.
Do you remember a fairy tale about three piglets? Now you can spend your evenings under this fairy tale and laugh and seen.
This is a musical fairy tale, and here only everything depends on the actors themselves, which must play and show all the actions, about which they say in fairy tales.
To listen to a fairy tale and download it, go to the link below:

We hope. You liked fairy tales, alterations, and you can relax with friends gorgeously so that it was what to remember.

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How nice to gather a big and noisy company with loved ones! But in such meetings, the moment comes when everything delicious is already eaten, the hot drinking and all the news is told. Then comes time entertainment. Fairy tales - impromptu for a funny company - the best way to collectively think about having fun.

Instant fairy tales are drawnings that do not require participants in learning words and Misaneszen. For voice support of the leading guests, guests make some sounds, words or perform simple movements at the moment when the mention of the character attached to themselves is heard. Mimic and gestures are also going to move. The purpose of each participant is to replay the rest or at least not to fail their mission. The heroes of such fairy tales usually happen much - all guests are enough. If the company is very large, then the current characters are all names of nouns from one or another story.

Such a pastime is wondering for people of all ages, from Mala to Great. No wonder there is even the processing of fairy tales for a funny company for an anniversary on the occasion of the 50th anniversary or the 60th anniversary! The main thing is that entertainment:

  • cheerful participants and observers;
  • did not offend any of those present;
  • it was not tightened over time.

Before the welcoming owner, inviting guests to the house, there are two tasks - it's tasty to feed and fun to entertain the company. They are equally important, therefore, without a well-thought-out cultural program, some delicacies are few. In this regard, it will not be further remembered that the best increasing is carefully prepared entertainment. Of course, to draw "quick" fairy tales of printing script for actors, difficult scenery is not required. But here about some nuances will have to take care in advance:

  • print or write the text of the fairy tale for the lead (that is, for yourself);
  • the plot is better to work in advance, designating important accents (binding names for characters so that confusion does not arise among the jetstered guests, semantic pauses are necessary, etc.);
  • make cards with names of characters and an indication that they have to do;
  • prepare attributes for heroes (nothing intricate - enough hats, toy crown, animal masks, etc.).

Criteria for choosing instant stories

As such as the principles of choosing a fairy tale for the dramatization. There are only a few recommendations based on the experiences of lovers of this kind of entertainment:

  • the plot should be as simple as possible;
  • heroes can be "adding" on their own, if all guests are missing;
  • it is not necessary to take for long narrations: the actors and the public are bored. It is better to choose two small fairy tales.

And yet: 80% of the succession success depends on the narrator, so it is necessary to read extremely expressive and emotionally.

Scenarios of fairy tales - expression for different reasons

Improvisational stories are good because absolutely any can be removed under a specific occasion. However, there are ready-made options.

The fairy tale of the expression "Reli", played by the roles, will become an excellent entertainment at the celebration of the birthday. The essence of its formulation is that, when mentioning a character, the participant must pronounce a certain replica or word.


Repka - "Wow"

Grandfather - "Celebrate?"

Baba - "Oh-oh"

Granddaughter - "I'm not in the form"

Bug - "Happy Birthday"

Cat - "She is a spy!"

Mouse - "I warned!"

The presenter tells the well-known plot, the actors tell their replicas, complementing the image of gestures and facial expressions.

Fairy tales - impromptu for a funny company with words can be replaced by the drama, in which you need to show the character only gestures and fairytale - as, for example, in the scene "ion".


Girl (Kakenets)

Hot frying pan (hits)

Oil (cowardic and softening)

Door (looking at what is happening)

Water (slow but good)

Eggs (all guests).

Host: "Asya Khathen wanted. I went to the kitchen, I decided to make the scrambled eggs. He took a frying pan, chicken and quail eggs. In the refrigerator tried to find the butter, but it was hiding. He laughed asya in the pan, hit the fifth egg. They began to hiss, green, bad smelling. The skillet was angry, began to catch the residues of eggs. Asya's eggs smeared, she sneaked and ran to the tap with water. Yeah, there is no food! "

The instant performances of fairy tales - imprompti for a fun company of colleagues are characterized by the format of the holding, so it is better to pick up something neutral to the drag. For example, "Agitrecota".


Anca Martherometer

hungry sailor

blind shooter


young train driver

lieutenant-White Guard.

Host: "Attention to the Honorable Public, we present the production-agitrecot" How the train "Star" saved.

The actors under the representation of the lead become a semicircle.

Host: "Due to the fact that the armored train was urgently sent for repairs, the performance is canceled."

Participants are kept and go under applause.

As a variant of a more verbose setting, it is possible to propose a staging "about work".


Man ("I have sexy macho")

Work ("lies!")

Wife ("Where to disappear?")

Girl ("I am pleased with your")

Flowers ("Successful Surprise")

Family friend ("Hold on, I'm with you")

Host: "A man was delayed at work. I decided on the way my wife's flowers to buy, so that she did not think that he had a girl. On the way, he met a friend of the family and about the flowers completely forgot. Came home, the wife's scandal arranged, says that the man was seen with a girl. He is justified that he was with a friend of the family, and before this was delayed at work. My wife sent a man behind flowers, and he met a friend's friend again. They drank them, the flowers bought from the girl in the stall. A man came home, his wife gave flowers, and she became angry that the man was drunk and kicked him out. A man came to work, slept, went to my wife to put up to his wife. Again the flowers bought, my wife forgive him, and here and a family friend with a girl came to visit. "