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"Good soldier": how Hitler fought in the First World War. Participation in the First World War

The statements were expressed that fascism originated directly during the First World War. Hitler himself assured that those years were crucial for the formation of his anti-Semitic and Pangerman ideology. To achieve political and career goals, he actively used his military experience, and his followers created many myths and legends, which are based on the heroic acts of the Fuhrer and its innate qualities of the leader.

Thomas Weber denies all these statements. Due to the lack of documentary data on the Hitler relating to those years, the researcher uses front-line summaries of the Munich military archive to maximize the front summary of the Munich Military Archive and the testimony of its former associates of 16 Bavarian infantry backup shelf (16 PRPs), named Leaf's name (List) in honor of the first commander who deceased In 1915.

The goal of the book is to analyze whether Hitler fits into a special microworld of this military unit and decide what influenced the formation of his worldview: the horrors of war or post-war revolutionary experience. Is Hitler a direct product of war or are we dealing with an exceptional case of political self-sufficiency? In the scientific work of an unequivocal answer to this question is not given. Although the author denies the influence of the war on the formation of radical political views, while he emphasizes the influence of such unforeseen events, as a radical turn in the development of the Bavarian revolution 1918-1919. And it comes to the allegation that if the Bavarian monarchy continued to the line on a conservative reformity and did not allow the revolution in this way, Hitler would continue to make a living with drawing of humble postcards.

In the book, first of all, the history of the 16th Bavarian PRP, military unit, which has not particularly appreciated the highest command. She participated in large battles (in the first battle with IPRA in 1914, in Neuve Chapelle in the Nek-Chapelle (Neuve Chapelle) and in the battle on the Somme River in the fall of 1916). In this shelf, the growth of desertion cases and non-obstinate commander was noted, and the number of losses was higher (every fourth soldier died) than on average in the German army (every sixth).

Scorched earth

Indeed, there was a brother between soldiers of the unconventional parties rather than bite. Although at first, the German command took extremely tough measures against the French and Belgian snipers, which was caused by the need to quickly win in order to avoid hostilities on two fronts, the fierce on the battlefields was particularly intensified only after the High Command accepted Hindenburg and Ludendorf, which became Apply the tactics of the scorched land.

The 16th PRP participated in the battle at Verden and very little manifested himself in battles on the Somme River. It was there that it happened its final moral decomposition. Having lost more than 50% of the personnel, he fought through only three weeks, instead of the established two months.

Of the reports and evidence, it is the Hitler that Hitler was very pleased and generous in relation to the superiors and contemptively referred to his combat comrades. He managed to get a warm place at the headquarters of the regiment and thanks to this, he was less risk than fighters on the front line. He was twice wounded, awarded (in August 1918 he received the first degree iron cross) and was at military service within 42 out of 51 months of war. In the battle on the Somme River, he participated only four days, and then being two kilometers from the front line. He was again far from the front, when the most fierce battles of summer and autumn of 1918 were played. A gas attack on the night of October 13-14 put an end to his participation in the war. Hitler passed the course of treatment from the "Equal Hysteria" in the department of psychiatry of the military hospital, which he thoroughly hid during his entire further political career.

In the second part of the book describes the impact that military experience has enhanced Nazism, the imperial sentiment of Hitler and the historical development of Germany after the First World War.

Weber concludes that it was not a war caused an increase in ultranationalist sentiment among military personnel 16 of the Bavarian PRP, namely, the subsequent events (the proclamation of the republic in Germany, the murder of Aisner in February 1919 and the transition to the radical position of the Bavarian Soviet Republic) led to strengthening and embedding in The political system of the right-hand forces and the simultaneous weakening of social democratic and liberal parties.

Stormy times

Following the participants of Historikerstreat (discussions of the 80s on the responsibility of the Nazis for what happened in Germany), the researcher declares that the fight against Bolshevism was not part of the priorities of national socialism at an early stage of its development. In these turbulent times, the Skyatitsa in the mindset of people was quite ordinary phenomenon, which confirms the Hitler's service to the Soviet government of Bavaria and its support for the National Bolshevik ideas E. Niekisch (E. Niekisch), heads of the revolutionary council. His anti-Semitism arose to the revolutionary and post-revolutionary period, but his political future was not even definitively determined when he entered the department of counter-revolutionary army propaganda.

Seeing how the Spirit of the partnership disappears among the soldiers, until his family, in September 1919, he joins the working part of Germany, where he tries to rally around his former colleagues from the regiment headquarters. However, most of them did not go behind it: only 17% of veterans 16 of the Bavarian PRP became members of the Nazi party. The autobiographical Maine Campfa Mysteries, which used the myth of the immaculate service list of the Sheet shelf as the Hitler's prototype of the future national socialist society, could not hide that during the war there was no spirit of the partnership (Kameradschaft), no fighting fraternity (FrontGeMeinschaft), But only mutual suspicion and female between ordinary.

The myth of the brave soldier was actively promoted by Nazi propaganda from 1925 to 1933, despite the refuting statements and the weak desire of the former fellow soldiers to get up under the banners of Hitler and National Socialism.

Also, no reasonable reflections on the absence of continuity between violence of the First World War and the cruelty of the second, which are based on the fact that the main actors of both wars were representatives of the younger generation that did not have experience in combat operations. As indicated by G.L. Moss (G.L. Mosse), the spirit of militarism, filling years between two wars, tied the extreme experience gained by both generations.

The first world did not become a nutrient medium for future Nazis, however, veterans were out of her, whose memories were illuminated by their mystical light political future of the Fuhrera. Perhaps, as the Weber indicates, the character named Hitler was not directly producing the war, but as a result of the war, the world arose, which made the appearance of the myth about Hitler.

Insurance materials contain estimates of exclusively foreign media and do not reflect the position of the EOSMI's editorial office.

The First World War is one of the main events, which influenced the fate of Adolf Hitler and to some extent predetermined his further political career. But, the more importantly, the first negative feedback, so that somehow humiliate the Hitler-soldier began to become just the First World War. When Hitler first heard the announcement of the war, as he writes in Main Campf: "those watches have become as if delighted from unpleasant memories of youth. I am not ashamed to admit that from the delight that embraced me fell on his knees and from the bottom of my heart we celebrated the heavens for the fact that I was given happiness to live at such a time. "

And when the First World War began on August 1, 1914, Hitler delighted the news of the war. He immediately filed a statement to Ludwig III to get permission to serve in the Bavarian army. The next day he was offered to appear in any Bavarian Regiment. He chose the 16th reserve Bavarian regiment, "Sheet-name regiment", by the last name of the killed commander. On August 16, he was enrolled in the 6th reserve battalion of the 2nd Bavarian Infantry Regiment No. 16, consisting of volunteers. On September 1, the 1st Road of the Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment was transferred to the 1st issue 16. On October 8, 1914, he swore to the loyalty to the King of Bavaria and the Emperor Franza Joseph. Soon was sent to the West Front.

Adolf Hitler took part in a multitude of battles, so it can be attributed to the front-line women who received extensive experience in the fields of the First World War. On October 29, 1914, Hitler takes part in the first battle for himself. Then from October 30 to November 24, 1914 - in the battle of IPRA. And on November 1, 1914, he was awarded the rank of Efreitor. Soon he was transferred to the position of connected to the headquarters of the regiment. After the positional battle in Flanders, which were held from November 25 to December 13, 1914, Efreitor Adolf Hitler awarded the Iron Cross of II degree (December 2, 1914).

From December 14, 1914 to March 9, 1915 - there are positional battles in the French Flanders. And in the future, 1915, Hitler also participated in the battle under Nab-Chapel, under La Bas and Arras. In 1916, he participated in the reconnaissance and demonstration battles of the 6th Army in connection with the battle of the Somme, as well as in the battle under Fromel and directly in the Battle of Somme.

Wounded in the left thigh fragment of grenades under Le Bargur in the first battle on Somme. He fell into the lazaret of the Red Cross in Beelice - until March 1917. And from March 1917, the spring battle of Arras began. Also this year, Hitler participated in the battles in Arto, Flanders and in the Upper Alsace. On September 17, 1917, he was awarded a cross with swords for combat merits III degrees.

In 1918, Hitler participated in the so-called great battle in France, in battles under Euro and Mondide. On May 9 of this year, he was awarded a regimental diploma for outstanding courage in the fights under the fountain. A few days later gets a sign of the wounded (black). From May to July, he takes part in the battles near Susson and Reims, also at the positional battles between Uaua, Marna and Annna; In the coming battles on Marne and in Champagne. In addition, participates in defensive battles on Saceon, Reims and Marne. In August, participates in the battle under MONSI-BAP. And on October 15, 1918, after gas poisoning under La Montenem, a chemical projectile near him, he was defeated by the eye and temporarily lost sight. Next, treatment is undergoing treatment in the Bavarian field climbing in Udanard, then in Prussian rear climb in Pazewalk, where he learned about the surrender of Germany and the overthrow of Kaiser.

In total, during the war, Hitler directly participated in 39 battles. I received several wounds during this time. Here are the rewards he received during World War II:

1) 2. 12. 1914. - Awarding Iron Cross II degree.

2) 17. 9. 1917 - rewarding a cross with swords for combat merits III degrees.

3) 9. 5. 1918 - rewarding a regimental diploma for outstanding courage in phonente.

4) 18. 5. 1918 - Getting the insignia of the injured.

5) 4. 8. 1918 - Awarding Iron Cross I degree.

6) 25. 8. 1918 - the presentation of the sign of service differences III degree.

Iron Cross II degree, he was awarded for the fact that their 16 Bavarian backup infantry regiment named after Wilhelm Leaf had a big loss in battles, while trying to break into the shores of La Manche. Of the three and a half thousand soldiers, only 600 people remained alive. Hitler during the battle pulled out a seriously injured officer from under the shelling, Captain Gogo Gutman, the regiment adjutant. At the same time, two of his subordinate two were killed, and the third was seriously injured. Hitler survived. The Iron Cross of the I degree got him for the commission of two actions: he captured the opponent's squad - 15 soldiers and officers and the opponent's fire managed to break through to his own battery to transfer the order of the authorities not to shoot at the specified area, as German troops were switched to. What it is worth noting that the Iron Cross I degree - the award is quite rare for such a title as a corporal.

The first rumors about the imaginary and undeserved awarding of Hitler signs of differences began to appear on the part of his colleagues. They were Rotary Fields Georg Schnell and Unter-Officer Hans Mend, who after the war distributed the so-called "Mendi Protocol", which contained extremely negative reviews about Hitler as a soldier, based allegedly on personal impressions. And Georg Schnell stated that "Hitler was undeservedly received the Iron Cross I degree. On August 8, 1918, he was announced in the regimental order: "Hitler Adolf, an external Euphreer of the 3rd company, is awarded to the Iron Cross. Since there was no idea from the company to award to his award, I immediately contacted the phone with the former then regimental writer Vice-Feldfelm Amman and sent a message to the commander of Rudolf Hess. Each month of the 1st day was submitted to awarding the Bavarian Cross for merits, and at the fifth numbers to the iron cross. These ideas were sent to the regiment, and there Amman added himself to Hitler's list. It was the most pious scam. " His statement can be questioned, if only because Rudolph Hess was not at that time the commander of the company named after Hitler served. Hess at that time served as a pilot in the squadron of Richtgofen, led by Goering. You can explain such rumors, most likely or envy or personal relationships. In addition, during the period of the Weimara Republic, political opponents continued to spread such rumors that were revived then after 1945.

But there are many confirmations of the soldiers who personally who knew Hitler during the war, that he was an exclusively brave soldier and supported good friendly relations with colleagues and was repeatedly encouraged by the command. In the spring of 1922, that is, at the time, when there was no need to praise Hitler, a few of his colleagues in one voice characterized the former messenger of their regiment Adolf Hitler as an energetic, ready for self-sacrifice, a comprehensive and fearless person. So, Lieutenant Colonel Von Luneshlos, said: "Hitler never failed and especially approached such orders that were unable to others ...". Lieutenant Colonel Count Anton von Tubef, who in 1918 handed it the Iron Cross I degree, also said: "He was tireless in the service and was always ready to help. There was no such situation so that it would not be volunteered to the most difficult and dangerous matter, demonstrating constant readiness to sacrifice his life for the sake of others and for peace of rest. Purely in humans, he was closer to me all among the soldiers, and in his personal conversations I admired his unparalleled love for homeland, decency and honesty in views. "

In the view of the award that signed Lieutenant Colonel von Godin on July 31, 1918, it was said: "Being a messenger, he showed in conditions and a positional, and maneuverable war, an example of coolness and courage and always caused a volunteer to in the greatest situations with the greatest danger to life deliver the necessary orders. When all lines of communication were broken in heavy battles, the most important reports, despite all the difficulties, were delivered for their intendedity due to the tireless and courageous activities of Hitler. Hitler was awarded the Iron Cross of the II degree for the fight with the collapse of December 2, 1914. I believe that he is absolutely worthy of awarding Iron Cross I degree. "

During the interrogation in September 1948, which conducted Robert Kempner, the regimental adjutant Fritz Vidman answered the circumstances of obtaining the Iron Cross Hitler I degree: "He received him right. I myself am the first idea. "

It is also worth saying that the rumor and National Socialists themselves have largely attached to the emergence and spread of negative rumors about the awarding of Hitler. They did not want to admit that Hitler received this award, which he proudly wore to death, to grant an adjutant, the regiment of the Jew Gogo Gutman, after in difficult combat conditions, did a message in the location of German artillery and thereby prevented the opening of fire in his infantry who escaped forward.

The experience of World War II Hitler applied in the future. This applies to the German propaganda, which was deployed in the III Reich. He stayed like a commander and strategist throughout his life, so everyone was always interested in the smallest details and decided to decide on any trifles. It is not necessary that this has always brought positive results, but the fact is obvious. Sometimes Hitler ignored the military experience gained by him and did completely on the contrary. So, in "Main Campf" he writes: "Since September 1914, after the battle of Tannenberg on the roads and railways, Germany appeared the first crowds of Russian prisoners of war, there was no longer visible to this stream. The huge Russian empire delivered all new soldiers to the king and brought all new victims. How long could Germany withstand this race? After all, one day will come when, after the last German victory, another Russian army appears for the very last battle. And what then? According to human ideas, Russia's victory can only be delayed, but it must come. " And, despite this experience, he still hoped in 1941 to conquer the Soviet Union for several months.

Thus, rumors and legends about Hitler began to appear during the First World War. Although it was documented that Adolf Hitler was a brave soldier, which was injured several times. He repeatedly saved the life of his colleagues, risking himself to be killed. Once he captured four French soldiers. It was awarded, as indicated above, several awards, including the highest height in Germany Iron Cross I degree. It is unlikely that, in my opinion, a cowardly soldier, hiding behind the backs of his comrades, or deliberately wandering around the lazaters, could get so many signs of distinction during the war. Of course, in order to remake Hitler in the eyes of the public, these rumors were consciously and are common after 1945.

Hitler treated the one hundred million soldiers who had passed and their eyes saw the horrors of the First World War. From there, he, like other front-line, made a feeling of the front fraternity. Therefore, it seems to me, followed by him first of all, first former front-line, as they saw a person in him. Yes, and Hitler himself also relied, first of all, on former front-line people, like Rudolf Hesse, Herman Geering, Ernst Rem and others.

So I often saddled about my, as it seemed to me, the late appearance on Earth and saw the undeserved blow of fate in the fact that I would have to live all my life among the "silence and order". As you can see, I have not been a "pacifist" smalod already, and all attempts to raise me in the spirit of pacifism were wasted.

Like zipper, shine to me by the hope of a burst war.

From morning to evening, I swallow the newspaper, following all the telegrams and reports, and I was happy for the fact that I at least from afar manage to follow this heroic struggle.

The Russian-Japanese war caught me with a more mature man. I followed these events even more carefully. In this war, I became for a certain side and, with the national reasons. In discussions associated with the Russian-Japanese war, I immediately became on the side of the Japanese. In Russia's defeat, I also began to see the defeat of the Austrian Slavs.

Many years later. The fact that I used to seem to be a grinding agony, now it began to appear to me in front of the storm. Already during my stay in Vienna, a suffocating atmosphere was dominated in the Balkans, which predicted a thunderstorm. Already more than once appeared and broken there with separate gloys, which, however quickly disappeared, again giving way to an impenetrable darkness. But now the first Balkan War broke out and together with her the first gusts of the wind came to an elevated Europe. The time strip directly at the first Balkan war was extremely painful. Everyone had a feeling of an approaching catastrophe, the whole earth would grow out and eager the first drop of rain. People were full of waiting for waiting and spoke to themselves: let him finally be squeezed, let the fate soon send those events that are still inevitable. And now, finally, the first bright zipper illuminated the earth. The thunderstorm began, and the mighty rolling of thunder was mixed with the loses of guns on the fields of world war.

When the first news of the murder of Ertzgezzoog Franz Ferdinanda came to Munich (I was sitting at home and over the window heard the first insufficient information about this murder), I first covered an alarm, whether he was killed by German students who had an indignation of the systematic work of the heir to Slavication of the Austrian state. From my point of view, there would be nothing surprising that German students would want to free the German people from this inner enemy. It is easy to imagine what the consequences would be if the murder of Ertzgezzog would have been such a character. As a result, we would have a whole wave of persecution, which would be of course recognized by the "reasonable" and "fair" world. But when I learned the name of the alleged killer, when I was told that the killer is unconditionally Serb, I was covered by a quiet horror about how I was avenged by Ertzgertsoga unfortunate fate.

One of the most prominent friends of Slavs fell victim to Slavic fanatics.

In recent years, in recent years, carefully followed the relationship between Austria and Serbia, he could not now doubt for a minute in the fact that the events would develop uncontrollably.

Now it is often cose of the Vienna government by reproach for the ultimatum, which it sent Serbia. But these reproaches are completely unfair. Any government in the world in a similar setting would have come in the same way. On her Eastern border, Austria had an inexorable enemy, who spoke with provocations more and more often and who could not calm down until the favorable situation would have led to the defeat of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. In Austria, there was every reason to assume that the blow against her will be postponed to the maximum until the death of the old emperor; But there was a reason to also assume that by this time the monarchy at all will lose their ability to provide any serious resistance. Over the past years, this monarchy has been in force to such an extent that the degriding french Joseph was personally, which in the eyes of the broad masses the death of this emperor was inevitably should be presented as the death of the most disturbing Austrian state. One of the most cunning tricks of Slavic politics was that she deliberately sowed the idea that "prosperity" of Austria is owned entirely to the wisdom of her monarch. Viennese court circles have come to the bait, the Viennese court circles have come easier that this assessment did not fit the real merits of Franz Joseph. The Viennese yard did not understand that a mockery was hidden in this flattery. During the court, they did not understand, and maybe they did not want to understand that the more the fate of the monarchy bind to the state mind of this, as they were expressed, "the wisest of monarchs", the more catastrophic the position of the monarchy, when one day the ruthless death will lead to one day Door Franz Joseph.

Is it possible then at all to imagine Austria without this old emperor?

Will this tragedy, which once happened to Maria Teresa, will not happen?

No, completely unfair reproaches directed against the Vienna government for the fact that it in 1914 went to a war, which, how other it seems, could still be avoided. No, the war was already able to avoid; It could be delayed for a maximum of one or two years. But this was the curse of German and Austrian diplomacy, that she was still trying to pull out an inevitable clash and eventually had to take a fight in the most unfavorable moment. It is not doubtful that if the war managed to delay a short time, then Germany and Austria would have to fight in an even more unfavorable moment.

No, the situation is so that who did not want this war, he should have had the courage to make the necessary conclusions. And these conclusions could only sacrifice Austria. War would come in this case, but it would not be war against one Germany. But at the same time, the section of Austria would be inevitable. In front of Germany, there would be the choice: either to take part in the share, or return from the sharing with empty hands.

Those who now happen the most and scold about the situation in which war began, those who are now thoroughly so wise, - exactly in the summer of 1914, they mostly pushed Germany in this fatal war.

The German Social Democracy for many decades led the most vigilant injury of Russia. On the other hand, the Center Party, based on religious motives, has most promoted to make the original item of German politics from Austria. Now we have to pay for the consequences of this madness. We reap what sowed. Avoid what happened, it was impossible under any circumstances. The wines of the German government concluded that in pursuit of the preservation of the world, it missed the most favorable moment to start the war. The guilt of the German government is that in pursuit of the world, it has become on the path of the Policy of the Union with Austria, bogged down in this policy and, in the end, became a victim of a coalition, which opposed its determination to the war of our chimeric dream about the preservation of the world.

If the Vienna government then gave his ultimatum another, softer form, it would still not change anything. Most more that could happen, so this is that the perturbation of the people would be safely the very Viennese government. For in the eyes of the wide masses of the people, the tone of the Vienna Ultimatum was still too soft, and not at all too cutting. Who now is still trying to deny this, the one or a forgetful emptyel, or simply conscious liar.

Growing God, isn't it clear that the war of 1914 was by no means imposed on the masses that the masses were eager for this struggle!

Mass wanted finally any junction. Only this mood and explains the fact that two million people - adults and young people - hurried to voluntarily appear under the banners in full readiness to give their last drop of blood on the protection of the Motherland.

I myself experienced an extraordinary lift these days. Heavy sentiments did not happen. I'm not at all ashamed to confess that, enthusiastic wave of mighty enthusiasm, I fell on my knees and thanked the Lord God from the depth of the heart, for giving me happiness to live at such a time.

Began the struggle for freedom of such strength and scope, which did not know the world. As soon as the events began to take the same move, which they inevitably had to take, the greatest masses became clear that the case was no longer about Serbia and not even about Austria, which is now being solved by the fate of the German nation itself.

After many years now, the last time of the people on his own future opened. The mood was extremely raised, but at the same time serious. The people were aware that his fate was solved. That is why the national climb was deep and durable. This severity of the mood quite consistent with the circumstances, although at the first moment no one had the idea how the beginning war would not expire for a long time. The dream was very common, that by winter we end the case and return to peaceful work with new forces.

What I want, it is believed. The overwhelming majority of the people have long had time to borrow a state of eternal alarm. This explains the fact that no one wanted to believe in the possibility of a peaceful decision of the Austro-Serbian conflict, and everyone hoped for the fact that the war is finally born. My personal mood was the same.

As soon as I heard in Munich about the attempt on the Austrian Ersgertzog, two thoughts penetrated my brain: firstly, that now the war was inevitable, and secondly, that, under the circumstances, the Habsburg state will have to preserve the loyalty of Germany. Most of all, I was afraid of former times that Germany will be plunged into the war in the last account due to Austria and nevertheless Austria will remain aside. It could happen that the conflict would have begun directly not because of Austria and then the Habsburg government based on internal politics would certainly try to hide in the bushes. And if even the government itself decided to remain faithful Germany, the Slavic majority of the state would still sabotage this decision; It is more likely to be ready to break up all the state, rather than let Gabsburgs remain faithful in Germany. In July 1914, the events fortunately have developed in such a way that such a danger was eliminated. Will-unillires the old Austrian state had to be involved in the war.

My my own position was absolutely clear. From my point of view, the struggle began not because of whether Austria will receive any other satisfaction from Serbia. In my opinion, the war was walking due to the very existence of Germany. It was about being or not to be the German nation; It was about our freedom and our future. The state created by Bismarcom, now had to expose the sword. Young Germany had to re-prove that she was worthy of those conquests that were bought in the heroic struggle with our fathers in the Epoch of Batifu at Weissenburg, Sedan and Paris. If our people in the upcoming battles will be at the height of the situation, then Germany will finally take the most outstanding place among the great powers. Then, and only then, Germany will be made by an unstable stronghold of the world, and our children will not have to perish because of the Phantom of the "Eternal World".

How many times in his youthful years I dreamed about the fact that I finally came to the time when I can prove with the affairs that my devotion is not an empty phrase. I often seemed almost a sin that I scream "Hurray," without having it, perhaps, internal law. To shout "Hurray", in my opinion, only one who has ever experienced himself on the front, where he has no longer before jokes and where the inexpressible hand of fate carefully plays the sincerity of every individual and whole nations. My heart was overwhelmed with proud joy that now, finally, I can experience myself. How many times have I sang a loud voice "Deachland to Aley", so many times from the depths of the heart shouted, I "Long live!" And "Hurray!" Now I considered his direct responsibility to the Most High and to prove before people in fact that I was sincerely fully. I have long decided for myself that as soon as the war comes (and what she comes, I was quite sure of this), I will postpone the book aside. I knew that with the beginning of the war my place will be where my inner voice will indicate me.

I left Austria first of all for considerations political. The same political considerations demanded that now when the war began, I took my place at the front. I walked to the front not to fight for the state of the Habsburgs, but I was ready to give my life for my people for any minute and for the state that the state personifies his fate.

On August 3, 1914, I filed a statement by His Majesty to King Ludwig III with a request to accept me volunteer in one of the Bavarian regiments. The Office of His Majesty in these days was of course a lot of trouble; Especially since I was delighted when the next day I received an answer to my petition. I remember, I revealed the envelope with trembling hands and with a trembling spiritual read resolution on the satisfaction of my request. The delight and sense of gratitude was not limits. A few days later I put on the uniform, which I had to wear almost as many as 6 years in a row.

Now for me, as for every German, the most great and unforgettable era of earthly existence began. All the past retreated to the tenth plan compared with the events of these unprecedented battles. Now that the first decade is executed from the day of these great events, I remember these days with a great sorrow, but also with great pride. I am happy and proud that fate was male to me that I was given to participate in the great heroic struggle of my people.

I remember vividly, as if it was just yesterday, as for the first time I appear among my dear comrades in military uniforms, then as our squad marches the first time, then our military exercises and, finally, the day of our shipment to the front.

Like many others, only one painful thought was oppressed at this time: Will we be late? This thought straight did not give me peace. Distinguishing every message about the new victory of the German weapons, at the same time suffered from that thought, no matter how personally I was late to appear to appear on the front. After all, with each new news about the victory, the danger of being late became more real.

Finally came the desired day when we left Munich to go there, where the duty called us. I was last glanced at the banks of the Rhine and rushed with our great river, on the defense of which all the sons of our people now became. No, we will not allow an old enemy to desecrate the water of this river? The morning mist was dissipated, the sun looked out and lit the surroundings, and from all the breasts, the Great Old Song "Watch Am Raine" was killed. They sang everything to one person in our long infinite train. My heart fluttered like a caught bird.

Then the wet cold night in Flanders is remembered. We go silently. As soon as it starts to dawn, we hear the first iron "greeting". Over our heads with a crash, a projectile is broken; Shardings fall completely close and blast the wet ground. It did not even have time to dissipate the cloud from the projectile, as the first loud "hurray", serving the first messenger of death, is heard from two hundred and sip. Then there is a continuous cracking and crash, noise and howl, and we are all feverishly taking forward to the enemy towards the enemy and after a short time we go on a potato chest with a chest with an opponent. Behind us from afar, the song is heard, then it is heard closer and closer. The melody jumps from one company to another. And in a minute when it seems that death is completely close to us, the native song comes to us, we also turn on and loudly, suffering victorious: "Daezland, Deuchland Uber Ales."

Four days later we returned to its original position. Now even our gait has become different, 16-year-old boys turned into adults.

Volunteers of our regiment, perhaps, have not yet learned how to fight, but they already knew how to die as real old soldiers.

That was the beginning.

Next, they reached a month after the month and year after year. The horrors of the daily battles were supplanted by the romance of the first days. The first delights gradually cooled. The joyful rise was replaced by a sense of fear of death. It is time when everyone had to fluctuate between debt yields and instinct of self-preservation. Through these sentiments I had to go through and me. Always when death wandered very closely, I began to protest something in me. This "something" tried to inspire a weak body, as if the "mind" demands to challenge. In fact, it was not a mind, but alas, it was only - cowardice. She was under different pretexts and confused each of us. Sometimes oscillations were extremely painful, and only hardly won the last remnants of conscience. The loudly the voice that called for caution was becoming more seductive, he was in the ears of thought about rest and rest, the more stronger it had to fight with himself, the current was finally the voice of the debt took the top. In winter, 1915/16, I personally managed to finally defeat these moods. Will won. In the first days I went to the attack in an enthusiastic mood, with jokes and laughter. Now I walked into battle with calm determination. But it was this last mood that only could be durable. Now I was able to meet the most severe trials of fate, without fearing for the fact that the head or nerves will refuse to serve.

A young volunteer turned into an old hardened soldier.

This change occurred not in me one, but in the whole army. Of the eternal fights, she came out indignant and hardened. Who was unable to withstand these tests, the events broke.

Only now it was possible to truly judge the qualities of our army; Only now, after two, three years, during which the army was from one battle to another, all the time fighting against the superior enemy forces, suffering hunger and all sorts of deprivation, only now we saw what the invaluable qualities of this sole of the army.

A century and millennium and humanity will be held, remembering the greatest samples of heroism, still will not be able to pass by the heroism of the German armies in World War. The farther these times are departed, the brighter the images of our immortal warriors shine, which are samples of fearlessness. As long as the Germans will live on our land, they will proudly remember that these fighters were the sons of our people.

I was at that time a soldier and politics did not want to do. Yes, this time was not for politics. Also, I am convinced now that the last black and worker brought in those days much more benefit to the state and Fatherland than any, say, "parliamentarian". I never hated these tallers stronger how at the time of the war, when any decent person who had something for souls was walking on the front and fought with the enemy and in any case did not deal with an oratory. I just hated all these "politicians" and if it were affected by me, we would give them to the shovels and would form from them a "parliamentary" battalion of chern workers; Let them then discussed themselves how many soul themselves - they at least did not harm and would not be indignant to honest people.

So, at that time and hear did not want to hear about politics; However, about certain topical issues, it was still to speak, once it was about such problems that were interested in the whole nation and had a particularly close attitude towards us, soldiers.

At that time, I was internally grieved two things.

One part of the press was already immediately after the first of our victories began to gradually and, perhaps, for many, even imperceptibly pour a little bit of bitterness into the general bowl of popular lift. This was done under the mask of famous goodwill and even known concern. This press began to express their doubts about the fact that our people see if the first victories are too noisy.

And what? Instead of taking these Lords for their long ears and shut down the pharynx, so that they do not dare to insult the fighting people, instead they began to talk widely about what our delights are "excessive," produce an inappropriate impression, etc.

People did not understand that if now enthusiasm shakes, he would not be able to call him again. Eusting the victory was necessary to maintain all their might. Is it possible to actually win the war demanding the greatest tension of all the spiritual forces of the nation if there were no power of enthusiasm?

I knew my psyche too well to not understand how inappropriate all the so-called "aesthetic" considerations are here. From my point of view, it was necessary to be crazy not to do everything possible for even greater inciting passions - to the boiling point. But that people wanted to still reduce enthusiasm, I could not understand this simply.

Secondly, I was extremely saddened by the position that we had taken at this time in relation to Marxism. From my point of view, it proved that people do not have the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a destructive action makes this plague. We seemed seriously believed that the statement "we no longer have parties" really had some influence on Marxists.

We did not understand that in this case the case is not at all about the party, but about the teachings, fully directed to the destruction of all mankind. How, because this "we" in our jeeping universities did not hear. And it is known that many of our high-ranking officials are interested in books very little, and what they did not hear on the university bench, there are no for them. The largest coups in science are completely without a trace for these "goals" than, by the way, it is explained by the fact that most of our government institutions are often lagging behind private enterprises. Separate exceptions and here only confirm the rule.

To identify in the August 1914 of the German worker with Marxism was unheard of absurdity. In the August days, the German worker had just escaped from the chain hugs of this plague. Otherwise, he would generally be unable to participate in the overall struggle. And what? Just at this time, "we" turned out to be strong enough to believe that Marxism was now turned into a "national" current. This was a thoughtful consideration only once again proved that our high rulers never gave themselves a little less difficult to get acquainted with Marxist teachings, otherwise such a ridiculous thought could not come to mind.

In the July Days of 1914, the Lord Marxists who have been making themselves the purpose of the destruction of all non-Jewish national states, with horror they were convinced that the German workers, whom they still kept held in their paws, now they simplify and every day more and more resolutely pass to the side of his fatherland. For some few days, the spells of social democracy melted, the vile deception of the people dishonal was in dust. Lonely and abandoned the gang of Jewish leaders remained, as if there were no small trail from their 60-year-old anti-people agitation. It was a hard minute for deceivers. But as soon as these leaders understood, what a danger threatens them, they immediately wear a new lichni lies and began to pretend to sympathize with the national lifting.

It would seem here that the moment came - it is strongly pressing the entire social consciousness of the company's entirely spent company. Here, just without distant words it was necessary to deal with them, without paying the slightest attention to the crying and wedding. Freight of international solidarity in August 1914 perfectly disadvantaged from the heads of the German working class. Already just a few weeks later, American shrapnel began to send our workers such an impressive "fraternal greeting" that the last remnants of internationalism began to evaporate. Now that the German worker again returned to the national path, the government correctly understanding his tasks, was obliged to mercilessly destroy those who raised workers against the nation.

If we could sacrifice the best sicks on the fronts, then it was not a sin in the rear to end these insects.

Instead of all this, His Majesty Emperor Wilhelm personally extended her hand to these criminals and the opportunity to translate the Spirit to this whip of insidious killers and wait for the "best" days.

The snake could continue to continue his evil business. Now she acted, of course, where carefully, but that is why it has become even more dangerous. Honest spaces dreamed of a civil world, and in the meantime, these insidious criminals prepared a civil war.

I was at the right much concerned that the authorities took such a terrible half-time position; But that the consequences of this will be, in turn, even more terrible, that I could not

It is clear how God's day, what was needed then to do. It was necessary to immediately put under the castle of all the leaders of this movement. It was necessary to immediately condemn them and free from them a nation. It was necessary to immediately pull into the course of military strength and once again destroy this plague. Parties had to dissolve, Reichstag had to be called for order with the help of bayonets, and the best way to completely abolish it immediately. If the Republic now considers himself to have the right to spread entire parties, during the war it was possible to resort to this with much greater reason. After all, then for our people standing on the map the question - to be or not to be!

Of course, then the next question would immediately arise: whether it is possible to fight with a sword against certain ideas. Is it possible to use gross strength against this or the other "minerosoznia".

I put this question at that time more than once.

Thinking out this issue on the basis of historical analogies related to the persecution of religions, I came to the following conclusions.

To defeat the power of weapons, certain ideas and ideas (regardless of how true these ideas are or incorrect) is possible only if the weapon used is in the hands of people who also represent the attractive idea and are carriers of a whole world.

The use of one naked force if there is no big idea behind it, will never lead to the destruction of another idea and will not deprive her ability to spread. From this rule, only one exception is possible: if it comes to the complete destruction of everyone to single media of this idea, until the full physical extermination of those who could continue the tradition on. But this, in turn, mostly means the complete disappearance of a whole state body on a very long time, sometimes forever. Such a bloody extermination becomes the best part of the people, because the persecution that does not have a big idea will cause protest from the best part of the sons of the people. Those prosecutions, which in the eyes of the best part of the people are morally unjustified, lead just to the fact that the persecuted ideas become the property of new segments of the population. The sense of opposition from many are already caused by one thing that they cannot calmly see how a certain idea is pursued by means of naked violence.

In these cases, the number of supporters of this idea is growing directly proportionate to the persecution. To destroy without a trace such a new teaching, it is sometimes necessary to carry out so merciless persecution that this state risks to lose the most valuable people. Such a state of affairs begged for itself by the fact that such an "internal" cleaning turns out to be achievable only by the price of complete expansion of society. And if a persecuted idea has already managed to capture a more or less extensive circle of supporters, even such the most merciless persecution will be in the end useless.

We all know that the children's age is especially susceptible to hazards. At this age, physical death is a very common phenomenon. As the body resistance becomes stronger. And only with the onset of old age, he should again give up the road of a new young life. The same with known modifications can be said about the life of ideas.

Almost all attempts to exterminate this or that teaching with naked violence without a certain ideological basis, which would stand for violence, the failure ended and often led to just opposite results.

But the first prerequisite for the success of the campaign, leading by force, in any case is systematic and perseverance. You can win this or that idle force is possible only if this force is primarily applied for a long time with the same perseverance. But as soon as hesitations begin, as soon as the persecution begin to alternate with softness and vice versa, so you can certainly say that the teaching to be destroyed will not only be limited to persecution, but even will be fixed as a result of them. As soon as a wave of persecution falls, a new outrage about suffering suffering, and this only reirs new supporters to the ranks of the persecuted teaching. His old supporters will stop even more in hatred for the pursuers, the breakthlies were supporters after eliminating the risk of persecution will return again to their old sympathies, etc. The main prerequisite for the success of persecution is thus continuous, persistent use of them. But perseverance in this area may be only the result of ideological conviction. That violence that does not arise from a solid ideological belief, will certainly be not confident in itself and will be fluctuations. This violence will never have enough constancy, stability. Only the worldview in which people fanatically believe, gives such a constancy. Such perseverance depends certainly on the energy and the brutal determination of the person who manages the operation. The outcome of the case is therefore to a certain extent depends on the personal qualities of the leader.

In addition, it is necessary to keep in mind the following.

About every worldview (whether it is religious or political origin - to hold here the face is sometimes difficult) we can say that it is not so much struggling to destroy the ideological base of the enemy, how much to spend their own ideas. But thanks to this, the struggle receives not so much defensive as an offensive nature. The goal of the struggle is installed here easily: this goal will be achieved when your own idea will win. It is much more difficult to say that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe enemy is already finally defeated and the victory over it is finally guaranteed. Set the moment when it is this last purpose that can be reached is always very difficult. Already one of this, the offensive struggle for his own worldview will always be carried out more planned and with a big sweep, than defensive struggle. In this area, as in all areas, offensive tactics has all the advantages over defensive. But the violent struggle, leading to certain ideas, will certainly be to wear the nature of the defensive struggle only until the sword itself becomes a carrier, a prostitient and promoter of a new ideological teaching.

As a result, you can say so:

Any attempt to overcome a certain idea of \u200b\u200bthe force of weapons will be defeated, unless the struggle against the mentioned idea itself will not take the form of an offensive struggle for a new world. Only in this case, if there is another world from the ideological, the violence will play a crucial role, violence will play a crucial role and benefits the side that will be able to apply it with maximum merciless and durability.

But it was still not enough in that struggle, which was carried out against Marxism. That is why this struggle did not lead to success.

The fact that both Bismarkovsky exceptional law against socialists eventually did not lead to the goal and could not lead to it. Bismarck also lacked the platform of a new world, for the celebration of which one could lead the entire wrestling. This role could not play more than liquid slogans: "Silence and order", "state authority", etc. Only the idle officials and stupid "idealists" believe that people will go to death in the name of the sickness, with the permission to say, slogans.

For a successful implementation, the campaign lacked the ideological carrier of the entire campaign. That is why both Bismarck's legislation against Socialists have been forced to put in a well-known dependence on the institution that itself is already a generation of the Marxist image of thoughts. The judge in his dispute with Marxists, Bismarck was forced to make a bourgeois democracy, but this meant - to put a goat into a garden.

All this logically flowed from the fact that in the fight against Marxism there was no other opposite idea that would have the same attractive force. As a result of the entire Bismarck campaign against the Socialists, one disappointment was obtained.

Well, at the beginning of the world war, did the situation in this regard in this regard? Unfortunately no!

The more I thought about the need for a sharp and decisive struggle against the government against social democracy as the embodiment of modern Marxism, the clearer it became me that I just don't have any ideological replacement of this exercise. What could we give the masses to break the Social Democracy? We did not have any movement capable of staging with huge masses of workers who had just been more or less freed from the influence of their Marxist leaders. Completely ridiculous and more than stupid to think that the International Fanatic, who had just left the ranks of one class party, will immediately agree to enter the ranks of another, also class, but the bourgeois party. However, it will be unpleasant to hear various organizations, and it is necessary to say that our bourgeois politicians also defend the class character of organizations - only not other people, and their own. Who will decide to deny this fact, that is not only the height, but also a stupid liar.

Beware in generally consider a wide mass of more stupid than it is in reality. In political issues, the correct instinct often means more than the mind. We will, perhaps, may be that the internationalist moods of the masses prove directly the opposite and refute our opinion on the faithful instincts of the people. We will objize that after all, the democratic pacifism neither the droplets are no less ridiculous, and among those carriers of this "teachings" are commonly representatives of the developers of the classes. As long as millions of bourgeois continue to read democratic newspapers every morning and pray for them, representatives of our property classes are not to laugh at the stupidity of "comrades". In the end, the workers and these bourgeois have ideological "food" more or less than the same - and those and others feed on fat.

Very harmful to deny the facts that exist. It is impossible to deny the fact that in the struggle of classes the case is not only about ideological problems. This often claims, especially in election struggle, but it nevertheless has nothing to do with the truth. The estate prejudices of one part of our people, the attitude towards working physical labor from top to bottom - all this unfortunately real facts, and not at all fantasy Lunatic.

Our intelligentsia is unfortunately not even thinking about how it happened that we failed to avoid the consolidation of Marxism. It is even less thinking about the fact that once our fine orders failed to prevent Marxism to strengthen, it should not be so easy to crash lost and emerging him. All this does not speak far in favor of the great mental abilities of our intelligentsia.

Bourgeois (as they call themselves) the parties will never be able to simply drag into their proletarian masses. For two worlds are opposed here two worlds, separated by part artificially, and part and naturally. The relationship of these two worlds can only be the relationship between the struggle. The victory in this struggle would inevitably be the more young batch, i.e., in this case, Marxism.

To begin the fight against Social Democracy in 1914, it was certainly possible; But so far in fact it was not a serious ideological replacement for this movement, this struggle could not have a solid soil and was not able to give good results. Here we had a huge gap.

This opinion has happened long before the war. And that is why I could not decide to join in any of the already existing parties. World War's events have further strengthened me in the opinion that there is no possibility for the fight against Social Democracy, while we cannot oppose the movement, which would prevail something more than the usual "parliamentary" party.

In the circle of my close comrades, I have repeatedly spoke in this sense.

It was in this connection that I had the first idea of \u200b\u200bever to do with politics.

This gave me a reason more than once in small circles of friends say that at the end of the war I will try to become a speaker, retaining my old profession.

I thought about it all the time and, as it turned out, not in vain.

Chapter VI
Military propaganda

Starting all deeper to delve into all the issues of politics, I could not not stop my attention on the problems of military propaganda. In propaganda, in general, I saw a tool to which Marxist-Socialist organizations enjoy masterfully. I have long been convinced that the proper use of this weapon is real art and that the bourgeois parties almost do not know how to use this weapon. Only a Christian social movement, especially in the era of Luuger, still skillfully with some virtuosity to use the means of propaganda than and provided some of his successes.

But only during World War I was quite clear what kind of gigantic results can give propaganda correctly. Unfortunately, and here to study the case accounted for examples of the United States activities, because the work of Germany in this area was more than modest. We have almost completely absent whatever enlightenment work. It straight rushed into the eyes of each soldier. For me, it was only an extra reason to think deeply over the issues of propaganda.

Leisure for reflections was often more than enough. The opponent at each step gave us practical lessons.

This enemy use this weakness with unheard of agility and truly with a brilliant calculation. In these samples of military propaganda of the enemy, I learned to be infinitely much. Those who, this, for the obligation, should be kept, the least wondered over the excellent work of the enemy. On the one hand, our bosses believed herself too smart to learn to anyone else, and on the other hand, not enough and just goodwill.

Yes, did we have any propaganda at all?

Unfortunately, I have to answer this question negatively. All that in this direction was taken, it was so incorrect and nikudashno from the very beginning that there could not be made any benefit, and it often brought direct damage.

Our "propaganda" was in the form of unsuitable, and essentially a controversy with a psychology of a soldier. The more we looked closely to the formulation of propaganda, the more we were convinced of this.

What is propaganda is a target or tool? Already in this first simple question, our bosses did not understand completely.

In fact, propaganda has a tool and therefore should be considered otherwise, as in terms of purpose. That is why the form of propaganda should flow out of the goal, to serve it, it is determined by it. It is also clear that, depending on the general needs, the goal may vary and propaganda must also be changed accordingly. The goal that was in front of us in World War, for the achievement of which we conducted inhuman struggle, was represented by the most noble goal, which ever stood before people. We were the struggle for the freedom and independence of our people, for a secured piece of bread, for our future, for the honor of the nation. Contrary to reverse statements, the honor of the nation is something really existing. Peoples who do not want to defend their honor, before or later lose their freedom and independence that, in the end, it will only be true, because the dedicated generations, deprived of honor, do not deserve to use the benefits of freedom. Who wants to remain a cowardly slave, he can not have honor, because because of her, he will inevitably have to come into collisions with those or other hostile forces.

Participation in the First World War instilled in Hitler that craving for a military organization, which later, after the defeat of Germany, was restored to them in informal armed structures. In the photo, Hitler participates in the consecration ceremony of the charters of party paramilitary organizations (in this case, the NSCK).

The German people led to the struggle for human existence, and the goal of our military propaganda should have been to support this struggle and promote our victory.

When the nations on our planet are struggled for their existence, when their fates are solved in the battles of peoples, then all the considerations of humanity, aesthetics, etc. of course disappear. After all, all these concepts are not taken out of the air, but stem from the imagination of a person and are associated with its ideas. When a person breaks up with this world, the aforementioned concepts disappear, for they are generated not by nature itself, but only by a person. The carriers of these concepts are only a few peoples or, it is better to say, a few races. Such concepts as humanity or aesthetics will disappear, if those races disappear that are creators and carriers of them.

That is why, since one or another people are forced to enter into a direct struggle for the very existence on this light, all this concept immediately receive only subordinate importance. Once the concepts of these are against the instinct of self-preservation of the people, who now has to lead such a bloody struggle, they should no longer play any decisive role in determining the forms of struggle.

Already Moltke said regarding humanity, that during the war the most humane is - to deal with the enemy as soon as possible. Than we fight at a merciless, the sooner the war will end. The faster we spread with the enemy, the less of his torment. Such is the only form of humanity, affordable during the war.

When such things begin to talk about aesthetics, etc., then it is necessary to answer only this way: once the queue becomes about the very existence of the people, then it frees us from any considerations of beauty. The most ugly, which may be in human life, it is a rope of slavery. Or are our decadents find, perhaps, very "aesthetic" that fate that has suffered our people now? With the Lord Jews, in most cases there are inventors of this fiction on aesthetics, you can not argue at all.

But if these considerations about humanity and beauty cease to play a real role in the struggle of peoples, it is clear that they can no longer serve as a scale of propaganda.

During the war, propaganda was supposed to be a means of purpose. The goal was to combat the existence of the German people. The criterion of our military propaganda could be determined only by the above target. The most cruel form of struggle was humane if she provided a faster victory. Any form of struggle should have been recognized as "beautiful", if she only helped the nation to win a fight for freedom and their dignity.

In such a struggle on life and death, it was the only correct criterion for military propaganda.

If at the so-called decisive instances, there was at least some clarity in these issues, our propaganda would never have differed insecurity in shape issues. For propaganda is the same instrument of struggle, and in the hands of the connoisseur of this case - the most terrible of the guns.

Another question of a decisive value was the following: to whom should Propaganda should contact? To the educated intelligentsia or a huge mass of poorly educated people.

It was clear to us that propaganda should forever handle only for mass.

For the intelligentsia or for those whom now are called intellectuals, it is not necessary to propaganda, but scientific knowledge. As a poster itself is not an art itself, and propaganda in content is not science. All the art of the poster is reduced to the ability of its author with the help of paints and form to cover the attention of the crowd to it.

At the poster's exhibition, it is only important that the poster be visualized and addressed due attention. The more poster reaches this purpose, the arterier it is made. Who wants to deal with the questions of the art itself, he cannot restrict itself to the study of only a poster, it is not enough to just go through the poster's exhibition. From such a person, it is necessary to demand that he takes up a solid study of art and managed to delve into the individual largest works of it.

The same to a certain extent can be said about propaganda.

The task of propaganda is not to give a scientific education to a few separate individuals, but to influence the mass, to make it an accessible understanding of individual important, although few facts, events, the need, which have not yet had the concept .

All arts here should be to force a lot to believe: such a fact really exists, such a need is really inevitable, such a conclusion is really correct, etc. This is this simple, but also the great thing you need to learn how to do the most The best, most perfect way. And so, as in our example with a poster, propaganda should be more affected by feeling and only a very small degree on the so-called mind. It is about to cover the attention of the masses to one or more major needs, and it is not at all that there is no scientific rationale for individual individuals, already already possessing some training.

All propaganda should be available for mass; Its level should proceed from the measure of understanding inherent in the most backward individuals from among those whom she wants to influence. The more people are drawn by propaganda, the elementary should be its ideological level. And since it is going to propaganda during the war, in which literally all the people are drawn, it is clear that propaganda should be as simple as possible.

The less than the so-called scientific ballast in our propaganda, the more it appeals solely to the feeling of the crowd, the more success will be. And only success and in this case can measure the correctness or incorrectness of this statement of propaganda. And in any case, not at how satisfied with the production of propaganda individual scientists or individual young people who received the "aesthetic" upbringing.

The art of propaganda is to properly understand the sensual world of broad mass; Only this makes it possible in a psychologically understandable form to make any idea accessible to the masses. Only so you can find the road to the hearts of millions. What our too intelligent bosses did not even understand this, once again talks about the incredible mental cosiness of this layer.

But if you understand correctly, it follows the following lesson.

Incorrectly emphasized too much versatility (which appropriate, maybe when it comes to scientific teaching subject).

The susceptibility of the mass is very limited, the circle of its understanding of narrow, but the forgetfulness is very large. Already one of this, every propaganda, if she wants to be successful, should be limited to only a few points and express these points briefly, it is clear, it is clear, in the form of easily memorized slogans, repeating all this until there can be no doubt that As the most retaining of the listeners probably learned what we wanted. As soon as we give up this principle and try to make our propaganda of multilateral, the influence of it will begin to dissipate it now, for the broad mass is not able to digest or remember all the material. Thus, the result will be weakened, and maybe it is not lost at all.

Thus, the wider the audience we want to influence, the more carefully we must keep in mind these psychological motives.

So for example, it was completely wrong that the German and Austrian propaganda in humorous leaves tried to represent the enemy in a funny form all the time. It was wrong because, at the first meeting with a real opponent, our soldiers received a completely different idea of \u200b\u200bhim than it was drawn in the press. As a result, huge harm was obtained. Our soldier felt deceived, he stopped believing in all the rest of our press. He began to seem to see that the seal was deceiving him in everything. Of course, it could not strengthen the will to fight and hand over our soldier. On the contrary, our soldiers fell into despair.

Military propaganda of the British and Americans, on the contrary, was completely correct from a psychological point of view. The British and Americans painted the Germans in the form of barbarians and the Huns; By this, they prepared their soldier to any horrors of war.

English soldier thanks to this never felt a deceived with his press. We also had the same way around. In the end, our soldiers began to count; That our entire seal is a "solid deception." That's what was the result of the fact that the care of the propaganda was in the hands of donkeys or simply "capable small", without realizing that such work was necessary to put the most ingenious connoisseurs of human psychology.

A complete lack of understanding of soldiers' psychology led to the fact that the German military propaganda became a model of what it is not necessary to do.

Meanwhile, already at the enemy, we could learn very much in this regard. It was necessary only without prejudice and with open eyes to observe how for four and a half years, without weakening their efforts for one minute, the enemy tirelessly beat in the same point with a huge success for himself.

But the worst of all we were understood what is the first prerequisite for any successful propaganda activities, namely, that any propaganda must be fundamentally painted in subjective colors. In this regard, our propaganda - and at the initiative of the top, it sinned so much from the very first days of war, which is truly you have to ask yourself: yes full of these things explained for themselves!?

What we would like for example about a poster, which should advertise one specific soap grade, but which would have taken into a lot of the idea that the other varieties of soap are pretty good.

At best, we would only shocked our heads about such "objectivity."

The task of propaganda lies, for example, not in order to weigh the positions of all parties participating in the war, but to prove their own exceptional right. The task of military propaganda is to continuously prove its own right, and not at all to look for objective truth and doctrine to express this truth with the masses even in cases where it turns out to be the benefit of the enemy.

A huge fundamental mistake was to raise the question of the perpetrators of the war so that not one Germany is to blame, but also de and other countries. No, we had to tirelessly promote the idea that the fault lies entirely and exclusively only on opponents. It was necessary to do even if it did not correspond to reality. Meanwhile. Germany was not really to blame for the fact that the war began.

What happened as a result of this halfness.

After all, millions of people are not from diplomats and not from professional lawyers. The people do not consist of people who are always able to reason. The folk mass consists of people, often hesitating, of nature children, easily inclined to fall in doubt, move from one extreme to another, etc. As soon as we allowed the shadow of doubt in their rightness, this most created the whole focus of doubts and oscillations . The mass is no longer able to decide where the wrong enemy ends and where our own wrong is starting. Our mass in this case becomes an incredulous, especially when we are dealing with an opponent, which does not repeat such a stupid mistake, but systematically beats at one point and without any hesitation poured all responsibility on us. What is surprising here, if in the end our own people begins to believe hostile propaganda more than our own. This trouble becomes the most ashes when it goes about the people, and without that easily sustainable hypnosis "objectivity." After all, we, the Germans, and without it, are used to thinking most of all about how not to cause any injustice to the enemy. We are located to think so even in cases where the danger is very high when it goes directly about the destruction of our people and our state.

There is no need that at the top did not understand this.

The soul of the people is different in many ways feminine features. The arguments of a sober reason to do less than the arguments of feelings.

Folk feelings are not difficult, they are very simple and monotonous. There is no place for especially fine differentiation. The people say "yes" or "no"; He loves or hates. Truth or lie! Right or wrong! People argues straightforwardly. He has no halfness.

All this English propaganda understood the most ingenious way, understood and - took into account. The British was truly half an hour, their propaganda could not sit in doubt.

English propaganda perfectly understood the primitiveness of the felt masses. The brilliant evidence of this is English propaganda for "German horrors". This, the British simply brilliantly created the prerequisite for the resistance of their troops on the fronts even at the moments of the greatest English lesions. Equally excellent results for themselves reached the British with their tireless propaganda of that idea that some Germans are the perpetrators of the war. In order for this incohel lies to believe, it was necessary to promote it with the most unilateral, rude, in an insistent way. Only it was possible to influence the feeling of the wide masses of the people and only the British could ensure that this lie believed.

How effective was this propaganda, it can be seen from the fact that the opinion is not only for four years held in the enemy camp, but also penetrated on Wednesday of our own people.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that our propaganda fate did not promise such success. Already the inner duality of our propaganda had embedgered embryo. The content itself of our propaganda from the very beginning was unlikely that such propaganda would make a proper impression on our masses. Only soulless mannequins could assume that with the help of such a pacifist driver, you can inspire people to go to death in the struggle for our business.

As a result, such an unfortunate "Propaganda" was not only useless, but also directly harmful.

Even if the content of our propaganda was completely ingenious, after all, it could not have success, once forgotten the main, central premise: any propaganda must be limited to only a few ideas, but repeating them infinitely. Constancy and perseverance are here the main prerequisite for success, as well as largely the rest in this light.

Just in the field of propaganda, the least one can listen to the aesthetes or satched intellectuals. First it is impossible to obey because then in a short time and the content and form of propaganda will be adapted not to the needs of the mass, but to the needs of narrow circles of the cabinet policies. To the second voice, it is dangerous to listen already because, being deprived of healthy feelings themselves, they are constantly looking for new sharp sensations. These gentlemen in the shortest term is bored. They are constantly looking for varieties and are completely unable to think about the minute, as a simple idle crowd feels. These gentlemen are always the first critics. The pending propaganda does not like them in content or in shape. Everyone seems to them too obsolete, too template. They are all looking for a new one, versatile. Singing criticism is a real Beach; It prevents truly successful propaganda at every step, which could conquer genuine masses. As soon as the organization of propaganda, its content, its form will begin to be equal to these satched intellectuals, the entire propaganda breaks up and lose all attractive power.

Serious propaganda exists not in order to satisfy the need of saturated intellectuals in an interesting diversity, and in order to convince first of all the broad masses of the people. The masses in their cosiness always need a significant period of time, earlier than they will even pay attention to one or another question. For the same thing that the memory of the masses learned at least a completely simple concept, you need to repeat it before weighing thousands and thousands of times.

Approaching the mass from completely different sides, we do not need to change the content of their propaganda and each time they must bring it to the same conclusion. We can promote our slogan and should be from various sides. It can also be covered in different ways. But the result should always be the same, and the slogan should always repeat at the end of each speech, of each article, etc. Only in this case, our propaganda will have a truly uniform and friendly action.

Only if we are the most consistent way with exposure and perseverance to adhere to this, we will eventually see that success begins to grow, and only then we will be able to make sure that amazing, which direct grandiose results give such propaganda.

And in this respect, the propaganda of opponents was exemplary. It was performed with exceptional perseverance, with exemplary tranquility. It was devoted to only a few, few, but important ideas and was calculated solely on a wide popular mass. Throughout the war, the opponent without a respite spent the same ideas in the same form. He never at least in the slightest change his propaganda, for it was convinced that her action was excellent. At the beginning of the war it seemed that this propaganda was directly insane in his impudence, then she began to produce only a few unpleasant impression, and in the end - everyone believed her. Five and a half years later, the revolution broke out in Germany and what? This revolution almost all of his slogans borrowed from the arsenal of military propaganda of our opponents.

One more perfectly understood in England: that the success of propaganda to a strong depends on the mass of its use; The British did not spare any money for propaganda, remembering that the costs will cover with a hundredfold.

In England, propaganda was considered the first rank instrument. Meanwhile, we in Germany propaganda became an occupation for unemployed politicians and for all those knights of the sad way, who were looking for warm places in the rear.

This is what explains the fact that the results of our military propaganda were zero.

Chapter VII

Military propaganda of opponents began in our camp since 1915. Since 1916, it becomes more intensive, and by early 1918 she is already directly flooding us. At every step it was possible to feel the negative effects of this shower catch. Our army gradually learned to think so much like the enemy wanted.

Our control measures against this propaganda turned out to be anywhere else.

The then the head of the army also had a desire and determination to fight against this propaganda everywhere, where she manifested at the front. But, alas, for this he lacked the appropriate tool. Yes, and from a psychological point of view, countermeasure should be taken from the command itself. In order for our counterpropagand to have had its own action, it was necessary to go from home. After all, it is for this house that, after all, for our fatherland, the soldiers at the front committed the wonders of heroism and walked on any deprivation for almost four years.

And what turned out to be in reality? What did the birthplace respond, what did our house respond to all this outrageous propaganda of opponents?

Similar information.

On May 24, 1913, Hitler left Vienna and moved to Munich, where she settled in the apartment of the tailor and merchant Josef Popp on Szyssheimshtrasse. He earned about life as before commercial painting. In the capital of Bavaria, in the end, the Austrian military authorities found it in the capital of the Munich Police. Until that, he lived in the Bavarian capital is completely sides, even better than in Vienna. And contact with the Austrian military department, as it turned out, did not bring any trouble to Hitler. In general, life in Munich on the eve of the First World War he subsequently called a happy time.

On January 19, 1914, the police delivered Hitler to the Austrian Consulate. In this regard, he sent a letter with a tax return to the Linz magistracy, who demanded his appearance for serving military service. Hitler wrote: "I earn as a free artist only to secure further education, since it is completely deprived of funds (my father was a civil servant). I can dedicate only part of the time, because I still continue my architectural education. Therefore, my incomes are very modest, they are enough only to live. As a proof, I attach your tax declaration and ask again to return it to me. The amount of my income is indicated here in the amount of 1,200 brands, and it is more highly overestimated than it is understated (it would be interesting to look at a person who oversleeps its income in the tax return. - B. S..), And it is not necessary to assume that for each month there are exactly 100 stamps. "

Hitler was clearly pridious, seeking to decline the officials of the native city: may above and decide that the poor artist can not be taken into the army. And Adolf achieved his goal. The consulate report on the visit of Hitler sent to Vienna and Linz, said: "According to the observations of the police and on personal impressions, the data set out in the attached acquittal statement fully correspond to the truth. He also allegedly suffers from a disease that makes it unsuitable for military service ... Since Hitler made a favorable impression, we have yet abandoned its forced delivery and recommended it to appear on February 5 in Linz on the draft commissions ... So Hitler will go out in Linz, if the magistrate does not consider it necessary to take into account the outlined circumstances of the case and his poverty and will not agree to the Certification Commission in Salzburg. "

In fact, 100 brands, taking into account the real scale of prices, was larger than the monthly earnings of Hitler in Vienna, which was 60-65 crowns. After all, the prices in Munich were significantly lower than Viennese. By the way, a beginner bank employee in Munich at that time earned only 70 brands per month.

In Vienna, in order to dine in the restaurant every day, 25 crowns were required per month, and in Munich - 18-25 brands. The worst room in Vienna cost 10-15 kroons, and for a good furnished room with a separate entrance in Munich, Hitler paid only 20 grades. With a deduction of spending on breakfast and dinner, he had no less than 30 brands for other needs per month, whereas in the Vienna of free money he had practically no longer. And since Hitler was unpretentious, he even, apparently, accumulated some savings. In 1944, he admitted to his personal photographer Henry Hoffman, that in 1913-1914 in Munich he had no more than 80 brands per month.

As in Vienna, Hitler was very lonely in Munich. It can be allowed that and there, and there he had fleeting connections with women, but nothing concrete on this score is still unknown. The surroundings looked at Hitler as an eccentric that he did not hurt him. He still read a lot, and not only the books on art and philosophy, but also the works in a military case, as if to the presentation that the world war is born.

At the same time, Hitler was good, tastefully dressed and often in the evenings communicated in cafes and beers with people of art - the same as he, artists, poets and musicians of the second-third row who did not receive public recognition. He willingly discussed not only cultural, but also political topics and found an extraordinary gift of the conviction of the interlocutors - afterwards, many of them entered the National Socialist Party. But it was not close to anyone with anyone and did not open the soul to anyone, including how we will see on, and your beloved women.

On February 5, 1914, Hitler went to the draft commissions in Salzburg. The Linz authorities took into account his imaginary poverty and allowed to take a call commission in Salzburg, who was much closer to Munich. The Commission acknowledged him with "unsuitable building and auxiliary service due to the weak physique" and freed from serving military service. Hitler was not going to overtake the execution of his military debt, but chose to do it in the ranks of the Bavarian, and not the Austrian army. Just in the days of his arrival in Munich, a scandal associated with Alfred Redl is broke out. On the night of May 25, 1913, the colonel of the Austro-Hungarian General Street was committed to Vienna, exposed as a Russian spy. Knowing his homosexual inclinations, Russian intelligence by blackmail forced him to issue a strategic deployment plan for the Imperial-Royal Army. The case with redesign was regarded by Hitler as evidence of the decomposition of the Austro-Hungarian army and reinforced his conviction to not serve in it. In the book "My struggle," he confessed: "I left Austria first of all for political reasons. I did not want to fight for the Habsburg state. " German historian Werner Mazer so characterized the position of Hitler: "He does not want to serve in the same army with Czechs and Jews, to fight the Gabsburg state, but always ready to die by the German Reich." Hitler was warmly convinced that Austria-Hungary had long been "stopped being her German state education" that in the Danube monarchy the only carriers of the idea of \u200b\u200ba close union with Germany "only Habsburgs and the Germans remained. Gabsburgs at the rate and is needed, and the Germans due to gullibility and political nonsense. " He did not doubt that the internal instability would lead to the rapid decay of the Habsburg Empire. And then, in Munich, Hitler has repeatedly said that "the future of the German nation depends on the destruction of Marxism."

On August 1, 1914, Germany declared war on France and Russia, and already on August 16, Hitler in Munich entered a volunteer in the Bavarian 16th reserve infantry regiment. His feelings at the time of receipt of the news about the beginning of the war in the book "My struggle", he passed as follows: "those watches became for me as if delighted from unpleasant memories of youth. I'm not ashamed ... Acknowledged that the delight was delighted with his knees and thanked heaven from the bottom of my heart for the fact that I was given happiness to live at such a time. "

On October 8, 1914, the ordinary 6th recruit spare battalion of the 16th Bavarian Infantry Regiment Adolf Hitler brought the oath first to King Bavaria Ludwig III, and then, as an Austrian subject, his emperor Fran Iosifa I. And already in mid-October, it consists of 1 "The infantry company of the 16th shelf was on the West Front. His first combat impressions in Flanders during the battle under Iprom Hitler described the most detailed in February 1915 in the letter to his Munich Comrade Assoressor Ernst Hepp. This is the most detailed sketch of the "Equal Truth", released from under the feather of Führera: "Already on December 2, I got the Iron Cross. Opportunities to receive it, thank God, was more than enough. Our regiment fell not to the reserve, as we thought, and already on October 29, in the morning I was sent to battle, and for three months we do not give them peace for a minute - if not in the offensive, so in defense. After a very beautiful travel along the Rhine, we arrived in Lille on October 31. Already in Belgium, signs of war were noticeable. Leuven was all in ruins and fires ... somewhere around midnight, we finally entered Lille ... during the day we were engaged in combat training, examined the city and mainly admired the colossal military machine, which in all its glory unfolded in our eyes and left imprint on all Lille. At night we sang songs, some of us for the last time. On the third night, at 2 o'clock suddenly declared alarm, and at 3 o'clock we moved to the national team. None of us really knew anything, however, we decided that it was an educational anxiety ... Someone at 9 o'clock we stopped at some palace park. Two hours arrived, and then again in the way until 8 o'clock in the evening ... After longtones, they got to the broken peasant compound and arranged the halt. That night I had to stand on the clock. At one o'clock, the nights again announced alarming, and at 3 o'clock we were marching. Among this was replenished ammunition. While we expected the order to move forward, past us drove by Major shop: Tomorrow we go to the attack on the British. All rejoice: finally. Having made this announcement, Major took his place at the head of the column and went on foot. At 6 o'clock in the morning we have about some hotels we meet with other companies, and at 7 o'clock everything begins. We are tvatory passing through the forest located to the right and in perfectly we go to the meadow. Before us inscaps are four guns. We occupy the position in the big trenches and wait. The first shrapnel whistles us and cuts the trees on the edge like solomins. We look at all this with curiosity. We still do not have a real feeling of danger. No one is afraid, everyone is waiting for the team "In the attack!". And things are getting worse. They say that there are already wounded. On the left there are 5 or young people in the mundra of clay color, and we scream with joy. 6 British with a machine gun. We look at the conversions. They proudly walk after their prey, and we are still waiting and we cannot consider almost nothing in hell with us. Finally the team "Forward!". We scatter chain and rush around the field towards a small farm. The shrapnel takes the left and right to the right, whistling English bullets, but we do not pay attention to them. We climb for ten minutes, and then again forward, run ahead of everyone and break away from the platoon. This is reported that the platoon Stewer was shot. "That's the way," I manage to think, and here it begins. As we are in the middle of the open field, you need to run forward as quickly as possible. The captain runs ahead. Now the first among us is already falling. The British sent on us the fire of machine guns. We rush to the ground and slowly by the Canva.

Sometimes we stop, it means that someone was shot again, and he does not allow moving forward. We squeeze it out of the ditch. So we can as long as the ditch does not end and again it is necessary to get out on the field. After 15-20 meters, we get to a big puddle. One by one we jump there and occupy a position to catch your breath. But there is no time to lie down. Quickly choose the march march to the forest, which is approximately 100 meters. There we are gradually going together. The forest has already kept very much. Now we are commanded by Vice-Feldwebel Schmidt, an excellent hefty guy. We are in the edge of the edge. Bullets and fragments are whistled over us, and embroidered bumps and pieces of trees are falling around. Then the shells are torn on the edge, raising clouds of stones, earth and sand and pulling huge trees with roots, and we choke in the yellow-green terrible, stinking smoke. Always lying here does not make sense, if you have to die, so better in the field. Here is our major. We run forward again. I jump and run my best in the meadow, through beetricular beds, jumping through the trenches, climbing through the wire and shrub tanned and suddenly hear the screams in front: "Here, all here." In front of me a long trench, and in a moment I burst into it. In front of me, for me, on the left and right there are also jumping there. Next to me Württemberg, and under me dead and wounded English. Württemberg took the trench before us. Now it becomes clear why I was so gently jumping out. In 240-280 meters to the left, there are still English trenches from us, and on the right road ... which is in their hands. Over our trench is a continuous iron degrees. Finally, at 10 o'clock, our artillery begins work. The guns are beaten one after another, 1, 2, 3, 4th, etc., then and then before us, the shell falls into English trenches. The British jump out like an anthill, and we run into the attack again.

Instantly scroll through the field and after the hand-to-hand, which was quite a bloody in some places, knock them out of the trenches. Many raise hands. All who do not surrender, we are articulated. So we exempt the trench for the trench. Finally, we choose on a big way. Left and right from us a young forest. We enter it. I trave out from there whole conversations of the British. Finally we reach the place where the forest ends and the road goes further by clean field. On the left there are some farms who are still busy opponent, and our terrible fire is opened by us. People fall one after another. And here our major appears, brave as damn. He smokes calmly. Together with him his adjutant lieutenant pilot. Major quickly appreciates the situation and orders to focus on the left and right from the road and prepare for the attack. We no longer have officers, and non-Officers almost left. Therefore, everyone who is still in a state is jumping and running to reinforcements. When I return with a group of breakaway Württemberg, Major with a steroid breasts lies on Earth. Around him a bunch of corpses. Now only one officer remains, his adjutant. Rage bubbles in us. "Mr. Lieutenant, lead us to the attack," shout everything. We are moving through the forest to the left of the road, do not pass on the way. Four times we climb the attack - and four times are forced to move away. With all my team, except for me there is only one person. Finally, he falls. I take off the shots of the sleeve of the nose, but by some miracle I stay alive and healthy. At 2 o'clock we will finally go to the fifth attack and this time we occupy the forest edge and a farm. In the evening at five o'clock we are going together and pour out 100 meters from the road. 3 days go fights until finally on the third day we do not overturn the British. On the fourth day, we march back ... Only there we appreciated how difficult our losses are. For 4 days, our regiment fell from three and a half thousand people to 600 people (his Munich apartment owner J. Poppu Hitler wrote in December 1914 that 611 remained in the shelf of 3,600. B. S.).Only 3 officers left the shelf, 4 companies had to reorganize. But we were proud to overthrow the British. Since then, we are constantly on the front line. In Messina, I was introduced for the first time for the Iron Cross for the first time, and in Vitshete - in the second, this time a view of me ... Signed Mr. Lieutenant Colonel Engelhardt, our regimental commander. December 2, I finally got it. I now serve the messenger at the headquarters. The service here is a little cleaner, but also more dangerous. In one twist, on the day of the first onset of us, eight three people killed, and one hard wounded. We, four survivors, and wounded awarded. That time this reward saved us life. When the list of those submitted to the cross was discussed, 4 commander of the company went to the tent. Because of the thoroughness, we had to go on four for a short time. We did not exercise outside and five minutes, as suddenly, the projectile got straight into the tent, he was hardly injured by Algelhardt's lieutenant colonel, and everyone else in the headquarters was either injured or killed. It was the most terrible moment in my life. We all just adored the lieutenant colonel of Engelhardt.

Unfortunately, it is necessary to finish, and I ask you, dear Mr. Assistor, forgive me for bad handwriting. I'm too nervous now. Day after day, we from 8 am to 5 pm, we are under the strongest artillery fire. Over time, it can ruin even the strongest nerves. For both parcels that you, Mr. Asessor, were so kind to send me, I express you and your expensive spouse the most heartfelt thanks. I often remember Munich, and each of us has only one desire: so that you can pay for these gangsters as soon as possible, and that those of us who are lucky to return to their homeland again, saw her peeled from any inause Thanks to those victims and suffering that hundreds of thousands of us experience every day, and those blood rivers that spill in the fight against the international population of enemies, we not only broke out the external enemies of Germany, but internal internationalism collapsed. This is more important than any conquest of the territory. Everything will start with Austria, as I always said. "

Not only the pride of military successes sounds here, but also sincere compassion for the dead and wounded comrades. Hitler had a completely understandable hatred of his opponents, peculiar to soldiers from the battle. But he already had xenophobia, which took place in the desire to clear Germany from "Inomes" (he included Austria at that time in Germany).

As for the loss of the 16th Bavarian Infantry Shelf, there are data from official reports. According to the official loss list, October 29, 1914, on the day of "baptism of fire", 349 people died in the regiment, and in the period from October 30 to November 24, 1914 - another 373 people (the main part - in early October and early November, In the period of the most intense fighting). Taking into account the fact that the wounded was probably about three more, in the ranks by the end of November there could indeed be about 600 people. So the data cited by Hitler must be recognized very accurate. In total, for the war, the 16th regiment lost 3754 soldiers, a non-commissioned officer and officer.

It is characteristic that in the letter of Hitler Ernstu Hepp, the thesis of Kaiserovsky propaganda about the international conspiracy against Germany is experienced quite sincerely, and the conclusion itself suggests itself on the need to deal with the "enemy internal" - internationalism. Thus, as it was anticipated by the legend, "hit by the dagger in the back", which was anticipated in 1918 - that it was the "subversive activity" of Social Democrats led to the collapse of the front and the defeat of Germany. The most interesting thing is that in this letter already in a compressed form contains a program of the future German expansion, in case of defeat, which will begin with Austria. As it is well known, the Avshlus Austria was the first Annexia Hitler - the Prelude to the Second World War. And that is still very curious: the British, "Rasloo close" the German people, the future Führer was named the bandits. A similar feeling makes it doubt the reality of the combinations of the Anglo-German Union, which Reichskanzler Hitler then attributed as a fundamental idea of \u200b\u200bNazi foreign policy. Rather, it was purely propaganda-diplomatic maneuvers.

Letter Heppa also refutes the widespread belief that only in 1919 Hitler felt political activities as his vocation. Already in this letter we do not see at all the artist, but we see an extremist policy with a specific program of action.

And further. Judging by the description of his first fight, Hitler in it certainly had to kill someone from the enemy soldiers, and most likely not one. Probably he killed someone in subsequent battles - all such fights on Hitler's account was more than 30. But after the First World War, the head of the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany and the Führer of the German People did not kill anyone a single person, preferring to destroy millions People with one PER stroke.

On his first battles, Hitler on December 3, 1914 also wrote J. Poppu: "I was assigned the Efreitor, and I like a miracle stayed alive, and after a three-day rest, it all started first. We fought in Messina, and then in Vitsel. There we went twice in the attack, but this time it was harder. 42 people remained in my company, and in the 2nd - 17. Now transport has come with a replenishment of only 1,200 people. I was already presented to the Iron Cross after the second battle. But the commander of the company on the same day was hardly wounded, and everyone was lowered on the brakes. But I got ordinar to the headquarters. Since then, I can say a risk of life every day and looking in my eyes. Lieutenant Colonel Engelhardt then he himself introduced me to the Iron Cross. But on the same day and he was seriously injured. It was already our second regiment commander, as the first (sheet whose name received the regiment. - B. S.)had for the third day. This time I was again introduced by Adjutant Ahehelsdurfer, and yesterday, December 2, I still got the iron cross. It was the happiest day in my life. Almost all of my comrades, who also deserved him, died. I ask you, dear Mr. Popp, keep the newspaper, where it is written about award. I would like if the Lord God leaves me alive, keep her for memory ... I often remember Munich and especially about you, dear Mr. Popp ... Sometimes I am so longing at home. "

At that moment, Hitler undoubtedly believed in God, like most soldiers who are subjected to deadly danger on the front. And that. That, having spent four years on the front, survived, he attributed his own glory. Providence, thought Hitler, kept him for great cases. And he spent the two of their military holidays in the stage - the "generic nest" of Hitler. Faith in God Hitler retained in the future. Only it was not a Christian all-friendly and sacrificial God, but a pagan providence, noting its stamp strong and indifferent and even hostile to weak.

Military past forever remained for the Fuhrer symbol of heroic in his life. In the book "My struggle", Hitler wrote: "Volunteers from the shelf name of the sheet may not be able to fight, but they knew how old soldiers die. It was just the beginning. Then a year walked after year. The romance of the first fights changed the harsh military weekdays. Enthusiasm gradually cool, and unrestrained delight changed in fear of death. It is time when the instinct of self-preservation and a sense of duty struggled in each. Such a struggle took place in me ... in the winter of 1915/16 this struggle ended. A unconditional victory in her won willow. If in the first days I could go to the attack with a laugh and delight, now I was full of calm and determination. And it remained forever ... The young volunteer turned into an experienced soldier. "

Hitler was a good soldier. Already on November 1, 1914 he was assigned the rank of corporal. In the same month, he was translated into the headquarters of the regiment connected. Here, Hitler served until October 1915, when he was transferred to the connected commander of the 3rd company of the 16th shelf. On October 5, 1916, during the battle on Somme, Hitler under Le Bargur was wounded in the thigh and spent almost three months in Lazarete in Belitz, under Berlin. On September 17, 1917, for heroism, manifested in Flanders, Efreitor Hitler was awarded a cross for military merit with the swords of the 3rd degree. On May 9, 1918, a new reward was followed by a regimental diploma for outstanding courage in the battle of Phonten. On August 4, 1918, for participation in the second battle on Marne - the last German offensive in the First World War - Hitler was awarded his highest award - the iron cross of the 1st degree. This Order of Soldiers and Unter-Officers complained quite rarely, so the Efreitor had to make something very outstanding to deserve it. On August 25, 1918, Hitler received his last award - a sign of service differences. And on October 15, 1918, he suffered severe gas poisoning under La Montenem, and his participation in the war ended. Up until November 19, he was launched in Prussian rear climb in Pazewalk, where he even lost sight for a while. Later was defined in the 7th stage of the 1st Spare Battalion of the 2nd Bavarian Infantry Regiment.

All reviews about Hitler's Military Service, data until 1923 - the time of its appearance on the political arena is exceptionally positive. This is later, and especially after 1933, the opponents of Hitler replicated the versions that he received their iron crosses by Blat. But, for example, the same adjutant regiment Ahelsdurfer, written in 1932, the history of the 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment named after the Lista noted that Hitler was a very prudent soldier and persistently persuaded the lieutenant colonel Engelhardt to care himself so as not to get under the fire of the enemy.

Former commander of the 16th shelf Lieutenant Colonel von Luneshlos in the spring of 1922 testified that "Hitler never failed and especially fit for instructions, unbearable for other orders." And the other commander of the same regiment, Major General Friedrich Petz, argued: "Hitler ... showed a great mastery of mind, physical agility, strength and endurance. It was distinguished by energy and reckless courage, with which he in difficult situations in battle was going towards danger. " Another regimental commander, Ritter Max Josef von Puzzle, recalled on March 20, 1922: "Very restless and heavy front (Northern France, Belgium), where the regiment was constantly acted, presented to each soldier the highest demands from the point of view of self-sacrifice and personal courage. In egoma, Hitler represented for all the surrounding sample. Its personal energy, exemplary behavior in any combat situations had a strong impact on comrades. Since it was combined with his modesty and amazing unpretentiousness, he enjoyed the deepest respect for both soldiers and commanders. " And the last regimental commander Hitler Colonel Count Anton von Tubeof, presented to him the Iron Cross of the 1st degree, wrote in memoirs that Hitler "was tireless in service and was always ready to help. There was no such incident so that it would not be volunteered to the most difficult and dangerous deal, demonstrating constant readiness to sacrifice his life for the sake of others and for the sake of the good of the Motherland. Purely humanly, he was closer to me all among the soldiers, and in his personal conversations I admired his unparalleled love for homeland, decency and honesty in views. " Tubeof became the only officer of the 16th Bavarian infantry regiment, which Hitler after coming to power produced into generals.

In the view of the 1st degree iron cross, signed by Lieutenant Colonel, the background of Godin on July 31, 1918, noted: "Being a messenger (Hitler was a scooter, that is, a messenger on a bicycle. - B. S.),he was in conditions and a positional, and maneuverable war, an example of coolness and courage and was always called by a volunteer so that in the most difficult situations with the greatest danger to deliver the necessary orders. When all lines of communication were broken in heavy battles, the most important messages, despite all obstacles, were delivered for their intended possible thanks to the tireless and courageous behavior of Hitler. Hitler was awarded the Iron Cross of the 2nd degree for the fight during the twist 2.12.1914. I believe that it is absolutely worthy of awarding the 1st degree Iron Cross. "

Fritz Vidman, an adjutant of the battalion, in which he served as Hitler, at the interrogation of the allies on September 7, 1948, when it was necessary to have a certain courage to say at least some kind word about Hitler, to the question of receiving the 1st degree iron cruster : "He received him right. I myself am the first idea. " In the shelf, the first idea was the adjutant (head of the headquarters) of the Gogo Gutman Regiment, the Jew for nationality, which subsequently gave the case an additional piquancy. By the way, in the future, Hitler did not forget Vidman. After the arrival of the Nazis to power, in 1934-1939, he led in the personal office of the Fuhrera department, who was engaged in the "letters of workers", the petitions about pardon, etc. Then Vidman became a diplomat, prepared the Munich Agreement, was the German consul in San Francisco and Shanghai, and on one of the Nuremberg processes received 28 months of prison as a "secondary Nazi criminal".

One of the feats for which Hitler was awarded the Iron Cross of the 1st degree, was the salvation of life to the commander of the 9th company on July 17, 1918. During the battle, Hitler saw an officer, heavily wounded by the American fragment, and dotted him to his trenches. Another feat, together with the others, which pulled on this high award, consisted in the fact that Hitler under the firmware snuck into the position of artillery and prevented the opening of fire in his infantry.

All listed qualities of Hitler-soldier, the hero of the First World War, apparently correspond to reality. Also, all his chiefs will conspire and sing the diffilams to anyone who is not known at that moment the Efreitor!

But, I note, just these qualities, composure, energy, fearlessness, are very useful to the commander. Why did the chiefs, willingly and generously those who awarded Hitler with crosses, did not make it in the officer of the Chin and even in a non-Officer officer? There is some kind of mystery, which may never be able to solve. At the interrogation in Nuremberg, the same F. Vidman claimed: "We could not discover commander qualities in it. They say that Hitler himself did not want to raise it. "

The first part of the approval looks doubtful. As we have convinced, the chiefs called a number of qualities of Hitler, which could be useful to the commander on the battlefield. But the second part causes confidence and explains well why Hitler did not rise in the ranks above the Efreitor. Apparently, at that moment he preferred, giving tribute to his character, to occupy such a position where he could independently, nor from anyone, nor from the heads, no from subordinates, to show his will, energy and smelter. The post of messenger it was absolutely satisfied.

But perhaps there was another one, a purely intimate moment. At the front of Hitler visited the first real love. And the post of messenger allowed for a long time to stay in the same settlement, where the headquarters of the regiment was located and where he had the opportunity to meet his mistress regularly.

Her name was Charlotte Lobjua. She was born on May 14, 1898 in the French village selected near the Belgian border, in the family of the butcher. The love relationship between her and Hitler occurred in 1916-1917. Charlotte was distinguished by a rather light behavior, men and to Hitler, and after Hitler she had a lot. Hitler painted her portrait of oil, from which a pretty pretty, chubby girl looks at us. In March 1918, Charlotte gave birth from Hitler's son Jean Marie, who later gave the name of Clemar Felix Lore, for which in 1922, already in Paris, married. Just before dying, September 13, 1951, she informed the Son that his father is Adolf Hitler. F. Vidman recalled in 1964: "The regiment was on the positions of south of Lille, and the headquarters of the shelf in the Furnace, in the House of Notary. In those periods, when in the reports it was reported: "In the West without Change", our messengers, and the entire headquarters of the regiment, life was relatively calm. Hitler lived in the house of Gomber's butcher, where he met with Charlotte Lobjua. On June 26, 1940, he again visited his former apartment, the owner of which the Kusteneobl Butcher was by this time. " Charlotte followed the Adolf to various points of the deployment of the 16th regiment - to the remonia where they met, then in Furnar, Wavrene, native sequel, and then in the Belgian place Ardae. The apartment owner of Hitler in Ardae Josef Guthals recalled how Hitler drew the "naked women's" memory. However, we still cannot say whether Charlotte was the first Guitler girl, or he had already managed to acquire sexual experience in Vienna and Munich, as well as in the first years of front-line life. Much later, on the night of January 26, 1942, Führer stated: "The happiness of some statesmen that they were not married: otherwise there would be a catastrophe. In one wife will never understand the husband: when in marriage he will not be able to give her so much time as it requires ... when the sailor returns home, then for him it is nothing but to celebrate the wedding. After so many months of absence, it can now have a few weeks to enjoy complete freedom! With me, such would never have happened. I would have encouraged me by reproach: "And I?!" In addition, very painfully to obey the will of his wife. I would have a sullen, a rumpled face, or I would stop performing married duties.

Therefore, it is better not to marry. The worst thing is that in marriage the parties enter into legal relations, from here and complaints. Much wisely to have a mistress. No burden, and everything is perceived as a gift. Of course, this applies only to the Great People.

I do not think that such a person like me, someday marries. He came up with his ideal, in which the figure of one woman is combined with the hair of another, the mind of the third and eyes of the fourth, and every time hears a new acquaintance with him (Hitler seems to quote Gogol "marriage". - B. S..). And it turns out that the ideal simply does not exist. It is necessary to rejoice at the girl in something charming. There is nothing more beautiful than to bring up a young creature: a girl is 18-20 years old like wax. A man should be able to impose on any girlfriend a seal of his personality. Woman just wants this.

Daughter, bride of my driver Campchi, very cute girl. But I do not think they will be happy. Campuk, except for technology, is not interested in anything, and it is smart and intelligent.

Oh, what are the beauties! .. In Vienna, I also had a chance to celebrate many beautiful women. "

It should be recognized that the locals did not too much pledged the Hitler's mistress, which also subsequently addicted to the "Green Zmia". One of the residents of Vavrena, Louise Duban, back in 1977, in a conversation with V. Maser, with contempt, responded about the "this peasant", which "came into contact with Hitler and gave birth to his son," and even in her house, Duban, relatives . She claimed: "Here all Hitler knew. He ran everywhere with his easel and wrote his paintings. In June 1940, he came here again. "

By the way, the Military Watercolors Hitler experts were rated quite high. In 1919, in Munich, he handed his work, mainly the period of war, on the tip of the famous artist Max Zeper, who was so struck by their high level, which he asked to familiarize himself with the paintings of another expert - Professor Ferdinand Shardhera to make sure that he was not mistaken in its assessment. And Professor Shagere confirmed, looking at the landscape watercolors and painted by oil portraits: "Absolutely unique talent."

In the first day, and in the second world war of the communications of German soldiers and the French and Belgian girls were quite ordinary - and there were rather numerous offspring after them. Another thing is that after the liberation, compatriots did not complain about both women who thus provided themselves with a relatively obedient existence in the conditions of occupation and children born from the German military. Therefore, the mother tried to record someone from the French or Belgians to their fathers and, if possible, hide the circumstances of their birth. So Charlotte tried when he persuaded a certain Friezone to adopt Jean Marie, to conceal the present place of his son. In official documents, it was born on March 25, 1918 in Sebonkur. However, Charlotte with her parents came only at the end of 1918, when the Germans had already left this place. In fact, the son of Hitler was born in a sequel.

At the end of September 1917, Hitler broke up with Charlotte forever. Although at first her pregnancy seems to not foreshadowed trouble. On one of his paintings, Hitler put the exact date - June 27, 1917, which actually did very rarely. It is possible that he noted the day of conception of his future child. Perhaps first he wanted his son. But already at the end of September 1917, he sharply broke with Charlotte all relationships and, by the way, resumed a correspondence with his Munich correspondents who interrupted for the time of the novel with a Frenchwoman. It is not known what kind of cat runs between Adolf and Charlotte. Perhaps Hitler, who believed in his own grandeur, it seemed that Charlotte was too primitive for him, uneducated and was not able to appreciate the depth and uniqueness of his thoughts. Although, on the other hand, Hitler has repeatedly expressed about the fact that the woman should not be too educated. So, most likely, it is possible, Hitler simply decided not yet to burden himself with a family life, especially with a foreigner, believing that it would prevent his career, anyway - artistic or political. It was not by chance that on April 23, 1942, he said, referring to Friedrich the Great: "If from a German soldier, they require readiness to die without any conditions, then he must be able and love without any conditions." Probably, at that moment, as subsequently, he did not want to associate himself with the Uzami marriage, as well as generally accept any obligations that make his freedom of will.

Hitler, definitely, was a volitional man and exceeded the opportunity to manage the situation. In this regard, even his suicide has become an act of submission to itself into a purely hopeless position. Hitler died in such a way that his case became a symbol of eternity, and did not allow allies to arrange a loud trial.

In any case, in May 1918, he learned from one of the colleagues that his mistress gave birth to his son in a sequel. And in the future he remembered him. So, on November 8, 1923, he spoke to the companion in the party Martin Muchmanna, that somewhere in France or Belgium there is a portrait of his work, on which his son's mother is captured (the portrait found after World War II).

In the fall of 1940, the foreign department of the SD on the orders of Hitler was found in the Charlotte of Lobju-Lore and her son Jean Marie Laura Frizon (he was adopted by a certain entrepreneur Friezon and one time he wore his last name). In October 1940, Jean Marie, according to his own memories, was very politely interrogated at the headquarters of the Abver in the Paris Hotel Lutection. It also conducted his anthropological examination - for compliance with the criteria of the German race. Fuhrer did not decide to meet again with the former mistress and with his son, who never seen. However, according to the testimony of persons from his environment, in particular F. Vidmana, in 1940-1944, Hitler repeatedly said that he would love to take his son to himself. But the Führer did not dare to this step. Perhaps I did not want to recognize my connection with the representative of the Aryan, but not the German people. Yes, and in relation to Eve Brown, he would be then in a very ambiguous position. After all, Hitler repeated more than once that the Führer cannot devote himself to family life before reaching a complete victory. And it turns out that he already has an adult son. Anyway, Hitler decided to stay by the father of all the Germans, and not one semi-trintsuz-semi-door Jean Marie Lore, whose mother, besides the spoke of the singer of a third-paced cabaret in Paris (so Charlotte earned a living). In any case, during the occupation of Charlotte and her son were under the supervision of the German military administration, which was followed, so that the family would not be oppressed. Probably played the role and the fact that Hitler still felt the guilt before the former mistress, which he threw at that moment when she was convinced that she was waiting for a child from him (in order not to be connected), and did not want her to remind him About such an ignorable act. By the way, the sister of Eve Brown Ilza argued that Hitler said nothing about the former mistress and an extramarital son: "If Eva knew about it, she would surely discover all her ears Hitler that he should take care of the Son and his mother accordingly."

At that time, the love relationship with Charlotte Lobjua was definitely not the main thing about the future Fuhrera. Therefore, back to the battle weekdays of the Efreitor Adolf Hitler. As a messenger, he often had to communicate with the officers of the regiment headquarters, commander of the mouth and battalions, and in his eyes they sometimes looked not from the best side. At the end of 1944, Hitler recalled about frequent cases: "... the commander on the forefront received a postcard from the house, and someone had to run in broad daylight to deliver this postcard to him, which he learned about him on the phone. Sometimes it was worth a person of life, and even for the headquarters there was a danger, because it's clearly visible in the afternoon, who goes where. Just idiocy! But only when they pushed on top, it gradually stopped with disgrace. Similarly, it was with horses. Then, for example, to bring the pound of oil, send a fad from Messina to Furnar. " In such reasoning, it is impossible not to notice common sense, and the Hitler will not refuse Hitler in the soldiers' seamless.

The end of the participation of Hitler in the battles of the First World War was under La Montenem in mid-October 1918, four weeks before the detention of a truce. On November 19, 1921, in a letter to one of the acquaintances, he described how it was: "On the night of October 13-14, 1918, I got a strong poisoning of mustard gas, as a result of which at first completely landed." Being in Lazarut, first in the Bavarian city of WEDDARD, and then in Phasevalka in Pomerania, Hitler was afraid that he would forever remain blind and could neither draw or engage in politics. And the political situation then more and more occupied him. In the same letter of November 19, 1921, Hitler admitted: "From the fleet there were constantly alarming rumors that everything was buried there ... it seemed to me that it was more likely to make a fantasy of individual people than the actual mood of the wide masses. In Lazaret, everyone spoke only about the hopes for the rapid end of the war, but no one thought she would stop immediately. I could not read the newspapers ... In November, the total tension began to increase. And then suddenly, the trouble came among the clear sky. Sailors arrived on trucks and began to call on the revolution. People in this struggle for the "freedom, beauty and dignity" of our people were several Jews. None of them was at the front. Three of these "eastern" personalities (the Soldier of the Eastern Front, who has undergone severe Bolshevik agitation. - B. S..) On the way to the Motherland, passed through the so-called "tripper lazaret", and now they tried to impose a red rag with the country ... terrible days and even more nightmarish nights! I knew everything was lost. Hope for the mercy of the enemy could at best fools or liars and traitors. These days and nights grew hatred in me. Hate to instigators of these events. Then I realized my future fate. And laughed at the thought of the future, which has recently delivered me such concerns. Isn't it ridiculous to build houses on such soil? In the end, it became clear to me that I had come, what I had long been afraid and what I refused to believe. "

After Hitler learned about the revolution and on the end of the war, he was asked to transfer it to Munich as soon as possible. Especially since he has already recovered vision. On November 21, he was discharged from Lazaret. In December 1918, Hitler was in the spare battalion of the 2nd Bavarian Infantry Regiment. The First World War is over for him, and military service is not yet.

Adolf Hitler entered the story as a person who unleasted the Second World War. As the personality of the future founder and the central figure of national socialism, the founder of the totalitarian dictatorship of the Third Reich and the German Führer largely formed during the First World War.

What was the war of Adolf Hitler at that time when he was not the Supreme Commander, but one of many soldiers of the First World War? Adolf to the first worldwarm in the first round to the Vienna Art Academy, Adolf Hitler took up the fact that today we call "mow from the army": he changed the addresses, moved from place to place, in every way evading the call to the Austrian army. He did not want to serve as side by side with Jews, Czechs and representatives of other nationalities, which he later declares Nedochlohels.

In May 1913, Hitler moved from Vienna to Munich. He earned, selling his paintings and fulfilling signs and posters. Austrian police, meanwhile, looked around him as "Uklonist". In the end, he had to even undergo a survey in Salzburg, and the Commission recognized the future Fuhrera unsuitable for military service.

Adolf - volunteer when started

The first world, Hitler was 25 years old. According to his own words, he was very pleased with the news of the war. He immediately filed an application for the name King Bavaria with a request to serve in the Bavarian army, and received an invitation to appear in response to any Bavarian regiment.

Hitler began in the 6th reserve battalion of the 2nd Bavarian Infantry Regiment No. 16, which consisted of volunteers. On October 8, Hitler swore to the faithfulness of the King of Bavaria and the Emperor Franz Joseph. Adolf in war

The war Adolf Hitler began on the West Front in October 1914. Participated in the battle of the isera and in battles under Iprom. He fought, apparently, very thoroughly, since on November 1, 1914 he was awarded the rank of Efreitor. Hitler was transferred to the regiment headquarters. In 1914, the Efreitor Hitler participated in the positional battles in the French Flanders, in 1915 - fought near Nab-Chapel and Arras, in 1916 - in the battle of Somme. Was injured. From the hospital returned to his regiment.

In 1917 - again Flanders and the Upper Alsace, battles near Arras, Artoi. In 1918, Hitler participated in the spring offensive in France, in the battles near Susson and Reims, on Marne and in Champagne. It distinguished himself when delivering reports to artillery positions in very difficult conditions and saved the German infantry from the shelling of his own artillery. On October 15, 1918, under La Montenem was poisoned by gas. As a result of severe damage to the nervous system, temporarily lost sight.

He was treated first in the field hospital, and then in the psychiatric department of the Prussian rear Lazaret in Lazvalka. It is here, in the hospital, Adolf Hitler learned about the surrender of Germany and the overthrow of Kaiser. According to his own memories, the news of the surrender was the hardest shock in life for Hitler. Adolf awards soldier Efreitor Hitler was, apparently, brave.

In December 1914, he was awarded the Iron Cross II. In September 1917, a cross with swords for combat merits III degrees. In May 1918, he received a regimental diploma for outstanding courage, and then - a sign of distinction for injuries. In July 1918, Hitler was awarded the Iron Cross I degree.

Combat comrades about Adolfe on numerous testimonies, Efreitor Hitler fought brave and skillfully.

Hitler's colleague on the 16th Bavarian infantry shelf on the surname Meyer, remembering the Hitler's courage, recalls the same testimony of their other colleague, Schöcheuber. He characterized Hitler as a "good soldier and a flawless comrade." According to Schöhcheuber, he never seen Hitler "in any way he experienced discomfort from service or evaded danger," as if he did not hear about him during his location in the division "nothing negative."

All this is an unnecessary confirmation of a simple fact: the track record itself does not mean anything about the person decisively.