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The most ambitious foreign constructions of the USSR. Great Constances of the Stalinist Epoch

Great Communism Buildings - exactly the so-called all global projects soviet government: Mains, Channels, Stations, Reservoirs.

The degree of their "greatness" can argue, but that it was the grandiose projects of their time, do not have to doubt.


The largest Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine in Russia was designed in the late spring of 1925 by the Soviet Institute of Uralgipromesis. According to another version - the design was conducted american company From the clinwood, and the prototype "Magnitis" was the "US Steel" plant in the Gary state of Indiana. All three "heroes", which stood from the "Steering" of the construction of the plant, - the management of Google, the builder of Maryasin and the head of Trust Valerius, were shot in the 1930s. January 31, 1932 - the first domain furnace is launched. The construction of the plant took place in the most difficult conditions, while most of the work was carried out manually. Despite these thousands of people from all over the Union hurried to "Magnitogy". Overseas specialists were actively involved, primarily Americans.

White Castor

The White Sea-Baltic Channel was to connect the White Sea and Onega Lake and provide access to the Baltic Sea and the Volga-Baltic Water Way. Channel was built by the prisoners of the Gulag in record short time - less than two years (1931-1933). The length of the channel is 227 kilometers. This was the first construction in the Soviet Union, implemented exclusively to prisoners, maybe that is why White the year older is not always ranked towards the "Great Communism Construction." Each builder of the White Arkanal was called "Prisoner Canaloers" or abbreviated "ZE-ka", from where the ZARE Word comes from. Agitational posters of that time read: "From hot work, your term will be melted!" Indeed, many of those who have come alive until the end of the construction, the deadlines were reduced. On average, mortality reached 700 per day. "Hot work" influenced the nutrition: the larger the norm produced the "Ze-ka", the more impressive received the "soldering". Standard - 500 gr. Bread and balancing from algae.

Baikal Amur Highway

One of the largest railway highways in the world was built with huge breaks, starting in 1938 and ending 1984. The most complicated area - The North Musky Tunnel - was introduced into continuous operation and at all in 2003. Stalin was initiated by the construction. Songs were composed about the BAM, laudatory articles were printed in newspapers, films were filmed. The construction was positioned as a feud of young people and, of course, no one knew that the prisoners were sent to the construction site, which survived after the construction of the White Chernoy. In the 1950s, about 50 thousand prisoners worked on the bam. Each meter of Bama costs one human life.

Volga-Don Canal

An attempt to connect Don and the Volga was still undertaken by Peter Great in 1696. In the 30s of the last century, a construction project was created, but the war prevented its implementation. Work resumed in 1943 immediately after the end of the Stalingrad battle. However, the start of construction should still be considered 1948, when the first began excavation. In addition to volunteers and military builders, 236 thousand prisoners and 100 thousand prisoners of war took part in the construction of the channel's route and its structures. In journalism, you can find descriptions of terrible conditions in which prisoners lived. Dirty and sewn from lack of opportunity to wash regularly (there was one bath at all), half-starving and patients - so they really looked, deprived of civil rights, "Communism builders". The canal was built in 4.5 years - and this is a unique term in the world history of the construction of hydraulic structures.

Nature conversion plan

The plan was adopted on the initiative of Stalin in 1948 after drought and raging hunger 46-47 years. The plan included the creation of forest bands that were to block the road to the hot southeast winds - Sukhovam, which would allow to change the climate. The forest belts were planned to be placed on the square of 120 million hectares - it is so much occupied by England, Italy, France, the Netherlands and Belgium combined. The plan also included the construction of the irrigation system, during the implementation of which 4 thousand reservoirs appeared. Complete the project was planned until 1965. More than 4 million hectares of forest were landed, and the total length of the forest belt was 5300 km. The state has solved the country's food problem, while some bread began to be exported. After Stalin's death in 1953, the program was minimized, and in 1962 the USSR again shook the food crisis - bread and flour disappeared from the shelves, it began to interrule sugar and butter.

Volzhskaya HPP

The construction of the largest hydroelectric power station in Europe began in the summer of 1953. Next to the construction in the tradition of that time, Gulag was deployed - Akhtubinsky ITL, on which more than 25 thousand prisoners worked. They were engaged in laying roads, conducting power lines and common preparatory work. To direct work on the construction of the hydroelectric station, they are not clearly allowed. The facility also worked the sappers who were engaged in demining the platform for future construction and the bottom of the Volga - proximity to Stalingrad made itself felt. About 40 thousand people worked at the construction site and 19 thousand different mechanisms and cars. In 1961, turning from the Stalingrad HPP to the Volzhskaya HPP named after the 21st CPSU Congress, the station was commissioned. Her solemnly opened Khrushchev himself. HPP was a gift to 21 congress, on which Nikita Sergeevich, by the way, announced his intention to build communism by 1980.

Bratskaya HPP

The construction of the HPP has developed in 1954 on the River Angara. Little village Bratsk soon grown to major city. The construction of hydropower plants was positioned as a shock Komsomol Construction. Hundreds of thousands of Komsomol residents from all over the Union came to the development of Siberia. Until 1971, the Bratskaya HPP was the largest in the world, and the fraternal reservoir became the world's largest artificial reservoir. When filled it was flooded about 100 villages. The tragedy of the "Angarsk Atlantis" in particular is devoted to the piercing work of Valentina Rasputin "Farewell to Mattera".

Komsomol construction sites in the USSR,

1) One of the ways to organize construction and redistribution of labor in the national economy.

2) People's business objects, responsibility for the construction of which Komsomol took on. There were also ideological significance: should have been an example of a communist attitude towards work. The status of the Komsomol construction site was attached to construction sites to ensure the timely and qualitative completion of their construction the least costs. The most significant people's facilities received the status of all-union shock komsomolskaya stored. Were mainly in hard-to-reach and low-neglited areas. The list of Komsomolskaya Stoplands was approved by the Bureau of the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Communist Party, on the basis of the proposals of party, trade union and Komsomol authorities, ministries and departments, and in coordination with the USSR and the Central Bank institution. Komsomol construction sites were completed working force Through the so-called public calls of young people and sent to the reserve of military personnel, as well as through temporary voluntary Komsomolsk and youth construction detachments. On the Komsomol construction projects practiced their methods of organizing labor. Komsomolian headquarters operated (worked under the leadership of the Committee of the SVKSM Construction), which included young workers, brigadiers and specialists, representatives of economic and trade union bodies, Komsomol activists of assembly and specialized organizations, subcontract units. Headquarters together with trade union organizations held a competition among the Komsomol and youth teams. In the brigades, the "Komsomol Searchlight" posts were created at the construction sites for the struggle for strengthening labor discipline, savings building materials, efficient use of technology. The "Chronicle of the Shock Construction" was conducted, in which the names of young workers and specialists, Komsomolsk and youth teams were entered, who made a significant contribution to the implementation of construction plans.

The first Komsomol construction was the construction of the Volkhovaya HPP. In 1920-30s, Selmashtroy (Rostov-on-Don), Tractors (Stalingrad), Uralmashstroy, Construction of the Ural-Kuznetsky Metallurgical Combine, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, the first stage of the Moscow Metro, Railway Railway, were announced by Komsomolskaya Construction , the development of oil fields of the Volga-Ural oil and gas province, etc. In 1950-70s, the construction of fraternal, Dneprodzerzhinsky, Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power plants, nuclear power plants, the Ufa oil pipeline - Omsk, Omsk - Irkutsk, Gas Hourners of Bukhara - Urals , Saratov - Gorky, the railway line Abakan - Taishet, the Baikal Amur Railway Railway, the first queues of a number of factories (Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk and Pavlodar aluminum, Angarsk and Omsk oil refineries, West Siberian and Karaganda metallurgical) and others. All-Union shock Komsomol construction sites in 1959 year was building 114 enterprises Industry and Transport (154 in 1962, 135 in 1982, 63 in 1987). The principles of labor organization adopted on Komsomol construction sites were also used in the development of the virgin lands of Kazakhstan, Altai, Novosibirsk region. In connection with the RosPo Chief of the Komsomol in September 1991, the organization of the Komsomolskoye construction stopped.

V. K. Krivoruchenko.

The title of the world's largest state obligated the Soviet authorities to meet him literally in everything, and real estate facilities were no exception to this rule. Some interesting Facts About the most grandiose of them collected in its material "Free Press".

The largest water mirror of the era

This was how the metropolitan guides said, taking guests from all over the world, about the open pool "Moscow", erected by almost the same place, where 48 years old stood up to this 48 years and exploded in 1931 the Church of Christ the Savior. It is noteworthy that at this place at first for 10 years unsuccessfully tried to build the highest building at that time in the world. But the construction of the 415-meter Palace of Soviets interrupted the Great Patriotic War, and an open public bathhouse on the project of Architect Dmitry Chechulin with a diameter of about 130 meters, which accompanied at the same time up to 2,000 people, was opened only in 1960.

It was originally planned that the pool would be filled with salt water from about a half kilometers of the underground sea at a depth. However, the drilling work launched in 1958 were minimized, mainly due to their high costs. But without that unique features at the facility enough. So you could swim in it round year (True, according to the testimony of contemporaries, it had to dive in frost, because the head was covered with ice). To visit Moscow, the certificate from the doctor was not required, while the system of sanitary control, purification and disinfection of water was so well organized that for all 33 years there was not a single complaint from visitors.

The popularity of the outdoor pool among the population was very high. There was even a joke that only in Moscow, the famous law of Archimedes was acting in a special way: the body, immersed in it, pushes out to the other body. True, it is worth noting that this folk love periodically darned rumors that in the pool (especially in winter time) There is a group of "Topils", blowing orders for the desecration of the holy place.

The total reason for the closure of the Moscow basin in 1993 was just his gigantic size. First, due to the fact that in the cold season, the water temperature in separate sectors reached +34 degrees, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe aqueous mirror was 13,000 square meters, in winter around him there was a dense wall of a couple, which caused a strong corrosion of nearby buildings. Employees located near the Pushkin Museum more than once complained that because of high humidity Exhibits seriously suffer.

Secondly, by the time, due to the severe economic situation, the city authorities elementally lacked funds to pay the resources necessary for its operation. Three recent years It stood without water, which led to a strong deformation of the temperature seams of the bowl and corrosion of pipelines.


Erected from 1953 to 1961 at the suggestion of Joseph Stalin, the base of submarines at the then still Soviet Balaclava, perhaps, had every chance to be called the largest military engineering structure of the twentieth century. The builders of the highest qualifications were put to her creation, including the metropolitan metrostroites, who worked around the clock in four shifts.

On the construction of the base (or object 825GTS), according to some data, it was spent about 67 million soviet rublesAnd during work in the sea on the barge, about 120 thousand tons of rocky rock was secretly exported and flooded. But all the efforts were worth: The construction of the Taurus could calmly withstand the direct hit of the atomic bomb with a capacity of 100 to 150 kilotonne (for reference - the power of the kid, discarded on Hiroshima in 1945, was from 13 to 18 kilotons in Troatil equivalent) . Inside, several atomic submarines were free (according to various data from 7 to 14), the staff in the amount of up to 1.5 thousand people, as well as the warehouses of the ammunition and the entire necessary infrastructure for servicing and repairing submarines.

Some enthusiasts are still confident that in the case of nuclear bombing, the base could be used as a bomb shelter for the local population, and the period of its autonomous existence could reach three years.

Soon after the end of construction, in 1961, Nikita Khrushchev ordered to reload the base into the wine cellar, but the initiative was never implemented. After the collapse of the USSR in 1993, the protection of the facility ceased and over the next 7 years it was elementaryly looted, absolutely all structures were made, containing at least a small hint of non-ferrous metals. In 2000, Vladimir Stefanovsky, who headed the Sevastopol "Maritime Assembly", made an initiative to transform the base in the "Cold War Museum". As a result, in three years, the official opening ceremony of the Naval Museum Complex as a branch of the Central Museum of Ukraine was held in Balaclava.

By the way, in 2010, when the peninsula was part of the "Needless", some Russian media, with reference to the leadership of the Black Sea Fleet, reported that the military seriously consider the possibility of restoring the museum's combat potential and the likelihood of its intended use. However, Konstantin Grishchenko, at that time, at that time, the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine was strongly denied such a scenario for the development of events as contrary to the country's constitution. It is likely that now, after the adoption by the population of the Crimea of \u200b\u200bfateful solutions, representatives of the Naval Department of the Russian Federation will return to this project.

Volga-Don Canal

A trip (Volga-Don Shipping Channel) was officially opened on July 27, 1952. It is noteworthy that four-year-old construction workswho were crowned with success were not the only one in history attempt to connect the water of two great rivers at the place of their maximum rapprochement. At first, according to the chronicle sources of the 16th century, another Turkish Sultan Selim was thought about this. However, the Army of Turkish soldiers denied in 1569 in 1569 in the amount of 22,000 people stopped all the work in a month. According to the Turk, with this task at that time would not be able to cope with the entire population of Turkey even for 100 years. Peter I became the second, inviting the foreigner of Johann Brekkel in 1697 as the head of the construction site. However, he soon ran out, realizing the futility of the accompanying effort. Perhaps he who replaced his Englishman Perry and would be able to bring the undertaking to the end, but broken down in 1701 North War Put the cross on the project.

Only in the 20th century, as a result of titanic efforts, over 700 thousand voltage workers, 100 thousand prisoners of war of the German army and 120 thousand prisoners of Gulag, the project of the 101-kilometer channel was implemented under the leadership of Academician Sergey Zhuk. For all the construction of the railway, more than 150 million cubes of the Earth was extracted and over 3 million cubic meters of concrete was flooded, walking excavators and other advanced special equipment in the amount of 8000 units at that time were widely used.

Many interesting facts are connected with a trip domestic history. For example, 15 thousand prisoners were released "for impact work", and another 35 thousands reduced the deadlines. About this, in particular, professor Nikolay Buslenko, referring to the decree found in the archive, the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces (with a vulture "without publishing in press") "On the benefits of prisoners who distinguished on the construction of the Volga-Don shipping channel named after V.I. Lenin. " Interesting detail - 3000 prisoners received various awards, 15 of them - the Order of the Labor Red Banner. By the way, it was on a junk that was born firmly entered into our lexicon as an independent word abbreviation "ZKK" ("ZK" - "Prisoner Canalo Armen")

Also immediately after the opening and assignment of the Lenin object on the coast of the first gateway, a giant monument to Stalin was installed. A nine years later, in 1961, in just one night, he was dismantled. For a long time The 30-meter pedestal was empty, and only in 1973 they installed a 27-meter monument to Lenin, who entered the Guinness Book of Records as the largest monument in honor of the people really lived.

Unfortunately, in the last decade, the depth of the channel has noticeably decreased (according to the project - 3.5 meters), cases of landing of vessels on Meli. In this regard, the transport stream is reduced by half, and precipitation restrictions do not allow the ships to load completely. Two years ago, representatives of Rosmorport announced the allocation of 400 million rubles for the deepening of the channel to 4.5 meters. From April 2007, with the filing of Vladimir Putin, a variant of the construction of the second branch of the Volga-Don channel is considered (the so-called Volgodon-2) in order to increase the cargo traffic of the object to 35 million tons per year. True, some experts argue that these work will affect irreparable damage to the fisheries of Russia. In particular, the Bagaevsky hydroelectric deployment of the Bagaevsky hydroelectric course of fish in the Don will be completely blocked. In addition, the population of some species of Northern Caspian fish can be disastrically reduced.

Snapshot to opening «Article: View of the swimming pool" Moscow "in the open sky, 1977 / photo: Ivan Denisenko / RIA Novosti

On December 30, 1922, the creation of the USSR was proclaimed at the first congress of the Council. Then S.M. Kirov advanced an ambitious idea - to build the Palace of Soviets, which would be a symbol of the country. However, the embodiment of ideas began only in 1931. At each stage - from the project to prepare for the embodiment and the beginning of the Grand Construction - the Palace of Soviets was a construction like which in the world did not exist.

Fight architectural styles

In June 1931, the project competition announced. After a few months, the Church of Christ the Savior was destroyed. "He talked", according to the plans of the authorities, had to give way to a new one. Applications for both professional architects and ordinary citizens of the Union were applied to the competition. Among the participants of the competition was also the Great French Architect Le Corbusier. B. Jofan, I. Zholtovsky and the city of Hamilton came to the second round. All three projects were withstanding in monumental stylistics. Later, such a style will be called "Stalin Ampir." The choice of these projects marked the end of the era of Soviet constructivism - lightness and openwork gave way to pompousness and massiveness. Offended by ignoring his thoughtful project Le Corbusier wrote: "The people love royal palaces." In 1933, the winner was determined - construction should have been conducted on the project B. Jofan. But the sketch of the winner was very different from the final version.

Transformation idea

There was no famous Tower with a figure of Lenin on the first sketch: the Palace of Soviets looked like a complex of buildings, and the figure of the liberated proletarian was located on the tower. Gradually, the tower acquired a level structure, the accompanying buildings were retracted. The height of the building was supposed to be 420 meters, of which 100 is the height of the statue. The grand statue of Lenin (one finger of the leader was the magnitude of two-storey house) At the top appeared only in 1939. The idea to make the building pedestal belonged not to Jofan, but Italian Brazini. Iofan himself wanted to place a monument to the palace, but the authorities had to taste the proposal of Brazini. In the central part of the palace provided for a large hall for 22 thousand people. The scene was in the middle, the audience ranks were amphitheater. Next to him were the lobby, utility premises, Small hall. In the high-altitude part there were chambers of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Presidium, and Cabinets.

Grand Construction

According to the project for the construction of the palace and the entire infrastructure, it would take to demolish all the historical buildings of the Magonki. It was assumed to make a grand car park, a sprinkled with a concrete, to push the GMI them. A. S. Pushkin. At the construction site, for the first time in the USSR, a preliminary analysis of the soil was performed using column drilling - they drilled a series of wells to a depth of 60 meters and analyzed the composition of the soil. The place was successful - on this territory there were dense limestone and rock "islet". To groundwater The foundation was not pushing, first used bitumenization: almost 2,000 wells were drilled around the kittle man, they poured bitumen in them. Additionally installed pumping pumps and added an insulating coating. For the final cladding of the Grand Construction, they built a stone processing plant, which then "helped" to make Moscow granite: the stone panels for the subway, bridges and houses were treated. For the production of concrete, the plant was founded for the palace near him. The construction of a foundation (also designed in a special way - in the form of a rings) it took 550 thousand cubic meters of concrete. The diameter of each rings was about one and a half hundred meters. 34 columns were installed on them. Square of one column in cross section was 6 square meters. m. On such a column could fit the car. The framework of the building was created from a special brand of steel, created specifically for construction - "DS". Auxiliary frame that guided the load on the main - from corrosion resistant steel, simpler. Next to the Lenin Mountains, the plant was founded, where the elements prepared for installation. The main frame was decided to mount on concrete rings. To raise beams, the cranes were assigned on these rings. The higher the less cranes: the installation of the statue was to carry out only one crane.

Final construction

The project was supposed to be completed by 1942. In the 1940s, the frame has reached the seven floors, but the war began. High-quality steel required for the production of anti-tank heroes, and had to dismantle the framework. After the war, the country had no resources for such structures. The project was transferred to the Vorobyev Mountains, where the building of Moscow State University gradually increased instead of the palace. The height was based on the Jofan project, and the overall features are clearly visible. Another follower from the project is the metro station "Kropotkinskaya" - it was concealed as the underground lobby of the palace and built with a maximum scope.

Reconstruction of Ground Zero.


New York, USA

opening date

2017 year


$ 25 billion

International Space Station


Earth orbit

opening date



$ 150 billion

The most expensive international science project: From the moment of launching in 1998, $ 150 billion was already on the assembly and maintenance of the ISS. Consisting of 14 modules The station has a hundred meters long and can accommodate 6 astronauts. This is not the latest ISS configuration: in the coming years, two more research modules must be attached to it. Recently it became known that Russia will not participate in the project until 2024, as it was assumed before: Instead, Roscosmos will focus on new projects.

Masdar City


Abu Dhabi, UAE

opening date

2020 year


$ 20 billion

Scientific parks that allow connecting business and advanced studies are built throughout the world - high technologies can be the basis of the economy for the economies of developing countries. However, even among the laggards there are already deliberate winners: the rich countries of the Persian Gulf investing in the creation of the future infrastructure of extensibility from the sale of hydrocarbons. Such, for example, the draft Masdar in Abu Dhabi is not a technopark, but a whole city at $ 20 billion, designed by the British British Norman Phoster. The work in the post-industrial city by 50,000 people will be built around the new Institute of Science and Technology, closely interacting with MIT. The first research buildings in Macdare appeared in 2010, and by the time of its completion in 2020 the city will be the embodiment of all modern technologies. The city will be implemented an innovative system of personal automatic transport, and all the necessary energy will come from renewable sources.

Entertainment park Dubailand


Dubai, UAE

opening date

2015 year


$ 65 billion

Winter Olympics in Sochi cost $ 51 billion - these are the most expensive sport games In history, but hardly the largest entertainment megaproekt is unlikely. Every year in the UAE, the Dubailand Complex should be opened in the UAE: 45 the articles of attractions, sports complexes, trade and leisure centers and hotels will be arranged on an area of \u200b\u200b300 square kilometers. Dubailand will be twice as much " World Center Walt Disney's rest in Florida and will become the largest entertainment destination on the planet.

Songdo city


South Korea

opening date

2015 year


$ 40 billion

Founded only ten years ago, South Korean Songdo - at the same time an analogue of al-Mactum and the scientific city of Masdar. This is a compact business city located nearby international Airport Incheon and a spectacular suspension bridge associated with it. After a couple of years, about 65 thousand people will live here - mostly entrepreneurs and scientists working in one of the four local universities. Songdo was created from scratch as "green" and "smart" city. It will be the platform for experiments in the Internet of things.