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How to donate the middle urine. General urine analysis: Rules for collecting, indicators and decoding results. Types of urine research

The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

The diagnostic value of the urine study allows you to use these methods to detect a large number of pathological conditions. In addition to the total (clinical) and biochemical urinary tests, In diagnostic purposes, we use various special samples (for example, Zimnitsky, Nechiphenko) and bacteriological sowing on Wednesday. Each trial contributes to the increase in diagnostic accuracy, and is characterized by certain rules for the preparation and collection of urine for analysis. Consider the diagnostic value, normal indicators and the rules for collecting various samples of urine.

Sample Nechiporenko

The test is notchiporenko used to clarify the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes and cylinders in the urine. This trial is used in the event of a large number of data elements of blood in general urine analysis. If the sample result is notchiporenko within the normal range, then the "bad" result of the general analysis of urine (for example, an increase in the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes or cylinders) is unreliable, that is, there is no disease. Control of the effectiveness of the therapy is also carried out with the help of Nechiporenko sample. At the same time, in the case of healing and termination of the inflammatory process, the normalization of the test indicators of Nechiporenko occurs.

Urine collection rules for Nechiporenko
The urine for the sample is notchiporenko collected as follows: in the morning it is necessary to wash the crotch and the outer genitals with warm water without the use of disinfecting solutions. Then conveniently sit on the bathroom or pelvis, and release the first portion of the morning urine. Hold the urination, and bring the sterile container to the urethra, in which collect a small amount of urine (25-30 ml sufficient). Removing the remaining urine in the bath or pelvis. Thus, the test is notchiporenko assembled, as is the urine for general analysis - the average morning portion.

If you need to get a urine from the bladder without passing through the urethra, then resort to the taking of the sample with the help of a catheter. The collected urine is necessary to deliver to the laboratory as much as possible, since the analysis must be carried out within 2 hours.

Sample norms Nechiporenko
Next, calculate the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and cylinders in the hot chamber, and the result is expressed in units per 1 ml of urine. Normally, in a healthy person, the number of leukocytes does not exceed 2000 in 1 ml, erythrocytes - 1000 per 1 ml, and cylinders - 20 per 1 ml.

Deciphering the results of the sample Nechiporenko
The increase in the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes and cylinders in the sample is notchiporenko, as a rule, talks about the pathology of the kidneys. The reasons for the high content of the sample indicators are notchiporenko are presented in the table.

Causes of increasing indicator
Leukocytes (increasing more than 2000 per 1 ml)
  • Cystitis (bladder inflammation)
  • Infarction kidney
  • Inflammation of prostate gland
Erythrocytes (increasing more than 1000 per 1 ml)
  • Glomerulonephritis (acute and chronic)
  • Renal disease
  • Tumor pathologies localized in the kidneys and urinary structures
Cylinders (an increase of more than 20 per 1 ml)
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Pyelonephritis
  • Kidney defeat poisons (for example, phosphorus, lead joints, phenols)
  • Amyloidosis kidney
  • Nephronosis
  • Blood impairment in kidney channels under hypertension or renal artery thrombosis
  • Nephronosis

Examples of the normal sample of Zimnitsky and sample of patient renal failure
An example of a normal Zimnitsky sample.

The daily volume of urine -1480 ml, daily - 980 ml, night - 500 ml.

An example of Zimnitsy sample with renal failure.

The daily volume of urine is 1060 ml, daytime - 450 ml, night - 610 ml.

Sulkovich's sample

Sulkovich's sample is an express test that allows you to identify the level of calcium in the urine. This method is used to adjust the selection of vitamin D dosages. Sulkovich sample is most often performed by children who receive vitamin D to track the level of calcium isolated and prevent overdose.

Sulkovich's sample is carried out as follows: urine is mixed with Sulkovich's reagent, as a result of which the turbidity of varying degrees of severity may form. Fixing results and assessment of the degree of turbidity is based on a semi-quantitative method. Sulkivich sample results are reflected in the table.

As can be seen from the table, Sulkovich's sample can only act as an approximate analysis, the result of which does not provide accurate data on calcium concentration. Therefore, in the detection of strong turbidity in the Sulkovich sample, it is necessary to hand over the biochemical analysis of urine to determine the concentration of calcium with modern and accurate methods.

Sulkovich sample rate for children is "+" (minor cloudy) or "++" (medium turbidity). The lack of clouding in the urine sample ("-") indicates a possible lack of vitamin D or violation of the work of the parathyroid glands. Strong turbidity ("+++") and very strong cloudy ("++++") can be detected with an increased function of the parachitoid glands or with overdose of vitamin D.

For Sulkovich's sample, it is necessary to assemble the morning urine of the child before you started feeding it. Since the daily urine in a child is quite difficult to collect, for sample Sulkovich, they are used to urine.

Bacteriological examination of urine for sterility

When identifying bacteriuria (bacteria in the urine), which is not accompanied by clinical symptoms, or in case of unsuccessful attempts to establish an infectious focus, resort to the bacteriological examination of urine.

Bacteriological research can be carried out to estimate urine sterility, or to identify a specific pathogenic microorganism and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Normal urine is sterile, but when passing along the urethra, it is washes off the microorganisms living on the walls of the urethra, and "polluted". Together with normal flora, urine can "pollute" by pathogenic microbes, which cause the infectious inflammatory process in the organs of the urinary system. Bacteriological examination for sterility makes it possible to establish the degree of pollution of urine by microbes, in terms of which it is possible to judge the presence or absence of pathogenic microorganisms that cause infectious inflammation.

Urine collection rules for bacteriological sowing for sterility
For bacteriological examination of urine on sterility, only 5-7 ml of the average portion of the morning urine, assembled on an empty stomach after a thorough kneading of the crotch with warm water. The urine is sown to the special nutrient media by the sector method, which allows the pollution of the normal flora of urethra from the infectious disease in the urinary system organs. The result of the analysis assesses the number of grown colony-forming elements (CE) microorganisms. The table presents the options for the result of a bacteriological study of urine on sterility.

Deciphering the results of bacteriological seeding urine on sterility

The identification of a large amount of Coe of the same microorganism indicates the acute course of the infectious and inflammatory process. If a large number of CE is formed by different microbes, then the infectious disease is chronic.

In the case of detection of chronic infectious inflammation, a bacteriological study of urine is used to clarify the specific type of microorganism, which caused the pathological process. In this case, watering is seeded to special environments, the pathoger creates conditions for growth, after which they identify. Duration diagnostics Fully pays off by the subsequent target accuracy of antibacterial therapy, which will fully heal a chronic infectious disease.

Today, there are many research methods, but should not be neglected with reliable and well-proven tests that reduce the time and expenses for the examination. Urine samples have a high diagnostic value, but are not fully universal, so their results should be interpreted with the clinical picture and objective data. However, the simplicity and efficiency of urine tests makes it possible to apply them very widely, including for screening surveys of large groups of people.

  • Krov is climbing strictly ondoors, Before the reception and administration of drugs and to X-ray, endoscopic and ultrasound examination. Not less than 8 hours and not more than 14 hours of hunger, water - in normal mode, on the eve Avoid food overloads, breast children should not be 3-4 hours before the blood fence.
  • Preparations that are able to significantly affect the results of the study should be abolished in advance, except in cases of treating treatment with this drug.
  • Know for research on substances, the concentration of which in the blood changes cyclically, should be closed in strict accordance with physiological cycles. For example, the concentration of FSH and LH is determined by 5-7 days of the menstrual cycle.
  • Exclude alcohol On the eve of the study.
  • Do not smoke Minimum within 1 hour before the study.

Analysis of urine

General urine analysis

  • On the eve of the analysis, it is recommended to not use vegetables and fruits that can change urine color (beets, carrots, etc.), do not take diuretics.
  • Before collecting urine, it is necessary to make a thorough hygienic toilet of genital organs.
  • Women are not recommended to take urine test during menstruation.

Collect the morning urine into the container. For the correct implementation of the study at the first morning urination, a small amount of urine (the first 1 to 2 seconds) is released in the toilet, and then, without interrupting urination, substitute the urine collection container, into which approximately 50-100 ml of urine. Close the container tightly with a screw cap.

Specialized plastic container - optimal urine collection and transportation tools for laboratory research. Ask in pharmacies. The container is a wide-handed graded translucent cup with a capacity of 125 ml with hermetically screwed lid. The container is sterile, does not require pre-processing and is fully prepared for use.

Sample Nechiporenko

To analyze urine according to the method of Nechipornko - they collect the morning portion in the middle of urination ("average portion"). 15-25 ml enough.

Collection of daily urine

For laboratory studies in the morning before collecting urine, it is necessary to hold the toilet of the external genital organs.

The first morning portion of urine is not assembled, but the time of urination is noted. In the future, they collect all the urine, allocated 24 hours from the marked time of the first urination until the same hour in a day.

The collection of daily urine is optimally carried out into a specialized graded plastic container on 2, 7 liters, having a wide neck and a relief handle. The container is safe and easy to handle.

It is necessary to urinate directly into the container, after each urination it is tightly screwed the lid. Urine should be stored in a closed container in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf, not allowing freezing.

At the end of the collection (the last urination is made at the same time, which is noted as the time of the first urination, but after a day) urine can be passed into the laboratory: the daily volume of urine in a closed container is shaken, after which 125 ml urine container is cast in a small container for clinical Portion 100 ml. All urine does not need to be brought. In the medical center, inform the daily amount of urine.

Daily urine collection in Zimnitsky

It is going to urine per day (8 servings in 8 containers, every 3 hours). The first morning portion of urine is removed. All subsequent portions of urine, allocated during the day, night and morning portion of the next day are collected in different containers (50 ml), bought at the pharmacy, each signed the collection time.

After completing the urine collection, the contents of the container accurately measure, be sure to mix and immediately cast into the container purchased in the pharmacy. Container bring to a medical center for research. All urine does not need to be brought. In the medical center, inform the daily amount of urine.

Watering on Sugar.

From the daily amount of urine, it is delivered to the laboratory of 50-100 ml of urine or 3 portions of urine collected per day with interruptions of 8 hours:

1 portion - from 8 to 16 hours

2 servings -s 16 to 24 hours

3 portion -s 24 to 8 am (at the direction of the doctor).

Urine for PCR studies (tuberculosis, CMV, STIs)

Before collecting urine, it is necessary to hold the toilet of external genital organs. Urine is collected in the morning on an empty stomach after sleep or no earlier than 2-3 hours after the last urination into a sterile plastic container. The minimum amount of urine required for analysis is 20 ml.

Watering for bacteriological research

The urine sample is collected only into sterile dishes.

Urine must be passed before the start of antibacterial treatment or 3 days after therapy. If the patient takes antibacterial drugs, then it is necessary to resolve the question of their temporary cancellation.

After a thorough toilet of the external genital organs, the first portion of the urine is launched into the toilet, the average portion in the amount of 3-5 ml is assembled into sterile hermetically closing dishes. I will deliver urine into the laboratory for 1-2 hours, if there is no such possibility, you can store urine sample in the refrigerator no more than a day. When transporting the sample, you need to ensure that the cork is not wet.

Analysis of Cala

  • It is impossible to conduct feces earlier than 2 days after the enema, an x-ray study of the stomach and intestines, colonoscopy.
  • It is impossible to take medicinal substances on the eve of: - laxatives; - Activated carbon; - gland, copper, bismuth preparations; - Use rectal adhesive candles.
  • Do not allow to enter urine or water sample.
  • Conduct feces in women during menstruation

Collect feces should be built in the morning. If it is difficult, you can prepare a sample in advance, but no more than 8 hours before passing the feces to the laboratory. In this case, the sample should be stored in the refrigerator (do not freeze).

Careful toilet of external genital organs and rear-pass areas. Previous first. Defecation to produce in dry, clean capacity: vessel or night vase. Move the sample feces of 3-5 cubic meters. See in advance prepared pure dry storage and transportation container.

Cal on hidden blood

The patient for 3-5 days before the study should not eat meat, fish, tomatoes (they can be replaced with milk-cereal dishes). The patient should not brush his teeth. The material is collected on the fourth day in a clean dry storage and transportation container.

Seed liquid (spermogram)

It takes a complete sexual abstinence within 3-5 days before the study, but not more than 7 days. In the direction it is necessary to specify the currently accepted drug preparations (medicines). It is impossible to collect material from a condom. The collection of material is better to spend in the morning hours.

Bacteriological research

Separated from the eye

The material is taken from affected places in the midst of the inflammatory process in compliance with the rules of asepsis. Not less than 5-6 hours before the study cancel all medicines and procedures. The taking of the material produces the doctor a separate tampon for each eye.


If there is an abundant purulent, separated by a sterile dry cotton tampon take a right from the inner surface of the lower eyelid to the inner corner of the eye slit. It is necessary to ensure that the eyelashes do not touch the tampon (hold the eyelids with their hands).

Edge of the century

Poil's crusts are removed by tweezers. Take the material from the ulcers at the base of the eyelashes.


Material for research takes after anneasiating with a sterile dry cotton swab.

Separated from nose

The material from the nasal cavity is taken by a dry sterile cotton swab, which is injected into the depth of the nasal cavity. For each nasal stroke, a separate tampon is used.

Separated nasopharya

The material from the nasopharynx is taken by a sterile gas tape tampon, which is introduced through the nasal hole in the nasopharynk. If the cough begins, the tampon is not deleted before it is completed. For testing for diphtheria, the film and mucus of the nose and pharynx are examined simultaneously.

Material from the oral cavity

The material from the oral cavity is tested by an empty stomach or 2 hours after eating a sterile cotton swab from the mucous membrane or its affected areas in the outputs of the ducts of the salivary glands, the surface of the language, from the yasels. If the film is presence, the latter is removed with sterile tweezers.

Material from ears

The material at the inflammation of the middle ear takes the doctor. The skin of the adjacent regions is processed with an antiseptic solution.

1. Various microorganisms have their own characteristics of localization, distribution and allocation paths, which should be considered when choosing a place of taking biomaterial.

2. Taking the biomaterial, if possible, should be carried out during the exacerbation of infection. A few days before the study, it is necessary to stop the reception of chemotherapy. Control of treatment efficacy should be carried out no earlier than 3-4 weeks after the end of therapy.

3. The volume of the selected biomaterial should not be redundant, since substances that can cause PCR inhibiting or contribute to the degradation of DNA during storage and transportation, together with the causative agent. When taking smears and scrapings, it is enough to get the material in the volume of the "match head".

4. To take samples, it is necessary to use only one-time tool and sterile plastic containers (or tubes with a vehicle) with a tightly closing lid.

Recommendations for women to prepare for the surcharge on PCR, reef, sowing on flora, mycoplasma, trichomonad, fungal infection.

  • It is impossible to conduct such research during the reception period of any antibacterial drugs.
  • These studies do not surrender during menstruation and within 1-2 days after its end.
  • 2-3 days before a visit to the clinic, stop the use of any vaginal tablets, balls, candle - and therapeutic, and contraceptive (pharmatex, pantex oval, clion d, polidges and others).
  • On the eve of the evening and in the morning on the day of the capture of the smear should not be arranged and painted.
  • IMPORTANT! You can not take strokes on PCR after the colposcopic samples.

Material from urethra

Before taking the material, the patient is recommended to refrain from urination within 1.5-2 hours. Immediately before taking the material, the outer opening of the urethra must be treated with a tampon, moistened with sterile saline. In the presence of purulent discharge scraping, it is recommended to take after 15-20 minutes. After urination, in the absence of discharge it is necessary to massage the urethra using the material probe. In women, in front of the introduction of a probe in Urethra, its massage about the pubic articulation is held. In the urethra in women, the probe is introduced to a depth of 1.0-1.5 cm, in men - by 3-4 cm, and then several cautious rotational movements are made. In children, the material for research is taken only from the outer opening of the urethra. After taking the material, the probe is transferred to the probe packaging, or brought into the tube with the vehicle and is carefully laundered, the test tube closes and marked, after which the material is delivered to the laboratory.

Material from the cervical canal

Before taking a material, it is necessary to remove a cotton swabbone with a cotton swab and then treat the cervix with sterile saline. The probe is introduced into the cervical canal to a depth of 0.5-1.5 cm, the material is assembled by gentle rotational movements. If there is a cervical channel erosion, they need to be treated with sterile saline, the material should be taken on the border of healthy and altered tissue. When removing the probe, it is necessary to completely exclude its touch with the walls of the vagina. After taking the material, the probe is transferred to the probe packaging, or brought into the tube with the vehicle and is carefully laundered, the test tube closes and marked, after which the material is delivered to the laboratory.

Material from vagina

The material must be taken before the manual study. The mirror before manipulation can be moistened with hot water, the use of antiseptics for processing the mirror is contraindicated. In the case of excess of mucus or abundant selection, it is necessary to remove them with a sterile cotton swab. The vaginal separated collected a sterile disposable probe from the rear lower vest or with pathologically changed areas of the mucous membrane. In girls, the material must be taken from the mucous membrane of the vagina, in some cases - from the rear vessel of the vagina through the hymenual rings. After taking the material, the probe is transferred to the probe packaging, or brought into the tube with the vehicle and is carefully laundered, the test tube closes and marked, after which the material is delivered to the laboratory.

Secret of the prostate gland

Before taking the secret of prostate, the penis head is treated with a sterile cotton swab, moistened with saline. After the preliminary massage of the prostate through the rectum, the doctor carries out a massage with pressing several energetic movements from the base to the top of the penis. Then 0.5-1 ml of a prostatic secret is soles from the cavernous part, which is assembled into a dry sterile container. The material must be delivered to the laboratory for 1-3 hours, transportation should be carried out only in the refrigerator bag.

Material with eye conjunctiva

In the presence of an abundant purulent discharge, it is removed with a sterile cotton swab, moistened with saline. The scrapets are taken from the inner surface of the lower eyelid to the inner corner of the eye slit. When taking the scope you need to hold the eyelid with your hands so that when the eyelashes are blinking, the probe does not touch. After taking the material, the probe is transferred to the probe packing, or the probe is introduced into the tube with the vehicle and is carefully laundered, the test tube closes, marked and delivered to the laboratory.

Material from the rear wall of the throat

The material takes on an empty stomach or no earlier than 2-4 hours after meals. Disposable probe is administered for a soft sky into the nasopharynx and spend on the back of the pharynx. If the purpose of the study is almonds, the probe is introduced into the lacques of the almonds and is rotated there. After taking the material, the probe is transferred to the packaging of the probe, or brought into the tube with the vehicle and is carefully laundered. The test tube closes, marked and delivered to the laboratory.

Material from nasopharya

The material takes on an empty stomach or no earlier than 2-4 hours after meals. When taking a material, good lighting is needed, the patient sits against the light source, the root of the tongue is pressed by a spatula, the material take the sterile probe, without touching the tongue, mucous jack and teeth. After taking the material, the probe is transferred to the packing of the probe, or brought into the tube with the vehicle and is carefully laundered, the test tube closes, marked and delivered to the laboratory.

Material from sedate pockets

Sleeping pockets are assembled into a sterile tube (such as Eppendorf) with saline. In this case, test tubes can be stored in the refrigerator (+4 ... 6 ° C) not more than 12 hours, and their transportation is carried out in the refrigerator bag. You can take strokes and rigid urethral probes. In this case, the probe after taking the material is placed in its disposable packaging, and in this form are delivered to the laboratory.


12 hours before the taking (collection) of saliva eliminates food, alcohol and drugs. Immediately before collecting saliva, it is necessary to eliminate the use of toothpaste and remove dentures. Before collecting saliva, you need to clean your teeth without toothpaste, then rinse your mouth well without using annoying means. Saliva is spoiled or sucking from the bottom of the mouth a one-time syringe and transferred to the test tube (such as Eppendorf). Salus can be stored in the refrigerator (+4 ... 6 ° C) not more than 12 hours, transportation is carried out without cooling.

Rectal smears on the intestinal group

The sterile disposable probe is introduced into the rectum, the material is collected by rotational movements, the probe is taken and placed in a sterile test tube, which is delivered to the laboratory.


After a thorough toilet of the oral cavity (cleaning the teeth and rinse with boiled water) in sterile utensils are collected by the morning portion of sputum. The diagnostic value represents the mocity of the mucous or mucous-purulent nature, as well as the sputter containing dense whorescent inclusions, and the wet, painted in yellowish, gray or brown. A sufficient range of sputum volume - 3-5 ml. To increase informativeness, repeated (up to 3 times) is a study of sputum, which makes it possible to increase the number of positive finds.

If the sputum stands out irregularly or in a scarce quantity, on the eve of the evening and early in the morning, expectorant drugs or irritant inhalation should be applied on the day of collection of sputum. Preparation of smears from the material obtained in this way should be produced on the day of its collection. In the absence of sputum, the impossibility of aerosol inhalation or non-successive for studying on mycobacteria should be explored by the washing waters of bronchi or stomach.

Wash water stomach

Investigated predominantly in young children, poorly digging sputters and often swallowing it. In order to avoid mixing of swallowed sputum with food, the washing of the stomach should be taken on an empty stomach. The last meal must be at least 12 hours before the take of the washing water of the stomach. Before taking a material for neutralizing the contents of the stomach, the patient drinks 100-150 ml of a drinking soda solution (1 teaspoon per 1 cup of water) on sterile distilled water, after which the stomach is carried out with a sterile gastric probe and the contents of the stomach in the sterile bottle are collected. The material is immediately delivered to the laboratory and processed, which eliminates the possible destructive effect of gastric enzymes on the pathogen.

Each person surrendered urine tests many times, especially if you have a kidney problem, this is a very frequent phenomenon, but how did you do it? Someone does not think about it, someone is just shy to ask doctors, and they themselves, when assigning analyzes, for some reason they do not specify this.

From the very beginning it is important to understand that it is not necessary to change your usual drinking mode before surrendering analyzes, everything should be naturally, if, of course, you need an adequate result.

The first and second stages will be the same for any type of urine fence.

So, the first step is to prepare the tank for the fence. It is better to cook it in the evening. It is necessary to wash well. It is necessary. The dirty container interferes with the correct assessment of the result, and some specialists will not be inspected at all, referring to extraneous impurities in the material. And here they are right. After all, in the analysis can find what the person does not really have, impurities that came from outside. And nothing can be argued here, you will have to take the analysis again. Or worse, it is not known to be treated from what.

The second stage is the purification of external genital organs. An important stage for the same considerations so that the urine did not get anything outsider from the skin surface.

General urine analysis

For general analysis, all morning portion of urine will need. It is important here! Not an average portion, as many people believe, namely everything. This means that it is necessary to urinate in the prepared container from start to the end. If urine succeeded a lot, then you can not donate all, it can be filled into another clean capacity, as about 150 grams will be enough for analysis. But first, it should be mixed well, for example, a pure stick, and then cast.

You need to try to bring to the laboratory only the assembled urine. If it does not work at all, you can store the urine in the refrigerator 2-4 hours, but it is easy to leave on the table.

Urine on Nechiporenko

But at this type of study, you need to collect just the midmost part of the urine. Make it easy. It is necessary to begin to urinate in the toilet, wait a few seconds to further substitute the prepared container and urinate in it for a few seconds, but not until the bladder is completely emptying. Then the last portion of urine again descends into the toilet.

The fence of urine for general analysis and analysis on Nechiporenko is very often confused not only by simple patients, but also doctors who are not related to the subtleties of a laboratory business, they do not give the values \u200b\u200bto the characteristics of the collection. But it is very important. In general, the urine from all departments of urinary tract should fall, so it is not necessary to lower it.

Winning urine fence

This study rarely is appointed at home, as it has limited readings. On the eve in the evening, not one, but 8 jars should be prepared. Each time should sign the time lapse at an interval of 3 hours, during which urine will be collected, for example, 6-9, 9-12, 12-15 hours and further. As can be seen, urine should be collected at night, and the day, so this analysis is considered very responsible, it requires care and clear execution.

Collection of analysis begins at 6 o'clock in the morning, all night portion of urine empties to the toilet, and from this point out each urination until 6 o'clock in the next morning should be carried out in the appropriate capacity. In the first container will be emptied urine, which was formed from 6 to 9 hours and further in the case.

Important remark! In the morning, at 9 o'clock, it should be obsessed with a jar number 1, even if there is no strong urge on urination, because from 9 hours the collection will begin already in the following capacity. If there was not enough for the fence of a single selected capacity, then you should take another one and sign it as an extra, but it is impossible to pour urine into the toilet! If, at some interval, the urine did not stand out at all, then the corresponding bank should be left empty, but it is necessary to pass it, it is necessary to give it, placing it that urine was not, so that this data correctly appreciated in the laboratory. For night time, most likely, alarm clock will have to start.

Winning urine collection is a bit complicated in execution for the patient, but if a reliable result is needed, then the fence should be carried out properly. And here is not to laziness! Need to remember that it is important for the laboratory to know: how much urine was allocated and at what time!

Daily urine

This type of analysis is still scheduled at home, but still it follows it. Urine collection begins in the morning at 6.00 and lasts until 6 o'clock in the next morning. It is necessary to urinate in one container a day, more often used a three-liter bank. And then all her surrender to the laboratory. I need to store urine in the refrigerator, but since this analysis is prescribed more often in hospital conditions, the laboratory issues a special preservative, which allows you to store the jar and at room temperature.

In order to primary diagnostics and the prevention of a person, the urine (OAM) is sent for general analysis. Therefore, a frequent question among patients remains how to collect a common urine analysis.

The study helps not only to find out the deviations in the functioning of the organs of the urogenital system, but also other diseases. How to prepare for the analysis and prepare a biomaterial, told in the article.

Preparation for the delivery of OAM

24 hours before the collection of urin, it is necessary to follow several rules, which will exclude many factors affecting the accuracy of the results.

First of all, it is impossible to disrupt the drinking mode, because it leads to a change in the relative density of urine, which adversely affects the decoding of the results. That is, it is not allowed too abundant or scant drink.

The use of mineral water can affect urin acidity. Therefore, a day before the analysis, it is better to abandon it at all.

In addition, that the results of the study are as correct as possible, 24 hours before the intake of the biomaterial cannot be:

  • take drugs - antibiotics, vitamin complexes, antipyretic, diuretics;
  • to eat berries, fruits and vegetables bright color (blueberries, cherry, sour apples, lemon, orange, mandarin, beets, carrots);
  • each smoked and sharp dishes;
  • eat a lot of sweets;
  • drink alcoholic beverages;
  • join sexual contact;
  • engage in exhausting exercise;
  • perform severe physical work.

If the patient cannot refuse to receive some medicines, it needs to be discussed with a specialist in order to take into account the likelihood of increasing the concentration of certain substances in Urin.

During monthly women, it is better to prevent a specialist and postpone research before their end.

Selection of containers for biomaterial

Urin is collected in the dry clean container. If jars from mayonnaise or saline used in Soviet times to collect the biomaterial, now in any pharmacy item you can purchase a one-time special container.

If a person has no opportunity to buy a sterile jar for passing Oam, he will have to prepare a container from the evening.

The container for the biomaterial must be thoroughly washed with hot water with soda. Then the jar must be rinsed under running water.

100 ml of water poured onto the bottom of the container, put in the microwave, setting the greatest power and 1 minute of time. This process is sterilization. Boiling water should be poured, and put a jar in a plastic sealed package.

The cover from the container must be thoroughly washed with soda, then with cold water, and at the end to quit boiling water. The lid should be saved in the package until the morning.

Failure to follow these rules will distort the results of the study. Therefore, the optimal option is the acquisition of a sterile jar to collect the biomaterial in the pharmacy.

Video: How to assemble (collect) urine analysis

How to collect urine correctly?

It is important to know how it is correct because it will depend on the correctness of the results.

Despite the fact that the collection of biomaterial for OAM is a simple process, we must follow when collecting material for research to a certain algorithm for operations.

It is necessary to wash the outdoor genitals well. Such an event will prevent bacteria, mucus and other substances in Urin. The genitals are washed under the shower using soap. Also allowed the use of a solution of manganese (0.02-0.1%).

It is necessary to comply with the rules of urination before the fence of Urin. Men must completely delay the extreme flesh during the urinary, and women spread the sex lips. The optimal option for a woman is the use of a tampon during urin collection. Such a measure warns in the urine of microorganisms from the vagina.

Urine for analyzing should be collected from the morning portion. A person needs to sit on the toilet, start an act of urination, and after 2-3 seconds to substitute the container. When the container is filled with 2/3, the urination can be continued in the toilet. Capacity tightly close the lid.

This algorithm implies a fence of the average portion of urine. It is worth noting that today there is no united biomaterial collection scheme for OAM.

However, most doctors approve of this technique.

Collection of urine in children and lying patients

In adults people do not arise special problems with urine collection. This cannot be said about small children and lying patients.

The question of how the general urine analysis is assembled in such cases, remains fairly relevant.

When collecting material for research, these categories of patients should adhere to the recommended action algorithm.

Urin's fence algorithm in young children includes such measures:

  1. Wash the genital child with warm water and wipe the soft napkin.
  2. Pot to pre-wash with hot water with soda, slip with flowing water and quiet with boiling water.
  3. Squeeze the baby on the pot, and then collect part of the urine into a sterile container.

To assemble uriman in newborns and babies, you will have to apply the urinary. It is worn instead of diaper, after filling, the liquid is poured into sterile container.

The algorithm for collecting urine in lying patients includes the following measures:

  • wash the genital organs with warm water using soap or manganese solution;
  • substitute the vessel, pre-washed over the same scheme as a pot for a child;
  • select a portion of urine and fill a special jar.

In case of passing a recent cytoscopy procedure (urinary bubble examination with probe), OAM must be handed over at least 1 week.

Storage and delivery to the laboratory

It is important to collect actually morning urine for two reasons. First, the first portion of Urin shows the presence of foci of inflammation in the urethre, when leukocytes and red blood cells are found in it. Secondly, it shows the presence of diseases in the kidneys and a ureter.

When the patient gives OAM in a hospital, he should not worry about the delivery of Urin to the laboratory. This is engaged in medical personnel. But when collecting at home, you need to worry about its delivery.

After collecting biological material, you need to quickly deliver it to the laboratory. If you store urine for a long time at the temperature mode of the room, it will entail a change in physical properties, the development of various microorganisms and cell destruction.

Urin, which is subject to general study, can be stored in a refrigerator no more than one or two hours after its collection. An acceptable way to store the biomaterial is cooling, that is, it can be stored in the refrigerator, but in no case freeze.

Cooling does not affect the structure of urine, does not destroy the shaped elements. Nevertheless, there is always the likelihood of a change in relative density.

If the doctor suspects a patient with diabetes mellitus, infectious diseases, cystitis and other diseases of the urogenital system, violation of exchange processes, he discharges the direction for the surrender.

Upon receipt of the results of the study, the patient faces the problem of their decryption. First of all, you need to pay attention to the proportion and reaction of the medium. Normal relative density ranges from 1006 to 1026 g / l. Excess the indicator indicates the presence of hepatic pathology, toxicosis when carrying a child, diabetes mellitus, heart failure, nephrotic syndrome or low urine production.

The understatement of the values \u200b\u200bis talking about renal failure, type 2 diabetes and the damage to the renal tubules.

The medium reaction rate is 5-7 units. Increased indicators may be evidence of the deficit of proteins in food, reduced - evidence of the lack of plant products in the diet.

Watering should be light yellow color without blood impurities, the change in its color speaks of the development of any disease. The presence of precipitate is a consequence of inflammatory processes and urolithiasis.

Normally, it does not have a specific odor. If the smell of ammonia is felt, this indicates the presence of inflammation in the bladder. Sweet smell can talk about hyperglycemia.

In the urine there may be elements such as proteins, glucose, hemoglobin, ketones, nitrites and urobilinogen, which is a bad sign. In a healthy person in the urine, such substances should not be found.

In addition, a clinical, biochemical analysis of urine, a sample of Zimnitsky, and amburger, as well as urine bacteriological sowing are distinguished.

Video: General urine analysis. How to collect urine