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How did Slavic writing appear? From Cyril and Methodius to the present day. The creation of the Slavic alphabet - the history of the emergence of writing in Rus' In what century was the Slavic alphabet created

The alphabet was created by Cyril and Methodius (Fig. 1), brother scientists from the now Greek Thessaloniki in the north of the Byzantine Empire. In the Old Russian language, Thessalonica was called Thessalonica.
Important! Cyril was originally named Konstantin. He received his name known today at the very end of his life when he was tonsured a monk.
The father of scientists Cyril and Methodius was from a noble family. Methodius held a high state position as a strategos, but later became a monk. Constantine followed the spiritual path from the very beginning. He mastered all the ancient arts, spoke several foreign languages. Slavic - was native to him.

Prerequisites for the creation of Slavic writing

In the IX-X centuries. there was a large Slavic state of Great Moravia (Fig. 2). During its heyday, Moravia included the territories of present-day Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, southern Poland, western Ukraine, and eastern Germany. The main opponent of Moravia was the East Frankish kingdom. There was a threat of division of the country between the Franks and the Bulgarians. The Great Moravian Prince Rostislav sent ambassadors to Pope Nicholas I in order to reduce the influence of his main enemy in the west and get rid of the threat of division of the state. The prince asked to be given teachers to train Moravian priests instead of the Bavarian ones, whom he expelled from the country. However, Pope Nicholas refused to comply with his request. Not receiving support from Rome, Rostislav sent an embassy to Constantinople. Emperor Michael did not refuse to help, and learned men Konstantin and Methodius went to Moravia with their students.

Moravian Mission of Constantine and Methodius

Konstantin, with his brother Methodius and his students, created a new alphabet and began translating liturgical books into Slavonic. First of all, those books were translated, without which not a single church service could do:
  • Gospel(Fig. 3) - a story about the birth, life, death on the cross and the resurrection of Christ;
  • Apostle- a book that tells about the deeds and teachings of the holy apostles;
  • Psalter- a collection of church hymns;
  • Octoechos- liturgical book.
The missionaries stayed in Moravia for three years. They were engaged not only in translating church books, but also in teaching priests to read, write and conduct church services in the Slavic language.
Important! The activity of the Thessalonica scientists caused discontent of the Pope. In those days, the opinion was that church services should be held only in Greek, Hebrew or Latin. The remaining languages ​​were not intended for church service. Constantine and Methodius were recognized as heretics and summoned to the pope.

Difficulties in the formation of Slavic writing

In 868, when the brothers arrived in Rome, Adrian II was pope. Constantine and Methodius tried to get support in the fight against the German bishops and gave the pope the relics of St. Clement. Adrian II gave permission for the service to be held in his native Slavic language. Soon Konstantin fell ill. He took the monastic rank and began to be called Cyril. Shortly before his death, he asked his brother not to return to the monastery, but to continue the work begun together. Changes have taken place in Great Moravia. Prince Rostislav died in a German prison, and his nephew Svyatopolk could not resist East Frankish influence.The German bishops did their best to prevent the conduct of church services in the Slavic language.

After returning to Moravia, Methodius was exiled to the Reichenau Monastery. Three years later, Pope John VIII forced the release of Methodius from the monastery, but he also forbade the service in the “barbarian Slavic” language. When Methodius died, many Slavic teachers were executed or expelled from Moravia. The mission of the learned brothers during his lifetime was not successful, but it had an impact on subsequent historical events in Europe.

Cyrillic and Glagolitic

The question of the seniority of the origin of the Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabets remains open to this day. There is an assumption that Konstantin created the Glagolitic alphabet, and the Cyrillic alphabet is its improved version, created by Konstantin later. The theory in which Constantine created the Glagolitic alphabet has the most adherents. The Cyrillic alphabet was supposedly created by a student of Constantine, Clement of Ohrid.
Important! The creation of writing required a detailed study of the phonetic composition of the language. Konstantin was able to highlight all the significant sounds of the Slavic language and give each one a unique letter designation.
The translation of church books and the Gospel required a special approach to the language of the people of Moravia. The Greek language had incomparably more religious terms than the language of the Slavs, many words had no analogues in the translated language. The great merit of Konstantin and his associates is that he managed to create the Old Slavonic language - the first literary language of the Slavs. This language is based on the dialects of the southern peoples. Old Slavonic is also known as Old Church Slavonic. Its development did not stand still, and Old Church Slavonic was transformed into Church Slavonic.
Important! Church Slavonic remains the language of worship in many countries today: in Serbia, Ukraine, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Montenegro.


The Glagolitic alphabet (Fig. 4) was used primarily by the southern and western Slavs. It differs from the Latin and Greek alphabet in its special intricacy, which became the subject of sharp criticism of contemporaries.The names of the Glagolitic letters coincide with the Cyrillic ones, although they have a different style. The early (rounded) outline of the Glagolitic letters resembles the Georgian church letter Khutsuri, presumably created on the basis of the Armenian alphabet. Konstantin knew some Eastern alphabets, so this coincidence is quite understandable. Later (angular) lettering was used until recently in Croatia.
Important! Today, the Glagolitic alphabet is preserved in use only in some churches in Croatia.


Cyrillic completely borrowed the outlines of the letters of the Greek alphabet (24 letters). 19 letters were added to them, which denote purely Slavic sounds of the language. Xi, psi, fita and izhitsa are placed at the end of the alphabet (Fig. 5). Each letter of the Cyrillic alphabet has its own name. The first letter is “az”, the second is “beeches”, the third is “lead”. If you read the names of the letters as a text, then you can decipher the following: “Az buki lead, the verb is good - I know the letters, the word is good.” A simple alphabet became widespread, including in Rus' after some time. Cyrillic became the alphabet of the Old Russian language.

In Russia, up to our time, the Cyrillic alphabet has undergone many transformations. In 1708-1711, Peter I carried out a reform of Russian writing. Some letters and superscripts have been eliminated. A civil font was introduced, replacing the statutory and semi-statutory. New letters “y” and “e” and “e” appeared, invented by Princess E. R. Dashkova. In 1918, the last writing reform was carried out, after which the alphabet acquired a modern look.
Important! Cyrillic is used in several Slavic and friendly countries: Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and others. The small peoples of Russia also use the Slavic alphabet.


At the request of Prince Rostislav, Constantine and Methodius created the Slavic alphabet in 963. Writing was necessary to strengthen the church statehood of Moravia. Cyril and his students compiled two alphabets: Glagolitic and Cyrillic. Most researchers are inclined to believe that the Glagolitic alphabet was created earlier.
Important! Great Moravia is the first state where Slavic writing began to be used. Attempts to create an independent Moravian church created the prerequisites for strengthening the cultural influence of the Slavs in Eastern Europe.
The emergence of a new alphabet led to the formation of a new literary language - Old Church Slavonic. Subsequently, he had a huge impact on the formation of Serbian, Belarusian, Croatian, Russian, Ukrainian and other languages. The Cyrillic alphabet has become widespread on the Eurasian continent. Today the Glagolitic alphabet is used only in some churches in Croatia. To consolidate the material, watch the video from which you will learn other interesting facts about the creation of the first Slavic alphabet.

On May 24, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius.

The name of these saints is known to everyone from school, and it is to them that all of us, native speakers of the Russian language, owe our language, culture, and writing.

Incredibly, all European science and culture was born within the walls of the monastery: it was at the monasteries that the first schools were opened, children were taught to read and write, and vast libraries were collected. It was for the enlightenment of peoples, for the translation of the Gospel, that many writing systems were created. This happened with the Slavic language.

The holy brothers Cyril and Methodius came from a noble and pious family that lived in the Greek city of Thessalonica. Methodius was a warrior and ruled the Bulgarian principality of the Byzantine Empire. This gave him the opportunity to learn the Slavic language.

Soon, however, he decided to leave the secular way of life and became a monk in a monastery on Mount Olympus. Constantine from childhood expressed amazing abilities and received an excellent education together with the young emperor Michael III at the royal court

Then he took monastic vows in one of the monasteries on Mount Olympus in Asia Minor.

His brother Konstantin, who took the name Cyril in monasticism, from an early age was distinguished by great abilities and perfectly comprehended all the sciences of his time and many languages.

Soon the emperor sent both brothers to the Khazars for the gospel sermon. According to legend, on the way they stopped in Korsun, where Konstantin found the Gospel and the Psalter, written in "Russian letters", and a man who spoke Russian, and began to learn to read and speak this language.

When the brothers returned to Constantinople, the emperor again sent them on an educational mission - this time to Moravia. The Moravian prince Rostislav was oppressed by the German bishops, and he asked the emperor to send teachers who could preach in their native language for the Slavs.

The first of the Slavic peoples who converted to Christianity were the Bulgarians. In Constantinople, the sister of the Bulgarian prince Bogoris (Boris) was held as a hostage. She was baptized with the name Theodora and was brought up in the spirit of holy faith. Around the year 860, she returned to Bulgaria and began to persuade her brother to accept Christianity. Boris was baptized, taking the name Michael. Saints Cyril and Methodius were in this country and by their preaching they greatly contributed to the establishment of Christianity in it. From Bulgaria, the Christian faith spread to neighboring Serbia.

To fulfill the new mission, Constantine and Methodius compiled the Slavonic alphabet and translated the main liturgical books (Gospel, Apostle, Psalter) into Slavonic. This happened in 863.

In Moravia, the brothers were received with great honor and began to teach Divine Liturgy in the Slavic language. This aroused the anger of the German bishops, who celebrated divine services in Latin in the Moravian churches, and they filed a complaint with Rome.

Taking with them the relics of St. Clement (the Pope), discovered by them back in Korsun, Constantine and Methodius set off for Rome.
Upon learning that the brothers were carrying holy relics, Pope Adrian met them with honor and approved worship in the Slavic language. He ordered the books translated by the brothers to be placed in Roman churches and to celebrate the liturgy in the Slavic language.

Saint Methodius fulfilled his brother's will: having returned to Moravia already in the rank of archbishop, he worked here for 15 years. From Moravia Christianity penetrated into Bohemia during the life of Saint Methodius. The Bohemian prince Borivoj received holy baptism from him. His example was followed by his wife Lyudmila (who later became a martyr) and many others. In the middle of the 10th century, the Polish prince Mieczyslaw married the Bohemian princess Dąbrowka, after which he and his subjects adopted the Christian faith.

Subsequently, these Slavic peoples, through the efforts of Latin preachers and German emperors, were cut off from the Greek Church under the rule of the Pope, with the exception of the Serbs and Bulgarians. But among all the Slavs, despite the past centuries, the memory of the great Equal-to-the-Apostles Enlighteners and the Orthodox faith that they tried to plant among them is still alive. The sacred memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius serves as a connecting link for all Slavic peoples.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

At the end of 862, the prince of Great Moravia (the state of the Western Slavs) Rostislav turned to the Byzantine emperor Michael with a request to send preachers to Moravia who could spread Christianity in the Slavic language (sermons in those parts were read in Latin, unfamiliar and incomprehensible to the people).

863 is considered the year of birth of the Slavic alphabet.

The creators of the Slavic alphabet were the brothers Cyril and Methodius.

Emperor Michael sent the Greeks to Moravia - the scientist Constantine the Philosopher (the name Cyril Constantine received when he became a monk in 869, and with this name he went down in history) and his older brother Methodius.

The choice was not random. The brothers Constantine and Methodius were born in Thessalonica (in Greek, Thessaloniki) in the family of a military commander, received a good education. Cyril studied in Constantinople at the court of the Byzantine emperor Michael III, knew Greek, Slavic, Latin, Hebrew, Arabic languages ​​well, taught philosophy, for which he received the nickname Philosopher. Methodius was in military service, then for several years he ruled one of the regions inhabited by the Slavs; subsequently retired to a monastery.

In 860, the brothers had already made a trip to the Khazars for missionary and diplomatic purposes.

In order to be able to preach Christianity in the Slavic language, it was necessary to make a translation of the Holy Scripture into the Slavic language; however, the alphabet capable of conveying Slavic speech did not exist at that moment.

Constantine set about creating the Slavic alphabet. Methodius, who also knew the Slavic language well, helped him in his work, since a lot of Slavs lived in Thessalonica (the city was considered half-Greek, half-Slavic). In 863, the Slavic alphabet was created (the Slavic alphabet existed in two versions: the Glagolitic alphabet - from the verb - “speech” and the Cyrillic alphabet; scientists still do not have a consensus which of these two options was created by Cyril). With the help of Methodius, a number of liturgical books were translated from Greek into Slavonic. The Slavs got the opportunity to read and write in their own language. The Slavs not only had their own, Slavic, alphabet, but also the first Slavic literary language was born, many of whose words still live in Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian and other Slavic languages.

After the death of the brothers, their activities were continued by their students, who were expelled from Moravia in 886,

in the South Slavic countries. (In the West, the Slavic alphabet and Slavic literacy did not survive; Western Slavs - Poles, Czechs ... - still use the Latin alphabet). Slavic writing was firmly established in Bulgaria, from where it spread to the countries of the southern and eastern Slavs (IX century). Writing came to Rus' in the 10th century (988 - the baptism of Rus').

The creation of the Slavic alphabet was and still is of great importance for the development of Slavic writing, Slavic peoples, Slavic culture.

The Bulgarian Church established the day of memory of Cyril and Methodius - May 11, according to the old style (May 24, according to the new style). Bulgaria also established the Order of Cyril and Methodius.

May 24 in many Slavic countries, including Russia, is a holiday of Slavic writing and culture.

Not all people know what May 24 is famous for, but it is even impossible to imagine what would have become of us if this day in 863 had turned out to be completely different and the creators of writing had abandoned their work.

Who created Slavic writing in the 9th century? It was Cyril and Methodius, and this event happened just on May 24, 863, which led to the celebration of one of the most important events in the history of mankind. Now the Slavic peoples could use their own script, and not borrow the languages ​​of other peoples.

The creators of Slavic writing - Cyril and Methodius?

The history of the development of Slavic writing is not as "transparent" as it might seem at first glance, there are different opinions about its creators. There is an interesting fact that Cyril, even before he began to work on the creation of the Slavic alphabet, was in Chersonese (today it is Crimea), from where he was able to take the sacred writings of the Gospel or the Psalter, which already at that moment turned out to be written precisely in the letters of the Slavic alphabet. This fact makes one wonder: who created the Slavic script, did Cyril and Methodius really write the alphabet or did they take the finished work?

However, besides the fact that Cyril brought the finished alphabet from Chersonesos, there is other evidence that the creators of Slavic writing were other people, and they lived long before Cyril and Methodius.

Arabic sources of historical events say that 23 years before Cyril and Methodius created the Slavic alphabet, namely in the 40s of the IX century, there were baptized people who had books written specifically in the Slavic language in their hands. There is also another serious fact proving that the creation of Slavic writing took place even earlier than the stated date. The bottom line is that Pope Leo IV had a diploma issued before 863, which consisted of the letters of the Slavic alphabet, and this figure was on the throne in the interval from 847 to 855 of the IX century.

Another, but also important fact of proving the more ancient origin of Slavic writing lies in the assertion of Catherine II, who during her reign wrote that the Slavs are an older people than is commonly believed, and they have had writing since the time preceding the birth of Christ.

Evidence of antiquity among other peoples

The creation of Slavic writing before 863 can be proved by other facts that are present in the documents of other peoples who lived in ancient times and used other types of writing in their time. There are quite a few such sources, and they are found in the Persian historian named Ibn Fodlan, in El Massoudi, as well as in slightly later creators in fairly well-known works, which say that Slavic writing was formed before the Slavs had books.

The historian, who lived on the border of the 9th and 10th centuries, argued that the Slavic people are more ancient and more developed than the Romans, and as proof, he cited some monuments that allow us to determine the antiquity of the origin of the Slavic people and their writing.

And the last fact that can seriously affect the train of thought of people in search of an answer to the question of who created the Slavic script is coins that have various letters of the Russian alphabet, dated earlier than 863, and located in the territories of such European countries like England, Scandinavia, Denmark and others.

Refutation of the ancient origin of Slavic writing

The alleged creators of the Slavic script "missed" a little with one thing: they did not leave any books and documents written in it. However, for many scientists it is enough that the Slavic script is present on various stones, rocks, weapons and household items that were used by the ancient inhabitants in their Everyday life.

Many scientists worked on studying the historical achievements in the writing of the Slavs, however, a senior researcher named Grinevich was able to reach almost the very source, and his work made it possible to decipher any text written in the Old Slavic language.

Grinevich's work in the study of Slavic writing

In order to understand the writing of the ancient Slavs, Grinevich had to do a lot of work, during which he discovered that it was not based on letters, but had a more complex system that worked through syllables. The scientist himself absolutely seriously believed that the formation of the Slavic alphabet began 7,000 years ago.

The signs of the Slavic alphabet had a different basis, and after grouping all the symbols, Grinevich singled out four categories: linear, separating symbols, pictorial and restrictive signs.

For research, Grinevich used about 150 different inscriptions that were present on all kinds of objects, and all his achievements were based on the decoding of these symbols.

Grinevich, in the course of his research, found out that the history of Slavic writing is older, and the ancient Slavs used 74 signs. However, there are too many signs for the alphabet, and if we talk about whole words, then there cannot be only 74 of them in the language. These reflections led the researcher to the idea that the Slavs used syllables instead of letters in the alphabet.

Example: "horse" - syllable "lo"

His approach made it possible to decipher the inscriptions that many scientists fought over and could not understand what they meant. And it turned out that everything is quite simple:

  1. The pot, which was found near Ryazan, had an inscription - instructions, which said that it must be put in the oven and closed.
  2. The sinker, which was found near the Trinity city, had a simple inscription: "Weighs 2 ounces."

All the above evidence fully refutes the fact that the creators of Slavic writing are Cyril and Methodius, and prove the antiquity of our language.

Slavic runes in the creation of Slavic writing

The one who created Slavic writing was a rather smart and courageous person, because such an idea at that time could destroy the creator due to the ignorance of all other people. But besides the letter, other options for disseminating information to people were invented - Slavic runes.

In total, 18 runes have been found in the world, which are present on a large number of different ceramics, stone statues and other artifacts. An example is ceramic products from the village of Lepesovka, located in southern Volhynia, as well as an earthen vessel in the village of Voyskovo. In addition to evidence located on the territory of Russia, there are monuments that are located in Poland and were discovered back in 1771. They also have Slavic runes. We should not forget the temple of Radegast, located in Retra, where the walls are decorated with Slavic symbols. The last place that scientists learned about from Titmar of Merseburg is a fortress-temple and is located on an island called Rügen. There are a large number of idols, whose names are written using runes of Slavic origin.

Slavic writing. Cyril and Methodius as creators

The creation of writing is attributed to Cyril and Methodius, and in support of this, historical data are given for the corresponding period of their lives, which is described in some detail. They affect the meaning of their activities, as well as the reasons for working on the creation of new symbols.

Cyril and Methodius led to the creation of the alphabet by the conclusion that other languages ​​\u200b\u200bcannot fully reflect Slavic speech. This stiffness is proved by the works of the Chernorist Khrabr, in which it is noted that before the adoption of the Slavic alphabet for general use, baptism was carried out either in Greek or in Latin, and already at that time it became clear that they could not reflect all the sounds that filled our speech. .

Political influence on the Slavic alphabet

Politics began its influence on society from the very beginning of the birth of countries and religions, and it also had a hand in, as well as in other aspects of people's lives.

As described above, Slavic baptismal services were held either in Greek or Latin, which allowed other churches to influence the minds and strengthen the idea of ​​their leading role in the heads of the Slavs.

Those countries where the liturgies were held not in Greek, but in Latin, received an increase in the influence of German priests on the faith of people, and for the Byzantine Church this was unacceptable, and she took a retaliatory step, instructing Cyril and Methodius to create writing, in which it will be written service and sacred texts.

The Byzantine church reasoned correctly at that moment, and its intentions were such that the one who created the Slavic script based on the Greek alphabet would help weaken the influence of the German church on all Slavic countries at the same time and at the same time help bring the people closer to Byzantium. These actions can also be seen as dictated by self-interest.

Who created the Slavic alphabet based on the Greek alphabet? Created by Cyril and Methodius, and for this work they were chosen by the Byzantine Church not by chance. Kirill grew up in the city of Thessalonica, which, although it was Greek, about half of its inhabitants spoke the Slavic language fluently, and Kirill himself was well versed in it, and also had an excellent memory.

Byzantium and its role

As for when work began on the creation of Slavic writing, there are quite serious disputes, because May 24 is the official date, but there is a large gap in history in history that creates a discrepancy.

After Byzantium gave this difficult task, Cyril and Methodius began the development of Slavic writing and in 864 arrived in Moravia with a ready-made Slavic alphabet and a fully translated Gospel, where they recruited students for the school.

After receiving an assignment from the Byzantine Church, Cyril and Methodius head to Morvia. During their journey, they are engaged in writing the alphabet and translating the texts of the Gospel into Slavonic, and already upon arrival in the city, they have finished works in their hands. However, the road to Moravia does not take so much time. Perhaps this time period allows you to create an alphabet, but it is simply impossible to translate the gospel letters in such a short time, which indicates advance work on the Slavic language and translation of texts.

Cyril's illness and his departure

After three years of work in his own school of Slavic writing, Kirill abandons this business and leaves for Rome. This turn of events was caused by the disease. Cyril left everything for a quiet death in Rome. Methodius, finding himself alone, continues to pursue his goal and does not step back, although now it has become more difficult for him, because the Catholic Church has begun to understand the scale of the work done and is not enthusiastic about it. The Roman Church imposes bans on translations into the Slavic language and openly demonstrates its discontent, but Methodius now has followers who help and continue his work.

Cyrillic and Glagolitic - what marked the beginning of modern writing?

There are no confirmed facts that can prove which of the scripts originated earlier, and there is no exact information about who created the Slavic and which of the two possible Cyril had a hand in. Only one thing is known, but the most important thing is that it was the Cyrillic alphabet that became the founder of today's Russian alphabet, and only thanks to it can we write the way we write now.

The Cyrillic alphabet has 43 letters in its composition, and the fact that its creator, Kirill, proves the presence of 24 in it. And the remaining 19, the creator of the Cyrillic alphabet based on the Greek alphabet, included it solely to reflect complex sounds that were present only among the peoples who used the Slavic language for communication.

Over time, the Cyrillic alphabet was transformed, almost constantly it was influenced in order to simplify and improve. However, there were moments that at first made it difficult to write, for example, the letter "e", which is an analogue of "e", the letter "y" is an analogue of "i". Such letters at first made spelling difficult, but reflected the sounds corresponding to them.

The Glagolitic, in fact, was an analogue of the Cyrillic alphabet and used 40 letters, 39 of which were taken from the Cyrillic alphabet. The main difference between Glagolitic is that it has a more rounded writing style and does not have the angularity that Cyrillic does.

The disappeared alphabet (Glagolitic), although it did not take root, was intensively used by the Slavs living in the southern and western latitudes, and, depending on the location of the inhabitants, it had its own writing styles. Slavs living in Bulgaria used Glagolitic with a more rounded style for writing, while Croatians gravitated towards angular writing.

Despite the number of hypotheses and even the absurdity of some of them, each is worthy of attention, and it is impossible to answer exactly who the creators of Slavic writing are. The answers will be vague, with many flaws and shortcomings. And although there are many facts that refute the creation of writing by Cyril and Methodius, they were honored for their work, which allowed the alphabet to spread and transform to its current form.

Kostin Pavel 3 class

May 24 is the day of Slavic culture and writing. Cyril and Methodius are considered the founders of Slavic writing. The work of a 3rd grade student, dedicated to the founders of Slavic writing.



Kostin Pavel, 3rd grade

Cyril and Methodius - the founders of Slavic writing

Celebrated Slavic writing and culture. The year of birth (creation) of the Slavic

brothers Cyril (before becoming a monk Constantine) and Methodius.

Cyril (years of life - about 827-869) and his older brother Methodius (about 825-885)

were born in the Greek city of Thessalonica (now Thessaloniki). Father named Leo

famous Greek official. About the mother in one of the later sources it is said,

that she was originally a Slav named Maria. And although, presumably, the family spoke

Greek, Slavic words, the music of the language, the brothers listened to in the house from childhood. Yes and no

only in the house. There were many Slavic merchants in the shopping districts of Thessalonica. Many

Slavs settled in Greece several centuries before the birth of the brothers. Not without reason for many years

later, sending the brothers to Moravia at the request of the Slavic prince to send teachers,

who will teach church reading, singing and writing in their native Slavic language,

Emperor Michael said: "No one can do it better than you. Go

together with Abbot Methodius, since you are Thessalonians, and the Thessalonians all speak

pure Slavic" (beginning of 863).

Having been educated in his native city, Methodius served for ten years as a military leader in

one of the Slavic provinces of Byzantium. Constantine studied in the capital of the empire

Constantinople and showed a brilliant philological talent. He has mastered

several languages, including Latin, Syriac and Hebrew. When Constantine

graduated from college, he was offered a very honorary position as a librarian at

patriarchal bookstore. At the same time he became the secretary of the patriarch. working

in the library (the best library in the world), he constantly replenished his knowledge by comparing

one language with another, Yuri Loshchits wrote in one of the magazines in the article "Prophetic Rumor".

Only having an ear for music, developing it, you can hear in an unfamiliar

Greek of someone else's speech separate sounds and sound combinations. Konstantin was not shy

is called looking into the mouth of the speaker in order to figure out exactly what position

lips, teeth and tongue of the interlocutor, a sound escapes from his mouth, outlandish for

Greek hearing. Such outlandish unusual seemed to the Greeks the sounds "z", "zh","sh",

"u" and others. We, the Russian people, and those for whom the Russian language is native, it seems funny,

when these and other sounds are hardly pronounced by foreigners. Sounds in Slavic speech

turned out to be much more than in Greek (later the brothers had to

create 14 more letters than in the Greek alphabet). Cyril was able to hear

sounds of Slavic speech, isolate them from a smooth, coherent flow and create them for these

sounds signs-letters.

When we talk about the creation of the Slavic alphabet by the brothers Cyril and Metholius, then

name the youngest first. So it was during the life of both. Methodius himself said:

"He served, like a slave, his younger brother, obeying him." The younger brother was brilliant

a philologist, as we would say now, a brilliant polyglot. He had many times

engage in scientific disputes, and not only scientific ones. At the new business of creating writing

numerous Slavic people found many enemies (in Moravia and Pannonia -

on the lands of modern Hungary, the former Yugoslavia, Austria). After the death of the brothers

about 200 of their students were sold into slavery, and their closest and most capable

associates are thrown into prison.

The tragic personal fates of the disciples of Cyril and Methodius did not stop

the spread of Slavic writing from one Slavic people to another. From

Moravia and Pannonia, she moved to Bulgaria, and in the X century, after the adoption

Christianity, and in ancient Rus'.

What was the Slavic alphabet? This needs to be told in more detail.

since this writing was used in Rus' until the 18th century. Under Peter I and

then a few more times in the 18th century. the alphabetical composition changed, i.e. number of letters and

graphics (writing). The last reform of the Cyrillic alphabet took place in 1917-1918. Total was

12 letters were excluded, and two new ones were introduced - "i" and "ё". Looking at the letter names

Cyrillic alphabet, the origin of the word "alphabet" itself will become clear: a - az, b - beeches. Like

the name of the alphabet, the name "alphabet" also occurred - from the first two letters of the Greek

Alpha and Vita languages.

All the Slavs from the Baltic spoke, wrote, created literature in the "Slovenian language"

to the Aegean Sea, from the Alps to the Volga. For six long centuries, until the 15th century,

only three ancient languages ​​(Slavic, Greek, Latin) were accepted in the world

as the main languages ​​of international communication. And now it's a matter of honor for millions of people

Speakers of the Slavic languages ​​- to protect, preserve and develop it.

How did distant ancestors learn to read and write?

Education at the school was individual, and each teacher had no more than 6-8

students. The teaching methods were very imperfect. Folk proverbs

retained the memory of the difficulty of learning the alphabet: "Az, beeches, lead them to scare how

bears", "They teach the alphabet, they shout at the whole hut."

Learning the Old Slavonic alphabet was not an easy task. No sounds were made, but

the names of the letters are complex in themselves. Having memorized the alphabet, they proceeded to syllables, or

warehouses, first of two letters: "beeches", "az" - the student called the names of the letters, and

then pronounced the syllable "ba"; for the syllable "in" it was necessary to name "lead", "he". Then

they taught syllables of three letters: "beeches", "rtsy", "az" - "bra", etc.

The complex names of the letters were not taken, as they say, "from the ceiling." Every title

carried great meaning and moral content. The literate person absorbed

moral concepts of great depth, worked out for himself a line of conduct in

life, received concepts of goodness and morality. I can’t even believe it: well, letters and letters.

But no. When a person who was learning to read and write repeated after the teacher "az, beeches, lead," he

said a whole phrase: "I know the letters." Then followed d, d, e - "Verb good

is ". In the enumeration of these letters in a row, there is a commandment to man, so that in vain

I didn’t throw words, I didn’t fornicate, because “the Word is good.”

Let's see what letters like r meant, s, t. They were called "Rtsy the word is firm", i.e.

e. "Speak the word clearly", "be responsible for your words." It would be good for many of us

learn both in pronunciation and in responsibility for the spoken word.

After memorizing syllables, reading began. The second proverb reminds of order

work: the teacher pronounced the letters, and the students in chorus, in a singsong voice, repeated them until

until you remember.


Big Encyclopedia of Primary School

Excerpts from the historical sources "The Tale of Bygone Years" and "The Life of Constantine-Cyril