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Congratulations to the godmother of the child with christening. Congratulations on your child's christening. Congratulations on the christening of the granddaughter from the grandmother

In the love of the Lord, with the caress of mother,
Without original sin
Your sweet angel, purest,
Who knows nothing yet,
Let it grow with a kind, bright heart,
Reach all the peaks in life
You will be rewarded with warmth in return.
We are happy for you! Happy christening day!

For a baby, for christening,
I wish from the bottom of my heart
To be in his life
Lots of happiness and love!

Let the angel protect
All the way through life
And help the little one
Fulfill his dreams!

Congratulations on your christening! May the Guardian Angel always protect the baby and lead the brightest path through life. So that in his life there were only happy moments and good days!

Today the angels of heaven rejoice,
After all, the sacrament miraculous happened,
And on Earth there is another living soul
In baptism she was reunited with God.

We sincerely congratulate you on this sacrament!
Let your baby grow up healthy and happy,
May the Lord keep him, protect him,
May his life be bright, pure, beautiful!

The sacrament of Baptism is joy,
Great happiness, light and kindness.
We wish your dreams come true
And to be surrounded by beauty.

Let your baby grow up healthy, strong,
Let the guardian angel keep him
May he be successful in life
And may the Lord bless him.

You have christened your child
The road to the holy world has been opened!
Let your baby dear
Grows like an angel, not knowing troubles!

Will be healthy and obedient,
The family grows cheerful, friendly.
In care, affection and love.
Around so that the nightingales sang!

Your angel is so wonderful
Handsome, cute and adorable.
And the look is so piercing
Well, just amazing!

For every child born
Angels descend from heaven
To give the name of God and
Give a happy fate.

Let the world become brighter for the crumbs
Let there be no fear and resentment
Let the rainbow shine in the sky
Let mom's heart not hurt!

May your child have today
It won't just be godparents.
May the baby find great happiness
And a couple of good guardian angels.

May it grow in love and tenderness,
Healthy from head to toe
And rejoices in life from the heart,
And all the family brings a lot of joy!

May the angel always be there
And keeps the path in life
Let him help where needed.
And does not allow to turn into the darkness.

May there be happiness and good luck
And only the best initiatives.
Let love come along
And christening brings joy to the house!

Congratulations on your christening
May the Lord bless the child.
Gives fate, of course, happy,
And luck is certainly thrifty.

Let the little one grow beyond her years
And give patience to parenting.
Let the angels of heaven admire
And the sweet treasure flaunts.

Congratulations on the christening
I wish you happiness
Let your child grow
You only for joy!

May the godchildren
will become the standard,
a better life
Give for a child.

success, health,
Do not know grief in life
Let your child
Let's keep God!

Baptism is a special holiday, on this day God's grace comes into the soul of a little person. Now he falls under the protection of an angel who will guard and protect him throughout his life. How to congratulate the baby and his parents on this great day, what to wish the godson, what words to express your great joy - read about all this in the article.

A little about the importance of baptism

No wonder it is believed that on the day of baptism a child is born spiritually. The sacrament washes away from the soul of a little man the original sin, which is given from birth by his parents, opens the way for him to the Church of Christ, and with a righteous future life - to eternal life and paradise. Therefore, christening is a truly great holiday. And you, as a godfather or just a close person, can express your great joy for him through congratulations on the boy's baptism.

It's worth remembering...

When congratulating a boy on his baptism, you need to wish him and his parents that the angelic purity that he acquired would be preserved until the end of his life. It is not necessary to memorize any verse or come up with phrases that you will say in advance. When everything comes from a pure heart, and not read from a piece of paper, it is much more interesting and correct. Even the most ordinary words, “Christening you, little one!”, Supplemented with a kiss on a plump cheek, always turn out to be more effective than mechanically pronounced phrases from a memorized volume of poems or prose. Do not worry, God sees your thoughts and will send him all the good things that you could not express from joyful excitement.

Congratulations on the baptism of a boy in verse

If for some objective reason you do not have the opportunity to come to the sacrament, still try to express your congratulations on the boy's christening. In poetry or prose, through a postcard or SMS - it doesn't matter. The most important thing is that the words come from the soul and do not carry hidden connotations. If you do not know how to compose poems, use ready-made ones, for example:

The sun peeked through the window

Wake up soon baby

Get dressed, get dressed

Get ready for the Church.

God is there today

He will send his Angel.

May He protect you

Saves from any adversity.

On a great holiday, the day of christening,

Let me, dear, wish

To grow up healthy, strong son,

For God to bestow his grace upon him.

May the Guardian Angel protect you

Leading by the hand along the path of life,

It will save you from any troubles and troubles,

Health and happiness, my boy, to you.

Happy christening!

It is worth noting that congratulations on the boy's christening in verse, written in a postcard or sent via SMS, are very pleasant, they evoke good feelings from his parents. But if you are far away, it is always better to call and wish everything you want, and if you are close, go to the sacrament and speak out there.

Congratulations on the baptism of a boy in prose

Congratulations on the baptism of a boy's child in prose, as well as in poetry, should reflect the feelings that you have for him: love, tenderness, care. You can wish the baby God's blessing, the help of saints, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual strength, and so on.

Dear baby, congratulations on one of the most important holidays in your life - christening! I wish the Lord and his assistant, your Guardian Angel, protect you from failures and troubles. May there be a lot of happiness, love, warmth in your soul in your life. Good luck and all the best to you. Happy holiday!

Our dear granddaughter, let your grandmother with you on a bright day of baptism. May God hear our prayers and send you health, happiness, love and warmth of your loved ones. May your life path be illuminated by the bright rays of the sun. We love you very much, christening!

Dear you with the baptism of your boy. From this, the Lord himself and the angels will constantly protect him. We sincerely wish that all sorrows and sorrows bypass him, and that his life path be illuminated with kindness, respect for elders, love for the Lord and the warmth of loved ones. Don't forget to teach him to follow the commandments of God. Happy holiday!

Dear parents, take a look at your son today. Today, the baby looks very grown-up, as he feels the importance of what is happening: he has acquired a Guardian Angel in heaven, who will protect and guide him throughout his life. We would like to congratulate you on a significant event. Wish you patience, strength, health, love and joy. With christening!

Congratulation to the boy from the godparents

Godparents must necessarily congratulate the child on the great holiday. Even better, if they can give him something to remember this day - a cross, a postcard, or some appropriate souvenir.

Dear (names), today our boy passed his first sacrament in life - baptism. Now he has us, his godparents. We solemnly promise you that we will help our named son with all we can, protect him from all sorts of adversities as much as we can. We want to wish you that the baby pleases you with his victories and achievements, as well as patience and health. Let every day be illuminated by the cheerful laughter of your beloved sun.

A few words to godparents

Baptism is an important day not only in the life of a child or his parents, but also in yours. By becoming godparents, you take responsibility for the boy, for the rest of his life and deeds before God. Therefore, it does not matter whether you read congratulations on the baptism of a child in verse and prose or not, just do not forget to love your boy. Be happy and healthy. Happy Great Mystery Day!

Congratulations on your daughter's christening! On this bright day, your child has become even cleaner and lighter, more tender. I wish the Lord to lead the girl along the path of life until old age, presenting only the most positive and bright facets for discovery. Let even sadness and doubts never enter the heart, and falls and disappointments will cease to be a threat. I wish your prayers to be heard, because the appeal of parents to the Lord with a request for happiness to their baby turns out to be truly touching. Your house will be illuminated with the light of God, and children's laughter will surely be heard soon. Keep the tenderness and bright happiness that God gave today. Let the family expect only positive and confidence in the future from today. In the heart of the girl, love for her parents will definitely grow stronger, and they will have a desire to care. With a bright transformation of all fate!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the christening, because they really come only from the heart. I sincerely believe that your daughter can be the happiest. Let her grow smart and energetic, and purposefulness is manifested in her character, her desire is getting better. I wish parents to be happy with their baby and know that everything will be fine with him. From today, the Lord and the angels can follow the daughter everywhere, because they have taken her under their care. The risk of grief and misfortune, lack of foundation in worldly life is now a thing of the past. Everything negative was left in the past at the moment when the blessing of the Lord happened. I wish you to feel the kindness of the whole world and the care of the people around you, because this is so necessary for every person. I hope that your daughter will be the happiest in our world. Save the bright joy of your family!

Congratulations on the sacrament of baptism, which is sure to only respond positively in your family life. On such a bright holiday, the girl found godparents, and your family has become larger. Godparents, of course, will do everything possible to take care of a charming child in need of care and attention. From today, the girl will be able to feel God's help, which will certainly be the basis for her subsequent happiness. Let your charming daughter grow up healthy and energetic, self-confident and purposeful, smart and beautiful. Let faith contribute to the development of kindness and honesty, understanding the true values ​​​​of our world. With the baptism of my daughter, a charming child with a great future. And, of course, immeasurable happiness to all your family. Please accept my sincere and optimistic congratulations.

Dear and happy parents, I sincerely congratulate you on your daughter's christening. This event, no doubt, is truly important. I wish the girl to constantly feel the protection of the Lord and the guardian angel. Let guardianship be constant, because any sorrows and suffering must be removed. I wish the Lord protection from any life obstacles, a careful and merciful attitude. I hope that all life will be filled with only positive and happy events, hope for real happiness and a bright future. Please accept my sincere congratulations on such a bright day. Let the daughter's christening be the beginning of a new and happy period of a happy family life, because nothing can be more important than loved ones and unity with them. Congratulations sincerely, from the bottom of my heart and soul. Hope your wishes come true.

Today, on such a bright day, the girl found a guardian angel, her intercessor. Now she can be calm in her life path and listen to her heart, which will definitely tell you what is the best thing to do. I wish godparents wisdom and strength, because they can guide your beautiful daughter along the path of life, dear parents. I want to congratulate all of you on such a wonderful and special holiday, on an important event. I wish you the protection of the Lord, who, thanks to his strength, can change everything for the better. Rest assured that everything will be perfect. Let faith in a bright future be preserved forever and ever, because it largely depends on it whether the family can be happy and peaceful. Please accept my sincere congratulations, because christening is a special event that will never happen again.

Congratulations on the baptism of a charming daughter, who has now gained protection in the form of the Lord, her guardian angel and her godparents. Such an important step can best change the path of life, give peace of mind and contribute to the acquisition of true happiness. Now the girl can live in harmony with herself and the people around her, to know that everything in her life will definitely develop successfully. I wish you happiness and peace of mind, faith in a brighter future and optimism, strength and health. Let real happiness always reign in your house, because it actually turns out to be possible. The most important thing is to listen to the heart and soul, because it is through them that the Lord guides along the right path and guarantees maximum protection from any disasters. Let the protection of the Almighty be always felt, even in the most difficult periods of life.

Dear parents of a beautiful girl, you deserve congratulations and the most sincere, pure wishes. Today your daughter was christened, who has come closer to the Lord and can now feel God's help. We wish you strong faith, which will surely guide you on the right path and allow you to successfully overcome any life obstacles. Let strong faith be the basis of a worthy character and the knowledge of the fact that the future will certainly be happy and successful. We wish the girl to grow up energetic and healthy, strong, because only in this case she can successfully explore the world around her. Let my daughter please every day with some personal and important achievements, with her good mood. In the house, of course, there should always be a positive, because only in this case it will be possible to count on active development in the right direction and the happiness of the whole family.

Today, the girl has godparents who will definitely love her deeply and sincerely. Without a doubt, this event is truly important for a baby who needs attention and care. I want to wish you a happy and successful life path, on which various roads should be opened. Let the sun always illuminate the road and tell you what is best to do. Let God's light and illumination warm the soul and protect from all sorts of obstacles, because only in this case there is an opportunity to note sincere joy and happiness for the girl. I wish the Lord to give your daughter a lot of strength and energy, to allow her to realize her full potential and earn respect and admiration. Life can open only the best facets and opportunities, give countless chances for success. Let everything in your life be just like that. Please accept my sincere congratulations.

Today your daughter had a second birth and received a special name. This sacrament should warm the heart and soul, give hope that in the future it will be possible to avoid any adversity and suffering that could cause a serious blow to the soul and heart. Please accept my encouraging words and sincere congratulations. I believe that your girl will definitely be the happiest in this world and will be able to find the best opportunities for finding her happiness. I wish your daughter an inner core, which is a worthy support from any life's adversities. Let a strong spirit on an ongoing basis support your charming princess from various external influences that are actually undesirable. I wish you immense happiness and spiritual satisfaction, joy from every day you live.

An amazing miracle happened today, because a guardian angel came into worldly life. He must protect your beautiful daughter, give her happiness. We hope that the angel will surely successfully cope with the tasks assigned to him, thanks to which any troubles and even sadness, bad mood will never be able to overtake the charming princess. May the Lord guide your daughter and our goddaughter along the path of life, opening only the necessary doors and facilitating existing tasks. We, as godparents, will definitely support the girl in many life situations, we will be able to protect her from many obstacles and trials. Remember that the life and future of a small child depends on us, dear parents. We are ready to do everything in order to invest in it only the best. Please accept our sincere congratulations on a wonderful holiday!

I sincerely congratulate on the christening of a charming girl who really deserves immense happiness. I want to wish her only vivid emotions and faith in the lordship of the world. Let fate give only the most positive and positive changes and events. I wish you a lot of strength and energy, good health, because only in this case it will be possible to achieve your goals. Dear parents, support your charming daughter so that she can successfully develop in the chosen direction and achieve the goals she sets for herself. Let peace and harmony, energy and brightness of events, positive always reign in your family. Appreciate every day that the Lord gives you, because such a gift will never happen again. Accept congratulations, which have every chance to be realized. I believe that everything will definitely work out for the best in your life.

Let your daughter grow up smart and beautiful, happy and inspired. Please accept congratulations that come from a pure heart. I sincerely hope that your daughter can be truly happy, and her life path will please only with positive events. May the Lord protect her from various life disasters and protect her even from bad emotions, because it is so important for parents and all relatives that everything goes 100% for the baby. Let the guardian angel protect from any worldly hardships that could negatively affect the girl. I sincerely hope that your baby will definitely feel the happiest and be able to show gratitude when he grows up. Be a strong family that can go through life together. Congratulations on an amazing day that strengthens your protection!

So I want to congratulate the sweet girl and her wonderful parents. Please take care of your faith in the Lord, because it is he who can lead you through the whole life path, stretching out his strong hand. Be strong in spirit, because in life there can be various turns that must be successfully overcome. Believe that the family will definitely overcome any difficulties, because God's help will definitely be felt every day. I wish you a lot of joy and good luck, good mood, as this will be the basis for a happy and long life. Let in any, even the most dangerous situations, you feel luck and help. I wish you with all my heart, with all my soul to appreciate your family, without which life can lose its charming colors. Remember that the Lord never leaves His faithful children to the mercy of fate, so you will definitely be truly happy.

On such a wonderful and bright day, please accept our congratulations. We are ready to be worthy godparents to a charming girl and we will definitely extend a helping hand to her, we will try to direct her life in the right direction. The Lord and the guardian angel, of course, will protect your daughter from any unpleasant disasters and dangers. Life will be filled with inspiration and purposefulness, thanks to which the achievement of goals and the realization of various dreams is possible. Let the girl be accompanied forever and ever only by joy and inner harmony. We hope that your daughter will definitely meet many good people and will be able to find real support in her life. We congratulate you on the christening of a girl, charming and sweet, charming. Congratulations on God's Blessing, gaining the protection of the Lord.

Today is a truly important and bright holiday. Baptism of your girl is a solemn day in her destiny. Now she was under the protection of the Lord, who is able to work various miracles. Believe that your daughter will definitely be the happiest and most self-confident. Of course, we will contribute to this, because protection and guardianship are the duties of godparents. We would like to wish the charming princess boundless happiness and faith that life will definitely be bright. Please accept the most sincere and reverent words, which are the basis of congratulations. We do not have a literary style, but we wish to show only sincere and positive emotions, love and care for your daughter. Let today's holiday leave only bright emotions. With God's blessing, protection of the Lord.

An amazing and truly important event for Orthodox people has taken place today. Your girl took a spiritual birth and became a little closer to the Lord, managed to receive amazing care from him. I wish that today will please you with truly amazing emotions and allow you to appreciate the event. The guardian angel takes care of your baby, who is now not threatened by disasters and troubles. I want to wish a lot of positive emotions, pleasant events and valuable chances for finding happiness. Let the baby live long, joyfully, energetically. I want to wish you a lot of strength and determination in order to have time to realize all your dreams and plans. Remember that the Lord will definitely take care of your daughter and give her truly a lot of pleasant emotions. Please accept my sincere congratulations on such a wonderful holiday.

Dear parents of a charming girl, you did the right thing. You have found the time and energy to baptize your little one. Many people today, unfortunately, find numerous reasons for delaying such an important and significant sacrament. Today, on such a bright day, in your life, after all, the baptism of a child to whom you gave life took place. Now the girl has godparents, the protection of a guardian angel and the Lord. I believe that she will definitely live a long and truly happy life, during which she will have time to realize all her plans, achieve her goals and find true happiness. I want to wish great energy to the girl, because she expects a long and active life. Let her show her potential to 100%. Please accept my most sincere congratulations on such a wonderful and significant holiday.

Today your lovely baby girl was christened. Your girl is so beautiful and charming that she immediately conquers everyone with her appearance and character. We, as godparents, will definitely support the wonderful baby, because we understand how important and necessary support is for her. We want to wish her a lot of energy and strength, good health, because only on the basis of this you can actively and in every possible way learn about the world around you. Let the baby please her parents, who are very worried about her and wish her immense happiness. I wish your family to feel the support of each other and walk the path of life, holding hands tightly. I want to congratulate on the baptism of a charming girl who expects a long and very happy, eventful life. Let her always add up to 100%. Please accept my sincere words of support and congratulations.

Congratulations on your daughter's christening. Today she received the blessing of the Lord and begins a new path in life. I wish you a lot of energy and strength, which will definitely be required for active advancement along the path of life. Please accept my sincere words of concern. I, as a godmother, will try to pay maximum attention to our charming goddaughter. She, of course, should please all of us with her successes and active knowledge of the world around her. I want to wish immeasurable health, strength, because only in this case it is possible to successfully move along the chosen life path and achieve your goals. Let all plans and dreams come true. I want to wish happiness and perseverance in any life turns to a wonderful family, which should become truly strong. I believe that everything in our friendly family will be successful.

Today, the christening of a charming daughter took place. I want to congratulate the charming girl and her parents on such an important event. Let the baby please every day with new achievements and the desire for active knowledge of the world. Please believe that each year, month and day will bring only the best events and amazing chances to achieve your goals. Your daughter will definitely grow up beautiful and smart, kind and caring, good and beautiful. Let stumbling in characters never appear in your family and quarrels will not occur, troubles and failures will not come. I wish that the guardian angel was always next to your daughter, protecting her from any adversity and difficult, dangerous moments. Appreciate life and true happiness, because they get it for a reason. I believe that everything will turn out perfectly for you and happiness can always accompany you. Congratulations!

Have your relatives or friends christened their child in God's temple? This joyful and bright holiday is a great occasion to send them warm congratulations on the baptism of a child.

On this page you will find appropriate verses to read aloud or write on a postcard.

Poems on the occasion of the christening of a child

Your child is baptized! And may the Lord
And keeps your little one safe
From ailments, from enemies, heavy worries,
On the feast, the present will give you
May patience, wisdom and mercy be yours!
Do not forget that the most important
For a child - to have a magical world - a family,
Where is Hope, Love, dad and mom!

The heavenly Guardian descended to Earth,
He is your child's spiritual savior!
A special day because today is for you -
They baptized the baby at the appointed hour!

I want to congratulate you on the christening of the child,
May this day be for you as a reward,
Let life smile at your little one
And gives you happiness - around the clock!

In this sacrament of baptism
So much light, peace, happiness!
Let him keep, protect
Sweet and beautiful angel!

And always, as on the day of christening,
warm again and again
Kindness, warmth, hope,
Joy, faith and love!

It is important for our loved ones to hear words of love and support, especially when they sound on a solemn day for the whole family and from the bottom of our hearts. They will be pleased if you congratulate them on the baptism of the child.

May the Lord keep the baby and protect from all bad things, may fate be kind to him. Congratulatory verses on the occasion of the baptism of a child can be addressed to both the parents of the baby and the hero of the occasion himself.

Congratulations on the baptism of a child in verse

Today is an important event for you,
Congratulations on the christening!
So that God protects from troubles
And he kept the baby, I wish you.

Always let your angel be by your side,
Shows the right path.
I wish never to experience
Illness and needless anxiety!

On the day of your child's christening
I want to wish you
Only the best and important -
Troubles and sorrows do not know.
Happiness to you, love and joy,
For your family to grow
Life brought sweetness
Were true friends!

You christened the baby -
His fate was handed over to God,
And crumbs pure soul
He will always find a way to Him.
May the Lord protect him
From temptations and sins
And let happiness come to him
From now until the end of time!

You can congratulate a child on the baptism by sending an SMS or by e-mail, you can also post a congratulation on a page on a social network. Choose your favorite poetic lines dedicated to this event - and send to your family and friends.

Angel at the pillow
Protects sleep
Bright, kind, clean…
You are now baptized...
This day is special
Like a birthday.
Kindness and Joy
On the bright day of baptism!

Good weather on the day of the baptism
The path predicts a smooth path for the baby,
Nature smiles at him
The sky on this day blesses the child!

We send congratulations to the child,
Let the angel keep him with his wing.
We wish you happiness and success
Let the baby bring joy to the house!

May the guardian angel be with you everywhere
The roads follow earthly life.
And white wings will embrace you
When you want comfort, warmth,
And strong hands will demolish barriers,
When all roads lead to obstacles.
And a good prayer for your every day
He will make this world cleaner, kinder!

Our site contains a wide variety of congratulations on the baptism of a child in verse, which are suitable for both girls and boys. We can assure you that these kind words will certainly touch happy parents!

Congratulations on your baptism
Your own son!
For Holy Communion
The important reason was:
Born from love in the family,
Will be your baby now
Protected by God's word
From sins from the cradle!

Baptism is a cheerful and joyful holiday,
The girl got a godfather and a godmother,
Pectoral cross - a must-have gift,
Which in life you, baby, will protect.
With christening, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I wish the girl good luck, happiness and health,
Let the lucky star accompany you on your way,
And let the cherished dream come true!

You go towards God
Your path is both bright and beautiful.
And an angel will come to you in the world,
It will save you from all adversity.

And then you keep it
Carry the cross through the years.
Keep the faith in your heart
Do not walk on dark paths.
Be honest, kind and simple
As an example to all the saints.

Sanctification of the Holy Spirit
May you protect and keep
After all, you were born for great happiness
For love that burns with a lamp.
That always lights the way
What is bright, and kind, and warm,
What helps to understand and forgive,
What brought you into this world.
Be healthy, beautiful, cheerful,
Be lucky, be brave, be simple,
With a pure heart and a sincere word,
You are the Angel of God!

You have christened the child.
He lies in diapers
He doesn't hear and he doesn't know
What the Lord blesses!

Congratulations on the day of christening,
We wish you thanks
To remember the day
Helmet, friends, we have a rhyme for you!

You today, following the traditions,
They christened their own child,
Let the baby live, not knowing grief,
Let the angels fly with him!
Protect him from falling
Let them illuminate the path of life
Not giving off the track of luck
Turn onto a curved path.
Congratulations, parents, sincerely
With this bright, solemn day!
May radiant over your family
Happiness-the sun sparkles with fire!

We wish you on the day of christening,
So that your son gives you only joy.
To always respect you
To take an example from his father.
To love your mother
And you were a worthy son.
And you, his father and mother,
We wish you to be strong!

I'll tell you what the christening
It's like a birthday!
We named the child
So, dedicated to God!
Baby - my goddaughter -
Has become my family now
I will take care of the baby
How can I help!
You grow up, child, happy,
Be healthy and beautiful!
On this happy day
I send you my poem!

Today is an unusual day - an angel descended from heaven,
I took the baby under guardianship, weaved grace into her braids.
On the day of christening, I wish happiness to a golden girl.
May the Lord bestow generous tenderness and kindness.

May the cross that was put on the princess that day
Protects from troubles and pain, erases a shadow from life.
Let the baby be healthy, let it grow to the joy of everyone,
Every day, let her only joy, inspiration brings.

The world suddenly lit up with light -
An angel has appeared in the house!
Makes us all happy with a smile.
A cheerful laugh will sound in the house,

Congratulations on the baptism of a girl in verse

Congratulations to the goddaughter from the godmother

My goddaughter is dear, now I am your mother.
On the day of christening, I wish you faith, joy, goodness.
I will pray for you every day with love,
Be happy and healthy, my glorious child.

My baby, was born to everyone for happiness,
May the Lord keep you from bad weather!
The church rite was full of sacraments,
Now let the angels keep you

From troubles, from diseases, from the evil eye of the human!
May joy bring both deed and word.
And remember that I, your godmother,
Ready to help in everything and always!

Congratulations on the christening to the goddaughter from the godfather

I became a father before God,
Baptized you, my light.
For you my daughter
I now have an answer.

I wish you happy
You were definitely
The light that I received in the temple,
To keep in the heart.

May the angel always be with you
Walking the path of fate
Faith will help you
Gives strength to move.

I have not seen a girl more wonderful
Let the heavenly father protect you
My beloved goddaughter
I will protect you too!

Congratulations on the christening of the granddaughter from the grandmother

At this glorious moment, dear, the light will disperse the clouds.
On the day of christening, I wish you grace, granddaughter.
Know that today you have found support in a difficult world.
May the power of happiness and kindness always help you.

Be honest, have a pure soul, keep faith in your heart.
Know that you are not alone in life - Do you hear? Angel steps!
Let your bright patron stand at the head,
Protects your health and your peace of mind.

The sun is sweet, bright flower,
My joy, my glorious angel!
We just brought you from the temple,
You will become happier than everyone, the most-most!

The Lord loves and blesses you
And the Guardian Angel protects from troubles!
There is no more beautiful child than a sweet granddaughter!
Grow for everyone's joy, my why!

Congratulations on the baptism of a girl in prose

Congratulations on the christening of a girl from a godmother

It is a great honor to be the godmother of such a nice girl. I will gladly take on all the obligations of a godmother and watch you grow, mature and become prettier! I am ready to help in everything with good advice, wise instructions, sincere conversations! Let every year bring new knowledge, experience, igniting your interest in life! I want to wish you that you illuminate our adult boring world with a bright star! Happy Baptism, my dear goddaughter!

Goddaughter's wish from the godfather

Dear goddaughter! Let your life be like a rainbow - bright and beautiful, like an interesting book - rich and bewitching. And I, as your godfather, will do everything to make it safe and easy! You can always contact me with any request and advice! I want you to take all the best from your relatives and reach the highest peaks in life!

Congratulations on the christening of a girl from her grandmother

My sun, my granddaughter, my sweet angel! The rite of Baptism is a real miracle. Thanks to this sacrament, you have a guardian angel who will accompany you through life and protect you from all sorts of troubles. And grandmother's wisdom, which comes with experience, will save you from unreasonable actions! Do not be afraid, granddaughter, come to me for advice! I'm happy to share everything I know! Be smart, baby!

Congratulations on the baptism of a girl in your own words

When a helpless baby comes into this world, so beautiful and so dangerous, he needs reliable protection. The rite of Baptism gives such protection to the child. Now our baby is protected from diseases, troubles, sorrows. She has two fathers and two mothers, which means she will never be left alone in difficult situations. Be happy, our girl! May the world be kind to you!