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Reason and feelings in human life. An essay on the topic of mind and feelings in literature What should lead a person to reason or emotions

Feelings are the basis of the mind, but the mind is not reduced to feelings.

The mind decides on the basis of the data provided to the senses, and its decision can either be in line with what its senses tell it or contradict what its senses are pushing it to. The outcome of the conflict depends both on the strength of the raging feelings, and on the strength of the individual. If the mind is weak and the feelings are strong, the mind usually only agrees with what the feelings dictate to it. However, the strength of feelings does not determine everything, except for the strength of feelings, there is the strength of the mind and the strength of the personality.

Conflict and commonwealth of mind and feelings

Often the mind and feelings conflict. Feelings say: "I want!", the mind says "I need it." The mind says: "That's right," the feelings protest: "I don't want to." How to solve this issue? This largely depends on the level of personal development of the people included in this situation. The lower the level of personality development, the more often the issue is resolved at the level of feelings. The higher - the more often there is an appeal to the mind. It is very important that feelings give subtle information about one's state or the state of another person, but it is equally important that feelings remain only an instrument, and decisions are made by the head (decisions are made by the mind). See →

The commonwealth of the mind and feelings is possible and necessary, while their correct relationship does not consist in the equality of reason and feelings, but in their hierarchy: in the mind performing its work of making responsible decisions and subordinating feelings to reason. See →

personality traits

Children more often live by feelings, adult life implies a greater role for the mind, but where people can choose their own way of life, men are more often guided by reason, women - by feelings.

Children and some girls are so accustomed to living by feelings that it never occurs to them that one day you can be guided by your head. See →

People who are convinced that one should live first of all according to the call of the heart (at the behest of the senses, guided by intuition) often call themselves intuitionists. In particular, J.-J. Rousseau.

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Preparation for the final essay Direction "Reason and Feeling" Prepared by: Shevchuk A.P., teacher of the Russian language and literature, MBOU "Secondary School No. 1", Bratsk

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Reason and feeling are two forces that equally need each other, they are dead and insignificant, one without the other. Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich

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Morality is the mind of the heart. Heinrich Heinrich Morality should act as beauty. Morality is the mind of the will. Gegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich

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“If the feelings are not true, then our whole mind will turn out to be false.” Titus Lucretius Car “To understand what is fair, to feel what is beautiful, to desire what is good - this is the chain of intelligent life.” August Platen "What are the hallmarks of a truly human in a person? Reason, will and heart. A perfect person has the power of thinking, will power and feeling power. The power of thinking is the light of knowledge, the power of will is the energy of character, the power of feeling is love." L. Feuerbach

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There are feelings that replenish and obscure the mind, and there is a mind that cools the movement of feelings. Prishvin Mikhail Mikhailovich An enlightened mind ennobles moral feelings; the head must educate the heart. Schiller Friedrich

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(Examples, thoughts, peer advice) Composition on the topic: Mind and feeling Since ancient times, mind and feelings play completely different roles in a person. Although some go hand in hand, the mind warns a person, unlike feelings. Feelings lead a person regardless no matter what is behind this wall. And the mind weighs all the pros and cons. But this does not mean that feelings always deceive us, far from it. Just as without reason, so without feelings, a person would simply turn into an animal. And as we observe, animals also have feelings. Contradictions between reason and feeling as they were and will be. Why? It is explained very simply. A person, no matter how much he wants, will not be able to control his feelings if they are sincere. And the mind, as usual, if it is not overshadowed by feelings, will contradict feelings.

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(Examples, thoughts, peer advice) Composition on the topic: Feelings and emotions People often say: "I feel ...". For example, I feel love for my girlfriend, I feel angry at a boor, I feel sad when friends do not call or write for a long time. This is so, for example - usually friends always call me on time or I call them myself. There are just so many feelings, they are so diverse! What are feelings? Feeling, as I read in the dictionary, is an emotional process, it is a subjective attitude of a person to another person, to an object, to an object. Feelings are not controlled by consciousness, reason. How often we are faced with the fact that the mind tells us one thing, and feelings - quite another. For example, it is clear that this girl is a narcissistic liar who is only interested in going to restaurants and discos, but the guy still loves her. Often people are torn between the logical arguments of the mind and strong feelings. Until now, everyone chooses for himself what to listen to - feelings or logic. And there is no universal recipe for how to do it.

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Feelings are strong and weak, they are positive, neutral and negative. Love and hate are the strongest feelings that a person has. A strong feeling that someone experiences affects even that person's body. Eyes shine from love and joy, posture straightens, face glows. From anger and anger, facial features are twisted. Dejection lowers the shoulders. Anxiety gathers wrinkles on the forehead. Fear makes hands tremble, cheeks burn. In a few days of joy and happiness, a person seems to be transformed. And if you look at a person who has experienced hatred, envy, jealousy for a long time - and what a terrible impression he will make. It was like his soul was twisted. How to distinguish between feelings and emotions, because these two emotional processes are so closely related? Emotions, unlike feelings, have no object. For example, I am afraid of a dog - this is a feeling, but just fear is an emotion. Probably, a person's behavior depends more on feelings than on his rational considerations. No wonder so often we are advised not to succumb to our feelings and emotions. We try to suppress them if they are negative, but they still break through into the light. Sometimes they control us, sometimes we control them, turning anger into repentance, hatred into love, envy into admiration.

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The opposition Reason and Sensibility is one of them, and is very interesting for reasoning and inference. In my opinion, it will be most interesting to consider the mind and feelings on the example of one literary hero, somewhat easier - on the example of two heroes of one work. It is logical to start a composition of this type with a definition of the concepts of reason and feelings. Such a beginning will allow not to deviate from the topic and find signs of reason and feelings in those heroes who will be chosen for argumentation. The dictionary of D.N. is well suited for definitions. Ushakov. "Reason is the ability to think logically, comprehending the meaning (meaning for oneself, someone or something) and the connection of phenomena, to understand the laws of development of the world, society and consciously find appropriate ways to transform them. || Consciousness of something, views, as a result of a certain understanding of the world." (Examples, thoughts, peer advice)

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"Feelings - the ability to perceive external impressions, to feel, to experience something (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste). || The state in which a person is able to be aware of his surroundings, owns his spiritual and mental abilities. || Internal, mental state of a person, what is included in the content of his spiritual life "It can be simpler:" Feelings are a person's attitude to objects and phenomena of reality experienced in various forms. Human life is unbearable (and boring, one might add, if the essay is written according to "Eugene Onegin ") without worries. Emotional saturation requires not only positive feelings, but also feelings associated with suffering." Dictionary D.N. Ushakov (online) can be useful to the writer from the position that each definition is supported by a quotation from a literary work. (Examples, thoughts, peer advice)

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The essay can be decorated with the disclosure of the concept through a quote or a philosophical or religious teaching. For Mind and feelings, the following can be suggested: “I wanted to understand,” God sighed, “whether the mind itself can develop conscience. I put only a spark of reason into you. But it did not develop conscience. malignant. That's how you came into being. You're a failed project of man." (Fazil Iskander "Dream of God and the Devil") "Reason is the ability to create principles." (I. Kant). "The brain is taking the reins because the soul has retired." (O. Spengler) "A person needs to experience strong feelings in order to develop noble properties that would expand the circle of his life." (O. de Balzac) "There are feelings that replenish and obscure the mind, and there is a mind that cools the movement of feelings." (M. Prishvin) (Examples, thoughts, advice, reflections of peers)

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In the essay, it can be assumed that the common between the mind and feelings is that they determine the actions of a person. And then you can talk about the importance, sincerity, correctness of human actions performed on the basis of reason and the basis of feelings. The topic is interesting because you can think about what is more important - the mind or feelings, what is needed for their development.

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World literature provides the richest material for reasoning on the theme of feelings and reason. If you look in chronological order, then these are: - J. Austin "Sense and Sensibility" (Eleanor's mind and Marianne's feelings); - A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" (Onegin's mind and Tatyana's feelings), - A. de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince" (everything in the Prince - both mind and feelings); - V. Zakrutkin "The Human Mother" (feelings that conquered the mind); - A. and B. Strugatsky "Roadside Picnic" (work and relationships by Redrick Shewhart) flap.rf / Books / Roadside Picnic / Reviews / 6686667; - F. Iskander "Dream of God and the Devil" (see quote above) flap.rf/Books/Dream_of_God_and_Devil/Reviews/7781794; - L. Ulitskaya "Daughter of Bukhara" (Bukhara, mind and feelings together, feelings that move the mind) flap.rf / Books / Daughter_Bukhara / Reviews / 7785316; - J. Moyes "Me Before You" (Will's mind and Louise's feelings) flap.rf / Books / See you / Reviews / 7779844 .

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The list is not final! You can make your life easier and watch movies instead of reading. In relation to literature, not good, but better than nothing. The main thing is to learn the name of the author and the genre of the work.

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Approximate topics for the final essays of 2016-2017 Thematic direction "Mind and Feeling" 1. Mind is the guide of life. Do you agree with this? 2. Difficult choice between heart and mind. 3. We come into this world to enjoy life, not to suffer. 4. When does a person come to inner harmony? 5. Know how to survive that moment when it seems that everything is already lost. 6. Soul and mind are the means to control oneself. 7. How difficult it is to find a balance between feelings and reason ... 8. Feelings are caused not by facts, but by thoughts. 8. Behind the cry of the soul, the voice of reason is not heard. 9. Feeling is a moral force that, without the help of reason, makes judgments. 10. What prevails in the mental organization of a person - feelings or reason? 11. What prevails at a young age, when a person seeks to assert himself? 12. How do the mind and feelings manifest themselves in extreme situations?

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How to write an essay on the topic "Reason and feeling - the two most important categories that determine the essence of man" (L. N. Tolstoy)? What to write an essay on the topic "Reason and feeling - the two most important categories that determine the essence of man" (L. N. Tolstoy)? What arguments can be given in the essay? The work of L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" reveals the essence of the phrase, writing an essay about reason and feelings, as about the two most important categories, can be done using the example of the heroes of the work. As an example, you can cite Sonya, a rather prudent girl and sensual Natasha.

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“In the novel War and Peace, Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy writes about the human essence, which is determined by such important categories as reason and feeling. Moreover, both reason and feeling should not categorically prevail over each other. Otherwise, be in trouble. Everything should be in moderation. Although, using the example of Natasha, Leo Tolstoy shows that a person who lives with feelings is closer to him. He calls such people beautiful. And in order for a person to fully feel the harmony of the world, the mind simply interferes with him. Favorite heroes of Leo Tolstoy speak without words about their state of mind. They express it with their eyes, gestures, movements.” Examples, thoughts, advice, peer reasoning)

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Leo Tolstoy shows that a person who lives with feelings is closer to him. He calls such people beautiful. They express their state of mind with their eyes, gestures, movements.

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“Despite their animal nature, a person is endowed with a high level of intelligence, which is designed to control the manifestations of a wide variety of feelings and emotions. The absence of reason would lead him to complete submission to his own instincts, and the inability to feel would turn him into a cold and indifferent mechanism, dull and unhappy ... Leo Tolstoy says that both categories - both reason and feeling - are two sides of one medals that define a person's personality, give him the right to be called "man". In the essay, you can talk about what happens if feelings begin to prevail over the ability to think. Or, on the contrary, describe a situation when cold reason manages to stifle the emerging feeling. When does a person feel happy? What to do to learn to subordinate your feelings to reason, while not suppressing them? These questions should be answered in the essay. Examples, thoughts, advice, peer reasoning)

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A person will find harmony with nature, with other people and with himself only if he remembers that it is very important to maintain a balance between such categories as "mind" and "feelings". Man cannot do without reason: then he will be akin to an animal, which is guided through life by instinct alone. Much can be lost, much can be lost by making a wrong calculation. It is important not to learn from the mistakes of others, it is important to understand what action will be wrong for you. Without feelings, a person is like dead glass; he cannot hear either the call of his own heart or the quiet prompts of the world around him. So he will wander around, choosing the proper paths and directions, sometimes forgetting that the mind tends to make mistakes. As the Fox from The Little Prince said: “Only one heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes” Examples, thoughts, advice, reasoning of peers)

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In the epic novel L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" categories "reason" and "feeling" are brought to the fore. For the writer, it is important to what extent one side or another prevails in the characters, how they are guided in their actions. The inevitable punishment, according to the author, deserves those who do not consider the feelings of other people, who are prudent and mercenary (the Kuragin family, Boris Drubetskoy). Those who surrender to feelings, the dictates of the soul and heart, even if they make mistakes, are able to eventually realize them (remember, for example, Natasha Rostova's attempt to run away with Anatole Kuragin), are capable of forgiveness, sympathy. Of course, Tolstoy, as a true writer-philosopher, called for a harmonious unity of the rational and sensual in man.

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“Leo Tolstoy believed that a person should live by feelings, reason only harms him. That is why Natasha was lucky, who did not particularly bother herself with unnecessary arguments, but was ready to run away with the very first pretty scoundrel. But Sonya, who was primarily guided by reason, suffered a complete fiasco in life. At that time, remaining an old maid, and even a beggar, was the worst option for a woman. The writer himself was also guided by feeling rather than reason. Suffice it to recall at least his last departure from home. Alas, life itself judged everything - feelings turned out to be not the best adviser in the case when the mind turned off. Examples, thoughts, advice, peer reasoning)

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“In L. Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, the sensible Sonya is opposed to Natasha, who lives with feelings and emotions, and it is clear that Natasha sympathizes with Tolstoy, and therefore she finds her happiness, while Sonya remains alone. However, mind and feelings must be balanced, and Tolstoy shows in the novel that Natasha, succumbing to a momentary impulse, passion, is ready to run away with Anatole Kuragin. That is, living only with feelings is dangerous, as well as analyzing and subordinating everything to reason. In the essay, you need to reveal in which situations feelings are important, and in which reason is important, and how to make them harmonious and complementary to each other. Examples, thoughts, advice, peer reasoning)

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“Reason and feeling are like two wings that hold a person, preventing him from falling and allowing him to balance in this complex and multifaceted world. Ups and downs, burning and cold calculation, rational dissection and intuitive presentiment - the mosaic that makes up our lives. Who determines the right proportions, who decides when to succumb to feelings, and when to take them into a rigid rein of the mind? I wonder if the man of the twenty-first century has become more rational in comparison with his grandfather and great-grandfather? Examples, thoughts, advice, peer reasoning)

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“Look at yourself: how do you live, intellect or feelings? When a person is guided only by the mind, he often acts too reasonably, tries to find logic in everything, he is dry and cold, his face does not betray his feelings. When a person lives only with feelings, he is overly emotional and quick-tempered, it is difficult for him to make the right decision, because he is a prisoner of emotions, and such a person is capable of impulsive actions. For example, when Natasha Rostova falls in love, she is ready to run away with Anatoly. I wonder why Leo Tolstoy did not allow her to do this? It's so romantic to run away with your lover, even if you suffer later. Would you run away? Or would you make a decision based on reason? What will the parents say? What about the world? I would run away. Life should be bright, like splashes of champagne. You have to live with your heart." Examples, thoughts, advice, peer reasoning)

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Not only L.N. Tolstoy in the work "War and Peace" touched upon the struggle of the mind with emotions and feelings. Everyone experienced such a war, and everyone established who was the capital on their ship of life - the mind or the heart. The hero Andrey Bolkonsky raised the mind above the feelings. At the same time, in the novel, the sensual side is more revealed by female representatives, for example, Natasha Rostova or Princess Marya.

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In an essay, you can indicate that the mind controls the body, but sometimes gives way to feeling. After all, every person has a moment when a fleeting impulse arises and a person rushes to it, forgetting about the mind. Example - From Bunin's work "Dark Alleys", Hope - feelings, and Nikolai Alekseevich - mind.

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A magnificent example of Russian classics is the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons", in which the author intentionally collides feelings and reason, leading the reader to the idea that any theory has the right to exist if it does not contradict life itself. Evgeny Bazarov, putting forward rationalization ideas for changing society, the old way of life, preferred the exact sciences that could benefit the state, society, humanity, while denying all the spiritual components of human life - art, love, beauty and aesthetics of nature. Such denial and unrequited love for Anna Sergeevna leads the hero to the collapse of his own theory, disappointment and moral devastation.

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These two categories receive an interesting embodiment in the work of A.P. Chekhov. For example, in “Lady with a Dog”, where the all-consuming power of love is proclaimed, it is shown how much this feeling can affect a person’s life, literally regenerating people to a new life. In this regard, the final lines of the story are indicative, in which it is stated that the heroes understood with their minds how many obstacles and difficulties lay ahead of them, but they were not afraid of it: “And it seemed that a little more - and the solution would be found, and then a new, beautiful one would begin. life; and it was clear to both that the end was still far, far away and that the most difficult and difficult was just beginning.

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Or an opposite example - the story "Ionych", in which the hero replaces spiritual values ​​- namely, the desire to love, have a family and be happy - with material, cold calculation, which inevitably leads to the moral and spiritual degradation of Startsev. The harmonious unity of mind and feeling is demonstrated in the story "Student", in which Ivan Velikopolsky comes to realize his destiny, thereby gaining inner harmony and happiness. The literature of the 20th century also presented many works in which the categories of "mind" and "feeling" occupy one of the primary places.

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Reason is given to man in order to understand: it is impossible to live by reason alone. People live by feelings, and feelings do not care who is right. (Erich Maria Remarque) I want to live in order to think and suffer (A. S. Pushkin) Reason and feeling: can they possess a person at the same time or are these concepts mutually exclusive of one another? Is it true that in a fit of feelings a person commits both vile deeds and great discoveries that drive evolution and progress? What is a dispassionate mind capable of, a cold calculation? The search for answers to these questions has occupied the best minds of mankind since life appeared. And this dispute, which is more important - reason or feeling - has been going on since antiquity, and everyone has their own answer. “People live by feelings,” says Erich Maria Remarque, but immediately adds that in order to realize this, reason is needed. Sample essay

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On the pages of world fiction, the problem of the influence of feelings and the mind of a person is raised very often. So, for example, in Leo Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace" two types of heroes appear: on the one hand, this is the impulsive Natasha Rostova, the sensitive Pierre Bezukhov, the fearless Nikolai Rostov, on the other hand, the arrogant and prudent Helen Kuragina and her brother, callous Anatole. Many conflicts in the novel come precisely from the excess of feelings of the characters, whose ups and downs are very interesting to watch. A vivid example of how a burst of feelings, thoughtlessness, ardor of character, impatient youth influenced the fate of the heroes is the case of Natasha's betrayal, because for her, funny and young, it was incredibly long to wait for her wedding with Andrei Bolkonsky, could she subdue her unexpectedly flashed feelings for Anatole the voice of reason? Here we have a real drama of mind and feelings in the soul of the heroine, she faces a difficult choice: to leave her fiancé and leave with Anatole, or not to succumb to a momentary impulse and wait for Andrei. It was in favor of feelings that this difficult choice was made, only chance prevented Natasha. We cannot condemn the girl, knowing her impatient nature and thirst for love. It was feelings that dictated Natasha's impulse, after which she regretted her act when she analyzed it.

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It was the feeling of boundless, all-consuming love that helped Margarita reunite with her lover in Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. The heroine, without a second's hesitation, gives her soul to the devil and goes with him to the ball, where the killers and hangmen kiss her knee. Having abandoned a secure, measured life in a luxurious mansion with a loving husband, she rushes into an adventurous adventure with evil spirits. Here is a vivid example of how a person, having chosen a feeling, created his happiness. Thus, the statement of Erich Maria Remarque is absolutely true: guided only by reason, a person can live, but it will be a colorless, dull and joyless life, only feelings give life indescribably bright colors, leaving emotionally filled memories. As the great classic Leo Tolstoy wrote: “If we assume that human life can be controlled by reason, then the very possibility of life will be destroyed.”

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The disputes of psychologists and philosophers about what, after all, should a person be guided in life first of all - by reason or feelings - has not subsided so far. I will add fuel to the fire of reflections.

The fact is that I personally am guided in this matter by two thoughts, two theses. And these theses at first may even seem contradictory. Here they are:

  1. All feelings and emotions are initially created by a person and controlled by him, especially if he sees and realizes exactly how he creates these feelings and emotions.
  2. The main thing that guides a person, and for the sake of which he does everything in his life, are feelings and emotions.

And here you can ask me: "How can it be that a person, being able to create any internal weather, is at the same time completely dependent on his emotional and sensory background?"

Let me explain how I see it.

To begin with, I will talk about logical-abstract thinking, or rather, about its complete dependence on our sensory experience. The fact is that sensation is the basis of any abstraction. We cannot perceive any logical, abstract model or concept without reference to our sensory experience. Remember what nuclear physicist is called "advanced"? The one who can explain the most complex models "on the fingers". What does "on the fingers" mean? This means simple, understandable even to a child examples. On examples that every person can observe in the elementary objective reality given to us in sensations. Remember how Einstein explained his way of coming up with the most complicated theories, including the theory of relativity? I, he says, simply imagined how I sit on a beam of light and fly on it, and at the same time tried to figure out what in this case could happen to me and around me.

We get the initial experience of creating and using concepts in the process of mastering the first words: we call mother - “mother”, we look at the object from which we drink juice, and with the help of adults we call it “cup”, touch the “tree”, look at " sky". What is going on in our mind at this moment? We associate specific sensory images (the blue of the sky, for example) with the "sky" scale. And then, looking at the sky, we call it the way everyone in our culture calls it - "sky". If they lived in another country, they would call it "the sky", for example. Those. we all see the same thing, but the scale with which we associate what we see is different in every culture. But this is the first experience of creating a "conceptual environment" in one's own head. This is the beginning of the formation of conceptual thinking. Further, we learn that we can call the same bundle of sensory images (which arise when we look at the sky) different words: heaven, sky, air, atmosphere. We associate these concepts with others, we find their points of contact: the concepts of "clouds", "precipitation", "lightning", and then - "molecules", "rarified air", "gravitational force", "planet" appear. We keep adding and adding concepts, creating in our mind a branching system of interdependent definitions, and we model this conceptual system in the course of our whole life. But the fact remains: at the heart of this whole system of concepts, no matter how complex it may be, are our perceived sensory images and sensations. Even when you say the word "quintessence", you still associate it with familiar sensations. What if you don't tie? And then you do not understand this word at all. It is impossible to understand what is not connected with one's own sensory experience.

That is why, when I hear about the supremacy of "logic" over "feelings", for me it sounds like "the supremacy of a laptop over electricity": they say, why is there electricity, the main thing is the power of the computer hardware with which the laptop is stuffed. Yes, irons are also important. But without electricity flowing through microcircuits and wires, there is no point in this complex piece of iron. Without current, the laptop simply will not work. So it is with the human body: you can admire the beauty and power of logic and abstractions as much as you like, but if you disconnect them from sensory experience, a ringing meaningless emptiness remains.

And now - about why the emotional-sensual is the most important thing for a person.

The point is that behind any "logical" decision there is always an emotional decision. I repeat: for anyone. A person is not a computer, and a person cannot perform any actions and cannot make any decisions if there is no motivational base under these actions and decisions. And the motive is just born in the sensory-motivational field. Here's an example for you: imagine, I would tell you - " create a new excel file and create a complex table on it with all the statistics on electricity consumption in each of the quarters of your city for the last year. If you did not fall asleep from boredom while reading this assignment itself, then what will you do after that? Most likely, ask the question - "what for?". And you will do it right. Because you are a human, not a computer. You are not connected to a constant power source, you stock up on strength and nutrients yourself, and you decide on each of the actions based on the connection of these actions with your motivational core, and not just on the order of some user who came and ordered. Those. you, as a person, are a living system that searches for its own nutrients, processes them into energy itself, and then tries to use the accumulated forces as efficiently as possible, choosing what is of the highest priority. If we do not break up the whole complex process of formation of a motivationally supported decision into too small details, then we can say that the decision is made as a whole as follows: first of all, forces are spent either on something that preserves the life and integrity of the body (i.e. "from fear "), or something that promises a powerful surge of strength and resources in the future (i.e. "to joy"). Fear and joy are the very poles by which the body is guided when making decisions about the priority of some actions. Accordingly, in what case will you rush to fill out the tablet I proposed? Either in the case when something unpleasant threatens you for not performing this action (loss of life or health, for example), or when something is promised to you for performing this action that personally causes joy and pleasant anticipation for you (a large amount of money or something else that is very valuable and necessary for you personally). If there is no threat or joy behind the action, then ... but what for to carry it out at all? "What's the point?" - people ask in such cases. So, "meaning" is a word more from the emotional sphere, and not from a purely logical one (because "purely logical", as we have already found out, does not happen at all). You can say this: "logic and abstractions are derivatives of emotional and sensory experience, they serve our motivational system, but they never play the role of the first violin."

When a person says - I make decisions only with my mind and do not succumb to emotions", - ask him simple questions: why did you make this decision? But what is this next one for? And then what is this for? in fear (“I did something so that something terrible would not happen”), or in joy (“I did something so that there were more amenities and joy”). initially everything is built on them?

Another thing is when a person talks about intermediate, random, automatic emotional reactions. Yes, there is a whole set of social emotions that are born on the basis of basic states (on the basis of states of joy / inspiration or fear / depression), but they are only forms, shades of these basic states, and these emotions can and should be controlled, modified. And in this case, we are talking about managing the form, but not about managing the essence. We cannot turn off powerful mechanisms in ourselves that create full-blown reactions of fear or joy. But we can completely control the forms that are created on the basis of this mechanism. This is what I call "emotion management". Most of our emotional life is made up of these forms-emotions that we learn along with other socio-cultural patterns of interaction. This is how “outgrowths-forms” appear from the general state of fear, such as the fear of public speaking, fear from a loud bang nearby, excitement for a loved one who still does not come home, and the horror of realizing that the child is about to fall from a high hill; this is how the general state of joy produces delight in the colors of the sky, the joy of meeting with a loved one, happiness from victory, the pleasure of eating a long-awaited watermelon, a joyful anticipation of a vacation and happiness from the first "aha" baby. These molds are created at the intersection of mastered standards (“it’s normal to be scared in these situations”, “it’s right to rejoice about this”), assessments and interpretations (“if I have no money, then I will have nothing to eat, and I will be left with nothing "," when I have a loved one, this is happiness"), bodily patterns, familiar or reproduced right now (hunched shoulders, "eyebrows with a house", tense stomach - for fear; straightened shoulders, chest forward, "open face", half smile - for joy) and their combinations. And the process of creating these molds can and should be controlled. All you need is awareness, attentiveness and the habit of tracking it.

But-but! In these cases, we are still talking not about "the superiority of logic over feelings", but about "the modification of individual fragments of our emotional life with the help of logic and reason."

And in general, I think it's time to stop dividing the human personality into "reason" and "feelings", because this division itself introduces more confusion than order. After all, as we said above, to separate what are initially parts of the same system means to confuse yourself even more and multiply problems, and not solve them. The logic and abstractions that we use are initially built on sensory-emotional experience, and complex emotional forms, in turn, can be easily corrected with the participation of logic and abstractions (which allow you to correct entire layers of the worldview, putting them in the right order and clearing the personality of harmful ideological suggestions from outside). That's good.

Composition in the direction: Reason and feeling. Graduation essay 2016-2017

Reason and feeling: can they possess a person at the same time, or are they mutually exclusive concepts? Is it true that in a fit of feelings a person commits both vile deeds and great discoveries that drive evolution and progress? What is a dispassionate mind capable of, a cold calculation? The search for answers to these questions has occupied the best minds of mankind since life appeared. And this dispute, which is more important - reason or feeling - has been going on since antiquity, and everyone has their own answer. “People live by feelings,” says Erich Maria Remarque, but immediately adds that in order to realize this, reason is needed.

On the pages of world fiction, the problem of the influence of feelings and the mind of a person is raised very often. So, for example, in Leo Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace" two types of heroes appear: on the one hand, this is the impulsive Natasha Rostova, the sensitive Pierre Bezukhov, the fearless Nikolai Rostov, on the other hand, the arrogant and prudent Helen Kuragina and her brother, callous Anatole. Many conflicts in the novel come precisely from the excess of feelings of the characters, whose ups and downs are very interesting to watch. A vivid example of how a burst of feelings, thoughtlessness, ardor of character, impatient youth influenced the fate of the heroes is the case of Natasha's betrayal, because for her, funny and young, it was incredibly long to wait for her wedding with Andrei Bolkonsky, could she subdue her unexpectedly flashed feelings for Anatole the voice of reason? Here we have a real drama of mind and feelings in the soul of the heroine, she faces a difficult choice: to leave her fiancé and leave with Anatole, or not to succumb to a momentary impulse and wait for Andrei. It was in favor of feelings that this difficult choice was made, only chance prevented Natasha. We cannot condemn the girl, knowing her impatient nature and thirst for love. It was feelings that dictated Natasha's impulse, after which she regretted her act when she analyzed it.

It was the feeling of boundless, all-consuming love that helped Margarita reunite with her lover in Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. The heroine, without a second's hesitation, gives her soul to the devil and goes with him to the ball, where the killers and hangmen kiss her knee. Having abandoned a secure, measured life in a luxurious mansion with a loving husband, she rushes into an adventurous adventure with evil spirits. Here is a vivid example of how a person, having chosen a feeling, created his happiness.
Thus, the statement of Erich Maria Remarque is absolutely true: guided only by reason, a person can live, but it will be a colorless, dull and joyless life, only feelings give life indescribably bright colors, leaving emotionally filled memories. As the great classic Leo Tolstoy wrote: “If we assume that human life can be controlled by reason, then the very possibility of life will be destroyed.”

Love is a high feeling with great power. It

can elevate a person, inspire, reveal in him new spiritual

quality. But at the same time, love can bring unbearable suffering.

and encourage reckless actions. So what guides

a person in love, doing certain things: with a cold mind

or hot feelings?

Often a loving person makes a choice not in the direction of sound

meaning, but in the direction of emotions, spiritual outburst. So does Olesya -

the heroine of the story of the same name by Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. During

the second meeting with Ivan Timofeevich, the girl tells fortunes to him on the cards and

predicts great love from the "club lady", who in her

the queue will be unhappy because of him. Quite obviously: Olesya is wonderful

understood that this “lady” was herself, but was not afraid of the prophecy and did not

severed relations with Ivan Timofeevich, but, on the contrary, with each new

the meeting strengthened them more and more. Her behavior can be explained

the fact that at that time Olesya already had a feeling of sympathy for Ivan

Timofeevich. She, guessing about the dire consequences, but succumbing

the will of the senses, made her choice in favor of a happy, bright but very

short-lived love, and not in favor of a quiet own calmness.

But not always a man in love follows the call of his heart. Home

the heroine of Charlotte Bronte's novel "Jane Eyre" has to do very

difficult choice, and she is guided precisely by common sense. Jen,

madly in love with Mr. Rochester, having learned of his deceit, could not

transgress her moral principles and become his wife, so she

decides to leave his beloved. But at what cost did she get it? Jen was very

hard to make this decision, she understood that Edward Rochester was the one

the person with whom she wants to connect her fate, with whom she will

really happy that their feelings for each other are strong and mutual. But

being a girl of high moral standards, Jen obeys the voice

Indeed, a person is capable of much when he is under

the power of love. I believe that a lover should not lose his head and

act, guided only by their feelings and emotions. But also

you cannot jeopardize your own happiness by giving in to the call of reason,

because in this case it can be missed forever. I think loving