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Get a Sberbank credit card for 50 online. Sberbank credit card with a grace period: how to use? Grace period - what is it and how to use it

A credit card from Sberbank is an ideal tool for those who wish to take advantage of a payday loan. Sberbank has many different offers for lending to the population, and they all have different characteristics. An important condition for lending is the presence of a grace period during which you can use the money completely free of charge. However, how long the grace period on a credit card from Sberbank lasts on an example remains to be found out in the material.

Sberbank credit cards are famous for having a grace period, the duration of which is 50 days. A grace period of up to 50 days means that during this time the client can use finances, borrowing them from the bank without paying a commission. Moreover, the rules for using a Sberbank credit card state that only in the case of payment by plastic in a non-cash way.

The grace period is also called the grace period, the duration of which is 50 days. Many clients, when using a loan, count 50 days from the date of payment by card, which is not correct. When applying for plastic, a bank employee must explain what a preferential credit card from Sberbank is and how to use it correctly. Everyone can calculate the grace period for a Sberbank credit card on their own. To do this, you need to know that the grace period is divided into two values:

  1. Reporting.
  2. Payment.

Consider the features of each period separately, and find out what they are.

Reporting period: what is it and its features

While the reporting period of a Sberbank credit card lasts, the client can pay with it for any goods and services by bank transfer. During this period, interest is not charged. The duration of the reporting time is 30 days out of the 50 grace period. The report of 30 days is not from the moment the balance on the card is reduced, but from the day the report was compiled. What does it mean? The conditions for using the loan state that the reporting period begins from the day the plastic is activated. This means that the use of the grace period of the Sberbank credit card begins from the date the plastic was activated. Every month, the reporting period begins from this date, so for the convenience of calculation, many people want to receive plastic at the beginning of the month, so as not to get confused later.

This is interesting! The date of the reporting period starts from the moment the plastic is received automatically, but it can be changed when drawing up the contract.

The question of how to find out the reporting period on your credit card can be asked to a bank employee. It will check when the card was put into effect, after which it will tell the client the date of the reporting time. Based on this number, you can easily calculate how much you can use the grace period.

After the end of the 30-day period, the bank sends the client a statement of all payments:

  1. The amount of money that has been spent.
  2. When the finances were spent.
  3. total debt to the bank.
  4. Recommended minimum payment amount to be paid.

To make the most of the interest-free period of a Sberbank credit card, you must pay off the debt over the next 20 days. During these 20 days, interest will not be accrued, however, after their expiration, if the entire amount is not paid, then interest will be calculated along with penalties. If the minimum payment is made, then interest will accrue, but there will be no penalty. The twenty-day period is called the payment time, during which the client must pay off the debt that has formed in the previous 30 days.

How to find out the due date

You can return the money not only during the payment time, but also during the reporting period. If possible, the calculation is recommended to be carried out precisely in this period of time. If this is not possible, then you need to put a minimum payment on the account, which will prevent the accrual of penalties.

An example of a grace period on a Sberbank credit card can be considered as follows:

  1. If the beginning of the reporting time falls on the 10th, then the purchases that will be made on the 15th, the grace period will be reduced by 5 days. This means that the client will have 45 days to return the money without paying interest instead of 50.
  2. If purchases are made on the 9th day of the next month (that is, on the last day of the reporting period), then the client will have only 20 days to return the debt in order not to pay a commission. To prevent this from happening, you need to wait until the 10-11th, and then make a purchase. In this case, the client will have 50 days to repay the loan.

Not many people know how to calculate the grace period, although almost everyone uses credit cards. Some people use a loan calculator for calculations, through which you can quickly make a calculation.

This is interesting! If the client knows the principle of calculating the grace period, then he can accurately calculate when it is better for him to make a purchase in order to use credit funds without harming himself. After all, the probability of repaying a loan in 50 days is higher than in 20, especially when it comes to impressive amounts.

Example of card payment calculation

The maximum grace period is 50 days. Such a duration will be provided to the client if he uses the loan on the day the reporting period is formed. With each subsequent day after the report is generated, the time will decrease.

This is interesting! The report generation time is also called the X day. During the reporting period, you can spend money from a credit card, but you should return it within the next 20 days.

Now consider an example of Sberbank credit card debt based on a grace period with specific amounts.

  1. If the beginning of the reporting period falls on the 1st day, then within 30 days you can spend any amount that is available on the plastic balance.
  2. If you spend 10 thousand rubles on the 5th of the current month, and another 10 thousand on the 15th, then you will need to pay off the debt in the amount of 20 thousand before the 19th of the next month.
  3. To pay off debt, many rely on wages that arrive at the beginning of the month, and an advance payment at the end. This means that you can cover the debt before the 19th of the next month in advance, which is accrued after the 20th of the current month, or with a salary accrued at the beginning of the next month.

If the salary is not enough to repay the debt in full, then the money can be withdrawn from the savings account. Many clients have several credit cards from different banks. Through accurate calculations, you can move money from accounts without losing interest on the use of money.

If problems arise during independent calculations, then in the "Credit cards" section in the personal account of the Sberbank Online service there is a loan calculator. To use this calculator, you need to know the following information:

  1. Start date of the report.
  2. Loan interest rate.
  3. Purchase planning date.
  4. Approximate cost.

The advantage of the calculator is not even that it will show the exact date of debt repayment, but the option to show savings if the debt is repaid within the specified period. If you are not in a hurry to make a purchase, then calculate when it is more rational to do this in order to have time to pay off the debt without loss to yourself.

This is interesting! Do not forget that the grace period is valid only for non-cash payment methods. Even if you transfer money from a credit card to a debit card in order to withdraw cash, a 3% commission will be charged during the transfer, and the grace period will be disabled.

Features of using a credit card

Cardholders should carefully read all the terms of service. This must be done so that in the future there are no misunderstandings and disagreements. After the end of the interest-free period, interest will accrue on the credit card. What percentage will be charged depends on each individual case. First of all, it depends on the type of credit card, as well as making the minimum payment. The average interest rate ranges from 19% to 35%. The rate is specified in the contract, but it can be changed. If the minimum payment is not paid, the bank has the right to raise the interest rate from the minimum to the maximum. In addition, it is important to take into account that a fine of 0.1% of the amount owed will be charged daily. The debt, if it is not repaid on time, will only increase.

After paying off the debt in full, you can withdraw money again the next day, since the grace period will again be valid for 50 days. For customers who use Sberbank Online, it is possible to control the need to repay debts in their personal account. Here you can track not only all costs, but also control when you should return the debt, as well as how much you need to make the minimum payment.

When using a credit card, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  1. During the reporting period, you can use a credit card to pay by bank transfer without restrictions.
  2. When withdrawing money from an ATM, you need to understand that the grace period will not work.
  3. Interest is accrued immediately after the grace period. If the money is not credited to the account within the specified period, interest will be automatically deducted.
  4. Penalty is charged only if the client does not repay the mandatory payment.
  5. There are many different options for replenishing your account. You can choose any that is convenient for the client.
  6. Be sure to take into account the time of crediting the money, because if they are sent ahead of schedule, but arrive after the grace period, then the interest will already be calculated.

In order to avoid problems when crediting money to the card, you should print a check for any options. This check is the only proof of the operation.

Cash withdrawal conditions

The grace period applies to certain types of payments only. Some of these payments include:

  1. Payment for goods in retail stores.
  2. Purchase of goods in online stores.
  3. Carrying out payments for rent, as well as similar operations.

The use of the grace period does not apply to the following types of payments:

  • If the client transfers an internal transfer between his accounts.
  • When withdrawing cash from a credit card at an ATM.

If you need to use real money, it is recommended to take a direct loan from a bank. This will avoid the accrual of interest and penalties, as well as the accrual of commission for withdrawing money from an ATM.

This is interesting! The main purpose of credit cards is to transfer customers to non-cash payment methods that are beneficial for the banks themselves. The more transactions in the country are carried out in a non-cash way, the more cash goes to the bank.

The grace period on a Sberbank credit card is not the only advantage provided by the bank. Another positive feature is a unique promotion called "Thank you from Sberbank." This is a bonus program through which points are credited to the client's account for each non-cash transaction. These points are equal to the ruble 1:1. You can spend points in any store that is a partner of Sberbank.

The grace period is 50 days, but you should not take this information directly. Before you rush to spend money on credit plastic, you first need to understand the features and conditions for their return.

Sberbank is the leader in the consumer lending segment. Among the products offered by him, suitable for any category of people will be selected. Indeed, in conditions of unforeseen life situations, the question often arises of the need to obtain a loan, or to purchase a credit card, which, as a rule, is more convenient to use. Here are instructions for registration, use of them, reviews.

Sberbank online credit card for 50 days without interest - how to apply

In the Sberbank Online system, you can prepare and send an application for registration of the desired product. The conditions for issuing a Sberbank credit card for 50 days are as follows:

We find in the main menu Cards, click Order a credit card. Next, you need to choose the interval of your average income. By clicking Continue, go to the Terms — where you need to read the terms and conditions of registration:

  • types of credit cards;
  • grace period of the loan when using;
  • interest during the grace period, interest after;
  • the credit limit that is available;
  • annual maintenance cost.

We mark the conditions of interest, then Continue and an application will appear, where we indicate:

  • loan amount;
  • Full name, contact numbers, e-mail;
  • convenient time for you to contact bank employees.

The lines will be automatically filled in: document date, credit card, interest on the loan, annual service. The fields depend on the type of the selected order. Then Send an application, on the confirmation page that appears - you need to verify the completed data and give confirmation Send an application. On the page that appears, the details of the completed application are indicated.

The Bank provided for frequent questions of the client and introduced consulting assistance in the Sberbank Online system when filling out an application. The application will be considered within 2 days. It must be emphasized that the cardholder must meet the following points:

  1. Citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  2. Permanent registration on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  3. Age from 21 to 65 years;
  4. Experience for the last 5 years is not less than one year, at the last job - not less than six months.

How to use a Sberbank credit card with a grace period of 50 days

Sberbank designates an interest-free period of use, which can be up to 50 days - the so-called grace period. Its start date will be the date on which the account statements are received. For example, the date of receipt of an account statement is November 11. This date will be the beginning for the interest-free period, and December 21 is the last day of this period. If you made a purchase on November 16 for 10,000 rubles, then on December 11 you will receive an extract for depositing this amount of 10,000 rubles. If you deposit money before December 31, then no interest will be charged on the loan, and the interest-free period will be 45 days. BUT this is if the payment was made by bank transfer.

If the amount is withdrawn from a credit card in cash at an ATM, then interest will be charged for all 45 days, that is, for the entire time of use. It turns out that the grace period for a card credit will always be from 20 days to 50 days. You can track the movement of your funds, their withdrawals and repayment of interest in the Sberbank Online system.

Cash withdrawal conditions

If you need to withdraw cash, the credit card does not provide a grace period for 50 days. Money can be withdrawn in any usual way, but it should be noted that the commission will be:

  • 3% of the withdrawal amount, but at least 390 rubles if it is an ATM or cash desk of Sberbank;
  • 4% of the withdrawal amount, but at least 390 rubles if it is a different credit institution.

Many reviews point out that the withdrawal percentage is significant.

Sberbank credit card for 50 days mandatory payment

The card debt repayment system is the same as for any loan - a mandatory payment must be made monthly. The terms of the loan repayment are as follows: you must deposit a minimum amount of money before the last payment date. This amount is determined by the percentage of the amount owed, but not less than 150 rubles. It is not necessary to pay the entire amount of the loan debt at once, it is enough to make a mandatory payment in the amount of 5% of the principal debt (without exceeding the limit, interest for use, late fees).

It is necessary to monitor the date of making the minimum payment so that the bank does not accrue interest on the forfeit, with the mobile bank application, through the personal account of Sberbank-Online or with the help of employees at the branch.

Sberbank gold credit card for 50 days

Gold credit cards are a premium product with an additional set of services, special offers and profitable bonuses, which is also noted by numerous reviews.

  • Round the clock service;
  • Remote access to online account management;
  • Auto payment;
  • Card payments by all means in the Russian Federation and abroad;
  • Emergency issuance in case of loss of a card abroad;
  • Possibility to withdraw cash abroad in subsidiaries of Sberbank on the same terms;
  • Replenishment by transfer;
  • Binding to electronic wallets;
  • Bonus program.

Additional features:

  • Chip - as her one defense;
  • 3D-secure technology - Verified for Visa and SecureCode for MasterCard;
  • Possibility of contact / contactless payment (PayPass (MasterCard) / PayWave (Visa)).

The interest rate on a Sberbank gold card loan is 25.9% for a special offer, 33.9% for a mass offer.
For a rate of 25.9%, you must be a participant in a salary project (minimum 3 months), be a contributor (minimum 6 months) or be a borrower on other loans with a good credit history.

Sberbank issues several types of credit. Although the fees for borrowing are quite high, the correct use of the card allows the client to avoid interest charges.

Conditions for issuing a Sberbank credit card with a grace period of 50 days

Like any other lending institution, Sberbank has its own line of loan products, which include credit cards. This way to get money in debt involves the calculation of higher interest rates than consumer loans.

However, there is a little trick that allows a bank client to use borrowed funds and not pay for them.

This is the so-called grace period. For many banks, it is 50 days, and Sberbank is no exception.

Payment for purchases during this period, followed by timely crediting of money to a credit card account, turns the card into an interest-free one for up to 50 days.

To obtain a credit card from the largest Russian bank, you must meet a number of requirements.

These include:

  1. Age.
    Like most banks, Savings only issues credit cards to those in the working age group.

    The minimum threshold is 21 years.

    The upper limit is 65 years, that is, a pensioner can become the owner of the card.

  2. The presence of income that can be officially confirmed.

    As a supporting document, you must provide a certificate from the current place of work in the form of personal income tax-2.

    However, this document is not required if the borrower's employer pays wages through Sberbank.
    Retirees who do not receive their pension through this financial institution are required to provide an extract from the Pension Fund.

  3. The length of service at the current place should be at least six months, while the total length of service is also important, the requirement for which is from 1 year.
    The exception is borrowers under 30 who apply for a Youth Card.

    In this case, the experience may be only six months or absent altogether if it is a student.

Subject to all conditions, you can contact the branch of Sberbank. However, it should be noted that obtaining a credit card is not at all guaranteed.

The bank considers each case on an individual basis, including taking into account the existing credit history, and may refuse if it considers a potential borrower unreliable.

Pros and cons of a credit card from Sberbank

The conditions for using Sberbank cards do not differ much from those established by other financial institutions. But still, this loan product has a number of positive and negative features, in comparison with analogues from other banks.

The advantages include:

  1. A huge network of branches and ATMs makes it possible to get a credit card in almost any locality, as well as easily replenish it.
  2. A fairly high credit limit provided by cards (up to 600 thousand rubles for all types, except for the Momentum card).
  3. SMS informing about credit card transactions is free.
  4. When paying for purchases, the cardholder receives bonuses to pay for other purchases in the future (“Thank you” program).
  5. Non-working pensioners can also become the owner of this loan product, although the limit in this case will be very limited.
  6. The borrower does not have to be registered in the region where the card was issued.

If we talk about the shortcomings inherent in credit cards from Sberbank, then they include:

  1. Not too high level of bonus rewards compared to offers from other banks.
  2. If you withdraw cash using other banks (through third-party ATMs or at branches), the commission is quite high (4%).
  3. The interest for using the provided borrowed funds is also not the smallest and exceeds the offers of many banks.
  4. Additional cards attached to the main one are not issued.
  5. If for some reason your own funds were deposited on the credit card, that is, the available amount exceeds the credit limit, you will still have to pay for the withdrawal at the bank's rates, as for the withdrawal of borrowed funds.
  6. When transferring funds from a credit card to the account of another client of Sberbank, a commission is charged if he is serviced at a branch of another region.
    That is, even a certain percentage can be taken for transferring funds within the bank.
  7. Cash withdrawals are not included in the terms of the interest-free period, that is, you will have to pay for these funds.
    However, this minus is inherent in credit cards of almost any bank.

How to get a Sberbank credit card can be found in the video.

Sberbank credit cards for 50 days without interest

Of course, any borrower wants to pay as little as possible for the loan funds provided, ideally nothing at all. Unfortunately, there are no credit cards that do not accrue interest at all for the entire period of their validity.

However, interest-free credit cards are often referred to as those that have a grace period. Its presence is one of the main criteria for choosing this loan instrument.

Sberbank followed the traditional path - all credit cards issued by it have a grace period of up to 50 days. Thus, when applying for this loan instrument, the client receives a credit card for 50 days without interest.

Using it correctly, the borrower can spend credit funds and still not pay a penny for them. At the same time, if the card was issued as part of a special offer, its owner may also be exempted from the annual bank service fee.

Sberbank issues several types of credit cards without interest for 50 days:

  1. Universal Visa or MasterCard.
  2. Cards participating in the affiliate program.
    There are two options here.

    The first is a joint program with Aeroflot, which makes it possible to receive miles for each purchase, which, after accumulating a certain number, can be exchanged for a flight through this airline.

    The second is the Podari Zhizn charity company, within the framework of which, when making any purchase, part of the money spent goes to help children suffering from serious illnesses.

  3. Youth cards designed for those who have just started their careers.
    They are issued to young people up to the age of 30.

    At the same time, a student can also receive such a loan product if there is a paid scholarship.

  4. An unnamed Momentum card, which has a lesser degree of protection against unauthorized access, but is issued on the same day that the application was submitted.
    However, there is no annual service charge.

    However, the credit limit on such a card is only 120 thousand. You can get it only as part of a special offer from Sberbank.

Also, universal and partner cards can be divided into:

  • standard;
  • gold.

The latter have a number of advantages in the form of priority service for their owners, the ability to withdraw a larger amount in an emergency, and round-the-clock support. However, the cost of their maintenance is higher.

The standard annual fee in rubles for using cards of different types is presented in the table.

It is also worth noting that all cards can be divided into two categories according to the terms of service:

  1. With standard conditions common to all.
    In this case, the annual maintenance is the amount indicated in the table above, and the interest on the use of borrowed funds is 33.9%.
  2. With individual conditions.
    This option is offered to those who are already a client of Sberbank.

    In this case, the interest rate is 25.9%, and the service fee may not be charged at all.

As for the credit limit provided, it is allocated individually in each case. Unfortunately, in 2016 the trend of its decrease continues due to the not very good economic situation in the country.

What is a grace period

As already mentioned, the grace period is provided by many banks when issuing a credit card. Proper use of it makes it possible to spend borrowed funds, but at the same time not pay interest on them.

Its foreign name is often used - the grace period, or simply grace.

The essence of the grace period is that if the borrower uses the loan funds for a short period, and then returns them, he gets rid of the need to pay interest on them. Since the rate on Sberbank credit cards is quite high, the savings can be very significant.

Sberbank has a traditional way for many banks to determine the grace period. The countdown is not from the date of purchase, but from the settlement date, that is, the date the statement was generated.

Thus, for each individual purchase, grace will have a different value, but always no more than 50 days.

It is important to remember that not all spending made with a credit card will be subject to the grace period. Thus, for cash receipts, as well as for transfer operations to other banks (the so-called quasi-cash operations and operations with the uniq code), interest is accrued from the first day.

How to calculate the grace period on Sberbank credit cards

In order to use borrowed funds provided by a credit card for free, you must be able to use the grace period, and for this you need to be able to calculate it.

For example, you can take a credit card, the statement of which is made every 1st day of the month. The next billing period starts on June 1st.

Any purchase made during June will be reflected in the statement generated on July 1st. For all June purchases, the grace period will be counted from June 1st and will end on July 21st, that is, it will include 30 days of June and 20 days of July, for a total of 50 days.

Thus, for a purchase made on June 1st, the actual grace period will be 50 days, but for a transaction that was made on June 30th, it will be only 21 days.

If the amount spent during the billing period (that is, June) was not returned before the expiration of the grace period, Sberbank begins to accrue interest, while they are calculated based on the entire amount spent during the billing period, and not from the outstanding part. That is, if the user of a credit card has not paid the entire amount of the debt formed on the last date of the statement before the end of the grace period, he “drops out” of the grace.

To return to the grace period, he will need to close all the debt on the statement, after which he will again be able to use an interest-free loan.

Ways to pay off debt on a Sberbank credit card

You can replenish a Sberbank card to pay off the resulting debt in various ways:

Since many money transfer operations from one bank to another are paid, it is worth knowing their cost in advance in order to choose the least expensive method of paying for a card loan.

Cash withdrawal by Sberbank credit card - how much will it cost

Most banks issue credit cards so that the borrower pays for purchases with them. Therefore, cash withdrawals are not approved.

Sberbank charges a fee for this operation, even if it is carried out through the financial organization's own ATMs or at the cash desk in one of the branches.

In this case, the borrower is charged an amount of 3% of the amount issued, but not less than 390 rubles. That is, when withdrawing cash from a credit card in the amount of less than 13 thousand rubles, the borrower will pay 390 rubles of commission, regardless of the amount.

If cash withdrawal takes place at ATMs belonging to another bank, the commission increases and amounts to 4%. The minimum amount does not change.

Tips and reviews from those who already use Sberbank credit cards

Since Sberbank is the largest bank in the country, it is not surprising that many citizens use its services. However, reviews about this loan product are quite contradictory.

On the one hand, the reliability and solidity of the bank are a definite plus, on the other hand, its structure is quite bureaucratic. Many clients face difficulties in solving emerging problems when they have to wait a long time for a response.

It is also worth noting that the standard conditions are not particularly favorable. In this sense, many banks offer much better options.

It is worth issuing a Sberbank credit card only when the borrower receives a personal offer. In this case, there may be no annual maintenance fee, and the percentage will be much lower.

Regarding the use of the grace period in the case of Sberbank credit cards, it is worth considering several points:

  1. According to customer reviews, this bank is one of the few that uses an “honest” grace period settlement system.
    This is how experienced users of banking services call the way the grace is formed, when each billing period coexists in parallel.

    For example, a purchase made in June must be paid for by July 21 (with an issue date of the 1st of each month).
    A purchase made in July is already in the next grace period, and is due for payment on August 20th.

  2. As already mentioned, the bank considers some operations to be quasi-cash and does not include them in the grace period.
    Difficulties sometimes arise with their definition - the bank may consider some absolutely identical transactions as a regular purchase, while others can be classified as quasi-cash.

    In the event that Sberbank considered the purchase made to be such an operation, it must be repaid in the first place, since interest is charged on it.
    When money is credited to the card, it is precisely such non-preferential transactions that are repaid in the first place.


Sberbank credit cards are quite popular, although the conditions for them are not the most favorable.

When using a credit card, you should try not to go beyond the grace period, then you will be able to avoid spending on paying interest.

Some transactions, for example, cash withdrawals, are not included in the grace period, and therefore interest is charged on them.

Learn about the fifty-day grace period on a credit card in the video.

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Sberbank credit card for 50 days is a classic credit card, when using which the bank offers holders a prescribed grace period (LP). How to get such a card? Who can receive it? Is it really possible to use credit funds for free? Our article will give you detailed information on these issues.

How does a credit card work 50 days

The presence of a grace period means that within 50 days the borrower has the opportunity to use credit money interest-free. In other words, if a person paid from a credit card for a period of time specified by the bank and replenished the balance on time, then the interest for using borrowed funds will be 0%.

It works like this:

  1. After issuing a credit card, the client has 30 days to make any payments using the received card (within the limit).
  2. During the first 30 days and the next 20 days, the client must repay the debt by making the appropriate payment (in full or in parts). Interest on timely repayment of the issued credit money is not charged.

The amount of the maintenance fee for the year of such credit plastics is 0 rubles.

Credit limit

Sberbank clients apply for credit plastic with LP for 50 days online or at the office of a credit institution. The amount limit may vary due to several factors. For individuals, it varies from 300,000 to 600,000 rubles.

Regular customers of Sberbank who have previously received loan products from the institution and pay them on time can count on the maximum possible limit.

How are interest calculated?

Interest will necessarily accrue on the cash that was withdrawn from the card. The interest rate also varies - from 23.9 to 36% per annum. If the client does not repay the debt within the interest-free period (BP) - 50 days, then %% will be charged according to the terms of the concluded agreement.

How is the grace period calculated?

A credit card from Sberbank with a grace period of 50 days has two important time periods: reporting and payment.

  • The length of the first time segment is 30 days.

During this period, you can pay for purchases with a card or order something on the Internet. It is also possible to withdraw money from an ATM.

  • The second period lasts 20 days. During this time, the client, according to the terms of the contract, must pay off the entire credit card debt.

Be careful when calculating your LP!

For example, if the reporting period began on July 7, then on the same day you can pay for something and withdraw money. In order for the use of money to be interest-free, you need to pay off all the accumulated debt until August 26.

At the same time, if the purchase was made, for example, on July 23, then the debt on it must also be paid before August 26, otherwise there will be a delay.

Cash withdrawal conditions

Like any other bank, Sberbank has introduced a rule - when withdrawing cash from a credit card, a commission will always be withheld.

  • If you receive money from an ATM or through the cash desk of a branch of Sberbank, then the amount of the commission for each case of withdrawal will be 3% (minimum - 390 rubles).
  • If you withdraw money through an ATM or cash desk of third-party credit institutions, then the commission will be 4% (minimum - 390 rubles).

Regardless of the amount withdrawn (even if you need 100 rubles in cash), the commission will always be at least 390 rubles.

Loan repayment methods

Sberbank customers can pay off their credit card debt in several ways:

  1. Cash at a Sberbank ATM, branch cash desk, through special self-service terminals.
  2. At an ATM or cashier by bank transfer (for example, from a salary debit card, etc.).
  3. Through the "Personal Account" on the official website of the bank, or through the application for smartphones "Sberbank-Online".

Conditions for obtaining a credit card

Sberbank sets a number of conditions for everyone who is interested in getting credit plastic. At the moment, all credit cards issued by Sberbank (Visa, MasterCard) by default have the 50-day BP option. Therefore, this moment can not be specified additionally when choosing a suitable credit card (CC).

To receive a card, the applicant must meet certain requirements:

  • have a permanent place of work (at least the last 180 days).
  • Having a good credit history.
  • Total work experience of at least 6 months.
  • Possession of Russian citizenship.
  • Age from 21 to 65 years.

Required documents for registration

If the applicant meets the above requirements, then in order to receive a credit card, he needs to submit the following list of documents to the Sberbank branch to the responsible specialist:

  • Civil passport of the Russian Federation (with permanent registration in one of the regions of the country).
  • TIN (required). If not, then it can be easily and quickly obtained from the Federal Tax Service.
  • Certificate of income (if the limit on a credit card is more than 100 tr.).
  • Certificate 2-NDFL (if the applicant is not a payroll client of Sberbank).

Can I apply for a card online?

It is possible to apply for a credit card online with an interest-free period of 50 days. To order you need:

  1. Follow the link, which lists all credit cards ("Gold", "Premium", "Classic", etc.). From this list, you need to choose the most suitable option.
  2. After selecting the desired card, you need to click on the "Order" button, which is located opposite it.
  3. Next, a new page will open, where you will need to enter a phone number in a special field. After entering, an SMS code will be sent to the mobile, which must be indicated in the next field that appears on the site.
  4. Then a new page will open, on which you will need to fill out a small questionnaire: full name, year of birth, email address, passport data. You will also need to specify the desired limit.
  5. After that, you can submit your application for consideration.

If the application is approved after consideration, you will have to personally come to the bank branch to submit the necessary documents (certificates of work and 2-personal income tax), as well as draw up a loan agreement.

Existing clients of Sberbank have the opportunity not to go to the branch, because the bank already has all the necessary documents. Therefore, it is possible to apply online and order a new card with delivery by mail or courier.

Advantages of credit cards with a grace period

Credit cards with a grace period in our country first appeared in 2005. Since then, the number of people (not only Sberbank customers) who actively use them has been growing every year. The main advantages of such cards include:

  • The absence of any interest rate for the use of borrowed funds, if the payment of the debt is carried out within the framework of the LP.
  • The possibility of permanent use of such a loan (every 50 days, as is the case with Sberbank credit cards).
  • The possibility of obtaining the required amount of borrowed funds without visiting the bank (for clients of a credit institution).
  • No need for a long collection of necessary documents and certificates (the set of documentation is minimal).


  • It is not recommended to use KK if there is a need to constantly withdraw money from an ATM, because the commission for each fact of withdrawal will be at least 390 rubles. If you need cash, it is best to take out a small consumer loan, since it will not be profitable to use a credit card with a limit of 50 days in this case.
  • It is also extremely important to pay off the card debt on time so that interest is not charged, the amount of which is quite high - from 23.9%.

Having considered all the nuances and important aspects of a credit card from Sberbank with a grace period of 50 days, we boldly declare that this is a great option for all those who have a permanent job and a stable salary. Remember that borrowed funds can be used within the limit without restrictions - the number of purchases made is not limited.

PJSC Sberbank of Russia is the most popular domestic financial institution that provides customers with the opportunity to receive services both in any of the branches and online - using a web browser or a convenient mobile application. Recently, a citizen who already has a bank account or is just about to open one can order (a unique product that will definitely not be lost among other "plastic") or make a long-term deposit on even more favorable terms - in rubles, in foreign currency or one of precious metals. A special offer of the bank is the issue of a credit card with a grace period of 50 days.

Getting it is no more difficult than; the benefits of using the product are obvious. The holder gets the opportunity not to overpay interest and not worry about penalties from the bank, and all this - for a few minutes of free time spent on the application. Below we will talk about the conditions for obtaining a Sberbank credit card with a grace period of 50 days.

Sberbank credit card for 50 days - conditions

The rules for using a "preferential" credit card, as well as, are given on the official website of the financial institution. The offer currently covers five products:

  • classic card;
  • card on special terms;
  • premium card;
  • Aeroflot cards (three formats are provided - Classic, Gold and Signature);
  • Gift of Life cards (two formats - Classic and Gold).

The terms of the 50-day grace period are the same for all these products:

  1. During the reporting interest-free period, equal to 30 calendar days, the holder of "plastic" makes purchases, and the system records his actions in order to generate regular reports.
  2. Grace interest-free period, equal to 20 calendar days, begins to count immediately after the end of the next reporting period, overlapping with the new one; during this period, the client of Sberbank has the opportunity to repay the debt without overpaying interest.
  3. Both periods, reporting and grace, are combined into a cycle, which is 50 days. Due to the fact that the grace period begins simultaneously with the new reporting period, the buyer may not pay interest at all - the main thing is to meet the repayment of the debt for each acquisition within the specified period.
  4. If more than 50 days have passed since the purchase (withdrawal of money from the Sberbank credit card account), the holder will have to pay interest in accordance with the concluded agreement for each day of delay.

Important: you can pay with a card with a grace period of 50 days in any store, entertainment center or other institution, regardless of whether it is a partner of Sberbank. From the latter, as in the case with, only the accrual of bonuses and cashback depends, but not the duration of the specified period.

Conditions for obtaining an "interest-free" card:

  1. The recipient must be a citizen of the Russian Federation. Stateless persons, with a residence permit or foreign nationals cannot rely on a credit card.
  2. The lower age limit for a client wishing to take advantage of the offer is 21 years old at the time of signing the contract. Upper - 65 years; upon reaching this age, it is impossible to obtain a Sberbank credit card with a grace period of 50 days.
  3. A citizen applying for a product must have a temporary or permanent registration in any subject of Russia, regardless of its remoteness.
  4. The only necessary document for issuing a credit card is a citizen's passport of the established form.
  5. At the time of signing the agreement, the applicant should not have other credit cards issued by Sberbank.
  6. The use of certain products with a grace period of 50 days, including Aeroflot cards, requires prior bank approval. In addition, the approval obtained gives the client the right to apply to the expenses on the card a lower interest rate compared to the standard interest rate and a lower cost of annual maintenance, and sometimes an increased credit limit.

The conditions for using a credit card with a 50-day interest-free period vary depending on its type; on average they are:

  • used international payment standards - Visa and MasterCard (optional);
  • the currency used for card transactions is the Russian ruble;
  • product validity period - 3 years from the date of issue;
  • interest rate - from 23.9% to 27.9% per annum;
  • maintenance cost - from 0 rubles (upon obtaining prior approval from Sberbank) to 4900 rubles per year;
  • credit limit - 300 thousand rubles (public offer) or 600 thousand rubles (personal offer); for a premium card - 3 million rubles;
  • there is no possibility of issuing additional credit cards.

Important: the client has the opportunity not only to withdraw money from the product within the credit limit, but also to store his own money on it, as well as receive it with a grace period of 50 days.

How to get a SB credit card with a grace period?

You can order a Sberbank credit card directly at a branch of a financial institution or in your Sberbank Online account. In the first case, all the visitor needs is to come to the office with a passport, wait in line and write an application for registration of the product, and then receive it.


A credit card from Sberbank with a grace period of 50 days is a really useful and easy-to-manage product, the use of which, however, may raise a number of questions for the holder. The answers to the most common ones are given below.

How to find out the amount of the credit limit?

To see how much credit is currently available, the user can:

  • by sending a text message “Balance XXXX”, where XXXX is the final four digits of the credit card number shown on the front side, to the unified service number of Sberbank 900;
  • by logging in to the personal account of the Sberbank Online system - information on all bank products is displayed on the main page;
  • by entering the mobile application of the same name running Android or iOS;
  • by inserting the card into the slot of the branded ATM and following the further instructions on the screen of the device.

Important: in the latter case, the cardholder will have to enter a pin code; it is better to do this without the presence of strangers, and if this is not possible, at least cover the keyboard with the other hand, preventing possible intruders from seeing the combination of numbers.

What is the fee for cash withdrawal?

In some cases (in particular, when applying for a “Premium” card), the client will not have to pay absolutely nothing for withdrawing cash. For other credit cards, the commission for issuing funds is:

  • at Sberbank's own ATM - 3% (at least 390 rubles, regardless of the amount);
  • at third-party ATMs - 4% (at least 390 rubles, regardless of the amount).

Important: for emergency cash withdrawal abroad, the cardholder will have to part with a much larger amount - 6,000 rubles.

How is the interest free period calculated?

The principles for counting the grace period without interest are described above. To clarify the situation, it is worth considering two small examples.

Example one. The product was issued (and the reporting period began) on October 1, 2018. If the buyer made the acquisition on October 2 of the same year, the bank has exactly 50 days to pay off the debt without paying interest - up to November 21, 2018.

Second example. The grace period of 50 days began to be counted from the same date, October 1, 2018, however, the holder made the first spending on the card on November 1, 2018. In this case, since the new reporting period has not yet begun, the Sberbank client should try to pay off the debt within 20 days, that is, until November 21 of the same year. Otherwise, he will have to pay interest for each day following the specified date.

Important: each purchase within the 50-day interest-free period is a separate transaction, not cumulative with others and has its own due date. So, if the first purchase was made at the beginning of the reporting period, the user, regardless of other conditions, has more time to pay for it than for purchases in the middle or at the end of the same period.

To see exactly how long the money should be returned to the bank, the cardholder can visit the official website of Sberbank by clicking on the link A convenient online calculator allows you to calculate the terms for each operation separately, displaying them sequentially in a common window.

Summing up

A credit card from Sberbank with a soft loan of 50 days gives the holder the opportunity to pay for purchases made on credit within the specified period without interest. If the holder could not meet the allotted time, he will have to transfer interest to the bank in accordance with the terms of the agreement. The card is valid throughout Russia and abroad without reference to partner organizations.

To receive the product, you must have Russian citizenship, a permanent residence permit, be at least 21 years old and not older than 65 years. The preliminary approval of Sberbank increases the client's chances of a lower interest rate and an increased credit limit. You can leave an application for registration of the product online or in any branch of the financial structure; to pick up the card, the user will have to personally come to the bank office to collect it.