Repair Design Furniture

Does a plastic bottle mole repeller work? How to make a mole repeller out of a plastic bottle. Do-it-yourself mole scarer from a beer can. How to make a mole repeller from a plastic bottle? Ultrasonic devices for

With the onset of summer, the owners of summer cottages and gardens are looking forward to the beds, berry bushes, fruit trees, assessing the future harvest. Children are eagerly awaiting when the grandmother's first berry ripens. When the side of a strawberry or cherry is almost flushed, the bird deftly picks up the berry, eating the prey on the go.

It will not be possible to take away the stolen goods. You need to think about protection from pests in advance, before the onset of the berry season. To prevent a tasty treat from flying away with starlings and blackbirds, you need to know how to make a bird repeller from plastic bottles with your own hands.

The device is universal, inexpensive, humane. Let the tips help those who have grown the harvest enjoy the berries. And the birds will stay alive. After harvesting, they will again fly to the gardens, feed on harmful insects.

From childhood, we are taught that birds are the protectors of gardens. They destroy harmful bark beetles, leaf-eating caterpillars, aphids and other insects that harm vegetables, fruits, trees. However, for some reason, no one remembers that useful birds turn out to be dangerous pests, destroying the grown crop, if a bird repeller from a plastic bottle is not installed in the garden.

And this is not the only harmful act committed by birds:

  • Nimble gray sparrows quickly notice when fresh lawns are sown. They instantly come to the site as a friendly family and quickly peck seeds.
  • Bird flocks trampling on the grass harm young, immature lawns.
  • Jackdaws love to eat vegetable seeds. They dig up freshly dug beds and look for prey.
  • Ravens, starlings, pigeons are not at all afraid of human proximity. If the opportunity arises, they are not averse to flying onto the balcony, into the gazebo in the country, stealing something edible or shitting on the table, other garden furniture.
  • Sometimes birds like to land on film greenhouses for rest. Flying upward, they tear the film with their claws.

Making a bird scarer from a plastic bottle with your own hands

For many years, home-made stuffed animals have been used in vegetable gardens to scare away birds, shiny discs are hung, magnetic tape from cassettes is stretched.

Modern "kulibins" figured out how to make a bird repeller from a plastic bottle.

The simplest and most successful example was demonstrated by the presenters of the program "While everyone is at home." Timur Kizyakov and his engineer friend Andrey Bakhmetyev in a matter of minutes made a device that conquered the world and saved crops. Their experience is worth exploring.

Sequence of actions step by step

Before you learn how to make a bird repeller out of a bottle, you need to prepare materials and tools.

For work you will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • pieces of foil;
  • Scotch;
  • cutter knife;
  • small washer;
  • glue or liquid nails;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • a piece of thick wire;
  • stick holder.

We begin to collect the bird repeller with our own hands from plastic bottles according to the instructions:

  1. Drill through the hole in the lid and bottom, placing them opposite each other. The diameter must be such that the prepared wire or electrode can pass freely.
  2. Make markings for future blades with a felt-tip pen. Divide the surface vertically into four parts, draw straight lines. Add two horizontal lines to each vertical line to make four Cs.
  3. Make cuts along the marked stripes with a knife. It turned out 4 doors-blades that open outward.
  4. Glue the washer on the wire at a distance of 1 cm from the end.
  5. Place the wire in the bottle, guiding it into the hole made in the bottom. The bottle holds on the washer, it spins, does not fall down.
  6. Screw on the cover by passing the other end of the wire through the hole.
  7. To frighten the birds, you can glue pieces of shiny foil onto the blades.
  8. If the length of the wire is at least 1 m, then the repeller can be attached to it. If there is no long steel wire at home, it is recommended to attach the finished product to a stick.

It's time to take the device out to the garden, check it in practice. Even a small breeze will twist it, which means that the task is completed.

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A do-it-yourself bird scarer from plastic liter or one and a half liter bottles is the simplest way to help preserve the crop, drive out uninvited guests from the site.

It is installed for a time when protection is required. In the fall, rooks, sparrows, tits and pigeons will return to the gardens, sing songs, and destroy real pests.

The mole looks like a cute harmless animal, but it can cause destructive harm to a planted land plot. The mole lives underground and, breaking through the tunnels, damages the root system of plants.

The methods of dealing with moles are as follows:

  1. Ultrasonic scarers;
  2. They poison with food;
  3. Fall asleep holes for the exit of the mole outside.

Some gardeners use homemade traps. About, how to make a mole repeller most and which of them are more effective, described in this article.

Types of deterrent devices

All scarers, even homemade ones, are divided into 4 types:

  1. Mechanical. They are effective in that their parts generate noise and vibration when moving, scaring the animal away;
  2. Biological - capsules containing aromatic oils. Their smell is not tolerated by pests. This group also includes plants whose smell is not tolerated by moles;
  3. Electronic mole scarers. They are usually vibrating, powered or powered by batteries;
  4. Ultrasonic. They scare off small pests by emitting frequency sound waves. When hitting the ground, such sounds send a warning signal to the animal's brain.

Although the modern market offers a huge number of mole-repelling devices to choose from, home-made devices also enjoy considerable success. If you use home-made scarers in a comprehensive manner in the fight against a pest, then the land plot can be completely cleared of annoying animals.

Watch the video! DIY mole scarer

How to make a mole repeller from a plastic bottle

A plastic bottle is an indispensable versatile item used to create a variety of tools in the garden. It can be used to make an excellent tool against moles, the so-called windmill.

Method number 1

For making a windmill from a plastic bottle necessary:

  • large scissors;
  • plastic container for 1.5 liters;
  • permanent marker;
  • awl;
  • stationery knife;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • metal plates with a hole in the middle (washers);
  • strong stalk.

The manufacturing process itself consists of the following steps:

  1. Use a permanent marker to mark the bottom of the plastic bottle. Draw a strip just above the bottom along the bottom border;
  2. Cut off the curly bottom of the bottle with a clerical knife along the drawn strip;
  3. In order for the spinner to rotate clockwise, the bottom of the bottle should be correctly marked. First, draw a line with a marker, draw it from the center of the bottom of the bottle to the center of any of the convex irregularities. Next, draw a line that goes from the center of the bottom and ends in the concave part. And thus we put markings all over the bottom.
  4. Cut out unnecessary elements with large sharp scissors. The result is a propeller-shaped device. Cut out the first element and then cut through one.
  5. 5 such parts must be removed;
  6. In the resulting bottom, in the center we pierce a hole with an awl heated on a fire.
  7. We put a washer on the prepared self-tapping screw and insert it from the inside of the propeller. After we put on it three more washers;
  8. We take the remaining element from the bottle. We make a hole in the lid with a heated awl and screw in a self-tapping screw there. This is how the propeller is attached to the plastic bottle. It is not necessary to screw in the screw all the way. The plates should rotate freely;
  9. Attach spinner to the support.
  10. Two holes are made on the neck and a small nail is inserted into them, which is then hammered into the handle.

The principle of operation of such a windmill is simple, gusts of wind, falling into the propeller, begin to turn it, and the largest element turntables revolves around the nail too. At the same time, the washers form a noise, which scares away small pests.

Method number 2

This method requires fewer items to use. You will need a stick, pruning shears and a bottle:

  1. We make wide cuts in the walls of the plastic bottle from top to bottom;
  2. From these holes we make two more smaller ones perpendicular to the main one. One above, the other below;
  3. We bend the resulting elements to the sides, blades should turn out;
  4. We put the resulting mechanism on the support after making a hole in the bottom of the bottle.

The wind rotates the blades, creating a noise that scares away moles. Such devices are usually placed near the animal's burrow.

Advice! If you eventually manage to catch a mammal, it is worth remembering that it can bite painfully. To protect yourself from an unpleasant surprise, you should wear thick gloves or mittens.

Method number 3

For the construction of a structure to scare off moles, you will need elements from the second method, as well as a plate cut from the wide part of another bottle:

  1. In a plastic bottle, we will make slots 15 cm long;
  2. From the additional part, it is necessary to cut out the blades for the propeller of about the same length;
  3. The blades must be inserted into the holes to make a propeller;
  4. Several holes must be made in the lid and metal rods inserted into them. Then attach the device to the stick.

When rotating, a rustling is formed, accompanied by vibration. Hearing him, the mammal is frightened and feels discomfort, so it moves to another habitat.

Method number 4

Sticks should be stuck along the perimeter of the land plot, placing several supports in one place. They must be put on empty plastic bottles or beer cans.

In gusts of wind, plastic or metal will beat against each other, creating a noise that prevents the approach of a harmful mammal.

Method number 5

This is the so-called electronic mole scarer... It is made from a hollow metal tube. The scheme is as follows:

  1. The pipe is dug into the ground and an inexpensive electronic squeak from a battery-operated alarm clock is placed inside;
  2. At the top, the pipe is covered with a cloth so that the noise does not roll out around the neighborhood, and a cut-off bottle to protect the structure from rain.

The effectiveness of homemade devices

The mole is a blind animal. This makes his hearing and sense of smell impeccable. When constructing structures from simple elements, either ultrasonic mole repeller, or scarers that create noise and vibration.


It must be clearly remembered that moles live in families consisting of a pair of adults and several growing ones. Some families of moles unite. And the passages that they break through are several meters deep.

Moreover, each underground passage has several exits, which complicates the exact location of the family.

All of the above devices have been repeatedly tested by gardeners. And their production is inexpensive. Therefore, even when buying a modern device for fighting harmful animals, do not be too lazy to make a couple of homemade ones.

Watch the video! Wind turbine from a plastic bottle

Everyone loves the singing of birds, it is interesting to watch the snake in the circus and it is curious to look at the mole in the picture. It would seem, what do moles, birds and reptiles have in common? First, the bad thing: we don't like all of them as uninvited guests. Those who read this do not need to explain why. Now for the good: all these animals are afraid of noise!

Here I am: I suppose they didn't wait?

Suppose that they cannot agree with each other and do not attack all at once. However, there are folk remedies that help get rid of all of the listed pests in the garden indiscriminately.

What to oppose uninvited guests?

Of course, progress has worked on this issue and offers a choice of ultrasonic repellents or chemicals. However, it is not a fact that these techniques will work in your case, but “money cried”.

Of course, you can record the scream of an eagle, the songs of cats in the spring and turn on all this "music" to the intruders. This is called a “bioacoustic unit”. Note that this method is good to use in a nature reserve. In our case, it is completely unknown who will not stand it first: moles, neighbors, or you.

So it makes sense to try to build a pest repeller from auxiliary materials with your own hands: moles, snakes and birds. If you can't get rid of uninvited guests, then the money will not be wasted.

Another "potential criminal"

The simplest skewer - a do-it-yourself noisemaker

The simplest thing is to make a turntable, which, spinning from the wind, makes noise. The vibration is transmitted to the ground through the stand and scares the animals away. Birds and reptiles also prefer to stay away from the unknown. It should be borne in mind that the "colorful ribbons" really have a "quarrelsome" character and may be offended by the unfriendly reception. For several days, in the case of snake fighting, it is best to wear reliable shoes and trousers. Here is a master class for making a repeller from plastic bottles:

Another option is to make a ratchet to repel pests in a summer cottage from a beer can. As follows from the photo, the design is about the same.

The bank will emit sounds of a different frequency, which may be useful in conjunction with already manufactured repellents. A few cans are also useful to simply slide over the metal pins that are stuck in the ground. They will add new sounds to the overall "symphony".

Beer can guarding the interests of the garden

We almost forgot about the "wind instruments". To control pests on the site, it will be useful to bury several glass bottles in the ground up to half. The wind will surely whistle in their necks that the pests will definitely hear.

Monument to a good drink and mole repeller in one bottle

Strategic bomber B-52 against moles

It seems to me that noise turntables from moles for pest control in their summer cottage do not look very aesthetically pleasing and can be improved. At the same time, children can be involved in useful joint activities. Based on this, we have invented together a three-engine plane to repel pests.

B-52 bombing positions of moles

To implement the idea, it took eight plastic bottles. A master class for making crafts is as follows:

Bomber - scarer of moles, birds and reptiles can be installed in the garden. We wish you a productive and interesting time. Let a specially selected video help you.

With the onset of summer, many gardeners notice bumps from the ground in their beds. Their presence suggests that a mole has chosen the site. This animal is dangerous in that it eats root crops, violates the root system of plants. To save your crops, keep crops from dying, explore popular ways to make noisy turntables.

How to make a do-it-yourself mole repeller from plastic bottles

Keep in mind that a mammal is blind, but its hearing and sense of smell are impeccable. For this reason, it is important that the plastic bottle mole repeller generates noise and vibration. This effect is achieved due to the blowing of the wind, which sets the device in motion: the blades spin, transmitting sound waves downward: a resonance is created inside the earth that scares off moles. Remember that to protect 6 acres, you need to place about 3-4 small windmills.

The device is made from simple and affordable materials. The design can be of different sizes. A windmill for the garden is created using:

  • two plastic bottles with a volume of 1.5 liters (use plastic of different colors or paint it in advance with acrylic paints from spray cans);
  • durable scissors;
  • sewed;
  • pliers;
  • clerical or construction knife;
  • strong but easily bendable metal wire;
  • four multi-colored plastic bottle caps;
  • large beads.

Decide in advance on the size of the structure to scare away the mole. Before making a large turntable, additionally acquire:

  • a high wooden pole;
  • round metal pin;
  • a small wooden block;
  • multi-colored or transparent plastic liter bottles - 4 pieces are needed;
  • two washers.

Step-by-step instructions for making a turntable

Explore the most popular way to make a mole spinner from a plastic bottle. The main stages of creating crafts are as follows:

  1. Cut the bottles in half: use a construction or office knife, be extremely careful when doing the job. For the windmill, use the top of the containers.
  2. Using scissors on the halves of the containers, cut out the blades of the same size.
  3. Carefully bend the cut out blades at the base at an angle of 45 degrees, slightly smooth out the bent elements.
  4. Use an awl to make holes in the center of the wings and cover.
  5. The bead is strung on a wire.
  6. The metal wire is threaded through the lid, the windmill, the second lid, the bead, the third lid, another blank, the fourth lid, the final bead.
  7. At the end, make a bend with pliers to secure the elements strung on the wire.

Remember that the more details and blades the turntable has, the louder its sound from the wind, the more effective its appearance. If you decide to create a large mole repeller, then follow these instructions:

  1. Take a wooden block, make a hole in it: its diameter should be slightly larger than the diameter of the installation rod.
  2. Fix the covers on the four sides of the bar using glue or galvanized fasteners.
  3. Cut out oval windows on each side of the plastic containers.
  4. Screw the containers with the holes made to the fixed lids: as a result, the slots should "look" to the sides, and not up.
  5. Fix the made structure on the pin, fix it on different sides with metal washers, cover the top of the pin with a plug.

If it is not possible to use several containers, then you can limit yourself to one. For work you will need:

  • plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5-2 liters;
  • metal pin;
  • part of the water pipe;
  • construction or office knife.

The turntable manufacturing scheme is very simple. Do the following:

  1. Find the place where the mole passed, install a part of the water pipe below the detected path.
  2. Take the pin, place it in the installed pipe, fix the part with a plug or using a metal plate and self-tapping screws (tighten them until the caps fit snugly against the plates).
  3. Make a hole at the bottom of the container: its diameter should be larger than that of the pin.
  4. On the walls of the container, draw the letters "P" tilted to the side.
  5. Cut out the blades according to the markings, bend them.
  6. Put the made of plastic propeller on the pin: it should go up to the neck, screw on the cap.

Once upon a time, I don't remember where I saw it, or maybe the idea came to my mind to make a turntable out of a plastic bottle at the dacha. There will be at least some benefit from the bottles.
For those who think - what it is for, I’ll say - I don’t know, just like that. Although it is purely my opinion - it also brings concrete benefits. Namely, it creates noise and vibration that scares away moles. Maybe this is of course my invention, but when I attached one turntable to the greenhouse above the ridge, the moles stopped digging in the greenhouse. Such is the observation, I will not argue.
The first design was not entirely successful - from time to time the turntable flew off the axis and stopped spinning. Thinking how to solve this problem, I found a solution and improved it.
Now I will talk about making such a turntable.
So let's go. First, take a bottle, tear off the label, rinse, dry. We don't throw out the bottle cork, we definitely need it.
For the first time, it is better to take an alcohol marker and mark on the bottle where we will cut. You can make 3 or 4 blades on a 2 liter bottle. It is noticed that with 4 blades it is more sensitive to the wind and spins faster. The blades can be of any shape. The blades should be at the same distance from each other. Feel free to experiment with the shape of the blades. However, you should not make them too narrow, it will be clear below why. In this case, I made three blades.

How you cut the blades will determine whether the spinner will turn clockwise or counterclockwise.
Next, we take a cork and drill a 5 mm hole in it with a diameter STRICTLY in the center. The ease of rotation of the turntable may depend on the accuracy of the drilling.

We take the thermal gun. If you don't have one, buy it. It is inexpensive, but it will always come in handy on the farm. I bought the smallest and most compact one.

Lightly glue the screwdriver to the cork to make it easier to glue it into the bottle. If your hands get inside the bottle through the window, then you can do it with your hands))

Now a crucial operation. You need to do it quickly and accurately, because the glue sets quickly. We smear the rim of the cork with glue and quickly press it strictly in the center of the bottom of the bottle from the inside. After a couple of minutes, holding the cork with your hand, tear off and remove the screwdriver. Here's what you should get.

The appearance of moles on the lawn or garden area does not bode well, even if the animal accidentally damages the roots of plants and does not feed on crops from the garden. Trees, shrubs, vegetable plants caught in the hunting field of the common mole perish. In a few days, nothing remains of ideal lawns either. In addition, they destroy useful earthworms, throw layers of marginal soil to the surface.

A good host hates this, and starts looking for an effective and quick way to get rid of the intruder and his family once and for all.

  • Read - and what do they do more - good or harm?

But before organizing the expulsion of a blind pest, it is necessary, at least in general terms, to familiarize oneself with its biology. For some, the knowledge of moles ends with a cartoon about Thumbelina. But in real life, moles do not count money themselves, but force the owner of the lawn or garden plot to count losses.

Biological characteristics of the pest

The common mole, like the hedgehog, belongs to the order of insectivores. Already from the name of the group it is clear that he cannot eat potatoes and other underground parts of plants.

With a weight of 130 g, the body length reaches 15 cm. It feeds exclusively on insects and for this purpose, at a depth of 10-50 cm, with its powerful forelimbs, it digs a system of underground passages. Nest equips at a depth of up to 2 meters. In the same place, in the dug labyrinth, he finds food for himself: earthworms, insect larvae and other arthropods.

On the picture

In compensation for low vision, he has phenomenal hearing and smell. Like all animals, it loves silence, therefore, with a strong sound effect, it leaves the developed territory. People take advantage of this weakness. Plastic spinners against moles and other homemade scarers made from scrap materials are used.

Anti-mole plastic spinner

The simplest type of scarers. To make it, you will need an ordinary plastic bottle and a metal pipe or thick steel wire, on which the mole spinner is actually put on. Several cuts are made in the bottle, which are folded back and get a kind of blades-pockets. The blades begin to spin from the wind, which creates noise that resonates into the pipe and goes into the ground.

Several of these tubes can be stuck near wormholes. In windy weather, a mole repeller from a plastic bottle creates an unpleasant vibration by its rotation, which makes the animal set off in search of a quieter habitat.

This method of scaring away affects the European, Lesser and Caucasian moles. Moles in the northern regions of Russia most often do not respond to wind turbines... It is advisable to put several such windmills at a distance of 10-15 meters from each other..

How to make a spinner from beer cans?

The design includes a metal tube and an empty cola or beer can. The top of the can is cut out to fit on the pipe. The same 3 cuts are made on the bank. For more noise, it is better to bend the bottom of the can. The choir performed by several noisemakers, the mole will not stand it and will leave its favorite places.

Of course, making a plastic bottle repeller is easier than ever, but not everyone has such a desire. And there can be problems with the wind. In calm, windless weather, they will become a simple decoration of the garden area. And the resonating noise in a gusty wind may not please both the craftsmen themselves and their neighbors.

- What methods did we not use when fighting the mole. The husband dug up the whole garden. Moreover, the trenches turned out to be deep, almost human-sized. But each time the cunning animal turned out to be smarter than a person. The husband created drafts for him, waited until he began to close them, without waiting, left for a minute. Comes, and the mink is closed and silence. Then the bottle saga began. They covered the pest like a wolf with red flags. When a storm warning was announced, such a chatter began that the neighbors could not stand it first, and the beast continued to amaze us with fresh mounds all this time. I had to remove our bottle moles noisemakers and apologize to the neighbors.

Yana, 36 years old

Alternative methods for getting rid of moles

In addition to homemade pest control devices, there are also industrial options. For example, an ultrasonic repeller. The device looks like an ordinary stick with batteries inside. The device generates ultrasonic waves that are not perceived by the human auditory analyzer, but annoying pests.

One of the most successful solutions will be the Tornado-OZV 02 repeller

On the picture

Underground inhabitants begin to panic from constant mechanical and ultrasonic vibrations.

  • The sound source itself is located at a depth of 20 cm, which eliminates the noise effect above the ground.
  • The soil is a denser medium, so sound waves propagate in it better and reach a radius of 2 km.
  • The device is made of shockproof materials that are resistant to dust and moisture. The device works with one set of batteries for 3 months.
  • The price of the Tornado scarer is 1200 rubles.

- Moles have chosen our site last summer. The fighting season ended in favor of the miniature animal. A plastic bottle against moles did not help. The onset of spring was greeted fully armed. We bought a Tornado scarer on the recommendation of a friend who himself suffered from uninvited guests. We bought 3 pieces for a plot of 12 acres. Arranged Bermuda Triangle. After 3 days, the vital activity of the animals ceased. But, judging by the reviews, Tornado does not help everyone. Maybe it's about the properties of the soil. We were satisfied and advised everyone who found themselves in our situation to buy.

Svetlana Mikhailovna, 57 years old

Chemistry against moles

If all of the above means did not help, it remains to resort to chemicals, but only to scare away the animals. One of them is "Ejector concentrate Dr. Klaus from moles." Its composition:

  • citronella (oil);
  • castor oil (31.1%);
  • water;
  • functional components.

It is better to apply the tool at the first manifestations of the presence of pests. The ejector is easy to use. First, a hose is attached to it, then the water is turned on and the area inhabited by insectivores is treated. For preventive purposes, treatment is carried out every 2-3 weeks.

On the picture

Only the soil should be sprayed, not the plants on it. If a mole appeared where the snow is melting, then the ground is simply watered with an ejector compound for 1 minute. You can shed the underground passage itself, but first remove the top layer of earth.

The cost of one bottle is about 700 rubles.

In the fight against a pest, someone himself makes spinners from moles from plastic bottles, and someone uses innovative methods. The latter help to preserve the harvest without much investment of time and money. For a guaranteed result, all actions should be followed according to the instructions and then the victory will be yours.

Plastic bottles are one of the most common types of waste in modern life. Do not rush to throw them away, because bottles can be a good material for needlework. Today, their bottles can be used to make original decorations for summer cottages, children's toys and even build a house. Creativity has no boundaries, so you can also make any craft from bottles with your own hands. In this article we will show you how to make spinner from a plastic bottle which will teach your child to determine the direction of the wind.


2 liter bottle;

Stationery knife;

Insulating tape;


Master class spinner from a plastic bottle

Decorate the bottom of the turntable with duct tape. To hang the turntable, make a hole in the cork and insert the mount into it. The spinner is ready!

Simple spinner from a plastic bottle

Most often you can see the wind turbine, which is fixed on a stick and has the shape of a screw. This spinner can also be made from a plastic bottle. To do this, also remove the label from the bottle and wash it well. Then with a marker, divide the bottle into 5 equal parts - blades.

From the outside, close the hole with a cap that can be glued on with a glue gun. Attach the turntable to the support and insert into some kind of jar. You can dig the turntable into the ground. It remains to paint and decorate the craft and the wind spinner is ready.

Now you and your child can do wind turbine from a plastic bottle... We hope that our article was useful, and you can make a beautiful and useful craft from a plastic bottle.

The mole, seemingly harmless creature, but the garden plot can bring destructive harm. It lives in the ground and harms the root system of all plants growing in the country.

Gardeners are constantly fighting moles, using:

  • ultrasonic scarers;
  • poison food;
  • fall asleep in the holes of the mole's exit;

some resort to makeshift traps. Here we will talk about them. How to make a mole repeller with your own hands? Which are the most effective?

All scarers, including homemade ones, can be divided into types:

  1. Mechanical, that is, there are parts in the structure that rotate, move, while creating vibration, crackling, noise. These mechanical actions scare away moles;
  2. Biological, means capsules that contain aromatic oils, the smell of which is not tolerated by pests. In addition, this group includes plants that have an unpleasant odor for bedbugs;
  3. Electronic. This category of scarers includes purchased ones that run on battery power or on electricity. As a rule, these are vibration repellents;
  4. Ultrasonic. The emitter of frequency sound waves scares away small animals. When such sounds enter the ground, moles are alerted to danger.

With a wide variety of all kinds of scarers, homemade products bring no less positive results. And if they are used in a complex manner, then your garden and vegetable garden will get rid of the raids of mole rats.

How to make a mole repeller from a plastic bottle

A plastic bottle, we will call it a poltorashka, is a versatile item in the garden.

It makes an irreplaceable weapon against moles.

Option number 1

The main items that are needed to make a windmill:

  • powerful scissors;
  • plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5 liters;
  • marker;
  • stationery knife;
  • sharp awl;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • metal plates (washers), with a hole in the center;
  • stick.

The manufacturing process includes several stages:

  1. With a marker we make a mark on the bottom of the bottle. To do this, draw a strip along the bottom border, which is located just above the bottom;
  2. Cut off the curved bottom of the bottle with a knife exactly along the rim;
  3. In order for the spinner to spin clockwise, you need to correctly mark the bottom of the bottle. To do this, make the first line with a marker, which starts from the center of the bottom, then continues along the center of one of the convex parts. The next line is from the center along the concave part of the bottom. And so on, we mark the entire lower part of the poltoraski;
  4. Cut out unnecessary elements with sharp scissors. It should turn out like a propeller, that is, if you cut out the first element, then we cut it through one;
  5. When cutting "through one" 5 elements should be removed;
  6. In the resulting propeller, in the center we make a hole with an awl. To do this, heat the awl;
  7. Put on a self-made washer on the self-tapping screw, insert it from the inside of the propeller. Next, put three of the same washers on the screw again;
  8. We take the remaining part from a poltoraska. Make a hole in the cork with an awl. We screw a self-tapping screw into this hole. Eventually, you will attach the propeller to the bottle. We do not screw in the screw completely. This is necessary so that the plates rotate freely;
  9. Install the wind turbine on a support (stick);
  10. Make two holes on the neck, insert a nail into them. With a sharp part, drive a nail into the saw cut of a stick.

The principle of operation is simple, the wind falling into the blades of the spinner moves it, and the most part itself rotates around the nail. Washers, due to the free attachment of the propeller to a poltorashka, create noise, thereby scaring off moles.

Option number 2

To make a homemade product, you will need a polo polka, a stick, and scissors.

  1. We make wide cuts in the walls of the poltorashka, and we cut them from top to bottom;
  2. From the resulting slots, you need to make smaller ones perpendicular to the main one. One above and one below;
  3. We bend the resulting elements in different directions. Blades are obtained;
  4. In the bottom of the bottle we make a hole through which we put the resulting structure on a stick.

When the wind hits the blades, the repeller begins to rotate and create sounds that moles do not like. These devices can be placed near the mole's burrow.

Advice! If you contrived and caught the animal, then remember that they bite very painfully. Therefore, you need to protect yourself and wear tight gloves.

Option number 3

All items for the manufacture of the structure will need the same; in addition, you will need a plate cut from the wide part of another poltorashka.

  1. We make slots in the bottle, 15 cm long;
  2. Cut out blades of approximately the same size from additional plastic;
  3. Insert the resulting blades into the slots to make a propeller;
  4. Make holes in the cork and bottom, into which a metal rod is inserted and attached to the support.

Free rotation creates rustles and vibrations that frighten the mole, after which it moves to another safe place.

Option number 4

Place sticks around the perimeter of the summer cottage. Moreover, in one place, next to it, you need to place several sticks on which empty poltorashki are put on.

When the wind blows, the plastic will beat against each other, creating sounds that prevent the pest from approaching.

The effectiveness of the repeller

The mole is a blind animal. He sees nothing in the light, which cannot be said about darkness. Therefore, the hearing and sense of smell of the mole is very well developed. All homemade scarers are based on the formation of any mechanical action and ultrasound.

  1. Extraneous sounds: rustle, rustle, creak, knock, whistle, rumble;
  2. Vibration, wiggle.

When a plastic object is untwisted in the wind, vibration comes from it along a stick into the ground. Crawling to the location of the repeller, animals feel these vibrations of the earth, as well as unpleasant sounds and eliminate themselves.


It must be remembered that moles live in families that consist of several adults and young ones. Many families can unite. The animals dig holes and passages several meters deep.

Moreover, each underground path has several exits, which makes it difficult to determine the main location of the family.

All of the repeaters listed by us have been tested repeatedly by users and at the same time are not costly and troublesome, so buying a modern mole repeller is not a bad thing, but supplement its presence in the country with a homemade "brother" from a plastic bottle.

A small plastic bottle spinner can be a very useful item in your garden. With its help, you can scare birds away from ripening fruits or moles trying to dig up and down the entire garden and vegetable garden. In addition, it is very fun to make and paint it with your child, so choose any master class and create!

Materials and tools:

  • plastic bottles of all shapes and sizes;
  • scissors, stationery knife, candle;
  • acrylic paints;
  • metal rods, washers, screws / bolts, nuts, plugs.

Option 1. Simple weather vane

Such a product can be placed in the garden or in the local area just for decoration. However, it is also useful for schoolchildren who are asked to keep a "weather diary" and determine the prevailing wind direction on a daily basis.

To make it, you will need a stick as a support, and a small piece of thick wire on which you will need to plant a weather vane. The simplest option is to pierce the bottle with a wire, bend the loop at the top, add a large plastic bead at the bottom, and fix the resulting structure in the center of the stick. Before installing the wire, you can paint the bottle bright colors using acrylic paint. A cheaper option is to use multi-colored duct tape, which is always at hand at home.

Option 2. Spinner

A wonderful children's toy that can serve as a decoration for the local area. It is cut from one plastic bottle, from which the bottom is first cut off, and then the entire side surface is cut into 3-7 strips. This is how the blades of the turntable are obtained. They must be folded perpendicular to the neck and processed over the candle flame to melt the sharp cuts. Slightly softened plastic can be easily turned at an angle of 45 degrees or slightly concave the surface so that you get fan blades. A hole is made in the lid with a nail, then it is necessary to enlarge it slightly, but so that the diameter of the hole does not exceed the size of the nail head. After that, a stick is dug in, and a nail is nailed to it, onto which a large flat bead, a spinner, and another bead were previously planted. Stronger flat metal washers can be used instead of beads. In this case, the product will rotate well and will not fly off the nail.

You can improve this option and fit several such turntables on one long bolt. Then the sequence is as follows: a washer, a spinner, a washer, a nut fixed in the middle, then a washer again, a second spinner, a washer and a cap for the bolt.

Option 3 A spinner made of several plastic bottles

In this case, you will need a high stick, a round metal pin, a wooden block with four sides, 4 plastic bottles of 1 liter, 2 flat washers. In the block, you need to make a hole wider than the diameter of the metal rod. Further, covers are nailed or glued to its sides. Now you need to paint the bottles with multi-colored acrylic paints to make the rotation more noticeable. After complete drying, the containers are screwed onto the lids, and a washer, a spinner, a washer sit on the pin, and the top of the rod is closed with a plug.

Now you know how the simplest plastic bottle spinner is made. And then it can be improved, giving it an interesting color and original appearance.