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What do you need for a loan? Documents for obtaining a consumer loan What documents are needed to apply for a loan

When issuing borrowed funds, the lender must be sure that the borrowed amount will be returned along with interest within the period specified in the contract. The bank will judge the reliability of a person based on the submitted papers. The list of documents required for a loan depends largely on the type of loan requested, the amount, and the need for collateral.

The presence of an incomplete package provided to a financial institution gives reason to doubt the reliability of the client and the success of the proposed cooperation.

Mandatory package of documents

The essence of credit relations lies in the principle of compensation - the bank issues funds and expects them to be returned within a certain period with accrued interest. To get a loan, you need to convince the bank that there is no risk of non-repayment and a safe return of the loan with interest income.

For this reason, the financial institution will request a mandatory package of documents, without which it is impossible to conclude a loan agreement. First of all, the borrower needs to provide:

  1. Passport or other equivalent identity document.
  2. The second document (it can be SNILS, a passport, for men - a military ID).

Without presenting his main certificate to the creditor's office, a citizen will not be able to receive even the smallest amount. Even if the application is being approved online, it must be remembered that this approval is preliminary. For proper processing, you will need to present at least the original passport.

The minimum list of securities, as a rule, is necessary for taking a regular consumer loan in the range of 10-50 thousand rubles. As the line of credit increases, the claims of the lender to the candidate become higher.

The mandatory list is supplemented by additional certificates for obtaining a loan from a bank:

  • a certificate from work on salary for the last 3-6 months will allow you to assess the level of solvency (this can be 2-personal income tax or a certificate in the form of a bank);
  • a certified copy of the labor certificate indicates a stable employment.

Depending on the features of the program, the list may be supplemented at the discretion of the bank. Each application is considered individually, and if you intend to issue a loan with collateral, the future client will have to collect an additional package of supporting papers.

The following list contains all the additional paperwork that may be needed to get a loan under any of the programs:

  • driver's rights (especially relevant for issuing a loan to buy a car);
  • registration certificate for the vehicle;
  • certificate of registration as a taxpayer;
  • SNILS;
  • international passport;
  • insurance policy for the object of pledge;
  • certificates confirming the ownership of the pledged property;
  • statements indicating that the credited person owns a certain number of securities or keeps funds on deposit;
  • graduation diploma;
  • credit documentation from other banks;
  • statements on the state of the credit account or the absence of debt;
  • evidence of marital status or the presence of children.

The process of coordinating a loan with collateral is more complicated. The bank must be convinced of the high liquidity of the object and the availability of insurance coverage for an unforeseen event.

With housing loans, the object of real estate or existing property often becomes the object of collateral. In order to evaluate the value of collateral and set the maximum possible loan limit, the bank determines what certificates are needed for a loan with collateral.

The financial institution asks to prepare:

  • contract of sale, deed of gift, certificate of inheritance, other paper confirming the right to property;
  • certificate of state registration of real estate in Rosreestr;
  • cadastral passport, floor plan;
  • building permits;
  • extract from the Unified State Register;
  • extract from the house book.

If a loan is issued to buy a car, documents for movable property are considered:

  • contract for the purchase of a car;
  • receipt of payment of the first installment from the car dealership;
  • registration certificate from the former owner (for used cars);

In addition, the borrower draws up and submits to the bank an insurance contract for the collateral object.

Documents required for guarantors and individual entrepreneurs

Banks are less willing to lend to private entrepreneurs, because the income from entrepreneurship is unstable. If it is necessary to raise additional funds, the individual entrepreneur applies to the bank with a request, having prepared a package of papers in advance.

The financial institution independently determines which documents are required for obtaining a consumer loan for an entrepreneur. The most common list is:

  • from 3-NDFL income reports submitted to the Federal Tax Service for the last 2 years (current and previous);
  • certificates of the entrepreneur (with a notarized copy);
  • bank statements with movement on IP accounts;
  • documentation from suppliers, acts of work performed, other papers indicating the activities of the IP.

When deciding to attract a guarantor, the borrower must take into account that the list of documents will be much wider - the list will necessarily include papers confirming the identity of the guarantor, his responsibility, solvency, and the amount of monthly income.

The information provided in the documents will allow the bank to decide whether to issue a loan or refuse the applicant on the basis of insufficient solvency. To take a loan from a bank, it is important to check that the submitted documents recommended the borrower as a responsible, prosperous citizen with a stable and sufficient income. The wider the package presented to the lender, the higher the chances of a positive response to the application.

Naturally, the bank does not issue loans out of altruism - this is one of the main sources of income for credit organizations, so the bank needs guarantees for the return of not only the amount of the principal debt, but also interest on it. A package of documents confirming your solvency, each bank determines independently, taking into account its own risks when issuing a particular amount. The composition of the required documents mainly depends on the type of lending.

Those documents that you will be required without fail include a passport or other document that unambiguously confirms your identity. For insurance, as a rule, in addition to your passport, you may be required to choose two more documents to choose from: a military ID, a foreign passport, a pension fund insurance certificate, and a driver's license. But this is a necessary minimum, according to which you can only get a consumer loan in a store for a small amount. When the amount exceeds 50-100 thousand, the package of necessary documents can be expanded.

In the event that a loan is issued secured by property, you will need to present a certificate of ownership of the mortgaged property. As a rule, the bank does the valuation itself.

Documents required for obtaining a large bank loan

When you want to receive a large amount of cash, the bank has the right to require you to:
- an application for a loan and a plastic card, which is according to the model;
- the original and a copy of the civil passport;
- the original and a copy of the driver's license;
- certificate of salary for the last 3 months, issued no later than 30 days before presentation;
- a certificate from the last place of work or a copy of the work book;
- pension certificate if you are a pensioner.
You may not need a certificate of no debt in other banks - the borrowing bank can independently request your credit history.

When you want to get a mortgage loan from a bank, the requirements will be tougher. To confirm your identity, you will need photocopies of all pages of your passport, a certificate of employment in the form 2-NDFL, issued no later than a month. A copy of the work book will need to be certified by the seal of the employer. You will also need to show a marriage certificate if you are a member, or a divorce certificate if you have ever been married or married, and documents for children if you have children under the age of 18. Some banks will also ask you to show your driver's license or, if you don't have one, the original certificate of the absence of diseases from the psycho-neurological dispensary. Be prepared to also present a diploma, a certificate of education or documents for a car, a certificate of ownership of real estate.

The variety and availability of loans have made this banking product very popular. Depending on the choice of loan, the client provides a certain package of documents. Read more about what you need to get a loan in the article.

What information is needed for a loan

Any bank loan application begins with the preparation of an application form. A credit institution must know everything about a client that characterizes its reliability and solvency. consists of the following items:

  • Full name of the borrower, date of birth;
  • passport data;
  • address of residence and registration;
  • work and income;
  • marital status, number of dependents;
  • education;
  • availability of loans in other banks;
  • information about the collateral, if any;
  • Contact Information.

In addition, the client indicates the account or card number for crediting the loan if the application is approved. available for compilation online or on paper.

What documents are needed to get a loan

List of documents required to apply for a personal loan:

  • application for a loan (questionnaire);
  • borrower's passport and a copy;
  • certificate of salary or other income of the borrower - in any form or 2-personal income tax;
  • work book and its copy;
  • pension certificate, if any.

From the participants of the salary project of the bank, only a passport and a second document of the client's choice are required.

Depending on the type and amount of the loan, as well as the category of the borrower, additional documents may be required:

  • military ID - for men under 27;
  • international passport;
  • SNILS;
  • driver's license;
  • an agreement for studying at a higher or secondary specialized educational institution - for an education loan;
  • a contract for the sale of a car, a paid CASCO policy - for a car loan;
  • information about collateral;
  • documents on the acquired real estate - for a mortgage;
  • passports of guarantors, their questionnaires and income statements;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • other documents.

Required documents for business loans:

  • statement;
  • borrower's identity;
  • certificate of state registration;
  • certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • extract from the Unified State. register;
  • certificate of registration in the FSS.

Additional papers:

  • a copy of the tax return;
  • a copy of the cash book;
  • licenses for special activities;
  • documents regulating the activities of an enterprise or individual entrepreneur;
  • pledge documents;
  • certificates of ownership of land and real estate.

The main confirmation of the creditworthiness of the borrower is a certificate of income. Most banks require a 2-personal income tax certificate for a period of 3 months to 2 years. It is allowed to accept a free format certificate on the letterhead of the organization in which the borrower works. The main condition is a “live” seal of the enterprise and handwritten signatures of the head and chief accountant. Pensioners confirm their income with a certificate of accrued and paid pension for a certain period.

Information required for registration:

  • on the absence of encumbrance of the pledge;
  • on the state of loan debt on other loans;
  • on the current account turnover;
  • from the tax office about debts to the state and funds.

For a loan for the development of an enterprise, a legal entity provides a business plan.

Some of the documents required for obtaining a loan cannot be obtained on the day of application. Therefore, banks give a deadline for collecting all documentation

Need a passport for a loan

To obtain a loan, the passport of the borrower is required without fail. The document must indicate the registration, marital status, the presence of children. It has become a common phenomenon when a loan is issued according to fake documents.

Numerous sites on the Internet offer, for a fee, to issue a duplicate of a lost real passport or a fake document with all degrees of protection. Bank employees are not always able to distinguish an invalid passport from a real one, since a document with an original number goes through all the databases of relevant departments.

When do you need a loan guarantor?

- this is a person who takes responsibility for the timely payment of the loan. For small amounts of loans, guarantors are most often not involved. In the event that the borrower's income is not sufficient to obtain a large loan amount, one or more guarantors are required.

By signing a guarantee agreement, a person undertakes to repay the loan on his own in case of non-payment of the loan by the borrower, regardless of the reasons. If several people vouched for a negligent borrower, then the loan debt is repaid by everyone in equal shares.

Mortgage and car loans almost never do without guarantees from relatives or acquaintances of the borrower. In addition, guarantors are attracted for loans when the borrower does not have a very good credit history.

As a prerequisite, it is present in programs and car loans. In both cases, the collateral is the object of the loan. Consumer loans are mostly unsecured. The exception is loans for very large amounts. The presence of collateral on a loan can affect the reduction in interest rates.

Banks have certain requirements for collateral. If it is real estate, then it must be owned by the borrower or his spouse. Encumbrance by third parties is unacceptable. Similar requirements for cars. In addition, securities, bank accounts, and other material assets of sufficient value can be pledged.

The amount of the pledge is calculated at its market price. The evaluation is carried out by independent experts. The required amount of collateral is at least a quarter greater than the loan amount. An important requirement is high liquidity of the property.

When do you need a broker for a loan?

As a professional participant in the credit market, the broker is able to speed up and facilitate the collection of documents for obtaining a loan. His job is to mediate between the borrower and the credit institution. "White" have well-established ties with many banks, which allows you to choose the most favorable lending conditions.

Hiring a broker does not always make sense. Most often, intermediary services are used by clients who want to get a favorable loan for housing, transport or business development, as well as borrowers with a bad credit history.

It is worth noting that the help of a professional broker is not cheap. Before applying for it, you need to find out what the client wants to get from such cooperation. It is advantageous to involve an intermediary:

  • to save time, since the client himself is not able to find out the terms of lending in many financial institutions in a short time;
  • for quick collection of documents, as a professional has established contacts in many government agencies and not only;
  • for clients who do not understand loans at all and do not want to delve into it;
  • for "risky borrowers", when a bona fide broker takes all possible steps to reduce the likelihood of a loan being denied.

There are many "" brokers operating in the market for these services. In order not to fall for their bait, it is better to choose companies on the recommendation of trusted people.

What do you need to get a loan

In addition to the documents required to obtain a loan, the client must be patient, behave confidently with bank employees, and comply with all necessary requirements and recommendations. It is better to choose the credit institution where the client receives wages, pensions or other payments.

Always associated with a lot of trouble for the consumer. Whatever the product being drawn up, you need to submit a lot of papers to it, and often their number in the set reaches a dozen. This is especially true for lending: by issuing a loan, the bank wants to receive maximum guarantees in the solvency of the person. The best way to prove yourself is to submit documentary evidence. In this article, we will try to figure out what documents are needed to obtain a loan.

Basic set of documents for obtaining a loan

What documents are needed to apply for a consumer loan depends on the type of loan. Obviously, when refinancing, the bank will request a larger set of securities than when obtaining a simple consumer loan to an individual. Not the last role is played by the category of the borrower. Thus, banking organizations actively encourage their payroll clients: they issue loans under a simplified procedure and with a minimum number of certificates.

However, there are mandatory documents - each consumer submits them:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. It must be genuine and belong to the borrower. The clause on permanent/temporary registration in the area of ​​issuance of the loan is optional - it depends on the type of loan and the particular institution.
  • Certificate of social insurance (SNILS). Since the social security card is issued for each citizen of the Russian Federation, it serves as a second document to confirm the identity.
  • TIN. This is the number that the tax authorities assign to each payer. The presentation of a card or just numbers is necessary for legal entities taking out a business loan.
  • Employment book or employment contract. A certified copy of one of the documents is submitted to the financial institution. It confirms the employment of a person, his commitment to a permanent place of work.

With a high degree of probability, one or two documents from among those listed will be requested from the bank even when applying for a small loan.

Solvency confirmation

Another category of documents for obtaining a loan is income statements. Based on them, the bank draws conclusions about the solvency of the person, determines the loan amount and interest rate. Given the different types of customer employment, banks offer several alternatives:

  • . This is a form of tax reporting that most fully reflects the amount of a person's financial income, as well as the tax paid from them.
  • Help in the form of a bank. It is proposed to issue it to citizens receiving earnings under the gray scheme. In this one, you can indicate the entire amount of income - even that part of it that is hidden from taxation.
  • Tax return 3-NDFL. Its copy is submitted by individual entrepreneurs and persons engaged in private practice (notaries and lawyers).
  • Extract from the branch of the Pension Fund of Russia and / or other non-state pension fund. Along with a salary, a pension is a source of income and a criterion of a person's financial reliability.
  • Card account statement. This document is relevant only for current bank customers who receive a salary on its plastic.

The income document is the main guarantor of the bank, so the refusal to present it will automatically put an end to cooperation. We also advise you to carefully consider the execution of certificates, including internal ones: minor inaccuracies can alert the bank, not to mention the dubious content of documents.

Additional documents for obtaining a loan

As a rule, the most important paper for the bank is the 2-NDFL certificate. Its submission is sufficient to confirm the solvency of the person. An additional document is requested from clients who have sources of income other than salary:

  • Declaration 3-NDFL. Income in it is fixed not only by individual entrepreneurs, but also by ordinary citizens. We are talking about income from the rental/rental of real estate and transport, income from other civil law contracts.
  • International passport. Marks of going abroad for the last year indicate a high level of income of a person, financial stability.

The rest of the papers are tied to a specific loan product:

  • Real estate documents. They include a certificate of ownership, an equity participation agreement, a cadastral passport and others. Requested by the bank when applying for a mortgage.
  • Vehicle documents. They include Title, driver's license, CASCO policy and others. Needed for a car loan or a loan secured by a car.
  • current loan agreement. It is requested during refinancing in order to conclude an agreement with a new bank on its basis.

In addition to the mentioned papers, clients are often required to have a marriage or divorce certificate (since spouses act as co-borrowers by law), an agreement with an educational institution (for an educational loan), higher education diplomas (to confirm professional status). A specific set of certificates for obtaining a loan should always be clarified - there are no universal requirements and identical financial institutions.

What documents are needed for a loan at Sberbank

In terms of the volume of loans issued in 2017, it was in the lead by a wide margin. Among the 13.5 trillion loans issued by the institution over the past year, the majority were. Setting them up is relatively easy. Unlike mortgages, Sberbank requests the most basic set of securities for consumer loans. It includes:

  • Loan application;
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with permanent / temporary registration in the area where the loan is issued;
  • A copy of the employment contract / work book, extract or certificate in the form of the employer.

Income is proposed to be confirmed by any of the available methods:

  • Declaration 2-NDFL or 3-NDFL;
  • Certificate from the Pension Fund of Russia and / or NPF.

After filling out an application on the Internet portal of Sberbank, the client must wait for a call from the operator. The latter will name the exact list of documents that should be brought to the bank. You can also start applying for a loan from a branch of Sberbank, but then you should take a basic set of papers with you - a passport, 2-personal income tax and a copy of the work book. They certainly won't be redundant.

10:13 22.10.2019

Sberbank of Russia is the largest and most reliable financial institution in the country, one way or another controlled by the state. More than 50% of all deposits of Russians fall to the share of Sberbank, the share of household loans is rapidly approaching the same indicator. No wonder, because the bank offers the most loyal and favorable rates on consumer loans for individuals, which cannot be said about the required package of documents.

What documents are needed for a loan at Sberbank?

A credit institution has a lot of loan products, the conditions and requirements for which are very different, so we will consider the required list of documents for obtaining the most popular bank loan - a consumer loan without collateral.

Mandatory documents required for obtaining a loan at Sberbank:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a mark of registration in the city where the bank is present. If a potential borrower has a temporary registration, then the bank will have to submit a document from the Federal Migration Service confirming the existence of such registration.
  2. TIN number
  3. Questionnaire filled out by a potential borrower. The questionnaire may contain questions that require additional documents, for example, you will need to indicate the number of SNILS or TIN. The questionnaire is needed by the SB of the bank to find out detailed information about the client, his passport and personal data, marital status, etc.
  4. A document confirming the employment of the borrower. This can be a scanned copy of a work book, certified by an accountant or director of an organization with a seal, date and signature of an authorized person on each page. If the potential client is employed, then you need to bring the original employment contract. These documents are needed by the bank to check for a permanent job. A work book with notes about previous jobs will allow you to trace the career path of a potential borrower. For example, if a client changed jobs very often, then the security service may consider him unreliable.
  5. One of the documents confirming the financial condition of the borrower:
  • Certificate of 2NDFL from the place of work for the last 6 months.
  • bank salary certificate
  • If the borrower receives a salary on a card issued by Sberbank, then documents on financial condition do not need to be provided.

Income certificates are needed by the bank in order to calculate the maximum loan amount available to the client, taking into account the monthly costs of securing the loan. Such a certificate, along with a scanned copy of the work book, confirms the presence of a permanent place of work.

Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that the client can attract a co-borrower or guarantor, so that when calculating the maximum amount, the total income is taken into account. In this case, the co-borrower will have to provide the same list of required documents required for a loan at Sberbank.

As additional documents that indirectly indicate the good financial situation of the client, you can provide a certificate of ownership of real estate, a vehicle. In this list, you can also add a passport with marks about traveling abroad during the last year.

They are not mandatory, but their provision can increase the loan amount or reduce the interest rate to a minimum.

At what stage does the bank request documents?

To understand at what stage Sberbank requests documents for a loan, you need to know the process of applying for it. Initially, the client fills in , which must first be downloaded from . It must contain passport data, full name, TIN number, registration address, information about work, information about relatives and family, income / expenses, etc. The questionnaire is very large with a huge number of questions.

It will not work to leave an online application on the site, the questionnaire will have to be printed, filled out and brought to the nearest bank office.

If for some reason the borrower cannot print out the questionnaire on his own, it can be obtained from the bank and filled out.

The originals of the required documents for obtaining a loan from Sberbank will need to be given to the loan officer along with the application form. No preliminary consideration, etc., the borrower submits the questionnaire and the entire list of necessary documents, and the bank makes a positive or negative decision within 5 working days.

Who requests documents and what are they for?

Like any other credit institution, Sberbank has its own conditions and rules for granting loans, which clearly indicate the list of necessary documents for their execution. Therefore, we can definitely say that the documents are requested by the bank, but the creditor's Security Council is in charge of their control.

The security service is one of the privileged departments of a credit institution, whose employees are engaged in a comprehensive check of potential and existing customers, including the fact of fraud.

It is the SB that checks the reliability of certificates, the availability of work and a permanent income, and also checks the borrower himself for a criminal record, for credit obligations to other banks.

The work of the Security Council includes the obligation to disclose and prevent cases of fraud in obtaining a loan. That is why they so carefully check borrowers for "lice".