Repair Design Furniture

Types of fabrics and their properties. Topic: Fabrics. Types of tissues and their properties Varieties of muscle tissue

21. Write down the definition.

Tissue is a group of cells that are similar in structure to origin, perform a specific function and are interconnected by the intercellular substance.

22. Consider the drawing. What type are the fabrics depicted on it? Describe the features of the structure and function of this type of tissue.

1) Connects and fills the gaps between organs. Support, mechanical, transport, protective, nutritional.

2) Coats the internal organs.

3) Human movement.

23. Explain why at first glance such tissues as bone, cartilaginous, blood, adipose, belong to the same type - connective tissues.

Well-developed intercellular substance. Supporting, mechanical. Blood is transport.

24. Consider the pictures. Identify the types of muscle tissue presented. Write down their names.

1. Smooth muscle tissue

2. Muscle tissue.

25. Fill in the table.


26. Draw a neuron. Sign the names of its parts.

27. What is the function of neurological cells in the nervous tissue?

Capable of perceiving irritation, producing nerve tentacles, processing supporting, protective, nutritional information

28. Write down the definition.

An organ is a part of the body that has a certain shape and structure, occupies a certain place in the body and embodies a certain function.

29. Perform laboratory work "Microscopic structure of tissues".

1. Consider in turn the two finished tissue preparations given by the teacher.

2. Study their structure, compare and sketch.

3. Describe the structural features of each tissue. Indicate what functions they perform.

Cross-striped muscle tissue. Forms skeletal muscles attached to the bones of the skeleton.

Features of striated muscle tissue: speed and arbitrariness (i.e., the dependence of contraction on the will, desire of a person), consumption of a large amount of energy and oxygen, rapid fatigue. The peculiarity of muscle tissue is contraction, therefore it performs the function of movement. Nerve tissue - consists of cells specialized for conducting electrical impulses, called neurons, so its function is to receive stimulation.

4. Make a conclusion how the structural features of tissues are related to the performed functions.

Each type of fabric performs its functions, based on the peculiarities of its structure. For example, nerve tissue - its peculiarity lies in the fact that it can conduct electrochemical impulses, therefore its function is to receive irritations.

Task number 35 - with the image of a biological object (drawing, diagram, graph, etc.)

1. Which root zones are indicated in Fig. numbers 2, 4, 5? What functions do they perform?


1) 2 - division zone, provides root growth in length.

2) 4 - suction zone, absorption of water and minerals.

3) 5 - zone of conduction, transport of substances.

2. What unites and what is the difference between the biological objects shown in the figure?


1) The figure shows shoots consisting of a stem and buds, located alternately;

2) Shoots serve as organs of vegetative reproduction.

3) Difference: the tuber is a modified shoot, contains a supply of organic matter (starch).

3. What are the numbers indicated in the figure "Fern development cycle" haploid stages of development? Name them.


1) 2 - dispute;

2) 3 - an outgrowth with antheridia developing on it - 4 and archegonia 5;

3) 6 - sperm (sperm) and 7 - egg.

4. What are the numbers indicated in the figure for the vena cava? What number are the veins carrying arterial blood? What number is the vessel into which blood flows from the left ventricle?


1) The superior and inferior vena cava are designated by the numbers 2 and 3, respectively.

2) The pulmonary veins are marked with 5.

3) The aorta is designated by number 1.

5. Determine which letter in the figure indicates the organ that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity, what is it called? What other functions does it perform, what kind of muscle tissue is formed. How is this tissue different from other muscle tissues?


1) B - diaphragm.

2) The diaphragm is formed by tendons and striated muscle tissue. Other functions: participates in breathing (with contraction, increases the volume of the chest), is the upper wall of the abdominal cavity, with other abdominal muscles it performs the functions of the abdominal press.

3) Striated muscle tissue consists of long multinucleated fibers and forms skeletal muscles that work both voluntarily (at the will of a person) and reflexively. The fibers of this tissue are capable of rapid contraction and can be in a contracted or relaxed state for a long time. Due to the alternation of proteins of different density (actin and myosin) in muscle fibers, this tissue under a microscope has a transverse striation.

6. Name the embryonic layer of the embryo of a vertebrate animal, indicated in the figure with the number 1. What types of tissues, organs or parts of organs are formed from it?


1) The number 1 in the figure denotes the ectoderm.

2) From the ectoderm, the nervous system and sensory organs, skin (including feathers, hair, scales, claws, glands), the anterior and posterior parts of the digestive system (the oral cavity and the first third of the esophagus, the end of the rectum), external gills.


NOT for an answer! To repeat!

2 - secondary body cavity (whole)

3 - endoderm

4 - gastric cavity (primary intestinal cavity)

5 - mesoderm

6 - neural plate

7 - chord

7. What is the modified shoot shown in the figure? Name the structural elements indicated in the figure by the numbers 1, 2, 3, and the functions they perform.


Escape - bulb:

1 - succulent scaly leaf, which stores nutrients and water

2 - adventitious roots, ensuring the absorption of water and minerals

3 - bud, ensures the growth of the shoot

8. Using the figure, determine what form of selection it illustrates. Justify the answer. Will the size of hares' ears change during evolution under the influence of this form of natural selection, and under what conditions of life will this selection manifest itself?


1) a stabilizing form of selection, since the graph shows that the selection pressure is aimed at the death of individuals with a minimum or maximum value of the trait;

2) stabilizing selection is manifested under relatively constant living conditions;

3) changes in the size of ears in hares during evolution will not occur, since this form of selection retains the average value of the trait.

9. Name the structures of the spinal cord, indicated in the figure by numbers 1 and 2, and describe the features of their structure and function.


1 - gray matter, formed by the bodies of neurons

2 - white matter formed by long processes of neurons

3 - Gray matter carries out a reflex function, white matter - a conductive function

10. What part of the sheet is indicated in the figure with the letter A and what structures does it consist of? What functions do these structures perform?


1) The figure shows the vascular-fibrous bundle (the central vein of the leaf plate; the bundle includes vessels, sieve tubes, mechanical tissue).

2) Consists of conductive fabric:

vessels - deliver water with minerals from the root; sieve tubes - drain water with organic matter to the stem.

3) and mechanical fabric - fibers - supporting function, give elasticity to the sheet.

11. Consider the cells shown in the figure. Determine which letters represent prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Provide evidence of your point of view.


1) A - prokaryotic cell; B - eukaryotic cell.

2) The cell in Figure A does not have a formed nucleus, hereditary material is represented by circular DNA.

3) The cell in Figure B has a formed nucleus and membrane organelles.

12. Which organoid is shown in the diagram? Which parts of it are marked with numbers 1, 2 and 3? What process takes place in this organelle?


1) Mitochondria.

2) 1 - outer membrane, 2 - mitochondrial matrix, 3 - cristae, inner membrane.

3) There is an energetic process with the formation of ATP molecules.

13. What structure is shown in the figure? What are the numbers 1 and 3?


Response elements:

1) The figure shows the nephron - the structural unit of the kidney.

2) Number 1 denotes a renal (Bowman's) capsule.

3) Number 3 denotes a capillary glomerulus.

14. What is shown in the figure and indicated by the numbers 2, 3, 4? What is the role of the structure indicated by the number 1?


1. The figure shows a wheat grain.

2. Numbers 2, 3, 4 designate respectively 2 - cotyledon, 3 - embryonic stem and 4 - embryonic root.

3. The number 1 denotes the endosperm, which stores nutrients for the development of the embryo.

15. What is indicated in the figure by the numbers 1,2, 3? Indicate the function of structures 1 and 3.


1. Number 1 denotes the embryonic disc, number 2 - yolk, number 3 - air chamber.

2. The embryonic disc is the fertilized egg from which the chick develops.

3. The air chamber is necessary for the respiration of the embryo and the removal of water from the egg.

16. Name the type and phase of cell division shown in the figures. What processes do they illustrate? What are these processes leading to?


1) Type and phase of division: Meiosis - prophase 1.

2) Processes: Conjugation, crossing over, exchange of homologous regions of chromosomes. Mutual exchange of sites between homologous (paired) chromosomes.

3) Result: a new combination of gene alleles, hence combinative variability

17. Name the structures of the human heart, which are indicated in the figure with numbers 1 and 2. Explain their functions.


1 - myocardium - heart muscle. Formed by striated muscles, it contributes to the contraction of the heart.

2 - a cuspid valve (tricuspid valve), prevents blood from returning to the atrium /

18. What processes are shown in Figures A and B? Name the cell structure involved in these processes. What transformations will further occur with the bacterium in Figure A?


1) A - phagocytosis (capture of solid particles);

B - pinocytosis (capture of liquid droplets);

2) Participates - the cell (plasma) membrane;

3) A phagocytic vesicle has formed, which, when combined with the lysosome, forms a digestive vacuole - the bacterium will be digested (lysis - will undergo splitting) - the formed monomers will enter the cytoplasm.

19. Determine the type and phase of cell division shown in the figure. Justify the answer. What processes are taking place in this phase?


1) Type and phase of cell division: mitosis; anaphase.

2) Rationale: Mitosis is an even distribution between the daughter cells of the hereditary material, there was no crossing over.

2) The spindle filaments contract and lead to rupture of chromatids in the centromere region. During anaphase, the chromatids (or sister chromosomes) that make up each chromosome break apart and diverge to opposite poles of the cell.

20. Write down the names of the parts of the animal cell shown in the diagram. In the answer, indicate the number of the part and its name; the cell scheme does not need to be redrawn.


1.digestive vacuole

2.cytoskeleton OR microtubules OR microfilaments


4.Rough EPS or granular EPS

5.smooth EPS


7.Golgi complex


9.the mitochondrion

10.chromatin OR chromosome

11.core OR nuclear juice OR nuclear matrix


21. Write down the names of the parts of the plant cell shown in the diagram. In the answer, indicate the number of the part and its name; the cell scheme does not need to be redrawn.


1.chromatin OR chromosome

2.nucleus OR nuclear matrix OR nuclear juice


4.smooth EPS

5.the mitochondrion OR cell wall

7.tonoplast OR central vacuole

8.cytoskeleton OR microtubules OR microfilaments



11.Rough EPS OR granular EPS

12.tallacoids OR grana




22. What is indicated in the figure by the numbers 1, 2, 3? What functions do these structures perform?


1) A vein of a sheet that performs supporting and conducting functions.

2) Columnar, photosynthetic tissue.

3) Spongy, photosynthetic tissue.

23. What form of selection is shown in the figure? What were the criteria for the selection? What additional information can be extracted from this figure?


1) An example of artificial selection in breeding pigeon breeds (peacock pigeon) is shown.

2) The selection was made according to the shape of the tail and the size of the goiter.

3) The breed has been bred for almost three centuries.

24. What plant organs are indicated in the figure by the letters A, B, C? What is their role in plant life? What organ are they a modification of?


1) A - tuber; B - onion; B - rhizome.

2) Significance in the life of a plant: reserve nutrients are deposited, ensuring earlier germination of shoots. They can also be used for vegetative propagation.

3) Modified shoots.

25. What division and what phase are shown in the figure? Indicate the set of chromosomes (n), the number of DNA molecules (s) during this period. Justify the answer.


1) mitosis

2) metaphase - the formation of the division spindle ends: chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell, a metaphase plate is formed

3) The set of chromosomes and the number of DNA molecules: 2n4c - in the interphase during the synthetic period: there is a doubling (replication, reduplication) of DNA.

26. Name the bones indicated in the figure by the letters A and B. Indicate to which part of the skeleton they belong. What is the significance of this section of the skeleton?


1) A - clavicle; B - scapula

2) Upper limb belt

3) the belt of the upper limbs - support, ensures the attachment of the upper limbs to the axial skeleton

27. To what subkingdom, type is the animal shown in the figure? What are the letters A and B and what is the role of these structures in the life of the animal?


1) Subkingdom - Single-celled; type - Protozoa

2) A - contractile vacuole; B - core

3) Contractile vacuole - removal of liquid waste products, maintenance and for osmotic regulation; core - regulates all vital processes, carries hereditary information

28. To what subkingdom, type is the animal shown in the figure? What process is depicted in the figure and what is its biological significance? Indicate the type of cell division that underlies this process.


Response elements:

1) subkingdom - Protozoa (unicellular); type - Ciliates;

2) process - asexual reproduction;

3) biological significance - the reproduction of organisms,

identical to the parent; increase in numbers;

4) type of cell division - mitosis.



Response elements:

1) mucor mold; kingdom of mushrooms;

2) 1 - sporangium with spores; 2 - mycelium (hyphae);

3) fungi mineralize organic residues, play the role of decomposers in the ecosystem

30. Name the layers of human skin indicated in the figure by the letters A and B. Indicate the functions that they perform.


Response elements:

1) A - epidermis; B - subcutaneous fatty tissue;

2) the epidermis performs a protective function, ensures the formation of pigment;

3) subcutaneous fatty tissue prevents the body from cooling, is an energy reserve, plays the role of a shock absorber in case of bruises



1. The figure shows cells. OR The figure shows a photomicrograph of cells. OR The illustration shows an algae.

2. The image was obtained by the method of light microscopy.

3. An alternative method is electron microscopy. Light microscopy allows you to examine living objects and allows you to obtain color images, but the resolution of light microscopy is much lower than that of electron microscopy.

33. Look closely at the drawing and answer the questions.

1. What is shown in the picture?

2. What method was used to obtain this image?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method compared to alternative methods?


1. The figure shows a fragment of a cell. OR

The figure shows an electron micrograph of a cell fragment.

2. The image was obtained by the method of electron microscopy.

3. An alternative method is light microscopy. Electron microscopy does not allow viewing living objects and requires complex preparation of the specimen, but it has a high resolution.

34. What plant organ is shown in the picture? Which parts of the organ are designated by the numbers 1, 2, 3? What functions does it perform in the life of a plant?


Elements of the correct answer:

1) the figure shows a shoot - a complex organ of a plant;

2) numbers indicate: 1 - apical bud, 2 - leaf axill, with an axillary bud (this is a node), 3 - internode;

3) functions of the shoot: growth, photosynthesis, vegetative reproduction, transport of substances in the plant, transpiration

35. Consider a model pioneered in the 19th century by the Dutch physiologist Donders. What process could be demonstrated using this device? The function of which organs is the rubber membrane designated at number 1? Why does the volume of the bags attached to the glass tube change when the position of the rubber membrane is changed?


Response elements:

1) The process of breathing or the process of inhalation and exhalation;

2) intercostal muscles and diaphragm

3) inside a transparent glass jar, during the lowering of the rubber membrane, the pressure decreases and becomes below atmospheric. Due to the pressure difference, the rubber bags increase in volume.

36. Review the cardiac cycle diagram in Figures 1-3. Which of the figures depicts the phase of ventricular systole? What is the state of the leaflet heart valves at this moment? In which vessels, at the time of ventricular systole, blood flows?


1) in the picture №2;

2) the leaflet valves close at the time of ventricular systole;

3) blood enters the aorta and pulmonary trunk (pulmonary artery)

37. What human organ is indicated in the figure with the number 4? What structure does it have? Explain the functions it performs in terms of its structure.


1) 4 - trachea

2) Consists of cartilaginous half-rings, which are connected from the back of the esophagus by a connective tissue septum.

3) Trachea function: conduction of air

38. Name the type and classes of animals shown in the figures. Indicate two main traits that these animals have in common.


1) Type arthropods.

2) Classes: 1 - Crustaceans, 2 - Arachnids, 3 - Insects.

3) Common signs are body segmentation (and articulated limbs) and chitinous cover.

39. What class of angiosperms does the plant shown in the figure belong to? Justify the answer. What are the organs designated by the letters A and B, and indicate their significance in the life of the plant.


Response elements:

1) class dicotyledonous, four-membered flower, reticulated leaf venation;

2) A - a head of cabbage is a modified shoot (bud), accumulates nutrients, provides wintering, development of a biennial plant in the second year;

3) B - fruit - a pod, ensures the spread and protection of seeds.

40. Name the bones indicated in the figure by the letters A and B. Indicate to which parts of the skeleton they belong.


Response elements:

1) A - pelvic bones; B - tibia;

2) The pelvic bones are part of the girdle of the lower extremities;

3) The tibia is part of the free lower limb.



42. Read the text, indicate the numbers of sentences in which mistakes were made. Correct any mistakes.

1. Fertilization in flowering plants has its own characteristics. 2. In the ovary of a flower, haploid pollen grains are formed. 3. The haploid nucleus of the pollen grain is divided into two nuclei - generative and vegetative. 4. The generative nucleus is divided into two sperm.

5. Sperm are directed to the anther. 6. One of them fertilizes the ovum located there, and the other the central cell. 7. As a result of double fertilization, a diploid embryo of the seed develops from the zygote, and a triploid endosperm from the central cell.


Errors were made in sentences 2, 5, 6.

1) 2 - pollen grains are formed in the anthers of the stamens.

2) 5 - sperm are sent to the ovary of the flower.

3) 6 - the eggs are located in the ovary of the flower, and not in the anthers.

43. Name the germ layer of a vertebrate animal indicated in the figure with a question mark. What types of tissues and organ systems are formed from it?


1) the middle germ layer - mesoderm;

2) tissues are formed: connective, muscle;

3) organ systems are formed: musculoskeletal, circulatory, excretory, genital, blood.



1) the figure shows the swimming limb of a bird and the burrowing paw of a mole;

2) the similarity lies in the fact that these are homologous organs with a common morphological origin;

3) the difference lies in the fact that these limbs perform functions (swimming and digging the soil);

45. What organs are shown in the figure? What are their similarities and differences? What evidence for evolution does this example relate to? Indicate four criteria.


1) the figure shows the root and rhizome;

2) these are similar organs that perform similar functions (accumulation of nutrients and retention of plants in the soil);

3) the difference lies in the fact that these organs have a different logical structure and origin;

4) this example refers to the comparative anatomical evidence of evolution.

46. What type of fabric is the object shown in the picture? What organs of the human body are formed by this tissue? What are the properties of the cells that form this tissue?


1) Striated muscle tissue.

2) This tissue formed: skeletal muscles, tongue, initial esophagus, motor muscles of the eyeball, sphincters.

3) Cells (myocytes) with a large number of large mitochondria, multinucleated, long. The properties of this muscle tissue are a high rate of contraction and relaxation, as well as arbitrariness (that is, its activity is controlled by the will of a person).

47. Consider and identify biological objects designated by numbers 1 and 2. Name two common features in their structure and two features by which they differ.


1) 1 - achene fruit; 2 - weevil fruit.

2) These are dry single-seeded fruits. They contain seeds with a germ and a supply of nutrients.

3) In the achene, the seed coat is easily separated from the pericarp, and in the caryopsis it grows tightly with it. The supply of nutrients in the achene is in the cotyledons, and in the weevil they are in the endosperm.

48. What type of injury is shown in the picture? Which bones are damaged? What first aid measures should you take first?


1. Open fracture of the tibia and closed fracture of the tibia.

2. First of all, it is necessary to stop the bleeding by applying a tourniquet and a pressure bandage and fix the shin with splints in the ankle and knee joints.

3. Apply an aseptic dressing and hospitalize the victim

49. The diagram of the structure of what substance is shown in the figure? What types of this substance are there? What is its participation in metabolism


1) The figure shows the RNA nucleotide.

2) RNA is ribosomal, informational and transport.

3) RNA is involved in the biosynthesis of proteins - in the processes of transcription and translation.

50. During the experiment, the scientist measured the rate of photosynthesis depending on the light. He kept the concentration of carbon dioxide and the temperature constant. Explain why, with an increase in the light intensity, the activity of photosynthesis first increases, but starting from a certain intensity it stops growing and reaches a plateau (see graph).


1) in the light stage of photosynthesis, the light energy is converted into ATP energy, which is used in the dark stage;

2) accordingly, the more light, the more energy and the faster photosynthesis goes;

3) however, starting from a certain intensity of light, there is already so much that the rate of photosynthesis cannot be faster, all proteins work at maximum speed

51. During the experiment, the scientist measured the rate of photosynthesis depending on the temperature. He kept the concentration of carbon dioxide and the intensity of illumination constant. Explain why, when the temperature rises, the activity of photosynthesis first increases, but starting from a certain temperature it begins to rapidly decrease (see graph).


1) The dark stage of photosynthesis is a cycle of reactions catalyzed by enzymes.

2) The activity of enzymes increases with increasing temperature,

3) until the denaturation of enzymes begins under the influence of high temperature, and then the reaction rate decreases.

52. Explain the schedule as follows:

1) what does the graph reflect on the interval from 0 to 1?

2) what happens to the enzymatic reaction at point 2?

3) what is the limiting factor for the rate of the enzymatic reaction?


1) in the interval from 0 to 1, it is shown that the reaction rate increases in direct proportion to the concentration of the substrate;

2) point 2 shows that the concentration of the substrate reaches a limit and the reaction proceeds at a constant rate;

3) the limiting factor is the substrate concentration

53. What organisms are shown in the figure? What is the biological meaning of their relationship?


1) anemones and hermit crabs are shown;

2) there is a symbiotic relationship between them;

3) the cancer provides the anemones with food debris and transports it, and the anemones, with their tentacles with stinging cells, provide cancer protection

54. Name the organism shown in the figure and the kingdom to which it belongs. What is indicated by the numbers 1, 2? What is the role of these organisms in the ecosystem?


1) Mukor mushroom; kingdom of mushrooms.

2) Number 1 denotes - sporangium, number 2 - mycelium (unicellular).

3) Mukor - mold, saprophyte. It is a decomposer in the ecosystem.

Some types of mucor cause diseases in animals and humans.


Another answer is possible in paragraph 3:

- convert organic matter of organisms into mineral

- ensure the closure of the circulation of substances and the conversion of energy

- form inorganic substances available to plants

Task 1.8. Fill the table:

Table 4. Classification of epithelial tissues.

Task 1.9. Review the drawing and answer the questions:

Figure 4. Types of epithelial tissue.

    What types of epithelium are shown in the figure with numbers 1 - 8?

    What is characteristic of epithelial tissue?

    What are the functions of epithelial tissue?

Task 1.10. Fill the table:

Table 5. Classification of connective tissues.

Task 1.11. Review the drawing and answer the questions:


Figure 5. Muscle tissue.

    What types of muscle tissue are shown in the figure under the numbers 1 - 3?

    Where is smooth muscle tissue in the body? Striated skeletal? Striated heart?

    How long are muscle cells? Muscle fibers?

    4. What are the properties of muscle tissue?

Task 1.12. Fill the table:

Table 6. Types of muscle tissue, their characteristics.

Task 1.13. Give a positive (+) or negative (-) answer to these statements:

Epithelial, connective, muscle and nerve tissues.

    The epithelium of the stomach and intestines does not belong to epithelial tissues.

    The epithelial tissue is characterized by a weak development of the intercellular substance.

    Epithelial tissue is characterized by the properties of excitability and conductivity.

    There are no blood vessels in the epithelium.

    The endothelium of blood vessels belongs to the epithelial tissue.

    Subcutaneous adipose tissue refers to epithelial tissue.

    The connective tissues are characterized by the presence of a well-developed intercellular substance.

    In connective tissues, the intercellular substance can be solid, liquid, elastic.

    Hair and nails are derivatives of connective tissue.

    Connective tissue cells include blood cells, fat cells, cartilage cells.

    Muscle tissue is characterized by the following properties: excitability and contractility.

    Smooth muscle tissue is part of the internal organs.

    Striated muscle tissue is made up of muscle cells.

    The heart muscle is formed by smooth muscle tissue.

    Skeletal muscles are formed by muscle fibers up to 10 centimeters or more in length, in each fiber hundreds of nuclei are located at the periphery.

21. Write down the definition.
Tissue is a system of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common origin, structure and functions performed.

22. Consider the drawing. What type are the fabrics depicted on it? Describe the features of the structure and function of this type of tissue.

1). Connects and fills the gaps between organs. Support, mechanical, transport, protective, nutritional
2). Plains the internal organs.
3). Human movement.

23. Explain why such at first glance different tissues as bone, cartilaginous, blood, adipose, belong to the same type - connective tissues.
Well-developed intercellular substance, supporting, mechanical, blood-transporting.

24. Consider the pictures. Identify the types of muscle tissue presented. Write down their names.

1). Smooth muscle tissue
2). Muscle.

25. Fill in the table "Types of muscle tissue"

27. What is the function of neuroglial cells in the nervous tissue?

They are able to perceive irritation, develop nerve tentacles, information processing. Supportive protective nutrient.

28. Write down the definition.
An organ is a part of the body that has a certain shape and structure, occupies a certain place in the body and performs a certain function.