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Truthful fortune telling on the king online. Preparation for ritual. Will it help a modern lady fortune telling on the king

Love fortune telling on the maps on the king. Experienced fortune tellers are recognized as one of the most reliable and popular, since the symbol of the Lord is the embodiment of the desired narrowed in any lonely female representative.

Hading on the king, the girl can learn about the feelings that the beloved feelings are experiencing to her, who he believes that she means for him and, in general, it means anything. All divisions of this character are quite simple, do not require special knowledge and training. However, and 100% of reliable information cannot guarantee. Any magic is only predictive, a person is coming up, and the Lord God has. Although much still depends on ourselves, our words and actions. And if for decisive actions you need a push and it can be divorced, then let's start one of them.

Divination on a playing deck

For this divination you need a deck of 36 units, a new one, in no case is not playful. Drag, remove the left hand to yourself, make a suled, then lay out the cards on one to the table, saying:

  • On the first - "worm (peak, tambourine, trephy) king";
  • On the second - "Say, dear";
  • On the third - "Do you love me?";
  • The fourth - "I love you";
  • The fifth - "With all my heart";
  • On the sixth - "all soul";
  • On the seventh - "But there is also better than you."

If there is no one in the recorded maps, which means the lover, continue the alignment further, accompanying it with the same words. If the mysterious king appears on the phrases "Say, dear" or "love me," it will mean that the object of your adoration does not yet understand what is experiencing to you. And if the young man falls on the phrase "such that (worm, peak, tambourine, trephy) king," it will be evidence that he loves you.

How to guess the object of love

Take the lady and the king from the deck. Use Chervonny Maste if you are unmarried, crusades - for married. Choosing a men's symbol in the deck, mentally, several times, repeat the name of your loved one.

Carefully drag the stack, put it on the table with a shirt up, remove the left hand to my left, putting the decks removed under the bottom.

Now, from above, take the cards on one and alternately lay out on the king with a lady shirt down. Maps of the same dignity that turn out to be on each other, remove and fold next to that foot in which they found themselves, while the last of the opposite pile shifts on that stack from where the last two were taken from.

The alignment is repeated three times, while the deck is constantly shuffled. At the end of the divination, the closed king with the lady turns over, and is amenable to a detailed analysis in the Union with the cards from them.

Fortune telling on maps - an old means of obtaining answers to important questions

Maps that lie near a man is his feelings for a gadget woman, as well as events that will occur in his life in the near future. Also interpreted maps relating to a woman. At the beginning of fortune telling between a man and a woman, a map was laid, which is a symbol of an obstacle that does not allow to meet the designated way.

Fortune telling on beloved

This fortune telling, like any other, for example, on 4 kings, built on the relationship of a woman with a man. An ordinary playing deck is taken in 36 units, the king and lady corresponding to the masters are taken out of it. They are put on the table, the deck is shuffled, shifted with his left hand, while the cards removed under the bottom of the deck.

After you need to shoot on one map and lay them clockwise from 4 sides from the king with the lady, they all talk about the feelings that the beloved feeds to the gadget, and also reveal the events from the future.

Interpretation of cards:

  • Ace - love.
  • King is a friend.
  • Lady - rival.
  • Valts - troubles.
  • Dozen - interest.
  • Nine - Kiss.
  • Eight - conversation.
  • Seven - meeting.
  • Six - road.

The king in such a situation is a person who is giving a girl, that is, her partner. When a girl is interested in her fate together with a certain man, she can easily find out what he is doing what her love dreams about. The alignment is carried out on a playing deck in 36 cards.

The main thing is to have the right attitude, and take a deck on which we just wondered, and not used for card games. First you need to choose the king correctly:

  • If the beloved young blonde, and not married, then you should choose a map of King Tuben.
  • A blonde man in the middle, the elderly or married is the king of worms.
  • A man with a dark shade of hair, which was married but divorced, respectively, the King Tref.
  • The map of the king peak corresponds to the old man-brunette or widower.

Sometimes, if this is fortune-telling on the beloved, there is a lady next to the king, symbolizing gadgets. Easily come from such par values:

  • The tambourine lady and the king mean a young couple who have not yet been taking themselves as marriage.
  • The lady and the king of worms are a more age-age vapor.
  • The trophical suit is for couples associated with marriage bonds.
  • The lady and the king of the peak mean a couple of advanced years, widowing or lonely older people.

However, pairs can change if the feelings are associated people of different ages or marital status. It is better to consciously approach the selection of card values \u200b\u200bin order to achieve maximum reliability.

And although most often such divination implies precisely romantic feelings for the king, thus you often wonder on our own sons, colleagues, bosses for work.

You can guess at an unfamiliar man to determine its attitude.

It is not worth exaggerating or understood by age, or the appearance of a man on which the alignment will be performed. In this case, the result may not correspond to reality. Maps are a tool that resonates with the magic world, so they will not be deceived.

The gadgetting takes a deck in the hands and represents the face of a man who is in her heart. It is necessary to configure to the question of what to expect with this person. Next there are several ways to spend the fortune telling.

Just fortune telling on the king

The resulting image of a man The map of the king is located in the center of the table. The deck is well shuffled. Clearing does not allow any extra thoughts, only the image of your elect.

Next, 8 cards are randomly selected from the deck. The first two must be put on the left of the king. The second couple is on top. Third - to the right of the king. Fourth - bottom. Each of the cards here has its meaning:

The first card on the left shows the last one, the second - will tell about what he is busy in this moment.

The third card, located above the king, shows the present, the fourth - will indicate to your joint position.

The fifth card, located to the right of the king, shows how the Favorite sees the future, the sixth will show if there is a place in this future gadgetting.

The seventh card, located under the king, will answer the question that the king is thinking about gadgetting, the eighth - that awesome thinks about the king.

Simple fortune telling on playing cards

You guessing keeps the question in my head and the image of your beloved, shifts cards. Next, begins to lay out the cards one after another, while turning over.

At this time, you need to pronounce the names of the cards, starting from the bottom rank: six, seven, eight, nine, ten, currencies, lady, king, ace. They have the value of the map that coincided with pronounced, the rest are postponed.

This procedure needs to be held with all the deck of cards. If no map does not match with the uttered, the future of unnecessary, or it will not be.

Card values

Six worms: means a date.

Seven worms: good pastime in the chief company.

Eight of the worms: Communication with a favorable outcome, maybe even a date will reach the victorious end.

Nine worms: quick recognition in love.

Dozen Worms: Beloved will make a sentence.

Curlee worms: an unexpected guest will violate joint plans.

Lady of worms: the king has a different, or he is in love with another woman.

King of worms: Another man will appear to appear, which will help her forget about the chosen.

Ace of worms: Love Message.

Six tambourine: an unforgettable journey with the king.

Seven Tuben: Means a rival.

Eight Tuben: feelings of disgust, contempt, hatred.

Nine Tuben: An obstacle to the way to be together.

Ten tambourine: an unexpected gift.

Curlee Tuben: Friend.

Lady Tuben: Changing to change the king.

King Tuben: a lover who will refuse.

Ace Tuben: You can have to be satisfied with friendly relationships with the king.

Six Tref: Useless, unproductive, torn ride to beloved. Unsuccessive date.

Seven Tref: awaiting someone's pretty, flirt.

Eight Tref: Many bitter tears.

Nine Tref: the difficult consequences of the past king will be embarrassed.

Ten of Treph: False, vain hopes.

Valts Tref: The enemy is not indifferent to it.

Lady Tref: You can wait only friendship with the chosen one.

King Tref: an evil opponent who prevents relationships.

TUZ TREF: Fatal, bad news, destroying relationships.

Six peak: a journey that will be unsuccessful.

Seven peak: big quarrel.

G8 peak: clarification of relationships, tears.

Nine Peak: It will not be possible to stay together or staying friends.

Ten peak: There are evil enemies.

Racks peak: deception.

Lady Peak: Woman's enemy, woman rival.

King Peak: An opponent who breaks your connection.

Ace Peak: sad news, incident.

Signal for a couple of king lady cards

A pair of cards is put in the center of the table, which symbolizes a couple of lover. The rest of the deck is carefully shuffled. From the decks take one card and put between the king and the lady.

Next, it takes two cards from the decks, and put the shirt up from above on the king and lady. If suddenly the card coincide, they must be postponed to the same map on which they coincided. In the place of the last two cards is laid out that it became the latter in the opposite stack. Three times the deck passes through the king and the lady, before each of the repetitions cards are thoroughly shuffled. Next, the coincident cards are decrypted:

Pair of six - to separation, long road.

A pair of seven - to the long-awaited meeting, a date.

A steam of eights - to a conversation about the co-future.

A pair of nine will mean minor difficulties that do not interfere with love.

A pair of a dozen means mutual interest.

A pair of currencies - to the desirable joint exit or romantic dinner at home.

A pair of ladies is a bad sign. It may testify to the presence of an evil rival, or treason.

A couple of kings - to the opponent, or the infidelity of the woman.

A pair of aces - to unexpected news.

Fortune telling on three kings

This alignment will tell what future is waiting for a couple of lovers, whether they are destined to be together. The map of the king, on which you guess, laid out in the center of the table, the remaining three kings are located above it. The remaining cards are well shuffled.

Then, alternately laid out with a shirt up on three kings, the latest card in the scenario is laid out on the main king, symbolizing chosen one. After that, the cards must be collected, mix and repeat all the actions twice again.

Three cards that stayed on the main king and should be read. They will tell if the king loves the girl who goes on him, or she has a rival, and that they are waiting for them later. Interpretation of cards in this case does not depend on their masters:

Six: these relationships have no future. Even if they continue, the partners will not be happy. It is better to stop everything right now, or do not try to get closer to the king.

Sevenges: mean good news, perhaps even a sentence of marriage.

Eight: An important conversation about the relationship, after which everything will change.

Nine: fine feelings of the king are interfered with small adversity. You need to make an effort to be together.

Tens: only friendly relationships are possible, and nothing more.

Vnets: the king plays dishonest. Possible deception on his part.

Ladies: Mean the rival. The lady lying closer to the king, says that he is inclined in her favor.

Aces: to strong adversity in relationships, despite feelings. You need to try well to save and develop this connection.

Fortune telling on four kings

Actually, when a girl has several fans, but she cannot understand how sincerely it belongs to each of them. To begin, it is necessary to choose 4 kings, and, accordingly, masts, appoint each of the name of that man on which fortune telling.

Variations: take not 4 kings cards, and 3 or 2, or assign kings each of the cards on which you need to get answers. The kings decline on the table, down with shirts, in this order: the worm king, trephy, tambourine and peak.

The deck is hung, the question is formed in the head, which she wants to ask cards. On kings in turn, shirt up, laid out cards. Paired are cleaned. The deck is spread three times, each time after the deck ends, it must be pulled out thoroughly.

The values \u200b\u200bof the cards in such a fortune investigate, depending on the question.

If the girl was interested in how her chosenses belong to it, then the cards would have such interpretations:

6 - the possibility of treason;

7 - He is waiting for a meeting;

8 - Calculate only on friendship;

9 - sincere love;

10 - romantic interest;

Valts - he craves kisses;

Lady - Couple will remain in friendly relations, and no more;

Ace - Favorite jeeping on a girl gadgetting him.

If the question is that the men attracted the attention of the man to the girl, the folding card, the interpretation will be like this:

6 - he noticed beautiful legs, and could not resist;

7 - He drowned in bottomless eyes, and now dreams about them in a dream and reality;

8 - he did not resist the character of his beloved, and dreams of living together;

9 - he loves strong and powerful women, and so saw that disagreened;

10 - He fell in love with the softness and kindness of the girl;

Vallen - he is crazy about the perfect figurine of his beloved;

The lady - he fed to the perfect features;

Ace - he fell in love with firmly and completely in all the features inherent in gadget.

For an interesting question, what awaits a girl with her narrowed helps to answer the corresponding values \u200b\u200bof the cards:

6 - He wants to get acquainted closer, and will invite this girl for coffee and ice cream in a cafe during the day;

7 - He will invite those interested in them in a restaurant, or will offer a romantic evening together according to his own scenario;

8 - He will reveal the soul before the beloved in a long, frank conversation;

9 - he is open before his beloved and gives her clean, sincere, long love;

10 - Meeting with him will end in bed;

Valts - cramming a kiss;

Lady - only friendly meetings await you;

Ace - the desire to be together.

In general, in this scenario you can ask the cards absolutely any question, and get a quick, honest answer to it, which will help the girl to be ready for miscellaneous situationsassociated with its chosen one.

Knowing the values \u200b\u200bof all cards, and correctly confusing them, in a short time it will be possible to practice this fortune telling at any time and anywhere, quickly getting from the universe answers to any questions.

Example Reading Scented on King

Suppose that in a simple scenario on the king, the lady of worms and the trephing six drop out of it, the lady of the tube and the peak eight fall from it, on the right side of the king - a tambourine and a dozen worms, and from below - ace of worms and a nine treph. We look at what happened:

Past: You met thanks to my mistress, or a romantic connection between you (the lady of worms), while the family was destroyed in your eyes, or you were the cause of her collapse (six Tref);

Present: You help each other (Ace Tuben), but the partner does not feel love, or there is a strong interference with relations (eight peak);

FUTURE: You and your chosen one (dozen worms), you will all congratulate you (currens tambourine);

Currently, your feelings: he has a strong physical attraction (ace of worms), and you deeply in the soul condemn the beloved.

By using fantasy, any alignment can be turned into a clear and logical completed story.

A lighter method, allowing, for example, brighten up time in separation.

It allows you to find out what at the moment happens to the king. It is that it is necessary to carefully shifted a deck, tuned to the thoughts about what your king is busy at the moment.

Then from the deck in turn get cards under the text similar to the old baby fortune telling on the chamomile:

  1. Favorite on the road?
  2. Or in alarm?
  3. I remember me?
  4. Other hugs?
  5. In his bed sleeps?
  6. Or is the offense of tatt?
  7. Readings?
  8. Money considers?
  9. Do me bored?
  10. About the meeting dreams?

What else needs to be aware of fortune-king? How to do it?

Everyone who begins to guess on the maps, you should know several important rules. They will help make the process most accurate, and the result is reliable.

  • You can not use a playing deck for fortune telling. As soon as a person begins to guess, his cards turn into a tool and assistant. They can not be played, indulging, to give someone to whom. Neither foreign people nor loved ones should not know where the deck is kept.
  • It follows to B. certain days. The best day for fortune telling - Friday. The worst is Sunday. On Sunday, the cards lie.
  • In the process of pulling out, you can also speak with cards. loud or mentally to pronounce the thoughts, questions. In general, communicate with the deck as with the wise adviser.
  • Store cards is better not just in a secret place, known only to their owner. They need a special house: a box or a dense black bag.
  • It is impossible to guess in the changed state of consciousness, or people who are in it. No alcohol during fortune telling!
  • All sounds and smells in the room must be pleasant, nothing should distract.
  • You need to treat cards extremely seriously, trusting them, and then everything will turn out.

Old way to fortune telling in kings

In the old days, young girls who have not yet met their love, often wondered on the shields. The fortune telling on the four kings made it possible to understand what the future narrowed will be.

To do this, took from the deck of a map of four kings, and put under the pillow before bedtime, trying to present the desired image and how they are living together. Often gadgets seen in the dream image of the groom. Waking up the next morning, the girl shoved her hand under the pillow, and took one of the cards:

  • The king of peak meant the old husband with a bad character.
  • The trephic king is a military or rich man.
  • Bubnic king meant the perfect husband.
  • The king of worms is surrounding the girl with care, love and well-being until the end of their life.

So, the fortune telling on the king is a popular entertainment, which mother taught daughters, and daughters - their daughters, and so it, modifying over time, reached the present day.

Fortune telling on the king online

Today, the divination can be carried out at any time, even without having a cherished card deck at hand. Just as in the present fortune study, many online resources will offer you to spend a fortune-up in express mode online and completely free.

Some sites provide digestive services online or skype, but this is a longer procedure that will certainly cost money.

In any case, many sites made a fortune telling on the king online a pleasant and interesting procedure, where you can independently choose the design of the deck, indicate the cards themselves, and allow artificial intellect Intelligently interested in a person's curious values \u200b\u200bfor each scenario, over which the most extinguishing do not have to reflect for a long time. How serious to perceive the results fast gadas Online - this is the case of everyone who goes on it.

Fortune telling on love

Each who is in love, want to know whether it is mutually, and what to expect from their second half in the future. After all, nothing affects the life, the fate and well-being of a person, as his relationship with his beloved. People came up with a huge set of ways to get answers to exciting questions, including with the help of gadas.

For love, people are guessing to know about bad events that can be prevented and prepared for good. For example, a gadget person can ask the world of magic the question of whether she should expect the appearance of a child, and when it can happen. Or, if she suspects her husband or beloved in treason, maps or other tools will tell her how much suspicion is justified.

In addition, any of the fortunes helps to develop intuition and apply new skills in practice, and establish a connection with the universe who practices divination and is interested in Esoteric.

Fortune telling at wish

The desire is also guessing to configure your internal compass on the right path. W. modern man New desires appear almost every minute, and ask the issue of infinity is sometimes useful in this atmosphere of oversaturation information.

First you need to understand whether this desire is true, or imposed. Then you can use cards and decompose a simple solitaire for 36 cards. To do this, you need to tune in to your question so that anything around it does not interfere, and lay out a shirt four rows of eight cards in each. To fold the solitaire, you need to open all the cards.

There are more simple ways fortune telling at a wish on maps. For example, at random to remove any deck from the deck. The worm card will mean a quick execution of desire, a bubnic - after a while. If a trephing card falls, the desire will not come true. And any peak suit will mean that if this desire is fulfilled, then be trouble. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately forget.


Thanks to the magic of cards and fortune telling on the maps both in reality and online, you can learn about the intentions of your loved one and the future with him, to open the veil of the true relationship between partners, and even learn about the attitude of a colleague or boss.

Know the future or not - this is a personal choice of every person, for someone it can be very sad, and it would be better to never know it, and someone, thanks to this knowledge to inspires global changes or serious deeds in life.

On the king's playing cards - one of the most famous and popular fortunes today. Especially such divisions are popular in New Year holidays and the Christmas week. it love fortune telling, It is popular among girls. There are several types of fortunes on the king. It can be carried out on a variety of card decks.

Signal "Communication"

Is your chosen one started to give away from you? This fortune telling will help you find out what your chosen one thinks, what is happening now?

There is a fortune telling when you guess in the kings of different texts of cards. Depending on the situation. On the tambourous, worm, peak and crusades. The alignment of this kind will tell you about your feelings for the chosen one, about his feelings for you. And, of course, the fact that there will be between you later.

The fortune telling is carried out. The deck of cards is taken, the cards are shuffled. To pay out from the deck, you need to pull it out. King Buben. It takes out if your chosen young man has no wife and young, just as good.

Guessing on in the average or married, you need to choose chervon King. You love old, in years or a man who has already had a wife, but he divorced it? Then boldly take king Tref.. Well, finally peak king. It is selected if the chief of the old or his wife died.

The king is put on the table. The deck is still having. Your actions should be further like. Listen inner voice And intuition and pull out eight cards from the deck. Open cards. The first and second is put on the left of the king. The third and fourth falls from above. The fifth and sixth card put on the right of the king. And the last two cards place below.

The alignment is ready. Each card will tell you about something:

  • First The map will tell about the past.
  • Second It will warn about a specific event that indicates the sphere of the influence of the chosen one, will show what he does and what does.
  • Third The map speaks of the present.
  • Fourth Spends what you do together.
  • Fifth The card will tell about the future, as the chosen one will affect him.
  • Six The card will issue this future with you.
  • Seventh The map will guide about and feelings of a man to you, answer the question - "What does he think about you?"
  • Eighth About what you feel and think about it.

Just fortune telling on the king

This fortune-telling can be carried out on the playing cards of any type, the deck will answer that he has a loved one and how to behave with him. It is not necessary to guess to guess, everything is extremely simple, anyone will understand. All that will need is a deck of 36 playing cards and your imagination. Card deck Summary is in your hands. At the same time, you must represent the face of your beloved.

Tasite cards and in thoughts ask the question: "What awaits me with this person?". Start from the very first card (the one that is upstairs over the rest), start laying them out, while turning over. When you turn over the cards, say: six, seven, eight, nine, currency, lady, king, ace. The side of those cards that coincide with your spoken words are postponed. Thus, you need to go through the whole deck of cards.

Suppose such a moment. No map fell at the same time as you said. This will mean that the future with your beloved is not defined, or it will not be it at all.

Card designation


  • Six. You are waiting for a date.
  • Seven. You are good and nice to spend time in the company of your chosen one.
  • Eight. Satisfaction from communication. Perhaps even a scrupulous nature with hints for sex.
  • Nine. He confesses to you that you love you very much.
  • Ten. The man of your dream will make you an offer to marry him.
  • Valet. Your dating is prevented by an uninvited guest.
  • Lady. He has or favorite.
  • King. New lover, that person who is guessing. Because of him you can forget the one who love now.
  • Ace. Letter of love.


  • Six. Traveling with your beloved, which will delight.
  • Seven. You have a rival.
  • Eight. Hatery feelings.
  • Nine. On the way, an obstacle may arise to your beloved.
  • Ten. Expect a gift, a gift.
  • Valet. The person you fully trust.
  • Lady. You will change it myself.
  • King. Lover who will be rejected.
  • Ace. You will be friends.


  • Six. The date is angry, and the ride will be useless and unnecessary.
  • Seven. Flirt and sympathy.
  • Eight. Tears await you. You will cry.
  • Nine. Negative consequences of the past.
  • Ten. Cheating and false hopes.
  • Valet. It is not indifferent to you.
  • Lady. You will be a faithful girlfriend.
  • King. Rival. He will handle your relationship.
  • Ace. Sad news that destroys all the trouble.


  • Six. You will be together on the road, but happiness do not know.
  • Seven. Largely quarrel.
  • Eight. An unpleasant conversation will end with tears.
  • Nine. You will not be friends. Beloved too.
  • Ten. Long enemies.
  • Valet. Litched you caught.
  • Lady. Evil or rival.
  • King. The opponent who instructs plans and relationships.
  • Ace. Bed, sad news.

These fortune tells often come true. We live in the world of information that is energy, and do not notice the magic that happens around us. Guess, and you will learn about yourself and about close many new, unusual, interesting.

The fortune telling will help you understand what your beloved feels for you, that he hides from you, and what will be your relationship with him in the future.

It is interesting that fortune telling the fact that you can learn something new, to open my eyes to your own fears Or to a subconscious craving for some other man, and not to the one on which you are guessing.

Preparation for gadania

You will need a new deck of cards or cards that you have long been guessing and who are frank with you. Playing cards Or those on which someone else wondered to you, nor for this scenario, neither at all is not suitable for the burner. This divination Ensite the use of a deck of 36 cards.

Guess the relationship and on a love perspective Best on Tuesday or Friday, on a growing moon. And since any fortune telling is some ritual, then it is best to carry out in the light of 2 white candles.

Before starting the alignment, make sure that the cards are configured to "talk" with you. Drag a deck and start uploading three cards. Do it until the card is falling out, denoting you.

If the cards with which it fell, point to the events that took place with you on the eve (for the past week), then the fortune telling will be true. If nothing with you did not happen, then the fortune telling is better to postpone, as the truth will not say.

  • If you unmarried girl Up to 25 years, then your map is a lady Tuben.
  • If you are married or from 25 to 50, then choose the lady of worms.
  • If you are a widow or more than 50 years, then your card is the lady Tref.

The same applies to the choice of a map of the man who are going to guess: idle young man - the king of the Buben, married or older than 25 - the king of worms, a widower over 50 or your boss - the king of Tref.

Loving perspective

First stage

Put the map, symbolizing your beloved, on the left side, and your card with the right. Leave a small space between them. Now carefully drag the deck and remove your left hand to yourself. Cards for this divination are taken in a row, and not dragged in any order.

Lay out two cards shirt up in this order:

  • Two cards to the left of the king, two cards to the right of the lady - this is what each of you tie apart;
  • Two cards in the feet of king and lady - this is what each of you is waiting in the near future;
  • Two cards over the king and above the lady - this is what each of you thinks about each other;
  • Two cards next to the left pile of the king and two cards next to the right stack of lady - this is what prevents in your relationship with it and on your part;
  • Two cards on the king and two cards for a lady - this is what (or who) each of you really is on the heart;
  • On the same map at the king and under the lady - this is the true attitude of it to you, and yours - to him;
  • Three times two cards between the king and the lady are the past, present and future of your relationship.

Open and interrupt cards in the order in which you laid them. Just remember that it is necessary to interpret not every card individually, but both maps in a bundle with each other.

And do not discard those images that are born in your subconscious during interpretation. Often they not only complement the overall picture of divination, but also allow you to significantly expand and specify it.

Second phase

After interpreting, collect all the signs of the scenario, including your card and map of your man. Carefully drag them again. Now lay out three stacks of three cards of a kind of inverted triangle. Left stack - What your man wants from relationships with you, and what he will strive for.

Right stack - what you want from relationships with this man, and what will be achieved. Lower stack - what will be really. After interpreting, set aside these nine cards aside, they will no longer need you.

Third stage

Paving the main scenaries again. Now open one map with the words: for me, for home, for the heart, what happened, what will end, the heart will calm down. See the interpretation of each card - this is your direct future.

Set these seven cards. Drag the remaining maps of the main scenario and lay out seven more cards (for him, for the home, for the heart, etc.) - it will be the direct future of your man. These cards also set aside.

Fourth stage

The remaining cards remain from the main part of the card again, lay out one and remove the paired cards (two eights, two valves, etc.). Those cards that will remain after these manipulations? And you will show your future with the man you are guessing.

It is said that this is the future that cannot be avoided, however - who is warned, he is armed, and if you do not like the outcome of your scenario, you can try to change this future.

Interpretation of individual cards and some combinations


6 - the road to meet your beloved or his way to meet you; Joint love journey; Honeymoon. Sometimes - the birth of mutual sympathy or concession.

7 - dates; secret meetings of lovers; Cohabitation.

8 - love talk; recognition; marriage proposal (if near the seven of worms).

9 - Mutual love. Sometimes - love of spouses to children. If there is a row of currency worms - the birth of a child or pregnancy.

10 - joint hopes, plans, dreams.

Valet - problems of intimate character.

Lady - you yourself. Mother, lying. In combination with the peak card - rival. Combined with a tambourine map - your friend or girlfriend (exactly a friend) of your beloved.

King - Map of your chosen one; married man. For married - spouse. Sometimes - lover; Influential patron at a special fee.

Ace - house, home focus; wedding.


6 - Share close road or trip to his or your friends.

7 - friendly meetings, companies; Meetings of like-minded people (aligns, classmates). In combination with peaks - a reason for jealousy.

8 - Discussion of the joint future. Sometimes (in combination with the six and with a seven tambourine) - vacation with shared friends.

9 - love of unmarried people; the first love; Innocent friendship.

10 - friendly interest; Hope, plans. In combination with Trephami - joint purchases.

Valet - Problems; Friendly troubles. Sometimes - young fan. Defloration. In the position under your card - fear of intimate proximity.

Lady - you yourself; Young girl; Girlfriend, mistress of a married wormland king.

King - Your beloved; Young unmarried man; Chosen heart for unmarried ladies. Sometimes - someone's son or young relative. In a position under the map of your chosen one - hidden homosexuality.

Ace - Letter, official message. Sometimes - an important friendly service. Next to Trephami - signing a marriage contract.


6 - Business trip, business trip. In combination with peaks - reason for a quarrel.

7 - business meetings. Sometimes - a device for work or corporate party. In combination with the king of Tref or Peak - a proposal from which it is impossible to refuse.

8 - discussion of the joint budget; Next to the peaks - a quarrel because of money, reproaches in a rudeness;

9 love affair at work (If you do not work with your chosen one, then the novel is either yours or it). Sometimes - severe heart attachment, but on a commercial basis.

10 - expensive present from chosen or him from you; Profit, earnings. Sometimes - a state interest; Using a personal position for personal purposes.

Valet - Your or its financial problems that can cause a gap; Cash troubles, care. Sometimes - a novel with a low-level representative.

Lady - you yourself; Chief, colleague. Sometimes - mother-in-law, mother-in-law, neighbor; Woman you need money. Next to the card of your chosen one - the influential person, from which it depends materially.

King - Your beloved; Head, colleague, father or beetor. Sometimes - the debtor or lender. Next to your card - a person who does not like your chosen one.

Ace - Business, government house, your or his work.


6 - Joint late or long road. Sometimes - an unpleasant trip or a ride trip. Next to the card of your chosen one - the road he hides from you.

7 - Quarrel with chosen one; chagrin, sadness; Next to the lady - an unpleasant meeting.

8 - jealousy; distrust, clarification of relationships, scandal; Blinking, inviting you both to visit, from which it is better to refuse.

9 - disease; In a bundle with Chervami and other peaks - a venereal disease. Sometimes - sensual love with evil intentions.

10 - Disappointment in the elect (or in you), deceived hopes, disturbed plans, tears.

Valet - empty troubles; In vain or unnecessary actions, incorrect steps. Sometimes - young intrigan. In a presentation, the future relationship next to another peak card is the futility of relationships.

Lady - anger, jealousy, annoyance; enemy, rival; intrigan. Sometimes - the widow. In the position under the map of your chosen one - Relief.

King - official, noble man; widower. Sometimes - a new acquaintance or a serious enemy. In the position under your card - a seducer who will destroy your feelings to the chosen one.

Ace - Down the edge - blow, break, parting, up - annoying trouble, misunderstanding.

Each card is not accidentally given a few interpretations. Relate interpretation with your real life And choose the most likely for each specific case. This will help you better understand what they seek to tell you the cards.