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Weight support after weight loss. How to keep weight after weight loss. Mandatory breakfasts and light dinners should be introduced into the habit

According to American psychologists - Tracy Mann and her colleagues from the University of California in Los Angeles, who conducted a strict analysis of all long-term research results after diet of the last 2-5 years - most of those who used a diet to combat overweight, not only Restored "their kilograms", but also gained extra.

At the same time, such experiments had fallen into the overall state of their health, transformed into problems with the heart and vessels, the increased risk of diabetes, stroke, there were failures in the immune system.

Diets, in their opinion, do not contribute to the final deliverance from excess weight and do not bring any significant health benefits for most people.

Also in this study, such a feature was noted that if retaining a new weight for a certain time interval, more than six months, the brain takes these indicators as normal, which significantly facilitates future efforts to hold them.

Accordingly, the longer the period continued when you were overweight, the more time it will be necessary to "confirm" new body parameters. So it is really important to maintain the constant weight after the end of the diet, otherwise the problems have a property return ...

But there is always the opportunity after weight loss. Holding to the following rules, you can be sure that such difficulty dropped kilograms is no longer back.

So how to keep your weight after weight loss?

1. To stabilize your weight, take the habit of weighing about once a week. It is not worth becoming on the scales every day because of the daily weight fluctuations that can reach 1-2 kg., Depending on what you have been eaten throughout the day.

Choose a specific day of the week and weighed in the morning on an empty stomach, Slimming Results Record into your diary to be able to track the dynamics of positive changes.

And if you see an increase in your mass by more than 2 kg., It is not necessary to panic immediately, just to correct your food diet and / or strengthen the physical activity so that the weight returns back to the right direction.

In such cases, in addition to actions aimed at restoring your weight, it is necessary to find out the reason that contributed to the increase in mass, and do not repeat it in the future.

2. Stick 3 meals in order to successfully save weight after weight loss. Since if the body remains no food for a long time, the metabolism is inexorably slow down. Suppose, having missed lunch, due to an insurmountable feeling of hunger, you can excessively move after dinner, with a margin of the transferred daytime norm of Cokealorius.

3. All nutritional elements, vitamins and minerals should be present in the diet, vitamins and minerals that are necessary for normal life and help keep weight after weight loss.

The more diverse the choice of useful products in your refrigerator - fruits and vegetables, cereals and foods from coarse grinding flour, meat of non-fat varieties and dairy products, eggs, fish and seafood, nuts and berries, dried fruits - the smaller probability that she wants something Not quite useful.

At the same time, sometimes you can pampel yourself with a small number of forbidden, but such a favorite product. Adhering to strict prohibitions, sooner or later, you can break out, which means to jeopardize the progress achieved. A little bitter or ice cream once a week as noticeable harm figure will not cause.

To save the new weight after weight loss, use helpers who will easily help you in the fight against extra calories. Pineapple, eaten before and after eating, contributes to the complete assimilation of the protein. Exotic - the real enemy of fats: it is simply with ease of ease. Pepper - a storehouse of vitamins, will significantly improve the metabolism.

4. To maintain a new form, the body should receive at least 30-40 minutes of physical exertion daily. Remember, returning to the former sitting lifestyle will surely return all your kilograms, and even with bonuses of the form of cellulite and nervous stress.

And it does not matter what motor activity you prefer - swimming it or, or badminton, walk around the city in a fast pace or work on your garden - it is important that you are moving, and it brings pleasure and pleasant fatigue.

Lovers of new-fashioned diets are often asked "How not to recover again and save the end result?". In fact, everything is much more difficult than in theory. Agree, it is quite difficult to abandon "yummy" and not consolidate their new figure. Modern rhythm of life negatively affects health, in most cases there is no possibility to eat often and small portions. However, experienced nutritionists have solved a solution to the problem, consider psychological aspects in order.

Method number 1. Keep emotional balance

Many people start often to eat a lot when they have discomfort in the emotional plan. Of course, there are those who, on the contrary, are starving, but we are not talking about them. If you consider yourself to the first category of persons, look for ways to combat negative factors. When there is no possibility to hide the experiences, slow down yourself on the way to the refrigerator. You can hang a motivational poster with the inscription "After 18.00, do not eat!" And all in such a kind.

Occasionally let yourself scream, cry or beat the cushion fists. Psychologists and nutritionists agreed that such a splash of emotions is able to control the swelling hunger. If this technique does not help, purchase a course of polyvitamins in the pharmacy, contributing to the suppression of appetite. Some girls help antidepressants, it all depends on individual characteristics.

Method number 2. Refuse semi-finished products

Refuse the semi-finished products and fast food, which clog the intestine and contribute to the deposition of cholesterol. Exclude homework, canned food, dumplings, dumplings and other dishes of this kind. If you have enough will, stop eating sausages, sauces based on mayonnaise with dyes and preservatives. Listed products are not beneficial at all. If you live not alone, ask the households not to eat this kind of "delicacy" in your presence or go to another room.

Method number 3. Do not miss breakfast

Start the morning awakening from a dense breakfast, eat everything you wish. It is necessary to give the body a signal that it is time to wake up. In such a simple way, you will launch metabolism, as a result of which weight loss will continue.

Optimal breakfast option is considered oatmeal or linen porridge, boiled eggs, cottage cheese, low-fat yogurts. Some girls eat a lightweight soup and allow themselves a small dessert. The main thing is to use "forbidden" fruits in the first half of the day so that carbohydrates are not postponed in the waist and the hips.

If you feel about sweet tolets, give preference to such sweets like marshmallows, marmalade, bitter chocolate or yoghurt cake. The only thing worth limiting is to limit - baking. It is equally poorly affected on the figure, regardless of the time of use.

Method number 4. Do not neglect the snacks

Do not try to eat a lot and rarely, take a habit of snacking with useful products between the main techniques of food. The recommendation is particularly relevant for working people who allocated only 1 hour for lunch. Fresh fruits, berry smoothies, milk cocktails, berry, nuts, nuts, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, kefir, rhyden. You can also eat a snack with a sandwich from whole grain bread with salmon or salmon. In no case do not use the sausage, give up it completely.

Method number 5. Run on protein food

It is known that the protein is perfectly saturated with the body. As a result of frequent use of protein food, you will not be hunger. In combination with physical exercises, the muscles will begin to grow, and extra kilograms melt in front of their eyes. As a source of protein, we can allocate solid and soft cheeses, sea cocktails, freshwater fish, eggs, cottage cheese, natural yogurt, kefir, ryazhenka, milk. Optionally, you can purchase Protein in sports nutrition store that promotes weight loss.

Method number 6. Pay due attention to sleep

From girls who have a sense of humor, often you can often hear the phrase: "When I sleep, there is less harm from me!". If you rephrase, you can understand the following: "When I sleep, then I do not empty the refrigerator in the evening day!".

The fact is that during sleep, growth hormone (somatotropin) is produced, which contributes to an accelerated weight loss. If you normalize your working day, notice that extra kilograms will start rapidly disappear. Try to go to bed no later than 22.00. Choose a convenient pillow for sleep, its height should not exceed 8 cm. In the final state.

If it fails to fall asleep ahead, go to a half-hour walk or shook the press. Carry the room, muffle the light, drink a cup of green tea with honey, be bored with an apple.

Method number 7. Do not abuse alcohol

Alcoholic beverages are irritated to the gastric mucosa and dull consciousness. As a result, I want to eat often and a lot. Fully eliminate whiskey, brandy, rum, sweet cocktails and beer. If you really want to drink a glass of red or white dry wine, biting it with fruit. The same applies to smoking. Tobacco clogs the vessels and negatively affects all internal organs.

Method number 8. Sports

It is known that sports contributes to weight loss and building muscle tissue. At the same time, physical loads suppress hunger, you will benefit. Take over the habit every day to download the press or jump on the rope, squat or make a left back. The listed exercises burn calories to the maximum.

You can also sign up for swimming, visit the gym or kickboxing section. Iron lovers are recommended to purchase a subscription into a gym. Poland, Pilates, Stretching, water gymnastics, etc. is considered an excellent version of physical exertion.

Attending the sports section is preferably at least 3 times a week. In cases where this possibility is absent, do physical exercises at least once every 5 days.

Method number 9. More drink

To keep the shape, you need to drink as much water as possible. The daily amount in the summer is 2.8 l., In winter - 2.4-2.5 liters. The liquid displays poisons and chemicals, as a result of which the internal organs work in full-fledged mode. At the same time, the water fills the stomach, so I want to eat less.

You should also lean on green tea, fresh juices, fruit, smoothie, compotes without sugar. If possible, give up coffee or drink it with milk, caffeine awakens appetite. Start the morning from cabbage or carrot juice to speed up blood circulation.

Method number 9. Do not engage in self-criticism

Self-criticism is good only in moderate quantities. If you will constantly firmly "I'm fat!" Or "What is the point of losing, if I still get better?!", So it will be. Do not put sharp boundaries for yourself, sometimes let me be energized and high-calorie food. However, it is not necessary to get involved in similar dishes more often than two times a week.

Specialists in the field of dietology concluded that the psychological aspect is very important to preserve the weight after the diet. If you are tested for baking, you dwell and forget it. It is better than you will constantly think about a delicious bun and, as a result, depressed.

Method number 10. Weigh yourself

After you have achieved results, do not hurry to postpone the scales aside. Take the habit of weighing 1 time per week. Get a diary, write positive changes to it. Do not panic if during the next session you saw an increase to the weight of about 2 kg., This feature occurs due to the fluid delay in subcutaneous covers.

There is no need to get up on the scales every day, the indicators will constantly fluctuate, because you do not catch the result. Weekly weighing should be carried out strictly on an empty stomach in the morning. After a month of such manipulations, analyze the indicators, find out where the extra weight comes from, eliminate the causes (if there is an increase in body weight).

Method number 11. Mouse over the kitchen

Girls and women who looked and wish to keep the result for a long time, it is recommended to pose in order in the kitchen. Hide sweets and flour products on the far corner of the closet, put on the forefront of dairy skim products, fresh vegetables and fruits. Replace large plates small, remove the delicate still lifes from the walls. If possible, hang in the kitchen blue or blue curtains, laying tablecloth, listed shades suppress appetite.

Method number 12. Pass the course of Polyvitamins

If you need to keep weight after weight loss in the autumn-winter or in the winter-spring periods, offer a course of vitamins to maintain a common tone of the body. Such complexes are sold at the pharmacy, the cost varies depending on the manufacturer's company and the duration of the course (as a rule, it is 60 days). It is also worth buying a fish and a badger fat in capsules, and then use the drug according to the instructions.

It is enough difficult to keep weight after weight loss, if you do not adhere to practical advice. Keep emotional balance, refuse semi-finished products, do not skip breakfast. Do not neglect the snacks, run on protein food, pay due attention to sleep. Do not abuse alcohol, exercise.

Video: How to keep weight after weight loss

Lose weight without long diets and exhaustive exercises want almost everything. Of course, it is possible to quickly lose weight at home. For example, we all beloved Alla Borisovna Pugacheva Khutov repeatedly.

Help to lose weight for a week by 10 kg, or even by 12 kg, we promise very many techniques. But, it is not at all to lose weight quickly, but in order to keep the result of weight loss for a long time.

How to save weight after weight loss

With the problem of repeated weight gain, almost everyone who has ever sat on a diet, or tried to lose weight by exercise. According to statistics, it is possible to stabilize the weight only 5% of those who once managed to lose weight. What are the reasons for re-set weight and how to avoid it?

First, the return to the familiar lifestyle, in which extra kilograms and were diagnosed, simply leads to the repetition of the path traveled, forming a vicious circle from which to get to be removed very few. Most begins to live according to the scheme: I'll sit on the diet, I'll cut the weight, again gain. And so until it is finally disappointed in fruitless attempts to get rid of hateful kilograms, or not completely threaten health.

Secondly, even those who practically do not get out of various kinds of diets, discover that the results from their titanic efforts are becoming more modest every time. But the fact is that the body is being protected to another power consumption mode and, in anticipation of the next weighty madness, its hostess begins to store each grease and every free calorium, so that at least somehow survive into harsh dietary times. Therefore, many even sitting on the next diet, cease to lose weight and begin to add in weight.

Another vicious circle is formed with short-term physical exertion, when a person buys a subscription into a fitness club and for a month, it hits the sports exercises for a month, and then when the body finally adapted to such a life regime, suddenly throws classes, because the subscription ended And the result is achieved.

Is it possible to lose weight forever

The thing is that many are suitable for weight loss as a unpleasant, but short-term process, which must be survived. Someone is ready to overcome the famine for a week, the maximum is two, but almost no one plans to live constantly. Others are ready to work out a week-another sport to lose weight, but they were not going to become athletes.

The faster result promises one or another diet, or a set of exercises, the more people grab about this chance to lose weight. And almost no one wants to think that all efforts will also quickly go as shock, if in a week it is back to the former lifestyle. Therefore, before looking for miraculous recipes of weight loss, it is necessary to soberly appreciate your strength, understand that weight loss is not a short distance, and a complete change in lifestyle. If you are not ready for this, you should not start.

How to lose weight

If you really consciously and purposefully decided to approach the process of weight loss, you should first be patient, not enough for the first money, and in detail and thoroughly plan your day, diet, physical activity, calculate the individual calorie consumption rate.

How much calories need a day to lose weight

Individual calorie rate per day is calculated by the formula of Harris-Benedict. This formula is not suitable for persons with a strong muscular mass (athletes) and for people having a very large excess fat layer.

Calculation of the daily calorie norm:

1. RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate or basic metabolism). This figure shows how many calories per day I need the body to support vital activity (hair growth, blood circulation, breathing, etc.). Less than this figure is undesirable, because The metabolism and the body will significantly slow down to the "save energy" phase, which will only prevent weight loss.

RMR\u003d 655 + (9.6 x Weight per kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age)

Example: Woman Weight 70 kg 160 cm 40 years. RMR\u003d 655 + (9.6 x 70) + (1.8 x 160) - (4.7 x 40) \u003d 1427 kcal

2. AMR (Active Metabolic Rate or metabolism with physical activity). This figure shows the minimum amount of calories, the necessary organism to maintain the existing weight.

Sitted lifestyle: RMR x 1.2
- Small activity (sport 1-3 days per week): RMR x 1.375
- Average activity (sport 3-5 days per week): RMR x 1.55
- High Activity (Sport 6-7 days per week): RMR x 1.725
- Very high activity (very active daily sports, high physical activity at work, training twice a day): RMR x 1.9

Example: Woman Weight 70 kg 160 cm 40 years Small activity: RMR 1427 x 1.375 \u003d AMR 1962 Kcal is needed to maintain the current weight.

If you want to lose weight, start gradually 100-200 calories per day reduce the caloric content of your diet until the daily consumption deficiency is 200-300 calories. These indicators will need to be maintained until your perfect body weight. When this happens, you should smoothly move to the consumption of calories, fully appropriately achieved body weight and physical exertion.

What should be the perfect weight, or the perfect body weight

The most scientifically reasonable, justified in practice and simple in dimension, is such an indicator as Body Mass Index (BMI). The body mass index allows you to determine the degree of redundancy or body weight failure.

Definition of body mass index (BMI):

The body weight indicator in kilograms should be divided into growth rate in meters, erected into square, i.e.:

BMI \u003d weight (kg): (growth (M)) 2

For example, human weight \u003d 85 kg, height \u003d 164 cm. Consequently, BMI in this case is: BMI \u003d 85: (1.64x1.64) \u003d 31.6.

The body weight index is used to determine the degree of obesity and the degree of risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other complications associated with excessive body weight and obesity.

Types of body weight BMI (kg / m 2) Risk of accompanying diseases
Body mass deficiency <18,5 Low (increased risk of other diseases)
Normal body weight 18,5-24,9 Normal
Excess body weight 25,0-29,9 Increased
Obesity I degree 30,0-34,9 Tall
Obesity II degree 35,0-39,9 Very tall
Obesity III degree 40 Extremely high

Normal from a medical point of view is the mass of the body in a rather wide range, which depends on the structure of the body, age, gender, racial affiliation, etc. The ideal body weight will be, respectively, body weight taking into account all these indicators.

Normal weight(indicated in the table with green color):

An excessive body weight is designated with a yellow zet, red-eyed.

How much days need to lose weight

On the right way of weight loss can leave a lot of time, sometimes up to the year. It all depends on the initial mass of the body and the intensity of physical exertion. And, of course, on how strictly you will stick to the selected slimming strategy. But the result will be much more resistant than with rapid weight loss, because the body will gradually rebuilt on the right power consumption method.

Proper nutrition

Food should be rich in vitamins and minerals, because, often we eat not because the hungry, but because the body lacks any microelements and therefore overeat. In addition, many people do not distinguish the feeling of hunger and the feeling of thirst, so instead of drinking begin to eat and the body gets used to getting water from food. To maintain the right metabolism, it is important to observe the drinking mode: for each kilogram of mass per day, not less than 30 ml of water should flow.

The ratio of fats and carbohydrate proteins In the day diet should be as follows:

1.5 grams of protein + 1.5 grams of fat + 4 g of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight, i.e. If you weigh, say, 100 kg, then, for normal life, you need 150 gr protein, 150 gr fat and 400 g of carbohydrates.

However, if you want to lose weight, it is necessary to reduce fat consumption by about 10%, and completely replace animal fat vegetable containing polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition, the structure of carbohydrate consumption should be changed. It is necessary to completely exclude all the easily-friendly carbohydrates (the so-called "fast sugar") and replace them with products containing a large amount of fiber.

From protein food should not be refused, however, it is not necessary to completely switch to the protein diet. The fact is that protein, or so-called " Kremlin diet"It is very harmful to kidneys. A large amount of purine bases contained in meat and other protein products leads to a shift of urine reaction in the acidic side, which, in turn, causes diseases such as urolithiasis and gap. Urinary acid accumulating in The body falls in the form of crystals, which leads to deposition of salts in the joints and education in the kidneys of urban stones - urates (urbites).

How much does there have diets? Minimum a few thousand! How to figure them out to be preferred? We simplified your task and chose four nutrition systems that give a good result and, importantly, do not threaten your health.

14:11 18.08.2013

Our heroines are ready to confirm this!

Proven: the owners of slender figures live longer than the pyshnes, less often complain about increased pressure, headache and heart problems. But how to lose weight, so as not to harm health, and keep weight in the norm? We analyzed popular diets and chose 4 most effective. Note each other features. One of them may suit you. Some work on yourself - and you do not know your reflection in the mirror! The experience of our heroin is a lively confirmation. But you probably have a friend who have to no avail inflicted not one diet on themselves. And some of them after temporary weight loss recovered again and even began to weigh more than before the diet. It is possible that you yourself are in such a situation. Unpleasant metamorphosis with a figure - the result of a nonsense approach to nutrition, the lack of knowledge about the needs of the body.

With no restrictions!

The main mistake is to perceive the diet as a limitation. Instead of moderate consumption of sweets - a refusal of them. Instead of replacing fatty calorie dishes with delicious and useful - half-rolled, poor diet vitamins. Naturally, the body is rebellious against prohibitions. As a result, you eat one fruit all day all day, then in one sitting, we are driving a cliff. Such changes in the diet loosen the metabolism, and reset kilograms becomes more difficult. A competently composed diet is not built on prohibitions, but on the basis of rational nutrition. It allows you to eat delicious, satisfying, but without prejudice to the waist, and also takes into account the need of the body in vitamins and trace elements. So, together with the figure, the condition of the nails, hair and skin will improve. Only such weight reduction methods deserve attention.

Tales and truth about weight

There is another factor that determines the attitude towards food, but we often ignore it: these are traditions and our habits. They are laid in the subconscious from childhood and are very influenced by the lifestyle. Nudody's own itself: When you, a little girl, have eaten lunch, the parents praised you. And they rejoiced: "grows healthy!" What happened when you refused to eat? There were persistent in the course - they are taking care of the dad, for mom ... Natives began to worry - did not get sick? Gradually, abundant food began to be associated with health, joy, success. This is confirmed by your favorite fairy tales, where the Heppi-end is a feast to the whole world. Traditionally, no family holiday is done without a hearty feast. Watch your habits. You are not obliged to eat everything to the last crumb, eat behind a child or experience a feeling of guilt, refusing guests from the next portion of the home cake. Fit on your own system.

Kremlin diet

Preference to proteins

This diet allows in an unlimited quantity there are products rich in proteins - boiled meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese. Observing it, you can reset to 5 kg per week.

Overweight - evidence of excess fat stocks in the body. The Kremlin diet helps to get rid of them. It is known that the body burns carbohydrates: energy is spent on movement, breathing, emotions. If limited their number in the diet, fats will be spent. As a result, you will start to lose weight. Each product, depending on the presence of carbohydrates, a certain number of conditional units was assigned.

How much is the pate?

Boiled meat, fish, caviar, shrimp, tea without sugar are equivalent to 0 y. e. But a pair of pieces of white bread pulls at 48 y. e., and 100 g of sugar - for all 99! Weight decline will occur if the daily diet will not exceed 40 y. e. For weight retention, you can eat products at 60 y. e. per day. In addition, it is recommended to drink 1.5-2 liters of non-carbonated water during the day. About white bread and sweets will have to forget for a while. And dried fruits, juices, sweet fruits, porridge - to practically exclude from the diet, because they all contain many carbohydrates. Replace potatoes stewed vegetables, and Muesli - scrambled eggs. Make a menu so that fresh vegetables are presented in it. Give preference to healthy food. For example, margarine and coffee without sugar also have 0 y. e. But excessive consumption is unlikely to go to you. Tables with a full list of products and an indication of their "cost" can be found on the Internet.

Menu on day

Breakfast. Fried eggs with cheese and ham, tea or coffee without sugar.
Snack. Carrot Fresh.
Dinner. Portion of broth, 200 g boiled chicken, headband and champignons.
Snack. Tea without sugar, 1 Sukharik.
Dinner. Beefstex, vegetable salad, 50 g of cheese.
During the day. 1.5 liters of water without gas, a glass of dry red wine is allowed.

PROS The diet does not cause hunger feelings. The body is provided by protein and trace elements.
MINUSES Restriction in the consumption of fruit causes a lack of fiber, potassium, carotenoids, vitamin C, some vitamins of group B.

Know the measure!

Galina Anokhina, nutritionist
The protein diet is shown only to healthy people. It is impossible to use it too much!

In order for the body normally function, it needs proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In the human menu, they must be present in the 1: 1: 3 ratio. In the Kremlin diet, this proportion is broken, the liver and kidneys are experiencing an increased load. Therefore, only people who have no problems with these bodies can observe it. But even they can not be advised to recommend it as a main way of nutrition. The Kremlin diet is a temporary measure to reduce weight. The fact that good Eskimos, the basis of the diet of which make up proteins, does not fit the Slavs, accustomed to the mixed method of nutrition. Reset weight - half. To keep the result, you will have to keep a healthy lifestyle!

5 steps to ideal
In order for the diet to work, adhere to these rules:

  • To visit the nutritionist. He will select a diet taking into account the peculiarities of your body and lifestyle.
  • Check the health status. Some diets may be contraindicated to you, and overweight is alarming about diseases.
  • Identify and eliminate Psychological blocks that prevent reduction in weight (habit of "to" stress, understated self-esteem, etc.).
  • Avoid restrictions. It is better to eat a small piece of cake than to suffer from what it is impossible to you. One day you can "break out."
  • Communicate with like-minded people - With those who sits on a diet, or with those who have already lost weight. You will find them on women's forums or thematic sites. They will be inspired and will support in moments of weakness!

Real story
I learned to control the weight! (minus 18 kg)

Tatyana Guzi., 27 years old, brand manager
Tanya Wevila 74 kg with a height of 160 cm. The two-room managed not only to lose weight, but also to keep the result!

"I needed a diet that you can easily stick," recalls Tanya. The girl decided to try the Kremlin. She patiently considered glasses, started a notebook, where he recorded everything eaten the day. The result was visible in a month. Choosing a swimsuit, Tanya disappeared 46 size, although before it wore 50! "I do not consider carbohydrates, but in my menu there are more healthy products and fewer semi-finished products. I lead an active lifestyle - I go to the Carpathians to ski, in the summer I go hiking. Thanks to physical stress and diet, my weight is stable - 56 kg! "

Slavic method

Consider calories

Nonsense: You can eat sweet and dinner late. The main thing is that calories come from food, there were no more than spent. Clearly withstanding calm, you will become slim!

Each product has an energy value expressed in calories. To lose weight, you need to consume less calories than you spend. Competently adjusting the energy balance of the body, you can reset and 20, and 30 kg! To do this, you need to keep records of calorie content of all the products you ate. On this principle of nutrition, the method of weight loss is based, which for more than 10 years is successfully used in the Slavic clinic.

Tabel about ranks

Depending on the calorieness and influence of the product on the metabolism, it is assigned a certain rank (from 1 to 8). Preference should be given to products of lower rank, which simultaneously stimulate the metabolism and have low energy value. These are seafood, fish, low-fat meat, fruits, vegetables. They must be up to 60% of the diet. In the daily menu, be sure to include animal proteins. As for carbohydrates, give preference to croups, fruits, bran bread. Products of all ranks are reduced to the table. You can also use calorie tables. It is desirable that the daily caliper gives for a specialist for you, because for each this indicator is individual. On average, it does not exceed 1500 kcal.

Menu on day

Breakfast. 100 g of oatmeal, 100 seafood salad, 10 g of cookies, 10 g of jam.
Snack. 100 g of pasteurized milk.
Dinner. Portion of meat borscht, rice casserole with vegetables, 100 g of radish salad, to a mustoche of bread, lemon tea.
Dinner. Vegetable okroshka, boiled egg, tea with lemon.
Late dinner. Salad yogurt, crouton, tea with lemon.

PROS Balanced nutrition and lack of prohibitions allow not only to lose weight, but also maintain a normal weight for many years.
MINUSES Without awareness of the psychological cause of completeness, you can hardly lose weight.

Change installation!

Igor Varaksin, psychotherapist, head of the Slavic clinic
There are three reasons for overweight: biological, psychological, social. Given them all, you will stay slim for a long time!

Biological - incorrect meal, receiving hormonal drugs. In this case, it is enough to adjust the diet using calorie counting. To identify and eliminate the psychological factor more difficult. It may be stress, low self-esteem ... A psychologist should work to achieve a result with the patient. Social factor is the most powerful: it is rooted in the subconscious. A sharp refusal of traditions creates tension, neurosis, so they need to be changed gently. Changing the installations will allow without breakdowns and depressions to switch to a rational power system, so that you can keep the weight on the desired mark and feel comfortable.

Prevent the food diary, where you will record everything that ate during the day. So you will find out where excess calories come from. For example, "extra" sandwich daily - plus 3 kg per year! The diary will help to normalize nutrition and not recover!

Real story
Changed lifestyle and lost weight (minus 27 kg)

Tatyana Klollov, 48 years old, housewife
Tatyana achieved amazing results - for 6 months he dropped 27 kg. Her weight has been stable for five years, while she does not refuse to themselves in favorite dishes.

Tatiana knows: Candy has 60 calories, and Mandarin - 75. The caloric content of many products she remembers by heart. At the same time, the woman learned: when you lose weight by the calorie counting system, the main rules are not hungry and eat regularly. Five years ago, Tanya Weull almost 90 kg. From the girlfriend heard about the Slavic diet and came to the clinic. There she was calculated by day calirate, and after the consultation was found another reason for the weight gain - psychological. "I started to fly after it quitted from work. My unrealized energy began to turn into a kilogram! I discharged into the gym, fascinated by gardening, knit a sweater for her husband, a lot of travel. " Changing the lifestyle and the correct power regimen was made fruit - after half a year Tanya Wevila 63 kg!

The principle of Yin and Yang

With balancing ration

Each product has its own energy: Women's - Yin, or Male - Yang. The imbalance of energies in the body becomes the cause of overweight. Return them, and kilograms will leave!

Macrobiotics is not a diet, but a whole nutritional philosophy based on Chinese medicine. From the point of view of macrobiotics, any violation in the body occurs due to the imbalance of Yin and Yang energy. "Yang" - Male Start: Hardness, Heat, Gorky and Salted Tastes. "Yin" - female: coolness, softness, moisture, sweetness. In the body, the effect of energies is manifested in expanding and compressing the lungs, hearts, digestive organs. If the products of female nature are dominated in your diet - potatoes, tomatoes, fruits, sugar, honey, yeast, chocolate, coffee, tea, milk, creamy and vegetable oils, nuts, bread, abundant weight, inertness, apathy may occur.

Path to harmony

Equilibrium can be restored by the use of Jan-products, which should be the basis of the diet (60%). This is barley, rice, buckwheat. Required presence in the menu of vegetables, especially cabbage, onions, pumpkins, radishes, carrots. As well as seafood, eggs, fermented milk products. The video from meat needs to be abandoned at all, but if it is difficult for you to do it, then use it in moderate quantities. Potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants and sugar exception or reduce their consumption to a minimum. Be sure to adhere to the basic principles of the diet - you eat as much natural products as possible, carefully chew food, choose seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Menu on day

30 minutes before breakfast. Green tea with sea salt or herbal tea from chamomile, thyme and sage (1: 1: 1).
Breakfast. Rice with vegetables.
Snack. Any fruit or fruit salad.
Dinner. Stew fish with vegetables.
Snack. Cabbage salad with greens or any vegetable salad, handful of nuts: walnut, cashew, almond.
Dinner. Pumpkin porridge.

PROS The transition to natural products has a positive effect on your general condition. The body does not have a shortage of vitamins and microelements.
MINUSES Holding the diet, you need to drink a little liquid and refuse meat. Following these advice, you should not fall into extremes.

Body and Soul Food

Vyacheslav Smirnov, Yoga instructor
If you want to be healthy, listen to the body!

Ideally, you need to eat and drink when you want. Healthy, in harmony, the body will tell you when he needs food. However, most of us as a result of improper power supply with the body is broken. Macrobiotics helps to restore it. Having done its power system, you will see how long the quality of life will increase - fatigue will go, normalizes sleep, the mood improves!

Scales arrow, Zamri!

It is important not only to reset kilograms, but also to keep the result achieved. It is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance!

  • Observe the regime as during a diet and after it. Feding fractionally, that is, 6-8 times a day, but in small portions, you avoid feelings of hunger, and therefore overeating.
  • Breakfast. According to studies, people who have breakfast are consumed by 300 kcal less.
  • In small quantities let yourself sweetness. The refusal of glucose can lead to depression, breaking and aggravating the problem.
  • During the diet, do not do anything like that that you will not do after. For example, physical exertion are welcome, but only if they do not stop immediately as soon as you graduate with a diet.

Real story
Water - yes, sugar - no! (minus 16 kg)

Tanya Shellyz, 33 years, manager
After the birth, Tanya recovered by 20 kg. But it was not desperate and managed to return to normal weight.

The girl tried different diets, sitting on a slimming cocktails. After halfland days, broken came, and then Tanya absorbed in huge quantities cakes, cookies and sandwiches. A year later, the girl was decided to eat on the clock - 4 times a day. Eliminated the snacks. He drank 1.5 liters of purified water per day (it removes toxins and slags) and 2 cups of green tea without sugar. Fully abandoned sweet and flour. Kilograms left! Now Tanya takes into account the needs of the body. Eats only when it is really hungry, - and it is not corrected.

By Montignaku:

insection everything

No wonder Montinyak is called the guru of dietology. His ideas about the glycemic index and "bad" carbohydrates allowed thousands of women to lose weight and keep weight!

Michel Montignaku owns the theory of "good" and "bad" carbohydrates. The first includes all cereals, fruits, bread with bran. To the second - chocolate, cakes, flour products, carbonated drinks. "Bad" carbohydrates contain a large amount of glucose - have a high glycemic index (GI). After their consumption in blood, the level of glucose increases dramatically. To normalize the pancreas begins to produce insulin - a hormone, which contributes to the formation and deposition of fats. If you minimize carbohydrates with GI above 50, the weight will return to normal. The diet consists of two phases. The first weight is happening. In the second - maintain it at a constant level. It is prohibited to starve, on the contrary, you need to strictly adhere to the power mode. Breakfast should be dense, dinner - satisfying, and dinner is easy. Montignaco highlights 2 types of breakfast - carbohydrate and protein-lipid. Carbohydrate can consist of solid porridge, jams without sugar, low-fat curd or yogurt. Belkovalipid - from ham, eggs, cheese. From white bread, strong coffee, cupcakes and croissants will have to abandon. An hour before dinner, eat some fruit, for example an apple, - it stimulates digestion. Lunch must consist of raw vegetables, meat or fish, main dishes with low carbohydrates, cheese or yogurt for dessert. For dinner, eat vegetable soup or omelet.

Menu on day

First breakfast. Grapefruit juice, 1 kiwi, 1 pear.
Lunch. Muesli with degreased yogurt, tea.
Dinner. Mushrooms, fish cooked on the grill, broccoli or vegetable salad.
Afternooner. Apple or any other fruit.
Dinner. Chicken breast, stew vegetables, yogurt without additives.
In breaks. 1.5 l of non-carbonated water, green tea.

PROS The diet is easily transferred, normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract.
MINUSES With the right ratio in the diet of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (1: 1: 3) there are no minuses.

Load traffic

Alexander Kush, sports doctor, club "Planet fitness"
"On Montignak" you can eat constantly. But be sure to make an amendment!

Montignak diet genting. But, making up a menu, take into account the load: mental and physical, as well as the condition of the body. Montignaak recipes contain products that are usually not included in our diet. They can be replaced.

P.S. Kilograms are reset, the result is achieved. And on joy, you buy a box of sweets ... According to statistics, only 5-7% of women manage after weight loss to retain weight. This is due to the return to the former lifestyle. Remember: only after changing food traditions diet will give a long effect!

Anyone who tried to return to her body the elegance of forms came across a problem: it's not so difficult to reset the extra kilograms, how to keep the result and again not to gain a lot. All because a person, as a rule, returns to the usual way of life, and after all, this regime forced the body to dial overweight. Experienced nutritionists have found ways to maintain the result after weight loss.

Is it possible to keep weight after diet

The human body is equipped with protective mechanisms that allowed our ancestors to survive in the wild. For example, the accumulation of fat stocks in the body in case of crawling or hunger. The mechanism is launched at the first hints to encourage the usual diet. That is why the normal response of the body to reduce weight is a practically not passing feeling of hunger, which is preserved and after the diet is finished.

As a result, a person quickly returns to its former volumes and may even be recovered. How to maintain weight after weight loss? If you follow only a few rules, it will be simply controlled. The main thing is to follow them strictly and stable. Otherwise, any diets, starvations and other methods will be in vain - to keep weight at one level will not work.

How to save weight after weight loss

Human weight depends not only on the contents of the plate, but also from many indirect factors. For example, sleep mode, degree of physical activity and even emotional state. However, there is a major rule: the end of the diet is not a reason to indulge in the vigor and idleness. It will be necessary to work on yourself constantly, then simple principles of self-monitoring will quickly enter the habit and turn into a vital norm.

Preservation of emotional balance

Nutritionists have established that the most common cause of overeating leading to the emergence of unnecessary volumes is psychological discomfort. This means that the answer number is one to the question of how to keep weight after weight loss - take control of your own experiences. First of all, you will have to stop the "Lack" problems. For the refrigerator, for clarity, you can hang motivational pictures and inscriptions that will perform the function of emotional "stop crane".

The best way to survive stress is to give out emotions. You can shout from the soul, "beat" the pillow, to be flushed. This will allow you to control the attacks of hunger. If a similar approach turns out to be ineffective, to support the body in the fight against the negative may be a course of polyvitamins - they are available in any pharmacy. Antidepressants help some women, but experts consider their use of extreme measure.

Transition to proper nutrition

There are several uncomplicated rules how to keep weight after weight loss, balanced by the diet:

  • Refuse semi-finished and fast food. Such food worsens the intestinal peristaltics and contributes to increasing cholesterol.
  • The main meal during the day - breakfast. It should be dense, and in the morning you can afford almost anything, including sweets: the carbohydrates eaten in the first half of the day burn almost cleaned.
  • Proper nutrition does not mean a complete refusal of desserts. You can afford marshmallows, marmalade, bitter chocolate. The only thing that will have to say unequivocal "no" - baking.
  • Try to eat little by little, but often - 5-7 times a day. Between the main meals, it is desirable to snack healthy products: fruit, candied fruits, nuts, low-fat cottage cheese, etc.
  • Prefer protein food. It satisfied perfectly, dulling the feeling of hunger, characteristic after leaving the diet. The protein is rich in dairy products, solid and soft cheeses, seafood, fish, eggs.

Sport classes

Physical exertion suppress hunger, while contributing to the burning of unnecessary calories, but how to keep weight at one level if the schedule does not allow regularly visiting the gym or walk on fitness? It is necessary to pay time training at least once every five days. Effective are the exercises for the muscles of the press, jumping through the rope, squats, gymnastics. Swimming and dancing will also be forced to lose weight.

Healthy sleep

Normalization of sleep and waking modes is one of the simple options for how the weight can be kept after weight loss. During the rest, somatotropin is produced - growth hormone, accelerating metabolism. In order for the body to have time to produce it in the required volumes, it is desirable to lie down no later than ten in the evening. Certain with possible insomnia will help: a half-stayed walk before bedtime, a small physical activity (you can, for example, to shake the press) or a cup of green tea.

  1. To secure the acquired forms for a long period, it is important to take into account the balance between the amount spent during physical exertion of energy and calories obtained from food. A simple reduction in servings will not help keep weight after diet. The secret of success is to increase energy consumption with a reduced calorie calories coming with food.
  2. Restrast from alcohol use: it is annoying the gastric mucosa, spurted appetite, and reduces self-control.
  3. Drink more water. Recommended by nutritionists Daily volume: 2.8 liters - in the summer, 2.5 liters in winter. Water, filling the stomach, reduces appetite, speeds up the metabolism, removes toxins from the body.
