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A sparing diet for proper weight loss. A sparing diet for slimming belly and sides. How to eat during a ray diet

Guaranteed way, how to lose weight without a diet and remove the belly - the simulator, the near-member and the wormer, well helps and the French classical diet for slimming belly: sex and cupcake, to speed up the result - flour better to exclude. But not everything is so simple, excess weight is accumulated not only from the wrong nutrition, there are still a number of good reasons why our figure becomes far from ideal. In this article, we picked up a number of effective diets to get rid of fat deposits on the stomach and sides, special attention will be paid to the diet for men.

Tightening figure and beautiful belly is a guarantee of health, good mood and success at the opposite sex

Fundamental basis

There is a lot of diets to remove the stomach and sides. Some can only cost the right nutrition and exercise, this is enough to keep the figure in shape. But for most, a serious work is needed: a diet for slimming belly should be in a complex with sports loads, and it is also necessary to put the exchange processes in the body, comply with the water balance, plus cosmetic healing procedures: wraps, massages, etc.

The main rule of weight loss: per day you need to eat less calories than you spend. But a sedentary lifestyle, low-speed, lack of physical exertion, the progress that has gave us a lot of helpers - do not allow to spend energy in full, so if the goal is to lose weight and remove the stomach, sides, pull the figure, then the right diet for weight loss - It reduces the number of calories consumed.

The average man is required 2000 calories

Utility - how to lose weight without a diet and remove the stomach

The rational nutrition and exercise is a pledge of a beautiful, slim figure, a thin waist and a flat belly. Scientifically proved that some products regulate the metabolic processes in the body, burn fat from the hips, abdomen, legs, hands, buttocks, help weight loss:

  • Milk, with the exception of milk.
  • Ginger - Provides good blood circulation and stomach secretion.
  • Cabbage: broccoli and color - chest with trace elements and vitamins, white-bug - brush for the body, displays slags.
  • Cucumbers in combination with low-calorie diets contribute to quickly lose weight and remove the stomach.

  • Green tea is a powerful fat burner, natural caffeine, contained in the drink dissolves subcutaneous fat deposits and internal visceral fat, which is why the diet for slimming belly and sides in the menu is almost always recommended to add 3 cups of green tea per day.
  • Grapefruit for weight loss is necessary with membranes, clearing from the peel. Due to the large concentration of vitamin C, insulin is reduced, and flavonoin nyrigin-agengon.

Any effective diet for slimming belly and sides need additional "helpers"

To speed up metabolism add to the diet:

  • Cinnamon, add to slimming in food and to drinks, melts fat cocktail: 1 glass of boiling water, ½ h. Cinnamon spoons, 1 tsp. Honey.
  • Had - his enzymes burn fat, leaves the stomach.
  • Bean - protein product to digest the body needs to spend a large amount of energy, hence the effect of weight loss.
  • Red wine contains a syrellisol that splits fat cells and does not give them to develop, 100 ml is needed for weight loss per day.
  • Oatmeal - a table of soluble fiber, saturates and gives energy for physical exertion to remove the stomach.

Ways to speed up the exchange processes for weight loss

Even the best diets for slimming belly and sides must be observed correctly, and it is also important to stimulate the work of the body:

  • Slimming power supply is minimum of 5 meals, small amounts.
  • Full sleep.
  • Water - 1.5-2 liters per day.
  • Exercise, more movement.
  • Massages and wraps.
  • Bath and sauna promote weight loss and reduce the stomach.

Water is required for all diet, except dry

For cleansing

To speed up weight loss and reduce the belly, the intestine should be cleaned:

  • cabbage, salads, beets, carrots, preferably green apples, pineapple, peas, beans, lentils;
  • whole grain crops: barley, millet, oatmeal, buckwheat, coarse bread;
  • dried fruits, linen seed, bran, dosage seeds and nuts;
  • natural prebiotics: Suklomewall, cabbage quashen, mushroom tea, chicory, onion, garlic.

Vegetables helping to enrich fiber diet

Diet losing weight

To sit on a diet without harm to health, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and learn the tips of the nutritionist, which will recommend diet for weight loss and exercises from the abdomen.

Easy diet for fast slimming belly to those who lead a low-wear lifestyle

Breakfast for weight loss:

  • corn porridge, grated cheese;
  • oatmeal on dilute milk or water with fruit;
  • omelet - 2 eggs;

A low-fat kefir allows a diet for belly.

Lunch to choose from:

  • baked or steam mixture, salad of cucumbers and cabbage;
  • chicken breast or turkey and light salad

Until dinner, a simple diet for slimming belly and sides, admits to eat an orange, an apple or banana.


  • kalmar boiled, refilled by yogurt;
  • mariculture salad with a small amount of avocado, refueling - lemon and olive oil;
  • a low-fat piece of chicken, fish, meat and slightly bundled either raw vegetables.

Important: With a diet, it is prohibited to fry in oil, the products should be boiled, bake, cook on the grill, pair, in a slow cooker.

Slimming on tomatoes

Tomato fast diet for slimming belly and sides, express food for 4 days:

  • 1: s is a thin slice of black bread + cheese + medium vegetable + coffee without sugar, but with milk. O - 2 garlic teeth finely mode and fry in a spoonful of vegetable oil, pour 150 ml of water, squeeze lemon juice 1 Art. L, pepper and salt, add spaghetti to this sauce. For dinner - pasta with spinach, 400 g of greenery to quote boiling water + 60 g of spaghetti, sprinkle with cheese and bake in the oven.
  • 2: In the morning - cottage cheese 80 g with raspberries or other fruit, during the day - boiled chicken breast 100 g with fresh tomato and chopped parsley, in the evening - Gaspacho.
  • 3: Breakfast Repeat from 2 days, lunch - fry green pepper small and pumpkin - 150 g on a spoon of vegetable oil + finely chopped tomato 100 g + 50-75 g of light yogurt + crushed garlic and onions, to add spaghetti aldendo to sauce, To grieve until readiness, for dinner 2 of the middle tomatoes to cut down her slices, to them 100 g. Fried mushrooms, put out, mix with pasta and bake with a small amount of cheese.
  • 4: The beginning of the day - bread, cheese slice, tomato and coffee, in the middle - bread, cheese, top with a vegetable salt and leaf of lettuce, in the evening: 2 medium carrots, cut and fry, dilute 100 ml of water, 5 minutes, season, refuel or parsley or Basilica, pepper, salt and supply sauce with 60 g ready-made spaghetti.

Diet for belly and waist, photo before and after

Famous diet helps to lose weight and get rid of belly

Table number 8 is therapeutic, gentle diet for slimming belly and helped get rid of fat. Developed by nutritionists for people with obesity and those inclined to overeat.

Important: When diet, it is necessary to monitor calorieness, not to enter quick carbohydrates and extra fats in the menu. Even if these are the most stringent diets for slimming belly and sides, the menu must contain at least 1.5 liters of water.

You can eat for weight loss:

  • Low fish, meat, poultry - 150 g. Per day.
  • 2 eggs in any form.
  • Rye and wheat bread, coarse grinding.
  • Safety milk, cheese is preferably eliminated.
  • Vegetables in unlimited quantities, most in raw.
  • Cruses are allowed, but exclude bread.
  • Compote without sugar, diluted 1 to 1 with water.

Sweet, baking, smoked, semi-finished products - on a diet under a strict ban. With such a variety, it is possible to make a completely satisfying and balanced diet and in a short time will get rid of the abdomen and deposits on the hips, sides, Lyashki.

Slimming on buckwheat

The buckwheat menu is an effective diet for a flat abdomen and a thin waist, with strict observance, helps to lose weight more than 10 kg in 14 days.

Publishing porridge prepare for the day: sheltered cereals pour boiling water - 1.5 liters, wrap the pan in the blanket, in the morning it is ready.

At the end of the diet to remove the belly enough of only 100 g of cereals

Deliver for a whole day, on 5-6 receptions, you can add kefir, plus 2 glasses of water.

Important: A tough buckwheat diet is even effective, but not suitable for everyone, so before the diet for weight loss should be consulted by the doctor.

For a larger slimming effect, the water with a diet is replaced with green tea

Delicious diet for weight loss, helps to remove the belly

Orange diet for rapid slimming belly, per week leaves 3 kg. Breakfast is always the same: 1 Citrus, 1 loaf, tea or coffee, sugar exclude.

Day Dinner Dinner
1 screwing egg - 1 pc., cup of kefir, orange -1 pc. egg - 2 pcs, Sukharik, Middle Tomato
2 fruit - 1, yogurt - 200 ml, loaf, boiled egg - 1 beef boiled -150 g, orange -1, tomato - 1 medium, Sukharik, cup of kefir
3 orange - 1, 400 ml yogurt, boiled egg - 1, loaf bifstex for a couple - 150 g, fruit - 1, kefir - Glass, Sukharik
4 cottage cheese - 150 g, Middle Cucumber - 1, Tomato - 1, Lookee turkey or beef - 150 g, apple - 1, toast with tomato
5 Boiled fish - 200 g, 400 ml kefir, 2 tomatoes, 2 lettuce Egg -1, salad - 5 leaves, tomatoes - 2 pcs.

Orange diet for weight loss and belly is not suitable for people with allergies on citrus and chronic diseases of the intestinal and gastric tract

Weekly protein diet for weight loss

Protein diet to remove the belly and lose weight, good for those who love meat and vegetables.

Day breakfast dinner dinner
1 150 g beef + assorted sauer cabbage with peas - 100 g, tea green - 200 mm 150 g beef + assorted fresh cabbage with Bulgarian pepper and chopped greens - 100 g 150 g of boiled pollock (heck, cod) + 2 small boiled potatoes + rubbing beets fastened by degreased yogurt
2 100 g beef, raw carrots grated with yogurt - 100 g, green tea 200 g. Fish for a couple, 1 apple, diluted 1 to 1 compote from dried fruit 100 g of steam fish with cabbage salad - 100 g, black bread slice
3 100 g boiled low-fat pork, apple 200 g. Beans + 200 g of vegetables (any, raw) 150 g of pork and 100 g sauerkraut with peas
4 100 g of cottage cheese, tea 150 g of fresh vegetable salad and 150 g of stewed lean meat tomato salad with onions - 150 g, tired oil
5 2 loaf Put a glass kefir Fish 150 g + chopped tomatoes with oil -100 g 200 g of lean meat, drink apple juice + 1 apple
6 150 g of cottage cheese and 200 ml of green tea 100 g of bean boiled, grated carrots - 100 g 150 g of fish for a couple and vinegar - 100 g
7 2 loaf powder 200 ml of milk 200 g meat with vegetables - 100g Soup on meat broth with vegetables. 100 g lamb non-fat, 1 black bread slice

Weekly diet for slimming belly and sides are designed for an active lifestyle, therefore intensive exercise are important.

Meat is allowed only lean

Diet for a strong half of humanity - we remove the beer belly

It is necessary to choose the optimal diet, not there after 18 hours, cut (oh horror!) The amount of beer, the power mode is 5-6 times per day.

Without diet and physical exertion get rid of the beer belly will not be able to

Flat belly diet allows:

  • proteins - lean meat, eggs and fish, fermented milk products;
  • complex carbohydrates - cereals and vegetables in small quantities;
  • fatty acids - vegetable oil.

Effectively eliminates the abdomen of an abolishing diet. And of course everyday exercises:

  • reduce the stomach - swing the press muscle from the position lying - 30 times;
  • deep squats - 30 times;
  • lying, hands under the ass and start raising the buttocks up, as above - 30 times.

5 minutes in such a posture every day and the stomach will disappear

To remove the sides and the stomach helps wrapping: Apple vinegar Divorce 1: 3, wet your cotton fabric, press, rocked around the problem zone, weching the film, on top of warm clothes, go for about an hour.

Sometimes, just to lose weight is not enough, because to reset the extra weight does not mean that it was possible to become a handsome-tailed with elastic forms. Weight can leave, and the roundness on the sides remain, because with the problem zones "expel" excess fat is not so simple, for this you will need diets for slimming belly. They are based on the combination of proper nutrition and physical exertion, only together these 2 factors can lead to victory - harmony and health of the body.

How to eat during a ray diet

Healthy nutrition has always been a pledge of longevity and beauty. That's why food at all times paid special attention, especially if it was about a diet.

What to hide, we all love sweet cakes, roasted meat, salty, sharp (and sometimes very) dishes. But it is such a nutrition and leads to problems with the figure, in particular to the appearance of the abdomen.

Many of us:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • almost complete absence of exercise;
  • stresses, etc.,

All this only aggravates the problem.

And in order to solve it, you need to drastically change your usual way of life - to abandon the bad habits, go to the consumption of certain products and start playing sports. But first things first.

Let's start with the main thing - with meals. Let's just say that the basis of the belly diet should be food rich in protein and fiber. Thanks to these natural substances that will come to the body with food, the body will fit, "comes will comes up, and the skin will acquire elasticity.

The muscles under the influence of natural squirrel and fiber will be strengthened and start growing, so that skin graziness and stretch marks in the abdomen area after the diet will not be scary.

Products for diet


They contain many useful substances, besides, almost all representatives of the fruit world are low-calorie.

However, it is important to consider that it is not necessary to use them in combination with some kind of dishes, but as a separate product. For example, you can have a breakfast or snack during the afternoon (pears, orange, grapefruit, etc.).

Fibrous food

To those include:

  • vegetables (zucchini, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.);
  • seaweed;
  • different cereals (special attention should be paid to brown rice);
  • greens;
  • vegetable salads refilled only by vegetable oil. Mayonnaise, sour cream, ketchup and other harmful high-calorie refills should not be used.

Skin Food

  • Chicken white meat (used every 7 days).
  • Fish with vegetables (perfect option for dietary lunch, but more often than 2 times a week there is no such dish).
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Egg proteins (better consume them during dinner).
  • Seeds and nuts (no more than 50 gr. Daily).

Diets for slimming belly: prohibitions and restrictions

In each weighty program there are their taboos. They concern not only the system of food, but also the lifestyle in general.

To quickly lose weight and remove the stomach, we need to abandon some familiar products and actions.

  1. Under no circumstances have a flour and sweet. Even home cooking jam and cakes baked with their own hands - a threat to the figure.
  2. At the time of diet, you just need to forget about oily and fried food.
  3. Do not smoke and take alcohol. Such bad habits adversely affect the exchange of substances, namely, the metabolic disorders and weighing problems begin.
    In addition, sit on a diet and continue to rejoice in life with the help of tobacco and alcohol, it is hardly possible, because they will drive all efforts to zero, and the weight will almost remain the same.

Prohibited products

  • fast Fud;
  • coffee;
  • semi-finished products;
  • salt;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • strong tea;
  • marinades;
  • bean.

Unwanted products

It is not desirable to use products causing bloating, gravity and drilling in the stomach. The list of such products is always individual, but those are considered the main:

  • grapes;
  • apples;
  • cabbage;
  • various food sweeteners;
  • whole milk;
  • products containing soda and trans-fats.

Approximate menu for a week

Day 1

Breakfast: Toast, 200 ml of low-fat yogurt (without all sorts of additives)

Dinner: Vegetable soup, solid cheese (no more than 50 g)

Dinner: Light salad of greens, cucumbers and bell peppers, orange juice (250 ml)

Day 2.

Breakfast: Oatmeal with prunes and dried apricots (3 tbsp. l. oatmeal and 2-3 pcs. each type of dried fruit)

Dinner: boiled beef (100 gr), as much rice

Dinner: Stew seafood (200 gr of any low-fat fish)

Day 3.

Breakfast: Slice (100 gr) boiled turkey, fresh cucumber, green tea (not strong)

Dinner: Vegetables for a couple, 200 grams of boiled fish (low-fat variety)

Dinner: Boiled rice, 1 grapefruit

Day 4.

Breakfast: solid cheese (100 grams of low-fat varieties), toast, a cup of not strong greenery tea

Dinner: 2 baked potatoes, salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper, green onions), refilled by oil, 150 grams of boiled beef

Dinner: 1 boiled screwing egg, steamed vegetables, green tea

Day 5.

Breakfast: Non-fat yogurt (125-150 gr), 2 oatmeal cookies, 1 grapefruit

Dinner: Rice for a couple (100 gr), vegetable salad (onions, tomatoes, greens, pepper)

Dinner: Fruit salad (pear, orange slices, pineapple pieces, kiwi and a little nuts), a glass of any fresh juice

Day 6.

Breakfast: Cottage cheese (200 gr), fruit smoothie (kiwi, banana, orange, mango)

Dinner: Vegetable soup, Fish for a pair (200 grams of low-fat varieties)

Dinner: ½ paprika, boiled rice, slice of boiled beef (200 gr)

Day 7.

Breakfast: Degreased kefir (1 cup), dietary dry loaf, grain cheese (40 gr)

Dinner: Vegetable soup, toast with cheese, boiled beef (100-150 gr)

Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese, fresh fruit cocktail, 1 banana

Notes to the menu

Shattering diet

The above menu combines elements of a long diet and express diet.

That is, the diet includes such products that accelerate the process of weight loss, but at the same moment, do not deprive the body of the beneficial substances, primarily protein and fiber.

Ability to adjust

The menu specified by us is not the final version of the diet. This is just one of the many options, so the power can be corrected independently.
Based on the principles of the diet, which we mentioned above, each thinning some products at their discretion are allowed to add to the diet, exclude from it, as well as interchange products or combine them with each other.


During the day it is allowed to make snacks. Some nutritionists advise only 1 snack per day - when the hunger felt the most. It may be a lunch time, punch or time after dinner.

However, in any case, regardless of time, food must be easy. You can choose something for the snack:

  • 1-2 fruit (banana, orange, kiwi);
  • 2-3 spoons of fresh berries;
  • juice without preservatives (better cooked at home) or non-carbonated water.

It is worth noting that it is better to snack no later than 2 hours before sleep and no earlier than 2 hours after the main eating.

Options diets: how to quickly lose weight in the stomach

The power circuit that we looked above is not at all the only successful way to make the stomach flat. Let's say more, the diet can help you just lose weight, and the figure will have to be corrected by exercise.

If we consider specifically diet for a flat abdomen, then to stop your attention is on kefir or Chinese.

Kefir diet for weight loss

The first is more suitable for those who do not suffer excessive overweight.

That is, if a slightly corrected lady need to quickly pull the belly, then the diet on the kefir is the most.

This diet is very stronger, since nothing but to use any kefir and water. Because of such harsh restrictions, it is not worth sticking to her for more than 3 days. But even 3 days will be enough to normalize the work of the intestine, which means to lose weight, and at the same time improve the condition of their skin.

Contraindications of diet are minimal, it is impossible to keep it:

  • with ulcers and gastritis.

In other cases, such a way of weight loss is appropriate. The only thing is that it is not worth a sharply to start losing such a way. It is necessary to prepare an organism, and for this you need to arrange the on the eve of diet unloading days.

It is also necessary to leave it gradually:

  1. on the first day, at its end, you can eat fruit;
  2. on the second day, seafood and raw vegetables can be introduced into the diet;
  3. on the third day you can move, in addition to the products listed, to the croups and black bread.

For those who have beautiful, but lush forms, it will be suitable for a long Chinese diet based on the consumption of some low-calorie products.

Lucky on the Chinese method need no more than 3 weeks. All due to the fact that most of the low-calorie products consumed on the diet are, and if you are withstanding a diet month and more, then health problems are coming.

3 weeks and so good term in order to relatively quickly lose weight and remove the stomach.

Each week of the Chinese diet is different from another consumed products. The first week is considered the most severe, since the body only gets used to a specific low-calorie nutrition.

1 week loss

Allow yourself the following products in the first 7 days of weight loss.

  • Non-fat fish varieties (seafood can be replaced by chicken meat).
  • Vegetables (raw, pair, grilled) and made of salads, soups, casseroles.
  • Eggs.
  • Some boiled beef.
  • Fruits.
  • The drinks are used mainly green tea, but sometimes you can catch a cup of coffee or a glass of fresh juice.

Note 1 week diet

Start every day of the first week of weight loss is necessary from tea and coffee, and nothing but they cannot be used.

Lost is dinner and dinner. It is for dinner and dinner that can eat non-fried seafood, beef, chicken (only to eat something one), salads, soups and eggs.

2 weeks of losing weight

In the second week of weight loss, you can use all the same products as in the first 7 days, only adding more new components to add to the menu:

  • boiled carrots, honey, crackers (used daily at breakfast);
  • cereals cooked on the water (you can use any kind of croup, except for the mankey).

Note 2 week

On the second 7 days of the "Chinese" weight loss portion of consumed dishes can be increased, but it is impossible to overeat and thus load the body. Moderate portions are the perfect power option.

3 weeks losing weight

The last 7 days of diet are marked by returning to the usual diet, that is, it is possible to afford to have reasonable portions almost whatever. Only in the menu still should not be:

  • fried;
  • acute;
  • fatty;
  • flour;
  • salty;
  • sweet;
  • tobacco and alcohol.

  1. Be sure to do physical exercises:
  • turn the hoop;
  • swing the press;
  • we carry out the turns of the body to the right and left;
  • we make a familiar to many "bike";
  • moving more (walking, running).
  1. We drink as much non-carbonated water (at least 2 liters per day).
  2. We often eat (the principle of fractional nutrition), not less than 5-6 times a day, i.e. every 3-3.5 hours, but in small portions.

Slimming is almost always the process of painful and the body is perceived as a stressful situation. But if you correctly pick up diets for slimming abdomen, hip and other problem areas, it is possible to lose weight with minimal losses for the body, of course, not counting the outgoing weight.

Let our weight loss methods turn out to be for each clearing representative of the beautiful sex by the magic wand-grinding, which will give the most desired proportions of beauty.

Women engaged in weight loss are interested in a gentle diet for slimming the abdomen, as fats are minimized in this place. For such cases, there is a diet for slimming abdomen and sides.

The thin waist question is relevant for any woman, however, due to the wrong lifestyle, the waist often swims with fatty sediments on the stomach and sides. How to deal with these sediments, but not to bother yourself with hunger at the same time?

There is a diet for slimming belly and sides, which is intended for the fight against fatty deposits in these places. What is this diet and is it not difficult to adhere to it? In fact, it is very easy to observe. The diet allows you to eat tasty, but the small number of calorie products and a large number of low-calorie the accumulation of fat body will be simply impossible.

Total diet must be abide by two weeks. However, the meal schedule is made for one week, and then just repeats the course from the very beginning.

So, more about the diet.

On the first day for breakfast, you need to eat a small piece of bread with tomatoes, one apple and one cup of natural yogurt. A satisfying and full breakfast, which does not infringe the desire of a losing weight man, but brings great benefits to his body.

For lunch, you can take one chicken leg, be sure to clean it from the skins (the weight of the leg should not exceed two hundred grams), a large portion of salad from different vegetables and a small bun. The bun is recommended from coarse grinding flour.

You can eat one toast for afternoon, adding a cress and a pair of tablespoons of boiled beans to it.

Dinner should be stewed cabbage (color) with baked tomatoes. For dessert, you can eat a baked apple with a filling of one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of currant.

Already according to the first day of the diet, it can be said that no starvation does not imply a diet. A person is quite normally feeding, while the food is very tasty and useful. From such a diet not only lose weight, but also enjoy.

What should I eat on the second day? Breakfast will also be satisfied. It includes a grilled sausage (only sausages should be low-calorie), twenty-five grams of mushrooms, one piece of bread (crispy) and one teaspoon of jam.

At lunch, it will be enough for fifty grams of home cheese with a salad of vegetables. For dessert, several grapes are relying.

The afternoon contract contains some lean soup with a bun from the flour of coarse grinding. For dessert it is recommended to eat one apple.

For dinner, you can afford a small aperitif and then two hundred grams of baked potatoes baked in uniform, two hundred fifty grams of white fish and to all this green beans, broccoli and zucchini.

On the third day for breakfast, it is possible to afford to enjoy a few welded eggs with eggs and two pieces of bread.

Lunch on the third day should be discharged. It includes one piece of melon, some kind of salad from different vegetables, two tablespoons of boiled beans and one piece of bread with bran.

At the afternoon room should be limited to one banana and one dietary yogurt.

An absolutely any dietary dish is suitable for dinner, and with it you can eat baked tomatoes and green beans.

The fourth day can be started with such breakfast: one toast made from bread with bran, two complete tablespoons of home cheese and one tomature.

For lunch it is allowed to enjoy low-fat ham in the amount of fifty grams along with a vegetable salad and a small bun. For dessert, one apple is relying.

A large portion of vegetable salad, ninety grams of tuna and several pieces of bread (crispy) are permitted to the afternoon.

Dinner will again be satisfied with a tasty, as it includes even a ram with a chop by weight of no more than one hundred grams and potato mashed potatoes, cooked on degreased milk. The puree should be seventy-five grams. You can add a cabbage (ordinary and color) to chop and mashed. One orange is supposed for dessert.

The fifth day begins with a modest breakfast consisting of flakes with bran in the amount of twenty-five grams and one small banana.

Lunch will also not differ in abundance of products. It will take only a portion of salad of vegetables, one hundred grams of shrimp and one pear for dessert.

In the afternoon one should be limited to a grated with cheese in the amount of twelve grams and baked tomatoes.

Dinner consists of two tablespoons of boiled beans, four fish sticks, one tablespoon of green peas, salad and a few berries of grapes.

It can be seen that the fifth day is unloading and helps clean the body.

On the sixth day, the diet becomes less strict again, as it has more products used in it.

For breakfast you can already eat a large piece of melon and one natural yogurt.

At lunch is allowed one low-fat steak in a bun and then one pear or one orange for dessert.

At the afternoon school it is necessary to eat a lean soup with four pieces of crispy toasts and two tomatoes.

Dinner will be delicious at all, as it consists of a hundred grams of boiled chicken and spaghetti with tomato sauce. Sauce must take home cooking. For dessert, you can eat one small-sized banana.

It remains to consider the last, seventh day. On this day, breakfast should consist of fruits and several spokes of natural yogurt. Fruits are recommended different, so you can make a salad. For this salad, a pear, apple and banana are suitable.

Lunch includes homemade sandwich. To make it, you need to take a piece of bread and put on it the leaves of lettuce, on top of the leaves are put on twenty-five grams of boiled low-fat meat (cold), then a linked cabbage salad and decorates sandwich slices Kiwi (several things).

You can boil spaghetti to the afternoon and add fifty grams of green peas, tomatoes and finely crumbled green leaps.

For dinner, you need to fry onions, add green pepper, celery and canned tomato to it. Fifty grams of chicken breast are relying to all this.

On the eighth day, you need to start everything from the beginning and comply with the diet for the first day.

As can be seen from the above, a gentle diet for slimming belly is not something exemplary and inaccessible to any woman. Products that are included in the diet during this diet are available to each person, because they are not any exotic or very expensive. It can also be understood that even with small portions of food, a person is quite capable of using these products and even enjoy such nutrition.

After all, all listed products are delicious and helpful. During such a diet, a person will not only get rid of fats, but also adjusts the metabolism in its body, which will get rid of toxins and will begin to function normally. Such diets are useful for cleansing cholesterol vessels in atherosclerosis, getting rid of gastrointestinal diseases and so on.

The same one who decided to do a diet solely for the sake of weight loss, you should know that one diet is not enough if a person leads a completely immobile lifestyle. To achieve the desired effect, you also need sports. Very useful running, swimming and even just long walking in the fresh air. There are also special exercises to combat fat on the stomach and sides. If you do such exercises for thirty minutes a day daily, you can achieve the effect much faster than from one diet. Therefore, you need to start simultaneously do exercises and comply with the diet.

In this case, in two weeks, a good result in the fight against fat will be noticeable. It is still necessary to remember that the normal metabolism is impossible when smoking and drinking alcohol.

If you do not have excess weight, you are a happy person. Millions of earthlings, unfortunately, are not. Nowadays, obesity is, it is possible to say the worldwide problem. To get rid of extra kilograms, a lot of different techniques have been created. Diets and special exercise, folk remedies and massage, medication. That just do complete people to gain harmony again. The best results can be obtained when the entire complex is used for weight loss. It consists of both proper nutrition and physical exertion, and from the procedures in the spa. But when there is no such possibility, the most effective way of weight loss can be a diet.

It can be said that the main task of a diet for a flat abdomen is the regulation of the operation of the entire digestive system.

Basic diet principles

In most cases, weight is excessive appears from improper power. Therefore, the main principle of the diet is to adjust the diet. It must be based on products rich primarily. These are vegetables, fruits, greens, cereals.

The protein food of animal origin (meat, fish, eggs) must appear in your diet two or three times a week. The protein of plant origin, which is contained in seeds and nuts, in your menu can be every day. But no more than 50 g.

During a diet, you just need to drink plenty of water (as well as when). Experts recommend using mineral water without gas, purified or Water Tluu. The technology of preparation of melt water can master each. This requires a container, preferably with a wide neck. Bulip the water there, put it in the freezer. After a few hours, water will cover the thin layer of ice. You delete this ice. The rest is freezing. After complete freezing, the water is thawing and drink small sips (1 l per day).

The diet under consideration, suggests, the so-called, fractional nutrition. It is necessary to eat often (up to seven times a day), but little by little and the last reception is desirable three hours before sleep.

Restrictions during diet

  1. The first thing to be excluded during the diet for the abdomen and sides is alcohol. All alcoholic beverages interfere with the proper metabolism. And if you want your belly to see flat, then the correct metabolism plays a major role. Such a bad habit, as smoking, is excluded for the same reason.
  2. We limit the use of sweet and flour products (candy, cakes, cakes, snob, jam).
  3. Fat and fried dishes during this period should also be deleted from their menu. For this company, we attach semi-finished products, mayonnaise, ketchup, fast food, carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee, marinades.

Approximate diet menu for 3 days

1st day - For breakfast you can enjoy a cup of tea green, a glass of fresh squeezed juice from apples and carrots. Between breakfast and lunch - nuts (50 g of walnut or hazelnuts). Lunch - boiled rice (brown), fresh vegetable salad (seasonal), orange or apple. Dinner - Fish (50 g, low-fat varieties), vegetables - grill (200 g).

2nd day - Breakfast: halm grapefruit or apple. Between breakfast and lunch - a salad of vegetables or fruits, a glass of carrot juice (fresh, only squeezed). Lunch - buckwheat porridge, tomatoes (2 pcs.), Little brush of grapes, herbal tea. Dinner - chicken breast in boiled or baked form (200 g), stewed vegetables, tea with mint.

3rd day - Breakfast: oatmeal, baked apples. Snack - grapes, mineral water without gas (1 cup). Lunch is boiled fish (200 g), carrot with sour cream (100 g), mineral water (1 cup). Dinner - kefir (low-fat, 250 ml), banana.

Approximate diet menu for a week for belly, waist and sides


Breakfast - toast (from coarse flour), yogurt (200 ml).

Lunch - Salad of white cabbage, cucumbers and pepper, boiled rice (150 g).

Dinner - chicken or beef meat (100 g), baked eggplants, juice from apples (250 ml).


Breakfast - cottage cheese (lowhead), cup of fastening coffee or tea.

Lunch - boiled rice (100 g), boiled beef (100 g).

Dinner - from tomatoes and onions of the replied salad (250 g), fastened with vegetable oil.

Before bedtime - tomato juice (250 ml).


Breakfast - boiled turkey (100 g), green tea.

Lunch - fish, boiled or paired cooked (150 g, low-fat varieties). Salad - cabbage sauer, onion, peas.

Dinner - boiled rice, apple.

At night - apple juice (250 ml, fresh, only squeezed).


Breakfast - veal (100 g, boiled), tea or coffee are impossible.

Lunch - vegetable soup on a bellion broth, bread with bran.

Dinner - boiled rice, boiled chicken meat (150 g).


Breakfast - toast, kefir (1 tbsp., Low fat).

Lunch - baked potatoes (2 pcs.), Carrot salad with sour cream, boiled fish (150 g).

Dinner - Fresh vegetables salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers), boiled veal (100 g).


Breakfast - Egg chicken, welded sick, oatmeal cookies (2 pcs.), Herbal tea.

Lunch - boiled rice, boiled turkey (100 g).

Dinner is a boiled chicken meat (200 g), fruit salad (pear, orange, apple, plum).


Breakfast - cheese (100 g, hard, low-fat varieties), toast, green tea.

Lunch - boiled rice, vegetable salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, pepper).

Dinner is a boiled beef (200 g), a salad of white cabbage and cucumbers.

Diet and exercise

During a diet that will help to lose weight your stomach and thighs, it is very useful to make a complex of exercise physical. A good assistant in burning fat deposits on hips and stomach - hoop. But if it is not, you can make side slopes and turns of the body alternately and left, squats. Effective and circular movements of the upper and lower parts of the body alternately. Helps an exercise called "bike". To do this, you need to lie on my back, lift my legs up and lying in that position, turn your feet as if we were going on a bike. Only 20 min of such charging, and the result is fantastic.

Pay attention to your own. If you go or sit with the twisted back, then such a posture is called stuff. She can also be the reason that the belly will be written forward and removed. Make sure that your body is pulled out in full growth. So the abdominal muscles will pull up, and your belly will significantly decrease. Make a regular exercise on the abdomen.

At the same time, breathe correctly. Deep breath - relax the belly, exhale - the stomach pulls away. After a couple of weeks, such classes your belly will be elastic, and the so-called "ears" will noticeably decrease on the hips.

  1. Very useful during the fight against extra sediments on the stomach and sides, visiting. If there is no such possibility, then at least take. This will help your body get a boost charge and activates the work of blood vessels. And this means that the metabolism will improve.
  2. Watch out for your skin. When you lose weight, use various creams and masks so that the skin remains elastic and tightened. A good effect on weight loss gives the rubbing of the belly with mineral water (200 ml) with the addition of Verbena essential oil (3 drops). Thickening this mixture well, we apply to the abdominal area and hips. After such a massage, the skin on your problem zones will acquire former elasticity.
  3. No need to hide and from such a procedure as an enema. Cleansing your entire intestine, you will be able to normalize your weight faster. And remember that beauty, everything, requires victims.
  4. For slimming it is the abdomen and sides, very effective, the so-called. There are several of them. The most popular -, and. They are not only a body slim, but also clean the body from slags. Such diets are recommended from several days to two weeks. Have a nice and healthy weight loss!

Some people, having fallen in the tummy, pretend that it should be. Different versions are given as causes, ranging from age and ending with postpartum despair. All this nonsense. The skin is quite capable of returning its forms, and if this does not happen, it means that you and the fat, which appeared, again, thanks to you. But a positive attitude and a diet for slimming belly, as well as more active time - all these simple actions can save you from the fruitful figure of the fat "belt". Strike!

The main enemies of the perfect waist

The owners of ugly folds on the sides are dreaming all the time that such a simple diet will appear for slimming the abdomen, which literally will save them from hated fat. Alas, nutritionists are not wizards, so the methods of work are scrupulously working on the preparation of work, but requiring the investment of work techniques, and not make a magic wand, so that all your desires have become a jaw. With this you need to accept and configure yourself to overcome some difficulties, the fight against the enemies of an ideal abdomen.

"And what are the enemies?" - you ask. Meet!

to the category

Beam on fat Napalm - a hard diet for belly

For some owners of folds on the sides the best diet for slimming belly - fast. Such personalities can only do anything if they see an instant result. Smooth getting rid of fat is not their way. What nutritionists can offer similar "sprints"? Of course, the power correction system by the type "Mono", when you eat some kind of days the same product, losing weight not by day, but by the hour. Any such type of a weekly diet for slimming belly can turn you out of a kolobka in the princess. Yes, you will have to "sweat", but the result is worth it.

So, what of the "mono" systems are tested by time? What is better to choose? One of the most effective techniques of this type is a kefir diet for slimming belly. Its essence is simple: only a kefir consumes several days, and in limited quantities - 1.5 liters per day. Daily weight loss will be at least a kilogram. After 3 days, the belly will be drawn up, and you will only have to fix the result of physical activity and the transition to proper nutrition.

Do not like dairy products, but adore porridge? Then give preference to a buckwheat diet, which can also make you easier for 1 kilos every day. Its essence is as follows: eat buckwheat porridge 3 days, and in unlimited quantities. If you like and want to reset more, then turn on the apples or chicken fillet in the menu and sit on a buckwheat diet for another 4 days, then you have every chance of becoming easier at 7-10 kilos per week.

It is important to know! Daily water rate for people wishing to be slender and healthy, 2 liters. Prefer mineral water without gas.

To the category

Smooth modeling of the waist - gentle diet

If the radical ways of the waist correction are not suitable for you for any reason, and the time tolerates, it means that your way is a gentle diet for slimming belly, which will return the beauty of the body gradually, without stress for the body and deteriorate your mood.

The menu it is: