Repairs Design Furniture

How to wash the steamer from fat. Simple ways to clean the steamer from scale and fat

If you are the happy owner of the double boiler, then you just need to know how to care for her, namely how to clean the steamer from screaming, so that it is longer and better worked.

Why is it formed in the steamer?

Skip in the steamer is formed as a result of the use of hard water. The larger the magnesium and calcium water, the more tougher.

How often do you need to clean the steamer from scale?

Therefore, how often it is necessary to clean the steamer depends on the water used. In many instructions for steamer, it is specified that scale must be removed once in 8 cooking, but the frequency can range from 6 to 10 cooking.

How to remove scale in a double boiler?

Here detailed instructions on cleaning the double boiler from scale:

1. Pour into the water tank 1 glass of vinegar (nine%). Add water to the maximum level so that it covers the whole heating element.

2. Install the appropriate tray that is used in the design. Put one steam compartment and close the device with a lid.

3. Turn on the double boiler and let it work around 10 minutes. If the scale layer remains, then you can leave cleaning for another 5 minutes.

4. Turn off the steamer and wait for the fluid complete cooling. Drain it and thoroughly rinse the tank.

5. Similarly, you can produce cleaning from scale in a double boiler with lemon acid. About 25 grams of citric acid should be used for the entire water compartment. Turn on cleaning should be 15 minutes, and then wait for the cooling of the liquid. After cleaning thoroughly rinse the tank.

Now you know how to remove scale in a double boiler not only with vinegar, but also with citric acid.

Prepare delicious I. useful food Helps a steamer, she copes with her duties perfectly. But, like the other kitchen inventory, requires regular care and washing. And if we can wash the device with ordinary tools for washing dishes, then it's quite different with a white touch. In this article we will discuss effective ways how to clean the steamer from scale.

Why is the technique formed a scale?

Many cooking devices suffer from education on their white plates. Not exception and steamer. The cause of such pollution is poor-quality, rigid water, which contains a large number of Calcium, salts and magnesium. In the process of boiling such water, salt and other elements are highlighted from the liquid and form a lime flask on the heating device.

Important! The easiest way to detect scale on the kettle, since this item is used exclusively for boiling and heating water. In the same principle, the formation of sediments and on the steamer.

Negative impact of lime education on domestic kitchen appliances:

  • White lime bloom blocks a large amount of heat that comes from the heating element. Subsequently, the cooking process slows down and the service life of the equipment is reduced.
  • Fiting food, harmful salts affect the work of the kidneys and the urogenital system.
  • Household appliances that work with a timer - a multicooker or a steamer, if there are scheduling onhana, cannot correctly calculate the cooking time of certain dishes, since a large amount of heat is simply lost.

Based on those negative consequences Impact limescale on the household appliancesIt is very important to care for her timely and know how to clean the steamer from scale quickly and efficiently.

Important! Wash the steamer from white education due to the use of rigid crude water should not less often than after 9-10 cycles of cooking.

How to clean the steamer from scale?

Remove unnecessary white flag with heating element and surfaces household device For cooking a pair, you can in several ways. Consider the most popular of them.

We use vinegar

Vinegar has long been used to remove scale from different surfaces. In case of household appliances For cooking food for a couple, it will also be very by the way.

Mode of application:

  • In the water tank, pour 1 glass of vinegar (9%).
  • Add water to mark maximum level.

Important! The liquid in the tank should cover the entire heating element.

  • Install the tray that is used in the design. Pour steam compartment and close the capacitance with a lid.
  • Turn on the technique for 10 minutes.

Important! If a layer of scale after the time remains, we will extend the operation of the device for another 5 minutes.

  • Turn off the device, wait until the liquid in it completely cools.
  • Drain the fluid from the device, thoroughly rinse the tank.

How to clean the steamer from scale citric acid?

Many do not want to use vinegar to clean up, as it makes it in the process of heating nasty smell. In this case, you can replace vinegar to an equally effective means - lemonic acid.

Important! The hostesses note that even overdue citric acid acts on a white raid from hard water as well as "fresh." The result is equally good.

Mode of application:

  1. Dissolve 20 g of citric acid powder in water.
  2. Fill the liquid to the maximum note in the kitchen device.
  3. Install the element for collecting water, one bowl and close the entire capacitance with a lid.
  4. Turn on the device for 20-25 minutes. This time is enough to completely get rid of the ugly white plaque.
  5. After cooling the fluid, it must be merged, thoroughly rinse all used device elements.

Application of a special tool - "Anti-Nakipina"

If the undergraduate means in the form of vinegar or citric acid is cleaned kitchen device You do not want to, you can purchase a special tool in the Household Chemical Store - "Anti-Nakipin". It has a liquid consistency and is used to purify from a lime-based various household appliances.

Mode of application:

  1. Divide 150 ml of a purchased liquid in 2 liters of water.
  2. Fill the prepared solution into the device tank, turn it on for 10-15 minutes.
  3. After cooling the fluid, it is necessary to merge it, thoroughly rinse the container.

Important! After cleaning the double boiler in any way you need to turn on the household appliance on idling With clean water and only after that it will be possible to prepare food.

Everyone has repeatedly faced the problem of scale on household appliances. Such a phenomenon is capable of not only visually spoil any device, but also deliver many hassle hostess. We will understand how quickly and inexpensively cleanse from scale a household pairing.

Where does the lime sediment come from

Scale is solid deposits on the walls of the device (vessel), in which heating, boiling or evaporation of water occurred.

A device that has been subjected to the formation of such precipitation, in the absence of proper care, can be unusable.

The reason for the appearance of scale is bad or rigid water. In such water, there is a large number of heavy salts, which subsequently when heated and form limestrams.

To reduce the risk of precipitation, brushing water before boiling - use filters or special meansreducing water rigidity.

Almost all new steamer models are equipped with a special light bulb that lights up when the device needs to be cleaned from the plaque.

Why it is so important to fight screaming

In addition to an unpleasant appearance, it carries with you a number of other problems:

  1. Household appliance problems: a large deposition layer reduces thermal conductivity and requires large costs Electricity. When you try to get rid of a thick layer of a lime-plane, there is a chance to deform a little device.
  2. Health Problems: Copper negatively affects the state of the teeth. Also, with a systematic use of food prepared in a deposit dishes, salts that are released during boiling are settled in the body and can cause osteochondrosis or urination problems.
  3. Taste problems: scale flakes when boiling can fall off and get into the food, giving it an uncharacteristic taste and an unpleasant look. Slices of scale when hitting the teeth are felt like small pebbles.

How can you clean the steamer from scale

Each model of the steamer consists of both plastic and from metal parts. And it is necessary to clean all of them from the plaque.

No need to wait until the deposit layer reaches several millimeters, it is advisable to clean the cleaning at the first signs of the occurrence of the plaque or with a periodicity of 1-1.5 months.

To clean the plastic parts of the double boiler, you need to completely disassemble it and rub soda. Number of soda on average 1 tablespoon on 1 lattice. After that, all the details need to rinse well and wipe dry.

There are several proven methods for cleaning a double boiler, ranging from all well-known and ending with not quite standard. The latter includes cleaning with such drinks as Coca-Cola or Pepsi Cola.

To use them, it is enough to pour a drink in the bowl and boil it for 10-15 minutes. Then leave fluid inside for 20-30 minutes for better effect.

After the time spent, we rinse the double boiler with clean water with a washcloth, you can additionally use any detergent.

With a thick layer, the bowl with a cola can be pre-dunk for the night.

Let's talk about standard cleaning methods.


New method of combating scale - chemicals. One of these drugs is anti-Nakipin.

To clean the steamer from scale "Antinakipin", you need:

  1. On a 1 liter of water, depending on the thickness of the scale, pour a small amount (from 100 to 150 ml) tools.
  2. A cup with a solution to put into a double boiler on any mode for 10-15 minutes.
  3. After heating, drain the liquid and clean the sponge under running water 1-2 times.
  4. If you wish, you can pour into the wash bowl clean water And boil it.

it universal tool Does not contain phosphates and does not harm or health or environment.

Lemon acid

Another way to clean from scale. The advantages of citric acid are the absence of a nasty smell. Also, after applying citric acid, it is not necessary to boil clean water in the device, it is enough to simply wash it.

For this method you need:

  1. Make a solution of citric acid. A 1 liter of water should be pouring 1 liter of water and add 1 complete dining room or 2 dessert lemon acid spoons.
  2. We establish a steamer on cooking mode (20-30 minutes) and waiting.
  3. After completing the work, we drain the water and rinse under running water 1-2 times with a soft sponge.
  4. After complete drying, the steamer is ready for use.


One of the most popular cleaning methods from scale is washing with acetic acid. This method is even described in the instructions for household appliances. There are 2 ways to clean up vinegar.

Long. If there is time, you can pour vinegar into the cleaning container and leave for 3-4 hours. The cleaning process can be seen even visually - bubbles will form. This vinegar enters the reaction with salts and hydrogen is released.

After time, we pour vinegar and clean the whole flask soft sponge. If the scale remained, you will have to repeat the procedure. If the steamer has become clean and shiny, then pour fresh water and boil, it is necessary to remove the residues of the acid and weathered the unpleasant odor. Then we drain the water and carefully dry the bowl.

Fast. When there is little time, and you need to clean the steamer, you will have to boil vinegar. To do this, you will need:

  • In the container, which we will clean, pour 9 percent vinegar. The liquid must reach the "Maximum" mark. If desired, the acid can be slightly diluted with water or use acetic concentrate in a ratio of 1 part of vinegar to 5 parts of water.
  • Turn on the steamer in any cooking mode, 20-30 minutes.
  • After cleaning, we drain the water, we rinse the device with a sponge and put it boil clean water.
  • If after one boiling the smell did not completely go out, the procedure can be repeated.

Important! While cleaning any device from scale, you should not use metal brushes (washcloths) or other abrasive items. Applying such an inventory, you can scratch the device, which contributes to the emergence of corrosion and quick breakage.

Use only soft sponges or simple rag.

Sooner or later, the owner of the steamer will face such a problem, how to brush the steamer. The first sign of improper operation of the equipment is the appearance of noise during water heating. You should look inside and there you can see a white bloom of different thickness. This is a scale. It may not change the taste of water at all. If you do not pay attention to scale, you can soon throw a double boiler in trash canSo it will break. There is not one way to clean the scale, it is necessary to choose the most efficient. You can use a solution of soda, vinegar, citric acid or soda. These methods are suitable for how to clean the coffee machine from scale. All listed methods have a number of advantages and disadvantages. When using a solution based on vinegar, you can successfully get rid of scale, but with this terrible, caustic smell can not be withstanding.

Soda solution is not so effective. If the layer is thicker, it is possible to boil water in a double boiler several times. If you use gas production (in no case, it can also paint a double boiler), then you will also have to apply a few boiling, but the smell in the double boiler will be good after the event. And how to clean the pan from scale correctly? Most of the hosts are still preferred to use citric acid, it is effectively fighting with a bloom and has no such a terrible smell as vinegar. After the cleaning procedure should be rinsed under the jet of water a double boiler or a saucepan, wipe the heating element dry. The rate of getting rid of scale is better to spend overnight. Add to a steamer 3-4 teaspoons of citric acid, pour 1 liter of water, boil. Then leave this solution overnight. As a result, the white bloom splice under the influence of the solution, and the steamer will again be as new.

The instructions describe in detail how to clean the thermopot from scale. Specialists advise cleaning once for 9 preparations. Well, if when cooking is used not so much water, then you can carry out the procedure and less often. For the preparation of the solution use vinegar. It is diluted with water, poured into thermopotam, boil 10 minutes. In case the scale remained, the procedure can be extended for another couple of minutes. Then give cool thermopotum and after draining the solution. You should not forget to thoroughly rinse the device after the event. How to clean the radiator from scale quickly? For this you do not need to possess certain skills, everything can be done at home. It is necessary to choose the desired solution, which destroys the scale. If the use of any means has become effective when cleaning the double boiler, it will also be suitable for radiators. So that water boiling devices serve for a long time to their owners, they must regularly carry out a cleaning procedure.

Steamer is a popular household appliance, as it allows you to automatically prepare various products, while maintaining most of them useful properties. During operation in all models, the steamer is formed in time (white bloom), so consider this problem more details and learn how to clean the steamer from scale at home with the help of popular methods.

How can you clean the double boiler from scale at home

As a result of water heating in a double boiler, as in many similar household appliances, a scale is formed, which is not so easy to clean. The appearance of a rich layer of scale in the steamer is fraught with rapid wear of this instrument and can lead to its breakdown, which is why it is so important to periodically clean (as the device is contaminated).

Note: In almost all modern double boards there is a special indicator that begins to flash or shines if it is necessary to clean the double boiler from scale.

Of all folk remedies To remove scale in a double boiler, vinegar and citric acid have proven itself (even the steamer manufacturers in the operation instructions indicate that these funds need to be used to combat the scale formed), so we will consider each other, how to use it and what is its advantage.

How to clean the steamer from scale vinegar?

Advantages: effectively removes scale from a double boiler.

Disadvantages: caustic unpleasant odor in the process of cleaning.

About use table vinegar For cleaning scale, it is written in many instructions from the manufacturers of the steamer, so in most cases you can read how to get rid of the boiler in your model in the instruction manual, which is attached to it.

If there are no instructions, you can use the tips below:

  • Fill into the water capacity 2-3 glass of 8% of the table vinegar (if the heating element is not completely covered with a liquid, pour some water).
  • Install the pallet for collecting water, one bowl and close the double boiler with a lid.
  • Turn on the steamer in the network and set one of the production modes of products within 20-25 minutes.
  • After turning off the device from the network, we wait for the vinegar inside the cooled, we pour it and thoroughly rinse everything with flowing clear water.
  • We fill in the double boiler ordinary water and repeat the previous items so that the steamer will be completely cleaned of vinegar residues, after which it is once again and carefully dry.

IMPORTANT: When cleaning the double boiler, the vinegar is better to close the door and open all windows indoors in which cleaning passes, as vinegar pairs have a very unpleasant smell and are harmful to health.

Cleaning the steamer from scale citric acid

Advantages: Simple and an effective way Cleaning scale inside a double boiler.

Disadvantages: Not detected.

It is possible to remove the scale in the double boiler using citric acid, which is widely used to remove scale in almost all household appliances and has no such unpleasant odor as acetic acid.

To clean the steamer from scale and with lemon acid, such a sequence of actions should be performed:

  • In a separate capacity (for example, a jar or pan), we divorce 1 tablespoon of citric acid with a slide (or 3 tea with a slide) per liter of water and pour this solution into the water container in the double boiler to the maximum mark.
  • We install the container for collecting water, one cup and cover with a lid.
  • We turn on the steamer to the network and set the cooking mode for 20-25 minutes, then turn off the double boiler and expect while the water in it completely cools.
  • Pour water with citric acid from a double boiler and rinse it with ordinary water.

The process of purification by lemon acid is almost the same as a vinegar, but many hostesses are chosen by citric acid, since it does not have such a strong unpleasant odor, and the cleansing effect is not worse.

In conclusion, it can be noted that knowing how to clean the steamer from scale at home, you can quickly and effectively clean the cleaning, as soon as the scale of the scale in the double boiler will be triggered, and if it is not, it is better to carry out such cleaning once in 1-2 month. Their useful advice and reviews how to clean the steamer from scale, we leave in the comments to the article and share it in social networksIf she was helpful to you.