Repairs Design Furniture

How to assemble a fence from Ershtroker. How to make a fence from the Metal Ershtroker. Installation of the enclosing unit

Durable and beautiful fence is easy to install yourself, because it is quite simple design. The owners of cottages and country home often prefer to protect their sections to install the Ershtroker with their own hands, which is not only durable, but also retains an attractive look for a long time.

Construction from Evro sweepers

The main stages of the mounting of the European passage:

  • Installation of support pillars;
  • Creating a frame;
  • Fastening staketin to frame.

Preparatory work

Installing the Ershrokel will be successful with your own hands, if you first place the place as possible, where it is supposed to put a fence and make accurate measurement for calculating the need for materials. The number of support pillars can be calculated if it takes into account that between them should be about 2.5 m. Dividing the length for this distance, we obtain the required amount. For reference pillars, a profile pipe 60 is used 60 mm with a wall thickness of at least 2 mm. Such thickness will ensure the necessary strength during installation. To determine which length should each post should be, it is necessary to take into account what height is planned to establish a fence - above the ground level, it is usually 1.5 m, but the height can reach 3 m. Blowing must be at least 1.2 m.

The consumption of materials on the structure of 10 meters long and 1.5 m height:

  • The profile pipe is 30.8 m, including the support pillars with a size of 60 by 60 mm - 10.8 m, on the crossbars with a size of 40 by 20 mm - 20 m;
  • Stakeholdy 1.5 m long and 10 cm width - 80 pcs.

Stakenika scheme

Note! For reference pillars, a profile pipe 80 is often used, but it is necessary to take into account that it is unreasonably can increase the cost.

Installation of support pillars

The manufacture of the ereshnorter begins with the installation of the reference pillars, for which the places where the support poles must be located and the holes are placed at a depth of 60 cm, which sets a profile tube with a length of 2.7 m and, deepening it 60 cm, is clogged with a sledgehammer 60 cm so that the total depth amounted to 1.2 m. This method will ensure the stability of the pillar during seasonal changes in the soil density.

Scoring a support pillar

If the soil on the site is not sufficiently dense, then the post should be opened by 1.4 m, which will increase the consumption of the profile pipe, and the plotted pipe is concreted to ensure stability. If the density of the soil is normal, then it is enough to fall asleep the deepening of gravel.

Space seal around gravel post

Important! Before concreting a pillar or before sealing with gravel, it is necessary to check how much the level is vertical.

Stamp Alignment With Level

Creating a carcass

It is possible to make Ershtroker with your own hands if the frame is welded reliably. To do this, the collishes are welded crossbars from the profile pipe 40 by 20 mm, which are taking 2pcs with a height of 1.5 m, and the top welded at a distance of 15 cm from the top point of the support pillar, and the lower 20 to 30 cm from the ground depending on Earth relief on the plot. At the same stage, the gate is installed with a gate and all fittings. After that, the entire frame is ground and stained.

Note! If the fence is higher, then they are installed and the third crossbar to prevent the sailiness effect. That is why the first crossbar that is welded from above, do not weld too low.

Coloring carcass

Be sure all the cuts of profile pipes must be closed, the plugs that will not be allowed to fall into the water. Therefore, it is important to choose the plugs so that they are installed tight, with effort.

Installing the plugs on the cutting pipe cut

Fastening Staketin to frame

Metal erectoker can be made from the sections of any width, but the distance must be left between them, in order to provide a free air exchange, which is useful for animals. Each eurgic selection is attached to four self-tramps to cross, while the screws are better used in the color of the material.

Fastening sections to cross

In order for the European sections on the same level, the cord is stretched along the top after installing the first section, and the rest of the sections are aligned already on it.

Stretching cord

In order not to measure each time the distance, you need to prepare, for example, a piece of the profile pipe or a wooden bar of the desired size (3 cm), and, establishing the adjacent section, measure the distance from the already fixed.

Measurement from the neighboring section

Note! The distance between sections can be from 2 cm to 5 cm. Retreat more than 5 cm is not recommended.

After all the sections are installed, the skating plank is fixed at the top of the fence, which gives it a more aesthetic appearance.

Installation of the skating plank

Best will get to know how to correctly install the ereshnik, with their own hands video, which will clearly show the sequence of operations

Features of the installation of Evrichnika

It must be remembered that each installation of the fence can have features that are caused not only by the terrain, the state of the soil, but also the specifics of the materials and tools that each master uses, so video and instructions provide only the overall sequence of actions.

Several options for using materials and installation of the fence:

  • Evroatina is better to take with a spangled edge. In this case, everything will look more aesthetic;
  • In order to sweep the neighbors as much as possible, but not to reduce the injection, set the fence with the fastening of sections in a checker order. In this case, the distance between adjacent sections makes about 8 cm, but not more. A feature of such a fence is that it is quite permeable, and if you look at it on the side, the site is visible, although it is unclear, and if you look straight, then it seems solid, but for such an effect it is necessary to use sections stained on both sides.

Installation of sections in checker

Ershrester installed on its own around the site under the proposed method will look no worse than the masters are mounted, because there are no difficult measurements or actions. The only condition that will significantly accelerate and facilitate installation will have one or more assistants.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

The fence made of metal stakenik is very relevant in our time, since it differs from the rest of the fences in that it is not necessary to spend mad money for the material and buy the necessary tools. This fence became relevant, because it performs the function of protection (the construction of this fence is very easy, but the penetration of it is not so easy, since the distance between the grids is close, there are sharp tips), decor, lightness and duration of use.

The fence from the metal stakenik will give you great pleasure, since you are not only saved, but also feel great pleasure from physical labor.

To build a fence, you need to think about all the details: starting from the perimeter of the limited territory, its appearance, the number of building materials and ending with the cost of work.

Required tools

To facilitate understanding of the construction of the fence from a metal stakenik, you can familiarize yourself with the photo in our article or watch video, which will help in this useful and pleasant lesson. For the construction of fences, you will not need a lot of tools, but they will be necessary here:

  • tool for working with Earth. It will be necessary to you in order to install pillars for the fence support. It will also be necessary to the bobbed or ordinary shovel (for swaying);
  • the welding machine (to establish lag transverse to which stakes will be attached). Welding will be the best option for this work (cheap, angry and reliable);
  • screwdriver (needed when installing metal staketin for frame). You can do the screwdriver here too, but it will give you extra concerns;
  • auxiliary small tool that all owners should be in arsenal and will be needed to install a fencing from a metal stakenist.


To install a fence from a metal stakenik with your own hands, you must be provided with the following materials:

  • Pipe with a cross section of 60 x 60 mm (profiled). The design of this fence has a rather low weight, so this section is quite suitable for you and can withstand wind loads.
  • The profile pipe with a cross section of 20 x 40 mm (needed to install longitudinal lags, thanks to which metal stakes will be attached).
  • Metal stakes (produced in enterprises from steel 0.5-2.0 mm thick). The metal from above is covered with a special layer that protects against corrosion, then painted with paints in the idea of \u200b\u200bpowder.
  • Galvanized self-tapping screws (for fastening metal staketing to frame).

Metal Stakenice Fence Installation Instructions

When you collect all the tools and materials - you can start installing a fence from a metal stakenist:

  • draw on paper a project of your future fence, because based on your drawings, you will make the construction process;
  • install the framework (it is for this that we need a shovel or a boring). They dig a holes whose depth is 1000-1500 mm (the depth of the primer of the soil), at pre-marked places.

Between the columns, it is necessary to withstand the distance of about 2.5 meters, as the design will not be stable. Pubs for pillars in the corners are desirable to do deep (there is a big load) and put rubble and sand onto it. The length of the pillars need to be calculated so that after you install them, the stakes were higher by 100-150 mm. Installation You must start with columns in the corners and then pour the supports with a solution from cement, sand, rubble or just ready-made concrete from a mixer. With the help of a beacon stretched along the entire length of the longitudinal lag, you take the welding machine and weld the profile pipes along the frame length. Welding places primer. After, the design is staining and proceed to the final stage of the installation.

Speaking about the stakeholder for the construction of fences in the country and in a private house, they usually represent a fence, scored from wooden planks with a smooth, pointed or curly top end. Landscape design, which inscribed such a stake, most often corresponds to a rustic style with elements of retro and provincial coziness. Many modern materials are trying to imitate wooden structures and replace them. Not left aside and stakeholdatik for fence. The market presents materials for fencing from PVC and those about which we will talk today - metal, known as the "EurShther".

Practical material - metal stakenik - allows you to make a modern beautiful fence.

The advantages of the fence from the European

Many daches have already managed to feel the inconvenience of solid fencing from sheet metal products:

  • there are large sections, constantly closed shadow of the fence;
  • circulation air is difficult inside the solid fence. Due to the lack of ventilation and overheating, many plants suffer;
  • deaf fence is not the best element of landscape design.

All these drawbacks can be avoided if instead of a solid fence to make a fence from a metal stakenik with their own hands.

Here is its unconditional advantages:

  • ershtroker has the same strength and durability, as well as sheet metal and significantly superior wooden structures;
  • light weight Staketin makes it possible to make a lightweight frame and save - 1m² weighs about 300 g;
  • simplicity and convenience of mounting make it possible to make a palanisade from a stakenice or any other fence yourself;
  • material is easy to maintain and care. From such a fence, unlike the wooden, it is not necessary to consider the plated paint annually and tint again;
  • plants growing next to the fence receive a sufficient amount of the sun and a favorable microclimate.

Very good video about the features of the EurShther:

What material was called Ershtroker

The profiled metal strips of about 10 cm wide and a length of 1.5 to 3 m, specially intended for fences, are made in the same industries, where there are standard sheet metal products. Material, as a rule, has galvanizing and colorful polymer coating with one or both sides.

Ershtage profile with spangled edges

High-quality varieties of the stakenik must necessarily have spangled edges. The fence from such slats looks beautiful and aesthetic, unlike a cheap variety with sharp cuts. In the first case, each detail is passed through the rolling mill and is molded, and in the second - stakes are cut from the finished sheet of hardware without processing edges.

Manufacturers are constantly offered to the market new types of metal bags, which change the material, the method of applying coatings, profile design and coloring.

Rich color palette allows you to build a fence for every taste

Currently, the most popular form of the routine with a rounded upper edge. The second common form of the vertex is a horizontal cut. In this case, the upper end end of the fence is additionally closed by a horizontal bar. The tops of the blanks can be performed in another form. Sometimes sharp jazbins do on them. This is permissible only for fences more than 2.5 m high. At low fencing, sharp tips can cause injuries without ensuring effective protection.

Horizontal plank closes the top bottom of a metal bag

There are erupters and in the way of connecting to the frame: there are open and closed fasteners. In the second case, hardware is not visible on the surface of the stake.

Manufacturers provide an additional service - they can make cuts according to the declared size.

Base and framework

In order to make a fence from the stake in your own hands, you should start with the installation of support pillars. Depending on the climatic conditions and the composition of the soil, they have to be boiled to a depth of 1.5 m. The pits can be made by a gasoline or manual garden brown. For reliability and stability, the pillars are forced with rubble and poured concrete. The tops of the columns are closed from moisture with suitable caps or plugs.

After setting, the solution is embarking on the montage of the frame. As a rule, it is made from the profile pipe by welding. Sometimes runs are collected on bolted fasteners.

Before starting the installation of the stake, the poles and the frame must be primed and painted in the color of metal products. If the supports make wooden, the underground part must be wrapped with bitumen mastic and wrap the rubberoid, and the upper end to sharpen to flow water.

Montage of erupkener

Fastening Staketin to framework is produced in accordance with the intended design with the help of screws selected in the tone.

White fence planks require the use of white screws

From the method of placing planks, their heights and magnitude of the lumen between them depends on the total cost of the fence, the cost of its manufacture and design:

  • the maximum distance between adjacent placters should not exceed 5 cm;
  • each staketine is fixed on 2 screws to the upper crossbar and 2 to the bottom;
  • to withstand the same distances between Staketins, you can use the following method. Deciding with the distance between adjacent planks, you need to pick up a suitable wooden bar. Applying it between the straps in the fastening process, control the accuracy of the installation;
  • those who do not like the lumens between Staketins can make an opaque fence by placing a stagnant order alternately from two sides of the running lag. It turns out a solid ventilated fence with the original volume design.

Selection of fasteners

To connect the framework of the fence in those places where welding is not used, a bolk fastening is used. For hanging, European slats use self-tapping screws. To protect the polymer coating, hardware is screwed through the substrate plastic or rubber rings. Self-tapping screws must be galvanized and painted in the color of the fence.

Fastening of the European Self-staples to the frame of the profile pipe painted in the tone

A little about shortcomings

Despite the complex profile design having many rigidity and fractures, Ershtroker is not the most durable material. A little effort is required to apply mechanical damage to a colorful layer or mock the surface. It is enough to hurt him shovel, unfortunately lean the bike, touch the corner of the garden car or mower. They fear of the plates of the erupteel and pressure of snowy snowdrifts.

Dark Horizontal Plates Metal Stakenice Advanced White Massive Racks

By the way, despite the prefix "Euro-" material is widespread at all in Europe, but in the CIS countries. In European design there are beautiful fences using a metal stakenist, located between the fence racks horizontally.

The technology of construction of obstacles is the property of developers. No secrets, everything is available and open! I installed the frame and mounted filling from a professional flooring or stakenist. However, any amateurness when installing the fence is excluded. Retreats from step-by-step instructions will not bring more pleasant minutes later. How not to take advantage of useful advice!

Ershtroker photo

We are obliged to manufacturers and manufacturers of stainless steel products on our territory of our habitat with a wide brand program - the companies of Belgian ArcelorMittal and German ThyssenKrupp. The manufacturer of the manufacture of steel sheets was taken for the manufacture of steel sheets served as an accelerator of creating a metal stakenist.

Metal europeneur is a product of cold-rolled steel galvanized high quality - professional flooring, opened by an industrial method for individual elements (lamellas) with a polymer coating.

Sectional fences harvested from EvroShtnika are distinguished from existing structures, combining metal strength, durability of the constructive and unpretentiousness. Metallic stakenik became in demand due to the unimpeded air movement in sites and original appearance.

The cost of the fence from the European service is acceptable to acquire lightweight lamellae and structures from steel galvanized with polymer coating and increased rigidity. We will not hide, many collect the fence from Ershrester and mount themselves.

Useful advice

Ershtage profile is varied - from a rectangular section to a semicircular. The dimensions of the slats are in width from 80 to 128 mm.

If the Ershrester for you is still Terra Incognito, then this video is by the way.

Types of eurgaste

There are erupter of one-sided or bilateral attachment. For one-way attachment, the placement of the rail or lamella chapels is one-row with a gap, the bilateral fastening provides a double-sided location of the rivers in a checker order. Let's tell us, the European passman (side A) and (B side b) are used for traditional firmware with a distance between the lamellas up to 40 mm. For bilateral firmware ("blinds") use the parties a and b with a displaced lamella installation.

To establish a fence from Ershtrokenik, it is recommended to prepare a frame and consolidate stakes using the mounting clip on the columns.

Installation technology for fence

Enlarged, the technology of the fence device consists of stages:

  • at the selected level platform, the future location of the support pillars is scheduled.
  • under the reference pillars dig or drill holes in the ground to 800 mm deep
  • produce the installation of reference pillars with the fill of the hole with a concrete mixture, for brick columns, the masonry is organized
  • on the supports in the mounting cage, the transverse lags are fastened, which are provided for installation
  • mounting the stakeholder and its fixing on horizontal lags
  • the profile metal poles are installed cap.

According to basic technology, you can install the fence in certain methods.

methods of construction of a metal fence

There are fundamentally distinguishing methods for the device for a stakeholder fence:

  • metal pillars
  • fence with decorative brick columns
  • metalstock on a ribbon foundation
  • barriers with brick columns on a monolithic foundation.

Any method is possible for its own installation. Let's tell me that experts consider the fence on metal pillars by the budget.

Fence from Evro sweeper do it yourself

The installation starts from the mounting of the supports that can be set in the following ways: a driving or forging into a bored hole and concreting.

poles for the fence from Evrohstaper

Installation of support pillars consider the fundamental event when creating a fence. Installation options are possible: * Metal poles for fence or brick.


For columns, profile pipes are used everywhere with a cross section of 60x60x2, 80x80x3 and 100x100x3 mm, as well as screw piles D76 and D89. In practice, preference gives repetitive pipes with a cross section of 80x80x3, able to withstand the weight of the stakenice at maximum load.

For fastening, the lamellas use transverse frame logs from the profile pipe 40x40x2 or 50x25x2mm. Fastening the pillars is made by a drill and stake. The bottom of the hole under the post is strengthened, after installing the pipes, we fall asleep with gravel and tamper. The fastening of each lamella of the stakenice is produced by 4 self-plugs - 2 on the upper and lower lags.

Useful advice

The selection of the cross-section of the profile pipe as the reference pillars must be confirmed by an approximate calculation, the initial data of which are the parameters of the overall length of the fence and the number of columns. The number of necessary lamellae is calculated by dividing the length of the fence on the width of the lamella, taking into account the width of the gap between the slats. For bilateral installation, the result obtained is doubled.

metal Stakenice Fastening Methods

There are several ways to horizontal and vertical fastening of a metal stakenist: using welding and using special fasteners and holders. Fasteners X-brackets allow you to fasten the lag horizontally on vertically mounted support pillars.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1. Installation of bearing support pillars.

Step 2. Installation of transverse lag according to the estimated height and weight of the fence.

Step 3. Fastening Chatter

Step 4. Installing plugs on profile pipes.

The placement of the metal eurbate on metal poles is the most affordable way.

Useful tips on the installation of Evrivnika are shown here.

More time-consuming and costly consider the method of installation on a ribbon foundation, especially if brick poles are involved.


To install brick columns for the fence, it is necessary to build a formwork and the base under brickwork due to the solid weight of the entire design. Ribbon monolithic foundation will allow you to build fences with a height of up to 5 m, with a well-chosen pattern of Ershtroker, the fence has a presentable view.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1. Marking of a plot for brick poles

Step 2. Digging of trench with sand and rubble

Step 3. Laying reinforcement and installation of support pillars with subsequent fill of the foundation concrete

Step 4. Bind of each reference pillar brick

Step 5. Installing the elements of fastening of transverse lag

Step 6. Cullen fastening Staketin.

Fastening the transverse lag for the installation of the stake on the brick poles and the supporting profile are produced on special brackets using dowels and self-tapping screws.

The device of the brick column for the fence is shown in the video.